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By Bob

Chapter 4: The Secret is Out!

Here I was with my underwear at my thighs, my limp cock hanging and still dripping my man juices. My new found friend in my arms still hard, waiting and wanting me to return the gift he had just given me.

We began to move toward the bed when we heard a knock at the door. Damn! Here we go again!

Brandon let go, but this time, put on his underwear that was lying on the floor next to the door before he opened it. I pulled up my shorts to at least be somewhat presentable to whomever was at the door. As Bran turned the doorknob and began to open it, I could see Tom standing in the hall.

"Hey Tom, " was Brandon's greeting. "What ya need?"

Tom's eyes looked at me and then at Brandon. They scanned Bran up and down, undeniably seeing the tent that was very evident to anyone in a 10-mile radius, so I KNOW that Tom saw it. Hell, saw it, he was staring at it! "Ah, just wanted to tell Bob that we were hitting the sack and for him to CUM in quiet," was Tom's reply with a bit of a snicker.

I looked at him with a stern look. He was not only looking Brandon from head to toe, but also me. I felt his look was more than curiosity, but knew better. "I will, Tom. Don't' worry I won't wake you up."

"Good! We have a big day tomorrow. We have a game to win and coach has some thoughts that might help us," Tom related in a matter-of-fact voice. "Oh, and if you're more than a half-hour, don't bother coming to the room. I see Brandon has an open bed."

Was he reading my mind? Damn! It sounded like he was just giving me the okay to spend the night with Brandon. Not that I needed it, but he appeared to know that I wanted to stay with him.

Tom was a great guy. He was our defensive captain and was one hell of a football player. His jet black hair was shoulder length (remember this was the 60's) and the light shone off of it and nearly blinded you at the right angle. His muscles were bulging under the sleeves of his tee shirt and his chest was visibly rippled through the cotton material. He was wearing very tight work-out short and I could see his cock was semi-hard. I had seen him many times naked, not only in the locker room, but we did tend to walk around naked in our room on hot evenings.

Tom was NOT my type. I tended to prefer blond, blue-eyed boys, but if he were my type, I would never say no to playing around with him. I knew, however, that he had this sexy girl back home and was constantly letting us know how great she was in bed.

"Thanks," I answered. "I thought about it since we still have a lot to go over for Brandon's project."

"Well, make sure you get things done and do them right," Tom responded. "Biology seems to be your specialty this evening," he continued with a gleam in his eye. "Hope you have your key cause I'm gonna lock the door."

"Yep, I have it, always do," was my reply.

"Far-out! Oh, by the way. It would be a good idea if you guys lock your door tonight if you're gonna stay, Bob," he continued with a wink and a smile.

At this he turned and closed the door behind him. I looked at Brandon with a 'What did he just say? Did you see that look?' look on my face. Brandon just stared back at me with this shit-eating grin on his face. I began to think I was the only one that found all the innuendo that I perceived from Dave and Tom strange.

As my eyes wandered down to Brandon's crotch, I could see he was still "IN NEED" of my attention. His cock never went down at all during the time that Tom was talking. He was now looking very sexy standing there offering himself to me. I knew I couldn't resist his gorgeous eyes batting at me the way he was at that very moment.

I walked over to him and took his hand. "I think that I just made the decision to spend the night, Brandon. I couldn't leave you like this," I said as I groped his hard cock in my other hand. Walking backwards toward the bed, I dragged Brandon. (Just in case you didn't realize, I wasn't
getting much resistance)

I sat on the bed as Brandon stood there. "Just let me do everything now, ok?" I asked.

He didn't have to answer, as I knew he would submit to my every advance and action. He stood there as I pulled down his tight-fitting boxers, lifting each leg as I got them down to his feet. I tossed them over to the other bed, and just looked at the hard, 7" cock that was plastered against his stomach right in front of my eyes.

I leaned forward and with my tongue licked his balls. He moaned a bit, but certainly didn't move away. My tongue rolled each testicle gently and then made its way to the base of his cock. I glided my tongue up the shaft as if it were a popsicle. Up and down the shaft. Lightly at first, then a bit more rough as my blood began to travel to the lower regions of my body.

The head of his cock was so beautiful. I wouldn't say it was a mushroom head but it rose well above the circumcision cut. Oh, it tasted so sweet. I circled this cock-head with my tongue more than I ever had any other boy that I had been with. This wasn't any boy in front of me. This was MY lover! Did I say that, again?

As I had him deep in my throat, the muscles massaging his cock, I placed my hands on his ass. Oh, it was so smooth. I pinched ever so slightly and he jumped. I don't know if it was because of my pinch or the pleasure he was feeling with his cock buried in my mouth. His smell was incredible as I had his pubic hair right at my nose. It was a delight that I will always remember.

I began to lean back on the bed. My feet were flat on the floor as my knees bent to allow me to lay down. I pulled Brandon with me, working his cock in and out, not breaking rhytymn as he straddled me on the way down. He began to thrust his hips to the pace of my sucking and reached back and took my dick out of my shorts. His touch sent shivers up my spine - shivers of
pleasure and lust and love and just plain enjoyment.

As we lay there enjoying each other I couldn't help remember what Tom said as he left. "It would be a good idea if you guys lock your door tonight if you're gonna stay, Bob." It rang through my head and I couldn't shake it. It wasn't a bad idea or anything that I should read anything into, but it began to bother me.

Brandon continued to play with my cock, spitting on his palm to lube it up for more pleasure. He looked down at me sucking him with a very concerned look.

"Ok. What's the matter, hunny?" he questioned. That was the first time that he called me a pet name and I loved it.

"Nothing! Why do you ask?"

"I can see that you have something on your mind. Thought I would be enough to keep your thoughts busy," he quipped.

"Oh, Bran. You are."

"Well, then why the serious look on your face?" he questioned.

"Just thought we should lock the door as Tom suggested," I said with a bit of a raised inflection in my voice to see if he had any concern about it.

"Yep, we can. But are we going to sleep yet?" he asked with a smile on his face.

With that he scooted off of the bed and went to lock the door. Seeing him stroll back from locking the door being led by a cock that was rock hard was funny. I giggled.

" So, you think I'm funny?"

"Oh, not at all. It's just that your hard cock ....."

With that he re-straddled me and presented his cock for my pleasure. Again, I was not going to ask questions or deny him what he was looking for. He thrust it into my mouth and down my throat with so much force, I gagged, for the first time today. He wasn't the biggest guy I had every sucked, but I was not prepared for what he did.

As I was sucking him he was playing with me bringing me to full erection. His saliva lubed up my cock head and the pleasure I was receiving I cannot put into words.

Suddenly, he slid himself back so that my cock was just pressing against his hole. He had lubed it up so fine that the tip just broke into him ever so slightly.


"Shhhhh," he said as he put his finger to my lips.

With that I realized that he had suddently taken control of the evening. He leaned back slowly, leading my cock into him. It felt so erotic. I had fucked a guy before, but this was different. This feeling was much more intense. My emotions weren't lust at all. I had NO desire to plunge my cock deep into him, but to let him guide me in, at his pace.

He let out a few moans as I could tell I was a bit large for him, but they didn't seem to indicate that he wanted to stop what he had started. He slowly guided my cock up into him centimeter by centimeter. It seemed like both and eternity and a fraction of a second until his ass was rubbing my balls and my cock was as deep as it could be in him . The look on Brandon's face was a combination of euphoria and pain. Anyone who has been fucked for the first time could empathize with the total emotions going through both of us at that moment.

I was at his mercy at this moment. My blood was rushing so fast that I could feel my heart leaping from my chest. Here was this gorgeous boy I had really only known now for about 5 hours, riding me and making me feel like a king. He was moving so slowly that I could feel the muscles of his ass grabbing my hard swollen cock with each movement.

"You feel so fantastic inside me," Brandon said. "I have never felt anything so wonderful."

"My love, you make me feel so good too," was all I could respond.

As he maneuvered up and down my cock, my legs began to tighten. The muscles in my stomach ached, as I could feel what was to be the ultimate sensation of the day. I was holding his cock in my hand, keeping the rhythm of his ride with each stroke of my hand. I knew that my load was about to blow, but was trying to hold out as long as humanly possible. His face showed his pleasure ---- mine showed my devotion to this oh so wonderful boy. I adored Brandon,
I now knew that, and I was never going to let him go.

Our breathing became quick, even labored. I felt in my hand the flow of semen before it even hit my face. I could sense the rise of the fluids that were about to burst into him. We both looked at each other, deep into one another's eyes. As we both ejaculated our juices onto and in each other, a sigh came over each of us. It wasn't a loud moan, barely distinguishable to anyone by the man in front of each of us. We knew, at that moment, that a special bond had just occurred that no on could ever take from us.

Brandon was moving so very quickly as my cock exploded. If I had been in the open rather than surrounded by his love canal, I would have hit the ceiling with the force of this eruption that I was experiencing. Brandon shot so much cum on his first spurt that it hit the wall behind the bed, before his second, and third, and fourth spasm hit me on the forehead, nose, and OH HOW
WONDERFUL, my mouth. I was shaking so, but the taste of him engulfed my tongue. The sweet/sour taste was ambrosia to me. To this day I can taste him as I remember this astonishing moment.

We both were spent, as they say, from this experience. He fell toward me as our lips met. He was still surrounding my cock with himself as I began to shrink within him. We kissed for what seemed an eternity. His cock was beginning to shrivel between our stomachs. My mind was focused strictly on Brandon. It was as if, by what we had shared with each other in this split
second of our lives, brought us together as one forever. I couldn't imagine a more wonderful or fulfilling occurrence could ever happen to me again.

"Oh, you sexy thing you," Brandon whispered in my ear. "Bob....... I love you."

"And I love you Brandon," came out of my mouth. I had never said that to anyone except to my parents, and that love, as we all know is nothing like what he and I had just showed toward each other.

He slowly lifted himself up and off of me and rolled to his right side. His left arm remained around my chest as we just lay there holding each other. His left leg was lying between mine and the touch of his thigh on my cock began to give rise to another hard-on for this day. I used every trick I could to not come to full erection but it was to no avail. So much for my tricks!

We lay there so peacefully that we both began to fall asleep. I was kept awak hearing the rhythmic tone of his breathing as he fell into a very somber sleep. I couldn't move. I didn't want to move and disturb him at this moment, as I didn't want it to end. His arm clenched me but I managed to roll onto my left him to face him. My arm, around his back, kept him close to me. I wanted to close my eyes, but watching him sleep was too important to me. I wanted to etch this moment in my mind. "We don't get many moments like this," was the only thing I remember myself thinking.

Finally, my body caught up to my mind and I fell into a deep sleep. I began to dream and the events of this day kept rolling through my mind. I wondered if it was a dream or reality, or what I thought was reality was a dream. I knew better. I feel in love for the first time in my life this day and I wasn't going to let anyone take away from me this euphoria that each of us was lucky enough to have found.

Suddenly, I awoke! I heard a noise coming from the hallway outside the door. It was pitch black in the room and I knew we had been asleep for quite a while. I still was holding Brandon close to me, but I wanted to get up to see what the commotion was from what I thought was my room.

I slowly removed his arm from around me and scooted off the edge of the bed. My eyes adjusted to the dark and I fumbled around the floor for something to put on. I found some shorts and slipped them up over my hips. As I made my way to the door, I stumbled on a pair of shoes and just caught myself before I fell to the floor. As I started to get up, I found a shirt and put it on.

I opened the door and noticed that my room was wide open. I heard some rumbling and I could hear Tom's voice. He sounded very excited about something, so I went to see what was happening.

Standing there hitting each other and hugging were Tom and his older brother Jon. I suddenly remembered that this weekend was Alumni week and Jon had come down from Minneapolis to watch the game and hang with us. From what I had heard, this was the biggest event held at CBS all year long where the alumni come back and parties are held all over campus. In the public schools it would be called Homecoming, but this being an all-boys institution, that
name was replaced. However, in all ways this was exactly that. After the game on Saturday, there was a dinner and a dance. It was supposed to be a great weekend, even if we were a pathetic team.

"Hey there stud," Jon barked. "You been taking care of my little brother here?"

"Hey Jon. Sure have, as much as I can."

"Well, I came down to see you guys whip the crap out of Oskie and then party-hearty," Jon quipped as he came toward me to slug me on the shoulder. I couldn't believe that he hugged me, but he was a very touchy feely guy. We had met after the first game of the season when he was visiting. We had a great time and he paid for a great dinner at the local country club.

"So, where were you?" he questioned.

"Oh, I was across the hall helping a friend with some biology. Has Knop and can't understand what he wants from this semester project."

"Go figure," Jon stated. "Knop has NEVER been easy to follow. Almost flunked me my sophomore year until....."

"Hey Jon, enough of that," Tom jumped in.

"Yea," said Jon. "Enough of school. What about the game? You guys ready?"

"We sure are, Jonny. With Bob here now, our defense is very tough and with a couple of guys comin up this weekend, we should be even tougher," said Tom.

I looked over at Tom, astonished at what he said. "Guys comin up?" I questioned.

"Oh, yea," Dave said sarcastically. "You can REALLY keep a secret, Tom, cant' ya?"

"Ok. Ok, so I fucked up," Tom said. "Bob, that's what coach wanted to see me for. He is gonna bring up Jerry and Brandon because Casey has that pulled groin."

"What? Brandon is going to play against Oskie with us? On Varsity?" I said trying to hide my excitement. I knew that he was the best linebacker on the sophomore squad and had hoped that he would come up to play when I heard about Casey, but didn't think they would do that. Two seniors would be replaced by a couple of sophomores during the last home game of their career.

"Can't tell him yet Bob. Please," pleaded Tom.

"Don't worry, I won't. I know the coach wants to, but it will be hard," I said.

"Yea, like that is the only thing that was hard today," Dave interjected.

I gave him a dirty look, but I didn't know why. He seemed to know more than I wanted him to, but he also seemed cool with what Brandon and I had been sharing.

Tom added, "Thanks. He didn't want to tell me who he was bringing up. Coach asked me who I thought and the first guy I could think of was Brandon. He is a stud that we need," he added with a smile.

Tom didn't have to tell me about Brandon being a stud. I knew that way better than he did. But of course, he meant as a football player, didn't he?

"So, where can I sleep, guys?" Jon asked.

"Hey, Bob," Dave added. "Isn't Keith gone? Can't you stay in Brandon's room since you guys are studying and Jon can crash here in your bed."

"Great idea," Tom added.

"Sure I can. It's gonna be a long night anyway. Jon, take the bed. Just be careful not to wet it tonight," I joked.

Again, he slugged me. I started to turn to leave and Dave came up behind me an put his arm around me.

"Bob, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure, Dave. What's up"

He led me into the hall guiding me around with his arm as if we were dancing and he were leading. He seemed different, suddenly, very serious, which for Dave wasn't a normal trait. He led me to the stairway and out to the 2nd floor balcony.

"Bob, you seem very happy all of a sudden," he began. "Can I ask you a question?" Feeling a little self-conscious I nodded my head yes.

"Are you and Brandon goofin around?" he asked. "Doesn't bother me, but you have to be careful with Jon here," he continued.

I was a bit miffed. This was the first time anyone every accused me of being queer, which of course I was. But this was 1966 and Gay Pride had yet to surface.

"Listen, I have to tell you something, but you can't tell Tom, ok?"

"Like you didn't tell him about Brandon and me?" I said with a very gruff voice.

"Hey, I didn't, believe me. He actually is the one that told me, Bob," he said.

I was very confused. Verrrrrrrry confused!

"What? You are the one that walked in. I didn't seen Tom till he came to ask us to Luigis."

"No, Bob, you didn't. Remember when I told you it was a good idea to lock your door?" he asked.


"Well, Tom walked in on you and Brandon before I came over. He saw you and Brandon in one hell of a 69."

My heart sank. How did he see that? Why didn't I see that? Were Brandon and I so involved that we didn't notice? I remembered that I was facing away from the door, but Brandon had a direct view of the door. He didn't see and not tell me, did he? At that very moment I was very confused, embarrassed, mad, and wondered why he didn't say anything to me.

True, I didn't ask him anything. But why didn't Tom at least make a comment. Was he going to come down on me? No, if he was, he would have already. I was hoping that this didn't ruin anything, but I couldn't help think that a lot had changed today. Not only between Brandon, but between my roommates and me.

"Oh, wow, Dave. I'm a bit embarrassed about this, you know."

"Why? What is to be embarrassed about? You and Brandon were having some fun, that's all," Dave responded.

"Dave, it's a bit more than that for me, I think," I offered as an explanation. "I really care about him, a lot!"

He put his arm around me. "Yes, I could tell. You two make a good couple, but I think I said that already," he laughed.

"Yes, you did, but I didn't know what you meant, except that you were teasing."

"Listen, Bob, I knew you and Brandon would hit it off. He and Keith were roommates last year and Tom and I were in the room next to them. I had a feeling that Brandon was interested in guys, then," he continued. "He didn't come on to anyone, but when they guys would joke about jacking off and blow jobs, he seemed like he was flustered."

"Dave, I don't know what to say, other than what I have."

"Don't say anything. And, don't worry about Tom. He's cool with it. TRUST me," he emphasized. "Now, get back with Brandon and have a good night, but be careful about Jon. He would freak."

"Thanks, Dave. You're a good friend, you know that?" I said with a hope in my voice that he would still be my friend.

"Hey, stud," he grinned. "Let you know a secret. I wish it were me."

"With Brandon, you mean?"

"No. You!" he said. "When you came here, Tom and I felt you were a big-city asshole. But, you proved us wrong, for sure. And, if I were queer, you'd be the one I'd want."

I put my arm around him and gave him a big hung. He did the same and shoved me toward the door.

I walked to Brandon's door and slowly opened it. He was still there, asleep as I left him. He looked so cute lying there on his back totally naked. I was hoping he were dreaming of me because his cock was plastered against his stomach.

I closed the door and waited till my eyes adjusted again to the dark. I slowly walked over to the side of the bed and lay next to him. I put my arm around him and began to let my mind wander. I thought about what Dave had said about wishing it were him. Was he interested in me in a sexual way? I think he was, but he was not my type, at all.

The man next to me provided me with all the late adolescent feelings that I could handle. My life thus far was typical. My sex life, very active. But that was the budding of a sexual being stirring to experiment and enjoy all that there was to a new-found hobby.

But that was then. Now I had a man that I truly cared for who cared for me as well. He was right next to me sleeping like a baby. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I scanned from head to toe. He was beautiful and all man. I was again getting a desire to wake him up and make love to him again, but I knew that there would be plenty of time for that in the future.

Right now I just thanked my maker for bringing us together that day. What had started out as another school day wound up to be the most wonderful day of my life. I would treasure what Brandon and I had found for many years to come. I hoped that we could move forward with our lives together.

Holding him close I drifted into a sound exalted sleep. My dreams that night, I knew, would be of him and that in itself allowed me to know that life was indeed wonderful.

NEXT: The Big Game – Chapter 5


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Mentoring Brandon Chapter 91

By Bob Chapter 9: The Game is Over I slept well that night. I really needed it too, since the game was going to be very grueling and was very important to all of us. As the biggest game at CBS any year, this year would be crucial to all of us. We weren't a very good team, and beating Oskie would make our season, we all knew that. I knew we had a very good chance after watching the films. We actually had a couple of secret weapons in Jerry and Brandon. Oskie didn't know that we had...

2 years ago
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Mentoring Brandon 3

By Bob Chapter 3: An Afternoon to Remember! "Are you okay with this?" I asked Brandon as I was sliding my fingers closer to his manhole. "Oh, yes, it feels good," was the reply I wasn't really expecting. I thought, with him having never been with another male before, this might be a bit too much. But, with his verbal reaction, as well as the reaction I was feeling with my fingers, I knew that he was ready. As he continued to bring me up to a full erection after our first ,...

4 years ago
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Mentoring Brandon Chap 5

By Bob Chapter 5: The Big Game, Part 1 Morning came too soon. I didn't want this night to end, but as the sun shone through the window my normal instincts to wake up were initiated. I turned to find Brandon also beginning to awake. I put my arm around him and kissed him. It was almost like Sleeping Beauty, because as I softly pressed my lips to his, he awoke. "Ummmmm," is all I could distinguish. "Good morning my love," I whispered. "Time to get up, Bran." "As if I'm...

1 year ago
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Mentoring Brandon 2

By Bob Chapter 2: My Dream Comes True! A knock on the door - FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk to answer the door when Dave jumped out of his bunk and ran over. As he opened the door, I saw Brandon standing there in the hallway. "Hey Dave. What's up?" the voice I had been waiting for resounded. "Not much guy, just doing some crap for history," was Dave's reply. "Yea, hear that. Actually I need...

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Mentoring Brandon Chapter 6

By Bob Chapter 6: The Big Game, Part 2 This was the practice to end all practices, or so we were told. The coaches were going to make sure that we all were ready for the game with Oskie. Coach Kistner, the defensive line/linebacker coach worked the varsity group, while, Coach Marsh was with Jerry and Brandon, teaching them their responsibilities in the new system. After 45 minutes, we took our first break. Brandon came over and we all knelt down trying to catch our breath. We began...

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Mentoring Brandon Chap 7

By Bob Chapter 7: The Coming Out! The next thing I remembered was Brandon's voice. "No, no, not this. Oh, please. Coach, Coach," he yelled. "Bob's God, he's out! I don't want to loose him! Help him, Coach...Help him!" Coach Marsh came running onto the field. Along with him was the trainer and luckily, for me, the team doctor. Brandon was kneeling on my left side, holding my head and talking to me. Coach Kistner was keeping most of the team away, but Tom and Dave were...

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Mentoring Brandon Chap 8

By Bob Chapter 8: Did it Really Happen? I remember dreaming about what had happened all day. I was hurt, my roommates came out to me as to their love for each other and I had my first experience with a man inside me. It was a very interesting day. I knew that the days to follow could never measure up to what this day had brought to my life. There was a knock at the door. Not just a knock, but a banging that startled both Brandon and I out of a very deep sleep. We both jerked up in bed...

1 year ago
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Mentoring Brandon Chapter 11

By Bob Chapter 11: Being True to My Love and Myself "Ah, Jon, can we talk somewhere else," I said knowing that chances were that others would be coming into the bathroom. "Sure, let's take a walk," Jon said as he made his way to the door. "Maybe we can hit the lake and talk." There was a very bright glimmer in his eye as he said that. I wasn't sure whether that was a good idea, but getting out of the washroom was. I followed him as he made his way down the stairs. As we left...

2 years ago
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Mentoring Brandon Chapter 12

By Bob Chapter 12: Fantasies Finally Realized As I drifted off into a deep sleep I couldn't help but think about what Bran and I had talked about. I knew I was more experienced than Brandon in the area of sex, since I was his first sexual experience. I also could tell that he was quite intrigued about a multiple sexual experience. I also believed that would be a lot of fun, but I didn't want to push too hard, since I didn't want to loose the love of my life. I was just about...

2 years ago
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Mentoring the Intern

I hadn't liked the program at first, not a bit. It had started years ago with the "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" craze, when we had surrendered one working day a year to well-intentioned but nevertheless unproductive social engineering. Still, had it been up to me, I might have tolerated that annual waste of time, as proud mothers and fathers paraded their ever-so-bright daughters through the workplace for eight-odd hours of glorified babysitting. But this new program was just too much –...

1 year ago
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Mentoring Brandon Series Chapter 2

A knock on the door – FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk to answer the door when Dave jumped out of his bunk and ran over. As he opened the door, I saw Brandon standing there in the hallway. “Hey Dave. What’s up?” the voice I had been waiting for resounded. “Not much guy, just doing some crap for history,” was Dave’s reply. “Yea, hear that. Actually I need to talk with Bob about my science. He has Mr. Knop and I know that he...

2 years ago
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Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate! if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgendered or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Mentor By Patricia Ashley Beakman had often felt out of place in her first year of college. She was pretty but not quite beautiful, her red hair and green eyes tempered by an angular face and sharp features. She was...

3 years ago
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Mentor By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Featuring characters from The Julieverse Chapter 1 Richard Greene arrived at his small apartment near the University of Connecticut and opened up his mailbox. He was getting ready to finish up his second year and he was looking forward to the...

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Sit on my face baby

He's trailing soft kisses up my cheek, to my ear. "Sit on my face baby.""We may have to put some towels down." I say with a chuckle. "Then get the towel, I'm ready to taste you." His tongue flicks out and he licks my ear then. I can feel his long blond hair tickling my exposed chocolate skin. My nipples harden instantly, the soft flesh gathering into tight peaks. I stand up and grab a towel to lay down on the bed. With a smile, he lies down, fanning his hair out and preparing himself to be...

4 years ago
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for lynn

I had wanted to be a lifeguard for as long as I could remember. I had been swimming since I was a young c***d and always enjoyed it, was pretty good too winning many competition events in the junior categories. However my desire to get into this line of work increased significantly when puberty happened and I started to notice the girls I was swimming with, in particular the wonderful changes that were happening to their chests. I quickly discovered I was a tit man and ended up spending most of...

2 years ago
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I stood in the darken house, my heart beating rapidly as I awaited the arrival of my victim for tonight. I was sweating a little with this mask on my face, I was dressed in all black. I felt in my pocket and fingered the blindfold and handcuffs I had there, I was as ready as I would be. I saw the headlights flash on the wall as she drove her car into the driveway. I heard her car door close as she got out of her car and headed to the front door, I was waiting right behind the door. She stuck...

4 years ago
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Scenes From an AffairScene 6 19811984 ChicagoBoston

Marisol had always been transparent with Phil. Only one thing in her life had she concealed besides her whereabouts, and it was the most important. In Chicago she let her pregnancy progress as she worked as a maid at a large mansion overlooking Lake Michigan. Her employers, a gentleman in his early fifties, handsome and blond with a developing belly on his medium sized frame, of British heritage, and his second wife, a green eyed, mocha skinned beauty in her mid thirties with black and white...

4 years ago
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Men of the World part 3

Chapter : Five Running Wolf As I left all I could think about was Bright Moon. I began to plan where to go I first thought I would steal from the Comanche...But no they were my people. I next thought about the the Tonkawas or the Krankawas but I had been told by the Medicine man that if captured they would eat me and keep me alive while they did it. I completely disregarded the full Apaches and decided on the Kiowa Apache. A fierce but honorable people. Besides they were almost the...

2 years ago
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My Sali My Love 8211 Part 6

Hello everyone. This is Avi Maheshwari, and this part is in continuation of the last part where we had sex in the shower. I and Anki (my sali) were discussing how we needed to nurture our relationship and manage it while hiding our sexual relationship with everyone and being happy with each other in a long-distance relationship. Now, let’s continue on our sexual journey together and enjoy. I was caressing my sali Anki’s hair. And she was just giving light pecks on my chest and shoulders. My...

1 year ago
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Power play

Carl Tyler is on patrol on foot in the town centre. As he walks past an alley, he sees a movement further down. A figure wearing, adidas trackies, black hoodie with a cap, & Converse trainers is trying the handle of a parked car. Tyler is well muscled and confident and quietly walks up behind the figure and taps him on the shoulder, the lad seeing Tyler mutters under his breath "oh fuck" he kicks the floor with his converse and smiles cheekily at the cop, "fucking red handed eh bro" he raises...

4 years ago
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Rock the CradleChapter 5

Mr. Thomas wakes up to the sound of morning birds outside his window and with a rock hard cock, throbbing beneath the covers. He looks over to his student, with whom he had one of the most wonderful nights with. Though he fucked her at her house, they couldn’t risk, or rather he wouldn’t risk, staying the night. Here at his place, there isn’t a worry. What is wonderful is the fact he was able to spend the entire night with her. And so far there is nothing better than waking up next to the...

1 year ago
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Caught in lingerie

Caught in lingerieIt was in and around early seventies I was working at a large house in the country, the lady of the house was absolutely stunning and her husband well to put it bluntly a real ars, he tried at all times to make his wife look a complete waste of space, I have not a clue as to why she put up with him.well as I was doing the job they had employed me to do, it was a day like any other day I was up stairs working when she came in to the small box room with tea and biscuits I said...

4 years ago
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A Lesbian Love Affair Chapter 1 of 7

A Lesbian Love AffairThis story is based on nothing more than my wild imagination and a few plot themes suggested by an XH user. The characters, names, and places are not based on a single fact.I wrote this to please an XH acquaintance; she is NOT on my friends list. She challenged me to write this story. Her challenge was this, it MUST be a lesbian love story, it could NOT include any narrative about sexual contact between a man and a woman, and although she said I could seek help in...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 38

Our Cousins' houses were very similar to our Parents' houses, as each of our Cousins has five children. Even though there are only four of them who are married to the current Grand Master of the Union and his Brother, they have twenty children between them: four sets of male twins, four sets of female twins, plus each one had a single child, so there were two more male and two more female children. They only visit us occasionally any more, as their children are similar in age to the...

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Girls night out gone wrong

I watched her moving her body on the dance floor. It was flawless! She was about 30 yrs old, 5’10”, 135 lbs, with long shapely legs that curved their way up to a beautiful perfect shaped ass. Her breasts looked store bought and I guessed they were 34Ds. Her body was in great shape with perfectly sculpted arms, legs, and abs. She obviously spent several hours a day in the gym. She was brunette with long hair that flowed down her back. She had big beautiful blue eyes and full red lips. Little...

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Shilpi Bhabhi 8211 Part I

I have been reading stories on this site from last few months regularly and finally decided to write down my own experience. I’m not revealing the real names and locations; but yes the facts are very similar to what I have written. I don’t know how good a writer I’m, but I am trying my best to write down what I have experienced on the introduction of entirely new world of sex. I am Rajesh and it’s my life’s first sexual encounter, and particularly in this time period I lost my virginity and...

2 years ago
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We Are the Chosen

*Note to readers. This is a shorter, more erotic version of a longer story that I'm writing so please remember that it is copyrighted. To keep it from being any longer than it already is, I've taken out a lot of the background. Tho it is set in the future, a few of the words, some spellings, and some usage are from early Middle English (that's some of the missing background). Thou/Thu, thee, thy, thine are used. The archaic 3rd personal singular hast and needeth are used as well, otherwise...

4 years ago
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The Brat

The Brat ? SFCityDom ? 2006 The Brat ? SFCityDom ? 2006 8:10 Wednesday Morning Enjoying my morning coffee, I hear her off-key singing as she comes down the stairs. With the slapping sound of her bare feet landing on the hard floors, I look over my newspaper and see her dance to music I can?t hear.  She makes her way into the kitchen, pours herself a glass of orange-juice and makes herself some toast. ?You came in late last night.?  ?Uh.? ?Take those damn things off!? She makes a face at...

4 years ago
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Punk Slut Sista

This is one of my craziest story if u enjoy it . C'mon Billy, it'll be fun," Jenny urged me."I'm not sure," I shrugged, "It sounds cool and everything but...""Not scared are you?!""No!""Then come on then! Come ooon!" Jenny whined, grabbing my arm, "I hate going there alone, it sucks. I can't go with that twat of a boyfriend anymore 'cos he's not my boyfriend anymore since he met that fucking cunt he's now banging.""So you're dragging me there so you don't look like a sad recently-dumped...

2 years ago
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The Cardboard Fort

I discovered at a young age that I had a desire to wear female clothing, but not just any clothing, it had to be silk and or satin. I thought maybe it was a phase I was going through. I figured if I ignored these desires they would pass. Ignoring them didn't work and they became more intense. I often found myself sitting and staring at the lingerie section of the large Sears catalogue with the same intensity as I once perused the toy section. The images on the slick pages of full and half...

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My Maria Scene 6

Saturday dawned with such promise. Maria’s husband had taken the boys for an overnight to the Sierra foothills. Maria and I decided to spend the day together thinking about how to take our life together to the next level. We were neighbors who had become friends and shared our days and some nights together with her friends. It all started innocently with me watching Maria entertain her friends in the Play Room of her home. I gradually stopped watching and became a participant in the games. I...

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A Private Function

Teddy Carson had always moved through the upper echelons of polite society. His father was an Earl and Teddy was really just playing at being a student until he inherited the title and the seat in the House of Lords. To relieve the monotony of mixing with the plebs, he decided to form a rather exclusive club. He came to this decision one night whilst drinking in the back bar of Burlington Berties, a notorious drinking den opposite the King’s Theatre. A friend had suggested calling it Burlington...

College Sex
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Priti Chachi Ki Chudai 1

hello freinds my self rahul main aaja aap logo ko ek sachi kahani suna ne ja raha hu jo mere sath kuch hi dino pehle hui thi .meri family kafi badi hai or ye kahani ha meri choti chachi preeti ki .mere chacha ki shadi ko hue lagbhag 8 saal ho gaye hai.lagbagh 8 saal se me meri chachi ka dewana tha aur un ko chodna chahta tha meri chachi jin ka figure dekh the hi sath kisi ki paint gili ho jaye aisa tha 36-28-36.jab chachi nayi nayi aayi thi to boh mujhe kisi na kisi bahane se apne dudh dikha ti...

2 years ago
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A chance meeting in the Paris metro

I have been living and working in Paris for over ten years now and like most Parisians I use the métro as it is the easiest way to get around the city. Besides, if you take your car, you always end up sitting in a traffic jam, stopped at one of the lights (every 100 metres it seems) and parking is rare. That Friday evening I was standing in the métro (no seat available of course) on my way home from work and looking forward to getting home to my flat and having a nice glass of wine. I was...

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8Chan 8Kun, also known as 8Kun aka 8Chan is basically the retarded cousin of 4chan, a website famous for it's weird, sexual and horrifying content. It's has everything 4chan has, but it's much, much worse. You will find loads of threads on this page, and once you spend enough time in here, you will never be the same. One of the many things that might come off as "alarming" is the "Tor" icon you will find once you check out the top of the page thoroughly.The design of the page might be slightly...

Porn Chan Sites
3 years ago
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Chatty Kathi Part Two

The next day at work I had Kathi on my mind and the time crawled until lunch. I had parked my car at the far end of the parking lot hoping for a very nice phone call with my sister-in-law.Lunchtime came and I walked briskly out to the car. I rang Kathi's number on my cell phone. It rang one time, in fact it was in the middle of the first ring when I heard Kathi's anxious voice "Hello?". Smiling I said "Hello Baby", in my most lascivious voice. Kathi , breathing heavily, said "I've been...

2 years ago
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Something BetterChapter 5 Thursday to Tuesday

Thursday morning dawned wet and windy. The christening went ahead as planned but the weather was so bad Gladys was unable to see what was happening in the Manse and took no pictures of birds, feathered or fleshy. That morning Mary endured another couple of Pip's "doubles". The first was when the rapists forced both of their cocks into her vagina at the same time. The youths made a game of it. There was no foreplay. Mary was stretched on the kitchen floor on her back with Pip on her left...

4 years ago
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A Blood Moon All Hallows Eve

It was 3 weeks before All Hallows Eve and things just feel different this year. I can't figure out why. My cats are sleeping 23 of 24 hours a day. The remaining hour they want fed. Of course that is only interrupted by a trip to the litter box and a minute or two of actually showing a little gratitude to me. That is as long as I clean the litter box and have their food ready in their dish when they want it. The people I work with seem normal enough and our workplace sexual encounters haven't...

3 years ago
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Chrissie goes to Camp Pt 2

Chrissie Goes To Camp Part 2I dealt the cards and after each guy took his draw and discarded they threw in there cards and Brady had won the first hand with a pair of eights. I leaned back in my chair and extended my right leg upon the table top. Bradyunbuckled the strap of my sandal and slipped it off my foot. before I could retract my leg he wrapped his fingersaround my ankle and proceeded to suck each of my toes in turn. The rest of the guys let out whistles and catcallsand I closed my eyes...

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The Watcher

Hurrying leather soled footfalls echo along the otherwise quiet cobbled street. My heavy breathing makes the blood in my ears rush loud as I strain to keep moving. The rows of darkened houses on each side of the ancient back cart path loom into view, one by one as I press onward. Exhaustion would have over taken me a mile back if not for the driving thoughts of that broken down piece of crap I left so far back.Thoughts of why couldn't it make it those last few miles kept resonating through my...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Hot Neighbor

I am Aman from Delhi. This is my first story on iss. I have been reading iss for a few months now & I’m a big fan. Please leave your feedback at () as this is my first story. Let me tell you about myself I am fair, my height is 6 ft and I have a good build body. Now coming to the heroin of my story is lady who lives next door. Let us call her Shruti (not her real name) she was about 5.6 ft tall, very fair complexion (snow white) and had a very nice curvy figure. She had nice round ass and...

1 year ago
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Curse of the Mummy

********************************************************** Here we go again! Popular culture has given me yet another inspiration for a story with a TG twist. Enjoy. I must thank Bashful and Paul1954 for helping me - I got stuck in the middle, and their suggestions were good. Please, please, please take a moment to add a comment. The feedback helps me choose story lines and improve my writing. ********************************************************* Curse of the Mummy --...

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