Chapter 1: My Roomate Takes My Girlfriend free porn video

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My Roommate Takes My Girlfriend

After I graduated from college, I moved in a new apartment and shortly afterwards met my girlfriend Becky. I'm not a very attractive guy, so I was incredibly lucky to have managed to get her. At the time, Becky was twenty-five and a total knockout. She had a cute button nose, a killer smile, and long, dark brunette hair, which she usually put in a pony-tail. She worked out a lot, and her body showed it. She had a small, tight butt and a slim, defined torso. Her breasts were a large C cup, full and round, sitting high on her chest and topped by bright pink, slightly puffy nipples. The first time I saw her naked, I almost came just from the sight of her.

Six months into dating, my roommate moved out, and through Craigslist I found a new roommate, Mark. He was an investment banker about my age, and after a couple of interviews he looked like a pretty nice guy.

The first time he met Becky, though, I was a little worried. He had just finished moved in when she came over, and when he walked up to say hi he had his shirt off. It was then I noticed how ripped he was. Becky clearly noticed it, too. When they shook hands, she stammered out a hi, and kept looking him up and down. He did the same thing, too. There was a bit of electricity in the air that I couldn't help notice.

That night, Becky stayed over. She seemed a little distant during sex. Afterwards, as we were getting ready for bed, she asked, "Does your roommate have a girlfriend?"

I said I didn't know, although I was pretty sure he didn't. "Why do you want to know?" I asked.

"Oh, he was checking me out a little when we met. Did you notice?" she said.

"A little," I said.

"Ooh, did you like him checking me out?" she said mischievously.

"I guess?" I said. I didn't, really.

She smiled and hopped into bed. "Good night!" she said, and that seemed to be the end of that.

Over the next few weeks, though, I noticed that Becky started wearing a lot more skimpy clothes when hanging around our apartment, especially when Mark was around. Even when I told her that he was going to be home that night, she would "just forget" and walk into the living room wearing a tight tank top and boy shorts. Sometimes she would even call attention to it, and say, "Oh, Mark, I didn't know you'd be here! Well, it's not a problem to wear this around you, is it?" The first couple of times Mark would just say that he had no problem at all. After that, he would grin and make some joke about how she could wear even less. I was hoping she would be upset about that, but instead she would just giggle.

I started getting a little angry about it, especially when Becky would be especially provocative. Sometimes she would laugh especially hard, or she would jump up quickly and walk fast to the kitchen, causing her tits to jiggle and bounce in her top. Mark even called her out on it once, when she offered to get him a beer. "Only if you run to get it," he said and grinned. She just laughed again, and then jiggled over to the kitchen, watching him while he watched her.

Another time, we were watching TV in the living room and Becky and Mark started talking about sit-ups, and Mark had said that he could do a thousand, and to prove it he pulled up his shirt to show his ripped abs. Becky said, "That's nothing," and pulled her own shirt up all the way to the bottom of her breasts to show off her own tight stomach. She had a huge grin on her face as she watched Mark gawk at her body.

As long as the flirting was done with clothes on, I guess I would be fine with it. Plus, a part of me deep inside thought it was pretty sexy that my girlfriend was showing off so much. I was lucky to have her, shouldn't I?

But one night, after we had gone back into my room to go to bed, Becky had taken off her shirt and was just in her bra and underwear. I was lying on the bed reading, and she was at my desk at my computer, when Mark knocked on the door and asked if he could borrow a pen. I was about to get up to answer it when Becky quickly stood up and said, "Just a minute!"

Then she whispered to me, "sweetie, do you want me to answer the door in my underwear? Wouldn't that be sexy?"

"Er, well..." I stammered, but she was already walking to the door. She swung it open and smiled as Mark's eyes went straight to her body. Her underwear wasn't very fancy, just a plain black bra and panties, but for the first time he could see how great her entire body looked.

"Hi," she said, smiling, and handed him a pencil. "Here's your pencil."

Mark took it from her without moving his eyes from her chest. "Thanks," he said. Then he broke out into a big grin. "I should probably borrow more stuff."

Becky laughed and pushed him playfully in the chest, then closed the door. Her eyes had a wild look to them. "Did you like that?" she whispered to me. "Did you like how he looked at me? I bet you did!"

She jumped on the bed and attacked me before I could answer. She had two orgasms that night, which she had never managed to have before.


The next few nights Becky and Mark kept up their flirting in the living room. Mark dropped all pretense of not staring at her most of the time, and he even started wearing tighter shirts and sometimes no shirts. Becky would stare at his chest almost as much as he was staring at hers. I didn't say anything, because I was falling in love with Becky and was hoping that she was just turned on by teasing him. I brought it up once, but she dismissed it and said that he had already seen her in her underwear, so there was nothing wrong with being in tight clothes anymore. I guess she was right, as long as she kept the teasing respectful.

Becky had other ideas, though. One night the next week, we were back in my room hanging out. We were both lying on the bed, Becky wearing a bra and pajama pants, when Mark knocked on the door again.

Becky got up and walked over to the door. I figured she would answer it in her bra again, but at least this time she was wearing pants, and after last week this wasn't so bad. But on her way to the door, she suddenly turned to me, winked, reached behind her back, unsnapped her bra, and dropped it on the floor. Her gorgeous full breasts popped free. Before I could say anything, she turned back and walked to the door and opened it. Mark's eyes nearly burst out of his head when he saw her.

"Hey," she said grinning widely. "What's up?"

"I to see if David had a calculator I could borrow," he said, slowly, staring openly at her tits and pink puffy nipples.

She giggled and blushed slightly at the attention. "I'll see," she said. She twisted her torso to me, giving him an incredible profile view of her breasts. "David, do you have a calculator for Mark?"

I was very embarrassed and jealous. "No," I stammered. "I think it's out in the hall."

"Thanks," Mark said. There was an awkward silence while he stood there, continuing to stare at Becky's chest. She was now looking down at the huge bulge that had grown in his pants.

"Okay, then," he said, after what seemed like an hour. "I'll see you later." When he said this, he looked right at her eyes and gave a knowing grin. I didn't like that at all.

"Later," she said, smiling brightly, and closed the door.

"Listen," I started, but before I could finish she had jumped on top of me.

"Did that turn you on?" she panted, practically ripping my pants off. "Did you like seeing your naughty girlfriend show off her boobs to your roommate?"

"Um, I guess so..." I stammered. Despite my jealousy, I was rock-hard, and she wasted no time impaling herself on my cock. She was already soaking wet. She fucked me furiously for five minutes before I came inside her, and then pushed my head down into her pussy to eat her out. I was still mad, but I didn't want to talk about it when she was so turned on, so I just licked her to a loud orgasm.
I stayed up a little thinking about how different our mindsets were. She seemed to be ookay with flirting and teasing. Me I had always been a devoted guy but I guess these days semi-cuckoldry and teasing were a norm. I thought a little more about what this kind of path would lead to and shuddered as I fell alseep.


The next few days went back to normal. I was half scared that Becky would walk into the living room topless, but she didn't. It looked like maybe showing him her tits was a one-time thing.

The next weekend Mark went to a party and came home late with a girl. She was pretty cute, not as cute as Becky, but clearly drunk and very horny for Mark. They spent a few minutes chatting with us and then went to Mark's room. Becky looked a little jealous and almost hurt. After a few more minutes watching TV, she said she wanted to go to bed.

We were in my room when Mark knocked on the door and asked for a condom. I was in my closet so I couldn't see him through the door when Becky opened the door and grabbed one for him.

"What're you going to use it for?" she asked slyly.

I couldn't see what Mark was doing, but Becky's eyes suddenly shot wide open and her mouth dropped in an involuntary gasp. Then she quickly composed herself and burst into giggles, and threw the condom at him.

"Gross! Here, have fun!"

She closed the door, but kept staring ahead, thinking. "What did he do?" I asked.

"Oh, he pulled his thing out and wagged it at me. He's so immature," she said. She said it dismissively, but it was obvious it had an impact on her.

I waited a second, then asked. "Is he big?"

She paused for a brief second. "Oh, I wasn't paying that much attention," she said, but it was obvious that she was really impressed. That night when we had sex, she closed her eyes the entire time.


One morning a week later, I was woken up by the sound of Mark in the bathroom. He was taking a shower and getting ready for an early meeting. I tried to close my eyes to get back to sleep but I suddenly felt Becky sit up and hop out of bed. She was wearing her usual bedwear, a small purple tanktop without a bra and matching purple panties. She was facing away from me, and as I watched, she hesitated for a minute, then quietly walked to the door.

When she got to the door, she suddenly pulled down her panties and stepped out of them! Her tanktop only went down to her navel, so I had a clear view of her tight, adorable butt. Before I realized what was happening, she opened the door and slipped out, leaving her panties crumpled on the floor.

I heard the bathroom door open. She was walking into the bathroom with Mark, wearing only a tanktop! I lay perfectly still, afraid to do anything, but listening intently.

I heard Mark give a quick gasp of surprise and then silence. For a few minutes, all I heard was the sound of running water. It seemed like hours. My mind was going a mind a minute. Was she really just letting Mark stare at her naked pussy like she let him see her tits? Was she letting him do more? Then, I heard Becky giggle. Another minute of silence, then I heard the bathroom door open and close.

A second later Becky walked back into the room. She quickly sneaked back into bed, still bottomless. She started shaking me. "Babe, are you awake?" Her breath smelled minty and fresh. I didn't know what to say, so I pretended to just be waking up. "Oh, David, you wouldn't believe what I just did. I heard Mark in the bathroom, and I had a great sexy idea for you."

"What was that?" I asked. I couldn't believe it. I thought she was sneaking around on me, but was she actually going to brag about what happened? "Well, I snuck into the bathroom while he was in the shower. But before I walked in, I took off my panties! I was bottomless, sweetie!

"So I slipped in to the bathroom very quickly but only walked sideways, and I pushed up against the sink counter. Then I turned on the water and started brushing my teeth. Mark heard me and stuck his head out, and saw me! But I was pushed up against the counter, so all he could see was my side! So I just smiled at him and kept brushing my teeth as he stared at me! I was such a tease!"

She reached down into my boxers and started stroking my dick. Only then did I realize that I was hard as a rock. I was so confused. Was I actually turned on by this? She started stroking me faster and kept talking.

"So I finished brushing my teeth and put up my toothbrush. Then, when I finished, I turned around and faced him! I showed him my cooch and everything! His eyes got so big, sweetie! So I just said have a good day, and he just stared and stared and didn't say anything back! Then I turned around to walk out the door, and gave him a great view of my butt! Isn't that naughty and sexy? Your roommate has seen my boobs and now my butt, and even my cooch! Do you like that?"

It was too much for me to take, and I groaned loudly and came in her hand. She kept stroking until my dick went soft, the wiped her hand off on my shirt. "I knew you would think it was sexy. And I can't wait to do other sexy things for you!" From what had just happened, I was very worried about what that meant.


The next week Becky and I had been out with some friends one night. Becky was dressed very cute, in a red spaghetti strap tanktop and tight jeans, with her hair in a ponytail. I had a little too much to drink and was very sleepy, but Becky had only had enough to be tipsy. When we opened the door to my apartment, we saw that Mark and a few of his friends were in the living room drinking and playing board games. Mark introduced us to the group, a few guys and girls, who all seemed like very nice people.

Mark asked us if we wanted to join in. I started to apologize for both of us, saying we just wanted to get to bed, but Becky cut me off, saying, "Oh, c'mon, it's still early." A little too quickly, Mark suggested that Becky stay if she wasn't tired, and everyone would be quiet and let me sleep. I was a little hesitant, but I couldn't just order Becky to bed with me, and she was already getting a beer from the fridge. So I muttered off a goodbye and hit the sack.

I must have been drunker than I thought, because I fell asleep almost the second I got into bed. A few hours later, I woke up and realized I had to throw up. I was still drunk and wasn't even sure if I was just dreaming it. I heard soft moans coming from the living room. I perked my ears up as it sounded a hell of a lot like Becky.

I quietly walked out of the bathroom and walked down the hallway to the living room. I was suddenly scared of what I would see. I wasn't stupid, and I knew that Becky had been impressed by Mark's huge cock, and that she had been showing off for him, not for me. What if she was showing off again? What if she was topless, or bottomless again? And why was she moaning?

But nothing prepared me for what I saw when I leaned around the corner. Becky was completely naked, her clothes strewn all over the floor, her standing and leaning over the back of the couch. Mark was naked, too, standing behind her. I could see his huge cock pumping in and out of Becky's pussy, slamming her up against the back of the couch, her full breasts bouncing and jiggling with each thrust.

"Oh, yes….oooooo…. oh yes!" Becky was half-whispering and half-moaning. "Oh, yes!"

Mark's hands were roaming all over Becky's body. He reached around and roughly squeezed one of Becky's tits, pulling on her pink nipple, and Becky moaned even more.

"Oh, God……'re so big..." Becky panted. Mark just continued to grunt, and started thrusting harder. Becky bounced up and down, her tits bouncing wildly, her ponytail swishing back and forth.

Oh!...... OH!...... Oh, God……. feels so good...soooooooo good..." I was paralyzed with confusion and anger.I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there and watched my roommate fucking my girlfriend.

After a few minutes, Becky started moaning louder and louder. "Oh, yes…..harder….. YES! Oh, God…..fuck me harder MarK……yess lke that….just like that…….. I'm cumming again! Oh…… OH….. YES…. So….. good!...... SO GOOD!" She shrieked, as softly as she could, and began shuddering. She must have already cum once before I started watching them. Mark was some sort of machine, pumping into her that fast and hard and lasting this long, I thought. I had never been able to give Becky two orgasms just by fucking her.

After a few more minutes, Mark finally began to start moaning. "Oh, yeah...oh, yeah...I'm getting close..."

Becky turned her head, trying to look at him over her shoulder. "Cum inside me!" she fiercely whispered. I was shocked. Becky had never let me cum inside her before. She wasn't even on birth control!

Mark groaned. "You want me to cum inside you?"

"Yes…..ahhhhh…… yes! Shoot your cum up in me!...... I want to feel you cumming in me!....... Becky panted loudly. She had a pleading look in her eyes.

Mark groaned again. "God, your pussy is so tight, Becky...grunt…and such lovely boobs..." He reached around with both hands and began mashing Becky's breasts together. Becky groaned and tried to reach behind her to touch Mark, but she almost lost her balance and brought her hands down on the back of the couch to steady herself.

"So thick..." she moaned. Mark moved his hands back down to Becky's hips, and roamed over her flat stomach.

After what seemed like another few minutes, Mark began groaning loudly and started thrusting faster and harder. "Here it comes, Becky, here it comes!.....he bent down and hugged her with one arm and lifet her up her back was arched sevearly and touching his cheast…she rached back with one arm and held his face while gripping his arm that was clenched around her breasts….mark placed his other hand on her cooch….and started pounding harder……. Fuck!.... Fuck,….fuck….here it comes…. yes!" And three more powerfull thrists….., he let out a loud moan and made a final thrust into my girlfriend's pussy.

Becky shrieked. "Oh, God, you're cumming in me! Oh, God, yes, cum in me!" Mark kept pumping load after load into her pussy. His body convulsed letting go of her for a second and she collapsed to the sofa but he reached around again and grabbed Becky's tits and pulled her into him, trying to push his cock as far as it would go into her pussy. Becky was already having a third orgasm.

Finally their moans and shouts subsided. Both of them collapsed over the couch, and Mark relaxed his grip on Becky's tits, but still holding her tight into him. They stood like that for a while, with Mark's cock still firmly lodged in Becky's cunt, but I couldn't watch anymore. I was sick to my stomach and ran to bed, fighting back tears.

Shortly afterwards, I could hear the door to the bathroom open, and then the shower began running. After another twenty minutes, the door to my room slowly creaked open. Becky slowly snuck in, fresh from the shower, wearing only a towel. I watched her slowly slip out of the towel and slip into her bedwear, then slide into bed with me.

I wanted her to at least admit what she did, but I didn't want to admit that I was spying on her and Mark, so I pretended that I just woke up.

"Hey, it's late. Where were you?" I said.

"Oh! I'm sorry I woke you up, sweetie. Did you hear anything?"

"No," I lied. "What happened? Did you...did you show off to Mark or anything?"

I could see Becky smile. "Oh, you're turned on, huh?" I shouldn't have said it that way, I immediately realized. Now she would just spin it as something I wanted her to do.

"I showed off for you again," she whispered. I could smell alcohol on her breath. "After everyone left, it was just me and Mark and Paul, a friend of Mark's. We were all a little drunk, and Mark mentioned to Paul that he had seen me naked! And I said no, he hadn't, he had just seen parts of me naked. And Paul got all interested and wanted to know what that meant, and so Mark explained that he had seen my boobs when I opened the door to your room the other night, and then that he had seen my cooch and butt when I was in the bathroom bottomless while he was showering.

"Paul was all curious and wanted to know why I did that, and I just smiled and said that I wasn't shy and that I didn't think my body was anything to be ashamed of. I didn't tell them that it was to show off for you!

"So Mark said that that meant he had seen me naked, and I said that seeing me naked meant that he had to see me without any clothes on at all. Then Paul suggested that if I was so unashamed of my body, I should just get naked for Mark right there! Can you believe the nerve? I didn't even know this guy!

"So I just laughed and rolled my eyes, but Mark agreed with Paul and they kept pushing me to take off my clothes! And at first I wasn't sure, but then I thought about you and maybe that you would want me to do it." I certainly did not want her to do it, but I was too engrossed about this part of the night to raise my voice. Also, Becky had reached down and begun stroking my cock through my boxers while telling the story, and I was powerless to resist her now.
"So I thought about it, but I didn't really want to get totally naked, especially in front of Paul. But Mark was telling Paul about how great my boobs look and how firm my butt is, and they kept joking that I wasn't being fair to humanity by not letting people see them. It was really funny and flattering, so finally I told them that I would let them see me in my bra and panties, but that was it. I thought that was a fair compromise, don't you, sweetie?" I kept silent, but she apparently interpreted that as agreement, and continued.

"So I stood up and pulled my top off over my head. As I was getting it over my head, I could hear Paul and Mark gasp, and then Mark told me that he really liked my bra. I looked down, and remembered that the bra I was wearing was my lavender one, the one that's really sheer! They could basically see my all of my boobs through the bra, especially my nipples! I was a little embarrassed, and I squealed and threw my top at Mark. But Paul and Mark applauded, so I went ahead and pulled down my jeans. They're really tight, and as I was taking them off I accidentally pulled my panties down a little bit with them. I think they got a glimpse of my bush before I pulled my panties back up!

"So I spent the rest of the night just in my sheer bra and my panties. Paul and Mark stared at my boobs the whole time! I was so naughty!"

She suddenly stopped. "Anything else?" I said after that.

"No. Uh, no," she said. "Then Paul left and Mark went to bed, and I just went and took a shower." Then she turned over, before I could look into her lying eyes. "Good night, sweetie!" she said.

I laid there, nearing tears again, and just wondered what I was going to do. Worst of all, I was still rock hard.

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My Roomate

She hadn’t changed a bit since school, and her sex drive was still in high gear. We caught up quickly and went out for a drink at the bar around the corner. She could still pound the vodka tonics, and by about 9:00 she was half in the bag. Knowing we had to get up the next day, me going to work and her looking for a job, we decided to call it a night. Back at the apartment, I tossed my clothes in the hamper and pulled on a big t-shirt, she ducked in the bathroom, and came out with long...

2 years ago
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Just A Roomate

As Ali sat on the couch flipping through the newest Cosmo, Wyatt walked in the door. ‘How was your day?’ Ali asked playfully. Wyatt just rolled his eyes. This was an every day thing for them. Playfully flirting that never seemed to go anywhere. Later that night, as Ali and Wyatt sat on the couch watching television, Ali found herself thinking about Wyatt as she did every night. Her eyes ran up and down his face. His soft green eyes were fixated on the latest basketball game, his tongue...

3 years ago
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College Roomate Chapter I

The lights inside my new dorm flickered out into the night, casting eerie shadows across the campus. I could hear the music from about twenty-five metres away, with my luggage in my hand, guitar in the other. In a week, I would start my first semester of college: a degree in the performing arts. I was nervous, to say the least, because I knew nobody here. The college I had chosen was on the other side of the country, in California, away from all of my friends. My dorm was multi-sex, so my...

3 years ago
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College Roomate Part 2

After junior year in college, the roommates situation totally changed. Two of the five dropped out. Two more, Tim and Chuck, joined the fraternity that had a house right behind our apartment complex. That left me, and I found a 2-person apartment in the same complex that I shared with a fellow theatre major. My senior year was exciting, but I still did not have any sexual outlet. How I wish I knew then that the library restrooms had numerous glory holes that were very active! I only found...

2 years ago
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Roommate It had been a hell of a year with a divorce, a new job that had me traveling more and having to move into shared housing because my ex was sucking my bank account dry. Carl, my roommate, was a decent enough guy. I found the room on and we seemed to be compatible. He was neat without being compulsive about it, was a working student and was not inclined to throw wild parties. I had not been dating thanks to the bad break up, but in the two months I had been living there I...

3 years ago
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College Roomate Chapter II

I got up and walked passed him, into the bathroom. I could feel my throbbing, virgin pussy lips as my juices stained my thighs, rubbing together as I walked. I closed the door behind me, and reached for my shaver. It was pink, and five inches long. It was sure to burst my cherry. I turned the shower on, and sat down in the tub, my legs spread open giving me easy access to my pussy. I rubbed the end of my shaver over my clit, and gasped when pleasure shot through me once again. I couldn’t...

1 year ago
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You walk in the door, finaly home from work....... FUCKING LAZY CUNT!!! You scream. Your roomate's shit is everywhere. Dirty clothes and dishes thrown around your nice 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house. But she is nowhere to be found. Exhausted and pissed off you

2 years ago
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I submit to my roomate

It was the weekend and my buddy had invited me over for casual drinks as his mom was away for the week.I got to his house and knocked on the door and there was no answer.I yelled out that I'm here an I have the bottle.He popped out over the balcony and said its open come up stairs.I go inside an start walking upstairs. As soon as I get to the top I see myself on the big screen all dressed up throat fucking my dildo...I freeze. Read still I can't move.He pops his head over the couch an says...

3 years ago
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A Roomate Confession

Kandy with a K, as she always reminded everyone, was a young woman who'd just started college. It was her first experience away from home, and was difficult but rewarding, as she was about to find out.Kandy looked like your typical geek, skirt down to her knees, blouses that were buttoned to her neck, pretty and glasses that added to that air of mystery and hid her beautiful soft blue eyes from the world.She was put in a dorm room with Amanda, who was the complete opposite. Beautiful in every...

College Sex
1 year ago
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True story of my first time alone with my roomate

This is the true story of what happened a few weeks after I had a bisexual experience with my roommate and his girlfriend.I had always considered myself straight. With the exception of occasionally watching "twink" porn, I had not paid guys much attention. That changed for me after having a three way with my room mate Matt and his girlfriend in which I ended up sucking him, as I told about in my previous post.After our encounter I found myself thinking about him in a more sexual way. He was not...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Navy Girl Gets New Roomate

I was halfway through my training at the Naval Air Traffic Control School in Memphis Tennessee. My two roommates had just graduated and now I had my barracks room all to myself. It was kind of lonely and I missed our three-way lovemaking sessions that we shared. I found a note posted to my door saying “see the Commanding Officer at 1500 Hours. I went to Lieut. Cmdr. Cunningham's office and he asked me to sit down. He said "Carol you done real well here and are well liked by all of your peers...

1 year ago
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My roomate srikes again

Months had gone by and only my one run in with my room mate. I had lost intrest that it would happen again. I began looking else where. Nothing really cut it.My room mate. Names Travis. Had seemed to have had no intrest in me after that on night.I came home from chillin with a friend then jumped in the shower. As i dried my self off i heard travis moving around the unit. I wrapped the towel around my waist and headed to my bed room.As i was walking down yhe hallway i was violently thrown...

1 year ago
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College Roomate Chapter II

I got up and walked passed him, into the bathroom. I could feel my throbbing, virgin pussy lips as my juices stained my thighs, rubbing together as I walked. I closed the door behind me, and reached for my shaver. It was pink, and five inches long. It was sure to burst my cherry. I turned the shower on, and sat down in the tub, my legs spread open giving me easy access to my pussy. I rubbed the end of my shaver over my clit, and gasped when pleasure shot through me once again. I couldn’t...

First Time
1 year ago
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College Roomate Chapter I

The lights inside my new dorm flickered out into the night, casting eerie shadows across the campus. I could hear the music from about twenty-five metres away, with my luggage in my hand, guitar in the other. In a week, I would start my first semester of college: a degree in the performing arts. I was nervous, to say the least, because I knew nobody here. The college I had chosen was on the other side of the country, in California, away from all of my friends. My dorm was multi-sex, so my...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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The College Roomate

It was a surprise getting the call from Tim. I mean it had been only 5 years ago and I really haven't stayed in touch with him so I never thought I'd be getting a call from him. I answered him in the kitchen and put it on speaker phone. At first I didn't know who he was but when I recognized his voice I immediately regretted answering him on the speaker phone because my wife was right here at the table. I told Vicky about Tim but I didn't tell her everything about Tim. I guess he was just one...

3 years ago
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Chinese roomate

I had date this girl for only a few weeks, but I had not met her room mates yet. It seemed that both girls that my new girlfriend share apartment with were never home. My girlfriend, Chen said that they both had boyfriend and worked crazy hours. It was perfect for us, we had the place to ourselves every night and often ended up having sex in front of the TV in the living room since we did not have to worry about someone else in the house. One night, after we had finished making love and was...

3 years ago
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my roomate pt 1

I was in my 1st year of college when my room mate quit school. At the semester I got a new room mate he was 6' 1" 200 former high school athlete named Kris. We hit off great. Later I learned he had a girl friend named Kate they were hot and heavy, I could hear them in the next room fucking every night she was very vocal talking about his big cock how she loved it suck it and fuck it. I lay in bed beating my meat listening to there sex. My girl friend had broken up with me and I was horny as...

2 years ago
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Christening the New House More Roomates Dad

Devin and I had moved out of the dorms and into a small, cheap house. His folks came down with some household supplies the weekend after we had moved.Devin was a groomsman in a friends wedding in Dallas that weekend, as well. Betty, Devin’s mom, was going, too. That would leave Don and me at the house most of Saturday and Sunday morning. Don and I had hooked a couple of times since our first encounter, and I was really looking forward to tangling with him again during this visit.After Devin...

3 years ago
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College Roomates DadPart II

It worked. I was watching his cock grow before my eyes. I continued to do this over and over. I watched as his cock grew. I could see where the foreskin ended and the head protruded. There was small dark spot at the tip.Finally, I couldn’t take it any longer; I placed my mouth on his underwear, over his cock, and began licking and sucking. I could taste his precum. His hands shot to my head, holding my mouth in place.“Awwww, damn,” he groaned.I unceremoniously ripped his bikinis from his...

1 year ago
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College Roomates Dad

My first man to man experience was with an older man, and I had continued to be turned on by older men, rather than the guys my own age. When I met my roommate’s dad, I was totally hot for him.I had never talked to Devin, my roommate, about my attraction to men; he had no idea. Although Devin and his dad looked almost exactly the same, I was never sexually attracted to Devin. We had become very good friends, and I accompanied him to his parents on several occasions. When his parents were in...

2 years ago
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Finding a Great Roomate

I had just moved to the Great NorthWest and was lucky enough to land a job as a convenience store clerk working a shift from 8pm to 4am. Money was tight so I went to the classified to look for an apartment to share. I found one that was fairly cheap and close to my job. It was a two bedroom apt. and I would share the kitchen and common area with my roommate. I gave the guy a call and set up an appointment to see the apartment and be interviewed by him. I went to the address and rang the...

4 years ago
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Jessica's Roommatebyniemand1994©I'm Jessica, I'm a going to be a junior at one of the better colleges. I'm 5'8" brunette, brown eyes, 140 more or less. C cup boobs a nice figure and, of course, a shaved pussy. I figured I'd get that all out at first so you don't have to guess what I look like. I live in the dorms with Brittany, my roommate. We've been roomies since we got here. She's friggin tall, 5'11" rail thin with tiny little A cups. Blonde and blue and yeah shaved too. Hey it rhymes! Okay...

3 years ago
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My Daughter's Roommate - 1by Day Dreamer (1993)***A widowed dad is seduced by his daughter's college roommate and he can't believe his luck. Their interplay finds dad fantasizing about what it would be like to be doing these things to his beautiful young daughter. Those thoughts of i****t just won't go away. (MF, FF, rom)***Author's Note: This is a fantasy and, therefore, a work of fiction. All characters, events, and circumstances are imaginary, and any similarity between them and actual...

3 years ago
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Ramya8217s Roomate Priyanka In Hyderabad

Hi friends, this is Muralizroyal back with the new sex story of how I fucked my girlfriend and her friend in their flat. If anyone missed my previous sex story, you can check it at Any aunties or girls willing for a relation in Hyderabad; just mail me @ 100% secrecy guaranteed.Ok without wasting the time I will make it. Hi., I am Murali, 28-year-old from Hyderabad and my girl is Ramya..She is my soulmate, bedmate, fuck...

4 years ago
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First Gay Sex Experience With My Roomate

Hello ISS Readers, this is milomionan from Chennai. This is my first story in ISS, kindly bear with me for any mistakes This is about me and my friend during our college days. It happened like 6 Years back, while we were pursuing our engineering from a reputed College in Bangalore. Myself 24 from Chennai, average body, and dick size. My friend is from the Southern part of Tamilnadu with an average physique and childish behavior and of course well maintained dick. I was staying in the Hostel; he...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Roomate DP

Like my previous stories this happened one night after a typical college party.Me, my roommate Matt, and Kelsey, an old friend of his, had all just been to a party and were pretty buzzed. We got back and it was pretty late so we decided to just go to bed. Matt ran off to the bathroom so i had been left alone with Kelsey. I flipped on the TV while we waited for Matt to get back. After a while Kelsey must have thought he was taking to long and started changing. She quickly slipped out of her...

3 years ago
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Good roomate fuck pt2

In college my room mate was a dud by the name of Daryl. Daryl was not a huge man in size only about five feet six, nice cut body, enjoyed physical fitness routines that woke me up early in the morning. I would lay there watching Daryl as he would do one hundred push ups and two hundred sit ups, I would get excited hearing him grunt and moan as he went through his motions. Some mornings I would wait till he had left the room and jack off thinking what it would be like having Daryl exhaust...

3 years ago
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Caught by Girlfriends Roomate

There I stood, with no shirt on and my pants and boxers down at my feet, with only my girlfriend's roommate's satin purple bikini panties wrapped around my erection feeling ending the greatest sensation in the world as I coated the inside crotch with my seed, when suddenly I hear "What on earth are you doing?!" Oh shit! I can explain... I am sorry Jennifer…How was I going to explain that for the past two weeks since my girlfriend Katie let me stay at her place over the summer so I can attend...

3 years ago
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Mom With Roomate

Hi Rahul 24 here I have read many incest stories and never believed until It happened in my real life. I think few stories posted are fake but still many are really true since many changes are happening now a day. And such thing also happened in real which I couldn’t believe till now but really true. Now coming to story I live in Bangalore (mother tongue Kannada) with my roommate working in some reputed software company. After I lost my father few years back I asked mom to come and live with...

2 years ago
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College Roomate Part 2

After junior year in college, the roommates situation totally changed. Two of the five dropped out. Two more, Tim and Chuck, joined the fraternity that had a house right behind our apartment complex. That left me, and I found a 2-person apartment in the same complex that I shared with a fellow theatre major. My senior year was exciting, but I still did not have any sexual outlet. How I wish I knew then that the library restrooms had numerous glory holes that were very active! I only found...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriends Roomate

My boyfriend's roommate We met at a friend's wedding and we hit it off instantly. Kabir was tall, broad and good looking. He also had this impish charm which I found incredibly attractive. We were both from Delhi but he was working in Bangalore, India. We hooked up every time he was in Delhi and it was time for me to visit him in Bangalore. I was in between things so had some time on my hands. We made plans for a week long visit. Kabir had mentioned that he shared his apartment with a...

3 years ago
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My boyfriends roomatecontinued

My boyfriend's roommate - continued While we waited for Kabir to get ready, I spoke animatedly with Arjun but he seemed preoccupied. What's bothering you sweetie?, I asked. He looked at me as if I was crazy, rolled his eyes and said, Neha, look at me! I am dressed in your clothes, with full make up, big hair and wearing heels and you are asking me what's bothering me? I shrugged, Anjali, I see a gorgeous babe. Don't worry, we shall have a great time tonight! Six hours...

2 years ago
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My boyfriends roomateThe Finale

My boyfriend's roommate .... Finale I was hearing less and less from Kabir each day. I knew long distance relationships had their challenges but I had accepted that from the time we had started dating. Lately, most of my messages were responded to a day later and it seemed that I was the one who was always calling. For him, I guess it was a case of "out of sight and out of mind." For me, the distance made the heart grow fonder. However, I had made my peace with the fact that maybe our...

1 year ago
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RoommateIt had been a hell of a year with a divorce, a new job that had me traveling more and having to move into shared housing because my ex was sucking my bank account dry. Carl, my roommate, was a decent enough guy. I found the room on and we seemed to be compatible. He was neat without being compulsive about it, was a working student and was not inclined to throw wild parties. I had not been dating thanks to the bad break up, but in the two months I had been living there I...

3 years ago
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Roomate K Saath Meri Pahli Rat

Apne avi tak bahut sari stories padhi…hogi….lekin ye story har kisi k …liye hai..i am manish 20 years old….meri jeevan dhara ki jwalamukhi aaj kal apni charam sima par hai.kyun ki beete raat mere jeevan ka ek anmol chan tha ,jis sex kamna ki talash mai kar raha tha wo mujhe apne room me hi mila.thanks to shubhi..sam ko ghar me bhaithe mai apne practicalo me uljha tha -magar baar mujhe uske katile badan ki khayal aa rahi thi.mere saath ye silsila kuch dino se yuhi chala ja raha tha.mai har waqt...

1 year ago
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Punjabi Roomate Girl Submitting Herself On First Day In USA

It’s been a really long since I contributed to this community and I got just the right true story to tell you all. Please enjoy and let me know your feedback in the comments. “PLEASE DON’T STOP, IT’S SO GOOD TO BE FUCKED BY A DRUNK MADARASI,” moaned Tanya. It all started in January of 2021 when she knocked on the apartment door. She had just landed from India and was starting her master in my university. I graduated 6 months back and was working remotely due to Covid and hadn’t moved out of...

2 years ago
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Copyright © 2000 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. My lover Mary and I needed a little extra money and we had a spare room. We decided to get a roommate. We didn't like the idea of another women. We decided to go for a man. As luck would have it, a gorgeous man named Paul called us, and we rented...

1 year ago
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Jacy and her roomate part 2

Well let me know what ya think,I would like to hear from you.It is friday the 22nd and Jacy's 22nd birthday, Justin and I rented a house boat for a huge fucking party , I was in charge of inviting some of her friends and their boyfriends,I invited my friend Catherine , Joan and Joss , Lily and Calob , Emma and Carl. Justin was in charge of going down to the lake to get the boat ready , he brought his stero with the 5 disk cd changer with lots of modern rock and romantic slow songs , he also...

1 year ago
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Jacy and her roomate

When I was in collage I met a women named Jacy. We became friends right away , we signed up to be in the same dorm room , she was very popular and always had friends over, while I on the other hand was quiet and stuck to my self most of time, One night when Jacy was out on a date , she came home in a cranky mood so I asked her what was wrong ,she was upset cause her date had let her believe that they were going to do it and then he dumped her for another girl, she said that he'd made her so...

1 year ago
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My roomate Brian

This is a true story. I was lying in my bed late on one of the hottest nights in August, when I heard the door to my apartment open. I assumed it was my roommate Brian and his girlfriend Rhonda coming home from a night on the town. My bedroom door was closed so I couldn’t hear what was being said, but I remember the door to Brian’s bedroom close and I assumed, that Brian and Rhonda went straight to bed. Now I have watched Brian and Rhonda heave sex on many occasions because his bedroom window...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Lonely Roomate

Grinding your horny body against the palm of your hands, sinking your fingers even deeper inside. Your heavy breathing, turns to deep panting. Walking past your bedroom, I hear faint whispers of deep breathing. The sounds grew louder, as I approach the door. I put my ear close to door, and hear you panting. Finally, I push it open to find you, across the room lying naked on the bed. Hands between your legs, playing with yourself. You are - sitting up with your back braced against some pillows,...

3 years ago
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Gay College Roomates Part One

Junior year started out in a new apartment, new friends, new experiences... I was straight at the start of the year, and slowly I became VERY bisexual to completely gay by my senior year. First it started with my batshit crazy girlfriend...Crazy girls are the best lay, and my girilfriend at the start of the year was insane. She was very curvy, huge DD tits, blonde and always horny. Even when we broke up I couldn't quit fucking her, which kept getting me into trouble. My roomates would complain...

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