The Pool Boy - A Late Christmas Present free porn video

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Today though, it’s was particularly quiet, between Christmas and New Year and there are just 2 of us in the pool. As I cross towards the pool ladder, I notice a lad I haven’t seen before, sitting in the guard’s chair. He must be new because he doesn’t have the official pool outfit of red top and black shorts. Instead, he wears an orange T-shirt and a pair of blue nylon football shorts.

He’s quite young too; he can’t be much over 18, with a baby-soft face and floppy brown hair. I know, I should be ashamed of myself, a much older guy ogling a guy young enough to be his son, grandson even, but I can’t help it! Anyway, he’s sitting on the high stool at the shallow end, near the ladder, so as I walk towards him, I get a good look, you know, up and down, the way you do, my glance lingering momentarily on the folds of dark blue nylon between his legs.

He sees me of course and it even seems, in my warped imagination, that his glance goes down for a moment, in the direction of my own swim shorts.

I like my Andrew Christian mesh shorts for swimming because they’re loose around the groin and the mesh lets the water pass through easily. What’s more, they have no modesty pouch inside and as I swim, I love the feeling of the water around my completely free cock and balls. The double layer of mesh is usually sufficient to avoid embarrassing any old ladies but the pale coloured shorts do tend to be more revealing than the darker colours, especially when wet.

Today I am wearing the yellow shorts and, like the considerate swimmer that I am, I have showered first, so when I see this new lad, this 18 year-old, look down at me briefly, I get to wondering of he has seen more than I think is usually visible. Either that or he’s thinking to himself, “God, look at him! What does that bloke think he looks like in those stupid shorts?”

As I swim up and down the pool, I am spurred-on by the promise of another look at him each time I come back towards the shallow end. From the water, I get a nice long view up at him as he sits on his stool with his leg crossed, his bare foot resting on his other knee; and I catch fleeting glimpses up one leg of his dark blue shorts, where the soft white skin of his bare leg disappears towards the darkness of his groin……

On one of my approaches, he is playing with one of the long poles with a safety hook on the end. There’s an electric fan on the wall high above him and he uses it to reach the switch. As the lad twists around and stretches back on his stool to extend his reach, my heart skips a beat as his T-shirt pulls up and reveals his milky-white bare tummy. I am fascinated and puzzled; with all that near-nakedness in the pool, how is it that the revealing of a boy’s bare tummy in this way can seem so……..arousing?

A while later, one of the regular guys, his relief, comes along and “Orange T-shirt” gets down off his stool and walks barefooted down the pool to the other guard-station for his next 20 minutes duty, while the guy there now goes off for his break. Today though, the other high stool is out of action and they are using an ordinary plastic chair at the side of the pool. “Orange T-shirt” sits down. He’s still carrying the pole.

As I swim down the pool towards the deep-end, he’s sitting on the chair, legs apart, close to the edge, so I have an even better view of him, his delicate fingers idly playing with that pole, now upright in his hands between his legs. As I make my turn and come back past him, I can’t help smiling to myself at the subconscious implications and I quietly chide myself for wondering if he has masturbated this morning yet. “Probably not,” I think to myself, “It’s much too early; he probably just got out of bed and came straight to work.” But as I turn my head in the water to look at him, he sees me; our eyes meet and I realise that I have been “spotted”.

On my next approach towards the deep-end, he’s watching me at first but then he casts his gaze away more vacantly and yawns widely, stretching his arms in the air and his legs straight out in front of him towards the water. This has the effect of revealing his naked tummy again while also pulling tight the material across the front of his blue shorts, emphasizing the bulge that lies within them.

As I approach my turn at the deep-end and pass him again, he’s sitting with his legs stretched out in front and his feet almost at the pool’s edge, his hands resting in his lap; over that bulge of blue nylon. As I swim back past him, he absently squeezes his bulge with the fingers of one hand. But then I think to myself, “Surely he knows I can see him.”

On the next approach, he feigns a yawn again and stretches but this time he brings one hand down inside the waist of his shorts and adjusts himself. We all know what happens early in the morning, when a guy yawns and stretches……. My stomach leaps into my throat and I can feel my heart thumping hard in my chest at the thought of his hand having just touched his erect tool, now more comfortably repositioned to one side in his shorts.

I swim back towards the shallow end and calm down a little but I can feel my own erect cock inside my shorts as it pushes against the mesh of my shorts and that just gets me more aroused.

The next time I get towards the deep-end, he watches me as I approach, his hands still across his groin. He casually glances around and then, without warning, one hand nonchalantly slides to the open leg of his shorts and he pulls the material upwards towards his groin, as if to scratch an itch in his inner thigh. The effect is to reveal to me, in direct line-of-sight, the white mesh bulge inside his blue nylon shorts. “My God!” I say to myself, “He’s deliberately provoking me - but just how far is this little tart prepared to go?”

By the time I reach the shallow end again, I am still shaking as I climb out of the pool and head for the showers, which are opposite the entrance to the men’s toilets. The showers are communal and unisex, so I have to keep my shorts on. “Just as well!” I think to myself. Then it happens.

He appears around the corner, his shift finished, and he stands momentarily at the entrance to the men’s toilets, as he glances at me in the shower, checking to see if I have seen him. I have. I am alone. He goes into the men’s toilet.
My heart is thumping into my chest and I am unsure what to do. I am a regular here. They know me. I decide to wait a moment or two and see if he comes out but he doesn’t. The automatic shower cuts off.

Year ago, sailors would tell stories of men lured to their doom by sirens of the sea, mermaids. This boy’s no mermaid but the thought goes through my head that he is luring me to my doom just the same. And just like those bewitched sailors could not resist the siren’s call, I can’t resist the temptation now – and I go into the men’s toilet.

He’s still standing at the urinal, his hands in front of him and his shorts slightly pulled down. There are 3 urinals and he is at the one in the middle. He’s been there way long enough to do a pee, so it’s now obvious what he’s up to. I stand alongside him and take out my own semi-erect cock. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t pee at this moment; all the muscles in that part of my body are preparing for something else entirely! But that’s irrelevant now, as I stand there, allowing him to see me. I turn my head to look at him and below the end of the orange T-shirt, I catch a tantalizing glimpse of his penis, its pale pink flesh partly concealed by his hands. I can’t tell if he’s got an erection or not; the glimpse is too short and he’s concealing too much. But he’s also looking down at me; and then he lifts his gaze and looks me in the eyes; his own are dark brown and deeply dilated.

Suddenly, he puts is tool away and walks off. But he walks into one of the open cubicles, still in view, and he turns to face me. His eyes dart towards the entrance, as if checking that the coast is clear. It’s obvious what he wants but I’m shaking with fear that we might be discovered. But the endorphins now pumping through my bloodstream have me on a high and I’m more reckless. I follow him into the cubicle and lock the door.

Kneeling in front of him, I slide his shorts down to his feet and his semi-erect young manhood is at last revealed, as it flops forward inches from my face, pink and warm and fleshy. I steady myself by putting both my hands on the soft cheeks of his exposed buttocks. His skin feels like velvet to the touch and I want to stroke him and enjoy him but he has more urgent needs and he thrusts his cock in my face. I want to enjoy this young man and, knowing how desperate he is for the relief I can give him makes me more aroused too, as I now have him “in my power”! Meanwhile, in the background, I can hear only distant sounds from pool outside.

As I take his warm, gently throbbing tool in my hand, I drink-in the view of his pale bare legs and his hairless tummy, descending to a thick bush of dark brown curls, a few small blemishes in his left groin and his perfectly proportioned testicles, decorated with a few tiny hairs and now bunched and compact, as his organ now fills and hardens in front of my lips. His balls twitch and roll in their soft-skinned sack, as I gently pull back the skin of his uncircumcised weapon, now so hard and erect that it wants to point upwards at 45 degrees and I have to hold it down to the level of my mouth.

With one hand, I hold his organ against the side of my face as I stroke and squeeze the soft flesh of his firm, smooth buttocks with my other hand and I nuzzle my face into his groin, inhaling the aroma, an almost forgotten mixture of smells, a young man’s smells: soft musk and sweet sweat, but also soap and talcum powder I detect, as my nose explores the thick nest of hair and my tongue begins to lick those soft, exposed balls. As I do this, I feel him inhale deeply and the grip of his hands on my shoulders tightens. He’s enjoying it. I briefly wonder who last did this to him – or if indeed, perhaps this is an as-yet unfulfilled fantasy?

But I haven’t much time to waste enjoying this too much. His swollen penis throbs in front of me, the dark pinkness of its head in marked contrast to its pale-skinned shaft, now firm and hard. His organ is quite large for a smallish young man, easily 7 and-a-half inches but it is nicely proportioned and not too thick, so I take the head between my lips and run my tongue softly around the sensitive glans, as I hear him first inhale deeply and then let out a soft sigh of pleasure.

My mouth sinks slowly lower over the shaft of his 7 and-a-half inch meat, as I inhale again his body scents, his youthful pheromones filling my nostrils. It’s been a while since I “deep-throated” a guy, especially one so young, and I am a little out of practice but after all, it’s a bit like riding a bike; past practice quickly comes back to you! And I am determined to go all the way, especially as he is now getting eager, pushing urgently into my throat, as I suck and slurp willingly, my tongue circling his shaft, flicking back and forth along the sensitive underside of his tool.

As I grasp his firm young buttocks with both hands, I run my fingers into the crack of his bum and find it, just like his balls, hairless and smooth. I spread my fingers and pull his cheeks apart, teasing my longest fingers into that holiest of sweet spots, his anus. He lets out a murmur of disapproval but with his tumescent tool still down my throat, there isn’t much he can do, unless he pulls away. And he doesn’t want to do that. So as I tickle and play around his bum-hole with my fingers, I look up and see him biting his lower lip. His eyes are closed as he twists his head around and around in pleasure. Quickly I moisten my fingers with some of the copious dribble and juices now running down my chin and I return to that sweet spot between his buttocks, gently inserting the tip of my finger into that tightly-closed entrance.

He whispers, “No, don’t,” and tries to wriggle from my grasp but he is too bound up in the moment and he soon realizes that he quite likes the sensation; perhaps it is something new to him. He gives a stifled squeak as my finger disappears inside his hole and pushes deeper. I shift slightly to one side, still cock-in-mouth, so that I can bring my other hand around to the front, to clutch and tickle at his testicles, now soaked in a mixture of my spittle and his own sweat, while the finger of my right hand pushes ever deeper into his “inner sanctum”.

“Jesus!” I heard him whisper, “Oh fuck, oh fuck!” he urges, his two hands now clasped about my head, as I sink lower over his shaft and finally reach “home base”, with my nose buried once again in the tight brown bush of his groin.

With my left hand clutching his ball-sack, now hard and tight against his groin, my fingers extend underneath and feel his perineum throbbing in muscular rhythm to the throbs of pleasure in his swollen tool in my mouth. Meanwhile, the longest finger of my other hand pushes deep inside his anus, at last locating that tell-tale hardness of his prostate gland. Twisting my hand around, I am able to gently rub and press it, as I feel his body tense and squirm in my hands and he moves into the final phase of his ecstasy.

“Oh God; oh fuck!” he whispers urgently, “I’m cumming!” he almost weeps in pleasure. He doesn’t need to tell me; I can tell! His cock is still buried deep in my throat and he desperately wants to thrust in and out but he can’t because my hand is gripping his buttocks and my finger is stimulating his prostate in a way he has clearly never felt before. He is shaking and gritting his teeth now and breathing heavily, trying not to make a noise, as I apply the last gentle movement necessary to the underside of his hard, swollen penis head in my throat and I feel the tell-tale throbbing from his perineum muscles, as the finger of my right hand feels the first wave of man-fluid erupting from his prostate on its path toward the outside world.

Everything usually seems instantaneous when we are in the grip of orgasm but in this case, this young man’s orgasm is in MY grip and with my finger massaging his prostate, my other hand clutching his balls and feeling his perineum, while his engorged organ is rammed into my throat, it’s as if the whole process goes into slow-motion in front of me. The throbbing inside his anus begins a split-second before I feel that first wave of fluid surge along his perineum muscle and into his cock, followed by throbbing wave after wave of man-juice, as his uncontrolled ejaculations burst up his shaft. Shuddering in ecstasy, his jets of creamy, salty cum fire repeatedly down the back of my throat, as wave after wave of his youthful semen erupts through his body and into mine, and I swallow every drop, until eventually I have to pull back to take a breath.

At last, I let go my hold of him and I watch his face wince, as I allow his body to gently push my finger from its secret home. As it finally emerges, he exhales sharply and blows his cheeks in relief.

Suddenly it’s all over. As I get up from my knees, he quickly reaches down and pulls his shorts up, carefully tucking his still semi-erect cock discretely back inside their white mesh interior. But as I stand in front of him, he briefly looks at me and I catch a satisfied smirk at the edges of his beautiful mouth. Before he knows what’s happening, I grab his face and kiss him softly on the lips and smile at him. He is momentarily stunned but I have to let him know there’s affection, even in raw sex. Then he’s gone and I’m left to ponder the consequences of the last few minutes and with a throbbing erection in my still wet Andrew Christian mesh shorts; an erection that is dribbling pre-cum all down my exposed thigh…….

I haven’t seen him since that morning, so what he was doing there, goodness only knows.


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Early Christmas present

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you! Are you enjoying them or not? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

1 year ago
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Surprising Christmas Present

“She’s got a crush on me.” Said Martin and pointed at a plump little bleached blonde that sat at the bar. We were at a Christmas party, given by the tax company that my brother worked for. I would do an occasional freelance work for them, so I got invited, as well. I remembered the girl, at least remembered seeing her around the office floor, walking around in usually to tight tops, her breasts almost spilling out of the usually low neckline. She had a big ass, the kind that I always liked....

3 years ago
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A Late Christmas Present

It was Christmas holiday week 1970, way before the days of internet porn. If you wanted naked ladies you looked at Playboy, if you were lucky. A lot of porn mags were still printed in black and white. That’s just what I had, a black and white magazine laying on the bathroom vanity while stroking my cock. My brother had passed the mag on a few days earlier. It was well used, page corners frayed and a few pages stuck together at one time. At fifteen you like to jerk off, a lot. Stupid me, when I...

3 years ago
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A Boys Christmas Letter

A boys Christmas Letter By Princess Dear Santa I do not know if you will ever get this letter. All I want for Christmas is to be a boy. I do not know if you even exist. But if you do exist, or if God exists please hear me please. Maybe I was very bad and I deserve all of this and If this is some punishment for what I have done can you please help me understand. I do not know if you even know me or if you have forgotten me. All I want for Christmas is to be allowed to be a boy again....

3 years ago
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Belated Christmas

Belated ChristmasDale was a tall handsome black man, the type by his size, looks, his dress and presence drew your attention. He seemed to naturally emit the sense of toughness and authority. He also had the reputation as a ‘ladies man’. I had my fantasies about Dale. He was, at the time, also my wife’s employee. Seeing him in my wife's office or at social events had always sent my mind off and fantasising about and picturing me or my wife as his bitch. I remember one Xmas party they had; I...

3 years ago
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The Summer Pool Boy

My name is Jon. I'm 19 years old, white, about 5ft 8in, athletic build with brown hair. I live with my parents in Richmond, a leafy suburb of London where a lot of wealthy people live. We're a well-off family, but my parents have always insisted I work to earn my own money - to teach me the value. Term time I go to university in Edinburgh, but during the summer months I work as a pool cleaner.If you're not from London, or from Britain, you probably can't imagine how many people have swimming...

3 years ago
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Designated Pool Boy

I liked my sister, Connie, even if I didn’t really know her. I was the “surprise” of the family, born twelve years after her. When I was starting elementary, she was off to college; as I was entering my teen years, she was married. I dare say I wouldn’t have known her at all if she and her husband had not decided to stay at the Beach. Of course, she married up, so they lived at the North End. But we still got together for the holidays and she came by to visit with Mom and Dad several times a...

2 years ago
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You Give Me the Best Christmas Present

I come back from the café with coffees, tiptoeing into the bedroom. I place them quietly on the bedside table and stand still, watching you sleep. I can only see the top of your hair and hear a little snort now and then. It makes me smile. I sit softly on the bed, but my weight causes you to move, and you stir. The aroma of coffee has filled the room, and you stretch awake, the covers slipping down revealing your beautiful smile, and sparkling eyes. I lean down and kiss your cheek lightly,...

Love Stories
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small cock boy late pool time

he found it funny ,founding me in the pool naked before sleepmy older black neighbor suddenly appearing in my backyard smilling''taking a dip before sleep boy''''yeah Frank, i tought no one could see me from the alley''''oh no one can, what are you naked boy?''looking at frank undress ''can i join you? its been a hot day , only if its ok''shaking my head yes nervouslymy hearth pounding his fat black cock dangling between his legs getting in the pool ''damn so refreshing i like to dip naked too,...

3 years ago
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early christmas present

Early Christmas Present Working in IT has its benefits..A good living,nice house and the down side's take me away from home for days at a timethis instance im away for 5days in holland at our sister factory the wife debbie is a busy person to between work ..trying to keep fit as we are both in our early 50'sdebbie is 5'8 blonde hair 38DD great legs and ass turns many heads when we're out and me John 6'0 pretty fit blonde hair 8" cock and nice size balls so the wife says lolthe third day...

2 years ago
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Christmas Present

It is Christmas Day, I saw you underneath my tree. You tell me to leave to room so you can get my final present ready. After a few minutes, you say, “Okay, it is ready.” I come back into the room. I see sitting next to the tree. You are naked except for a red ribbon. The ribbon covers your breasts and nipples although, your nipples are so hard I can see them pressing out against the ribbon. The ribbon then wraps over your right shoulder and goes down your stomach and between your legs but the...

1 year ago
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The Adventures Of Pranay Chapter Two The Pool Boy

I love to lie in the sun by my pool, soaking up the summer rays. I’m Pranay Patel. My parents moved from India 18 years ago, one year before I was born. I’m 5 foot 2, thin, and very young looking. I have short, kinda spiky hair, deep brown eyes, latte-colored skin, a killer smile, and one hell of an ass. It’s round, juicy, and oh-so-fuckable. My dick is about 4.5 inches, but don’t laugh. It’s big compared to the rest of my body. That doesn’t really matter, however, because I’m a total bottom. I...

4 years ago
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The Pool Boy

 On the way home, I decided to stop at my favorite lounge, called "The Lush Spot." Upon entering, my eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. "Good evening Mr. Preston, right this way." Alexandra led me to a table in the back.I always made sure I came when she was working. We have known each other since she started working here four years ago. She is twenty-five years old, five feet tall with hazel brown eyes. Her black hair reaches the middle of her back.Tonight she wore a short brown...

4 years ago
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The Pool Boy

On the way home, I decided to stop at my favorite lounge, called ‘The Lush Spot.’ Upon entering, my eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. ‘Good evening Mr. Preston, right this way.’ Alexandra led me to a table in the back. I always made sure I came when she was working. We have known each other since she started working here four years ago. She is twenty-five years old, five feet tall with hazel brown eyes. Her black hair reaches the middle of her back. Tonight she wore a short...

2 years ago
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The Pool Boy

Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him. Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...

4 years ago
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Kelan Fairwater Pool Boy1

Langdon- 18. A senior in Highschool. He has brown hair and grey eyes. He is the captain of the varsity swimming team. He has the thin, yet muscular, body with very little hair. Langdon is one of the popular kids in school. He is always at every party and is always the center of attention. Langdon comes from a middle class family, his father is CPA and his mother is a nurse. Has two little brothers. Currently he is bisexual, secretly. Setting- Fairwater High School. Student population of...

1 year ago
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real life sex The Pool Boy

Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him.Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...

3 years ago
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Real life sex The Pool Boy

Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him.Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...

3 years ago
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Real life sex The Pool Boy

Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him.Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...

1 year ago
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The Pool Boy

Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him. Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...

2 years ago
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The Christmas Present

Sara set at her desk working on a file when her phone rang. Her husband was on the other end of the line, "Hey babe I just bought a gift for one of the boys out of the paper. Can you run by the guys house and pick it up for me?". She told him she would, got the address and got back to work. The rest of the day flew by and it was quitting time before she knew it. The 35 year old brunette got her stuff together and put her coat on as she headed to her suv wondering what her husband had bought....

1 year ago
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The Pool Boy

Dan Hutchinson came home to an empty house. He had been gone for two weeks on a business trip to New York, and he was ready to take his suit off and relax. The house was dark, locked, silent. Almost silent, actually. He heard just the faintest tapping coming from below. He walked down the stairs - it got louder - now it was more of a rhythmic thumping, like...a bed rocking back and forth. As he got closer to the guest bedroom, it got louder - he heard some faint moaning through...

3 years ago
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Jocastas Playground the Pool Boy

Jasmine laid out on the chaise longue, feeling the sun beating down on the deep bronze of her skin. There was a full suite of tanning beds inside the spa, but the rare break in the Pacific Northwest cloud cover meant that she had to take full advantage of it while she could. Thick, raven mane fanned out behind her head in like shimmering black silk, she adjusted her oversized tortoiseshell sunglasses, and closed her eyes. The curvaceous MILF could feel the sweat beginning to bead on her...

3 years ago
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I hired a Black Pool Boy Blacken

I have been married to a great woman for 25 years now. Katie is my high school sweetheart and we spent 7 years together before we got married. She teaches 12th grade at the local high school and I am a self employed contractor.Katie looks very good for a 48 year old woman. Dark hair and eyes, 5'-1" tall, 130 pounds, full 34B cup boobs with the right amount of sag, voluptuous curves and just the right amount of age lines. She tries to stay fit and does regular cardio workouts. That also helps...

2 years ago
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Another pussy for Christmas

Another pussy for Christmas ***** In "A pussy for Christmas," Paul asked for a pussy for Christmas, without realising that "pussy" has a double meaning. In this sequel Paul, now Paula, visits her cousin Joseph, who turns out to have a very similar wish. (You don't really need to read "A pussy for Christmas," but it helps. If you want to, just click the author link at the top of this page and it should be easy to find). ***** Paula looked into the bathroom mirror and...

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With the housing crash, property values plummeted, especially in Vegas where we’d been talking about a second home. Molly, my wife of 8 years came through the door and said, "Danny, time to step up to the plate and buy the home we've been discussing." At 41, she was strikingly beautiful, standing 5'7'' with a thin build at 121 pounds, light reddish-brown hair with blond streaks cut in a pageboy, emerald green eyes, 36-C breasts and an ass that just took my breath away. She was a...

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chase the pool boy fictional

after the thunderstorm and hurricane wreaked havoc on our town, and we had a lot of damage, my house was repaired but my pool was full of crap from the hurricane, no one could come out and help, everything was pretty much shut down, food was being dropped in by helicopter. well finally, everything began to fall in place, but my pool still needed work, so my neighbor lisa(the shemale) came over and and said her friend was staying with her due to the death of his father, and knew a lot about...

2 years ago
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A Boys Christmas Letter 2

A boys Christmas Letter 2 By Princess Dear Santa and anyone else: I am writing to thank you for helping me. It has been six months since I last written to you, and a lot has happened since then. Thank you. I didn't mention it in the first letter, how ever my mother signed me up in a all girls school and I was attending school as a girl named Kristina. I got along well with the girls but it never felt right. Several of the teachers noticed things that were weird about me...

2 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 14 Christmas Dance

I truly enjoyed my Sunday morning. I didn't have anything to do except go to church with Mom. I even skipped running, and slept in causing Mom to have to wake me up. Church was a little bit of a mad house with everyone wanting to talk about the football game. I was dismayed when I was noted for helping during the storm as part of the sermon. It had not been done it to gain notoriety. I had done it for the pies. None of us felt like cooking brunch, so we went to Granny's. My day got even...

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