Dirty Weekend. Part Two. free porn video

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Dirty Weekend. Part Two.

"You are a dirty boy" Sam chastised him as they entered their suite. "That poor woman, expecting so much from watching us, then getting nothing in return."

"She isn't my wife, she's not my problem. If her bloke can't fuck her, then she should get a younger model" he replied, showing a cheeky smile.

"Oh, and is that what you will do, when you can't fuck me?"

"Yeah, of course baby. She will be hot and you will be dripping, just watching me...ouch." Laughing, Mark took the towel that Sam had just flicked at him and chased her through the suite.

Sam and Mark had been married for a number of years. No kids, had never wanted the hassle of giving up their lives. Sure, kids were great, but when you see them all day, they do lose their shine. Sam was not your average school teacher. Five foot six, size 14 with Barbie styled breasts. They had been a gift for her 30th birthday and she loved them dearly. Perky, full tanned mounds of flesh. She had decided on 36C. It had been a tough choice though, as she had played around with a number of women's breasts and liked them big, but on her frame, 36C looked amazing, even though she said it herself! Her hair had been a rainbow of colours growing up. Through university she had even carried off bright blue, although these days, she preferred the dark reds and purple shades. In fact only this week her hairdresser, Claude, had transformed her into a Damson Damsel. She kept her hair long enough to tie in a pony tail or shove into a bun when she was running late for class. Make up was always kept to a minimum. She liked her lips to be full, but only used a glazed over them as, naturally, she had a deep pink shade to them. Her eyes she felt were her best feature, after her tits. Green, or Irish green as her Daddy would say. The only thing she had inherited from him, thankfully.

Sam looked over at Mark. Naturally tanned, with brown hair which he kept short. His eyes were dark brown, so much so they were almost black, like pools of water at night. He had a six pack, although to be honest, it was not as toned as he would have liked it to be, but he never had time to work out these days. Being a Supervising Social Worker meant his days were filled with his casework and ensuring his team were working to capacity. They could not afford any mistakes and he was damn sure they would never happen on his watch.

They dressed for dinner. The chef had offered to cook them something rather than have housekeeping rustle up a sandwich. Sam wore her scarlet dress, made by Marc Jacobs. Mark had treated her during a trip to New York. It had a halter neck, was cinched at the waist and fell to just below her knees. It showed off her curves and her breasts beautifully. Her favourite pair of Louboutins, the heel set at 6inches, adorned her feet. A simple, but elegant white bracelet and necklace finished the look.

"Wow, you are stunning tonight sweetheart" Mark whispered as he fixed the clasp on her necklace. His warm breath against her neck made her feel 19 again, when she had first set eyes on Mark, across the student union bar. How glad she was he had chosen her, amongst all those amazingly beautiful girls in there that night.

"Come on, let's go eat, then the night is ours" Mark said as he took her hand and led her to the door.

The restaurant was empty. Tables set with white linen for breakfast. Alone, in the corner, lit by candle light, their table waited for them. The Champagne Mark had ordered was already in the ice bucket. As Sam took her seat, Mark popped to cork and poured her a glass. Fizzing a little higher than the glass rim, they both giggled as some slipped over the edge. Mark poured himself a glass, sat opposite Sam and looked deep into her eyes.

"I don't tell you often enough how lucky I am to have such a beautiful wife. I want you to relax and enjoy the meal. No talk of work, just us. Is that ok?"

"That's just what I need, I love you Mark."

"I love you too Sammy."

Their meal started with scallops on a bed of pea purée. Their main was sea bass on wilted spinach and for desert they enjoyed a raspberry and white chocolate soufflé. Each dish was cooked to perfection.

As the meal ended, Mark excused himself from the table and went to reception. Sean, the Irish waiter came across and removed the now empty bottle of Champagne.

"Would Mr McMillan like another bottle Madam" he asked in his usual Irish lilt.

"He should be back any second Sean, he will come and find you if he does."

"Ok, Madam, I will be though the other side of the bar. It seems our barman, James, is predisposed for the evening, so I am looking after the bar. As my favourite people are in tonight, I may keep it open till late" he said, winking at her.

"Well, I guess we will see you in there shortly." Sam replied, looking around for Mark. "Ah here he is now, maybe you should ask him?"

Mark told Sean he would take another bottle, but to leave it in the bar as they would be through shortly.

As they were leaving the restaurant, Marcus, the head chef at Cheshires came out to see them.

"Was everything to your satisfaction Mr McMillan" he asked in a polished English accent, slightly tinged with French.

"Yes thank you Marcus. Divine as always. I have left you a little thank you at reception."

"Thank you Mr McMillan, it was my pleasure as always. May I say Mrs McMillan, you are looking exquisite tonight."

"Thank you Marcus, that is very kind of you" Sam replied, blushing slightly.

Seeing Sam blush, Marcus retreated and allowed them to leave the room. They walked into the bar area. Soft white walls, with black framed pictures, of how Cheshires looked when it was a Nunnery many years ago, adorned the walls. A very large and opulent candelabra hung from the high ceiling, each section lit by tea lights. The sofas, spread around the room were soft black leather, each with perfectly positioned white cushions scattered over them. Sam took a seat on the sofa near the fire. Although it was not lit, there had been deep red candles arranged to give a warm feeling. Mark went to the bar and collected the Champagne. On his return, he nodded at the ladies from the pool, slipping them a cheeky wink, which resulted in them giggling like school girls. Sam smiled, he will always be a charmer she thought to herself, but he will always be my charmer.

They had a glass of Champagne and Sam talked about Sue, the woman who owned Cheshires. She was filling Mark in with the news of Sues latest conquest.

"Apparently, he is a UFO fighter!" Sam exclaimed.

Mark laughed out loud."I think you mean a UFC fighter honey."

"Either way, she certainly knows how to pick 'em" Sam replied.

"Sam, could you do something for me. I need my phone from our room, could you be a sweetie and get it for me?"

"Are you kidding? You don't need your phone right now baby" Sam said, slightly annoyed.

"Yes. I forgot I had to take a call. It will take five minutes. I just need to speak to Sean about a dog."

"Ok Mr, but you owe me for this" Sam retorted, still not impressed she had to stagger to the elevator in her shoes. Not an easy thing after four glasses of champers.

Sam made her way to the lift. She noticed two men, both in suits waiting too. "Damn, I hope they don't want small talk" she muttered under her breath as she approached them. The lift doors opened and one walked in ahead, the other let her pass. He stopped by the buttons and asked for her floor number.

"Second floor pl...." was all she managed to get out. The man behind her had grabbed her by the throat. She felt herself struggle, trying to wriggle free from his grasp.

"Just relax, we won't hurt you if you do as we say."

The training Sam had completed, based on handling violent situations came flooding back to her. "Be calm, breathe, don't struggle" she was repeating over and over in her mind. She felt her body relax slightly. Her attacker released his grip a little.

"Mrs McMillan, you have my word that we will not hurt you."

"How the fuck do you know my name" she said softly, but firmly at the smaller one of the two.

"We know a lot about you, all will become clear."

They had reached the fourth floor Sam noticed. She knew Mark would come looking for her if she was too long. He would tear the place down, I will be ok, she thought. She was grabbed by the larger one and walked to room 413. The smaller opened the door and she was pushed through. As she heard the door lock behind her, tears began to fall.

"Shut up bitch" man number one said, slapping her across her arse. "Don't disobey me. You are to call me Sir at all times. You will address him as Master, do you understand?"


SLAP! "I said address me as Sir and James as Master."

"Yes Sir, Master" Sam managed to say, whilst holding back the next waves of tears.

"Undress for us bitch."

"No..I..please don't make me..."

SLAP! The Master's hand had made contact with her bottom again. While it was covered by her dress, it had still stung a great deal.

"Ok...ok. Yes Sir and Master, I will."

The two men sat on the couch. Sam's hands went to her neck. She undid the clasp of the necklace and set it down on the side table to her right. She removed the bracelet too. She was trying to go as slow as possible, hoping Mark would realise she was missing and come and find her. Her hands were shaking as she lifted them back to her neck and pulled on the ties holding her dress on. They fell forward , where she managed to trap them between her arms and her skin. She looked at her captors, pleading with her eyes, silently begging them to let her go.

"Drop the dress" Sir ordered.

Sam let the dress go. She was not ashamed of her body, in fact she was very comfortable knowing her curves drew lots of male attention. She just didn't want their attention. As the dress fell to the floor, her breasts became exposed. Her tanned mounds of flesh, her babies, now on show to these two pigs. As she looked down, she realised her nipples were hard. She was confused. She did not want to be here, nor did she find either of these two attractive, but she was aroused. There was no denying it. Fighting the feelings, forcing herself to think of Mark, she was ordered to play with her nipples. In her mind, she justified doing so by thinking Mark would soon be banging on the door.

Her hands lifted to her tits. Slowly, she ran her fingers over them. Stroking them, caressing them just as she liked them to be touched.

"You dirty slut, you are actually enjoying this aren't you?"

Undecided what to say for the best, Sam smiled at them and continued caressing herself. Working her nipples between her fingers and thumbs, she tugged them gently. Slipping her fingers between her deep pink lips, she wet them with her own saliva and went back to twisting and pulling her buds. Inside, she could feel her sex stirring. That involuntary pull of her pussy. Yes, she was beginning to enjoy it and by the bulges in their pants, so were they she thought to herself.

"Take your knickers off slut" Master ordered.

"Yes Master" she replied. Sam pushed her thumbs under her straps n her thong and wriggled her hips out of it. She turned around and bent over as she slid them down her legs. She knew they would now have a clear view of her smooth pussy and her puckered star entrance to her hole. She kicked off her Louboutins so she was completely naked.

She felt a pair of hands on her hips. Twisted around, she was now facing Sir. He pushed her hard, up against the wall. One of his hands grabbed both of hers and held them tightly over her head. She was completely naked and felt vulnerable. Yet she recognised those feelings stirring inside her. His mouth slammed against her, his tongue forcing his way into hers. She wanted to bite down, but knew she would be punished. His breathe was warm and minty, his tongue wet and firm. His other hand squeezing her tits. She squirmed with the pain, which he took as her enjoying it and squeezed harder. She could feel his bulge in his trousers. She struggled against him, but that just made him harder. He must have read her mind, as he stopped touching her breasts and went to unzip himself. His mouth disconnected from hers.

"Get on your knees bitch."

"No, no please..Sir."

"Do as I fucking say. You are a whore and whores suck cock. You do want to suck my cock don't you whore? You do want me to fill your mouth with my cream don't ya?"

"Yes Sir. I do want to suck your cock" she replied meekly.

With that, she dropped to her knees. His cock, released from his trousers, bobbed in front of her. She opened her lips and immediately gagged as he thrusted his whole length into her mouth. He laughed, leaving his swollen 7 inches in her mouth. She was struggling, choking. He could feel her gag reflex trying to work. He left it a few more seconds and pulled out.

"Come on whore, you can do better than that" he shouted as he violently pushed back into her mouth. This time, she tried to relax. She told herself it would be over sooner if she could make him cum. She swallowed him and took him deeper into her throat. Her right hand took hold of his cock base and began stroking him as she bounced her head up and down his member. Her left hand cupped his swollen balls. She massaged them firmly. Rolling each ball between her fingers and thumb. She slipped him out of her mouth, watching her saliva drip onto his dick. She spat on her right hand and took hold of him again. Her mouth was in time with her hand. Sucking and swallowing, stroking and wanking, soon he was thrusting in and out of her mouth. She looked over at Master. He had his cock in his hands, slowly caressing it. She hoped he would take care of himself, as from here he looked like he had a 10 inch cock.

Sir stopped fucking her mouth as abruptly as he started. Dragging her by her hair, she was put on all fours. Master stood and came towards her. His cock, which looked even bigger now he was closer, still in his hand.

"Let's see you take this for size slut" we're the only words he muttered as he walked towards her. She resigned herself to having to suck him off. He kneeled in front of her and lowered her head onto him. His cock was glistening with pre cum. It tasted salty and pissy. Feeling the bile rising, she swallowed it down as quick as she could. He took that as meaning she wanted his cock deeper, so he pushed his hand against the back of her head and she swallowed the whole 10 inches.

"Fuck, yeah bitch. You want the whole lot, you dirty whore" he said while she was sucking on him. Her hands took hold of his base. She needed both to stroke him. Her pussy was tingling, she had never had such a long and thick cock. His hands reached under her and massaged her tits. Pulling hard on her nipples. Sam was getting more and more turned on the harder he pulled them. She nibbled the tip of his cock, gliding her tongue across the slit then circled his head. Her tongue trailed along the underneath towards his balls. His cock was covered in her saliva. She parted her lips and slipped him back into her mouth. Wanking his length harder, sucking on him, he was soon jerking his hips to push himself deeper into her throat. Feeling her gag on his dick had made his balls tighten.

Sir walked behind her. "You have a beautiful arse slut. Has anyone ever fucked it?". He was rubbing her cheeks, slapping them a little. She squealed quietly, so he slapped her harder. It stung like crazy. He knew she would be marked tomorrow. Sir rubbed his cock along her crack, teased her pussy lips with his tip. Then in one quick thrust, he pushed his whole length into her pussy. Although she was damp, it stung from the friction.

"You have a tight cunt slut, just how I like them" he growled as he continued to slide in and out of her. Sam was red raw from having very little lubrication in her pussy, but the pain was also pleasure. She sucked Master harder, still wanking the length of him. Sir was fucking her pussy harder..she could feel her walls tighten around him.

"You like this don't you. Like being spit roasted don't ya?"

Sam looked up. It was Mark. He was stood in the doorway to the bathroom. Her head spun, she gagged in the cock she was sucking. Master never stopped thrusting so she had little time to recover. Sir was pumping into her pussy whilst slapping her arse over and over. It dawned on Sam that this had been set up. Her fantasy of being kidnapped and fucked had come true. Knowing she was totally safe, she began sucking harder onto Masters cock, while at the same time pushing back onto Sirs swollen member. Feeling her rock, Sir slipped his cock out of her pussy and, after spitting on her puckered arsehole, he slammed his cock into her. She cried out with pain. Master felt her throat constrict around him and knew he was about to blow his load into her mouth.

"I'm gonna cum you dirty slut, swallow every drop." with that he exploded into her ripe mouth. She greedily swallowed as much of the white liquid, even wiping the drips that had fell down her chin. Mark approached her. Hs cock already out of his shorts.

"Suck me baby" was all he said before she grabbed his semi hard cock and pulled him towards her. His tip was glistening with pre cum. His balls were tight from watching his wife being fucked by two strangers. He knew it wouldn't be long before his cum would be down her throat too.

"I'm gonna cum" Sir announced. "Arse or pussy?"

"Arse"To continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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A weekend to remember Part 10

As I went to enter through the back gate as usual I was confused why it had been locked, puzzled I reverted to using the front door, passing by the windows to the door I noticed that the blinds had not been opened, not totally unusual as we didn't tend to use the lounge during the day and often forgot to open them until much later in the day. However, gate locked and the blinds closed was very strange indeed. I put the key in the lock and opened the door, walking in and closing it...

1 year ago
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Jessica Weekend in Las Vegas Story Five Part 1

This a continuation and maybe the last story in the Jessica series. Stories are not stand alone so please read the series in sequence for cast of characters and events. ***On Wednesday afternoon, the doorbell rang and I walked over and opened the door to see a messenger service man with a thick envelope. "Ma'am, I have a delivery for Jessica Summers." "I'm Jessica Summers," I said taking the envelope. "Thank you." I looked at the return address, it was from the travel agency I use. I opened it...

2 years ago
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Weekend i will never forgetpart 2

Weekend i will never forget(Part 2)I went back to the guest room and pulled the sheets back to turn in for the night. Mistress Cindy had put hot pink sheets on the bed. I suppose that is because I am not man enough to sleep in a bed with any color other than pink sheets. As I laid down and pulled the sheets and comforter up over me, my head was swimming with the events of the day. My initial thoughts were about how sore my legs were from the heels and how sore my back was from carrying...

4 years ago
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A Very English Weekend Part 6

A Very English Weekend Chapter 6 An Evening of Convergence "It's still early, shall we go for a drink?" asks Mike. Jennifer and Sir immediately agree. I keep quiet, other than the occasional moan when Jennifer, who has slipped my pale pink blouse off, finds a particularly sensitive spot, most often my nipples. There is a brief discussion between Sir and Mike before they agree on where we are going, and the large car turns towards the city centre. I am grateful for the...

3 years ago
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A Weekend Getaway Part 1

My wife, Laura and I have been in a dry spell for the past ten years. I am not saying that we haven't had sex, just that for the last 10 years, it has just been the two of us by ourselves. Not that I haven't tried to get her into a threesome or a swap, these past several years, she just hasn't had the interest in them like she did when we first met. It started when we came back to the States after eight years in Spain and we left all of our friends there. We would have to make new friends, and...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Part Three

Suzy stood there, leaning against the door frame and looking me over. She said, "I hear you met my three stepsons?"I replied, "I saw them but we didn't actually exchange names, mistress."She continued to stare at me, then said, "I'm sure you'll get to know them much better before the weekend is over. The youngest one is 19 and just out of high school. They're all just a year apart in age but they won't bearound again until Robert invites them to join us." Suzy was still watching me for a...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

2 years ago
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The Full Weekend Part Two

Following the mammoth shagging session of the previous night with Linda, I slept late on Saturday. I went out in the evening for a couple of drinks, I tried chatting up a barmaid, but she had heard it all before, so no luck there. I decided to call it a day and hit the sack which was not a bad idea as it turned out that I would need all my energy for the next day.I awoke to a nice sunny day something which is unusual most of the time in Hull, the city where these events took place. My sister...

3 years ago
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A GetAway Weekend Part 5

We lay in the grass for another hour, kissing and touching until it became a little to cool to stay any longer. We had enjoyed being under the stars as much as we had loved being together under the sun on that blanket just a few hours before. The only difference was, other than the obvious darkness, was that I actually loved you more than I thought possible about ten hours previously. But as we lay there intertwined, that thought hit me so hard that I lost track of what you were saying to me as...

Love Stories
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Robin and the Catwoman

“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...

2 years ago
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Noor Arora Weekend With Mama Part 2

Hi guys,   Romy (I am a guy) back to bring you more episodes in the saga of our favorite slut noor. I have received great feedback for noor’s stories and hope you guys keep continuing the love. Please do not forget to like the story (give thumbs up) because that gives stories popular or editor choice status. Let’s go from noor’s pov now. Hope people are pleasuring themselves to these stories. I have received primarily male feedback. Would love to hear from the women who read iss as well. Going...

1 year ago
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Weekend Trip With My Neighbor part 4 conclusion

Once we’d arrived back at the lake house, I told Mark that I would take the supplies up to the house, while me cleaned up himself, the boat and secured everything. By the time I had put everything away, grabbed a couple of beers and made my way back down to the boat house he was just finishing up, and drying himself off after rinsing my piss off with a hose. I handed him a beer and we sat silently for a while enjoying the calmness of the lake. “Sir?” he asked, breaking the silence, “what was...

2 years ago
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A Weekend Getaway Dreams Can Come True Part 2

Monday July 24I awake early with the sun streaming through the bedroom window. As I slowly open my eyes, I see Pam laying on her side facing me and I think about our wonderful night. Smiling as I think about making love to Pam last night and over the weekend. Still finding it difficult to believe that I have spent the weekend with this gorgeous woman. Our love making sometimes soft and gentle and other times wild and wanton.I snuggle closer and lightly kiss the tip of her nose. Sliding my hand...

2 years ago
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a weekend with Jen Part 3

Jen and I soon arrived back by my house after chatting the whole way home about the weekend we just spent together.I greeted my husband and daughter with kisses and hugs. Jen said hello to them as well and we invited her in for a drink. It was really hot and we all soon decided while sipping on our drinks to have a swim. My hubby was already in swimming shorts and didn't take him long till he was in the pool. Jen got her bag out the car and her and I went upstairs to change into our bikinis....

3 years ago
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Caitlin and James Part nine An awkward weekend period

Caitlin and James - Part nine - An awkward weekend period Chapter 26 - Friday evening I get in the lift and think about why Justine wanted to pash me, and hope it'll never happen again. In the lobby of the building are Kathy and Wanda from sales, along with Michelle, Kathy's girlfriend. I try to avoid them, but Michelle spots me and catches up with me. "Sweetie, what's happened? You look flustered," she says grabbing my arm. "I can't talk, I have to get home to Caitlin...

2 years ago
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Jessica Weekend in Las Vegas Story Five Part 2

At baggage claim, a uniformed woman was holding a sign with the name 'Summer party' written on it. "That's us," I said. She asked for our baggage stubs and handed them to a porter. After all our baggage was retrieved, she led us outside to a stretch limo. The limo driver had the trunk open and the porter stowed all our baggage. Derek tipped him well. "Tony will take you to your hotel, have a great holiday here in Las Vegas," she said and then she walked away. We climbed into the limo and I...

3 years ago
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Weekend i will never forgetPart 1

I hadn’t seen Cindy for nearly 2 years, other than a quick lunch as She passed through town last year. We text or IM almost every day and talk on the phone every few weeks. We had been coworkers for many years and remained very good friends to this day. I would say that She is my best friend as I have been able to confide in Her about things I have never told anyone. In addition to being a very trusted and loyal friend, Cindy is beautiful and very desirable. I still can’t figure out why...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

2 years ago
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A Weekend With the Neighbors Part 2

A weekend with the neighbor's Part 2 By Princess Panty Boy (I suggest you read Part 1 so that the story makes more since) Part-1 ends with Robby or his real name is Robin but that is also a girl's name. Robin is small for his age and he just turned 11. His catholic school told him he had to cut his long hair. If he did not get his haircut he would have to switch uniforms since the boy's uniform he had was not appropriate for the long girly hair he has. Therefore, the school gave...

3 years ago
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A Weekend With the Neighbors Part 2

A weekend with the neighbor's Part 2 By Princess Panty Boy (I suggest you read Part 1 so that the story makes more sense) Part 1 ends with Robby or his real name is Robin but that is also a girl's name. Robin is small for his age and he just turned 11. His catholic school told him he had to cut his long hair. If he did not get his haircut he would have to switch uniforms since the boy's uniform he had was not appropriate for the long girly hair he has. Therefore, the school gave...

1 year ago
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Weekend Part 1

My mom was a great mother. I had been born into a one-parent family. My dad was had never owned up to getting my mother pregnant with me and checked out shortly after I was conceived. Mom raised me like she thought and I had grown up with only her guidance. I didn't have any male figure model to do things with and mom led me in her direction. I learned many things other boys would have called "sissy" growing up and I had some effeminate manners. I was 13 when I was in a theater group and...

1 year ago
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My weekend alone part 1

My name is Jessica and I guess at first glance you would think I'm just your average girl. A simple well performing schoolgirl who had a good social life with plenty of friends and a nice body thanks to gymnastics and volleyball for eight years m bisexual with a strong attraction for both guys and girls. I was eighteen at the time of this story and received more than enough attention from guys around school. Standing at 5"4 with long brown hair reaching down to the middle of my back, 32B...

4 years ago
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Jessica Weekend in Las Vegas Story Five Part 3

This is a continuation of Jessica - Story Five.  Day Two - Saturday When I awoke, I looked over at Derek and Chelsea's bed. They were both nude, no cover or sheet over them. Chelsea had her leg over Derek and her pussy was touching his cock head. There was dried cum on her thigh and on his belly, they must have fucked during the night. I'll bet they fell asleep with him deep in her cunt. Curtis was laying on this side, away from me. I couldn't see what state of arousal his cock was in. I...

4 years ago
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My First Weekend Part II

My First Weekend by Anna V. Hedge ([email protected]) PART TWO I walked to the car, my adrenaline rushing as my senses were hyper aware of so many sensations. Every step I took in my 3 inch black pumps made that unimstakably "click" made by women's shoes. Every step caused a small tug in my stockings and the garter holding them in place. A small tug creating a luxurious electric current flowing from my legs to my hips. Every step causing my thighs to brush up against the...

1 year ago
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A Weekend With The Neighbors Part 1

A weekend with the neighbor's Part 1 by Princess Panty Boy This story is starting out the day before Halloween. My name is Robby and I am 11 years old. On my birth certificate, it says my name is Robin. My name is a boy's name but also could be a girl's names so I have all my friends call me Rob or Robby. The only people that call me Robin is my mom and sisters. I think they do it because it pisses me off because they use it like a girl's name to tease me because my hair is so...

2 years ago
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Michaels Weekend of Destiny Part Two

Michael stood at the front door of Aarons house and closed the door behind him, as he stood still for a few seconds he contemplated his future and the implications of what had just happened in there. He saw Yusuf in the car and gave a small half hearted wave as he started to walk towards the car. He felt the discomfort from the chastity device as he walked, he looked back at the house as he opened the car door. "I am really sorry Yusuf, I am still a bit confused and in shock at what has...

3 years ago
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The Chauffeur 25 The Weekend part 2

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When I woke from my nap, Jill was snuggled up to me, Ronda had left us, and Dave and Marsha had also vacated our bedroom. I got up, used the bathroom, and brushed my teeth. I decided to step into the shower to wash some of the sex off me. The shower only took about 5 minutes. I stepped out of the nice warm shower and dried off. For some reason, I decided to put my shorts on. Jill woke seeing me put shorts on. She got up and went into the bathroom,...

2 years ago
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a weekend with Jen Part 1

One Thursday night when I was still on my period, my phone rang while I was busy giving my husband a blowjob. I ignored it ringing and continued to suck my hubby's cock. I was deepthroated him when he started moaning from pleasure and soon he started cumming in my mouth. After he finished shooting his load into my mouth, I went to the bathroom to spit it out in the basin. On returning to the bed I check my phone to see who called. It was Jenna and I called her back. She was phoning to ask me if...

4 years ago
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Weekend in New Hampshire Part 3

Weekend in New Hampshire Part 3 Sam woke up and found that it was still dark. He needed a few minutes to figure out where he was and what he was doing. The first thing that he realized was that he wearing a nightie; then, that he was lying in bed next to his friend; and finally, that his friend had thoroughly fucked him a few hours ago. He actually thought for a minute that he had had some sort of dream, but the mild soreness of his asshole convinced him of the reality of the...

1 year ago
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Jills Weekend In Vegas Part 1

Jill's Weekend In Vegas - Part 1 By Jill Weisser During the press conference there were all the same old cliches. I was going to quit work, I was going to go on a great vacation, buy a nice house, all the same, tired old crap. But deep down I knew exactly what I wanted. I was going to use some of the 14 million I had won in the lottery was to fulfill a fantasy. I had plenty of money and I'd have plenty left over when I was done. That was about a year and a half ago. Sure, I...

3 years ago
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Weekend with Daniel part 1

-------------------------------------- This is a story of fiction and fantasy. If it comes true I would be ecstatic. Thanks for reading and be positive and kind with your remarks. -------------------------------------- I decided that it had been way too long since I have been laid. The upcoming 3 day weekend I had nothing at all planned, so I decided to put an ad on a local website looking for fun and lots of sex. The ad: "I am mid 50's, 5'11" 212# dad-bod, construction worker,...

4 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 3 Missys Weekend

One day while watching T.V, my mother had come in and told me Missy’s services had been requested for the entire weekend and we needed to go shopping. I smiled as we got into the car and went to the store to buy lots more sexy clothing for me to play in.After we had bought all the clothes and makeup needed for the weekend, my mother and I went home so that she could give me the details of what was to happen. She told me that I was to live with a couple this weekend and do everything they say....

1 year ago
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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune homme...je ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne devrait...plus tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

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