Spiritual Sex with Couple
- 2 years ago
- 26
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I'd like to dream that what happened next was an instant orgy with all three girls cuddling into bed with me. I'd like to, but it sadly wasn't what happened.
The fear that Courtney had exhibited managed to put us all completely out of the mood. When sleep came to me finally, it was only in fits and starts, and I found myself feeling the edge of a dream only to have it snatched away by a nervous breath.
"I didn't want to hurt her..." The voice was stronger now than it had ever been before. Lesley was back again, in my mind, and I could hear it echoing in my ears as well. She seemed full of purpose, but also hesitant in a way I had never experienced from her. It was like her confidence had been shattered by that scream, just like the erotic tension in the house. Despite that the very presence was more powerful.
"What did you do to her?" I wondered, fighting back from the edge of sleep. It was important, and I knew it.
"You felt it. You know what I did." Lesley sighed out.
"Yeah, but I'm not her. You scared her." I wanted to reproach Lesley, to make her understand that this time she might have gone too far.
"I only showed her our love ... What we all experienced together." There was a flash in my mind of Julie's face under me, when Lesley had been helping. The sweet kisses, the heat of her body.
"Did you ... make her see it?" I asked nervously. It was hard to explain how I felt. It seemed almost like this was dancing right on the edge of rape if Courtney hadn't been with...
"She asked..." Lesley's voice was assured, and confident. "I didn't know she couldn't see..."
And right there was what it was. A spiritual connection which had totally overwhelmed the senses. And poor Courtney, who never had an opportunity to really experience the sense of sight, had freaked out because for the first time in her life, she could REALLY see.
"I don't want ... to hurt you Eimear..." the voice became calm again, reassuring in the way that she had been so many times before. But this time, it seemed almost like an act.
"What do you want, Lesley? What did the other two want? Why aren't they here anymore?" I think I knew the answer to the last question, and my mind flitted to the deep connections that I had experienced with the two women I was with now.
"Yes ... they wanted to be with you again..." Lesley breathed, "And they will be..."
"Julie is... "I gasped, thinking about the timing, the connection.
"With child ... with Martha..."
For an instant I felt a flash of anger. Had Lesley been aiming for this all along? Three girls in the house. Three spirits. And now only one girl wasn't pregnant, and only one spirit remained.
"What do you want, Lesley?" I controlled the anger welling up in me. I had been manipulated with loving images, and the desires that only a beautiful young woman can fully bring forth. Did I really love either of them, or was Lesley fucking with my head too?
"Your emotions are your own ... even if you love them as..."
"NO. Goddamn it. I'm NOT a lesbian." I spat the words out, and I realized I was talking aloud. I was fully awake now, and yet the voice and presence were still here. "A Lesbian doesn't knock up two women, thanks."
"You don't believe me?" Lesley's voice became slightly mocking. It had taken on that infuriating ton of a woman who knew a secret and yet wouldn't share.
"You know I don't. I'm with two girls thanks to a bit of your help, ok, great, but I'm NOT going to seduce a scared girl like Courtney so you can..."
"That's not what I want." Lesley cut off my rant with a short staccato handful of words.
"Then what do you want?" I asked, puzzled.
It was very dark in the room, with only the shards of moonlight through the night fog present. I waited, listening to the sound of my breath, and the distant sound of the ocean.
"I want you. One more time, I want you to see what we had." Lesley's confession seemed almost pleading, and in my mind I had a full on vision of her face.
"You've shown me before," I stated, thinking of the dreams.
"Not like I have. I can really show you everything, but you have to let me." The voice was seductive, teasing me with its promise of pleasure, and of passion.
"How?" I asked again, somewhat nervous about the concept. What more could she show me, beyond the flashes of touching, the sharing of orgasm which she had given me at the deepest connection?
"What we were together..."
We were women together, at least according to her. That thought of feeling what she and I had truly felt together was both terrifying and quite appealing. What would it be like, I wondered, to really feel what it was like to be with her?
"Trust me ... one more time..."
I swallowed hard, for a moment not wanting to let myself go. It was only a vision though, right? What a chance to really experience something that I would never have the opportunity to ever experience again. And it wasn't like she was asking me to make love to a man. It was a chance to fully experience what I had only seen in flashes and glimpses. And if that orgasm which she had shared with me was anything like what I was about to feel...
"Yes..." I breathed out, involuntarily closing my eyes tightly. "Let me be with you..."
And I felt her mouth on me. Not in the flashes of a dream, or in the reflected touches of another, but her mouth, warm against my lips. My eyes flew open, and I was shocked to find she was with me. There was real weight on the bed, and her face was hovering over mine. Red hair spilled down like a veil, brushing against my cheeks as she delved down to once again press her lips against mine.
"Lesley..." I gasped, and was silenced as she intensified the kiss. Her tongue slid along my lower lip, as she pressed down, and I could feel her breasts now, as her body lowered onto mine ... Mine...
I pulled back from the kiss, and stared with wide eyes at Lesley. She was there, no doubt. A solid form, as real as any woman I had ever been with. But there was something strange now. She seemed larger, the same size as me, not the smaller woman I had seen in my fantasies.
"Eimear..." she spoke, and the voice I had come to recognize felt fully real now. With no further words, she lowered her lips onto mine again, and I felt her hand encircle the back of my neck. She pulled me into the kiss, and when I tentatively teased at her lips with my tongue, she took full advantage of the opportunity to pull it fully into her mouth with her own. She sucked gently upon my tongue, and as she did so let even more of her weight descend up on me.
It was then I felt soft warmth on my chest. A small bump that pressed against my skin, dimpling it softly. I groaned at the sensation, which seemed to call out for more contact. She moved against me with a languid pressure, and I could feel her nipples dragging along my breasts...
"This was what it was?" I gasped out the question to be answered with only another soft kiss which immediately built up into one of great intensity. Her darting tongue in my mouth now, sliding along mine in a kiss in which we moved back and forth. Her body now atop mine. I could feel myself growing warm at her touches, my body becoming primed, aching for more.
Her hands were on me now, and the gentle squeeze that caressed the skin of my ... breast ... There was no doubt now. Somehow, in some way, she was showing me what we had been together. Two women, making love, and I was one of them.
A shudder of fear and pleasure ran through me as her lips found my jaw, teasing on the soft skin. Her thumb ran across my nipple now, and I groaned at the sensation, more intense than I had ever felt. I momentarily wondered at the size of my breasts, wondering what I looked like naked, when a nip at my neck banished the thought from my mind.
"You're shaking..." Lesley whispered, her lips now at my ear. Her lips encircled my earlobe, pulling gently before her hot breath blew gently across. "Shhh..."
"I'm a little scared..." I confessed as I felt her hand moving again, along the skin of my belly. She was moving downward now, and I felt myself aching for the touch. At the same time I was worried that when she got to her destination it would somehow end this.
"Don't be..." Another kiss. Soft, reassuring. I felt like I could just continue to kiss her forever, as her fingers ran over my hip. She moved much faster than I would have expected, gliding her hand down to cup me between the legs.
"You're wet..." she whispered, her fingers gliding over my skin, lubricated by what I realized was my own body's pleasure. The feeling brought a moan from my mouth as she teased at me, alternating gentle rubs with touches of her fingers at my exposed skin.
I felt my legs rolling open as she caressed me, wanting more of the touch. Her lips were back on my neck now, kissing downwards towards my shoulder. I slid my hand into her hair, knotting my fingers in the soft red curls. I tugged gently; urging her on as her lips placed kisses on my breast, around the nipple, getting closer and closer to suckling me, but continuing to tease, denying me that final pleasurable contact.
Her fingers had not stopped caressing me, and each stroke of her fingers caused a groan to want to escape from my lips. She still wasn't giving me what I was aching for. I felt frustrated, moving my body to try to get her to touch me in the spots that were beginning to ache with longing, but with every little motion, she skillfully positioned herself to be still not quite giving me what I desired.
"Please..." I moaned, and with that final supplication, I felt her lips close on me, sending a rivulet of pleasure from my breast straight to what I now knew was a very wet pussy. I felt myself twinge, shuddering ever so slightly under her fingers, and I knew I wanted more. If this was just the start...
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For the rest of that voyage I treated Gina like a cross between a worthless fuckpig slave and my much-loved wife. As long as she was doing whatever I said I was nice to her. Any hesitation or backtalk, though, and I was rubbing her ass where she’d been spanked. At night, I made her sleep on top of me and both of us were naked. Any wiggling like she wanted my cock inside her got her ass popped. I’d told her that I’d do that when her ass stopped hurting, and trying it before then would just...
They'd pull up beside me and pull me into their vehicle. They'd tie me down and duck tape my mouth so I can't scream. One of them would pull my pants off and finger my pussy. Flicking my clit and rubbing it. He would play with me like this, bringing me to the edge and then stopping each time, until we reached where ever we were headed. They would drag me out of the vehicle and into the house. They would take me into a room where they would throw me down on the bed. They would drag me to the...
Hi All. Myself an accountant by professional working in Hyderabad, Age 26 years, 5’8″ tall, good built, very fair. I met Shweta couple of years ago in Hyderabad during college, and in course of time we developed intimate relationship and had sex n number of times. Let me describe her. She is 5’4”. Good built, fair, voluptuous body having a figure of 36-28-36, a perfect figure, nice ass. Really love to fuck her. In June 2008 one day I went to her home when there was no one at her home in...
I start unbuttoning your blouse at the top. Your breathing starts you get a little faster. I get your blouse open enough to slide my hands in and feel your huge, full, round tits. I rub your nipples thru your soft bra. You are worried that people will see. I stick my fingers in your mouth to stop you from talking, and you suck them like it was my cock. I push your bra down, and start twisting your nipples. You are moaning around my fingers. I’m sucking on your ear, and gently biting it. I...
When Kiki Klout suggests they go to Sofie Reyez’ place to study, Sofie is reluctant saying that her stepbrother is kind of unusual, but Kiki doesn’t mind. Later on, Sofie’s stepbrother Peter Green offers to help them study, but when Kiki tells him they’re ok, he turns his attention to Sofie and bending her over the table, starts fucking her from behind! Kiki is too freaked out by this inappropriate connection between Sofie and Peter so she leaves them to do so many naughty things by themselves.
xmoviesforyouCherry walked into the kitchen and made a beeline for the wine rack. It had been one hell of a week and it was only Thursday. Her tight red dress twirled with each movement. She left her shiny red three inch heels on to get the wine glass down from the middle shelf on the upper cabinet. She popped the cork on her favorite Moscato. Then she stepped out of the heels and kicked them aside. She poured the rosy colored wine nearly to the top of the glass. She took a long drag out of the glass, as...
Cuckold"We can’t all be as cool as you" I chided back. I really liked it when she talked shit like that. I always pretended she was flirting even though I knew it was just her open personality. I took the time look over her body while she haltingly proceeded into the water. She had only made it as deep as her knees. With her back turned to me, I had a great view of her toned thighs and luscious ass. It looked so juicy in her black two piece that I wanted to tackle her and take a bite out of it. My...
PROLOGUE from part one Naomi Dayne as been dating Peter for six or seven dates now, and her mother, Miranda has sensed that her daughter is falling in love with the young man, and since she is a stone cold dominant, she wants her daughter to follow on with the family tradition of female domination of the males!!! After putting Peter through a number of tests, Miranda finally crushes his balls in her hands, effectively breaking Peter's spirit while leaving him a emotional wreck!!! Miranda then...
EroticIt was a lazy Sunday and I was just lounging around the house. I’d been in need of some new clothes. So I decided to head over to the dept. store and see what I could find. As I made my way through the men’s apparel picking up a couple of things, I looked up and seen the most beautiful brunette I’d ever seen. She was dressed in a black sundress, she wore quite well. She had tanned skin and eyes that seem to go on forever. She looked up and caught me starring at her. Not knowing what to do, I...
Erotic FictionI had Joy dress in some short shorts and a little halter top with heels and told her I was going to call some friends over so they could fuck her. I often do this. I love seeing her getting fucked and guys using her body to dump their cum in and on. When they got there Joy led them into the bedroom. She sat down on the mattress and began to massage her own breasts, rubbing the crotches of a couple of guys and kissed one of them. He touch her gently and she let out an audible moan. Several hands...
Group SexDeClan and Zara woke up with Mal hissing loudly walking all over them, patting his papa on the cheek with his little paw. Zara made soothing noise's with a slight frown on her face "what is it sweetie?" Mal hissed loudly then started snapping his little jaws in frustration "Tab mama" DeClan was out of bed in an instant pulling on a bathrobe, heading across the hall, Zara holding Mal got up and followed. DeClan stood for a minute the look in his eyes fierce, calmly he went over to the...
Hi friends, this is Sajid, presenting u a story full of love n sex. I am of 22 yrs. Mai ISS ka bahut bada fan hoon, aur mai ise regular padhta hoon, lekin is bar yahan likhne ki kosish kar raha hoon, kyunki mere sath ye incident sirf 10 din pehle hi ghati hai.Maine is story ko thoda explain kiya hai, isliye ise ek bar aap jarror padhna. Kyunki yaha mai pehle bar story likh raha hoon, isliye mai apko apne bare me thoda bata doon. Mai 6 feet lamba, gora aur bahut handsome hoon. College ki...
This story is true, and from the late 70s, before we found out anonymous sex could kill you!My Saturday afternoon routine often included an hour or so at the local ABS, sucking and being sucked. Besides the fact that I LOVED to suck, I though dropping a load or two in the afternoon made me a better fuck with my girlfriend that night.This particular afternoon, I had cum once, and sucked off a couple guys. I thought I'd drop another load, and then head out. When a guy entered the booth next to...