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The last knot has been secured in place. You step back to admire your handiwork and smile as you take in the scene before you.

Your eyes meet mine. “Are you ready, baby?”

“Yes, Sir. I am,” I answer.

“Good.” You step forward and lean in front of me.

You asked me earlier to pull the lounge chair from the corner of the bedroom forward so there would be enough space to secure bindings on all sides. The position of the chair allows you to walk around completely to view every angle of your masterpiece.

Patiently I wait, bound, wearing nothing but the rope secured around my hands, arms, thighs, and ankles. Before you began tying me to the chair, you used a towel to wrap around each arm of the chair to provide more support under my thighs. Each leg drapes over the arms of the chair and is tied down. Every part of me is open and exposed. My hands have been tied together, arms over head with hands resting behind my head. My upper arms bound to my ankles.

“One last thing.” Your right hand disappears into the right pocket of your slacks and out slips a black silk blindfold. My breath catches in anticipation and my teeth press forcefully into my lower lip. Slowly, you walk around the chair to my back. The heat of your body radiates to my bound hands secured behind my head. You step closer and rest your stiff shaft against my hands. I instinctively wrap my fingers around you and offer a soft moan. Your cock responds to my touch, twitching as I grip firmly. Holding you in my hands feels so right at this moment.

A growl escapes your lips, “Mmmm, that feels amazing, but not just yet.''

You step back and my hands are left grasping at the air. I feel you lean forward and grip the back of the chair with your left hand. The blindfold dangles from your right hand over my chest and caresses my smooth, creamy white breasts. Slowly, the fabric drags up my chest and neck. I feel you lean down and your breath is warm against my ear.

"Baby, do you trust that I will take good care of you?” you ask.

“Yes, of course,” I answer immediately.

Your lips drag against my neck and you whisper, “Good girl,” into my skin. Your tongue peeks through your lips and lingers. I feel the scratchiness of your beard press against me. I sigh loudly. A trail of lingering kisses up my neck, cheek and ear makes my skin prickle. My nipples harden and darken. The blindfold now lies across my neck, one end held in each hand, and is pressed gently to my throat.

“Remind me who this beautiful girl belongs to,” you request.

“Sir… I belong to you,” I answer. The blindfold moves over my neck, gently passes my lips, nose, and eventually covers my eyes. The ends of the fabric are crossed behind my head and secured with a knot. Your fingers move from the blindfold and drag through my hair, massaging my scalp.

“Mmmm,” I purr.

“Can you see anything?” you ask.

“I cannot,” I answer.

Your hands move slowly from my hair around my neck. My head drops back as your fingers slide around my throat and gently squeeze. 

“You will feel. You will do many things for me, my pretty girl,” you reply. 

I whimper softly when your lips touch mine. Slowly, your tongue pushes past them and into my mouth. My whimpers turn to moans as our kiss deepens and I feel your hands move down my neck and around each breast. I attempt to rock my hips, forgetful of the bindings you recently secured. Heat begins to build in my core as your hands alternate between squeezing and rolling my breasts to pinching and pulling at my nipples. My tongue lashes out to find yours, desperate for your mouth, but you pull away slightly to slow me down.

“Slow down baby,” you whisper and then chuckle softly. “I love how needy you are right now. You’re being such a good girl.”

Your hands release me and you give each mound a gentle slap before walking around the lounge chair to stand in front of me.

For a moment you say nothing. A moment or two passes, and you finally say, “I wish you could see how beautiful you look.” 

There is a pause and I hear your phone click. I know you just took my picture, and I smile. Another click and pause, longer this time. I can’t figure out where you are, or hear what you are doing. I shift slightly, raising my hips and lowering them to get more comfortable. The sound of clothes coming off and landing on the ground seems so loud in the quiet. I freeze in anticipation of your touch. The chair cushion sinks as you kneel on it between my legs, one foot on the floor, right hand placed firmly on my left thigh.

“Baby, I’d like to play a game. Would you like to play along? It’s going to drive you wild.” I can visualize the grin on your face as you ask.

“Yes, Sir,  I would love to play,” I reply.

“Good girl…” you trail off and shift your hips to line the tip of your cock with my clit.

“Can you feel that baby?” you ask, rubbing the head up and down, back and forth against my swelling clit. I moan and buck my hips at your touch.

“Yes, Sir… I can feel it… mmmm,” I groan. I realize how restricted I am struggling to swirl my hips and buck for more friction against your cock head. My pussy gushes and drips to my ass, collecting along my tight little hole.

“Good girl.” You pull back far enough from my reach and lean over me, placing one hand on the back of the chair. Your lips nibble my ear and you speak gently, “I’m going to continue tapping your delicious clit and as I do, we are going to count to fifty together. Do you think you can do that with me?” You nuzzle into my neck and place kisses from my earlobe to my collar bone and back.

My breathing deepens and I whimper softly, “Yes, Sir, I want to count to fifty with you”. I can feel my labia swell and become warm. I imagine what I must look like right now. So wet, so open, so much need.

“Good girl,” you whisper and place a gentle but firm kiss on my lips. You break our kiss and position yourself in front of me once more, one hand on my inner thigh, the other holding your rock hard cock against my clit. “Okay baby, begin.”

You tap the head of your cock against my clit and I moan “Mmm one… two… three... four... five... oooohhhhhh…”

You stop tapping. "So we are clear… no cumming until we reach fifty, do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir, I understand.” I bite my lower lip to keep from gyrating my hips as hard as I possibly can to make contact with your cock. My pussy is slick with my juices, coating each labia and my open, needy entrance.

“Good girl… resume,” you say as your cock makes contact with my clit again. Tap… tap… tap…

“9… 10...11..12..…” I chant as your pace quickens. My clit aches and throbs for that quick pace but I begin to lose track of what number I am on and you pull back once more.

“Breathe, baby. You are doing so well. You have no idea how delicious you look right now.” You rest your cock on the smooth skin just above my clit and I thrash wildly against my bindings, moaning loudly, needing to feel more.

“I just love how needy you are, my darling,” you say. I anticipate your cock to resume tapping until I feel your mouth around my left nipple, sucking gently at first, then increasingly hard.

“Sir… please. I am so close. Please let me cum!” I beg as you continue to bite and tug on my nipple with your teeth. My clit throbs each time your mouth suckles my nipple and I feel a jolt of electricity build low in my belly. My moans begin to sound shaky and you know if you continue much longer I will lose control.

“Not yet, baby. Aren’t you enjoying this? Try and go a little longer. I promise you’ll cum over and over when it’s time.”

I nod and take a deep breath. “Okay, where were we?” you ask while repositioning yourself in front of me.

“20… 21… 22… 23…24...25...26...27...mmmm 28...” I trail off.




“Baby?” you stop again. My mouth is hanging open. You can’t see my eyes behind the blindfold but imagine they are closed. Suddenly a loud CRACK! echoes through the room and I feel the sting of your handprint on my left thigh.

My head snaps forward and I cry out in surprise.

“You can’t drift off like that. Let’s finish our game. We’re almost there.” Your voice is soft and your hand on my left thigh rubs the area of impact, then moves up and down over my thigh and slowly toward my sex.

“Mmmm baby, you are so wet for me.” Your voice is low and deep. Your hand reaches my outer lips and I whimper at your touch. I can feel my clit is now exposed and my wetness is leaking between my ass cheeks. You move your hands around my outer lips soft and slow, picking up my juices on your fingers and rubbing it across my mound. Your thumb stops just above my clit and slides back and forth on the smooth skin. I try to wiggle at your touch but the bindings keep me in place.

“I bet if I slide just one finger into your wet little cunt you will cum for me. Don’t you think so?”

I moan loudly and reply “Yes! Sir, I NEED to cum for you. Pleeeeeease! Please let me cum!” I beg and whimper as your thumb makes endless circles above my clit.

You laugh. “Let’s finish our game then baby, and then you can cum as much as your needy little cunt desires.”

I sigh loudly. You position yourself in front of me again. “Baby, I am so hard for you,” you say as your cock makes contact with my clit.

“Count,” you command.

“40...41...42...43… ohhhhhh baby… 44... “ I bite my lip and squirm as much as the rope allows. I cry out loudly and breathe deep before continuing.

“That's it, almost there,” you encourage.

“45… mmmm 46...“ Suddenly you stop and my head shoots up.

You chuckle. “Count, baby.” You slap your cock hard against my clit and we both moan loudly.

“47!” I shout.


“Ahhhhh! 48!” I cry.

“Once we reach 50 you may cum, but I don’t plan on stopping after you do. Okay, baby?” your breath is quickening.

“Yes, Sir!” I cry.

“Good girl,” you say and slap your cock on my clit.

“49! FUCK!” I scream.

Slap! Your cock makes contact with my clit and we both shout “50!” but you do not stop. My body begins to quiver as you continuously spank my clit with your cock.

“Oh FUCK! I need to cum.” I scream. My clit is on fire and my juices are pouring out of me.

“Cum now, baby,” you moan.

My body tenses as the sensation builds. Finally, my juicy cunt erupts. My orgasm peaks and I scream in absolute ecstasy. I moan and the tapping stops. Your cock slides quickly into my pussy from tip to base. You hold still while my walls contract hard around you. My body shakes against the ropes but you hold my hips steady and remain still inside of me. Once my breathing steadies you begin to thrust in and out of my tight, wet, cunt.

“FUCK!” I shout, moaning loudly. I can hear my wetness slipping and sliding on your cock as you fuck me in a steady rhythm. I hear your breathing begin to become ragged.

Your cock slams against my g-spot with each hard thrust and I feel the low burn of another orgasm building. Each time the tip of your cock pushes against my spongy spot, electricity shoots from my clit to my toes. My moans become continuous and my voice shakes as it grows bigger and bigger. My clit is on fire. Each thrust of your cock stretches my walls open and you fill me perfectly each time.

“Sir, pleeeeease,” I beg

"Please what, baby?"

"Please let me cum! Please!

"Cum for me... NOW."

My body goes limp and I take in every thrust. I am completely at your disposal to use. My thighs go lax and my body opens completely for you as the wave passes through my core. I feel as if I’ve drifted into an alternate universe and I'm looking down at the two of us. Your breathing quickens and you moan deeply each time your cock slams into me.

“Cum with me. One more time,” you command.

One of your hands moves from my thigh to my clit. At your touch I gasp, and moan loudly.


“Oh FUCK!” I cry.

You pause with your cock resting partially inside of me and slap my clit, hard. I shout and my cilt throbs for more. Again, your hand makes contact with my clit. Slap! Slap! Slap!

 My moans grow louder and louder until finally your hand leaves my clit and grips my right nipple, tugging.

“Cum, now,” you command. You slam into me once more and I feel the first jet of cum shoot deep into my cunt. You begin to groan and your fingers twist and pull my nipple.

Your cock pulses and spurts deep into my pussy and the sensation is enough to send me over again.

“YEEEESS!!” I shout as my walls clamp around your pulsing cock. My body shakes as the waves taper off.

You remain inside of me until I settle and quiet. I smile wide and the giggles ensue.

Slowly your cock slides out of my dripping, cum filled cunt and rests on my mound as you lean over for a kiss. Your hands reach behind my head and you unfasten the blindfold. Once my eyes adjust, I look at you and see you grinning wide.

“What is that grin for?” I ask.

“We are going to have to invest in a gag for you if you keep moaning like that.” You laugh and kiss me once more.

“We need to clean you up, baby.” Your right hand reaches down and you slide two fingers deep into my throbbing pussy, curl them, and then slide them out. I growl from the sensitivity and attempt to move my hips away from you.

“Have a taste of the mess we made.” Your fingers linger in front of my mouth. My lips part and you slide them in for me to taste our cum mixed together and suck your fingers greedily.

“Save some for me, baby. It’s time for me to clean you up.” You pull your fingers from my mouth and kneel in front of me. Before I can protest, your tongue slides from my perineum to my clit and back, lapping up our mixed juices.

“Keep still, baby. Did you really think we were finished?” You grin and wink before your lips meet my clit. “Don’t move. Let's get this mess taken care of.” Your mouth sucking hard around my clit is the last thing I remember before my eyes close and roll back into my head.



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Caught In Llactapata

Foreward: A few years ago, a group of people on an adventure trip were able to find the lost city of Llactapata. It had originally been discovered by Hiram Bingham when he discovered the lost city of Maccu Pichu. They reported their findings to the government. When they came back the following year to do more clearing on the land, they discovered the nearly perfect building had been looted and destroyed by people looking for gold. The only thing that the government is interested in is the...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 2 A Man of Tapato

Monday, May 31, 1971 My urinary alarm clock went off, but I didn't want to move. I vaguely recalled that sometime during the night, Grace had climbed under the covers, spooning her naked butt up against me. Then taking my hand, she had pulled it to her breast, settling in to sleep with a contented sigh. Her happiness filled me and I think I sighed too, before falling back to sleep. But my bladder said it was time to go, and Mother Nature doesn't have much patience. So, rolling out of...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 10 Welcome to Tapato

Wednesday, July 13, 1971 It took us quite some time to make our way through the throng of Tapatoans, to a small covered grandstand on the side of the airfield that had been erected to protect the queen and her party from the mid-day sun. When my family had all reached the queen’s covered pavilion, I bowed low, as did the rest of my party. “Welcome home, my daughter,” Kalani said as she stepped to the front edge of the platform. “I am glad to be home, and delighted to see that the Queen, my...

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Tapu Gets Into All The Ladies

Hi friends, this is a fictional take on the fictional ‘Tarak Mehta ka Ooltah Chashma.’ This story involves affairs with older ladies and even incest. I hope you will like it. During Holi, the Gokuldham society organized a massive fest, with colors, sweets, and yes, bhang. However, due to a racket of hooligans, heavy dosages of viagra slipped into the bhang packing sites. And this bhang got mixed up in Gokuldham’s lot. On the day of Holi, all members, Iyers, Bhide, Gadda, Haati, and Sodhi,...

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Tapas And Trupty8217s Sex Adventures

Hi to all ISS readers and I am new to this site and it is my first story. It is real and 100% true one. It is not about me, it is about my best friend and his colleague’s sex story. Previously they both were working together with Sain Medicament Pvt. Ltd and when this incident happened that time they were working together with Lenova Life Science. My friend’s name is Tapas Kumar Mishra, height 5 feet 7 he stays in Khurda Odisha and he is married to his love one and having one son. His...

4 years ago
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Tapas For Two

I was in the kitchen when Julia’s car pulled up outside. She called out for Jasmine to lend a hand as she opened the kitchen door. ‘Jasmine’s out for a walk. A long walk,’ I said. ‘Won’t be back for ages. I’ll help.’ Soon we were busy stashing the goodies away. We didn’t say much as we did it, just worked together efficiently. As if we’d been married for years. I pulled out a long wooden board from one of the bags, perhaps four inches wide, about twenty inches long, solid wood, with a rounded...

2 years ago
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to drive and we took off in his rental. John did turn out to be an engaging dinner companion. We ordered plate after small plate of the little appetizers and lingered over the bottle of wine I ordered. We learned all there was to learn about each other's families, spouses, college sports and business experience. I was becoming more and more enamored with John and it seemed like there was some attraction from his direction. What was coming over me? I'd been faithful for ten years. But my...

3 years ago
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His bed had been so warm. The slip of sheets spread over his skin like a basket of flower petals and bath oils so comforting and washing away half of the pains of so many yesterdays. The day was glorious, as a pale, tangerine sun rose up over a landscape dotted with heavy oaks, pines, plots of grass and waking animals from the previous night. Ashlee had woken without the slightest hint of where his love Drakalen had roamed off, though half of him had a good enough guess. Bare footsteps scraped...

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Bildhbsche Polizistin tappt in miese Falle

Sandra, die bildhübsche 27jährige Blondine mit der Traumfigur, bei 1,80 wiegt sie 62 kg und hat endlos lange Beine, eine Wespentaille, Knackpo, eine Handvoll festen Busen und leuchtend blaue Augen, die Haare gewellt und gut schulterlang, im Dienst immer zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Sie ist erst Polizeiobermeisterin weil sie zuerst eine Ausbildung als Einzelhandelskauffrau gemacht hatte. Als die Frage kam wer bei der EM 2008 eingesetzt werden möchte und in die Schweiz und nach Österreich...

3 years ago
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The bad old times PostapocalypticFSoloMasturb

Most people Sarah knew were constantly lamenting their fate since the collapse but for her everything had gotten a hundred times better. Eight hours less in front of desk, no idiot colleagues unless she teamed up with other scavengers who then where actually good at their job because if you weren't you didn't make it home.Today she was all alone though, just her trusted, rusted rifle and her backpack full of goods accompanying her on the long way home. She had spent a little too long setting...

2 years ago
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The Maltapost girl her little Ass

I’m a coffee addict, everybody knows that. What they don’t know is the amount of effort I put in online purchases to try keep my Maltese teeth stain free. Any toothpaste with whitening on it. I don’t really know what the post lady thinks, whenever she delivers her packages which to be honest is quite often but I don’t really care. She’s been on my mind for weeks. Something about their lean hard working no bullshit manor makes me grow in places. The type of bitch who just wants to cum quickly so...

2 years ago
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Nephew Fucked Chitapa8217s Girlfriend

Ravi could not accept the fact that he has gay sex with his own nephew and his virgin ass was broken into by Naveen! The days that followed was bad for both Ravi and Naveen as Ravi was embarrassed and very pissed, and Naveen was freaking out if his uncle might cause him trouble. After Naveen’s repeated pleadings, Ravi came down and made a deal with Naveen that they both never ever think or talk about their sexual encounter, as though such a thing never happened! Deal was made and they both...

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Market ForcesChapter 59 Staples Diet

Steve Glennis was extremely happy when we finally got Lady Marchmont shipped across to him. As he said, "It's taken a while but it's been worth the wait." He hadn't wasted any time in putting her to use. "Had her out on a trotting rig this afternoon," he said. She looks pretty good. Gonna take a lot of training of course, she's got a few stripes on her buttocks but she'll learn." Rachel was recovering. The Doc finally let me in to see her. She held my hand tightly when I sat down...

2 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 3 Mustaphas Toy

"Up," commanded a deep bass voice, such as she could never remember hearing before. Indeed no whole man had spoken to her since she was an infant, and it was with considerable trepidation that she rose to her feet. "Who is this?" asked the Emir. "This is Maryam," replied the Chief Eunuch after consulting the Kitchen Eunuch, "She helps out around the harem. She was a companion and plaything for the Princess Madeleine's daughter, Princess Marianne. When Princess Marianne left the...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 6 Stapleford Grange

A visit to Stapleford Grange was a matter that Elinor considered for some time before she wrote to the Countess of Bargoed explaining that she had recently discovered that the Emir of Kobekistan was her father, and asking the Countess's permission to telephone her. About noon the next day the telephone rang and a woman's voice asked, cautiously, to speak to Miss Bollington. "Speaking," said Elinor. "I have the Countess of Bargoed for you, please hold the line." Some moments later an...

1 year ago
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Tapping that fine White Ass Blacken

Tonya was just so damn busy lately that she could not think straight! She was babysitting from 5:30 a.m. until time for school and then off to class and then back to babysitting until bedtime and then she had to wake up at 1:30 a.m. to let the last c***d go back home. She was not only feeling tired but also horny. She had not seen her lover in months and she had not had any for several weeks. She was young and had needs. She was tired of masturbating and she needed a cock!Tonya had a lover that...

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Tapesby Deirdre (address defunct)***Four people who enjoy one-upmanship end up playing and bondage and voyeurism, sometimes even a little blackmail to get their way with each other. (MF-cpls, reluc, bi, anal, bd, voy, blkmail)***I was a bit drunk at that party. That is really my only excuse. As if I really had an excuse when my wife, Sara, caught me outside with Judy, a woman with one thing on her mind that night. And I admit that if Sara hadn't caught us, I can't say how far things would have...

3 years ago
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Tapas 2

To: SCWildMan Thank you so much for the nice birthday greeting. Oh how I long for that feeling you give me, deep inside. How many times has it been? Six? Yes. Six wonderful times. Two years. But so far apart. You're such a great lover. And all the time you are in my fantasies. Fantasies that get a little help in the middle of the night. Love, Bonnie From: SCWildMan To: NaughtyCTGirl I can only imagine what that help looks like. You'll have to show me, hehe. I'll show you my...

1 year ago
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Tapping Dat White Ass Blacken

Nancy could feel the black guy picking up the speed of his in and out strokes. It must have been at least 10 minutes now that he was fucking her, and she was surprised that he still hadn't cum.She had heard her husband cum about 5 minutes ago, when he let out a loud groan. He was sitting in a chair he had pulled up close to the bed. His legs stretched out hard and twitching, as he furiously stroked his cock to a big cum. She had noticed that after wards he just sat there, with his cum all over...

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Videotaping Wifes BBC Gang Bang

Videoing my Slut WifeI had the two fixed cameras setup, and ready, and the mobile camera was on the table next to the entertainment center. The video player was ready with a hot video of a white slut ready to bang a bunch of black studs. Now, I heard my wife close the door to our bedroom, and head downstairs.“What do you think?” Cheryl asked of her outfit as she slowly turned at the foot of the stairs.“Hot, very hot and slutty,” I replied as I picked up the mobile camera, and began taping her,...

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Untapped Sources

Arriving back home to Edinburgh after my time in Australia, I was met at the rail station by my father. He was glad to see me and hugged me, something he had never done in years. A bit awkward, for he was only five feet seven and now I was almost a foot taller than him and very much broader. "You had us real worried when we never heard from you for three months, then to be informed by the Police that you had been lost for eleven weeks with an old woman. It must have been a dreadful experience...

2 years ago
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My husband loved to come with me for my annual physicals. He would make sure that I made them on a Friday afternoon so that he could attend. I always thought this strange and embarrassing to say the least. He would watch as the doctor manipulated my breast and at times he would lean over in his seat to get a glimpse of my privates while I was in the stirrups. I know the Dr. noticed my husbands antics but never said anything.Once my husband asked the nurse if it wasn't true that anal...

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Taped My Wife Fucking My Friend

A couple weeks ago my friend Clay came over after the bar and fucked my wife with me in the bed next to her. He nailed her again the next morning much to her liking. He was extremely hung and my wife hasn't stopped talking about his dick since that night/morning. We will be fucking and she'll tell me to do her like clay or whisper in my ear about how many times she came with him. I've been so turned on I decided to arrange for Clay to come over and do Kristen again, but I wanted to surprise...

4 years ago
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"April come here," I spoke gently as always, resulting in a reluctant but immediate halt to the erotic triple lip to vagina proceedings on the mat in front of me. "Oh master please, we were just nearing that beautiful moment when the world catches fire and the stars explode, showering pure ecstasy throughout our bodies." Always eloquently submissive in her soft alluring voice, April rose on one elbow; her beautiful face moist with the juices of precum pleasures reflecting disappointment...

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"April come here," I spoke gently as always, resulting in a reluctant but immediate halt to the erotic triple lip to vagina proceedings on the mat in front of me. "Oh master please, we were just nearing that beautiful moment when the world catches fire and the stars explode, showering pure ecstasy throughout our bodies." Always eloquently submissive in her soft alluring voice, April rose on one elbow; her beautiful face moist with the juices of precum pleasures reflecting disappointment...

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Tape Bound and Fucked Hard

He kissed her deeply, his hands rapping around the back of her head, his fingers combing their way through her long curling hair. She felt his large powerful hands grasp the back of her head and hold her lips to his. Her body tingled at his touch, at his taste and her eyes closed in pleasure as his tongue thrust its way into her warm mouth. He twirled it, found hers and twisted them together. He held her there, her mouth open to his and her will bending to him. He released her suddenly, pulling...

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I was a bit drunk at that party. That is really my only excuse. As if I really had an excuse when my wife, Sara, caught me outside with Judy, a woman with one thing on her mind that night. And I admit that if Sara hadn't caught us, I can't say how far things would have gone. To say that Sara was upset would be and understatement. She was gone immediately, and I rushed home to find her packing. I knew I'd been stupid and didn't want her to leave, so I begged her to give me another chance. She...

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Tapes of Me having Sex

I was home from college and had been accosted by Bruce, yes Bruce from Daniel and Charlie. We were some what older and it had been some time since I had been back to the hood. Bruce was living alone in a rooming house and had told me he had a film he wanted me to see. Bruce had promised that there would only be just the two of us and that i could leave when ever I wanted to. I was sure Bruce did not know that I was still sexual active with male partners. My curiosity got the best of me, I went...

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Tape SlavesChapter 4 The Community

"If you leave the smallest corner of your head vacant for a moment, other people's opinions will rush in from all quarters." GEORGE BERNARD SHAW "It's dull (as well as draughty) to keep an open mind." PHILIP GUEDALLA The Robinson family had piled into the car and were driving to the Community Center. Gina was telling her parents and siblings how she had come to have the tape player. "So then they gave me this player and I came home and had all of you listen to it." "Did they...

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Tape SlavesChapter 18 The Royalty

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask rather what you can do for your country." JOHN F KENNEDY "I am the state." LOUIS XIV OF FRANCE Gina moved into the doctor's house. The next day, he took her into his study. "Watch this." He stood facing a wall and spoke a few words in a language Gina couldn't recognize. The wall slid open revealing a secret passage. "That was Arabic for 'Open Sesame!' I love that phrase. You'll need to set up a password for your voice pattern,...

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