Apocalypse How
- 4 years ago
- 41
- 0
Drexa moved through the corridors of what she had come to look upon as her underground castle with a relaxed glide. All was proceeding as it should, which allowed her a moment to revel in the power she now wielded. The fools of her old home never understood. They were too comfortable in what they had built. Balance was all they cared for, whether it was balance between them and the land they had tamed or balance with one another. They were happy with the status quo and that was something that Drexa found she could never be. Life there was suffocating and the people there had become increasingly insufferable.
All she did was ask, ‘Why hide?’ There was no longer any need to stay in the wastes hiding away from the rest of the world. They weren’t a group of refugees from the land of mortal men trying to survive anymore. They were powerful, building on the magics and sciences of their forefathers There was nothing to fear from the primitives who were still using oils to light their homes. Adar could destroy them all and rule as they should. Greater animals always ruled over the lesser, and it was only right that Adar take that place. Indeed, it was an abandonment of the rules that governed the universe that they did not.
But they hid, literally and figuratively because they lived in fear of what they were. In their own way they continued to live in the cloistered bubbles of their own making. They even refused to explore magic to its fullest potential. Unnatural creations? Magic itself was natural, as was their ability to manipulate it, therefore it stood to her reason that whatever they created with it was natural. If it was too far outside the natural realm, so much the better, as a new and better balance would be found.
But they dismissed her, at first trying to reason with her as though she were a petulant child, then by ignoring her, hoping she would simply give up the truth. Finally, when she set out to prove that truth, in even the smallest of ways, talk had turned to punishment. They had proven themselves truly unfit to have the power they did.
So she left. She left taking the seeds of that knowledge with her. She searched the world for a place remote enough to go unnoticed, but close enough to the magic pools she needed to draw from and with enough of the primitives to draw from and spread apart enough to where, by the time they knew what was happening, it would be too late.
The primitives of Adar would learn that her path was superior. And if that meant they had to be ground under heel, so be it.
After they learned, so would the world.
She entered the cavern closest to her chambers. It was massive, hollowed out by the elements and the centuries. Lit from the ceiling by the sheets of white light, she walked one of the paths between rows and rows of her creatures. The air was warm and cloying being so close to the ley lines, creating an environment perfect for them to grow. They all glistened in the light, the pink and gray membrane encasing tooth and claw nourished them and let them slumber until she called upon them.
Scattered about were female primitives nestled where they would birth and the sounds of their animal heat echoed through the chamber. One sat on her knees, hand between her legs, middle finger frantically rubbing as she whined and stared at the ceiling. Still another stood, short with hanging breasts, toes digging into the dirt while a cocoa-skinned woman had her mouth locked around the other’s clit, digging her nails into her thighs as the other birthed. Drexa couldn’t tell who was happier.
They owed her a debt for even that. She rarely made mistakes, but in her first experiments she’d paid no heed to their psyches because she simply didn’t care. Pain and the threat of it did indeed drive the meat to obedience and did force it to accept the changes she required, but it also eventually drove them insane, making even the breeding meat difficult to control. In her zeal for her plans to bear fruit she’d ignored the basic truth that beings were hard-wired with an ability to avoid pain and resist it, finally giving up sanity to do so. Practicality demanded change.
But pleasure? The mind had no defense. It was rare to find anyone who could resist over a long period. Most surrendered quickly, happy to give up their petty little existences in favor of her work and perpetual reward. Why tend a field all day or worry for your next bill at the mercantile when you could simply fuck, orgasm, and obey? Others tried to fight, others that thought they had things that mattered more, but drown them in lust and joy long enough and they all eventually stopped trying to fight their way from it.
She put her chambers close to them simply because she loved being so near her creations. They were her children in so many ways. As she approached the other end of the room the gray, black-veined curtain of flesh parted to her inner chambers. Here she had carved a small slice of Adar with her magics as well as the belongings she took with her when she exiled herself, turning this and that to her needs. It resisted as well, as all things wanted to stay what nature made them, but she bent them with little more difficulty than the meat. The rock in the room was now smoothed, bleached, and shaped to take on the appearance of the light marble stone favored there while the floor was smoothed black. Tapestries adorned the walls and at the opposite end of the room on either side between the dais upon which the long couch she playfully considered a throne rested were passages to her laboratory and one of the ley lines that fed into this place.
Also accenting the room were the lovely women, all nude and in various stages of fucking, some changed and some not, with some carrying her children and some not. For some it seemed that emotion drove them with one another, while, for others, it was simply an animal release. All stopped in mid act as they noticed her. For them, to directly look upon her was rapture. They waited eagerly for any whim from her lips. Even from them she felt the scope of her power. They were hers. They would fight to the death for the chance to feel her touch.
Her own eyes went distant for a moment, forgetting the scene. There was something in her mind that felt like an itch at the base of her brain. There was power not unlike hers at the edge of her ability to sense it. Rather than it igniting fear or anger in her, she could not keep the happiness from her face. Someone had come. As she tried to sort through the hints from her senses she found there were many someones. The meat among them didn’t matter. It would be torn asunder one way or another.
The others? She knew someone she needed would come eventually. They were predictable in that they would come. They were also predictable in that she knew that they would not have come in force enough to crush, or even oppose her, as that would have required engaging more of the world than any of them wanted to.
In short, they were perfect for her uses. In fact, as they drew closer, one seemed a curiosity worth investigating. Come to me.
One noticed her smile through her happy haze. ‘Have we pleased you, Mistress?’
She was taken from her reverie by the sweet voice to look upon the blonde nestled between two others on a bed made of several soft animal furs piled on the floor in a mix of black, brown, and gray. ‘Always, my pets.’ Drexa looked upon her as she absently caressed her ripe belly, belly button protruding as a hint of just how full of one of her children the girl was, milk dripping from her breasts, making trails as it wandered down her body.
Drexa noted then that she was no more immune to the temptations of than any other mortal soul. Her mouth began to dry with a thirst only those weeping breasts would slake. ‘Make room for me.’
As they scurried to do so, she smiled. Meat had many uses.
At sunrise the party had set out again, this time Maylin riding with Deres. They m
ade good time, though they had remained relatively quiet until breakfast had finished, no one wanting to truly break the peace that was still to be found They were now on a more traveled path, having just investigated a small trading post. Not that Neral and those troops with her would have preferred it to be a burning wreck, but that at least had the virtue of being expected by their experience. It was easier to deal with than the eerie calm that shrouded it as they approached. Even the animals seemed to stay away from anywhere the creatures had been.
Inside, it was much as Maylin had described what she’d witnessed in the village, with anyone who had resisted eviscerated by animals. That Maylin described those animals having once been human chilled to the bone. Faces had been frozen forever in pain, fear, and panic. The sight and sound of insects staking claim and the stench of death was everywhere. ‘It could have been worse for them,’ she’d said soberly more to herself than anyone else. That it was probably true by any sane soul’s reckoning helped nothing.
As they left, they noted that tracks still covered the road, mashed together certainly, but they were clear enough if one knew what to look for. Running footfalls, misshapen footprints, and the telltale of wagon wheels painted a picture. Then there were the bodies and carcasses on the side of the road scattered about. The creatures found a group fleeing, or perhaps a caravan leaving the post not long before it was attacked. The remnants of humans and beasts remained along the road and examinations of both suggesting it had happened not long before as bodies were still warm as Neral and Kress examined them.
‘We could catch them, sir.’ Kress said, closing the eyes of an older woman who would no longer be using them, bloody paring knife in hand. Kress admired her. She had no hope with such a weapon, but she gave her last anyway. ‘Maybe.’
Neral shook her head. ‘Not in a bum’s rush from behind. ‘We’d probably end up like them.’ She called to Maylin who who had been wandering, almost scenting the air like an animal herself. She walked over calmly, deciding to focus on Neral’s dark eyes rather than any of the carnage around them.
‘Can you scout ahead without being detected?’
Maylin nodded, now pleased to have something to do to perhaps put this right. ‘I expect so.’
‘Do so. Find them if you can and make mark of the land. ‘If there is a place to take them on that gives us the advantage I want to know it.’
Her face drifted toward concern in the way her jaw set. ‘If we engage them, she’ll know we’re here.’
‘She’ll know that anyway when we come knocking on her door. I assumed that she was aware of us as soon as we stepped through your doorway.’ Her tone hardened to an order, ‘But if they see you, or sense you, or you think they might, return to us. We’ll be riding ahead on the road keeping our pace. Do not engage them alone. Understood?’
She didn’t relish the thought of running under any circumstances, particularly when she could save lives right then, but she had agreed to defer, so she did. ‘Yes, General.’ Neral had turned her head to examine another victim and when she turned back Maylin had vanished. It tensed Neral almost as much to see how uneasy her two had become as they wandered the road together steps from her. She dared to think ‘nervous’ but that didn’t help her. ‘Are you two all right?’
He worked through his discomfort. ‘There’s just a lot of magic here is all, and sort of more than I expected. We must be close to a large ley line or a nexus for several smaller ones.’
Anna, an archer who looked like the wind could blow her away, but moved like quicksilver and was just as lethal with the daggers at her waist as with the bow on her back. ‘Ley line?’
Bryana looked at her as she took a draw from her water-skin before planting the stopper firmly before mounting her horse. ‘The energy from which magic is drawn flows like rivers through the earth in the same way molten rock moves and travels. Indeed, where you can find that molten rock, you have often found, or are at least close to, a ley line. Energy closer to the surface can be tapped, allowing the mage more power and reach, assuming they know how to tap it.’
‘And she knows how?’
‘She knows how,’ Deres affirmed solemnly.
‘But so do you, right, the three of you?’
They each nodded. ‘But right now she’s the one on top of them tapping them,’ Deres said. ‘She has the advantage. As we get as nearer to them we may be able to use them as she does. If we can the odds will even there, but, for now she has the advantage.’
‘You may?’
He looked to his wife. ‘She’ll likely have wards about them so that she is the only one who can tap them that way, just in case. It’s what I would do. If she doesn’t, or our combined power can break the wards, then it gets more interesting.’
‘Entertaining, you mean.’ Bryana said, her lips curled upward. Some of the warriors among her knowing what she meant.
Dion spoke as the party mounted and began to ride. ‘So it’s to her benefit to kill us now. It’s to her benefit to swat us like the bugs we are.’
‘So we move quickly, find a way through, and hurt her how we can.’
Kress’s horse seemed to strut down the path ‘She’s only one mage, we have three. We’ll help you get there, the three of you burn the bitch down in a crossfire, and we all go home. Simple.’ Many of the assembled agreed.
‘May you have the Goddess’s ear,’ Neral told her.
They marched on for a time with Neral continuing to be slightly in the lead. ‘Shades!’ Dalen’s eyes widened from atop her heavy cavalry horse. She had turned her head to the left and Maylin was simply there. ‘Don’t do that, woman!’
‘Apologies.’ She said flatly, making her way to the front to Neral. ‘They took two small wagons, probably what was left out of the post, one with people and the other with supplies. They’re being led by a dozen beast-things, mostly the size of men, though two are the bear-like creatures we saw before.’
‘I sense it, yes.’ Her mood seemed to lighten at the thought of action. ‘To our benefit, they seem intent on following the road and in no rush. There’s a patch of old growth ahead that the road curves to the east to avoid. Ride hard now and we could ambush them from those trees as they leave the turn.’
‘Won’t they be ready for that though?’ Elan asked even as she stretched and flexed her bow arm in preparation. She didn’t speak much due to her youth and upbringing. Her father had taught her that one learned by watching and listening, not talking. Her sea blue eyes with snow white hair made her striking, with her slight frame and soft features making her look younger than her years. That all had caught the eye of the general early on. There was great potential in a soldier so skilled and yet, so willing to absorb the new on its own terms.
‘Maybe. Maybe not,’ Neral answered. ‘We would be, but they seem concerned with tearing apart and taking and, up to now, in these outreaches, I don’t know that they have seen much in the way of resistance. Why rush?’
‘Us?’ Kress quizzed her commander. She was too well-trained to push her views in the open, not that Neral had to ask how she felt. She didn’t have to ask how any of them felt because they all felt the same. Reaching down, she offered her hand to Maylin, who didn’t balk this time, though it still took her a bit to get settled on the back of the beast she was sure hated her.
‘Show me.’
She spurred her horse onward. Even Stenna seemed to want to act, quite happy to unleash her full power on the terrain. It pleased Neral to feel that within her as she rushed ahead with the others behind. As they reached the interception point Neral was already contemplating how she would strike depending on what she saw with her own eyes. They left the road, arcing wide through the grassland, aiming for the treeline ahead.
The ride
winded the horses somewhat, but they were now in a position to wait out the caravan, so the horses would find some bit of rest. Neral left her horse, walking toward the road, getting a view of the lay of the land to pick her entry point. ‘Good job seeing this spot, Mother. We have some height as well.’
‘I’m not a tactician, it just made sense to me. But thank you all the same.’
Neral’s eyes sought who she needed. ‘Anna? Elan? Track back a bit to check their formation, then return.’
‘Yes, General,’ Anna said with a nod before turning to ride out, Elan right behind.
Maylin followed Neral as she walked to Bryana and Deres, deep in conversation. ‘Are you two going to be all right?’
Deres just looked at her. ‘Remember the stories of some of the places I’ve been?’
She nodded.
‘I didn’t always endear myself to everyone there.’ That smile she adored appeared again. ‘That was through no fault of my own, of course.’
‘Of course not,’ Maylin agreed, doing her best to help keep the tension broken. ‘Who could dislike such a sweet boy?’
He shook his head in dismay, his voice weighted with mock sadness. ‘I really have no idea.’
Bryana shrugged off the concern. ‘We’ve sparred. You know I can fight without the magic.’
Neral fought down her own trepidation. ‘We’ve never fought alongside mages before. There’s no one in the kingdoms with any such experience, and a lack of coordination could prove an issue.’
He nodded, his tone more serious. He knew her well enough to know when that lighter tone was going to come off to her as dismissive. ‘Don’t worry, Neral. Fight as you have always done and we shall watch out for one another as you’d expect.’
That was a good enough answer for her before she grinned at them. ‘What I’m really saying is, please, none of you set me on fire?’ An idea suddenly occurred to her. ‘Can you stealth our approach?’
They exchanged glances before Deres answered her. ‘We could make you completely hidden if you wanted.’
She’d expected as much. ‘Invisible part of the way and then only so sound is heard in the last seconds?’
They spoke amongst themselves for a few moments, working out the logistics of who would do what and what the cues might be before the three of them nodded, almost together. Maylin was the one to ask, ‘Why would you want them to hear you?’
Dalen answered as she sat on the ground with her whetstone, making sure her blade edge was satisfactory. She’d always kept her weapons in good order, the act itself was meditative for her more than anything. ‘Because the cavalry will go in first behind the General and even half a dozen horses barreling down upon them at full charge will be like thunder in the air.’
‘Sometimes sowing a few seconds of confusion is more effective against an enemy than a complete blindside,’ Neral told them. Such tactics had been used effectively by her, and against her and her superiors as she rose in the ranks until she’d learned her lessons well.
‘We could throw the sound,’ Deres said. When she looked at him in askance, he filled in the missing pieces. ‘There are some trees on the other side of the road. The cover isn’t nearly as friendly, but an attack could come from there.’
Neral smiled. ‘Them trying to form a skirmishing line with their backs to us would be lovely.’
‘Something not very honorable about trying to line your enemy in a row to hack at them from behind, Dalen told Neral, rising from the ground before she shrugged when Neral waited to see if she’d balk. ‘And if I were facing an honorable enemy, it might bother me.’
‘If there are mages in the party though, they may well detect you before you strike.’
Neral met Bryana’s eyes. ‘Then my own mages are going to have to be faster, aren’t they?’
‘You are always so demanding.’
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Two weeks after Doomsday, Lancaster County, Virginia “We ... have an idea ... a proposal of sorts. Now that we’re all bi ... and very polyamorous, many of us have decided that we want ... to be ... a group marriage. All of us are married to you ... and to each other. What are your thoughts on that, babe?” Hannah urged me, even as we set up camp in a sense in northern Virginia. “So ... this is ... a mutiny,” I teased a bit, but I had to admit that I was flattered ... still, “how many folks...
Two weeks, four days (18 days) after Doomsday, July 24, 2013 Unincorporated Community of Ottoman Lancaster County, Virginia “Here they come ... rather brazenly, too. Then again, they don’t have an angel warning them about us, at least I hope not. That’s a big-ass caravan headed our way, at any rate. Lots of private as well as official police and SWAT vehicles. A small army, or at least a warband of sorts. They have no shortage of manpower ... and firepower, for that matter. Let’s not get...
Minutes later... “We choose you, then. Be our Sheriff. We need one who can set this county straight. It’s been on the wrong path since before Doomsday, even more so since. We need law and order here, and not of the kind that Sheriff Aston Milam gave us. I followed his orders before, thinking that you were a menace, but you actually make sense. Stay ... and be our Sheriff, at least for now,” one of the deputies urged me. “I agree. So does God. You will resume your trek westward in time, but...
Lancaster, Lancaster County, Virginia Six months later... “Well, that’s that. I’m done with this crap. As Johnny Paycheck used to sing, ‘Take this job and shove it.’ Being Sheriff is just not for me, not anymore, not for now,” I smiled as I turned over the badge of the county peace officer to Chief Deputy Stuart Lopez. “That’s fair enough. You gave us six months, long enough to get this county back to some kind of law and order. I can take it from here. I can’t promise that the laws won’t...
To be honest, there wasn’t much happening in Heathsville, just a ghost town due to being far too close to both DC and Lancaster County for most residents’ liking. By now, after six months, all of the population had literally deserted the place. The same proved true of Warsaw, Virginia, and then in turn of Tappahannock in Essex County. Northern Virginia, at least west of Lancaster County, seemed to have become entirely uninhabited so far. Finally, after a week of this, we managed to arrive in...
“Down to a mere ninety-eight folks, what will we do?” I joked as we left Duke and Henry behind with Ida the next morning. “I think that we’ll live, babe,” Autumn teased me while Hannah, Xia Delan, and she kissed my neck and chest. “Yeah, I suppose that we will,” I chuckled. “You’ll lose a lot more before this is done, but you’ll be fine. Evidently, the Almighty has decided to use you as a kind of Johnny Appleseed figure, spreading your seeds all over the place. Literally and otherwise. I...
The next morning... “Madame Forewoman, has the jury reached a verdict?” I turned to the forewoman, who happened to be the former Sunday School teacher and vice-principal to most of the accused. “We have, Your Honor,” Melinda Cutter, the forewoman, showing all of her fifty-seven years through her wrinkles and laugh lines, informed me. “Let the defendants stand and face the court,” I ordered the Twin Lakes Eleven, “Madame Forewoman, what find you?” “We, the jury, in the above and titled...
“And then there were sixty-four,” I acknowledged as we left Twin Lakes at last to spend the rest of our winter in Charlottesville. “Just as prophesied. That should help with the fresh blood or genes, at least, not to mention more hands to help around the town. So, we’ve shed thirty-four more. That’s fine with me. They weren’t meant to be our permanent companions and spouses, that’s all. It was nice while it lasted, but we must move on from them. “Face it, group marriage or not, you’ve...
“So, what went down in Frederick in our absence, anyway?” I asked Charity after we came together at last. Judging from the look on my bride’s face, her post-orgasmic bliss was shaken a bit. We were naked as we basked in the sweaty slickness of each other’s flesh against our skin. Charity looked even more like her Creek ancestors as she nestled her head against my chest, loath as she was to discuss politics when we had just shared such primal intimacy with each other. I caressed her belly, of...
“Mr. Clarke, I presume? I’m Theodore Lansing, Mayor of Charlottesville. This is Sarah Whitman, President of the City Council. These are Councilors Warren Buckner, Agnes Culver, Godwin Marx, Bubba Joe Mackenzie, and Ira Sanchez. On behalf of the Free City of Charlottesville, welcome to our fair city. These are your companions, then?” the most prominent of the city fathers of the depopulated Virginia community, greeted us formally now. “I am Reverend Adam Clarke, a Prophet of Heaven, and this...
Later... The Oak Room, Charlottesville, Virginia “This is one helluva reception, if you don’t mind a Prophet saying so,” I chuckled as I looked around me at the banners welcoming my party to Charlottesville. “Only the best food and drink for an obvious man of God and of destiny. Other clergy have come and gone, but none have aided entire cities and even one whole county in rising from the ashes. That is no small potatoes, Reverend Clarke. Clearly, Divine Providence has brought you here to...
“So, are you two ... an item, then?” I teased Mayor Theodore Lansing of the Free City of Charlottesville. “Well, lately yes, but I naturally wonder if a Prophetess with an angelic father will have any time for a mere mortal like me,” Lansing answered with a self-deprecating joke that poorly concealed his real insecurity. “Oh, hush, you! I wear the pants in our relationship and you know it! I always have! Why on Earth would I want to give that up, sugar? At least with you, I get to boss...
Two weeks later... Free City of Charlottesville My cock dipped in plenty of juices from the dripping wet gash of Sarah Whitman after I entered her for the seventh stroke. Somehow, we were both increasingly drawn to each other and we just had the urge to couple, something particularly difficult to resist until we yielded to it at last. We hadn’t neglected our other partners by any means, but we had fucked a lot over the past two weeks, since just after the banquet thrown in my honor. It...
Two weeks later... (Temporary) Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville “So, we need to figure out a strategy to deal with the damn ASF for real now. Things got pretty crazy already, with the fall of Blacksburg. Those cunts were insane, but Eckart is even more dangerous. His present assault on Richmond just proves how much of a threat he is to us all. The sniper practice is a great start, but we need to take things even further. By the time that Eckart crushes the various gangs that...
28 March, 2014 An Abandoned Methodist Church, Charlottesville, Virginia “Do you, Ted, take this woman, Sarah, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and obey, for better or worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?” I asked Mayor Ted Lansing according to the rather unorthodox wedding vows that Sarah and he cooked up together. She had always been the dominant partner in their relationship, so...
The Oak Room, Free City of Charlottesville, Virginia 28 March, 2014 “So, what do you think of your sister-wives?” I teased Sarah, who winked at me. “Hey, they’re my sisters already, so who better for sister-wives? Why should sibling rivalry and jealousy prevail over sisterly bonding and bondage, among other things? Why can’t I share men with my sisters and drain their balls repeatedly together with them? Why can’t we share that kind of delicious intimacy?” Sarah punctuated her query by...
Wow, my firstborn daughter, I thought as I held little Adah in my arms before turning her back over to the midwife. My sweet wife, Xia Delan Clarke, so petite as always did not look as if she could have endured that grisly business of labor to bring our baby into this world, yet she clearly did. She was drained, sweaty, and weak from loss of blood, but she managed a faint smile as the doctors attended to her. Then Michael came over and touched her forehead, somehow granting her some of his...
The Adam Clarke Divinity School, The University of Virginia, The Free City of Charlottesville, 1513 hours (3:13 pm) local time 18 April, 2014 “And so, my dear students, remember this: it is your sacred duty and honor to build the new world that will follow Doomsday. It is you who will have to do much of the hard work of rebuilding hearth and home, town and country alike. It is you who will bring back civilization to Old Virginia. Just recall that this isn’t the first generation who will have...
Saturday Morning, 19 April, 2014 Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville, Virginia I awoke and wasn’t alone, of course, but that was especially common on weekends, including the sight of my naked and heavily pregnant wives with me in bed. Just because Autumn and Hannah, in this instance, were almost ready to give birth didn’t mean that they lacked a libido. Far from it, in fact. As I might have noted before, they were even hornier than in the past. My blonde nymph and my...
Tuesday, 22 April, 2014 Regional Operations Central Command, Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville “The decision to hold ROCC sessions here in your temporary housing was pure genius on my part, wouldn’t you agree?” Mayor Ted Lansing fished for praise as we sat together with the other principals of the Command. “Naturally, Your Honor. Now, can we get on with the business at hand?” Lancaster County Sheriff Stuart Lopez urged us with the nodding approval of the other local...
Thursday, 24 April, 2014 Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville “And there she is, little Zillah Clarke! Seven pounds, six ounces!” I heard Bonnie exclaim as she held up Autumn’s baby girl born to me. “And here is young Lamech Clarke. Clever dig at the Bible there, to name sons and daughters after the line of Cain rather than Seth,” Ryan remarked as he cut the umbilical cord for my son by Hannah. “Well, it’s more my dig at those who use the Bible to condemn polygamy, even...
Friday, 25 April, 2014 Temporary Clarke Residence, Free City of Charlottesville The road trip to Roanoke was almost under way, but there was one performance left from my “sailor girls” as I enjoyed my final night there in Charlottesville. This meant a musical routine, the last of many performed on my behalf and in my honor. Of all songs, they chose “Sailing” by Christopher Cross, but I wasn’t going to quarrel with their choice. It fit their outfits, after all. “Pleased, my dear Prophet?”...
An hour later Friday, 25 April, 2014 “Do you, Ted, take these women to be your lawfully wedded wives, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” I watched Sarah officiate the group wedding of her own cuck husband to her very own sister-wives. “I do,” Ted gulped now as his first wife, the Prophetess, winked at him. “Do you, ladies, take this man, Ted, to be your...
Eight hours later, Saturday, 26 April, 2014 En route to Waynesboro “How are we doing on time?” I asked Xia Delan, my beautiful Chinese wife who had recently given me my firstborn daughter, Adah. “We’re halfway there already, in fact. We’re making very good time, probably because we’re going at night and switching drivers to keep at it, babe. I adore you, by the way. Don’t ever forget that. I offered to be your concubine and you would have none of that. You insisted that I be one of your...
Ten hours later... Saturday, 26 April, 2014 Roanoke, VA We arrived after considerable delays in Roanoke, to be met as expected by Mayor Austin Bryce and the city fathers ... and their wives, of course. The Glass girls, some called them: Mindy Glass and her daughters, lovely Korean girls. I could certainly see the appeal of them to Austin, to the point that he married them all, made them his brides. Well, with Schumacher Syndrome as he now had, he could take even more women ... and even some...
One month later... Monday, 26 May, 2014 Roanoke, Virginia “So, they’ve been consolidating their gains and absorbing their new recruits, just as we have prepared this defense in depth. It seems that Charlottesville’s defenses are greatly augmented, of course, and that Norfolk, Lancaster, Stanardsville, Twin Lakes, several others, are really putting their pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together now. It’s a genuine defensive line now,” Austin informed me now. “Very well. Very well indeed. Let’s...
Friday, 27 June, 2014 The War Room, City Hall Roanoke, Virginia “This appears to be it, then. The Nazi bastards have sundered the Winfield Scott Line in six different places with their early pre-dawn assault. We had to withdraw to more easily defended perimeters. Of course, that’s precisely why I ordered a defense in depth, in layers like this. Anyway, we’ve already lost several dozen towns, albeit none of great size yet, to this offensive of theirs. May God help whoever lived in those...
NIS Day 1 – After School - Medway High School 2:57pm, Monday, October, 29, 1979 “I’ve got to run and tell Mrs. S that Sammy and I are going to have her spray paint our bodies Wednesday morning,” Tempe said as the two naked girls walked with me and a few others down the side hallway. I was heading to the varsity locker room with my gym bag, while the girls were taking their gym bags up to their lockers. “I’m going to have her do a sexy police woman’s costume on my naked bod,” Sammy...
Phoenix Rising------------------------An adult tale by Miss Irene Clearmont.Copyright 2011 (Nov)Henry is a rich layabout who is just waiting for his twenty fifth birthday so he can claim his inheritance. A massive blowout in a Bahamas casino finds him looking for a little cash and something to allay the boredom. The deckhand job on the small cutter, the ?Phoenix?, turns out to be just the ticket; a ticket on a ride that assumes a serious turn when he starts to uncover the intentions and...
The cycles continued. On the day that our vision was restored, the most destructive girl I knew was creating the most delicious sounds in my ear, sensual kisses and playful bites. “Good morning, my love...” I opened my eyes all at once, because a faint orange glow was evident through my eyelids. It took me a while to recognize what was happening. Perhaps my retinas had gone into hibernation ... Or maybe I was still tired from the extended harvesting outing the previous evening. It seemed...
**************** NOTICE: The full interactive version of this story (with images, music and sounds) can be found here: http://www.tfgamessite.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2902 This story was written mostly for the purpose of demonstrating how an interactive story can be made using the new flash-based tool: Interactive Story Maker (ISM). You can download it from the above link. I hope that some of you great writers will take an interest in using this tool! Note that, since...
The werewolf drifted through the crowd of writhing dancers at the club, Gothic Noire and scowled. Although the moon had yet to rise over the horizon, he could already feel its power calling to his soul right through the brick walls of the club. I’ll have to find someone to fuck soon, or I’ll spend the next month locked in my wolf shape.In the smoked mirrors that lined the club’s walls, his eyes glowed a brilliant predator green, reflecting in the club’s low lighting. He turned his head,...