A Si Ster’s Lust Chapter 6 free porn video

Somehow she’d gotten back to her apartment to pack her suitcases although she
couldn’t remember doing so. She’d even remembered to set her alarm and now she
was hundreds of miles away from Herb and the drastic mistake she’d made.
“Oooooh,” Gail moaned, trying desperately not to think of what had happened. What
could she do now? The guilt-ridden young teacher knew that she could never face
Herb again . . . not after the lustily wanton way she’d acted last night. He must think
she was awful . . . behaving in a wild, whoring way with him! How could she ever go
back to the school after this convention was over and face Herb day after day in the
teachers’ lounge? And what . . . her heart almost stopped at the possibility . . . what if
Herb told anyone
about what had happened? She’d never be able to hold her head up in public again
if anyone found out what a terrible wanton she’d been!
“Pardon me, Miss? Feeling all right?” Gail’s companion asked, hearing her moan of
distress. “Would you like me to ring for the stewardess?”
Gall’s face turned pink with embarrassment. “Uh. . . no, thank you. I’m fine now . . .
really! A touch of airsickness, I guess . . .”
For the next hour, Gail kept her face carefully hidden by the big book she’d brought
along to read. At least there was one good thing about her embarrassing and
traumatic night with Herb. This disastrous mistake had happened on the eve of her
departure. She’d have the whole week to. think about what to do and it would be a
relief to spend the time with Crystal and her roommate, Geraldine. They could
indulge in harmless girl talk and that would soothe her frazzled nerves. Thank
goodness she would never guess what a wanton her sister had been last night! Poor
darling would never understand in a million years! Her baby sister was as innocent
as a new-born lamb!
The first thing that Gail did when she arrived at Crystal’s apartment was to look
around with an appraising eye. She wanted to remember just how the apartment was
laid-out so she could tell their mother. At least she looked as if she were eating right,
so far away from home. The young girl seemed to be blooming with good health,
although there was a bit too much pink in her cheeks.
“Well! How was your flight, s*s?” Crystal asked, trying not to let her nervousness
show. Last night had been a frantic night, moving Jerry’s things out of the apartment
and into his friend’s. Of course Jerry hadn’t been too happy with the new
arrangements but that couldn’t be helped. She knew that Gail would be shocked
beyond belief if she ever found out that Geraldine was really Jerry! Gail would never
accept the fact that she was living with a man! Why Gail was practically an old maid
and Crystal was sure that her older sister had never even kissed a man, much less
fucked one or lived with one!
“Here’s our room,” she nervously announced, leading Gail to the bedroom and
blushing as she realized what she had said. “I I mean the room I share with Jerry . . .
er Geraldine, that is.”
“It’s very nice, Crystal,” Gail said, gazing critically at the small bedroom. She frowned
slightly as she noticed the double bed. “It’s really a pity you don’t have room for twin
beds. Have you thought about bunks?”
“Uh . . . yes,” she lied, two bright spots of color showing on her flushed cheeks. “We .
. . we’re saving up money now. Bunks would be a lot more comfortable.”
“Mother asked me what you wanted for Christmas before I left,” Gail smiled. “Shall I
tell her bunk beds?”
“Uh . . . let me talk to J-Geraldine about that first,” she hedged, shoving clothes over
in the closet to make way for Gail’s things. “Here are some extra hangers, s*s. Just
unpack if you want to.”
“My Goodness!” Gail exclaimed, examining the clothes in the closet. “Your roommate
certainly doesn’t have many clothes, does she? Most of these are yours!”
“Er . . . yes . . . yes, they are!” Crystal stammered. “Geraldine’s such a wonderful girl,
Gail. When she found out you were in town, she took most of her things and went to
stay with a friend. Wasn’t that nice?”
“Oh, but I don’t want to put anyone out!” Gail exclaimed, shaking her head. “I could
just as well stay in a hotel. Are you sure it’s all right?”
“P-positive!” Crystal gasped. “Uh . . . I’ll tell you what. I’m going to cook us a good
dinner, but I have to run to the store to get a few things. Why don’t you unpack and
take a little nap until dinner’s ready. Doesn’t that sound like a good idea?”
Gail nodded slowly, still frowning. She was acting awfully nervous. It wasn’t all in her
imagination. It was almost as if her baby sister were hiding something and Gail was
determined to get to the bottom of whatever it was. If Crystal went out to the store,
she’d have a little time to poke around the apartment and see what she could learn.
There was more going on here than met the eye, Gail was sure.
As soon as the door closed behind Crystal, Gail hurried out into the living room. She
turned around and saw no evidence of Crystal’s roommate’s things. Didn’t the girl
have anything or was Crystal actually living here alone? It was a puzzle and Gail
intended to solve it before she left.
Gail stopped short as she opened the bathroom cabinet. A small bottle of aftershave
lotion was on the shelf behind a pile of towels. Aftershave? That was an odd item for
her to have in her bathroom!
At that particular moment, the telephone rang. Gail hurried to answer it, thinking that
perhaps it was her parents, checking to see if she had arrived. She was very
surprised to hear a male voice on the other end of the line.
“Hi . . . is Jerry there?” the voice enquired. “We need him down at the lot right away.
Tell that old man of yours to get over here immediately. The Emmerson’s are here
and his sales pitch worked. They’re going to take that Cadillac he showed them
Gail was so flabbergasted she couldn’t find words for a moment. At first she was
certain that the man had gotten a wrong number, but he had thought she was
Crystal. The surprised teacher was so shocked that she said the first thing that came
into her head.
“Gerry?” Gail choked. “Do you mean, Crystal’s roommate, Geraldine?”
“Geraldine!” the man roared. “Come on . . . don’t play games with me. Just tell Jerry
to haul his ass down here, okay?”
There was a sharp click and all at once the connection was broken. Gail stood
staring at the receiver for a long moment before she finally hung up the phone. So
that was it! Geraldine, Crystal’s roommate wasn’t really Geraldine at all. Her little
baby sister was living with a man named Jerry!
For one shocked moment, Gail felt like calling her parents and telling them she was
bringing her home. Imagine! Living with a man all this time! And Mom and Dad
thought Crystal was living with another girl!
Gail was already dialing the phone when she reconsidered. Perhaps she should
have a little more positive proof before she upset their parents. People were always
playing jokes and perhaps this had been some sort of practical joker with a sick
sense of humor. Gail certainly wasn’t going to call their parents before she
confronted Crystal, or at least had some positive evidence. The shaving lotion could
have been left here by a previous tenant and the phone call could have been a
prank. She deserved to give her the benefit of the doubt. She’d find out soon enough
if Crystal actually was living in sin with a man. She’d just tell her baby sister to invite
Geraldine for dinner tonight. That ought to be proof enough.
Even though it was still early afternoon, Gail decided to have a drink to calm her
nerves. She was simply too nervous to confront her sister without something to
bolster her courage. There was a bottle of brandy in the cupboard and Gail poured
herself a generous drink, downing it much too quickly. Then, because she was still
nervous, she had another. By the time the phone rang again, Gail was feeling much
more courageous and more than a little tipsy.
“It’s me, s*s!” she said quickly. “I just ran into a friend of mine and we’re going to take
you out for dinner . . . how’s that?”
“Fine,” Gail replied, trying to keep her voice light. “Why don’t you invite your
roommate too. I’d really like to meet her.”
“I . . . I’ll see whether Geraldine’s busy or not,” Crystal replied quickly. “Do you think
you can find the restaurant by yourself? It’s a small place, THE BEEF & BOTTLE,
and it’s three blocks down on Seventh Avenue. Go ahead and take your nap and
meet us there at six.”
“I can find it,” Gail agreed, sipping the last of her drink. “I’ll be there at six and do see
if Geraldine can make it. I’m looking forward to meeting her.”
A slight smile formed on Gail’s face as she hung up the phone. Crystal must think
she was a complete idiot, trying to put one over on her like this. She could hardly
wait to see what excuse her baby sister gave for the absence of Geraldine. It was
going to be quite an amusing evening but it wouldn’t be pleasant when they got back
to the apartment if Crystal didn’t produce Geraldine. Gail knew she’d give her little
sister a piece of her mind and a warning about fast men in the big city. If Crystal
really was living with a man named Jerry, it was her sisterly duty to warn her. Girls
who slept with men without benefit of marriage always got into trouble, one way or
the other!
“Oooooh!” Gail exclaimed, her hand flying to her mouth. Wasn’t that exactly what she
had done last night? How could she give her baby sister a lecture on promiscuity
when she had behaved like a wanton last night, herself? It was hypocritical!
Gail’s anguished thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the peal of the doorbell.
When she opened the door she looked straight into the face of one of the most
handsome men she’d ever seen in her life!
“Uh . . . she’s not here right now,” Gail stammered, feeling her cheeks aglow with
heat. Was this the man Crystal was living with? He certainly was good looking!
“I’m Jerry’s boss, Frank Harris,” the man introduced himself. “You’re Gail, right?”
Gail mutely nodded, recognizing the man’s voice almost immediately. He was the
man who had called for Jerry earlier.
“Looks like I made a little mistake when I called before,” Frank said, giving Gail a
wink. “Oh, oh, I let the cat out of the bag. Crystal didn’t want you to know she was
living with Jerry. She thought you’d run right to the phone and call your parents and
they’d insist she come back home or something like that.”
“Well . . .” Gail hesitated, flushing painfully. That had been her first reaction and the
flustered teacher still wondered whether she ought to do just that. Now she knew the
whole sordid story was true. This man . . . Frank Harris . . . had just given her the
proof she needed!
“I told them no sister of that girl would do a thing like that,” Frank grinned. “They’re
going to be married, you know, right after Crystal finishes beauty college, maybe
sooner, if I give Jerry a promotion. And I might just do that . . .”
“Uh . . . won’t you come in, Mr. Harris?” Gail said politely, her head spinning from the
drinks she’d had earlier and the effect of discovering her baby sister’s private life.
“Would . . . would you like a drink?”
“Love one, baby,” Frank smiled. “But only if you have one too. We really ought to
discuss these k**s, don’t you think? You do look like a reasonable woman and you
sure are pretty! I didn’t think anyone could be prettier than Crystal but it looks like I
was mistaken.”
“Oh . . . er . . . thank you, Mr. Harris,” Gail stammered, blushing at the compliment. “I
hope you like Brandy and water. I think that’s all Crystal has here.”
“Fine,” Frank said, sinking down on the couch. “Now come over here and tell me all
about your parents. They can’t be as narrow minded as Crystal makes out.”
“Sorry but . . . I’m afraid they are,” Gail said, smiling nervously. It was impossible to
keep her hands from shaking as she handed Frank his drink. He was so handsome
he ought to have been a movie star and the way he was looking at her so intently
was making her blush even more. He looked as if he wanted to . . . to . . . to take her
to bed, for Heaven’s Sakes!
“Well, you certainly aren’t narrow minded, are you Gail?” Frank asked, slipping his
arm around Gail’s shoulders. “No woman as beautiful as you are could be narrow
minded. I’m not wrong, am I?”
“Uh . . . no . . . no! Of course you’re not!” Gail replied, her shoulder tingling where
Frank touched her. She would have confessed that her first reaction was to tell her
parents about her living situation, but now the flustered English teacher discovered
that she didn’t want Frank’s disapproval. He was right she wasn’t narrow minded!
Hadn’t she let Herb fuck her just last night?
“If you’re not narrow minded, I think we ought to celebrate the k**s’ engagement a
bit,” Frank said smoothly. “I might just be persuaded to give Jerry that raise right now
if we had our own private celebration right here. Do you get my meaning, honey?”
Gail blushed. She certainly did get his meaning and the trembling teacher wasn’t at
all sure she liked it! Frank Harris was implying that if she let him fuck her, he’d give
Jerry his promotion and then Crystal and Jerry could get married! The nerve of the
But isn’t that the best solution to the problem? Gail’s mind argued. If Crystal and
Jerry get married right now, I don ‘t have to tell Mom and Dad anything at all about
this shameful situation. It really wouldn’t be too much to do for my own baby sister. I
fucked with Herb last night and this is much more important. I’m already a fallen
woman so what’s the difference? And he’s so . . . so . . . handsome!
“I knew you’d see it my way,” Frank grinned, reaching out to run his fingers over
Gail’s shivering breasts. “You look like a really hot woman, baby. Are you as hot as
you look?”
Gail found herself shaking as Frank’s fingers squeezed her plump, heated nipples.
The drinks made her dizzy and a current of intense desire rippled through her body
as she glanced down at the front of his pants and saw the hard, huge bulge of his
cock. Why not? It wouldn’t be any worse than what she’d done last night and it would
be for a good cause this time, at least. It wouldn’t be so bad fucking with Frank
Harris if that meant that he would give Jerry a promotion so he and Crystal could get
“I . . . I . . . all right,” Gail gasped, her nipples throbbing like fiery rosebuds where
Frank had squeezed them. “But only if you give Jerry his promotion.”
“That’s a promise, baby,” Frank grinned. “Come on in Crystal’s bedroom and we’ll
have a little party . . . a promotion party, right?”
“I’ll tell you what, honey,” Frank said the moment they were inside the bedroom. “If
you can suck my cock really good, I’ll send the notice in for Jerry’s raise tomorrow.
How’s that for a deal?”
Gail could feel the blood rush to her face. Suck his cock? She had never even
thought of something so lewd. How could she bring herself to do something that
wicked? Even if it was going to benefit her baby sister?
“Deal?” Frank repeated, grinning at Gail’s shocked face. Frank was no fool. He knew
he had the lovely young woman right where he wanted her. He was sure that the
only reason Gail had gone along with him thus far was because of her sister but that
didn’t bother
Frank in the slightest. He was horny and Gail definitely was an attractive woman. He
had been planning on giving Jerry a promotion anyway, but the k**s didn’t know that
and neither did Crystal’s beautiful sister. Frank was always ready for a good time
with a woman as attractive and sexy as Gail.
Gail’s mind seemed to spin around a million miles an hour. Could she do something
this far out. She had always tried to protect her baby sister but wasn’t this carrying
things a little too far? Her mind was in turmoil and the lovely English teacher didn’t
even notice the greedy expression on Frank’s face as he stared at her, waiting for
her agreement to seal the bargain.
“Uh . . . it’s a deal,” Gail whispered, blushing again. No sacrifice was too great for
Crystal’s happiness and now it was up to her. She would have to suck Frank Harris’
prick, even though the prospect made her mind whirl in outrage. He was really an
a****l to ask her to do something like that!
“Come on over here then and let’s get started,” Frank grinned, feeling his huge cock
throb as the lovely young teacher reluctantly agreed to his proposition. “Just unzip
my pants and get right to it, baby. You’re going to love it, once you take a little lick.”
Gail shuddered as she moved to the bed and sat gingerly on the very edge. She
knew she didn’t dare say another word or her voice would give away her
nervousness. Gail didn’t know the first thing about fulfilling her part of the bargain.
She had never considered sucking a man’s cock before!
With her heart in her throat, Gail took a sudden deep breath and reached out for
Frank’s zipper. The lovely brunette thought she would feel revulsion as her fingers
pulled Frank’s zipper open. Instead, a current of excitement rushed through her
shaking body. She hadn’t thought she would like to fuck either, and she’d been
pleasantly surprised by that. Perhaps sucking a man’s cock would be the same,
although she couldn’t imagine that it would be very much fun.
Gail’s experience with Herb last night on the blanket in the woods hadn’t prepared
the slightly drunken woman for the way she felt as she stared at the rigid pole of
Frank’s throbbing penis. Sucking his prick was really a lewd and wicked thing to do,
but the more the trembling teacher stared at Frank’s thick, rigid cockshaft, the more
anxious she was to try it. Even though they’d made a deal, Jerry’s promotion wasn’t
uppermost in Gail’s mind at this moment. Gail had almost forgotten about that. The
sight of Frank’s thick, blue-veined stiffness had affected her in the lustiest way
possible. Waves of excitement centered in her squirming cunt as she reached out to
touch the thick meatiness of his blood engorged male member. Perhaps this
wouldn’t be half as degrading as she expected!
“Ooooooh!” she moaned, sliding her fingers up and down the jerking pole of Frank’s
turgid thickness. The inexperienced teacher’s mouth began to water and she
swallowed convulsively, licking her full heated lips with the tip of her tongue. It was
really exciting to think of what would happen when his stiff hot prick slid between the
petals of her moist lips.
Whimpers of desire escaped Gail’s throat. Now that this moment was actually here,
Gail found that she couldn’t wait to taste Frank’s huge, hot prick. The sight of his
throbbing erection was making her forget all about her initial reservations. Jerry
would get his promotion if she sucked Frank’s prick and suck it she would!
Frank’s breath expelled from his lungs in a heavy sigh as Gail’s full lips approached
the head of his swollen cock. Now that he watched her, he was sure that the lovely
young schoolteacher had never before sucked a man’s prick. That knowledge made
Frank even more excited. Crystal’s sister was a real innocent when it came to sex
and he’d be willing to stake his life on the fact that she’d never even thought of
sucking cock before he mentioned it this afternoon.
“Come on, baby,” Frank groaned, his cock jerking mightily. Even though Frank was
sure that Gail wasn’t actively teasing him, the slow approach of her lips was
amounting to the same thing. It was all the horny businessman could do to keep from
reaching up and forcing Gail’s soft red lips down on the shaft of his throbbing
“Uuuuuhhhh!” Frank groaned, his face coloring with the effort of holding back. He
wanted to let this cute little teacher do things her own speed but the wait was killing
him. He felt as if his balls were about ready to burst as her soft breath puffed out
against his sensitive cockhead. The excitement was killing him. It was delicious at
the same time. Gail’s inexperience and hesitancy was really turning the horny
businessman on.
“0ooooh!” Gail’s soft cry of excitement made the lusty car dealer almost forget his
resolve to let Gail take things at her own speed. His fingers clenched and
unclenched, ready to reach up and impale her heated lips with his heavy rigid cock.
Just as Frank thought he couldn’t wait another second, he felt Gail’s lips tremble
against the slippery, smooth head of his prick. Hesitantly . . . her lips spread open
slightly and the tip of her blazing pink tongue made contact with the sensitive surface
of his bloated prick.
“Awwwwww!” an involuntary groan emitted from Frank’s throat. It was the groan of a
man heated to the boiling point with passion. Gail’s innocence excited Frank more
than all the willing and experienced women he’d ever had. There was an air of wideeyed
astonishment about the young teacher that made his cock jerk violently and
stand stiffly at attention, waiting for her first reaction to the taste of his cream.
“Oooooh!” Gail gasped, surprise clearly registering on her face. Her lips trembled
slightly and her tongue peeked out again to sample the forbidden fruit. It was
delicious and a dizzy longing stole through her awakening body. Her tongue probed
eagerly sweeping and fluttering over his swollen prickhead in a fiery liquid caress
that left no doubt in Frank’s mind about what Gail’s reaction was. She loved it!
For the second time in less than twenty-four hours, Gail felt her body beginning to
lose control. To the trembling young woman, it seemed as if the events of the last
night had only been leading up to this new excitement. With an amazed cry of
delight, the lovely young teacher bent down and lapped greedily. Her body was on
fire but it didn’t matter. Her wanton desires were taking over her mind again and
instead of fighting the lewd urges, Gail gave in to them frantically. It was about time
she indulged herself. She had led the life minus sex much too long!
“Awwwww! That’s great, baby!” Frank grunted, shaking a little himself as the lovely
woman’s oral caresses grew bolder and more frenzied. “Come on . . . eat it all up!”
Gail’s face was turning red with embarrassment but Frank’s lewd comments only
served to spur her on to more depraved actions. Her mind whirled fuzzily and Gail
knew that she was fast becoming addicted to the salty manly taste of his huge cock.
It made her head spin dizzily and before Gail had time to even consider what to do
next, her lips opened all the way and she greedily sucked his stiffened cockshaft into
her soft mouth.
Frank yelped in excitement as Gail began to tremble violently. A burst of passion
shot through her curvaceous body. The trembling teacher almost wished that she
could have her cake and eat it too. She wanted to suck Frank’s prick but she wanted
him to fuck her also. Her narrow creaming pussytunnel was squeezing and tingling
with lusty hunger and she was filled with the wanton desire to have a hot, stiff cock
hurtle into the very depths of her femininity. It seemed as if last night had only
whetted the lusty brunette’s appetite for sex. She wanted more . . . much more . . .
and sucking Frank’s huge delicious cock was only a start!
“Mmmmmm!” Gail moaned, licking harder at the smooth heated shaft of his huge
prick. She flipped her tongue frantically around his huge fleshy prickspear and drew
in with her cheeks, sucking as hard as she could
to take every glorious inch into her throat.
The excited teacher’s eyes opened wide with astonishment as she clamped her lips
around the huge pole of Frank’s rigid cock. She couldn’t seem to suck it in the way
she desired. It was so swollen and thick that she could scarcely get it into her mouth.
“Mmmmmmmm!” she exclaimed, swallowing instinctively. That was better! Every
time she swallowed, Frank’s rapier-like erection slid in a little farther. This was the
way to do it. She’d suddenly discovered the secret of cocksucking Gail wasn’t going
to stop until she’d sucked every turgid inch of cockflesh into her throat!
Her lips worked desperately as her smooth throat rippled. Now that she’d tasted this
depraved pleasure, she wanted it all. Another swallow and her head was even closer
to Frank’s body. Even though Gail had been certain that she wouldn’t enjoy this lusty
action, the astonished young teacher found that it was every bit as exciting as
fucking. Gail was enjoying the act of swallowing Frank’s cock so much that she slid
closer and closer trying to suck every bit of his huge inflamed prick between her full,
trembling lips.
“Awwwwww . . . fantastic!” Frank groaned, unable to keep the excitement from
coloring his voice. “Swallow it all, baby . . . just open that tight, hot throat of yours
and swallow it all!”
If she could have smiled, she would have. Her eyes sparkled with pride as Frank’s
strong fingers gripped the sides of her head tightly. She must be doing it right for him
to act so excited. She’d never sucked a cock before, but she’d caught on right away.
Gail was very proud of herself for doing so well.
The aroused young brunette didn’t even struggle as Frank held her head down in
place and moved his hips back and forth. He pushed the full length of his deliciously
meaty erection into her mouth and pulled it back out again in preparation for another
forward lunge. Gail didn’t want this moment ever to stop. It was wonderful! No
wonder that book she’d found in the school locker had contained a section on
cocksucking! It was fantastic fun!
Gail gave a smothered squeal of excitement as the huge rigid pole of his skewering
cock drove deeply into her hungry throat. A dizzy heat was invading her body as she
sucked and a current of passion made her spasming cuntal tunnel vibrate with
delight. The lovely young teacher shivered uncontrollably as his lust engorged cock
probed deeply into her heated squeezing throat and her lips stretched out wide
around his throbbing masculinity. It was happening to her again just like it had
happened last night. Her lusty body was controlling her mind and Gail never wanted
him to stop. With every lunge and withdrawal of his huge stiff erection, she felt
another hot flash of desire flow through her shaking body. Every time Frank’s huge
slick prick slid a little farther down her throat, Gail felt a new series of thrilling ripples
rush through her greedily snapping cunt. It felt as if there were a direct line from her
lips to her heated pussychannel causing these glowing stabs of excitement. Sucking
Frank’s cock was much more fun than anything she’d ever done before and Gail
could scarcely wait to find out what was going to happen next.
Without thinking about what she was doing, Gail’s soft, full lips tightened suddenly
around the thick jerking shaft of Frank’s rigid prick. Her tongue swirled along the
underside of his pulsing erection and her throat rippled enticingly. Heated fires of
passion were glowing in Gail’s lovely, sweetly-curved body and there was no way to
bank the brightly burning fires of lust. First the excitement of last night with Herb and
now the excitement of this illicit afternoon with Frank had awakened the passionate
needs in Gail’s quivering body.
“Mmmmmm!” Her cautious mind stopped functioning altogether. The trembling
young woman could no longer control her half-smothered cries of pleasure as she
sucked and lapped with greedy hunger. The tip of her heated pink tongue darted
along the stiffened length of Frank’s jerking cock and her lips formed a velvety oval
for his pleasure. Her flushed cheeks began to quiver in and out in lusty hunger as
she sucked greedily, drawing in the turgid length of Frank’s thick meatiness. Gail had
tasted the lusty delights of cocksucking and the trembling young woman could never
go back to being an innocent prudish English teacher again!
“OHHHHHHH . . . that’s great, baby!” Frank choked, his voice low and husky.
Crystal’s older sister was really something, just as he had hoped. She was taking to
cocksucking like a duck takes to water and Frank hurtled his hips forward, driving his
masculine hardness in just as far as he could into the wet, heated circle of her
squeezing lips. She was hungry alright and wet and wild and this was just the kind of
afternoon the horny businessman loved.
“Awwwwww . . . yeah!” Frank groaned, feeling his sperm-laden balls tighten. The
middle-aged businessman knew his face was turning red with the effort of holding
back. He’d never met such a greedy little wanton and her squeezing lips and rippling
throat were almost too much for the experienced car dealer. Frank never dreamed
he’d get something like this for promising Jerry a simple promotion!
Gail’s head bobbed up and down automatically as she sucked and licked. Her body
began to quake with excitement and her mind whirled with lusty enjoyment. She had
completely forgotten her motive for sucking Frank’s cock in the first place and the
only thing in Gail’s clouded mind was the pleasure she was experiencing from
squeezing and sucking Frank’s deliciously turgid cock. It was wonderful to wrap her
tongue around his heavy pulsing spear of masculinity and fill her throat with his
skewering thickness. Who would have dreamed that doing something this strange
would be so exciting?
“Oh! Yesssss!” Frank groaned, tightening his grip on Gail’s head. His cock stretched
out, expanding to the limit of his endurance. Another anguished groan pushed past
Frank’s lips as he felt a delicious throbbing start in his heavy, full balls. Gail’s lips
were smacking greedily as they formed a ring of blazing heat around the throbbing
width of his impaling cock. She was great and Frank knew that he couldn’t hang on
to his self-control much longer. Any second he was going to fill her throat with
sizzling sperm.
“Swallow it all, baby!” Frank gasped, his voice harsh and breathless. “Suck it out
suck my cum right down your throat!”
Gail could scarcely wait to do just that. She wanted Frank to shoot his blazing sperm
down her throat. She wanted to suck his prick dry even though it was contrary to
every moral belief the proper teacher had. The thought of right or wrong never once
entered Gail’s lustily swimming mind as she prepared for the rush of blazing
pleasure that would invade her throat. She wanted Frank’s creamy infusion of
prickcream and she wanted it now!
Her mind whirled as she sucked voraciously. She had entirely forgotten about
Crystal’s phone call and her date to meet Crystal and her friend at the restaurant.
The arrangement had completely slipped her mind in the excitement of sucking
Frank’s throbbing cock. Gail was so intent on sucking the thick creamy sperm from
Frank’s jerking prick that she didn’t even hear the door to the apartment open or her
baby sister’s shocked gasp as Crystal and Jerry peeked in the doorway and saw
exactly what she was doing!

- 06.10.2021
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