T.G.I.F free porn video

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T.G.I.F. By Juno Reeves Copyright (c) 2002 When I was younger, I'll admit to being a bit rebellious. A little too rebellious for Father's liking; so he sent me to a child therapist. At first, I didn't cooperate very well with her; I thought the entire exercise was just to fit me into the slot Father had created for me. But I did learn a couple of important things... First, I didn't like myself very much... You see; I was born into an old-moneyed, very rich family. My father was the head of a multi-national conglomerate, and he never let me forget that someday I would have that responsibility. He was the great-great-great grandson of the founder and assumed that I would follow in his footsteps. The company was my father's whole life. My mother was a Society Lady; her entire education was about what a Lady did with her life; she was Hostess for Father's dinner parties, ran the house and, oh yes, was expected to produce an heir. My parent's marriage was more like a merger between two important families and the deal was consummated on their wedding night. Nine months later, I was born. Having given birth to me, Mother let Father know that her end of the deal had been kept, so there was no more need for her to put up with his nightly antics. She moved into an opulently furnished bedroom suite and that was that! Father had mistresses from time to time, but Mother didn't seem to care. I only can assume she carried on her own discreet affairs until she died in a car crash when I was ten years old. My early life was a succession of nannies. Some would stay for a season or two; while others would quit after one or two weeks. When I was old enough, I was enrolled into boarding schools so that my parents wouldn't have to deal with me at all. All they wanted to do was mold me into the perfect little son who would take over the family responsibilities when I was old enough. Whatever I wanted from life didn't matter one bit. That's when I started to rebel against the whole thing; and that's how I ended up seeing a child shrink. There was something the therapist told me; something that I didn't understand for a long time. She said that I should write things down in a journal; the things that were happening that I didn't like, and the way I felt about them. She said that I after I wrote things down, I would be able to put my life in some kind of context that I would be able to come to understand myself better. At the time, I thought it was garbage, but I've come to realize that she was right; writing things down did help, especially when I was going through a lot of changes. And, I've changed a lot in the last two years! *** My given name was Jonathan, and it's best if I don't tell you what my last name was. It isn't important anymore, but you would recognize it; my family has been written about in all the finest magazines that spell out, in great detail, the lives of the rich and famous and in the supermarket tabloids as well. *** I had graduated Harvard Business School, just as Father had planned. I didn't make the top ten percentile, but I wasn't in the bottom ten percent, either. After all that time studying, I decided that it was time for Jonathan to have himself some serious fun! Father had other plans and we argued about it for days. Father had no real leverage on me, since I inherited the income from Mother's trust fund on my twenty-first birthday. That gave me a certain sense of independence. Father; for example, couldn't treat me like a child and threaten to cut off my allowance; so the only thing he could do was to let me get my 'rebellion' out of my system. I did quite a few things that tried Father's patience, but what nearly pushed him over that edge was Candi. Candi, according to Father, was totally unsuitable for someone like me. She would get pregnant and we'd never be able to get her out of our lives. She was uneducated trailer park trash who was out to take the family for everything she could get. That made dating Candi all the more appealing to me. Not that Candi wasn't appealing enough to begin with. A nineteen year old, raven haired beauty with eyes the color of emeralds and a body that I've only seen in men's magazines. Candi had (I thought) a 34C-21-34 figure, stacked on a body that was only 5'4" tall. From the moment I saw her at the coffee shop, all I wanted to do was get into her panties any way that I could. It didn't take long for me to ask Candi out, and she accepted immediately. On our first date, I thought to impress her with how rich I was, so I took her to a restaurant that my family had been going to for years. Candi was awed by the surroundings and was impressed that the headwaiter took our order himself. During dinner, I learned quite a bit about Candi's life. An only child, Candi lost both of her parents in a house fire when she was fourteen. An aunt took her in and made Candi's life miserable. The aunt took Candi's settlement and blew most of it on liquor and boyfriends. By the time Candi graduated high school, there wasn't enough money left for her to attend even the local community college. Candi took what little money was left, bought an old, run- down trailer and went to work at the coffee shop. Candi said that she hoped to start college part-time, but it was difficult to save anything after paying her bills every month! And Candi learned quite a lot about me. Candi was a fantastic listener, interested in what it was like growing up rich. I told her it was all right, but having my father plan out my life was a royal pain! I explained how my father expected me to follow him in the family business and eventually take over. I told Candi that I really didn't like my father's plans, but I couldn't find any way out of it. I wanted to do other things, but that was impossible. The money was good, though, and I told Candi that was almost enough to make it all bearable! After dinner, I took Candi to a club and we had a great time. I drove back to her trailer and we spent a good half hour talking and steaming up the windows of my car. I walked Candi to her door and, although I expected Candi to invite me in, she surprised me. "I really like you, Jon." Candi said, looking up into my eyes. "But I wouldn't feel right inviting you in just yet." "That's all right." I replied calmly, even though my body was trembling. I really wanted Candi's body. "It's not that big of a deal. When you're ready, we'll take the next step." Candi smiled as she stretched up, put her arms around my neck and kissed me. Her breasts pressed against my chest, and I could feel how hard her nipples were. It would have been easy to pick Candi up and carry her to bed... But no, if I tried that I could kiss any chance of getting into Candi's pants goodbye. Sometimes sex is like a hunt, patience is everything. So, I kissed Candi goodnight and watched the door close behind her. We dated for five months, and every time we arrived at her door, I was the one left standing outside. I never had a problem getting a woman in bed; but with Candi, I couldn't get past first base. I bought Candi flowers, but that didn't work. I bought Candi jewelry, usually something with emeralds so they would match Candi's eyes, but that didn't work. I was nearly out of my mind with lust! Not that we didn't steam up the windows of my Lexus. Candi was willing to do almost anything with me, except for getting into bed. But, I knew it was just a matter of time. Then time ran out... Candi did have one habit that I couldn't figure out. Every time we would start making out, Candi would close her eyes and mutter "T.G.I.F.". I was puzzled the first time she said this, since it was on a Saturday. I asked her what those letters meant and Candi giggled. She said that it was something she always said when she was with a man she really liked. Candi also said that some day I would figure out what T.G.I.F. really meant! Then, Father made me an offer I couldn't refuse... *** "Jonathan..." Father said as he lit his cigar. "How would you feel about spending a year or two in Zurich?" "Switzerland?" I asked, not really believing him. "Yes, Zurich is in Switzerland." Father replied with a smile. "It's time you took more of an active interest in our business. I've allowed you quite enough of a vacation and it is time you buckled down and made something of yourself." I thought about if for a minute. Zurich was just a short plane ride from Paris, Rome, and London... Hell, most of Europe would be within easy reach. Not to mention all the good looking woman who lived there... "There is just one thing." Father added. "What's that?" I asked. "You have to stop seeing that... that young woman you've had the extremely bad taste to be dating!" Father finished. Little did Father know that I had already planned to dump that little bitch. I mean, five months without sex? Just who did Candi think she was? After all the places I had taken her; all the gifts I had given her, and that little bitch Candi still wouldn't come across! "Not a problem, Father." I replied with a grin. *** I knocked on Candi's door at eight-thirty, her goodbye present in my pocket. I didn't want to hurt her, and I thought that fifty thousand dollars would ease the pain. I was surprised when Candi answered the door. She was wearing an incredibly sexy, incredibly trashy green dress; something that an unsophisticated person like Candi would wear. "Come in, Darling." Candi said in an almost laughable voice, trying to sound seductive, almost, but not quite, succeeding. "I've been waiting for you." All right! Maybe Candi's ready to come across! "You look very nice tonight, Candi." I said as she closed the door behind us. "Do you like it?" Candi asked, spinning slowly to show off her dress. "I bought it just for you." Candi sat me down on her threadbare couch and snuggled close to me. "I thought that we could just stay in tonight, if you don't mind. I think we can find something to do to pass the time." I reached for her, but Candi slipped just out of reach. "Would you like something to drink? I got us something special, just for the two of us." Candi strolled into her miniscule kitchen, and I took a look around. It was about what I expected; third hand furniture from some cheap resale store, walls covered with shoddy garage sale paintings and hackneyed romance novels scattered across the table. The most surprising things were the college textbooks piled up in the corner. They were the same texts that I barely managed to get through at Harvard. There were economics texts, business administration texts and even a long ponderous tome on Greek philosophy. I picked one up and started to leaf through it when Candi reappeared, carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. "What are you doing?" Candi said in an icy voice, her green eyes flashing. "I'm just... uh..." I stammered. "I was just wondering..." "You were wondering what an uneducated waitress like me would be doing reading complicated books like these?" Candi asked sarcastically. "Just because I couldn't afford to go to college like some people doesn't mean I can't study on my own!" "I know what the world is like for a woman who doesn't have an education!" Candi continued, still incensed. "I'm not going to be like my aunt, shacking up with whatever guy will put up with her! If I wanted that, I would never have moved out!" "I may not have much now, but one day I'll have everything I ever wanted!" "All right, Candi." I said quietly, not wanting to blow my chance of getting into Candi's panties. "These books just brought back memories, that's all." "Ohhh..." Candi replied. Her eyes began to soften and she relaxed, just a bit. "That's all right. I was just..." Candi shook her head, and I never found out what she was about to say. She handed me a glass and took a sip out of her own. "What is this?" I asked. "It's something a friend at work picked up for me." Candi smiled and took another sip. "It's a nice little white wine, don't you think? Have a little more." I did and discovered that it was a nice white wine. Candi kept my glass filled, although I can't remember if she had more than one glass herself. The wine loosened up my tongue; in vino veritas, I suppose, and I found myself telling Candi all about Father's plans to send me to our offices in Zurich. I answered all her questions, until Candi knew as much as I did about our European operations. "If you're leaving, I guess I better give you something to remember me by." Candi purred, slipping her dress off her shoulders and giving me an up close and personal view of her breasts. I was suddenly hyper-aware of how delicately feminine Candi was. I was aware of her large breasts, her slim waist, her hips, her lips and the scent that surrounded her that wasn't from any bottle of cheap perfume that Candi had sitting on her vanity. I watched as Candi drained her glass. I did the same and that did nothing to still the need I had for her. My body was hard as a rock and I knew that if I didn't have Candi soon, I would explode into tiny pieces. Candi knew what I was feeling. She smiled and stroked my cheek with her finger. "What's your pleasure?" I didn't know where to start. I was horny as a goat and wanted to take Candi right then and there; on the floor if need be. Candi held me with her eyes; those deep green pools that I felt myself drowning in. Candi took my hand and led me into the closet sized space that was her bedroom. She looked into my eyes and moaned; "T.G.I.F." Candi turned around and I pulled the zipper down with trembling hands. She stepped out of her dress and I saw that underneath her dress, Candi was wearing... Absolutely nothing! I fumbled out of my own clothes as Candi waited on her bed, her legs parted and her fingers slowly stroking herself. I kicked off my shoes, threw off my pants and scrambled on top of her. The first thing I noticed was that Candi's breasts were larger than I thought. They were at least a D-cup, and her nipples were very sensitive! She went wild when I put one in my mouth and slowly started to suck on them. How can I describe it? It was beyond rational thought, beyond all reason. I devolved into an animal whose only purpose was to mate with this female. There was no technique, no finesse involved; I thrust inside of Candi, delving deeper and deeper into her. Candi spread her legs wider, giving me deeper access into her. She locked her ankles behind my back as if she was afraid I was going to leave in the middle of the act. I heard and felt Candi's orgasms; two, three, four, five in a row, her arms joining her legs imprisoning me inside of her body. I felt my own passion crest and felt the familiar sensations build up inside me as I thrust even harder. As I came, it was life a million flashbulbs exploded inside my head. I felt giddy as I released my seed into Candi's willing body. Then I got dizzy and, as I collapsed on top of Candi, the entire world went black... *** The world reappeared slowly, and the first thing I became aware of was a heavy weight pressing me down onto Candi's bed. Did she roll over on me? I asked myself. But no, Candi wasn't that heavy and this body was too big to be her. I opened my eyes and almost fainted when I realized that there was a MAN on top of me! His head was tucked into the hollow of my shoulder. I tried to push him off, but he was way too heavy. Pushing him seemed to wake him up, and I knew that when he finally rolled off of me, I was going to take him straight to Fist City! "Was it good for you too, baby?" He mumbled as he rose up and got off of me. "What the hell do you think you're doing, asshole!" I screamed at him. I was so upset that my voice seemed two octaves too high and I was ready to cold cock him as soon as I could! Then he looked down at me. I had seen that face, countless times before, in any mirror I looked into. I looked up into my own face, and fainted. *** I came to, once more, looking up at my own face looking down at me. "Are you all right?" I heard myself say. "What's... What's going on?" I asked weakly, my voice still two octaves too high. "What happened to me?" I saw myself smile, that cynical little half-smile that I had practiced for hours in front of the mirror. "Let's just say;" I heard myself explain. "That you've been a target of a hostile takeover; a change of management of your life." I pushed the hair out of my eyes and saw how much my hands had changed. They were smaller; with long slender fingers, each capped with a long, red nail. I sat up and felt two heavy weights on my chest. I pushed the hair out of my eyes and discovered that I now possessed two large, firm breasts. From my new perspective, they looked much larger on me than they did on Candi. I looked past my breasts and saw that all vestiges of my manhood were gone, replaced by the feminine equivalent. My eyes filled with easy tears and I looked back at myself for an explanation. "I don't want to take up much of my valuable time explaining things to you, Jonathan." My voice said, framed by that irritating smile. "Oh; I guess I really shouldn't call you Jonathan anymore." I... He gestured to himself. "I'm Jonathan now, so you must be Candi." Candi? I looked across the room to the mirror on Candi's dresser. I was sitting on Candi's bed, and so was the reflection in the mirror. I raised my hands to my face, and the reflection did the same. I lowered my hands to my breasts, and Candi's reflection did likewise. Ohhh shit! "What did you do to me?" "I'm moving up in life." I... He said as he started dressing in my clothes. "I hope you don't mind, but the opportunity was too good to pass up." I sat on the edge of the bed, still unable to understand what had happened to me. Tears ran down my face, dripping onto my breasts. It was a strange sensation, having breasts, especially breasts as large as these. There was something else, just as strange. Why wasn't I more upset? I should have been hysterical at this turn of events. I was crying, but I should have been more upset... He glanced at me again, smiling that smile that I was beginning to hate. "You are taking this better than I thought you would, 'Candi'." All I could do was look at him. "Why are you calling me Candi?" I sniffled, finally getting control of myself. "Because you are Candi, now and forever." He replied. He reached into the dresser drawer and tossed me a package of pills. "These are very important; they are your birth control pills. Forget to take one and you might end up as a single mother." "And that is something you don't want to happen." 'Jonathan' smirked. "I didn't want to leave you with a permanent reminder of me, so I made sure that I didn't forget to take them. The last thing I need is a high- profile paternity suit." I looked at the pills. "I don't know how to be a woman!" I wailed, tears starting to run down my face again. "Can't you change us back?" "Why should I do that?" 'Jonathan' asked. "My future is assured. I'm a graduate of Harvard Business School, my father owns one of the biggest businesses in the world and I'm on my way to Zurich." "But, what am I supposed to do?" I asked through my tears. "I don't know how to be you!" "I wouldn't worry about it all that much, if I were you." Jonathan said with that smile. "I... You took a week of vacation, starting today, and you don't have to go back to the coffee shop for the next nine days. That should give you enough time to figure things out." Jonathan put on my... his jacket and patted the inside pocket. "What's this?" Jonathan reached in and took out the thick package. "Another gift? You shouldn't have." He hefted it for a moment. "It feels heavy, another bracelet? Maybe a necklace this time?" Jonathan looked at me and came to a decision. He tossed it next to me. "You might as well keep it, Candi. Keep it as a reminder of everything you had, and lost." "Wait, please!" I begged, afraid of being left alone, afraid that this wasn't just some nightmare. "Why did you do this to me?" "You were the best chance for me to get out of this life." Jonathan said seriously. "I foolishly thought that you might marry me, but then I realized you were like every other man in the world! Use, abuse and then leave!" "You don't know what it's like to be a woman;" Jonathan grinned. "Especially one as well-endowed as you are. Men don't really look at a woman; they just look at her boobs." "And yours are very large." Jonathan went on. "Larger than you thought, correct?" I nodded my head and he continued. "I always wore bras that minimized my shape. Although it looked like I was only a C- cup, I; that is you, are really a D-cup." I gasped at that revelation. D-cup breasts on Candi's small frame would really be huge! My hands crossed over my breasts, trying to hide them from view. Jonathan laughed and gently pulled my hands away. "You can't hide them effectively, Candi. At least, not without help." "And I threw out all those bras, anyway." Jonathan grinned. "I spent quite a bit of money on new bras that would... Enhance your figure. I hope you approve." I looked down at my breasts and knew that Jonathan was telling the truth. All I ever saw in a woman was the size of her breasts, like most of the guys I knew. I shivered at the thought, knowing that, in men's eyes, all I was... was a pair of tits. Then I heard Jonathan again. "All most men will think about is the best way of getting you in bed, and the rest will treat you like a simple- minded, big-breasted bimbo, just like you did with me. If you're lucky; you just might find one who will treat you decently, but I doubt it." "And, that's not my problem anymore, is it?" Jonathan gave me that half-smile once more. "I had already planned to switch us and hope for the best. But when you said that you were leaving for Zurich in the morning, I knew I had to act tonight." "I didn't know if I could pull off acting like you..." Jonathan said. "Excuse me, acting like me, I mean." I shivered and wound the threadbare blanket around myself. Tears still slid down my cheeks, leaving damp spots on the fabric. I felt so small, so helpless as Jonathan looked down at me. No one knows you... knows me in Europe. And I think that I can keep away from Father until the plane leaves." Jonathan said. "And, by the time I return, any changes Father sees in me will just be attributed to the civilizing influences of the Swiss." "And who knows;" Jonathan finished. "Father may not even last two more years." "Tell me one thing, please!" I begged. "Tell me how you did this to me!" "Life isn't like one of those movies where the bad guy just has to tell the hero how he plans to take over the world." Jonathan replied smugly. "You have no need to know how I did it, Candi; and I think its better that way." Jonathan got to the door and looked back at me. "I don't think I need to tell you not to try to contact me. And don't even think of trying to contact Father and telling him what happened. He'd never believe any of this." Jonathan opened the door, and as he stepped out I thought I heard him say; "Try to have a nice life, I know I will." The next thing I heard was my car starting up, and then gravel hitting the side of the trailer. I curled up on the bed and cried myself to sleep. *** I woke up, convinced that it was all some kind of strange nightmare. Then I sat up and felt the weight of Candi's breasts... My breasts and knew that the nightmare was real. I didn't think that things could get any worse. I was wrong... *** "Ohhh God..." I moaned the next morning as the cramp pulled me out of an uneasy sleep. "What's happening now..." It felt like there were hands twisting my body in two different directions. The pain was unbelievable. It was even worse than when my appendix had to be taken out. The cramp finally let up and I stayed in bed whimpering, my tears soaking the lumpy pillow. The next cramp took me into regions of pain that I never knew existed. I stuffed the pillow across my face to hold back my screams. When the cramp finally stopped, the relief was wonderful. I took a deep breath and relaxed until I realized that I was wet down there, between my legs. I slid the sheets back and almost fainted when I saw the blood on the sheets and my thighs. Was I dying? Is that why Candi took my body and left me hers? Then I realized exactly what was happening, and to me, it was a fate worst than death. "Ohhh shit!" I moaned. "I'm on the rag!" *** I staggered to the shower and scrubbed myself with the hottest water I could stand. Just seeing all that blood unsettled me more than finding myself in Candi's body. Up to that point, I guess I had been telling myself that this was some kind of weird dream. But now it all became real; I was wearing a woman's body, I was a woman and I'd be having periods until I reached menopause. I dried myself off with one of the fluffy pink towels I found and looked under the bathroom sink until I found a nearly empty box of tampons. I stripped the wrapping off one and slid it inside me, a very odd feeling. I pulled the plastic rod out and slipped on a pair of white cotton panties. I found a box of Midol in the medicine cabinet. I took two and went to put fresh sheets on the bed. *** I tried to get comfortable with my new body, but it was hard, y'know? Do you know how awkward it is to put on a bra? You have to twist your arms behind your back and you still have to put those tiny little hooks in those tiny little loops. I had seen my other girlfriends struggle to put these damn things on and I wondered why they just didn't go braless. But after I felt the way the bra held my D-cup breasts; supporting them and taking the strain off my back, I promised myself that I'd never go anywhere without wearing a bra. Shoes were another problem. Flats were all right, no real problem there. But I guess that Candi didn't like flats very much, as she only had a couple pairs. The rest all had high heels. Very high heels, the smallest pair had two inch heels. The rest had heels that were three and four inches high. Plus I found a pair of boots that had five inch stiletto heels! Walking in high heels was extremely difficult; I couldn't seem to get myself balanced in them. Boobs up front; butt in the back, trying to balance all that on a set of three inch heels. I almost broke my ankles on more than one occasion before I got the hang of walking in them. Makeup was the worst. No matter how hard I tried, no matter how much I practiced, by the time I was finished I looked like a hooker. It was the same with my hair; no matter what I did, I never looked as good as Candi always did. Then, I ran out of tampons. I was still mostly asleep when I took the last tampon out of the box. I knew that I needed to buy some more, but I dreaded to go anywhere. I pulled on a pair of sweat pants and put on a plain top. But I couldn't leave just yet. I fumbled around for a bit, and the next thing I knew, my hair was brushed out and my face was made up. I thought about it when I got back from the store, and the only explanation I could come up with was my body knew how to be female, and my mind just had to get out of its way. *** Unfortunately, the week went by way too fast and I had to go back to Candi's job at the coffee shop. I dressed in Candi's usual work uniform; black Capri pants, black soft soled shoes and a black T-shirt that read 'Cuppa Joe'. But on Candi, and now on me, the shirt read 'CUppa jOE'. I was beyond nervous when I finally got to the coffee shop. I had seen Candi waiting on people any number of times, but I wasn't sure that I could do it myself. I jumped when I heard a soft voice ask, "How was your vacation, Candi?" I turned and saw Sharon, Candi's best friend, standing there. I wondered if she could tell that I wasn't Candi. "It was all right." I replied, not able to look in Sharon's face. "But Jon and I broke up." "That bastard!" Sharon hissed. "It wasn't his fault." I said. "Jon had to go to Europe, and..." "And he didn't think you were good enough to go with him!" Sharon finished for me. "I knew he was no good for you, Candi! Just another rich guy, play around and leave!" "Sharon." I took her into the back room and tried to calm her down before the entire coffee shop could hear her. "I never thought that Jon and I would be a forever thing, his father would have made sure of that. And it isn't like Jon was happy about it either. Jon was almost in tears when he said he had to leave." In my mind I was still Jonathan, and I did cry that night, so it wasn't like I was lying to Sharon. "It doesn't matter." Sharon said as she gave me a hug. "If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know, all right?" "I will." I replied. I felt warm all over, touched by Sharon's concern. "Just cover for me if I screw up today, okay?" "Of course I will." Sharon smiled. "I'll let the other girls know what happened, Candi. We'll look out for you." *** Working as a waitress wasn't as difficult as I imagined it would be. Since this was an upscale coffee shop, all I had to do was remember the prices of coffee and pastries, and those were posted on the wall. The thing I had to learn was how to treat my customers. I watched what the other girls did and tried to do the same. Most of the men who came in were real sweethearts, easy going and ready to give a girl a break. And I learned if I smiled and flirted with them, I would get a nice sized tip. I also learned that if I 'accidentally' brushed my breasts across an arm or pressed them into somebody's back, I'd get a larger tip. After the first week, I relaxed and started to enjoy being a waitress. Except for the early morning when the customers were in a hurry to get to work, there was a lot less stress than working for my father, and it was more fun, too! *** As time passed, I became more comfortable being a woman. There were things I hated about it, like periods, and things that I became resigned to, like make up and hairstyles. If I wanted to look decent, I had to spend much more time than I was used to, just to get ready. Making sure that my clothing and make up was coordinated was an effort! But, I learned. I made a few changes along the way. I sold most of the jewelry I had given to Candi and, with the $50,000 going away gift; I had a considerable amount of money. Not as much as I had when I was Jonathan, but enough to set me up in relative comfort. The first thing I did was move out of that trailer and into a nice one-bedroom apartment that Sharon helped me find. I picked out all new furniture and surprised myself when I realized how feminine it was. I bought a brand new wardrobe, with Sharon's help, too. I wasn't really at ease with some of Sharon's choices, but I let Sharon have her way figuring that she had been a woman longer than I was and knew what she was doing. I also got rid of that old clunker I'd been driving and bought myself the cutest Volkswagen Beetle you ever saw! Then, one day, Sharon asked if I was doing anything important that Friday night. "Not that I know of..." I replied. "Why?" "We haven't gotten together in so long that I wondered if you wanted to come over and have dinner, maybe." Sharon said. I thought about it for a bit and said that I'd really like that. Sharon smiled and told me to be at her place about eight o'clock. *** I got to Sharon's apartment and rang the bell. Sharon ushered me in, and the next thing I knew people jumped up from behind the furniture and came out of the kitchen and yelled; "SURPRIZE!" I almost fainted in shock when I was hugged and kissed by nearly everybody there. I didn't realize what was going on until Sharon handed me a box. "Happy Twentieth Birthday, Candi!" Damn, I said to myself. I'm twenty again! That was a shock! What was even more of a shock was when I realized that I was having a good time! I knew almost all the people at the party, mostly co-workers with a few good customers added in, and I liked being with them! Such a change from my life as Jonathan. Back then, the only people I knew were either business associates of Father's, or other people of the same social status as me. I don't remember being with people that I could have become friends with; life was all about position, who had it and who wanted it. I held my glass of champagne (Sharon only let me have two) and spent most of the night having a good time with my friends. I suppose you could say that they were Candi's friends and not mine; but since I was Candi now, I gladly accepted them as my friends. They were a great bunch of people. Later on, I went out to the balcony, just wanting to be alone with myself for a minute. Something had been bothering me for about an hour, and I needed to figure out what it was. I thought it over for a while and then I realized what it was. I was happier as Candi than I ever was as Jonathan! I had good friends, a decent job that I enjoyed and a whole life that I could look forward to! I could be anything I wanted to be! I could go back to college and take whatever courses I wanted! I didn't have to please anybody but myself! Sharon came out just about the time I had my revelation. "What's the matter, Candi?" Sharon asked when she saw the tears on my face. I turned and gave Sharon a big smile. "Nothing's the matter!" I said. "I'm crying because I'm so happy!" "Of course you are!" Sharon hugged me and wiped the tears from my face. "Now let's get back inside and fix your face. The night's not over yet!" *** Looking back, I think that was the turning point; when I accepted the fact that I was a woman. After that night, things got easier for me to deal with. My periods; for example. I didn't cramp as bad and I wasn't as bloated as I was before. My mood swings weren't as severe as they once were, either. I went to the local community college and enrolled in couple of writing courses. I found out that I had an aptitude for writing, and writing was something I enjoyed. But there was still something missing, and I couldn't figure out what it was... *** "When was the last time you were out on a date?" Sharon asked one day. "I bet you haven't gone out since that bastard Jonathan dumped you; right?" "I don't think I'm ready to start dating just yet." I replied, with just a bit of quiver in my voice. Dating? A guy? ME? "Sure you are." Sharon said confidently, a gleam in her eyes. "I didn't help you pick out a whole new wardrobe just to let it collect dust in your closet! You need to start dating again, Candi. It's just like riding a bike; you may wobble for the first couple minutes, but after that, you'll be fine!" "But, I don't know anybody!" I said nervously, trying to figure out some way to change the subject. "I've got the perfect guy for you!" Sharon said. "And you already know him!" "Who?" I asked, trying to think about who Sharon was talking about. A customer? One of the delivery guys? "My brother Frank! That's who!" Sharon said, a big grin on her face. I knew who Sharon was talking about. I met Frank at the party Sharon gave me for my birthday. Frank was about 5' 10" tall, dark hair and deep brown eyes. He wore a pair of jeans and a short-sleeved shirt that night, and while Frank wouldn't be considered a hunk, he did have a nice body. He also had a smile that made me weak at the knees... But no; not just yet. I had just gotten used to being a woman and going out with a guy wasn't something I was ready for. Maybe after I turned sixty-five... "C'mon Candi." Sharon coaxed. "I know you want to and you know you want to. It's time you got back on your bike." I was ready to tell Sharon to forget about it; I swear I was. I opened my mouth to tell her I wasn't interested when I heard myself say; "You're right; I think it's time to start dating again. Tell Frank to call me." *** Frank called two days later. I had rehearsed what I was going to say to him, over and over. There was no way I was going on a date with Sharon's brother! Not a chance! Then the phone rang... "Hello?" "Candi?" The voice on the other end made my heart beat a little faster. "This is Frank, Sharon's brother. We met at the party, remember? "Hi Frank. Of course I remember you." I said as casually as I could, my heart beating so strongly that I though that Frank could hear it over that phone line. "I wondered if you had anything planned for Saturday night?" Frank asked. "This Saturday night?" I asked, playing for time. All I had to do is say that I had plans and that would be it. I mean, how hard is it to turn a guy down? I had it happen to me more than once when I was Jonathan. "If you're free;" Frank went on. "I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner and maybe see a movie." "Let me think..." I had my lines down pat. All I had to do was say them. But somehow the only thing to come out of my mouth was; "I'd like that, Frank." "You would?" Frank asked, seemingly amazed that I would go out with him. And to tell the truth, I was amazed myself! So much for rehearsing... "Great!" Frank sounded more confident. "I'll pick you up at eight." "That'll be fine, Frank." I replied automatically. "I'm looking forward to it." *** All right, Candi; now what are you going to do? I asked myself that at least five or six times every hour. Friday was three days away; three days to come up with some kind of excuse for breaking my date with Frank. I gave it a lot of thought, but every time I tried to come up with some kind of excuse, the only thing I could think about was what I should wear! Friday came, and I rushed back to my apartment after work. I wasn't sure what had come over me; but I was actually more worried about how I would look, than worried about actually going out on a date with a man. Sure, I dressed for work, and I dressed for class, but this was different! This was a DATE! I stretched out in a tub of hot, scented water and tried to calm down. "You can get through this! You're a woman! Going out on a date with a guy is normal!" Then I tried to cheer myself up; "After tonight, Frank probably will never ask you out ever again! You can get through this, Candi!" Between the long soak and my pep talk, I calmed down enough to shave my legs, pick out my clothes, set my hair, do my make up and all the thousand and one things a woman does when she gets ready for a date. Eight o'clock arrived, and so did Frank. My heart skipped a beat or two when I realized just how good-looking Frank really was! Frank handed me a dozen roses and shyly said; "You're beautiful, Candi." "Thank you." I replied in a soft voice, burying my face in the blooms. This was the first time in my life that I had ever received flowers and I was shocked at how emotional I was. (I still have them. I pressed the roses in a few books and, every now and then, I take them out and look at them.) Frank was a gentleman for the entire night. He held the car door open for me, held my chair out when we were seated at the restaurant and even stood up when I left the table! We talked all during dinner and I learned that Frank was twenty-three, just three years older than I was... or should I say three years older than this body I was wearing. Frank worked at an ad agency in the city, and was considered as a hot prospect by his bosses. I also learned that Frank liked water sports, Jet Skiing in particular. This gave us something in common, as I had two Jet Skis when I was still Jonathan. I told Frank that I had never been on a Jet Ski, but I'd just love to try it! Frank smiled and said that he'd just love to take me Jet Skiing one day! What are you doing Candi? I asked myself. You don't really want to see Frank again, do you? I was getting more confused by the moment. Did I want to see Frank again? Hold on, girl! Just get through the night and worry about later, later! Frank took me to a movie at the local art theater. It was a romantic film from France, and I was stunned how much the story affected me. When I was still Jonathan, the only reason I took a woman to a 'chick-flick' was to get her primed and ready for sex. I would rather see something with a few car chases and a good shootout or two. Now, I found myself misty-eyed when the male lead left for the war, leaving the only woman he could ever love behind, never to return. Frank put his arm around me, and I put my head on his shoulder for the rest of the movie. After a couple of minutes, sitting this close to Frank seemed like the most natural thing in the world! But, no matter how comfortable I was, deep down I knew that the way I felt must be wrong. Deep down inside, I was still Jonathan, wasn't I? By the end of the night, Frank walked me to my apartment door, his arm around my waist. We stopped at the door and I was ready to say thank you for the wonderful evening, good night and don't ever call my number ever again! "I had a great time tonight, Candi." Frank said with a smile. The words were out of my mouth before I knew it. "I had a wonderful time, Frank!" "So;" Frank asked nervously. "Would you like to do it again?" Once again, my mouth took over before my brain could react. "I'd love to!" Frank smiled and moved closer. I wasn't sure what Frank had on his mind until I felt his lips on mine. My brain wanted to push him away, but my arms pulled him closer. When we finally broke apart, my heart was racing, my nipples were so hard that they hurt and I became aware of an undeniable moistness between my legs. "I'll call you tomorrow." Frank said as he gave me one last good night kiss before he left. I stood at my door, waiting for my heart to slow down. I never expected to react to Frank like this! I was scared, and more than a little turned on. This was something I wasn't ready for, and yet, I couldn't wait for it to happen again! There was only one thing I was sure about; Frank was a great kisser! *** Frank and I went out the next weekend, the weekend after that and the following weekend. During the week, Frank would stop by the coffee shop and spend a few minutes talking with me over a cup of coffee. It got to the point where I was looking forward to his visits and was disappointed if he didn't come in. It didn't take long before everyone thought of us as a couple. It was like; "Hey Candi! Joe and I are having a party next week. You and Frank are coming, right?" Or; "Candi; a bunch of us are going to the movies Saturday night? You and Frank want to come along?" It was almost as if Frank and I had become one person; Candi/Frank, and for one of us to be without the other was unthinkable. It was about that time when I started to realize how much I liked Frank. Well, it was more than just like; I started to think that I was falling in love with him. Just the thought of being in love with a man should have scared me witless, but I found that the more I thought about the two of us, the more appealing it was! In fact, the thought of spending the rest of my life with Frank was something that made me feel warm all over. But, there was one last threshold we still had to cross... *** "Goodnight, Candi." Frank kissed me goodnight outside my apartment door. "I'll give you a call tomorrow." "Wait a second, Frank." I took a deep breath while my heart threatened to burst out of my chest. "Would you..." I stammered, torn between panic and my body's needs. "Would you..." "Would I what?" Frank asked, taking my hands in his. "What's the matter? Your hands are like ice?" I took another breath and looked into Frank's deep brown eyes. "Would you like to come in? I really want..." I couldn't finish what I was going to say. I was afraid that Frank would say no. I was even more afraid that Frank would say yes. Frank put his arms around me and I leaned my head against his chest. I could feel Frank's heartbeat, almost as strong as my own. He put his hand on my face and traced my lips with a finger. Frank smiled. "I'd love to come in, Candi. If that's what you really want." I nodded, and Frank leaned forward to kiss me. As we kissed, all my uneasiness and doubts vanished. My body needed Frank and, more importantly, I needed Frank! Frank kissed me again, and I felt my knees literally go weak! I would have fallen if Frank hadn't held me. I fumbled in my purse for the key, and I fumbled even more as I tried to put the key in the lock. Some female instinct took over as the door shut behind us. I kicked my shoes off before I got more than three steps inside. My dress was history as I passed the couch. Somewhere in the short hallway between the living room and the bedroom I removed both my panties and bra. By the time I turned on the bedroom light, I was wearing only my garter belt and nylons. I smiled when I saw that the light wasn't the only thing I had turned on. Frank had followed my lead and was out of his clothes too; his cock hard and standing proud! I grew wet as Frank kissed me. This time, as my knees grew weak, I let myself go, falling onto the bed, pulling Frank on top of me. I never knew how good it was to be a woman, not until that night. Frank was a gentle lover, and he took me to places I never knew existed. His lips encircled my nipple, his tongue fluttering at the erect tip. His hands moved up the insides of my thighs and his fingers slowly traced the outlines of my pussy lips. I moaned as Frank slid one finger inside me, his thumb lightly caressing my clit. Every time he touched my clit, electric jolts of pleasure ran through my body. "Ohhh Frank..." I groaned as his hands picked up the pace. I arched my back as Frank kept up his gentle explorations of my body. I rode wave after wave of pleasure, enjoying each orgasm as Frank kept his hands busy. He played my body like a musical instrument, Frank being a virtuoso. It almost became too much for me to handle! Frank kissed his way down my body, until his lips and tongue replaced his hands and fingers between my legs. His tongue lightly stroked my clit until I cried out in ecstasy. Frank's tongue licked my pussy lips, sliding inside every so often, returning to flick my clit until I was one quivering nerve ending. After an eternity of bliss, Frank moved up until he was on top of me. "Am I too heavy for you?" "No..." I groaned as I spread my legs wide. "I want... I need to feel you inside of me!" I didn't know what to expect, and I wondered if having him inside of me would hurt. It didn't... I felt Frank's cock slip between my pussy lips and I spread my legs even wider. He slipped into me as if he always belonged there. Just the feel of Frank's shaft made me hotter and wetter by the second, and, as he slid the rest of the way in, I answered his passion and met his every thrust with one of my own. "Ohhh Frank! Ohhh Frank! T.G.I.F! T! G! I! F!" I screamed as Frank made love to me. I was having orgasm after orgasm and I didn't think it could get any better! Then Frank began to thrust harder and harder. I heard him groan as his body shuddered and Frank's cock exploded inside of me and I joined him in one last orgasm. Did I say orgasm? It was more like: O! R! G! A! S! M! When our breathing slowed and the world came back into focus, Frank looked over at me. "What's wrong, Candi? Did I hurt you?" "No, you could never hurt me, Frank." I said as tears ran down the sides of my face. "Then why are you crying?" I almost laughed at the puzzled look on Frank's face. "I'm crying because I'm so happy!" I sighed as Frank took me in his arms. I put my head on Frank's chest and snuggled close. I felt warm and content in Frank's arms, happy in a way I'd never known in my life. That was Friday night. Frank and I spent most of the weekend in each other's arms. Even when we weren't making love, I was happy to be with him. We walked hand-in-hand, everywhere we went; to the store, to a restaurant, to the video store, even to the corner newsstand! By the time Frank left Sunday night, I knew that I couldn't live without him. Frank knew how to treat a woman right in every way that there was. And by the time Frank left Sunday night, I also knew that he couldn't live without me, either! *** That's not to say that we didn't have our problems. I was always a bit of a bitch when I was having my period. And Frank's job could make him be a bit of a bastard at times. But we always managed to work our problems out, and, we always managed to make it up to each other in bed. *** One day, I stopped by Frank's apartment; a couple romantic videos and some pasta salad in hand. I knew that Frank had been working hard on a new project and I thought he needed to take a break. "Hi, Candi." Frank said tiredly as he opened the door. One look and I could see that my poor baby was exhausted. There were bags under his bloodshot eyes, and he didn't even seem happy to see me. "Hi, Frank." I replied, kissing him and not feeling Frank respond. I had to do something about this! There was no way that I was going to let Frank burn himself out over some silly little ad campaign! I went into the bathroom and filled the tub with hot water and threw a cupful of bath oil I kept there. "You're coming with me!" I said as I pulled Frank off his chair. I dragged him into the bathroom and pointed to the tub. "You're going to get into that tub and soak until you're ready to act like a civilized person! Is that clear?" "Yes, dear." Frank replied, knowing that it was not a good idea to argue with me over this. I left him to get in the tub while I got a look at his papers. What a mess! I didn't know who wrote this copy, but whoever it was must have been functionally illiterate! I picked up a pad of paper and started to play around with it. I became so engrossed in my writing that I never noticed the time and never even noticed Frank standing behind me. "What's this?" Frank asked, taking the papers from the desk. He sat on the couch and started to read what I had written. Frank looked up and I could tell that he was impressed. "This is good, Candi. Really good." He put the papers down and smiled. "You've taken a pile of garbage and made something out of it." "It was nothing." I was warmed by Frank's praise. "Why don't you come down to the agency with me tomorrow?" Frank suggested. "I'm sure we can find a place for you." "There are two things wrong with that." I said. "What's that?" Frank asked. "First; I don't have a college degree." I pointed out. "Second; doesn't your agency have a policy about co-workers dating?" "I'm sure we can work something out." Frank said. "Yeah, well..." I shook my head. "I'd rather have you than that job!" "But Candi." Frank said earnestly. "You need to be compensated for this!" Frank held up the papers in his hands. I stood up, pulling the halter-top over my head. I was wearing a sports bra, and that went next. Since I kicked off my sandals when I sat down to write, there were only my shorts and panties left, and they were soon gone. I pulled Frank of the couch, opened his robe and pressed my nude body against his. I looked up into his eyes. "So? Compensate me!" Frank overcompensated me, not that I was complaining. And, when Frank got back from work, a couple days later, he was all smiles. His boss loved what he did with the ad copy and gave Frank a nice bonus. He also praised Frank as one of the 'up and comers' in the agency. I didn't know how much Frank knew about the advertising business, but Frank definitely knew a lot about 'up and coming'! With a little help from me, Frank moved his way up the corporate ladder. It didn't take long before Frank was heading his own working group, and a few months later, Frank was made the youngest vice-president in the agency's history. *** Frank was happy and I was even happier. Our lives were going great, and I even started to entertain thought about us having a future together. All I was waiting for was for Frank to ask. Then; on my Twenty-first birthday... *** This was the second time I was turning twenty-one. The first time, when I was Jonathan, I went to New Orleans and spent a whole lot of money on booze and hookers. This time, Frank was taking me 'somewhere special'; at least that's what he told me. I took the day off from the coffee shop and spent the time at the beauty salon, getting myself a complete makeover. My arms and legs were waxed, my hair was highlighted and styled, I had both a manicure and a pedicure and, after a facial, had my eyebrows thinned by electrolysis. I was impressed at the way I looked and hoped that Frank would be, too. I wore a green dress that matched my eyes. My dress was designed to hint at, instead of blatantly exposing, my figure. I felt sexy, and I couldn't wait to see Frank's reaction. Frank was polite about it, complimenting me on how I looked, but I could tell that something was on his mind. We didn't exchange more than five or six words on the way to the restaurant, and not many more than that during dinner. I started to feel uneasy when the waiter took our drink orders, and by the time the dessert tray arrived, I had to excuse myself and run to the ladies room. I locked myself inside a stall and began to cry, knowing that Frank was going to break up with me. Tonight! On my twenty-first birthday! God, what an idiot I'd been, falling for him like that! Next time I'll know better! Next time it'll be different! I got myself back under control and repaired my make up. I wasn't going to give Frank the satisfaction of seeing how hurt I was! Let him go, Candi! There are more men in the world! "Are you all right?" Frank asked as I finally rejoined him. "I'm fine." I replied coldly, picking up my purse. "Shall we go?" Frank seemed nervous as he drove back to my apartment. He kept glancing at me and kept patting his pocket. Maybe, I thought, it's another 'goodbye' gift, something to ease his conscience. Should I throw it back in his face? I considered my options all the way home. We stopped at my door and I turned to look at Frank. He acted very nervous, like I was going to bite him or something like that. "I have to apologize for my behavior tonight, Candi." Frank stammered. "I have a lot on my mind." "About what?" I asked icily. "About us." Frank replied quietly. "There something I have to say and I don't know how I want to say it." "Just say it, Frank." I sighed, waiting for it to be over. "Just say what's on your mind." Frank dropped to one knee and took a black velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it and slid a diamond ring onto my finger. Frank looked up and asked; "Would you marry me, Candi?" My heart nearly exploded with joy as I nodded my agreement. I couldn't speak as I was crying and laughing at the same time! I threw my arms around Frank's neck and kissed him, over and over. Frank smiled and asked; "Does this mean you will marry me?" "Yes! Yes! Oh yes!" I answered between my tears and giggles. "You've made me the happiest woman in the world! T.G.I.F!" *** That was four months ago. I've been busier than I can remember ever being. I found my wedding dress (!), got my bridesmaids ready and planning our honeymoon! Sharon agreed to be my Maid of Honor, and I think she may be happier than I am. Her brother is marrying her best friend and Sharon was the one who made it all happen! Of course, Sharon's been walking around with a smile on her face for months! The wedding is tomorrow, and I'm just about ready to finish this. But, there are a couple of more things I have to write about... When I was at the salon, waiting to get my hair done for my wedding (!), I opened up a magazine and saw Jonathan's picture. He looked like hell; overweight by at least fifty pounds and his face was flabby, huge bags under his eyes. According to the article, Jonathan is being sued for sexual harassment and is going into rehab again. There was also a hint about a SEC investigation. I guess his life didn't turn out exactly the way he planned. Neither did mine, but I'm happier than I think I could have been before the change. I finally realized what T.G.I.F. means. I think I knew it after the first time Frank and I made love... T.G.I.F.; Thank God I'm Female. I've been saying that every morning since Frank asked me to marry him. Starting tomorrow, it will have a different, more personal meaning... T.G.I.F.; Thank God I'm Frank's! The End

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Marys new roommate

I met Mary while working at a part-time job at a video store. Newly out of college in a decent full time job and a nice apartment. Life was good, except that I didn't have a woman. Mary came into the video store regularly. She had similar tastes in movies and she would often come in on my nights. We would chat, talk movies then she would leave. Finally we got in a screener film that I knew she would be interested in. Screener were videos which were coming up for release soon. They would give...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 64

Laura was mortified. She had a pretty good position in her company, and had gone to some lengths to make sure her sexual proclivities were not known. She didn't date men from within the company, but that was not unusual for a career woman, who might see the dangers of mixing her love life with her job. In actual fact, she had four torrid affairs going on with four different girls, Karen, Yvette, Barbara, and now Cecilia, but she had taken care not to let anyone know. Now, unless this Pete...

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HandsOnHardcore Stasia Si Sexy Little Russian Number Stasia Si Doubles the Pleasure

Svelte Russian brunette Stasia Si has had a hard day at the office. But she knows how to relieve the stress as soon as she gets home: she throws off her clothes and starts furiously fingering herself, flashing her petite pink pussy in your face for you to enjoy as she flicks the bean both from in front and behind. But her cries of pleasure alert her roommate, Willy Regal, that something is up — and not only his cock! He walks in on Stasia and she doesn’t let up on her...

3 years ago
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Jessie and the TornadoChapter 5

And back to the present Distantly I heard someone saying, “Sam? Sam? Sam?” then felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up, and realized I was still sitting outside Jessie’s hospital room, and that Janice had been trying to get my attention, before finally having to shake my shoulder. Jessie was standing beside Janice and was grinning like crazy. She had a small bandage on her forehead. “The doctor has finished his exam, Sam, and there is no sign of physical ... or mental problems,”...

1 year ago
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Carlas Fantasy Fulfilled

Richard knocked on the door and my wife answered the door and gave him a big hug and told him "don't hesitate to ask if you ever needed anything." I offered him a drink which he eagerly took. We talked for a while about what had happened and had many drinks when my wife asked Richard if he would like to watch a movie? Before my anyone could make a suggestion I yelled out lets watch Burlesque! Carla said that was one of her favorite movies and she was sure Richard would really like it....

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FFQ Caption Collection

I have written a variety of captions and posted them to BDSMLR over the past year. Recently, I decided that I would try sharing some of the captions here on CHYOA for people to write continuations or alternate branches if the captions catch their interest. These captions involve celebrities, historical figures, and original characters. The content most often involves humiliation, demotion, and mind control of women and female characters. Along with this, an expected disclaimer but an important...

4 years ago
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Fucked by 10 Men

Little bit of back story for those of you who haven't been following my sexual adventures over the last decade. Alex is a guy I knew through a group of guys I hang out with, here on the coast north of Sydney. I was, and still am, completely in the closet with that group of people. So, four years ago when Alex outed me as being the famous Aussie Speedo Guy, I was terrified he would share that information with our social group. What I feared ended up being the opposite of what occurred. ...

4 years ago
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Helen stared at the computer screen in disbelief at what Ruth had just Helen stared at the computer screen in disbelief at what Ruth had just proposed. >Hels, I think I found the answer to our cash problems...look at this: > >http://www.jeopardy-show.com/jointheaudience Jeopardy!? Helen shook her head.? She enjoyed the show, and so did other viewers...millions, tens of millions of other viewers.? But for Ruth to actually want to take the money and sit in the live audience...what was...

2 years ago
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Happy Moment With Girlfriend8217s Mother And Her Friend

The credit for this story goes to ISS, I didn’t know that the community here is not only composed of readers but also enthusiasts. All your emails and messages mean a lot and the appreciation for my stories here is humbling, I thank thee readers!!! Please continue to support like this and all your feedback is welcomed on Hi ladies and gentlemen, I am Ab here working in reputed MNC in bangalore I am going to share my experience with my girlfriend mother and friend which happened due to...

4 years ago
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This is the eighth story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the first, The Miracle Legacy. The Miracle Legacy Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl Counterweight By Morpheus It was a great day for a picnic. The sky was clear, the sun was warm and the birds were all...

3 years ago
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Sex With Home Partner Auntee

Hi ISS readers. I am Ashish from Delhi. I am 30 Years old male. II am here to tell me my one new incident of my life. Las month mere land lord ne achanak makan khali karane ko bol diya. Usaka makan jisama main rahata tha wo sale ho gaya tha. mujhe badi pareshani ho gayee. Maine jaldi me ek makan rent pe liya. usame enter karate hi ek room tha fir washroom, fir usake right me ek room tha our usake right me kitchen. Ye saare ek galary me khulate the. Entry ek hi thi through galary. Maine sirf ek...

4 years ago
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The Model First time doing porno

I was in my final year at university and, like all students, was always strapped for cash. To make up my grant I did life modeling for art sessions at schools and art clubs. Much of it is standard work such as standing in a room of spotty teenagers whist wearing a thirties style outfit with silly hats and heavy coats. There was an art society based in a village hall just out of town where I did some nude modeling for a bunch of mostly older retired people, all pretty bland. One of the younger...

2 years ago
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Real weekend 2015

After writing the Fantasy week-end story, actually it become reality.We went to meet with my wife's lover, and to be together for 2 nights and 2 days.I was in charge to look for an apartment for this days, and i never looked for hotel rooms and apartments with an erection, but this time, every picture i saw i was just imagining them on that bed, in that showe, in front of the mirror on so on.Finally i book a small apartment with a big bed, a small couch with bed view.We arrived late, and he was...

3 years ago
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Designated Driver

My name is Gabriel. I work at a small sales company. One Friday afternoon, shortly before closing, I listened to my workmates comment among them: ‘What are we going to do tonight?’ Ignacio and Emily, the hottest couple at the company, suggested: ‘Let’s go to Destiny’!’ The guys welcomed the idea, because this is a very trendy club or disco in the city. Peter, a quite cheerful young guy, responded worried: ‘But, Iggy, last week, we got in a fight there, and also, we were fined for DUI upon...

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Fluff BoyBound To Please

We receive a phone call on a Friday from F., You pick up the phone to chat with him. From the smile on Your face i know that your lover is coming over to share pleasure with you. i smile too, since any time my Mistress and Goddess can get pleasure it makes me happy. You come upstairs to prepare and order me to come upstairs with You. You begin to undress and my cock begins to grow as i gaze upon your beautiful breasts that i wish i could taste, but knowing that another man will have that...

1 year ago
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Trafficked Love Ch 17

Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...

1 year ago
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All in the Family

100% fiction! We’d been together twenty-three years, married for twenty of those we’d lived together for three before we’d tied the knot. Now we weren’t complaining, just jaded. Our sex life had been like a fantasy, wild uninhibited couplings while we lived together, we’d moved in together when we were twenty and spent the next three years exploring every position in the Kama Sutra and then some, anal, oral, vaginal, mutual masturbation, toys even a little pegging, her suggestion but fun for...

1 year ago
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IsThisReal Sera Ryder Tricked Into Getting Stuck

Alex Jett purposely places a bottle of lube in his room before he calls his 18-year-old stepsister Sera Ryder in. He claims that heneeds her help to grab his phone, which he accidentally dropped in the small space between the wall and the bed. He’s too big toget in there but she’s just small enough. She happily agrees. Sera gets down on all fours and begins to crawl between the bed and the wall. Alex rubs his hands together with excitement. AsSera gets her top half into the space,...

2 years ago
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Innocence Lost Ch 31

In Which Innocence remains with Honore, Innocence is recorded in the photographic media and Dodie returns to the comforts of Innocence. Honore hoisted up her huge breasts from underneath the desk where she was working on her word processor, and rested their immense weight on the surface, relieving herself of the strain of supporting them without assistance. She glanced behind her at Innocence and Hyacinth, her current belle, lying outstretched and naked, like herself, on the sheets of the...

3 years ago
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My Friends Girlfriend

It was a quiet Friday night and me and my friends had been drinking together. We had been at my mates house which was particularly big and large. We were all hanging out in his large living room when a few of the guys decided to leave. They got up and put on their jackets before stumbling out of the room. I was to drunk to move and stayed laying on his massive brown couch with my eyes semi shut. My friend stood up and signalled to his girlfriend that he was heading to bed, he slowly walked out...

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Chef Special Ch 01

James was six feet tall with light blonde hair. He’d breezed through school collecting high enough grades to guarantee his place in college, and had spent the rest of his time hanging out with the ‘cool’ kids and going to the beach to drink and surf. James was a chef, just like his father and his father before him. As a matter of fact, James’ ancestor cooked the celebration banquet when Napoleon conquered Naples! Six generation’s had kept a culinary secret, a combination of spices that gave...

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My Friend judy

I put my short red robe on and went to answer the door and it was Judy, my friend. She was there because we were planning to go to the gym together and I had forgotten about it. I invited her in and got her a cup of coffee and I was going to go change into my gym clothes. As we were walking to the bedroom, we had to go through the family room and she saw the pictures of this guys cock on the screen and asked what that was. We have been close friends for a long time and she knows that I...

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The Angel Next DoorChapter 3

Vicky Bali never imagined just how wonderful it would feel to have Robert inside her ass. He had waited until after the shower and then licked her bottom to get her off, before he finally applied the generous amount of lube necessary to prepare her virgin asshole for his dick. She felt as if she completely merged with her mature lover. The way that the skin of Robert Sebastian's cock felt against her colon excited Vicky almost to the point of another climax. The surrender inherent in the...

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Office party

Working in an office has its advantages – loads of crumpet, some of it gorgeous and often wearing revealing clothes. As always there were always a few having a bit on the side, straight and lesbian, and it was because of this I had my first office fuck. We had a comfortable rest area and one Christmas I saw two women go there, obviously a bit drunk. I followed at a distance and when they’d gone in managed to spy on them through a window. The picture says it all, one had all but passed out and...

1 year ago
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Professor Tom Ch 08

‘Hi Professor Tom, what a pleasant surprise!’ Suzy said cheerfully. She cocked her head, smiled sweetly at him and held out her hand to shake his. Tom was thrown for a loop and stammered, ‘Uuumm, hi Suzy….: He realized she still had her hand outstretched and also noted the receptionist was watching them closely. He nervously held out his hand and shook hers. ‘I am so, so sorry for not having returned your calls sooner. With the holidays, and the crazy amount of work I’ve had around here,...

3 years ago
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Family cuntbusting

Our protagonists are no ordinary family. While they tend to stick together and stand up for eachother, in this family it is the men that are dominant while the women are constantly being punished. The father, John, and the mother, Kara, have been together for a long time and for them this is nothing strange. John sometimes knees Kara in the vagina when he comes home from work, he might smack her in the clit with a spoon when they are making dinner and he might pull her tits while they are...

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How I Met My Master Ch 05

AN: As a head’s up, there’s some slight non-consent and reluctance in this chapter. And always, despite the fact that David calls our lead character ‘kid,’ everyone in this story is 18 years or older. * They say there’s one guy in the world for every girl. One man who’ll stand by you through everything and put all the others to shame. He’s the kind of guy who lets you have the last slice of cheesecake, who doesn’t kick you when you hog the sheets — the kind of guy who holds your hair when...

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Phil my new black neighbor

Lurking out the semi-closed blinds, I noticed Phil, our new black neighbor, was privately stroking his huge dark manhood as I peered out my bedroom window. I was spying on that hot black guy, attempting to see more of that ever rising bulge in his shorts that had ignited a deep burning fire in me... Carefully I opened a few slats on the blinds fully, as I allowed the towel to drop to the floor. Fully naked, I stood there wanting him to see me touch myself, as I was so aroused imaging about...

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Girls Just Like to Dress Up

"Cheers luv, the-!" Tracer started announcing but cut off when she realized she had been addressing an empty room. Her shoulders drooped and she sullenly plopped herself down in an empty armchair and blew a stray bang out of her face with a huff. "Nuts, this is what I get for picking someone that's patentedly too fast." "Don't worry," a sultry voice wafted to Tracer's ears. "I can teach you how to slow down a bit and enjoy yourself." The aqua-haired succubus gracefully floated down...

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Naturally Beautiful

It wasn’t easy getting there. Well, that’s an understatement. It was damned arduous, in fact, and the first time Tiffany trekked across the island, she’d been too exhausted to even contemplate descending to her intended beach destination at the foot of the craggy cliffs. Looking down, the cove certainly looked inviting — the azure sea gently lapping up to the strip of rich yellow sand — but Tiffany was simply grateful to prop her broad backside on a large rock and suck in the clean air. Why...

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A Night With My Girlfriend And Adventures

I am Nani.any women or girl interested in me can contact at give me feedback to improve my writing skills ……. let us go into the story. I am a shy guy.I do not talk to girls often.I m slim with 5 feet 7 inches height and 69 kgs and with a cock size of 6-6.5 inches depends on the counter part :D ….. coming to the heroine of the story sri (name changed) ,she is 5ft 3 inch with boobs of 34b awesome ones ….. This story started in my college 4 years back,during admission process I was delighted to...

4 years ago
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Snow day 2

As I was getting my snow suit pulled down by George, I got a break from sucking and giving hand jobs so I could stand up. As I looked around there were 2 guys with bill one on the couch two with me and George. George pulled my snow pants down and showed my thong. My top and corset were already out there. The guy on the couch looks at me and yells to bill, oh you were right she is a hot little slut and waves for me to come over to the couch. I step out of the pants and wiggle over to the couch...

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Gramathu Pennai Oomba Vaithu Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en gramathil kolli velai paarkum pennai oomba vaithu ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal gramathu kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar iyapan vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan 12th varai padithu irukiren, enaku ezhutha padika theriyum. Ippozhuthu company velaiku sendru sambathithu oru mobile phone vaanginen Phone vangiyathum naan athigamaaga kama kathaigal padika aarambithu viten, kama kathaigalum athigam paarka aarambithu...

3 years ago
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Uncle receives niece

As I hung up the phone, I kept hearing her last words, “Can’t wait until I see you tomorrow.” Our niece who is close to end her teens, my wife’s sister’s daughter Vardhini, called to inform me that she was visiting for a few days. The only problem was that my wife Niranjani was going to be out of town for a week. When I mentioned to our niece that her Aunt wasn’t home and wouldn’t be for almost a week, she responded with “that’s OK, I’ll catch her when she gets home. Didn’t you always say,...

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The DilemmaChapter 22 Gareth Chancelor Saturday afternoon continued

The pool party was in full swing. The food was ready and piled up on the table. We had a ridiculous amount of food. I thought maybe we should’ve invited the whole school to help eat it instead of the girls from just one class. I checked with Estelle that everything was ready, and she gave me a thumbs up. Then I waved at Jen beside the pool. She blew her whistle and started getting the girls out of the pool. As soon as the girls realised food was ready, nobody dawdled. We got all the girls...

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A Second ChanceChapter 16

"David, you surprised me," Mr. Arthur said. "I did?" We were using the TBP (Talk between Pilots, although they should have named it Talk Between Crew (TBC) because there was only one pilot ... me. There was already a TBC.) The TBP was just for the officers. "Yes, you did." "Why?" "When I said, 'Fly this bastard, ' you did." "CharlieB was coming." I did a one eighty and overflew the strip. CharlieB was laying on the ground, kicking his feet and voicing his displeasure. "I...

3 years ago
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A Genius in King Arthurs Court Ch 11

Ch. 11 – History in the Balance “What say ye, David?” Merlin asked. “Mordred’s men are heavily fortified within the walls of Camelot; it will not be easy for Arthur’s forces to attack them. And from most accounts I have read, the Battle of Camelot takes place in the surrounding fields rather than within the castle itself.” “I see. Then perhaps we ought to give history a nudge in the proper direction, yes?” Merlin grinned. From their perch atop the highest tower in Camelot,...

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A Surprise at the Mall

My boys woke me at 6:30 hungry. I nursed them until they fell back asleep. I pumped my breasts and filled a couple more bottles for later use. The twins nurse or bottle feed with no problems; they are happy just to have full tummies. I fell back asleep knowing our live-in nanny was here to take over if the twins wake up. I woke up about 8:15, refreshed and ready to tackle my day. I didn't have that much to do today except I wanted to do some shopping at the mall. I jumped in the shower and...

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My first BBC

My hubby had arranged for a guy off a swinging site to come and meet us, what I didnt know was that the 2 of them had been talking for a few days before the meet. When he arrived, he was tall very good looking, and very very sexy, just the vibe he gave off was that he was relaxed and chilled out. he came in to the hallway and gave me a kiss on the cheek and handed me a bottle of wine, and said a gift for allowing me to meet you. I was a bit shocked to be given a bottle of wine but never the...

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Frankie and Penny

During the 1950s, Frankie worked for a mid-level mobster named Pete Sargeni or better known as Big Pete. Frankie was a flunky and acted mostly as a gofer for Pete. Pete kept him around for two reasons. First, Frankie could always be depended upon to do exactly as told without asking why. Second, Frankie had a gorgeous buxom wife, Penny ,that Pete loved fucking.Pete never could quite understand how a mouse like Frankie ever wound if with a sexy hot wife like Penny. What Pete did not know was...

Wife Lovers
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Life is Strange Ch 03

Disclaimer: I almost never wrote any more due to the situation never did go as I had prayed as a result I had to go through with my divorce in spite of my religious beliefs against divorce. The names are changed to protect identities just as previous parts. It is said ‘life is like a river that flows always changing.’ I’m not sure where that saying came from but, it reminds me that my story is about one man’s life with all the variations and is not about some pity request. I was going to leave...

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Gang banged in bondage by shemale coworkers

I had just got home when my cellphone started to ring. When I anwered I heard my boss on the other end of the line. And she told me to come to her house for some "Fun" in a very ¨seducing voice.After I took the buss there and walked up her driveway I kept wondering if my great looking boss and her sexy secretary was gonna tie me up again. The first time had been a real suprise but I had still enjoyed it in the end.When I knocked at the door her secretary opened it and beckoned me in.When I came...

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Toms Tiny Secret

Tom Caliente was the hottest man of his age. He had the eight pack abs, the toned muscles, the full beard, tanned white skin, complimentary slicked back brown hair, and blue, gray eyes. He was the starting quarterback, pitcher, point guard, and captain of almost every sport you could think of. He was the hot shot everyone seemed to be dating, and he even bragged about the women he "scored" as well as criticize the women that simply weren't good enough (which was basically all of the REAL women...

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