A Si Ster’s Lust Chapter 2 free porn video

beautiful girl wipe the last dish. “How about going down to the swimming pool and
taking a dip with me?”
“Mmmmm . . . sounds good,” she agreed, forcing a smile on her lips. She couldn’t let
Jerry know how upset she was that Gail was going to visit. Of course Jerry knew that
she was upset but she was dwelling on it and she had to get in a better mood. If she
could only get her prudish sister out of her mind, things would be just fine. It would
only be for a few days anyway and Jerry had agreed to stay with a friend and avoid
the apartment when Gail was here. Jerry was being sweet and understanding about
the whole thing and Crystal knew that she should reward him for being such a
wonderful man. If Jerry wanted to swim in the pool, she’d go with him gladly. Night
swimming was always fun anyway.
“Hey . . . there’s nobody here,” Jerry remarked, gazing around the deserted pool.
“I’ve got an idea, honey. Why don’t we go skinny-dipping? That’s the kind of
swimming I really enjoy.”
Crystal nodded, not wanting to be a spoilsport. She just hoped that no one would
come along when they were swimming. You could get kicked out of the apartment
complex for doing something wild like skinny-dipping!
A few moments later, she was swimming through the clear blue water, feeling like
the wildest woman alive. Jerry had been right, as usual. Skinny-dipping was a treat
and it had completely lifted her spirits. Gail’s visit didn’t seem nearly that alarming
now and Crystal giggled a little as she thought of her prudish sister’s shocked face if
Gail should see her skinny-dipping with Jerry! Gail would curl up and die, even
thinking about swimming nude with a man!
“Mmmmm . . . I love it!” she laughed, diving like a fish and swimming underwater with
her hair streaming out behind her. She surfaced a moment later and tossed her wet
hair back, grinning at Jerry. “This is great, honey . . . I’m in a really good mood now!”
Jerry grinned. He knew how to get Crystal in even a better mood. He gave a quick
glance to make sure there were no other tenants around and called out to her.
“Stand right there, let’s see if I can swim all the way to you underwater.”
Nodding, she stood exactly where she was, nipple-deep in water. She didn’t have
the slightest premonition that anything out of the ordinary was going to happen until
she looked down and saw Jerry’s head coming toward her legs. At first the surprised
girl thought that he was going to try to swim through her legs but then she gave a
sputtering gasp as he grabbed both her ankles and moved up by handholds to her
thighs. Bubbles came to the surface of the lighted pool as Jerry started to come up
slowly until his head was level with her fluffy cuntal mound.
“Wh . . . what are you. . . 00000H!” Crystal gasped as a blazing warmth slipped over
her shivering labia. Jerry was still under the water and he was licking her shivering
cuntal groove with his tongue!
At first she was so startled she almost squealed right out loud. Then she grinned
mischievously and shivered a little as she enjoyed the blazing, mind-spinning
caresses. He was going to have to come up for air soon and when he did, she was
going to have her fun with him. He wasn’t the only one who could play this sexy little
underwater game!
Her eyes widened as Jerry lapped and lapped. He hadn’t told her that he was the
best underwater swimmer on his swim team. She had no idea that Jerry could hold
his breath for so long underwater. Crystal was almost worried about him when he
surfaced at last, red-faced and laughing.
Before he could manage to catch his breath, she was diving beneath the surface of
the water. She might not be able to hold her breath for as long as Jerry but she could
certainly make every underwater second count! And she knew exactly what Jerry
loved. When it came to cocksucking, Crystal had been well trained by her handsome
Jerry yelped but quickly stifled his loud cry as her heated lips enfolded him. Her
mouth was like a burning oven, bathing his cock in a heated glow. She was sucking
him in, drawing strongly on his prick, just like she was starving for the taste of his
turgid masculinity. Even though Jerry tried to keep quiet, he groaned loudly as she
lapped and sucked, twirling her tongue expertly around the soft, swollen velvety
head of his prick.
“HEY! WHAT’S GOING ON DOWN THERE?” an irate voice boomed out from a
second floor apartment. “KEEP IT QUIET, WILL YOU? I’M TRYING TO GET SOME
Just as soon as she came up for air, Jerry grabbed her. “I think we’re going to be in
big trouble if we don’t hurry back to the apartment right away,” he whispered. “The
tenants are already complaining about the noise.”
Crystal giggled seductively. “We could always move the party indoors,” she
whispered back. “Let’s streak back to the apartment. We’ll run so fast nobody’ll
recognize us.”.
No more than thirty seconds later, she and Jerry were back in their apartment with
the door safely shut behind them. Both of them collapsed, laughing on the sofa
ignoring their wet bodies.
“I’m cold!” Crystal complained and a second later Jerry’s head was between her
legs, lapping at the creamy pink lips of her pussy again. A shiver of pure lust rippled
through her and Crystal forgot completely about being cold. It was impossible for her
to be cold now, with Jerry’s tongue sending flickers of fire through her creamy pink
cuntal tunnel.
“Sooooo hot!” the beautiful girl moaned, tossing her head back and forth on the
scratchy sofa cushions. “Ooooooh, Jerry! I’m soooo fucking hot!”
He didn’t find anything contradictory about what she had said. He could tell that she
was hot now. Her pretty pink pussy was practically steaming and he was going to
make her hotter still, but first he had to get over his own chill and Crystal could do a
lot to make him much warmer if she’d simply wrap her lips around his cock and suck
him a little like she’d been doing in the pool.
Crystal let out another giggle when Jerry turned around so they were in the classic
sixty-nine position. She knew exactly what Jerry wanted but it wouldn’t hurt to tease
him a little first. He had almost gotten them in trouble for starting his sexy little game
at the pool. Crystal blushed as she realized that they would have gotten evicted if
any of the tenants had recognized them. They’d have to be more careful but it
certainly had been fun.
“You almost got us in trouble!” Crystal accused, laughter in her voice. It was
impossible to be angry at Jerry’s impulsiveness when his tongue was licking so
deliciously over her shuddering cuntal tissues. How could she be mad at the man
who was making her feel so wonderful? It just wasn’t possible.
Still grinning, Crystal touched the very tip of her heated tip to Jerry’s testicles, licking
them and tickling the heavy full globes at the same time. She heard Jerry’s groan of
pleasure and she smiled happily. This was going to be a wild night! It was starting off
wild already and they’d only begun.
Her hot tongue flicked to the tip of his huge cock and tasted the shiny, slippery drop
of cream that hung there. Delicious! She loved the taste of Jerry’s salty sperm!
“MMMMMMM!” She groaned as he was spurred on to greater efforts. Her body
jerked as if she had been touched with a current of electricity as Jerry licked the
quivering bud of her erect clitoris. The thrills were rushing through her body like a
raging river, driving her lips to open wider and making her cheeks suck lewdly on the
thick delicious shaft of his cock. She had to give him back the same kind of wild
thrills that he was giving her. That was half the fun!
Crystal was breathless as the sweeping thrills went on and on, gathering momentum
like a lumbering freight train until she was speeding into rapture with each flick of
Jerry’s flexing tongue on her sensitive little love button. His cock was sliding in and
out of her tightly ringed red lips and she gobbled eagerly . . . frantically as the
wonderful sweeps of Jerry’s tongue brought her closer and closer to the blinding
edge of rapture.
Just as she felt the first wave of rocking, jolting orgasm, Jerry pulled back, leaving
her hanging there at the very brink of pleasure. She gave a frustrated squeal of
torment and grabbed his head forcing it down. He was teasing her but he wouldn’t
get away with it! She knew Jerry couldn’t hold back for too long himself. And she
wasn’t going to give his huge cock another touch with her tongue until he started
licking her pussy again!
“Awwwwww!” Jerry groaned, knowing exactly what was in her sexy mind. He wished
that he could hold out and tease her a little bit longer but his cock was aching
fiercely, his testicles swollen and hard. He had to feel her sensuous lips sucking his
cock again. He couldn’t wait another second!
She bit her lips in frustration but then she gave a blissful sigh. Jerry’s agile tonguetip
was darting right into the trembling mouth of her pussy, sending shivers up and down
her lusting body. His tongue was wiggling and rimming the tight little feminine orifice
until Crystal thought she would surely pass out from sheer pleasure. Just as the
trembling girl knew she couldn’t stand a moment more of this teasing, frustrating
caress, Jerry’s tongue plunged down, slipping deeply into her tight, heated cuntal
chute and wiggling there like a snake slithering and probing deeply.
“MMMMMPH!” Crystal groaned, grabbing Jerry’s turgid cockpole with her lips again
and drawing in with her cheeks, sucking just as hard as she could. Jerry’s cock was
so swollen that she was almost choking but she kept right on sucking as the thrills
raced through her tingling body, trying to get every inch of his pulsing prickshaft into
her squeezing heated throat.
He let out a yelp of pleasure. She had never sucked his cock this desperately before.
It was fantastic! She was doing everything he had taught her and then some,
instinctively sucking him in deeply and lapping up and down the sides of his
throbbing cockshaft just like she was sucking on a huge, delicious flesh-colored
Jerry groaned again and slid his tongue in deeply, plunging into her blazing well of
feminine sweetness. She was so creamy and blazing that he thought he could feel
sparks run up and down his invading tongue as it came into contact with the
innermost recesses of her trembling fiery channel. Her creamy juices were sweet
and burning with passion, flooding over his taste buds like honey and driving him into
a frenzy of probing erotic delight. Jerry knew that he could never get enough of this.
He wanted more, ever more of her sweet, burning cream and he smacked and
swallowed lustily as flood after flood of the sweet passionate nectar filled his mouth.
“OHHHHH! AHHHHH!” Crystal gasped, licking and sucking as fast as she could. Her
body shivered in delight as she thought about what would happen when Jerry’s
pulsing cock released its store of delicious-tasting sperm. She could scarcely wait for
that ecstatic explosion when his hard, jerking prick would shoot into her greedy
throat. She wanted it all, every drop, and she would keep right on sucking until
Jerry’s cock was completely drained of cream. She would capture every bit of his
strong flooding sperm and let it fill her hungry body with blazing, blasting heat.
The horny stud let out a muffled yelp as her lips slid around his cock tightly. She was
milking him with her lips and tongue, begging and pleading with her squeezing
throat. Crystal wanted him to cum and the thought of that blazing release of sperm
drove Jerry into a frenzied burst of passionate motion.
“MMMMMLPH!” she squealed, her voice choked and muffled around Jerry’s huge
Jerry’s tongue was plunging even harder now. It was as stiff as a sword, plunging
into her cuntal tunnel. It was stiff and agile at the same time, pounding in and then
wiggling lewdly. It was the sweetest stimulation she had ever known and she knew
now that she was at the brink of rapture.
“OHHH! AHHHHH! YESSSSS!” Crystal shrieked again. The heat was coursing
through her body and her mind was whirling around in rapturous circles. Her tight
little cuntal mouth was fluttering strongly around the burning width of Jerry’s tongue
and every plunge, every wiggle, every slipping, slithering movement brought her
closer to that breathtaking pinnacle of orgasm. It wouldn’t be long now. She could
feel that. Thrills were crashing into a crescendo of desire and she squealed and
sucked in wild abandon as she came closer and closer to the glittering goal of
He was almost at the end of his endurance. Her lips were so fiery, so squeezingly
firm around his jerking cockshaft that he knew the moment had arrived. He couldn’t
endure another second of her exquisite torture. His shivering testicles tightened and
pulsed, begging for release. His body shook with the hot tremors of wild passion. His
heart pounded loudly in his chest and then his cock stretched and quivered in her
blazing throat, giving a mighty jerk as his testicles started to pump.
“MMMMMMFFF!” Crystal squealed, swallowing desperately. She felt the head of his
cock balloon out and fill her throat until she could barely breathe. Then the first fiery
blast of sperm shot into her throat and she gave a squeal of pure rapture.
Jerry plunged his tongue in and out in a frenzy of new vigor as his mighty prick
began to burst. He felt her shuddering channel tighten and then it was sucking and
squeezing around his tongue, spasming wildly as she began to explode too, in a
double detonation of joyous pleasure. They were both cumming together and it was
a wild culmination of their little game at the pool.
“YESSS! OHHHHH! I WANT IT!” Crystal gasped. Her pussy was churning and
twisting inside, trying to turn itself inside out so Jerry’s tongue could touch every inch
of blazing orgasming feminine sweetness. His tongue was driving into the eye of her
orgasmic hurricane as she reached the shuddering height of ecstasy and screamed
out her pleasure. Both of them were gobbling, swallowing and sucking until they
dropped back in satisfied exhaustion, flopping back on the couch and giving each
other tired but pleased smiles.
“You’re crazy!” Crystal groaned, laughing joyously. “Do you realize that we could
have been kicked out for doing things like that in the pool?”
“You’re right,” he nodded, grinning lewdly. “I guess I just wanted something to
remember for a couple of days. With your sister here, I’m not going to be able to see
you and that’s going to be tough, baby!”
Her happy expression changed to one of worry. She knew exactly what Jerry meant.
They had been having so much fun living together and now, for the next few days,
they’d have to act like strangers. She couldn’t roll over to him in the middle of the
night and do all the wonderful things they did for fun. Gail would be here . . . prim,
proper Gail! Crystal was sure Gall hadn’t changed a bit. When she was living at
home, Gail hadn’t even had a boyfriend and Crystal was willing to bet that Gail had
never even been kissed. Why Gail would probably faint, dead away, if she knew
even one tenth of what she and Jerry did for fun! Gail simply wouldn’t understand.
Crystal gave a tight little smile in the darkness. She really ought to liberate her older
sister. Maybe she ought to ask Jerry to line Gail up with Frank Harris! That ought to
be good for a few laughs!
The thought was so absurd that she almost dissolved in giggles. There was no way
Frank Harris would be interested in Gail and even if he was, Gail would run from
Jerry’s handsome boss as if he were hell on wheels! Not even Frank, as darkly
handsome and experienced as he was, could turn Gail into a sexy person. Crystal
would have bet her life on that!

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