Silken WebChapter 3 free porn video

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Next morning a refreshed Pushpa came down to see Smitha sitting at the dining table alone and there was no sign of Suresh.

Pushpa came over and sitting by her side asked 'how is your back today?'

Smitha smiled and replied 'it is much better today and by tomorrow it should be fine.'

'Yes, one more sitting of anointing and you will be okay' said Pushpa looking at her from the corner of her eye.

'So kind of you to help me out' said Smitha.

'It's my pleasure dear' she said patting her thigh and squeezing it. As Smitha was getting excited by her closeness, Pushpa said 'why don't we go to your room.'

Hearing those words Smitha was thrilled and slowly she started treading up to her room and as they entered Pushpa bolted the door.

Smitha stood rooted in the centre of the room as she heard Pushpa bolting the door and when she came behind her and put her hands on her shoulders she was aroused.

Pushpa placing her hands on her shoulders started to knead them and seeing Smitha moaning softly she moved closer to her till her thighs touched hers.

Smitha's body shivered as she felt Pushpa's thighs on hers. She limped back her body on hers. Pushpa's hands then traveled from her shoulder to her waist and encircling her she pulled Smitha's body to hers.

Smitha melted in her arms.

Pushpa on having Smitha in her hold pushed her hand down on her waist and as she caressed her soft belly she slipped her hand inside her waistband and holding her tucked sari, she pulled it out and dragged it out of her body.

Smitha moaned as she felt her sari being pulled out from her body.

Pushpa then put her hand back again on her waist band and this time she let it slide over her petticoat on to her sex.

Smitha screamed in passion.

Pushpa slid her hand down over her sex and cupped it in her hand.

'What are you doing' cried Smitha passionately?

'I want this' said Pushpa cupping her warm womanhood from above her petticoat and panties and fondling it.

'Why mine' asked Smitha?

'Because you are so lovely, so beautiful; I want to see this' saying this she started to lift her petticoat with one hand while with the other she fondled her sex.

Smitha went wild with passion. She started wriggling her body as Pushpa drew her petticoat up and up and when her petticoat was well over her thighs, Pushpa snaked her hands inside it and held her warm thighs.

Smitha moaned and lifting her hands she held Pushpa's head for support.

Pushpa slid her hands up her warm thighs and started caressing them. Then she pushed one of her hand between them and placed it over her hot sex lodged between her under thighs.

Smitha's body trembled with passion as Pushpa's hand reached her hot moist sex, and she screamed 'touch me, touch me there.'

Pushpa's hand reached up and was met with her wet panties. Grasping her cunt over her wet panties she said 'my, my you are dripping wet.'

'Yes, feel it, invade it' cried Smitha snuggling her buttocks over Pushpa's thighs.

'Wait' saying this Pushpa straightened up and placing a hand over Smitha's back she pushed her head down on the bed.

Smitha was now bent over the bed and her back was stuck out in the open. Having placed her in the desired position, Pushpa knelt down behind her and again slid her hands inside her petticoat and when they reached her wet panties she dragged them out.

Smitha moaned on the bed and wriggled her buttocks.

Pushpa was going wild with lust. She wanted to see her buttocks and see her sex. After pulling her panties out, she lifted Smitha's petticoat up over her back. This made her rich buttocks to be exposed to her naked eyes.

Pushpa's eyes roamed over her buttocks. She fondled the warm soft flesh of her large buttocks and as she spread her mounds a little, the wrinkled rimmed hole of her ass was visible.

Pushpa put her hand over it and caressing her pucker she slid her hand down till she felt Smitha's moist pubic hair. Pushpa went wild feeling her thick bush. She parted the wet hair and cupped her sex in her hand.

Smitha's body was on fire. She started thrashing her body wildly and as Pushpa cupped her sex in her hand she felt the wetness creeping from her cunt on to her hands.

Pushpa smeared Smitha's cunt juices back on her cunt and as her cunt lips became slippery, Pushpa placing a hand right under her sex lifted Smitha till she stood on her toes and her lower body was protruded up and when her sex lips were visible between her pubic hair, Pushpa saying 'you have such lovely lips' spread her cunt lips.

Pushpa on seeing the pinkish opening of her cunt was wonder struck with its beauty and she could not stop from bringing her mouth down and kiss it from behind.

Smitha howled like a wild cat as she felt Pushpa kiss her cunt. She tugged the bedspread on which she had rested her head and pulled it into her mouth to stop squealing from pleasure.

Pushpa continued kissing her cunt and as Smitha again wetted her cunt, she sucked her juices till Smitha went limp completely drained out.

As Pushpa straightened up she pushed Smitha on to the bed and when she lay down on it she moved besides her.

It took some time for Smitha to regain her composure and when she opened her eyes she saw a smiling Pushpa beckoning her with her open arms.

Smitha crawled over Pushpa and coolly placed herself in her arms and laid down full length over her body. Pushpa was glad to have her heavy body crush hers and holding Smitha in her grasp said 'now kiss me.'

Smitha after brushing the hair away from her face moistened her lips and bringing her face over Pushpa's kissed her lips passionately. Pushpa kissed her back and pulling Smitha's face away from her mouth she said 'not this, kiss my other lips.'

Smitha was shocked but as she had to obey her. She turned and crawling down she caught Pushpa's thighs and heaving herself she settled her body over Pushpa's.

Then taking hold of her sari and petticoat, she started curling it up and as the cloth slid from Pushpa's body, her well proportioned legs came into view. Smitha continued folding her sari and petticoat till it reached her upper thighs. Smitha then making a soft cushion out of her sari and petticoat placed her head on it and sliding her hands between Pushpa's legs she parted them.

Pushpa was excited as Smitha parted her legs. Her body started throbbing and unable to sustain herself she grasped Smitha's thighs and pulled her up. This made Smitha's buttocks to be poised just inches away from her face.

Smitha after parting her legs slipped her hands between Pushpa's thighs. Her hands grasped both her warm soft inner thighs and spreading them further she suddenly brought her face on her inner thighs and started kissing them.

Pushpa screamed in ecstasy when Smitha started kissing and lapping her inner thighs and she almost creamed.

Smitha continued kissing her thighs and as Pushpa started to wriggle her body she dipped her face deeper into the dark horizon under her petticoat and as her lips felt her coarse pubic hair she started licking them.

Pushpa wailed loudly as Smitha's face came in contact with her sex. Her body shuddered and she burst out and came.

Smitha felt her body shudder. As she was unable to see anything in the darkness under her petticoat, she nuzzled her face on her dripping cunt. Pushpa curved her body and pressed her sex to her face.

Smitha lifting her face from her cunt took hold of her sari along with the petticoat and lifted them up exposing her dripping wet cunt to her gaze. This was the first time Smitha had seen any other woman's sex. She took a deep breath on looking at the sight her eyes had never seen before. Looking at the pink slit of her opening, peeping from behind her silky brown pubic hair and set amidst her graceful thighs was a sight to behold for ever.

Smitha after looking at her captivating cunt threw all inhibitions to the wind and placing her hands squarely on her pubic hair and parting her sex lips and looking deep inside said 'you have the most beautiful cunt.'

'Is it so' asked Pushpa?

'Have you ever seen your cunt' she threw the question back to her?

'Yes, I have seen it often' she shot back.

'But have you ever seen it from the angle I am looking at it now' Smitha asked.

'Not mine, but I saw yours' she replied.

'It is so pretty, so warm, so moist and so very appealing' saying this Smitha dipped her face over her cunt and smacked her lips on it.

Pushpa cried out her name and holding Smitha's buttocks said 'yes, yes, kiss it.'

'I am going to ravish it with my tongue' saying this Smitha smothered Pushpa's cunt with wet kisses and when her lips felt her cunt quiver, she pushed her tongue deep inside her hole. This made Pushpa to thrash her legs wildly with hot desires.

Pushpa screamed and as Smitha jabbed her tongue inside her juicy cunt she held Smitha's legs and pulling her up she brought Smitha's sex above her face and plastered her lips over it.

Smitha's body was on fire. She pushed her face deep on Pushpa's cunt and mixing her saliva with her juices she went on lapping Pushpa's cunt. As she kissed her cunt she started to thrash her own body over Pushpa's face.

Pushpa drained out her juices again and seeing Smitha going wild with desires and thrashing her body over her face. she darted her tongue out which slid inside her gaping cunt hole.

Smitha' dam busted as she felt Pushpa's tongue snake inside her cunt. Her thrusts gained momentum and she started hammering her lower body over her soft delicate mouth and when every drop of liquid was drained out of her cunt, she lay limp upon her.

'Well, well, well. You learn fast' said Pushpa on regaining her composure.

'It's because, you are my tutor' replied Smitha.

'Then I think we should move to the next chapter' said Pushpa smilingly.

'And what's it about' she asked getting excited?

'It's about Men' Pushpa replied.

'Will you be my tutor' she asked again?

'Yes, I will be your tutor but I should find some specimen for you' she said.

'Do you have anyone in your sight' she asked thinking about her son?

'I think I have one' she replied.

'Can I know his name' she asked visualizing her sons face.

'Ram' said Pushpa.

Hearing the name 'Ram, ' Smitha was shocked and as she looked up Pushpa laughed and said 'we will decide it later.'

That ended the subject and as both of them got dressed up, Smitha looking at Pushpa said 'you forgot something.'

'What' asked Pushpa?

'You forgot to anoint my back' she said.

'That, I have left it for your son' said Pushpa going down the stairs.

Smitha stood like a rock on hearing her words and when she saw an agile Pushpa fade away she came down the stairs.

Later in the evening, Smitha after having a nap was refreshed. She dressed up in one of her silk sari and looking resplendent she waited for her son to come home.

It was not Suresh but Pushpa who came first. On entering she immediately went to Smitha and said 'I have to go home.'

'Why?' asked Smitha feeling depressed.

'My husband has come home and he needs me' replied Pushpa smilingly.

'When will you be back' she asked sadly?

'I will try to be back tomorrow' said Pushpa and as she looked at Smitha dressed up elegantly she said 'I wish I could stay back.'

'Then why don't you' replied Smitha and turned away in resentment.

Pushpa seeing her feeling unhappy came forward and hugging her from behind said 'just give me a day.'

'Will you be back tomorrow' asked Smitha?

'Okay, I will be back' as she said this she put her hand on her waist and caressed it.

Smitha turned and smiled at her.

As Smitha turned Pushpa slid her hands on Smitha's buttocks and drawing her body closer said 'I cannot stay away from you.'

'Why? What's so inviting' asked Smitha leaning on her sensually.

'These' said Pushpa cupping her buttock's with both hands and fondling them.

'My buttocks' said Smitha playfully.

'That and your two pairs of lips' saying this Pushpa kissed Smitha hard on her lips, while her hands slid from her buttocks and cupped her sex.

Smitha moaned and hugging her said 'then stay back, I need you.'

Pushpa leaned forward and whispered in her ears. 'Today be with Suresh and tomorrow I will be back with Ram' saying this she disengaged from her hold and left her.

Smitha was left alone to ponder. She wondered if she had heard her last word correctly. Did she utter the word 'Ram' was the question which lingered in my mind and as she sat pondering over it she heard Suresh come home.

Seeing Suresh she forgot everything and as he went to change she had his coffee and snacks ready for him. When Suresh returned and sat at the dining table he looked at his radiant mother and said 'you look charming Mom.'

'Is it' she asked?

'Yes, this sari looks good on you' said her son.

'From when have you started watching me so keenly, ' she asked.

'Since you got your beautiful back bruised' replied her son.

'Is my back so beautiful' she asked swinging her body seductively while turning and showing her back to him?

Suresh was enchanted to see his mother swinging her body seductively. His eyes were riveted to her luscious figure and when his mother pushed the sari covering her back away, he was shocked to see just thin strings holding her blouse. Her back was almost bare and it was ravishing to look at.

'It looks ravishing' replied Suresh instinctively.

Hearing him use the word 'ravishing' his mother was aroused. 'Then why don't you come and apply the cream on my back' saying this she moved to the next room and lay down on the divan.

Suresh followed her carrying a hard on. This time he did not hide his arousal and on reaching the divan he stood looking at the robust figure of his mother lying on the divan. His eyes were glued on the thin cords of her blouse deeply engraved in her flesh.

Smitha waited for her son to make a move and when he did not, as she turned her face, her eyes were rewarded with the sight of his tented pants. Her body convulsed on seeing her son in an aroused state. At once she turned her face back and in an aroused state she spread her legs and lay comfortably on the divan hugging a pillow.

Suresh had watched his mother's actions. He was sure that she had seen his aroused state when she had turned her face and now seeing her rest spreading her legs his confidence boosted up. He took hold of the top of her sari and holding it asked 'shall I remove this?'

'Why?' his mother said as hot waves ran up her body. 'Your rich sari may get wrinkled' he replied as he lifted her sari from her back and waited for her permission.

'Do you care about my sari or do you have any other ideas' spoke her mother softly.

'What other ideas can I have' asked her son bringing his hand down over her waist and caressing it?

'Who knows? You may be interested in having a look' shot back his mother.

'Look at what' asked Suresh as he slowly started pulling her sari out from her waist band.

'At what it is covering up' replied his mother?

'But you are wearing a petticoat underneath it' he replied.

'Yes, I am. But it is made out of a thin fabric' she replied.

'So what' asked her son as he released the tugged part of her sari from her waist band?

'It shows off my body' replied his mother.

'But still it covers up your body, isn't it' asked her son?

'Yes, to some extent' replied his mother.

'Then let me' saying this he slowly pulled her sari out and placed it on the rack beside the divan.

As Suresh pulled her sari out Smitha deeply hugged the pillow to her chest.

Suresh seeing her mother stiffen her body said 'relax, its okay.'

'What's okay' asked his mother?

'It's not showing much' replied her son as his eyes took to the curves of her waist, her rounded mounds and her rich thighs.

'Then what are you gaping at' asked his mother feeling his gaze upon her body.

'I am looking at the material of your petticoat. It is so soft and so light' he said as his fingers felt the soft texture.

'You are here to anoint the cream, not to look or feel the texture of my petticoat' replied his mother.

'But it is very alluring' replied her son.

'I knew it is very alluring. That is the reason why I objected on your removing the sari' she replied.

'Then let me consider it to be a reward for anointing your back' replied her son.

'But I have already rewarded you yesterday' shot back his mother.

'How' asked her son?

'You saw me with only my bra on' replied his mother.

'And now I am seeing with only your petticoat on' shot back her son.

'But I had other things in mind to reward you' replied his mother.

'What? Tell me' said her son bending down.

'I had planned to... ' she did not complete the sentence.

'What had you planned' asked her son fondling her hair.

'Do you see the blouse I am wearing' asked his mother?

'Yes, it is only held by these thin strings' he said holding the cords in his hands. 'Yes, and I am not wearing anything else underneath it' she said.

It took some moments for Suresh for the words to sink in and when he got it he asked 'you wanted to go top less?'

'Yes, and reward you with its sight' she replied.

'What sight' asked her son?

'The one which you touched yesterday' said his mother.

'What did I touch' asked her son knowing very well he had grazed his hand over her breasts.

'My chest' replied his mother.

'What do you have on your chest' asked her son?

'What you so eagerly wanted to feel yesterday' said his mother.

'I wanted to feel these' said Suresh as his hands slid down over her bosom.

'And what is it you are feeling' asked his mother her body sizzling at his touch.

'Your breasts' saying this he cupped them with both his hands. 'Show me' he said squeezing her breasts in both his hands.

'You have already been rewarded enough' said his mother smilingly.

'In what way' asked her son softly?

'By seeing me in my petticoat' she spoke softly.

'But it covers a lot. I want to see these' he replied fondling her breasts.

'What do I get in return' she asked?

'Whatever you wish for' he replied.

'What can I get from you' she asked.

'Anything you want, try me' he said as he drew his hand away from her breasts and placed it on her back trying to untie the strings.

'Like' she asked?

'Like you can see whatever I possess' he replied.

'What do you have which I have not seen' she asked?

'You might have seen it before but it is much different now' he replied.

'Yes, it is very different' she replied visualizing the tent in his pants.

'You had a glimpse of it covered up. Feel free to see it' he replied.

'No, not now' she replied.

'Why?' asked her son as he untied one of her strings holding her blouse.

'With me lying exposed you may get crazy ideas' she replied.

'What sort of crazy ideas' asked his son untying the last string?

'You may get the idea of seeing me... ' she stopped.

'Seeing you, what?' he asked.

'Without my petticoat on' she replied.

'What's wrong in it' he asked as he tried to pull the blouse from her body.

'It's not for your eyes' she replied.

'Why?' he asked again trying to pull the blouse away and turn her to face him.

'It's forbidden' she replied.

'Okay show me what is not forbidden' he asked.

'I am shy' she replied as she felt him trying to turn her.

'Close your eyes for a few moments' replied her son as he slowly turned her around.

Smitha held the blouse tight to her chest and closed her eyes as her son slowly turned her around.

Suresh was excited when his mother did not resist his moves and when his mother turned he held her hand and removed it from her chest. As he lifted her hand and placed it down it brushed his tent up pants which sent a shiver down his spine.

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After the very, very pleasant early a.m. with Mary, I pedaled to the Grocery store. My mind was all over the place, going from driver "ed". to Carly, to ways to make winter cash, to Carmen, and several times – to the deposit I had eased into Mary's mouth just moments ago. When I hit the parking lot of the market, it popped in my little peanut brain that – DUH – somebody I know works here ... and I started to wonder if Laura might be around mid-morning on a Saturday. And sure enough ......

3 years ago
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i night i spent with my mum part 3

Here's part 3 of I night I spent with my mum. Thank you to everyone who liked my story and red it im very happy you enjoyed it.Its been a couple of months since me and Leanne became lovers, I have finished college and have found a job so I can help pay for our bills I have even moved in to Leanne room now where we shear our bed, nobody knows about us apart from my auntie Lou she's coming round a lot more since she found out about me and my mum, we all joke around flirting with each other but...

4 years ago
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But a Big Dream Chapter 2

She lay on the bed for a few moments, trying to decide on the mise en scène. The responsibility here was immense. So windows cracked, rear door open, the incomparable tropical breeze. Thirty-second shower, gelid, enough for four efficient soap strokes. Pubic hair proofreading: two flicks of the razor reinforced the champagne glass phase she was currently going through. Makeup retouched, a smoky effect around the eyes, no time to do anything with her hair besides run her fingers through it. As...

First Time
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The Edge

I hate you!’ I screamed at him. ‘Well I hate you right back’! He yelled. I threw the vase that held the dozen roses he bought me earlier at him and it shattered against the wall. Water, glass, and roses covered the floor around him. I don’t know why but at this moment he made me beyond sick. I wanted him out and I didn’t care that it was 2 am or that it was pouring outside! I don’t even remember what we were fighting about but it was serious at that moment and our argument was pretty bad. I...

2 years ago
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tease me please

April 22, 2012, 3:49 pmWith my twentieth wedding anniversary only six months away Ive been thinking alot about the years ive known elayne,I met her at work and was the one guy out of many that wanted her,my persistence won out and she and I went out to a bowling alley not far from my place to shoot some pool and drink a few beers, Elayne was pretty damn hot like I said before there were several guys that wanted her and with good reason she was a fiesty little redhead about 5'4" tall and 120lbs...

3 years ago
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Lost Time

Marty rinsed out her cunt into the toilet. Her husband would be home soon and would want to put his dick in it. That was just fine with her; it wouldn’t be good for him to find semen in there though. She wasn’t ready to reveal her secret life just yet. She worked part time and her husband worked more than full time. That gave her the flexibility she needed to pursue her latest volunteer activity ... providing pussy to select and deserving men. On her 45th birthday six months ago, she got...

4 years ago
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Office Help Rewarded Chapter 1

Christie, you have been working for me for three months and we have established a fabulous “friends with benefits" relationship. You seem to be aroused more by the fact that you know you are having relations with a married man, than by my sexual prowess. This is fine with me, because in my mind, anything that heightens a woman's pleasure, short of pain, that I can create for her, has always been my goal to provide. I adore women; it's that simple! You have accepted the dress code that I...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Snagged 2

Snagged By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 "Holy shit Jenn," said Reese covering his mouth as he began shaking. "Did you mean on me or you?" "On both of us! Damn, you look good," said Jenn staring at him. "I wouldn't worry about a thing. Your own mother won't recognize you. Just do that little mousey voice and you'll be fine." "Really?" said Reese, surprised. "Just look," said Jenn, dragging him in front of the bathroom mirror. "I think my mother would pass...

1 year ago
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Nick High SchoolChapter 18

September 1980 sophomore year As I stepped in the Buckley Hall lobby, I had two suitcases, one in each hand. The administration had set up tables, so we could check in, and receive our packets and room keys. When Rhonda stepped inside, I decided to step back outside. Since this was a girl's dorm, she didn't want a lobby full of girl's parents freaking out if I got in line. When she finished, we walked around back to the stairwell entrance. She tucked my packet under my arm, and patted my...

1 year ago
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VacationsChapter 17

Jim arrived back at Sue’s house mid-morning, pulling into the driveway just as Sue, Taylor, and Ronnie were heading out the door. “Hi, Dad. Where have you been?” Sue asked. “Granddad, did you stay over at Cassie’s? Have you been a naughty boy?” teased his granddaughter. “Mind your manners, little girl, and show some respect for your elders. After I drove her home last night, I went back to my house and got a good night’s sleep. I could hear your snoring even if I slept down in the...

2 years ago
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Come in from the rain

We run into the house to get out of the rain. I am standing there drenched from head to toe. My nipples were fully erect and my man noticed them and ripped off my blouse taking them into his mouth. His mouth felt so warm on my cold body. I felt tingles go down my spine. I got weak in the knees and wet between my legs. His strong hands slidding under my skirt prying my thighs apart. He begins to rub my pussy with such lust and passion in his eyes. In one swift motion he picks me up and carries...

1 year ago
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Fooling around on a hot summers day

So im an average guy with a kinky hobby...... i have a feminine curvy smooth body which looks fantastically good in womens clothing!On this particular hot summers day i was walking in my local beauty spot as usual i had my normal clothes on but underneath was black lace suspenders crothless panties with matching bra.... i walked past plenty of people and even had the odd short conversations about the usual shite and no one was any the wiser what i was wearing underneath my jeans and t shirt!!...

1 year ago
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The Babysitter Her Dad and the Cucumber

Britney arrived at her babysitting job on time as usual. Her employer Mrs. Bailey gave her a few simple instructions and went on her way. Britney liked this babysitting job better than most. The 2 kids she was sitting for were young and slept most of the time she was there. They were too little to get out of bed on their own, so she didn't have to worry about them walking in on ... anything. And Mr. Bailey was usually away on business so Britney rarely ever saw him. Just as she was...

2 years ago
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Sensual SuccubusChapter 2

Jim Blanton was a little frustrated that Chandra was taking so long to respond to his attention. He was accustomed to quicker success. He knew she was aware of his reputation, both scholastically and as a lover. Just thinking about her handsome, exotic face, with its huge eyes and dark lips made him squirm. Add to that those huge tits, and wide hips, and he felt hardness start in his prick. Why couldn't she just surrender like the college girls? He had scheduled them to work together today,...

1 year ago
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Creating My Hot Wife 60

I've been asked dozens of times by close friends, usually after a few drinks... "What is it really like being able to be with so many women?" Or... "How can you stand seeing Ash fuck so many men without wanting to kill them!?! First of all... There is a huge difference between the fantasy of having so many partners and the reality. Fantasies are great. They bring a special type of eroticism into your life. But in the reality of my experience with swinging sex, I've found it to be...

4 years ago
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Transgendered Story Part 3 Lexi Does Dallas

My name is Alex and this is a true story. This is the continuation of my trip to Dallas for a conference which allowed me to dress and go to adult theaters and bookstores dressed as my female alter ego, Lexi. I am totally passable actually look like a woman even when I am dressed as a man.Day 3 - I awoke early the next morning with my bottom still vibrating from last night’s fucking. What was truly outstanding in my thoughts was my phone conversation with the desk clerk, Sandra. I was...

3 years ago
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What Sharon did next

You will recall that Sharon was screwed by my friend, at a Christmas fancy dress party in our flat. Well, Christmas had come and gone and Sharon had made a good start into becoming a slut. We spent many a night in bed talking about her sailor friend at the Christmas party. I always brought it up as we fucked. I kept telling her she was brilliant and that I was so proud of her. When we were fucking, I would bite her lip to remind her of him and play hard with her nipples. I knew this was really...

3 years ago
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A Dream comes True Ch 6

A Dream comes True. By Julian Irwin. Chapter 6. It is the weekend of Daniel's return. Mummy wanted me there for when he arrived on the Saturday. Early afternoon, as he'd stopped off in Paris on the way from Perth. So I again finished work early on the Friday. Even earlier than the last time, as I hadn't been to Mummy's in two whole weeks. Writing emails isn't quite the same as being with her wearing all by pretty things. Is it? So by 2pm I was on the tube heading south-westward...

2 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 05

© 2011 All Rights Reserved A week later, Ryan was pleased to be in a soft cast. Her ankle hurt far less and she was off her crutches, but she couldn't wait to be done with the whole damn thing. At least, she thought as she came in from work, she wasn't thinking about how it had happened every time she walked more than a block. Just a few more days, she reminded herself as she stared at the contents of the fridge. She frowned; pickings were slim. She wondered if there was any mac'n'cheese. A...

Love Stories
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Prof Davis gets a new job 1

‘They like to show off and flirt a bit, don’t they?’ It took me a few seconds to even realize that I had heard the question. ‘Huh?’ I responded weakly. I was busted. Busted hard. The cheerleader sponsor had walked up behind me and had whispered it to the back of my head. I turned to see her with a cute smile on her face and a knowing twinkle in her eyes. ‘Oh, relax. It’s no big deal. They like you, you know. So they show off for you.’ I breathed a sigh of relief. I still didn’t know what to...

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Cindys World

Cindy Davis was in trouble and she new it. She had been so angry at her mother,the stupid cunt, trying to control her every little movement through life.So when her mom had been preoccupied with her brother Thomas, whipping himin his room with dad's belt for sassing her, Cindy had simply gone for a longwalk. That, she thought, would show her mom. Of course, the belt would probablybe used on her when she got home, she knew that well enough. But she couldtake it; it wasn't her first beating after...

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Roxanne from my Engendered Species

Roxanne (transexual/bisexual story)It was a normal Saturday night apart from the fact that the world cup was on and England where playing their opening match against Italy. I had visions of most of the pubs being very busy for the 10 o'clock kick-off. Now I have nothing against football but I am not a fan, my parents where never into it and my friends often only passive supporters. I enjoyed playing football, but I wasn't good at it, I was very small and my exposure to sports at primary school...

1 year ago
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The Walk of LifeChapter 17 Thats not a question I need answered

When we arrived back at the rental, Meagan ran inside, only for Chloe to come out a moment later. She walked up to me, grabbed me by the wrist, and pulled me inside and into her room. In the room, on the bed Elyssa and Sherley were sitting. I was stunned. The four of us, everyone from the incident was here. “I had a chat with Sherley, and we’ve come to a conclusion.” Chloe said as she shut the door. She walked over and stood near Sherley. “We fucked up royally eight years ago.” Chloe...

3 years ago
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Weekend on the RiverChapter 4

Jeremy awoke the next morning and groggily looked at his watch. The digital face read 7:30. He wormed his way out of his sleeping bag, and then out of the tent. The campsite was lit by the early morning light, and soft, gray smoke still trickled from the remnants of the previous night's fire. He remembered groggily that he had woken up in the night hearing strange noises, like a grunting, or moaning he had thought. But he had discounted it as an animal and drifted off to sleep. He started...

3 years ago
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Mental Leap Carlos

A sigh fell out of my mouth. I knew it, I'd leaped and I couldn't bare to look around me and see who might have heard something. When I didn't hear anything, I opened one eye and glanced around. I was alone. Another sigh left my lips, then I saw why I was alone. I was a boy again, but I was naked, sitting in a chair in front of a computer looking at porn. "Finally, something I understand! Oh boy!" The hand holding my cock was bronzed, but not from sun tan. I browsed through the memories...

1 year ago
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Jenola the Black Bi BBW

Author’s note: Though much of my work is completely fiction, based on fantasies of mine and/or friends of mine, some of it is partly non-fiction. That’s the case with this story. While several details have been changed, I actually did fall deeply in love and lust with a bisexual minority BBW who was serving a 15-year prison sentence several hundred miles away for her role in a jewelry store robbery. She had also been arrested three times for possession of marijuana, which was a bug turn on to...

1 year ago
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The Only Woman for Me

     I am watching TV when the phone rings. The name and number that pops up on the screen catches me completely off guard. I haven’t heard from Elaine in a couple of years. Not since we had ended our affair because she felt she had to give her marriage another shot. A few months later her husband got a job offer in another state and they moved away. I stare  at the name thinking it can’t really be the only woman I have ever really loved, can it?   “Hello.” I say answering the phone.   “Hey...

2 years ago
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Sometimes the job was too easy!Of course tonight’s shift was on the private ward with all mod-cons. A nurse barely had to leave the nursing station and yet she could monitor how all the patients in the private rooms were doing and if anything untoward happened they could simply press the opposite corners of the I-pad simultaneously for five seconds and a crash-team would be en route instantly.Though, this being the private ward meant that it was a rarity that there would be any critical...

3 years ago
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An interrupted journey home from the club

She locked the club and made her way to the car following her final shift of the week. It had been hectic uptown and she was looking forward to the drive home. There was nothing better than taking her sports car for a spin on the empty motorway at three in the morning, then a full throttle journey along the country roads to her apartment.She loved driving fast, using rally manoeuvres along winding roads with the music turned up a bit too loud to clear away the sleazy stench of the punters...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 41

Saturday, June 11th I woke to the sound of my cell phone ringing. Groggily I answered, "Yeah?" "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED, LITTLE BROTHER!" my brother Will commanded. "We got work to do at camp today." "I said I would be there by one o'clock," I replied. "I'll be there. I just want to enjoy one more morning of sleeping in." "One o'clock sharp!" Will said. "I'll be there," I agreed before I clicked my phone off. Will could just leave me a message on my voice mail if he...

2 years ago
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Lonely Nights

"Brad..."? "BRAD!.... wake UP!" You moan, rolling over on the couch. "What mom"? you ask... "Are you going to sleep here all night? Janet's gone and I'm going out for a few hours. If all you want to do is sleep get off the couch and go to bed. Besides, you're 19, shouldn't you be out having fun on a saturday night?" You smirk... You had already decided to stay in tonight. One night of rest would do you some good, besides, you had something in mind. Your mom leans in to kiss your cheek on her...

1 year ago
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Angelas Adventures by loyalsock

Angela sat on her bed and touched herself. Her fingers flew across her clit with a desperate urgency and her entire body convulsed as she reached her climax. With a sigh and a shudder she stood pulling her robe down over her perfectly toned pale body, and grabbing her habit off of the small inn table and pulled it on over her gorgeous smooth blond hair. She checked in her tiny mirror for hair sticking out and pursed her lips. Then she crossed herself and sent a prayer for forgiveness to God,...

3 years ago
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The Mental Sickness Part 2

Hello friends, I came back with the second part of my story the mental sickness. Earlier you read about how the boy got sick and I helped him to overcome that. Few days after that treatment I gave him, everything seems normal to me. The boy used to come to home for food. I feel somehow happy that the problem get resolved.. A week passed and everything works fine. He used to talk to me regularly or come to my home in my absence to watch tv. I left one key with him. I informed my husband about...

1 year ago
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From Me to You

You smile as I enter the room wearing nothing but stockings. You have been waiting for this moment all day long, and it is finally here. I stand in front of you, flaunting my goodies as you watch on. The suspense is just killing you. You want my sweet, petite body, but teasingly I will not give you it just yet. I open my legs slightly, letting you see more of my pussy as I squeeze my tits together. Your bulge begins to grow more. I turn around, letting you see my beautiful, rounded ass. My...

3 years ago
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Reciprocal NeedsChapter 11

Carrie loved her tiny home office. The actual office area was small but the space around her was voluminous affording her a view to the kitchen through the living room and that part of the studio not under the loft. Glancing down, she watched her brother at work, which to her mind made the office location perfect. Darrin had risen early determined to put some productive hours into his paintings before all hell broke loose with the dinner and show scheduled that evening. He didn't look...

1 year ago
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Teen Cam X! Before I start this review, let’s have a show of hands: who here loves some fine and tight teen pussy? I think that if I was in a huge room with all my fans readings this review, I would see many hands up in the air and I’m right up there with you guys. Teens are some of the hottest girls in the industry, and while some dudes prefer the skills and huge tits of MILF babes, many of us like to see younger girls who have just turned 18, or are getting into their early 20s. Well, on...

Hall of Fame
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The Last Escort Part Six Chapters 2023

Chapter TwentyGrace had dinner by herself in Le Jardin Français, the outdoor eatery at the hotel, enjoying tapas and a glass of wine. She noticed that Julien was tending the bar, so she cut her evening short. She figured it was best not to give him the impression that she was alone or interested in his charms. She wanted time to get ready for her date with Mac anyway.It was a quarter till nine when McKinley stumbled back into his hotel suite. He drank way more than he intended and was late for...

2 years ago
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Daddy at the Truckstop Chapter 9

The haze of lust returned quickly as I awoke in my cell, hopelessly trapped. As consciousness returned, feeling the cuffs and chains, moaning through my ring gag, I recalled being lost in a sea of cocks as I was used over an over again by unknown men, in the basement of this sex club. My owners made sure I didn't know where it was, and I cursed myself for being excited by that. The slave in the cell next to me looked on with curiosity and sympathy, she was dressed as a cheerleader and chained...

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