A Dungeon Holiday free porn video

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It was an early evening on a cold late October’s day. I was sat at the bar of an eerily quiet old pub. I was tired having been travelling sightseeing around the small coastal town where I was holidaying, all I wanted was a little drink before heading back off to my hotel.

“Is this seat taken?” A small delicate voice broke the silence.

“Oh, um, no.” I answered looking up from my beer glass to see a beautiful young bleached-blonde girl, she didn’t look a day over 17.

“Thanks.” She chirped, pulling up the barstool and sitting down beside me. “My usual, please.” She told the creepy old scruffy bartender,
who was wiping down an empty glass.

“Come here often, then?” I cheesily smirked as I looked into
her piercing green eyes.

“It’s a regular haunt.” She replied coldly.

I studied her young face, she looked flawless and pure, her features were almost elven. She was wearing a flowing white short dress, the fringe of her short bleached hair almost covered her right eye.

“What’s your poison?” She asked, looking at my nearly empty beer

“I was only having a quick Bud.” I answered.

“You should try the special.” She responded.

“Oh yeah, what’s the special?” I enquired.

“One special, please.” She stated to the grumpy barkeep, who nodded. Within a minute, he placed a mug infront of me, I peered inside and saw
what looked like a dark purple liquid.

“What’s in it?” I asked, a little unsure about it.

“Just try it, you’ll like it.” She winked seductively.

I placed the mug to my lips and took a sip.

“Ooh, it’s very bitter!” I squirmed with my face screwed up.

“Here, try sweetening it with this.” She giggled, pulling out a little vial she had attached to her necklace. The small glass vial contained a yellow liquid. I was even more unsure now but her charms were impossible for me to refuse. She twisted the tiny top off the vial and poured the syrupy golden liquid into the mug. I watched as the purple drink changed to green inside the mug.

“Try it now.” She insisted.

Again, I placed the mug to my mouth and took another sip.

“Hm, that’s better.” I stated, tasting the now rather sweet and fruity flavoured drink.

“It’s better if you down it in one.” She smiled.

“You’re not just doing this to get free drinks from me, are you?” I joked before taking the mug and downing it all in one go.

I suddenly felt strange, like as if the shadows in the old bar-room were closing in on me. I felt dizzy and my vision suddenly blurred. I looked towards the young seductress, who was inturn staring back at me
with a big grin on her face.

“Nighty night.” She whispered, as I suddenly felt my heavy eyes close on me, and with that, there was complete darkness.


I awoke, my eyes stung as they adjusted to the bright light of the room I was in. I strained my blurry eyes to try and see my surroundings. I was upright, but didn't feel like I was standing. Finally, my eyesight adjusted. I looked up and saw my arms above my head, I had rope wrapped around my wrists and between them was a meathook. I was being hung up off the ground from the ceiling.

I looked around the cold grey-tiled room. I saw a bunch of other people in the same prediciment as me. They were all young adults, no one older than 30.
Men and women, us all lined up in a row. They were naked and I realised I was naked too. I felt so exposed and vulnerable. I tried to speak but felt my throat tightened. There was nothing to stop me from talking but try as hard as I might I just couldn't make a sound.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

I sharply turned my head to the doorway, the big steel door had slammed open and in walked a bunch of young looking girls, they were dressed the same as the young girl from the bar. They even looked similar to her, they had the same coloured hair, the same elven features. One of them looked at me, and I noticed it was the same one from the bar, it was her striking green eyes that gave it away. She slyly smiled at me.

There was 10 of them, and they all went around looking at us hanging on the hooks. They was giggling as they poked and prodded us.

"Sshh! She's coming!" One of them alarmed. They quickly lined up
infront of the doorway, 5 on each side.

Moments later, in walked this tall black-haired woman. She looked in her middle-30s, and was pale, but very beautiful. Her big brown eyes were surrounded with black eyeshadow, and she wore shiny black lipstick. She was dressed in black too, leather high-heeled boots they went up to her thighs. Black crotchless stockings that were hung into place by a black leather corset, and she had a long black leather overcoat on. She was at least
6ft tall with an hourglass figure.

The young bleached-haired girls bowed their heads as she walked in. It was clear that this woman in black had a real aura of power about her.

"Ahh, just what I like to see," She began, "Fresh meat!" She licked her lips and eyed each and every one of us up. She walked around us, inspecting us from head to toe, front to back and back to front. She grabbed at our flesh, pinching and squeezing the guys knobs, balls and buttocks, and the women she squeezed their breasts and bums.

"These are good pickings." She smiled.

She stood infront of me, eyed me up and grabbed at me.

"Who picked this one?" She demanded.
The young girl from the bar raised her hand.

"I did, Mistress." She shyly answered.

"You done well," The dark mistress praised,
"I shall see to it that your justly rewarded."

The young girl smiled proudly, and then winked at me.

"I won't have him yet though," The mistress stated, "he's still too fresh, I'll have him matured here for a while."

She then strolled along the line of us folks hanging up. She stopped infront of a young redheaded woman, who was quivering with fear.

"I'll have this one tonight." She stated and turned to head out the door.
"Have her washed and prepared for me." She demanded as she walked off.

The young girls obeyed and quickly unhooked the poor woman from the hook. They wrapped a blindfold around her eyes and dragged her off out the room.


A few hours slowly passed by.
The elven girls in white walked into the room and pressed a button on the wall. A rectangle part of wall opened up and from out of it, a flatscreened tv slid out. One girl then pressed the 'on' button.

"Enjoy the show, guys and girls." She smirked and headed out of
the room with the others.

On the screen showed a very clear live CCTV feed. I could see a single plastic chair in a large empty dimly lit room. At the end of the room,
a large double door opened up and in walked two female twins. They looked quite muscular and were holding a long strait staff each. They stood by the sides of the door, and in walked the dark haired mistress from earlier, only this time all she had on was her thigh-high leather heeled boots and stockings. She had big round supple breasts with pert small nipples. She walked over and sat down on the chair with her legs crossed looking towards the door.

"Bring her in!" She demanded, and with that, the redheaded woman from earlier nervously walked in. She still had a blindfold on, and her arms
were now tied behind her back.

"Over here!" The mistress commanded her, and the scared woman slowly stumbled over towards her. She tripped over and landed with her
face right by the mistress's feet.

"Oh I like it, she knows her place already!" She laughed, pressing the toe of her boot to the frightened lady's lips. The redhead shuddered
away from her feet.

"How dare you move away from your mistress's feet!" She snapped at her defenceless victim. "When I give you my boot, you shall kiss it!"

Again, the mistress pressed the toe of her boot to the woman's lips and this time, the woman nervously kissed it.

"That's better, you shall learn your place yet!" She triumphantly retorted. She then stood up with her boot pressed down onto the woman's pretty face
and looked down at her subject.

"That's right where you belong. You're beneath me, you pathetic little worm!" She gloated.

"You're here for my pleasure, so you better please me." She smirked watching the sole of her boot being kissed.

"That's enough." She suddenly told, stepping her foot off the woman's mouth and back down onto the cold tiled floor.

"On your knees, dog." She firmly commanded, her scared victim nervously obeying.
"Yeah, your nothing but a dog, aren't you," She continued taunting, "and like all dogs, you love sniffing at your owners crotch!" with that she quickly grabbed her head and forced her face between her thighs, pressing the woman's mouth and nose onto her naked shaven pussy.

The woman yelped and tried to move away but the mistress was too strong and held her head in place.

"You know you love it, you pathetic bitch!" She laughed as her victim struggled to get away. She finally let go, and the woman's head jolted backwards as she fell back onto the floor.

"Please stop..." The woman whimpered, with tears rolling down from her blindfold.

"Did a mouse just squeek? Oh wait it was you." The mistress quipped,
"Don't talk, dogs like you can't talk."

"P-please..." The woman quivered. The mistress leant down and gave her a short sharp slap across the cheek.

"Don't you dare disobey me! Another word from you and you'll get the whip!"
She sternly warned.

The woman didn't say another word, her chin crinkled up as she wept.

"Oh how silly of me, dogs sniff bums instead of vaginas, don't they?"
The mistress giggled. "Come on then bitch, you can smell mine." She turned around and leaned forward, her hands resting on the plastic chair.

The woman didn't know what to do, she daren't disobey her mistress but she sure didn't like the sound of smelling another woman's ass.

"I'm waiting..." The mistress sang impatiently, slowly swaying her hips from side to side.

Very hesitantly, the woman got back up onto her knees and crawled forward towards the mistress. She stopped when she felt the warm flesh of the mistress's thigh against her face and then very nervously and slowly,
she rubbed her nose up over and across the naked smooth cheeks of
her peachy round butt. She caught the strong smell of her crack as her nose hovered above it and she quickly stopped.

"Take a good. Long. Whiff..." The mistress chuckled.

The woman tried to fake it by just breathing through her mouth.

"Oh you cheat! How dare you!" She snapped at her.
"For that, I'm going to smother you!"

The mistress reached around grabbing the woman's flame red hair on the back of her head, and forced her face into her bumcheeks. She held it there tightly as the woman began to struggle. Her nose was trapped between her cheeks and her mouth was squashed against the silky slits of her pussy, unable to get any air into her lungs at all. She tried to scream but only a
muffled groan could be heard.

"Struggle all you want, bitch, the only air you'll get is when I release you, or if I decide to grace you with a fart directly into your pathetic little
nostrils," The mistress cruelly taunted, "and you'll be grateful for it too!"

An agonisingly long 40 seconds passed until the mistress finally let her head go. The woman leaned back gasping for oxygen, her face turned a shade of red that nearly matched the colour of her hair.

"You made my ass wet with your tears, stupid dog!" The mistress snapped, rubbing the wet skin of her cheeks.

"Oh well, are you going to be a good little doggy and sniff your owner's perfect ass now, or do I have to smother you again 'til you pass out?"
The mistress inquired.

The woman whimpered submissively still panting for air and leaned her face forward, placing her little button nose between the mistress's firm naked ass and started to obediently smell it. She kept coughing after a few sniffs as she experienced the strange new musky smell.

"There, that's better," She smiled, "see, it's not so bad, is it?"
"Then again, it might not be smelling so fresh," She giggled,
"afterall, it hasn't been washed today. Can you think of something that's small
and wet enough to clean my asshole? Something that's conveniently very close to it already? Hm? Like, I don't know, maybe your tongue?"

The woman suddenly stopped sniffing, realising what her mistress is after.

"Oh no!" She panickly thought to herself. She's never been with a woman before, and she's never even thought about licking a guy's ass before so the thought of doing it to a woman made her feel sick to her stomach.

"Please no, not that!" She thought, her knees trembling.

"Go on, dog, lick my ass clean." The mistress demanded.

The woman was too scared to obey. She tried to stick her tongue out but her nerves got the better of her and turned her head away.

The mistress was angered by this and turned around to slap the woman.
"What did I say to you, bitch?! Don't disobey me!"

The woman tried to hold her sore face but having her arms bound behind her back meant she couldn't, and more tears streamed down her face. She could only lay there crying as the mistress walked over to her. She stood above her and sat down on top of her chest. She had her legs arched up with her feet flat on the floor at the sides of the woman's head.

"You're going to lick my ass one way or another, bitch, I suggest you make it as easy for yourself as possible, or I'll make you suffer."
The mistress warned with a grin on her gorgeous pale face. "Ok?"

"O-o-ok..." The poor woman whimpered.

"That's 'ok MISTRESS' to you!" The mistress sternly retorted,
slapping the frightened woman again.

"Now, hold that tongue out, dog." She ordered, the woman nervously did as she was told and held her pink wet tongue out. The mistress slowly moved forward, pushing the woman's tongue into the gap under her now moist pussy. The tip of her tongue wiggled against the small brown hole, slowly licking it clean.

The woman was surprised by the taste, well it didn't really taste much of anything just like wet skin really. Smells stronger than what it tastes,
and as long as she didn't actually think about what bodypart she's licking,
the woman managed to not feel too queasy about it.

"Hmmm yeah..." The mistress groaned happily, "Lick it good... Ahhh yeah..."
She slid her hand down her smooth belly right down 'til her fingers were against her hairless pussy and began to finger herself. The feel of a warm wet tongue rolling around her asshole while her fingers are stroking her pink wet slits and firm clit felt extremely good to her.

I noticed the mistress's two bodyguards at the door were watching on and touching themselfs up too, they were clearly turned on by the sight.
The only one who wasn't turned on was the defenceless redhead licking ass,
but it's not like there was anything she could do about it.

"Ahhh your tongue feels good on my butthole," The mistress moaned, "bet it feels even better on my pussy. Lick it." She repositioned herself slightly so the woman could get her tongue right on it. She gulped and obeyed her mistress. She pushed her tongue against the wet fleshy lips of her shavened vagina.
She was shocked, unlike her asshole, which she was beginning to like the taste of, her pussy had a real strong flavour to it. It tasted like a warm lemon half soaked in sugar, sweetly sour. She nearly gagged on the vaginal taste, but carried on regardless, licking away at her mistress's pussy like
an eager horse with a saltlick.

She was even more shocked at how much she began to like it, she may consider herself to be a strait woman yet pussy-licking began to grow on her.
She was even determined to make her mistress cum, by focusing her licks on her now hardened throbbing clit.

"Oh fuck hmmm... What a good little dog you are hmmm... Ahhh don't stop..."
The mistress groaned and moaned with pleasure, rocking back and forth on top of her victim's tongue. "You're hungry for my cum, aren't you hm... Keep this up and I'll cum all over you- ahhh yeah..."

She carried on licking even more stronger and faster now. I dare say she was even getting turned on by it all.

"Oh fuck- here it comes- oh shit! oooh shit! AHHHHH FUCK YEAH!!!" The mistress screamed as her clear juice flowed out of her reddened pussy like water flowing from the mouth of a river. It almost looked like she was having a clear transparent piss but alas, it was cum squirting it's way out of her small opening. The woman underneath was lucky enough to be drenched in it, looking now like she's just had her head under a powerful shower.
Well, I guess she did!

"Oooooh fuck... What a good little dog..." The mistress groaned in praise.
"Now lick my cum up."

The woman obeyed, licking up the sweet tangy juice from off her dripping wet pussy, and licking around her wet inner thighs. Finally, she licked at the crack of her ass, making sure all her cum was licked up off of her.

"That'll do, dog." The mistress told her, standing up and looking down at her. She then turned to her bodyguards, who were still playing with themselfs,
and spoke to them. "She's a keeper this one, very easy to break too. I wish to keep her as my pet, go get a collar and dogtag made for her.
Can't have people thinking she's a stray!" She chuckled.

"Yes Mistress." They both replied in unison.

"What name will you give her?" One asked.

"Hm, let me think..." The mistress puzzled, studying the soaking wet woman on the floor, "I think I'll call her, Red." She smiled.

"As you wish, madame." The other one responded, they both turned and headed out the door to carry out their mistress's demands.

She then walked over to the chair and sat down on it, sighing in relief.

"Come here, Red." She called.

Red got up onto her knees and crawled over to her new owner. She was no longer whimpering or scared. Infact, she was acting much more confidently,
like a woman possessed. Amazingly enough, she pushed her face between her mistress's legs, wanting to get at her crotch some more. She felt sick at the thought of licking a woman's privates earlier and
now she couldn't get enough of it.

"Down!" The mistress commanded, and Red stopped and bowed her head.
She sat down on her knees looking down at her mistress's boots.

"Good girl." She praised patting her redhaired head.

"Girls!" She called out, those elven girls in white quickly ran
into the room, "I'd like you to meet my new pet." They all cooed over her, stroking her head and body, running their hands down her back and
over her pert bottom while saying how pretty she is.

"See to it that she has a good doggy-cage set up in my chambers at once."
The mistress demanded.

"Yes Mistress." They all obediently agreed and ran off to fulfil her wishes.

A few minutes passed before those twin bodyguards returned,
one holding a collar, the other holding a leash.

"Ah good, your back. Suit her up." The mistress commanded.

"Yes Mistress." They agreed in unison.

They walked over and attached the collar around Red's neck, and then
hooked the leather leash onto it.

The mistress then stood up, clutched the leash in her hand, and began to walk out the room with her bodyguards.

"Come along, girl." She chirped to Red, who obediently followed by crawling on her knees behind her. As she did, she lifted her head up and pushed her face into her mistress's naked round peachy ass.

"Cheeky dog!" The mistress giggled, perfectly happy to have Red's nose pressed between her velvety smooth bumcheeks as she walked.

As soon as they headed out the door. The girl who d**gged me at the bar came into the room, walked over to the tv and switched it off.

"Enjoy the show, guys and girls?" She asked smiling. We all didn't know how to respond, though a lot of us (me included) was very obviously turned on,
and so just nodded.

"Good, there's more where that came from." She smirked and looked at me.
"I think Mistress is going to enjoy you!" She whispered and winked.

With that, she headed off out the door, almost skipping like a playful young'un.

As I hung there helplessly with the other imprisoned people in the room,
I looked towards the blank tv screen and thought to myself,

"If that happened to Red, what's instore for me?!"

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Theft on Holiday

Emma and Cathy were already settled into their cabin in the holiday park. Both eighteen-year-old girls were in skimpy bikinis that showed off their well-toned figures and had just got back from their daily swim. They sat on the veranda and looked out for the two grannies who were going to join them for their two-week break.Mabel and Janet were in the car and were close to the camp. The two sixty-five-year-old grannies were thankful that Emma and Cathy agreed to let them join them on holiday,...

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Mr Coxs Holiday

Author’s Note. This story is dedicated to ChrisM. Thank you for your generosity. I sat at my desk looking out over the London skyline. It was July and the rain was pouring down. I sighed and drank my tea. I was a coffee man but after three months in England, I had been hooked on the tea. It wasn’t my office I was sitting in but one that was provided to me by the company who had contracted my services. I’m a marketing consultant and travel the world helping start-up companies to find...

1 year ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 13

Gathering among the crowd of adventurers Elinore and Bonny ready themselves as they enter the structure jutting out of the mountain. Elinore’s eyes widen as the group finds themselves in a wide-open field with fountains of water across the area. The crowds dissipate surprised by the extensive amount of space in the area as Bonny raises her guard. “Where is this?” Kaito asks. “This is the Wasser Dungeon, the Dungeon of Water,” Bonny says. “Or at the very least it’s the entrance, but I don’t...

2 years ago
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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 5 The Extension Starts and They Go on a Holiday

The next morning Mandy was woken by the feeling of Dennis’ cock sliding in and out of her vagina. At first she panicked but less than a second later she relaxed and enjoyed her first fuck of the day. When they were in the shower together Mandy asked Dennis if he’d wake her like that every day. “On the days that I wake up first I will, but if you wake up first you have to wake me with your mouth if I’m soft and climb on and ride me if I’m hard.” “Of course I will.” The highlight of the...

4 years ago
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Dungeon Games 1

Dungeon Games/Saw part 1 The first thing that Amy noticed when she awoke in the dark, damp area was that her head was stinging. Her right arm rose to push softly against the top of her head, when she did this she winced. She drew her hand back, and looked at her fingers. A dark, red substance was smeared along her fingers. “Blood,” she thought, before she looked through the room, her voice rising “Where am I, Anybody here!?” She had been known for her bad temper, she tried to act like she...

3 years ago
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Dungeon Keeper Rise to Overlord

There once was a young man, a youth from another world who fell into this one. He rose from nothing to accomplish great things, terrible things yes, but great nonetheless, for he was a Dungeon Keeper and his quest was to rise to become the Overlord the unchallenged Master of Darkness and King of the Underworld.

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Dungeon of Depraved Demons

It’s been a rather quiet and boring month since your best friend Amy left on another of her business trips and left you in charge of watering her plants. You’re used to doing this for her since she tends to leave unexpectedly for a couple of weeks, but now you’re getting worried because this is the longest she has ever been gone without giving you a call. You don’t even know where she went! Over at here place, you finish watering the azaleas when you finally decide to look around and see if you...

2 years ago
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Dungeon Meat

DUNGEON MEAT By Llabmik Chapter 1 – Highborn Bitch Grand Duchess Isabella lifted her nose in utter contempt as she watched thatdespicable worm, Lord Escobar, toady to the Grand Inquisitor. The lickspittlecourtier had a peculiarly fawning expression on his face as he talked to theancient priest. She would never have invited either the Grand Inquisitor orLord Escobar to one of her parties, but their hostess,the Queen of Spain, sadly had to cater to all factions. Feeling immensely superior...

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Dungeon MasterChapter 6 Phase II

17605 points. First things first. When we returned, I made sure we had no visitors then gave everyone a day of freedom to do what they wanted. That included tonight and tomorrow. I didn’t stay and get drunk with all of my fellow dungeon dwellers, even though I desperately wanted to. Having their boss there while they were partying would dampen the atmosphere. I did have a beer and reviewed at length the Menu deciding on my next move. Early bedtime was in my best interest. A sober one at...

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Dungeon SlutChapter 2

It’s been a few months since our parents died. We grieved for the proper amount of time but it was time for Joy and I to get back to our routine, a slutty routine. Joy is upstairs slipping into a whore uniform for another trip to the sleazy downtown adult porno shop that we love so much. I am talking to Tammy our Guardian cousin. It’s a three day weekend coming up, so she is going away with her boyfriend and making sure it’s okay with me. As usual I convince her everything will be fine. “Joy...

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Dungeon SlutChapter 6

After Joy graduated high school we slipped into a slutty routine. We were doing cam shows and making movies three or four days a week. Joy liked going to the glory hole so we continued doing that on the weekends. Joy’s puffy pussy and ass hole were getting so much use I was afraid she would get tired of fucking. Her shorts not only dug deep into her cunt but when she bent over you could see her large puffy starfish; so fuckable. We began shaving the sluts head a year ago, wigs are so much...

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Dungeon SlutChapter 10

I surveyed the room, I needed to find the groom quickly before my needy little sister starts giving the pussy away. I know I only have a few minutes before the perverts in that room have her. That slutty little he/she is turning me on, maybe I’ll have her eat some man cream out of my pussy. For now we’ll just see if he/she can match Joy’s super slut behavior. I found Steve losing at cards off in the corner. “Hey, husband to be. Joy could really use some more of that cock.” I whispered in...

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Family Holiday to Turkey Amys holiday

She’d been to a hotel close to the one we were staying at (i’d planted the seed of where to go with my parents) and had given me the number of a guy she’d kept in contact with who was local. She didn’t give me a lot of information but couldn’t stop smiling and her only comment was “be careful what you wish for”! I pushed her for more but she refused and said I’d have a holiday to remember. I took his number and wrote several messages that I deleted and didn’t send. Did I really want this? I...

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On Holiday

I have known Allison ever since we were very young and we're close; more like sisters than best friends. Allison's older sister was not going on the family summer holiday last year because she had plans with some friends for a skiing trip to the Alps. Therefore, Allison's mum asked if I would like to accompany them on holiday to Spain. Before we went, Allison helped me choose a new bikini, a black and white mini Shorty that went up in my bum just a little. Allison said it looked sexy so I...

3 years ago
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Long Holiday

Copyright Oggbashan September 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Long Holiday As it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the coffee...

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The HolidayMany years ago when we were k**s my Grandmother used to take one of us on holiday with her, we had to wait till we were 13 or over so i was 5th in line to go. The holiday was in a caravan at a seaside resort. The van belonged to my uncle he bought it so my Grandma could have a holiday as she was not to good at getting around. On the holiday with us was also my aunt both my uncle and my aunt were single my uncle had a few flings with the ladies but never married the same with my aunt...

1 year ago
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The HolidayMany years ago when we were k**s my Grandmother used to take one of us on holiday with her, we had to wait till we were 13 or over so i was 5th in line to go. The holiday was in a caravan at a seaside resort. The van belonged to my uncle he bought it so my Grandma could have a holiday as she was not to good at getting around. On the holiday with us was also my aunt both my uncle and my aunt were single my uncle had a few flings with the ladies but never married the same with my aunt...

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My mums holiday

I usually phone my mum about once a week to see how she is. On this occasion I was quite nervous, considering what had happened between us the previous weekend (see stories: My Mum's Birthday, and parts 2 & 3). I thought she might be quite stand-offish, or even blame me for taking advantage of her when she was so drunk. But to my relief she seemed quite her normal self, and didn't even mention what had gone on over her birthday. Either she can't remember, or she's too embarrassed, I...

2 years ago
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Kinky Holiday

We’ve been in Puerto Rico for a week now, we are both very chilled out and nicely tanned, we both look healthy and fit. We’ve been on the beach for most of the day catching up on our tan’s and playing in the sand and sea, so we decide it’s time for a slow walk back to the apartment and to call in and have a couple of happy hour cocktails in a bar we like on the way back.We grab a couple of drinks in the bar, which is quite quiet as its change over time for the holiday makers, people going to...

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Swimming on holiday

When I retired we started taking more holidays each year and some of those we went on were organized by our local over 50s group. The holidays tended to be in early or late season when the hotels weren’t full and the owners wanted to fill their bedrooms and charged a lower than normal rate to a large group.We always selected a holiday at an hotel that had an indoor swimming pool. There were two reasons for this, the first being I find older women in one piece swimming costumes very attractive...

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The slut on holiday

Hello to all my regular readers, sorry I haven't posted a story in a few weeks, I've been on holiday! What an eventful holiday that was! As ever, all these events are really, and this did happen. However, the names of characters have been changed so that no one gets in trouble ;) My family and I went to South Africa for a bit of a fall getaway, and we booked this beautiful luxury hotel in the capital, Johannesburg. We arrived about 1pm local time, and the heat hit you instantly...

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My Family Holiday

My Family Holiday by Kathy. ( Gangbang, WS, Whipping, Objects, Bondage, Public Sex, Beastiality, Humiliation, Slutwife.) I had not really had a holiday this year except for a few days away with my husband Chas earlier in the year. So when my mum said did I fancy going with her and my aunty to Cephallonia the end of September for ten days I jumped at the chance especially when she said she would treat me to it. My mum is in her mid to late fifties and her sister in her late forties. My mum had...

4 years ago
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A Wonderful Holiday

“It’s a fantastic idea, Beth, they’ll love it!”My younger sister had just explained her idea of taking our parents away for a holiday in the sun to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary, and as usual with her, I thought it was a great suggestion. Although she was only twenty-three, Beth had always been the star c***d in our family, the one who worked hard and really achieved – she’d got a good job straight from university and could probably afford to treat the folks like this, but the nice...

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The Amazing Holiday

IntroductionThis is the story of the amazing holiday I took earlier this year with my girlfriend and her family. It was a one week stay at a little island off southern Spain. Let me introduce the cast. I’m Jack 32 from Yorkshire and this is my story. My girlfriend Kelly is 27 really pretty, long blonde hair, fit and toned from her 4 nights a week gym visits with very pert and firm 34c boobs. I was lucky to pull her as I would class her above my league but my wit and charm (and bank account)...

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The Holiday

Bridget had grown up on a small holding in Ireland in a Roman Catholic parish and had enjoyed her sister's company through their teens. They were told to leave the small holding when the stallion visited their mares but of course they always found a covert way to creep back close enough to see the mating.Bridget had been a bright young girl and encouraged by the parish priest's sponsorship she had been sent to boarding school and then she won a place at University and trained as a pharmacist....

1 year ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 12

Bonny walks out onto the deck of the ship as it flies through the skies. She takes in a deep breath and screams out loudly as Elinore walks up behind her. “Yup, I truly belong up in the skies,” Bonny says wiping her forehead. “It looks like all of our stuff is still here,” Elinore says happily. Bonny nods. “Good. Those church assholes better not have taken our stuff. But I can’t believe I managed to get myself wrapped up in dungeoneering.” “Don’t worry, with Kaito’s power we can surely do...

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Dungeons Dragons 4th Edition

Dungeons & Dragons: 4th Edition Creation Page (Only the Creation Pages are in 3rd Person's Point of View, the rest is 1st Person's Point of View) First it shall be decided, WHICH world of D&D your character will be made in, there are many a different types of universes for dungeons and dragons, it is open to make your own world, but it will require a good deal of work for it to properly work. now, here's a list of the campaign settings of Dungeons & Dragons. 1 Al-Qadim 2 Birthright 3...

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Family Holiday to Turkey Mums holiday

We chose Turkey because it has the best golf courses within our budget, or at least that’s what hubby thought. We chose Turkey because I find Turkish men attractive so I would also have some eye candy, and a bit or harmless flirting! The journey out was a bit of a nightmare but after a lengthy delay we eventually arrived just in time to go to sleep!! From the next morning I was proven right as hubby went off for a round of golf straight after breakfast and by the time I’d finished my coffee...

4 years ago
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Rebel Holiday

"So where have I gone wrong?" "You have not gone wrong Jane, its just that we are not going anywhere in this relationship" "Graham, I gave everything in this relationship, I gave up promotion opportunities,hobbies, you name it". Tears were now in her eyes, there was also a pause. She thought about the holiday in Spain she had booked for them both. "Jane we have both tried, but I find it hard now." He did not want to say it, but before he could even think about it, Jane asked...

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True Story Holiday

Me again with another true story, I've told a couple of story's now but none with my partner james as the star and i think its time to change that. I often feel so sorry for him, because he is a fucking great shag, yet i still fuck others and he's non the wiser. It isn't because he is shit or treats me bad its just because i love sex so much i just cannot help myself.Now this Particular story happened when a few weeks after mine and James's 1st date which was in my previous story. Now me and...

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Mature BBW I met on holiday

It all started back in the summer of 2017 in Fuerteventura while me and my girlfriend enjoyed our long awaited holiday abroad. We had a great 1st week there in the beaming sunshine among beautiful views and beautiful people. We soon realised we had booked ourselves into a predominantly German hotel. It soon became aparent that this holiday would probably be a very pirvate affair with there been a language barrier between us and the other guests. So we went about having a good time and enjoying...

1 year ago
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Mature BBW I met on holiday

It all started back in the summer of 2017 in Fuerteventura while me and my girlfriend enjoyed our long awaited holiday abroad. We had a great 1st week there in the beaming sunshine among beautiful views and beautiful people. We soon realised we had booked ourselves into a predominantly German hotel. It soon became aparent that this holiday would probably be a very pirvate affair with there been a language barrier between us and the other guests. So we went about having a good time and enjoying...

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Life changing holiday

Some years ago when I was around my mid 30's, married with a couple of k**s. My family and I were on holiday in Cyprus. We had a ground floor 3 bedroom apartment on a quiet part of the complex. It was just off peak season so the place wasn't too busy. The apartment had a patio overlooking large grassed area dotted with small shrubs and trees where people would sit during the day to sunbathe. This area had a path running round the perimeter and it ran past the patios of the apartments.One...

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Happy Holiday

When I was around 16 my parents decided to take me and my sister on a family holiday to a resort on one of the Spanish Islands. The day before we were due to leave, something came up in my father’s job and he had to stay behind. Ten days of sun, sea, sand and my sister and mother nagging me, and dragging me around the shops.We arrived late in the evening and had a quick look around the resort. It seemed to be your standard holiday resort, a group of buildings surrounding a large swimming pool...

2 years ago
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Working Holiday

Just back for a works tip to Spain, 11 days in a place i wont name as I dont want to give the game away, but I had a great time.Last time I was there was a lads holiday 9 years ago, this time I ended up with a house to myself because the guy who was supposed to cover the job was planning on bringing his wife and k** so the house was booked, when he dropped out I said I would do it.Ended up in a nice house with a little pool, was not too busy around there so no neighbors to complain. Good...

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Wifes fun holiday

It was the final day of what had been our best holiday so far. Never had we wined and dined and fucked and sucked so much. We had been at it from the moment the plane landed and taken our love making to new heights and destinations. From the beach to tree lined woods and from our hotel balcony to the back seat of taxis we had reignited the flame between us and tried many a new position along the way. Tonight, for our last night we were going back to our favorite restaurant where the manager...

Oral Sex
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Making Friends On Holiday

This is my first story... I yawned and stretched as the barman left my pina colada on the small table beside my sun lounger. 'Thank you Paulo' I said as he lifted my empty glass, smiled and walked away. I watched as he walked back to the bar, he was wearing white, lightweight linen trousers and I could easily see that he was wearing nothing beneath them. Damn his bum looked fine!. I stretched again, sat up and reached for my cool drink. I could get used to this life I thought, too bad I...

1 year ago
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I Want a Holiday

It had been a long hard winter in Cornwall but finally the first hints of spring were appearing. The sun was breaking through the clouds for a few hours each day and there were no longer icicles hanging from trees past midday. A few brave green shoots were appearing and even the odd bud was beginning to open. Instead of rabbit tracks in the snow there was the sounds of birds singing again. Indeed, the season had turned. As dusk began to fall one evening, an old tramp came trudging down a...

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