The Summer Job I'll Never Forget - Part 6 free porn video

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Alisha and I arrived back at the farm late in the afternoon. It appeared that Lori was not at home as her truck was nowhere in sight. We carried Alisha’s treasurers into the house and unpacked. I decided to make dinner while Alisha finished unpacking and took a shower.

The sun was setting in the West with red, orange, gold and blue hues. I stood at the patio door watching the colors intensify. Sometimes I’m in awe of the beauty that is around us every day. So many times we all ignore it in our busy lives, not taking the time to look around. Here on the farm, I see so much beauty every day…’s awesome.

I am really one lucky guy. I have Alisha, the love of my life, I have my health, I am co-owner of a large farm and my wife to be likes being in an open and boundless relationship. Lori, even though she is a little older, has become very important to me. She is beautiful and I can lose myself in her charms at most any given time.

As I finish preparing dinner, I see Alisha coming down the hall in her bath robe. Damn, she is beautiful woman. I can see why any man that sees her can’t resist her.

“Is dinner ready, Robert?” she asks as she enters the kitchen.

“Yes, my love, it is.” I reply.

She comes to me, wraps her arms around me and passionately kisses me, pressing her body against mine. I can feel her breasts pushing against my chest and I feel my cock begin to harden as she grinds her pelvis against me.
Alisha looks deep into my eyes and says, “Robert, I do love you with all my heart, I always will. Nothing will ever come between us….you are the man I want to be with the rest of my life. Always rest assured of that fact.”

Then, she kissed me again. While our tongues danced I pulled the robe off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. As I did this, I felt Alisha opening my jeans and pushing her hand inside my boxer briefs. My hands went to her tight ass and pulled her closer to me. As I squeezed her ass and kissed her neck, I heard her moan down deep inside. I lifted her up and sat her on the edge of the table. She smiled as she laid back while I sucked on her erect nipples.

I stood up, gazing at the beauty laying there before me. I removed my clothing, pulled up a chair and buried my tongue deep inside her. I could taste her warm juices as they seeped from her clean shaven pussy. She thrust her hot cunt to my mouth as I sucked her clit. I could hear her moan….I could feel her desire.

Alisha had grasped the back of my head, pulling me tightly to her pleasure zone. I sucked the hot juices from her as I continued to pleasure her. I felt her tense, her legs pushed against the sides of my head and a rush of her hot cum gushed into my mouth. She was groaning and I could feel her muscles spasm as her orgasm flushed throughout her body.

When her orgasm subsided some, she grasped me by the sides of my head, looked into my eyes and gruffly said, “I want your cock, I want you to fuck me and fuck me hard !”

I stood and lifted her knees up to her tits and pushed my blood engorged cock deep into her well lubricated pussy. Her feet went to my shoulders, I grasped her tits and pinched her nipples. Alisha moaned loudly as I fucked her hard with long fast strokes. I could feel my balls slapping her on the ass and the sound of the skin slap as I drove my hard cock in and out of her.

Alisha let out a yell as she began to come again. I continued to slam my cock into the deepest parts of her wanting cunt while I listened to her screaming, “FUCK ME ROBERT, FUCK ME HARD. I WANT ALL YOU HAVE, FILL MY PUSSY WITH YOUR HOT CUM…..I WANT TO FEEL YOUR HOT CUM SPLASHING AROUND INSIDE ME……….GIVE IT TO ME ROBERT………GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEE……..”

I pushed deep inside her as my cock exploded, shooting streams of my hot cum into her womb. Alisha was going into another orgasm as I continued fucking her hard and filling her belly with my fertile sperm. My dick was so hard it hurt, the streams of cum were long and thick as my muscles contracted time and time again, injecting my hot cum inside her body.

Alisha went limp and I collapsed on top of her. Both of us were sweating and breathing heavily. I raised up slowly and kissed Alisha. I looked into her eyes and told her that I loved her very much. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close.

All of a sudden behind us, we heard the sound of clapping and the words, “Bravo, Bravo !” I stood and turned around to see Lori grinning and clapping. “That was one hell of a good show you two just put on. You were going at it so good, I just decided not to disturb you and watch. I sure hope that you have a little left for me……after watching that, I need you right now.”

Lori was coming across the room pulling her clothes off and letting them fall to the floor. Alisha had raised up on her elbows and was laughing as she said, “OK Robert, do your stuff…..she hasn’t had any since we left and she’s horny as hell !”

I looked over at Alisha as Lori grabbed onto me. I could see small streaks of my cum running out of her freshly fucked pussy. Lori kissed me and went to her knees, licking my soft cock, trying to resurrect the dead. She put it all in her mouth and worked it over with her tongue. I could feel it beginning to stir, slowly getting harder and harder until it had regained all of its former glory.

Lori laid back on the floor and held her arms out to me, “Robert, I want you now.”

I went down to the floor between her legs and pushed my cock slowly inside her. Once I had fully penetrated her, I began to fuck her. She wrapped her legs around my ass and her arms around my torso and began thrusting into me as I thrust into her. We didn’t last long……within a few minutes she was cumming hard and I was filling her belly with my hot cum. Our orgasms went on and on, I didn’t know if I would ever stop cumming. Finally, we both had unloaded and I pulled out of Lori. As I kneeled between her legs, I saw cum oozing from her pussy lips.

Alisha had been sitting watching. When I got off, she said, “Lori, stay where you are. Alisha stood over Lori and lowered her dripping pussy down to Lori’s mouth. Lori put a lip lock on her pussy and began licking and sucking my cum from her while Alisha went down to Lori’s pussy and began licking and sucking my cum from her.

It was a beautiful sight to behold…..two beautiful women eating my cum and pleasuring each other while they did it. All I could hear was loud rumbling moans and slurping sounds as they feasted on my cum. Then both of them began convulsing as they climaxed yet another time.

Soon, Alisha got to her feet and helped Lori to hers. They both hugged and came to me for a 3 way hug. As I said, I’ve got to be the luckiest man on earth.

Satisfied, we all sat down to dinner. The conversation went directly to the upcoming wedding. Alisha told Lori about all the things she had bought in Denver. They discussed having the wedding here in the back yard and having the event catered by a small catering business in North Platte. The guest list would be small, probably around 30 people.

After dinner, we cleaned up the kitchen and went to bed. All of us had had a long day and we were tired. Alisha and I cuddled up close and slept soundly the whole night. I just know that I am very happy here in this place.

When I awoke, the morning sun was creeping across our room. I gazed at the naked woman lying next to me and smiled. What a wonderful life we are going to have together, I thought to myself. Lying there in the morning light, Alisha was absolutely breathtaking. Her beauty is unmatched.

As I continue to look at her, I feel my cock beginning to awaken. I put my hand on her pubic mound and slowly slide my finger down between her smooth pussy lips. I can feel that she is very wet and I hear a low moan come from her as I continue to stroke her slit and clitoris, lubricating the area for what was about to happen.

Alisha is continuing to sleep as I gently spread her legs apart and moved in between them. I am supporting my torso on my arms and slowly pushing my cock between her glistening lips, finding the entrance to her vagina. I continue slowly pushing inside her till I have my cock buried in her warm pussy.

As I watch her face, I continue to slide in and out of her. I listen to her low moans as she subconsciously enjoys the feelings inside her. I can see a smile on her lips as I continue to fuck her slowly. She quietly says my name then says, “I love you,” as she slowly opens her eyes and pulls me down on top of her, kissing me and wrapping her legs around my ass.

Soon after putting her lips to mine, she wraped her arms around me and pushes her tongue deep inside my mouth. I feel her body tense up, her legs pull me closer and I feel her pussy clamp down on my cock as she begins to cum. She is moaning into my mouth as we continue a long kiss. My cock explodes inside her, filling her depths with my warmth….the orgasm lasts, for what seems like minutes…hours. When it’s over, we just lay in each others arms feeling the contact of our bodies and the pounding of each other’s heart.

I rolled off of Alisha onto my side and gazed again on her naked beauty. She pulls up to me and kisses me again and says, “Damn……what a way to wake up….promise me you’ll never stop doing that.”

“Don’t worry about that, dear, that’s one thing I thoroughly love doing.”

We both got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Alisha showered while I shaved and combed my hair. When I left the bathroom, Alisha was getting out of the shower. I told her I would get something ready for breakfast by the time she got to the kitchen. She smiled and kissed me again.

I decided I’d make breakfast burritos. That would be easy and fast. As I put the ingredients together, Lori came into the kitchen. She walked up behind me, put her arms around me and squeezed. “Good morning Robert, I trust you slept well.”

“Yes, I did. I think that whole trip to Denver wore me out. I don’t think I woke up all night.”

“I’m glad you got rested up, perhaps you can give me some of that energy later. I really missed you while you were gone. By the way, how many days will Norm be here for the wedding?”

“I’m not real sure, he said he might take off for a week so he could spend some quality time with you.” I chuckled as I told her.

Lori smiled, “I can’t wait, I really like him…..and he knows how to treat a woman.”

The burritos were ready as Alisha came into the kitchen. We all sat down to have breakfast. I needed to finish breakfast and get out on the farm. I wanted to be sure that we didn’t have any problems in the wheat fields. I would have to buy cattle soon to graze the winter wheat and I wanted it to be healthy and growing. Lori and I had estimated that we could graze about 1500 head of yearling steers through the winter. Hopefully, the market would improve by spring and we could show a really good profit.

“Well, I’m out the door, gotta go check fields today. I should be back here by lunch time.” I told them.

Alisha told us, “I have to go into North Platte today and get a few more things for the wedding and I have to meet with the caterer, so I won’t be back till late afternoon. Don’t you two do anything I wouldn’t…..he he he.”

Lori was grinning at Alisha’s remark. “Well young lady, you had Robert all to yourself in Denver for several days, I just need to try to catch up, that is if Robert has time this afternoon for a little play time.”

I didn’t have a lot to do this afternoon, I had planned on doing some maintenance on the machinery, but with an offer like this, it could wait for a day or so. “I will see you at lunch, Lori….like the Boy Scouts say, be prepared…..ha ha ha.”

It was a beautiful day out on the farm. I went from field to field walking them thoroughly, checking for disease and insects that might give problems. By noon I had checked all the wheat fields and had found no problems that needed immediate attention. One of the fields was showing a small aphid infestation, but it wasn’t bad enough to have to spray it. We should start getting cattle on it in 30 to 45 days.

At the last field, as I was getting back to my truck I saw James Hansen driving toward me. James is our nearest neighbor and has a lot of land that is adjacent to ours.

“Good morning Robert,” he said to me as he got out of his truck.

“Mornin’ James, how are you today?” I replied.

“Doing good. Saw you out here checking fields and thought I’d stop and say hi, haven’t seen much of you lately.”

I smiled, “Yeah, been a little busy. Had to take Alisha to Denver for a few days to get more crap for the wedding. That girl just doesn’t know when to stop.”

“I know what you mean. When you have a gorgeous woman like that, you just have to take time to keep her happy….wouldn’t want to do anything to get cut off…..know what I mean?” James laughed.

“Oh, only too well. How’s the wife and family, doing well I hope,” I said to him.

“Everybody is fine. I thought I’d catch you and ask you a question. Would you guys be interested in grazing my place this winter? I’ve been thinking that Janice and I want to do a little traveling this winter and I don’t want to have to hire anyone to watch over them while we’re gone. Just can’t seem to find good help anymore. Good cowboys are few and far between these days.”

“Heck, I don’t know. I’d need to talk to Lori and Alisha about it and see what they think. How many yearlings do you think you place will graze for the winter?”

James took his hat off and wiped the sweat from under the headband, “I reckon the place should run 1000 head for the winter, give or take a hundred or so.”

I replied, “Yeah, from the look of your wheat, it should do that. Tell you what, I’m headed in for lunch, I’ll talk to Lori about it and see what she thinks and I’ll call the banker and talk to him about it. Alisha won’t be back till later this afternoon. I’ll come over in the morning and let you know something…..that sound ok?”

“Sounds good to me, Robert. I guess I need to get home for lunch too, Janice will be pissed at me if I’m late. Talk to you tomorrow,” he said as he got in his truck and left.

On the way home, I was thinking about James’s offer…it really sounded good. If the market were to jump in the spring, we could make a killing on 2500 head of cattle. I need to get on this quickly, before someone else gets wind of it.

It was about 12:20 when I arrived at home for lunch. Lori’s truck was parked on the driveway. I was excited to talk to her about the offer James had made. I walked in and there was Lori fixing lunch…….with nothing but a bib apron on. Her well developed chest, was busting out the sides of the bib, showing an ample amount of tit. She turned around to the stove and showed me her bare ass. I felt my cock twitch as it began to enlarge.

“Damn, Lori, you really know how to do lunch and do it well. I’m thinking I’m not really too hungry right now…what do you say?” I told her with lust in my eyes.

“Now Robert, you sit your ass down and eat lunch, we’ll talk about desert when you’ve finished,” she told me with a mischievous look on her face.

Lori had fixed hot steak sandwiches with gravy and French fries. The salad looked fantastic. I knew I had no choice in the matter, so I washed up in the sink and sat down as she set the table. I couldn’t help myself and reached around and squeezed her ass, “accidentally” slipping my finger down her crack to her moist pussy.

“Watch your hands there cowboy, I told you, desert is later.” she laughed as she went to get the iced tea. I grinned as I began to eat lunch, looking at Lori’s bare ass over by the kitchen sink. She came back to the table, sat down and began to eat.

I told Lori about James’ offer to lease us his place for the pasture. She was very excited about it. “I can’t believe he won’t be running stock this winter, but if he wants to make us a good deal, I’d say let’s do it.”

I told her that I agreed with her and would go over to see James tomorrow morning and tell him we would take it. I finished my lunch and helped Lori clear the table. We cleaned the kitchen and rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I grabbed Lori and kissed her as I untied her apron.

When the apron fell to the floor, I took a good long look at Lori’s naked body. I thought to myself what a hot woman she is for a woman her age.
She looks like she’s in her late 20’s….very fit and trim. I took her by the hand and led her to her bedroom. Once there, I stripped and joined her on her bed. I love the feel of her silky skin against mine. She extended one leg across me and rolled over on top of me. I could feel her wetness on my stomach as she sat there smiling at me.

“Are you ready for desert lover?” she asked me grinning.

“I am damn ready for your desert, darlin’, feed it to me.” I told her.

Lori moved upward and straddled my head, lowering her wet pussy to my lips. I immediately pushed my tongue up into her wetness. I could taste something very good……..very familiar. I continued to suck on her and felt something fall into my mouth. The taste was familiar to me, but somehow different. Whatever was in my mouth was soft and round. I looked up at Lori’s face and saw a large smile on her face, “Like it?” she said.

I chewed on it and swallowed. “Yes, it tasted good, the taste is familiar but I can’t put my finger on it….what was it?”

Lori just laughed and told me to go get the rest. I connected my mouth to her pussy again and continued to tongue her. I felt a couple more of the objects enter my mouth. Then it hit me……..I knew what that taste is……they’re cherries. I chewed them up and went muff diving for more. All together she had put a dozen cherries inside her pussy……and let me tell you, they were delicious. By the time I got them all out she had a good orgasm and was ready to give me some head.

Lori swallowed my cock and began working it over like a pro. It felt so damn good…it wasn’t long till I was filling her mouth with hot sticky cum. Lori was slurping and swallowing, milking my cock for every drop. When she finished she looked up at me smiling. I could see a small trickle of cum running out of the corner of her mouth which she wiped with her finger then sucked it off.

She slowly slid her body up over mine till she was eye to eye with me. I could feel her hard nipples pushing into my chest. She kissed me passionately…I could taste my cum as she pressed her tongue deep into my mouth. My hands were roaming all over her naked body. I grasped her soft, shapely ass and pulled her to me as we kissed. I could feel my cock awakening, inching slowly up her wet slit. Her legs were pulled together so I began to slide my cock up and down, encircled by her labia. She was so wet and her legs were pulled together so tight it felt like I was fucking her. My cock was sliding over her clit and I could hear her moaning.

Lori spread her legs wide apart and my cock found the entrance to her vagina and slid in easily. Immediately I was balls deep inside her and pumping her hard. We continued fucking hard for the next 10 minutes. I felt Lori’s muscles tensing. Her loud groans told me that she was cumming. I kept pumping my meat into her hard. Her orgasm was a tremendous one. She was pushing her pussy to me hard and I could feel she was suddenly much wetter.

I felt my balls tingle and that, oh so good feeling, was creeping up through my cock headed for an explosion inside Lori. I injected Lori with long, creamy streams of semen, filling her to the point that cum was seeping out of her around my cock and dripping down onto my balls.

Lori had collapsed, lifeless, on top of me. I wrapped arms around her and held her close as she recovered from a fantastic orgasm. After a short rest, she rolled off of me and lay beside me. “Damn Robert, that was a good fuck. I didn’t know if I would ever stop cumming…it just kept on going and going. Thank you Robert, I needed that.

I rolled out of bed and went to the shower to clean myself up before I went back to work. When I came out, Lori had fallen asleep just as I had left her…on her back with her legs spread apart. I could see a huge wad of cum forming between her pussy lips. I was glad I had been able to give her a good one. I left her sleeping and went out to the shop to fix a piece of machinery that had broken.

I worked out there for the next 2 hours. Lori came walking into the shop drinking a glass of tea and carrying another one. “I thought you might like a cold drink,” she said.

“Sure, that sounds good. I was getting a little dry.” I replied.

We sat and talked for a short while…she thanked me again. I told her that no thanks were needed, it was great for me too and I should be thanking her. She asked me when Norm was arriving. I told her that I had not heard from him lately and would check with him later and see if he had finalized his plans.

As Lori walked across the yard, I couldn’t help but watch her walk away. She was wearing a pair of tight Wranglers, boots and a tight, low cut tank. Her long hair was flowing freely half-way down her back. She was a beautiful woman and so well put together. I could feel my cock stir just watching her.

Alisha arrived home at about 5:30 and came out to the shop when she saw my truck parked out front. She came bouncing in and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. “How has your day been darling?” she asked me.

“The day has been good. I checked all the fields this morning. James Hanson caught me out by his place and offered his wheat pasture to us. He has decided to be gone a lot this winter and doesn’t want to run any cattle of his own. Then I came home for lunch. Lori had lunch ready when I got here. Then I came out here to work on this chisel.” I told her.

“Did you give Lori any during lunch?” she asked, grinning from ear to ear.

“Ooooh yeah, she was very ready to fuck. When I got home she was wearing that tan and black bib apron……and that’s all. I really wanted to fuck her before lunch, but she made me eat lunch first. As it turned out, I needed all my strength before it was over.”

“Well, lover,” Alisha said, “you’d better have some left for me tonight, I’m horny as hell and will start my period in a couple of days. I know you don’t like to screw me during that time of the month, so you’ll have to give me enough to last till I finish.”

She grinned as she turned around and walked toward the house. As I watched her walk away I noticed how much she and Lori look alike from the back……two really beautiful women with great asses. Again, my cock stirred in my pants.

I finished working on the chisel plow at about 6:30. It was about dinner time so I walked over to the house to see what was going on. Dinner was on the table on the patio and Alisha and Lori were in the pool.

“We just thought we’d have a swim before dinner…you can join us if you like.” Alisha said to me.

“I’m not really in the mood for swimming, I think I’ll just go change into my shorts and a t-shirt and get a glass of wine. Would you girls like one too?” I asked.

“ I’ll take one,” Alisha said.

“Me too,” Lori chimed in.

I went into our room and changed clothes then went to the kitchen and poured three glasses of a really good merlot. I took the glasses out to the pool and gave them to Lori and Alisha. I pulled up a chair and sat down. I noticed when I handed the girls their glasses, they were naked. I love our arrangement and freedom. While I watched them, my cock got hard. I knew that I would enjoy Alisha’s charms before the night was over.

The women got out of the pool and toweled off. They wrapped the towels around their bodies and we all walked over to the table to have dinner. Alisha had prepared a chipotle chicken salad and it looked delicious. We all toasted the upcoming wedding and dived in… was delicious.

I worked in the office on the books till about 10. Alisha came in wearing a fleecy robe and asked me if I was almost done. I turned to answer her and saw that she had dropped the robe and was standing there totally nude. What a sight to behold. After looking at her I said, “I’m done !” I turned off the desk light and got up. Alisha met me half way across the room and kissed me. She grabbed a handful of my junk and led me to our bedroom.

When we got to our room, I dropped my shorts and t-shirt and followed her to the bed. She laid back on the bed and pulled her knees up to her tits, exposing her dripping wet pussy to me. My cock was hard so I eased up to her on my knees and pushed my cock inside her. She put her feet up on my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around the outsides of her legs and grasped her breasts, one in each hand.

My balls lay on her ass. In this position, I could feel the end of my cock pushing against her cervix. I slowly pushed in and out of her…Alisha’s eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily. After a short while, I felt the head of my cock press through the tight opening in her cervix and into her womb. When Alisha began her orgasm, it pushed me over the edge and I pressed my cock through her cervix and flooded her womb with my hot semen. I pulled my cock out of her and felt that I was going to shoot another small spurt, so I held it close to her vaginal opening and let it shoot between her labia… looked so cool to see that small cream pie laying on her pussy.

Alisha raised her head and looked at me…”Do you love me Robert?” she asked.

“More than anything in the world Alisha,” I replied.

“I want you to eat my pussy and clean me with your tongue,” she devilishly said to me as she spread her legs wide apart. My cream pie was still lying there. I have no problems eating cum so I went down on her and licked the outside of her wet pussy clean. I probed her vagina with my tongue as deep as I could.

Knowing I had put my load deep inside her, I couldn’t get any more out of her. “Alisha, I’m going to lie on my back, I want you to bring your pussy to my lips and let me suck you clean.”

Alisha wasted no time bringing her pussy to my waiting lips. She was spread wide, her pussy lips revealed the hole that gave me so much pleasure. I latched onto her clit and sucked on it hard as I slipped two fingers into her vagina. Alisha began to cum. She flooded my mouth with a mixture of her juices and mine. I swallowed quickly ramming my tongue into her and sucking everything I could from her wet pussy. Alisha continued to cum for at least a minute, flooding my mouth to capacity as I swallowed her time and time again…..she was as delicious as she was beautiful. She had leaned over forward and took my resurrected cock into her mouth and had sucked me to a rapid orgasm…I filled her mouth with cum, which she greedily gulped down.

We both collapsed onto the bed, completely spent and satisfied. We curled up together and fell asleep, our bodies as one.

The sun rose and flooded our bedroom with golden rays of light. Alisha and I had not moved all night…we were still wrapped up together. I eased out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. I had to go see James this morning then go into North Platte and make arrangements with a cattle broker to get another 1000 head of yearling steers. Then I needed to go to the bank and make arrangements for the additional money we would need to buy them… would be a busy day.

Alisha was still asleep when I left our room. I went to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee and grabbed a cinnamon roll. No one else in the house was stirring when I left. I went back out to one of the fields I had previously checked to check it again. I wanted to stay on top of the aphid infestation and not let it get out of control. It was a beautiful morning, a little cool but still nice. I walked the field up and down and across and found that the aphid population was getting to the point it should be sprayed. I went to my truck and called High Plains Aviation and ordered it sprayed with insecticide. Sam told me that he would be there within the hour as he wasn’t very busy today. It was approaching 10 AM so I decided to drive over to James’s house and tell him that we would lease his wheat pasture this season.

It takes about half an hour to drive to James’s house. When I got there I didn’t see his truck. I went to the door and knocked. His wife, Janice, came to the door, still in her house coat.
“Good morning Janice, is James around?” I asked.

“Good morning Robert. No he got a call from the place down by McCook and he had to go down there for something. He probably won’t be back till late afternoon. Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee?”

“Sure, I would.” I answered.

Janice Hansen was a very attractive woman in her early 40’s. She had long brunette hair and a very striking figure. We went into the kitchen, I sat down at the table as she brought me a fresh cup of coffee and sat down across the table from me.

“Anything I can help you with Robert?” she asked.

“James came by yesterday and wanted to know if we would lease his wheat pasture this season. I came to tell him that we would and to get the contract ready.” I replied to her.

“That’s good news. We have been wanting to travel a little bit this winter and just couldn’t figure out how to do it if we didn’t lease out the wheat pasture. I’m so glad you guys have decided to do it. By the way, how is Lori, I haven’t seen her in a coon’s age.”

“She is fine, looking good as ever….a lot like you.” I told her as I smiled and took a sip of coffee.

Janice lightly blushed and took a sip of coffee. She sat her cup down and said, “It’s awful nice of you to say that Robert. It’s not every day that a woman gets a compliment from a handsome young man like you.”

“It’s just the truth, Janice. I mean, I’ve admired you ever since I met you that first time over at Lori’s house. I thought then that you were a very beautiful woman, and pardon me for saying, but you have the body of a 25 year old… tight and toned. I’d be proud of a woman like you.”

“Robert !” she said. “You certainly know how to flatter a woman and I’ll bet you know how to treat a woman also.” Janice had stood up from the table and was walking around to my side. She stood beside my chair and put her hand on my shoulder. She ran the fingers of the other hand through my hair as she pushed her beasts into the back of my head. Her tits felt firm and I could feel a nipple pushing against my scalp. She took my hand and pulled me up from the table and led me through a doorway and into her bedroom.

“Robert, I’ve had fantasies about you since I first met you. James is gone for the day and I want you to make love to me. I won’t say anything to anyone, it will be our little secret…I want you inside me Robert. I want to feel your manhood open me up. I want to feel you climax inside me. Please Robert, I want you.”

This caught me by complete surprise. My first thoughts were of Alisha. I sure didn’t want to mess anything up with her and I didn’t have time to call her to ask her if it was alright. Hell, she had done the same thing to me and I forgave her….why not, Janice was a hot woman and I wouldn’t mind wetting my cock in her. Anyway, Alisha would never know. I pulled Janice to me and kissed her as I removed her house coat from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She was wearing a very sheer short night gown with bikini panties.

As I kissed her, I grasped the bottom of the gown and pulled it up over her head and off. Her tits were probably 34 D’s and they stood straight out, no sag at all. She had a flat stomach and some very nice curves. I leaned down and lightly bit her nipple before I sucked it into my mouth….at the same time pushing my hand into her bikini panties and feeling her wet warmth. Her clit was standing out at least an inch. It was one of the longest clits I had ever felt. It was almost like a little cock. I rubbed it and heard her moan with delight. I pulled her panties down as I went to my knees. I put my tongue into her navel then kissed her downward to her pubic mound. She had a very thin strip of pubic hair rising above her slit for about an inch and a half. I could see her clit protruding beyond its sheath. I licked it with my tongue and heard Janice moan loudly.

I stood and led her to the unmade bed. I pulled the covers off the bed as she crawled to the middle. She lay down on her back and extended her arms out to me. I stood beside the bed and removed all my clothing. My cock was standing at attention, pre-cum droplets had formed on the head.
Janice’s eyes got big when she saw my cock and I heard her gasp. “I don’t know if I can take all of that Robert…..I’ve never had a cock in me that big.”

I smiled at her and said, “I’ll be gentle with you, I promise.”

I crawled onto the bed and kissed her on the stomach, then on down to her wet pussy. With my fingers, I pulled her pussy lips apart and looked at her engorged clit. I sucked on it like a little cock and felt her tense and enter a small orgasm. I slid my tongue down to her honey hole and pushed it inside her. She bucked her ass up off the bed into my mouth saying to me, “Please Robert, I want you inside me right now.”

I slid up on top of her and pushed the head of my cock against her vaginal opening. I pushed the head inside her and slowly continued pushing into her till I had all 9 inches buried inside her warm pussy. Janice looked at me and asked, “Are you all the way in?”

“Yes, I am. You took it all very easily.” I told her. I began long stroking her, pulling almost all the way out. Then I would push into her till my balls slapped her ass. Her pussy was so wet, my cock made slurping sounds as I pushed in and out of her. She bucked her ass up to meet my thrusts, moaning loudly. I felt her muscles begin to convulse and knew she was cumming again. I kept fucking her slow and easy, slowly building to an explosive orgasm….her pussy was so tight I was having a hard time controlling myself.

Suddenly, Janice pushed me over on my side and rolled over on top of me, never letting my cock leave her. She sat on my cock, slowly grinding. I could feel the head rubbing against the end of her vagina. I had her tits in my hands, kneading them like bread dough….I felt my balls releasing their load. When I shot the first stream into her, she began another orgasm. Her muscles tensed and she was almost squeezing my tits off. Her grasp was very painful and mixed with the wonderful feeling of filling her with cum, I felt good. As she came down, she slowly lay down on my chest and whispered to me that she loved being fucked by me and wanted to do it again soon. I could only agree with her. Her tongue was probing my ear as she gently blew into it also. I had chills running down my spine and my cock began to harden again. She went down and deep throated my hardening cock till it was rock hard.

She stood beside the bed as I got to my feet. I told her to get onto her hands and knees on the bed, then took her doggie style. I reached around her torso and grasped her tits as I fucked her hard. In a few strokes, I felt her beginning to cum again. I grasped the sides of her ass as her arms collapsed and she lay her head on the bed. I continued fucking her as she continued cumming one time after another. I counted 4 successive orgasms before I blew my load deep inside her. She fell forward onto the bed, me on top of her. I got off of her and stood by the bed admiring her naked body. She was breathing hard, totally spent sexually.

Soon she rolled over on her back and asked me if I wanted to go again. I told her I couldn’t and needed to go….just in case James came home sooner than expected.

She got off the bed and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me again. “Will I see you again soon Robert?” she asked.

“You can bet on it Janice….you are wonderful in bed. I could see cum running down the inside of her leg as she stood there. She reached down and scooped it up into her hand then pushed more cum out of her pussy into her palm and licked her hand clean. She swallowed it all and told me that it tasted really good.

I dressed and went to the door, Janice behind me. I turned and kissed her and told her that I would see her soon.

When I got into my truck, she was standing on the porch naked waving to me. I thought to myself, ‘man she is one hot woman.’ I wondered if it would be possible to bring Janice and James into our little group. James was a good looking guy and I knew that Lori and Alisha wouldn’t mind screwing him. It would be something to look into.

I went in to North Plate and found Doug Barnes, the cattle broker we used. I told him we needed an additional 1000 head of yearling steers to stock the Hansen place. He told me that the market was actually down a little right now and he could get us a really good deal. He told me he would have a confirmation for me by late afternoon and would let me know.

I left Doug’s office and went to the bank and talked to our banker. He said there wasn’t any problem arranging the loan and would have it ready for us in a day or two. I told him we wouldn’t need the money for a month or so.
We were to come in and sign the note next time we were in town he told me.

I stopped and got a hamburger before I headed back to the farm. As I drove back, I thought about the encounter with Janice. I wondered if she and James were having problems or if James wasn’t taking care of her. I would find out soon. In the mean time, I’d keep it all to myself.

Our wedding day would be here in about a week and I really wanted to concentrate on that. Soon I’d be home and back in Alisha’s arms. I really needed to be close to her, I think I’m feeling guilty for fucking Janice…..damn.

I pulled up in front of the house and parked. I was having a real conflict having fucked Janice and not talking to Alisha about it, especially, because I had been hard on Alisha for fucking someone without informing me. Well, I guess I’ll just keep it to myself and hope Alisha doesn’t find out about it. I’ll deal with it then if it ever comes up.

When I went inside, Lori and Alisha were in the kitchen discussing the wedding. I kissed each of them and sat down with them. It looked as though the plans were all made and finalized. As we were talking, my phone rang. The caller ID showed it was Norm. I had called him earlier in the day and left a message. I got up from the table and went out onto the patio to answer it.

When I answered it I heard, “Only a few more days till the execution my friend, how you feeling?” Then he laughed.

“I’m doing ok, when are you coming?” I asked him.

“Well, if it’s ok with you, I think I’ll be there day after tomorrow, on Friday. That will give me a week to bum around with you before the wedding.”

“Sounds good to me,” I told him, “I need you to come take care of Lori, she is really wanting you to be here, she’s really horny.”

“Well, I’ll be there to take care of that beauty, tell her I’ve got a lot of pent up desire to release on her when I get there.” He laughed again.

“You know, Robert, I really like Lori, there could be something there, I just fucking don’t know for sure, but I am going to try to find out while I’m there this time,” he confessed to me.

Norm continued, “Well, old buddy, are you going to let me bang that beautiful bride of yours again? She’s so damn hot, I get a hard on every time I think of her….you’re one lucky son of a bitch, you do know that don’t you?”

“Yes I do, but sometimes I tend to forget it, just to be reminded of it by some pervert like you. I love her a lot, and I really like this lifestyle we have. Yes, Norm, it’s ok if you fuck her. Matter of fact, we will spend our wedding night here, with you and Lori. When all the guests leave, we have decided to all get together and fuck till the sun comes up, maybe longer….sound like fun?” I asked him.

“Oh wow, that sounds great, where are you guys going on your honeymoon?” he asked.

“We are staying here, just going to hang around the house for a few days and spend time together…..and with you guys, of course. I think we can find something to do…he he he.”

“Well, old buddy, I’ve got to go….tell Lori I can’t wait. I’ll see you on Friday.”

“Bye, take care and be careful, see you Friday.”

I went back into the kitchen and told the women that Norm would be here on Friday. “I hope that’s ok with you guys,” I told them.

Lori was the first to pop up………”I’m damn sure ready for him to get here. Just so you guys know, I really do like Norm, I don’t know yet, but there could be something between us….you guys have any objections?”

Alisha responded, “You don’t have to ask our permission for anything, Lori, I know I’m speaking for Robert also when I say we would be happy for you if you two were to get together.”

“Well, just so you guys know, if Norm and I were to get together, it wouldn’t affect our deal with the farm. I have other interests that I could share with him. Our deal on the farm is firm.”

I walked over to Lori and hugged her tightly. “I would be very happy if the guy I regard as my brother hooked up with you. To see the two people I love so much together would make me very happy……good luck, I hope everything works out…….for both of you. I know he thinks a lot of you also.”

Alisha joined me hugging Lori. For the longest time, we stood motionless holding each other. When we broke apart, I could see that Lori had tears in her eyes. She was trying to wipe them dry.

Lori changed the subject. “Oh, by the way, James Hansen called for you earlier. He said he was sorry he missed you this morning, but he got the message from Janice. He said he would have the contract drawn up and bring it over for us to sign on Monday.”

“That’s great. I went into North Platte and made arrangements to buy an additional 1000 head of yearling steers. If you two are in North Platte, you might go by and sign the note at the bank.” I told them.

I went to our bedroom to take a shower and get cleaned up before dinner. Alisha followed me into the room and said, “Just to let you know, I got my period today, so if you want sex, I’m sure Lori will be more than happy to take care of you. I’m glad it started today, that way it’ll be over by the time Norm arrives and I’ll be clean for you two. Did you tell him we were going to spend our honeymoon here with Lori and him?”

“Yes I did, he said he was really looking forward to doing you again, he said he had a hard on just thinking about it.”

Alisha just grinned and went back to the kitchen to make dinner. I took my shower and put on my shorts and a t-shirt and went back to the kitchen. Lori came over to me and asked if I’d be spending the night in her room.

“I’m really tired tonight Lori, if it’s ok, I think I’ll just go to my bed and sleep tonight. It’s been a rough couple of days.”

“That’s ok Robert, I probably should get some rest myself, if Norm will be here next Friday, I need to be at the top of my game,” she laughed.

Alisha looked over at me and just smiled and went back to what she was doing. I think that the main reason I wanted to be with Alisha tonight was because I was still feeling a little guilty for fucking around on her today with Janice. I hope I can get over it……I’ve never felt this way.

After dinner we went into the living room and talked about the wedding guest list. Alisha and Lori were going over names they thought should be invited. Lori asked me what I thought about asking James and Janice, since we were going to be doing business with them. I told Lori that I would just as soon keep the guest list small. She shrugged her shoulders and said that it really didn’t make any difference to her and a small guest list would be fine.

I really didn’t want to have Janice here so soon after we fucked. You never know who might slip up. This secret is driving me crazy, I’m going to have to address it somehow. I think I will try to see if they might be interested in swapping. I think that Janice might be open to it….I just don’t have any idea whether James would go for it or not.

I left the two girls in the living room and went to bed. I was tired and wanted to sleep. Since Alisha was having her period, I could sleep and not have to have sex tonight. It’s not that I don’t like the sex, but every once in a while, it’s nice to just go to bed and sleep.

I never heard Alisha come to bed. I crashed when my head hit the pillow. I awoke early and went out to fix breakfast. The guest list was laying on the table so I picked it up and looked it over. About half way down, I saw James and Janice Hansen on it. Damn….I’d better figure this out and quick. I guess I will go over to Hansen’s this morning and hope James isn’t there so I can talk to Janice alone.

I finished breakfast and went out to “check the fields”. I drove over to Hansen’s place and went to the door. I didn’t see James’s truck so I decided to go to the door. Before I could ring the bell, Janice opened the door and jumped on me, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my ass. She kissed me hard and said, “I am so glad to see you. I’ve been thinking about you since you were here the other day.”

I smiled and kissed her, grabbing her soft ass cheeks in my hands. “Is James around anywhere?” I asked.

“No he is gone for the day and I’m here alone, let’s fuck.” She told me. She put her feet on the floor and took my hand, leading me directly to the bedroom. Janice was out of her clothes before I could even think about taking them off of her, jumping into the middle of the bed on her hands and knees. When she spread her legs apart, I could see her moist pussy lips, slightly apart, waiting for me to enter her forbidden domain. I was out of my clothes in a flash and pushing my hardness into her waiting vagina. She was so wet that I went balls deep in one push.

I could tell that she was cumming when I started pushing inside her. I grasped her by the hips and started screwing her hard and fast. I had the desire to completely fill her with my hot love juice. I could feel my balls pushing cum through my rod and out the head. I shot 4 large ropes of semen into her on the initial orgasm, pushing out 2 more as my orgasm subsided.

Janice was having another orgasm as I finished shooting my wad inside her. I could feel the muscles of her vagina contracting on my cock, milking from me what remained of my ejaculation.

We both lay on the bed on our backs breathing heavily. I looked at her and said, “Well, now that we got that out of the way, I need to talk to you.”

“Okay,” she said, “what’s on your mind?”

“Well, Alisha and I are getting married next week and you and James are on the guest list……I just don’t want you to talk about what we’re doing to anyone…..OK?

“No problem there, I told you that this is just between you and I, I wouldn’t let it out to anyone.”
“Are you and James into trading partners at all?” I asked her.

“A smile came on her face, “We have swapped in the past, but the other couples have all moved away through the years. I know for a fact that James would just love to bury his cock in your bride, and that would kinda open up the door for you and I to have clandestine meetings. Is Alisha into swapping?”

“Not only Alisha, but Lori as well, right now we all share each other, I’ll see if I can’t plant the seeds in their minds. I’ll let you know. I hate to fuck and run, but I really have to get on the road……I have to get a lot done today. Thank you for keeping our little secret, maybe it won’t be a secret for much longer…….Thank you Janice.” I told her as I got dressed.

Like last time, she came out onto the porch naked and kissed me goodbye. She is one beautiful woman, and I look forward to sharing with James and Janice in the future.

I finished checking my fields early in the afternoon and went back to the house. Alisha and Lori were working on the books. I told them hi and went on to my bedroom. I stripped and got into the shower. The hot water felt good running over my body. I just stood there under the water for the longest time. I was tired, so after the shower, I went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich and went to the living room to watch some tv.
In a short while, I had dozed off.

I had been dozing for about 15 minutes when Lori and Alisha came into the living room. I woke up when they came in. “
“Getting in a little nap, Robert?” Lori asked me.

“Yeah, it’s been a long day, what’s up?” I replied

“Well,” Lori said, smiling at Alisha, “I bought a new stud horse today. It’s a champion miniature horse. I think he will be a good addition to our stable. There are getting to be a lot of mini horses around some of the urban areas, so I thought we might just as well capitalize on it.”

“That sounds good but, do I sense something you two aren’t telling me?”

Alisha smiled at me and said, “Robert, the little guy has about a 16 inch cock….and…..well…..Lori and I thought we might like to try taking a horse cock……what do you think about that?”

This caught me by totally by surprise, but, the more I thought about it the hornier I got. “Damn, I thought that you guys fucking the dog was hot, but I can’t imagine how hot it will be watching you guys get bred by a horse cock….damn……when does he arrive?”

Lori was grinning and Alisha was giddy. They showed me some pictures of the little guy. The former owners had posed him with his cock fully hard. I could see what the girls were grinning about. It looked that his cock was about 2 to 2 ½ inches in diameter and a strong 16 inches long. I can see that I’m going to have to build a rack to put him in so the girls can get their pussies up to his tool. I am getting a hard on just thinking about it.

Lori told me that he should arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon. He was on a ranch in Southeast Wyoming. The owner said he would leave early in the morning and should be in here shortly after noon.

“Well, in the morning I’ll go out to the shop and build a breeding rack so you guys can comfortably get under him and be able to take all the cock you want….I think this is going to be hot,” I told them.

Alisha looked far away. I said to her, “You may like the horse more than me.”

“No, you will still be the one stud I desire the most. This little stud will be a very nice diversion….I can’t wait. The dog was wild, but I think that that horse cock will be something else.”

I could tell that Alisha was getting turned on just thinking about it.

“Robert, I want to make love to you tonight…….I’m almost finished with my period. I really need you…are you game?”

“Let’s go.” I told her, “I’ve got a rod on and need some relief, plus, later I have something I want to talk to you about.”

Alisha grabbed me and dragged me off, saying goodnight to Lori as we left the room.

When we got to our room, Alisha began taking her clothes off as I did the same. She looked at me and told me she wanted on top. It didn’t take long till I was buried to the hilt inside her. Alisha was like a woman possessed. I don’t think that I’ve ever been screwed by her this hard. I knew she was cumming within a minute of mounting me and I wasn’t far behind.

My spunk erupted seconds after she went off. I couldn’t believe I had such a big load blasting inside her after dropping such a big load in Janice’s twat earlier today. Damn it felt good.

She got off of me and ran to the bathroom with her hand under her pussy. I looked down at my cock. I had blood all over my pelvic area and I could see red spots on the floor all the way to the bathroom. I don’t believe she is almost done, too much red juice. I really don’t care, it was a good fuck. I got up and went to the shower to clean myself up.

When I got there, I found that Alisha had beat me to it. The water ran red in there like a slaughter house. When she finished, I went in and cleaned myself up. Then it was bed time…..I’m tired as hell and know that tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

Alisha came to bed and cuddled up next to me and said, “Thank you Robert, I just had to have sex tonight after the thoughts of getting fucked by a horse. By the way, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Oh yeah,” I said, “Well, I’ve been thinking about Janice and James. I just wondered what you thought about him?” I asked her.

“He is kind of hot, a little older than we are. I think he’s alright. Are you thinking about me fucking him?” she asked.

“I’ve been thinking about his wife, Janice. I’m kind of attracted to her and wondered if you would want to try to trade with them sometime. I noticed that you and Lori put them on the guest list for the wedding, after I had told you two not to invite them.”

“I think that might be a possibility Robert….let’s feel it out when they come to the wedding. There might be some possibilities there.” She said to me with a smile on her face.

The stage was set. All I had to do now was plant the seed of desire in Janice’s head and get her to talk James into it. I think this could turn out to be a good deal. I did like fucking Janice, but wanted to be able to take my time with her and not worry about getting caught.

I turned off the light and we both quickly went to sleep. It seemed like the night only lasted a short time and it was time to get up. I am anxious to see what today brings, it’s gotta be good.

As the day progressed, I noticed the girls nervous anticipation of the arrival of the new stud horse. To them this would be the ultimate sexual adventure. Personally, I couldn’t wait to watch them take the little guy’s cock.

At about 2 pm, a pickup and enclosed horse trailer arrived. Lori couldn’t get out the door fast enough. The guy driving got out of his truck and Lori and Alisha met him out by the trailer. The man’s name was Clinton Jarvis. Lori introduced all of us to him, then we went to the back of the trailer as Clinton opened the door.

There he stood, the little guy himself. He was about 3 ft tall, a sorrel with a white blaze face and 4 white stockings. His mane and tail were kind of a blondish color. Clinton untied his lead rope and led him out of the trailer. He was a very friendly little horse and cute as he could be. Lori was down on her knees hugging him and you could tell that he enjoyed the attention.

Alisha took the lead rope and led him to the back yard while Lori took Clinton to the office to write him a check. In about half an hour Clinton left and we all were in the back yard making the little guy feel welcome.

It didn’t take Lori long to feel the little guy up. His cock began to lengthen almost immediately. He would turn his head around and sniff Lori, then turn up his upper lip. In a short time Lori had him totally hard and was jacking him off.

I looked at the size of his cock and asked the girls, “Do you guys think you can take all of that?”

Alisha said to me, “Remember that black guy with the fencing crew? Well, this little guy isn’t much bigger than him, I know I can take it.”

“Okay,” I said, “I’ll go out to the shop and get the rack I built this morning. We can see if it will work, I think it’s just about the right size.”

I went out to the shop and brought the breeding rack into the back yard. I led the little guy over to it and got his front feet up in the upper supports and got him tied in so his fucking could be controlled. It didn’t take Lori long till she was sliding in under the little guy and guiding his cock to her pussy. Lori had brought a bottle of Astroglide lubricant with her and had liberally lubed the horses cock then her pussy.

The head of the horses cock was quite fanned out. She had to squeeze the head down in size and try to put it inside her pussy. It took quite a bit of time to get the head of his cock inside her. Once there, he started thrusting forward, trying to bury his meat all the way inside her. We finally got about 12 inches inside her and the little guy took over, thrusting into her time and time again.

Lori’s eyes were rolled back in her head and she was moaning pleasurably and loudly. He continued to thrust his cock into her, finally putting about 14 inches of his 16 inside her. Shortly, he began to pump his hot seed into Lori. Cum was gushing out of her with every thrust and Lori was moaning uncontrollably, cumming constantly. After about 5 minutes, the little guy had shot all his load. Lori was laying in a puddle of horse cum, almost passed out. When the little guy pulled out, her pussy gushed a ton of thick white cum.

I helped Lori out from under the little guy and got her to her feet. Cum was still running out of her and down the insides of her legs. Alisha was in a trance after watching the show.

“I’ve gotta have a little of that…..damn that was hot.”

Lori was regaining her composure. “Damn that was great, he filled me completely with his cock and his cum was so warm, I couldn’t help but have consecutive orgasms……it felt wonderful. I think we need to name him Hoser….cause he really hosed me.”

We all laughed. “Hoser” was still in the rack when Alisha walked over to him. She had removed all her clothes and was on her knees, stroking his cock. It was about half hard so she started stroking it. In a little while, Hoser had regained his rock hard cock and was getting excited as she continued to stroke it.

Alisha eased in under him and guided his cock to her hot wet pussy. Hoser was shooting small spurts of pre-cum onto her pussy and stomach as he humped against her trying to find a hole to fill. I could see a wild look in his eyes as he anticipated what was going to happen.

Alisha was well lubricated with his pre-cum when she guided his cock to the entrance to her pussy. She moved against it, pushing the head inside her. Hoser took over at that point and rapidly pushed his whole cock into her in one lunge. Alisha’s eyes got really big as she was completely filled with horse cock. I could see a look of pain in her face. Hoser was thrusting his full length into her time and time again. The expression on Alisha’s face changed from pain to pleasure in a matter of seconds.

I could tell that Alisha’s pussy had gotten comfortable with Hoser’s cock. She was moving in rhythm with him as he lunged in and out of her. She had wrapped her legs around Hoser and was taking his cock with ease, moaning and groaning in total ecstasy.

I kneeled down and watched Hoser’s shiny black cock sliding in and out of my fiancé. It was so big, I hoped he wouldn’t stretch her out too much. I couldn’t believe how much of it she was taking. After the gang bang, she could take a lot of cock. That black guy had fucked her good and given her a lot of meat. Watching that horse cock work on Alisha’s cunt was turning me on, my cock was throbbing.

Hoser kept pounding his cock into Alisha for at least 5 minutes. I could see the telltale streaks of red running from her pussy. It looked as though she was at the end of her period. All of a sudden, gobs of thick white cum started gushing out of her pussy around his cock. Hoser’s cock came out of Alisha and pushed across her bare stomach, still shooting long streams of thick cum all over Alisha’s body. The velocity of the streams were so high, he shot cum all the way up her body, over her tits and onto her face. I think he must have shot a couple of quarts of semen all over her. Alisha had opened her mouth and took one shot directly into it and was playing with it with her tongue. She had started cumming when Hoser came out of her, so she began rapidly rubbing her clit continuing her orgasm with one hand while stroking Hoser’s cock with the other. Meanwhile he continued covering her in his hot sticky cum.

I stood there watching, my cock so hard I could hardly stand it. Alisha looked as though she was somewhere far away. I was totally mesmerized by the scene. Lori began pulling my jeans down and taking my cock into her mouth. She grasped me by my ass cheeks and started giving me some really great head. In a matter of seconds her mouth was filled with my hot cum. She was sucking and swallowing me as fast as she could. I felt like I had given her as much cum as Hoser had just delivered to Alisha.

I looked down at Lori. My balls were on her chin and my cock down her throat. Some of my cum was covering her chin and tits. I slid my cock out of her mouth and told her, “Thanks Lori, I really

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Jillian And Her sister Summer 1989

Summer 1989Transcribed from memories written in 1991. During the summer of 1989 I was still dating my high school sweetheart. I had graduated the year before, and my girlfriend – Jillian – had just graduated. I was 19, she was 18, and her sister Cara, who was attending the local community college, was 20. Jillian and I had been together of three years by that point – we were each other’s “firsts,” however we had been together for two years before we finally had sex. By the summer of ’89 we...

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Summer with Miss Gill

I stood with my mother in the doorway of Miss Gill's house. Miss Gill had become a close friend of mums ever since we had hit hard times. Mum had been cleaning for her three times a week, and waitressing in a small restaurant on the remaining days of the week. The strain of trying to feed us both, clothe us and keep a roof over our head, all on the pittance she earned, was showing on her face. Mum rested her hand on my shoulder as the door opened. "Hello Karen, sorry we're late. We...

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Gillian and Herbert Millerchapter two of two

I leaned against the hallway wall and listened to them, and I "didn't" suck it up; I sobbed instead, just like a little boy. I was quiet about it, but I did sob. I could hear him donning his clothes. I headed for the dinette. A shot of brandy would be useful right then, now, this last few minutes of my marriage to Gillian Miller nee Crowley. I was actually on my second shot when I heard them coming downstairs. They were talking kinda low, but I did manage to hear them saying some stuff about...

Wife Lovers
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The Summer Ill Never Forget 41 A Trip In Town

Day 6 Steph woke up in her bed like she normally did, in her birthday suit. Hell pajamas are over rated at this point. She got up and thought about putting on at least something. After a few minutes of thinking it over she decided to put on at least a thong and a t-shirt from Yale. As she put on her things that she decided to wear a few things nagged at her. She only knew Amanda for a year as roommates and in that year she got close. Amanda knew just about everything about her well at least...

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Milla la travestie soumise Partie1

Coucou, Hihi! Je voulais vous raconter quelques petites choses intimes de Milla la travestie soumise en formation pour devenir salope.Il y a quelques temps, Milla fait la rencontre d'un homme séduisant sur un réseau social. Plus la discussion avance, plus l'excitation envahit Milla. Et plus elle se livre à une soumission de plus en plus complète. Lui, apprécie beaucoup les propositions et encourage la soumise à dépasser encore davantage ses limites. Elle mesure 5'6 avec un poids de 150lbs, 28...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Gillian and Herbert Miller chapter one of two

Gillian Crowley and I met at a wedding reception for a friend of hers, Margaret Tilly; that was twenty-three years ago; we were both twenty-five and single. At any rate, I was actually a distant cousin of Margaret's. I was just adding my congrats card, with a crisp new C-note in it, to the pile of other gifts and cards, when a very pretty and sweet smelling woman doing the same bumped into me almost dropping her gift. Hers was a large box. I immediately thought microwave oven. She bumped me,...

Wife Lovers
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The Summer Job Ill Never Forget Part 3

As dawn broke across the rolling hills, I awoke with Lori lying on top of me. I don’t know how many times we fucked. Lori seemed to be insatiable after being without sex for so long. I remembered that when we finished that last time, she laid her head on my chest and told me how good it felt to have a man again. We both soon succumbed to sleep a short time thereafter. I knew that she desperately wanted sex and I was more than happy to spend the night satisfying her every need. ...

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Gillian and Herbert Miller

Gillian Crowley and I met at a wedding reception for a friend of hers, Margaret Tilly; that was twenty-three years ago; we were both twenty-five and single. At any rate, I was actually a distant cousin of Margaret's. I was just adding my congrats card—with a crisp new C-note in it—to the pile of other gifts and cards, when a very pretty and sweet smelling woman doing the same bumped into me almost dropping her gift. Hers was a large box—I immediately thought microwave oven. She bumped me,...

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The Naked Adventures of Forgetful Lilly

Even though the title is called The Naked Adventures of Forgetful Lilly you can choose who you want to write about: Lilly- A 24-year-old girl who sometimes forgets to get dressed and walks around naked until someone tells her she's naked or she sees her reflection. When she does remember to get dressed her housemates, Alex and Claire, and her neighbors, Sun, Kate, and Rose, like to strip her without her noticing. Alex and Claire- Alex is 24 years old and Claire is 23. They spend most of their...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 42 An Amazing Bath

As she reached the bottom steps to go to the kitchen Amanda had already broken out the items that were in the brown bag and grinding the pills that were contained in the bag to a powder substance. She was kind of curious as to what the pills were but it is too late. She found the bottles that contained them but as she read the name of the pills she couldn’t make heads or tails of the name for the two separate pills. “Ok tell me what I can do to help.” Steph asked Amanda. Amanda stopped...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 53 The Footage

With those two indisposed for the rest of the evening knowing Nate she would need to do something to entertain herself until she was ready for bed. All she knew was that she really couldn’t think all that good and decided that after a nice hot bath with Amanda’s special soap she could figure out what she will be doing for the rest of the night. Steph got up to her room and started the bath while she got undressed. She quickly stripped down to nothing and waltzed over to the tub. She measured...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget Day 2 Part 1

Day 2 The next morning came. Stephanie woke up to the smell of coffee more to the point espresso. She lifted her head. Holy hell. Her head was splitting. Man did she get wasted last night. Everything was a blur. After a few moments of holding her head she took the first step and sat up. What the??? Her room was trashed. She felt something move and she looked over and saw him, Jack. Jack was all tied up. She guessed she did win last night she thought to herself. Much good it did her to enjoy...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 45 The Auction Fin

The music started and Matt opened up his leather vest to show his bare chest. Steph didn’t realize that Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt under his leather vest. She thought she would recognize that little tidbit but with the alcohol was really beginning to kick her ass and her continuing raising pressure hiding under her panties demanding a cock inside of it now she could understand missing the little tidbit of not realizing Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt. As soon as he threw his vest off stage into...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 3

Day 3 The next morning everyone woke up at about the same time in the same exact places that they passed out in. Amanda was the first to wake up. Then Chris. Then Stephanie. Finally Jack woke. After a little bit of awkwardness from everyone. Mainly Steph thought she was the only one that was awkward especially towards Amanda. After the boys left the only ones left were Amanda and Steph sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee still completely naked and a pink elephant was sitting in the room. ...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 43 The Auction 1

Steph walked out into the noisy chaos from the mysterious Matt Rockler as the guards closed the doors she felt completely woozy from the alcohol that Matt provided. This was going to be interesting. She headed down to where Amanda was last seen on the monitors so she could catch a drink with her friend before they parted ways and had their own individual fun. On her way to the bar she bumped into one the guys that were trying to sign people up. “Oh sorry miss. Would you be interested in...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 44 The Auction 2

Steph didn’t have to go too far before someone stopped her, “I take it you have already danced?” She looked Step up and down, “And from the looks of it we had some fun out there?” Steph just nodded with a sly smirk to the lady asking the questions. The lady just shook her head with a smile, “Here let me take you to where you can drop these off,” pointing her chin to the contents in Steph’s arms, “and pick up your things. Plus sign in for your whoever won you to pick you up.” Steph just...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 52 Shared Stories

Steph went upstairs with her box that now read ‘Fluffy’ instead of her name. As she reached her room she threw the box onto her bed to remind her of it later. She took off her shirt and simply dropped it on the ground. Steph’s breasts still felt sore and swollen to the point where she won’t need a bra because her breasts wasn’t going to move much. Oh well she needn’t worry about that right at this moment. She took off her Tennessee college basketball shorts simply letting it fall to the...

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The Summer Job Ill Never Forget Part 4

The months passed by quickly. Alisha and I were commuting into North Platte going to school. We were taking a rather heavy class load trying to finish early. If Alisha and I kept up the pace, we would graduate in the spring. It seemed we were always studying or working on the farm, but there was always time to fuck. The winter was cold and there was a lot of snow. Some days Alisha and I couldn’t drive into North Platte so we would spend the day having sex and enjoying each other’s...

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HeatherWillow Book IIChapter 2

"How is my sister?" Carl sat beside the hospital style bed. He had been sitting there for ten minutes. He had not said a word, but until now, neither had the woman in the bed. Half of her face was covered in bandages, mostly protecting her damaged eye. She had watched him with her one good eye as he sat down. Carl sighed, "She is badly hurt, but you know that. We are giving her the same level of care as you are getting." "Can I see her?" "Let me see if you can see her." Carl got...

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Andersonville 9 Never cry wolf

Andersonville 9 - Never cry wolf by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Gwendolyn Ann Smith for her, "Remembering our dead". It's a place dedicated to our TG brothers and sisters who were murdered at the hands of others due to hate and intolerance. On the average, one (1) TG person is murdered each month. Would you take a moment to visit the site, bow your head, say a prayer for our fallen brothers and sisters, and remember what we are fighting for - the right to be treated as any...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget

This story is completely fiction. The names, characters, story plot have been pulled out of randomness. This story is from the eyes and thoughts of Stephanie Gordan. Day 1 Summer was always slow for Ms. Amanda Parker. Freshly out of Yale College for summer break being a freshman. Still unsure what she should major in other than Economics. Amanda always went to her parent’s house for the summer. The mountain air had always brought new life to her ready to take on the world after a summer at...

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Summering in Femininity Part 1 A Bummer Summer

A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...

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Part XIII. THE AFTERMATH OF PRISCILLA'S CANINGWhen Priscilla's brain finally registered the headmaster's order to stand up, which at first went in one ear and out the other, she did so in a state of utter bewilderment. The abrupt ending of the cane's assault on her bottom left her feeling that she had been dropped back in the real world, with a crash, and the idea that she should actually do something out of her own will, such as stand up and recover her sense of identity, was almost...

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HeatherWillow Book IIChapter 6

Heather awoke suddenly when a hand clamped over her mouth. "Don't make a sound," Willow's voice whispered in her ear. "Listen very carefully. This morning is your first chance to make a connection with your new master. Page has given me instructions to give to you. She and I are going to go find some food for all of us. Master Carl is still asleep but will wake soon. Your assignment is to wake him up gently and slowly by sucking his cock. Once he gets excited, he may want to fuck you....

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANINGPart XIIb. THE MOMENT ARRIVES: PRISCILLA IS CANED[Note: When Priscilla was finally caned by Dr. Stanton, she received 18 strokes. The caning lasted approximately eight minutes, perhaps ten if one includes the time it took her to partially undress and dress again. To Priscilla, it seemed to go on for ever. Even Dr. Stanton, if he'd been asked to estimate how long it took on the basis of how he felt, rather than on past experience, would probably have greatly...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 42 An Amazing Bath

As she reached the bottom steps to go to the kitchen Amanda had already broken out the items that were in the brown bag and grinding the pills that were contained in the bag to a powder substance. She was kind of curious as to what the pills were but it is too late. She found the bottles that contained them but as she read the name of the pills she couldn’t make heads or tails of the name for the two separate pills. “Ok tell me what I can do to help.” Steph asked Amanda. Amanda stopped...

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PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part XII)XIIa. THE MOMENT ARRIVES: PRISCILLA IS PREPAREDPriscilla's feet, tummy and brain all seemed to both equally confused and equally at odds with themselves. The headmaster's remark, oddly normal in its tone, that it was now her turn to be caned, had penetrated her mind like the screech with which Anna had responded to her first stroke. Suddenly she knew what was happening. But her tummy was filled with leaden butterflies. She felt almost sick. And her feet were...

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Hillary and Bill

Chapter One, Part One Election night – 2016 It is the worst night of her life. The unofficial returns are in, and though more than half of America enthusiastically identifies with her, all appears lost. How can it be? Through a heated season, the pending election acted as a tonic, a furious wind at her back. The thought of victory kept her spirits buoyant, her senses alert. Now, the relentless war of words has ceased; the race is over. Early this evening, the unforeseen happened; the...

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Sex Student Jill 2 Jillsto Adam


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Pilled thrilled drilled and fulfilled

Pilled, thrilled and fulfilled        part 1The waitress had two drinks on her tray - a tall Killian's Red in a frosted mug for me and a Margarita on the rocks for my wife.  I wouldn't typify our relationship as truly Master/slave; however, ?m? allows me to play occasionally, which keeps me completely satisfied and always coming back for more.I took a long sip of my beer while she stirred her drink.  The two vicoden tablets lay in front of her.  My preference, and I suppose m's too, is to get...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 5 The Courtship of Phillipa Goddard 23rd December 1987

I walked back to the barracks with my head spinning as I struggled to take in the fact that Emma had gone. She must have known a fortnight ago that it would be our last meeting. That could explain her somewhat feverish sexual activity- had she wanted something special to look back on? Who was the other employee from her firm who had disappeared with her? Phillipa hadn't said but I assumed it to be a male as I couldn't imagine Emma without a pliable male companion. Had he been shagging her...

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My Unforgetable Summer Part 1 The Beach

Introduction: A story about a brother and sister who discover a new love they have. Today finally June 21st the day all of us wait for, summer. It was a normal day just like any other summer day, wake up, shower, and eat breakfast, then swim maybe, but whatever the case, I had free time. I woke up surprisingly early for summer, about 7:00 AM. I usually wake up much later, about ten oclock was my normal wake time. But today I guess I just wanted to wake up early. Sometimes you just want to. I...

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A night ill never forget part 2

Note: Sorry for the long absence anyway this is the final part of this series im working on 2 more at the same time hopefully ill be able to upload them soon the 1st is titled a mothers discovery the 2nd is titled warrior its a medevil setting kinda like game of thrones theme only centered around a kingdom of female warriors its an ambitious venture but its the longest and i hope to upload all the parts around athe same time.But without further delay enjoy ; )So there i was being lead to the...

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Tommys Summer Job

Tommy's Summer Job By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - A most unusual meeting "Tommy, could you come downstairs for a minute, please?" my mother called softly up the stairs. Like any other sensible teenager at noon on a Saturday, I was lying in bed, just waking up. It wasn't as if Saturday was all that special. Since I had graduated from high school two days earlier, one day was the same as the next - aimless and relaxing. Especially relaxing for me, since I hadn't burdened...

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My Summer at the Mill

The shrill wail of the whistle echoed from the hills surrounding the mountain valley and I stepped out into the 7AM brightness. Another graveyard shift was finished and I could go home, shower, and catch some sleep before my next shift at 11:00 that night. As a less senior employee at the mill, I was doomed to night or graveyard shifts for the foreseeable future. I’d just started work there for the summer after my first year at college. The air around the mill, and much of the time across the...

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Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job Part 1

Mommy are you serious I have to find a summer job? Part 1 By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 16-year-old boy Miley 13-year-old little sister that is taller than me. Mrs. Anderson Manager and my boss. Authors note: Hello to all! I want to thank everyone for all the sweet emails asking me to continue writing more stories. It has been a long time since I posted any of my stories, life gets really busy sometimes. If you have been reading my stories for years, you...

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HeatherWillow Book IIChapter 4

Carl took Randy, Page, Willow and Heather to the Nimitz Hotel. Security was very tight and the guard insisted on speaking to Matt Yamada himself before he would let them through. The hotel and casino were deserted. Structural engineers had declared the building safe, it was not going to fall down on them, but it was not fit for guests or gamblers. Whole sections were without power. The blast had dislodged a sewer line on the fourth floor which made floors two and three disgusting. The...

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A Summer That Three Best Friends Wont Forget

It was the summer of 1999 a year that changed the lives of three close friends. It would be a summer like none ever before. Erin and her two male friends Eric and Anthony had just graduated from high school. They lived close to one another and the three of them had been close friends ever since their grade school days. They each were very different in many ways and had come from different back rounds. Erin was the tom boy type who loved doing whatever the boys were doing. She loved hunting and...

First Time
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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

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HeatherWillow Book IIChapter 7

The building dated back to before the Second World War. It had been a factory that built optical gunsights for navy ships. It had been both top secret and exacting work. It also required a warren of massive rooms to assemble the fire directors for the giant warships. The rooms had very thick walls, overhead structures for cranes and lifts, floors that were solid and level and doors made of battleship steel. Madame Carronade told Randy that they had once tested the soundproofing by firing a...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 3

Day 3 The next morning everyone woke up at about the same time in the same exact places that they passed out in. Amanda was the first to wake up. Then Chris. Then Stephanie. Finally Jack woke. After a little bit of awkwardness from everyone. Mainly Steph thought she was the only one that was awkward especially towards Amanda. After the boys left the only ones left were Amanda and Steph sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee still completely naked and a pink elephant was sitting in the room. ...

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The Summer Job Ill Never forget Part 5

As the week moved along, I got the field work caught up and things on the farm were all going smoothly. Lori had to be gone for a couple of days to take care of some business in Lincoln and Alisha has been working on the books. Alisha and I had some time alone for a change. We went out to dinner one evening and had some wonderful sex without the pressure of an eminent threesome. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the threesomes with Lori, but, sometimes it’s just nice to concentrate on one...

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Gilligan and the Morphing Meteorite

****************************** I've always fantasized about the castaways (especially Ginger and Mary Ann). And finally, this idea struck me - I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. You can send comments to: [email protected] ***************************** Gilligan and the Morphing Meteorite by Elrod W. "Gilligan!" Mary Ann yelled, not disguising the anger in her voice. She stood by the crude table, hands on her hips,...

2 years ago
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Summer Job

Author's Note: This story does not contain any sex; sorry. Summer Job It wasn't until Alex Harvey put his bike away and locked the shed that he realised how tired he felt. The two hour session at his karate club had been especially intense and then typically he had ridden the 5 miles home as fast as he could. He dragged his suddenly heavy feet up the path to the front door and went inside. "Is that you Alex?" called a voice from the kitchen. "It is," replied Alex as he...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget Day 2 Part 1

Day 2 The next morning came. Stephanie woke up to the smell of coffee more to the point espresso. She lifted her head. Holy hell. Her head was splitting. Man did she get wasted last night. Everything was a blur. After a few moments of holding her head she took the first step and sat up. What the??? Her room was trashed. She felt something move and she looked over and saw him, Jack. Jack was all tied up. She guessed she did win last night she thought to herself. Much good it did her to enjoy...

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The Perfect Hubby 2 Billy to Billie Jean

The Perfect Hubby 2: Billy to Billie Jean By Sharon Masterman Julie turned out to be right. A week later Billy came home to find me wearing heavy makeup, the previously forbidden 5-inch heels, and a tight sweater and skirt. His excitement was apparent. So was his fear. I towered over him in my heels and scolded him as if he were a child. As I scolded him there was a total change in his facial expression. He was actually cringing, like a frightened little boy. So I ordered him...

1 year ago
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The new summer job part one

Only two weeks left. School would be out and Daniel's Senior year would beat an end, high school was over. He looked forward to some fun and wildtimes with his friends despite his father's continued pushing for him toget a summer job. He looked forward to sleeping late, eating, beaching,cycling and most of all fucking as many different girls as possible. Helooked forward to it all until he came home and found a summer jobs listinghis Dad had left on his bed. There was no getting around it; he...

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Her Story to Summer a tale about Summers daddy

In an Assisted Living home but still doing quite well, she thought she saw one of the administrators who might be the daughter of a man she once knew. Now in her seventies the woman sat in her chair and thought back on those “lovely” and very fun days. “Miss ohhh miss” she called out one of the nurses. “I thought I saw a young lady here who possibly might be, well, hmmm how do I say this?” The nurse smiled and waited. “I am not sure honey but I believe her name is Summer? Is there a young woman...

First Time
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HeatherWillow Book IIChapter 3

Live Eye Witness 8 News The bomb exploded around one AM outside the Nimitz Hotel and Casino located on Treasure Island just outside of the city of San Francisco. It is believed that the explosives were hidden in a delivery truck that was approaching the service area of the hotel. It had been stopped by security at a checkpoint about two hundred feet from the southeast corner of the casino and entertainment section of the building. It appears that when the driver realized his truck was to be...

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Billys Introduction to a Sexfilled Weekend

Introduction: This work of fiction is based on a theme suggested by regular reader TexasDave14. The story is completely fiction, although the characteristics of the featured individuals are based upon real people. In 1985 we moved to Charlotte from Raleigh when I took a new job at a civil engineering firm. Connie had been an office manager at an insurance company before we moved, but decided to take the summer off before looking for employment again. However, we were soon to become involved in...

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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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