Rose Joins The Mile-High Club In An Unusual Way free porn video

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Rose sat down in her seat and started the usual airplane passenger routine and looked at the entryway hoping that anyone over the size of a normal person went past. “Also any small children or anyone looking sick,” Rose thought to herself. As she watched, she remembered some of her early flights, when she used to hope some very handsome and available guy would sit next to her. That hope faded after a bunch of trips when she realized the odds of a nice guy, let alone a handsome and available one, were much lower than an obnoxious excuse for a human being where the gender didn’t matter. She also remembered one trip where a mother in the row behind her started apologizing before the flight even left the gate. Rose really understood how difficult it would be to keep a hyperactive autistic child quiet for a whole flight, and the mother really tried. But she hoped like hell to never have a flight that bad again.

She leaned back in her first row in coach, the middle seat, as she once again mentally cursed her office who was going through a budget kick and decided it was critical to save $75 and not put her on an aisle or exit row. She understood not getting a first-class or even a business-class ticket, but a middle seat in economy was never pleasant. Plus this being a red-eye saved a few more dollars. “Oh well, the good thing is I'll get in early enough to have one meeting, then get into the hotel for a dinner meeting with an old friend.”

Her musings were interrupted by a very sweet voice, “Pardon me, I’m in the window seat.”

Rose was startled, and she stuttered briefly as she stood up to let her new seatmate move past her. She turned and took a good look. She couldn’t believe it. Even in her wildest dreams, she had never a woman as beautiful as this girl, no . . . lady. She was about five-foot-eight and subtly curved. Her long black hair and the brief glance at her face told her ethnic background was mostly Asian, but she didn’t think she had ever met an Asian lady so tall. She looked about thirty or so. When she pushed her carry-on into the overhead bin she got a glimpse of a tight belly with a small jewel in her belly button. Her arm had a flowery tattoo. Then she ducked slightly and slipped into her seat. Rose sat back down and was debating how to start a conversation with her when someone else dropped a bag on the aisle seat.

She looked over and really couldn’t believe her eyes, a virtual Amazon was stuffing a bag into the overhead. She had to be over six-foot and seriously built! Like her first seatmate, this one’s top rode up and she saw what looked like an honest-to-god six-pack. She was obviously in incredible shape. When she finally looked down, Rose got caught by a gorgeous face framed by a mane of blonde hair, blue eyes, and a terrific grin. She stuck out her hand, “Anna!”

Rose looked at it for a moment then took it. It was almost twice the size of hers and she also had a very firm hand. “Rose!”

“I see you met Celia.”


As she sat, she pointed to the window seat. Rose had almost completely forgotten her. When she turned suddenly and saw a grinning lady.

“It’s okay, she affects everyone that way. I’m Celia, by the way.”

Rose stuttered again, this time an apology.

“It really is okay. Even if I was sitting in your lap, she would still disconnect your brain by just standing there. I mean look at her!”

Rose instantly felt in over her head and decided the best course was to calm down. “Would you two prefer to sit together?”

Anna laughed, “Looking to escape the middle seat?”

“No, I just figured if you’re friends. . .”

“Sure, we’ll let that stand as the reason. Actually, Rose, she prefers the window and I have to have an aisle for these legs.”

She stretched them out in the aisle for a moment and even though Rose was straight, she could only appreciate them encased in a tight pair of jeans.

Celia leaned close to Rose.

“To quote my favorite comic book hero, ‘you hit the jackpot, Tiger!’”

Rose looked at her incredulously, “Mary Jane?”

“OMG, a real nerd!” Celia crowed.

From Rose’s other side came a groan. “No, not another one.”

Rose looked confused, “Another what?”

“She keeps throwing out nerd quotes like I’m supposed to know them. Old comics, TV shows, Manga and Amine . . . you name it and she knows it. You must have understood her line, which made her very happy.”

“So you aren’t friends?”

They both laughed.

“We are, just like giving each other a hard time.”

The rest of the flight boarded and they chatted a little, nothing special, as the plane finally made altitude. Rose thought it was nice having two ladies as opposed to the norm. The drink cart came by and Rose bought each of them a drink.


They drank and chatted a bunch more. They spoke about basically inconsequential things, why they were heading for the coast, where they were staying, how long they were going to be there. Rose barely remembered the conversations because every time she looked at either of her seatmates, she would get distracted. Anna had taken off a short jacket and her top was so skin-tight it looked like paint. It was cool on the airplane, as usual, and it showed. While she never had the comment aimed at her meager offerings, she got an object lesson in “Her headlights were on high-beam”.

Celia hadn’t had a jacket, but she had an overshirt that was open. She shrugged out of it with a motion that looked very sexy. Rose mentally shook herself, “Sexy? What am I thinking!”

Things got quiet as they dimmed the cabin lights, pretty normal for late flights. Celia decided to take a little nap. Anna and Rose talked some more, but at the long flight dragged on, Rose put her chair back and was dozing a little off and on, which was also her usual for a long flight.

At one point she opened her eyes and found she was looking right at Celia. Her eyes were also open and she was only inches away. She put her finger to her lips and then mimed ‘sleeping’ and pointed past her. She assumed Anna was asleep. Then Celia did something unusual, she pushed toward her and kissed her, right on the lips.

This was not a little peck, as she pressed her lips against hers, her hand snaked out and caught the back of her neck pulling her closer even if she was thinking of pulling away.

Then her tongue pushed in and did things she never knew a tongue could do. She made some sort of noise and she pulled away quickly and whispered, “Shhh!”

Then she came back in and kissed her again, only longer and — a word she never thought she would ever use for a kiss — harder. Not that those lips were anything but soft, it was more the kind of kiss. It didn’t seem to matter what Rose thought, Celia was kissing her and not taking no for an answer.

While that second kiss went on, Rose realized she had put up the seat arm and was pressing her body against hers. When she grabbed her hand and put it to her breast, she pulled away like it was burning hot. That’s when she realized there was a blanket covering the two of them.

She pulled her hand back and put it on her breast again, holding it there until she felt her squeeze.

She could feel her smile into the kiss and then she pulled away again but stayed a heartbeat from her.

Speaking of heartbeats, hers started climbing rapidly. Celia was so close, she couldn’t even focus on her clearly. Then her tongue came out and licked across her lips, slowly and very sensually; she felt herself responding.

She had to be dreaming, just had to be. Stuff like this only happens in dreams and Penthouse Forum letters and maybe, just maybe in some of her dreams. Very late night ones, ones she would never dare admit to anyone. She closed her eyes and inhaled, Celia’s scent was flowery, and then she whispered in her ear, “Like I said, Tiger, the jackpot!”

She brought a hand briefly out of under the blanket and stroked her face, then without Rose seeing, gave a thumbs up to Anna, who was not sleeping, but grinning. When her hand came back under the blanket, she took it right to Rose’s groin and rubbed firmly. She felt both of her reactions. One was her opening her legs slightly wider, maybe not even realizing she had done it. The other was a fear reaction from all kinds of things, including getting caught. Instead of waiting patiently to see which reaction wins, she starts rubbing her through her slacks, jilling her firmly.

“Turn toward me,” she whispered in a very low and sexy voice. Rose turned as best she could. She glanced toward the rear of the plane and realized with the late hour, almost everyone was sleeping. Her hand against Rose’s sex felt incredible.

“Open your pants.”


“If you cum in those pants you might leave a wet spot that might be hard to explain. You should always travel in dark colors.”

She tugged at Rose’s belt. “The other option is stopping. But I really don’t want to stop. Do you want me to stop?” She said that and leaned over, kissing her neck and pressing hard on her sex.

Rose didn’t say anything, but she felt Anna moving behind her. Suddenly she felt Anna’s long and warm body against her back and a hand pushed under her top cupping her breast over her bra. She heard Anna’s husky voice in her ear, “You might as well simply enjoy it, the little slut is insatiable.” Then she kissed her neck as she felt Rose relax a little.

Between the two of them, Rose’s pants were pushed down to her knees, Celia ducked under the blanket and teased her clit through her panties with her lips and tongue. It didn’t take long before she was close to an orgasm, then Celia let up and came back up to kiss her. She sucked her tongue into her mouth and treated it like a cock, giving it a miniature blowjob while slowly rubbed her, keeping her on edge.

Anna, in the meantime, reached down and pushed her hand into Rose’s panties and between her ass cheeks and rubbed the bottom of her pussy and perineum, slowly driving her crazy. They were succeeding. Rose had forgotten about where she was, and who was doing what to whom. Every time her mouth opened, Celia kissed her long and hard enough to steal her breath.

Soon she was panting and getting desperate for release. Anna pulled her hand back a little and started playing with her asshole, just running a finger around and over it. At the same time, Celia went back under and tugged down her panties, kissing her right on the clitoris. Her head was spinning as her body seemed to react on its own.

Celia came back up and kissed her again, then she whispered, “We have a surprise for you — if you want it?” Rose was almost beyond caring, but the next words shocked her.

“My lovely friend Anna has a cock, a beautiful cock and knowing her, it’s very hard right now. If you are okay with it, she’s going to fuck you with it while I suck on your clit.”

It took several seconds for those words to process, what emphasized the point was she felt that cock press against her ass, rubbing up and down between her cheeks. Rose didn’t say anything, but rolled her hips back toward Anna and then she felt Anna’s cock press along her pussy. She groaned but the sound was muffled by the Earth-shattering kiss Celia gave her.

Celia ducked back under the blanket not before she noticed the flight attendant watching them with a seriously sexy smile on her own face.

Rose felt Anna slide inside her, a feeling she didn’t feel nearly often enough. But what made it weird, but equally exciting was Celia pushed her top leg wider and was doing exactly what she said she was going to do, she was licking and sucking Rose’s pussy and the feeling was indescribable. Most of the guys she had been with wouldn’t even consider going down on her. It just ‘wasn’t their thing’ she had heard a few times, which was highly unfair because they all seemed to expect a blowjob! Those that had, need to take lessons from Celia. The tongue was amazing in a kiss, on her clit it was indescribable.

Rose lifted the blanket and saw Celia there looking so sexy! As she looked she felt Anna slowing fucking her. She couldn’t stop it and as she inhaled deeply to moan louder than she probably should, Celia pushed up and kissed her again, swallowing that moan. This kiss was different, wetter when Rose realized why. It tasted strange, but good, a sharp taste and scent. But even that faded as Anna kept going, she was very hard and it wasn’t long before Rose shuddered through a small orgasm.

Rose shook her head. At this point, most guys were already done and she felt lucky to get one quick cum, but Anna wasn’t done. She actually sped up and started taking deeper strokes. Rose’s eyes rolled back in her head as another orgasm took her quickly. Celia stayed with her, using her fingers on Rose’s clit while kissing Rose every time it looked like she might make too much noise.

Celia watched closely as Anna slowly slid her cock deeper. Rose’s face was priceless. Celia kept kissing her and rubbing her clit, frequently rubbing Anna as well. This was one trip Rose would never forget. She felt Rose pushing back against Anna, a feeling she knew so well. Celia was turned-on but would have to wait until later and Anna could take really good care of her.

Celia felt Anna getting close and felt her speed up, thrusting harder and harder. Rose was mentally someplace Celia could relate to, she was convinced Rose was getting the fucking of her life!

Rose’s body tightened up and then Celia felt Anna as well. She smiled at knowing Anna was one of the few people who could orgasm noiselessly, well in this situation. Later tonight the neighboring hotel rooms might call to complain. Rose fell back down.

When she collapsed, she felt Anna tightening up and cumming. Her brain was slowly coming back online and she thought a million things, but her body hadn’t caught up. Celia kissed her again and she felt Anna pull out. She rolled back on her back as Rose and Anna recovered. She didn’t know what to say or do, confusion of both mind and body. She felt Anna do whatever she needed to do, as Celia coaxed her into getting back together. She was still in a bit of a daze when she got up to go to the lavatory.

“Toss this, would you?”

Anna handed her a rather full condom.

She actually took it before even realizing what it was. She held it close to her body pinching the end and hoped no one else could see it.

The flight attendant was looking at her strangely as she went into the bathroom.

In there, she sat to gather herself and think about what just happened. An absolutely gorgeous girl went down on her while her even more stunning companion fucked her better than anyone! More confusion ran through her head as she realized not only did she not stop it, but she actually felt like she enjoyed it — a lot. She slowly got herself back together and as she exited, the flight attendant handed her a cup of coffee.

“You might need that.”

She felt embarrassed, but the flight attendant didn’t make a big thing about it, so she beat a hasty retreat back to her seat. Both of the girls appeared to be sleeping, so she sat back down and tried to clear her mind.

The flight ended and Anna and Celia didn’t do or say anything in particular. They played it cool as everyone started getting up to get their bags. She, once again appreciate Anna’s body and couldn’t even tell that she wasn’t anything but a gorgeous girl. She let Celia squeeze past her and she gave her cheek a light stroke before getting her carry-on. They left the plane ahead of her and she lost sight of them.

Rose shook herself once and decided it would be better to just move on. She had work to do and a meeting to attend. The meeting went pretty well, even with her lack of sleep on the flight. After getting checked into her hotel, she took a short nap, showered, and changed clothes. She met her friend Meg in the hotel lobby and they went into the restaurant for dinner. Meg was an old friend from college. The two of them got together whenever either was near the other. Living on opposite coasts meant there were long periods of not seeing each other.

They were enjoying a pre-dinner drink when an arm came across her chest and a familiar voice said, “Hi Rose, imagine meeting you here?”


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Mile High Club Associate Members The Handjob Series

Handjobs, what is there to say about handjobs? Does anyone look at them as any sort of sexual highlight? After maturing beyond spin the bottle, hand jobs are often the first progression to something more exciting than just kissing. By the time a guy first gets jerked off, it could still potentially be years before he gets much more.Those years can seem like a tough wait. Instead of enjoying a hand job for what it is, half your wits are spent trying to negotiate for something more. Fool...

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Making The Mile High Club

On a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Los Angeles, Ryan happened to catch a near-empty 747.  He was flying first class and with only four passengers in their section, there were four crew members to spoil them. Ryan was tired and still a little hung over from the night before, having smoked a few joints and consumed a good quantity of fabulous German wine. Ryan had deliberately chosen the window seat in the first row so he could put his feet on his briefcase, against the bulkhead, once they...

Quickie Sex
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One For Her Virgin on the mile high club

Virgin on the mile high club! I cleared passport control and went through the slow process of having my hand luggage checked before walking into the hustle and bustle of the Heathrow airport departure lounge. I stood there for a second, looking around at the multitude of shops and rest aurant’ s through the swarm of busy people as they passed the time while waiting for there flights to be called. Not one for shopping, and not at all hungry, the obvious choice for me was the nearest bar! I saw...

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stay the course part four Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club

Stay the course: part four: Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club Please read the previous chapters to this story, it helps for the story line. My eyes widened and my hands shot to my collar wondering what had given it away. I felt my face a deep red when I realised that in my playing with it I had turned it right around so that the ring for my leash and the lock was visible. I just stared at Robert at a loss for words. Robert was still smiling at me then he whispered, “It’s ok Taatiana, I...

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Mile High Club in a Balloon

Mile High Club in a Balloon The morning air was cool but not cold.  The summer heat would come later today, but for now it was just right.  Just a touch of dew sparkled on the grassy in the park and there was a slight haze in the air.  To the east the rocky crest of the Sandia Mountains was just getting touched by the first rays of sunrise.  The sunrays streamed between the peaks like a Japanese fan. The moment was picture perfect. Then the sound of the gas engine of the inflation fan broke...

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Mile High Club

The day started out like any other. I got my flight briefing the night before and fuel calculations with winds and weather aloft as well as any catering requirements specific to the flight. From Van Nuys to Seattle was about 2-1/2 hours of flight time. Two female passengers are listed on the manifest. Catering was for champagne, fresh strawberries, whipped cream, and chocolate. Given the short distance and the fact that it was only two passengers seemed like a fairly reasonable request. In my...

Group Sex
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Messy Missy The MileHigh Club Hippie

Missy Drinks CumThe Phish Shows were over and the next thing Missy knew, she was on a plane to Tampa Bay. The last few days had been a whirlwind for her, since she had to quit her job, sub-let her apartment, and went on tour where she had met Johnny. Johnny and her had struck a deal.Johnny had offered to pay her to be his cock sucking cum slut for the 2 day Tahoe shows this past summer. Missy turned out to be what she projected and more. She was an insatiable semen slurper. Johnny was in love,...

2 years ago
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Wife Joins a Health Club Blacken PT1

Suzy and I had been married for six years when she began to change. Atfirst I didn't notice but that soon changed. We had recently moved into anew house with lots of extra space for c***dren. Suzy and I had known oneanother for twenty of our twenty six years. We were sweethearts by highschool and married at college. After graduating we took high paying jobs inour respective fields and saved for a house and family.Everything was going according to our plan. We had everything we wantedexcept the...

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A lonely wife joins a swingerclub

I have lived mainly in married quarters on military bases. My father is a colonel and gets posted about every year. We move frequently as the service requires it. I am 20 and for 7 years I have been having sex with numerous girls around my own age who also live on the bases. Sex is a very popular pastime. Six months ago I got mixed up with a woman twice my age whose husband had been posted overseas. She made it clear what she wanted and I was happy to oblige and sex became a regular occurrence...

2 years ago
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Futas Wild PassionChapter 16 Futa Joins the Lesbian Club

I shuddered at the sight of the lesbian passion raging in the principal’s office. It was a scene of lesbian debauchery that shouldn’t be found in any high school’s administration wing and yet I was so glad to see it. Just as Principal Washington had told me, there was a group of lesbian staff who enjoyed seducing us underage schoolgirls into sapphic passion. I had been looking forward to this since Monday. Now it was Thursday, and here I was to join one of the meetings in progress. Everyone...

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The Grandmothers Club

The Grandmother’s Club Where do I begin? Well my parents were childhood sweethearts. They lived right next door to one another the whole time that they were growing up. To this very day my two grandmothers live side by side in separate houses. They are both widowed and they have combined their backyards into one big yard. Mom and Dad said that their mothers had gone to a lawyer and entered into a partnership, which gave them almost the same rights as being a married couple. Mom and...

2 years ago
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SixMile High Club chapter 6

After calling his Dad, Michael picked up a large Frappuccino at Starbuck's. He should have bought Starbuck's stock when the price was low, he thought. While waiting for his Dad he drank the icy coffee drink, which brought back thoughts of the beach at Santa Monica and lazy summer days. He sat and watched the people going about their business, knowing that the remainder of the trip would probably be rather dull, without Miyoko. It was difficult to believe how much he already missed...

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The mile high club

This is a true story it happened in 1978 on a red eye flight to Los Angeles, Ca. from new York City, NY. I met a young lady who had two c***dren with her so she had seats at the back of the plane. I was on stand by so I had to take what ever the airline gave me so I ended up in the tail of the airplane with this young lady and her two (2) c***dren. She was a very good looking lady with very fine legs beautiful hips (36′) a very small waist (24′) and a pair of great tits (36C) she was dressed in...

3 years ago
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The mile high club

This is a true story it happened in 1978 on a red eye flight to Los Angeles, Ca. from new York City, NY. I met a young lady who had two c***dren with her so she had seats at the back of the plane. I was on stand by so I had to take what ever the airline gave me so I ended up in the tail of the airplane with this young lady and her two (2) c***dren. She was a very good looking lady with very fine legs beautiful hips (36") a very small waist (24") and a pair of great tits (36C) she was dressed in...

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Wife Joins a Queen of Spades Club

My name is Vanessa, a wife and a mother of 2 c***dren. I am a real estate agent, I manage rental properties and dealing with tenants and landlords. I was a devoted Christian and married to Brian, my husband for 15 years. I am the dominant one in this marriage. Everyone around us knows I am the one wearing the pants around the house. Brian runs his own transport business. I must say life has been comfortable, we have a beautiful house and a good life. I am Asian and I am 38 years old but I still...

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Black Mile High Club

Hi my name is Mindy, I would like to tell you about my adventure during a flight to my husband and I's honeymoon. First of all im 39 years old, 5'5 with long blonde hair. I usually wear high heels with a nice summer dress.Anyways, my husband and I had boarded our flight for our honeymoon. He of course got the window seat, because he loves to look out when we are landing or taken off. So it was about 3 hours into the flight when I noticed a handsome young black man sitting across from me. He was...

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Lady Rebecca Joins the Spanking ClubChapter 2

The Upper Weston on Thames Spanking Club was both discreet and quite strict in its rules of official membership that limited the membership to only gentlemen and ladies of genteel society with no inhibitions about public display of their privates in close contact with the opposite sex. I know that must sound disconcerting to many females of a modest nature but I assure you that a relatively significant percentage of the female sex are so inclined in my experience and you would be surprised...

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Roxy Joins the Poker Party Club

There were four of us that loved to get together to play poker and drink beer every Friday night. We had done this for years, without interruption. We were golfing buddies, and all were happily married goofballs.One night, as we were, deep into our ninth or tenth hand of poker, with the beer and the whiskey flowing, one of the group members asked the question that all of us had probably thought to ask at one point or another, but none of us had ever dared to ask.“So, what’s the kinkiest sex...

Group Sex
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Young Athletes Club of Northern Florida

I just love the way the girls play. We’d been in the sports club for about a year and I could hardly wait for each Saturday to roll around. It was hard to remember a time before I began coaching my granddaughter in softball and then basketball. I’ve been an athlete my entire adolescent and then adult life and knew just how to get the most out of someone’s abilities. Looking back now I’m astounded by how the club began and how it had taken a hold in our community. Bible belters would never have...

2 years ago
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Chapter 29 A Captain Joins My Book Club

After my confession to Gabriel, the only star’s gravitation that pulled my life’s orbit was family. The kids married, got jobs, bought houses and blessed me with grandchildren. For seven years hubby and I traveled, not just to the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angles, New York but Asia, Europe, South America. Life was good. A few grey hairs, so what? Nothing a hairdresser couldn't fix.Then came the warnings, hot and cold but brushed aside. Soon after my fifty-third birthday, however, it didn’t...

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SixMile High Club chapter 7

"Was it like you expected? Did I do it right? Was it good Michael?" "You did that very well. It appears that you have had some practice." "No Michael, you are the first man to have his penis in my mouth. At our Academy each girl has a Sensei. She is a special teacher or mentor. All girls have three; four hour private lessons a week; with their Sensei to discuss anything they wish. The Sensei is sworn to secrecy much like a priest in the Catholic Church. My Sensei was born in 1959,...

4 years ago
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pt 3 a unusual situation VWOM CLUB

When I woke up Debbie and the others sat around on the floor talking and laughing. Anyone just seeing them talking would have thought everything was normal except the girls were in various states of dress or rather undress. Ann looked over and asked "Have a good nap?" I said ugh yea. Debbie said "Good now who's next?" By now I was getting excited again and said Judy. Judy walked over to me and looked at Debbie as if to ask should she. Debbie glared at her and said "Do it or you are out...

2 years ago
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The Dallas Fathers Club

Introduction: The families that play together get layed a lot The Dallas Fathers Club There are fathers clubs all over the United States, probably all over the world, dedicated to the proposition that sex between parents and their children is a good thing. Of course you will not find them listed in the yellow pages or advertised on billboards, at least not in this country. However they do exist and they all seem to have many members. In fact I was surprised a secret of this sort could be so...

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SixMile High Club chapter 3

Although Michael was with Mioko, his mind continued to wander back to when he was twenty in junior college. He was in his second and last year at Santa Monica JC, and became close the love of his life. At least she was at the time. Her name was Jessica Burke. She was eighteen and just out of high school. She had blond hair, blue eyes and a wonderful smile. Her face and body were things that God must have bragged about. Her figure was comparable to any girl he had seen in his father's PLAYBOY...

3 years ago
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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 2 Mommy Slut Orgy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Mommy Slut Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! In the shipping department of The Institute of Apotheosis Research, Ulrich Geller threw his mom down across the sorting table, his hands ripping up her tight pencil skirt. The short, black-haired women moaned and wiggled as she squirmed. “I... I have to become a slut, don't I?” his mother asked. She ran the shipping department where...

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Mile High Sluts Part 2 of 2

Best read in sequence with part 1. The airport at Dubai was modern and clean, and the luxury associated with the premier Arabian destination sparkled in every little corner. I was finally back in my clothes, and Tamara guided me to a VIP lounge and told me to take whatever snacks and drinks I wanted before giving me a quick kiss and heading off to join the rest of the crew for their transfer to their hotel. There were only two other people in the lounge. He was a young guy with a cute, blonde...

4 years ago
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Family Life Ch 23 Heather joins the family

David woke, completely relaxed, as he opened his eyes he was greeted by Heather’s smiling face.“I thought you would never wake up,” she said softly.“What time is it?” He said.“Nine thirty,” she replied, “l’ve been watching you for ages, l knew you were waking when l saw this growing.”David felt her warm hand encircling his erection.“I’m surprised there’s any life in him after the night we’ve had,” he said, kissing her.“Oh don’t be silly,” she said, pushing him onto his back then straddling him,...

1 year ago
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Wildclub First Swingers Club Visit

Exactly a month has passed and, surprise-surprise, it is time again to look back and write down some words. Not only for you, dear readers, but also for future us to look back and remember…Experiences with Pamela and Maimu have taken more bold and adventurous. I remember that we both discussed we could also try sex with other couples if we cannot find the right female partner. Birgit was not very sure about it, but, as always, the topic needed some time to settle in. I have told her multiple...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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