Spiritual Sex with Couple
- 2 years ago
- 26
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"So Lesley ... Is she Irish or something?" Julie asked on the ride home from classes one evening. Her hair was still slick from the pool, and the soft scent of chlorine was present in Trish's little car.
"I'm a little curious about that too." Trish spoke up brightly. Her face took on that same faraway look that crossed her features whenever Lesley was mentioned.
"I don't really know." I admitted, shifting slightly in the passenger seat. "She's got an accent I can't really place."
"She's old though," Trish added. "She just feels really, I don't know, strong I guess."
"I feel like I'm missing out here," Julie sighed. "I'm sorry, but all I get is this total domestic stuff in my dreams while you two get ... well, you know."
It had been a couple weeks since the last serious incident. There were awkward moments, and occasionally I would catch Trish looking at me with what I hoped was affection, but overall things in the house had been fairly sedate. One thing we had begun doing was to inform each other of our dreams the previous night. Julie in particular had been amazed at the intensity of her dreams, since she claimed that she had never previously remembered dreams of any kind.
"She hasn't asked again," Trish sounded almost disappointed as she spoke. "I think she might be a little mad at me."
We had gone to a pharmacy the day after the event and gotten her emergency contraception. She had hesitated before taking it, and actually put off the decision until later in the day. I hadn't pressed the issue, and received a thankful kiss on the lips for my thoughtfulness. It was a far cry from the horny or romantic kisses we had shared in the past, but it was pleasant, and felt almost like I was experiencing the "real" Trish.
"I don't think so," I spoke up. "I just have been having that weird constricted chest dream."
"I still say it sounds like you're wearing a bra that's too tight," Julie smirked. "Sorry, but since all the ghosts think you're a chick..."
"Please tell me you're not telling this around campus," I interrupted Julie with a nervous smile.
"Uh ... No," Julie brushed a damp lock of hair back. "Well, I mean I mentioned it to one friend, but that..."
"You didn't mention NAMES..." I blurted.
'No. Of course not. I just said that I was having these wild dreams about getting it on with another chick to my friend who's a psych major."
"Snow White?" Trish snorted, glancing back at Julie.
"Not cool. That's really not cool Trish." Julie admonished Trish with a withering glare.
"Uh, am I missing something?" I asked.
"OK, fine, Michelle. I thought we agreed we weren't going to be talking about this stuff with anybody who wasn't living in the house." Trish sighed, continuing to pay rapt attention to the road, and the standard late afternoon traffic on Highway one.
"I was just mentioning the dreams," Julie argued. "I didn't say a thing about Lesley, or Martha or ... what was her name?"
"Mitsuko." I breathed out the name. She had been the most elusive of the spirits in my home. Her dreams were some of the most intense, but I never saw her fully, or myself fully in them. It seemed that where we were left a deeper impression on my mind. An impression of formality, and yet of something that defied those traditions. It felt almost like going to a formal ball in drag.
"I still can't get over it, Prof." Trish looked over at me with a wry grin. "Those dreams are crazy hot, but when I look at you, I almost can't believe you're that woman."
"I have a hard time with it myself." I admitted.
"I can see it," Julie piped up. "I mean, in the ones I see you in, you're just ... being a mom, I guess. I mean you're playing with children, doing mom type stuff, but you're with another chick." Julie took a breath, seeming about to continue, but then let the moment hang.
"Oh great, now I'm domestic dyke." I groaned.
"Sounds like a super heroine," Trish laughed.
"Da-da-da-daaah! Domestic Dyke! And her junior sidekick, the Mighty Rug Muncher!" Julie snorted, joining in on the joke.
"Oh great. Not only do I have ghosts after me, I've got to deal with immaturity theater in my car rides home." I rolled my eyes, trying to look upset, but ruining it by laughing immediately after.
"Hey uh ... Henry?" Julie spoke up after the three of us had calmed down a bit.
"Martha ... she asked me last night. Sorry I didn't tell you." Julie's pro forma apology hid the nervousness in her voice rather poorly.
"You don't have to say yes," I assured her.
"I didn't! It's just that I'm scared," Julie fidgeted in her seat, and I turned around to look at her nervous face. "I'm ... how the hell do I say this." She took a deep breath. "I'm a virgin."
"Technical, or real?" Trish tossed back over her shoulder.
"I guess, technical. I've never gone all the way." Julie squirmed uncomfortably.
"You don't have to talk about..." I began, before Julie interrupted me.
"I want to. I mean ... I'm tempted, you know, get it over with, but I always wanted it to be special." Julie seemed to grow more confident as she spoke. "I just ... always wanted it to be with a guy."
"And if Martha took over..." Trish nodded.
"Right, she's a dyke. And even if she slept with Henry, she'd see him as a chick." Julie looked a tad embarrassed at the thought.
"So, you want to fuck Henry first, just to make sure you're straight?" Trish snickered.
"Jesus, Trish." Julie groaned.
"Hey, ride's almost over. If we wanna talk about this, we do it inside." Trish pulled the car down the small driveway that led to our house, neatly sliding the vehicle in between the other two present.
It was a bit of a squeeze to open the car door, as it was every morning we took the small car, but it was much more easily managed by the two young women. I led the way into the house, noticing with no displeasure the conspiratorial closeness of Trish and Julie as they followed me.
I flipped on the lights in the house, noting that the sun was nearly down. Night came early in the late fall, and the overhanging trees only added to the dimness. Somewhere in the back of my head, the little needles of my neuroses began to dig at me.
Julie wants to fuck you now. Oh, great Mr. five second pop, let's really impress the ladies. Get it into your skull, Trish is fucking with your head. This whole thing with...
I fought back the self doubt easier than I had in the past. For some reason, it seemed to have less of an impact on me. It was less than when I had been with Jess...
For a moment, I was tempted to dwell on her again. I paused for a moment, watching as Julie and Trish continued to speak quietly. My gaze floated over them, and I took in Julie's tight body, nicely juxtaposed with Trish's soft curves. I remembered how Trish had felt grinding down on me, how we had both had raw sex and true, deep lovemaking. It was something that I had loved, and wanted more of.
As I watched the girls move to the living room, I noticed that Julie was glancing back at me occasionally. The glances were immediately followed by more conversation. I felt good, and let them talk, letting my mind wander through some less innocent fantasies that I had during dull moments.
I imagined Trish gasping under me, remembering that sweet expression that she had. I remembered staring deeply into her blue eyes as she came. No ... that was Lesley. I sighed, realizing that the deepest feelings that I had for Trish weren't even for her. They were for a woman I had never really seen, except in my dreams. It was both exciting and depressing at the same time.
"Hey Henry, can you come in here?" Trish called back as she and Julie settled into two of the garage sale special chairs that we had decorated the living room with. It had become an almost nightly ritual for us to sit and chat, looking out as the sun set. It was pleasant, and reminded me of happier times in this house.
I moved to the large wingback which had barely fit through the front door. I sat down heavily, noticing a soft flush on Julie's face, and a mischievous grin on Trish's. I recalled that grin from outside a nightclub...
"So ... In a hundred years we'll..." Trish began.
"Not that shit again. I'm sorry Trish but can we please be serious?" Julie broke in.
"It's fun. C'mon." Trish crossed her legs, accentuating the curve of her hip.
"Ok. Look I'm just a little..." Julie's face turned a darker shade of red, and she giggled softly. "I'm sorry, it's just funny."
"I know I missed a lot here," I pointed out, settling back into the heavy fabric.
"Julie really wants to let go." Trish explained.
"I mean, I want to let Martha, use me." Julie explained. "But if she wants..."
"We don't know how far she'll go." Trish agreed.
"Well, then maybe you shouldn't..." I started, before Julie cut me off.
"No, I WANT to. I mean, after what Trish told me about the experience ... I really want to do it." Julie giggled again for a moment. "But I just ... I'm sorry..."
"Stop apologizing," I said. "Look, you can tell me. I won't judge."
"I want ... I want to be in control when I ... when I go to bed with a guy." Julie giggled again nervously. "I'm sor ... I mean ... yeah." It was obvious that Julie was biting back another apology.
"Ok. So, just keep saying no. If she's like Lesley..." I began.
"I want to try it. First." Julie glanced at Trish with a look that seemed to be seeking approval.
"She means she wants to fuck you, Henry." Trish translated, with a roll of her eyes that said that I had missed the subtle hints, and now she was going with the sledgehammer.
"I ... Ok." I mumbled out, glancing over at Julie, who had averted her eyes from me, and was covering her mouth in a futile attempt to stifle her giggles.
"This is so embarrassing..." Julie giggled again, her hand rising up to run through her short dark hair.
"Ok, maybe we should talk about this later," I began to rise from my seat. Admittedly what we were talking about was beyond arousing, but Julie's embarrassment was just killing the effect.
"Julie, you're being a pussy. Henry, you're being too sensitive. Jesus Christ, can't the two of you just go to bed?" Trish's voice took on a sense of annoyance, abruptly halting my movement. "Julie, c'mon, you told me you thought he was hot, right?"
Julie didn't respond, merely breaking down into another peal of giggles. She kept shooting glances at both Trish and myself, and her face took on a deep beet red.
"I did ... uhm, buy condoms ... you know, just in case." I offered, looking at Trish with a raised eyebrow.
That brought a snort of laughter from Julie, and another roll of the eyes from Trish.
"I don't think that really ... never mind, that was nice, but you didn't have to..." Trish paused, looked at me, and then continued. "At least you were thinking ahead."
"I'm just scared, okay?" Julie looked directly out the window at the ocean, breathing deeply. "I mean, I get horny, and I've watched porn, but the thought of ... actually doing it..."
"I don't know if I'm the right guy to do that for you then," I looked at Julie's face, still flushed and nervous. She really was a sweet girl. I had pegged her wrong at the start. She had been helpful and conscientious, if a bit unsure of herself.
"You're exactly the right guy because of that." Trish spoke up. "Henry, do you have any idea how many guys would be lunging at the chance to pop her cherry without even thinking about how she feels."
"I guess, I just worry that I'm going to screw things up again," I admitted, looking back and forth between the two young women.
"Do you think ... I mean, not like a gay thing or anything, but ... Trish, do you think you could be there?" Julie asked, her voice wavering slightly.
"What, you mean in bed?" Trish looked at Julie quizzically.
"I mean, you've ... you've done it before, I mean, and I trust you." Julie explained. "I don't mean porno style stuff, just ... be there?"
"I think that'd be okay..." I tried to play it cool, but in my head all I could imagine was the two of them getting it on. I admit it, I'm a sick, evil fuck.
"Are you horny or something?" Trish asked.
"Well, uhm, I'm getting there..." I replied, with visions of naked women dancing in my head.
"Ever since that dream last night..." Julie admitted.
"Oh wow. This is just totally weird." Trish raised her voice and spoke at the ceiling. "Are you bitches fucking with us?"
"Actually I think it's just..." I had been having sexual thoughts constantly, and I knew it was a side effect of my dreams. But then again, here I was in the company of two beautiful women...
"Ok. Let's get this out in the open. I'm horny too." Trish admitted. "I don't know why. I don't know why I didn't take the pill. I don't know why I keep fantasizing about you both, as well as chicks that I've never seen before. This is driving me crazy. I mean, good crazy but, crazy. And the worst part is that I'm not gay either."
"Wait, you're thinking about me?" Julie exclaimed.
"You didn't take the pill?" That little revelation was definite news. That must have been why she hadn't thought much about me buying condoms.
"She's ... God, I can't believe I'm saying this. It's Lesley. If I fight her hard, she can't do anything, but I can't be fighting her all the time." Trish gasped out, and I noticed that she was beginning to become flushed. "She likes making me horny. She likes ... making me think about it. Whispering to me, reminding me of those feelings. She hasn't asked, because I think she knows I'll say no. I think she's waiting until ... until I can't resist her anymore."
"And Martha just ... she didn't ask before last night, but that domestic thing, well it ties into everything I ever wanted when I was little," Julie bit her lower lip nervously, seeming to want to continue.
"I think ... I'm just a horny guy." The joke brought a chuckle from everyone present.
"I ... I have to stop talking." Trish suddenly seemed to snap to attention, and her eyes were reflected in the light of the setting sun. "She ... she's talking to me. Can you hear it?"
I shook my head, unable to make out any sounds in the house.
"She's here. I can feel her ... Oh god..." Trish's eyes squeezed shut, and the flush came over her features again. "I want to ... Don't ask me Lesley ... I can't..."
I rose from my chair, alarmed at the way that Trish's hands were gripping the arms of her chair. Her eyes were screwed shut tightly, and I thought I could make out the vestiges of tears at the corners of her eyes. Her breath was coming fast now, and the light was fading just as rapidly.
"Don't ... please ... you know I want that ... No ... I'm not going to take her..." Trish's words were almost inaudible, whispered inwards.
"Trish." I crossed to her chair and kneeled in front of it. "Look at me."
Trish's eyes fluttered, and slowly came open. I could see the light brown of her eyes beginning to fade, and the desire mixed with fear in them.
"Lesley." I spoke again, looking directly at Trish. "If you love me ... don't do this. Don't hurt her."
"Oh my god..." Julie gasped from over my shoulder, and I could feel her hand as it came down on my back. It was trembling slightly.
"She ... Henry ... Eimear..." Trish's voice was becoming indistinct as she spoke. "I want that love..."
"Lesley. Stop it." I snarled, my hands coming up to lay atop Trish's. As I touched her, she suddenly flipped her hands over and gripped mine with a desperate strength.
"Help ... me..." Trish gasped out.
"You want me, Lesley. Don't hurt Trish." I made the offer with a genuine desire to stop Trish from being hurt. Physically, she was fine, but I knew this was emotional torture.
For a moment, Trish's hands held me tightly. Then, they slackened, and I saw the pale blue fading from her eyes.
"My love..." The voice seemed to come from everywhere in the room, and I looked into Trish's eyes as they regained their original brown. For a moment, I saw disappointment in them, but there was another, stronger look of relief.
And that's when I watched my hands slide up to cup her face.
I didn't move them. I didn't have any conscious control. For a moment I was tempted to fight it, but then I heard the words in my head.
"Eimear ... let go..." The soft accent. Lesley's voice. Her true voice, not filtered through another body. I felt my hand stroke along Trish's cheek, slowly wiping away a tear with my thumb.
"I wasn't going to hurt you..." I heard myself say, and as I heard it, I felt Julie's hand snatched away from me like I had suddenly lit on fire.
"Les ... Lesley?" Trish looked at me with a frightened expression.
"Shhh ... Eimear's here..." My hand continued to stroke along Trish's face, and I could feel her fear fading, feel her relaxing into the touch.
"What did you do to him, you bitch?" Julie shrieked.
"I didn't hurt her. She's fine." In those words, I finally saw how Lesley saw me. Pale, brunette. I saw the slim body, hard callused hands. It was the body of a woman who worked hard, a woman who would and had given everything for her love. I felt the love. I felt the overwhelming surge of home that Lesley had for me. I felt her, in my heart. Trish had been right. It was ... heavenly.
"Lesley. What do you want?" Trish spoke clearly, but her eyes floated around my face as if there was something wrong with it.
"Eimear ... she doesn't really love you, but ... she's very fond of you." Lesley was speaking my innermost thoughts. I couldn't hide anything from her. I was tempted to fight, but the overwhelming feeling of connection that I had to her made that pointless. I didn't want to hide my thoughts from my love.
"He's..." Trish's face became hopeful. "You know I don't love him. Not like you do."
"She knows that. She wants you ... and that makes me a little sad." The words were not mine. I felt like I was being swept along in a current, as my fingers slid over the skin of Trish's face. "I ... could share ... but only with someone I loved..."
Trish shivered slightly under my touch, and through the floorboards, I could feel Julie approaching again. It was amazing how much awareness I had. I could feel everything. Without control, it freed me to use all my senses to the utmost. I could smell the wood, the sea outside, and even the intoxicating scent of female arousal. Trish was still ... excited. But she wasn't the only scent in the air, and I realized that despite her fear, Julie was in an amorous state as well.
"I'm not ... I'm into Henry." Trish stammered out, right before my lips came down on hers. I heard the gasp of Julie behind us, and felt Trish's lips quiver as she slowly let herself sink into the kiss. I teased at her lips, tasting the soft skin with gentle touches of my tongue, before slipping it inside of her mouth, and caressing her internally. Trish shivered again as she began to respond, her nervous response growing more ardent as it continued.
Lesley held the kiss for far longer than I had ever kissed a woman. She reveled in it, and I could feel my body becoming rigid, as well as Lesley's passion rising.
"Stop it. You're ... you're scaring me." Julie panted out, in obvious arousal.
"And you, Julie ... Martha told me about you." My hands slid down to rest on Trish's hands as my face turned to look at the face of Julie.
"She ... oh god..." Julie gasped, taking a step back as I rose to my full height, my hand gripping Trish's tightly.
"You lied to my love. You didn't tell her about what Martha was really showing you." I caught a flash of Julie in my mind, her hand in her crotch, rubbing furiously as she gasped, clutching at the blankets.
"She said ... She ... I'm not gay!" Julie objected, as my hand reached out slowly, reaching for her hand.
"Of course you're not." I felt my hands holding two lovely girls hands, and the soft trembles in Julie's seemed to belie her statements. "But you are ... interested."
Julie nodded, seeming to admit it to herself.
"What do you want, Lesley?" Trish asked again, her hand squeezing mine.
"I want to love you. I want that." Lesley was making no sense. I could tell from what she was saying that she was directing the comments to both women. She wanted, me, and them now?
"What about Henry? What about your ... that baby you want?" Trish asked, her eyes searching across the face that Lesley wore.
"You mean ... the baby you're carrying?" I felt my voice ask.
"That I'm ... It's only been a couple ... I couldn't be..." Trish's hand dropped to rub against her lower stomach.
"She is you know..." I heard Lesley's voice in my head, a quiet whisper. "She's let me in her body every night. She likes to let go, and just let me play with her body. She likes it when I make her come. I can feel it inside her."
"I should ... why didn't you ... Oh my god..." Trish continued, her hand tightening on mine. It felt possessive.
"We both wanted it that night." Lesley intoned the words, and I could feel the memory, how Trish had resisted for only a moment, before she surrendered to the feeling of letting me mate with her totally.
"It was ... it was beautiful, but I ... I didn't want to be..."Trish squeezed my hand tighter, licking her lips.
"I do want to love you, Trish. I want it to be our baby." I couldn't believe what Lesley was saying.
"What about me? You want to get me pregnant too? Is that what you bitches want?" Julie's voice became angrier.
"Yes..." I felt myself say.
"This is fucking crazy. No fucking way. That's why you keep doing this to me? That why you keep driving me crazy with these ... lesbo fantasies?" I felt my hand grip down on Julie's as she attempted to pull away.
"No ... we only do what you..."
"Bullshit. I don't want ... I'm not a dyke. I'm not ... I'm a virgin for christ's sake!" Julie pulled harder, but Lesley wasn't letting her go.
"Stop hurting her." I fought hard for just a moment, and felt my fingers unclench and Julie's hand snap away. There was a flash of anger that filled me, before it was replaced by resignation.
"You're right ... I'm scaring her..." Lesley whispered to me. My hand tugged Trish to her feet, and I noted that her free hand still sat on her stomach, rubbing gently.
"Stay away from me..." Julie stepped backwards, interposing a chair between me and her.
"I'm sorry. I ... Eimear told me to stop scaring you." Lesley apologized, and I could feel her pull Trish into a one armed embrace. Trish seemed to melt into it, the fear still there, but finding comfort in the closeness.
"Stop calling him that. His name is Henry!" Julie lashed out.
"She has a lot of names. I love Eimear." The other names that the spirits referred to me as flashed through my mind. Yamabuki. Frances. For a dark moment, the name Henry almost felt like it didn't belong. Like it was an invader that was despoiling something beautiful.
"Lesley, please..." Trish hugged me tightly, her voice pleading. "Stop ... Just let us be..."
"Do you really want that? Just tell me to go away forever, and I will." Lesley wasn't lying, but I knew she was making an offer she had no intention of following through on. She was depending on Trish's desire to cement that connection. It felt dishonest, cheating really.
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xmoviesforyouWhen You removed Your belt and once more looped it around my neck, it felt like coming home. I couldn’t help myself; I smiled happily up at You and breathed, “Thank You, Sir.” I was prepared for You to urge me to my feet again, to lead me wherever You wanted to go. But when You gently tugged me forward onto my hands and knees I astonished myself by groaning with arousal, unbelievable so soon after my overwhelming orgasm. Why do I love it so much when You treat me like Your possession and...
I’ve been trying to just be a straight, married husband & father, but I can’t fight the urge any longer. I need to fulfill my lust & give in to being a crossdressing sissy slut. It’s been over 5 years since I last sucked another man’s dick & I thought that those feelings were gone, but I’ve been spending a lot of time at home alone & my wife seems to have no interest in fucking. I’m ok with it (or at least I thought I was). Usually while I’m home alone I just long onto here...
It was my first day in the college dorm. When I entered my room I noticed that my roommate had already moved in and I could hear the shower running. I dropped my bags and sat on my bed for a minute resting from the long climb up the stairs. The bathroom door opened and my roommate came out wrapped in just a towel. He was surprised at first to see me but then quickly introduced himself. "Hi. I'm Brad," he said as he put out his hand to shake. I shook his hand and told him my name. "Hi I'm Eric."...
First TimeI awoke and wentto work, but I spent most of the following day deeply distracted about the relativelyinnocent interaction with Robert the night before. I was anxious on several fronts. Theembarrassment of the incident notwithstanding, I also had to admit that the image of his very large,very erect penis was etched indelibly in my mind’s eye. The memorywas arousing me despite mybest intentions. I could not rid my mind's eye of the image of Robert's erection, no matter how hard Itried, nor could...
On many occasions I had wanted to ask Bobby out myself but I was too embarrassed. Now I had him here in front of me and I was scared. He looked like he needed to be hugged. We talked for awhile about his night and I finally offered him the hug he needed. When he looked up at me he said “ I promise I didn’t come here just for this.” “I know sweetie.” I answered. “But I can help you, if you like.” He took my hands and pulled me into his lap. As our lips touched I felt a fire in my...
Kayla Gordon, who’s 48 years old and from New Zealand, blows and fucks 20-year-old Alexander in her first XXX for 40SomethingMag.com. Kayla is a very hot, horny woman, and we’re lucky to have her. Enjoy. Tell her how you jacked off to her. 40Something: Are you a MILF? Kayla: I’m called a MILF, but I don’t have kids, unless you count my two, sweet fur babies. I’m definitely a cougar as I love younger guys. 40Something: Have you had sex with younger men other than...
xmoviesforyou‘Hey babe, check this out,’ I heard him call from behind me. ‘What’s that, dear?’ I glanced over the top of my book to where he had briskly moved in front of me. There he stood, with a single rose in his hand. ‘Here this for my beautiful lady.’ I glanced at the rose and back at him chuckling slightly, ‘ I bet you read that somewhere.’ ‘No. No. No. I swear I didn’t,’ he said as he plopped on top of me. Trying to brace myself from the impact of his body, I managed to cough out the words, ‘You...
Portsmouth, England, November 1808 Tired to the bone, Captain Sir Anthony Carter KCB watched as the rest of the squadron followed his ship around the Isle of Wight. There was Bembridge, at the easternmost tip of the island. With the still gusty western wind from abeam, they had a clear run for Portsmouth Harbour. It was about time. For the past eight days, the crews of the four British ships and even a sizeable number of the captive French sailors had slaved to keep the damaged Malta and the...
Sara entered the sexy lingerie store to shop for new panties and bras. The man watched her as she looked around. Every aisle she went down he was there by her. He liked the sexy way she looked and he followed her looking at her nice tits and round ass. His cock tingled just watching her move. He imagined pushing his thick cock in her hole and fucking her hard. He knew he wanted her pussy bad. She had several items in her shopping bag and headed for a dressing room. He gave her ten minutes,...
Suddenly a Girl (part 5) (Robbi adventures as a 15 year old continues...) As Deb pulled up in the driveway at the house after the visit the psychiatrist, she remembered that the pool party was starting. "Mrs. Portner said you guys should come over by noon," she said to Rob. "Jen and Josh are probably already there, so you should hurry to catch up to them." "I am not going," Rob said. He realized he sounded a little pouty, but he had to put his foot down. Besides he was a little...
Waking up Sunday commenced with finishing painting and touching up missed spots. It was not long before the job was done and furniture had to be moved back. The disastrous night before faded away as house work resumed. When the job was done and things were in their right place, lesson plans were next. By the end of the day Josh was exhausted and he let his mind think about Shay. He missed her company and her body. When Shay did not say anything other than hello to him in the hallways he...
The yacht was making good speed across the water toward the island. Jason looked at the chart and having made this trip before knew he was about six hours out from Devil's Island. He felt very pleased with his cargo this trip, if he was close to being right then his profit would be very good indeed. Jason never handle his cargo himself but let his crew take care of that but all four of them knew the rules and what would happen if the cargo was damaged in any way. Jack his first mate was an...
Jane wasn’t sure how a person should dress to be kidnapped. She thought it over while lying in her bed, still halfway between sleep and waking. She thought about her previous encounter with ‘Mr. Bad Man’...and found herself curled up under the sheets and hugging herself in a mixture of anticipation and fear. Not a real, serious kind of fear, but the pleasurable kind, like the anxiety she’d experienced before getting on a roller coaster, knowing there was no actual danger, but...
She sat at the table a little restless with her legs crossed. She wore a little black dress, as that was an essential item of clothing every woman should have in her closet. Her foot bounced up and down as she looked at her watch every few minutes. She’d been waiting almost twenty minutes, already on her second glass of Chardonnay. Suddenly she saw a familiar face coming toward her and she felt the familiar pitter-patter of her heart inside her chest. She smiled at her husband as he leaned...
"Nora! What are you doing?" She froze. She was lying on their bed with her panties off, her legs spread wide apart, and vibrator plunged in her pussy. She had been surfing the Internet while Master worked on his computer in his study. Without thinking, she surfed to her favorite naughty story site and got into one of the stories there. Whenever Nora became aroused, her decision making invariably suffered. In this instance, she decided that rather than bother Master with her need, she would just...
BDSMStill More Favorite Themes By Cassandra Morgan I'm still wrong. Let's start with that. I'm an idiot. I'm full of it. Who the hell do I think I am? Can I read? I know, I know. There are so many wonderful journeys on this website. There are so many talented writers giving their efforts away to please the rest of us that it is staggering. And although I haven't read them all, I appreciate every thought from every writer's brain. So why try to mention a few favorites? Isn't it a...
Holly was certainly a strange one, gave great head and knew how to rim but then seemed to turn and I had no idea what that was all about, I just hope she sorts out the energy.My plan before Holly arrived was to go for a walk in the park and although I had a bit of a buzz from the scotch I hoped that the side effects did not kick back in. I threw on my running shorts and a vest, my mind thinking I had more energy than my body knew I had so my trotting down the road soon turned into a brisk walk...
[CJ was now babbling his little head off as we loaded Linda into Mary’s Caravan to head to the hospital!] Luckily, this was not totally unexpected. Dr Adrianne Meyers, the girls’ OB/GYN, had warned us during Linda’s last checkup, that it was not uncommon for twins to be born two to five weeks early. That being said however, it didn’t stop Bob and I from hitting all the panic buttons. Luckily the girls were taking it in stride. Sarah, Jamie and Greg said they would stay behind and clean up...
My sister (Bel) and I are twins. Sort of. I’m Alan. We celebrate the same birthday. We are in the same grade in school – right now, that’s Junior Year of Waltrup High. Our Moms insist we were born at the same moment. Right. We don’t really look alike; of course – she’s a woman. She has rich, chestnut brown hair, a turned-up nose. She stands 5 feet 11 inches tall, as opposed to my 6 feet zero. My hair is lighter than hers. We keep our hair short because we swim 50 laps every morning and long...
The baby-doll nightie was tangled around Doris's neck; her legs were split in an impossible angle as she lay, spread-eagled, on her bed. Willis grunted as his thick torso writhed between her open thighs. "Ooooh, Willis," moaned Doris, "oooh!" His massive cock squirmed inside her stretched-open pussy; each time he drove inward, Doris felt thrills vibrating on all parts of her vaginal walls; the thick shaft titillated her clitoris each time it dragged over it, making Doris draw in her...
Zinnia soon repaid my confidence in her abilities. She had discovered a document that presented Colonel Slade with the reason for having the appeal of habeas corpus refused. St Olave's is probably the oldest church within the walls of the City of London and over the centuries had been granted many privileges. In this particular case a Charter, from the time of Richard the Second -- or it may have been Richard the Third, I always confuse those two, allowed for 'miscreants and heretics' to...
At the end of the school day, Glory was waiting for me at my car. I unlocked it and opened the door for her. She glanced at me giving me a smile. Gosh it's pretty! Once out of the school parking lot she scooted over next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder, not saying a word during the trip home. I put her hand on my leg, put she pulled it away. "Pervert!" she said getting out of the car, before I could open the door for her. We walked into the house; she went up to her room and...
Chapter Two Alluna disconnected the charging crystal from Rayne’s glass enclosure. The raven-haired doll laid motionless, as she had for the past moon cycles. Mama had threatened to violently thrash Alluna’s hide if she ever allowed Rayne’s power to deplete itself. Alluna peered closer at her. Long sooty lashes rested against rose-kissed cheeks. Rayne’s lips were parted slightly, showing a hint of white teeth. The doll’s body was swathed in a pale blue cloth as she floated within the glass...
This is based on a true story that happened 25 years ago.It has been six months since my wife and I had split up. Winter turned to spring, and living back with my parents at 25, was no picnic. It wasn't that we didn't get along, it was just that my parents felt that their grown c***dren shouldn't be going back to live with them. They had to deal with my oldest brother when he and his wife split up, now it was me. There was one day I was waiting at the bus stop. This blond haired girl was also...
I began work at the Walter Jones Realty as an agent in my early forties. After fifteen years of boring sex with my wife, I had developed a roving eye and was always on the lookout for sexual opportunities. Walter had recently married a tall voluptuous redhead named Harriet and she began working at the agency. All the guys in the office would virtually salivate when she was around. There was not a swinging dick in the office that did not want to fuck her, including me. But she belonged to the...
CheatingSteve Marshall rolled into Wodonga and met with his contact; the manager of the Best Western Motel. The manager had spotted Michele's blue Ford and checked the guest register and discovered that the driver of the Ford, a 'Ms Mary Smith', was currently occupying room 113. The night clerk had described the woman to the manager; and then the manager had contacted Steve. By the time Steve Marshall arrived, things had taken an eventful turn. "Tell mister Marshall what you saw," the manger...
LOVE IS THE BEST THING IN THE LIFE- I am looking for true, deep love and happy marriage. chat on Y.a.h.o.o! Messenger ID: egyptian_souvenirs(AT)y,a,h,o,o.c. o. m skype name: egyptianman1967My name is Mohamed El-Sayad, I am strong Egyptian man, handsome,good looking, my birth date is 27th January, 1967, Height: I am 185 Cm.tall,or 6 feet.1 inche, my Body Type: Average, I do not gambling, I do not use d**gs, I do not smoke nor drink wine, Alcohol at all, I never make sex with all and any girls...
I have been married to a wonderful man for twenty seven years. Our youngest of five children finished school and left for college eight months ago. I thought that my husband and I would really enjoy being empty-nesters. Boy, how wrong I was! He just worked longer hours, leaving home before I was out of bed in the morning and not getting home until dinnertime. And it was a dinnertime that had been pushed back later and later. I was frustrated and upset. I was even angry at times, but whenever...
Lesbianby Zane From The Sex Chronicles: Shattering the Myth Copyright©1997, 1998, 1999 All Rights Reserved You meet me at the airport right on time after my return flight from Jamaica. Even though I had a great time vacationing with my friends, I can hardly wait to see you. My eyes light up as I see you walking toward the gate to meet me. You look so sexy in the khaki slacks, black jacket and white button-down cotton shirt. I can feel my panties begin to get damp underneath the red, spaghetti...
The rain was falling on me relentlessly as the big rig pulled over along the side of the highway. "Thank goodness!" I thought as I sprinted toward the open passenger side door."Climb on up here outta that rain." Came a voice from the driver seat.I looked up to see a man around 40-ish I would guess, slightly graying hair, and a little over weight but fairly clean cut. He had a kind smile as he took my hand and helped me into the truck."Thanks so much!" I said as he pulled the rig back out onto...
Featuring the sexy Gina Valentina; Tony is looking around the house to find her stepsister and ask her if she wants to go out for lunch. He can’t find her anywhere until he hears some weird noises coming from her room. The closer he gets, the clearer it is. He peeks through her cracked open door and there she is, kneeling on her bed, gagging on a glass dildo. Surprised and humored at the sight of her stepsister doing this, he barges in the room asking her what she’s doing. She hides...
xmoviesforyouLAWYERS ARE HAMSTERS RUNNING ON A WHEEL By Pirategrrl (c) 2000 1. YOU DON'T BELIEVE THAT MAGIC IS POSSIBLE IN LIVES LIVED WITHIN TRADITIONAL BOUNDARIES. "This is American Airlines flight 201 from New York's Kennedy Airport to Los Angeles International Airport" the flight attendant said as the passengers shuffled on to the 7:00 am flight. Thirty years earlier, Robert Levy gave conscious thought to the meaning of every movement. Every gesture was a carefully thought out method...
Argus looked at the guests and raised his hands, motioning for them to calm themselves. He could see they were still upset over what he had just told them. ‘Okay, okay, ye’s can all hang me up and flog me fer telling such a horrid thing as that and breaking my promise, but noo ye’s know why things had tae change. Like I said, yer glad they things don’ne happen the noo, aren’t ye? Those people felt the same, but it was part of their daily lives and as ye’ve just heard, it was a day that...
Aida woke up from a restful sleep feeling extremely well rested. For a moment she wondered where she was. Then all thoughts came flooding back! Last night Alex had slept in her bed with her! And just as suddenly her anger returned by two folds. How dare he take liberty of her just like that?! She quickly pushed off the blankets only to discover she was still in her bathrobe. So she has not been taken advantage of. She heaved a sigh of relief and somehow felt bad for jumping to conclusion and...
Hi guys, I am Carl, Carl Donna. I am from gods own country, Kerala. Nah. Nah. Nah. The moment I said Kerala I think you guys came to a conclusion the typical black pot bellied Keralite but that is not what you’ll here. I am simple guy, very fair, spot stubble most of the time. I am actually from Goa, I live here as most of my business is from here, I also travel abroad once a month. Life was pretty good, love, money everything. I actually own a property in Goa and so visit there on leisure...
To all i am pramod from nashik maine aapko pichali kahani me likha tha ki maine friendship club me membership liye thi Aur maine kaise ek aunty ko shirdi me jakar choda tha ab mai ek call boy ban gaya tha aur mera lund ki size hai 8 inch & width is 3 inch any unsatisfy unty wants sex with me pls mail me or call me my chargess are only 30000/- rs per night Ab story par ata hu muze ek phone aya from parijat nagar nashik aur maine phone pe bate karne laga unhone pucha ki pramod maine kaha yes ,to...
p Rated StoriesMy Favorite Posts & StoriesMobile StoriesPost Story!CategoriesAnalBDSMCelebritiesFetishFirst TimeGay MaleGroup SexHardcoreInterracial SexLesbian SexMasturbationMatureSex HumorShemalesTabooVoyeurStories RankingsTop RatedMost ViewedMost CommentedTop AuthorsScrewing my Step-sisterThe thought of watching his step-sister screw, excited Justin. She was a cute girl, blonde with big blue eyes and a cute smile. She had had sex before, and he always wondered what it would be like...
Alexandra and Kevin lay sprawled over each other, arms draped over legs, breathing in deeply, post coitus. The sheets were slightly moist from their shower and hasty towel off. Kevin lay facing up with his head at the foot of the bed while Alex lay face down to the right with one leg over his midsection. Kevin considered Alex’s extended leg as it lay next to his face. He found the sculpted calf, fine boned ankle and high arched irresistibly sexy. Until minutes ago she’d been walking around in...
Monday, March 28 to Thursday, March 31, 2005 Julia walked me into school, firmly attached to my good arm. I felt no pain whatsoever. We were early, but the school was filling quickly. Virtually everyone knew who we were. I was aware by now that the press were ALL OVER this story. It'd been front-page news day after day because prurience sells big time. The press had been bothering us repeatedly at home, annoying Mom and Dad several times. Julia's role in the Annette incident was very...
I’ve taken on board everybody’s comments and suggestions. Hope you enjoy this. I’ve really let my fantasies run wild. It was a Wednesday and the day of my next shoot for a lingerie catalogue. The guy who does the photos has been trying to get me to do some private work on the side but so far I’ve turned him down. He’s OK but he has the hots for me and he’s not my type so I think I’ll give it a miss. Anyway I got up nice and early and had a shower and made myself a quick breakfast of crusty...
Straight SexIntroduction: Its long, but theres a fair amount of dialogue so I think itll read fairly fast. Gabby 1 My name is Gabrielle, everyone calls me Gabby. My parents both work, my mom is a stewardess, and my dad is an investment banker so my home life is pretty much short durations of their company and long periods of their respective absences. Theyre both divorcees, I guess that makes them understand better that the other needs their own space. To tell you the truth, Im not sure which I enjoy...
Bob, a middle-aged Canadian tourist on his first time in Lincoln, Nebraska, locates the red light district and enters a large brothel. The madam asks him to be seated and sends over a young lady to entertain the client. They sit and talk, frolic a little, giggle a bit, drink a bit, and she sits on his lap. He whispers in her ear and she gasps and runs away! Seeing this, the madam sends over a more experienced lady to entertain the gentleman. They sit and talk, frolic a little, giggle a bit,...