Seeking Spiritual Help From A Priest – Pt 1 (Finding Baba) free porn video

Hello everyone. Myself Lalit. I am penning down this experience of mine which changed my life forever. It was not planned and came to me as a surprise. One thing I would like to say, no matter how much you plan for certain things, whatever is written will definitely happen. There’s no way of escaping that. So let’s jump right in. A brief background for you before we start.
After my break up 3 months ago with my girlfriend after 6 years of being in a relationship. Work is going as it is but I was very much confused about my life, not finding any happiness anywhere. Someone suggested me to seek spiritual help. So it might cleanse my mind. So I started digging into it.
First of all, I don’t believe in god-imitating persons or as they are generally called ‘baba’. But I was in that stage of my life that I used to believe in everything that people used to say. So I started looking for such a baba who can guide me out of misery.
After days of research and hours of consultations, finally, I found one person who quite caught my attention. Their scheme is little different and unique from others. Instead of explaining the scheme let me tell you what had happened to me.
So I got an address of a village temple which is very remote and literally it’s in the middle of a forest. I sent my plea via post letter and was awaiting a response from him. After a week or so, I received a letter stating that he is willing to help me out. And there’s a list of procedures which I need to follow.
According to the list, the baba will visit me and stay with me for a few days. Basically, he will be observing and noting my lifestyle. That should be able to guide me properly. I thought that it makes sense that a third person’s view might provide some insight into my life. So I arranged for the transportation for him and very soon he arrived at my home.
Then we had a healthy conversation regarding my life, his profession etc. etc. He used to stay in my home as I live alone, so no problems regarding it. He used to visit my workplace as and when he wishes to observe me. A few days passed like that, then one night while having dinner we discussed it.
Me: So baba, what do you think about me?
Baba: Son, you are a very good person, with whom terrible things have happened. It may be because of your past karma or something similar to that.
Me: Ok, I get that because I already know that. You don’t have to spend so many days to know it. How to get rid of it? I am getting restless and tired of this life. I don’t want to live anymore.
Baba: I can understand my child. This state of mind is usual but not fruitful. That’s why I have come to help you. Please show me your palm.
I showed him my palm and spent quite some time analyzing the patterns and wrinkles on my palm and all of sudden he was shocked. I was like what the fuck had happened. His eyes grew bigger.
He again looked into my palm carefully and said, “My son, all this while you are living the wrong life. You are destined for bigger things. No wonder you are unhappy with your life. This is…” I replied, “I do not understand, baba.”
Baba: My child this is not where you belong. You are meant to perform miracles. Unlike your current predicament, you will be treated as God.
Me: I am flattered but still I am blank. What am I supposed to do if this is not what is meant to be?
Baba: We will get there eventually, but first we need to get you away from this wrong life.
Me: How should I do that?
Baba: Come with me to my ashram, in the heart of Mother Nature, surrounded by lush greenery and vegetation. That will calm your mind and will let you focus to find your inner-self. The sooner we leave, the sooner you will be able to find yourself.
In my mind, I knew that this was bullshit, but surprisingly I believed him. And in the next three days, I am ready to leave my current life behind and venture into a new life. We took three-and-half days to reach the village. But when we reached there, I was mesmerized with the environment.
It was completely cut-off from the rest of the modern times. It seemed that time has stopped passing here in this village. The village had a scarce population about 1500 people or so, no electricity, so no mobile networks. The baba was also the head pujari of the main temple of the village.
All those greetings and events happened which I don’t want to write here and bore you with it. Let’s jump to the main part.
I was taken to the baba’s ashram. I was allotted a room. It’s more like a hut than a concrete made room. Inside at the center, there’s huge wooden log on which the roof of the hut rests. At one corner there’s a window and cot near it to sleep. Opposite to that, there’s a place to cook food. There’s another door to go to the backside of the hut.
Outside there’s a well and besides that a place to bath. I settled in the hut. I was instructed to wear only traditional clothes. They have given me a sandalwood colored mixed-cotton dhoti kind of thing to wrap around my lower body, like a long towel. And similar kind of cloth to wrap around my upper body, like a shawl.
It was almost evening when I got in. So I changed to the traditional attire except left my upper body bare and lay on the bed. I was relaxing and didn’t realize when slept. I only woke up to a noise coming outside of the house. Someone was knocking at my door. I got up and went to open the door. As soon as I opened it I saw a woman standing out.
She said, “Baba asked me to cook food for you and to look after you.” I invited her in and closed the door after she came in. As there is no electricity my hut was dark. Only the moonlight entering through window lit the room. I went and sat on the cot. She was organizing things in order.
First, she lit up a few lanterns and kept them at various places in the hut for proper lighting. Then she started cooking for dinner. I again went back to sleep. After sometime she woke me up, “Saheb, dinner is cooked, would you like to have it now?” I said ok.
She put a piece of cloth on the floor for me to sit. I went and sat there. She bought a plate and placed it in front of me. Then she bought rice and started pouring on my plate. For the first time, I clearly saw her from near. She was also wearing a sandalwood colored saree. It was just draped around her body.
She was not wearing any blouse as her right shoulder was left exposed. Although she had completely covered her body I can clearly make out that she was possessing huge tits and ass as those parts were protruding out of her whole body. It started to cause a stir in my groins. While she was pouring food, I asked her name. She said it’s Shanti.
That’s a neat name, we talked a bit and I came to know that she is one of the wives of the Baba. He had sent her to look after me and that she is going to stay in my hut only. I suggested her to eat dinner along with me. She agreed to it and also sat beside me. I have to say this, the food she had cooked was one of the best I have ever had.
After completing our food, she cleared out the plates and kept them outside in the washing area. She came back and made my bed on the cot and she made her bed on the floor. I went to sleep immediately as I was completely tired. Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke to attend nature’s call. I went out to realize that there’s no bathroom in the hut.
I had to do it in the open. Peeing while wearing a lungi was something new for me. But I did it. I returned inside and sat on my cot. I just glanced at Shanti sleeping down on the floor. Her saree pallu has completely come off her body. She was sleeping on her right side facing towards me. And I could see her left boob totally. It was huge.
It’s been a long time since I have been without a woman and she is in the front of me half naked blew my mind away. It’s as if I am not in control of my senses. I went near her to look closer. Oh! Man. That boob looked huge and almost a perfect hemisphere. She was fair like milk and the fairness was also visible on her boobs.
She had an adequate proportion of round circular areola which was of washed off brown color. On top of that cute looking nipples. With her breathing, her boobs were also moving rhythmically. I was completely mesmerized with the view and decided to at least touch it. I tried my level best but still wasn’t able to do it.
After some time I went back to sleep due to disappointment upon myself. Somehow I slept that night. Next morning, I had nothing much to do. So I just sat there and don’t remember what was I daydreaming about. She went back to her home saying that she will return in the evening only.
I kept on dreaming about her the entire day, and the evening arrived and I was eagerly waiting to see her again. I have decided that fuck everything that happened to me, I have got to have sex with this woman at any cost.

- 10.07.2022
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