KYRA free porn video

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"Kyra, would you mind joining me in my office? I'd like to discuss some details of the paper you handed in last week." Mr. Markman's voice interrupted Kyra as she stood up ready to leave the classroom. The bell had just rung and she only wanted to leave that place, but once she had gathered her stuff, Kyra looked up at her Sociology professor and a pleasant shiver ran through her 18 year old body. Mr. Markman was the youngest lecturer in the school and in addition, he was very handsome. He was always very attentive, but Kyra blushed every time he came near her.

"Sure... No-no problem." Kyra stammered nervously and the teacher gave her a warm smile.

"Great, follow me." He instructed and Kyra followed him out of the classroom. They walked down the corridors of the St. Catherine's School for Girls under the curious stares of Kyra's friends, who stared at her in disbelief.

As she politely accepted the offer to lead the way out of the main building, Kyra ducked her head to hide her blush as Mr. Markman waved at the principal. He then turned his eyes to the young woman walking ahead of him and his penis hardened at once. He had been planning this for a long time; it was the perfect chance to awake this naive girl to the pleasures of life and he would NOT waste it, even if his job depended on it.

John Markman was a 35 years old Sociology professor who had been lucky enough to get a job at St. Catherine's less than a year ago. The school was very popular between wealthy families all over the country and parents sent their young and virginal daughters there to be educated, but little did Mr. Matheson -Kyra's father- knew about John's plans of taking his little girl's education a bit further... and far away from the theoretical matters he instilled in the classroom.

The wind blew Kyra's long brown hair and his already stiff cock hardened a bit more. Damn! It was hard enough to control himself during his lectures, now... Now it was impossible! It was a torture to hide his erection every time he laid his eyes on the attractive Kyra. She was a beautiful girl with long brown hair and round, innocent hazel eyes that he longed to see beaming with lust for him and a body the school's uniform did nothing to hide. Sweat beaded on his upper lip whenever he noticed her young, firm breasts pressing against the white shirt, her nipples temptingly poking against it or when her green and blue plaid skirt rode up her smooth thighs as she sat down on her seat right in front of his desk. Now, as he stared at the gentle sway of her hips, he let out a low growl.

Kyra heard it and she turned around with a concerned expression.

"is everything alright, Mr. Markman?" She asked and John smiled at her.

"Sure, don't worry. Just keep on walking." He instructed her and she gave him a little smile.

They carried on walking in silence for a few seconds until the teacher's dorms came to sight. Kyra stopped in her tracks and then turned toward him with a scandalized expression in her face.

"I can't go in there, Mr. Markman." Kyra said. "You know the rules.. We are not allowed to enter in that building." She added and John cursed inwardly. Of course he knew the rules! Maybe someone had seen the problem of putting beautiful young girls and horny teachers together a long time ago and then had come up with that ludicrous rule, but he was determined to break it.

"I thought we were going to your office." Kyra added and John stepped closer to her with a friendly smile on his lips.

"I'm sorry, but my room is the only place available where we can have some tranquility... Something's being fixed at my office and there's no way we could even listen to each other there." He explained, hoping Kyra would believe that crap.

She gave him a insecure look and then sighed.

"Alright... I just don't wanna have any troubles if anyone sees me in here." She murmured and John grinned as he led her inside.

Kyra followed Mr. Markman up the stairs and then he showed her the way to his room. "Just in case you need it." He had said...

Once Kyra stepped into his room, John closed the door behind him and silently locked it, in case someone had the bad idea of showing up in a wrong moment and saw him doing naughty things to her. He didn't want to be kicked out of the school and lose the opportunity to enjoy of Kyra's delightful body for as long as he could. He then turned around with a smile in his lips and told Kyra to sit down.

Kyra obeyed and once she sit down, she stared at him as he fumbled with some stuff that lay on a nearby chair. Biting back a sigh, her eyes studied his dark blonde hair, his blue eyes and his handsome features. He was so attractive... Her gaze slid over his strong, well-built body and she blushed as the memories of a dream she had had not too long ago rushed back to her mind. Kyra had heard some of her dorm friends talking about sex and how they did it with their boyfriends and Kyra's imagination had taken care of the rest. That night, her dreams had been filled with images of a naked Mr. Markman...

Kyra snapped back to reality and she forced herself to look away from her teacher. She glanced around at the room ad just then, she noticed the big bed across the room as she sat at Mr. Markman's desk. The four posts bed was very comfortable looking, and she wished at once she could lay down on it for a while. Continuing with her investigation, she noticed that several big mirrors were located all over the room, the most of them strategically placed around the bed. Little did Kyra know that the next time she saw herself reflected on those mirrors, she'd be deeply impaled on his cock... and enjoying it as nothing ever before!

"Do you like it?" Mr. Markman's voice took her out of her daydream and she looked back at him.

"Yes-yes." She stammered again and he smiled reassuringly at her.

"Why don't you leave your things on the desk? This might take us a while." He offered and Kyra nodded. She left her books aside and then her hazel eyes went back at him as he sat down in front of her, his desk between them.

"Do you know why I asked you to come here today, Kyra?" John asked and Kyra shook her head.

"Not really..." She answered shyly and he smiled at her.

"Last night I was reading the paper you handed it on Tuesday and I found that it isn't clear enough, as if you rambled a lot without actually getting to the point." Jon explained and Kyra's eyes grew wide. Oh my God! She couldn't fail! Her father would kill her! He was incredibly strict when school was concerned.

"You mean I failed?" She asked weakly and Jon smiled inwardly. There it was... She had given him the perfect excuse. With a serious look in his face, John leant back on his chair and rested his elbows on the armrests as his blue eyes probed into hers.

"You haven't failed, Kyra; at least not yet. But it worries me to see that such a great student as you can fail in such an easy subject like this. I don't want to do this, but I'm afraid I'll have to let your father know about this." Jon explained and Kyra gasped. She leant forward with a worried look and his cock twitched when her breasts pushed against her shirt.

"You can't tell my father!" Kyra begged with a teary look. "He's very strict... He wouldn't forgive me if he knew that I failed... You don't know how horrible he is..." She murmured as a round tear slid down her cheek.

John couldn't believe his luck; if he had been aware of how things were, he wouldn't have taken this long to finally do this! Kyra was desperate and he knew he'd never have a better chance than this one.

"Please listen, Kyra... It can't be that bad." He tried to calm her with a soothing voice, but he didn't succeed. Grinning inside, Jon took another step forward. "Come here." He instructed and Kyra gave him a surprised look. He nodded and she stood up and walked toward him, standing right beside his chair.

Jon studied her and his mouth watered at the mere sight of her. Her breasts jiggled with her bated breath and one of her thighs softly brushed his elbow, sending electrical shocks to his shaft.

"My dad will kill me..." Kyra mumbled and Jon reach out his hand. He posed it on her arm and gently rubbed it up and down.

"I want to help you, Kyra." He said lowly and she stared at him. "Will you let me do it?" Jon added and Kyra nodded. "I'll help you, but you have to do as I tell you, ok?" He warned her and Kyra nodded profusely.

"Yes! I'll do whatever you ask me to!" She exclaimed and Jon grinned.

"Come and sit on my lap, then" Jon said and Kyra gasped in disbelief. Jon pulled a serious face and added in his best teacher's tone. "I thought you wanted your father to remain ignorant about this."

Kyra nodded and with a low sigh, she sat on her lap. As she did, her heart skipped a beat. Her skirt had ridden up a bit and the skin of her legs brushed against the fabric of his slacks, sending shivers down her spine, but she kept her eyes low and her hands on her lap as his hand smoothed up and down her back.

Jon smiled and softly posed one hand on her bare knee, testing her. She didn't react, so he slid his other hand around her shoulders.

"I'll help you, Kyra... I promise I will." Jon mumbled in her ear, making her shiver pleasantly. "Look at me." He ordered and Kyra obeyed.

"Will you tell my father?" She asked softly and Jon shook his head.

"Only if you're not a good girl." He answered.

"And why do I have to do, then?" Kyra said and Jon grinned.

"You have to let me kiss you."

Kyra stared at him in disbelief, a bright flush covering her cheeks. He wanted to kiss her! The most handsome teacher in school wanted to kiss her! And if she let him, her father would never find out about her failing in school. She really wanted him to do it, so why shouldn't she let him? It was just a kiss...

Facing him, Kyra nodded softly and Jon smiled broadly. She was in for a roller coaster ride...

Pulling her closer, Jon posed his lips on her and kissed her innocently for a while, feeling how her body warmed on him. But as he kept a caste kiss, his hands began to wander. The hand on her knee moved just an inch upward, and the one on her back moved around her and now his fingertips were gently brushing the curve of her breast.

Suddenly, Kyra pulled apart with a marveled expression in her face.

"Wow.." She mumbled and Jon laughed.

"That was nothing, Kyra." He replied. "Do you want me to show you a real kiss?"

Kyra's eyes sparkled and then she nodded excitedly, her body bouncing up and down and making his cock swell even more. Jon moaned and the pulled her closer, his tongue now probing into her mouth. He felt her own tongue dancing against his and once he heard her moaning for the first time, he knew the time was right. He moved his hand from her knee to her neck and before she could stop him, Jon was kneading at a full, ripe breast. Kyra gasped in surprise and then pulled apart.

"What are you doing?" She asked with an amazed tone, her eyes wide. Jon didn't answer, he just buried his face in the hollow of her neck and began to kiss the sensitive skin there without stopping the fondle of her soft mound through her shirt.

"Oh, Mr. Markman..." Kyra sighed. "It feels so good..."

Jon groaned and a little smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"I'll make you feel even better... Is that what you want, Kyra?" He asked and Kyra nodded arching her back against his hand. "Unbutton your shirt." Jon commanded and Kyra gave him a weird look.

"You mean like... Getting undressed in front of you?" Kyra wondered and Jon nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry. No one will ever know... Just remember your father" He reminded her. Kyra sighed and slowly undid the buttons of her plain white shirt, showing a simple white bra covering her breasts.

Jon feasted on the sight in front of him. Her breasts were slightly tanned and he suddenly wished to see more of them. His hands moved to her back and in one swift movement, he took her bra off.

Kyra shrieked and her hands flew to her breasts trying to cover herslef, but Jon didn't let her do it. As he stared at those full curves, Jon's shaft throbbed painfully in his pants and he softly rubbed against her thigh. Then, his hands flew to her tits and began to knead them gently.

Kyra moaned instantly. His warm hands made her feel wonderful things, and once his lips went back to her neck, it got even better. Closing her eyes, Kyra threw her head back and let him work on her.

Jon moved his lips downward from her neck to her chest as his fingers delicately pulled at her nipples for a while. He then looked down at them and smiled when he saw them turn into two hard and reddish buds that begged for his mouth.

"Do you like it, Kyra? Do you like the way my hands are fondling your tits?" He asked and Kyra groaned when he gently pinched at one of her nipples. His hands and his dirty talk were driving her insane. She nodded silently as she eagerly pressed her throbbing pussy against his leg.

Hearing her silent plea, Jon moved one of her hands to down her stomach and leg, just to pose it on her inner thigh and then move it upward in a slow motion.

"Spread your legs a bit, sweetie..." He murmured in her ear and Kyra obeyed. Slowly, Jon moved his hand until he reached her panty clad pussy. He gently cupped it through the garment and Kyra let out a loud cry.

"Mr. Markman..." She moaned and that excited him even more. She would call him like that even if she were riding his cock in the bring of her orgasm!

"Your pussy is so wet, Kyra... I can even feel it through your panties. That means that you like what I'm doing to you, did you know that?" Jon asked and Kyra shook her head. "I wanna touch it, baby... Can I?"

Jon was loving it. He was making her beg for relief... He had never imagined Kyra would be this horny!

"Touch me, professor... Please!" She begged and without second thoughts, Jon slid his hand under her panties and slid one curious finger along her slit before parting her folds and gently stroke her all over. "God!" Kyra exclaimed as she arched her back, offering herself to his finger.

Jon teased her for a while before he finally stroked her where she needed it the most. He first took one taut nipple into his mouth and suckled it for a while and then he began to trace slow circles around her clit.

"How does it feel, Kyra?" Jon asked as her nipple slid out of his mouth with a low plopping sound. He looked up at her and saw that her eyes were closed, and her breasts jiggled with her up and down motion as he shamelessly humped her pussy against his finger. "You little slut... You like it, don't you?" He groaned as he bit softly on her nipple. Kyra cried out in pleasure and Jon's cock felt about to explode.

"Yesssssss" Kyra hissed and Jon moaned.

"You're a slut, aren't you?" He murmured as he stroked her clit faster. "You need a big cock in you... My finger won't be enough, right? I'm gonna give it to you... yes... I wanna feel your little pussy around my big fat cock!"

His words, along with his finger, excited Kyra beyond belief. She felt her body boiling there where her professor was touching her and when she thought that she wouldn't be able to handle it anymore, her world exploded as her first orgasm shook her over.

Jon stared at her as she came and he had to use all his strength to not come himself in his pants. Her body wriggled on his knees and her juices coated his hand as he traced slow circles around her love button as he waited for her breath to calm down a bit. When she finally opened her eyes again, he saw the marveled expression in them.

"That was... that was.. AMAZING!" She exclaimed and Jon couldn't help but laugh at her.

"I know!" He answered and gave her a slow, passionate kiss.

One thing was for sure: Kyra wasn't now as half as shy as she had been when she entered in his room a short while ago. She willingly responded at his kiss and her tongue surveyed his mouth. When they pulled apart, Jon removed his fingers from her throbbing pussy and Kyra groaned in disappointment.

"You little slut!" Jon hissed, but Kyra simply frowned.

"I liked the way you made me feel." She said c***dishly and Jon laughed. He planted a hot kiss on her full lips and then murmured.

"The best is yet to come, you little bitch... Now stand up!" He ordered and Kyra obeyed grumpily. He preferred to have his fingers touching her pussy as he called it than standing up, but she knew she had no choice. Kyra stood up and Jon stared at her; her breasts naked and her nipples hard and wearing only her plaid skirt and her shoes.

"I'm not done with you, Kyra... I still can tell your father." He murmured and her eyes grew wide.

"I'm sorry..." She murmured and Jon grinned.

"Good. Now take of your shoes and socks." Kyra obeyed and once she had tossed them aside, she looked back at him. "Turn around." He ordered and Kyra did as he asked. "Now bend over the desk, rest on your elbows and spread your legs." Jon said next. Once she was in the position he wanted, Jon studied her for a few seconds and his eyes beamed with lust. Her short skirt had ridden up her legs and her moist white panties were clearly visible and he had to hold himself back; there was nothing he wanted the most that pulling her panties down and fuck that innocent girl senseless, but he had seen a hint of the slut she could be and he wanted to make her beg for his cock.

Kyra noticed his silence and frowning slightly, she did her best to look back at him without changing her position. Turning her head around, Kyra's eyes grew wide when she saw Mr. Markman's eyes fixed on her backside while his hand slowly rubbed his groin.

"Mr. Markman..." Kyra whined softly and Jon looked up at her with lustful eyes.

"Turn your head, Kyra." He ordered hoarsely and Kyra obeyed, wondering what he had in mind now.

A few seconds later, she heard him standing up and before she knew, his warm hands were stroking the sensitive skin of the back of her thighs. She straightened her head up, but Jon's soothing voice relaxed her a bit.

"Easy, Kyra... Haven't I made you feel good as I promised?" He murmured and Kyra nodded silently. "Then let me do this. This will be even better." He promised and Kyra rested her forehead on the cool wood, silently allowing him to do as he pleased with her.

"That's better, baby..." Jon said as his hands cupped her bum cheeks.

"Professor..." Kyra moaned, feeling her groin tingling again as it had done just minutes ago.

"You like it, don't you?" Jon asked as his hands rubbed her butt and her inner thighs shamelessly. Kyra nodded and he stopped his fondling for a while until Kyra groaned.

"Please..." She begged and Jon, keeping his hands on her butt cheeks, pressed his hard cock against her exposed cunt and then bent forward so his mouth was at level with her ear. "Tell me that you like it, slut! I won't go on if you don't." He hissed and Kyra swallowed hard. She licked her lips and then her soft voice left her parted lips.

"I like it when you touch me, professor. Your hands feel great on my legs and my..."

"Say it, bitch!" Jon commanded sensing her hesitation, now rubbing his cock against her panty clad pussy.

"My ass!" Kyra exclaimed as she felt something hot probing against her pussy. "You make my ass burn with your hands, professor!"

Jon groaned and pinned her against the desk with his shaft. Damn her! She was so innocent that those words coming out of her mouth made him even more horny. Jon licked her ear and then he busied his hands on removing her panties. Kyra hesitated for a short while, but once she felt her panties rolling down her thighs and then Mr. Markman's hand touching her cunt again made her forget all her fears.

"Mmmmmmm... I like it, professor." Kyra groaned as Jon's fingers explored her pussy.
"You're such a slut!" He grunted as he stood up and looked down at his hand. His fingers were shiny with her pussy juices and her pink flesh was the most exciting sight ever. "Let's see what you think about this."

Kyra moaned when he left her clit, but a loud cry escaped from her throat as his fingers entered her.

"God!" She exclaimed and Jon sketched a self-satisfied smile. Her pussy was hot and wet, and so soft that his cock ached with the need to be rammed in her. He moved his fingers in and out of her a few times and then stopped, removing his probing fingers off her. Jon massaged her clit for a while and then his hand left her hot cunt.

Kyra groaned in desperation.

"Please, Mr. Markman... I need your fingers in my pussy... It feels so hot down there." Kyra begged innocently and Jon grinned broadly. He pinned her against the desk with his lower body one more time as he slid her panties down her legs and then ordered.

"You will have to do something for me first, Kyra. I too want to feel good."

"What shall I do, professor?" Kyra panted as her hips danced against his, his own cock thrusting against her core.

Jon stepped back and sat down on his chair.

"Stand up, Kyra... And come to me." Jon instructed and Kyra obeyed at once. With a wanting look in her eyes, she fixed her eyes on him.

"Tell me, professor... I'll do anything!" She murmured fervently and Jon stared back at her.

"Anything?" He asked as if testing her and Kyra nodded right away; she didn't want him to think that she didn't like what he did to her! Jon nodded as well. "Kneel down... right between my legs." Kyra did as he asked her and Jon took her hands in his, posing them right on his stiff cock. Instinctively, Kyra squeezed it softly and her eyes grew wide when she saw him throwing his head back and groaning in delight.

"What's wrong, Mr. Markman?" Kyra asked worriedly. "Am I not being good?"

Jon chuckled and then he pressed her hands closer to his shaft.

"Oh no, you're great... I knew that there was a slut deep inside of you." He explained and Kyra blushed. She didn't know why, but every time he called her like that, her whole body tingled and her pussy -yes, she was even getting used to call it that way- grew hotter.

"What should I do now, professor?" Kyra inquired lowly and Jon grinned.

"Unbutton my pants and pull the zipper down." He ordered and Kyra gave him a wide-eyed look, but she obeyed. She slowly, but surely, did as he asked her and then pulled both sides od the zipper apart, leaving his hard bulge exposed to her curious eyes.

"What is that?" Kyra asked innocently as she looked up at him and Jon felt his penis twitch at the naive look in her eyes.

"That's my cock, Kyra... Do you wanna touch it?" He offered and Kyra's eyes grew even wider.

"Can I?" She murmured and Jon nodded. With a interested look, Kyra tugged his underwear until his hard rock cock sprung free, pointing to the sky. Her mouth dropped open as she studied the first dick she ever saw in her life. It was long, about eight inches long and it looked really hard. Its head looked shiny as some liquid oozed from the little slit at the top. Not wasting a second, Kyra wrapped her hand around its base, marveling herself at its thickness.

"God, it is so big!" She exclaimed softly and Jon groaned as he began to pump his cock into her fist, forcing her to stimulate him without noticing it.

"It is, my little slut." He added. "Now I want you to take me in your mouth."

Kyra gasped and then gave him a surprised look.

"Is it... is it possible?" She asked naively and Joe moaned. Damn, her innocence was too much for him! He needed to fuck her so badly!

"Just suck me, baby!" Jon growled and Kyra nodded obediently.

Jon stared at her as she opened her mouth and slowly lowered her head until the head of his shaft was warmly wrapped up into her mouth. Jon let out a loud groan as he felt her tongue playing with his cock's head, lapping at it and licking it as it if were a popsicle. With a few instructions, Jon taught her how to suck him and before he knew, he was furiously fucking her mouth, driving his dick as deep as possible into her hot mouth. For being a first-timer, she was giving him one hell of a blowjob! He had a strong grip of her hair as he helped her moves. Her lips almost touched her balls and judging by the little grunts that managed to leave her mouth every now and then, she was really enjoying it. Jon felt himself swelling to bigger proportions inside her mouth and he murmured.

"I'm coming, baby... You better take it all, slut! I want you to swallow... all of it... Yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jon exclaimed as he spurted his cum into Kyra's mouth in a mind shattering orgasm.

Meanwhile, Kyra was trying her best to swallow all of that salty substance Mr. Markman's cock had sprayed in her mouth, but some of it slipped down the corner of her lips. Before she could wipe it off, Jon grabbed a hold of her brown hair and pulled her head up.

"You bitch... look at you! You're a real cocksucker now! You even have my cum dripping down your face..." He growled. Forcing her head down, Jon tilted his head so he could watch as he slid the head of his now soft cock over her chin, picking his cum of her and taking it to her lips so she could take it in her mouth. Surprising him, Kyra didn't hesistate; she even grasped his dick with her lips and began with the sucking all over again.

Kyra was loving it. She didn't know why, but the feeling of Mr. Markman hard penis against her tongue made her feel bad. She had never been bad in her life; her father wouldn't approve that. Now, as she played with her professor's balls, she realized of how good being bad could be.

Jon let her suck his cock for a while until it was hard again and then pulled her up. He stood up right in front of her and stripping of his clothes, he told Kyra to sit down on the edge of the desk.

"Spread your legs, slut. Touch your cunt!" He ordered and Kyra's pussy throbbed. She managed to spread her legs as much as she could and then her insecure hands went to her core. Kyra gently pulled her lips apart and a curious finger traced her damp flesh. She played with it for a while and once she stumbled with her clit, she let out a loud moan and worked on it a bit harder.

"Yesssss." She mumbled and Jon grinned at the sight in front of him. He couldn't believe that the girl that had stepped into the room a short while ago, who didn't dare to look at him in the eye, was now fingering the hell out of herself. Her head was thrown back and her finger was too busy playing with her clit, while her breasts were pulled forward and her skirt was now rolled up around her waist. Stroking himself, Jon walked toward her and putting her hand aside, he gently rubbed her burning cunt with the tip of his cock.

"I knew you were a fucking slut, Kyra... I only needed to prove it!" He hissed against her lips. He kissed her sensually and then added. "You're burning with desire for my cock, aren't you? You need a hard dick in that dripping pussy of yours, right? You need it all the time... I'm gonna have to fuck you every day, Kyra... Maybe twice a day so that cunt doesn't go around looking for any other cock than mine."

Kyra groaned at the combined feeling of his cock teasing her most sensitive spot and his exciting words. It was as if he knew exactly what to say to make her pussy ache with need.

"Do you want me to fuck you, sweet Kyra? Beg me, then!" He exclaimed and Kyra moaned.

"Fuck me, professor! I need your cock... Please fuck me! FUCK ME!" Kyra exclaimed and Jon let out a self-satisfied laughter.

"Sure I will, you bitch!" He murmured before inching his cock in her virgin pussy. He knew it was her first time and no matter how badly he wanted to fuck her, he didn't want to scare her; he only wanted Kyra to be his little slut forever. He slowly slid himself into her pussy, popping her cherry without too much of a trouble. Soon enough, his cock was buried to the hilt into her hot cunt.

"FUCK!" Jon exclaimed, her tight pussy clamping him hard. He had to use all his strength to control himself.

Kyra panted hard. She could feel his hard cock deep inside her, stretching her wide, almost until it ached. But it was a nice pain... She could feel how hot, how hard he was... She could feel every bump and vein of his cock pressing against her inner walls. Now she knew what the other girls meant when they talked about being fucked... It was pure heaven and Kyra somehow knew that from now on, she'd do everything she could to have a big cock in her pussy as often as she could.

"Oh God... Mr. Markman... You're so big!" Kyra murmured and he groaned.

"You like my cock, don't you?" He asked and Kyra looked up at him.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm..." Kyra answered as she slightly pushed her hips against his, sliding his shaft even further into her body. "You're so hard and it feels so good in my pussy... Fuck me, professor!"

Jon couldn't say no to the plea of his best student. Groaning, he slid his dick out of her until nothing but his head remained in her and stayed motionless for a few seconds. When he finally heard Kyra growling in disappointment and groaning, he rammed his cock in her.

"Shit!" Kyra exclaimed as her favorite teacher pumped his cock hard into her needy pussy.

"You're so fucking tight, Kyra... I love tight pussies!" Mr. Markman hissed in her ear, making her pussy clamp him even tighter.

Lifting his head, Jon looked over Kyra's head and searched for the small red light of the hidden camera that was recording his whole banging session. He'd love to watch this later that night... If Kyra wasn't there to keep him entertained, that' it...

Kyra was beside herself with pleasure. She was laboriously matching Jon's humps with her own hips and she was loving the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of her. Jon spent a while fucking her in that position, but the images that had been going on around in his head for months were shouting at him for something else. With a wicked grin, he cupped her butt in his hands and roughly pulled her up, his cock still deeply impaled within her. Kyra let out a surprised gasp and then a low moan when he sat down on his chair and his cock slid into her even more than before.

As they sat motionless, Kyra stared at him, not knowing what to do. Jon smirked at her expression and then spoke.

"Ride me, slut..." Jon ordered. Kyra felt little electricity jolts at his words and a bright blush covered her cheeks, but determined obey him, she posed her hands on the back of the armchair and then rose on her knees, his cock almost slipping out of her. Kyra moved clumsily for a while until Jon, with a frustrated growl, gripped her hips and led her moves as he lifted her skirt so the camera hidden behind her could catch the image of her exposed ass and his cock sliding in and out of her cunt.

"Yes, bitch..." He moaned when he felt her sitting on his shaft, a delighted expression in her face as his balls touched her tender ass. "You like it, don't you? You like my big fat cock." He murmured and Kyra moaned. "You enjoy riding a big cock... That's what you were made for."

"I love your cock, Mr. Markman!" She exclaimed as her breasts bounced up and down against his face. "It's so big and so hard... I love to feel it inside of me! You fill me so perfectly..." She murmured, finding out that talking dirty to him made the both of them even hornier. Her mind whirled with the memories of her friends' stories and Kyra found herself longing to try every single one of them.

Jon threw his head back, enjoying the feeling of Kyra's cunt clamping him tighter with every passing second, his hands pulling her down to him so he could shove his dick deep into her. When she suddenly stopped her motion, Jon opened his eyes with a command ready to leave his lips, but when he saw the determined look in Kyra's hazel eyes, he remained speechless. With lust beaming in her eyes, Kyra murmured.

"I want you to fuck me doggy style, Mr. Markman... I want to feel your cock from behind."

Jon almost came at her words. Groaning, he told her to get up from him and walk to the bed. Kyra obeyed an as she walked, she felt her pussy tingling both in excitement and need. She couldn't believe how much she needed his dick!

Jon stared at her as she walked, her plaid skirt swinging with her hip motion and her tits bouncing lightly. She turned around and gave him a shy smile, but her next actions stunned him. Surprising him, Kyra lay on her hands and knees, her legs spread wide and bucking her hips so her pussy lips would open up to expose her hungry cunt as her skirt rode up her hips, a sly grin in her lips. Jon grinned at her, knowing that she was acting out of instinct, which proved his theory that inside the candid, shy Kyra was a real slut begging to be released.

"My pussy needs your cock, professor." Kyra murmured longingly. Jon stood up and walked toward her, his rampant cock glistening with her juices and his hand stroking himself. Kneeling down behind her, Jon gave her a long, lustful look and he felt his dick swell in his fist. Kyra looked every bit the fantasy he had: a horny school girl willing to please her teacher, showing off her cunt barely hidden by the plaid skirt; the exact image Jon had been dreaming with for months. Prodding at her entrance with his cock, he leant forward so his mouth was at level with her ear.

"You bad girl! You need a punishment... You know what that punishment is gonna be?" He asked and Kyra looked back at him with mock fear shining in her eyes as he pulled her skirt up, exposing her curvy butt.

"What's my punishment gonna be, Mr. Markman?" Kyra asked fearfully, playing her part perfectly and driving her teacher mindless with desire.

"I'm gonna have to fuck you, Kyra... I'll fuck your brains out, bitch!" He groaned as he rammed his cock in her. Kyra growled and threw her head back as she instantly began to buck her hips back to welcome his thrusts, a low moan escaping from her lips every time his balls slapped her sensitive clit.

"Oh, I love it so much, professor! I've been such a bad girl! I need to be punished... Please fuck me, Mr. Markman!" Kyra exclaimed as she looked back at him. She then moved her head to look forward again when the sight of them fucking reflected in the numerous mirrors around his bed caught her eye. Now she knew why they were there... Staring closely at them, she saw the way her professor's dick slid in and out of her hungry cunt, his shaft shining with her juices. Kyra loved the way she could see Mr. Markman fucking her as well as feel him stretch her wide with his thick dick.

Jon felt his balls tightening and he knew he'd soon be coming. Knowing that Kyra would hardly be on the pill, he slid his hand under her body until his fingers found her pussy. He gently parted her moist lips and soon enough began to tease her clit. He wanted her to come... And so he did! Before he knew, Kyra began to buck her hips wildly and with a loud cry, her pussy exploded around him, gripping him so tightly that he almost came in her. Once her orgasm was over, he pulled his cock out of her and made her turn around. After a few strokes and some gentle licks coming from Kyra, Jon groaned and sprayed his cum all over her face as she whimpered in pleasure.

After a while, Jon looked down at his niece and he felt his groin tightening at the sight of her first facial... The first of many to come, now that he knew what a slut she really was. Lightly slapping her face with his cock, Jon tugged at her hair and Kyra opened her eyes.

"God, Uncle Jon!" She exclaimed in surprise and Jon laughed as they both lay down on the bed, him spooning her from behind, his hand playing with her pubic hair. "Is it always like this?" Kyra asked in amazement and Jon nuzzled her ear.

"It'll only get better and better, sweetheart..." Jon answered as he noticed how her pink tongue savored the cum that had fell on the corner of her lips. "And I'll show you how..."

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Too many tequilas and three guys

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Its Hard Being A Male

It's hard being a male By Maddy Maddison December 26 20XY Dear diary, Is that the way to start a diary entry? I don't know, I think I must have seen it somewhere.. Anyway, I got this diary for Christmas and after all the excitement of yesterday, this is the first opportunity to write in it. My name is Emile Scott, I'm 13 years old and live in a small country town Camden Park , near the state's capital, Sydney. I hate my name, I know it's a family name, but it sounds too...

3 years ago
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How My Wife Ended Up With My CoWorkerrsquos Cap Toe B

One of the more frequent questions we receive is how my wife ended up with my co-workers’ black cap toe ballet flats. So I thought I would explain the situation.I wasn’t at the job very long when the company made a decision to hire a couple of college graduates. It was their attempt, I guess, to see if they could save a couple bucks by hiring non-experienced individuals and then putting them through an intensive training program, instead of paying a higher salary for more seasoned individual....

3 years ago
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Spring break at the Beach

By the third night I was there I was getting kind of bored with the regular routine and I decided to go out on the beach by myself at around 3am in the morning. After walking along the beach for about a mile I spotted some other spring breakers all obviously drunk and walking along the beach with a video camera and generally screwing around. As I walked up to the group one of the guys offered me a beer, so I gladly accepted and joined them in talking about random nonsense. It was about...

2 years ago
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The PropositionChapter 9

Dealing with that, and then a couple of meetings and a conference call straight after lunch, it was mid-afternoon before I got a moment to myself and started wondering what Joyce's little smile had meant. The answer came quickly and unexpectedly; my private mobile phone started to ring. A little surprised I answered it with a non-committal "Yes?" "Dad! Who the hell is Laura Elizabeth Jones?" came the voice of Elise. "Elise, sweetheart! What are you doing in town?" I exclaimed -...

1 year ago
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Night at the bar

Welcome to your favorite bar. A place to drink your worries away or meet someone cute. But after a recent break up, you want both. A drunken one night stand to forget about your recent heartbreak. Thankfully being here can help with that. As you scope out the area you find several possible options for a fun evening. Your name is Taylor, you're 25 years old with short brunette hair and tan white skin. The rest is up to the choices you make. Pick the right ones, you get a night of sex. Choose...

3 years ago
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My massage parlour interview

A few years ago (in my 40s) and after a bitter divorce I found myself a little bit more short of cash than I would have liked. As a way of remedying this situation I thought about working in a massage parlour, perhaps part-time. Male friends had told me, in passing, that they were likely to be 'brothels' but this didn't deter me. I had already guessed that anyway but thought that my age may be against me even though I kept myself fit and was a nice shapely size 10 with 36D breasts.So, taking a...

2 years ago
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Singers Stand

My father was a bard and my mother a tavern singer. My mother was killed in a brawl when I was little so it was just my father and I. We traveled the land and he taught me the blade as well as songs and music. He served barons, dukes and kings and more than once their wives or daughters. I left him when I was eighteen, he was going to the western lands and I was headed southeast into the deep forest. I planned to find and visit with the elves. I had a single horse I put my packs and lute on...

3 years ago
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Sexual Discoveries Ch 02

Again I would like to thank angel love for her editing of my story. Three days later, Kira arranged for a picnic date with Tyler. When he arrived, they kissed at her front door for several moments. As their bodies pressed together, Tyler could tell that she did not wear a bra under her yellow sundress. The feeling of her nipples against his chest excited him. They headed out the door with a picnic basket and blankets. When they reached a place surrounded by tall oak trees, and not visible from...

4 years ago
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Crossdress Rendevous

I had to be out of town for a few of days for a demonstration an I knew there was a alternate lifestyle club located there and so I decided to take along with me a white silk dress, bra and panties and white hose and a pair of white stiletto heels. I didn't tell Carmen that I was hoping to connect with another man for sex, me dressed as a crossdresser in my outfit. I had finished early with the demonstration and went back to my motel and quietly changed into my white outfit. I left the motel...

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