- 2 years ago
- 19
- 0
I watched her walk into the room and she was as hot and as gorgeous as ever and I wondered just what she wanted to do to me now. To understand the situation you have to know the back story.
It started when Joleen Thomas transferred into our high school in the tenth grade. Joleen was hot! Every guy in the school from the eighth grade to the twelfth had the screaming hots for the girl. So much so that they all asked her out. Even eighth and ninth graders ignored the age difference and tried, but it soon became apparent that Joleen couldn't be bothered by anyone who wasn't a junior or a senior and who had money and a car. That didn't stop anyone from trying though.
I gave it a shot figuring that being a BMOC (Big Man on the Campus) by virtue of being an All State tight end, second baseman and wrestler might carry some weight. Nope, nada and zilch. Her refusals didn't stop me from trying and I asked her out at least once every two weeks all through the school term.
When I started the eleventh grade I thought that I might have a chance. I had some spending money from my part time job at Safeway. Again it was nope, nada and sorry. True, I was a junior, but so was Phil Reed and my four year old Honda Prelude did not match his late model Mustang convertible and what I made at Safeway didn't come close to the money that his father lavished on him. His dad owned three car dealerships and his attitude was "Nothing is too good for my boy."
Besides the car and hefty allowance Phil had a boat and his family had a house at the lake and an indoor swimming pool if the weather outside sucked.
I still took a shot every couple of weeks just on the off chance I might get lucky, but I didn't limit myself to Joleen. I dated a lot, but never had a steady girl friend because it wouldn't be fair to her if Joleen finally said yes to me and I had to drop my steady for Joleen. Hey! I was young and invincible and I knew that if Joleen would go out with me just once she would realize that she had found the man she had been looking for all along.
The year flew by and then it was Junior Prom night. Joleen was with Phil and my date was Nancy Neubert. We had a good time right up until the last dance when Nancy had to run to the girl's bathroom and when she came back she told me that I needed to take her home. She had some sort of female problem. Menstrual cramps or something like that. I took her home and then hit some of the after prom parties by my lonesome.
I was at the party at Gene Ellsworth's when it happened. Phil was drunk on his ass and Joleen was pretty damned near the same. I saw Jack Marvin and Ricky Barnes hustle Joleen off into a corner and watched while Jack tried to kiss her while copping a feel. I saw Rickey drop something in a drink, stir it and give it to Joleen. Jack and Ricky were the class assholes and there was no doubt in my mind that they had just given Joleen a date rape drug.
I walked over to them and told them that I was going to take Joleen off their hands. Jack sneered at me and said:
"Fuck off Sterling. Butt out unless you want to get hurt."
"I'm not butting out Marvin. I figure I can take the two of you without working up a sweat, but I'm not going to waste my time. You two take a hike and I won't call the police and tell them that I saw you drug her. I do that and they take her to County General and do a blood workup on her and I'll give you two guesses as to where the two of you will end up."
Jack looked at Ricky and then back at me and said, "Take the stuck up cunt" and the two of them walked away leaving me with a very fucked up Joleen. I got her out to my car, but not without some difficulty. The date rape drug hadn't taken effect yet and even though she was drunk on her ass she wanted to stay and keep partying.
Once I got her in the car I belted in and then headed for her house. The drug hit her while I was still twenty minutes from getting her home and she was comatose when I pulled up and parked in front of her house. I got her out of the car and up to the front door and then came the hard part. I had to wake her parents up in order to get her into the house.
I rang the bell half a dozen times before the door opened and a man I presumed to be her father took a look at what was standing in front of him and said:
"What the hell did you do to my daughter?"
"I got her out of a bad situation and brought her home. Help me get her into the house."
We got her into the living room and put her down on the couch. Mr. Thomas looked at me and said:
"She's more than just drunk. What the hell did you do to her?"
"I didn't do anything to her except bring her home. As far as what is wrong with her I believe that some one slipped her a date rape drug."
He looked at me and said, "You aren't the one who picked her up for her date. Who are you and how did you come to be with Joleen?"
"I'm a classmate of hers. Her date got drunk and passed out and I appointed myself her watchdog."
"How do I know that you aren't the one who drugged her?"
"That question is so stupid that it doesn't deserve an answer."
"No? Well you are going to give me one if you don't want me to kick your ass into next week."
By then his attitude had me thoroughly pissed. I looked him in the eye and said:
"I guess it is true that no good deed goes unpunished. I should have just left her there so she could have been the center piece of a gangbang. To answer your question on how do you know I wasn't the one to drug her? I would have to be as stupid as you are in asking the question to begin with. I'm going to drug her and then bring her home and ring the doorbell to get you up to take care of her? If I had drugged her I'd have her in a bedroom and I'd be fucking the hell out of her instead of being here and being insulted by you."
I turned and headed for the door.
"Where are you going?"
"What's your name?"
"Why? So you can give it to the police?"
"No. I want to be able to tell her who it was that saved her butt."
"Sterling. Brad Sterling."
"Thank you for looking after her. Sorry about the things I said. I'm a father and we are allowed to get uptight about our daughters."
I gave him a nod to acknowledge his apology and then I left.
That had been on a Friday so I didn't expect to see Joleen until class on Monday so it was surprise when she showed up at our house on Sunday. I was in the garage working on my car and my mother came out and told me that there was someone there to see me. I cleaned my hands with a rag and went into the house where I found Joleen sitting on the couch. She stood up when I walked into the room and said:
"Hi Brad."
"Joleen. This is a bit of a surprise."
"I didn't want to wait until school tomorrow to thank you. You saved my life."
"I doubt that. I kept you from being sexually assaulted and that's hardly life saving."
"You saved me from more than being sexually assaulted. You got me away from the party before Phil could take me home."
"Phil was too drunk to do anything to you."
"You haven't heard?"
"Heard what?"
"Phil is dead. He left the party drunk and lost control of his car on his way home. They estimate he was going seventy when he hit the bridge abutment. If you hadn't taken me home I would probably have been in the car with him."
I didn't know what to say to that. I knew Phil and I didn't like him. He was an arrogant prick, but he had meant something to Joleen so I said:
"Sorry to hear that. I know you liked him a lot."
She shrugged and said, "Yeah. Well. I just wanted to thank you."
"Glad I was there and able to do it."
Inside my head a battle was being fought. A part of my brain was saying "Take advantage of her gratitude. Ask her out." Another part was saying "Don't be crass. Don't act like a lowlife taking advantage." The side telling me not to be an asshole won out.
After a little more conversation Joleen said she had to go and I walked her to the door and told her I'd see her at school the next day. After she left I sat and wondered how long I should wait before asking her out. I thought a week would be just about right.
Silly me!
By Wednesday Joleen had hooked up with Harry Cross. Harry's father owned a large construction company and his father was a lot like Phil's in that he believed that nothing was too good for his boy. Harry not only had a pretty hefty allowance, but he drove a BMW convertible. I finally woke up to the fact that I probably would never have what it took to get on Joleen's dance card, but I was still going to keep on trying.
Joleen was always friendly toward me, but then she was that way with everybody. I don't want to give the impression that I pined away for Joleen because that was not the case. I really did want to date Joleen and I kept trying, but I did date other girls and shortly after my eighteenth birthday Pauline French relieved me of my cherry and for the next month or so Pauline and I got together whenever we could find the time and a flat surface.
I had changed my stance on having a steady girlfriend and I considered asking Pauline to be my full time girlfriend, but before I could do it she let me know that she wasn't in the market for a steady boyfriend.
"I'm young and I intend to do a lot of playing around before I settle down. I will say you are the kind of guy I'd want when I do decide to tie myself down with a guy."
We kept company for another couple of months and then Pauline dropped me and took up with another guy.
I had been dating Beverly Abbeg for a little over a month and senior prom was approaching. I asked Bev to go to the prom with me and she told me that she couldn't.
"I promised Marshall Thompson I'd go with him."
That caught me by surprise. As far as I knew Bev and Marsh hadn't dated since the middle of the eleventh grade and he was currently dating Nancy Wilde. She saw the surprise on my face and said:
"It is too complicated to try and explain, but it won't keep me from sucking your cock" and she reached for my zipper.
I looked around and didn't see any viable candidates so the decision needed to be made – go stag or don't go. I had just about decided not to go when I received a visit from Joleen. It was two days before the prom and I was sitting at a table in the school cafeteria when Joleen came up and asked if she could join me. I of course told her yes and she sat down.
I was naturally curious because she had never before asked to join me, but I was completely taken by surprise when she said:
"You saved me once before Brad and I was wondering if you would do it again?"
"What is this all about Joleen?"
"I need a date for the prom and I was wondering if I can get you to take me."
"What about Harry?"
"He is in the hospital. His appendix burst."
I sat there remembering all the times she had turned me down and knowing that if I took her to the prom it would mean nothing to her. I would just be the means to an end. After the prom she would be back with Harry or some other guy with money. But it would get me to the prom with a date instead of my going alone.
While I was sitting there looking at her and running things through my mind she must have thought that I was getting ready to say no so she said:
"I'll make it worth your while Brad."
I had no idea what she meant by that, but the tone of her voice and the look on her face told me that she was pleading with me so I said:
"I'd love to take you to the prom."
She visibly relaxed and we sat there and made our plans for prom night.
I drove to her house in my freshly washed and waxed Prelude and her father recognized me when he answered the doorbell. He gave me a half grin and said:
"I don't believe it. She is finally going out with someone I approve of."
He led me into the living room and introduced me to his wife and we sat there and chatted until Joleen came down the stairs. She was absolutely stunning. She literally took my breath away. Her dad slapped me on the back and laughingly said:
"Breathe boy, breathe."
Then we had to pose for pictures until her mom thought she had enough.
The dance itself was memorable because Joleen never left my side. Every guy who asked her for a dance was turned down.
"I promised myself that I'd only dance with Brad tonight" is what she told Harv Switzer.
And dance we did. We were on the floor for almost every number and dancing with her was like a dream. She fit into my arms perfectly and with her head resting on my shoulder and my nose pretty much in her hair the smell made me weak in the knees. I was thinking that it was a crying shame that it couldn't be forever, but I knew I was only going to have the one night.
I had planned to hit a couple of the after prom parties before taking Joleen home, but she had other ideas. She told me that she had already made plans for an after prom party and she gave me the directions to get there.
"Pull in here" she said when we got to the Motel 6, "And park in front of 116.
I did and then looked at her with obvious confusion on my face.
"I told you I would make it worth your while" and she took the room key out of her purse and handed it to me. She opened her door and said:
"Lets get to it baby; times a wasting."
I was no stranger to sex. Pauline and all the girls after her had seen to my sexual education, but they hadn't prepared me for the sexual dynamo that was Joleen. She flat tore me up and barely left me with enough strength to push the pedals and turn the steering wheel when it was time to take her home.
She managed to get four times out of me and one of those times was a first for me. Joleen had me do her ass. God but was it ever tight. When it was over ('over' was when she couldn't get me up for a fifth time) we dressed and I took her home. I walked her to her door and she gave me a scorcher of a kiss and thanked me for a perfect night. When the door closed behind her I almost cried because I new it would never happen again.
I was wrong when I 'just knew' that she would be back with Harry when he got out of the hospital. Two days after the prom she was dating Justin Foreman. His dad was the president of the First National Bank and Trust and Justin was another one with a huge allowance and a new car. I just shook my head and thanked the gods that be for my one night with Joleen.
I had received several athletic scholarships and I signed a letter of intent to play for State. Joleen went off to some college back east and it was two years before I saw her again. She had to transfer back to State because of some family problem.
During those two years I had dated several girls and had gotten into relationships with two of them. One of them was Pauline French and we lasted almost eight months before she broke it off with me. She told me that she was getting too attached to me and was nowhere near being ready to settle down. Pretty much the same reason she gave me when she broke up with me in high school.
I was sitting in the school cafeteria having lunch and going over my notes from Business Law II when someone sat down across from me. It was Joleen.
"Hi stranger" she said.
"Hi yourself. What are you doing here?"
"Not happy to see me?"
"Of course I am happy to see you, but I thought you were going to Smith or one of those other back east schools."
"I was, but I had to transfer back here. You are the first familiar face I've seen since coming back."
We talked for a bit and made plans to get together that evening. When I showed up at her house to pick her up I found out why she'd had to transfer back. Her father had died of a heart attack and her mother hadn't taken it well. Joleen had come back so she could help take care of her mom.
As soon as Joleen was in the car I asked her what she would like to do.
"I want to re-enact prom night."
"I don't know of any place that has dancing on a Tuesday night."
"Don't be an ass Bradley; you know what I want."
I couldn't get room 116 at the Motel 6, but they did have plenty of other rooms that were empty. We did re-enact prom night right down to the anal part, but the night ended for the same reason that prom night ended. Joleen could not get me up for a fifth time. When I got her home I got the same scorcher of a kiss that I got on prom night only this time she said:
"Tomorrow? Same time?"
I was going to say no?
I saw Joleen every night for the next eight days (she never did get that fifth out of me) and for seven days I heard, "Tomorrow? Same time?" but on the eighth night all I got was a "Thanks Brad. It was fun" and she turned and went into the house. The next day when I got to the student cafeteria for lunch I saw Joleen sitting with some guy I didn't know, but who I'd seen around. From the clothes that he wore, the Rolex on his wrist and the Porsche 911 he drove I assumed that he had money. Once again it was obvious to me that Bradley Sterling and his nine year old Honda were never going to be enough for Joleen Thomas.
I saw Joleen off and on over the next two years, always on the arm of someone who had money, and she would smile at me and wave, but we had no social interaction.
I'd done well on the football field. Well enough to be a first round draft pick. I got a half million for a signing bonus which I promptly turned over to a financial planner and advisor I trusted. I wasn't stupid. I'd seen too many athletes go into the pros and who had taken their big bucks and had gone on a spending spree only to get a career ending injury which left them broke. It wasn't going to happen to me. I might get injured, but it wasn't going to leave me broke.
I didn't waste the money on a brand new car, but I did put new tires, shocks and brakes on the Prelude and then gave it a paint job.
It was déjà vu. I was in the garage working on the car when my mother came out and told me that there was someone there to see me. I cleaned my hands with a rag and went into the house where I found Joleen sitting on our living room couch. She stood up when I walked into the room and said:
"Hi Brad."
"Joleen. This is a bit of a surprise."
"It shouldn't be. You know who I always turn to when I need to be saved."
I almost said "Go find someone else" but I remembered how insatiable she was in the bedroom and I figured "What the hell. Why not get one more time if I can."
I sat down in the easy chair across from her and asked, "How can I help you this time?"
"My cousin Ruth is getting married and I'm one of the bridesmaids. I need an escort."
"I thought they usually paired up the bridesmaids with the groomsmen."
"That's just for the ceremony and pictures. I know most of the guys who are going to be there and frankly I don't want to dance with any of them at the reception. I will make it worth your while."
I remembered what that meant the last time I helped her out and she was the best pussy I'd ever had so why not.
"When and where" I asked.
I actually had fun. Joleen was good company and her cousin was a riot and great looking besides. I was almost sorry that I hadn't gotten to her first. She made big points with me late in the reception when I danced with her.
"What kind of spell have you cast over my cousin?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"You must have done something. How else can you explain her being with a nice guy? You are the first one she has ever brought around that I wouldn't mind becoming a member of the family."
"Thanks. I think."
She laughed and moved in closer. "Ooooooooh, bad Bradley" she said when her leg felt my hard on.
I danced most of the other dances with Joleen and it might have been my imagination, but she seemed to feel the need to press herself against me during the slow numbers. I didn't protest.
The happy couple left and things started breaking up. It was an eighty mile drive to get home and I knew I wouldn't want to make the drive after the drinking I expected to do at the reception so I'd taken two rooms at a local motel. When we got to the motel I gave Joleen the key to her room and she looked at it and said:
"What's this?"
"The key to your room."
My room? You expect to sleep in another room? Why two rooms? You knew what I meant when I told you I would make it worth your while."
"A gentleman never presumes."
"Bullshit Sterling. Best you see if you can get your money back on the second room."
I couldn't, but I didn't care. The night I had in room 131 was worth the cost of ten rooms. Ten rooms for a week even. Joleen finally got that fifth time out of me.
When I took her home I figured that would be the end of it. I carried her bags to her door and set them down. She took me in her arms, gave me one hell of a kiss and then said:
"I'm free all of next week. Give me a call."
I got one more kiss and she went into the house.
I did call her and we went out three of the nights and ended up back at my apartment on all three of them. The following week we went out four times and the week after that it was five. Suddenly it seemed that we were a couple in everyone's eyes.
After three months she told me that her mother wanted to sell the house and move to Akron where she could live with her sister.
"I can get an apartment or I can just move in with you. What do you think I should do?"
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out my answer to that question. Joleen moved in with me and six months later we were married.
The next five years flew by. My initial contract was for three years and in my second and third year I made it to the Pro Bowl. I was offered a lucrative five year contract and I took it, but arranged for deferred compensation spread out over eight years. It saved me a ton in taxes, but the real beauty of it was that I got paid even if I got injured and couldn't play. The pay checks would keep on coming for eight years. It was also a good deal for the franchise in that it freed them up and helped them with the Leagues salary cap.
By the end of the second year of the contract I'd come to realize that if I made a million dollars a month it would never be enough for Joleen. The woman could spend it faster than I could make it and that wasn't the way I wanted to live. My plan was get the money now, invest it and spread it out so I could live well after football and I don't mean live well for a couple of years, but live well for the rest of my life.
Accordingly, knowing Joleen's penchant for spending, I started hiding things from her. I didn't explain the deferred compensation package and I decided to shock her into curbing her spending. I told her that my financial advisor had made some bad guesses (he hadn't and in fact he was doing extremely well by me) and that I had lost a bunch on the stock market. I told her that we needed to tighten the purse strings a bit.
Hi i am riya from bhubaneswar mujhe jab pata chala ki sex exp ko asi net pe share karte hai to me bhi apni exp share karna chahati hu jo apko pasanda ayegi me jo bol ne ja rahi hu wo mere bhai ke sath mera peheli bar thi mujhe pehele se exp hai thodi thodi. Ab me bina bore kiye hua apko mere family ke bare batati hu meri family ek higher middil class family hai mummy papa me aur mera ek chota bhai hai me 26 ki hu aur mera bhai 23 ki haiye kahani 2 saal pehele ki hai . are me to apni bare apko...
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Before I begin with the story, I have already done a story on WWE. Click on my account name 'SCALLYWAGMUNCHIES' and view my stories. You should see it there, titled 'WWE Divas'. Hi there. I'm John Doe and I'm a profressional wrestler. Have been for twelve years and have enjoyed my time in many countries, many promotions and have won many championships. People considered me to be a big deal, but I never did. Still don't. I'm just an average wrestler, with a standard heel gimmick, but those...
My girlfriends name at that time was Carly and when I think back I’m pretty sure that the reason I liked her was that she was filthy. She loved to fuck. She love sucking my cock and swallowing my semen. She loved having her pussy licked and coming on my face and she was always up for trying new things sexually.Carly was perfectly built. She was a semi-professional ballerina and although only 5’2“ tall she had the physic of an athlete. She had little pretty feet, strong slender legs, a tiny...
The VHS 3 Single White Female By Dee Janes It's all my wife's fault. I want that remembered. Our daughter was away in her second year at college and Cathy was starting to have a serious case of empty nest syndrome. The house where we had lived for the last twenty years began to feel kind of huge, plus living in the suburbs was a lot less exciting when you didn't have any kids around. Dodging tricycles and making a hour long commute doesn't seem all that...
This morning began like any other morning for me. I missed most of it. This is what comes of being a night person, you tend to miss most of the mornings, at least that part of the mornings between four and eleven. As far as I was concerned mornings ended not long after my head hit the pillow, and stuttered back to life at eleven. Whoever’s pillow it was didn’t bother me. This morning it was mine, and the one next to it was occupied by ‘Round Heels Rhonda’ who had agreed, when asked, to share my...
"Bye Ken," Mary and Dannie called to their brother as he crossed the parking lot to the highschool. They waited for him to return their wave and then turned to enter the middle school. "This is the sixth grade wing," Mary told her sister as she opened the door for her. "I'll show you to your home room and then I'll have to go to the eight grade wing after that so I can put my stuff in my locker and get to my first class." "I'm not a little girl you know Mary," Dannie sighed as...
Jordan was the next to catch Joseph after class. "I put together a little performance with some drama students, some music students and members of Ms. Chan's poetry class," he told Joseph with adrenaline invigorated energy. "It's happening in about an hour in the music room." "How come I never heard?" asked Joseph. "It was kind of word of mouth. I didn't want it to be anything official. I talked to the English teachers and most of them, in fact all of them except Mr. Rasmussen...
Introduction: A womans fantasy. This isnt a true story… Although Id like for it to be. ,) Six years ago, a woman I was dating told me she wanted to be fucked by a dog. I thought she was crazy. Still, Im all about the pussy, and anything that will get me closer to that is okay with me. Together, we went to the animal shelter and found a Great Dane we named Hank. Hank loved pussy as much as I did. We became partners after that whore bitch left the picture, and weve been partners ever since. Ill...
August 30, 2011 We are at a strip club in a city known for such places. Me, Nick and a couple other of buddies. At one point or another we all have girls approach us for a dance or just to chat. Nick has this chick walk up to him and sit down and she strikes up a conversation with him. I knew from the other night Nick didn't have an issue with getting a lap dance from a stripper because he said he told his girlfriend after and she pretty much expected as much. I could tell this chick was really...
EroticJoe actually showed up! I was wearing a small, tight, blue bathing suit. He's 2 years older than me, strong, hot kind of guy! I invited him in, and opened a six pack while he changed. I didn't bother to take a peek because I knew I'd fuck the cum out of him in a bit...He came back in a red speedo (Its like he was begging me to fuck him!) He started talking about life and how his pool buisness was going. This went on for a while till I asked him if he had a girlfriend. He quickly said no, and...
I told her all was well and we were going to go out to dinner later and be home early as I was Tired from traveling and "ALL." She told me to enjoy the summer and that they may stop in n theirway up north for a couple weeks of vacation.That did not it well with Granny, as she said they never call before stopping in and they might just "walk in on our parting." I told her that I could get my sister to call and warn us when they leave for vacation. Granny asked me if I had "played" with...
Stacy appeared to be descending into a blissful nap. Bill and I stood there. There was an uncomfortable vibe in the air. We had been friends in high school and hadn't seen much of each other since I had moved away from San Diego ten years before. Whatever that friendship was had come to an end this week. But, what was the dynamic now? I hated what had happened between him and Stacy, but I didn't see him as an enemy or a friend now. Bill spoke again, and it felt like he was perhaps...
CuckoldA stakeout is always less intrusive than a hunt. You just find someplace comfortable, and watch the world go by. Best if you look like you belong there, and if you keep still, the locals soon become used to your presence. Even human locals, as contrasted with local wildlife. When #2 was on mission, he was as good as it gets. It was only when the mission was being planned that he felt insecure and uncertain. Once the mission was defined, he was steady and true.He had spent the last ten hours,...
I woke alone in my bed at the North mansion, feeling completely rested and relaxed. I was so comfortable and at ease that I just laid there completely nude on top of the covers, not wishing to disturb the perfect stillness and peace after having such a wonderful dream. My attention wandered around the room a bit, not really thinking of anything specific, just letting the objects in the room trigger whatever vague images and feelings they wished to give me. But when my eyes fell on the tux...
I was looking for Jessie Saint to go over what we were going to be doing on her shoot. Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be found. I looked everywhere except the bedroom. I go there and when I open the door I find one of our favorite studs on the bed getting his dick sucked by Jessie! They both jumped up as I began to yell. Turns out or boy has told Jessie that they were going to be doing the scene together. By doing so, he got her to give him a blowjob. Since Jessie loves sucking big dick, she...
xmoviesforyouMost girls have a mother-like figure in their life whom they are closer to than their biological one. For Octavia Red, this figure is Lexi Luna. The beautiful, slender blonde treats the gorgeous mature brunette as her second mom and best friend. She loves hanging out with her and telling her stories. Octavia can’t help but feel excited as she finally introduces her man to Lexi. The handsome lad, Milan, casually listens to the girls as they talk about their interests, including their...
xmoviesforyou“Why in particular do you hope Hassan will be there?” I asked, knowing his particular talent and wondering if Sarah just wanted to jerk me off or whether she had time for me to fuck her. As I spoke to her I slid my left hand inside her shirt and under her bra to feel her pert little tit whilst my right lifted her school skirt and I moved her pants to one side to allow me to slide my finger into her. This was the funny thing about having sex with this girl, and with Lizzie as well come to...
Chapter 1 Steve had heard that ketamine was a dissociative drug, but he hadn't expected it to be anything like this. "Whoa..." he said... or thought? It was hard to tell. Certainly, his lips didn't move. He could tell, because he found himself floating above his body, looking down at his slumbering form. "Weird. I wonder if I can..." Steve tried to move, tilting his perspective... and his vantage point glided across the room. A grin slowly spread across his face. It was like the...
I woke slowly, after all it had been a rather tiring evening and night. I could feel muscles that I hadn’t used as much for years slowly groaning as my consciousness grew. But the feelings was great, and lying there quietly I relived the last 12 hours, since coming back with Karen. Not surprisingly perhaps, but pleasingly for me, my cock also grew as I remembered the feelings those two women had given me. The light was clearly coming through the gaps in the curtains, and I could see the...
Joanie moaned and closed her stance, rubbing her cum-slick thighs together. “That’s the second-best part of a guy coming inside of me, I think; the way it feels when it drips out and down my legs, all warm and gooey and sensual.”I laughed. “Well, if sex isn’t slippery and messy you’re probably doing it wrong. Fortunately, that meshes well with your dirty, slutty side that I so admire.”The elevator was gradually creeping toward the ground floor, where we waited. We probably should have just...
Wife LoversPaul waited until they were seated but then immediately commented on what he had just experienced. "Mark, it's not as if you are the general. Heck, he's been gone for more than a century, right? How long will this continue?" "It's not that, Mr. Armstrong," Jennifer commented. "Sandra may not remember this, but her father, bless his soul, would receive the same courtesies whenever we entered a dining room full of military people." "Sandy's father was a general, too?" Paul...
Please leave feedback so I can improve my stories. WICKED WAY Marcia lay sleeping in her bed on a hot summer night. It was so hot that she had stripped down to just her panties. She rolled over to lie on her stomach. Her large breasts pressed up against her chest and she shifted them automatically. As she lay sleeping, she never noticed the dark figure that stood silently next to her bed. Oh so slowly and gently he reached out and took hold of her wrist. With careful deliberation, he...
The Instruction of Hitomi YaradaHitomi shivered from the cold and from abject shame. She squatted on the two wooden boards, laying one hand across her sore vagina while trying to cover her erect nipples. She had been balancing on the boards for more than an hour, and now the cold was almost unbearable. The physical pain was intense, but nothing compared to the miserable disgrace she felt as a crowd began to gather outside The Academy’s main gate to witness her torment. The...
Hi ISS readers this is fuckerboy (Monty) from Delhi I’m 20 years old and I’m pursuing BCA. I love sex very much and here I want to tell you about my first sex experience with my neighbor aunty that how I fuckd her hard and made her as my slut. Ab me ap logo ko hindi me khani Sunata hu me jb 18 saal ka hua to muje sex kafi jyada chadne laga mera lund kisi bhi mast aurat ya ladki ki gand dekhkar khada Ho jata tha muje ab kisi ke sath sona tha aur apni sex ki pyas mitani thi hamare padaos me ek...
Introduction: This is the last segment of Evan and the Beach Boys. Enjoy! Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Twelve year old Evan had just returned from a fucking session with the notorious Beach Boys. Evan was thinking about cock in his room. He took out his sexy young penis. He was stroking it thinking all about boys. He then had a hot idea. He called his friend Michael. Michael answered the phone. Hello said Mike, Hi its Evan, you wanna come over? responded Evan. Sure,...
By this time I was fully immersed in my new life as a sister to my brother, a daughter to my mother, a slightly above average student to the sisters at Mount Saint Mary's and a nice girl friend to Gloria and a few other girls at school. I've spent many, many months totally involved in a girl's life so most of my actions seemed second nature now. I no longer had to concentrate on what to wear or how to coordinate an outfit or what shoes to wear. I no longer had to think about how to apply...
While Joanna was dreaming, her brain was subconsciously sifting through recent events and trying to assimilate them. The prom, and dancing with Kevin. Those were real, but should she really have slapped him so hard! The meal and the hotel room and the movie and drinking too much. Those were real too. The sex and waking up in Kevin’s arms. Those were impossible because Kevin was gay, but it was a very pleasant memory despite being only a dream. Room service breakfast then checking out of...
It all began by mistake. I had spent the morning at home, relaxing in one of my favourite outfits. I was starting to think that work beckoned, and had begun the transition back to drab. I took off my wig and make up, but decided to keep my panties, tights and bra on, as my clothes would hide what I was wearing. My attention was caught by a news item, and I sat watching the television for a few minutes. My viewing was disturbed by a ring on the door bell, and I went to see who was there. I...
CrossdressingTHE VALEDICTORIAN SPEECH By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Humour. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT NICE GUY Eric was a nice young man from a humble, hard-working family. They lived in a middle-class part of town. His dad worked in...
HumorGet out of the way! Damn, why don’t people just get out of my way! I frigging hate these people who just stand there when I’m trying to get somewhere and I’m in a hurry. Fuck them! In case you’re wondering who this is, the name is Jamella Hendricks. I’m a six-foot-tall, good-looking, big-booty and very voluptuous young black woman living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. By day, I attend UMass-Boston on an academic scholarship. I major in business management. By night, I’m a member of the...
The prevailing rumor over the next few weeks was that Darren was a vegetable, languishing on life-support without awareness or comprehension, only waiting for someone to make the decision to pull the plug. This was not even close to the truth. Darren remained on a ventilator because his respiratory muscles no longer had the strength to draw air into his lungs. His arms and legs remained flaccid because they no longer had the strength to move. Darren's brain, however, was still quite in the...
After more than a month of crossing the mostly unsettled prairie of the Domain, the Axeforger caravan caught their first glimpses of the Hills of the Gnath, a triangular arrangement of hills whose southern point was the only division between the Gnomar and Domani Mountains. Although spring was in full bloom, the air was still quite cool in the mornings and evenings as they went further north. It was more than a week since the failed assassination attempt on Jonar and they had encountered no...
by Phillip Johnson Chapter One Hundred Thirty Nine Wendy and Anita had talked about the line up of prospective buyers, and what Mitch thought would be the best way to handle them, and Wendy called Rae and shared that information with her. Beth and Ovid Colliers were the first couple late Saturday morning, and Anita was dressed in more conservative shorts, but a daring braless top. Wendy and Anita were at the bench and Wendy was in tiny shorts and tie front top when the prospective buyers...
Athea was knocking on the door and a moment later Chalissa opened. “Hello Athea, are you searching for Menja? Meyra is almost done with her hair,” Chalissa greeted, surprised and a bit shyly. “That’s good; when she is done we all can go into the town together. I’m sure you and Meyra need a lot of new things to get ready to leave Paras tomorrow,” Athea replied smiling. “Leave Paras?” Chalissa asked wide-eyed. “Yes, tomorrow we will sail for Vernya. There is a war we have to take care of. I...
She woke before Philip and turned on her side to gaze at his sleeping form. His room, having no windows, would have been totally black if it were not for a Minnie Mouse nightlight low on the wall on her side of the bed. It emitted a lazy light that was just enough to brush his face and shoulders in a soft, golden glow. She thought him perhaps the most handsome man yet born to woman. Not that there wasn’t room for improvement. Mei was a woman and for women the prospect of a man that could not...
Creed was kept keenly erect, his stomach alive with butterflies, his anus tingling incessantly as he spent the entire journey kneeling as commanded, on the floor of the carriage between the seats. Facing Julia who sat in pompous regality, her breasts heaving in her tight top, her own excitement evident but held back by her womanly sense of dignity as she twirled a leather crop in her fingers, his awe and anticipation of being thoroughly dominated by her held him like some opiate; his mind not...
Sheila and I walked away from the Mounties as calmly as we could. No sense upsetting the men if possible. Sheila took me to what appeared to be an abandoned cabin on the outskirts of the city. [We’re going to have to make sure we have all the proper credentials before we try again.] I thought to Sheila. [I concur, ] returned Sheila’s thoughts. [This is a different country we have to go carefully.] I was nodding my agreement after I sat inside the cabin. “I suggest you look at the...
i have been horny since I got my first period, sometime inthe last century. As my tits got bigger they became agreater source of pleasure for me. From 13 to 16, I wasalways willing to make out with boys and let them feelme up. I got laid for the first time when I was 16 withthe boy who would become my husband. There hasbeen no one else, ever, although my fantasies would sayotherwise.We've done all there is to do to enhance our sex life:great recreational d**gs back in the day, made awesomehome...
I took a deep breath and reached for the doorbell. I could hardly believe I was really going to go through with this. And I was still pretty sure that they would back out at the last minute. But what the hell, I pushed the button. Let me give you a brief overview of how I got to this point. Not long ago my live-in girlfriend of about five years had run off with a mutual friend. Some friend! And since then I hadn't met a woman I was even interested in enough to get to know well. I was stuck in...
In the morning, she was awakened by the loud screech of a dive bombing sea gull. There were dozens of them surrounding her. They seemed quite surprised when she moved. Lisa laughed as she watched them fly. They were so big, so close, so beautiful. She felt the sudden urge to soar in the air, although she never actually cared to fly, before, since it was easier to simply levitate. She had never felt a need to fly, even though she had always known how. Standing up, she cast around with her...