Interlude Ch. 09 free porn video

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The order of my stories to read is:

Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, Case of the Executed Evangelist series, The Swap series.

Interludes 6-9

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.

This interlude is intended to bridge the gap to the next blockbuster set of police drama stories. Thank you for bearing with me, and I hope you enjoy the stories.– WW.

Part 17 – The Morning Routine

The day started quietly, anyway. It was Wednesday morning, 6:30 am, and the MCD team was filtering in. Cindy and I were there first, and we were already enjoying our large mugs of coffee by the time Martin Nash, Diana Torres and Tanya Perlman came in. A few minutes later Angela Harlan and Hugh Hewitt walked in together, and it was not hard to observe and deduce from the furtive looks they gave each other and the rest of us that they’d spent the previous night together.

At 7:00am, our attention was firmly fixed upon the lovely redhead on our TV screens. As ever, it was time for Bettina!

‘This is Betting Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News! The whole town has been rocked by the stunning news of the arrest of Elizabeth–‘ she named my sister as the screen showed Elizabeth being loaded into the van, with me next to her. I felt sure that if I had not been standing exactly where I was, they would’ve had footage of an extraordinary event. I listened as Bettina continued.

‘Wanted on felony drug and other charges, she surrendered to Authorities and is being held without bail. Sources tell Channel Two News that a plea deal is being worked out, but Police are not commenting on her possible reasons for turning herself in. This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News. Let’s go straight to Priya Ajmani at the national desk.’

‘Thank you, Bettina!’ the gorgeous Indian woman said, standing in front of the Federal building downtown, as if that would make her information more relevant and important. ‘Channel Two News has learned that the diplomatic conference of OAS nations in Miami is scheduled to begin on time, despite security concerns voiced by several of the participating nations. The Venezuelan and Ecuadorian diplomats have complained formally that security around the hotels and meeting areas are extremely lax. The Homeland Security Department has issued a statement that while they believe security is more than adequate, they are providing additional security for any diplomats that request it. This is Priya Ajmani, KXTC Channel Two News National Desk.’

‘And now let’s go to Tim Dawdle for sports.’ the desk announcer said. A thin man with curly black hair, glasses, wearing an ill-fitting suit, who obviously had never played a day of competitive sports in his life, came onto the screen. Though seemingly live, it was obviously a previously recorded story from the University football stadium. Dawdle looked like a ‘millennial pajama boy’ as he spoke into the microphone.

‘The University expects a big year on the football field, and Coach Brian Harlan will have to work hard to earn his large salary with the schedule he’ll be facing.’ Dawdle said, his voice nearly a sneer as the TV showed scenes of college players practicing. ‘Coach Harlan says he’s hopeful for a great season, mentioning that he expects big contributions from Tony-‘ mentioning the name of the kid who had witnessed Ned murdering Big Alex, the kid who I knew was supplying performance-enhancing drugs to other players,’–, as well as from Heisman Trophy candidate Nick Eastwood at quarterback, and from Jefferson Jackson at tight end.’

Dawdle’s finish was outrageous: ‘These and the other players are receiving generous scholarships from the University that pay their tuition, board and books, and it’s time for them to step up and give back for all that they’ve been given. And with wealthy alumni giving generous contributions to the University, they’re expecting for these players and coaches to contribute to a championship season… and the School’s bottom line. This is Tim Dawdle for KXTC Channel Two Sports.’

‘That fucking pantywaist asshole!’ Angela exploded, clearly pissed off at the insinuations of the little wussy’s sneering sports report, especially towards her cousin, the head football coach. There was a general murmur of agreement. It was the first burst of emotion that we’d seen from Detective Harlan, and it was totally understandable.

‘Totally agree.’ I said. ‘Somebody turn that shit off.’

Have I mentioned that I am not exactly a fan of the Press?

Part 18 – Speed Trap

‘We have your slug Bounel here.’ City Detective Robin Ventura informed me over the phone later that afternoon. ‘He’s nervous, though. He’s trying to fight to stay here instead of going to your County.’

‘Well, he doesn’t have much choice about that.’ I said. ‘We’ll be there inside two hours to pick him up.’

‘Be careful, Don.’ Robin said. ‘I’ve got a nasty feeling about this one.’

‘Me too.’ I said. Hanging up the phone, I got up from my office desk and went down the halls to the MCD room.

‘Who wants to volunteer for a very dangerous prisoner transfer?’ I asked. As I expected, Hugh Hewitt’s hand shot up immediately. Everyone else just looked at me quizzically.

‘City picked up Barry Bounel.’ I said. ‘We’re going to bring him over here. Nobody besides Hugh?’

‘I’ll go.’ said Cindy. ‘Maybe I’ll get the chance to soften him up for your interrogation.’

‘You just might, but we have to get him here alive first. Hugh, go to the Armory and check out an M-4.’ I said, referring to the military ‘assault’ rifle.

‘Wow, this really is a big one!’ Hugh said as he quickly exited. I went to the Chief’s office, into which I was immediately admitted.

‘Ventura called. Bounel’s in the City Jail. We’re going to transfer him. Can you implement Plan Bravo?’ I said.

‘Sure.’ said the Chief. ‘I’ll notify the Courthouse. Think there might be a problem?’

‘I sure as hell do.’ I said. ‘And sir, you might want to have our officers watch out for suspicious activity around these Headquarters, as well.’

‘I’m already doing that.’ the Chief said. ‘People might not notice it, but our police have been patrolling the area around here more frequently than some of the hot spots around Town…’


It was just past the middle of August. The University would soon come back into session for the Autumn semester, but the Town had not yet awakened from the seasonal siesta it enjoyed during the summer ‘down time’.

I’d had a long conversation with FBI Agent Jack Muscone just a few days before. The SBI had dropped the investigation of Dick Ferrell and had also stopped discussing the drugs that we’d taken from Bounel. Only Steven Ikea was continuing to be a problem, in fact, Captain Malone had had to take him into a room for a private ‘conversation’. It was the first time I’d ever seen a problem between Malone and Ikea. I understood why Ikea was really itching to bust my chops over the Bounel raid, my curiosity was raised as to why Malone was seemingly taking my side. I suspected he wanted things to quieten down, but I didn’t know why.

Muscone had told me that Dr. Mays in California had put the drugs up for sale on the international black market but had been murdered before he could actually make a sale. The samples in Dr. Mays’s possession, as well as a lot of other stuff, had been con
fiscated by the U.S. DEA. Then Muscone had said that Fred Dixon of the FDA/DEA was looking for Barry Bounel. Muscone suggested that others might be looking for Bounel as well, with the intention of doing Bounel great harm. So far, no one was outwardly worrying about the Town & County Police nor our samples of the drugs anymore.

‘One other thing.’ Muscone said. ‘I tried to find out what happened to that guy ‘Skinny Beard’, who was arrested after the Oldeeds murder, since you wanted to talk to him. He has totally disappeared, and I was warned off of further inquiry about him. I do know that he is not in police custody in any jurisdiction in the Nation, nor is he in the FBI’s custody. Looks like Witness Protection to me.’

‘No,’ I said. ‘He’s rogue. Either he gave your sister organization the slip and got clean away, and they’re embarrassed because they can’t find him now -OR- something ‘wet’ happened to the creep. But it doesn’t matter anymore: Skinny Beard is also useless to me now, it’s Bounel we need to talk to. He’s the only one who can give me the next link in the chain.’

‘Which he’ll try like hell not to do. That guy is the biggest liar outside of Washington, D.C.’ said Muscone. ‘Even if you get him, you can’t trust a damn thing he says.’

‘Vee hav vays too make him speek der trooth.’ I said in my best imitation of a wartime German accent. ‘I vill conveence heem too tawk.’

‘Just don’t leave a mark.’ Muscone said. ‘That punk Ikea is starting to make waves that even I’m hearing about: he’s gunning for you, and telling people to look for blue paint chips on perps that get beat up. I am not shitting you on that.’

‘Thanks for the heads-up.’ I said. After the call was completed, I thought long and hard about what to do with Ikea. He needed another comeuppance, big-time.


As we drove to the City, I told Hugh and Cindy that I thought someone might try to interfere with the transfer of Bounel to our County.

‘What are we going to do with him?’ Cindy asked. ‘We can’t arrest him for the drugs, we took those from him without a warrant.’

‘I know.’ I said. ‘I just need to talk to him, trick the truth out of his lying half-breed ass, then we’ll let him go. We might have to help him escape, too.’

‘What the fuck?’ Hugh said. ‘I’m carrying all this firepower and now you’re saying we’re going to let him go?’

‘Yep.’ I said. ‘We need to find out what the bastard knows about those drugs we took from him. If he cooperates, we’ll try to get him out of the State– alive. If not… we’ll just let him go and he’ll be dead in an hour.’

‘What’s this all about?’ Hugh asked. I could feel as well as see Cindy’s eyes looking at me in the rear-view mirror.

‘Those drugs we confiscated… they were stolen from a research lab.’ I said, not telling the full truth to Hugh. ‘There are some no-shit bad people trying to get at them. They can’t get them from us, since they’re either destroyed or hidden amongst all the drugs in the Evidence rooms, but if we can find out who wanted them, we can hit the perps hard and make them… unwilling to do further business in our County. Either way, we just need to wrap up the loose threads.’


‘Aw shit, not him again.’ Bounel said as he caught sight of me by the van in the basement of the City Jail.

‘Come on, Bounel.’ I said. ‘Get your fucking ass into my van.’

‘Man, I ain’t going nowhere with you, dickhead.’ Bounel replied. He struggled against the City Police Officers escorting him, actually trying to go back inside the jail!

‘Bounel, listen to me.’ I said. ‘Your life is in extreme danger right now. I’m not fucking around with you. If we don’t get your sorry ass to safety, and damn soon, you won’t live to see tomorrow morning’s sunrise. You will die in the City jail tonight if you don’t come with us. Now get your punk ass into my van if you want to live.’

Bounel looked at me, skepticism and hatred in his dark eyes. ‘Fuck you, asshole.’ he said. But he’d stopped struggling.

‘Charlie, get the bastard in the backseat and sit next to him. Keep him cuffed. If he tries to fuck around, shoot him.’ I said. Cindy Ross was ‘Charlie’, Hugh was ‘Hotel’ and I was ‘Delta’ for this mission.

‘Want me to drive, Delta?’ Hugh offered.

‘Negative.’ I said. ‘I’ve taken the defensive and combat driving courses, and neither of you have yet, at least not with the police. I gotta drive this one. Hotel, you ride shotgun, and have the M-4 ready. Charlie, you have your weapon locked and loaded and out of its holster, also.’

‘Roger that.’ both said at the same time.

Driving back out of the City, we took the four-lane, divided highway back towards our County. I remembered the times I’d made this drive in the Arruzio case… the Arruzio case…

‘That’s it!’ I said out loud, remembering what I needed to about the original raid on the Bounel dorm room. Then I realized the mistake I’d made in making the outburst out loud.

‘What?’ Cindy said.

‘Nothing.’ I said. ‘I’ll tell you after we interrogate the halfbreed here.’

‘Fuck you, cracker.’ Bounel said. ‘I’m not saying a god-damned thing to you, and I don’t give a shit if you brought your crowbar or not.’


‘Oh shit. Here it is.’ I said, the quietness of my voice contrasting with the deep rush of excitement… and fear… that I felt.

We were in Nextdoor County, the county next to ours and between us and the City. Ahead of me was what looked like a two-car crash on the right side of the road. As we approached, a man with brown hair and mustache and a brown suit began waving his hands to get our attention… and get us to stop. There was a bright red spot on his forehead and a trickle of red down the side of his face.

‘What are you doing?’ Hugh said as he realized I was actually speeding up.

‘Lock and load, Hotel. This is an ambush.’ I said. I pushed the accelerator as hard as I could to the floor, pressing even harder to coax more speed out of the engine.

’What the fuck are you doing?’ Bounel said, moving around in his seat.

‘Shut the fuck up and sit still, Bounel, if you want to live past the next two minutes.’ I roared. The man at the car accident began running out into the road as we approached. I swerved to the left side, almost going off the road into the median to avoid him as he literally tried to throw himself in front of me. The police van whisked by him with just inches to spare, the guy almost was caught by the right side mirror and the rear bumper.

As I looked in the door mirror at the guy we were leaving in our wake, he had his hands up in a ‘What the fuck, we need help here!’ gesture. He was acting the part all the way through, I noted.

I tuned the police radio to Nextdoor County’s police channel, then grabbed the mike. ‘This is University Police officer Delta.’ I said into the mike.

‘Go ahead, Officer Delta.’ came back a scratchy voice.

‘There’s an accident westbound on the main highway near mile marker 13.’ I said. ‘Looks like a two-car crash. Please send out an EMS unit or police.’

‘Roger that. Any injuries?’

‘Can’t tell at this time, we’re westbound with a prisoner transfer and cannot stop.’

‘Roger that. Ambulance is dispatched.’

I continued to drive as fast as I could, and as soon as a hill took me out of the sight of the accident, I turned on my blue lights and siren. I was going over 90 miles per hour.

‘You don’t think that was real?’ Hugh asked.

‘Oh hell no.’ I said. ‘Dollars to doughnuts the University Police calls us and tells us the other county calls them and says their ambulance can’t find an accident.’


Just as I was pulling into town, shutting off the siren and lights, I got a call on my cellphone. It was the Chief.

‘Stay off the police radio and go straight to the Courthou
se complex.’ the Chief growled. ‘We’ve got two bogeys watching Headquarters. Black cars. God, they’re idiots — like we can’t read the US Government car tags on the back of the cars.’

‘Roger that, Chief. Don’t approach the bogeys… we don’t want them to know that we know they’re there, at least not yet.’ I said. The chief agreed and hung up the phone.

The Police Headquarters had a flaw: there was no garage to drive into, and we’d have to transfer Bounel from the van, meaning we’d have to be outside, even if just for a few seconds. Anyone watching would see us, and since the Oldeeds assassination I had a most very healthy fear of snipers…

Part 19 – The Bounel Inquisition

We drove into the garage that led to the basement of the County Courthouse. This was how perps were transferred from the County Jail to be taken to the courtrooms for their trials. Once inside, the Deputies disappeared, leaving us alone to take Bounel down a basement corridor.

‘In here.’ I said, guiding my little party into a side room. It was not meant to be an interrogation room, but it would do. We sat Bounel down in a chair. I took the other chair as Cindy stood right behind Bounel, and Hugh took up a post near the door, his M-4 at the ready.

‘Listen, asshole,’ Barry said, frustration in his voice, ‘you said you’d stay the fuck away from me after you raided my dorm room. What’s up your ass now?’

‘Barry, I’m trying to save your fucking worthless life.’ I said. ‘I didn’t even bring the crowbar today… I don’t need it. If I want you fucked up, I’m just going to take you outside and let you go. You’ll be standing right out there in the street, and I doubt you’ll have time to even figure out where to take a shit before someone makes halfbreed swiss cheese out of you…’


It took a very long time… hours of sparring with Bounel to get the simplest story. In fact, I was the one who broke first.

I had already once told Cindy to take Bounel to be released outside. Bounel didn’t get to the door before he said ‘All right, I’ll talk to you.’

But then he lied, dodged, and didn’t make hardly one true statement. I had rarely encountered anyone who would lie as often and consistently as Barry Bounel…no Washington politician had anything on this guy.

Finally, I’d had enough. ‘Take him out of here, Charlie. Take him outside and let him go. Don’t bring him back even if he says to. I’m done with him, I’m tired of him lying every time he opens his halfbreed potty mouth. You’re free to go, Barry. Get out of my sight.’ Turning away as Cindy took him out the door, I took out my cell phone and said to Hugh ‘I’m going to order pizzas to deliver to the station. What do you want on yours, Hotel?’

They almost got to the outside door. I don’t know what snapped in Bounel’s head, except maybe some sixth sense that his death awaited him outside. ‘Okay, I’ll talk to him.’

‘You heard him, Barry, he’s done with you. You’re out the door.’ said Cindy. ‘I’m not taking you back in there.’ Bounel began trying to pull away and walk back, but Cindy was much stronger and she began violently pushing him to the door.

‘No, wait, I’ll talk to him! I’ll tell him what he wants to know!’ Bounel said desperately.

‘I told you, he’s done.’ Cindy said, but she pretended to let Bounel tear himself away from her grip. He rushed back towards the interrogation room. Hugh and I were walking down the corridor, heading back to the van.

‘Okay, I’ll talk, what do you want to know?’ Bounel said.

‘The phone number of your next of kin.’ I said, walking past him. As he gaped at me, I said over my shoulder ‘I told you, Bounel, I’m tired of your shit and I’m done with you.’

‘C’mon man, I’m serious!’ Bounel cried out. He was sweating profusely and clearly desperate. ‘I’ll tell you what you fucking want to know!’

I turned around and looked at him for a moment as Cindy came up to us. ‘The next time a lie comes out of your filthy mouth, Bounel, it’s all over for you.’ I said. ‘Get your halfbreed faggot ass back in there.’ Bounel silently complied, going back into the room.

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The sexual psychic

Hello. My name is Ava. I know, not a very creative name. Blame my mother. She said she wanted me to have a plain name in the hope that I would avoid the family ‘curse.’ Turns out, even with my plain name, the ‘curse’ would strike me as well, at an even younger age then most. I guess I should explain the ‘curse’ before I go any further. You see, I come from a long line of psychics. We aren’t the lucky ones that can read the future. We can only see, talk to and generally be annoyed by spirits....

3 years ago
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My New Life 5

My New Life, a story by Dee Ramone © D. Ramone 2018 My New Life is an erotic novel by D. Ramone featuring themes of chastity and cross-dressing and descriptions of sexually explicit acts which those of a sensitive nature may find not to their tastes. It is not suitable for such readers nor for anyone considered a minor by the authorities in their country of residence. My New Life is entirely a work from Dee Ramone and any similarities to places or people, either living or dead,...

2 years ago
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Power Play Part 2

“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” ― Oscar Wilde Ted closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief as the chaos of the outside world was replaced by the engineered comfort of his luxury sedan. 'Ah, peace and quiet,' he thought as he settled into the buttery softness of the leather upholstery. This was why he had spent such a ridiculous amount of money on a high-end import. The need to shut out the hectic distractions of everyday life was a necessary part of...

Straight Sex
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Punishing Rachel Part Three

It was funny, Josh mused as he made his way back to Rachel's bedroom, a bowl of tomato soup in one hand, glass of water in the other... Friday night when he decided to find her all he could think about was how badly she needed to pay for her "sins", and now different thoughts entirely dominated his thoughts. Upon further contemplation, he wondered if she might could come out of this not just chastened but a better person; the idea nagged at him as he walked into her room. He paused and was...

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Dont lose Alex Part 3

I woke up dizzy...I wanted to cry again when I still found myself into that room...then that sick guy came in again lifting my chin so I could face him...I hated that guy so bad....I wanted to go home...he'd always look at me and laugh depending on my situation.. "You look really down today Alex...mind talking to me?" He asked ripping the duct tape from my mouth again, I looked silence... "'re not gonna talk huh? Well...then I'd love hearing you scream today..."...

2 years ago
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Giving the boss a raise

I then suggested she come inside and call him to say she was on her way home. She does and while she did this I went to the kitchen to get myself a drink, and to offer her one as well. Before I could get back to the living room where the phone was I could hear my phone being slammed down and her saying, “That son of a bitch.” I walked in and said, “What Deb what did he do?” She then tells me that she called their house and he wasn’t home and he usually was at that time since he had to be at...

4 years ago
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Caught in panties

It was Saturday and I needed to go into the city to get some new clothes. As I opened my underwear drawer a flash of pink grabbed my attention from the back. Ah my stash..... You see after my last girlfriend dumped me, she had left some of her underwear behind. At first I was going to throw them away, but for some reason I kept them. She was a size 8 and I knew from trying these things on before when we were together for giggles they would fit me. I rummaged around and pulled out a pair of pink...

1 year ago
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When I Became A Woman by Cassy Lee

Hi, Diary. Like, I’m only just thirteen last month, and I hope you don’t think I’m naughty or anything, but I am real honest. I got my period last year. This is an incredible time in my life, so I will write a diary so that years from now, I’ll remember everything. Mommy said it would be a good thing to do, like she did when she was a kid like me. And she PROMISED not to try to read it!!!!! I couldn’t believe that was happening to me, even though Mommy said it was gonna happen soon. ...

4 years ago
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Cari The Beautiful Realtor

Cari The Beautiful Realtor By Fergus Rea Christi's realtor's was bucking the trend. Whilst others had stagnated or gone under during the housing slump, Christi's kept on increasing its turnover and profit year on year. Competitors would analyse Christi's business model in minute detail, to try to understand how they managed this, but none of them came close to understanding what was really going on. Jack Christi, owner and manager, is highly competent with key skills such as...

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The Collector Chapter Two

The Collector by Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Welcome to Chelmsford Hall Mary Pilson knew that her 'uncle' Walter was grooming her. 'Uncle' was a silly term that Mary's mother used to describe the men who moved into their home to take advantage. Mary had no time for her uncles; she saw them for what they were, parasites and users. Mary's mother could hardly make ends meet working as an usherette at the local cinema. Her good looks, curvy body and long legs ensured that she...

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Wife Swings

After eighteen years of marriage, I finally convinced my wife, Nancy, to participate in a swingers party. Nancy was a very sensual lady and loved to fuck. In recent years she had become very adept at sucking cock. I knew she would be a hit at the party.Several guys at work had been regaling me with stories of their swinging parties and had invited me and Nancy to attend on numerous occasions. I knew they all wanted to fuck Nancy and I had to admit there were several wives I wouldn’t mind...

3 years ago
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A Dilbert Deal

This one sort of grew out of the 'deal with the devil' plot, and I couldn't help but use my favorite devil, Phil from Dilbert. Please take a moment and let me know what you think - your feedback helps me improve my stories and choose themes for future works. elrodw *********************************************************** A Dilbert Deal The clock ticked slowly, oh so slowly, toward quitting time. It was the same agonizing process as it was every weekday. Some days it...

3 years ago
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Sam and Me

Hi everyone, I'd like to share my story about my first time with a man. I'm sure I've made spelling and grammarerrors and I surely hope that the content of my story doesn't offend anyone. Thanks in advance for allowing me to sharemy story here today. It was a few years ago, I had the night to myself and was sitting around my living room naked watching some porn. I had decided to try an experiment and actually watch a movie until almost the end before ever touching myself. With onlya few...

4 years ago
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I became a High School Fuck Boi

Word spreads fast on an urban campus, even if no one was there from your school but you, they find out. I was on the third floor when Larry and James cut me off, at first it seemed as usual they were playing and giggling. But as soon as no one passed us by, there shenanigans turned serous. As we walked down the hall Larry reached over and pinched my right butt cheek, I slapped his hand away and turned to him glaring angrily. James quickly enveloped me in a full nelson and d**gged me, kicking...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Hime Marie Jade Baker Romantic And Yearning For That Lesbian Touch

Nothing is more erotic than seeing two hot babes totally get down and make each other cum. Hime Marie and Jade Baker are sexy in their black lingerie and thigh high stockings that they slowly strip off revealing their firm all natural tits that are just begging to be squeezed and worshipped. Getting these two together and seeing the chemistry each has as they help each other out of their lingerie is what dreams are made of. They kiss passionately lost in each others eyes as all their thoughts...

1 year ago
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Surprise By Shanthi

HI Friends! This is Mathew again with a new experience. This is my second story. I got good response on my previous story, thanks guys. Here I go with another this time. Well coming to the story, this is with Shanthi my neighbor, who is extremely slim but with good fruits of course, not sure of the size though, could be 32, 24, 30. This is little different to my previous experience. She is my neighbor not married yet. After I got transferred to Hyderabad, I was lonely for some days and then...

3 years ago
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Katy The Sex Slave SecretaryChapter 2 Schoolgirl Gangbang

For the next fortnight, Katy served her boss like a dutiful young slave. She wore whatever he told her to - always a short skirt, and often without any underwear. The pretty blonde did exactly what he said, performing the most degrading sex acts on herself, on him, or on whoever he told her to. Most days John would fuck her at lunch time, and then again after work. He would never let her clean herself up afterwards, so Katy would spend all afternoon with his cum leaking out of her shaven...

2 years ago
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Jessica y la reina blanca

Jessica y la reina blanca.La detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. La joven treintañera pasea por la calle en dirección a un club de ajedrez donde debe hablar con su presidente. Jessica va vestida con unos pantalones vaqueros cortos que resaltan su figura y su precioso y voluptuoso trasero, lleva una camisa a cuadros que sujetan sus preciosos pechos que se agitan sin sujetador, Jessica lleva su habitual gorra de beisbol que tapa su angelical cara de rasgos redondeados en la que resaltan...

4 years ago
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Hotel Hunting Ground

JdanyoneI have always been the type that likes some anonymity to my encounters; there are no entanglements this way. I like how it fulfills a need and I do not ever have to worry about running into the person later at a party as the town that I come from can be small and it seems that everyone knows everyone else.The next town over from where I live has a bawdy past to say the least. Signs advertising 1,000 motel rooms line the freeway from years gone by when the highway used to run right down...

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Supporting Our Vets part 3

After he lifted her skirt, exposing her bald pussy to me, I just stared. She stood there and allowed him to touch her in places previously untouched by anyone other than me for the past twenty-four years. Her eyes fluttering as she suggested we move into the living room to be more comfortable.We all walked in the living room, Bob with his arm around Christine. She walked over to the loveseat and sat down. Not having room for both of us, Bob sat next to her. I took the seat that was directly...

Wife Lovers
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Each One Have Two

Hi…ISS… Thank you all for an amazing feedback… now apart from the regular sex with my mom and aunt I am totally engaged with phone sex with my story readers… I love this life, thank u ISS for providing such a wonderful experience. This is my 4th story in ISS and this time the experience is quite different. I explored Bi sexuality this time. From the past stories many would know me…for the new readers…hi, I’m Rahul, 22 years old, graduate, 5.11” tall, 70kgs, fair, built and have 6.5 inch beast...

1 year ago
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Devlins StoryChapter 16

When she awoke in the morning Devlin stretched slowly. She felt absolutely marvelous. She felt a little tender between her legs, but other than that she felt better than she had in some time. She had been well and truly laid the night before and she felt it. She wasn't alone in the room. She could hear the usual squeaks, moans and gasps from the bed. At least somebody was still partying. She envied them. This morning she didn't seem to have any energy. She watched the dim figures on the...

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Best friends hot wife

A friend of mine needed his computer checked for some virus issues so one day I stopped by to see if I could fix it. He said that he had to leave for a while but that the front door would be open, since I only lived a couple of miles away. I went in and got working on the computer trying to find what the issue was. I don't usually do these kinds of favors but he had a smoking hot wife so I jumped at the chance of seeing her. From the day that I met her I always had a desire to fuck her brains...

3 years ago
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Confidence Ch 03

‘Any fantasies you’d like to try, Allison?’ I asked as I stroked her unconscious friend’s head that currently rested on my lap. The big tittied blonde stared off into space for a moment as she went through a list. ‘There’s one thing I’ve always wanted to try, but I’ve been too scared. Plus, we’d have to leave to do it.’ ‘And what’s that?’ I asked. ‘Sex in public,’ she replied. ‘Not in front of an audience, but in a place where you might get caught. Even getting caught by one or two people...

4 years ago
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Sex with stranger

Hi I’m lakshya,aaaj mein aapke samne aisi story likhne ja raha hu jo aapko padhke ke bohot maza aayega,really ull feel this very sexy,ab mein us ladki ke baare mein aapko batata hu jo mere shop ke samne se roz din mein 4 baje cross karti hai aur mujhe dekhti hui ek smile si pass karti hai,maine kai baar uska jawab usko hasne ke bahane se ya to aankh marne ke bahane se usko jawab deta tha,uska sharir itna ghdila aur bhara hua ki kkoi bhi dekhe to sidha chodh daale,ek baar mein station ki piche...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 74

... Jeff had also heard the door close, and shoved Helen into Diana's arms, causing Diana to stagger, Laura grabbing Helen to help. He pulled his .45 from his waistband and started down the hall, but even as he did so, he saw Arlene at the intersection of the hallways and knew he was too late. Jeff figured one of the mercenaries had to be in the hallway, and was probably doing the same thing Arlene was. (Slicing the pie at the intersection.) He also knew he would never make the...

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Porn Reality 8211 BiCouple

Thank you for your feedback on my previous story. So I thought of continuing writing about my adventures, this time with a bi-couple. In case if you haven’t read my previous story, you can read it . Hi guys, I’m Rohan, here to share my sexy adventures. This is my second encounter with a couple. Let me introduce myself. I am Rohan, a 23 years old male, tall, fair, and with an ‘ok’ build. I am currently working in an MNC in Bangalore. I love to try out new and kinky stuff like public sex, anal,...

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Harassment By Margaret Jeanette Bill Powers was the office Romeo. He was constantly chasing after all of the girls. At the last staff meeting at Thome's Plastics all employees were given the new sexual harassment policy. Basically it stated any language suggestive of sex would be grounds for punishment up to termination. That noon at a diner just down the street three secretaries were having lunch. Bill pushed his way into the booth with them. He didn't ask if he could join...

3 years ago
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DIY Fucking

Mark’s wife Leah was pretty. With her petite frame and round brown eyes, she was just what he wanted when they first met. But lately, she’d changed. Not just her figure, but her attitude too. Her personality.Since she’d been promoted to a job with longer hours, she didn’t have as much time for herself. She’d slipped a little.And she didn’t have time for him.He hadn’t changed. Not really. He’d got a few years older, a bit wiser. But he hadn’t changed. Other than his new found porn addiction …...

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Not long after Sarah and I married back in 1969, our fiftieth anniversary coming up in August, we found sex could be a bit of a chore from time to time. Either she Wasn,t Quite in the mood or I Wasn,t and the hours I worked in the military Didn,t always suit a sex life. But we found that when we did get “our time” together to make the most of it. I also discovered the old saying that pussy Isn,t always good, but pussy is still pussy to be correct and there are times when it just doesn,t work!...

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Barging into the room, were Stu, Princess and Jennifer, seeing us dressed with me on my phone in the wheelchair, packed and ready to go. Peter sent me a text. I let Honey ‘man’ my wheelchair as the ladies all giggled at the look on her face. Stuart understood what had happened and I saw him shaking his head in deference to me. My lap held my, Honora’s, and Jennifer’s bags as we all got to the bus together. Stu handed me a piece of paper, which I put in my shirt pocket because Peter had come...

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My GF Rohini got gangbanged on train

Hey guys, I am Shankar, 28 years old and from Chennai. This is a true incident during my college days when my GF (now Ex) and I traveled on Mangalore express. We broke up now due to hurtful reasons. We never missed having wild moments when we were into each other. My GF’s name is Rohini, and she had an hourglass structure body to die for. She is from Andhra with a stat 34-28-36. Though many tried to impress her in college, I was lucky to win her heart. I met her on social media, and we became...

1 year ago
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Sister Made Me a Sissy Slut

There I was lying on my back. Cum leaking out of my asspussy (anus), dried cum all over my face and, body. I’m wearing nothing but torned pink lacey satin panties soaked in cum and, sweat and, there was a small smile of satisfaction on my face. My name is Tanuj or Tanisha as they now call me. I’m a 16 year old boy 5’6 thin but not skinny, pretty much hairless (totally now). It all started about a couple of weeks ago. I always had a cross-dressing fetish but, I was not sure if I was gay. My...

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The Two of Us

This is the kind of story people like who like this kind of story, but they are allowed to read it only if they're the age they need to be to be allowed to read it. If you know what I mean. She'd love hearing from you about any of them, even if they aren't the kind of story you like to read, though especially if they are. The Two of Us by Vickie Tern i. That blonde woman back there in the Florida...

3 years ago
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1981 Part 2

My family,s visit to Washington had been very enjoyable. Son Rick had matbhis idol Spider-Man thanks to my brother Austin who,d arranged to have a friend who dressed as Spidey for charity. Think that was the high light of our trip for young Rick perhaps for Christina, too. Brother Austin had also,promised the use of a jacuzzi tomus as they were fairly new in 1981(no hot tubs back then). One of his friends had just had one installed and was away visiting friends for a week so loaned Austin the...

2 years ago
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My Second First Time True Story

I’d been with my first man but I had yet to truly lose my virginity. I was still twenty-one and nervous as all hell, but my sex drive had zero patience for anxieties. I returned to AOL chat and started talking to a guy from out of town. He was staying at the Radisson a few miles from my place. I showered and cleaned everything extensively. I tossed on a pair of tight jeans and a T-shirt, no dorky dress-up with slacks or polished wingtips this time. I kept it relaxed. So relaxed that I skipped...

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Mary story Part Nine

“I’ll take the sluts, and bring something back for us all. It will be nice to get some air to my butterfly.” said Wendy, putting her dress back on. She reached into her bag, and pulled out two more dresses. She gave one to Mary and one to Sue. They were both very short, but Sue’s was definitely much shorter. As she stood there, her labia were on show, just peeking out below the hem of the dress. As she moved, the dress rode up slightly, leaving her pussy fully exposed. Mary asked if she could...

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