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Well, girls, here's the latest, possibly the last, certainly the strangest, (though not at first) of the great drag tall tales from Leigh. As always, your comments, good or bad, are solicited. PROMGIRL (Part One) Copyright 1990 by Leigh De Santa Fe It was probably the most nerve-wracking night of Stephen's life. For two weeks he had suffered and agonized over the decision to ask Francesca Esposito to the Mushroom Prom. She had occupied his thoughts constantly from the moment he first laid his eyes on her abundant black hair and her lovely olive skin. Of course she was lovely but she was also an interesting compendium of seemingly contradictory qualities. On the one hand she was extraordinarily bright, a straight A student who maneuvered through difficult courses without any trouble and on the other she was wanton and wild, wearing the most tempting clothing and using make-up in a way that belied her years. When he first saw her it was from the back and her long curly hair fell down her back in big frothy waves which then directed his eyes to her lovely buttocks, squeezed into jeans that held her like a second skin. He followed her down the hall while she chatted vivaciously with her friend, finally turning and dazzling him with her lovely features femininely framed in soft black curls. His heart melted. She was beautiful. Finally Stephen approached her after math class. She looked at him incredulously for a brief moment and then she gave him a sly smile and said, "Yes, I'll go but I know my mother will want to meet you before you take me out. Can you come by next Wednesday night around 4:00 or so." He was ecstatic and this simple hurdle was an easy and even joyful undertaking. He would get to spend even more time with the radiant Francesca. As he approached the house his heart was dancing under his tongue. He would be near her and away from the cruel peers that shaped their rigid roles in school. Now he could show her himself and she would revel in his intelligence and quiet wit. He knocked and after a long pause the door opened a crack. Francesca's face appeared out of breath. He began to sweat and his mouth went dry. "Can you wait for a moment," she said coyly, "I'm not dressed." He blushed and she laughed and disappeared behind the closing door. A full ten minutes later she opened the door and let him in. She was wearing a pink sweatsuit which she managed to turn into a ravishing garment. "I've been trying to sew my dress for the Snowball Prom," she explained. "It's so hard to know when things are the right length unless you wear them and so I've been trying the dress on and changing the hem and trying it on again and well, I never seem to get it right." "It's hard I guess," his sterling tongue divulged. "Hard isn't the word. It's impossible." She looked at him and smiled. He looked down at his feet. "Say, I have an idea," she laughed. "Are you very brave?" "Brave? I guess . . . I don't know." "This could take some bravery." "Sure, I guess. What is it?" "Could you try the dress on for me. It will only take a minute. All I have to do is put a few pins around the hem." "Put the dress on? Oh, I don't know . . ." "Oh come on," she laughed and pulled her hair up behind her head. She was so enchanting. "You're not afraid of being a sissy are you?" she said disdainfully, still toying with her bounteous curls. "Oh, no. I don't think so." "Oh good. Okay, here's a bra and petticoats. Go upstairs and take off your clothes and put these on." "Wait a minute . . ." "You can't put a prom dress on over your clothes and I can't see how it fits unless you're wearing my bra and petticoats. It's that simple. Now go on." She thrust the bra and panties into his arms and pushed him up the stairs. "The bathroom's first door on the right. I'll help you into the dress when you come down. Don't worry. It will only be a minute. Now hurry up." "What was he doing here?" he asked himself as he unbuttoned his shirt. "I didn't want to do this. Why am I doing it?" And yet he continued to undress with the vision of Francesca's beauty spurring him onward. Fastening the bra, a strapless one, took him five minutes. He wound up putting the bra on backwards, fastening it in front and then rotating it until the cups ballooned from his chest. Then he stepped into the tulle petticoats, trying to stifle the noisy rustle he knew was filling the house. But it was nothing compared to the sound as he tiptoed down the stairs, swishing from step to step in an effort to make a noiseless entrance but creating an effect that could only be called demure. Francesca sat below reading a magazine, the prom dress draped over her lap. When the rustle of his petticoats heralded his appearance on the first landing she looked up and smiled brightly. Suddenly he felt ennobled by his act of bravery but nonetheless resumed his shy descent. "You look great," Francesca said without irony. She held the dress open for him to step into, gathering his petticoats and tucking them in, then pulling the dress up over his arms and finally zipping him into the tight fitting strapless gown. It fit him perfectly. Francesca stood back and looked at him. It seemed she was suppressing a laugh but she turned around before he could be sure. "Slip into these," she said proffering a pair of shiny black high heels. "Shoes too?" he said. "Well, I can't tell how it will look in your bare feet can I?" He meekly ascented and stepped into the shoes, wobbling unsteadily. "Now stand up on the chair so I can check the hem." He obliged but only with great difficulty as the tightness of the bodice allowed him no flexibility of movement and the heels no sureness of step. Francesca steadied him with her hand till he regained his balance. Then she stepped back to look at him and smiled widely. At that moment the doorbell rang. Before he could protest Francesca had leapt up and answered the door. It was Bonnie Budd and Suzy Creamer, Francesca's best friends. They looked at Stephen standing redfaced in prom dress and heels and began to giggle. Then they laughed out loud and Francesca joined them. "I can't believe you did it!" Bonnie said. "It was easy. He did everything I asked him to." "He looks like Cinderella up there." Suzy said. Then she walked over to the humiliated boy and said, "Say you're cute. What's your name?" Bonnie had pulled a instamatic from her purse and began snapping pictures of Stephen as though he were a model. Tears welled in his eyes which only added to his dewy girlhood. The doorbell rang again. It was Nancy Kruel. "Did you bring it?" Francesca asked her. Nancy looked over at Stephen and gasped, "Oh, you did it!" "Did you bring it? Francesca asked again. "Yes, here it is," she said, handing a large round box to Francesca. Nancy joined Suzy and they began laughing all over again while Francesca opened the box and pulled out a wig. It was a long brunette pageboy, backcombed for a bouffant look and with long, thick bangs. Francesca took it off the styrofoam stand and handed it to Stephen. "Put it on, girlie." "I thought you . . ." he said haltingly. "You thought I'd go out with you! You're the school's biggest nerd. Put it on!" "No . . . I uh . . ." "Put it on or we'll take these pictures to school and show everyone what a beautiful girl you are! Is that what you want?" Stephen took the wig from her hand and pulled it tentatively over his head. The girls broke out again in gales of laughter. He didn't really look all that ridiculous. Actually the hairless youth seemed rather precious in the strapless satin gown, brunette hair curling under as it reached his naked shoulders. His soft features and full red lips, always a little effeminate on his male face now seemed to glow with a correctness, as though the wig and satin dress had uncovered some deeply feminine beauty heretofore hidden by his maleness. The girls noticed it too. But it didn't stop them from their indelicate teasing. Their hilarity grew ever more boisterous as they thrust new feminine accoutrements on him. Evening gloves, a little black purse, a black silk choker which Suzy had to stand on a chair to fasten for the trembling young boy in a gown and barrettes to pull back his hair. With the addition of each item Stephen resembled less and less the timid boy that had arrived moments before or even the broad burlesque of girlhood and instead was becoming a darling doll, cute perhaps even pretty. The girls' task now shifted subtlely from direct humiliation and cruel teasing to one of Stephen's beautification and they conferred over what would be most becoming on "her." "You know I've forgotten how much fun it was to play with dolls," Nancy said as she fastened a pair of pearl earrings to Stephen's ears. Meanwhile Bonnie continued to snap pictures of the unfolding transformation. Suddenly the door opened and Francesca's mother walked in. Stephen thought, "Rescue at last," as the imposing and beautiful Carlotta Esposito walked unsmilingly over to the Cinderella's chair. Her hair pulled back severely in a bun and her eyes flared with exotic eyeliner, Carlotta needed only a mantilla and castenets to round out her impression as a haughty flamenco dancer. She stood looking up at him sternly and then at the girls. At last she said, "Where's his make up?" Stephen's heart sunk as laughter once again filled the room. It stopped abruptly when Carlotta spoke again, "You little twerp. You thought you could ask my daughter out and now look at you. You're a princess in satin and tulle. What an adorable girl you make." She walked around him, sneering at his helplessness. "You've done very well, girls. He's perfect. A perfect little girl." "He does look good, doesn't he?" Francesca said. "It's a shame we can't put make up on him. He'd really look like a girl then." "Why can't you?" Carlotta said bluntly. "Well, it's getting late for one." Francesca said. "Oh, dear daughter have you no imagination? If you dressed him today, you can dress him tomorrow and the next day and the next. You have the pictures. What can he do? Leave town? I don't think so. No, you can have your plaything as long as you want. Can't they, little darling," Carlotta said, reaching out to tweak the cups of his bra. Stephen said nothing but looked singularly pathetic as his pearl earrings twinkled in the evening sunset. A reluctant Cinderella, he seemed resigned to his dreamdate gone awry while Francesca's beauty seemed only more desirable for its inaccessibility. "I think we should lay down some rules here. First of all, shave your legs, girlie. This is repulsive." Carlotta said as she contemptuously rubbed her hand over the sparse fur on his calfs. "But what about gym class?" he cried. "What about gym class? You're a big girl. You'll think of something. Join the swim team. Then you can shave your whole body. Next I think he should meet here every Wednesday for his 'session' with the girls. The Wednesday Afternoon Girl Club. And one more thing: start growing your hair out, honey. You haven't too far too go. It's already past your ears. One more month and we'll give you a perm. Wigs are fine for transvestites but very unbecoming on real girls like yourself." Raucous laughter. That night Stephen stared up at the ceiling, Carlotta's words ringing in his ears. "Little Darling." "Princess." "A perfect little girl." How could he possibly do what she asked of him. He slept little that first week and when Tuesday night rolled around he found himself locked into the bathroom with a safety razor and a can of shaving cream. Half an hour later his legs were smooth and soft. He couldn't help marveling at how the absence of hair made his legs look . . . feminine. There was no other word for it. He ran his hands over his thighs again and again. Feeling a rough spot he applied more cream and ran the razor over it. Smooth. It was suddenly an exhilarating experience. A depilating experience. He felt his arms and without thinking began to shave them as well. He even shaved the straggly first signs of puberty under his arms. Sleep came easily that night despite the strangeness he felt as the sheets moved against his hairless body. The next day he chewed his nails through every class and tried to avoid the three girls who eagerly awaited the next Girl Club session. At lunch Nancy appeared beside him in the cafeteria and whispered, "Long sleeves for such a hot day. Did you shave, little girl?" And in math class Francesca sent him a note that read, "You're going to look good tonight. Can't wait." He avoided her laughing smile. After school he walked to Francesca's, quite conscious of his hairless body moving against his clothes. What would they do to him today? How could he escape? He knocked quietly on the door. Francesca pulled him in. She was wearing a peasant blouse, jeans and had her hair pulled back with a butterfly clip. She was beautiful. Suzy, Nancy and Bonnie were waiting for him in the livingroom. They pulled the curtains shut and turned on some lights. "Today the girl's club is going to play with their doll. And here's our doll," Francesca announced. "Oooh, he's ugly." "Yuck!" "Strip him!" Francesca turned to Stephen and shrugged, "You heard the girls. It's time to take your clothes off, Dolly." "My clothes? In front of you . . ." "What's the big deal? We're all girls here." "But I'm not a girl." "No, you're not, are you," Francesca said, placing her hands on his shoulders and then sliding them down to his shirt front where they began unbuttoning his shirt. "But you will be." The closeness of her body had the effect of a tranquilizing dart and as her hands moved quickly from button to button he felt as though they were partners in a pas de deux. Obediently he lifted his feet so that she could slide his pants off and then she began to peel off his underpants while the audience of girls watched in rapt amazement at her control of the situation. Soon he stood before them, a naked doll. Bonnie broke the silence. "Who brought the bras?" "I did," Suzy said. She opened a plastic bag full of lingerie and removed out a skimpy black bra. "That's no good. He's going to need an underwired bra with plenty of padding . . . to start with anyhow," Nancy said. "Okay what about this one," Suzy said, holding up a white longline bra whose cups looked full even as they hung from her finger. "Yeah, that's good. Hook him up, Suzy," Francesca said. Suzy approached the naked young boy as though he were prey and the brassiere were a trap. Which it was. A moment later the girls had their venus under construction wired in and cupped out. This was just the beginning, of course. Soon heels, hose and a breathtaking fanny padder were added until the ungainly princess was taking shape, so to speak, before the girls' eyes. The addition of lingerie to his limp and passive male form did more than just append a few feminine curves to his body, it gave him, even from the short distance that the girls viewed him, the look of a doe-eyed ingenue. He could have been a young model between changes, her hair tousled by the quick removal a sweater or a junior miss mannequin with the sloping posture of seductive girlhood. Francesca corrected that problem by standing behind him and pulling his shoulders back sharply which thrust the cups forward into space like white bullets. "That's better. Be proud of your assets," Francesca said, slapping his butt with the back of her hand. "I want to see him walk around in his bra and heels," Bonnie said as she retrieved the camera from her purse. "You heard her. Walk." Francesca said. Stephen took a few steps in his high heels before he tripped over Nancy's extended foot and fell. As he lay sprawled out on the thick pile carpet Bonnie began snapping pictures. "Stay there a moment. You look so helpless. I like it." Stephen turned back to look at her and caught the flash head on. It made a good picture: the brassiered boy, his padded fanny sticking up in the air, white bra straps cutting into his back, his face turned back to the camera, red with shame. Bonnie pulled his leg up so that the heel dangled seductively from his toes and took more pictures. "Smile." Smiling was the last thing he felt like doing but he managed to force his lips into a grimace that when developed later could be mistaken for a lusty leer. It was at this point that Carlotta arrived home from work. She smiled broadly as she saw the padded lad stretched out on the floor. She walked over to the Stephen and knelt down by his head, making sure that he had ample opportunity to look up her skirt, a view unfettered by panties. "Oh girls, girls, girls. You've forgotten the best part: his make up. Take him to the upstairs bathroom and I'll join you in a minute." Carlotta's decisive request brought prompt action from the girls who grabbed their hapless victim by the arms and hoisted him up the stairs. The bathroom was large with a bank of mirrors covering one wall. The girls seated Stephen on a stool facing the mirrors and Carlotta reappeared with a small tote bag bursting with cosmetics. "Oh, this is going to be fun," she said laying the bottles, pencils and jars out on the counter top. "Now I think that the look we're after here is bold and brassy," she said blotting Stephen's face with foundation until he looked like a kabuki actor. When the canvas was totally blank Carlotta began applying her palette of bright reds, vivid blacks and velvety blues. The girls watched in amazement as Stephen's frightened pallor disappeared and was replaced by an exceedingly cheap but quite vivacious mask of sensuality. When the last false eyelash had been affixed Carlotta backed away and Stephen saw himself at last in the mirror. His gasp was audible and the girls exchanged knowing smiles. He face made the strong graphic impression of wanton girlish sexuality despite the emotions of despair and terror he was feeling beneath the mask of powder and paint. The incongruity resulted in a strange mixture of sultriness and vulnerability, a mixture that excited Carlotta and the girls with its new possibilities for humiliation and torture and they hurried to complete Stephen's transformation. "It's wigtime," Carlotta said. Nancy disappeared and returned quickly with the pageboy wig. Carlotta pulled it down snugly over Stephen's head and combed it out. Then she pulled it back tightly and created a poufy ponytail with a length of pink ribbon. "That's more like it. He's a real girl now. Look at him. A ponytail princess." The male erasure was now total. Stephen stared into the mirror looking for a trace of his lost boyness but even the slightest nod of his head seemed a deeply feminine gesture. He did not seem capable of moving without a daintiness, a delicacy borne of his new feminine appearance. This wasn't an outcome that the girls or he had foreseen. However, Carlotta seemed to know exactly what was taking place beneath the crown of dynel curls. She knew that any coarse movements or gracelessly boyish gestures on Stephen's part would violate the virgin in the mirror and make her a mere cartoon of a boy in a bra when in the young man's mind she was already assuming more than the two dimensions he examined so intently in his reflection. "I think she's ready for some clothes," Carlotta said, pulling Stephen out of his revery. "Come on. Let's go into my bedroom . . . girls." The girls were eager to complete the last act of their doll's drama, and beat a hasty retreat to Carlotta's bedroom where they began to rummage through Carlotta's closets for the perfect dress. Carlotta and Stephen remained behind for a moment. His gaze was still affixed to the miraculous image of his girlishness. Carlotta spoke to him softly, "Stephen . . ." He turned to look up at her, a doe-eyed innocent in false eyelashes. "Mommy thinks your a very pretty girl. Let's go find a dress, shall we?" She took him by the arm and lifted him off the stool and they floated, like two heavily made-up angels, into the bedroom. Carlotta sat Stephen down on the edge of her enormous bed while the girls brought up sweaters and skirts, dresses and gowns for Carlotta's approval. None of the sexy outfits they selected seemed to appeal to Carlotta's exacting taste and finally she went to the closet and selected a summer sun dress with a wide skirt, puffed sleeves and a demure scoop neckline. Soon Stephen was modeling the sun dress for the girls who now sat on the bed whispering and giggling as he turned round at Carlotta's instruction. The dress, wholesome and homespun, fit perfect with his ponytail and bangs but contrasted vividly with his garish make-up and continued the conundrum of the waify looking whore. But Stephen seemed unaware now of the discrepancy between his face and the rest of his feminine form. In fact, he seemed unaware of the girls, Carlotta or the oddly poignant figure he cut as he whirled the dress around and around. He seemed aware only of the dress itself, swirling and fanning out and allowing his legs a freedom that pants never did. And aware also of the tight bodice which clung to his torso and provided a perfect debut for his virginal bust: chaste and yet unquestionably inviting. His eyes fell to his bodice with a look that appeared to combine lust and pride at his own curvaceousness. The puffed sleeves added a piquancy, arousing, perhaps, because of its old-fashioned femininity, a quality that Carlotta was surely trying to evoke in the girls' living doll. Francesca, amused at first by Stephen's emotional transformation, began to grow bored with the prissy little country queen her mother had fashioned for them. She wanted to make her pretty doll squirm in his gingham dress. She got up off the bed and began to mock his darling dance. "You think you're a girl now, don't you?" Stephen stared at her blankly and then at Carlotta who looked away. "I feel like a girl," he said tentatively in a shy little voice that slipped out of his painted mouth like a plea for mercy. Francesca was never more beautiful than when she allowed her intelligence to inform her wickedness and Stephen swooned as a thoughtfully crooked smile crossed her face. Swooned, not with desire but with envy at Francesca's malevolent beauty. "Our doll has developed a mind of her own. Tell us, sweet thing, what kind of girl are you?" Francesca said, as she lifted the long skirt and held it up, briefly exposing the newly modest parts of Stephen's anatomy. Stephen blushed deeply, a response befitting his quiet, country girl demeanor. The girls loved it. Carlotta said nothing. "It's getting warm in here isn't it, girls," Francesca said, letting the dress fall and pulling off her sweater and urging the other girls to do the same. She wore a very revealing brassiere that cupped her breasts seductively. Soon all the girls had stripped to their pretty bras and panties and surrounded their country queen taunting him with their nubile and luscious bodies. Carlotta remained on the bed but after a hopeful look from Stephen, she too removed her blouse, exposing her black bra and captivating cleavage. While Stephen watched, as in a trance, she unhooked her brassiere and coyly dropped it off the side of the bed. Then, as though she had just discovered them for the first time, she cupped her breasts lovingly, pinching the nipples and caressing them with a great tenderness. The other girls followed suit and soon Stephen was encircled by a chorus of licentious nymphs each trying to outdo the other in their enticing charms. As the dance reached the apogee of lustful desire Francesca pulled up Stephen's skirt while Nancy yanked down the fanny padder disclosing the throbbing information that Francesca had wanted to extract from him all along. As Bonnie's camera clicked away and Francesca gloated, Carlotta leaned back on the bed, her long black hair undone and falling over her naked shoulders. Stephen looked tearfully at her as she mouthed the words, "Mommy thinks you're a very pretty girl." It was the end of the first girl's club. During the week following that first terrifying encounter with the power of womanhood Stephen agonized over every minute of his tormented transformation and its cruel denouement. What upset him most was not the humiliation he suffered at their hands but his surrender to his own girlish beauty. The seduction of his own femininity was far more disturbing to him than Carlotta's rejection. Not that he was aware of this of course. A searing pain that encompassed the entire event was all he felt but each night in his dreams he returned to the mirror and was served with the same vision of pony-tailed sweetness, of his own Barby doll portrait of Dorian Gray. In the morning the images of himself as a radiant teenage girl were gone and in their place only the residue of heavy guilt. The night before the meeting he found himself once again in the bathroom shaving his legs and arms. But this time his skin tingled not with the suspense of being discovered but at the sheer excitement of the act itself, the first step in a transformation ritual. As he cleaned his mother's razor and put it back in the drawer he caught himself in the mirror. He was trembling visibly. His hand went up to his face, a simple gesture which rapidly progressed in his mind's eye from merely effeminate to feminine. He stood there for a long moment in a frozen pose of coy girlishness. It was an echo of his recurring dream and when he moved again it was not as a boy but as a girl admiring herself in the mirror. He had begun casting his own spells. Despite this flirtation with the increasingly exciting idea of being a girl he was still petrified at the impending Girls' Club meeting. More so perhaps because of his late night revery in the bathroom. He now harbored a secret far more precious to him than his adventures in girls' clothing and as he approached Francesca's house he feared his budding fascination with femininity might be readily apparent to the girls, as though he had traces of lipstick on his lips or the indentations of imaginary bra straps marked his shoulders. When Francesca answered the door the next day she seemed almost bored at Stephen's arrival. She seemed to be expecting someone a great deal more exciting. "Go upstairs. Mom's waiting for you," was all she said. Stephen went upstairs and into Carlotta's room where she was laying out things on the bed for him. She looked up and smiled with mock surprise. "I don't think I've ever seen you as a boy before," she said taking him in with a long up and down glance. "You're much prettier as a girl. Go in the bathroom and take your clothes off. Then wait for me." Stephen hoped he'd concealed the lightness of his step as he minced to the bathroom. He hadn't. Carlotta noticed and smiled to herself as she finished folding the clothes. When she arrived in the bathroom Stephen was sitting naked on the stool facing the mirror. "Here put these on," she said handing him a pair of pink panties. Then methodically she began making his face up, this time taking special care to let him watch and participate in his facial transformation. It was almost a learning exercise and Carlotta took pains to praise him when he applied his false eyelashes evenly or lined his lips with the red pencil she suggested. She sensed the subtle shift in his attitude toward these girl behaviors from the quickness with which he adapted to the meticulous tasks of feminizing his features. When she left him alone for a moment to retrieve a tube of mascara from her purse she found, upon her return, that he was leaning into the mirror and daubing bits of color from a blusher compact onto his cheeks. She ran to get Bonnie's camera and snapped a picture as his stroked his cheeks with the blusher brush. He turned sharply at the flash and smiled weakly as she entered and then resumed his effort. She lavished more praise on him and suggested this or that color to heighten the effects. All in all, his look was much less tawdry than the week before though you couldn't really call it subtle. It resembled a typical teenage girls' failing attempt to resist the seductions of a department store cosmetics counter. In fact, his face resembled the masklike professional excess of a cosmetic counter girl. Of course, that was just his face. Had one stood back and observed his entire body he might have been mistaken for a harlequin in pink panties. But that would soon be remedied. "I have a surprise for you," Carlotta said as Stephen fussed with the mascara brush. He turned to her and smiled. Over the course of the hour his obvious pleasure in the transformation process could not be concealed but somehow that didn't matter. Carlotta seemed so understanding, so helpful now. "Don't you want to know what it is?" she asked teasingly. Stephen blushed. "What is it?" he asked shyly. "Something to make you twice as pretty," she said, pulling a long, smooth fall from a box. It was light brown to match his own hair. She put the fall aside for a moment and brushed out Stephen's own hair, giving him bangs that fell past his eyebrows. Then she tenderly placed the fall over Stephen's head like a crown, carefully arranging his own hair so that it met the fall seamlessly, then backcombing the fall to give it a bouffant fullness at the top of his head. Very sixties. Very sexy. Stephen was thrilled with his hairdo, turning his head to examine how he looked in profile and marvelling at the rush he got at the way the fall tumbled over his bare shoulders. He caught Carlotta watching him in the mirror and she smiled warmly at him. "Ready for your bra?" "Yes, please," Stephen said with an undisguised eagerness. Carlotta ran from the room, heels clicking on the tile floor, and returned with a strapless push-up brassiere. She looked momentarily perplexed when faced with Stephen's less than buxom chest. "We'll have to tape up your baby fat to give you some cleavage." Fifteen minutes later Carlotta was looking down Stephen's bra at an admirable pair of breasts nuzzling together cozily to create the successful illusion of bustiness. These new and significant additions to his female physique brought a wetness to his eyes and a quickness to his heart. Every minute he spent with Carlotta he became a more convincing girl. In fact, it would have been hard to believe that one hour before he had been a boy and that 30 minutes later he had become a female impersonator in transition and now an emerging teen queen with breasts that actually cast heavy shadows. As he progressed from one stage to another his excitement became harder and harder to contain, especially since Carlotta seemed equally delighted with his metamorphosis until they were both giggling like teenage girls at the amazing success of Stephen's transformation. "Now we come to the hard part," Carlotta said in an abruptly serious voice. Stephen's face clouded over instantly. "What?" "Deciding what you're going to wear?" she said laughing at his sudden anxiety. Then she merrily ran off to her closet and returned with a blouse and skirt still in dry cleaner bags. "Here's your blouse and skirt. But first you'd better put on these black tights and your fanny padder." Stephen unwrapped the brand new tights and pulled them on, taking care to admire his slender legs encased in black lycra, then the fanny padder and the skirt, a short and tight miniskirt that made the most of his newly curvy buttocks and finally the blouse, a white off the shoulder peasant chemise that dramatically focussed attention on his shadowy cleavage with its lacy filigree across his bodice. When all these ingredients had been assembled Carlotta led him to the long oval mirror in her bedroom, making sure that he couldn't see himself until the moment that she wanted him to. At last she turned him around to face her triumphant handiwork. He gasped and his knees gave way for a second. He had never experienced such an exotic feeling of euphoria. He had never considered that he could pass for a girl and even when that possibility had presented itself he had never imagined that he would be so captivating, not merely convincingly female but exquisitely feminine, exuding a daintiness, am allure that transcended the mere trappings of girlhood. He turned to look at Carlotta. She smiled at him like a madonna. "How do you like it so far?" she asked him, as she fastened a black silk choker around his neck. "I never thought it could . . . I never thought I could . . ." "But you can and you have," Carlotta said, turning him round to attach a pair of large hoop earrings. "Now if you'll step into your heels I think you're ready to join the other girls." Stephen shot Carlotta an apprehensive look but she was already on her way downstairs. He looked back at the mirror. The earrings and choker completed the sixties look. He thought the teased bubble of hair on top was extremely sexy. He slipped on the heels and began the descent, turning as he reached the door for one last glance at his image in the mirror. He didn't want to leave her, this girl with the light brown hair falling demurely over naked shoulders and buns straining against their skirted bondage. She was sweet. She was sexy. As he broke away from her enchanting beauty his eye fell on a picture that sat on Carlotta's dresser. It was a photograph of a pretty young girl with hair styled in a fashion similar to his own coiffure and wearing the same skirt and blouse. She was smiling at the camera in a manner both kittenish and dreamy. It was Carlotta. He took the picture back to the mirror and compared himself to it. The similarity was striking. Even the overdone eyeliner was the same. Carlotta had fashioned him in her youthful image. What did it mean? He put the picture back and headed for the stairway, once again uncertain of what was happening to him. I thought I knew what was happening when I developed a crush on Francesca. I thought I knew what was happening when she asked me to meet her mother and now I think I know what is happening as I hit the first tread of the stair, my heels digging into the carpet and pulling the threads of fabric up with a noise like distant velcro. But did you know what would happen when I hit the bottom of the stair, when Francesca spotted me in her mother's old clothes and with a hairstyle ressurected from the fabulous sixties.? Did you predict that Carlotta might turn away again at the crucial moment just when I needed to see her loving glance of approval as I displayed my new bosom for the girls, mincing past my tormentors with a demeanor that for once cannot be described as demure. Do you have a clear picture of Carlotta? An old she-wolf with a leathery neck and whisky-drenched voice? No, I don't think so. A aging bosom with spots and lips whose tiny tributaries run high with gloss? No. A mummified tart whose unrepentant long hair still bears the sheen of her wonder years? No. Who is Carlotta and why do the wounds she inflicts never heal? Why do I build a shrines to her in my sleep? To say she is severe is to say that my bosoms bud and I wobble like a fawn in my heels. Her devotion to my toilette is legendary, her wickedness convenient. But not as convenient as my mute permission to be swathed in spandex, bathed in Chanel and misted with Miss Clairol. It's not Carlotta who's the mystery here at all. We know her. She's the most familiar prop in the trunk. Auntie Stern and her fabulous wardrobe of guilt. I should have been a Lennon Sister smiling across Southern Seas. I could be one even now as I descend the stairway and glide across the set twirling a parasol with dangerous things beneath my antebellum gown and not a trace of three-dimensionality. Behold the Anti-Belle. No, Carlotta, in her leopardskin leotard, ankh disappearing in her creamy cleavage, is not the mystery woman here. It's me. It's the boy in the dress. Pale and wan with a curious lack of secondary sex characteristics. Lips: full. Hair: longish. Hips: girlish. And, poor thing, horribly mute. He suffers for his desire but keeps mum nonetheless. Keeping mum is what it's all about. Am I still descending the stairway? Or have you left me to read backwards to where my foot left the carpet and your lust was disengaged as my heel hit the clutch and we began to coast together, gliding together down the stairway while Francesca and her cardboard friends wait in aspic. They can wait. We'll put them on ice for now. Francesca's type can be reheated indefinitely. But let's glide now. Can you see us gliding down the stairs like a herd of Glinda the Goods, Anti-belles in bubbles floating down to our curious fate. Curious and predictable. I have a better idea. Let's leave the stairway and fly out of the house. It never had a roof anyway. It was just a set. Like "Father Knows Best" or "Leave it to Beaver." We be gliding Glindas now, flying out over the silent cities of drag. Our hooped skirts swing and sway like belles and our petticoats sputter like flags in a windstorm. My fall might fall but who cares, we're cruising over the world in drag below and headed for Venus. Once again. Oh, my lost little girls what happened when we strayed into Mommie's domain and watched her bend at the waist and lap the ends of her bra, watched her breasts fell neatly into the cups? Or when we saw her by the mirror, applying lipstick, turning her lips bright red or soft pink or watermelon blood or virginal peach? Did she lean over us and squeeze our cheeks or did she take the brass bullet out and rub our own tiny lips with that mutating balm. Or were our womanly synapses created in the womb? Did our mothers paw through the pink section, imagining their little girls, little replicants of themselves, growing up perfect and going off in prom gowns and getting married to Mr. Right and breaking the cycle of Mr. Wrongs. Were we to be the link that breaks the sad chain of our mother's sorrow? And when we emerged and the blue cigars were passed around, did that dream die hard? Or was it a revenge on all males that led our Carlottas and Auntie Sterns to subvert Daddy's message and replace it in the adolescent night with petticoat and periwinkle, watermelon blush and strapless bra. Stealing into our dreams and turning our shiny shields around so that we might admire our own reflections. Or was it father's abdication in that rosy post-war bliss. To relinquish his throne for a lazy-boy and never see the boy hiding behind the ottoman peering up at his imperious invisibility. Or was the fate sealed in our stars, dear Brutus. Delivered by a mincing virus from outer space, a femme spore alighting on a pie cooling on the sill, ingested in a slice and traveling groinward where it sat twiddling its protoplasm until we reached our dresswearing years and then asserting its bifurcating demands. Oh, my mute darlings, are your temperatures rising, have I lost you entirely. Wait, wait a minute, I might yet return to Carlotta and Francesca. But stay with me a bit longer. I need your company out here in these moot and silent stars. But I see I am alone, wandering the desert at twilight in search of lipgloss, a belle still, in hoop skirts and ringlets. On the horizon a lone figure is waving to me. My petticoats gather the goatsheads as I run toward it. My heels sink into sand. The dust clings to my makeup creating the perfect matte finish at last. But the figure becomes a saguaro cactus, not arms waving but stretched skyward in thorny supplication and my perfect matte finish becomes a pilgrim's pallor, not a mask of loveliness but a vision of embalmed beauty. I turn skyward too. And there you are, my pretties, where I have left you. Checking your hems and waiting. Waiting for Carlotta's return and the fatal descent down the stairway into more familiar territory. The desert is empty, it's true. And there are no mirrors here but the air is cool and a breeze blows my ringlets gently and I have a hunger for beauty apart from my own. But there you are suspended in space above me, encased in a comforting bubble of sultry self-seduction and I must join you. On the first tread of the stair at Carlotta's, the girls thawing below, my hard-won beauty cribbed from an old Vogue, my demeanor as submissive as a scarecrow. Ready, girls? The conversational din of the teen girls came to a sudden halt as soon as Stephen's legs came into view on the stairway, and the rest of his descent occurred in dramatic silence. The skirts, the blouse, the choker, the hair. Then proud Carlotta took his hand as his heels hit the floor and ushered him into the living room where his judges awaited. "Oh, Mom, you've turned him into a Sixtie's chick," Francesca said, squealing with pleasure at their antiquated doll. Bonnie began snapping pictures one after the other. "Yes, she's cute, isn't she? An interesting combination of little girl timidity and big girl lustiness, coy little bangs and a choker from a hooker's top drawer, delicate lacy blouse and . . ." "And breasts to fill it," Suzy finished, running a finger down Stephen's illusory cleavage. "How did you do that?" "Oh, it's nothing really," Carlotta laughed. "Turn around for us," Francesca ordered. Stephen obliged and the oohs and ahs as they eyed his buns were immensely gratifying. It didn't go unnoticed. "Oh, look. He loves it when we admire his buns," Bonnie said. Francesca stood up and faced him, her hair was big and beautiful. Her lips close to his. "You like being a girl, don't you?" The blush rose from his cleavage and blossomed out beneath the blusher in his cheeks. He looked down at his shiny heels. "I can't believe it. He actually enjoys being a girl," Francesca said to her friends. "What's so odd about that? You enjoy it, Francesca," her mother said. "Yes, but . . ." Francesca smiled suddenly. "If you like it so much, you'll love going to the prom as a girl." "Yes, I think a coming out party is a good idea," Carlotta said, grinning up at the trembling boy with bangs. The following day Stephen was trying without success to concentrate on his homework but the looming prospect of the Prom filled him the oddest combination of dread and delight. He couldn't decide how he felt and the agonizing debate his mind waged was terribly bewildering. Absently doodling in the margins of his notebook he found himself drawing possible hairstyles for his prom night adventure. It was during this daydreaming that his mother appeared behind him. "Francesca's mother came by this morning," she said. "Oh," Stephen said, covering the drawings with his arm. "Yes. She had some interesting things to say about you." Her voice was flat. "About me?" "Yes, about you. She said that I might be interested in looking at some photographs she had." "Photographs?" Stephen turned around and looked at her. "They were very interesting pictures but I couldn't believe they were of you until she showed me this one," his mother said, throwing the photo on his desk. It was the picture Carlotta had taken in the bathroom as he applied his blush. There was no point in bluffing. "She said," her voice breaking, "she said that you had broken into their house and were caught trying on Francesca's clothes. She said you need treatment." "But you didn't believe her, did you?" His mother was sobbing now. "I'm glad you're father's dead. It would kill him to see these," she said throwing a handful of pictures on the desk. They were all of Stephen is various states of transvestment. On top was the picture Bonnie had taken as he had fallen to the floor. He looked particularly slutty, staring back at the camera in his bra and heels, his big pantied ass in the air. Not at all the frightened boy he really was, but more a defiant trollop caught in the midst of some disgusting sexual escapade. "But that's not how it was," he protested lamely. "How was it?" she screamed. "How was it when you were caught redhanded in panties and brassiere putting make up on like a teenage whore?" "But . . ." "How was it when your hair is teased like a girl's, when you're wearing high heels and a skirt? Maybe Carlotta could have made up a story but these pictures aren't fake. It's you. You dressed up like a girl. And not just wearing panties but everything. You look like a little slut when you're dressed. I can't believe it," her voice cracked and trailed off. "What are you going to do?" "I don't know. Carlotta had some ideas but . . ." her teary eyes went past her petrified son to the drawings on his notebook, tiny pictures of bouffant coiffures, ponytails and pageboys, bubble cuts and bangs. "Maybe she's right. Maybe she's right," she said as she stormed out. Stephen stayed in his bedroom the rest of the night and the next morning he sat silent at the breakfast table while his mother considered him with disgust. She said only one thing. "Be home by 3:30 today." He'd almost forgotten in all the turmoil that the Prom was tonight. He'd heard nothing from the girls and at school they seemed to ignore him. He did see Francesca and the others giggling by the coke machine as he walked by. It was only after he'd passed them that he realized he was carrying his books like a girl. When he arrived home that afternoon his mother was ready with her coat on and the car keys jingling from her fingers. "Let's go," was all she said. They drove in silence for fifteen minutes until the station wagon pulled up in front of "Curls for Girls," a downtown beauty salon. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice trembling. "Just get out of the car and come with me," she said through gritted teeth. They pushed the big glass door open and stood for a moment while a girl came up front. She was young, in her twenties with an unruly mane of hennaed hair falling into her eyes. She was grinning at them already. His mother said, "Yes, I made an appointment for my daughter Stephanie today at 4:00," she said staring at him as she uttered the words, "my daughter Stephanie." He expected the woman to balk but she merely smiled and said, "I'm Donna. Won't you come with me, Stephanie." He walked down the aisle past dozens of teenage girls getting their hair done for the prom and tongues were wagging and giggles erupting everywhere. At the end of the narrow shop she turned and offered him a seat by the shampoo basins. He stared as mother with a look of pleading as the girl dunked his thick brunette hair in the sink but she was staring at a magazine. After the shampoo, Donna wrapped his hair in big pink towel and marched him past all the girls to the front of the store. When the plastic apron was fastened she turned to his mother and said, "How does SHE want it styled?" "Like this," her mother said pointing to a magazine illustration that Stephen couldn't see. "Ooh, it's perfect," Donna squealed. An hour and a half later, after his hair had been covered in plastic, subjected to one curious torture after another, then cut, and rolled into big plastic curlers and after he'd spent a humiliating half an hour under a dryer facing three girls who sat gossiping about him, Donna took the curlers out and began a laborious process of teasing and backcoming and spraying his hair. As she worked she made sly comments about how becoming this hairdo would be on him and how luscious he was going to look. His mother sat between him and mirror blocking the view of his new hairdo. The only thing he knew for certain was that thick bangs fell to his eyebrows. Finally Donna stood to his side and grinned at his mother and he knew she was done. His mother looked down at him in an undisguised smile of contempt and then smiled as she moved out of the way so he could see himself. He couldn't believe it. Facing him in the mirror was a boy with a big bubble of brassy blonde hair. Donna had dyed his hair blonde and then teased it into an enormous ball, towering a full 6 six inches on top of his head. The bubble, smooth and round, tapered into a flip as it touched his shoulders. Thick bangs completed the coiffure. It was a hairstyle that could not have been mistaken for anything but female. And not just any female but a cheap slattern, girl of the street, a harlot hoping to hook her prey with her high hat of hair. The hairdo produced the strangest feelings in Stephen. The first thing he thought upon viewing Donna's handiwork was how odd he looked without a dress on. It had been one thing to dress up, wear make up and have his hair feminized by Carlotta and the girls but now he was just a boy, a freak with a big feminized bubble of blonde hair. Donna broke into his reverie by briskly unsnapping the apron and pulling him up out of the chair. His knees were weak as he turned toward the door but his mother caught his arm and yanked him around, pulling back down the aisle to the center of the salon. "This is Stephanie, my daughter. Isn't he a pretty slut?" she said in a loud voice. All the girls turned round to stare at the odd couple, mother and son. Stephen felt the tears welling as she paraded him around, letting each girl get her fill of his excessively femme coiffure. When he looked down at his feet her hand pried his face upward to confront the giggles and laughter from the girls he went to school with. At last, when every possible girl in the store had seen him and nodded approvingly or scornfully at his hairstyle, his mother pulled him up the aisle and out the door. "Now we're going shopping," she said with a patently false gayety. They drove downtown and parked in front of Omphale's department store. As they took the elevator up to the store his mother barely acknowledged his presence except when a pair of girls got on at the second level and she said, "Girls, I'd like you meet my daughter, Stephanie. Stephanie is a world class slut." The girls looked at each other and burst out laughing at the mortified Stephen who tried to act as normal as a boy could when he looked like Gidget in boy drag. They got off at the fourth floor, housewares, linen and women's lingerie and his mother pulled him at breakneck speed directly to you know where. Behind the counter, folding panties, stood Carlotta, who smiled broadly at Stephen's mother. "Oh, I'm so glad you reconsidered, Stella. Oh, is this our little wonder slut, Stephanie? I hardly know you. You're so . . . boyish," she said pausing for maximum sarcasm. "Yes, that's what we're here for, Carlotta. Could you find him something in a 36D?" his mother said laughing with her new found co-conspirator. "Of course, of course. Come along, girls. Let's go backstage where all the fun is happening," Carlotta said leading them to the dressing rooms. Stephen thought she couldn't possibly take him back there but the curtains parted and there they were surrounded by girls in bras and panties, girdles and bustiers. They turned round to look at him as he walked in and soon a semi-circle of girls in lingerie had formed around him. He should have known. It was Francesca and the girls. "Great hair, Stephanie," Francesca said pulling a lacquered strand into his face. "Ooh, I just love big hair." "Girls, we have a lot of work to do here," Carlotta said reprovingly and immediately they began to undress Stephen while his mother watched him with obvious amusement as the backstage comedy unfolded. Within minutes he was divested of all his clothes, including socks and sneakers. Strangely enough as he stood naked before his mother, Carlotta and the girls, he looked more like a girl than ever before. Something about the big bubble of hair, his humbled posture and sloping shoulders gave him a look of virginal naivete, a lost little girl whose clothes had been stolen by wicked men or a reluctant beauty contestant caught between the evening gown and swimsuit competition in her bashful bareness. But his exposure was brief as Carlotta began to stage manage Stephen's re-vamping. Moving with quick and silent gestures like an imperious orchestra conductor she commanded the girls as they brought forth the black bra, the girdle, the padded panties, the garter belt, the thigh-high stockings with the spider-web patterns until the poor boy began to resemble a tawdry lingerie mannequin. When Stephen was partially assembled, that is, brassiered and pantied, stockinged, heeled and gartered, Carlotta turned to his mother and said, "Stella, would you do the honors." "With pleasure," his mother replied taking a pair of prosthetic breasts out of a box and slipping them with great ceremony into the cups of Stephen's bra. He went from a 36AA to a 36D cup in a less than a minute. "How does it feel to be stacked?" his mother asked him with mock sincerity. "Oh, I remember when he was just a little girl," she said. "Now his breasts are bigger than . . . bigger than . . . mine," she said, shedding crocodile tears over her usurpment. As the girls admired their labors Bonnie snapped a few pictures of the hapless youth who more and more resembled a refugee from a beach blanket movie. Stephen now fully expected that the dress would be next but to his horror Carlotta said, "Well, I guess that's all for this department. Let's go girls." And with that the troupe of women escorted the scantily pantied lad out past the curtains and into the store itself. With Carlotta leading the way the reluctant debutante was paraded past the lingerie department, the women's wear department, the little girl's department, even the menswear department till at last they arrived at the cosmetic department, a glittering display of chrome and glass presided over by a heavily made up but very attractive matron. She wore a starched white smock that added a strangely clinical air to the proceedings. "Here she is, Diana. Do your worst," Carlotta said. "Oh, he's stunning. Love his hair. What kind of a look are we aiming for here?" "Prom tart," his mother said matter-of-factly. "I see. Lots of make-up, crudely applied." "Not too crudely." "Of course not. Say six on the slut scale?" "Seven," Carlotta replied. "After all, we do want him to get laid tonight." The girls giggled at this remark but it sent Stephen into a tailspin of fear, a fear fused with a great deal of excitement. This mixed reaction wasn't lost on his mother who waited a moment and then pulled his panties out and looked in. "Oh god, he's a queer on top of everything else," she said verifying Stephen's libidinous reaction to Carlotta's offhand remark. "Let me see," Carlotta said moving quickly to look into Stephen's panties. "Oops, all gone. Early bird catches the worm. You have to move fast to catch those rising occasions, I guess." "You little minx," his mother said, grabbing his crotch, "no daughter of mine is going to get laid on her first date. Do you hear me young lady?" she yelled in a mock petulant voice. Stephen could hear her and everyone else in the store seemed to as well. In fact, all the women within earshot of the cosmetic department, and there were several, had gathered around to watch Diana's creative endeavors. Starting with a canvas as plain as a white wall, she drew oohs and ahs from the audience with her bold strokes of color, her quick redefinition of jaw and lips, her imaginative use of shadow in the eyes and the total transformation of Stephen's not unpretty features into a enchanting display of the art of cosmetics. When she finished Stephen was not only a convincing girl but a surprisingly seductive tart. This, in spite of his submissive manner and obvious discomfort with such a public transmutation. When the final stroke of azure pencil had been applied and the last lash glued in place, Carlotta spun the stool around so Stephen faced the crowd. A deliciously feminine hum of approval buzzed in the air, a cooing noise that Stephen found soothing. It was as though they had all come across a baby bird or a puppy or something equally deserving of their patronizing affection. And this was odd because Stephen hadn't been transformed into a puppy. No, the heavy black eyeliner that curled up at the corner of his eyes with an oriental flourish wasn't exactly cute. Nor were the thick false eyelashes or the dramatically irridescent eyelids that seemed to make his eyes flash when he blinked. And certainly not the blusher that stroked his cheeks like red wounds, stigmata of the third kind. Carlotta loosed his hair from the black ribbon Diana had employed to tie it back and the gesture produced another public swoon as the gentle flip barely touching his shoulders worked the magic of nostalgia on the audience of promgoers past. Francesca, ever the spoiler, grew a little jealous of Stephen's admirers and stepped forward, "You know, he's not really a girl," and then with her usual flair for the dramatic pulled the ever-pullable panties down once again. The buzz this time was overwhelming, spilling over into spontaneous applause. An elderly woman with vivid blue eyeshadow and apple doll cheeks came forward and said to Stephen, "Don't worry honey, with your hair, nobody's gonna care what you've got down there." The chorus of approval was the only mirror Stephen had had since Diana's handiwork had been completed and now as the crowd dispersed he turned eagerly to look into the chromium edged cosmetic mirror on the counter. He himself gasped at the effect. A picture he had seen in the Sunday supplement came to mind. It was an ad for a glitzy Las Vegas casino. He looked like a showgirl. Totally prefabricated, totally fake and totally fascinating. "Does my little girl like her make up?" his mother voice intruded. "Oh, mommy," he said gasping for breath. "Oh 'mommy?'" she mimicked. "Oh mommy. I look so . . ." "So what?" she asked impatiently. " . . . so cheap," "You are, Stephanie, you are. You're my cheap little hussy whore harlot," she said in a babycoo voice. "You forgot daughter," Carlotta corrected. "I didn't forget. Of course, you're my daughter. My daughter, the little slut who likes to dress up like a girl. Well, you've got your wish. How does it feel, little girl? How does it feel to be such a gorgeous . . . whore?" Stephen turned away but Francesca's hand turned his head back to face her, "But we're not done yet, little girl. We haven't gotten to your pretty little dress." The girls laughed ominously at this. "Yes, we couldn't leave the store without a dress for Stephanie, could we? Let's go girls," Carlotta said once again, leading the queen and his entourage back past all those departments with all those curious and leering clerks feasting their eyes on the pale prince in panties as he heel-clicked by them, his blonde pouffy do bouncing merrily with each step. Carlotta stopped the parade at the Pre-Teen Department and immediately began pawing through the racks of lacy pastel dresses. "I believe this is what you're looking for," a salesgirl said, handing Carlotta a big white box tied with a yellow ribbon. Her grin betrayed her as another partner in the grand conspiracy of salesladies. "Oh, thank you, Bettina," Carlotta said, slicing the ribbon with a swift movement of her sharp red nails. She pulled out a dress much like the frilly little dresses on the rack but obviously made with Stephen's dimensions in mind. She held it up to him and nodded approvingly. "It's perfect, Bettina. Where can he try it on?" "Right here's fine," she said, taking the garment and enlisting Bonnie and Suzy's aid in pulling it over Stephen's head. Bettina was a pretty redhead in her twenties and her peculiar eagerness to dress Stephen was particularly disconcerting. "It fits perfectly," she said with a voice containing a motherlode of irony. Indeed, the dress, a pink pullover with puffed sleeves and a scoopneck, did fit in some ways. The bodice was clearly designed to accommodate a bust and the shoulders were broad enough for a boy to wear comfortably but its length fell considerably shy of his knees. In fact, it billowed out and surrendered at mid-groin. And although it was a definitely a duplicate of the scores of preteen dresses that surrounded them, on Stephen it seemed to define the word "babydoll." With his long black stockinged legs materializing beneath the pink mirabou hem, the big beachball of blonde hair atop his head and his garish "make me an offer" make up, he hardly resembled a little girl. The effect was nonetheless touching because it was clear that Stephen himself was closer to a little girl spiritually than he was to the blonde bombshell he resembled or the teenage boy that he was. "Oh, that's much better. Such a good, darling, little girl," his mother cooed. "Maybe we should get you a pacifier to suck on or is there something else you'd rather suck on . . . Stephanie?" "The girls have to go get ready for the prom, Stella. I suppose we'll see you two later," Carlotta said with a sinister smile. "Oh yes," his mother said. "Let's go home, Stephanie. You still have a big evening ahead of you." What do you think? Isn't Stephen's mother the cruelest Auntie Stern you've ever seen? Even Carlotta the Wicked takes a back seat to her. She'll probably oversee his cocksucking adventures later on this evening. And provide the cocks as well. Stephen, remains an enigma. Though it is clear that he enjoys his humiliations to say so would be to spoil the entire game. And to have him protest meekly in that submissive whiny way is a bore. So he remains mute. Beautifully mute and quite one-dimensional. Were it not for his burgeoning bust he'd be as flat

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“Hey, kitten, how are you?” Bernard Lewinsky didn’t hesitate to answer his daughter’s phone call. “Lonely ... I need you, Daddy ... please!” Monica told her father. “Of course, baby. I’ll be right there. Are you home? You sound a little tipsy,” Bernard was ever the conscientious father right then. The truth was that in many ways, Bernard felt as if Marcia and he had failed Monica or let her down somewhat in the past. He felt no small amount of guilt about that, though Marcia largely...

2 years ago
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The House chapter 1

I’ve been living there for the past four years. I found my new family very attractive. I never called Amanda, mom, or Brittany and Angela my sisters. But they all were very attractive and I fantasized about all three of them all the time. One day I came home really from school. Brittany and Angela were still at school for cheerleading practice. I came into the house and went into the kitchen looking something to eat. Walking by the stairs I could hear some moaning coming form up the stairs. I...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit The Sg JC girl

I sometimes work at my old JC in coaching football. I used to be a school team player. I was quite useless lah but i played defense and was quite a strong tackler so I got into the team. Anyway i have been a good alumnus for my school and try to take part in a lot of events. About two years back, they're part time coach left and they asked me if i was interested. Only twice a week - one Saturday morning and one Wed evening. Pay is nothing much but it was more for fun so i accepted.The team is...

3 years ago
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The Return

So if you read the last post this will make sense.I was out at the gym and I receive a txt asking me to come over. SO after my work out, swim, sauna and shower I made my way to her city apartment.She opened the door in her gorgeous back lacy lingerie and invited me to sit on her couch. We chatted, touched and opened up a bottle of champagne. After a few minutes of caressing, the kissing started. Tongues were all out and we were getting a good feel of each other. The gentle moans of kissing is...

1 year ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Opening WeekPart 4 Thursday

At first I wasn't sure if I was awake or dreaming. I only knew I was naked and writhing on the open sheets. My balls were tight and my cum was surging. Reaching down, I felt my smooth, hard cock throbbing and spurting. It was sticky. I could smell it. And then I had cum on my hand. I wiped it on the sheet. The twilight between sleep and day continued. With eyes closed I drifted, almost trancelike, as wave after wave, pulse after pulse of sensation surged through me. It was long and because...

2 years ago
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White CaptiveChapter 4

Susan dimly heard the door shut behind them as Duke kicked it shut with his foot. It didn't stay completely closed but swung open slightly so that it didn't shut away the piteous moaning sounds of the distraught Jodie being assaulted again on the bed where Susan, herself, had been so bitterly humiliated last night. She wanted to cry out and plead with him to shut the door to take her mind from what was happening to the poor negro girl and what was about to happen to her. But she dared not...

3 years ago
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Bad Girls Gone Wild

“Sonya, we need your help,” Oskar made puppy eyes.“Help us seduce our mom,” Ben was desperate. “We wanna drag her to bed and fuck the brains out of her. We think about it every day and night.”“Please help us.”“Well...” Sonya was barely surprised hearing this.All three of them looked at Rose who was like a half-naked petite goddess wearing only a yellow bikini and mirror-shades. Ocean waves gently caressed the elegant curves of her figure, her long irresistible legs, and her perfectly shaped...

1 year ago
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The ProtectorsChapter 4

Liz stayed with Helen while I went upstairs to use my cell phone and to wait for my call to 911 to be answered. I was in a hurry for them to get here because I wanted to visit the crime boss before he had a chance to prepare for us. Our questioning had produced an address that was supposed to be the gang's headquarters. If we were lucky, we could end this reign of terror tonight. The address we had was another of those abandoned manufacturing plants. This one was surrounded by a large...

3 years ago
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Blood Sweat Fear Ch 07

I stared at the scene below. The rocket lay on its side, the front tip mere inches from the cave wall, the slightly wider base with its multi-booster canisters at the opposite end of the room. I had never seen a rocket close up before. I was fascinated by its size and repulsed at the thought of its possible uses. Turning then, I stared at Miles’ profile. He watched the proceedings below in an intense interested manner. His eyes carefully surveyed the entire scene, watching each man work. His...

3 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 28 Fertile

FERTILE Laura didn't remember when she had stopped trying to resist the Mayim Clinic treatment. It must have been after they adjusted her collar to help her keep wet all the time. It had been a month now since her cunt had last been dry. She found it hard to think straight now, and when she did think it was mostly to concentrate on how good her pussy felt or where she could get some sperm from. The idea of resisting the Clinic seemed silly to her now. The Clinic was teaching Laura...

1 year ago
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Megyn Kelley Terrible fate

Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex The men closed in on her. They were all around, everywhere she saw men. Hands pulled her skirt up to the top of her thighs. A hand reached under her dress, the man laughing. “RIPPPP.” Her blouse was ripped off and wrapped around her neck. Next her bra disappeared. Megyn felt hands grabbing her breasts. The black bitch pulled up her head. “Snow White, you get ready for some heavy ghetto fucking.” A rough hand yanked her straight up by her...

3 years ago
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Our Lady of Sorrows

OUR LADY OF SORROWS A Jackie Kaiser Story by Laika Pupkino Somewhere in Heaven (probably downtown, where all the golden freeways come together in a great gleaming bow of an interchange...) is an office building the size of Mount Everest, in which angels with massive ledger books and quill pens keep the balance of our sins. When we do or think something bad it is noted in our account summary, and when we go to confession the priest gives us the bill for whatever we declare, and as...

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Anita describes her business trip to me

My sweet Ana had gone for some days out of town. The company had sent her on a boring business trip, just to host some new clients and associates.But this time she returned home very excited about what a good time she had.That same night, after driving her home from the airport, I asked her to tell me all about it.Ana starting to describe that there were several unmarried women in the group, mostly of them in their late thirties. One of those nights, the dinner went well and the ladies were...

2 years ago
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Becoming Wife of my Competitor

Becoming Wife of my Competitor By Nupur I am Siddharth Mittal, running my own Company with USD 100 Million of Business. Everything is going on well and I am excelling in my business. I have a secretary named Sonia. She is a smart and beautiful girl with 36-32-36 size. She knows how to get her work done. She wears simple clothes and is decent in her approach. I have never looked at her in any wrong sense. I have a strong competitor who I always suspect is on the wrong moves. His name...

1 year ago
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Summer the 4th time

So there I was standing in the bathroom taking in what I had just seen ( see summer the 3rd time )The sight of little amy recovering from her 1st orgasam delivered by her own big sister was making my cock throb even more. I wanted do to see Nicki naked now and fuck her so hard. I did not care if it was in front of her little sister either.Nicki was looking at my cock and licking her lips at the same time. She told amy to get in the bath and wash herself as she took my hand and led me to her...

2 years ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 24 And Punishments

The Chief Eunuch took the two women into the harem to prepare them for the rest of the evening's proceedings and the assembled worthies fell to eating and drinking. As they did so, the trained hostesses of the Emir's harem moved among them wearing only their harem gowns, feeding this one, sucking that one's penis, being fondled by another, and generally ensuring that everyone had a good time. The occasional slap could be heard and the occasional squeal of pain or pleasure. The Princess...

2 years ago
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My First Chance With A Girl

Hi, sex story readers, this is Sebastian name changed for a reason, I’m 5’10 in height and with big enough tool of 6 inches. I’m from Hyderabad the city of biryani. I am done with the graduation and looking for a job. Coming to the sex story, my princess’ name is Regina who is in her graduation now, I got to know her through a friend of mine, my friend introduced her to me as her cousin, we had a good time that day but I had to leave early, so couldn’t spend much time with her. We exchanged our...

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From the outside, the squat was really no different from all the other houses that Janine and Edie had passed as they made their way from the tube station through the North London streets to the address they had been given. Perhaps it was slightly more dilapidated, but in the early evening dusk every house had a general air of dinginess, not improved by the rubbish blown along by the autumn breezes and the battered cars parked badly on the kerbside. But the evident proof that this was where the...

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Home Tuition Bed Stories 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, I am here again presenting you another story.Those who haven’t read my first story this is Rishi Kapur from Mumbai age 20.Teens and milfs can mail me at for naughty conservation.But all the people here please give your feedback of my desi sex story. Kunal Uttar Pradesh ek gaon me apne parivar ke sath rheta h. Uski family middle class ko belong karti h. Vo ek honhar student h usne apni mehnat ke balbutte par desh ke bahut bade college me admission le liya.Vaise toh parivaar me...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Divorcee HR Babe Introduced To Me By My Client

Hi readers, this is my another story in Indian sex stories (ISS). Hope you liked my previous stories. Few people have responded through mails and are on chat. Please send your suggestions on my email. Plus if any unsatisfied girl, married female, divorcee wants to have fun with utmost secrecy, honour and dignity, she can contact me on my mail. My email is I am an average looking boy, single, decent, educated, well maintained and hot dirty and horny in bed. I am from Delhi and I do provide the...

2 years ago
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Some Things Bear Repeating

Some Things Bear RepeatingBy Brewt.BlacklistJuly 2010Once"I love you.""Hmm?""I said I love you.""I know. Thanks. I love you, too.""You know, when you say it like that, it sounds, well, bored.""Hmm?""Bored. You sound bored.""I?uhh?""Bored. Bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored. Oh my god, I'm boring you.""Uhhh?""All this time together, doing absolutely everything we could together, and you would rather watch TV.""Well, um, not everything.""Hmm?""We haven't done...

4 years ago
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I’m remembering the days when you swam nude at the YMCA. It was difficult not to have a perpetual stiffy with all the men sitting around checking out the cocks on display. I pretended not to notice, but I was checking out the guys that were checking me out.I would often go home and masturbate while thinking of those cocksuckers at the Y. Which meant, I did a whole lot of wanking. I was not your typical high schooler that jerked off thinking of the school Cheerleaders, I was jerking off to...

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Wildcats Short Story One

Wildcats: Terry's Spring Break The Wildcats came to Fictionmania one chapter at a time last year. The new novel, Wildcats, is a rewritten version that's 50% longer and much improved that has just been published on Amazon/Kindle. If you want to sample the story, there are a generous number of free chapters to read on Amazon. Wildcats: A Rock 'n' Roll...

4 years ago
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Adventures DonnaPart 4 Amandas initiation

Adventures of Donna--Part 4 (Amanda's initiation)And then she had an idea, but it meant leaving Mr. Fuck Stick for a few minutes and Donna didn't want him to disappear. She grabbed his cock and spat a huge gob of saliva on his dick-head. She started to jerk him off, letting the spit grease his pole. Eric thought she was getting him ready for more deep throat action, and he closed his eyes, moaning deeply. Donna expected this reaction. She reached under the bed and found the pair of hand...

1 year ago
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When I met my Master

“On your knees BOY!!!” shouted the master as he pulled out his 11”cock and rubbed it teasingly in front of BOYs face. “YES SIR” replied BOY. Then with a whack around BOYs face from the monster cock, the Master shouted “ONLY TALK WHEN I SAY SO!!” BOY knew he had done wrong but being punished by The Master really got his groin burning in anticipation of things to come. My name is not important, but this is the story of my first time with The let’s see what happened. I met The...

First Time
1 year ago
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Jonny Tube Sex Movies Showed Me I Was Just Fine the Way I Am

In most cases, when you get to watch the porn videos in which girls masturbate, you see all sorts of toys and all sorts of things that they use to penetrate their twat. Those videos always made me wonder if there were something wrong with me. I never did that like the other girls. In most cases, I take the blanket or some other sort of cover, place it on my bed, all folded, and I lay on top of it. Then, I rub my pussy on it, moving my hips, just like I would do it if I were fucking a girl. I...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Braylin Bailey Lucky Drum Stick

Brailyn Bailey is trying to enjoy a masturbation session, but her stepbrother Logan keeps distracting her by playing the drums. She tries to shut him up but he won’t stop. He steps away to take a phone call, so she steals his drumsticks and decides to use them to her advantage. She lubes up the stick and fucks herself with one. Logan catches her and she decides to come on to him and practically begs him to fuck her. He agrees and then the real fun begins. She sucks his dick like a pro and...

3 years ago
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Maid for Watching

I work in housekeeping at a local motel. Most of the time, I work the afternoon shift but once in a while, when someone is off, they will ask me to work mornings. Typically, in housekeeping we start at about 9:00 am. This gives most of our guests time to checkout. There are some that will stay until noon to get a little extra sleep or maybe a little extra something. They normally will hang the "Do not disturb" sign so we know not to go in but even if we don't see a sign, we are trained to knock...

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Another trip to the gay park part 2

I pulled down my shirt and headed down the trail to my next adventure. Enjoying the open sex along the way has my cock leaking lots of pre-cum. I found another bench to sit on to watch the sites and of course I had to stroke my dick while i did so. I had a couple of twinks and guys sits beside me to help my stroke my dick or suck on it a little. I motioned for a tranny to come over to me and when she did I lifted her skirt, took her man clit in my mouth and let her fuck my face until I was able...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Casey Calvert Kristen Scott The Case Of The Snitchs Snatch

When an insurance company starts to get suspicious of fraud after a string of car thefts, they hire Detective Casey Calvert to help close the case. Casey’s been giving it her all but getting nothing in return, so she resorts to a backup plan: asking her informant, Kristen Scott, for help. Although Kristen’s been an informant for years, they’ve never met face-to-face… until today. After getting on a call with Kristen, Casey’s told to go to a shady warehouse. Once...

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Mercado LakeChapter 13

Bob put wood on the fire and then sat close to the wood stove and watched the fire through the glass on the door. Ann sat in the other chair and was quiet with her thoughts. If she could do the job the extra money would ensure that Breda would realize her dream of becoming a doctor. She was aware that Bob had said something to her, "I'm sorry my mind was wondering. What did you say?" "You can tell me to mind my own business or whatever, but I'm curious why a beautiful woman like you...

2 years ago
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Four black bastards enjoying my sexy wife

During the week end Ana and I had gone to Tampa to attend a rock concert. We got a nice hotel near downtown. My sensual wife looked stunning in a tight white dress that really showed off her round tits and her fit body. The concert show had been great and after we had hit the bar across the street from the hotel for a few drinks before going to bed... A few margaritas turned into a lot and my sweet Ana soon got a little tipsy.I said we better could get back to our room if I wanted to get sex...

1 year ago
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Bike vacation

Note : This story is completely fictional! Saturday morning I was in my shop getting my choped HD ready to leave Monday morn on a short gambleing vacation. I was going to Ind. along the Oh. river to hit a few casinos. My sister Cindy happened to stop by to visit. Cindy was a recent divorcee who was having difficulties getting over her divorce. I have been divorced several times and had no plans to ever remarry. Being single for 7-8 yrs. I was very happy in my single life style. Cindy ask...

3 years ago
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A Meeting of Pleasure at Midnight

I have been texting and chatting online with a girl I met while working for a restaurant. She was one of the boss's daughters, but we were instantly attracted to another from my first day on the job. We kept our chatting to a minimum at the restaurant, careful not to raise suspicion, but online we some times talked all night. Our conversations were usually very personal, talking about out lives, past experiences, how we saw our future selves, typical harmless conversation. As we grew closer...

Love Stories
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My Sister is bigger

You are a nameless peon, the only constants in this world are that you are male, you have a sister, and that her penis is much bigger than yours. Everything else is up for grabs. The question is, how much bigger is this bad boy?

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Kenzie Taylor Fantasy Comes True She Gets Manuel8217s Cock In Her Ass

Kenzie Taylor GAPES her ass for Manuel’s huge cock! Newly divorced Kenzie has been staying at her friend Manuel’s house as she figures out what to do with her life. She catches Manuel jerking off and asks him if he can help her with something then leaves the room to take a bath. Kenzie stats rubbing her tight pussy and squeezing her tits and fingering her ass while she’s in the bath as Manuel watches from outside the door. Manuel runs away when he sees Kenzie getting out of the tub, but she...

3 years ago
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My Mature Fantasy How it Began

I was stood by the kitchen counter one morning as she entered and closed the door. I had my back to her and so turned to see what she was doing. She carried a pile of clothes, which she set down by the washing machine before walking over to the kitchen table to check her mobile phone. I directed my attention towards her.She was wrapped in a red dressing gown, which was not the most flattering of robes but, feeling amorous, I was intrigued to see what was underneath. I averted my gaze to the...

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BackroomCastingCouch Thea 02042019

When 20 year old Thea showed up, we weren’t sure that she was actually old enough to take any dick on camera, but after re-checking her ID, we realized she was legal, so all good. Like a good many sluts that walk through our door, she was in it for what she thought would be easy money. Think again sweetie, you’ve got to earn your cash here. She says she likes guys but after talking to her, we realized she’d rather be licking clit than sucking cock. We’re used to girls...

4 years ago
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Babysitter Sex

Where do I start?I am a 19 year-old female who just completed my freshman year at a small hometown college. Since I was 13, I have been babysitting for this couple. She is a very attractive lady in her late 20s and he is a very good looking guy in his mid 30s.Over the past year or so, he has seemingly been flirting with me but since I was attracted to him, I thought it was probably my imagination. Also she was usually around, so I figured if she thought so, she would say something and not ask...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Wayz 2 enhance sex and KO orgasms anyone

Here's a few fun tips n tricks we've found very enjoyable and fun...Hope you will try some n enjoy 2!- Buy a massaging showerhead. Use on clit, dick, but don't direct the jets directly inside you coz u can get tiny air bubbles in which isn't good at all. Also high power waterjet can cause water to go into womb or urethra. So OUTSIDE USE yeah? I like to put it on slow massage, good jet power & work on my clit underwater....Feels much nicer that way, a bit softer than if its out of water. If...

4 years ago
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SEXITIME IS CUMMINGI am carried towards a weird looking table, cross between a crucifix and a medieval torture rack. They lay me across it, pulling my arms out to the side my legs generously apart, Fastenings wrapping around my ankles, wrists, upper arm, thighs and stomach. No way can I move from here, finally my collar is attached too.''Now I could put a gag in your mouth, but I think you can be a good girl and keep quiet, so I won't for now, but make one sound without being told too and in it...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Anna De Ville Housewife Anna De Ville8217s Ass is Dominated by 2 Masters at Once

Statuesque, dark-haired housewife Anna De Ville has invited you over to her place today to confess her deepest, darkest secret to you: every Saturday she has a dom dude come over and put her in her place to keep her kinky fantasies alive as she goes about her humdrum, bourgeois life. Anna shows you how she preps herself by donning a black top and fishnet stockings while getting her pussy and ass ready with her toy collection, especially her huge black dildo. But it’s on to the real...

2 years ago
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The Christian Sex Scandal part 1

My second year here and I just got off winter break. Because of a winter snowstorm our break had been extended but after a week extra off of school the roads have become safe to drive and I can’t wait as I have a date with a girl from my school that I have had a crush on since about halfway through the first semester. Her name was Caroline Johnson. Very small and trim figure with long brown hair that extends partially over her right eye giving her an erotic look, and on top of that one of...

1 year ago
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Public Flashing

Reddit Public Flashing, aka r/PublicFlashing! Alright, before you get your panties up in a bunch, we’re talking about girls flashing stuff in public. Yeah? Alright? So, don’t worry, you’re not going to get flashed by dudes with their cocks here. All you’ll see are tits, asses, and pussies. Public Flashing is the kind of subreddit that is pretty intense if you look at the premise. We’re talking about chicks who are flashing their pussies, tits, and assholes while out in public. However, most of...

Reddit NSFW List
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A Beggars Tale

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website. You must obtain the author's permission prior to posting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Beggar’s Tale by Night Owl(Story Content:...

1 year ago
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Suprising night with my wife friend PT 1

Last summer my wifes friend came to visit for a week. She was a pretty blonde and the day I came back from work to meet her for the first time, she was walking around my deck in a bikini drinking cocktails. After a couple of days partying and hanging out I realized she was pretty open to just about anything. The first couple of nights after my wife went to bed she started to tease me, telling me I probably had a small penis which promptly made me drop my shorts to prove the opposite. She then...

1 year ago
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My Lovely Virgin Venus Lucy Pt 07

'We're delighted to see you, Aamir dear!' said Ms, Jane as I entered. 'We were so glad to get your message inviting us.!' And she kissed me affectionately, somewhat to Lucy's surprise, for this was an unusual proceeding. 'You don't know how glad I am to see you here, Jane! And you have given me a big surprise'. I replied returning her salute. 'How are you, Lucy and Daina?- why you're not looking quite yourself!' I added as I took their little hands in mine and drew both of them...

1 year ago
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AbuseMe Kiley Jay Everythings Got A Price

My girl Kiley Jay always had this fantasy of being taken advantage of in the middle of nowhere. I decided to put this little role playing game together for us. I rolled up on my van down a desolated street. She waved me down because her car had broken down and she needed help getting to the nearest town. The poor girl was out of money for gas, so she had to offer up something else in return for the ride. I made her chock on my cock until her throat couldn’t take anymore, Then My huge cock...

1 year ago
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The Watching HusbandChapter 4

"Well, you don't look as bad as your head feels!" Tim mumbled looking at himself in the bathroom mirror as he brushed his teeth. Kate was sure knocked out, too. She was still asleep! Fine way to start out their first day of work, he thought. As he shaved rapidly he tried to remember just how he had gotten to bed the night before, but the details were very fuzzy. "Oh, well, I can only hope that I didn't make too much of a fool out of myself!" He heard something like a soft tinkling...

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