Bi Curious free porn video

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In which a couple from this site get to meet me, and once we get over the (really rather severe) nerves, a beautiful, voluptuous wife and mother gets her first ever sexual experience with another woman. It's hypersexual, once we get there. The husband was very eager to get me and his wife together.

I shall call them Harry and Jane, because those are their names, though not those that they go by on this site, which is where I met them. I don't wish to suggest they are swingers, because they aren't or at least were not before this. Neither had had sex with anyone other than their spouse for twenty years or more.

Having had a few preliminary conversations, firstly by email, then telephone, I even allowed them to come to my house, which I do less of than you might think, from reading my entries. (No pun intended)

They came to my house in Solihull, and we sat in my lounge and had some wine. He had a soft drink, because the initial arrangement was they come for a few hours, because they needed to be home for 1 am or 2 am or so, to let their babysitter go home.

Harry was a stocky ginger haired man, probably 5'6" or so, and looked very fit. Jane was an absolute beauty, very Irish looking, masses of dark hair, green eyes, alabaster skin.
Absolutely beautiful, and yet she seemed to think she was overweight. Not in my eyes. A UK size 16, according to her dress label, but I think she bought that size to accommodate her fabulous big breasts, the dress was pulled in with a wide belt, below that, and her bum was just nice, with a very pronounced waist, and great legs.

We had our drinks, and I showed them round the house, and we went into my room. I really ought to get a bigger bed. There have been several occasions when I've had to try to get more than three people on it. It's a king size which is 5 foot wide, 6" more than usual. Perhaps I ought to get a super king, or whatever it's called , which is 6' wide.

I used the tour of the house to bring everyone into my room, without making too much of a big deal about it.

Jane got onto the bed, to try it, as you do. For firmness and the like, and she was admiring my (rather expensive) bed linen.

Harry , apart from starting to get visibly moved, shall we say, at the prospect of his wife and another woman in bed, was rather intrigued by the large painting of a nude on the wall. It's Jo , in the painting, which I told him.

After some awkward small talk, I slipped onto the bed with Jane and got up close and personal. She looked, frankly, ready to run away. She let me put my arm round her, but when I went to kiss her, she turned away.

"I'm soRRY" she gushed "I don't know whether I'm going to be able to DO this"

"Don't you like me?" I smiled, gently

"Oh no NO, You're beautiful! ISN'T she, Harry?"

Harry vigorously nodded his agreement, he was gulping too much to actually speak.

"Can I not have a kiss, then?" I cooed

She leaned into me, to be fair, and let me gently kiss her on the lips, but when my tongue, (and I wasn't rushing her) tried to make inroads, she shied away again.

"Come back downstairs" I said, kindly enough. There are robes, look, take off what you're comfortable with, and put the robes on and come down.

I'll put something on to help you into the mood. OR we can just order a curry in and perhaps try again another time. No pressure from me, whatsoever.

I stripped naked in my bathroom and put my white silk robe on and went downstairs.

I have some.. er technology in place.
There is a digital wireless camera in my room, (£99, Maplin) and NO is the answer to your question, you cannot hack it and have a look through it, don’t bother asking. And.... it's hidden. It looks through netting, it gives a soft focus but you can still see quite well, and it's got colour and sound.

I flicked my lounge TV on and changed to AV.

There they were, in my room. Harry was naked with a big hard on. Very big actually. I hoped she would let me fuck him.

Jane was undoing her big, but very pretty bar, there seemed to me to be four or more hooks on the clasp, Blimey, I could make do with one!

When they came out they were fucking huge. Gorgeous. They didn't exactly stay put, I have to say. They took a trip towards the floor, but hey, she was 40 odd with teenage k**s.

I caught a side on of the nips, and they were amazing. I wanted her to let me have a suck, desperately, but I was, at all times, fairly sure she was going to bail.

She'd kept her thong on, and put the robe on, though it's Nicole's robe and theoretically has room for some pretty big tits in it, Jane's were absolutely spilling out.

I saw them leave the room , so i quickly flicked the channel to DVD, and pulled out a particularly beautiful Italian movie of Nicole's (one she owns, not stars in) with a stunning cast and lots of very erotic f/f scenes in it, amongst all the big cocks being sucked and fucked. The one guy in it is so gorgeous. Not a hair on his body, not an ounce of fat, beautiful big cock, all over tan, incredibly handsome. He's GOT to be gay.

They were on the stairs, and I welcomed them in and sat them down.

Harry's cock was embarrassingly evident.

We had some more wine, Harry made a call to see if their sitter could stay over, so that Harry and Jane could stay over with me, and thus he could drink. She said she couldn't , but then for an extra £50 she found that she could.

Damned good value though, in the event.

The film got underway. Harry's cock was escaping as the girls artistically ate each other's pussies and bottoms on the big screen in DVD 1080 clarity. How did we ever put up with copied tapes?

"What is it about Lesbianism that drives men wild?" I giggled

"Well that's why we're here " he said, his voice seemed to rather stick in his throat, however
I lubricated it with some more wine, and we must have had a whole bottle of 14% Chardonnay each, by this point, in less than an hour.
I was watching the movie, by now a rather magnificent cock was being welcomed into the girls' proceedings, with a double blow job. I had my hand between my legs inside my robe, masturbating.
"Are you masturbating?" asked Harry, dumbly.
I was giggly, and very slightly movement - impaired.
"Just a little stroke" I giggled
"Did you want to see?"

I opened my legs for him to see me.

His breath rattled in his throat.

Jane was watching very intently a lesbian scene, with her mouth agape. Harry parted her legs slightly, and she just went "Mm".

He had a bit of a rummage and his fingers must have found their way in , as his hand moved sort of into her body.

"Ooh" she said, and still kept her eyes fixed on the screen.

"You like what they're doing?" questioned Harry, of Jane

I thought I might risk a little
dabble now, so I sat the other side of her.

She moaned, quietly as Harry gently finger fucked her.

"She's soaking" he whispered to me, conspiratorially.

I leaned in and nuzzled and kissed her cheek. She leaned towards me, and half turned.

I planted my mouth on hers, and her shaking lips parted and responded.

Again she moaned gently, and I risked a little bit of tongue.

Her mouth opened for me.

Her tongue came to meet mine.

My hand crept inside her robe and attempted to lift out a massive breast. It wouldn't come out, but helpful Harry, bless him, with his vested interest and his erect penis, opened the robe and freed up those gorgeous big boobies for us both to play with. 38F by the way, for you statisticians. I asked.

"Oh god they're beautiful" I whispered in her ear, having broken the kiss.

"They're a rOight state" she bemoaned "they're rawnd moi waist"

"They're NOT!" I chided "They're just so big, so full, so Womanly! They're not made of air, they're bound to weigh. I think they're fabulous, I'm so jealous, I want them, i want them for myself, but as they're not ......available I shall have to just ..... make love to them" I said

Jane moaned slightly again and visibly shook.

Harry had managed to remove the robe entirely, and it lay behind her.

Below these magnificent big tittles, was her fabulous pussy. The thong was pulled an inch to one side, and her neat pubes framed her full cant lips beautifully. She had a neat triangle of hair, above, but the sides were all shaved and freshly so for the occasion, by the look of it. Harry had pushed two fingers in and was working them in and out, and they were wet and glossy with her juice.

"Can we take these off?" I whispered

Without speaking, she lifted her trembling bottom to allow me.

In doing so, Harry had to remove his fingers for a moment.

He removed his robe at the same time, he certainly wasn't shy. His erection waved in front of him, like the jib of a frigate.

"Oh Harry" I giggled "You've got a very big cock! Jane's a very lucky lady. Is Jane going to share? " I laughed

Jane was sitting there, naked now, and totally magnificent, her legs apart, her pussy all pumped up and wet. Looking very very lockable to me, but very unavailable, at present anyway.

"You can have a go, if Harry's happy to. We agreed he could" said Jane

"Well Harry looks very VERY happy to me" I laughed

"Can we ....... have a look at you ?" asked Jane, shyly, blushing rather.

"Sure" I said, and stood, and a with a little flourish , dropped my robe. I was stark naked underneath, with my smoothly shaved pussy very much in evidence.

I stood as they both looked at me.

Harry grew another full inch, I swear, and Jane, she just looked on, and gulped.

"You've got such a byoytIFul little CNUT!" she smiled "Isn't she absolutely gorgeous , Harry?"

Harry nodded

"You can have a little lick, if you like" I invited, taking a step towards her

"N no I cAiRN'T!" she stammered "maybe later, maybe later"

I figured that maybe she could use another drink, so I trotted off through the dining room to the kitchen to get her another drink.

I was bending over at the fridge in the darkened kitchen, when something told me I was not alone.

Harry had followed, and was sticking a finger up my cant, from behind.

"Come Here" he said, quite gruffly

I turned around and dropped to my knees to suck his cock.

"Oh oh" he moaned with his knees vibrating

"Stop IT!" he hissed "I won't last a fucking second!"

He grabbed my hand and led me towards the table in the dining room, grabbing me by the waist and lifting me onto it like I was a doll.

"Spread em" he gruffed . I spread, 45 degrees.

"Condom!" I barked

He had one in his hand all along, and he opened the pack and rolled it on.

"Ready?" He asked

"Well, really REALLY wet, yes!" I said, quite taken aback to be honest.

He took that as a go, so he pushed into me, pulling my hips toward him, for deeper penetration.

"OOOhh" he said, his balls seemed to be slapping the edge of my table.

"OOf" I grunted "Fuck, you're big!"

He wasn't THAT big, I've had dozens bigger, but I DO like to compliment a man.

"Jane!" I called "come in here"

Very very slowly and slightly unsteadily Jane emerged out of the lounge into the dining room.

"Oh my god" she said, though she was smiling, I'm happy to say

She put the light on, we had been in semi darkness, and she came to stand right by us.

I reached and held her hand

We locked eyes

"Ohh" I moaned

"How is she?" she lovingly stroked his briskly pumping arse as she asked.

"She's so fucking TGHIT!" he groaned

"I'll bet" mused Jane, toying with a nipple. Most partners would have been offended I guess.

"How's my Harry?" she asked me, with a glimmer of emotion

"He's got a lovely big cock" I gasped "it's a really ... tight .. fit"

"Oh shot" he cried and promptly came his load into me.

He'd lasted two to three minutes, max, I guess.

He slumped rather.

"Sorry!" he looked like he was going to cry, and he withdrew.

"It's OK, but you must make me come" I cajoled "One of you.Either of you. Go down on me and lick my cant"

I looked at each of them. Harry looked at Jane, who shook her head vigorously, and then looked at me.

Harry dropped to his knees, realising he was going to have to deal, but he ended up too low, so he pulled up a dining chair, and sat upon it, to give him the right height to eat me.

"He's very good" she breathed "Enjoy!"

I did enjoy.

He started off licking the hole out, which was still gaping a little from the considerable girth of his cock, then he slipped up to my clit, where he perfectly lapped and licked at me.

"Come and sit on my face" I begged Jane

She wouldn't , of course.

"I hOven't got da confidence" she said

"What's confidence got to do with it?" I asked, rather cheekily "you've only got to sit there"

"Yew will DEW tings to me" She laughed

"Fucking RIGHT I will" I said "hop up here and I will make you come for England"

"Oh please!" begged Harry , with his mouth full . Of cant.

"Please" I said as well "I'm going to come in a minute, that will take the edge off. Hop up here now, get me while I'm hot"

"GO ON" said Harry , in rather an ordering kind of way. He wore the trousers, when he had any on.

I gave up, however, and closed my eyes to concentrate on Harry's not inconsiderable tongue skills pleasuring my clit.

There was, just as I was least expecting it, a profound creak, as the table had weight put upon it, and a statuesque thigh was thrown over my face.

Mrs R*******n had arrived!

There was a great dark yawning gash of a pussy hovering over my face.

Much slurping ensued as I dipped my tongue deep into the open hole. She smelt STRONG, really...meaty. Perhaps the wrong word, but it conveys what I'm trying to say.

Jane, darling, when you read this, and you will, don't take offence, you have got a gOOrgeous cant, I love it, and I could eat it all day.

"OH!" she moaned fit to vibrate the table. I could see she had gathered up her tits and was giving them some gyp, basically. Really pulling at the nipples.

I moved slightly and slid up the crack to get to her clit. I hadn't even touched it yet. When I did she damn near took off.

She was SO loud!

"Oh FECK" she was going "YES! YES"

So ..she'd overcome her shyness with me !

My lord

She gushed.

Despite her reticence at sex with a woman, she came, as published, for England for me. Or Ireland. Good girl, I thought.

Meanwhile I came as well, hugely, noisily, wetly smearing my juice all over dear Harry's lower face.

Harry had not been unmoved by the proceedings and he was fully hard again, not bad for someone in his 40's.

"Down" said Harry to Jane, back in ordering mode, "go down on her"

He wanted her to lean forward and lick my pussy for me.

I'd only come minutes before, but guessed I might be able to go again, under the circs.

"Husband and wife" I kept telling myself and the thought does turn me on, really rather a lot.

A fantasy of mine of mine is riding a guys cock (bareback) and jumping off to have their wife or girlfriend have to lick all MY juice off their man's cock.

Can't do it in reality as must use a condom, MUST MUST MUST.

Her uncertain tongue parted my pussy lips, which were soaking and frothy.

"Just lick me like you would like to be licked" I murmured from beneath her enormoOOusly shapely bottom, where it had settled, on my face.

I felt her breathe me in

"Oh" she moaned, so quietly

and she settled her tongue immensely slowly, you know where,
in the little slot, and found my hard clotty in there and lapped there like a kitten with a saucer of milk.

Harry was watching intently , trying to cover every angle and not miss anything. He probably would have liked to get a CNN outside broadcast unit there.

"OH yes, oh yes" he murmured, softly, slowly pumping his erect cock.

"Oh my god, my god" he whimpered as Jane's tongue took me to another orgasm. He saw my toes flex, I think.

"OH CHRIST!" moaned Harry, and a rain , well a light shower, of warm sperm showered Jane's back and my legs.

Harry had indeed shot off for the third time, (is that 3?) and I couldn't see how he could have too much more in the magazine.

"Was that okay?" asked Jane, shyly, climbing off both me and my table. I was still trying to get my breath back.

Her lips and chin were glistening from my cant.

Harry came in to kiss both of us, making sure he licked up all the female come he found.

"Lovely, you made me come" I cooed, kissing her also.

She liked having her also kissed.

While I was kissing her, Harry attached himself to one of her wonderful nipples.

I was having a little manual play with the other, and it was both massive and rock hard.

I dropped away from the kiss to lovingly suck it, and I could see from her reaction that I was doing at least as good a job as Harry.

"Shall we go back upstairs?" I grinned

She nodded in agreement, smiling coquettishly.

I led up my steep stairs, with Harry following, having a real good look up my arse.

Jane came up last , having raided the fridge for more wine.

"Did you need to take the taste away?" I teased

"no,No" ,she protested "You tasted..... quite nice"

"Thanks" I smiled

"You'll be wanting some more then" chipped in Harry, whose voice seemed to be descending, into Barry White - with - laryngitis territory.

Now Harry was firmly out of the action, his cock was now hanging down his leg, showing no outward signs of any interest in the proceedings whatsoever. To be fair, or not, his input had been brief to say the least. one brief fuck, and an even briefer wink.

I got onto the bed with his wife, whilst Harry sat on the linen box at the end of the bed, and watched.

I was back on her tits, straight away, her head thrown back and gently moaning as I very lovingly sucked on each nipple.

He was trying desperately to get hard again, his hand pulling at his cock.

I slithered down her belly and she opened her legs as wide as wide could be, she was not so shy now!

As I arrived at her pussy, she opened everything right up for me, with her fingers.

My tongue was straight in there, going for the clotty, and she pushing herself into me, straining for orgasm.

"Oh god, that's fantastic" she howled.

What my neighbours must think!

"Lyn!" said Harry, excitedly "Go and sit on her face"

"What?" we kind of both said, because she'd very nearly come

"I'm ready, I'm READY!" He announced, delightedly.

Grudgingly-ish I withdrew my tongue from Jane's pussy and went to take a seat on her lovely face.

Her hands however, were there to welcome me, opening my thighs wide.

As I sat down her rather marvellous tongue came up to have a little lick of my bottom, initially, which was braver than I had expected. Pretty standard practice girl to girl , if you're interested, but Jane being 100% Hetero, I was surprised, pleasantly so.

Harry was straight on her, cock in hand, no condom, obviously, they were married, and allowed, and into her.

"MmmmMMM" she moaned as she licked away now at my pussy, I was going to come again, quite soon. We came to an arrangement where she licked inside while I masturbated.

Harry heroically lasted about ten minutes on this pass, whilst providing a constant running commentary :
"Lick that CNUT out, go on , drink all the fucking juice" etc, just in CASE the neighbours were missing out on any of the action.

And when it came to drinking juice, it turned out I was in for a real treat, ahem.

His cock was reaching new heights of size and hardness, she was (rather muffledly) telling us it was the biggest it had ever been , when whoop,
off it went, depositing whatever he had left deep into Jane.

He stood immediately, just about maintaining his balance on my bed, and put his cock straight into my mouth, where I licked the smeared and sticky cock and sucked it clean.

Once that was done, he took my hand and lifted me off his wife.

"Go down on her" he ordered me "eat what I've put up there"

"Ah.......!" I said , not keen, I thought, but I did as I was told.

There wasn't much, just a little glob of come which was right in the entrance, so I swiftly got my tongue in there, and scooped it out with my tongue, and ate it. She held my head there, wanting to be licked again, and I quickly made her come another time, until she was a panting heap.

"Christ you dirty bu99ers" I laughed

I suggested we all take a shower. Sadly I don't have one we could all get in, so we went separately, me last.

We re assembled in my room.

"Well, I'm all in", I said "what do you say we get some sleep? Any other business?"

"There is one more thing" said Harry, his eyes lowered

"Oh yeah?" I said, grinning "And what would that be?"

"Your.... bum, can I have your bum?"

I laughed

"Um, yeah, sure, but are you sure you could do it again? Surely you've had it now?"

Something between his legs disagreed. My implied agreement to let him have my bottom had obviously inspired him once again.

"Is that ok with you ?" I asked Jane

She smiled
"Well......yeah whatever. I don't, you see. I don't like it"

"You've tried it though?" I asked

She shook her head, smiling

"Ok, do you want to help though?" I asked her

"Help?" she laughed

"Yes, lubricate me, and hold my bottom open for Harry to fuck it. I think that would be really erotic!"

"Oh, um.... Ok" she said

I went to get the k y ....

I bent right over for her and encouraged her to really get her fingers right UP! (Far more than was necessary)

Under my instruction she thoroughly gel'd my ring piece and inside.

Harry was gently stroking himself, from the middle

"Do you want to have me now?" I ginned over my shoulder, from my position of all 4s on the bed.

"I do" he said, and donning a condom he moved up behind me

Jane leant over my back her big tits lying on me, and opened my arse as wide as wide could be.

Harry's cocked arrived and bounced back out

"Oh" he sounded disappointed

"Push" I encouraged "very tight, but once you're in it's fine. push through"

He took himself in hand and did the biz, he pushed on through, I felt the familiar ping and sting, and then he was in me, filling me entirely.

"Wink me" I said to Jane, her hand came underneath me and her finger found my centre and stroked there, it was heaven.

Harry pumped his big cock deep into my bowels. I could feel him starting to lose his rhythm very shortly after he entered me.

After numerous Oh OH oh and sundry false alarms, he came, just after me ;-)

As he withdrew my gaping arse was inspected very closely by Jane, slipping a wet finger back in to probe.

I moaned at the intrusion and called her a dirty bitch, which she responded by giggling throatily, and kissing me deeply.

"Oh my god that was fantastic" enthused Harry

"I do think you should have a go, Jane" I encouraged

"NO!" she protested

"Come here" I urged "and bend over"

I went to the highest shelf of the wardrobe and retrieved my little basket of goodies.

I have all sorts in there. Restraints, blindfolds, vibes dildos, strap ons, double endeds, some recreational d**gs.

Hanging in that part of the wardrobe are my dressing up outfits as well. Harry spotted my nurses outfit.

"Oh could you put that on" he whispered

I asked which one, I have the plastic fetish type one, and an actual real one, pilfered from a nurse I seduced.

He went for the vinyl one.

I also selected an anal vibrator, which is has a thin end and a fat end, the fat end having the motor and controls, the thin end goes up your bum.

With a little smear of jelly her ring was glistening, and I very gently introduced the vibe in there, telling her I was taking her temperature, and to relax. Well , I was a qualified kinky nurse.

I revved the little motor up

"MmmMf!" she moaned

"You like it?" I teased

"It tickles" she complained

I adjusted the the controls to churn her insides more firmly.

"Oh Christ!" she muttered, shivering

"You like THAT" I grinned

Open mouthed, she nodded

"To be honest, I LOVE it" she whimpered

"Let's try something else" I smiled and I brought a small conventional vibe into play for her clotty.

After a minute or three, I slipped the anal vibe out and the other one into her bottom.

It was a fair bit bigger but she took it like a good un, moaning and OOh ing as I gently fucked her bottom with it.

Whilst keeping a close eye on my pleasuring of his wife's bottom, Harry took his cock off to be sucked by Jane.

He said afterwards it was her little mmf noises felt as vibrations in his cock that had helped him get hard one last time, and the fact that said noises were being caused by a bit of lesbian fibro arse-fucking , if indeed there is such a term. If there isn't there should be.

Her fingers were pleasuring her clit as I worked on her, and before long Jane came again, rather grUNTily. There was a small pool on my duvet by now.

"You FCUKING dirty BTICH" I teased

She moaned, she didn't disagree, her lovely curvy bottom moved back and forth, accepting and pushing back onto my thrusting vibrator, lodged in her butt.

Her luscious full lips and ready tongue had miraculously restored Harry to full working order, he must have Viagra patches on this guy, I swear.

I reached into my basket again, and selected a bigger b**st, more actual cock sized, and long, and purple.

I smoothly replaced the smaller one with the larger, in her arse.

She moaned even more deeply, her bottom was shaking.

"Oh god, oh god" murmured Harry

"IF I help....." I began "do you think you'd like to try Harry in your bottom?"

"Oh lord" she responded "I kind of like the sensations... won't he be too big?

"I had him, I AM more used to it, but you can do it, if you want to do it"

GUYS , can I digress here for a moment, I think I've written this kind of short rant before, but this question of yours "Does she take it up the arse?" That's the phrase.

Please delete it.

It's offensive and insensitive and it is 100% guaranteed to make sure you NEVER find out.

Do ask, always ask, but not like that.

"Can I make love to your bottom, you've got such a lovely bottom, (pity to waste it)etc" completely different approach required.

Don't make such a big thing of it. You can get in there as easily as our pussies, with practice, and I mean that physically, as well as regarding our permission.

And calm down, don't just come the moment you penetrate.

Give a girl warning, let her prepare. Lubricate her. Lick her. Take it gently.

Any q's to me on email (google) . Happy to help you get your cock up her bottom. I'm a fairly recent convert, relatively speaking,
I can appreciate both sides.

Anyway, back to the business in hand

Jane was bending over and all open. She was never going to be more ready than she was now.

"Do you want me to help you get his cock in there?" I asked, "He really wants to. It's a shame if you don't try, I'm reasonably expert" I said.

"god god god" she muttered

"Come on" I murmured and pulling his cock away from her lips gave her the SNGO of her life

"come on then" she breathed, grinning "let's give it a go"

Harry had maintained his strong erection from the tonguing of his lady wife, and I had a little suck, just to be sociable.

"Condom?" I asked

"What's the norm?" she enquired

"It's all very dodgy" I admitted "..without. It's up to you. Myself, I won't go anywhere near it, afterwards, if you don’t' use one"

"Condom then" she advised

I got one out and fitted it.

Harry was behind her and I asked him to open her arse up, while I lubed her more.

He opened her lovely big buttocks while I had a little lick of her arse, and then plunged two then three gelled fingers into her chasm. She moaned and groaned and pushed back onto my hand.

"She wants it" I mouthed to Harry, he smiled enough to split his face.

I took his cock hard cock and removing my fingers from her arse, pushed the head into the opening.

"OH!" she moaned

"Steady" I whispered

"Relax, darling" I said to Jane

I pushed the head and ping he was in

"Don't go any further" screamed Jane

"He's in" I reassured her "that's it"

"Oh.. is he?" she was amazed "That's it?"

"Well..." I giggled "He's not fucked you yet, but it's in your arse"

"Oh" she seemed uncertain what to do

I placed a cool hand gently on Harry's arse and started him moving, very gently.

"OOh" she said looking back over her shoulder

I picked up a hand mirror to show her the cock in her arse.

"Oh goD that looks rude" she giggled

"How does it feel?" I coaxed

I pushed Harry to fuck a little deeper, a little faster too.

"OH!" she groaned and her face dropped to the pillow, her arse right up in the air now.

"Oh my god" she moaned into the pillow

I could see her fingers creeping between her legs to masturbate.

I reached under her crotch to finger fuck her while she pleasured her clit. I got three fingers in there in the end. There was froth coming out.

"I'm going to come" cried Jane

I wasn't surprised

Harry was still fucking away, up to his balls in his wife's virgin arse.

"Ok, baby, come on now, come" said Jane

Harry couldn't, though

Realising assistance was required I got behind him, knelt, parted his buttocks and licked his arse out for him. Still nothing. Finger right up. Jack.

"Come lie here and let me lick your cant" said Jane, finally

I took the position, and spread my legs for her willing tongue.

She lapped away at my clit for me, and I soon felt one more final climax on the way for me. Entertained by his beloved wife licking my shaved little snatch, Harry finally boiled over and shot his load deep inside Jane's arse, collapsing with the effort.

Once everybody had fucked everybody, that was it really, sorry to say, if kind of fizzled out. We went to sleep, they in spare room, and I heard them fucking the next morning, I wasn't
asked in, I left them to it.

At a later date they asked me to take their son's virginity, but that's another story, as they say.

Lyn xxx

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© 2002 Today is the day. I am so nervous. This is my first real experience. I just met this guy online and I am going to meet him. Did I mention that I'm so nervous? Breath Nancy it will be ok. I remember talking to him. He asked me so many questions. He always liked my answers. I am so afraid he won't like me, so afraid. I wasn't prepared for this. I was thinking this was going to happen next weekend. All of a sudden the day is here. I have to get to work and I'm waiting for his...

4 years ago
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Rather unexpectedly, I went on a special shopping outing with a long-time girlfriend — for a wedding gown! Libby was finally getting married to Ben, a guy she’s known since grade school, and I was to be her maid of honor.They might have got married much earlier in their lives but, for various reasons, it didn’t happen. Sadly, one serious problem was Libby’s father. To be blunt, he wasn’t keen on mixed-race relationships and, despite her love for Ben, Libby wouldn’t do anything without her...

1 year ago
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I had never really been the party girl. Everyone said I looked the part. My long legs, firm thighs and ass, and my breasts gave the impression I was a model or a stripper, when in reality I was just a manager at some fancy clothing store that kept herself in shape. I had never been one to get on the crazy side. College had been great, but the few parties I went to weren’t really my style. I always left early and never got drunk. My co-worker had invited me to a party that one of her...

2 years ago
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I had been in a bit of a dating slump recently. The problem was, every guy I met was either married or a creep. I just couldn’t find anyone that stimulated me. One afternoon at work, I was complaining about my problem to a coworker, Angela . She suggested a try letting some people set me up on a blind date. The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. ‘That’s a great idea! You got anyone in mind?’ I asked, thinking she might, considering she came up with the idea. ‘Well, now that you mention...

2 years ago
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Quinn falls into the warm embrace of her couch after a long day of school (Grade 12, she's almost 19 years old). She's not tired, but bored, and struggles to figure out what she should do for the evening. After alternating between reading, watching TV, playing on her phone, and eating, she decides to call her best friend Nicole and see if she wants to come over. Nicole is someone Quinn has envied for quite a while, someone that makes Quinn question how straight she is every time she lays eyes...

3 years ago
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I had never really been the party girl. Everyone said I looked the part. My long legs, firm thighs and ass, and my breasts gave the impression I was a model or a stripper, when in reality I was just a manager at some fancy clothing store that kept herself in shape. I had never been one to get on the crazy side. College had been great, but the few parties I went to weren't really my style. I always left early and never got drunk. My co-worker had invited me to a party that one of her neighbors...

2 years ago
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I had been in a bit of a dating slump recently. The problemwas, every guy I met was either married or a creep. I just couldn't find anyonethat stimulated me. One afternoon at work, I was complaining about my problem to a coworker, Angela . She suggested a try letting some people setme up on a blind date. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. "That's a great idea! You got anyone in mind?" I asked, thinking shemight, considering she came up with the idea. "Well, now that you mention it,"...

First Time
3 years ago
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Learning to be a Good Boy Part 1

I was not quite old enough to drive yet was working hard to eventually buy my first car, once I came of age. I offered lawn cutting in my neighborhood. I grew my client list to just over 20 per week.One particular client was the Perkins family. They were a German family that had recently relocated to the US. Mrs. Perkins was in her mid-40s and Mr. Perkins was a bit older yet was hardly ever home. They had a daughter, Linda, my age. Actually, Linda was Mr. Perkins’ daughter by his first...

1 year ago
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Sex With Friend8217s Aunt In Hotel

Hi to ISS fans, my name is Sanjay from Bangalore I am regular reader of ISS stories. I like stories in INCEST category stories. Sex between mature ladies with young boys. I am going to tell u my first sex experience with a lady in Hyderabad hotel. I am not sure about her structure but it is very seductive every man’s dick. Most attractive part is her boobs and Ass and her seductive voice. Ok let’s begin the story I am working in MNC Company in Chennai at that time. One of my friend came to...

3 years ago
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Quiet Seduction

I loosened my tie, undid the top button of my shirt, and opened my trousers. I could feel my throbbing cock straining to be released from my underwear, even as she moved her body back and forth across me, barely touching. Again, she reached back, this time she rubbed against the cottony grain of my underwear. She carefully ran her fingers against the hardening silhouette, slowly, probingly at first. One finger, then two. Then she used her entire hand, back and forth, still slowly, but with more...

1 year ago
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I will not give up

my mom was at her 40 but she was still in shape, white skin, light brown hair and that beautiful intensive ass, she was well-endowed woman.! she used to spend her nights painting or reading in her atelier which is a large room on the second floor of her large house, my room was facing her room and we used to talk about different topics not as a mom and a son but friends that time I was really going through lots after breaking up with my girlfriend because of my mother intervention somehow I...

1 year ago
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Forced Breeding

Welcome to a more fucked-up side of, a subreddit called r/forcedbreeding/. Now, I am pretty sure that my hentai lovers will know what the fuck that means, and as for those who are not familiar with the term, basically, forced-breeding is all about the extreme sex fantasies combined with impregnation.Now, I know that I might have lost like half of you after that sentence, but for those who stayed still, you are bound to love what r/forcedbreeding/ is all about. Finding such a specific...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 9

That evening, following supper, Baring revealed his ulterior motive. The man was a complete cad. It goes without saying that he had a fixation on seducing young girls, but he now correctly assumed that I had one as well. "Mr. Fogg," said he, "let us get down to brass tacks, shall we?" "You have my undivided attention, sir," I said looking him in the eye. "You are aware that I have a... shall we say, propensity for young women. The younger the better, but not so young as you might...

4 years ago
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Girl stories Jessica

"Hey, I'm Jessica. Everyone just calls me Jess." She must have been around twenty, really pretty long brown hair and blue eyes. "This your first time?", She asked me. "Yeah." "Hey don't worry Its not prison. You're not gonna get raped up the ass with a broomstick or anything. As long as you don't piss anybody off or get in anybody's way here you'll be fine." Of all the people in there I don't think I would have felt more comfortable with anybody else but her. She...

2 years ago
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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 7

"Exhausted yet?" Jessica asked Abbey, smiling as the two women returned to the locker room at Charles De Gaulle airport. "Almost," Abbey replied, returning Jessica's smile. "It's harder work than I expected, though I suppose it would be harder on red, black or grey route..." "Ehh, red's not TOO bad," Jessica replied. "You do get to build up a nice tan!" The two young women giggled as they removed their iconic pillbox hats, followed by their tight blue uniforms, placing them on the...

4 years ago
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Pleasures of His Success

When he tried to inject his huge whanger A young man aroused his girl's anger. As they strove in the dark She was heard to remark, "What you need is a zeppelin hanger." I knew mother was trying very hard not to disrupt my life or my home. In the first few days, after she moved in, mother stayed in her room and apologized frequently for interrupting me, no matter what the reason. She did not say a word as she moved about my home unless spoken too and in all respects, treated me...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Porn Star Ch 03

Please vote. Please give me the support or your vote. Please vote. * Part Three: Love at first sight. Liz meets Mitch. So very long ago, seemingly a lifetime ago in sexual maturity, a lot has happened in six years since her prom. Now 24-years-old, with her not married, Liz would be considered an old maid not that long ago. A time when there were gaslights, horse drawn carriages, and women who took pride in having a good reputation, it was common for women to already be married by their...

2 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 26 Portia

Unfortunately, a half day later, I was back in the soup. I heard the noise before I saw the problem, and the problem turned out to be a sight larger than I first thought it was. Two good-sized men were wrestling with a women in an open-sided shed, and their intentions were clear since one had his foreflap ajar and his long member dangling in the breeze. I dismounted quickly and ran at them, obviously unseen. I pulled one off and tossed him aside and then got the would-be rapist's arm up in...

3 years ago
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Dan Allen met his match

Dan Allen has probably fucked me more than any other man on the planet. Many of our Island girls have been victimized and fucked raw by Dan’s massive cock. One day Dan was fucking me so hard all I could think about was having an orgasm. I begged him to put me out of my misery. Shit! Three orgasms later Dan was still ramming my wet cunt. I was exhausted and so I laid there like a rag doll while he continued fucking me. I remember my sister Amber yelling at Dan “give the fucking bitch a break!”...

2 years ago
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The King of Hollywood

First let me say that this wasn't written as a tribute to Glen Frey. It was actually written three years ago and has been collecting virtual dust on a thumb drive until I showed it to a couple of dear friends. I want to thank Cute3Kitty for encouraging me to post this, and a huge thanks to blackrandl1958 for not only encouraging me, but her effort to fix my errors, educate me, and make this more readable for all of you. SH The King of Hollywood "Well he sits up there on his...

4 years ago
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The Fertile Week interracial story

I wake in a cold sweat. It’s one of those moments when you feel something macabre and heavy is seated on your chest. I know, I know, its called sleep paralysis, it will pass, but when you wake, for a moment, there is a terror inside your head. I am lying on the inflatable mattress wedged in beside the bed in our master bedroom. On the bed, to the rhythmic sound of bed springs working, Jenny my wife is taking black cock again. This guy is called Ambrose and he not only has an especially curved...

2 years ago
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The Voyers That Got Away

After graduating HS I became the girl that the guys I went to school with were curious about. 1 of them was 1 of my biggest crushes. He was twin and I was so into this weird little dude. We crossed paths again while I was out 1 day and attending an event wit my sister and we exchanged numbers. The look he gave me let me know why he wanted to exchange numbers. He wanted to fuck me. He knew it, I knew it & it was damn sure gonna happen!The first time we got together he was shy,but so ready....

3 years ago
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I had been fucking my eighteen year old neighbor boy for over three months. I remember the first time we fucked. He came over to give me something never knowing what he really was going to give me. I had a short robe on and was nude underneath it. I took him to the kitchen and sat him on a stool as I poured us some iced tea. As I slid the glass to him my robe gapped open and I did not bother to close it. He stared at my huge tits and I smiled. He was going to be easy to fuck. I then sat on the...

1 year ago
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Daddys Vacation Love

Note : This story is completely fictional! She snuggled down into her sleeping bag, the air mattress squeaked underneath her. She could hear the laughter and music from her parent’s campground across the road. She knew they wanted her to join them and their friends but she was tired and bored. Her friends were supposed to be there already but they got delayed and wouldn’t make it out for another day. She turned and looked out the screen window up at the stars and thought about the day she’d...

1 year ago
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The Reputation of a Brother And Sister Gets The Best Of Them

I Mike and I graduated together and had been out of school for a couple years. His sister Tiffany had just graduated high school and had just married a guy from the next town over from us. I had ran into Mike at the pizza shop and he said he was having a small party of just close friends. I didn't think we where close friends, but we did live close to each other. I showed up to his parents huge house, a place where so many huge high school parties had been held. That I had never been...

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BlindsidedChapter 3

I drove with great determination and absolutely no idea of where I was going. I just wanted to be someplace else and I was getting there quickly. I drove down the interstate highways all day. I pulled into a well-lighted rest area and there, ignoring the sign that said "No Overnight Parking", I slept. Maybe I should have found a hotel room, but I didn't want to use my credit card, certainly not until I could make arrangements to have the bill forwarded wherever I finally ended up. I...

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Fucked Mom When Everyone Was Asleep

Someone shook me and woke me up. I opened my smudgy eyes but everything was blurred. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and say mom sitting close to me. Before I could open my mouth to ask any question she pressed her finger on my mouth and shushed me. I sat upright and looked around, everyone was deep asleep and it was dark outside the window. All I could see was mom’s face in the dim light of the night bulb. She stood up and signaled me to follow her quietly. Carefully not to make any sound and...

1 year ago
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Return To Pleasant Street Ch 05

DEBBIE’S ALL GROWN UP Larry Tilton lives three doors down from me on the East side of Pleasant Street. Larry has been divorced for about three years, now. He and his ex-wife were married for eight years, and have a couple of wonderful kids. The marriage came apart because Larry’s ex-wife, Monica, developed a drinking problem. That led to Larry having a short affair with Debbie Lawrence, a cute neighborhood girl who babysat for them. I’ll give him credit, he broke off the affair in an effort...

3 years ago
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Have An Unexpected Sex With Sister

Hello, Rakesh here. I’m 20 and having an athletic body and quite toned. I am currently living in Kolkata and doing my graduation/engineering. Now let’s jump to the story, this happened last week when I was in the home for dushera holidays. We have a maid, Kavita , she is from our village and sort of my aunt, dad’s distant cousin. She is a little plump and in her early forties. As it was holiday my parents decided to go to the village and left me alone as I don’t like traveling much. Next day,...

1 year ago
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Owning a Dominant Bitch Complete

Introduction:Ultra long, slow story, set in high school, about a humiliated girl, an intelligent girl, a dominant girl, and a heck of a nice guy.Owning a Dominant Bitchgenre- Fiction, Anal, Ass to mouth, Bi-sexual, Bondage and restriction, Coercion, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, First Time, Humiliation, ****, Romance, School, Teen Female/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Females, VirginityChapter 1My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot...

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Market ForcesChapter 36 A Legacy or Trussed

Harry listened sympathetically to my account of my trip to the dungeon. He looked across at Freddie who was sitting back with his feet up on his desk, staring away and out through the window, apparently disinterested. The envelop and paper lay discarded on Clegg's desk, ignored. As I concluded he swung himself around to face me. "Fine, fine," he said. "With respect, Freddie," I responded, "it isn't fine by my books. What are we going to do?" "Do?" said Freddie. "Oh, I'm not...

2 years ago
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My friend Rosa

My friend Rosa is now 18, but she used to be my pupil since her 16s. Rosa (​which means *pink​*" in Spanish​) is a colour which describes herself pretty well. You can find it in her mouth, lips, and down there between her legs​ if you are lucky​, along with the brown of her hair, eyes and, of course, nipples. We are now a bit more than friends, and much more than pupil and teacher... She is my slave. She is really shy, but a great, always horny and dirty minded slut.Except for that of my...

4 years ago
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Stories Online Heaven

I was sitting at work and died. Then I woke up and realized I was a teenager again, and I was a woman! I was not just any woman, I was my own 16 year old twin sister! Wow, I always wanted to fuck my twin sister, so now I can fuck myself as my brother! So I went into the hall, and realized I was not reliving my life, I was in heaven! And stretching before me was a hallway of endless doors. I went into the first one, and saw my mother fucking my father. Or was he fucking her? Either way, they...

1 year ago
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Fashion is Our Name Pt 14

Fashion is Our Name – Part 14 – The Road to Prague Chapter 35 – An Anxious Journey After a restless sleep on one of the mats with a blanket, my alarm woke me at three-thirty and I put the coffee on as others used the bathroom and dressed in travel clothes. It was a quiet group with thoughts directed inward. Jeremy and Al and Ben came up the stairs, waving and saying the vans were ready whenever we were. The women struggled into their body armor and jackets. Jeremy got me to one side and...

2 years ago
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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 27

Sgt. Scott's intent to pin a bad shooting on him disheartened Bryant. But he figured he had time later to worry about it – and that there was nothing he could about it either way. Instead, he followed Jan back to her house. She insisted she was doing fine but she could tell Bryant was worried about her. She also knew that Bryant had a lot more experience with this sort of thing than she did. So she didn't put up much of a fight when he told he'd come over to fix dinner for her. Bryant...

3 years ago
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Real Life Story

Truth is, I think I get manic. I don't know what comes over me but theres a few days every month where I am out of control. I act on my fantasies. Make them happen. I haven't really even begun to go as far as I could... but will bring you all along as i do.I figured Craigslist was a safe way to throw out fantasies, and be anonymous, not have to act on any of it. use fake name, etc., but if the right scenario popped up, I could go for it.Don't ask me why, I don't ask me why so why should you?...

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The Binding RingsChapter 34

“Are you going to join me, Jason?” Karla said in a soft voice that could barely be heard above the running water. “Or are you just going to stand there and watch me?” Karla turned away from Jason and faced the tiles of the shower wall. She leant forward while keeping her legs straight; parting them slightly as to show off her charms while at the same time looking back over her shoulder at him. Jason hungrily ran his eyes over her perfect body; from the way she was standing he could see...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 3

The gold and red-haired angel with no name sat up. Something had awakened her. Their small fire was almost out, but there was no light on the eastern horizon, yet. There was no moon, either. Simon had stolen clothes for them both earlier that day. The sheepskin the angel wore was itchy and uncomfortable. She hadn’t complained, though, because it was at least something to wear. She casually scratched her ribs, listening to the night. There were crickets and frogs. That was all she could...

3 years ago
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Intense Crush Day 2 8211 The Observatory

At about 3 am, I woke up. She was already awake, sitting beside me, watching something on her phone. Not porn though. She wasn’t touching herself. When she realized that I was awake, she took off her earphones and said, “I woke up earlier, at about 8. I ordered pizza. I have left some for you, I can reheat for you if you want.” “Oh… Ok… I… Um… I will… I will reheat my- myself. Thanks though…” I murmured. Just before she went back to her movie, I gave her a kiss. It felt good to kiss her again....

1 year ago
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The night touch

On November night, I licked Nicole. I licked her and felt her move against my mouth, her hands reaching down and locking my face on her cunt. Something had changed. Something had really changed.... Last November, yes, only a year ago, i actually fucked Nicole. I did it on a regular basis, sometimes out of bed too. We pretended, that it was adequate. Sometimes, if she was feeling especially kind, she pretended to orgasm. It was like that, a sad little pretence. My wife is truly beautiful, in a...

4 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 9 Thanksgiving at the Corrigans

Emotions. As far as I could see, the only thing they did was cause confusion in one's life. At least that's what I believed while I pulled up in front of Jennifer's house at 3:00 p.m. the next afternoon. While I certainly was no where near being "normal" in the emotion department, the nervousness I was experiencing from officially meeting Jennifer's parents forced me to admit that I had them, and I couldn't control them like I once had. Thankfully Jennifer answered the door when I...

2 years ago
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Sex With Wife Of My Friend

I got a new job in PUNE as a TL in some IT company a year ago. I am very thin person with 6ft height , I am Technically strong guy in net development. when i shift to Pune with the help of my common friend i got nice 1bhk flat accommodation without any trouble. The friend who helped me in finding nice apartment requested to help his friend Imtiaz (name changed) in finding a job in my company. With my good will, i was successful in a getting job in my company and luckily sub-ordinate to...

4 years ago
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Sharing Jacks Bed Part 3

Introduction: There is a lot of build up and establishing of relationships in this story, to fully understand the relationship be sure to read parts 1 and 2. The sex will be coming soon. Thanks for reading! And for those of you who recognized the names and scenerio, the back story is based on Four Brothers Toward the end of the week, I was in the kitchen helping out with some dishes when Bobby came down the stairs. Kellie, come here a second. He called. I finished rinsing off the plate and...

1 year ago
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First Threesome

It happened several years ago, however, I remember every detail like it was just yesterday. My wife and I were flying home for vacation and we were talking dirty to each other on the flight. All of a sudden my wife says to me that she would like to seduce my buddy Derek while we are visiting him. I told her I didn't think so and that was the end of the discussion. After we had been visiting my buddy Derek for a day or two I told my wife that I wouldn't mind involving Derek in a threesome. She...

Group Sex
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Chapter 40a: CONFLICT ON THE PLAINSThen next day the warning went out to all the species groups including the two villages. The eagles came, took the symbols and delivered them. In two days the precise area of the plains I had selected would be teeming with us. Gorillas, wolves, humans, and dragons. Additionally, at the precise moment of the attack there would be others being brought in to bear on the invaders. Specifically meant to create confusion and panic. And all coordinated through Eewa...

1 year ago
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Young PussyChapter 3

The cab ride was short and Sandy asked the driver to drop them off at the Pussy Cat Restaurant in the village near where she lived. She knew that the prices were high, but the food was excellent. They started out with a bottle of Champagne to celebrate their engagement. As they sipped the champagne, Sandy suggested that after dinner they rent a car and drive to Maryland for a Justice of the Peace Wedding Ceremony. The more wine they drank and the drunker they became, the more they wanted to...

2 years ago
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Born to Be a Babe

I don't know why I started wanting to be a girl. But I do know when it started.I was sixteen when I first started looking at photos of sexy models wearing lingerie in Cosmo. These beautiful, statuesque women wearing the sexiest clothes I'd ever seen turned me on so much. In fact, I was more turned on by looking at these women in lingerie than I was looking at the naked women in other magazines.There was something mysterious and alluring about the sexy little bras and panties and garter belts...

3 years ago
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Lovers For a Short Time

Lovers for a short time only? This a short but torrid story – hope you enjoy. They met in a nightclub. It was an instantaneous attraction between the two of them. Carla looked at the man sitting at the bar and thought to herself, what I could do to him and I know he could get me really hot. In fact she already had a wet, hot pussy as she sat beside him. Richard also thought to himself – Wow! I am really turned on by this lady, she is so hot, hot, hot. He felt his erection beginning to tent...

2 years ago
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Lost at Sea book 1 Where Theres a Will chapter 10

“I’ve… never had an audience… for that,” Will said, really not sure what was going on.“You’ll love it. We’ll have you up on stage in no time,” Bella winked.“No, I really doubt that,” Will shook his head. “So what are we doing?”“Well, I need to tap directly into your aura. We’re going to do a kind of metaphysical blending of our personal energies,” Bella said. She started getting undressed. “Strip.”Will started unbuttoning his vest. “That doesn’t sound so bad. What’s Tonya for?”“Well, your weird...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Cindy Does The Bachelor Party

I was ready to come and Vicky knew it. She slipped two fingers into my pussy, adding to the vibrator she held on my clit. My skin turned pink and tiny sweat beads broke out. As she bore down, I shrieked, arching my body with a strained moan of ecstasy, overwhelmed by the spasm of climax. She kept the vibrator going while tickling me inside with her fingers. I could barely handle it, flopping from side to side on the bed, trembling, and shouting "Oh, fuck!" over and over. "Tell me how you really...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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her best friend carolyn

Introduction: my wife had sex with her best friend I am a 37 year old guy from the Midwest, pretty much living the suburban dream. I am an airline pilot, making a good living, and I have a beautiful wife and three young kids. I have been married to my wife Michelle for six years, and we have been together for ten. She is the sexiest woman I have ever met, five foot five, with long wavy auburn hair, and curves that men cannot help but stare at. She thinks she is too heavy, but she is just plain...

3 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 21

***Authors Note*** Happy New Year everyone. Hope everyone is having a good year so far, even if it's still early. I did want to let you know I'm still continuing this and will complete it till it says The End. Being a single parent, December was just too hectic to write any. Sorry for the extended break, I hope you still enjoy. ~~~ Rebecca Chapter 21 Thankfully, Mom only took about fifteen minutes to take all the pictures she wanted of both me and Shelly. I was still slightly in a...

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Michael And Nicole Randy

It had been a few weeks since the couple, Michael and Nicole, enjoyed their first threesome with their friend Jeremy. They both enjoyed themselves more than they expected and had discovered more about themselves as well.Nicole realized that she did, in fact, want to find men that wanted to be more dominant, and Michael discovered he enjoyed watching Nicole with another man even if he participated very little if at all.Jeremy had even noticed this and texted Nicole about reaching out to his...

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Girlfriend Cheated On Me pt 4

A story of Sara’s latest betrayal….Sara and I had discussed and talked through her recent run in with Nick and Josh. She explained the situation and she begged me not to take it further into the land of accusations and indictments and so forth.For about 2 weeks after our talk things were great. Sara was cheery and happy and loving me all the time. She stayed with me quite often and I loved having her around.Usually I had class or work early in the morning, so I would get up and get ready and...

3 years ago
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Futas Wild Passion 08 Futas Mother Daughter Delight

Chapter Eight: Futa's Mother & Daughter Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! “She's my friend!” Pita howled as she faced the sight she'd found in the upstairs bathroom of her house. My friend had her hands on her hips, a look of anger on her face. “I wanted to fuck her while you kept interrupting!” “Well, you can share with your mother,” Mrs. Asis said, squirming on my lap. She was impaled on my futa-dick while I sat on the...

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Native American Nympho Stoner Ch 02

Shannon stood on the front porch of Gina Marie’s house and watched Butch drive away until he was out of sight. She had tears in her eyes, feeling overwhelmed by all the dramatic experiences that had struck her in the last 12 hours. She moved to Montana in the hope of positive change but never expected anything remotely close to this. She was very happy, but also afraid that this was too good to be true. But that fear was somewhat blocked out for the moment, as she was very excited about seeing...

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Meeting Juan Carlos

But in the eyes of many, she wasn't a normal girl. Despite her intelligence and high grades, her parents grounds her if she brings boys in their house. It was a mess for her so much. It was about the second day of her vacation when her baby brother, Marcos who was 13 just joined her illustrous boring vacation. Surprisingly, he was joined by his best friend, Juan Carlos who was the same age as Marcos. Every night since, the living room was in chaos. Isabella had to clean up the mess since...

1 year ago
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SkyPrivate BDSM

Do you love watching BDSM videos? Well, knowing the pervert you are, you probably do! Your masturbatory habits know no fucking bounds! But has it ever occurred to you that BDSM videos you can watch on most websites lack that personal touch? Again, you probably have, but where can you get BDSM videos that are more intimate?That’s where I come in. The way I see it, the easiest and the most realistic way for you to access such a service would be using a live cam platform. We both know that you do...

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