Spiritual Sex with Couple
- 2 years ago
- 26
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"I'm not pregnant, at least. I mean, I hope I'm not." Trish stammered out as she took a sip of her diet cola. She swirled the small ice cubes around her glass nervously, and looked up at me.
We were sitting in the living room, looking out on the ocean. The day had cleared since the morning, and if things had been a little calmer, it would have been an extremely romantic setting. I had come home after work, and set up everything as perfectly as I could. I was still broke, but a few flowers from the garden did wonders to brighten up the place.
"So what do your folks have to say about it?" I asked, sipping at my own glass. Diet soda might be a bit cliché, as well as something that just screamed "work casual". I really needed to get something else in the house.
"They don't know. I mean, he ... god, why am I even talking to YOU about this." Trish shook her head, and stared out the window. "I just made a mistake, and you were the first person I thought of."
"Ok. Look Trish, you're a great woman..." I began, trying to put her at ease.
"Well that's a fuck drunk comment if I ever heard one," Trish smirked. She placed her glass down on the small end-table and crossed her legs with an exaggerated motion.
"Ok. Guilty," I nodded. "But I still think it's true."
"It's not like I'm the first girl he's done this to," Trish sighed. "I still can't believe he was doing that to me. Everything we owned that was worth anything. EVERYTHING."
"Did you at least report it to the police?" I asked, my brain whirling a bit.
"They said that because I gave him access to the account and the apartment, I was giving consent. I had to prove that the stuff was mine." Trish sighed. "He royally fucked me."
"As you said, at least you're not pregnant with his kid." I nodded, thinking about what a scumbag her boyfriend had to be.
"I can't even afford rent this month. My landlord is going apeshit." Trish shrugged her shoulders. "If I ever find that asshole..."
"I'll find the rusty spoon," I offered.
"It's uhm ... Something my ex-wife used to say. If a man ever pissed her off she'd threaten to castrate the guy with a rusty spoon," I winced as I said it, thinking how she had occasionally made the playful threat to me. Seeing as how the marriage ended, well, I think I may have gotten out just in time.
"Sounds good. Sounds REALLY good as a matter of fact. I think I'll have to call your wife for pointers," Trish allowed an evil smile to cross her features as she looked at me.
"Ok, thanks for talking, and I'm going to run screaming now," I replied, rising slightly from my chair.
"I'm kidding! Relax, Prof. I'm not going to hurt NICE guys." Trish laughed, rolling her eyes upwards in a classic gesture.
"Can ... I mean, I don't have much money, but..." I offered, trying not to be stupid about this. Trish needed help. I wanted to help her. I was still feeling those goofy emotions for her and I hoped I wasn't offending.
"I don't want money, Henry," Trish's voice became slightly reproachful. "I just wanted to talk to someone. My roommate's mad at me over the living situation thing, and my mother ... well, she'd just say I told you so."
"I want to help you."
"I know. It's sweet," Trish smiled at me with what I hoped was affection. "You're just too nice. I like you, but ... If I took money from you, I'd feel obligated."
"No pressure, I just want to help." I tried again, "Maybe some other way?"
"I don't want to ... I made a mistake," Trish's voice became hard. "I have to clean it up."
"So what are you going to do?" I asked, willing to listen.
"I ... I don't know." Trish seemed very young for a moment. There was a pause as she seemed to gather her thoughts.
We sat there, looking at each other. I couldn't help but let my gaze wander over her body. The few flashes of our night together that stuck in my mind were pulsing through my brain. I had images of her, pulling me down, groaning with pleasure. I admit that I wanted her again. It wasn't the only thing I was thinking, but it was a strong subtext to my thoughts.
"I think ... I might go home," Trish spoke hesitantly, and it was obvious to me that this was not an option that she wanted to think about.
"Where's home?" I asked her.
"UtahI'mNOTaMormon," her sentence came out as one word.
"Right. Have any plans when you get there?" I nodded at her comment. It sounded like a phrase that she often said.
"Not ... maybe get a job? Save up," Trish seemed to be thinking out loud as she spoke. It was obvious that what had happened had caught her totally by surprise.
"And then, go back to college?" I offered, trying to help her.
"Yeah ... yeah, definitely," Trish nodded. "And next time, no more boyfriends. No more ... god, I still can't believe he stole from me."
"Well, I know you hurt, but I'm sure you..." I started, before her next comment cut me off.
"I'm going LUG next time." Trish smirked, looking at me with a wry smile.
"Uh, lug?" I asked cluelessly.
"Lesbian Until Graduation," I know that Trish didn't mean to cause a bunch of weird thought to course through my brain. I know that she had no idea about what my wife had said to me and that I was having bizarre hallucinations dealing with exactly that subject. I knew it, but it caused a chill to run through me, and my face to take on a shocked expression.
Trish, not being stupid, immediately saw the change in my countenance and her eyes went wide.
"Oh, no, I'm not trying to say ... Sorry, Henry. I mean what we did was ... Oh god," an embarrassed flush crossed her features. "I'm sorry."
"It's not ... never mind," I stumbled over my words, trying to figure out how I could explain.
"I ... uh ... I like you, Henry," Trish began. "I just don't think I'm ... I'm not ready for a relationship."
"I wasn't saying..." We weren't communicating. We were just talking at each other. I needed to stop this and try to make some sense.
"I don't want you to quit college," I spoke quietly, but earnestly. "You're a smart young woman."
"And you want my pussy," Trish spoke with the same tone that I did, a look of suspicion on her face.
"Yes. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't want you," I nodded.
"Well, at least you're honest," Trish smirked.
"If it's money that's the issue, we can work it out. I'm sure I can arrange something." I was thinking out loud as well now. I knew that Trish wasn't interested in me, and although it hurt, it was at least definite. It was time to be an adult and be better than my petty bitter emotions.
"I don't want your..." Trish argued.
"What is it that you need? Rent? Food? Transportation?" I listed off the expenses that I could think of off the top of my head.
"Uh ... Rent and Food. I mean, I can walk to the campus from my house, so I don't really NEED my car."
"So, you can sell your car." I nodded, "You can get a part time job."
"Yeah. I can." She nodded, thinking on my words. I saw some of the fear starting to drain out of her as she thought.
"You can do a lot of things, Trish. You're a smart girl," I offered, letting her think about her options.
"Yeah. Yeah, I can... "She repeated, the thought obviously giving her confidence.
"What do you want? Do you want to go home, or do you want to stay here and fight?" I asked, trying to give her some pep. She just needed to know what she could do. She could finish college, and didn't need to give up because of an asshole taking real advantage of her.
"Stay ... here?" Trish asked, a curious expression on her face.
"I mean, you've got only a little longer till finals. What two months? I'm sure you can scrape by till then." I continued my thoughts.
"My scholarship money for next semester shows up in January," She was thoughtful. "I could get another apartment then, and I could stay..."
"Exactly! Keep going..." I encouraged her.
"If I stayed here, it would ... Julie needs a place to stay though ... If I moved out the landlord would just kick her out." Trish nodded, and her comment threw me for a little bit of a loop.
"Wait, I meant..." I started, trying to clarify. I meant stay in Monterey, or Carmel, not this house.
"Would you ... I mean, it's a lot to ask, but could Julie stay here? We ... We can help around the house, and ... Uhm ... I'd be..." Trish looked at me with what seemed to be a shy smile.
"Uh ... do I know her?" I asked, abandoning my previous train of thought. Trish was asking to ... stay with ME?
"You don't know her. I don't think she has any history classes." Trish nodded, looking around the room. She was scoping it out, I realized. She was serious.
"Trish, I think that you might..." I began, ready to urge her to take some time with the decision.
"As far as the sex thing, uhm ... We'll see what happens, Ok?" Trish interrupted me with an appraising look. "I mean, I liked it, but we can't ... I'm not going to just sleep with you all the time. Maybe again sometime, but the time would have to right."
"That wasn't what I meant, Trish," I began. This wasn't a good idea. I wasn't even sure what was going on in my house, and the idea of adding not one, but two women to the household seemed perilous.
"I wasn't saying that you were ... I know you're not just doing this to get laid," Trish snorted softly as she completed the thought. "Although, I bet you wouldn't mind having some pussy around."
"The thought had crossed my mind," I admitted.
"So ... I'll go home and talk to her. We'll see. I think she'll go for it."
I just realized that Trish had neatly maneuvered me into saying yes, without actually ever asking. I was actually a little impressed with her manipulation. How could I say no? She hadn't promised to sleep with me, but had suggested that she would consider it.
"Ok. When do you want to move in?" I asked, cutting right to the chase.
"Well, we have another week of rent paid, but our landlord is giving us the daily "inspection" bullshit," Trish sighed. "We don't really have a lease ... it's an informal thing."
That was a sad fact of the local real estate market. The laws were so restrictive and weighted in favor of the tenants that many landlords wouldn't rent apartments. At least not legally. There was a thriving market that preyed on the local low income population and students, which ensured that every apartment was filled, unofficially.
"So you want out. I gotcha," I glanced out the window. The sun was hanging rather low in the sky, but there were a good couple hours of daylight left. "Take care of business, and if you're coming tonight, be here before eight?"
"That ... would be GREAT!" Trish beamed, nearly leaping out of her chair. She grabbed me up in a tight embrace, her body pressing against me firmly. It felt very good, and I felt a slight tremor in my cock, which was well aware of her closeness.
"This doesn't make me a damsel in distress does it?" Trish suddenly asked with a wry grin on her face.
"Uhm ... Only if you gave up," I said brightly. She was still close, warm and smelling wonderful. My mind immediately thought about what Julie must look like. If she was as appreciative of this as Trish was...
Oh, BEAUTIFUL ... Great call moron, you gonna fuck up every relationship you have by trying to get more pussy? Get a grip, calm down and accept the fact that you are doing this because you want Trish. If she was a big fat cow of a student would you do it? If she was a guy would you do it?
It was a hard fact to admit to myself as I saw Trish to the door. I wanted to be the altruistic good guy, but I couldn't help berating myself for being a cad. I wanted to tell her to run away from me as she planted a soft kiss on my cheek, and whispered "thank you" with tears shining in her brown eyes.
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I woke up with a pounding headache. I hadn't been drinking, really drinking, in quite a while, and I could feel the unpleasant fur in my mouth. I wanted to turn out the sunlight that streamed in through the small window of my bedroom. I rolled to the side, and my hands naturally slid around Jess. Wait, Jess had left. What the hell? I groggily shook my head, clearing it of the early morning fog. I looked at the woman in my arms, and realized that it was Trish. She and I ... We hadn't... I...
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Heather Anderson’s stomach lurched as she blankly stared at her desk. She could taste bile, she felt like she might vomit. Heather had just emptied the contents of a mysterious envelope that was waiting for her, and the afterglow from the previous night and the glint of her political future had both dimmed. Now her mayoral chances had been snuffed out... Probably.She angrily regretted her transgression. She felt dirty. She felt tricked. She felt cheated. And she was bloody furious.She was being...
Hardcore(This is a sequel to my "Before I am auctioned off ... story.") We slaves are are taken from the display area. to be prepared for auction. I am washed and looked at to make sure that all my body hair has been shaved off. I noticed that there were a few guards with rifles guarding us. That made me feel good. I felt that they thought we were valuable and did not want anyone to steal us. We were lined up and then ordered to walk through a tunnel to the auction arena. To enter the area we had to...
I am Maria, a 18 year old girl and I live in Mumbai, India. I am 5’6’’ in height. I have a full figure with larger hips and breasts typically Indian. One of my most embarrassing features is my large buttocks and nipples which tend to poke out of my shirts if I wear even a flimsy bra so I have to be extra careful. My figure is 32-26-32 which is kind of good. I am whitish and don’t have a single spec of hair on my body, apart from my head of course. Even my genitals are thread bare. Once a lady...
I first met Elsie when she was about 12 years old. She was part of the Scout troop my wife was helping with. Elsie’s mother was one of the other leaders. If there was anything to do with animals you would find Elsie there in the thick of things. She was almost an expert on the raising of goats, yes at 12. She had direct access to one of the college professors that teach what ever goat raising is called. They talked often about what ever goat raisers talk about. Now, at this point, I want to...
Nice Upskirt! Do you get off to just watching? I’m not talking about porn. You are on ThePornDude, so I know that you jerk off to porn! Oh, believe me, mother fucker, I know.I’m referring to voyeurism fetishes if you haven’t picked up on it yet. Does the thought of watching someone without their consent make you want to jizz in your pants? If so, you are going to love browsing through the raw and uncut content found in the wild on Nice Upskirt. It sounds exactly what it is: pictures of amateur...
Voyeur Porn SitesCharisma and Tiffany, Part 2 By Cal Y. Pygia Tiffany's six cocks filled Charisma's six cunts and, although the sorceress was on top and, therefore, able to move faster and with more force and agility than the supine shemale, Tiffany, nevertheless, felt overwhelmed by the welter of sensations that had, as it were, laid siege to her consciousness, dividing her, as it seemed, into six selves, each of which was assaulted by the sea of emotions, physical sensations, and lust that...
As they were rolling up the driveway at the country club, Jack said, “Oops! I knew I forgot something. This game is played with golf clubs, isn’t it? And I don’t have any. I don’t suppose they rent them at a club like this, either, do they?” It was the same club to which the Cliffords belonged, and at which the tournament had been played the day before. “No problem,” Jim Conroy declared. Then he laughed and added, “You’re not going to believe the deal I have with Bill Clifford. Awhile ago he...
It was a sunny Friday, and since it was last period everyone was eager to go home except for E. She knew she had to stay around for an hour or so after class to finish off some overdue work from English, it seemed she could never keep up with doing so many classes at once since it became so stressful. E heard the bell ring and loosened her tie and untucked her shirt as she headed over to start finishing her work. The thoughts in her head about schoolwork and finishing her final year of school...
“Greeting his seasoned, experienced, hardened, and worldly eyes was an invigorating tonic to his jaded cynical mind; three heart shaped trimmed pubic mounds.”A cigarette before sex always calmed Monsignor Bernard’s mind. It was a chill clear evening as he looked up, the moon waxing crescent. Frost was certain. The mush of late autumn leaves were rusty and soggy under his feet as he looked down. However, his regular glance was through the sparse trees to the secured wooden door in the ivy...
I sat in the lanai that I had converted from an upstairs balcony. I sat in a large rattan papasan chair and drank gin and bitters as I looked over the four acres I had bought. The house went with the land. I was completely surrounded by old rubber and some jungle trees. The forest floor beneath the rubber and the trees was hidden by undergrowth — wild lantana, berry bushes, giant mimosa thorn, weeds, and saw-bladed lallang grass that could lacerate your skin if you rubbed against it hard...
Anne Marie stood by the bedroom window, looking out at the grey winter weather. It matched her mood. As she clutched her thin robe tightly round her body, as if in doing so, she could keep out the driving rain that lashed against the window panes. It was one of those days when the wind and rain whistled round the eaves, creating a cacophony of strange sounds. The window panes shook and rattled, as they were intermittently being lashed with rain and wind. It was the type of day she would have...
Hi dosto mera naam pankaj hai.. Mein iss ka 2 saal se reader hu,aaj mein bhi apna kuch experiance yaha share karne wala hu.. Mera naam pankaj hai,mein 22 saal ka hu or mere lund ka size 7″ hai .Mein dilli ka rehne wala hu or hisar(haryana) mai padta hu or wahi hostel mai raihta hu ..Meri 1 gf hai jiska naam hai swati or ouska figure size hai 36-28-36 wo bohot hi sexy hai.. Ye kahani issi dushere ki hai. Mein apne ghar dilli aaya hua tha dushera celebrate karne k liye to mujhe meri gf se miley...
Hello dear ISS readers, This is my second story on ISS and I thanks to all lady readers who responded well for my first story. This is NYNE from Mumbai. I am going to share you a real life story happened just 2 weeks ago. Just few words about myself, I am living in VIRAR suburb of Mumbai and working in Sales for MNC company in Andheri . I am 29 years old and happily married. I am Scorpion and you might know that Scorpions are born sex driver. 2 weeks ago, it was a Sunday, as I had some pending...
Hello friends mera naam sameer hai main 28 saal ka mumbai ka rehne wala hu . Straight to the story. Ye kahani bikul real hai ruksana bhabhi meri cousin ki wife hai jo goan main rahte hai mera cousin out of country oman main kaam karta hai jo 2 saal main ek baar ghar aata hai meri nazar bhabhi par bhot pehle se hi thi par un ke saath kabhi bhi kuch karne ka mauka nahi mila kyuke wo joint family main rehti hai . Dikhne main thodi moti thi par rang doodh jaisa gora tha uske boobs kamal ke hai our...
The times I find myself aroused and alone and night, I couldn't sleep again. Usual for me, the insomnia lurking around my mind as I toss and turn restless. Thoughts of you dance wildly around my mind, the feeling of skin to skin, the kisses, warm embraces and the moans of pleasure. It's an wild barrage of tantalizing moments. I finally get out of bed, the cool air from outside still lingers around the room. Quickly, I pull off my clothes and crawl beneath the warm covers. I feel myself hard...
MasturbationLate August, registered with the Job Centre, the boat on a mud-berth about as far from town as it’s possible to be and for me to still be able to walk in. I’d exhausted my patience with single-handed cruising and riding Brian in between, but had come to terms with June’s departure. Yes, it’d taken the better part of two months. The weather was foul, and I’d retreated to the library for shelter and entertainment. What I got wasn’t what I expected. Sitting with my little laptop, tapping away...
TRIUMPH by enduringshades This is the second Act. The final Act is to follow. _____ TRIUMPH (THE COMPLETE STORY) PROLOGUE ACT 1 ROAD TO HELL Our hero borrows a classic sports car and our heroine discovers her new life. Chapter 1 TR3 Chapter 2 Housekeeper Chapter 3 The Plan Chapter 4 Reality ACT 2 HELL Our heroine experiences the good, the bad and the ugly. Chapter 5 Training Chapter 6 Dressing up Chapter 7 Room service Chapter 8 Heaven and Hell ACT 3 ROAD TO...
At the age sixty-four Gramma Grace was a strikingly beuutiful woman. She believed wholeheartedly that it was a sendintary lifestyle that truly made you old before your times. She saw it sadly in the youth of today. The apethy was disturbing. Early on Gramma Grace encouraged me in my artistic interests and often went on train rides into Manhatten to visit the museums. She regretted abandoning her own art ambitions. One afternoon she got out one of her old sketck books and we sat there on the...