MELINDA free porn video

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This is the story of how I became sexually involved with my two older brothers, Jerry and Gary. My name is Melinda, naturally everyone calls me Mel.

My brothers are identical twins, eleven months older than I am. The big joke in the family is that for three weeks every year we are all the same age. Naturally, growing up so close in age to them, I was quite the tomboy. Always ready to play ball or whatever else my brothers wanted to do. Whatever my brothers did, I tried to top it. If they climbed a tree, I climbed higher; if they jumped a ditch on their bicycle, I jumped further. Mom used to complain that she didn't have a daughter, she had three boys and the youngest one was the wildest of the lot.

We did all the things k**s usually do, including playing doctor - you know the "you show me yours, and I'll show you mine" routine. When we got in our early teens we were still very close but began to go somewhat separate ways; however, their influence was still there. Since they were active in sports, I was active in sports all through high school - golf, basketball and track, but I injured my knee in a bad fall during practice at the beginning of my senior year. The injury ended my basketball and track career and left me with golf as my only sport. It also ended my hopes of getting a college scholarship. My brothers had graduated last year and were attending City College, but were still living at home. With three of us going to be in college at the same time and considering the expense involved, the plan was that each of us would attend the less expensive City College for two years before transferring to the State University.

It was the night of my senior prom that I started thinking of my brothers in a different manner, in a sexual context. I had gone to the restroom and had just sat down on the toilet when I heard two girls come in. I recognized one of the voices, it was Julie, my brother's date. Jerry was dating a girl in my class so he was at the prom with her and Gary was at home. I knew he was here with Julie, but I hadn't seen him. Without even thinking about it, I lifted my feet and braced them against the stall door so it would look like the stall was unoccupied if anyone checked it. I was going to eavesdrop on them if I could. Julie was talking as they came in the restroom.

"Didn't you and Gary do it? You two were a pretty hot number for awhile."

"Is there anyone else in here?" I didn't recognize this voice. There was a brief silence and I heard someone walk into the room and then return to the small foyer where the makeup counter was. "No, we're alone."

"Well didn't you?" Julie asked.

"Sure, you know I did, but that's not why I'm warning you about those two."

"Well, if you screwed Gary, you might as well say you screwed Jerry. Hell, I can't tell them apart."

"I think I did - screw Jerry I mean," said the other girl sarcastically. "I think they switched on me one night. I couldn't be sure, but there was something different. Gary swore I was just imagining things."

"You really think they did that and you couldn't tell?"

"Not by looking at them, but the way we fucked that night just felt different - it was the little things he did." The girl paused and then continued. "Gary said he was just trying to please me, to make it more exciting."

"If it was Jerry, you have to admit he's pretty good. He's the only one I've been with that gave me an orgasm." Julie laughed, "Ralph would just poke it in and cum. It was over with before I even felt anything."

The other girl laughed, "Julie, I suspect they're both good. I know Gary was." She laughed a little louder. "Maybe they learned how screwing that sister of theirs. Maybe that's why she's such an ice queen, she's getting all the fucking she can handle at home. They've probably been sticking it to her ever since they figured out what her cunt was for."

"Yeah, the female jock." Julie laughed. Maybe she isn't the dyke we think she...."

The sound of someone coming into the restroom interrupted the conversation and I heard them leave. I lowered my feet to the floor as someone went into one of the stalls. I just sat there for a few minutes, angry and a little hurt at what I had overheard. I knew that a lot of the girls didn't like me, thought I was too standoffish and too aggressive, more interested in sports than in boys. "To Hell with them," I muttered to myself as I stood up and straighten my clothes.

As I left the restroom I saw Julie and Betty Cranston over by the refreshment stand. The other girl I had overheard was Betty. Gary had dated her for awhile last year. I looked around for Jerry since I hadn't seen him all night. When I glanced back over at Julie I saw Jerry walking up to her. I almost laughed out loud - it wasn't Jerry, it was Gary. They had done the very thing that Betty was warning Julie about, they had switched places for tonight. Julie and Betty were standing there drinking punch and talking to him, totally unaware of the switch.

I walked up behind him and said, "Hi Jerry, having a big night?"

"Oh....Oh Mel, surprised me," he stammered.

I covered my mouth with my hand and choked off my laugh at the look of apprehension on his face. He knew I wasn't fooled. For some reason, I have always been able to tell which one is which. Even my parents get confused sometimes, but I never have. I don't how I can tell, I just know. My mother says that when I was four or five, she would ask me how I knew who was who, and with the simple logic of a small c***d, I would just say "because Jerry is Jerry, and Gary is Gary."

We stood there and chatted for a few minutes. I could actually see his body relax when he realized that I was going to go along with the pretence. Finally, I said, "You guys have fun. I need to go find my date before he thinks I walked out on him."

"Who are you with?" Julie asked.

"Jimmy Thompson." I noticed the smug look on Julie's face. Jimmy is a nice guy, but not one of the in-crowd.

"I didn't know you were still going with him. I thought maybe you had come with Gary," she replied in a snide manner.

I restrained the urge to throw a shoulder into her and knock her on her ass the way I would someone blocking the lane on a basketball court. "No," I looked directly at my brother, "Gary has something pretty hot going down tonight. Besides, Jimmy had already asked me."

As I was leaving, I pulled my brother to one side and whispered in his ear, "I hope you fuck her brains out tonight....if she has any." I walked away before my startled brother could reply.

Jimmy had me home by midnight. Since tomorrow was Saturday, he had to be at work at 7:30. I expect I had not been very attentive to him, since I couldn't get my mind off Gary and what he planned or was already doing with Julie. I realized I was a little jealous, even envious of my brothers. I was still a virgin. There had been the usual groping and petting on dates but I had never really wanted to go all the way - the double standard still lived. It was okay for boys to have sex but not girls, not unless they wanted to get a reputation. I realized that another reason I had never wanted to go all the way was that none of the boys I had dated measured up to my brothers.

I grabbed a soda from the kitchen and went up to my room. Everyone was already in bed. My parents' bedroom was downstairs at the opposite end of the house and the three of us were upstairs. As I went by the open door to Jerry's room, I had to smile. They were carrying the charade all the way - Jerry was sleeping in Gary's room.

After I had undressed, I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself in my panties and bra and thinking about what Julie and Betty had said about me. "Well you won't win the Miss America Pageant, but you look pretty damn good," I muttered to myself. I turned sideways and looked at my profile. All the curves were in the right places on my five foot-eight frame, and with my blond hair and blue eyes, I knew I could turn a few heads. Since I was no longer training for the track team, I had added a few pounds and looked better than ever, even my breasts seemed to be a little larger. I thought about what the girls had said about Jerry and Gary fucking me and wondered if my brothers had ever thought about having sex with me.

To my surprise, thinking about it, thinking about them making love to me, was actually turning me on. I could feel a warmth and moistness in my cunt as I thought about what Gary was probably doing with Julie at this moment. I laughed softly. "Probably fucking her brains out," I whispered to my reflection. When I wondered what it was like to feel a guy's prick thrusting into your pussy driving you to an orgasm, I felt a sudden rush of heat and moisture in my cunt.

I slipped my hand into my panties and down over my mons, cupping my pussy in my hand, letting my fingers gently stroke the moist lips of my pussy while I watched myself in the mirror. Just as I was slipping a finger between the lips of my pussy there were a couple of soft knocks on my door. Startled, I jerked my hand out of my panties and said rather loudly, "What....Who is it?"

The door opened and Jerry came in. "Not so loud. You want to wake the whole house," said Jerry, speaking in a low voice. "I wanted to talk to you." He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You startled me. I thought everyone was asleep." I smiled at him, I thought I knew what he wanted to talk about. "I was just getting ready to go to bed," I said as I turned my back to him and removed my bra. I slipped the large T-shirt, one of theirs that I slept in, over my head and turned back to face him. "Gary called you, didn't he?"

"Yeah. He said that you had seen him and knew what we were doing. He was worried you might say something to Mom or Dad."

While he was talking, I turned off the light leaving the room in semi-darkness with just the nightlight on in the adjoining bath. It gave us enough light. I chuckled and sat down beside him. Jerry was in his jockey briefs, but we were used to see each other in our undies or half-dressed around the house.

"I won't say anything." I laughed, "As far as I'm concerned, Julie deserves a good screwing."

Jerry chuckled, hesitated, and then asked, "Did you really tell Gary that you hoped he'd fuck her brains out?"

"Yeah, but I'm afraid he'll have a hard time finding any." I told him what Julie had said, that she thought Gary might have been my date for the prom. We talked for a few more minutes and then Jerry got up.

"I guess I'd better get back to bed."

I grabbed his hand. "Jerry, don't go....not yet. Stay and talk to me for a little while." I wasn't sure if I knew what I wanted to happen, but I knew I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay with me. "I'm not sleepy. I just need someone to talk to."

"Sure....okay, Mel," he said as he sat back down. "This was your big night, the Senior Prom, I didn't expect you in this early."

"Jimmy has to be at work by 7:30, so we couldn't stay out too late." Even though the room was comfortable, I knew it had to be a little cool for Jerry in just his briefs. I stood up and pulled back the sheet and slipped under it. "Here let's get under this. We can lie in bed and talk the way we used to when we were little k**s."

Jerry slid into the bed on my right side. I moved closer until our shoulders were touching and whispered, "We haven't done this in years. Remember how we used to sneak into each other's room and talk until three or four in the morning?" I loved both my brothers, but Jerry and I had always had a special connection, a special rapport.

Jerry chuckled softly, "Yeah, I remember. I also remember Mom fussing because we'd sleep so late the next morning."

Jerry slipped his arm under my head and I snuggled up closer to him and put my head on his upper arm and shoulder. I couldn't get what Julie and Betty had said out of my mind, and lying there next to Jerry, feeling the warmth of his body against mine, was making it even worse. My cunt felt like it was melting, aching to be touched. I had never felt this aroused before, except when Jimmy and I parked by the river and engaged in some pretty heavy petting. I wanted to take Jerry's hand and place it on me, to feel him stroke me, to hold him even closer, but I was afraid, afraid he'd reject me. I hesitated and then told him about what I had overheard in the restroom - Betty and Julie speculating that he and Gary were screwing me.

"Those bitches," he muttered. "Don't let it bother you, Mel. No one pays any attention to those two."

I propped myself up on my right elbow so I could see his face more clearly. "I'm not bothered by it, but it did make me wonder." I placed my left hand on his chest, toying with his chest hair. "Have you....Well, you know, have you ever thought about me like that? About having sex with me?"

"Geezzus, Mel. You're my sister."

"I know that silly." I chuckled softly, "But you just saw me in my panties and bra, and just a couple of months ago, you were naked and walked in on me when I was getting out of the shower. I just wondered if you ever thought about me like that - if I ever turned you on."

"Mel.......well, yeah, sometimes," he fidgeted some and then continued, "a guy really can't help it. If I see a pretty girl, and you're certainly pretty, it just happens."

"Did seeing me in the shower like that give you a hard-on? You got out of there so fast I didn't get a chance see. I just wondered if you liked what you saw." I moved my hand up from his chest to his neck and chuckled. His neck was hot; he was blushing.

In a shocked voice, Jerry said, "Mel..."

"Oh, don't act so shocked," I said interrupting him. "I know what a erection is and what one looks like."

"You and Jimmy have had sex?"

"No, we've just fooled around some - I'm still a virgin. That's more than you and Gary can say." Laughing softly I poked him in his ribs. "You still haven't answered my questions. Did you like what you saw.....did it give you hard-on?"

"Yeah, I did like you," he said with short embarrassed laugh. "Your tits were a lot prettier and bigger than I realized."

When he paused, I pressed my body against him. I could feel my right breast against the side of his chest, its nipple, hard and erect, pressing into him. "Hmmm, that's good....but you still haven't answered the other question."

"Yeah.....yeah, I got an erection."

While we were talking and I was teasing Jerry, I had made up my mind. I wanted Jerry to make love to me now....tonight. I was apprehensive and a little afraid - not of having sex with him, but that he might say no, that he might reject me. I glanced down his body. The sheet had slipped down, and in the faint light from the bathroom, I could see a pronounced bulge in the front of his briefs.

"Like this one here," I whispered as I slid my hand down his body into the top of his briefs and wrapped my fingers around his rigid prick.

Jerry's body jerked as though I had used a cattle prod on him. "Geezus Mel....What are you doing?"

"Sssh....not so loud. You want Mom to come up and find us like this." He had grabbed my wrist but had made no effort to pull my hand away from his prick. When I began to fondle his prick with my fingers, stroking it, feeling the veins standing out on its shaft, he loosened his grip on my wrist. I moved my hand lower, to the base of his prick and then lower still, cupping his balls in my hand and gently massaging them. As I brought my hand back up underneath his rigid prick, pulling it up against his body and out the top of his briefs, I heard Jerry take a deep breath.

"My God Mel, we shouldn't be doing this.....really we shouldn't."

"Jerry, I want to. I've been thinking about it all night." I looked at him, leaned closer, and lowered my lips to his until they were barely touching his lips. "I want you to kiss me, Jerry. A real kiss not a peck on the lips," I whispered softly, feeling my lips brush his, my breast pressing against his side. He had been acting like he didn't know what to do with his hands so I told him, "Put your arms around me. Put them around me and kiss me."

As I pressed my lips to his, he released my wrist and put his arms around me, pulling me even closer. I opened my lips and teased his lips with the tip of my tongue. When Jerry responded, opening his mouth and thrusting his tongue into my mouth, it felt like that cattle prod had been used on my pussy. When Jerry thrust his tongue into my mouth, I felt a muscle spasm deep in my gut and a sensation of heat and moistness in my cunt - I wanted to feel him against my pussy, feel him touching me there. I moved more on top of him and straddled his left leg, pressing my pussy against the top of his thigh, rubbing my mons against his leg trying to relieve the desire I was feeling. I had never felt a desire this intense, and so damn compelling.

Dry humping his leg must have been an instinctive reaction to relieve the intense desire I was feeling because I had never done anything like that before. I remember thinking, "My God, I'm seducing him, my own brother." Just the thought of what I was doing aroused me even more. If Jerry had tried to stop, I think I would have been tempted to see if it was physically possible for a girl to actually **** a guy - that's how much I wanted him.

Jerry slid his hands up under my shirt and down my back. He pushed my panties down and gripped my naked buttocks in his hands, massaging them and pulling me even harder against his leg. The feel of my mons, my pussy hair, and my pussy lips rubbing against the bare skin of his leg was fantastic. Jerry moved his hands around to the front of my body and up to my breasts. He cupped my breasts in his hands, gently squeezing them and playing with my taut nipples. I moaned softly into his mouth and kissed him even harder, grinding myself against his leg. I remember thinking, "Oh my God, I'm going to cum.....damn, I'm going to cum and he hasn't even touched me, hasn't even touched my pussy."

Still holding the kiss, his tongue exploring my mouth, Jerry rolled me off his leg onto my side and slid his hand down to my pussy. He stroked and fondled my soaked pussy lips, and when his finger entered my pussy, I clutched him even tighter, feeling a wave of sensation engulf my body as I climaxed. I buried my face against his neck and shoulder to muffle my moans as my orgasm peaked. I felt it throughout my entire body, a spreading sense of warmth, tantalizing me with its sensations. I thrust my hips toward Jerry wanting his finger even deeper into my pussy, and as my body shuddered, I pressed my mouth to Jerry's neck moaning softly.

Jerry started to withdraw his hand and I immediately put mine atop his, holding his against my throbbing pussy. " Leave it there," I whispered weakly. "I like it. I like to feel you holding me there." I kissed his neck and with my hand pressed his hand harder against my pussy. I felt him slip another finger between my pussy lips and into my pussy hole. God, it felt good.

"Mel, I ought to go now.....really. I didn't mean for this to happen."

I just held Jerry tighter, pressing his hand to my pussy. Jerry's voice was soft but choked with emotion. "Hmmm, I don't want you to go," I murmured softly. "Oh Jerry, I still want you....and you want me. I can feel your prick pressing against me." I released his hand but he didn't remove his from my cunt. "My God Jerry, you're as hard as a rock and it's so warm."

The urgency of my desire had lessen, my orgasm taking the edge off it, but I wasn't satisfied - I still wanted him, wanted him to make love to me, wanted to feel his prick in my pussy. I took his prick in my hand, fondling it, letting my fingers glide over the large head. I felt the slick moisture of his pre-cum oozing from the slit in the head of his prick and I spread it over the smooth, silken head.

Hmmmm, you're leaking," I giggled softly as I palmed the head of his prick, the pre-cum acting as lubrication for my hand. "You must want me....want me a lot."

"Geezus Mel, I do.....I do," he whispered huskily. "But we shouldn't're a virgin. I don't...."

"Ssshh....just lay there and enjoy it," I whispered. I sat up, grasped his briefs and striped them down and off him. I rolled over between his legs, spreading them wide apart and lowered my mouth to his prick. I could see the large head glistening in the dim light, the pre-cum giving it a shiny appearance. I kissed it lightly and glanced up at Jerry. "You have a beautiful prick....I like it."

It was beautiful, standing up from his groin so hard and proud out of the thick mane of his dark pubic hair. It had to be at least 7 inches, maybe a little more, and the huge blood engorged circumcised head reminded me of a large plum, even to the dark purple color of a plum, but what amazed me was how thick, how big around his shaft was. Jerry's prick was much larger than Jimmy's. Just looking at Jerry's prick made me wonder what it would feel like pumping in and out my pussy and made me wonder if Gary's prick was just as big and beautiful.

Jerry gave a short embarrassed laugh. "Mel, you don't have to..."

"Ssshhh, I want to." I lowered my head and let my lips slip around the large head, my tongue probing at his small slit, tasting the pre-cum still seeping from the slit. I heard him moan softly as I lowered my mouth down his shaft until the head of his prick was pushing at the entrance to my throat, almost gagging me. I slipped my hand under his sac and gently massaged his balls as I pumped my mouth up and down on his prick, my tongue swirling around its head each time I came up. I felt his hands on my head, not holding me, merely riding with my head as I fucked his prick with my mouth.

"Oh Mel....Oh God, you're going to make me cum," he moaned.

I sat up quickly, removed the rest of my clothes and stretched out beside Jerry, pulling him over toward me. He came willingly, rolling over between my legs, his prick poking at my cunt. I reached down and guided the head of his prick between the swollen lips of my pussy and into my vagina. I could feel my pussy lips parting, surrounding the large head of his prick and it felt wonderful when Jerry began to push slowly forward, letting his prick spread and stretch my virgin pussy as he entered me. He was being gentle, but I could feel every inch of his prick as it entered me for the first time. God, I had never felt anything like this before, pushing into me, filling me. I felt him pause when he hit my hymen and then he drew back slightly and thrust forward harder. There was a sharp pain and then he was in me, buried all the way in my pussy. The pain faded quickly, much like the sting you get when they shoot the pin in your finger to get a blood sample, a sharp sudden pain that quickly fades.

I wrapped my legs around him as he started to pump his prick into me, taking long slow strokes. I could feel my pussy responding to him, responding to the feel of his prick as it entered me each time, stretching my pussy, exciting me even more. Lord, I was so wet and his prick was so large that I could hear it, hear him fucking me, and feel my pussy clinging to his prick as he drew it back for another thrust into me. I pushed my hips up to meet his downward thrusts, driving his prick even deeper into my pussy.

"Oh Jerry, you feel wonderful....fuck me hard." I strained up pushing my hips against him as I gripped his buttocks and pulled him in against me. "Oh God, you feel great. I love the way you feel," I moaned softly, hugging him tightly to my breasts as he began to drive his prick into my pussy even faster. I tried to spread my legs even wider, pulling him against my pussy, wanting to feel his prick even deeper in me. "Oh Jerry....I never knew it would feel like good. Fuck me hard as you can," I moaned softly.

"Mel......Geezus Mel, you're so damn tight - so warm and wet." Jerry extended his arms like he was doing pushups and pushed against me, grinding his prick into my pussy. "Oh Mel, I don't know how long I can last.....that's it fuck me back."

I raised my hips even higher, grinding my pussy against him as his prick plumbed the depths of my aching pussy. I could feel the tension building in my body as he increased the tempo of his thrusts, pushing me closer and closer to that peak - I knew I was fixing to cum. "Oh...don't stop. I'm going to cum," I moaned. "Oh Lord....that's it....that's it," I cried out, pressing my mouth against his neck to muffle my voice as my climax crested and raced through my body, my pussy convulsing around his prick as my body shuddered against his.

When I started to cum, Jerry began to fuck me even harder and faster, thrusting his prick into my pussy so hard that I could hear the wet slap of our bodies coming together. I felt Jerry's body tense up, his legs straining against me as he moaned softly.

"Oh Mel.....I'm going to cum," he moaned as he quickly withdrew from me.

"No....No. Don't stop....put it back in," I begged. When I felt the first shot of his warm semen land on my skin just above my pubic hair. I quickly pushed him over on his back and scrambled down beside him and captured his pulsating prick in my mouth. I had missed the first shots of his cum, but his prick was still pumping out cum, just more slowly and not as forceful. I gently sucked him, savoring the taste of his warm cum - it was the first time I had ever let anyone cum in my mouth. I sucked him until his prick began to soften in my mouth. I gave his limp prick a final kiss and then stretched out beside him, partly on him, and kissed him gently.

"Hmmm, Jerry," I murmured softly, "I loved that - it was wonderful. You were so gentle and sweet - and you taste great." Laughing softly, I gave him a quick kiss. "Why did you pull out? I wanted to feel you cum in me....feel you cum in my pussy."

"Mel, we can't take a risk like that. What if I got you pregnant?"

"Silly," I said laughing softly, "I can get just as pregnant from you leaking as I can from a gallon of your cum." I kissed him gently and drew back. "It was sweet of you to think about me though, but it would been okay. I've been on the pill for over a year."

"But you're, I mean you were a virgin....why?"

"The doctor put me on them last year - all that training for track was making me very irregular, and when I did have a period, they were pretty bad." I let my hand slide down and fondle his limp prick. "When I had to drop track, I kept on taking them - I thought they might come in handy someday," I whispered as I gently squeezed his prick. "Next time I want to feel you cum, feel you cum deep in my pussy."

"You already want a next time," he said as he let his hand cup my pussy, his fingers toying with my wet pussy lips.

"Yes....yes," I murmured softly, fondling his prick as I felt it begin to stiffen. "You want it too - I can feel you getting hard again."

Jerry didn't say anything, he rolled on his side and pulled me to him and kissed me passionately. I opened my legs and let his now rigid prick slip between my thighs and then closed them, trapping his prick against my dripping pussy. It was going to be a night that I would never forget.


Well that's how it started some eleven years ago. I can remember that first time with amazing clarity, even after all those years. Of course, Jerry and I got Gary involved but that's another story or stories, as are the experiences we three had at college and afterward.

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This is Sheila, sharing with you about my sexy step-mom and my experience. My mom and dad got divorced when I was in college. But we still kept our contacts with dad and his new wife (my step-mom) in good terms and visit each other occasionally. No doubt my dad was a handsome businessman with a dashing personality. I salute on his choice when he got a very sexy lady as his new life partner. My biological Mom was not less than anyone with a tall, buxom body. Still, my mom and dad could not get...

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wife fucked by shemale

This is the story of me Rittu married to a guy named Harvinder in 1996. We had 2 k**s from our marriage .Harvinder was very fond of girls and even before my marriage he use to fuck prostitutes right from young girls to middle aged women. He used to get his cock sucked and even used to fuck these prostitutes in their ass. After getting married to him he used to apply all the tricks on me. He made me watch blue films and he get his cock sucked as women in bluefilm. He even used to make me drink...

2 years ago
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Elizabeth Grey Parts 21 22

Elizabeth Grey - Part 21: Everything is fine. By Carmenica Diaz The buzzer sounded and Jeremy finished my hair at the same time. We heard Dean open the door and low voices. 'Do I look all right?' I asked nervously. 'Are you joking?' Jeremy laughed. 'You'll knock his socks off.' Sean was waiting with Dean and when he turned to see me coming down the stairs his jaw dropped. 'Wow,' he said and then laughed self-consciously. 'How bloody sophisticated of me. You...

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Love in an Elevator

First let me introduce myself, my name is Alison, I'm 25 years old and I work as a saleswoman for a small but old bank and insurance company. The bank I work for is very traditional, but I was taken on to sell banking products to the newly identified "women's market". I am very successful at my job, consistently meeting targets. Really at this stage I'm the top woman in the place (not hard there are only a dozen of us, mainly secretaries). As such I regularly meet with the old men who run the...

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 3

Anna and Sara didn't show up on Saturday, the 12th of April. Sean and I even went to the Denver store and talked to George, the clerk there. He hadn't seen them either, and we were really worried now. On returning home, our Moms quickly sensed our disappointment. "What's wrong?" Mother Margie asked. "We were expecting the O'Neill sisters, but they didn't show up. George at the Denver store hasn't seen them all week," I told her. Sean only nodded, morosely. "Well, boys, it is...

1 year ago
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I shouldnt have but A Theater Story

Yesterday feeling depression comming on I needed to do something other than work, eat and sleep.It had been just over two weeks ago that I had a date (a massage) and became Jane again.Feeling very horny and needing to get out of my rut I decided to take a bath. Since I was I also decided shave everything. I have been fantasizing about my closest ABS which is in White Center SW Seattle.It's called Taboo Video... It does have two small theaters the smallest is the gay one and the larger straight....

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Market Mein Number Diya

Hi, its Sameer mein Aurangabad se hu, meri umar 22 sal h m 5.6 ft ka gud luking handsome ladka hu, bat aaj s 6 month phle ki h, mri 2,3 gf reh chuki par jaldi hi m n brkup karliya mera rang gora h, land ka size 6 inch h, 3 inch mota h. Me dawa karta hu ye story padhe ke bad aap ki chut ka pani nikal jayega aur aap ki chut talmala jayegi mujse chudwane ke liye. Agar story me kch mistake huye to uske liye advance me sorry M jo kahni likhne jara hu ekdum sacchi h,.. Uss lady ka naam Madhu hai uska...

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The Tom Tom Club Chapter 1

Ketsana pulled up to the curb one house before her cousin's, wanting the surprise to be perfect. Despite the cool May morning, her spirit burned as hot as the sultry heat she had just left in Thailand. For the past six months she had lived in a glamorized tent in a rural mountain region, with weekend jaunts to Bangkok her only reprieve. Now back in the States, her sacrifice was over, an entire month of paid leave, a fat bonus check for a job well done, and here at last approaching a home she'd...

2 years ago
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His lovely dog bitch

One of my friends told me a story of herself and her dog, it hadn't been intentional the first time. In fact one could say that her dog raped her, but she enjoyed it so much that she continued to screw her dog while her husband wasn't home. Her stories got me so hot, but I never told her that. I began to masturbate imagining that my favorite dildo was a big thick doggie cock. For a year I carried my secret fantasy around, unable to tell anyone for fear of what others would say. It wasn't...

1 year ago
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Winter in Sweden Part 16

Chapter 40 – Summer holidays with Ole and Matti (Part2) 13th August40.1 ConfessionI wake up feeling relaxed. The last night has given me a feeling of warmth and I believe, that my life will bring a lot of experiences and surprises. I decide to tell Masha what has happened. NO SECRETS BETWEEN US. That’s what we promised each other. When I find Masha and me alone in the bathroom I made the confession. Masha asks to my relief with a smile: “Why didn’t you wake me up? Did you enjoy? You know, I am...

4 years ago
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Phone for Jackie

Jackie? Is that you? * Yeah, Mike. What's the matter? Nothing Jack. Nothing. I've just missed you so much. I wanted to phone and tell you. * Oh, you sweetie. I've only been gone a few days. I know, but I can't stand it. Are you sure you need to stay for the whole semester? * Well, of course I do, silly. How else am I going to pass? Oh, well I had to ask. * Are you sure you're alright? Yeah, I am. Honest. I wish you could be with me though. * So do I, but it's not to...

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Juanitas Story

JUANITA?S STORY JUANITA?S STORY Juanita was a beautiful girl. She was 13, she was excited about entering high next fall, and was very happy with everything in her life. But that was before the fateful night in March. That night, her entire world changed forever, and it would never be the same. It?s a crisp March day and Juanita is heading home from middle school, looking forward to the weekend. Now Juanita is a short, petite girl with dark brown hair. She stands only 4?10?, but her body...

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Catch and Release Ch 04

Rainy Thursdays were not busy days at the mall. The cavernous corridors frightened Eve. She clutched Tim’s arm so hard his fingers tingled. Despite her anxiety, the glitz of materialism proved irresistible. She dragged him from one window display to the next, to gawk and point. Tim wasn’t sure how much of his explanations she understood, but he kept up a clarifying monologue. When Eve spotted female mannequins behind the glass of a clothing store she stared for a long time, and then signed...

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SRUAF A Wizards Altered Fate

Author's Notes by Bill Hart This was initially intended to be the second posting of the collaborative crossover set in the 'Spells R Us' and 'Altered Fates' universes written by myself and Raven. However, after finally making contact with Raven, we decided my story could be posted first, with his story becoming a prequel of sorts, instead of the lead in. Before I do anything else I would like...

1 year ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 5 All Business

Mid-July in the boardroom of Acme Consumer Products Corporation in New York. The stuffy room was filled with multiple members of the board of directors of the corporation as well as major shareholders and their proxies. It was supposed to be a routine directors meeting but the issues of the parts manufacturing division growing too large and influential and degrading the other divisions proved to be a hot topic. The division didn't fit in with the rest of the company as it was solely...

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Good Girls dont wear panties

An original work of fiction based on real events, names have been changed to protect the guilty.My name is Dennis and I have been married to Joan for five years during that time we have had a good sex life but two years ago it got better when Joan had bought a new dress for a party that we were going to. Joan did not want me to see the dress before the party so she hid it away for a week.On the night of the party Joan emerged at the top of the stairs wearing a red dress that she had bought a...

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Betty The Curious Teenage Daughter of My Neighbor

I had a business appointment in Oklahoma City, about a three hour drive north of Dallas, where I live. I casually mentioned to my neighbor how I hated the drive, because it was so flat and boring. To my surprise, she said she was also going to Oklahoma, but for pleasure. Her wink was all the tease I needed to needle her, since she was a single mom and always on the look out for that special guy. “You know,” she replied, “If you weren’t married...“ She let her voice trail off. Carol was a...

First Time
4 years ago
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Growing TogetherChapter 11

"Well, obviously," Jon sighed, "None of the rest of us thought he might have a brain tumor either, including him. But it sure explains an awful lot, especially his temper and his wanting to be left alone in the later years, as well as a lot of other stuff." Karin shook her head again. "And I didn't do a thing to help, just made it worse. My God!" "Well, all of us did," Jon said. "So don't go taking all the blame on yourself. We were just trying to lead our own lives and not have...

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Ana claiming for some holidays

Ana claiming for some holidaysIn mid September I convinced Ana we could take a free week and go to some nice place in the Caribbean waters. She was delighted, but then she told me that her boss would say NO as usual.Then I told her I could go with her and see whatever we could do. My sweet wife entered her boss office and found him sitting in his desk, another man besides him.Her boss was named James, a bald young man, always seemed disgusted with himself and of course, with everybody around...

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Cousin Ke Dost Ne Seal Todi

Hi readers, I am Raj back with another story. This story isn’t mine, it is of an ISS reader who contacted me after reading my previous story on this site. She told me the story of her first sex, aur I am narrating it to you in her words. For any feedback, or for fun chats or meetings, please feel free to drop me an email on my ID I would love to get in touch with my readers from around Mumbai, Pune. So, here goes. Hello readers, kaise hain aap sab? Yeh ISS par meri pehli story hai. Abhi kuch...

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Cuckhold Fantasy 1

My First Cuckold Experience The Problem and a SolutionI have always been a premature ejaculator. In the beginning, we both just joked about my quick climax and agreed it was just my passion for her. Our early sex was heated and fun. My wife, Susan, and I have been married 13 years now, and I still cum after less than a minute of thrusting. I know that I please her when I give her oral sex but I also know that her sighs and moans when we are having intercourse are her attempts to pretend that I...

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Melanie Knows

"Before you go, I want to tell you something, okay?" Melanie, my wife, laying in bed, stretched out her hand towards me as she spoke."What is it?" I said, stepping up close to the side of the bed.She looked up into my face for a moment without saying anything at first. Then she said: "Who is it you go see? What's her name?"I felt my face flush hot, as if a heat lamp had suddenly been turned on my face. "What are you talking about?" I replied, feeling the panic welling up within me."I know...

4 years ago
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Councils of WarChapter 7 Uxoriousness

Awake, bathed, dressed anew, Lionel watched the ladies descend for the ball. The ritual was the same as had prevailed during the Season, the situation was quite different. The overwhelming majority of these ladies were married women, most of them long-married. He was one of the most desirable partners, several women turned to him first when several men met them at once. He stepped back when Anne descended, which was the way married men treated their wives but a mistake in this case. She had...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 24 Deals and Surprises

Dave heard the scream of joy from down the hall. Both Jenny and Nikky surged out of Dave’s office with him in hot pursuit. JR came running towards them in the other direction waving two magazines and two of the country’s most read newspapers. She looked sexy as hell because she’d realized that tall spike heels and short skirts without undies were an ideal combination to titillate her colleagues and especially Dave. “WE’RE THE HOTTEST THING IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK. LOOK AT THIS COVERAGE!” She...

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The Wedding Proposal chapter VIII

I was beginning to get used to this now. My heart had stopped racing when I ventured out the door. I did not examine every approaching face for signs of suspicion, or spend all my concentration on every little detail a women would do unconsciously. I walked onto the bus as a free and independent woman. Never questioning my right to be there. A text message arrived as I watched rows and rows of houses rush past the window. It was Tina. hi sis heard anything from tony yet? Sort of. Meeting...

1 year ago
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Dancing With My Son

One night changed my life forever. I let my son make have sex with me. I felt so guilty but strong as my guilty feelings were, I could not help my weakness for making love with my own teenage son. What bothers me even more than the fact that the incident occurred, is the fact that I enjoyed it while it was happening and wanted more of the same. I got my wish and we are still continuing to carry on our affair, even as I write this.I took my f******n year old son with me to a friends wedding....

3 years ago
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Curse of the gypsy woman Part four

Luckily she'd had the idea to wear a sanitary napkin before going. She'd had enough experience of her own horniness by now to know that her pussy would run wet with juices by the mere thought of sex, and this way she might be able to prevent a dark wet spot from forming on her skirts. She'd also worn two extra layers of underskirts and an extra set of panties, hoping she wouldn't look fat in the outfit. But anything would be better than looking like she had peed herself. Her thoughts...

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Zwei Polizistinnen

Verena war Heute besonders nervös. Es war das erste mal das sie auf Streife fahren dürfte seit sie ihre Polizei Ausbildung abgeschlossen hatte. Kein Mensch hätte Verena für eine Polizistin gehalten dafür war sie viel zu hübsch. Sie trug ihr langes blondes haar zu einem strengen Pferdeschwanz nach hinten gebunden wodurch ihre kein Haar in die schönen blauen Augen hing. Die Uniform spannte über vollen DD Körbchen und selbst die hässliche Uni Sex Hose konnte ihren knackigen Arsch kaum...

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the long wet strands and tossing it back over her head. She grabbed another towel and wrapped it around herself. As she brought it around her back, she caught herself in the mirror in front of her. ”Well hello,” she whispered to her image, smiling at herself. She held the towel open and dropped her hip, posing for nobody. All those weeks in the gym were starting to pay off, she thought to herself. She turned from side to side. It was a good day when she admired the size of...

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Making of Jane

Jason H. was a small boy who had suffered from heart problems as ac***d and had not been permitted to play the "rough games" other boyshis age played. At age 11 he was finally given a clean bill of healthand allowed to be a normal boy, but he was shunned by the other boysbecause he didn't know how to play football or baseball or basketballor any other active sports. Whenever, the other boys had to pickteams, Jason was always the last one picked due to his lack of skilland small size. This...

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Unexpected Encounter In A Movie Hall

This is a story which happened just a few days ago in a theater near my home. I came back from work. Completely tired with my work, I needed a small break. I got quarter Old Monk rum and gulped it completely. I took a walk and went to a Kannada movie “Chowka” in a theater near my home. There were hardly 50 people in the theater. This gave the liberty to sit in any seat that we wish to. I went on and sat in the middle rows. The movie started rolling. 30 minutes into the movie, Just as when I...

Gay Male
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Incredible ChangesChapter 302 Business or Pleasure

I could use a nice fuck. Hell, I think I can even do a nasty fuck after dealing with the shit with Gabriella’s and Jasmine’s families. The powerful women took us through her “brothel,” for lack of a better description, to outside a room marked private. She explained that the girls inside were excellent at their trade, which made them arrogant and cocky. It seems that they say no one can get them off. Girls can’t get their motors running, and guys can’t last more than seconds in their tight...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 5

The early morning sun slanting across the bed awoke Nicole. Blearily she rubbed her tired eyes and tried to focus on her clock. It was just past 6.30 am and earlier than she normally woke up. A faint snoring reminded her of the events of the previous evening and she gingerly turned round. Rob was laid on his back, fast asleep with his arm thrown out to one side. He looked peaceful as she watched him, his eyelids flickering as he dreamt about things she could only imagine. All she wanted to...

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A Crude Business

An Entertainment in several parts by James Anderton © 2002 This story results from suggestions from correspondents that I add more chapters to my earlier story "The Ambassador's Wife". As the idea grew, I decided to incorporate characters from "Vengeance" another of my previous works. I decided to use a long established literary device used by thriller writers for centuries?, pioneered (on the internet, at least) by Parker and others in their "Bankok Slaver" Stories, by writing a...

2 years ago
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Black Gang Bang Virgin pt 1

Black Gang Bang Virgin pt 1 Andrew led me up some stairs and into a small lounge area lit only by gas lamps and the light from the open fire in the corner. It was late, only 30 minutes or so from closing time, I noticed a noisy group of young black guys playing pool in the corner. Stoping at the bar momentarily to order drinks, Andrew and I then made our way over to a bench seat in the far corner of the room. Taking a long slow sip of red wine, I couldn't help wondering what Andrew had in store...

Group Sex
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Silkie spins a tale for her lover from Silk

"Well, your lab partner Sylvia Greenburg is that kind of girl, okay? Lets's say you have a little movie projector in your brain, Bruce, and when you are alone in your bed at night, you run this movie you like on it, and it's your movie, it's about a girl you like or want...............I hope it's me...........and in the movie she is blowing you and all the other stuff in these pictures...........and you are a boy, so, of course, you are jacking off to that...................Bruce.............I...

4 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 186

Sunday morning was laid back and started slow. There were no changes in the morning update from Saturday night’s update from Iran. But I knew big decisions were on tap on Monday. My family left early Monday morning. I had a busy week - it was planned for me. Monday started with the generals, another hundred miles of Iranian territory had been captured over weekend. We were at a dilemma now with the offensive push. Hundreds of small towns had surrendered. As soon as tanks and armored troop...

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A Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

1 year ago
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My secret was not so secrete

It was a few months after my sexual assault by Charlie, Bruce and Daniel. I was staying much to myself as I continued my classes I was still the my ninth grade. The three ruffians had taken numerous of me being sexed by them in numerous positions. When they wanted me again a picture would some how end up in my locker or posted to the students info board. Most would have a note saying ' ... meet where we ran ... '. I knew it was the wooded area behind the track field so I would head there and...

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Loving my ass for the first time

This story is follow-on from my first one – Meeting for the first time. Please feel free to leave (constructive) feedback. I am still new to writing and am learning! We have just made love for the first time, after months of cyber chatting and cyber sex. Our hearts are still pounding, as we lie there, sated. Neither of us wants to be the first to speak but the silence is comfortable. Oddly familiar. Your hand has gone to my ass and has slipped between my ass cheeks. I can feel your finger...

1 year ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 42

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at For the next 2 weeks, I was staying with Chloe. We had a lot of vaginal sex. She never wasted even a drop of cum. Rose and Anna were quite happy with having some lesbian action. After two weeks we got the good...

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The Mrs Hollingsworth Project part 5

"The 'Mrs. Hollingsworth' Project" (Part V) Two days later the private elevator door opened on the penthouse floor of the Hollingsworth building, Rick and Ms. Lawrence stepped out and moved to the main door of the vast penthouse suite. This was Mr. Hollingsworth's private floor. "It's not an apartment actually, I reworked a section of the penthouse, it's a suite of rooms." Rick said as he opened the main door to his apartment. Ms. Lawrence followed him through the foyer to the...

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Its a long way to fall

Four people sat silently in the bedroom, with only moonlight and the glow from the monitor for illumination. It was enough for their purpose. They were each dressed in black jeans, black sweatshirts and had black balaclava hoods at the ready. Two men, and two much younger women. The girls sat together, and they wore headphones to listen to the dialogue being played out in the next room. The men had heard too much of it before; they sat impassively but patiently. They were waiting until the...

2 years ago
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A Lesson in Philosophy Chapter 2

Lying in bed, my mind was filled with images of our evening together. How his luscious locks shined in the autumn moonlight. His lips were the kind of pink that reminded me of a rosebud. The top lip was thinner, but not too thin and it had a natural cupid’s bow; the bottom one was slightly plusher.And I can only imagine how they’d feel against my own lips… How his teeth would feel grazing against my delicate skin... How his tongue would feel being traced over my nipples before dipping lower,...

College Sex
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A Thirst for Laura

A Thirst for Laura Just when I felt our sex life was returning to some degree of normalcy, Lacy surprised me. When she called me at my office and invited me to lunch, I thought “no big deal, glad to do it”. But when I arrived at our usual curved booth at our favorite restaurant, she was not alone. There beside my wife sat Laura, her luscious co-worker. More times than I can count Lacy has seen me literally drool watching Laura at office parties, backyard bar-b-ques at our home and a few...

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Homes for Sale

Cum oozed out of my just-filled snatch, the warm creamy mixture of semen and sperm drifting slowly down both sides of the crack of my ass to drip onto the sheet below. I wondered how many millions of other dying sperm had soaked into the fibers of that cheap sheet in that cheap room in that cheap motel in that cheap neighborhood that the cheap son-of-a-bitch had chosen for our first – and possibly last – fuck. I've been fucking for fun since I was fourteen and fucking for money since I was...

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A Girl Dog

Yes I know this is sick. Looking back, I don’t know why I first did it. I guess I was very horny at the time, hadn’t had a man for over a year back then. Well, it started out with me giving the dog a bath. I noticed his long, pink, cock of his standing out as I bathed his chest and abdomen. After a while, I got bolder and took his cock into my hands and gently stroke it. The dog didn’t object, in fact he seemed to like it. He stepped out of the tub and sat in front of me so I...

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Strawberry Wine

Summerwas finally here and I was just blossoming intoexistence. My breast had filled out and become a perky C-cup, my ass was perfectly round and filled a pair of jeans out nicely. My hair was long and dark just resting above my waistline. My skin slightly sun kissed from our beach vacation to celebrate the ending of a another school year. It was the summer of ’96 and I was listening to ‘Strawberry Wine’ on the radio in my bedroom and singing along. I had gotten a job at the local teen club,...

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