Staying With Our Lady Friends free porn video

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As we drove back to camp from our weekend in London, I was excited to realize there were others queers like us who were happy with their lifestyle choices. It was all I could think about for the longest time, and how they could socialize with others like themselves, relax and enjoy without worry or feeling ashamed.

Of course I admitted to Darlene how excited I was, and thanked her over and over for introducing inviting me home with her. She admitted how pleased she was that I felt that way, and promised me there would be many more trips to London. We talked about some of the ladies we met, how they had different interests, yet were all accepting of other's choices.

I told her how much I enjoyed meeting Margaret and Florence, yet said I noticed how different they were in some ways. She smiled at this saying, "You don't know the half of it." I had detected from their accents that Margaret came from the lower classes of society, and Florence from a more affluent back ground. She came right out and told me Margaret was from the slums and Florence from a cultured middle class background.

Anyone who was familiar with the British class system in those days will understand my curiosity, as it was rare for someone from one class to social with one from another. Certainly there were exceptions to the rule, but to find two that were lovers and living together was rare. Although I suppose to the public at large it could appear that one was the housekeeper, and the other the tenant.

Still I'd noticed that if anything it seemed that Florence seemed to be the housekeeper, but they were also lovers, it certainly seemed strange to me at the time. I couldn't get any more out of Darlene about their relationship, and had to let it drop for the time being. As I said I felt I got along very well the both women, and they certainly seemed to like me as well, which was something I was thankful for.

It took a day to settle back into the routine, most of the girls had gone home or at least away for the long weekend, so there was much to talk about. I admit to wondering what relationships some of them were involved in, if any of the others had lesbian lovers from wherever they were.

I wrote to Mother telling her about my weekend in London. Next I sent Emma a long letter and in gave her all the details about the lesbian club I went to, as well as telling her about my new found friends. I told her how in the club I met so many other women of all ages, and how many of them enjoyed secret liaisons.

In a way I was thrilled to be able to be quite open with Emma, like someone who you can share your innermost feelings with. As I recalled my experiences in writing, I found that also to be arousing and enjoyed giving myself the relief I enjoyed after when taking a bath. Except for seeing Darlene for tea in the canteen we didn't go out till the following Saturday afternoon, when we went into town to do some shopping.

I usually went to a dance on the Thursday and/or Friday nights, but now found I had lost interest, Darlene was all I needed. She could satisfy me emotionally as well as sexually. Around suppertime we had a bite to eat and a couple of drinks, and I took the opportunity to tell her my feelings, and how much I enjoyed making love to her. I poured my heart out to her in a way I'd never done to anyone before.

I went on to tell her much I'd enjoyed the weekend in London, how comfortable I felt at the club amongst other lesbians. I reminded her about Margaret's invite to stay with them next time we were in London, and how I'd like to go back up soon. I think talking to her like that got her thinking too, and she quietly suggested instead of going to a dance or the pictures that night perhaps we should just go for a drive and have an early night.

I knew what she meant, what she not only wanted but needed as much as I did. We finished our drinks and went to the bathroom for a pee before leaving, and I took the opportunity to remove my knickers and put them in my handbag. I usually did the driving by now as I was learning to drive, but this night she decided to drive which was fine with me. She drove out of town and onto a quiet country road that twisted and turned, then turned into a dirt path that was hard to see and far enough so we were well hidden from the road.

As before she had us light cigarettes to have a smoke for a while, to make sure no one had spotted us and come to see what was the matter. After she tilted her seat back smiling at me, it was like an invitation to make love to her. I got onto my knees on the seat, in that little car I was all crunched up but now I was kissing her. All over her face, her forehead, cheeks nose and finally her mouth, our tongues exploring each other. I kissed her hungrily, my hand undoing the buttons of her blouse to get at her tits. Her breathing got harsher, her groans transmitting the pleasure I was giving her.

As I said scrunched up in that little car wasn't the best place for love, suddenly she grabbed me by my shoulders and with a yell dragged me over her body so I was on top of her. Somehow she managed to get the car door open and pushed me outside, I was puzzled for a second then she said, "Quick on your knees" as she said this she turned partway sideways and placed one of her legs on the ground outside the car door.

Now I saw her pull up her skirt to expose her cunt to me, no need for anymore conversation I was down on my knees in a flash. She gave a sigh of pleasure as my mouth closed on her pussy, she was so wet and I was so hungry to taste it. I had one hand on the floor of the car as I lapped at it; I was so randy myself I used my other hand to masturbate. Soon she called out and slammed her thighs tight against my head to hold it while she exploded, creaming into my mouth. A few moments later I enjoyed my own self induced orgasm, and once I felt her relax, and then leaned back for a moment to get up.

"No no" she went on, "Keep going" and pulled my head back into it by my hair. I didn't really need any urging as I lapped at her pussy again, I felt her lift one leg onto my shoulder and she enjoyed another tongue lashing, then had me give me another before she let me up.

Finally I was allowed up and she lit another couple of cigarettes and passed one to me, then moved her arse back to where I'd been sitting to give me some room to sit as we enjoyed our fags. This way I was kind of half leaning into her and she had her forearm over my shoulder. Now she started to undo the buttons on my blouse, and then pushed it off my shoulders followed by my bra.

Now she did the same with her own blouse and bra, then for a few moments rubbed her own tits before wrapping both arms around me. Now she held my tits one in each hand, gripping them tight and squeezing them, letting her hands slide off to finally grip and pull on my nipples. I winched from the slight pain produced and she leaned into my ear biting it and whispering, "You like this don't you".

I tried to turn my head to face her but she had her face pressed against mine, "Yes" I moaned and at that she gripped my tits hard again and squeezed me tight.

"Now your skirt" she went on.

"What" I said in surprise.

"Your skirt, get it off."

I managed to unsnap it and undoing the zipper and push it over my hips to let it fall to my feet, now she was whispering into my ear.

"You're a good girl, you do what I say and you like it don't you?"

I tried to answer, she was still holding me in a vice like grip, the adrenaline was pumping through me, she'd hurt me and I loved it. Finally she pushed me back out of the car, and following me pushed me against the car. As she gave me kisses I fell back against the car, now she undid her own skirt and let it fall to the ground. Now in just our garters and stockings, neither had any knickers on to worry about, now she held me in a tight embrace and we kissed, tongues dueling with each other. I loved the feel of her naked body, the smoothness and curvature of her hips and arse. She pressed her belly hard against mine, pressing my legs apart, she brought her pussy to mine and rubbed her clit against me. Gyrating around against me like that was awesome; she held my arse and managed to move me to the hood of the car so I ended up leaning backwards over it.

Now she humped me good, really giving it to me holding me down with her hands on my shoulders and grinding her cunt to mine. There wasn't much I could do to participate except to lift my knees, spreading them wide apart I loved the intensity of the fuck. Aroused like that she was like an animal possessed, we were both crying out from the intensity of it.

Now we quieted once again, naked except for our garter belt and stockings, stockings that were ruined from when I was kneeling on the ground to lick her pussy. Funny how calm and gently she was after being so rough, again she lit two cigarettes and after taking a puff to make sure they were going, placed one between my lips.

I never gave a thought that we were outdoors and that we might have been seen by someone, but it was highly unlikely. I don't think one car came along during the couple of hours we spent making love. Even if there had been it was highly unlikely we would have been spotted, the trees and shrubs between us and the road was so dense.

We got back in the car and sat there for a few minutes, suddenly she started the engine and backed out onto the road again and headed back to camp, I was scared silly, I said, "What if someone should see us?"

"Who cares" she said grinning like a Cheshire cat, its dark out so no one will see us."

Back at camp we parked and put on our clothes, then after some more goodnight kisses I got out and went inside. Fortunately it wasn't even close to midnight and for me it was a blessing, as there was no one in my barracks was home from the pictures or dances yet. Quickly I stripped off and put on my P.J's, then hurried to take a bath before anyone came in. My stockings were ruined and my knees filthy from kneeling on the ground, so was anxious to get as clean as possible.

I felt that was a close call for others to start asking questions, I mean how could I explain the torn stockings? A few of the girls knew I had left to go into town with Darlene, so I wouldn't have had an answer. The thought of breaking off my relationship with Darlene just wasn't an option; I enjoyed her loving too much. I'd just have to be more careful in the future.

It was like how I felt about Emma all over again, how she was getting more and more daring, and I was scared of being found out. I not only lacked the inner strength to break it off, but I wouldn't admit to myself that I liked what was happening. With Emma it was mostly what we did in private that I found disturbing yet exciting, now with Darlene I had actually been naked with her outside. Although it was in the dark in the countryside, there was still a chance of being discovered had someone come along and spotted the car. Did I have a secret desire to be caught? Or perhaps I did have a hidden desire to be an exhibitionist?

Why did I prefer her company to men, was it because with men it had been too much of the same thing with them? Whereas with both Emma there had been the thrill of a variety of scenarios, even small things like leaving my knickers off gave me a small thrill.

The next afternoon we met in the canteen again but as it was pouring rain we just stayed in, read all the news papers and chatted. Again I expressed my wish to go back up to London, I had enjoyed myself so much I was looking forward to doing it again. Darlene took the time to write a letter to Margaret to ask if her offer of a place to stay was still on and if so we would drive up the following Saturday afternoon.

She received an answer by post on the Friday morning and it was a go, so we arranged to be packed and ready to leave as soon as possible. We normally had to work most Saturdays except for once a month when we would get the whole weekend off. London was just about an hour and a quarter’s drive, depending on the traffic of course, and we didn't have to be back in camp till the Monday morning.

As soon as work was over for that morning I hurried back to my barracks and changed into civvies, we had agreed to skip lunch so as to get away as early as possible. I got changed and grabbed my packed suitcase and hurried out to meet Darlene at her car. She arrived a few minutes later; it seemed we were getting better at guessing how long it took for each of us to get ready.

On the way Darlene told me some more about Margaret's habits, if she wanted something it was to be got right away. There was not be any, "In a few minutes" or "I'll get it later." We were not to close any doors, except the outside door of course. Margaret's theory was as we were all women with similar lifestyle tastes; there was no need for any secrets between us. She was most definitely the Queen of her own Castle, very quick to anger, but equally quickly to forget a transgression. She was fiercely loyal to her friends, and quick to come to someone’s defense.

Just after 2 PM we were in London and dropped in at Margaret's flat. As before we were made very welcome after lots of hugs and kisses, Florence put out a tray of sandwiches and put the kettle on for tea. Margaret showed us their spare room, where we could leave our things then join them for lunch.

After we drove over to Darlene's mother’s house for a short visit, after which we return to join Margaret and Florence for supper. After a lovely meal I helped Florence with the dishes, although she didn't want the help it just felt like the right thing to do. After which we got our coats on and we all went in their car to the club to enjoy the evening.

I was thrilled so many of the ladies remembered me, making me feel very welcome. As before Margaret took a seat along one wall as she liked to see what was going on, and in a way lots of women stopped to say hello to her. It was like Margaret was holding court and the others stopped by to pay their respects. It made me realize Margaret seemed to be one very special woman, and probably the most attractive lady there. She had me sit next to her and introduced me to lots of others. Also I noticed she always referred to 'Florence' by her full name, not 'Flo' or 'Florrie' as some were called, and with me introduced me as 'Rosalyn' and not the 'Rose' or 'Rosie' I was used to.

Once the band started to play I was kept quite busy dancing, not just with Darlene and the present company, but with other ladies who were obviously curious to know more about me. In those days when asked to dance by a stranger it was considered impolite to refuse. As a result I danced with quite a lot of other ladies, and some of them quite bold pressing their bodies against me and dancing cheek to cheek. Still I was thrilled to feel I was attractive to other women.

I noticed the booze was flowing quite freely; with gin being the most popular as I was to find out it was the liquor of choice for lots of Londoners. Florence was only drinking lemonade, but was still enjoying her as well as the rest of us; anyway she was doing the driving. Scotch would normally be my choice, but I didn't mind the gin and tonic that was flowing quite freely thanks to lots of others.

We stayed quite late as none of us suggested leaving, then just before closing time Margaret announced it was time to go. We all headed for the toilet then got our coats from the cloakroom and left top go home. Margaret had me sit next to her in the back seat and asked if I enjoyed myself, and I assured her I did very much. At this she took my hand and gave it a squeeze saying she was glad. As before I had not said very much being so introverted, and thought this might have misled her into thinking I was not enjoying the evening. Although I felt quite tiddley from the alcohol and thought I talked more as a result.

It seemed that Margaret had drunk enough for her and Florence’s both, yet it didn't show on her the way it did on others, she could certainly hold her booze I thought. Of course in those days almost everyone would drink to capacity, and as long as one was not noisy or disorderly, it was quite legal.

Back at their flat Florence went and put the kettle on for a cup of tea before going to bed, and we just sat and waited for her to make and serve it. Finally it was time for goodnight kisses and go to bed, one last trip to the bathroom and I remembered what Darlene told me about not closing doors. The bathroom door was wide open against the wall with a small table against it, on which was a vase with flowers.

Once inside the bedroom Darlene and I undressed and got into bed, it seemed strange with the bedroom door open but we were the guests and had to follow Margaret’s house rules.

We began our love making and heard the sounds of love coming from Margaret and Florence; they were quite vocal about it although it obviously didn't bother them. There were occasional squeals of laughter and other noises I couldn't make out, we could see from the reflection on the hallway walls that they still had a light on in their room. I found it embarrassing at first but couldn't help but listen, two other women lovers indulging themselves and would liked to have watched them it was such a turn-on.

The sounds obviously affected Darlene as well as evident by the juices pouring out of her pussy; she had me climb on top to suck her in the 69 position. She gripped my arse with her hands digging her nails into my flesh hard, it made me cry out and I placed my mouth over her cunt to muffle the sounds I was making. She brought her legs up and apart to give me full access to her love hole as we brought each other off at least a couple of times. We concentrated on our own lovemaking, and our own sounds of pleasure joined theirs as we threw caution to the winds and let it all out.

I awoke from a sound sleep to find someone by the bed, and from the angle all I saw at first was a female's midsection. My initial view was one of a pussy that had no hair round it, surprised and looking up saw Florence smiling then seeing I was awake said, "Good morning." I sat up without thinking, forgetting for a moment I was naked and exposing myself to her. I suddenly covered up and Florence said, "You two going to sleep all day?" and she left the room.

By now Darlene was also awake and sitting up smiling at my reaction saying, "You'll get used to it." She got up and I followed her to the bathroom where we both had our morning relief, her first then me. With the door being wide open like it was we could hear voices coming from the kitchen. Obviously Margaret was also up and talking to Florence. "Yes" Florence said, I woke them up they're in the bathroom.

"Good, pour the tea then start fixing breakfast, I imagine they'll be hungry after all that activity last night."

I was appalled at how open Margaret was talking about what I considered to be something very personal. I went to say something to Darlene, but she held a finger to her lips to indicate for me to keep quiet and indicated for me to follow her back to the bedroom. There she whispered for me not to say anything and put on her knickers then her blouse, I did the same and followed her to the kitchen where Margaret was having her tea.

"Good morning" she said, her face lighting up when she saw us, "Come have some tea" indicating a chair by her for me to sit down.

I noticed she was in a lingerie top that was open, her tits were magnificent specimens. Perfect globs of flesh tipped with lovely raspberry like nipples set in an area of matching areolas. She seemed amused at my surprise and how I hurriedly looked away and wrapped her negligee around them.

"Tea" she said, picking up the tea pot and poured it for both myself and Darlene. "Well and how did you sleep" she went on.

I think she was amusing herself at my embarrassment, as she went on to say she had trouble falling asleep because of the din we were creating. I felt like saying it was more like the other way around, as it was her and Florence that was making the most noise from their love making. I felt it wise to keep my thoughts to myself, as I was sure she was doing this deliberately to embarrass me. Darlene didn't say anything but I could see from the expression on her face, she was enjoying my discomfort as much as the other two were.

Florence set out a platter of toast then asked us how we wanted out eggs done, and after we told her she set about fixing our breakfast. After we sat around swilling more tea, feeling quite full after a splendid meal and in no rush to go anywhere, we just sat there and made small talk. Turning to Florence she told her to go run the tub so they could take their bath, she got up then and pushed her chair against the table. As she headed towards the bathroom, I noticed she was naked except for her negligee and slippers. Darlene and I went into the living room to watch some TV.

Soon we heard her call our name to let us know the bathroom was ours now to bathe. I caught a glimpse of the two of them heading into their bedroom stark naked, completely unashamed of their sexuality. I went in to refill the tub with fresh water, while Darlene went and removed her blouse and knickers, and then she came in and removed mine for me to join her in the tub. We had just settled down into the nice hot water, when Florence came in and from a jar sprinkled some nice scented bubbly into the water. Then with an "Enjoy," turned and left the room.

Darlene and I had shared a bath once before in the hotel room we rented a few weeks before, I was soon aroused by bathing Darlene as well as the nice aroma from the bath salts. Still I was hesitant to do anything with the door wide open and the other two in their bedroom, but Darlene wasn't as shy sitting up on the edge of the tub to let me finger her, then we swapped places and she did me.

After our bath we both dried each other off, and then returned to our room to get dressed for the day. I did catch a glimpse of them through the doorway of the master bedroom, Margaret was sitting at her dressing table and Florence was brushing her hair, she was still, naked.

We spent that afternoon at the club again for a few drinks, then close to supper time we returned to their flat where we had a bit to eat before we said our goodbyes. Margaret seemed to spend a little more time with me, smiling into my eyes and saying how much she enjoyed our visit. Then at the last minute gave my hand a squeeze and said, "You will come back soon won't you," to which I replied in all honesty, "Yes I'd love to." We left and got into the car and we headed home.

At last I could talk to her about our visit; Darlene seemed surprised at my reaction to what had happened. All she said was that I handled it very well, and made a favorable impression on Margaret. I asked about Florence’s nudity as she was the last to get dressed, even before and during breakfast, and why was her pussy without hair?

"That’s because that's how Margaret likes her to be, no body hair is permitted below her neck, and she has to wait for permission before getting dressed."

Still in spite of that I did enjoy myself, and I liked Margaret and Florence too for that matter. It's just suddenly finding others not only like me, but to be so open about their sexuality was something that was going to take some time for me.

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Hello LadyBoy

How many of you get off to fucking ladyboys? Well, if you know what I’m talking about, then you know precisely the kind of sexy people I’m referring to. But for those whose brains are melting at the term of ladyboys, let’s keep it simple for them. A ladyboy is an Asian transsexual. But then again, if you didn’t know that, you probably are not into this kind of porn in the first place!On the other hand, if you are or are curious, allow me to invite you to Hello Ladyboy. This series has been a...

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3 years ago
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Journey With Mature Lady

Hello dear friend.I am sasi 24 years old young boy. 171cm height and dick is 6inch.I am from tamilnadu salem.I am complete my B.E and searching govt job.Now simply stay at home. In iss I read many stories in our web sites.Some stories so boaring and some stories make we very hot.This is my first experience story, I don’t know you like it or not.If my story boring you please forgive me.I like sex movie and story of bus sex.Because this was more crazy and hot. Friends do you know bus journies was...

1 year ago
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Young Neighbour Lady Part 8211 2

I am Arjun AK again, 23 years old working in a CA Firm in Bangalore. I am 5’9, good looking and weigh 72 Kgs. This story is the continuation of my story ‘Young Neighbour Lady)’. The young lady, Nithya is 28 years old and works in Bangalore. She is beautiful and attractive with a 36-30-36 figure and 5’4 height. The next day early morning, Nithya came to my room to go to the gym together. I was getting ready. I had a look at her body and remembered about last day’s sexual experience with her. She...

2 years ago
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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 4 Lady Janice of Sterling

"Lady Janice of Sterling" I said. Janice froze, her eyes wide open. It was Saturday morning. We had just finished our breakfast and were reading the paper together. After a second, Janice recited her mantra: I want Paul to be more feminine. I get horny when he is more feminine. The more feminine he is, the more dominant I become. My god, I thought to myself, it worked! Janice paused for a second and closed her eyes. "Janice?" I asked, gently. "Paul!" she said, suddenly opening...

2 years ago
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Sex With Lady From Flight Journey And Cuckold Husb

This happened 2 years back. This is how it all started , I was doing my Masters in well know university in USA and I had one semester remaining to complete it.So before last spring semester, I decided to visit India for Christmas holidays . So I went to India, Holidays went well ,spend lot of time with family.I was happy after meeting family after long time. But the day came when i had to return back to continue my studies and find job. My flight was from Mumbai to Newark then Atlanta. I came...

3 years ago
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Awesome Sex In USA With Lady From Flight Journey And Cuckold Husband

Hello Readers, This is Soma, a professional Indian guy who is working in USA as Software Engineer. I am 27 years old, 5.8 and 65 kg decent looking guy.This is entirely true story as I am always busy, I don’t have any free time to write fictional stories. I am contributing to this site first time so forgive me for any grammatical errors. You can send me feedbacks on Without wasting time let’s move on to story. This happened 2 years back. This is how it all started , I was doing my Masters in...

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Lady Charlotte s Journal Page Five

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Tuesday July 7th 0800hrsDear Journal: I awoke still feeling relaxed with no sign of any aches or pains, as I stretched there was a knock on the door,“Come in!” I called the waiter pushed in a trolley with breakfasts on it, the reason I say breakfasts as there were three of everything on it....

2 years ago
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Une Journe Difficile

Des fois il y a des journées comme ça qui sont faites pour mal se passer… On ne sait pas pourquoi mais cela arrive. Est-ce à cause des astres? Ou bien de ce qu'on appelle le destin? Ou pour les plus superstitieux d'entre nous, est-ce à cause d'un sortilège ou d'une malédiction? Personne ne peut le dire… Ce qui est sûr c'est que quand une journée est partie pour mal tourner, c'est difficile de changer cela! Nous avons justement rendez-vous avec une jeune fille qui va connaître une telle journée....

2 years ago
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37 a scribes fantasy visit to a favourite lady

37. a visit to a favourite lady It had taken a couple of years as scribe to dawn before I was asked to visit her. She had expressed the desire to allow me to in her words “pay her back for the buggering about while she was in America, the orient and other places round the globe.” Let me tell you the tale, she and I met on line through a mutual friend. Her name is not Dawn but I use it as a name partly to save her embarrassment and partly as with her job it`s safer not to broadcast that...

2 years ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 18 Courtneys Torment and a Promise

About ten minutes later, after donning his skeleton costume, Jim followed Trina to the dungeon. With his cock hanging limply out of the costume, Jim entered the dungeon. Jim observed that Melissa was eagerly slurping away at Courtney's pussy. Courtney was moaning and writhing on the exam table to which she was secured. Jim turned to Cindy. "Cindy, my pet, come and suck me hard." In less than a minute, Cindy had his nine inch projectile ready to launch. Jim started the portable cameras,...

2 years ago
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Courtesan versus escort

Courtesan versus Escort Yes, it is important to know the difference to determine which best fits your desire, needs and style. Alternatively it is important to know which type of client you would be. Then and only then we can create the best possible outcome of our randez-vous for an unforgettable peak experience that you perhaps are seeking whether for a day or a lifetime.Different men are looking for different things and there is much confusion around about many terms improperly used in the...

2 years ago
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A LadyBoy For My Wife

I have been happily married to my sexy Thai wife Lisa for three years now. My wife is Thai is petite (5'1") with a stunning figure, a tight ass and long waist length black hair. We had met in a bar in Thailand and subsequently we were married back here in the UK. She was very loving with me but not very sexually adventurous. My attractive wife and I have sex often as we watch porno movies. Often we role play and we fantasize about my wife fucking other guys. Since my visit to Thailand I often...

1 year ago
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Neighbour asks a special favour

As I got home I heard chatting, from across the street and noticed my opposite neighbour was out on her balcony having lunch with a friend about the same age. I'd sometimes seen her coming and going, a woman a couple of years older than me, maybe late thirties, quite attractive and certainly with a body that looked younger and fitter than that. I'd often looked down from my 3rd floor window into her 2nd floor flat and wondered if I'd catch a glimpse of her in her undies or naked but sadly...

1 year ago
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Sweet Journey With Young Lady

Hi all, thanks for reading my experience, I am have been reading and enjoying ISS since 15 years. I am good fan of this site. Due to time constraint and laziness, I hesitated to write about my experience. Please share your feedback to which will enrage me to share my all experiences. I am sakthi 39 years old working in a reputed company in Chennai. My interest is approaching stranger where ever possible and make with them soft sex. I got majority of the experience while traveling in bus. This...

3 years ago
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The Courtesans Journal Ch 1

I will begin with explaining that there is nothing extraordinary about me. I was born into a modestly wealthy family of a reasonable social class. Having lost my parents rather early in life, I was shipped off to my grandmother’s where an army of servants and sycophants could ensure my proper education. In person, I am a tall woman with a dark look about me that has always ensued comparisons to gypsies or the fey. I am somewhat statuesque and have always maintained a wardrobe of jewel tones...

2 years ago
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Seymour and Sarah

Seymour & Sarah By Alice Barry "Oy vey, Seymour what have you done to yourself?" said my mother as she entered my apartment unannounced. I knew I should have never given her a key for emergencies. "Whatever are you doing here Mother? Haven't I told you to call before dropping in?" "Don't blame me young man, what in God's name are you doing in a dress? And why is lipstick smeared around your face?" "Mama, I did not want you to find out like this. This is who I am...

2 years ago
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Picked up a granny at car wash ladys day

Tue every other week is ladys day and car detail is half price. Pulled in and noticed the large number of older women there. When I reached the door, a sign "Ladys day" and that explained it. Went in and had a seat while my car was being cleaned. A white haired woman sat beside me and ask about her key fob. Said it did not work correctly. Popped it open, handed her the battery. She ask me to follow her and install it for her. Met her at her house where the key fob was fixed. Edna ask me to have...

1 year ago
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Lady Charlottes Journal Page One

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Page One: I received this journal in a parcel my mum sent me but have never written in it till now. I am going to try to keep a memoire of all the things that happen to me, I don’t expect anyone to read this private view into my life.Friday July 3rd 1230hrsDear Journal, just a quick entry as...

2 years ago
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ScourgeChapter 9

To back into the swing of things, Audra was taken on her first patrol. She has several soldiers accompanying her, including Kate. Unlike Gunnar’s recon patrols where he often went solo, this is a patrol of the surrounding area. The group is led by Major Zola, a stern woman who has been with the group and General Eisley since the beginning. She is in her early forties and still retains a lot of her beauty despite the peppering of grey in her chestnut colored hair. “This patrol is routine,”...

1 year ago
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16 ladyboys jerked off in front of me live

Just got back from Thailand and had a very special birthday present. A big party had been arranged for me at my favorite ladyboy bar and a “competition” had been secretly arranged for me.Had a nice party with balloons, food, drinks etc then a midnight I was told that it was now time for my birthday present. The door to the bar was closed a chair was bought out and put against the closed door and I was told to go sit on it. Then I was blindfolded and a bib put on me. I could hear all the...

1 year ago
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the apartment neighbour lady

The package had finally arrived but was delivered at the neighbours at 33 I read on the standard note from the mailman, that happens when you life alone and work all week. I walked directly to 33, my direct neighbour in the apartmentbuilding but she wasn't home so I went home disappointed. I know very little about the lady next door, her name is Krista, about 1m65, dark short hair, blue eyes, is a single mom with two daughters, who life on their own and she has a badass side, she rides a...

3 years ago
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Runner in the morning Ladyboy in the evening

To all readers: This story is meant to be read by Adults. So if you are underaged in your country or don?t like TG stories please stop reading further. Runner in the morning, Ladyboy in the evening By Greta Now I am living in a new town, just having moved here a few months ago. I can?t live without my morning run so every day after I wake up I get ready for a run in the Park nearby. After a couple of days I spotted a gorgeous woman with an incredible figure, long brown hair and...

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College Daze Our First Year TogetherChapter 4 We Try To Solve The Rumour Mill Problem

Despite our fear of what the rumour mill could do to us, it took our friends just a few days to defuse the situation, and by the time exams rolled around, it was almost a forgotten issue. Our secret was still relatively safe, although the number of people that knew about it had doubled. But because we shared similar backgrounds, that first meeting Beckie Sommers suggested became the foundation of strong friendships that have lasted several decades. It was the week before Christmas, and we...

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Lady Charlottes Journal Page Two

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Saturday July 4th 0115hrs I lay in my panties under the duvet, my pussy still yearning for its orgasm. Laying and playing slowly as much as I was horny I was so tired I must have dropped off. I awoke but did not open my eyes when I felt the softest touch of fingers on my forearm. I knew it was...

3 years ago
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ScourgeChapter 5

The months seem to pass quickly for Audra. The intelligence that she had collected from the rebel leader, Leah, had proved useful. Many raids were conducted and slowly the Scourge’s breeding ranks overflowed. She had also gained the trust of the queen, yet she still hadn’t been made a stalker. She was told that she was, but Audra couldn’t do that which Saige or any of the other stalkers could—control a red fungus skin of her own. The only thing she seemed able to do is control the chasers and...

1 year ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 20 Courtneys Release

New Years came and went with out notice. A week or so later, Jim gathered Trina, Cindy, and Melissa in Cindy's quarters in the early evening. Jim gave all his pets gift wrapped boxes. The girls excitedly tore into the wrapping paper and threw the box tops aside. Then they saw the new clothes. Jim's pets weren't all that happy with the clothes. They said they had become comfortable being nude and didn't really need clothes. Jim just smiled at the girls. He then pointed something out to...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Fourteen

Choices & Consequences 1 Being Burt had, from the first, been an exercise of extremes for Ann. At any moment, in this life, he was subjected either to hardship, humiliation or great pleasure. But there were only four full days left of being Burt and he was determined to make the most of them! Which was why he'd got Mavis dressed up in her frilliest outfit and taken her, at the crack of dawn, on the train to York racecourse. In Ann's life as a cultured lady, a day at the...

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Runner in the morning Ladyboy in the evening Part III

This story is intended for the open minded adult. So if you are underaged in your country or dislike TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody would like to put it up on a different website should contact me first. In Part II the newly transformed Greta went through more feminity training and suffered the indignation of having to give a blowjob to Aina, a Ladyboy who helped with the training. This was done all in order to prepare Greta for her debut with...

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American Ladyboy

American Ladyboy By Cassandra Morgan No matter where in the world you are, no matter languages are being spoken around you, calculus is boring, it seems they teach the subject so people will know how to torture spies. And so, half a globe away, Benjy Hawkins sat in his math class with his head resting on his arms, which were folded over his desk. The teacher droned on, his lilting accent punctuating his speech. The subject, and the speech, was more than Benjy could bear on a...

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ScourgeChapter 3

Several days since her betrayal to her fellow humans, Audra is awakened to noise. Not needing to don on any clothing, she leaves the small room she had been given for her loyalty. Rather than being turned into a breeder, she was told she was going to be made a stalker like Saige. Of course, that all still depended on the accuracy of the information she had provided. Once outside, she notices the bustle of guardians, stalkers and chasers. The queen isn’t taking any chances. Audra assumes that...

2 years ago
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For the sake of the tourism

For the sake of the tourism By RotnebSynopsis: Susan would like to help her father and the town with a special tourist attraction that will get more tourists to town. Although she is warned she would not understand the full implications to play witch. Susan and four other young naked girls end up as witches at the stake in the beautiful midsummer night. The story is only fantasy.A tourist attractionThe city was a trading centre for the large local country. But the city was also the city you...

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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 15 Missouri

Crystal and I stayed three extra days with the Binfords so we could have some more sexual playtime with our new friends. We each enjoyed the role of 'instructor.' Fortunately, they had no other guests at the inn while we were there, so our 'lessons' were conducted freely in all parts of the inn. When we left, they were different people for the better – more aware of each other, more knowledgeable about pleasuring each other sexually, and more in love. We promised to keep in touch. During...

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Courtesan Ch 03

I spent the remainder of the night in the parking lot of a suburban shopping mall. I didn't get much rest. I was much too upset to sleep. I had a membership at the local YMCA. They opened at 6:00 AM. As soon the sun came up I drove over there and took a shower. After I cleaned up I walked across the street to the Tip Top Cafe and ordered a ranch breakfast. By the time I was finished eating it was 7:30. I needed to call my buddy Albie Porter so I turned on my cell phone. I'd switched it off as I...

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Lusty Landlady With Discounted Rent

It was July 2017 and scorching summer heat took its toll. But Priya a 32 years old beautiful lady with her one-year-old son had a new turn in her life, along with new challenges. Her marriage just broke up after the coordination of three years. It left Priya and her son helpless. She had been living a very comfortable life with no worries of making money. But all of a sudden everything changed. Her husband dumped her because of her differences with her sister-in-law. And she became an unwanted...

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From Melbourne With Love

The soft feel and unforgettable taste of another woman’s sweet lips on my mouth, now that’s something I absolutely cannot get enough of. My name is Afaf Ahmed, and I’m a young Muslim woman of Saudi Arabian descent living in the City of Melbourne, Australia. I was born in the City of Dammam, eastern province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. My passport says Saudi Arabian but as an educated woman, I consider myself a citizen of the world. Aren’t we all human at the end of the day? My parents, Ali...

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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 8 The Dragon

Virlane stood outside his lair, he spread his wings and stretched, his neck arching, he flexed his talons and sighed with pleasure, he turned to watch Trink heading down the mountain path muttering about donkeys and his most treasured assets. Virlane entered his lair, prowling around, looking, touching, smelling, it was all there, just as he had left it, not that there had been any doubt, Dragons are just rather possessive about their hoards. He went into his study, touching his books that...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 50 A showdown with the merc company the Armoured Cobras

The girls looked at him attentively and waited for him to continue. You could have heard a pin drop in the room, as they all leaned forward to hear John lay out his plan to take down the Armoured Cobras. “We’re going to form three teams,” John said decisively. “I’ll lead Team One, taking Dana and Rachel with me on a ground insertion into the base. We’ll rescue the kidnap victims, and sabotage the base’s generators. When the generators go down, that’ll knock out their planetary defence...

1 year ago
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Fun With Mom And Landlady

Ishwar Lal had left his wife, Urmila in charge of everything. Not that he didn’t trust Punjun, but how is a boy supposed to have everything he’d need without wasting a lot of time? After all, this was a crucial year in their lives. Punjun had just turned 18 and decided to take a gap year to prepare for competitions. He had done well enough in school, even made the merit list in his district, but found himself well below the required level of college entrance exams. Despite the urge to blame...

2 years ago
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New To The Neighbourhood I meet My Neighbours Fir

The job transfer from the remote mine to the city was welcome but the search for a suitable unit was more frustrating and took a couple of weeks. Eventually I found a comfortable two-bedroom unit at the rear of a block of four not too far from town. On a Monday morning I acquired the keys from the agent and arrived an hour later with a professional cleaning crew. It took most of the day to clean the place, except for the carpets that they were going to steam clean next day. In the late...

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