- 2 years ago
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I watched her walk into the room and she was as hot and as gorgeous as ever and I wondered just what she wanted to do to me now. To understand the situation you have to know the back story.
It started when Joleen Thomas transferred into our high school in the tenth grade. Joleen was hot! Every guy in the school from the eighth grade to the twelfth had the screaming hots for the girl. So much so that they all asked her out. Even eighth and ninth graders ignored the age difference and tried, but it soon became apparent that Joleen couldn't be bothered by anyone who wasn't a junior or a senior and who had money and a car. That didn't stop anyone from trying though.
I gave it a shot figuring that being a BMOC (Big Man on the Campus) by virtue of being an All State tight end, second baseman and wrestler might carry some weight. Nope, nada and zilch. Her refusals didn't stop me from trying and I asked her out at least once every two weeks all through the school term.
When I started the eleventh grade I thought that I might have a chance. I had some spending money from my part time job at Safeway. Again it was nope, nada and sorry. True, I was a junior, but so was Phil Reed and my four year old Honda Prelude did not match his late model Mustang convertible and what I made at Safeway didn't come close to the money that his father lavished on him. His dad owned three car dealerships and his attitude was "Nothing is too good for my boy."
Besides the car and hefty allowance Phil had a boat and his family had a house at the lake and an indoor swimming pool if the weather outside sucked.
I still took a shot every couple of weeks just on the off chance I might get lucky, but I didn't limit myself to Joleen. I dated a lot, but never had a steady girl friend because it wouldn't be fair to her if Joleen finally said yes to me and I had to drop my steady for Joleen. Hey! I was young and invincible and I knew that if Joleen would go out with me just once she would realize that she had found the man she had been looking for all along.
The year flew by and then it was Junior Prom night. Joleen was with Phil and my date was Nancy Neubert. We had a good time right up until the last dance when Nancy had to run to the girl's bathroom and when she came back she told me that I needed to take her home. She had some sort of female problem. Menstrual cramps or something like that. I took her home and then hit some of the after prom parties by my lonesome.
I was at the party at Gene Ellsworth's when it happened. Phil was drunk on his ass and Joleen was pretty damned near the same. I saw Jack Marvin and Ricky Barnes hustle Joleen off into a corner and watched while Jack tried to kiss her while copping a feel. I saw Rickey drop something in a drink, stir it and give it to Joleen. Jack and Ricky were the class assholes and there was no doubt in my mind that they had just given Joleen a date rape drug.
I walked over to them and told them that I was going to take Joleen off their hands. Jack sneered at me and said:
"Fuck off Sterling. Butt out unless you want to get hurt."
"I'm not butting out Marvin. I figure I can take the two of you without working up a sweat, but I'm not going to waste my time. You two take a hike and I won't call the police and tell them that I saw you drug her. I do that and they take her to County General and do a blood workup on her and I'll give you two guesses as to where the two of you will end up."
Jack looked at Ricky and then back at me and said, "Take the stuck up cunt" and the two of them walked away leaving me with a very fucked up Joleen. I got her out to my car, but not without some difficulty. The date rape drug hadn't taken effect yet and even though she was drunk on her ass she wanted to stay and keep partying.
Once I got her in the car I belted in and then headed for her house. The drug hit her while I was still twenty minutes from getting her home and she was comatose when I pulled up and parked in front of her house. I got her out of the car and up to the front door and then came the hard part. I had to wake her parents up in order to get her into the house.
I rang the bell half a dozen times before the door opened and a man I presumed to be her father took a look at what was standing in front of him and said:
"What the hell did you do to my daughter?"
"I got her out of a bad situation and brought her home. Help me get her into the house."
We got her into the living room and put her down on the couch. Mr. Thomas looked at me and said:
"She's more than just drunk. What the hell did you do to her?"
"I didn't do anything to her except bring her home. As far as what is wrong with her I believe that some one slipped her a date rape drug."
He looked at me and said, "You aren't the one who picked her up for her date. Who are you and how did you come to be with Joleen?"
"I'm a classmate of hers. Her date got drunk and passed out and I appointed myself her watchdog."
"How do I know that you aren't the one who drugged her?"
"That question is so stupid that it doesn't deserve an answer."
"No? Well you are going to give me one if you don't want me to kick your ass into next week."
By then his attitude had me thoroughly pissed. I looked him in the eye and said:
"I guess it is true that no good deed goes unpunished. I should have just left her there so she could have been the center piece of a gangbang. To answer your question on how do you know I wasn't the one to drug her? I would have to be as stupid as you are in asking the question to begin with. I'm going to drug her and then bring her home and ring the doorbell to get you up to take care of her? If I had drugged her I'd have her in a bedroom and I'd be fucking the hell out of her instead of being here and being insulted by you."
I turned and headed for the door.
"Where are you going?"
"What's your name?"
"Why? So you can give it to the police?"
"No. I want to be able to tell her who it was that saved her butt."
"Sterling. Brad Sterling."
"Thank you for looking after her. Sorry about the things I said. I'm a father and we are allowed to get uptight about our daughters."
I gave him a nod to acknowledge his apology and then I left.
That had been on a Friday so I didn't expect to see Joleen until class on Monday so it was surprise when she showed up at our house on Sunday. I was in the garage working on my car and my mother came out and told me that there was someone there to see me. I cleaned my hands with a rag and went into the house where I found Joleen sitting on the couch. She stood up when I walked into the room and said:
"Hi Brad."
"Joleen. This is a bit of a surprise."
"I didn't want to wait until school tomorrow to thank you. You saved my life."
"I doubt that. I kept you from being sexually assaulted and that's hardly life saving."
"You saved me from more than being sexually assaulted. You got me away from the party before Phil could take me home."
"Phil was too drunk to do anything to you."
"You haven't heard?"
"Heard what?"
"Phil is dead. He left the party drunk and lost control of his car on his way home. They estimate he was going seventy when he hit the bridge abutment. If you hadn't taken me home I would probably have been in the car with him."
I didn't know what to say to that. I knew Phil and I didn't like him. He was an arrogant prick, but he had meant something to Joleen so I said:
"Sorry to hear that. I know you liked him a lot."
She shrugged and said, "Yeah. Well. I just wanted to thank you."
"Glad I was there and able to do it."
Inside my head a battle was being fought. A part of my brain was saying "Take advantage of her gratitude. Ask her out." Another part was saying "Don't be crass. Don't act like a lowlife taking advantage." The side telling me not to be an asshole won out.
After a little more conversation Joleen said she had to go and I walked her to the door and told her I'd see her at school the next day. After she left I sat and wondered how long I should wait before asking her out. I thought a week would be just about right.
Silly me!
By Wednesday Joleen had hooked up with Harry Cross. Harry's father owned a large construction company and his father was a lot like Phil's in that he believed that nothing was too good for his boy. Harry not only had a pretty hefty allowance, but he drove a BMW convertible. I finally woke up to the fact that I probably would never have what it took to get on Joleen's dance card, but I was still going to keep on trying.
Joleen was always friendly toward me, but then she was that way with everybody. I don't want to give the impression that I pined away for Joleen because that was not the case. I really did want to date Joleen and I kept trying, but I did date other girls and shortly after my eighteenth birthday Pauline French relieved me of my cherry and for the next month or so Pauline and I got together whenever we could find the time and a flat surface.
I had changed my stance on having a steady girlfriend and I considered asking Pauline to be my full time girlfriend, but before I could do it she let me know that she wasn't in the market for a steady boyfriend.
"I'm young and I intend to do a lot of playing around before I settle down. I will say you are the kind of guy I'd want when I do decide to tie myself down with a guy."
We kept company for another couple of months and then Pauline dropped me and took up with another guy.
I had been dating Beverly Abbeg for a little over a month and senior prom was approaching. I asked Bev to go to the prom with me and she told me that she couldn't.
"I promised Marshall Thompson I'd go with him."
That caught me by surprise. As far as I knew Bev and Marsh hadn't dated since the middle of the eleventh grade and he was currently dating Nancy Wilde. She saw the surprise on my face and said:
"It is too complicated to try and explain, but it won't keep me from sucking your cock" and she reached for my zipper.
I looked around and didn't see any viable candidates so the decision needed to be made – go stag or don't go. I had just about decided not to go when I received a visit from Joleen. It was two days before the prom and I was sitting at a table in the school cafeteria when Joleen came up and asked if she could join me. I of course told her yes and she sat down.
I was naturally curious because she had never before asked to join me, but I was completely taken by surprise when she said:
"You saved me once before Brad and I was wondering if you would do it again?"
"What is this all about Joleen?"
"I need a date for the prom and I was wondering if I can get you to take me."
"What about Harry?"
"He is in the hospital. His appendix burst."
I sat there remembering all the times she had turned me down and knowing that if I took her to the prom it would mean nothing to her. I would just be the means to an end. After the prom she would be back with Harry or some other guy with money. But it would get me to the prom with a date instead of my going alone.
While I was sitting there looking at her and running things through my mind she must have thought that I was getting ready to say no so she said:
"I'll make it worth your while Brad."
I had no idea what she meant by that, but the tone of her voice and the look on her face told me that she was pleading with me so I said:
"I'd love to take you to the prom."
She visibly relaxed and we sat there and made our plans for prom night.
I drove to her house in my freshly washed and waxed Prelude and her father recognized me when he answered the doorbell. He gave me a half grin and said:
"I don't believe it. She is finally going out with someone I approve of."
He led me into the living room and introduced me to his wife and we sat there and chatted until Joleen came down the stairs. She was absolutely stunning. She literally took my breath away. Her dad slapped me on the back and laughingly said:
"Breathe boy, breathe."
Then we had to pose for pictures until her mom thought she had enough.
The dance itself was memorable because Joleen never left my side. Every guy who asked her for a dance was turned down.
"I promised myself that I'd only dance with Brad tonight" is what she told Harv Switzer.
And dance we did. We were on the floor for almost every number and dancing with her was like a dream. She fit into my arms perfectly and with her head resting on my shoulder and my nose pretty much in her hair the smell made me weak in the knees. I was thinking that it was a crying shame that it couldn't be forever, but I knew I was only going to have the one night.
I had planned to hit a couple of the after prom parties before taking Joleen home, but she had other ideas. She told me that she had already made plans for an after prom party and she gave me the directions to get there.
"Pull in here" she said when we got to the Motel 6, "And park in front of 116.
I did and then looked at her with obvious confusion on my face.
"I told you I would make it worth your while" and she took the room key out of her purse and handed it to me. She opened her door and said:
"Lets get to it baby; times a wasting."
I was no stranger to sex. Pauline and all the girls after her had seen to my sexual education, but they hadn't prepared me for the sexual dynamo that was Joleen. She flat tore me up and barely left me with enough strength to push the pedals and turn the steering wheel when it was time to take her home.
She managed to get four times out of me and one of those times was a first for me. Joleen had me do her ass. God but was it ever tight. When it was over ('over' was when she couldn't get me up for a fifth time) we dressed and I took her home. I walked her to her door and she gave me a scorcher of a kiss and thanked me for a perfect night. When the door closed behind her I almost cried because I new it would never happen again.
I was wrong when I 'just knew' that she would be back with Harry when he got out of the hospital. Two days after the prom she was dating Justin Foreman. His dad was the president of the First National Bank and Trust and Justin was another one with a huge allowance and a new car. I just shook my head and thanked the gods that be for my one night with Joleen.
I had received several athletic scholarships and I signed a letter of intent to play for State. Joleen went off to some college back east and it was two years before I saw her again. She had to transfer back to State because of some family problem.
During those two years I had dated several girls and had gotten into relationships with two of them. One of them was Pauline French and we lasted almost eight months before she broke it off with me. She told me that she was getting too attached to me and was nowhere near being ready to settle down. Pretty much the same reason she gave me when she broke up with me in high school.
I was sitting in the school cafeteria having lunch and going over my notes from Business Law II when someone sat down across from me. It was Joleen.
"Hi stranger" she said.
"Hi yourself. What are you doing here?"
"Not happy to see me?"
"Of course I am happy to see you, but I thought you were going to Smith or one of those other back east schools."
"I was, but I had to transfer back here. You are the first familiar face I've seen since coming back."
We talked for a bit and made plans to get together that evening. When I showed up at her house to pick her up I found out why she'd had to transfer back. Her father had died of a heart attack and her mother hadn't taken it well. Joleen had come back so she could help take care of her mom.
As soon as Joleen was in the car I asked her what she would like to do.
"I want to re-enact prom night."
"I don't know of any place that has dancing on a Tuesday night."
"Don't be an ass Bradley; you know what I want."
I couldn't get room 116 at the Motel 6, but they did have plenty of other rooms that were empty. We did re-enact prom night right down to the anal part, but the night ended for the same reason that prom night ended. Joleen could not get me up for a fifth time. When I got her home I got the same scorcher of a kiss that I got on prom night only this time she said:
"Tomorrow? Same time?"
I was going to say no?
I saw Joleen every night for the next eight days (she never did get that fifth out of me) and for seven days I heard, "Tomorrow? Same time?" but on the eighth night all I got was a "Thanks Brad. It was fun" and she turned and went into the house. The next day when I got to the student cafeteria for lunch I saw Joleen sitting with some guy I didn't know, but who I'd seen around. From the clothes that he wore, the Rolex on his wrist and the Porsche 911 he drove I assumed that he had money. Once again it was obvious to me that Bradley Sterling and his nine year old Honda were never going to be enough for Joleen Thomas.
I saw Joleen off and on over the next two years, always on the arm of someone who had money, and she would smile at me and wave, but we had no social interaction.
I'd done well on the football field. Well enough to be a first round draft pick. I got a half million for a signing bonus which I promptly turned over to a financial planner and advisor I trusted. I wasn't stupid. I'd seen too many athletes go into the pros and who had taken their big bucks and had gone on a spending spree only to get a career ending injury which left them broke. It wasn't going to happen to me. I might get injured, but it wasn't going to leave me broke.
I didn't waste the money on a brand new car, but I did put new tires, shocks and brakes on the Prelude and then gave it a paint job.
It was déjà vu. I was in the garage working on the car when my mother came out and told me that there was someone there to see me. I cleaned my hands with a rag and went into the house where I found Joleen sitting on our living room couch. She stood up when I walked into the room and said:
"Hi Brad."
"Joleen. This is a bit of a surprise."
"It shouldn't be. You know who I always turn to when I need to be saved."
I almost said "Go find someone else" but I remembered how insatiable she was in the bedroom and I figured "What the hell. Why not get one more time if I can."
I sat down in the easy chair across from her and asked, "How can I help you this time?"
"My cousin Ruth is getting married and I'm one of the bridesmaids. I need an escort."
"I thought they usually paired up the bridesmaids with the groomsmen."
"That's just for the ceremony and pictures. I know most of the guys who are going to be there and frankly I don't want to dance with any of them at the reception. I will make it worth your while."
I remembered what that meant the last time I helped her out and she was the best pussy I'd ever had so why not.
"When and where" I asked.
I actually had fun. Joleen was good company and her cousin was a riot and great looking besides. I was almost sorry that I hadn't gotten to her first. She made big points with me late in the reception when I danced with her.
"What kind of spell have you cast over my cousin?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"You must have done something. How else can you explain her being with a nice guy? You are the first one she has ever brought around that I wouldn't mind becoming a member of the family."
"Thanks. I think."
She laughed and moved in closer. "Ooooooooh, bad Bradley" she said when her leg felt my hard on.
I danced most of the other dances with Joleen and it might have been my imagination, but she seemed to feel the need to press herself against me during the slow numbers. I didn't protest.
The happy couple left and things started breaking up. It was an eighty mile drive to get home and I knew I wouldn't want to make the drive after the drinking I expected to do at the reception so I'd taken two rooms at a local motel. When we got to the motel I gave Joleen the key to her room and she looked at it and said:
"What's this?"
"The key to your room."
My room? You expect to sleep in another room? Why two rooms? You knew what I meant when I told you I would make it worth your while."
"A gentleman never presumes."
"Bullshit Sterling. Best you see if you can get your money back on the second room."
I couldn't, but I didn't care. The night I had in room 131 was worth the cost of ten rooms. Ten rooms for a week even. Joleen finally got that fifth time out of me.
When I took her home I figured that would be the end of it. I carried her bags to her door and set them down. She took me in her arms, gave me one hell of a kiss and then said:
"I'm free all of next week. Give me a call."
I got one more kiss and she went into the house.
I did call her and we went out three of the nights and ended up back at my apartment on all three of them. The following week we went out four times and the week after that it was five. Suddenly it seemed that we were a couple in everyone's eyes.
After three months she told me that her mother wanted to sell the house and move to Akron where she could live with her sister.
"I can get an apartment or I can just move in with you. What do you think I should do?"
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out my answer to that question. Joleen moved in with me and six months later we were married.
The next five years flew by. My initial contract was for three years and in my second and third year I made it to the Pro Bowl. I was offered a lucrative five year contract and I took it, but arranged for deferred compensation spread out over eight years. It saved me a ton in taxes, but the real beauty of it was that I got paid even if I got injured and couldn't play. The pay checks would keep on coming for eight years. It was also a good deal for the franchise in that it freed them up and helped them with the Leagues salary cap.
By the end of the second year of the contract I'd come to realize that if I made a million dollars a month it would never be enough for Joleen. The woman could spend it faster than I could make it and that wasn't the way I wanted to live. My plan was get the money now, invest it and spread it out so I could live well after football and I don't mean live well for a couple of years, but live well for the rest of my life.
Accordingly, knowing Joleen's penchant for spending, I started hiding things from her. I didn't explain the deferred compensation package and I decided to shock her into curbing her spending. I told her that my financial advisor had made some bad guesses (he hadn't and in fact he was doing extremely well by me) and that I had lost a bunch on the stock market. I told her that we needed to tighten the purse strings a bit.
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Ana at the stripper pub.That business trip to Chicago had ended one day before schedule and I was flying back home. My cell phone was out of order, so I decided it could be nice to surprise Anita arriving home early.The strange thing was I could not find her at home…. on Friday late evening. It was really strange.I spent a long while calling some of her friends, asking if she was there, but it was useless. Nobody knew about her since that morning.I found a kind of business card on the floor,...
Brother Samuel here. A name that should require no introduction at this point. Your favorite big and tall, good-looking and openly bisexual Haitian-American author, law student and activist living near Boston, Massachusetts. Sometimes, I wonder why people simply can’t leave well enough alone. Why must they try to fix things that don’t need fixing? Don’t fix anything that’s not broken. Why do idiotic people get their cats and dogs neutered when the animals were perfectly fine the way they were?...
I was sitting in my den a few years ago, when the phone rang. I picked it up and heard a strangers voice. It sounded like a girl, sort of, but a bit off. She asked for a girl, that was not known to me. I played along, to see where this was going. Then, as expected, she asked my name. We sparred back and forth for a while, both being as clever as we could. Then the conversation turned to sex, and it was started by her. She asked me a few questions, like girlfriends, age, what I liked, etc. Then...
This story begins when I’m in my 3rd year of engineering. I’m Arjun from Delhi, 23 years of age, 6 feet, very thin (55 kg), and moderately toned. Some people tell me I look like a stick based on my physique. I come from a lower-middle-class family with a very superstitious Hindu family. Although I’m not religious or believe in superstition, I still have to be in front of my family. My older brother died due to a car accident 6 months ago. He was 30 years old and had recently married Kashish, a...
Our regular mailman broke his leg and a cute, young woman would be our sub for about 6 weeks. When my wife wasn’t around (and that’s much of the time), I would flirt with her and tell her that I had never had a “mailman” as pretty as she. That always got a big smile. Actually, she was a nice looking, 22 year old. She was fairly petite – with long brown hair. She was quite thin with quite small breasts. She had a great personality and was very nice to fantasize about (I jacked off quite a few...
Hello indian sex stories dot net doston mera nam rupa hay aplogo ko mery bety ka nam to pata hi hoga, abhik apki iss site mey woh hamary beechi huye kayei ghatano ki story post karta hay aj may aplogo ko mery brey mey aur mery sath huye sarey ghatnao key barey mey apni kudki opinion dungi Apko jarur pata hoga ki may ek bong women hu aur kolkata mey raheytahu, may jab 25 years ka tha tabhi meri shadi ho gaye thi mera husband mujsey 5 years barey they saadi key din at first mujhey bohot dar lag...
Sharon sat in the Michaels living room wondering where it was exactly that the entire family went. Sharon had felt like being alone that evening so she had gone out on a walk, so she missed the festivities. She was currently sitting in the living room wondering where everyone was. She jumped back as with a large shimmer, Arrian and his family and friends came into view. "Arrian! Helen! I've been worried about you all." Sharon said. Arrian smiled at Sharon and gave her a kiss on the...
Clothing Bet 2: So as the result of a bet I found myself looking like a semi-naked girl in beauty saloon wearing nothing more than a bra and panties and about to face something even more painful than the waxing - being laced into my first corset. I cannot describe how painful this is if you have not worn a corset yourself. You feel like all the breath has just been crushed out of you before it happens again! And again! And again! Then Eve said "Now Simone, I know you have not worn...
My dad had been sick in cancer for a long time.I drove by his house everyday to give him something to eat.This day was like every other day.I finished work and drove by the grocery store.As i parked outside his house, i noticed a old european car outside his house.Didnt think much about it as a walked to dads front door and rang the doorbell.I just heard dads voice "Come in , son!! "Entered the old house and walked in the kitchen.I put the beers and the chickenwings in the fridge.- Come in son,...
At first her walking around naked was weird to me because she would do at times thinking I wasn't paying attention, like after a shower she would ran across the house naked to the laundry room to get a towel. My mom is a short 5'5 with light skin and dark short hair. Many people mistake her for an Asian but she just looks that way. She had a healthy figure but not supermodel hot, her nipples where thick and slightly dark. When she walks around in her bra I can see the darkness through the...
“Hey Yue! Want to go grab some dinner?” Day asked earnestly. He’d been gathering his courage, saving it for an opportunity like this for a long time.Monday’s were always the worst. Day dreaded the long hours spent in school and during CCA. The only redeeming quality was while he would be marching through the parade square in his green uniform, Yue would be frolicking about in the netball court next door. His eyes were always fixated on the way she moved, the curves on her body. She had a clear...
We did it! Somehow we managed to pull of a threesome between one of Cristina's closest friends. We did not think it may happen ever. As far as we know, we -- especially Cristina have made efforts to make sure that it happen.Cristina and I have really been open about each others sexual desires, and for what its worth, I finally had sex with one of her friends, Irene.My wife and I have been friends with her for at least 5 years. She's a single m*m. She has a really bubbly personality. Loves to...
“Miss Compton!” I was a grade 12 math teacher in an upscale charter school. The school was set up for parents who were concerned about giving religious training to their children. In addition, the board and the parents felt it important to retain some of the traditional discipline. Thankfully math was not one of the subjects that required adherence to any quirks of the Charter curriculum; and it had the added bonus that most of the students assumed I was out of it and so usually didn’t engage...
Vacations had come far too rarely for Kris and I over the five years we had been married. Life seemed always to get in the way. We both worked full time in a demanding industry and we had a three year old to care for so finding time for each other was sometimes difficult. On top of all this, we had recently made a move to the Pacific Northwest and changed jobs so the move, new roles, and a tough economy had placed an enormous amount of stress on us. In the process we had sort of drifted apart...
Emily Willis has not been performing well in school so her parents hired a hard ass tutor for her who was nothing less than annoying and mean! Instead of doing the work she was given by him, she just doodled a crude drawing of her tutor with a dick on his head instead. When he came to check her work he found the doodle right away and was not happy at all. He then threw all traditional education techniques out the window, bent emily over his knees, and gave her a stiff spanking with a heavy...
xmoviesforyouThe branches taping on my window keep me up tonight. I wonder how long I can take this. I'm in love with a girl and she has no ideal. I think that she doesn't want to know but still has a good ideal. I see her in the hallways at my school and it's painful. The smile, the look, those eyes. It's so hard to take that I just can't sleep. I take my thoughts to the kitchen with me and there I sit in a chair just hoping to find a thread of truth in all this madness. If you only knew her you would...
LesbianHi my name is Deepak. I am from the South of Tamil Nadu. I have settled in Chennai due to job requirements. As I am the only son, I am very affectionate toward Krithiga, my elder cousin sister. I am 24 and she is 34. At 26, she got married to Vijay Kumar, who works as an Engineer in Chennai. Until then, we shared a lot of affection between us. As, I was 10 years younger, she looked after me like her baby. She used to show me greater affection than her other two younger brothers. After she got...
IncestFor your additional understanding. The Main character isn't completely human, he's also part Daemon, its something along the lines of a vampire, you'll see some of it come out as his emotions get more intense.. And as I add more chapters you'll see it more prevalent and I'll explain more. He's also a Daemon hunter, which he alludes to in part 2. (Damien Skylar Chapter 2) So now, Enjoy! I originally posted this on my account, xxxArtemisDawnxxx, on...
My affair with my daughter Alex began when I was forty-nine and she had just turned twenty-one. She had grown into a gorgeous young woman and had the confidence to match it. She was the same height as me and the same build which meant that my clothes were forever going missing and later turning up in her closet. I didn't mind though, I used to the do the same. The gal had good taste! We were always open with each other - and very close as a family. It was the same with my son Jonathon (Jon)...
IncestThe muscles in Cerebus’ bare chest rippled as he hefted the sack of grain into the wagon. It groaned a little under the weight, but had proven its solidity with numerous round trips. He wiped the sweat from his brow and walked toward the front of the wagon, where his employer was busy secreting a loaded crossbow beneath the seat. “That’s the last of ‘em.” “Excellent. Excellent. Just one moment, and I will fetch your coin,” the rotund merchant responded after a start. Cerebus’ voice had a...
Hi Friends this is Ashwin Kumar Reddy From Hyderabad. I want to write my real story which was happened last month on Dec 2012. From Now (Telugu). Nenu Degree Final year chaduvutuna epudu na collage Naryanguda Hyderabad lo undhi. Nenu local memu undaydhi Oldcity lo charminar dagara nenu chapaboya e nijamina story ma enti pakkana lane lo unday vadhina dhi tana paru Rajitha(30-28-34) Thanu ekada dagara lo una Govt. office lo chastundhi [tana ki oka ammaie 3rd class tana husband tatadocomo lo bill...
Three beauties and a leading stud — Cherry Kiss, Amirah Adara, Blue Angel and Maximo Garcia — appear in sumptuous tease footage. Muscular Max has a trimmed beard; Blue is a pretty, slender brunette; stylish Amirah’s tight togs hug her natural curves. Brown-eyed blonde Cherry, the director of this scene, brings her big smile and ebullient demeanor. Cherry binds her costars so they can only watch as she strips naked, revealing real tits, a hot ass and the fur above her bald...
xmoviesforyouIf I had given more thought to things, I would have realized how difficult this all was for poor Uncle Bob. I had him wrapped around my little finger, and didn’t even know it. I’m pretty sure he did. I’m pretty sure he kept saying, “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” in his mind as he gave in, time after time to the whims of a teenage girl. He just couldn’t resist. As I look back on it now, I’m sure that’s why he ended up on my bed, sans shorts, with me lying perpendicular to him, my face inches from...
"Alright, Amanda, it's 7:00, let's get you spanked so that we can enjoy the rest of the evening." Amanda and Greg had just finished dinner, and they both stood up and carried their dishes to the kitchen counter. That done, Greg led the way out to the living room while Amanda followed. It was Thursday evening. That was the evening that was set aside for Amanda's maintenance spanking. It started a few months ago after they had a heated argument. They had been married for several years, and to...
Spanking"How does that feel, Allison," Brian asked while icing down her ankle!?! "It really hurts," she said through clenched teeth, "I was going up for a rebound and landed on somebody's foot and rolled it over, do you think it's broken!?!" "I don't think so," he replied while gently pressing the already swelling joint, "but maybe you'd better ask the coach about that, I'm no doctor that's for sure!!!" After spending the next ten minutes holding an ice pack on Allison's ankle, Vivian Givens came over...
EroticSirens could be heard off in the distance as the lights in the apartment started to flicker on and off. John and Sarah sat on the couch together in fear as they could hear the scream coming from the people outside in the streets. Neither of them could believe what has been happening. Both John and Sarah thought that zombies were only true in horror movies. Now they both know differently.“Is this really happening?” Shivering Sarah“It looks like it is to me,” said John, “What do we do then?”...
Terry had arrived before Stace returned from school, waiting for her at the front door. “Don’t run, slut spawn.” He cautioned in a mild voice when Stace spied him. “And if you call the police, I’ll say you’re just a racist white girl hating on a poor black man down on his luck.” “Get - out of here!” She stammered. “I will. As soon as I get my due.” “Mamma’s at work.” “I can wait until then.” He grinned and pulled a worn, faded Rubik’s cube from his pocket. “Get away from our door.”...
Reality it certainly was. Arriving back early afternoon they were greeted by reporters, police and a TV crew. It seemed they were sort of heroes and had to endure endless questions and give radio and TV interviews. Finally it calmed down and by evening dinner there were just the five around the table. The eight brought off the mountain were being kept in hospital for another night at least but it seemed they would all recover physically. Janet had a toe removed through frostbite and all her...
I half woke as the car came to a stop. I was deciding rather to open my eyes or not when the feel of a finger sliding over my nipple jerked me fully awake. Grabbing the neck pillow from behind me I bopped Tony over the head with it. "Dang it, you know better than that!" I said, half laughing. Tony ducked covering his head with his arms and grinning at me. "Well it woke you didn't it?" he said then nodding towards the brightly lit little shop in front of us he said, "just thought you might want...
Jenna Ross and Jennifer white have not been doing great in school lately, so they decided to enlist their fathers to be their own personal tutors! After hours of studying everyone had just about reached their breaking point. The girls pulled away to the other room and came to the conclusion that the only way they were gonna get out of this was by swapping their daddys! When they got back to the table instead of putting their heads in the books they put their hands on their daddys cocks. The...
xmoviesforyouHi Readers, After that day everything went as usual. We went college together, spent time together, outings, etc. We started touching each other more often. Side hugs, holding hands, hugging’s, pecking, etc. became routine. I will call her PEPPER. I earlier was not going to name the characters but now I think I should because there are a lot of people in my life I am going to share with you guys, naming them would make it simpler to make out. Obviously the names would be fake though. Coming...
It has been 9 years since we last had contact and I am finally writing the letter. I have been throwing the idea in the air for a year now of whether or not to do so since our last conversation was awkward and unfinished. I have been wanting to explain to you why I did what I did and wanted to apologize for the hurt I caused you. I reread the letter one last time to make sure everything I want to say is said.********Sir,I know I left without warning and without explanation. It was so close to...
Love Stories18 year old Jessica walked through the empty house. She couldn't believe her parents were gone. They were still in their prime. Her mother had just celebrated her 42nd birthday and her father his 45th. They still had many good years left, so what had happened. No one knew, one minute they were sitting together at the dinner table as they had done so many nights and the next they were dead. Even the medical examiner couldn't explain it. There had been nothing wrong with them.Jessica sat on the...
Hi, I am now in Hyderabad. Any milf or middle-aged women looking for fun email me on I was introduced to ISS by my friend in the early days of my graduation. I read a lot of these stories and fantasized that situation. I stayed in an apartment during my graduation with my grandfather as my parents worked in a different town. It was a 2bhk and I stayed alone in one had my privacy. My grandfather generally slept early as he was in his 70s. In the flat opposite to ours stayed women in her late...
IncestTo be honest with you, I was in a bit of a daze as Sandra helped me pack my gear. You know, I hadn’t the foggiest idea of where I was going even. But I did think to mention my editor to her, Sandra assured me that he’d be taken care of. Not the best form of words she could have chosen, under the circumstances. After scrutinising the road in both directions, the two Gorillas (Bernie and Marco) hurried over to take my bags as we exited the block. Then they closely flanked me as we crossed the...
I could hardly believe my ears. I was walking up the hall as I heard moaning from my Aunt Sarah’s room. As I paused I heard her say ‘Oh yes David…..Slide that cock in me’. I was staying with my Aunt for the summer as her husband had run off with his secretary. My Dad thought it would do me some good since I wouldn’t be able to be playing Xbox all summer. My Aunt Sarah was a beautiful lady mid 50s. Average size tits but such a beautiful ass. I had jacked off many times after seeing her ass in...
I was on my back on the white crispy sheets in the huge bed. Ida was starting to get up, but I pulled her naked body back to me. I really love naked against naked, touching bare skin all the way up and down. For a few minutes, both women were eating me. Ida was giving my clit a lot of attention, and Dulce had one, then two fingers up me while kissing the whole area around my ass and vagina. I came a bigger, louder come from that. Ida finally pushed herself away from me, kissed Dulce with...
I have had an on and off food/cum fetish - I get turned on jerking of into girl's food and watching them unwittingly eat it. The main victim has been my girlfriend's younger sister who lives with us. She is younger (in her 20s), a brunette and has a cute face, nice body and nice little tits. We used to order take out and I would always pick it up - on the way home I would pull over and unwrap her sub and take my cock out and rub the tip of it on the fixings in her sub. This would get me totally...
Will knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he was not going to try to rule the world, but he also knew that unless the world leaders changed their outlook, things would only get worse. No matter how hard he chewed at the problem, though, no solution presented itself. Falling back on an old trick from his engineering days, he decided to take his mind completely off the problem in hopes that his subconscious would come up with a solution while he worked on other things. He knew his power had...