A Week With Jill - Part 1 free porn video

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I found myself very nervous that Sunday afternoon as I waited for Jill to arrive.

She was a college friend of my daughter Sarah, and although I knew her from a couple of vacation visits she made, now she was coming to stay alone as she had some job interviews in town.

I have lived alone since I divorced Sarah’s mother, done well enough as an architect to work from the home I designed for myself. There was plenty of room for anyone to stay for a week without disrupting each other.

Yet I found myself pacing as I waited for her to arrive. Dinner was essentially ready, her room was well set up, and it is not like I had never had female company before. But there I was walking from room to room, out to the patio, and back.

I was out by the pool when I heard a car pulling into the driveway. I walked over and looked beyond the fence to see Jill getting out of a small SUV. She was about 5 feet 2 inches tall, a sneaky athletic body set off by a light brown ponytail.

“Over here, Jill,” I said, startling her as she grabbed a bag from the SUV. She turned and bumped her head on the open car door. Seeing she was okay, we both started laughing.

As she walked to me, I was treated to the sight of her in khaki shorts and a tight light blue T-shirt cut midway down her pert breasts. I stepped around the gate and took her bag.

“Follow me, madam, your quarters are this way,” I said, walking to the pool house in the back of the yard.

“Oh wow, I get a whole house? I may never leave,” said Jill with a laugh.

I dropped her bag by the diving board. With a sweep of my arm, I gestured around the yard, pointing all the way back to the jacuzzi secluded from view.

“Stick with me, kid, this could all be yours,” I said, making the joke before thinking about the implications.

I looked down at her bag as I picked it up and saw the zipper was not fully closed. On top was a frilly pair of green panties that sent my mind spinning in seventeen different directions.

Inside the pool house, I set her bag on the bed and pointed out the bathroom, towels and anything else to try and look casual.

As I turned to leave, we collided, my hands caught her tight midsection and my thumb moved over her left breast.

“I’m so sorry. Not much of a bellhop, I guess,” I said. “Anyway, dinner is in about an hour – you are welcome to enjoy the pool.”

“I think I will, it was a long drive. Will you join me?”

“Maybe in a bit,” I said. “Just know you are welcome to anything here.”

I went back to my house feeling like two percent klutz and ninety-eight percent dork. I opened a bottle of zinfandel to breathe before dinner and busied myself around the house before coming out to light the grill.

As I brought out our steaks, I nearly dropped the tray. Jill emerged from the pool in a stunning blue and white striped bikini, conservative but form-fitting with a triangle top framing the loveliest breasts I had seen in ages.

“I feel like I’m treating you like my servant,” she said as she joined me by the grill. I looked down to see her nipples pushing at her top and beads of water on her arms.

“Oh now, just trying to be a good host,” I said.

“Well, I’m going to get changed for dinner,” Jill said and walked away, her hips rocking and cute ass swaying in the full bottoms of her bikini.

She reappeared in the same shorts and shirt she wore when arriving, and I served us steaks and salad. Nothing too elaborate, but Jill ate heartily. We talked about interviews, school, her future, my work. We drank wine slowly as night fell over the patio.

“I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality,” Jill said as I carried our plates to the kitchen. She seemed to shimmer in the lamplight, mildly buzzed as she sipped the last of the wine.

“Well, I remember how it is starting out in the world. Interviewing is tough, even with someone as charming as you,” I said. “I need to get to bed shortly, but you can do as you wish – take another swim if you want. The pool stays very warm.”

The thought Jill might be outside swimming made me restless as I settled into bed, but I pushed all naughty thoughts from my head as I tried to get to sleep.

Early the next morning, I hit the gym in my garage. I’m not bulked, but try to get an hour in every day before getting to work. I had just set up for bench presses when the door opened and Jill walked in.

With a hundred twenty-five pounds on the bar, I was not too worried about a spotter. I was on my back when she walked over in black running shorts and a loose-fitting T-shirt.

“Oh hi,” I said, looking up as she walked over. “You’re up early.”

“I was going to take a run. You shouldn’t do that without a spotter,” she said.

“Nah, it’s okay. You go out on your run,” I said. I gripped the bar while looking up at her exposed tight abs.

She came closer to the bench, standing behind me. I looked up the legs of her shorts to see a rainbow-colored pair of lacy panties. The scent of her musk filled my nose, I was lucky not to get hard on the spot.

“Okay, Mr. He-man, I’ll spot while you do your set. I don’t want my host getting injured.”

I pressed a quick set of twelve, focusing on the lift even as small whiffs of Jill wafted over me. She backed up but stood within reach of the bench. As I pressed the last one, she leaned forward and helped me reset the bar.

“That was impressive,” she said running her hands over mine as I tried to let go of the bar. I looked straight up, under her T-shirt at her black sports bra as she leaned in.

“Thanks,” I said. “I don’t do it for show, just like staying fit.”

I got up and added ten pounds to each side.

“Wow, you are going to do more?” asked Jill, brushing an errant strand of hair from her forehead.

“Two more sets, add ten pounds each.”

“I better hang around then,” said Jill.

It was all I could do not to reach back and run my hands over her hips. She spotted me twice more, so close on the last set that I could see wisps of her pussy hair poking from her panties.

“Well, that’s kind of it for the show,” I said as I emptied the weight bar. “I do more free weights, but they don’t need spotting.”

“Well, it was quite a show,” Jill said. As I reached for a weight, she caressed my abs with the back of her hand.

“So what are your plans today?” I asked as I began one-handed curls.

“Well, I’m going to run now, then I’m going to relax by the pool a bit.”

“Ahhh, youth,” I said with a smile.

“You should come out and join me. You can do that when you work from home, right? Besides, I still need to tip the bellhop – maybe a massage will do.”

“Well, sometimes I make allowances, but things are a bit crazy lately. Enjoy your run,” I said, trying to focus on the workout.

“Well, you know where to find me,” she said.

I did know where to find her and that was half the problem. I burned my way through the workout and was toweling off when I walked towards the patio doors. I looked across the yard to see Jill in a red string bikini, reclined as she read a magazine.

She looked up and saw me, waving as she spread her legs, then got up and turned around to readjust her chair. When she turned around, she patted the chair next to her. I laughed and walked away, then nearly broke into a sprint for the shower.

By the time I hit the shower, I could barely contain myself. Working out always makes me horny, and the peek up Jill’s shorts to see her striped panties was etched in my mind even before she went to change for a swim.

I washed first, lathering as the water heated up, and my cock rose without me touching it. I’m no porn star, maybe seven inches long and not really thick, but no woman has ever said she could not feel me inside her.

I found myself as hard as a teenager. I had resisted getting worked up over Jill. Now there was no holding back, even as I stroked slowly with two fingers under my rod and my thumb above it.

Up and down the shaft my hand went, my mind shifting to Jill lying in a lounger in the red bikini with the halter top, and emerging from the pool dripping wet yesterday in the blue and white striped one I had seen her in yesterday.

My cum was surging; it felt like I could have three orgasms. I let go of my cock to pace myself and peripherally saw something moving in the bathroom. Even before she opened the shower door, I knew it was Jill.

Her red bikini looked glued to her, and her nipples jutted through the fabric as she smiled at me.

“You don’t have to do that alone,” Jill said, pushing me back into the shower as she stepped in. With one hand, she pulled the door shut. The other found my shaft and gave it a playful tug. “Oh my, this thing is just full of life,” she said.

My knees buckled at her touch, feathery with her fingertips, then stronger as she moved closer to me. By that point, I had reached my hand around her ass and leaned down to kiss her.

Her free hand wrapped around my neck while Jill pulled my mouth to hers. As the tips of our tongues met, I palmed her firm B-cup breast. On the second pass, I pushed the cup down and kissed her nipple.

Jill’s jerking picked up speed as I sucked at her erect nipple. I bit it lightly as she cooed and slipped her fingers over my balls. She pushed my head from her pert tit and traced her tongue over my nipple, then lower.

Water coursed over my back as the tip of Jill’s tongue passed over my stomach and down. She dropped to her knees, now pulling harder on the upper end of my shaft. It throbbed in her hand, as I let out a small squeal.

Holding the base of my dick, Jill began stroking me with her tongue, the tip rippling over my vein from base to head. She set a slow path as she went back and forth. On the third pass, she swirled her tongue around the spot just below the crown.

My hips bucked and the first spurt of cum surprised both of us as it splattered her cheek. The second spurt filled her mouth as she clamped her lips over the head and sucked.

Her head bobbed up and down, taking in half the shaft as I kept shooting my cum. She eased her lips back as my eruption subsided, and kissed the head of my dick before licking it clean.

“Looks like someone was ready for me to help,” she said as she stood up. With a gentle shove, she moved me from the torrent of water to wash my line of cum off her face.

I stepped in behind her as she rinsed, cupping her breasts – one bare, the other still in her top until I flipped it down. As I kissed her neck and let the water splash over her, my left hand roamed over her abs and lower.

First I teased her pussy by rubbing it through her bikini, strumming up and down over her lips. My hand slipped inside, passing over a springy mass of hair to caress swollen pussy lips that were sopping wet before she got in the shower. I pushed a finger inside her tight hole as Jill gasped and pushed herself back against me.

She threw her head back to kiss me; I tasted the last of my cum as our tongues collided. Then I pushed a second finger into her tight, spasming cunt.

I broke our kiss to turn her around. I pushed her against the wall with the water to my back and licked her nipples. My tongue made a trail over the water droplets on her body as she held the back of my head and bucked.

I dabbed my tongue into her belly button, then kissed all around her stomach. As I untied the string to her bottoms, Jill unhooked her bandeau top. As I leaned forward to taste her pussy, Jill dropped the top on my head.

I laughed and shook it loose so it dropped next to her bottoms. Droplets of water stuck like dew on her light brown muff; I captured them as I licked her pussy lips. I pulled my head back and blew on them, then traced them with the tip of my tongue.

I parted the lips with my fingers and pushed my tongue inside her as Jill thrashed against me. I held her pert ass tight in my hands, lapping furiously like I was tasting pussy for the first time. Her gasps became wails as I sought her clit and sucked at it.

She was tight and juicy, and as she clasped my head to her hips, she smeared my face with her wetness. As she pushed my head, she thrust out her hips; it seemed like she wanted to suffocate me as her orgasm built.

As she came, she stretched up on her tiptoes, screaming and gripping my hair. I looked up to see her face wreaked with total pleasure. When she eased back down on her feet, I pulled my head back.

As soon as I stood up, she pulled me to her for a kiss, aggressively ramming her tongue into my mouth while tugging on my cock again. Behind me, the water was getting chillier. As Jill clung to me, I turned off the shower.

“It was about to get cold,” I said as she pulled me back to her.

“Mmmmm, too bad, I love shower fucking,” said Jill. “Now you’ll just have to fuck me in the hot tub.”

“Okay, but you can’t go outside naked,” I said. “My neighbors do have a view.”

As she leaned over for her bikini, I gave Jill a playful slap on the ass.

“If I put this on again, are you just going to stay here and jerk off?” Jill asked as she tied the bottoms.

“No, but I will fuck you silly in it. Better change to another one if you don’t want cum on it.”

Jill smiled as she finished tying her top. She brushed the shaft again before we stepped out of the shower. “You sure you have any left? I must have swallowed a gallon.”

“Something tells me I have more for you,” I said, already feeling twinges as she paraded into my bedroom.

So what selection of suits do you have?” she asked as she strolled toward my dresser. “If we have to cover Mr. Johnson, I want a say in how he is dressed.”

My taste in suits is basic – no banana hammocks, but when I told her to look in a bottom drawer, Jill pulled out a pair of black board shorts and smiled. She knelt down on the floor and waved me to her with one finger.

I stepped into the shorts. As she pulled them up, Jill engulfed my cock with her mouth again. She let go and smiled.

“Goodbye for now,” she said before letting the elastic band snap against my stomach.

The sun splashed over us as she took my hand and led me to the tub. I stopped to turn on the jets and climbed over the edge. Standing in the middle of the tub, I took Jill’s hand and guided her into the water. She giggled, then stood on tiptoe and whispered in my ear.

“Sucking is done, time to fuck,” she said, pulling on my dick through the shorts. I sat in the tub as Jill settled into my lap. As we kissed, I tugged her bottoms to the side.

Jill lifted herself up in my lap and pulled at my board shorts. I raised my hips and pushed them past my cock, which was at full attention for her. With our bodies exposed, she settled into my lap, pushing herself down on my rod.

It slowly filled her, pushing up through a silkiness and wetness that covered me as I gasped. I held her hips, guiding her gently at first as she cooed and called my name. Up and down I moved her, holding tight to her hips as our tongues pressed together.

Our movements picked up speed; Jill had strong hips and gripped my shaft with her pussy as I peeled down her top. She held my shoulder as I moved my mouth to her stiff nipples. Her breasts bounced as I licked them, Jill now gasping with every push down on me.

I moved one hand down to find her clit, rubbing it with two fingers as Jill fucked me. I expected her to run out of steam, but she picked up the pace.

“Yeaahhhhohhyeahhhyesyesyesss,” she cried out, her head thrown back now. Her fingertips dug into my shoulder blades as she pulled back so her breasts bounced as she squirmed and thrashed.

As her orgasm subsided, Jill slowed down, rocking gently on my cock. I held her tightly, her wet hair draping over my neck as she breathed against me. Then she pulled back to kiss me.

“Fuck me from behind,” she said, rising off my shaft and turning to the opposite edge of the tub. I knew it would not take me long, and I eagerly knelt behind her and pressed my cock at her pussy lips. It went in to the hilt on the first push as she rocked against me and moaned.

Now it was my turn to feel the buildup as I reached around to cup her breasts.

“Give it to me, fill me up,” she said as I panted over her shoulder.

Then it burst, long strings firing from my cock as I held still and let her rock against me. She lifted herself higher in the water, so I pulled out and let the last strings of cum sail over her back.

We reclined in the tub, arms wrapped around each other, panting and sweating.

Jill pushed herself back up over me and looked down, her hair dangling and tickling my chest.

“Will you be available tonight? I might need some pointers on my interviewing skills.”


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Jack and Jill

True story I’m not an author of any substance, however I wanted to capture some events and fantasies that I’ve had. Im hoping that Jill (The subject of this story) will read this My name is Jack. Happily married for over 20 years, living in London. A few years ago I met Jill at a business meeting. At the time we were competitors in business, however due to the magnitude of a mutual project we were forced to co-operate together. Jill is what most men dream of. She weighed about 55kg...

3 years ago
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Magnificent Jill

Magnificent JillMature and Younger, Upskirt, Flashing, Creampie. Group Sex. Hot Wife, Taboo Curtis and Jill had been neighbors for a decade. Jill lived across the complex on in a 5 story older unit when Curtis and his boys moved into the new 10 story unit in Salty Cove on the Florida Pan Handle. They all had both grown up in Hurricane area's and when the weather predicted a tropical storm they paid little attention. Curtis was a 52 year old widower with 3 teen son's. Abe, Marty and Jon had...

2 years ago
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Episode 67Jack and Jill

Jack & JillJack and Jill shared a birthday, both were slim and blonde with cheeky grins. Most people thought they were twins - perhaps they were just cousins that loved to kiss. Every day after school during the summer they did run up the hill behind their houses, not to fetch a pail of water, that's just a Nursery Rhyme; but to have what they considered wild, passionate, unprotected sex in the wild flower meadow. In winter they found a disused allotment hut that they made watertight and...

1 year ago
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Jill and Her Boyfriends

Jill and Her Boyfriends “Record temperatures of over 105o are predicted for the Central Valley floor throughout this Fourth of July weekend. People are requested to avoid the use of fireworks during this extreme heat, despite the holiday. Enjoy your civic display or watch a telecast from your air conditioned living room.” Jill turned off her radio and shed her halter and shorts. Shrugging into a light robe, she padded down the hall to the bathroom. Soon, she lay in a tub, her golden hair in a...

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Jills Adventures

Jill's Adventure Mr Postel had returned a week later to make the formal announcement of Curtis'spromotion. Jill was presently beneath “Post” in his room as he had arrived a day early just to enjoy her again. Curtis was at work. Post was ramming into her, “You're taking me like a pro”, he said. His cock was sinking fully into her wet, soft cunt as he power fucked her! Jill kissed him telling him that it was her pleasure to feel his monster cock! She had her thighs pulled to her chest with her...

4 years ago
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Jill and Her Boyfriends

Jill and Her Boyfriends “Record temperatures of over 105o are predicted for the Central Valley floor throughout this Fourth of July weekend. People are requested to avoid the use of fireworks during this extreme heat, despite the holiday. Enjoy your civic display or watch a telecast from your air conditioned living room.” Jill turned off her radio and shed her halter and shorts. Shrugging into a light robe, she padded down the hall to the bathroom. Soon, she lay in a tub, her golden hair in a...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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The Devil and Jill Flaherty

My wife’s family has a long and storied history as low-life trailer trash. Her father, who has never worked a day in his life, has the IQ of a lemur. Still, he DOES drink; which occasionally leads him to touch up Jill’s mom. Jill’s mom dropped out two kids; neither of whom were fathered by her alleged husband. Still, she DID hold down a steady job. She worked at a strip club. She said she liked the ambiance. She must have been a good-looking woman; before the booze and drugs caught up with her....

4 years ago
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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is Conceived Part 6

Jill was in that netherland of part asleep and part awake. She had been having pleasant dreams, so when her legs began moving apart she went with the dream, moving them wider as she stretched and began to fall back into the sleep side of her mind. Suddenly she came fully awake as Anthony’s tongue began circling her clit and his fingers began tweaking her nipples. Feeling and seeing his brown arms and head, she closed her eyes and just went with his sensual contact with her body. He was very...

2 years ago
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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is Conceived Part 4

Greg had been wearing his new gold chain for about a month and during that time things had again changed in his relationship with Jill. She had decided that he should become more of a sissy boy. He had evolved to the point where he enjoyed and looked forward to Jill’s sexual experiences with other men. He enjoyed licking and drinking their semen and had become good friends with Colby, always welcoming him into their home.To further Greg’s change in lifestyle Jill had gone to the mall on a...

3 years ago
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Jill and I

JILL AND I: THE WEEKEND Jill had been my friend for over a decade. We had met in high school, and it was then that our fragmented sexual relationship began. We would end up fooling around with each other when we were both single, but still just being friends the rest of the time. As we got older fooling around turned to casual sex, never altering our 'friends with benefits' situation. As I matured, however, my relationships lasted longer and became more serious, so that Jill and I were...

1 year ago
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Jill Joan

Copyright© 2006 "I tell you I heard them talking about him," the short-haired brunette named Jill, told her best friend, Joan. "He's only a kid, maybe seventeen or eighteen." "That's awfully young. He's jailbait," said the lighter, long-haired, Joan. "That only applies to young girls, silly," Jill scoffed, knowingly. "I don't know, Jill. They sent that school teacher to jail, remember?" "Well, she corrupted a child's morals. We're talking about a full grown man,...

3 years ago
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My Steaming Hot Adventure With Lacy Kayla And Jill

"What are you doing?" she pondered, getting up."Getting ready to take a shower," I answered, grabbing my robe. "Why, do you want to join me, step sis?"She strolled to me and slowly brought her hands to her back. "I'm a beyond filthy woman, so I should probably clean up," she answered, undoing her bra.She pushed down her panties as well and stood in front of me."What, do you think I haven't seen you naked before, Lacy? Just in the past few months, I've seen every single square inch of you,...

3 years ago
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Jill my ex

I was at home, playing online chess when my phone started to ring. It was Jill. I felt blood rushing to my face. My heart was already galloping. I hadn’t seen her more than three months. Back then she told me that we should stop dating and should just be friends. It was very hard for me, but there was nothing I could do. “I need your help, George,” she said. Her voice was strange. As if she had problems breathing. And somehow tremulous. That frightened me. “Jill, are you all...

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Jack and JillChapter 2

Jack said nothing, but just stared at Jill's torso, covered with his cum. Jill blushed deeply at the intensity of Jack's gaze, but made no attempt at covering herself. Finally standing up, Jack reached down and untied the ropes around Jill's ankles. Reaching down, Jack took Jill's hand and helped her stand up. When Jill stood up, Jack knelt in front of her. When Jack reached to the button of her jeans, Jill said nothing, but bit her lip in expectation of what was about to happen. Jack...

3 years ago
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Jon Jill

Jon & Jill by JKChapter One        Jon Folkkes was sitting in his office in the JF Air Services hanger at Love Field in Dallas Texas.  He was bent over his desk busily completing US Customs forms.  He had just piloted his Gulfstream 5 corporate jet air craft from Cancun in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo.  He was tired.  The instant coffee he was attempting to swallow was just short of being vile.  He could hear the rain drumming on the hanger roof as he worked.  He had just spend most of the...

2 years ago
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Jill and Teds Sexcellent Adventure

"Hey, Hon," Ted called "what do you say we go out Saturday night? A little dinner, maybe a movie?" Ted and Jill were in their thirties, married for 12 years and very happy overall. Sex was conventional with a little oral thrown in for good measure. Lately, though, Ted has been getting "ideas". He's been surfing several Internet porn sites and has found that he likes the idea of B&D, anal, spanking, dildoes and vibrators. He was determined to get as much of this introduced to their...

1 year ago
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Help from Jill

He walked slowly down the hall to the bathroom naked. Not even concerned about who might see him. He cold hear everyone downstairs having a good time at breakfast. After using the bathroom he stopped in front of Jill’s room and looked around. It was neat, clean and organized except for some clothes including a pair of black panties laying on the floor. He briefly wrestled with the thought of sneaking into her room last night to try on some of her clothes. The urge to dress like a woman...

2 years ago
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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is Conceived Part 3

After the mini-gangbang (GB) Colby started to become more of a regular fixture at their house. Jill loved getting fucked by him. Greg was used to it by now and actually enjoyed seeing her so enthralled with orgasms, something he could never do.This relationship with Colby had been going on now for about six months. Jill started fooling around over a year ago. They were mostly one night stands with married guys she found in hotel bars. They were looking for the same thing as her, a night of...

3 years ago
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Jill and the Voyeur

My wife Jill is 20 years old blond stripper who has one of the most sexy bodies I have ever seen. I met my wife after I bought a strip club on the darkside of town. Since my club was in such a bad part of town I had my 2 huge bouncers hook up an elaborate security system. Rick and Brad wired up 30 hidden sercurity cameras in every room in my club which included, the bathroom stalls, both bar areas, all 6 stages, and in every room that the prostitutes conducted their trade. The hadden cameras...

3 years ago
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Jill Dipping Our Toes The Next Few Weeks

The next few weeks...After we got home, things as they are wont to do, went back to normal. Our sex life did improve and we were able to talk more openly about our relationship and what happened. However, we were not out looking for someone for Jill to have sex with. It was more pillow talk and our mystery man played a part in some of the role play or fantasies we would talk about.I really tried to justify why I was so turned on at the thought of my wife flirting with and getting groped by...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Jill The Beginning of her Career As a Nude Model

I have been a professional photographer for quite a while and while most of my work is for commercial projects, I have, upon special request, photographed special events, weddings, concerts and private portfolios. I enjoy making people feel good and the joy that comes when folks view the end product. A few weeks back a lady stopped me in the parking lot of a neighborhood grocery store that I had set up to photograph for an advertisement shot for the store. She asked me if I was a professional...

First Time
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Sally Jill

It wasn't unusual for someone to insist on renting a porn movie for the Saturday night viewing party; and usually it was Bob. Sometimes it was so bad that they spent more time laughing at the bad acting and poor plot line then becoming aroused by the film. The small group of close friends: Bob, Sally, Jill, and Kathy, had been enjoying this weekly ritual for several months. Now, if the porn movie were good enough, they'd all masturbate alone later – except for Jill, who would climax during...

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Lauren and Jill

My name is Lauren and I am a senior in high school. I play midfield in soccer and I am a co-captain. Another co-captian is my best friend Jill. Jill and I have been best friends since 3rd grade. We always hung out together whether it was playing soccer or going out on the weekends. Jill has always been there through the hard times in my life with my dad leaving me and my mom when I was 7. I have been there for her also espicially in high school when she has gone through a couple bad breakups....

4 years ago
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Jackin Jill Ch 03

Rodney started awake, shaking his head and blinking against the light streaming in the window. After a few seconds, the sleep fog began to lift from his head, and he realized that the light was out of place. He wasn’t in his basement room at home. Memories returned as his eyes adjusted, and a smile spread across his face.Jill completed a long, broad-tongued lap of his erection. When she saw that he was awake and watching, she stopped teasing and took him in her mouth. After a few sucks, she...

2 years ago
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Dave And Jill The Epilogue The Reality Of Highs And Lows

The first 3 months - Jill's lamentAugust 2019, MiamiLooking back over the last few months wasn’t easy. I felt myself outwardly wince more than once as I thought back over everything I’d felt and experienced since that day when things had finally exploded between me and Dave when he’d finally kicked me out. Yet here we were, forced together by our significant others, forced into a meeting neither wanted but which was made necessary by recent events.It had been hard, so hard. No wonder I was...

Wife Lovers
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Prologue Carol and I had one more sexual adventure together, after which we had a fight. She wanted a threesome with two guys, one of which was to be me. I was to find the other guy to join us. I told her I did not want to share her with another guy. She got mad and left my apartment upset at my unwillingness to set up a MFM threesome for her. Two days later, Carol was caught fucking a faculty member in his office where she worked. She was discovered by the faculty member’s wife, who raised...

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A Week With Jill Part 3

I cleaned up the office after she left, stopping to look through her portfolio again. Jill had a lot of talent, but almost immediately, I stared at the dressing room pictures she had left in the folder.I tucked the picture into my desk drawer and locked it, then grabbed a digital camera I had bought about a year ago.I tried not to sprint across the backyard to the poolhouse. I knocked lightly on the screen door."Yes?" said Jill from the back room."Uh yes, I'm Warren from the agency, here...

1 year ago
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Jack Jill his first time with a transexual

Jack and Jill meet It was when I went to the patio to enjoy a cigar after dinner that we met. On the road for business, I found a decent bar and grill near my hotel where I was welcome to enjoy a fine smoke. I had dinner and then moved outside for a relaxing smoke in the cool weather. I lighted a Churchill-sized stick and after a few minutes of solitude, an exotic looking brunette spoke from just behind and to the side of me. “I love the smell of a fine cigar,” she said in a sultry voice that...

She Males
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Jackin Jill Ch 01

Rodney stood at the top of the stairs, listening for hints that anyone was still awake in the house. After a few minutes, he was sure that his parents and sister were all out for the count. He closed the basement door, locked it, and crept down the stairs, his heart beating fast and his cock already throbbing. Wasting no time, he headed to his computer and navigated to the cam site, praying that he hadn’t missed her. A wide smile spread across his face when he saw Jill’s headshot near the top...

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Chapter 1John Stern looked at the man that was tied to the pole.  His face was a bloody mess.  It should have been given the fact that it had been kissing fists for the last hour.  His enforced, a man named Berkley, had been expressing John’s displeasure at the man’s actions.  Berkley, John mused as he unleashed a series of blows into the poor man’s gut, had to be the biggest, blackest man he had ever known.  He stood six foot five inches tall and had a chest that sometimes seemed nearly as...

3 years ago
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I Call on Jill Mary

When Jill was born the medical staff looked at the baby's genitals and told the parents "You have a baby boy." The baby was named Jack, after his uncle and spent the next several years as a boy. Jack never got involved in sports with other boys, partly because of his small stature and partly because he felt more at home playing with girls. He enjoyed wearing his older sister's clothing whenever he could. The sister, who was empathetic beyond her years,...

2 years ago
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Jack and Jill

JACK AND JILL By Tammy Richards SYNOPSIS: When Jack's neighbor discovers his feminine alter ego Jill, it's the worst day of his life. But sometimes bad beginnings have happy endings. ------------------- Jack Williams rolled over and hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. It was 6 AM on Saturday morning. He lay in bed planning out his day. Saturday was Jack's favorite day of the week. From Monday through Friday he was the...

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