Wife Turns A Trick free porn video

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Having been married for quite a few years and with adult children around the house, it's fair to say that our sex life had got a little monotonous. It should be said though that it was now a case of quality rather than quantity nevertheless a little more, a little more often would not go amiss!

In adding a little spice around the bedroom one of the things I liked to enjoy was hearing from my wife Julie what her fantasies were. We didn't chat about them over a cup of tea and she only told me them when making love but I really enjoyed hearing them nonetheless. I remember it once being said that the mind was the sexiest organ a person had and I have to agree – what goes on in the mind is often far sexier than reality. Hence my enjoyment in Julie's fantasies. I only wished that sometimes she'd let her inhibitions go and act like she fantasised!

Anyway, occasionally I would attempt to introduce situations that might allow us some opportunity to have a little extra fun and booking into a hotel now and then gave us these chances. I had found that doing so sometimes seemed to release her from her inhibitions and I had my fingers crossed for something along those lines this time. The hotel chosen was a very expensive one it has to be said, costing well over £200 per night but we could afford it and maybe splashing out like this was necessary! It was certainly plush and exuded quality.

We arrived Saturday lunchtime and after checking in there was a positive response from Julie which lifted my hopes for later that day. To help her mood even more, I agreed to go shopping with her in the city centre which was a short drive away and I even thought she purchased some hold-up stockings which I hoped meant she had packed some lingerie for the weekend.

We got back to the hotel about seven pm and put the shopping bags away. Julie insisted she shower first which it turned out allowed her to dress by the time I'd showered and shaved etc. Of course, that also meant that I didn't get a chance to see what she'd put on under the figure-hugging black wrap round dress that I loved her to wear. It had quite a plunging neckline but best of all it was split up to the thigh when she walked. I was able to see she had black hose on her legs but were they stockings or not? The whole outfit was finished off with some black high heel court shoes which shaped her legs beautifully and she has great legs. She did something different with her makeup and the result was amazing – she looked incredible and was I thrilled to see her like that!

Dinner hadn't been booked but the concierge had earlier said that it wasn't a problem as the hotel was quiet ahead of some delegates arriving on Sunday for a Conference which began Monday morning although apparently some were arriving Saturday. Making sure I had my wallet before heading downstairs my final act was to open a bottle of champagne which we shared. This was another one of my tactics as I knew it went straight to her head and a couple of glasses inside her might help "loosen" her up. Having drunk the bottle (well she had mainly) we were heading for the door when my mobile phone rang. Without thinking I answered it much to Julies annoyance and things weren't helped when it turned out to be a call from work What I hoped to be a two-minute call turned out to be a much longer one and when I turned round I realised Julie had gone down to the restaurant ahead of me.

Thirty minutes later I sheepishly headed downstairs realising that the atmosphere was totally ruined. I went to the restaurant but she was nowhere to be seen and apparently had not even gone there asking for a table. Where was she? I went into the reception area to see if she was sat there but no, she wasn't to be seen. That only left the bar so I made my way there. What awaited me gave me the shock of my life! AND it obviously registered on my face as the barman said

"Good looker isn't she?"

There was Julie sat on a high bar stool with a drink in one hand and her skirt falling open to reveal a wonderful view of her crossed legs revealing a tantalising glimpse of stocking top! But it was the fact that she wasn't alone that caused my stomach to do somersaults! Sat on a stool next to her in a dinner suit was a guy who was probably in his late thirties or early forties and who was gazing longingly at her. She was laughing at whatever he was saying to her and appeared not to care who was watching or about what people might think.

"Who is she?" I said.

"Don't know" replied the barman "But it's obvious what she's doing?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's so obvious surely? Looks like a call girl to me and that guy's well known here for paying for beautiful female company"

"A call girl?" I stammered "You mean a hooker?"

"Sure, as you'd know if you'd seen her earlier." the barman responded. "Anyway what are you drinking sir?" he asked.

"Give me a gin and tonic and make it a double – not much tonic," I said.

My wife was sat on a stool not 10 feet away totally ignoring me and focusing all her attention on this stranger. By now she was touching him occasionally brushing her hand on his thigh or stroking his upper arm. What was I to do? I was totally bewildered knowing that if I did I would cause a major scene and we wouldn't be staying for the rest of the night that was for sure.

Whilst I was thinking about my next move I realised the two of them had changed their seats at the bar for a cosy alcove. However, I noticed that there was an empty bench seat beyond a low glass screen at the side of the alcove and I moved there where I could hear their conversation.

"So then sexy, are you alone then?" he was asking.

"My husband's around somewhere", she replied, "But fuck him, he's that busy with his phone calls." She paused briefly and then added, "No that's not nice of me, he's really worked hard for our family but he's always wanting more for us and he doesn't need to do so much."

"Oh I see," said the guy, then with a little laugh in his voice, "Well what can I say – you said fuck him. Well, thanks for the invite but it's you I'd like to fuck!"

She laughed out loud in response saying in an apparent attempt to distance herself from him, (and to my relief) adding, "You couldn't afford me anyway!" Little did she know what she had just said though I don't think it had anything to do with her call girl fantasy.

"Oh, I think I could," he said.

"Why how much have you got?" she asked.

"How much would two or three hours fucking you cost?" asked the guy.

"Oh hundreds," Julie responded in a light-hearted way.

"How many?" he persisted.

"Think you can afford three hundred?" she cautiously asked.

"That's a small fortune." the guy said with a small degree of shock, "You think you're worth it?"

"Of course," she said somewhat smugly, "But never mind I know it's a whole lot of money. You'll just have to wonder what it might be like."

"Just a moment please dear ok?" he said and called the barman across. He whispered in the barman's ears and Julie was asking what he had said. But before he had the chance to reply, another member of staff approached the booth and handed over a thick envelope.

"What's that?" she asked taking another sip from yet another gin and tonic.

He handed it to her and said, "Open it."

She did but on doing so let out an audible gasp "How much is there in there?" she questioned.

"Three hundred pounds," he responded.

"Where did that come from?" she questioned. Her voice not quite as sure as it had been earlier.

"I use this place a lot and I deposit money with them for safekeeping. I like having cash available for those special purchases. Much better than credit cards etc. Now do you feel like proving you're actually worth it then?" he replied.

She hesitated and went very quiet, I was stunned and had a huge knot developing in my stomach.

"How long for?" she asked. I couldn't believe it, she was thinking about going for it!

"Well it's almost nine pm now, how about until midnight?" he said with Julie increasingly hesitating.

She picked up her glass and drank the contents in one go, leaving the envelope on the table. She got up and started to walk away from the table. Whilst I would be the first to admit I was fascinated in some way about her behaviour I was somewhat relieved that she was walking away from him.

"Where are you going?" he called to her.

"My room and you'd better hurry, hadn't you? Oh and don't forget the envelope!" she said.

He was on his feet in no time and joined her; however, she said she needed to use the bathroom on the way so he waited outside for her. Not knowing what else to do I took this opportunity to make my way ahead of them and dashed for the elevator getting to the room first. I thought about putting the deadlock on but my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to hide in the wardrobe, in which I placed a small stool which had been provided in front of a dresser in the room. I waited with my heart pounding madly away so much I could almost hear it.

A couple of minutes passed and I was beginning to think maybe they'd gone to his room when I heard the door being opened. In they walked, Julie leading the way with the envelope in her hands. She came to the wardrobe the door being slightly ajar and I was afraid that I'd be found. How on earth would I explain being hidden in the wardrobe? He'd think I was in on this, wouldn't he? And what would Julie think?

She placed the cash in the safe provided and then stood up and turned around to face him. She walked directly over to him and stood right in front of him. Julie then took hold of his belt and began to unfasten it. Once it was undone she knelt down and pulled down his zip. His trousers fell to the floor and she pulled down his underpants revealing an uncut prick which was getting harder by the second. She took hold of it with her right hand and started to masturbate it making it rock hard. She pulled the foreskin back revealing the swollen purple head which she fed straight into her mouth. I'd never seen her so unreserved and wanton and she began to fuck his prick back and forth with her mouth. He was groaning quite audibly and was holding her head with his hands whilst she sucked him, her lipstick smearing up and down the length of his cock.

She did this to me but very rarely like this and certainly not so deeply. She really was playing the role of whore perfectly. She continued to suck and wank him for what seemed like ages during which he was forever saying things like "Suck it you whore, deeper you bitch, go on suck it, suck my cock." She continued doing as he bid until he announced he was going to come. This only served to encourage her to suck him harder and even more deeply. The tip of his prick must surely be touching the back of her throat! His grunts got louder until he groaned out "I'm coming, I'm coming you slut!" at which he thrust his hips ferociously towards her. He was quite loud when he came but what surprised me most of all was that Julie didn't take his cock out of her mouth as he did but started to swallow his come, something she didn't do for me! However, she couldn't manage it all and some of it spilled out onto her cheeks and dribbled down onto her tits.

He collapsed back onto the bed where he lay for a few minutes telling her how wonderful she sucked cock. She had gone to the fridge and removed a bottle of champagne we had placed there earlier. She opened it and asked, "Who's worth three hundred now then?" The dirty bitch I thought, she really was into this.

"It's not midnight yet is it?" he asked.

"No, it's only 10.45 now. Think you can manage to get it up again to get the rest of your purchase?" she responded whilst unfastening the thin belt which held her wrap round dress in place. She opened it to reveal a black Basque laced with red on the edge of the bra cups. This was holding her tits up beautifully and was clipped to a sheer pair of black lace top stockings, finished off with a matching black and red thong which hid her pussy – just! She looked stunning but oh so damned sexy and he told her so.

As she stood there she poured two glasses of champagne and walked across to the bed placing her right leg up on the edge of the mattress, a deliberate act no doubt which looked so sexy. She handed him a glass and asked, "You able to manage it again?"

"With the right encouragement, I'm sure I can," he said laughing.

"And that kind of encouragement would be?" she said teasing him, but all the time stroking her pussy underneath her tiny thong. "This work for you?"

"Oh yes." he replied and shuffled up onto his elbows to raise himself up to enjoy the view even better. She just stood there stroking herself with her leg raised still on the edge of the bed. I don't know about him but I was as hard as an iron rod in the wardrobe. Seeing my wife behave like this was proving to be the kind of turn on I could never have imagined.

Eventually, she said, "I want to lie down while you stand and watch."

She exchanged places with him, lying down in the middle of the four-poster bed. She was still wearing her shoes which I loved because they shaped the calves of her leg so perfectly. She has gorgeous legs and I love it when she wears high heels. On doing so she put her glass down and then began to run her hands up and down her body, squeezing her breasts and rubbing her mound over the thin silk thong. She slipped her hand under the material and it was obvious from the look on her face and the moans from her mouth that she was playing with herself. She pulled her thong to one side revealing her splayed pussy lips which were a wonderful deep red colour, her juice oozing from her. The guy was now sat in a chair watching her avidly having undressed himself fully. He was still limp but showing twitches of returning to full hardness.

Julie reached for the champagne bottle and held it above her pussy, slowly tipping it until some of the sparkling fluid poured slowly out onto her cunt. She let out a loud groan, no doubt feeling the effervescence bubbling over her proud clit. She moaned and said "You like the taste of champagne, don't you? Have you ever drunk it like this?"

He barely seemed to realise what she had said but quickly came round and then knelt in front of her, a leg spread either side of his head, before he lowered his mouth to her cunt. I know just how much she loves oral sex and she obviously enjoyed this. The guy was really getting into it and seemed to be licking away for all his worth. Judging from the intensity of her moans he had apparently found her clit and responding to her noises concentrated on it. Her moans were really building now and this seemed to act as encouragement to him as his licking and sucking appeared to get more fervent. Her groans grew and grew with each lick until such time as they blended into one long moan as she shook visibly, a sign I recognised all too obviously as she came. The small of her back lifted clear from the bed as she did so before collapsing back exhausted on the bed.

All this activity had had the effect however of stirring his loins again and he was now hard again. He climbed on the bed hovering over Julie as he moved his cock closer and closer to her cunt. He lowered his hips towards her and he slipped his cock into her soaking orifice all too easily. It was his turn to moan now as he entered her and she moved slightly under him to ease his access.

Slowly he began to move, back and forth, back and forth as his thrusts towards her womb got deeper and deeper. He continued to fuck her like that for some time, stopping now and then, much to her frustration and presumably to stop himself from coming. However, it wasn't that long before he resumed his thrusts and Julie was now starting to come round from her own climax and was responding by timing her own thrusts with his so their hips collided with their forward momentum apparently ensuring he went as deep as possible.

"Am I a whore then?" she cried.

"Oh yes you are," he replied in a deep grunting voice, "You're just a cheap slut who fucks for money!"

"Yes I am aren't I?" she shouted. "Then fuck me like the slut I am. Go on, deeper, harder. You've paid for it haven't you?"

"Oh I'm getting my money’s worth you dirty whore," he growled in reply.

The aroma and atmosphere in the room was incredible and I couldn't believe I was finding her behaviour so arousing. My own cock was now hurting it was so hard and it wouldn't be long before I had to relieve myself!

The sounds coming from the bed added to my arousal. I could hear the squelch of her cunt as his cock pounded into her. I knew how wet she could get and that coupled with the champagne she had poured into herself earlier was contributing to the most disgusting yet horny of noises.

By now his thrusts had become more hurried and he was increasing the tempo of them progressively. He had collapsed forward and was supporting himself on his elbows. The sight of her stocking clad legs tipped with those sexy high heeled shoes spread wide, her head bent backward and a stranger fucking her ferociously was too much! Any feelings of jealousy I had, had disappeared and were now replaced with the more basic emotion of sexual desire. I could never have anticipated feeling like this.

The guys thrusting was now getting faster and faster, with him pulling his cock back to the tip of her cunt before ramming it back deep into her.

"I'm going to come," he groaned.

This served to encourage her even more. "Faster faster, go on fuck me you bastard. You know you want to come inside me."

All of a sudden her back went straight and his thrust slowed down to a more deliberate but forceful manner. His eyes closed and his head arched backward, as he thrust forward one more time. He was obviously coming and the expression on his face turned from one of intensity to one of ecstasy as he released his load inside my wife. He continued to thrust as he came again but in a more spasmodic way, grunting as he did so. Julie's face was a picture, as a dreamy expression spread across her. She wasn't coming again but it was obvious she was enjoying the warmth sensation as his cream filled her deeply.

Eventually they subsided, with him rolling off her, leaving her lying there looking as sexy as I had ever seen her. Her legs were still spread wide however her pussy was also wide open now, giving a view deep inside her cunt revealing a glimpse of his come which was now slowly oozing out of her. Framed by her stockings the site was incredible. She really did look like a slut but one could hardly call her a cheap one!

As they both recovered the guy noticed the clock at the side of the bed which indicated it was 11:50 pm.

"Well it's almost midnight," he spoke. "I think my times up."

"Yes," she replied, her voice barely audible. "Was I worth it then?"

"Every penny my dear," the guy said. "How are you going to explain the money to your husband I wonder though?"

"Let me worry about that," Julie replied. "I'll just have to treat him, won't I? I'm sure I'll think of something. Look, I hope you don't mind but I've never done this before and I don't know where he is, you'd better be going, ok?"

"Not a problem dear," said the stranger. "By the way if ever you're in this area again and would like to earn some more money like tonight, then I'm here most weekends ok?"

"Ok," said Julie, "But I'm not from around here. This is the first time here and I'm not sure I'd come back, after all I can't help but wonder what the staff in the bar thought."

"Rest assured, they won't say anything. They value my custom far too much" he said, by now dressing as he talked. "I'll leave you in peace and thank you for letting me be your first ever paying customer. It was worth the price for that privilege alone. You really could make a fortune at it you know."


By now he was heading for the door and Julie was up on her feet following him. As he opened the door he turned and gave her a small light kiss on her cheek before saying goodbye. She turned around and then entered the bathroom. This was my cue to open the wardrobe door and step out still wondering what to do. I did the only thing I could think of and that was to also leave the room wondering about what I was going to say about where I'd been and where. Then the thought occurred to me that I wasn't the one who had something to explain but Julie had! I wondered what she would say and what this meant for the future.

I headed for the bar where I had a couple more drinks before returning to the room. When I got there Julie was laid in bed apparently asleep. I undressed and slid in beside her. What would she say in the morning?


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Magic Trick

You're at an after school club, and the teachers have had to leave, leaving you alone in your maths classroom with Abbie, Lily and Casey. You all sit for a while chatting, before you suggest trying one of the 'magic' tricks you've been learning for fun. They all get in a line, and you get out a necklace and start swinging it back and forth as you've seen it done, and saying the normal phrases, trying to keep yourself from giggling. As you do it, their eyes all become unfocused, and their faces...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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A Big White Trick

It was also during the time on St. Croix that I had the chance to take one of the largest white cocks ever. It wasn’t only that he was long, he was thick, good god was he thick!I had my pick of nice big black ones all of the time, not all ‘monsters’ but way above average. The island was mostly black so, I had quickly made friends with the guys who could give me what I craved. The tourists were where I made my money and, most of them were endowed with your average white cock. Seven and eight...

4 years ago
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Time Trick

You, or other people around you, have just acquired a new app called Time Trick. At first it seems like a useless download, but it's discovered it actually has the power to stop time. As well as a few other neat tricks.... Whether at its mercy, or holding the power for yourself, one thing is hopefully true... Someone hopefully read the fine print.

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wifey and her sister Peggy

so its that time of year when i get to go crawl around the attic looking for summer clothes in a plastic tote. Normally a sucky day, unless your big titty wife and sister in law are trying on bathing suits. As i climb down the ladder I see wifey and Peggy standing there naked, shaved pussies and bouncy titties everywhere. I carry the totes over as they start going through them. I lay on the bad as they ask "what are you doing?".... and i reply "watching". Wifey found a black bikini and squeezed...

4 years ago
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Wifey TrainingChapter 5

Jane started the new podcast and then settled back into her pillows. "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband." "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband," Jane repeated. "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." Jane dutifully repeated each and every sentence. Every podcast started the same, so much so that Jane had long since ceased to consciously process the introductory sentences. Of course, this meant that they...

1 year ago
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Wife caught with boss turns into threesome

I stepped inside the house and put my keys away, then I heard a noise from our bedroom, I stood still for a minute, I heard my wife's voice so I moved to the hallway and was just about to shout up the stairs to her when, to my surprise I saw a pair of men's shoes by the hall table. I took off my own shoes and crept up the stairs to our bedroom, the door was nearly shut but I could just see my wife's naked body through the gap by the hinges. I could see that She was sitting on top of a...

2 years ago
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Wife Nitya Turns Into Nasty

Hi ISS readers this is Ram, and this story is about my wife Nitya whom I thought to be a sexy sensitive homely lady and how she turned out to be Fucking nasty sex hungry female, whore I have ever met in my life. I got married a year ago and my marriage was an arranged marriage. My wife Nitya, 22 years was from very traditional family just like mine. She was hot and sexy standing 5’6 and she was fair in complexion and had a great physique. She had busty boobs, slim and lean waist and nice sexy...

3 years ago
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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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Wife turns white hubby into black cock cuckold sis

"Oh my god!"My wife looked up over the muscular shoulder of the huge black guy nailing her on our bed. Her long tanned legs wrapped around v-shaped torso. "Hi honey. What are you doing home early?""Kelli what the fuck's going on here?!"At that, the black guy turned and shot me a nasty glance. "What's it look like we doing, genius? I'm dicking your old lady. Now get out of here fuckshit I ain't finished.""Better go downstairs dear," Kelli said, smiling. "I'll be down later to explain."Of course...

3 years ago
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Wifey TrainingChapter 2

Jane spread the tools of her new therapy program before her. There was a pill, her iPod nano, and a vibrator. Jane stripped off her baggy sweater and sweat pants. It was 2pm and she had just come from work where she spent most mornings as the part-time floor manager for a small, independent bookstore. Fortunately, they didn't care what she wore, and so Jane was able to dress for comfort. Following Dr. Susan's instructions, Jane took the pill ("a mild sedative, to help you relax", Dr....

4 years ago
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Hotwife Lifestyle

Understanding Our Man’s Hotwife Fantasy and How to Use That to Our AdvantageThe fantasy of having a “Hotwife” is growing, in fact, research shows it is growing at a higher rate than a good majority of the other lifestyle alternatives, including the old staple of “swinging” and the modern “open relationship”. Why is it that a fantasy that revolves around only one part of a relationship – the woman – going out and finding pleasure from another man more intriguing to an increasing number of men...

4 years ago
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A dirty trick

In the shadowsShe stands in shadowed anonymity near a repair garage and looks me up and down. Our voices are low so no one will hear the details of the transaction."Sure, baby. I'm available. You're not a cop, are you?" the woman says.The woman's clothes don't give her away as a hooker. Her outfit is nice - red high heels, a pale blue miniskirt, a black nylon jacket covering a black sweater. She has a tattoo of a mandala on her wrist and wears long, funky earrings."Nope, I'm not a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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cross friends trick

We’d been friends for pretty much all of our young lives and did everything together. I never expected to be sharing this though.From being k**s ‘playing out’ together, to first stolen drinks, cigarettes, and spliffs, we had shared everything. Basically Jimmy’s dad was rich and they had a huge 5 bed roomed house with double garages, and outbuildings and quite a bit of land with a small wood and fields.Jimmy’s bedroom was above the garages, and when I say bedroom I mean fully fitted flat. He had...

2 years ago
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The Chain Trick

THE CHAIN TRICKEquipment:• A length of chrome-plated ¼” proof or stainless steel coil chain• Rubbing alcohol• Dish soap• LubeCaution: If you use chrome-plated chain, be sure it is chrome-plated and not galvanized and is new; do not use old chain. Do not use nickel-plated or anything other than chrome-plated or non-plated stainless steel. Run your fingers over each link and look for welds that are not smooth. Reject any length with flaws. Rinse off the residue of the manufacturers oil with dish...

3 years ago
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SRU A Treat Or A Trick

SRU: A Treat Or A Trick By Paul G Jutras It was October 31, 2000 and Paul had arrived at Fairy Tales Mall with his friend Lesley. They passed the children play center; which looked like a castle picturing different fairy tales for the kids amusements. With a yank of the arm, Paul was pulled into a shop called Spells R Us. "May I help you?" A young blonde woman asked with a cheerful smile as she stood in a blue mini dress with a plunging neckline that showed her chest off...

3 years ago
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The Boss Part 1edit Part 2 The Trick

*If you already read part 1, go straight to part 2. There are no differences other than some corrections.* I’m only republishing part 1 to correct some errors, and because it makes more sense like this, since it is about the same night. This is a fictional dark fantasy story that will contain romance and some vanilla parts to it, but mainly consists of blackmail, rape, and violence. I don't condone or partake in any of the actions portrayed here. This is for people like me, guys and girls,...

3 years ago
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The Boss Part 2 The Trick

This is a fictional dark fantasy story that will contain romance and some vanilla parts to it, but mainly consists of blackmail, rape, and violence. I don't condone or partake in any of the actions portrayed here. This is for people like me, guys and girls, who like this kind of harsh stuff with a good story. For those of you out there, enjoy. ***THIS STORY CONTAINS FICTIONAL RAPE, BLACKMAIL, AND VIOLENCE. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. YOU’RE WARNED.*** ****** Part 2 - “The Trick”. You...

2 years ago
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 6 Lisa Learns a New Trick

It only took a moment for Jim to bring Lisa’s form up on his laptop’s computer screen and make the adjustments needed to allow her to really enjoy anal sex, not to mention her new C-cup tits. He’d be interested to see if her hubby noticed her new developments. She’d have fun shopping for new bras anyway. Lisa was in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher when she felt something, or rather some things happening to her body. For one thing, her blouse and bra suddenly became too tight. And, for...

4 years ago
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Attacked by Silk GlovesChapter 2 The Glove Trick

Paul woke up, his heart racing. He checked his watch on the nightstand. 12 midnight, so he had only been asleep for a couple of hours. "Gonna be a long night," he sighed. Ancient but unmistakably feminine smells surrounded him. He looked around the room, scanning its contents. Apparently, nothing had been touched after Rosemary's daughter had died. "A car accident," Rosemary had said, clearly still angry. "Hit and run." Old clothing was left on chairs and dressers, make-up lids were...

4 years ago
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Wife Caught With Boss Turns Into Threesome Part 1

I came home from work early last Friday to find the back door unlocked, I thought we had forgotten to lock it in the morning.I stepped inside the house and put my keys away, then I heard a noise from our bedroom, I stood still for a minute, I heard my wife's voice so I moved to the hallway and was just about to shout up the stairs to her when, to my surprise I saw a pair of men's shoes by the hall table.I took off my own shoes and crept up the stairs to our bedroom, the door was nearly shut but...

1 year ago
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Wifey catches me sucking cock

I am bisexual, married man in my early 50s. When I met my wife, I had a regular guy and we’d exchange blow jobs every week or two.. I told her about it and said my sexual adventures are part of the relationship. She accepted it and after a couple years she and I and my guy had a couple threesomes that I’ve written about elsewhere. But several years ago, we moved away and I didn’t have a regular guy. When I did find one, wifey was resistant to it.So he and I met on the wide, once every 2 to 3...

2 years ago
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wifes panties full

this is another absolutely true story, hope someone enjoys it maybe even Ian and Andy as I know they like xhamster on Saturday afternoon my wife asked if I fancied going out for a drink with friends at night so I said ok but couldn't really be bothered. we went to our local and as the night went on a few of them were looking the worse for wear .I didn't have much to drink which makes a change but it was quite good for once to watch them all get drunk instead of me . I was amazed at how much I...

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wifes birthday surprise

You come home early from work too surprise your wife on your birthday and you find a strange car on the drive.As you open the door you can hear loud screaming and banging coming from up stairs.You make your way upstairs as the screaming and banging get louder and more frequent.You open your marital bedroom door to find your wife lieing on the bed with her legs in the air spread wide open and a black man smashing his massive black cock into your wife’s wet cunt.your wife doesn’t let the strange...

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 12 Shadows Tricks

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Twelve: Shadow's Tricks By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Thirty-Four: Shadow's Tricks Sven Falk – Forest of Lhes, The Strifelands of Zeutch “Las's cock,” I groaned, throwing Nathalie off of me. The former virgin rolled, on the ground, gasping in shock. Shadows surged around her, wiggling and writhing on the ground like angry snakes. I stared up at the faerie standing over me, her arms...

1 year ago
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Wifes gangbang confession part 2

As Ashley and Laura got positioned on the bed to give Paul and Graeme a show the guys stood at the foot of the bed with there cocks in their hands, (to this day my wife loves to watch a guy wanking himself off.) the girls started to roll around groping, rubbing, licking and kissing each other. as Ashley went down to lick Laura the guys couldn’t help themselves and jumped back on the bed. kneeling at either side of Laura they pushed there cocks into her face. Like i said earlier she could...

2 years ago
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Wife Turns Neighbor onto Black COCK

April begged Lori to come over to her house. It had been 3 weeks since they last spoke. April told her prudish friend about something that changed her life and wanted SO MUCH to share it with her. Lori was afraid it was some of multi-level-marking scheme selling trinkets door-to-door. April assured her it wasn't anything like that."It's something I have in my house - right now. It's changed my life and I want it to share it with you!" April told her. Lori's curiosity was getting the best of...

3 years ago
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Wifes Photo Shoot

Introduction: Wifes Photo Shoot I was attending a conference in L. A. and this time my wife Linda was accompanying me. Usually she preferred to stay at home, but this time she wanted to come along, and enjoy the sun and pool in late spring. It was delightful, and we enjoyed some great eating as well as some pool time when the meeting ended each day, which was early afternoon. On one occasion, there were two women sitting next to us, and we became acquainted with them. It developed that Kim,...

2 years ago
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Wife Turns Slut For Husband

This story had send to me my friend and with her permission i am posting it. I have made slight changes to make it interesting. Hope u will enjoy“Come on hon.,” Billy begged me once again, “you know you’d love getting porked by some other men. Hell! With your reputation back in high school, I’d of thought you’d have jumped at a chance like this.”So much for love, honor, and respect, I thought, as I lay on our bed dressed like a fashion whore from Frederick’s of Hollywood all in black: nylons,...

1 year ago
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Hotwife Kim Such a Kinky Slut

Chapter 1Given just how revealing the slutty little outfits are that my hotwife wears to pubs, clubs and bars,I'm amazed that she's never been arrested for indecent exposure, breach of the peace or grossindecency! She constantly pushes out the boundaries of what she wears and what she gets up to.I first met Kim four years ago at a property exhibition I'd rented a stand at. Through an agency I'dhired four promotions girls to help out on the stand. They were all in their twenties,...

3 years ago
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Wifely Direction

WIFELY DIRECTIONBenny Price rolled around on the bed with his beautiful new wife, Nora. They were necking like teenagers, which was nice, and he was feeling her up but over her snug brown tank-top, and around her denim miniskirt.This was nice, but a little ridiculous for four months of marriage. This was what you did on the second date, usually, in Benny’s experience. Benny’s cock swelled, and felt somewhat free, as it wasn’t in that nasty chastity device.Nora was an expert necker, and Benny...

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Dirty Tricks

To say that Reed Pena had a complicated life was a huge understatement. He was from a branch of one of the most powerful families in Massachusetts, if not the entire United States, and was rubbing elbows with people who had more money in their bank accounts than 99.999% of the United States would earn in their entire lifetime. Money didn't matter to him, he had grown to not care about it or what it bought. Born the unwanted and unloved third son of Kevin and Penelope Clarence, he was...

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wifes panties

never thought i would try to write a wee story but what happened a few weeks ago absolutely blew my mind so much i just have to tell someone ,this is a true story.me + the wife were having some couples over for a drink + a chat .we had been sitting for a couple of hours + i had sat next to one of my matesdavie ,who ,when he got drunk always told me about his fetish ( worn panties ) i have never told him i have the same hobby , only ever with my wifes though,he always told me in the pub that...

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Wife turns a trick 2

The following morning when I woke she was already up and packing. We didn’t speak at all, and in fact, I went down for breakfast alone and on returning to our room it was obvious we were ready to check out. Having done this still without speaking to each other we went to the car park where I threw the bag on the back seat and set off home with only the car radio breaking the silence.Eventually, Julie broke the silence and asked me where I went last night when I finished my phone call. I said to...

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Wife turns Pro

My wife and I live in a large house in one of the best parts of town. My wife drives a Land Cruiser and I have a Porsche Boxster, as well as a customized Harley Fat Boy. Between the house and the car payments our nut is around six grand a month. My wife Shelly is a 29 year old well endowed blond. At 5 ’3 she barely tips the scales at 105 Her legs are firm and flawless, and her tits, which are 36 D’s defy description. She has always been a conservative wife who didn’t seem to notice, or...

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Wifes first MFM turns to 4some on the boat

Carol and I had finished putting new exhaust gaskets on the boat so we decided to take it out for a test, she put on her skimpy two piece that just barely covered her large nipples and showed off her beautiful 36DD tits, then she put on her beach coverup that is a white mesh fabric that you could see what she had on underneath, her shoulder length blonde hair needed no care for a day on the boat, at 5'10" she is a good waterskier and has the legs to show she has experience at it. As we were...

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