Doctor Doctor 0
- 2 years ago
- 85
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Tony felt happier than he had ever been. The song of the birds was sweeter. The touch of the wind made his senses come alive. The grass was greener. Even the girls were prettier, though seeing them only made him want Manjula more.
They say that oral sex is not sex, but it is. Bill Clinton had been wrong. Tony did not feel a virgin anymore, and he could not think of Manjula as one either. She had been right. They had crossed a line, a line that Tony felt himself well rid of.
He still wanted to have full-fledged intercourse with her, of course, but he knew how much just this oral sex would have cost her. Let it wait. It was hard to see how he could be any happier than he already was.
He could not stop thinking about the incredible experience, to the point where he spaced out in class, or dropped sentences with his classmates in the middle of study sessions.
He even ran into Tiffany at lunch again one day. She stared at him for a moment before recognition dawned. “Say, aren’t you the guy who—”
“Thank you so much for introducing me to Manjula!” he boomed, warmly shaking her hand, then boldly kissing it. He could not resist bragging a bit. “She knows everything now! Everything!” he crowed as he walked off, leaving Tiffany flabbergasted.
He found Manjula on a couch in the lounge area. She smiled, that sweet gentle smile he loved so much. He snuggled up beside her.
“Somebody looks very happy today,” she said, with a tone of unmistakable smugness.
“It was paradise. Pure paradise. The only thing was—”
“Please do not say I did something wrong.”
“Nothing. But I didn’t do anything right, or anything at all, really. I didn’t give you anything.”
“I think I got the better side of that equation. How do you boys survive with only one orgasm a day? I had three.”
“I didn’t even notice—”
She laughed. “I do not think you were in any shape to notice. But it is okay. I know now what the other girls meant, why they take it in the mouth. You men have a baser, more raw sexuality than we women. Being close to it like that is like being close to the earth itself, rich and fertile and full of life. Never be ashamed of your carnal desires. They make you the man you are. And watching you react that way — so strong and powerful and yet at the same time so open, so exposed and vulnerable — made me feel like a goddess, like Lady Rati herself. It did not feel quite as good as your fingering me, but it was very close. In a moment like that, I only need one hand.”
“I still want to keep fingering you—”
“You will, believe me, you will.”
“But tell me one thing, I have to know…”
Tony’s face was red, he could barely meet Manjula’s eyes.
“Did it stink?”
Manjula snorted with laughter, so loudly that it drew stares across the room. “Of course it did not, foolish boy! I am a cleaner of dirt, not an eater of dirt!” She kept laughing until she saw just how relieved Tony looked.
“Actually,” she went on, “your kundi tastes better than some other parts of your body. Would you believe it is a little sweet?”
“I’m not sure I do believe that. I wonder if… next time… I could do the same for you—”
“Next time?” Her eyebrows shot up.
“I mean, if… I just thought…”
“I was only joking. Of course you can,” she said. “I am looking forward to it.”
Tony’s cock pulsed a little, and his eyes burned with a hot light.
“I wish we could do it more often,” he said. “Having to work around roommates really sucks. I wonder if we could go away for the weekend sometime.”
“I do not think either of us has time for that,” she said regretfully. “But there are always the holidays. We can learn how to ski together.”
Tony looked at her, thinking about how much there was he wanted to show her, share with her, explore with her.
“You know what would be great?” he asked. “If you go back to Sri Lanka over the summer or anything, I could go with you.”
“It would be awesome! I’ve wanted to go there for years, but my parents weren’t interested, and they always said I shouldn’t go alone.”
“I am sure you could manage. You are a grown man, and plenty of foreign tourists come to Sri Lanka.”
“But I want to go with you,” said Tony.
“There would be far too much gossip in my village. Even your staying in a hotel nearby would lead to rumours spreading.”
“But there’s the whole rest of the country! I have relatives in Colombo, Batticaloa, and Jaffna—”
“Who will also spread rumours, and probably will not even let me in their homes,” Manjula reminded him.
“Well, screw them then. I’ve read the tourist books. I can’t believe there’s so much to see in one small island.” Excitedly, he went on about the beaches, among the best in the world, the historical sites in Anuradhapura, whale watching in Mirissa, the elephant sanctuary in Pinnawala, mountain climbing at Adam’s Peak, wildlife in Yala National Park, festivals in Kataragama…
“You know more about travelling in Sri Lanka than I do. I have never been to any of those places. I have seldom gone far from my village, except to visit relatives in Colombo.”
“Why not?”
“We cannot afford to stay in a hotel. If we do not have relatives to stay with, we do not go. And even bus fare to Colombo can cost as much as five hundred rupees.”
That was less than four Canadian dollars. To go a distance of more than three hundred kilometres.
“Foreign tourists usually take trains or tourist buses, which are air-conditioned and much more expensive,” she added. “But they go only to the big tourist sites you were talking about. Those are mostly in the Sinhalese parts of the country.”
“What I want to see most of all is Jaffna. Both my parents were born there. I feel I could understand everything so much better if I could see it, just once.”
“Why is that?”
“It’s where my ancestors come from. In that sense, it’s home.”
Home. Manjula’s eyes filled with tears.
It was not the beaches, or the mountains, or the scenery, or the sights that Manjula thought of when she thought of Sri Lanka. It was her aunt and uncle, who had worked so hard to give her the chances to grow and succeed in life. It was her three little cousins who looked up to her, who all called her simply akka, “big sister”.
It was also the way the birds warbled, early in the morning, the way the sunlight streamed into the hut. It was the soothing tropical heat, the lush palm trees, the cool evening breezes. It was sipping on falooda on a hot afternoon, tricking monkeys to throw down coconuts, swimming in little streams, sneaking a hot toddy when no one was looking. It was sitting on the ground, eating with your fingers off a banana leaf, the way the gods intended.
Tony could sense her distress. “Home… you’re really homesick, aren’t you?”
“I like it here too. And you have made life here very special for me. But there is no place like home,” she said, a woebegone expression on her face.
She lay her head on his chest and he stroked her hair for a while, wondering what he could say to comfort her. Then an answer came to him.
“In that same sense,” he pointed out, “Canada isn’t really anyone’s home, except for aboriginal people.”
“What do you mean?”
He told her the story of Canada, the real story. Not the dates and acts of dead white men, but the story of migration and upheaval. It was a tale that ran from orphan French girls desperate for a husband in the seventeenth century to Scots fleeing massacres in the eighteenth; from Irish dying of famine to Italians fleeing overpopulation to Sri Lankans running away from war and poverty.
For centuries, the long line of defeated peoples had trekked across the oceans to find a new place for themselves in this cold land of the north. All struggled with feeling homesick and lonely and foreign. All battled hostility and suspicion from predecessors who had forgotten their own origins. All learned to thrive, mixing the old traditions and the new, synthesizing a way of life that worked for them.
Finally, perhaps, as usual, a song captured his feelings better than anything he could have said.
U2’s Walk On was a song that talked not of a place in the globe but a place in the heart, of a longing to belong, to heal the wounds of separation and distance.
Tony halted abruptly, realizing the song’s ending was probably not appropriate to the situation. He just sat there for a while, cuddling her against him, listening to her breathing.
It did not occur to him that she could always google the entire song later.
Manjula came late to math class that afternoon. A little breathless, but he could not see any sign of pain on her face.
“Are you okay?” he whispered to her. “I had an appointment,” she replied, without further explanation. They resumed taking notes. Afterwards she excused herself again, saying she had to meet a group working on a project for economics class.
Tony thought this a bit odd, since she wasn’t heading in the direction of the library, or even the business faculty.
Later, they made plans for their next “painting” session, although, as Manjula winsomely pointed out, they were well past the painting stage.
“But before you come over, I want you to do something. Some Tamil homework.”
Tony was game for this; working on Tamil meant, as it always had, more time with Manjula.
“I want you to translate this Tamil song,” she said, handing him a printout. Tony thought he recognized it, from a popular mythological film from a few years ago.
“But no cheating by looking it up online,” she admonished. “I can google any translation that is out there. You must do this yourself.”
Tony could live with that. There were dictionaries on hand in the library.
He didn’t finish until just before Manjula’s deadline.
He stared at his translation. It was very hard not to conclude that she was sending him an unsubtle message. Orey Oor Oaril is performed in the film by a warrior princess. The Tamil version of the song is full of thinly concealed sexual innuendo. Ostensibly she is praising her betrothed’s “sword”, but Tony knew what Manjula had in mind.
Tony read up and down, checking again and again to see if he had gotten it right. The song had provoked a reaction in him, all right, though maybe not the one Manjula had been going for.
He headed over to her room, his pulse racing alongside his footsteps. He had no idea how this evening would end.
He knocked on the door. He heard a rustling sound of some kind before she finally said, “come in.” What did that mean? Usually she just opened the door.
Manjula was standing by the window, her divine figure framed by the bright sun, wearing nothing but a shy smile. Her right hand was over her breasts, with something shiny-looking between her fingers. Her left hand brandished a printed sheet of paper, blocking the view of her pussy.
What was going on?
“I saw the doctor.” She passed him the shiny thing, exposing her breasts. It was a packet of birth control pills. The first row was already finished.
“And I no longer wish to be a doctor.” She gave him the paper, letting him see her pussy. Her change of major to applied mathematics had been approved.
“All that you want is now yours,” she said proudly. There she stood, her nude body inviting and desirable, her face filled with love and surrender and fierce joy.
“Not all,” Tony replied.
Everything had fallen into place. It was clear to him at last what he had to do. His mind, his heart, and his cock were ready to speak as one. He dropped to one knee.
“Manjula,” he said, “will you marry me?”
He gazed into her eyes. Her beauty had etched itself into Tony's mind many times before — the twinkling in her eyes when she laughed, the wild ecstasy when he fingered her, the sweet smile and soft eyes that had mesmerized him so much. But that seemed nothing compared to the look of blissful hope on Manjula's face now.
She opened her mouth. Were her lips forming the word yes? They seemed to for a moment, then snapped shut.
She was looking at him with excitement in her face, but also doubt.
“Are you not afraid?” she asked finally.
“Why would I be afraid?”
“You said… you said that in this country people take years before they decide to marry. That they would rather break up than marry the wrong person.”
“You are the right person. I never want to break up with you. Not ever. I love you. I love you more than anything. More than life itself.”
Her eyes were wet, but still, she hesitated. “Please Tony, you must answer me something honestly.”
“Do you want to marry me just so we can make love? You do not have to do that. My body is yours, whenever and for however long you want me.”
“Of course I want you. I've wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you. When I look at you I see a beautiful body I can stare at for the rest of my life. I see hands that always know how to excite me. But do you know what else I see?”
“I see a soul with courage. I see a stranger in a strange land, brave enough to try anything new and learn anything different. I see a brilliant mind and a generous heart, a heart that cares about people, deeply. I see someone who inspires me, who has made me a better man. I see the one who has taught me who I really am and where I come from.
“I see someone who doesn't try to change me or make me something I'm not. I can tell you my darkest desires and you're still willing to trust me with your body. You're the only one I can be myself with, completely.
“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is far, far better life that I go to than I have ever known.”
Tears were streaming down her face, but Manjula summoned a smile. “You took that from a book, did you not?”
“And more.” His eyes bored into hers. “Every path you have trod, through wilderness, through war, has led you to this road,” he said, absolute conviction in his voice. “Become who you were born to be.”
And suddenly she was falling to her own knees, grabbing him, holding him tightly to her, pressing her body against his, kissing him with every ounce of strength she had. “Oh Tony, my beloved, my darling, of course, of course, of course, I will marry you.” He could say nothing else, her lips were on his, they were rolling around on the floor. She was wearing perfume for the first time, the scent was like wine, intoxicating him.
Manjula’s face was wet with tears, salty, warm tears, tears of joy. Tony could not think of anything else but how much he loved her, how badly he desired her, how he never wanted to be anywhere, do anything, but lay there in her warm embrace.
“I have learned as much from you as from any professor,” she said. “You have taught me about my body, what it means to feel, to live. When you touch me, when you kiss me, when you hold me, I can feel how much love there is in you, how badly you want to give it. I have never felt as safe with anyone as I do with you.
“I see in you a man who never stops trying to improve himself, never gives up trying to be even better than he already is. I see a man who always has something new to teach me, a man whose mind can challenge mine.
“I feel like a bird that has left the nest. I feel like a child learning to walk for the first time. You have given me a new life. You have shown me a future I could not have thought possible. You have believed in me as no one else ever has. And I know” — she was crying in earnest now — “I cannot face life without you beside me.”
They lay there on the floor, holding each other in their arms for a long while. Then, on a sudden impulse, Tony rose to his knees, put one arm behind her shoulders, the other behind her legs, and lifted her up. She squealed in surprise, but the workouts they had been doing together had paid off. He was now just strong enough to stand up and carry her to the bed.
Manjula’s fingers trembled as she fumbled with his buttons, but she brushed his hands away when he tried to undress himself. His cock rammed to attention when she pulled off his boxers.
“Your cock is so beautiful. It is my favourite part of your body,” she said, kissing it. She opened her mouth to wrap around it, but Tony had to block her. “I’m still new at this, I am not strong enough to do both—”
“Say no more,” she replied. “You are not leaving this room until you have been inside me for as long as you can.”
Now it was Tony’s turn to have tears in his eyes. Every girl he had stared at since the age of thirteen, every classmate he had been besotted with, every celebrity infatuation he’d felt, every romance-movie star he had longed for, every model who had seduced him online, every porn actress he had masturbated to, all of them were but signs on the path that led to Manjula.
They lay there together, their hands exploring and feeling every nook and cranny of each other’s body. Her skin was so soft and delightful. Her hands drew their magic on him, an enchantment all the more binding because of where he knew it would lead.
Tony could hear how powerfully Manjula’s heart was pounding, could feel how wet her pussy was, could taste the hunger and desire on her lips. She was his. This beautiful girl was going to be his wife. Her breast was in his mouth, her ass in his hands. The lovers could not keep their hands and lips off each other. They sucked and fondled and licked and stroked and kissed each other to their heart’s content, basking in the sheer, unadulterated pleasure they took in each other’s body.
At long last Tony lay on his back. “This may hurt a bit—”
Manjula laughed. “Do you mean my hymen? You forget I have done farm work. Mine broke years ago.” One step ahead of him, to the last.
She sat on top of him, the picture of brown beauty. Tony could not conceive of anything more wondrous than her naked body. Her hair flowed more smoothly than a waterfall, her breasts were as inviting as ripe grapes, her tiny waist as heavenly as the clouds. He could feel the wetness of her folds brushing the end of his equally wet cock. But none of that beauty could compare to the expression of devotion on her face. For what reason he could barely fathom, he knew that she loved him with every fibre of her being.
Slowly, gingerly, she began to lower her pussy onto his cock. Tony felt her power wash into his body, like the first sip of the strongest liquor.
In ancient India, the Upanishads told of moksha, of liberation:
For verily the woman is like the fire of sacrifice
her midsection is the fuel
her hair is the whiff of smoke
her pussy like a flame
the cock is the coal
that sets off the sparks of pleasure
Tony felt himself leave the plane of this earth and step somewhere beyond. Dreams and reality were melding into one. Time seemed to slow down, as if he could feel all of life foretold in a matter of seconds. As if through some mystic glass, Tony could feel their joy the day they would turn the keys and step into their own home. He felt the bliss of the day their children would arrive, out of this very same holy of holies he was entering.
Tony was burning. Indeed his cock was burning, inside a pussy that felt like dragon’s fire. He put his arms around Manjula and leaned her forward, thrusting into her. He could feel her body vibrate around him, hear her screaming his name, realized he was screaming hers.
In his vision Tony could see the struggles, the loneliness, the homesickness, the long nights agonizing how to pay the bills, the times of unemployment, of prejudice, of failure. But they were not his struggles, they were their struggles. There was no more he, no more she, there was only they. One hand washes the other. In the union of cock and cunt is found the strength to break all of life’s obstacles, beat back all the hammer blows of this world. Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife, and they will become one.
Manjula was quaking, erupting, eyes rolling, hair flying, holding tightly onto him. Tony was shaking, moaning, and then rivets of power coursed through his body like thunderclaps. His seed poured into her like a storm. This was not cumming as he was used to, a wave of pleasure felt by penis alone. He felt this come from every inch of him, from his head to his toes, from the surface of his skin to the depths of his soul.
In those seconds Tony’s mind flitted through the years, dreaming of the old age they might one day face together, of letting go of youth and beauty, of accepting the rolls and the wrinkles of time. He dreamed of the pain of sickness, of senility, of finally the bleak day when one would say goodbye to the other. Yes, even pain is a dream, if that pain is shared as deeply as the pleasure. For life is more than a song. For every up there is a down, yet no misery faced together is a misery for long. No greater hope could they have, no dream could mean more, than that even fifty, sixty years hence, he might have the privilege of entering this pussy, no matter how much its beauty might fade. This was where his cock belonged. Where he belonged.
She fell on top of him, arms around him, holding onto him desperately. It could not have been more than a few minutes, but Tony and Manjula were heaving as if they had run a marathon.
“I’m sorry I could not last longer—”
“Do not spoil this moment.” She silenced him with a kiss. “Do not worry, I had two climaxes in that time.” She snuggled into him and lay her head contentedly on his shoulder. There they lay, listening to the sound of each other breathing.
“I love you so much,” she said at last. “I cannot wait to do this again.”
“If we get married soon, we could apply for married-student housing,” Tony reminded her.
Manjula’s eyes glistened. “We could do this every day.”
She looked up at him. “I have not forgotten those videos. Over time, one day… one day I want to try everything you desire. Everything.”
“But some of those are hurtful—”
“They are beautiful. I remember that Bible psalm you told me about. You are my shepherd; I shall not want. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of lust, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your hands and your lips, and yes, your cock, they comfort me.”
Tony was too moved to respond. He held her soft, warm body close to him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life cuddling her. Just like this.
Paal irukkum, Manjula began to sing. There is milk. Tony remembered that milk and fruit are ritually displayed in Hindu weddings. They are not eaten. Just as there is a wedding bed, but no sleep takes place there.
She might not be a doctor. But they had found their cure.
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Her slender leg bobbed up and down as Georgia sat in the Doctors waiting room. Charlotte her best friend was sat with her placed a hand on Georgias knee in an attempt to calm her nerves.A few minutes passed when Georgia heard a soft but firm voice call her name, as she stood and to face the direction of the voice she saw a tall medium built man in a lab coat. She instantly felt her legs go weak, but managed to ask if Charlotte could come in too. The Doctor smiled reassuringly and nodded....
I have often wondered about my sexual fascination with my parents, aside from the obvious appeal of something taboo and forbidden. As I was growing up I was happily delighted to start growing breasts and pussy hair at a very young age, I was already a full c cup at the age of 14. I am currently 18 and you could portray me as a voluptuous 36dd pear shaped rosy nipples - 30 waist - 40 inch hips, 5 foot 4 with full curly auburn red hair, with an hourglass figure.Following the agreement my mother...
I have often wondered about my sexual fascination with my parents, aside from the obvious appeal of something taboo and forbidden. As I was growing up I was happily delighted to start growing breasts and pussy hair at a very young age, I was already a full c cup at the age of 14. I am currently 18 and you could portray me as a voluptuous 36dd pear shaped rosy nipples - 30 waist - 40 inch hips, 5 foot 4 with full curly auburn red hair, with an hourglass figure.Following the agreement my mother...
Doctor Peters IAngela Meyers opened the door to the medical suite. Perspiration made her yellow cotton sun dress cling just under her ‘D’ cup breasts. It wasn’t that hot out. The perspiration was mainly due to nerves. She had not been to see a doctor in nearly two years. When old Dr. Griffin had retired his patients and files had been taken over by a young physician just out of med school. Angela had never met Dr. Cynthia Peters but she had received the letters informing her of the change. Now...
Link to the first story: Link to the second story: Hi guys, this is Nosha returning for the final time with another installment of how I witnessed my mother’s indescretions. After accidentally seeing her with Mitra uncle, I had set her up for a gangbang with my driver and his friend Abdul. That had developed into another gangbang at Abdul’s garage the very next morning and I heard even Abdul’s two sons got a healthy share of her. After that morning I had noticed red marks around mom’s...
IncestThe Witch Doctor by Rohmer Fan Darryl Rockwood scratched his thickly salt & pepper bearded chin and cut the engine of his rented SUV. The beams flickered off leaving the back of this dive bar hidden mostly in the dark except for a backdoor silhouetted in light, framing his way in. He took a deep breath. The parking lot was full of covered bikes and suped-up 70s gas-guzzlers. He wasn't expecting the Bed, Bath, and Beyond crowd to be waiting for him inside. Rockwood was a hunter,...
You didn't go travelling through time and space without bumping into the odd flora or fauna that stimulated a being's more amorous tendencies. Luckily, the Doctor knew most of them and could take great care in avoiding such potentially uncomfortable and well, sexual situations. So, only one problem truly remained: It was a really, really, really big universe. ***** Sarvos XI was a beautiful planet. Truly, mind-bogglingly beautiful. Amy stood on the top of the hill just...
Doctor Guitterrez TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. ====================================================================== "Doctor's office," said the female phone attendant "Yes, Hello. Doctor Overberg suggested I set up an appointment with Doctor Baxter at his first...
‘So glad you could come by today.’ The doctor said while shaking her hand. Nicole gave him a friendly nod. ‘Thanks for having me I guess.’ She was a bit nervous and overly self-conscious about her sweaty palms. The moment the doctor let go of her hand she wiped her palms on her jeans. This didn’t quite look like a doctors office. It looked like the hallway of a big cluttered townhouse, with piles of magazines and some medical canisters. The white coat he wore was stained and resembled the...
"Really, Mr Bennet, I do not think I can stand it any longer,” wailed his wife. “I just caught Kitty in the bushes again, this time with two officers. She seemed to have lost most of her clothes again, and whilst one of the officers had his big weapon down her throat, the other one…”“I think I can imagine the scene well enough,” interrupted Mr Bennet hurriedly. “It is most regrettable that Kitty really has no sense of decorum, or indeed any sense at all.”“It’s all too much for my poor nerves,”...
MedicalDoctor’s diagnosis ‘GAY’ 2Doc HolidayI’m a man in my mid 50’s standing 5’10” at 220 pounds. My hair is salt & pepper and my skin is white with pink at the points of color; lips, finger & toe nails, nipples, & dick head.I had a new insurance policy through my work forced upon me, thanks Obama, but figured I would just make the best of it. Little did I know how this change would alter my life. The first visit was, well, like no doctor visit I have ever experienced in my 50 plus years,...
The building looked harmless enough as Monet pulled into the carport built into the side of the building. She’d made long enough of a drive from Pacific Palisades that turning back was not an option for the C.E.O of Clearview Productions. Her personal assistant Betty had sworn that she would get the desired results and she was out of options. The office was on the second floor just like Betty had told her, but she felt a little apprehensive due to the lack of lighting in the enclosed...
This is not my story, I found it online and wanted to share. Enjoy!My sister and I had always had a great relationship. I was the younger "protective" brother and she was the older "troubled" c***d that always had me on my toes. You see my sister and I were the only ones we could count on after my dad died in a plane accident. My mother was a local gynecologist, and always busy with patients and rarely at home. So that left my sister and I with a lot of time together to talk and lounge around...
My name is R*****s and I am 34 years old. I’m married since the past 3 years to my wife, Nadiya who is now 26 years old. She is really looking average beauty. We live near Hyderabad and our married life is brilliant and we don’t have any problem in our relation, except one. It was my almost impossible and weird fantasies regarding my wife which and I thought will never occur. I love my wife and she loves me more than I do. My unusual fantasy was to see my beautiful sexy young wife to get...
Alice blinked, surprised to find herself sitting on an uncomfortably hard wooden chair in front of a very large desk, behind which sat a very large man with an incredibly bushy mustache and sideburns and very little hair on top of his head. He looked very official, as did the room he inhabited. He also sounded very official (in other words, quite pompous).“So, these adventures you had. You believe them to be real? That you really were captured by…” he paused, glancing down at an open notebook....
MedicalHi all. This is writing on the story of a doctor who took care of the itching of a guy, and through it gave him a nice hand job. Your comments and feedback are welcome. It is been just few weeks since I came to this big city. I got a job in the outskirts of this city and I grabbed that opportunity and came here. I needed this job to stand on my own foot and be of fewer burdens to my family. I barely completed my high school when I embarked upon this journey. Within the past few weeks I got...
Meri biwi ki tabbiyat thik nahi lag rahi thi. Isliye main usko sham ko doctor ke paas le jane wala tha. Jagne ke baad maine usse tayar hone ko kaha. Usne black tight blouse aur saree peheni thi. Shayad usne jo kuch bhi piya tha uska asar shayad abhi bhi tha. Bahar barish shuru thi. Hum doctor ke yaha pahonch gaye. Humara last number tha. Hum dono bhig chuke the. Woh doctor mera dost hi tha. Woh kafi gora tha. Hum pahonche to wahan 2-3 number the. Maine biwi ko bola mera kuch kaam hai main ata...
Hi readers, I am Salim 28 years old married since past 3 years my wife is Shahana 25 years old very hot very sexy looking. She actually looks very similar to Priyanka Chopra. We reside near to Hyderabad. Ours married life is wonderful we don’t have any problem what so ever except just one. It was my thinking my fantasies which were not going true. I loved my wife and she loved me more than I do. My fantasy was to see my sexy young wife fucked hard by another male. Any doctors from Hyderabad...
Sue and her husband Steve have a visit to the doctor. Sue had been feeling poorly with this bug. It affected her throat and chest and she had a bit of cough. She decided after a few days she could not shift it so she went to the doctors for an examination. As they were a lot of patients with the same symptoms the doctors office was inundated,so a late afternoon appointment was the only one available. She booked in and asked if you would drive her to the doctors as she was so unwell to drive...
Doctor weston 2 Doctor Weston leaned back in bliss after his secretary had just given him an amazing blow job, he had a few more minutes to enjoy the afterglow until his next appointment. Tom and Abbie smith walked into the doctor's office and sat on the chairs he offered them. The Doctor looked over the pair, Tom was a short guy only around 5 foot, with a thin frame and long dirty blonde hair down to his shoulders. Abbie was of similar height and build but with Red hair. Doctor...
Diane and Brian Adams married young. Soon after their honeymoon Brian got a promotion and they purchased a bigger house. They moved away from the city into suburban Long Island. Diane was a good mother and very devoted to her family. family activities were rather normal: picnics on the beach during the summer and ice skating during the winter. Brian kept excelling at work which he paid for by having less time to spend with the family so Diane played a major role in raising their k**s. She was a...
Diane and Brian Adams married young. Soon after their honeymoon Brian got a promotion and they purchased a bigger house. They moved away from the city into suburban Long Island. Diane was a good mother and very devoted to her family. family activities were rather normal: picnics on the beach during the summer and ice skating during the winter. Brian kept excelling at work which he paid for by having less time to spend with the family so Diane played a major role in raising their k**s. She was a...
There was a ceiling, long, white, narrow, and far away; with bright florescent lights. Cecily looked at it. "Where am I?" she mumbled. She was light, floozy, swimming in a bath of warm air and her body was lead. She forced her eyes to open, made them, looked round, but it was hard and it took effort. Every movement was sapping her energy. "What have you done? Where have you brought me?" "You're at the barracks, Cecily," replied an echoey male voice. "We need to talk, but there's...
Introduction Steampunk is a genre which came into prominence during the 1980s and early 1990s and incorporates elements of science fiction, fantasy, alternate history, horror, and speculative fiction. It involves a setting wherein steam power is widely used. It can be in an alternate history such as Victorian-era Britain or the "Wild West" in the United States. Another scenario would be in a post-apocalyptic time. The scenario would usually incorporate elements of either science-fiction or...
Doctor weston 3 Doctor weston turns mother into daughter's boyfriend and boyfriend into mother. Doctor weston put Samatha under his spell, he had sent Janet and Jack across the road to get a drink while he did his work on her. They had come in to help settle an argument about Janet moving in with her boyfriend Jack. Samantha being Janet's mother thought, at 18 they were both to young. "Samatha, you don't feel you should bother dressing in dresses anymore, they aren't you at...
My wife complained that her pussy was very itchy. It was getting so bad that she was very uncomfortable. We decided to go see a gynecologist. We had just moved in to this small town and my wife didn’t have any idea about who to go to. When I called one of my friends he recommended the name of his friend who was a gynec in the government day-hospital. It was rather unusual as in the country side small towns in India, usually females prefer to go to female gynecs. But since that was our...
Moving on to the story. It was the beginning of the school year and it was now the time to get a physical in order to play football. I had two weeks before tryouts started and I was in desperate need of one. I waited till the last second so I couldn't get my regular doctor so I made in appointment with a new doctor I've never heard of before. I walked into the doctors building it was a nice place I guess, looked like a doctors office should. I wasn't really nervous I just didn't...
Hi,I am posting our real sex story.Doctor and my wife who fucked .We are couple and this is our first sex story.This happened all of sudden and my wife cheated me.I was not aware the reality of my wife. this is true story which I am posting here. once myself and my wife gone to doctor for her medical check up. she had some gynae problems. doctor was male and young. we both entered his clinic. we sat his front him. he asked my wife to sat beside his chair. she gone and sat besides his chair....
My wife is originally from India. When I married her, she was in her early twenties and her family had just immigrated to the US. Having been raised in a conservative background, she was always very shy about her body. I was always looking for ways to make her less inhibited. I wanted her to wear more revealing clothes, and to show off more of her body. I always found it a turn-on to have other men look at her. She had a slim, tight body and never failed to get attention from men wherever she...
The button was pressed...Amy Pond awoke, not with a start, but gently, as if awakening from a long nap. For a minute, she was groggy as the curtain of sleep fell away and the comfortable warmth around her cradled her still addled mind. It wasn't long, however, before she realized that something was terribly wrong.The room was unfamiliar. In her travels with the Doctor, Amy had become accustomed to unfamiliar rooms, but the fact that she had not exited the TARDIS to get to this one was cause for...
Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathiyil thirumanam aana ennai doctor sexiyaaga sex seithu oothar. Ennai eppadiyellam oothar enbathai naam indru tamil kama kathiyil paarkalam, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar vinitha vayathu 32 aagugirathu, enaku thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal. Enaku udambu sari ilai enbatharkaaga oru doctorai sendru paarthu santhithom, avar parka azhagaga irunthaar. Muthal muthalil avarai paarkum pozhuthe ennai thanimaiyil thaan...
Hi story readers me Gujarat ke rajkot sahar se hu meri age 27 sal he aur meri chest 38” he kamar 32” he aaj me jo apko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo meri aur ek doctor ki he aaj se karib ek hafte pahale ki he mere pair me dard ho raha tha to me hamare ghar ke pas ek orthopaedic doctor ko dikhane ke liye gaya to doctor ne muje apni pant nikalkar table par sone ko kaha me apni pant nikalkar table par so gaya fir doctor mere pair ko daba kar puchhane laga yaha dard kar raha he fir vo thoda upar hath...
Hi, I am Ishita and this my story when I went to for a check-up to a doctor with my mom (Sujata). Read about the great time we had. I was 18 when this happened and was a virgin with a figure of 32-28-32. Let me first tell you a bit about my family. We are 3 people in the house, me, my mom (Sujata), and dad (Rajesh). My dad works in a company where he holds a good post. His job is a responsible one and her works almost 10 hours daily. My mom is a housewife. My mom is very beautiful and was...
LesbianLinda have been complaining about her stomach bothering her. Her regular doctor has been out of town. She couldn’t wait till he comes back so she went to see a different doctor. It was a small clinic in downtown, there was a nurse and one doctor. Not many people there today. I took Linda in, we got there late, she was the last person to be seen.I stayed in the waiting room while she went back. She was back there for a long time. I know why too. As I sat there I heard Linda having an orgasm, she...
Doctor Weston 4 Jenny and Kate's story Jenny and Kate Dawson, sat in a trance as Doctor Weston spoke, "Jenny you have never felt very feminine, always feeling your shoulders are to wide, that you are to tall and your voice is too deep. Now is the time for you to start behaving the way you feel. You'll no longer wear makeup, as you only wore it to try and hide your true self. Keeping yourself smooth, also no longer interests you, being hairy is the way you should be. Dresses,...
The next thing I knew, I was looking at the hottest blonde milf that I had ever seen in my life. She was all slender and had on a white lab coat, unbuttoned to show a red blouse and a little bit of cleavage. She wore wire-framed glasses and bright red lipstick, and she had long, fingernails painted the same red as her lipstick. I was pretty sleepy, and I didn’t know where I was, but I was ready to get down to business. “Hey baby,” I started to say, but then I stopped. The right side of my...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. I’m umesh 23yrs old bisexual. Story suru hoti hai college ke canteen se, roz ki tarah me apne dosto k saath betha tha aur ek dost ne baat nikali k doctor Suresh gay hai aur woh patients pe chance marta hai. Meh woh doctor ko janta tha jam meh kafi young tha to pere papa uske paas hi le jaate the ilaj k liye muju woh baat thodi shocking lagi. Fir mene wahi baat aur 2-3 logo k muh se suni. Ab mere maan me laddu futne lage mene maan bana liya ki meh b jau ga...
It is three months since my first appointment with the doctor. Our meeting resulted from a recommendation by a mutual acquaintance. Such is the doctor's esteem and so distinguished are her clients – she abhors the term 'patients' – that I was surprised that she wanted to see me. But she did, and now each Wednesday's visit is the keystone around which I build my week. An oasis of calm during which I can unburden myself of my cares and concerns, as she sits and listens and helps me to a better...
They all needed a good rest after that, and the Tenth Doctor had the brilliant idea of taking the lot of them to the Zaggit Zagoo bar, an intergalactic tavern he frequented on the planet Zog. They were all in hearty agreement, and soon there were 13 TARDISes all parked in a row outside the lively establishment. As the night went on, the Doctors all got a bit drunk, particularly Nine, Ten, and Eleven, who had previously believed themselves to have caused the extermination of their own species....
My eighteen year old daughter Kristy was recently hired by a modeling agency, but she had to have a physical examination at their downtown office before she can start working for them. Yesterday I drove us downtown and found a space in the parking garage. We took the elevator to the tenth floor then walked into a very large reception area with several couches and comfortable looking chairs. We were greeted by a cute oriental girl receptionist and she invited Kristy and I to follow her to the...