Santa_(0) free porn video

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"What are you going to do about this?" A woman was almost screaming at the man.

"I apologize ma’am, we are doing all we can to remedy the situation," the clerk was saying.

"Remedy?! REMEDY!!!? No, I want this done NOW not when you are ready!" The woman shouted raising the volume of her voice.

"I'm sorry ma’am, as I said we are doing all we can..." started the clerk.

"Well you should be doing a hell of a lot more! I demand a room now! I paid well in advance and I want the room I requested!" The woman went on.

John walked up a moment later, "if you wish, the lodge can issue you a full refund."

The woman turned and looked John up and down. He could almost feel her sneer at him. "I don't see how it is any business of yours a lowly bus boy!" Turning back to the clerk the woman stated, "I wish to see the owner NOW! Then perhaps after I have your job, then I can have this business taken care of. Where is he? I demand to see him now!"

The clerk turned red faced toward John another pleading and embarrassed look on his face. Straightening up the clerk said, "I am sorry Mr. Timberland. They have been here all morning."

This time it was the woman's turn to be red faced and embarrassed. "You are John Timberland? Then I apologize to..."
John's face went from a smile to a scowl, "as I said the lodge will refund your deposit and transportation will be provided OUT of here. This type of behavior isn't tolerated here." Holding up his hand to quiet the startled woman, John continued. "This is a retreat not your own personal torture chamber. Now then I suggest that you leave of your own volition before I have you forcefully removed!"
Sputtering, the woman spat out, "Well I never!"
"No, and you won't not while I am the owner here! Ah! I see your ride is here. Now if the rest of you feel the same as... this one." John said indicating the woman. "Then you can also depart with her." John pointed to the bus that had pulled up, a look of disdain on his face.
Turning in a huff the woman stormed toward the bus. "This isn't over John Timberland!"
"Oh but I think it is! By the way don't come back you hear!" John called to her retreating back.
Most of those that were with the woman were right behind her. Almost all of them huffing and sneering as they turned their backs.
The clerk walked up beside John, "Thank you sir, I wasn't sure I could hold out much longer!"
"I'm just glad I got here in time to save you an embarrassing situation. You did very well Phil, considering." John told him as he clapped the man on the shoulder.
The clerk nodded as John walked on into the lodge. An hour later John was out on the slopes checking that they were going as he expected them to. "Everything's as you wanted it sir." John's ski area maintenance chief reported.
"Good, if all goes well we should get another few inches of powder tonight. I want the crew to recheck all their equipment before they groom the slopes tomorrow." John advised the man.
"Yes sir, I'll have them start right away!" With that the man moved off with several of his crew.
John just shook his head as he look at several of the runs. Still a little upset, John decided to take one of the black runs to blow off steam. Starting down the hill John didn't notice the clouds that were rapidly moving in. Almost half way down there was a sudden clap of thunder near the top of the hill. Feeling the impending avalanche behind him, John started to race faster down the course.
Crap John thought he was too far from the turns and bottom to make it. Looking at the nearby mountain side, John saw the cave almost too late to stop. Activating his avalanche beacon he headed into the cave. Barely two feet inside John snapped on his flashlight as the avalanche covered the opening of the cave. Looking around John sighed wouldn't do to survive an avalanche and then get mauled by a hibernating bear.
Taking the beacon off he left it near the covered mouth of the cave then went to explore. Further in John was surprised when the cave not only opened up into a huge cavern but there was more than sufficient heat. Breathing a sigh of relief John saw no signs of bears, but better to be safe than sorry.
Walking around John noticed that the further he went into the cave the warmer it got. Rounding what appeared to be a huge outcrop of rocks John stopped his mouth agape. There in front of him was another opening! The strange thing was there was warm air coming though into the cave, what was going on?
Advancing further John tentatively approached the opening. A small male's head popped in for a moment then was gone. "He's finally here!" John thought he heard a male's voice say. Were they talking about him, John thought? 
Suddenly three short females walked into the cave through the opening. "Hello sir." The oldest appearing of the three said. "We have been waiting for you for a very long time, sir." She said her light brown hair gently lying to the side of her face. "I am Triance. These are my sisters Frila, and Miadas." All three bowed to him. "Please come, sure we have a place prepared for you. It has been for some time."
John could only stare opened mouth at the three short females. They weren't children; that was obvious, but what they were he couldn't say. They all took his hands and gently led him out into the sunlight. Wait! Sunlight? Warmth? What in the world was going on? "I'm sorry I seem to have been hurt far worse than I thought. I should wake up in a few minutes." John said as he suddenly stopped seeing the small town not twenty feet away.
The younger two females started to giggle. They quickly quieted when the one called Triance gave them a stern look. "I know it's a lot to take in sir. Torran will explain as soon as we have you settled." 
John could only nod as he was led to a central building larger than the rest. Once inside the younger two left as Triance stood aside and waited. A few moments later a small male about three and a half foot tall entered the room. "Ah! Finally you are here sir! We have been waiting for you a very long time. Now I know you have a myriad of questions, I am here to answer all that you have."
John again could only nod though a million questions were going through his mind not a single one would leave his mouth. "I..." John started then stopped really unsure of what to say let alone ask.
Sighing Torran started for John. "Yes sir, we are what your kind would call elves. Though recently in your time our distant relatives the Quendi have been depicted. They are very tall and try to not associate with your kind."
"Elves? Uh huh. You really expect me to believe you?" A bewildered John said.
"I apologize sir; I know it is a lot to take in. You will have time to gain all the knowledge you need." Here the one called Torran smiled. "It was foretold that you would be difficult and tall. I am sorry to say that you are rather painful to look at also. I do not mean to insult you sir but you are the first we have ever seen in person. Your kind is extremely ugly to us; again I apologize as I said we mean no disrespect."
"Ugly?" A startled John stated. "Here I thought I was rather handsome. That might explain why I haven't had a date in so long." John said as he scratched his head.
"Oh no sir! It is just to us that you are that way! I am sure that in your time to your kind you are quite spectacular." A slightly red faced Torran said.
"Alright," John said finally starting to get a handle on things. "You said you have been waiting for me for a long time. May I ask why?"
"Sir, you can ask anything that you wish. Nothing is denied to you, it was foretold ages ago that one of your kind would appear. They would enter the rift at a time of personal peril, bringing with them a knowledge that we need. The one of your kind would be alone and hurt, though not physically. They would have a great love of all children but none of their own." Torran said. 
Crap John thought they were right on every account so far. "What else was foretold?"
Here Torran smiled widely though not sure it just felt so right and satisfying to answer this human’s questions. "The human would be a great leader but would need time to heal his heart. He would be fair but firm just who we need to lead us."
"Lead you? Are you an army? Are you planning to attack someone?" A worried John asked causing an appalling look to appear on Torran's face. 
"Oh no sir!" Torran said, causing John to breathe out a sigh of relief that made Torran's face light up even more. "You really are as the writings said!" Here Torran bowed to John as did Triance.
"Please! I am not a god or a king, I feel very uncomfortable when you do that!" Again Torran's eyes went wide as did Triance's.
"You really are the one!" Triance whispered as she stared at John. "Praise be to the creator!"
John looked at her with a confused look. "Torran what am I to lead you to or for? What do you and your kind do here?"
Almost bowing again Torran stopped and said, "We are builders and makers. We are here to help you as we have been for a very long time."
"Yes but... wait! You said my time? What year is it here?" John asked.
"Year?" Torran asked. Looking at Triance they both started to speak in a strange language. John shook his head it was almost as if they were speaking every language at once but none of them at the same time. A moment later Torran's eyes lit up. "Ah! I see now. Sir, here there is no year. You might say that you are outside your concept of time. Later we will show you how to access all times."
"All times? Just how long have you been here?" A startled John asked.
"I believe," here Torran started talking to Triance in the strange language again though this time John could actually understand a little of it. "It was about your year 4000 B.C.? Yes that sounds about right."
John sat with a thud in the nearest chair. This was impossible! They were immortal? "You never age. Then I will be gone and you will still be here alone again." A worried John said.
"Oh no sir, when you entered the rift, you might say time has all but stopped for you. Though we have been here for six thousand and sixteen of your years we have aged maybe 16 years. As far as we have figured one day here is one year of your time." Torran happily explained.
John's mouth was hanging agape again as all he could do was stare at the two elves. Well he thought if that is what they wanted to be called so be it.
"Yes sir, we would like it if you did refer to us as that term."  A now broadly smiling Triance said.
"Did you just read my thoughts?" An astounded John asked.
"No sir," she replied. "You were projecting your thoughts outwardly rather loudly also."
"I apologize for that, I didn't mean to cause you distress," John told a suddenly gasping Triance.
"No human has ever apologized to one of our kind! Thank you sir! It is an honor to know one as kind as you!" A startled Triance said. Looking over to Torran John could see that he also had a startled look on his face.
Yawning John was suddenly feeling tired. "Is there somewhere I can lay down? I think I over did it today."
"Sir? I am so sorry I forgot to tell you! This building is yours! Everything in it, this is your home now." Triance said a worried look on her face.
"It's alright Triance; we all make mistakes at times. Please don't worry ok?" A smiling John told the worried elfin woman.
"You do not wish to punish me? To take advantage of me? Your kind has done this in the past." Triance revealed to John.
A shocked John shook his head. "That will not happen! I have so much to thank all of you for. I could never do something so deplorable! You are a married woman besides that alone makes it a horrible crime to me."
"Married?" A confused Triance stated. "I do not understand that word." Again she and Torran conversed in that strange language though this time John was catching every third word. "You mean my mate! Yes sir, thank you, we have never met one of your kind that felt that, then again we haven't seen one of your kind in many years." 
"You're very welcome, though I am starting to catch on to a great many things; I am still confused as to what I am doing here. I mean I don't feel special; I am just a regular guy. Lonely as you stated but a regular one none the less." John told both of them.
A shocked Triance and Torran looked at each other with startled looks and conversed again. "What does han mean that han is just a regelmessig guy?" Triance asked.
"I believe that han is what is known as ydmyk. I..." Torran was starting.
"You know it isn't nice to talk about someone when they are sitting in the same room." John said. Both of the elfin people turned to stare at John both of their mouths hanging open. "Crap what have I done wrong now?" John asked.
"Nothing wrong! You... you were speaking Alfheim! By the great creator! It has already started! You do not have all of it but you understand and speak more of it than not!" Torran said his eyes wide in shock and surprise. "Snakke læring the more you hear the more you lære!" A now trembling Torran said.
"Uh huh. What do you mean it has already started?" John asked of Torran.
"As we told you sir." Triance stated. "You are the leader we have been waiting for, the one that will give us back a sense of being and purpose. I am sorry sir but it is hard not to bue to you!"
"I still don't have all the words yet but I am getting almost all of them." John related to Triance.
"Yes sir, it shouldn't be long now." Triance said.
John told them he was going to sleep a bit. Both nodded and left quietly looking at each other. ‘I'm still unsure what all this is,’ John thought as he laid down and was out a few moments later. What he thought was hours later John awoke feeling a lot better. Getting up he found a change of clothes. These were more like those
that the elves wore all natural fiber he thought. Looking closer John could almost swear that the clothes were made from plants!
Stepping outside there were several gasps. John looked around seeing more elves working outside the buildings around the one he was in. Sitting on a bench in front of the building, John shook his head. He still was confused as to what he was doing here, plus what he was to lead these elves... Suddenly a thought hit him, NO! There was no way! Going back inside several of those outside waved to him as he went in.
Looking into the mirror in the building he noticed that he had a full growth of a beard. He'd thought that he had a beard and now, here it was? Since when did he have any type of telekinetic ability? Shaking his head again, he hesitated a moment, and then thought, ‘no time like the present to try.’ Concentrating John thought,
Less than a minute later John heard in his head, John nodded as he waited for them to arrive.
A few moments later both Triance and Torran walked into his building. "We are here sir." They both stated. John started to look outside around his building then came back in to find a confused pair of Elves.
"What seems to be the problem sir?" Torran asked.
"I asked you to bring your mates; at least I thought you both had mates." A concerned John stated.
Both of them started to smile, "I am sorry sir," Triance started. "We are mates, you seemed to be tired and stressed when you first arrive. I apologize for not advising you sooner."
John's face broke into a huge smile, "Ah good! Here I thought I'd be taking you away from your mates. I was going to apologize to them for taking so much of your time from them."
Again both of their mouths dropped open, as there were several gasps from the doorway.  "He really is that vei?"
"Yes," replied Torran, "he also has the talk learning as well as the thought talk."
There were more gasps as John heard several say that it was a blessing that he could almost speak and talk in Alfheim.
"I still have questions Torran, though I believe that I know what I am to do with all of you and your abilities. Much of what I have seen and heard so far falls into the category of a legend that is common in my time. I'm not sure if you and your people have ever heard of Santa Claus?" John said as he looked at all those that were within his sight.
A moment later a very old looking elf person walked in the door as there was a hush as the elder approached John. "Hello sir," came the strong voice of the elder.
"Hello to you also sir." John said drawing several more startled gasps from all those that were present.
Nodding the elder elf took John's hand and led him out into the area in front of the building. Suddenly there were other eleven elder elves that appeared all nodding to the one that was with John.
Releasing John's hand the elder walked to the others and talked to the others a few minutes. Then the entire group of twelve turned toward John, "We have waited a very long time in your world's years. Many thought that you would never appear but at last you are here. For so long we have been without guidance or direction. With you we hope that now we will have both."
"I thank you also; before I came here I had no family. Sadly they have all passed leaving an emptiness within me. I will do the best that I can," here John turned toward the others. "I will do all I can for all of us." Turning back to the twelve elders John bowed to them drawing an even larger multitude of gasps.
"We thank you sir but you are in need yourself. This was anticipated many years ago. There is only one out there that can enter here with you. She is much like you, she has been hurt greatly. She needs the love that only you can provide. Sadly you will have to find her and bring her here. You are the only one that can bring her here." The elders told John.
Nodding John thought back to all the things that he'd heard about Santa. All the legends that were out there about the man and where he was from. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought it might be him. The fact that he had almost all the time he needed was another great aspect of this also. John asked.
the head elder thought to John. 
John thought to the elder.
the elder said with a smile.
"Thank you, all of you, soon we can start." John said as those assembled cheered.


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I belong to the boys, and to the boys I shall remain. By now you’re familiar with the meaning behind these words. My name is Nina. I’m 27 years old, born and raised in Canada and married to my husband for one year. My family’s background is Lebanese and I had a very conservative and modest upbringing. My husband was the only man I had ever been with, that is, before I met his friends, or what they are more commonly referred to as, “The boys”, a group of 6 guys, my husband included, who made...

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My New Family

My parents died when I was young, and for the next few years I drifted through one care home after another, and as nobody seem to want me, I decided I didn't need anyone anyway and quickly became a rebel and a gangster.Well in my mind I was, in reality I was just another troubled teen who fell into trouble quicker than most, until finally I ended up at the home of the Max's.Donna and Tom Max were a couple that had an amazing reputation for taking in k**s like me, and really turning them...

2 years ago
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Cheating Secretary

Under my orders, Tiffany, my sluttiest ex-girlfriend, had been fucking my boss for the past two months. Every morning, after she’d gotten her brains fucked out, she’d call and gave me all the sweaty details. Sometimes, she’d even let me listen while DeAngelo fucked her brains out.With every imaginary orgasm DeAngelo gave me, I unleashed more of my sluttiness. My husband, Oliver, loved my slutty behavior at home, but he did not love my sluttiness when we went out. So, whenever he was away on...

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Prince Saribs Harem Girl

Prince Sabir's Harem Girl I once knew with absolute certainty who and what I was. Now, I realize that identity is a slippery concept. Who am I? What am I? What made me what I am today? These are such essential questions that no one ever asks them. Instead, we rush through life presuming we know the answers. For most of us, this startling lack of self awareness never causes a problem. The very act of KNOWING those answers causes us to mold ourselves in ways that fit our own self...

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Carolyns Photo Shoot Fuck

I’ve been happily married to my husband Mark for over 36 years, and during that time I’ve had a wide variety of sex with hundreds of men, including getting fucked, sucking cocks, DPs, gangbangs and more. I’ve always been proud of the fact that despite all that sex, I’ve never done anything with another guy unless Mark was there to enjoy the show or participate. This story is about the one and only occasion when I did start something with another guy on my own. However, Mark did eventually show...

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Haleys BunchChapter 6

Haley’s turn: Because after all it IS my story, okay? Long list of people who I promised airplane rides in the last few months at college. Most of them are fellow engineering students. “Applied physics,” I say. It’s fun. Lots of people fly. You buy a ticket, go get on an airplane, get off at the other end. I’ve never done that. Fly? Mom and Steve couldn’t afford that, and me and Deena and Bill never had a destination we couldn’t drive to. But this... Garvey’s sitting in the right seat....

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Haileys Journey Ch 01

(Author’s note: Most bdsm stories I have read seem to deal with either breaking in a slave or working with trained slaves. The process of actually training a slave to submit body and soul to the pleasures and desires of a master has always fascinated me. It seemed to be a process that needed great care, planning and the talented hand of a master to bring out a true slave. It also seemed to need caring and respect on both sides. This is my attempt to describe one such journey of a slave and her...

3 years ago
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A Tortured SoulChapter 27 The Paul Robertson Experience

She didn’t change her mind. In fact, I couldn’t even get her to wait the whole two weeks until the end of the exams. She wanted her Paul Robertson Experience, and she wanted it now. Or at least, as soon as it was feasible. She even went to the trouble of contacting Amanda and booking the Saturday night in the middle of the exams. I got a text from Amanda shortly after. Does this mean you’re back in the game? Can I tell the girls and draw up a timetable? I sent her a one-word reply. You can...

2 years ago
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Women will do anything to survive the Zombie apocalypse Ch 01 Food whore

The zombie apocalypse was one of the best things that happened to Troy. Before this, he was a manager at a trucking company. He hated the job, but it paid really well. By a terrible coincidence, his wife was killed in a freak accident on the road with a truck from the same company he worked for. She was a sweet woman, but they had grown apart. So, he didn’t really miss her. But the company packaged him out and he was able to get a large settlement. He was then loaded with cash, but nothing to...

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World Sex! When you know that a site has been here since 1996, it is hard to expect anything than good things to come your way, right? is a free tube site that has managed to survive years and years, in fact, decades of challenges and has stayed on the top of the pops for so many years. With that being said, you might expect something that's going to blow your mind. Well, I browsed around the site, saw some good things and saw some bad, but like I like to think, the test of time is...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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My mom my sister with me

I’m shankar from chennai, im 16 im doing my 11 th std , my mom is 38 and she is a housewife her name is “vani”, my sister is 14 she is doing her 9th std in same school her name is “rama devi”,, my dad passed away when i was in 6th std. This started nearly 16 months before ,, our life was smooth even after my dad death,, we are blessed with wealth and we managed to live a happy life,, that was the time when i was in my 9th std i really got in to xxx movies ,, and more of sex,, i started to feel...

2 years ago
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Dave ndash Meet Timmy

It was so interesting hearing of Trish’s relationship with her father, I had only met him the once and he figured quite high on the pervy scale watching him wanking over Sam, I would have done the same but then I openly admit I am a fully-fledged pervert, I think there is a lot of similarities between Geeky Gary and myself.We both have a love of panties and that is always a good one to have in common but I am long from being embarrassed about it, nothing better than sniffing panties while they...

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The Awakening Chronicles Chapter 2

“There is only one real way to get this power. Few creatures from my world can even access it, Genies being one of the few. And the only way for us to do that is through sex. All creatures have some power within them, but humans have an unimaginable amount stored within, since they don’t use it for magic or strength, it stays within and builds up. When I swallowed your cum earlier I felt an amazing flood of energy. It has been a long time since I have felt as strong as I do now. Do not...

1 year ago
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Im Will Fuck You PART 1

YOU JUST CAME OUT THE SHOWER.....I can still see the steam rising from your body, the droplets running down the middle of your chest. I lick my lips as I want taste each droplet. I watch you as you pad towards the bed, the white towel covering that delicious cock. I take off my clothes and let them drop to the ground as I walk silently over to you, ripping the towel from your body with a satisfying snap."Hey, What the..." I move between your legs and lick you from the inside of your right...

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Each Day

I must preface this with the fact that this is the result of a very real occurrence in my life. One I am still dealing with and that this, as it is, it an attempt to get some of it out in the open. More a rambling of thoughts and feelings, really. I apologize if this is not up to the standards, but it is my first attempt and ask that you be kind, if possible. Please vote and comment if you like. I am not a writer I am just a man with a story to tell. What you have read is me and my life. I...

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Going Deeper

“Go deeper,” I moaned. Without intent, that evening revealed what I longed for sexually. My husband made no comment which made me think he either ignored my confession or was too lost in arousal to hear. A few days later, though, he had quite a surprise for me and the surprises have kept coming over and over. One evening, while we halfheartedly watched another episode of CSI, he suggested we rent a porno from our cable television. “Absolutely no!!” I was reluctant since I considered it immoral....

3 years ago
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South of Bikini 2 Danger Developments and Confusion

South of Bikini II: Onward Episode 2 "Danger, developments, and confusion" 1820hrs, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, May 19th, 2028 Alex was waiting for my return from Detroit. "So, does Vern still know about Peyton, sis?" "Was there ever any doubt?" I answered with a wry smile on my face. "Well...ya! Everytime you change our future I have to wonder if we're going to sync up the next...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Xianna Hill Tip Your Waiter With Sex

Xianna Hill is having her romantic dinner with her boyfriend before he gets on his phone again. She’s upset about being ignored and tired of being bored so she starts flirting around with the waiter. She passes him a note telling him to meet in the bathroom. She quickly gets on her knees starts sucking on his cock. She might be letting her anger out the best way possible and we see her getting fucked in the bathroom. She got fucked in different positions until she takes all of his load in her...

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My cdhood Friend

It was one of those hot summer muggy days when a c***dhood friend of mine came to visit me. As he entered my home, he started to complain about his wife. G said that she just wasn't as horny as she once was and that their sex life had dwindled from everyday to 1-2 times every month. I could see the frustration in his face as he looked at me. We talked alot about his wife and then we began to chat about things we'd done years ago and laughed at them. G asked me then if I had any porn mags or...

1 year ago
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Road Games

Sebastian calmly observed the second hand on his watch gliding around one last time. When it reached the twelve, indicating that it was eight twenty in the morning, he rose from the kitchen chair he was sitting in, took one last walk around the apartment. Carrying his alarm clock in one hand, he closed and locked the door behind him for the final time. After he'd dropped his keys in the landlord's mail slot, he got in the van he'd borrowed from his brother and drove down the main strip of...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 26

Ryan knocked on Brody’s door, bursting to tell him about the tour. Word had gotten around, and she’d gotten congratulatory calls from Annette and others, but it wasn’t quite the same. She was about to knock again when he opened the door. ‘Hey, come on in.’ Brody held the door open for her. ‘Thanks.’ Ryan’s excitement dropped a few notches. Brody looked and sounded far different than he had on the phone earlier. ‘You okay?’ ‘Sure. What’s up?’ He closed the door. ‘I, um, I have news.’ ‘Yeah?...

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Being taught

She had gotten married at 21 to a guy who she thought at the time was the most exciting man she had ever met, but somehow along the way his black attire and fuck all night every night stamina had worn away and she was left with a middle aged man who was happy to climb on top of her and pound for about 15mins every two weeks or so. She had been separated now for 6 months and the first thing she had done was go on all those websites her girlfriends had told her about. Three days after she...

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the story behind my videos and the females in them

Ok don't know who will read this, but if you do this is the truth, first off none of these females knew they was being filmed, thats why every one of the videos are listed under hidden cams, I met the readhead at a Subway sandwich shop, I just got done smoking some awesome weed and she was in line right in front of me and could smell the weed on me, when I left the resturant she was standing outside and said I smell good, I knew what she was talking about and offered to smoke some with her, we...

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The Birthday girl

Carmen birthday was due in a few days time within the next few days. Carmen woke up feeling a little different, lonely as she look to left to see the empty side of the bed where her husband Ali would sleep, he was on a business trip, she missed him dearly and the love for each other wasn't there. She felt different after having this particular strange dream during her sleep. Carmen dreamt of having a beautiful young black female slave to use and humiliate. The bed sheet rippled over her body as...

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Just before she left

 Me I'm just a little curious as to same sex intercourse. I mean its like this thing that makes me wonder about what another girl can make me feel. When i got the job and became friends with her I had no intentions of having sex with her. Even when she would touch my ass, I would tell her she was out of bond, I still then didn't think she was coming on to me. It took me a while to figure out that she was bisexual. The two of us talked bout baby problems and how she didn't want to be pregnant....

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Tutoring Robbie

Chapter 1 I've worked with Marie at the insurance company for just over two years now and we've become really good friends. It's a big company, we're at the world headquarters, and there are thousands of people working there. Marie is somewhat older than I am, I'm twenty-three, she's thirty-four, we're both single and she has a fifteen-year old son, Robbie. Marie doesn't talk much about her former husband but I know he cheated on her a lot and even hit her a few times when he got...

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Playing to Win

“What the hell? You’ve humiliated me again!” Lauren shoved her auburn hair over her shoulder and threw a glance at the Scrabble board, shaking her head in confusion at the trouncing she’d just received. She turned her attention back to Josh who sat across from her at the dining table lounging in his chair. He gave her a smug look that should have annoyed her but all it did was encourage a smile. Every hour that passed by had her appreciating his company more and more. Her housemate Cindy had...

Straight Sex
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Summer Vacation Ch 01

‘Your father got the grant he applied for, the one to do the study of Kodiak bears this summer,’ Tommy Jackson’s mother announced at breakfast one morning late in May. ‘That’s neat, Mom,’ the young man said as he spooned sugar on his raisin bran. ‘It means we’re going to Alaska and will be living in the wilderness all summer while your father does his study,’ his mother said. She frowned when her son put a second spoonful of sugar on his cereal. ‘You know, Tommy, too much sugar isn’t good for...

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My County Tis of MineChapter 20

I don't know what I was more excited about, news of Trudi's phone call or the News from Marty that a large package had arrived for me out at the trailer. The package was over $300.00 worth of sex toys. When I started looking on line for small butt plugs for Janie I was fascinated by the variety of stuff, all kinds of stuff, leather, latex operated masks clinchers, cock rings, restraints and whips and flogging devices. My dad was so wrapped up in the idea of the car plant that he really...

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Spirit Lover

It's four a.m. the feel of your soft caress down my back awakens me. I turn over to say I love you and kiss you and no one is beside me. I close my eyes wondering if I was dreaming when I felt your touch. I feel you presence as you arms pull me closer and our lips touch. The intensity of your kiss make my body tremble clear to my soul. I hear our hearts beat in unison as your spirit intertwines my soul. I feel your touch as it sets me afire and you utter, "Kandy, I love you!" I touch...

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Andys Training IV

Andy's Training Chapter 4 by Cissykay After the four women finished their lunch, they returned to my dungeon. "Well, how's our little model holding up? Carol is now going to take a few measurements, and then we're going to leave you in Nancy's most capable hands while Cissy and I do a little shopping. Remember Andrea, not a word out of you, or the gag will be replaced." Carol quickly began her work, taking measurements of my chest, neck, thighs, and last my waist. Before she...

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Craigslist Afternoon

Being married and bi, when your wife doesn’t know you like to suck cocks, means you don’t get to play as much as you would like.I found I was bi several years ago when my wife had a number of medical problems and our sex life was more restricted than usual.It was then that I found the enjoyment of man to man sex, especially sucking cocks. The directness of the play, each knowing what the other wants and how to please him really appealed to me. It was direct, immediate, not subtle and very...

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Pretty Pipers Private PerilChapter 13 Somnambulist

Detective Ignacio Cortez swirled his coffee and looked over his notes again. He looked up to his partner, Detective Amanda Wilson, skeptically, “You still like the father for this?” “Not ruling it out,” she said with a sigh. “The driver couldn’t pick him out of the line-up,” he sipped the coffee. It tasted like degreaser. “It’s all we have to go on, Cortez. I mean look at the mother’s statement, she practically handed him to us. And she loves him.” He flipped back over to the interview...

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All Things to All People Ch 03

A note to my readers. This chapter has two graphic scenes of non-sexual violence, one directed at a helpless woman. If this bothers you, be forewarned. I plan on a more extensive ‘what has gone on before’ than normal in part 4, so you can skip this one if you wish. There is also only two sex scenes, one of which has been intentionally written to be laughable, so you won’t miss much if you choose to skip it. * What has gone on before… Since the lab accident, Cynthia Halverston has been unable...

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