After Dinner Entertainment free porn video

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So here I was, sitting at my PC, working from home and thinking about my first adventure into the world of being a cuckold husband. Prior to meeting my wife, I had ventured into the world of swinging and had met various couples and wives over the years, so had experienced things from the other side, so to speak. Then I’d met Linda.

We got on like a house on fire, enjoyed similar things in life and it just felt right to move in with each other after a short period of time. Within four years, we decided to get married. For both of us, it was our second marriages and we intended to put our initial disastrous marriages truly behind us. We were both in our mid-forties, had good jobs and were reasonably fit. Our kids from our previous marriages had all grown up and left home, so here we were, young enough to be enjoying our new life together.

A casual comment, whilst on our honeymoon, about whether I’d enjoy seeing my wife, Linda, with her ex-boyfriend Christian, had resulted in him meeting us at our house and me watching Linda and Christian have sex.

I’d known about Christian from early on in our relationship and how he had opened Linda’s eyes to the world of swinging with couples, females and single males. I too had been honest and open with Linda about my meetings and adventures with both couples and wives. Quite often, in bed, we would share the stories of our sexual adventures, which certainly added a spark in the bedroom.

I must admit, I was unsure when I first said okay to the suggestion; however, when it came to the evening and watching them together, I enjoyed it enough for Linda to ask whether I wanted her to arrange another meeting with Christian.

“Why not?” I told her. “If it’s anything like the last meeting, then it should be fun.”

“Okay, I’ll get in touch with Christian and see what I can arrange.”

Immediately, Linda texted Christian and within about fifteen minutes of sending it, she received a reply from him and headed off to the kitchen to check our social calendar.

“Christian would love to meet up again and I’ve checked our calendar and next Tuesday would work for us and also Christian.”

“Great, in that case, tell him that’s fine.”

Linda texted him and almost immediately received a reply.

“Christian won’t be able to get to us until about 6-ish and has a meeting locally the following day, so wondered whether it would be okay for him to stay over? I’ll make up the spare bedroom and he can stay in there. What do you think?”

“Yes, that’s not a problem, especially if it helps him out.”

Linda texted him and let him know and told me that he’d replied and appreciated the offer to stay over, which he would take up.

The next week went quickly, with a mixture of work and social meetings with friends. Our sex life was on overdrive, both us taking every opportunity to enjoy each other’s bodies. I noticed a change that occurred. On a regular basis, as I was making love to Linda, she would ask me to think about Christian being deep inside her pussy and filling her with his big cock and cum. Invariably, that would tip me over the edge and I’d cum quickly.

Before we knew it, Tuesday had arrived. Linda had prepared a meal that just needed to be reheated and had gotten the spare room made up for Christian. Just after 4, she had gone upstairs to have a bath and change.

Linda called me up to the bathroom and told me to join her. I sat at one end with Linda at the other. She then took her shaver and began to shave her pussy smooth. She’d previously told me that this was something that Christian enjoyed.

“I thought you’d enjoy seeing what I’m doing to get ready for our guest,” Linda explained.

“I’m sure that Christian will be delighted,” I replied.

Linda got out of the bath before me and before she towelled herself dry, she put one leg on the edge of the bath. “Can you just check that I haven’t missed anything?” she asked me.

I put my hand up to her pussy and gave it a good check and told her that it was nice and smooth.

She noticed that my cock had hardened. “Well, it looks like we are both looking forward to this evening,” she said as she smiled at me, leant down and kissed me deeply.

We both dried off and put on our clothes. Linda chose a dress that just covered her knees. Again, I knew from what she’d told me previously, that Christian particularly enjoyed her in a dress. She was also wearing a favourite perfume of mine that always got me aroused.

At just gone six, Christian’s car pulled up on the drive. The doorbell rang and I answered it, letting him in. He put down his overnight bag in the hall and went into the lounge, presenting Linda with a bouquet of yellow flowers, her favourite and also a bottle of Prosecco, her preferred drink of choice.

She thanked him and kissed him on the cheek. She then patted the sofa, telling him to take a seat and asked me to get us drinks.

Linda asked for a glass of her Prosecco; Christian and I settled for a glass of red wine.

When I went back into the lounge with the drinks, Linda was sat next to Christian, on the sofa. I passed them their drinks and sat in the armchair, across the room, facing the sofa.

We chatted about work and what we’d be getting up to socially since we’d last met. Christian told us about his trips abroad with work and that he’d still not had time to meet another woman, due to being too busy.

“Well, you’ve always got me,” Linda replied. “If that’s okay with you, Pete?”

Before I knew it, I had replied, “Yes, of course.” In my head I was thinking, bloody hell, why did you go and say that and also reply so quickly. I’m sure this hadn’t gone unnoticed by both Linda and Christian. I was right.

Linda had indeed picked up on this and said, “Oh, that didn’t take you long to think about!” A broad grin spread across her face as she turned towards Christian.

“Well, it looks as though Pete has given you and I an open invitation to meet again.”

Christian smiled, lent forward and kissed Linda full on the lips. She responded, parting her lips, so their tongues could entwine. I noticed Christian’s hand move up Linda’s thigh and his thumb press into where her pussy would be under her dress. Linda let out a purr of delight, as they continued to kiss. Christian had obviously hit the spot. I sat, transfixed and noticed that I’d started to get an erection.

“Right, before we get too carried away, let’s have dinner,” Linda suggested.

I topped up our drinks, as Linda reheated the meal she had prepared and served it. Whilst we chatted about normal everyday things, if I had been a mind-reader, I would have bet that we were each sat there thinking, I wonder what will happen after we’ve eaten.

After dinner, I helped Linda clear up, topped up our glasses and we went back into the lounge. We all sat in exactly the same positions, Linda and Christian on the sofa and me in the armchair facing them.

Linda was almost through her bottle of Prosecco and by her behaviour, I could tell. She had become a lot friskier. Suddenly, she said, “Let’s put some music on.” She went to her phone, went through her music app and announced, “Yes, this playlist is a good one.”

Kiss by Prince filled the room from the speakers.

With that, Linda got up from the sofa and stood in front of Christian. “If I remember correctly, you enjoyed me putting on a bit of a dance show when we stayed at that hotel a couple of years ago, so this is for you.”

Linda began to dance provocatively in front of Christian. From my armchair, all I could see was Linda’s back. So, I decided to move to another armchair that gave me a side-on view.

Her hips snaked from side to side, as her 38C breasts jiggled under her dress. She began to rub her hands up and down her thighs and over her breasts. She moved towards Christian and stood in front of him, her legs planted slightly further apart than she’d normally stand. Christian took the signal and put his right hand under Linda’s dress, obviously feeling her pussy. Linda wriggled a bit, ensuring Christian’s finger was pressing her buttons so to speak. She then leant forward and kissed him deeply, before moving back to the middle of the lounge, still facing him.

Next up was I’m A Slave 4U by Britney Spears.

As the song began, Linda changed her dancing rhythm in time with it. Linda then took the hem of her dress and held it with both hands, pulling it up and above her head, before tossing it to one side.

There she stood, in front of Christian, in her bare feet and white lacy underwear. Her 38C breasts, cascading over the top of the bra. At one point she turned away from Christian, pushing her ass towards him. As she did, I glimpsed the tell-tale damp patch of arousal at the front of her knickers.

As she faced away from Christian, she put her hands behind her, unclipping her bra. She discarded this to one side, covering each of her breasts with one of her hands before turning around. She moved close to Christian’s face and as she did so, she removed her hands, letting her ample breasts swing freely. Her nipples were already hard and aroused.

She took one of her breasts in her hand and offered it to Christian. He leant forward and took her nipple into his mouth, gently but firmly biting it with his teeth. Linda’s knees buckled slightly as he did this.

She once again moved further away from Christian, into the centre of the room. She then asked me to come and join her in the centre of the room. I did as I was asked. As I got near her, she said, “Please, could you pull my knickers off for me?”

Linda stood in front of me and I knelt on the floor in front of her, my eye-line level with her lacy white knickers. I put both of my hands either side of the waistband and began to slowly pull them down. Linda stepped out of them and said to me, “Pete, are my knickers wet?”

I picked them up from the floor and indeed, the gusset of them was soaked with Linda’s juices of arousal. “Yes, they are,” I replied.

“Why do you think that is?”

“Probably because you are looking forward to fucking Christian?” I replied.

“Right first time,” Linda replied, a broad smile on her face.

Linda then turned around to face Christian and proceeded to go onto all fours in the middle of the room.

“Pete, please move behind me and tell Christian what you can see.”

I did as I was told. “I can see that your pussy lips are open and that your pussy is very wet indeed.”

“Would you say that I am ready to be fucked by Christian?”

“Yes, definitely.”

“Good, you can go and sit back down in your chair now,” Linda replied.

Linda moved towards Christian and began to unbuckle his belt. She then unzipped his trousers and with a couple of tugs, proceeded to pull them off, together with Christian’s boxers. His hard cock sprang upwards in front of Linda and she bent towards it, kissing the tip of it.

Christian removed his shirt, so he was completely naked. Linda moved towards him and pushed his legs open. She walked in between them and then turned around to face away from him.

Then Linda began to bend her legs and as she did so, I saw Christian holding his cock, guiding it towards the entrance to her waiting pussy.

Linda then told me to move in front of her, take my clothes off and sit on the floor. I did as she asked. My own cock was equally as hard as Christian’s, although his cock was longer and thicker than mine.

From my new vantage point, I could see Christian’s purple cockhead and then Linda squatted further and suddenly it had disappeared deep inside Linda. She let out a moan of sheer pleasure.

“God, your cock feels so big inside me,” Linda gasped.

Linda began to slowly move up and down Christian’s hard shaft and from where I was sitting, I could see her juices covering his cock, making it easy for her to slide up and down. On each downward movement, Linda’s pussy lips looked as though they were sucking Christian deep inside her body and on every upward movement, it looked like her pussy lips didn’t want to let go of Christian’s cock.

I, for my part, watched and began to wank my cock.

After a while, Linda got off Christian’s cock, which was glistening and wet with her juices.

She faced me, on all fours, her ass and pussy pointing towards Christian.

“You know what to do now, Christian.”

Without another word said, Christian knelt behind Linda. I could make out that he was rubbing his cock head up and down Linda’s waiting slit before thrusting forward and filling her with his manhood.

“God, that feels so fucking good. Fuck me hard and fast.”

Christian began to do what Linda had asked and I could hear his balls slapping against her ass. Linda pushed back, matching his movements, trying to get every last inch of his hardness inside her.

Linda’s breathing became shallower and more frequent and I knew this was the prelude to her orgasm. Christian also knew the signals and fucked her even faster and harder.

“Oh God, yesss, fuck my cunt,” Linda exclaimed, as she orgasmed. “Fuck, yessss. Fill me with your cum now.”

As if on cue, Christian gave a couple more hard thrusts, and his back arched as he made four involuntary thrusts of his hips, shooting his cum deep inside Linda.

“Wow, I’d forgotten how good that felt,” Linda said.

Her whole body was trembling with the pleasure of her orgasm as she still was on all fours.

Christian’s cock slipped out of her cum-filled pussy and he sat back on the sofa.

“As wonderful as ever, Linda.”

Linda turned around to face Christian and said to me, “Pete, now you can fuck me.”

I was now faced with Linda’s pussy, gaping wide from her fucking by Christian, and his cum already starting to leak out.

I grabbed my cock in my hand and rubbed it up and down the entrance to her pussy. I could already see a mixture of her juices and Christian’s cock begin to coat my cock. I looked in front of Linda and I knew that she was sucking Christian’s cock clean. This is so horny, I thought to myself, as I thrust my full length deep inside her.

Linda’s pussy was extremely hot, wet and also tight from her recent orgasm.

I began to build up momentum, thinking about Christian’s cock doing the same just minutes before me. I looked at my cock and saw that the rapid movement of my cock had begun to turn the mixture of juice and cum in Linda’s pussy into a white cream. So, this is what a creampie is like, I thought to myself. That thought and the feeling tipped me over the edge and I added my cum to Christian’s, deep inside Linda’s pussy.

“So, did you enjoy that, Pete?” Linda asked me.

“I can’t lie, yes, that was incredible.”

“Good, as I know that both Christian and I also enjoyed it and no doubt, after you agreed, we will be doing it more often.”

We got cleaned up and dressed and sat chatting for a while. Linda looked at her watch and shared that it was getting late and that she was thinking it was time to head up to bed.

Christian and I agreed. I cleared up the wine glasses, made sure the house was locked and then we all headed for the bedrooms, Christian picking up his overnight bag from the hallway as we did.

When we got to the landing, Linda turned to me. “Pete, I was thinking, you get to sleep with me every night and I therefore wondered whether you’d be kind enough to let Christian join me tonight and you sleep in the spare bedroom? After all, he is our guest.”

I didn’t see that one coming! However, before I knew it, I had agreed.

Christian said, “Thanks, Pete, that is really appreciated and as you now know, I will take good care of your wife.”

We all headed one by one to the bathroom, with me being the last one to get ready for bed.

When I’d finished, I went to our bedroom to hang up my clothes. Linda and Christian were already in bed. The room was warm and the duvet was on the floor. Linda was lying beside Christian, gently caressing and wanking his cock, which was already becoming hard again. Linda had told me previously how quickly that Christian recovered and was then ready for more sex.

I bent down and kissed Linda on the lips.

As I left the room to go to the spare bedroom, which was next door, Linda said, “Sweet dreams and have a good night’s sleep. See you in the morning.”

I thought, how the hell am I going to have a good night’s sleep, with my wife and Christian in our bed, next door, not knowing what they are doing!

I lay there thinking about what had happened. There had been some subtle changes. Linda had been quite assertive in telling me what to do and additionally, whilst fucking Christian, she had told him to fuck her cunt. I’d never heard her use language like that before and wondered if these changes were a sign of what was to come.

Had I enjoyed the evening? Wholeheartedly, yes. I’d certainly experienced some new things and they all sat comfortably with me, and as I lay alone, in the guest bedroom, I wondered what would happen next.


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He placed my hands around his neck and told me not to let go and pulled me very close to him. I could feel the hem of my skirt pull up and his hands grab my ass and all I could do is roll my eyes and moan. We were kissing passionately and his hands felt like they were everywhere. I closed my eyes and he laid me back on his desk and pushed my legs up. He grabbed the waist band of my panties and pull them off in one motion. He knelt down and started licking my clit and lips and I knew was over...

2 years ago
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Good dinner0

My girl and I have a very special relationship. She is not my beloved girlfriend but she also is my mistress. She is sweet and cute and so, so kind but she can be a really hot and sexy mistress, too. She knows I love when she is that dominant. And she herself likes to control me, too. So we have some kind of arrangement that says that we are a normal couple to the outside but in our sexual life we have this special relationship. We do really love each other and the both of us are supposed to...

2 years ago
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The Scarlett Tales Unexpected Entertainment

I was a young teen, only sixteen, and I was forced to attend a party thrown by one of my mother’s dearest friends. It was a dull party, celebrating her tenth marriage to yet another man of wealth. The party was being held at the home of the poor bastard that had married her. It was getting late at night, people were getting drunk, passing out, or slipping off for some ‘adult time.’ I was not entertained by the events going on at the party. I decided to go and explore the big house. After all,...

3 years ago
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The Scarlett Tales Unexpected Entertainment

I was a young teen, only sixteen, and I was forced to attend a party thrown by one of my mother's dearest friends. It was a dull party, celebrating her tenth marriage to yet another man of wealth. The party was being held at the home of the poor bastard that had married her. It was getting late at night, people were getting drunk, passing out, or slipping off for some "adult time." I was not entertained by the events going on at the party. I decided to go and explore the big house. After all,...

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The Silent Entertainment

So i had left my number with man that accosted me in the public toilet and went about my daily routine as normal.I was at work a couple of days later when i recieved a message on my phone telling me to be at the same address the following Friday.I was secretly thrilled, as if im honest the whole experience with that old couple really turned me on,i couldnt wait for the day to arrive all be it with a bit of trepidation as to what was installed for me.I arrived at the time requested and knocked...

3 years ago
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Enticed Pt 9 Thats Entertainment

Two weeks after he first mentioned it, I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of some of Blaise’s friends to watch me perform some kind of gay burlesque-strip-sex-show thing.I had been nervous about it since I told Blaise I’d do it. And, I refused to make that decision until he assured me it wouldn’t adversely affect him.Now, it was 7 p.m. on the last Saturday of July and I had less than an hour before a group of horny gay men would fill Blaise’s living room ready to watch me do something...

3 years ago
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An Afternoons Entertainment

Maddie arrived home from the bus stop and began her now common routine: strip out of the god-awful khaki skirt and powder blue polo shirt that comprised the school uniform, borrow her Mom’s Louboutin pumps and double pearl necklace, and parade around the house feeling sexy. She’d preen in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom, imitating the poses she saw on Instagram and TikTok, and narcissistically enjoy the alluring nubile body that had magically appeared over the last year. The boys...

2 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 51 Things that Happen Between the Planned Entertainment

Rob and Mary entered Gino's Greasy Spoon, followed closely by Dwayne and Louise. Rob stopped in the main aisle and looked around, muttering, "Can't do the back booths -- they've got a rep, now. Besides, they're a zoo..." Sure enough, there were a number of even younger couples fooling around back there, obviously intent upon living up to the recent local legends. Rob negotiated briefly with the waitress and the two couples ended up in an off-side booth along the window -- highly...

2 years ago
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Girlish DelightsChapter 10 Entertainment

"Do you have to stand there?" she asked but there was no response from either of them. The idea had crossed her mind to tease them. She soon dropped the idea, but sitting alone in the dark, she wondered what she was doing here at all. Then a thought crossed her mind if she had this much power she would enjoy some of it. She pulled the bell cord that hung by her bed and almost as soon as she had, the door opened and in walked an Asian woman, her black silky hair silhouetting her rounded...

1 year ago
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After Dinner Treat

Devlin Mulloy and Becky Connors were in the middle of a wonderful and magical evening together. It was their first stay at home, romantic date, and they just finished the magnificent meal of chili lime ribeye steak with boiled baby potatoes and spring peas that Becky had made for the new lovers. Neither of them knew what was more intoxicating, the bottle of argentine Malbec which Devlin brought, or their growing love. Devlin, being the perfect guest, would have also brought the...

2 years ago
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pretended he was the boss. I was ok with him telling me what to do though, maybe it's because I'm submissive. It was 11:50Pm, I had counted down my till, put the cash in the safe and clocked out at 12. I watched Kris drive off. It was time to walk home. After being on my feet for nine hours, I was tired. My aching feet made me decide to walk in the grass on the way home. The grass path takes you away from the road. A group of trees blocks the view from the road. I crossed the street and...

3 years ago
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Afterschool pleasure

Afterschool pleasure[/b] At Golden Star High school, class 12 D was having an English lesson and the teacher is Ms Taylor. Taylor is a 30 year old woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes; she also has an amazing figure that almost every girl dreamed of having. “Class open your book to page 25” Ms Taylor said. In the front row sat Cindy. Cindy was eyeing the teacher from head to toe and she couldn’t help fantasizing about the teacher. For some time now Cindy have been thinking of...

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afterschool activites

This day was no different except for this fateful day, I was caught. She turned her head inquiring of a question she was on and I hadn't heard her or saw her movement my eyes glued to the lower portion of her body. What shook me of my daze was the giggle that came from her as my eyes darted to hers and my face reddened in embarassment. Her look was telling me she saw, but she was not shocked, embarassed, or upset to what I had been looking at. I was then shocked as I saw through the...

2 years ago
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P03After the Pics Go Online

Poindexter and Charlene wake with the sun stabbing in their eyes. The others were still asleep, they realized they had slept together, but she didn’t know if they had just slept together or he popped her cherry first. They went out and made themselves hot tea (with help of a microwave). Neither were seeing too well (mornings like this she needed her glasses to find her glasses). She felt the instinct to drink water while the microwave spent two minutes heating their mugs, teabags and water....

1 year ago
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Afterschool Special

Isabelle, a sweet, young, innocent virgin who had recently turned 18 lived in a small suburban town of Melbourne, Australia. Everyone knew Isabelle as ‘that’ girl. What did ‘that’ girl mean? Well, ‘that’ girl was the town’s ‘sweetheart’. None for being an angel. Isabelle was proud of being the sweet, innocent girl she was known for. She loved helping others, achieving her goals and she played a great roll in her community, but little did anyone know that Isabelle had a completely different side...

2 years ago
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Afterschool Rendevous

I’m sitting on my desk, a ruler in my hand, legs crossed. Jason is looking over at me, a bit nervous. ‘Misses, am I in trouble?’ he asks, looking up at me. ‘Yes, you’ve been a bad boy,’ I reply with a smirk. I get of the desk, and walk over to where he’s sitting. ‘Jason, how old are you?’ I ask, poking him in the chest with the ruler. ‘I’ve just turned eighteen misses,’ he answers. ‘Do you know why I asked you to stay after school, when noone else is here?’ I ask. ‘No…,’ he says. ‘I want to...

2 years ago
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Afterschool Hours 01 Intro to characters

It is the eleventh grade and most of my classmates are around 17 years old. Of course it is still one year before they turned 18, the legal age when they could start doing whatever they want. But in this High School in Albany, NY, nobody cares for the rules; sometimes not even the adults that do know what happens care. Hell, they were our age once before. The thing is, while most of the other guys are able to do what they want under the noses of their oblivious parents or behind the backs of...

4 years ago
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Hi Honey, Here is what happened a while ago.........I replied to Rubio’s text message and told him that I was willing to meet him on Friday night. He said “you are willing to taste me now! I’m excited to see you again”. I texted him back “I’m horny lately and I want have a wild sex now…. hmmm”. He replied, “I’m glad finally you decided to have fun with me, ok see you then, what time and where?” I replied “I have to meet some friends so I’m free at 10 and I prefer to meet at Italianis at...

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Afterschool Special True Story

Before I start this, I just want you people to know that I really hesitated about sharing this story. The reason being that this site has so many followers you never know who is on here and if they read your stories. The information in this story is true and it could cost me my job if anyone figured it out. That is when I decided to use fake names to protect my ass and the innocent. One day when I was laid up in the hotel with my man fucking his brains out, we decided to play a truth game. It...

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afterschoolreal story

try to make this short and sweet. i met this girl in college she always use to tease me and bully me how? just doing annyoing shit like taking my gym clothes etc. i didnt know she really liked me til later when i seen her at a walmart. she was working the game section. well when i found out she liked me i picked her up from her break. kissing each others face off i wanted to bring her back to my crib so she was with it. did i mention she said she dont suck dick damn was she lying she gave me...

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Afterschool Fun

The following is fiction, it is long, and it is good.For the most part I was an average 16 year old tenth grader in the spring of 1982. I played sports, did ok in school, hung out with friends, and thought a lot about girls. I had no idea when I got off the school bus that Friday afternoon that my world was about to change. This was the age before computers, the internet, and cell phones and I just planned on watching some TV when I got home. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling my...

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Afterschool special

So, in my country students go to school in the morning one week and in the afternoon another week. This week is afternoon week so I decided to have some fun for my 18th birthday.Last class today was gym so we all went there to do some exercises. It was boys vs. girls volleyball. Two other girls and me didn't play (I came up with a menstruation excuse) so we were sitting. When I saw both girls leaving to the changing room and/or toilet at least once I did so, too. Most of the time I have some...

2 years ago
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Afterschool Rendevous

I'm sitting on my desk, a ruler in my hand, legs crossed. Jason is looking over at me, a bit nervous."Misses, am I in trouble?" he asks, looking up at me."Yes, you've been a bad boy," I reply with a smirk. I get of the desk, and walk over to where he's sitting. "Jason, how old are you?" I ask, poking him in the chest with the ruler."I've just turned eighteen misses," he answers."Do you know why I asked you to stay after school, when noone else is here?" I ask."No...," he says."I want to teach...

Group Sex
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Afterschool Encounter

In 1959, I was fourteen, and a freshman in high school. It was a more innocent time then, the days of Ozzie and Harriet on TV, John Wayne in the movies, and the Internet was decades away. Sex was something talked about in whispers and giggles, virgins were the rule not the exception, and parents were not afraid to let their kids roam the streets of our town by themselves. High school was not turning out to be a good experience for me. I was not one of the cool kids. Today, I would be called a...

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AfternoteJims Philosophy of Life

It turns out that all life really is one, an expression of God if you will, the Word which is all life, DNA. But life is separate from Physics so we still have not unmasked the face of the Mystery. The Architect can still be inferred from the construction- matter, energy, and spirit in it’s various manifestations. Trees of differing species exchange nutrients through fungal connecting mats, various species adopt and nurture the offspring of other species, some birds foster their eggs in the...

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George comes home from a hard day at work and sets his briefcase and coat by the door. He finds that the house is unusually quiet but pays no attention and heads up to the bedroom. As he makes his way up the stairs he smells the wonderful scent of his beloved wife Linda’s perfume. As he reaches the landing he hears the faint sounds of music escaping the slight crack from the door of their bedroom. Making sure not to make any noise he opens the door slowly. “Linda?” he says in a quite, very deep...

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Erotic Entertainment

Like the synopsis stated, this will be similar to Writerperson's story "Stripped on Screen", but instead of being about movie and television characters succumbing to both ENF and some free use type situations. I figured I'd rebrand this story to include both ENF and Free-use in branching points from each character, labeled as such. Imagine Black Widow being gang fucked by the Avengers before a mission and then again by thankful citizens afterwards. Or maybe Knives Chau eating out Ramona Flowers...

4 years ago
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Surprise Entertainment

I was beginning to get very fed up with the late nights I had been working over the past few weeks as yet again I walked through the door at 8.30pm. I knew that Emma was getting a little fed up too and she wouldn’t attempt to hide the fact each and every time I walked through the door. As I dropped my bag and slipped off my shoes I prepared myself for her disappointed face again. I pushed the living room door slowly open, expecting a frosty atmosphere, but was instantly struck by the smell of...

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Pet for this evenings entertainment

My Hubby and I have been part of a very discreet BDSM swingers group now for quite some time. We often have meetings or get together at our place as it is quite discreet and private with little chance of being interrupted by un-expectant guests. Our club or group consists of approximately 10 couples and a few single men and women. There are very strict rules regarding the club with respect to health checks and discretion. To be members of the club legal contracts are drawn up as well as a large...

3 years ago
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Pet for this evenings entertainment

My Hubby and I have been part of a very discreet BDSM swingers group now for quite some time. We often have meetings or get together at our place as it is quite discreet and private with little chance of being interrupted by un-expectant guests. Our club or group consists of approximately 10 couples and a few single men and women. There are very strict rules regarding the club with respect to health checks and discretion. To be members of the club legal contracts are drawn up as well as a large...

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