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Thinking a moment more Alan was really at a loss as to who was killing these mages; it wasn't the others, they might be bad, but they were fiercely loyal to each other and the council. There were only two white mages on the planet, and as far as he knew Merlin was still low level or was he? There really was something odd about the man and Alan needed to get answers before this went any further.

Appearing back at the sanctuary Alan decided that NOW was the time to talk to Merlin. Walking in Alan was a little surprised when he saw that Merlin was not only awake but waiting on him.

"I knew when I started this that you weren't stupid, I just thought it might take you a little longer to figure it out so that I had more time." Merlin told Alan with a heavy sigh.

"More time? More time for what?" Alan asked an even more perplexed look on his face.

"More time to get my power higher, I have felt so useless for so long my power at such a low level. As you know there are several levels of power. Those that are low just above apprentices, then the mid range, a high range, then of course there is what I have deemed an ultra range. For many years I have tried to raise my power to be of more use, but alas failing each time. That is 'til I met you." Merlin explained.

"'Til you met me? What makes me so different from others?" Alan asked a look of concentration on his face.

"There are ways to grow ones power but as of yet I have not discovered any. You my dear boy have a natural ability to increase your powers each time you use them. As I said there are those four levels each is divided into three parts of their own. When I first saw you, you were as high in the high range as you could go. You have since moved passed that into the ultra range and I'd say that you are almost halfway through that now." Merlin went on.

"Alright so what has all this have to do with your power?" Alan asked.

"Yes, right, I have always had an ability to ape or copy another's power if it was within my level. When you first released me I felt your power growing ability, at first I tried to copy it. I found it took all I had in order to do that after a few tries. The most amazing thing I have found was that when I started to use my power again they started to grow! After I executed the first dark mage I felt my power move into the mid range for the first time in my life. So I kept practising very, very slowly I built them up. After the second the other day I discovered that I was forming new abilities! I have never been able to thought move, now I can for several miles." Merlin had lowered his head.

"That explains why you slept so long it took a lot out of you I know that for a fact it always does. As the power increases so does the demand on the body 'til the body grows used to it." Alan told the man.

"I apologize for copying your power, I so desperately wish to return home to my Queen Glimmer, I have missed her so over the centuries. I am willing to do almost anything to make that happen, but to you a fellow white mage I do apologize." Merlin told Alan his head still bent low.

"I have seen your Queen Glimmer; I can understand, believe me, I would be the same way about Hopix as I love her with all my heart." Alan said as Merlin smiled funny, a gleam in his eye that wasn't lost on Alan.

Hopix had been in the great common room and was just returning when she heard Alan's confession about her to Merlin! Her mouth dropped open he loved her with all his heart!? She thought he was only just beginning to love her! Her heart soaring she stopped and just listened to the discussion as they went on.

"Merlin, I made a promise to your Queen Glimmer that I would find you and return with you. It is a promise I intend to keep, for now I hold all the cards I intend to keep it that way." Alan told a now shocked Merlin. "So tell me Merlin, just how high are your abilities now?"

"As I said I had already moved into the mid range, and have been slowly building. The last I looked I was almost as high as I could go in the mid range. The higher levels are taking much longer as I find that I haven't given my body sufficient time to adjust, yet I was hoping that I could get high enough to actually be of aid to you." Merlin explained sadly.

Alan had been nodding throughout Merlin's explanation, "We need to keep your levels a secret, and that means by everyone Hopix." Alan said with a smile, Hopix's head slowly eased around the doorway.

Her mouth hanging open Hopix was slowly advancing into the room. "But how...?" She started.

"As you heard my abilities have been increasing, lately I have tried to always know where you are. You mean far more to me than you at first thought." Here Alan smiled at Hopix giving her a warm feeling deep in her chest that she loved.

Turning back to Merlin Alan smiled, "I am sure just the fact that you can thought-move will be more than a little help. I am afraid that after these last five died that they won't come after me in mass anymore. We are going to have to go after them each separately. It might take a while they are the strongest and probably the smartest."

Merlin was shocked that Alan wasn't mad; had it been him he might have lost it feeling violated somewhat. Nodding his head, yes this man Alan was a rare find, looking over at Hopix he was definitely glad that he and she had finally gotten together. Then again Alan and she hadn't had sex yet, holy shit! Merlin smiled inside Alan was in for a real eye opener when that happened. Sex was one thing but with a Fairixie it brought a whole new meaning to the phrase soul mate!

The little smiles Alan saw Merlin try to hide when he looked at him and Hopix wasn't lost on him either. There was a definite connection between a human and Fairixie that he had yet to realize, soon he thought after this he and Hopix would be united. Alan felt that the type of union they were going to have was the type that many dreamed of but few ever found. Shaking his head Alan decided help or not he needed to finish this and soon, Hopix's body was beginning to drive him crazy the closer she was.

"I want you to stay here and work on your abilities; if and only IF you reach a higher level do I want you to even consider stepping out of this sanctuary. I mean it Merlin; I didn't come all this way just for you to get killed when I have almost cleared the planet." Alan told Merlin sternly.

Sighing Merlin nodded he might have higher power but as far as his body was concerned he was still a weak mage trying to get by. "Alright, I'll try but this sitting here is killing me, I came here all those years ago to try and free this world. Alan they have a secret that you might find helpful later on. I was just starting to gain their confidence when I was betrayed!" Merlin growled a look of hurt on his face.

Nodding Alan and Hopix walked out and headed toward the surface, they needed to clear this planet soon. Alan could feel that the people were almost broken even those he'd freed were still in a vein of mind that this too would pass and they would be slaves again. Sighing all Alan could see was an almost repeat of the Tribocs it had taken the intervention of one of Queen Glimmer's people to open up their hearts enough for him to help them. He most definitely didn't want that to happen here.

Looking over at Hopix Alan nodded and they both made their way to the next or weakest of these left. Two sets of eyes watched as they left, one a soon to be great ally, another a great enemy only interested in the death of Alan and Hopix. They finally arrived at the place Alan guessed you would call it. Though to him it seemed as almost all of where the dark mages stayed were just dung heaps.

Firing off a few bolts Alan awaited the eventual screaming he knew would come. There was a rushing of power toward them then an almost ghostly apparition appeared in front of Alan, ‘hmmmm this was different!’

"You dare to come here and insult me and my home? You are indeed as brash as the others said you were. No matter I have more than sufficient power to end your meddling here and now!" With that the apparition tried to surround him and take all the air from the space between it and Alan. Most definitely different! Finally an enemy that was original and not the same old thing!

"As much as I am enjoying your company, I think it's time you left this world. I'll offer you the same deal as I did the others." Alan told the ghost like mage.

"It matters not! Within moments you will be dead and then neither of us will have to worry about it!" The apparition told Alan.

Sighing and shaking his head Alan waved his hand and blew a hole in the wall that was in front of him. Screaming the ghost creature was trying to seal the hole when Alan told it, "Now about the deal. Just give up and leave, there will be no retaliation stay and well I'll have to kill you though I really don't want to."

The apparition stopped and stared at Alan, "You really don't know who you are up against with the dark council do you?"

Alan was shocked this was the first time a bad guy had actually stopped and talked unlike so many.

"To surrender, to give up like you say may seem a simple thing to you but to all that now are in service to them it isn't. Many actually sign their lives to the council; to go against them says that they are free for the council to take. They actually OWN most of those that serve them, most not all. Even those they do not own are bound in some way to them. No matter what you say you can do, the dark council has a way to get past it and take all they are. So when they say they can't or won't they really mean it." The ghost creature explained to him.

"Thank you, I guess I was being a little naive thinking I could turn them but it is a dream that I could at least save one." Alan told the creature a great sadness permeating his voice. Bowing to the creature Alan said, "I thank you are the first truly honorable one of the dark mages I have met."

A wicked smile crossed its face as several bolts shot out of hiding behind Alan striking his shield. Nodding Alan's anger started to rise. Three of those behind him were suddenly fireballs of death each screaming in terror as they died. The fourth laughed wickedly as it bounced the spell back at Alan. Alan's eyes opened wide, hmmm so they were finally starting to learn! Alan extended a hand and absorbed the spell that was flying toward him.

The wicked smile on the face of the fourth quickly faded, as it repositioned itself for better protection. The first had tried to flash out and found that it was effectively frozen to the spot it had appeared in. Alan smiled and waggled a finger at it then turned toward the fourth.

"You are the first to actually use your head. It is almost a shame to destroy you." Alan told the almost human-ant hybrid type creature. Again a wicked grin crossed its face as several almost appendage like, thick roots broke the ground below Alan latching onto his arms and legs.

Laughing wickedly the fourth advanced upon Alan, with a smile of his own Alan just nodded and broke the roots, then shot the fourth with several electric bolts. Screaming the dark mage had managed to erect a weak shield but it, like he, was dying rather quickly. Alan felt the first try to break free but Alan again waggled a finger at it without turning. Finally Alan pushed harder toward the fourth; finally the electrical bolts began to lick at the skin of it. Then there was the distinct smell of roasting flesh as the fourth was enveloped in the flames that were starting to erupt from where the bolts were actually touching the skin.

Growling Alan turned toward the first, "ALL OF YOU! EVERY ONE OF YOU!" Alan was yelling then calmed a moment, "I can finally feel the balance shifting on this world. Almost 3/4 of the power that has held this world prisoner is gone. Once I have rid it of you I think the light council may be able to return here. I was going to give you a choice of how you died, but too bad!" A bolt shot from Alan's hands striking the first slowly part of it froze then even slower crept up its body. "You should be dead soon but I hope you enjoy this creeping freezing death good bye!"

Alan gathered Hopix and with a last look at the ghost apparition as a part of it broke off eliciting a scream, flashed out not far away. Concentrating Alan had to be ready he could already feel the tens of thousands that were heading his way. Well he thought that was 70 of them but I am afraid that the last 30 would be the worst, and then there was the champion.

Shaking his head Alan had already started to raise a large city this was going to be the biggest yet, he could feel upwards of 100,000 coming his way but then again just how many would actually want to be helped? An hour later the city had been finished and the first of those that would occupy it were starting to arrive. Having learned the last time Alan waited 'til there was a great number then shot out the same wave as before. Smiling he saw that all of these here truly wanted help.

Another two hours later, saw Alan starting to get frustrated, after the first 10 or 20 thousand it had started to split 50/50. Sighing now nine out of every ten didn't want the help The last bunch were approaching Alan was starting to grow tired he'd saved quite a few but there were so many left he had to develop a better way of doing this. At three hours he was finally finished of the 105,000 that had appeared only 75,000 had accepted his help less than 3/4 but still the greatest amount free on the planet in one place.

Alan and Hopix returned to the sanctuary, Alan took a step toward the door and started to fall; thankfully Merlin was there and had managed to catch him before he was eating dirt. Inside Alan was laying on his pallet Hopix beside him unwilling to leave his side.

"I have felt the balance start to shift here," Merlin told him. "I believe that the Lobrits are feeling it also. You have done an extraordinary job Alan. I know you are tired, I know you want to go home with Hopix; we all have confidence in you. Always remember that there are far more for you than against you. Of the first three places you opened for the Lobrits I feel that those people are finally back to what they were, and the second they are almost there. The third you just finished they are already trying to set up government I feel the whole attitude of the people here is starting to change. Finally the dream I had all those centuries ago is coming to fruition. Thank you Alan thank you so much!"

Alan nodded, he was too tired after today to argue or ask questions, reaching over he gently caressed Hopix's face god he loved her! He had to finish this he had to, he'd waited all his life for a woman like Hopix and he wasn't about to lose her now! As the fatigue finally took him Alan kissed her hand, and then was asleep.

Merlin walked up to Alan extending his hands then nodded, Alan would be out completely for at least two hours more than enough to talk to Hopix.

"So when are you going to tell him?" Merlin asked a startled Hopix.

"Tell him? Whatever do you mean?" Hopix said feigning ignorance.

"Have you forgotten just who I am?" Merlin asked, "especially now with the increases that I have made?"

"No I haven't forgotten but right now it would be more than a distraction to him, he has felt so strong about this he has felt it is only a small thing to repay Glimmer and our planet. He has as strong a sense of duty as you do," Hopix told Merlin.

"I realize this, but child you have to tell him soon, especially with the two of you being joined soon. Don't you think he deserves to know? I know I would though in my case I would become exceedingly angry, but I don't think this is the case for Alan." Merlin told her staring at Hopix trying to gauge her reaction. Then he was shaking his head damn but these Fairixies were a hard race to read! It had taken well over 100 years to tell when his Glimmer had been joking or serious, rubbing his side he smiled that had been rough enough!

"You and he are so much the same and different, Queen Glimmer almost refused to allow him to come. He somehow convinced her but I think she was thinking more of me than herself." Hopix told him.

Sighing Merlin nodded he knew his Glimmer all too well as she did him, were there really no chance she would have tried with all she had to stop Alan. Looking at Alan with a new respect she had obviously seen something in the man that he hadn't, then again he'd seen some that he knew that Glimmer never would have.

"Alan is the first in a very long time that I found could actually do this job. The fact that he loves me as I do him is of course an added bonus." Hopix added matter-of-factly.

"NO! It is far more than that and you know it damn it!" Merlin suddenly shouted then reigned in his emotions. "You have to tell him BEFORE your joining if you wait I MAY have to tell him!" Merlin threatened.

"No please!" Hopix begged tears falling from her eyes. "I will tell him, but I am afraid that I will lose him when I do." Hopix said fresh tears falling anew from her eyes. "I cannot lose him." Hopix was whispering.

"My dear," Merlin told her his face and voice softening, "if you don't tell him soon you WILL lose him ok?" Hopix nodded she really hoped that Merlin was right she was so deeply in love with Alan she felt that if he rejected her she would quite literally die.

Merlin watched Hopix as she laid her head on Alan's chest he could feel the bond now, that meant he was finally into the higher range, Fat lot of good it did him now! Sighing he hadn't meant to upset Hopix but the truth needed to be known, especially with as strong a bond as they had. The same that he and Glimmer had thank the stars he could still feel her and had all the time he was in the saving chamber.


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Accepting Your Demons Chapter One

I was wearing a fitted, plain white t-shirt, a pair of old skinny jeans, and black sneakers. My hair was a deep red and it flowed down my back in waves. Green eyes stared back at me in the long bathroom mirror. I didn't think I was pretty. I couldn't seem to convince myself no matter how many men threw themselves in my direction. Even when my boyfriend told me I was beautiful everyday, I still didn't see it. I didn't wear make up. I didn't wear heels or attractive clothing. I wore jeans, tees...

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NuruMassage Olive Glass First Day On The Job

Olive Glass is escorted to the reception area by her manager. When he informs her that the person that was supposed to train her today called in sick, she wonders if he’ll be the one training her. Unfortunately for her, he has to run to an important meeting and can’t stick around. He assures her that she’ll do fine. It’s been quiet lately and he’s pretty sure no one will be coming in by the time he gets back. He wishes her good luck and steps out. Not a minute...

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Encounter at Travelodge Part 4 Or ldquoThe te

She’s bound. She can’t see. She won’t tell me the code word (or, rather, I haven’t gone so far that she needs to use the safe word). Her firm ass is hanging in the air. AND I HAVE NO BUTT PLUG!That just won’t do.I silently leave the room and go back to the bathroom. In my travel bag, I find a package of dental floss and some (pilfered) bottles of moisturizer, and the shelf provides me with two hotel-sized shampoo bottles. Tying the dental floss in a knot around the neck of one of the shampoo...

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With Great PowerChapter 3 Hounsis Canzo Servant at the Altar

We were both very quiet on the flight home. For most of the flight Jasmine gripped my hand so tightly that my fingers were turning white, while her other hand never left her belly, either stroking it or simply resting on top of it. I still can’t explain it, or even believe it myself, but I could “feel” the energy flowing through Jasmine. I wish I had an explanation for how we apparently traveled back to Jacienthe’s time, but it remains just as much a mystery as when I first met her. I was...

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Hunting trip

The snowy Montana sceanery was beautiful. My stress and saddness were all ready begining to fade. The idea of letting my anger out on hinting made me feel better. My name is Jake. I am 6"3 and an atheltic body. I had a six pack (who doesn't these days) and brown hair with light green and brown eyes. All my life I have been complimented for my good looks, but I was far from narssasistic. The only one thing that separated me from the average 19 year old guy, was that I was gay. And no I not the...

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The Day I Got Caught

The day I got caughtI was about fifteen years old living in a small northern English town and had a massive obsession with women’s underwear, my sisters, my older brothers girlfriends in fact anybody’s but especially much older women’s that I used to steal from washing lines and wear while wanking.One hot July day I was out riding my bike through the local woodland when I spotted a washing line full of panties, bras and stockings, being on the edge of town there was no other houses close by so...

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Breaking Article 134 Ch 10

My body seemed to know when the major was around before I did. My nipples got hard before I heard him. My stomach twitched before I smelled him. He didn’t try to get me alone again, at least not like that. Perhaps he really did think I was dangerous. He never behaved the least bit inappropriately, except with his eyes. He touched me with them. They burned through my clothes and raked over my flesh with a naked heat that never failed to make the most female parts of me quiver. And gawd damn that...

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BrownBunnies Kendall Woods Fucking For Our Troops

Kendall Woods was home alone when her mom’s boyfriend showed up after being discharged from to army. His intention was to surprise Kendall’s mom, however Kendall had different intentions. As they sat waiting for her mom to come home Kendall got a little frisky and threw herself at him. He tried his hardest to resist but his efforts were futile. Kendall Woods got exactly what she wanted, he slammed her pink gash all over the living room couch. She sucked that cock clean and got her pussy pounded...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 48

Mr. William Earl Wardell walked into our suite following our two buffet carts. With him was a tall, slender woman who I guessed to be at least half his age. Next to her, was a young girl who I guessed to be thirteen, at most. Next to her, was a girl I guessed to be close to Shelly’s age. Too old I decided, to be Ms. Wardell’s daughter. She looks good and she’s smiling at me. I’d love to make her smile even more, if I get a chance to give her a body to match Sherry’s. They were followed...

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My first time

Hi people on iss. This is Enriq. Let me tell u about me. I live in the southern India. I am a regular reader of iss. I am handsome and have a nice body with 24 years of age. I am an accountant of a multinational company and travel regularly to many cities. I like girls and I am in contact with many girls. But only on sms. I need them rarely. But I really wanted to fuck someone and lose my virginity. The story u are bout to read is the real life one happened in the mid Sept this year. I was on...

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All for you

The summer heat hit us as we emerged from the cool shade of the forest. I spread my arms and said, "Behold."Melissa looked around at the camping area and out at the little lake. "This is so beautiful!""And all just for you," I said.She set her heavy backpack on the ground and groaned with relief. "Oh, it feels good to get that off." She wiped sweat from her face and behind her neck.I set my pack down beside hers. "Yeah. Modern packs are comfortable, but it's still a lot to carry.""Good thing...

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The Landlord Part 6

The final part of the story, the full scope of the landlord and pimp Mr Wilton becomes apparent and it is all too late for the pretty little sissy. Her life has been taken over and she has gone a long way passed the part of no return. THE LANDLORD PART 6 CHAPTER 1 Thailand had been great to start with; we spent two weeks visiting Pattaya, a couple of islands and Bangkok. In the sleazy sex-tourist resort of Pattaya I saw the lady-boy whores at work. At first I was worried that...

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Wife describes bar hook up

My wife has dressed up sexy and had gone to a local western bar to have a drink and relax. I stayed home having to finish some work. When she came home 4 hours later with her hair mussed and her skirt wrinkled I thought she had been in an accident or something but then she told me the story of her night out. She was sitting at the bar with her short skirt and high heels letting all the men there see what a gorgeous woman she is. She said that she was minding her own business but sometimes...

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Miss Jones Part One

When I was growing up back in the fifties, our family lived in a small Kansas town where everyone knew everyone. Besides the Catholic School, it had only one elementary school, one junior high, and one high school. Corporal punishment was a given, and my parents had signed papers allowing my teachers to punish me by spanking me. I didn't necessarily liked being spanked, but that was the way the school was run. This incident happened when I was eighteen years old and was in high school. I was...

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A Night We Wont Forget Part 2

This is the story of what happened after that fateful night. If you did not read the first chapter of this story, I recommend you do so. I am telling this story with the benefit of the knowledge I received almost a year later when my wife and I finally opened up to each other and shared our true thoughts and feelings about this period of our lives.The next morning was extremely awkward to say the least. As usual, I was the first to wake up. At some point during the night I must have rolled off...

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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter One

After we renewed our relationship in my office a few weeks ago, Christina and I were now fucking like rabbits.  We took every spare half-hour or more to use each other for our carnal pleasures.  Finally, she worked out a weekend away from her husband, and I quickly booked us an ocean-front room overlooking the Atlantic.  I went full-out on the place, sparing no expense since I knew that most of our time would be spent there.Friday night came, and Christina sashayed into my office in a red and...

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Train Journey

Gill was going up north to see her daughter on the train. She decided to wear a skirt and top as it was hot and sitting in a hot carriage for all that time in jeans would be hotter. Now Gill is a voluptuous woman with large breasts and a fantastic arse. Her skirt was a loose type allowing more freedom and her top was tight but low enough to accentuate her boobs. Gill loves wearing stockings and heels. And sexy undies like thongs and crotchless knickers. She is such a horny woman. Settling in...

4 years ago
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Dinahs Breeding Ch 08

‘Get your lazy ass up, Dinah!’ Dinah set straight up as Damian came bursting into the breeding cell with the customary tray of medications. ‘It’s time, missy. Now, assume the position ..’ Dinah turned her ass to face him, her swollen tits hanging pendulously and her belly rolling full with baby beneath her. Damian administered the shots, then smacked her hard on her upturned ass. SMACK! ‘There’s a good girl. You ARE a good girl, aren’t you, Dinah??’ Fearing reprisal for anything other...

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Keep on working

The wife said she really enjoyed fucking the boss because he made it last so long banging her little pussy long enough to get her going then pulling out. Saying that she thought he did just to get her addicted to his horse cock, because by the end of her shift she was more than ready to collect his black seed deep in her hot pussy. He told her as he finnally made his deposit shuving all of that monster in that she would never have to worry about a job again as long as he was manager. Her...

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At their service

I moved to take a new job. I have been a computer programmer for about 15 years, and I was really excited about this new opportunity. The job was really good, and paid well, but the cafeteria in the building wasn't all that good. So, I started going out for lunch, and looking around the neighborhood for places to eat. I was working near the airport, and along with the restaurants and fast food places, I saw many X rated adult bookstores and topless bars. I hadn't seen so many different adult...

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Many years later, after taking my virginity, Rosie would tell me that it was what I wrote to her in third grade that initially endeared me to her. A couple mean boys had taunted her about her skin color on the playground and I was a silent observer of the incident. My heart went out to her when I saw her lower lip tremble, followed closely by a steady stream of large tears wetting her dark cheeks. She didn’t run away in spite of the hurt put on her by her young white tormentors. She just stood...

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A Fresh StartChapter 128 Stormy Weather

Thursday, July 20, 2000 They learned, all right! By Thursday they were heartily bored and sick and tired of the whole thing. The first day or two had been interesting. Marilyn and I had never taken the kids to Kentucky or Tennessee, not even on vacations, so everything was new and interesting to them. We would roll into some little town, and the local Republican committee would have a stage set up somewhere, maybe the local school or the courthouse or veteran’s hall. The local organizer...

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Me and my cousin alone for three days part 1

It was in summer 2009 I told my cousin to come and stay with me for three days sense my parent were at a trip out if townie knew that he was gay but coz he told me before. At the first day at night we went out and had fun all night when we got back home and changed our clothes we sat on the sofa watching film I bought earlier that night when the film is over I was getting ready to go to bed I saw my cousin naked on my bed and I saw his 9.4 inch cock. He stands up and said have you ever been...

1 year ago
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Whores and PimpsChapter 2

Michele sat silently in the car as she watched the taillights of the police car disappear in the distance; the bitter aftertaste of the policeman's sperm still in her mouth. She was confused; the fat cop with his stubby fat cock had forced her to fellate him; but she had become sexually aroused and hadn't even realised it. She sat for a few minutes and decided that the outcome was still better than being locked in a jail cell overnight. She would just make sure she never told anyone about...

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Pleasure Cruise1

This happened on the senior class trip where we were put on a plane to Florida on Friday night and a boat on Saturday morning. We went to several different islands in the Caribbean for a week and got back on Sunday afternoon and flew home that day. I had been dating Mina for about a year then, and we had done some petting, but this is about how we finally really went further. On Thursday afternoon we got to St. Kitts and we were all supposed to get on a ferry for a...

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Tara 1 SpidersChapter 6

The next three weeks flew by for Mark and Jean. It was surprising how quickly they settled into a routine. While Mark still did a lot of the cooking, Jean was finding that she enjoyed his meals and since breakfast was simple, she took over it as her main meal to prepare. It turned out that she was also far better at milking the camla than Mark was. Since she was a Nature Mage, neither of them were surprised by this. Mark taught her the rudiments of how to make soft cheeses since the camla...

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Heart of Darkness Ch 01

As we last left Darla, she and Shelly had just received news from their hospital administrator that the Kukuana military had requested that they come to Kukuanaland to train their nurses. The request had been specifically been made by the father of their Congolese friend Mombassa, who was the general in charge of Kukunaland’s military medical division. The terms of their contract called for the two of them to live in Kukuanaland for up to five years, and for the Raelian hospital where they...

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Watching My Partner Cheat For The First Time

Sitting in the passenger seat of our Peugeot 206, I and my partner Emma shared few words. Our frustration of the long 400 mile journey was starting to take its toll and both of us was tired as night started to progress into the early hours of the morning. ‘We should stop at the next large petrol station we are running out of gas, and I am hungry’ Emma insisted so I was told to keep my eye out for the next station stop, my cock started too stir as I was horny but like always I kept quiet, ...

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Lesbian Heights

Hi, readers. JJ proudly presents yet another lesbian story. The chill of winter recedes and summer heat is beginning to show in Chennai exams just around the corner all of the festivities seasons have ended. In order to juice up some steamy stuff to keep us occupied let’s draw a leaf out of Malathi’s lesbian adventures. While her husband is away busy with the distant education classes in Delhi this female was as hot as a fucking dog. Though she has entered into her 40’s the hormones seem to be...

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Where theres a will part 2

Gail had been trying for three days to get in touch with Jerry, the woman who had ended her two years of no sex, except for using her hand and her favourite toy (see : Where there's a will.....). She had phoned the will writing office where Jerry worked, phoned her mobile number, and sent many text messages, all to no avail. She assumed she'd been dumped, just like her husband had dumped her for one of the office secretaries. She had mixed emotions, feeling happy and fulfilled after the...

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Shruti Bhabhi Ki Kahani 8211 Part I

Hello ISS readers, I am ROHAN SHARMA writing the story for the first time. As im writing one of my experiences for the first time here i will write it in HINDI and hope u guys n gals like it. I will be waiting for your replies and comments. Lets get started… I am Rohan Sharma from GUJARAT. Age:- 28 Athletic body, Fair and 5feet11inch tall. I am a model and right now doing job. This is the story about my sexy neighbour whose name is shruti. To dosto aapko bata du k shruti ek married women hai...

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© Copyright 1999 by E. Z. Riter The attached work of fiction is intended to be entertainment for adults in locations in which it is legal. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read. This is a copyrighted work. Reposting or any other use strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the copyright holder, except may by posted as part of a review or posted to free-access, non-commercial archive sites. Finally. The first warm day of spring. And, it was a Saturday. I was...

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