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This story contains material that could be deemed offensive. If you are under 18 or easily offended, stay away. ----------------------------------------------- Letters ------------------- By Darkside. (c) [email protected] Comments to [email protected] After the horror of Incubus and the sweeping epic of Fury I've decided to write something a little lighter and shorter. Besides I owe Vickie Tern this story as part of a bet I lost :-( Before you ask, I know the science is wrong, but I'm tired of reading up on everything before I write for a while. Cut me some slack OK.. Many thanks must go to Vickie Tern([email protected]) for proofing it for me, eric([email protected]) and Jenny Adams for providing me with comments and suggestions. Therefore any errors that remain must be my own. If you've enjoyed this story you can find all of my stories at www.fictionmania.tv, in the authors' listing under "Darkside." For those who've asked and pleaded I've got four words for you "Bexley's back, Fall 98" If you are under 18 or are offended by explicit material stay away. The only payment I demand for this story is that you mail me any comments(good or bad) or questions. You may store/mail this where-ever you wish but you may NOT charge for it. If you want to publish it, mail me and we'll talk. Letters ------------------------ Jennifer Williams was about to step into a nice hot bath when the doorbell chimed. Quickly turning off the water she wrapped a white towel around herself and walked downstairs. Looking thru the spyhole, she saw a smartly dressed man carrying a large leather folder. She sighed and opened the door. "Ms Williams. I represent Hutchinson-Walter and Barclays," the man started to say. "I know who you're from and you can tell my brother to piss off. The terms of the will were resolved over a year ago. I've nothing else to add." The man pushed his spectacles onto his nose again and then added, "Ms Williams. Your brother has instructed me to tell you that he wishes to bring action against your father's will on the grounds of diminished responsibility. It his view that your father was not of sound mind and body when he left the family home to you." "We had all this out last year. If you want any more answers from me you'll have to speak to my lawyers. Now I have an urgent appointment to get to and my bath is getting cold. Good day!" This said, Jennifer closed the door in the lawyers face. She slowly walked upstairs, dreading the renewal of the conflict which tore her family apart nearly 5 years ago. The terms of the will were quite clear. She would get the house, her brother John would get everything else. It wasn't her fault a developer wanted to buy the house and now it was worth five times it's market value, far more than John had inherited. She had debated selling, but this was her home, the home where she and her brother had grown up. She had so many memories of this place -- how could she let it be torn down to make way for a mall? Letting the towel fall from her body she stepped into the bath. She just wished that all could be made right between her and her brother. She remembered her mother trying to intervene and mediate the dispute right up until the moment when her health declined and she was forced to move into a nearby hospice. Still at least she was happy there and there seemed to be no resentment over what had transpired so long ago. As the warm water flowed over her body she relaxed and let the tension melt away. -- In another part of town David Williams was angry. The lawyer had just got back from his sisters house and told him the bad news. "If it's a fight she wants then a fight she'll get," David shouted to the cringing lawyer. "Yes Mr Williams. We have medical evidence that suggests your father suffered mental trauma for many years. All we need is your signature to proceed." The lawyer held out a sheet of paper. David picked up his gold plated fountain pen and signed where the lawyer indicated. "Y'know if she'd just've been willing to share. That's all I really wanted, half and half," David said. "We did make the offer, but Ms Williams was unwilling to sell," the lawyer added. "I know. Look come back and see me tomorrow. I'm just going to visit mom at the hospice," David said. "Thank you," and with that the lawyer left. David sat down on his leather chair. As a successful business man he didn't need the money the house sale would bring, but it was the principle that counted. Dad had always favored Jennifer, always knew what Jennifer liked. It just wasn't fair that in death Dad should show a preference. -- Jennifer got out of the bath and dried herself down. As a divorced woman of forty four she reckoned she could pass for 35. Nature had been kind on her face, and the crows feet around her eyes could hardly be seen. Her figure wasn't too bad considering she'd had two children. Taking regular exercise had managed to keep her muscle tone firm as well. All in all she was in good shape. However, nature had not been so kind to her in other ways. Already she had been having hot flushes and the signs were pointing to her impending menopause. Still, she'd had two wonderful children and lots of years were left. Ignoring how she felt for the moment, she selected a shortish skirt to go with a white blouse and quickly slipped them on. Today was the day she found out if she was going to get that loan she'd been after. Putting on her heels and smart jacket she got into her car and drove off. -- David drove thru town on his way to the hospice. Drawing up to the lights he let his foot gently blip the gas peddle. The throbbing engine of his specially imported TVR Cerebra roared as he idly passed the time waiting for the lights to change. Looking over his shoulder he noticed that it was his lucky day as a bright red Viper drew up alongside him. It's driver looked at him and smiled. David smiled back and blipped the gas once more to signal his acceptance of the challenge. David focused on the lights and adjusted the pressure on the heavy clutch. Green, go, and David floored the gas pedal. The Viper did quite well and even managed to stay level for 20 yards, until the superior acceleration of his Cerebra took him to 100 mph in just over 9 seconds. Grinning all over his face he slowed down to 55 and took the turning towards the hospice. Parking his car he got out and walked to reception, where he was met by a young nurse. "Mr. Williams?" "Yeah." "You'd better come with me. I have something to tell you," the nurse said softly. From the look on her face David knew what it would be. He felt tears well up inside him. "It's about mom isn't it?" The nurse nodded. "I'm afraid so. Listen, take a seat over there and I'll arrange some tea," the nurse said, pointing at a side room. David sat opened the door and went inside. The gloomy interior of the room did nothing to brighten his mood. A few moments later the nurse returned with a tray of tea. "How'd you take it?" she asked. "White with one sugar," he replied. The nurse poured the tea and handed it to him. She then sat down on the chair next to him. "It's about your mother, Vickie," she said softly. "She's dead isn't she?" David said, tears filling his eyes. The nurse nodded. "I'm afraid so, she slipped away peacefully last night, in her sleep. The doctors says that she wouldn't have felt a thing." David put his head in his hands and started to sob. The nurse put an arm around him and just let the grief pour out. "Y'know she was the only one to understand me," David cried. "I thought you had a sister?" the nurse asked. "Only by relation. Since dad died and cheated me out of my house I have no sister. No, even when I was a child mom knew exactly how I felt, even about girls. Now she's gone there's no-one," David sobbed. "Did you want me to tell your sister?" the nurse asked. "Even though I hate her, I owe her enough to tell her myself," David said. "That's good. I think she knew she was going to die because she wrote a note and sealed it last night. It's addressed to you and Jennifer Williams. Is that your sister?" "Yeah. What's it say?" "It's sealed remember. The only thing written on it were instructions that you and Jennifer must open it at the same time." "OK, let me take the letter now. I'll pick up the rest of her things tomorrow." "Fine. I'll just go and get it. You'll be OK here won't you?" "Yeah," David replied. The nurse left and shut the door behind her. David's head was in a whirl. What could the letter contain? Amendments to her will? Or even the proof he needed to disprove pops will? He thought back to the fun times him and mom had, of the water fights in the garden, building snowmen and mom showing him how to fix a car. He felt himself drifting back into halcyon days gone past. His day dreams were interrupted by the nurse returning with a letter. "There we are," the nurse said, handing it to him. "Thank you," David replied quietly. "Do you want to see her?" the nurse asked. "Yes please, this is hard to take. I'd like to see her again." The nurse looked at David, compassion showing in her eyes. "She's in our own facility for the moment, she'll be moved to the funeral home later on today." "Which way is it?" David asked. "Follow me I'll show you," the nurse said. The nurse stood up and held the door open for David. David put his tea down and followed the nurse thru a seemingly endless passage of brightly lit corridors. Eventually they came to a large, dimly lit room. Looking inside David noticed that the place had an almost religious feel to it. A large stain-glass window was at one end and copious amounts of flowers were placed everywhere. An oak casket lay on a table at the far end. "This way," the nurse said. David walked to the casket, dreading what he would see inside. His stomach was in knots and he could feel his eyes starting to sting with tears. David got to the casket and looked inside. A wail of grief escaped from his mouth as he saw his dead mother inside. Once the initial shock was over he noticed how peaceful she looked. She was dressed in her favorite night-gown and her hands were clasped to her chest. To all intents and purposes she looked asleep and she looked more radiant than she'd done for years. "She looks so peaceful," David commented. "Yes she does. That's how we found her. I'll leave you to spend some time with her. I'll be right outside if you need me," the nurse said. David nodded "Thanks." The nurse left the room, leaving David alone. Seeing her body there rammed the facts home. David could feel himself crying again and after a choked "Bye Mom," had to leave the room. Still in shock David got back into his car and just sat there for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Pressing the starter button the engine roared into life and he drove off towards Jennifer's house. -- Jennifer sat back in her chair and sighed. The bank had refused her loan on the grounds of insufficient liquid assets. She needed the money to start up her own cleaning firm and now selling the house was the only option she could see. After her ex-husband had taken the kids and cleaned her out she was nearly broke. She hated that David would win but she needed to get on with her life and this was the best way to do it. She was about to put some coffee on when the doorbell rang again. She got up and saw David at the door. She unbolted it and almost shouted "What the hell do you want?" "It's mom. She's dead, " David said sadly. "What, When?" "Last night, she passed away in her sleep. I wanted to tell you myself and to give you this," David said and showed Jennifer the letter. Still shaken by the news Jennifer said "You'd better come in. I was about to make some coffee, want some?" "Please. Listen I haven't come here to fight, I just wanted to tell you the news and to see what mom wanted to say in her last letter," David explained. "Truce?" Jennifer said, holding out her hand. "Truce," and David shook it. David paced around the room whilst Jennifer made the coffee. Putting to one side his feelings of being wronged he noticed that the place hadn't changed at all in nearly 5 years. The clock on the wall was still 15 minutes fast and he smiled when he remembered dad's reasoning for leaving it that way. He could almost hear his dad's voice saying 'Son, I want to tell you a secret. The clock is 15 minutes fast so that we can always be on time.' His memories were interrupted when Jennifer came back in, holding two mugs of coffee. "This place has hardly altered," David commented. "Yeah it's just the way Dad liked it. Anyway what's the letter say?" "Don't know. I'll open it and you can read it," David suggested. "You don't want any lawyers to witness it do you?" Jennifer said sarcastically. David glared and tore open the letter. Handing a rough sheet of paper to Jennifer he sat back and sipped his coffee. Jennifer started to read. 'To my dear, precious children. If you are reading this note then it means my time has come to join my husband. You will have many questions and I hope my letters will help to answer them for you. I sincerely hope that these letters will bring you back together and you will come to see why we did what we did. My letters are stored in the loft, underneath the fifth floorboard, nearest the hatch. It's the floorboard that has the grain running opposite to the rest. All my Love Vickie.' "What letters?" Jennifer asked. "No idea. Mom never said anything about them. I guess the questions she's talking about are about dad's will," David suggested. "That's only a small question. What about this one. What did Mom and Dad do before they married? We never heard anything about their families, never saw grandparents, aunts, uncles or anything. You know how much that hurt when we were younger." "OK, what about why Dad always favored you?" David said. "We didn't come here to fight. I suspect these letters will answer questions we never even thought of. Let's go find them." "Agreed." David went outside to the toolshed and found a long crowbar. He then extended the stair ladder and switched the light on. Jennifer followed him into the loft and looked around. "There it is," David proclaimed. "Yeah look how the grain of the wood runs opposite to the others. Quick, lever it up," Jennifer ordered. David slipped the bar between the boards and pushed downwards with all his strength. There was a loud crack and the floorboard split in two. David gave it another go and the floorboard came loose. Jennifer knelt down and pulled out a cloth bag. Dusting it down she gently untied the string that held the bag shut. She reached inside and pulled out a pile of letters. The paper looked old and worn and the writing was faded but just legible. "Shall we take them downstairs?" David suggested. "I can't wait. Let's read them here. Besides, I don't want the writing to fade in the sun. Say, this is just like when we were young and played at secret agents isn't it?" David didn't admit it but he was as curious as his sister "That WAS a long time ago. OK, we can read them here," he replied. Gingerly Jennifer put each letter on the floor. There were four altogether, three in their mom's handwriting and another, more official looking one. Each envelope had a number written on the top right corner. "I guess we go for number 1," David said. "Logical," Jennifer replied. Jennifer took letter number 1 and slowly opened it. She took the letter, written on old pink notepaper and started to read. 'Dear Jennifer and David, If you are reading this letter it means that I have passed away and my husband, your father has also gone. Try not to be too sad as we both had a life full of joy and happiness. More than we were entitled to in any case. Sure it was a struggle sometimes but our love carried us thru. What you are about to read is the truth about us and where you came from.' "Shit, we're adopted," David said. "Shut up, she continues," Jennifer said and continued reading. 'No you're not adopted and we are your biological parents. Let's just say for the moment that you had an unusual upbringing. These letters will answer many questions you will have had over the years and could even resolve any disputes that have sprung up between you.' David glared at Jennifer when she read that last sentence. "Hey I didn't make that up," Jennifer said. "Stop interrupting will you and carry on," David moaned. Jennifer shrugged her shoulders and obeyed. 'I guess the easiest place to start is my birthday. I was born on the 16th of June 1929 in California. The year does not surprise you but the date does I bet. Why do I say I was born on your fathers birthday? That will become clear in time. As I grew up I developed an interest in science and vowed to become an engineer when I grew up. My dad, your grandfather said that it was a worthy trade for a lad such as me.' "Wait a sec. Read that bit again," David demanded. "Umm, oh yes. 'My dad, your grandfather said that it was a worthy trade for a lad such as me.' ," Jennifer read and then looked right at David. "Did I just read LAD?" "Yeah, are you sure it says that. Could it be lass?" Passing the letter Jennifer said "No it's definitely lad, take a look." "You're right. Look, she continues and I'll take over," David said and started to read. 'Yes you did read lad. You see I was born Victor Turner to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner of 132 Redondo Ave, Los Angeles. My dad was a carpenter and my mother looked after me, her only child. In case you missed the facts staring you in the face I'll repeat them. I was born a man in 1929. How I became Victoria Williams, nee Turner will be outlined in my second letter. ' "Mom was a MAN?" Jennifer almost shouted. "No way. She says that we are her biological children. Even today's surgery can't do that. She must've been joking," David exclaimed. "Keep reading. I have to know," Jennifer cried. 'This is no joke. I'm afraid I've got another shock for you. Your father, Robert Williams was born Rose Williams on the 20th September 1930. Yes, that was my birthday. His parents were Fred and Gloria Williams of 158 Northholt St, New Jersey. He always wanted to be a housewife and look after his beautiful children. That may seem strange to you nowadays but then it was the done thing to do. Your father knew all about me, because in a way he created me. However that story is another letter. Anyway you are in shock no doubt over this and that's quite understandable. Please understand that we loved you and if there is life beyond the grave, still love you. What you are hearing is painful we know but you have to know the truth. We kept this secret from you when you were younger because we knew that it would hit you hard. The one lesson we want you to carry with you thru the rest of your life is that our situations don't matter, it's how we feel and react to others that really matter. We tell you this now so that you may know that love triumphs over tribulations. Please understand we did this out of love and not any desire to see you hurt. All My Love Vickie.' "I can't cope with this, Dad used to be a woman?" Jennifer sobbed. "I know, I feel the same way. I feel as though my whole world has just fallen in. First mom's death, now this," David started to cry again and for the first time in five years brother and sister embraced, each giving comfort to the other. Jennifer sniffled, wiped her eyes clear of tears and said "I've just thought of something. We now have the names and addresses of our grand-parents. We may even have aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews we don't even know about. We could even be a family again." "Hmm, there's still the issue of Dad's will." Jennifer's face showed anger and she spat "OK I'm fed up with your carping on about it. We agreed a cease-fire so stop sniping. Anyway let's see what mom says in her second letter." "OK, OK, I get the message." Jennifer reached down and opened the second letter. "Hmm seems much heavier than the last one. Why don't we take it in turns?" "OK, I'll go first," David suggested. "Fine." 'Hello Again. I'm sure my first letter was quite a bombshell for you and no doubt you are still reeling from it's revelations. This letter will answer the how and the why we ended up like we were. It also goes into explicit detail, which you may find distasteful but underlines what we want you to know. Anyway on with the story. As I said I was born in LA in 1929 and my name was Victor Turner. I had a natural gift for engineering and physics and I graduated from college with a high honors degree in 1951 . Since my parents were poor I enlisted in the army to see me thru college and beyond. During that time the cold war was about to get into full swing and the whole country was starting to get nervous over the goings on in the Soviet Union. The US government routinely performed nuclear tests in the atmosphere, something that seems madness today. Anyway I was transferred to a secret research establishment in Utah in 1955 to work on experiments with radiation and other still secret devices. I had been there a year when I met Rose. You've seen pictures of me when I was young and I was quite a, what's the modern name for it? That's the word I'm looking for, a babe. That's right -- the pictures of me are pictures of Rose. I'll explain later before you ask, OK. Anyway Rose was a babe. I'm not sure that photographs capture how blonde her hair was or how blue her eyes were but suffice to say every man on the base was after Rose. I wasn't too bad either, tall dark and handsome my mom used to say. Anyway, Rose worked as a nurse, taking care of routine health matters on the base. I can still remember admiring her shapely form underneath her uniform, how her pert breasts emphasised every curve she had. It was time for my routine radiation check-ups and the staff nurse was off sick. So Rose did the checks instead. We got talking and Rose and I hit it off right away.' "Hey when's it my turn?" Jennifer complained. "I didn't realise they worked in some kinda military research base in the 50's. No wonder they kept it secret," David commented. "My turn," Jennifer demanded. David passed the letters onto Jennifer and said "There we go. No skipping ahead remember." Jennifer started to read. 'Times were different then and to have slept with someone before you married them was seen, by polite society to be taboo. However Rose and I weren't polite society and we went at it like rabbits. As I write this I can feel my erect cock thrusting it's way into her warm, moist pussy. My hands are caressing her erect nipples and her moans are music to my ears. Yes, we were very much in love and damn what others said.' "Ewww,"Jennifer said. "What?" "Mom said she'd go into detail but that's taking it a little far." "Come on keep reading," David demanded. Jennifer continued. ' Yes the sex was great and we planned to marry as soon as we had enough money together. However we came under pressure by her parents to split up. You see they were from the old school that believed you should marry within your social group and a carpenters son was not their idea of an ideal match. We pointed out that Jesus was a carpenters son but that only served to fan the flames. Rose's parents were 'old money' in New Jersey and didn't want the bloodline polluted. Anyway we had to stay on the base for long periods of time so we didn't see much of anyone else. I guess you are wondering where all this is leading so I'll get on with it. I remember the day as though it was yesterday. The 18th of August 1957, unknown to us and most people at the time the Earth passed thru a strong solar flare. The significance of this will become clear later on. I was inside a laboratory performing the last set of experiments on the effects of Gamma rays on living tissue and was just bombarding some lab rats with radiation when Rose came in. She'd just finished her shift and decided to visit me on the pretence of monitoring my health.' "I wonder why so much detail?" David asked. "No idea. I'll see what she says," Jennifer said 'Anyway I was so distracted by Rose that I forgot to switch off the Gamma emitter when I removed the now sleepy rat. All of a sudden every valve in the apparatus blew and my body was bathed in electrical energy. Rose seeing me in danger leapt into the field and dragged me out as best as she could. We must have been exposed for about 20 seconds but it was enough to knock us both out. The power spike shorted the machine out and we lay, unconscious until an MP walked past an hour or so later.' "Wow just like the incredible Hulk," David exclaimed. "Except that they didn't turn green and cranky. I wonder what happened?" Jennifer commented. "My turn to read," David said. Jennifer passed the letter to David and said "OK." 'We were taken to the infirmary and prodded and poked. A Geiger counter showed that we had been exposed to high doses of radiation but something had prevented cell damage. Eventually ,after a battery of tests we were released and went to our separate homes on two weeks sick leave. I first knew something was wrong three days after the accident when I went to shave. Strangely there was no stubble on my face and my normally brown eyes had turned blue. I thought nothing more of it that morning until Rose came over to see me. I noticed her eyes were brown and that she was wearing more blusher than usual. I also noticed a thin layer of hair on her face. When asked about it she was a little coy and said sometimes her body played tricks on her.' "I can see what's going to happen," David said. Jennifer looked puzzled. "Yeah. The accident. I'm surprised that they didn't suss it out then." "I'll keep reading." 'That evening I had a splitting headache and I had to go to bed early. Rose felt unwell too and kissed me goodnight. It was about midnight when I felt as though my body was on fire. Sweat was pouring off me and I had to get up to get a glass of water. As I went into the bathroom I felt my pyjama pants go loose and fall down from my legs. Too ill to do anything about it I staggered to the sink to get some water. I casually glanced in the mirror and saw my face was softer and more rounded. My normal black hair was growing out and becoming blonde. I put a hand to my face, not believing it was real and saw to my horror that my hand had lost it's muscular look and was now small and dainty. I stared at my face again and saw how the flesh had just finished changing and that the last of my hair had been replaced by long, blonde locks. Looking back at me, in the mirror was Rose's face. It was then I noticed a pressure on my chest and reached up, dreading what I would find. I could feel the flesh of my newly forming breasts starting to press against my hand. The nipple on the breast was erect and no matter how hard I pressed inwards my breasts kept growing. I gave up after a while and just let them hang there. A horrible thought struck me and I reached down to my groin, dreading what I would find. I screamed, a high pitched, womanly scream when my finger found only a moist, fleshy mound. I tore my clothes off and stood in front of the mirror. I looked exactly like Rose! I had her long, shapely legs and wide hips. My body was thinner and the curves I had were certainly not masculine. My breasts hung from my body and heaved as I breathed. So I did what any normal man would do, I screamed. ' "Fucking hell, I would do to," David exclaimed. "I wonder what Rose did?" Jennifer asked. "Dunno, let's find out," David said. Jennifer continued reading. 'I staggered back to my bed and lay down, in shock. I was about to investigate further when there was a knock at the door. I looked around to see if I could get anything to hide my new body and eventually found my dressing gown. I wrapped it around me ignoring the new sensations that bombarded me as I did it up. I called out, 'who is it?' in the most manly voice I could muster. A mans voice called back 'Vic, It's Rose.' I quickly got up and opened the door. My old body stood there with a shocked look on it's face. There was a thump as my old body fainted. I pulled 'Rose' back inside and brought her round with some cold water. I needn't go into the discussion we had as you can imagine what took place. Suffice to say we knew the accident was the cause and that we had no idea how to switch us back. We discussed how we felt at length and decided that we still loved each other regardless. Rose treated it as a joke, a vacation if you like and asked if I wanted to make love as a woman. I admitted that my new body made me as horny as hell so agreed. Besides it gave me chance to try out my new tits and pussy. This is where it gets explicit, sorry but it turns me on even now. So skip ahead if you want to' "I'll skip shall I?" Jennifer asked. "I'm curious. In any case we might miss something. Mom wouldn't put it in if she didn't want us to read it." "You just want some cheap thrills," Jennifer teased. "Just read it will you," David replied. OK then and Jennifer started to read. 'We both lay down, naked on our bed, each of us unsure what to do. I wasn't too sure about kissing a man but when Rose ran her hand over my breast I was soon persuaded otherwise. The feelings were electric. She gently touched my face and ears, something which I had liked as a man and then kissed me. I expected to be repelled but something in me made me respond. I felt my pussy go all warm and moist as she kissed my now erect nipples. Instinctively I reached down and grabbed Rose's erect dick, she gave a sigh as I stroked it's long, hard shaft. All thoughts that this was my old body I was fucking went out of the window when she reached down and ran a finger over my moist cunt. A feeling of immense pleasure rushed thru my body as I felt her finger enter me. A loud, feminine moan erupted from my body as I felt as though I was on fire. So intense was the pleasure I lay motionless on the bed, relishing every stroke and caress Rose gave me. I'd had sex with Rose many times but sex AS Rose was another matter. I lost track of time as Rose brought me to the point of orgasm many times. It was incredibly frustrating but also incredibly pleasurable. I was surprised when she asked me to open my mouth and even more surprised when she sat above me and beckoned me to give her a blow. I'd always enjoyed Rose sucking me and wanted to return the favor. I grabbed hold of her cock and placed it in my mouth and started to gently stroke it with my tongue. Rose groaned with pleasure at this and I began to suck a little harder. It was hard to concentrate as the waves of pleasure began to increase for me as well. I tasted a warm, salty flavor and realised that this was her pre-cum starting to be released. I desperately wanted for her to fuck me and indicated as such. We paused for a few moments for me to put a rubber on her and then she straddled me. She fumbled a bit, trying to guide her new cock into me but I took hold of it again and guided it into place. I felt her warm, fleshy shaft enter me and I felt a stronger pleasure wave hit me as she went right in. She waited, stationary for a moment and then moved her hips up and down, driving her cock further into me. I felt as though I was about to be split in two but still the pleasure came as she thrust faster and faster. I was now groaning and moaning as Rose used to, it was the only way to express the pleasure I felt. Suddenly my body was hit by a hammer blow of pleasure and I let out a wail as ripples of pleasure spread from my pussy to all around my body. I felt a pumping, throbbing sensation in my pussy and saw that Rose had gone still. A few minutes later I felt Rose go flaccid inside me and she pulled out of me. We got up and just cuddled for ages, both of us completely satisfied. The questions how we would explain this, and what next, were forgotten in that brief time of post-orgasm glow.' "I can't believe they just jumped into bed right afterwards," Jennifer said. "I can. People deal with shock in different ways. Look at us -- we've been at each others throats for five years and here we are talking as though nothing has gone on," David said. "But still," Jennifer started to say. "Mom did cut a lot of the dialogue out. I wish I'd been a fly on the wall," David said. "I suppose. Anyway, carry on," Jennifer said. "Agreed," David said and started to read. 'We tried to tell our parents of our situation but they failed to understand. Eventually they cut off all relations and refused to take our calls or answer our letters. It was a sad, hard time and only our love kept us going. What made it harder was that the military decided we were too sick to be of any use and wanted us out by the end of the year. As you may remember we got married in 1958 and it was one of the happiest days of my life. This letter is getting a little long so I'd better sign off, see you in number three. Love Vickie XXXX' "OK, let's open number three," David said, still numb from the revelations of the second letter. "You read nearly all the second one. I think I should read next," Jennifer said. "Fine. I need some time to think this thru. How about some more coffee?" "OK, you know where it is. " "I meant you make it. It's YOUR house," David snapped. "After all that's happened you still insist on getting this house? Listen, I need this place. Dad gave it to me for safekeeping and I'm NOT selling," Jennifer shouted back. "But look, we now know dad and mom switched, it must've placed a strain on their emotional states, it would me. Using these letters, I've got the.. ," David started to say. Jennifer interrupted, "You wouldn't. These letters are private and personal, not ammunition for your own ambitions. Mom's pouring her heart out here and all you want to do is pick it up and serve it up as a writ. Doesn't anything we've read so far make you see that Mom and Dad loved each other and from that love came us. They'd hate to see us fight like this." "Of course they loved us and each other but that's not the point. Mom wanted to use these letters to settle any arguments between us. That's what I want to do. She wanted me to use them," David argued. "Look there's still two letters left. Let's see what they say and stuff the coffee," Jennifer said, trying to placate David. David thought for a while and then said "OK, You read." Jennifer opened letter number three. 'Hello again, By now you know our story of how we got married. This letter will explain events afterwards and maybe even resolve any differences between you. Anyway I'll pick the story where I left off. As I said we married in July 1958 and I made a stunning bride. Since both our parents had disowned us our wedding was a quiet affair. It didn't matter, we were happy and after my honorable discharge had enough money to live on. I spent my time teaching Rose, now Robert, my engineering skills so as he could get a job easier. Remember in those days women did not become engineers, or rather they could but they couldn't find a job afterwards. It was a mans world. I also devoted my time to investigating what had happened that fateful night, but the science of the time was and may still be inadequate to explain what went on. In any case as soon as I fell pregnant with David all my experiments went out of the window. My mother's instinct was stronger than my desire to return to my old body. Feeling him kick and punch inside me was the only persuasion I needed to stay as I was. Robert had by then become a free-lance technical author and was enjoying having a career so he didn't mind much either. When David was born in 1960 my time was all but taken up by looking after him. As I had relished the challenge of formulae and electrons I now relished and revelled in motherhood. When David was two we agreed to have another child and Jennifer was the result. Naturally I identified more with David and Robert identified more with Jennifer. As you grew up we took on the roles the other would normally take. I was the one to give the 'father-son' chats for example. We both remember your childhoods with great fondness, and the excitement and pride of seeing you both grow up into adults will stay with me forever. We moved here in 1963 and I soon became a memorable figure in the town. I led the women's rights marches and burned my bras with the rest of them. Soon I became known as the town's 'Calamity Jane'. I could write a book on our lives together, on the good times and the hard, but I do know I couldn't have wished for a better partner or for more beautiful children. You remember the rest of the times we had so I'll skip to the now. Your father, my husband of nearly forty years has died. Words cannot describe my feelings of loss and grief, but he is still here, inside. I guess you now feel the same about me. David, don't hide your feelings from yourself. Jennifer let out the grief that I know is still inside. Be there for each other no matter what has gone on before.' Jennifer stopped reading, the tears welling up in her eyes. She wiped them away with her sleeve and went to continue to read when David said "Y'know seeing her write those words makes me feel better. They struggled thru thick and thin to stay together." "Mom would cry her heart out to see us like this. I'm sure when she wrote this she had no idea of the bad blood that would be between us. Why don't we put it all behind us, for her sake?" Jennifer said. David sighed. Deep down he knew Jennifer was right. He turned to her and said, "Why don't I read?" "Fine, Change the subject. I'm tired of reading for a while anyway," Jennifer said and handed David the Letter. David took the letter and started to read. 'There are a couple of things to tidy up before I go. Firstly the will. We know that the choice to give the house to Jennifer will be controversial. David I sincerely hope that you will understand our reasoning for this and not go off the wall at Jennifer for getting the house rather than you.' David stopped reading and looked rather sheepishly at Jennifer. Jennifer glared back. Deciding to see what was going to happen next David started to read again. 'David, we knew that you were doing well and didn't really need the house. Of course you valued it, as the place you grew up in but if you are honest you don't REALLY need it do you. Jennifer, however, does. Her divorce has left her alone and broke and our home is the only solid thing she can now hold onto. We also knew that she would never sell, and so she'd keep the hiding place of these letters intact. Besides it was our house and ours to do with as we will. The fourth letter contains information that makes all our reasoning clear. But I'm getting ahead of myself.. Robert and I discussed what to do with what, he wanted to split the house fifty-fifty but I persuaded him to do otherwise. Jennifer, once I am gone and these letters have been read feel free to sell the house and use the money as you wish. Start up your own business or anything. As a woman you have more opportunities for a career than I ever did. Make the best of it. Get on with your life and live it.' David stopped reading and looked at Jennifer. The two siblings stared at each other for a few seconds and then Jennifer said without any trace of smugness "I guess that blows your claim to the house out of the water. Mom gave it to me to help me get thru my divorce. She's right of course. I need to get on with my life." David sighed "You're right. I can't argue about it now. I can't pretend to like it but I guess financially speaking I don't NEED the house. You were right earlier, about mom hating to see us fight, I'm sorry." Jennifer's face brightened. She saw a chance of reconciliation and took it. "I tell you what. When I sell the house I'll give you half, as you wanted," David's face brightened. Jennifer continued "On the proviso that you invest in my new cleaning business. I need the money and you don't lose any face. As you would say it's win, win." David thought it over and then said "Partners, fifty-fifty?" "Sixty, forty it's my business after all." "OK. As long as you let me teach you about the accounts. You never had any allowance left at the end of the week anyway." "Done and done," Jennifer said holding her hand out. David took her and they shook hands. Jennifer felt a weight lift from her and the pain of the last few years melted away. She looked at David, tears once again in her eyes and said "What about the rest of the letter?" "Shit. I'd forgotten about that. I'll read on." 'David. We are so proud of what you've achieved. You've fulfilled our every wish for you. Well done. Look after your sister for me please. The second matter is one of closure. If you remember back a year or so ago both of us went away for a few weeks. We told you it was a second honeymoon, but in fact we went away to TGEN labs for tests. As you know they had mapped out the human genome and so had the best chance of explaining what had gone on all those years ago. The fourth letter is from one of their head researchers, James Shatner. When the results arrived we debated long and hard what to do about it. In the end we decided that ignorance was the best course of action, that to tell you too far in advance would cause you to worry. It might not happen anyway. Before I finish, I just want to tell you that I love you and you have made my life a complete and happy one. I have no regrets over what happened and I wish you well in whatever you do. All My Love Mom XXX' "Hmmm, I Wonder what the letter will say and why she wanted it kept a secret? And what might not happen?" David said, sounding worried. "Let's find out," Jennifer said taking the fourth letter and opening it. Jennifer started to read. 'Dear Mr and Mrs Williams. After much consultation with my colleagues here (EAB sends her regards, by the way) and long correspondence with other research labs around the world I can now tell you the results of the tests you had and some theories surrounding what occurred in 1957. It is our opinion that the solar flare that struck the Earth on the 18th August 1957, added with the effects of exposure to gamma radiation caused a situation where your DNA started to merge and gradually take over the other person's. Although we at TGEN have mapped the human genome we are some way away from developing a system where it can be modified at will. I guess what I'm saying is that there is currently no way to reverse the situation. Sorry. Furthermore, there are signs that this genetic take-over is hereditary, and the children you have may be at risk of the same thing happening to them. They carry a combination of your DNA inside them and it is possible and indeed likely that this DNA will resurface. In layman's terms their DNA would be overwritten by yours. Your son David would physically (not mentally) become Vickie (of 40 years ago) and Jennifer would physically become Robert (also of 40 years ago). Although you thought this could be the case and that thier puberty could cause the onset, the most likely time for this to occur would be the onset of the female menopause and the changes that occur in men around the same age.' David and Jennifer looked at each other and burst out laughing. Nine months later it didn't seem very funny at all. End.

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My First Bra Part 8

In Part 7, I got a new look, a bob hairstyle with blonde highlights. It looked terrific and I was very happy with it... until I remembered that I was a guy; a guy with a girl's hairstyle. I panicked. I didn't know how I could possibly go out in public; how I could go to work with this new look. It was so feminine of a hairstyle. I had no idea what I was going to do. As I got into the car my wife could tell there was something wrong. "What's the matter dear?" she asked. "You seemed...

1 year ago
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My Neighbour spanks me and makes Love to me

This Fictional Story is written by Jennifer,contains explicit sexual material and situations involving consenting Adults. No reference to u******e persons is intended or implied. No reference to real Persons dead or alive is intended or implied. This is a fantasy I have about my neighbour. Enjoy. Hugs and Kisses Jennifer. I have lived next door to Mr C for about 6 months now, and have been attracted to him ever since the first day I saw him I am only 28 so there is a big difference in our...

1 year ago
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Dallas Ch 06

Back at the hotel, we decide to return to our rooms, respectfully, and change for dinner. ‘I’ll meet you downstairs in the bar in about an hour’ he tells me. ‘Ok, that’s fine, I’ll see you there.’ Kicking off my heels and thinking I have just enough time for a quick bath. Grabbing my robe, I also search in my bag and find my toy. It is going to join me in the bath this time. With my bath water running, I lay out my black pants and sweater for the evening’s attire. Slipping in the hot...

2 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 83

The one good thing about having a game start at five p.m. was that it was barely 10 o'clock when Brock arrived home. Meredith greeted him with a warm kiss and smelled the Mexican food on his breath. "I swear, I'm going to start coming into the clubhouse for dinner," she said. "I had to stop by In-and-Out on the way home. Which reminds me..." She wiggled her eyebrows lasciviously. "My wife is a sex fiend," Brock said. "And you love it," Meredith replied, smiling happily at her...

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On Vacation With SaraChapter 5

After I dressed, if that’s what you call putting on a few triangles of material. I stepped outside to see many of the folks there still looking at me. Brad had my shorts and top and we headed toward the beach. When we got to the public lockers, he put them, along with his shirt in and we headed off for another surf lesson. This time, I was being stared at by everyone on the beach from young boys to old men and quiet a few women. I really loved the attention and worked hard to make sure my...

4 years ago
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Puritan WhoresChapter 4

Constance was a happy maid. She smiled a lot these days. Away from the stifling village, I watched as she flourished. It has been nearly a month since we started our own porn site, ‘Puritan Whores.’ Traffic was good, but not as much as we needed to keep the village. Constance seems to enjoy her role as a maid. Abby helped her pick out a few different sets of slutty maid costumes online. Now that’s what she mostly wore around the house. Happy to do her chores. She was also getting good with...

4 years ago
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Wolf Creek Ch 06

Ada had nearly become unhinged at seeing her Chicago industrialist lover at her doorstep in Indiana, not the least because he stood beside his natural son—her eldest son, Dan. When Dan had been conceived, Ada was too innocent to know that Vaughn was the father, but Charles had set her straight on that. While pointing out that he couldn’t be the father because he’d always used a condom when they had sex, he also said he knew that Vaughn and Shaffer hadn’t used condoms when they shared Ada at the...

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Destinys RoadChapter 19

My pleasant slumber was cut short when a pushing on my side brought me awake. I found that the girls had piled on me at some point in the night and we had worked ourselves into a jumbled mass. Zoe was trying to get my leg off her, and she looked a little frantic. "Cas, get off." "Are you ok Zoe?" "No, I feel really queasy. I need to get to the bathroom. NOW!" That last was said in a yell when I didn't move fast enough. As soon as a path was cleared, she bolted for the door. By this...

2 years ago
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OHGIRL What Happens In Vegas 7

The two days of rest did me well. My body was rejuvenated and I had even gone to the hotel gym for a little workout. I had stayed in my room for dinners and avoided all of the very obvious pick up lines when I did go out to shop or explore the strip. The day before the party, I contacted the client who was paying me for the bachelor party and got all of the information that I needed. When I had booked the engagement with my client, we thought it would be more convenient for me to be in the same...

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Taking over the Hudson Family 1 by 1 part three

I laid down beside her and wrapped my arms around her for a moment. She leaned down to me and kissed me again. I moaned against her lips and she smiled, this made me smile back. “Your turn,” She whispered, rolling me onto my back, “Your turn.” I smiled at her as she climbed on top of me. She straddled my waist and leaned forward to kiss me. Her hands finding my breasts and squeezing them lightly. I let out a little moan against her lips, and she smiled. The feeling of someone smiling against...

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Wet Encounter

It started becuse I hadn’t had it for weeks and was feeling horny as hell. I had never really seen the big deal about meeting people on the internet, especially not for just one-off encounters, but I just felt like what I was in the mood for was ridiculously meaningless sex with whatever cheap and easy girl was up for it. It took a surprisingly little amount of time to find someone. I thought I would be gloing through profiles for ages to find someone who was into the same things as me, but...

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Romantic Valentines Day

He couldn’t believe how much snow was falling on the ground, and yet, he had to drive in the darn stuff. His truck was four wheel drive, but even so, the white stuff wasn’t making it easy for him to get home to his wife. Sam looked at the roses he purchased earlier today and wondered if they were going to make it. They weren’t looking very good. ‘So much for that’ He thought. He wondered what his wife was doing at that moment. Was she hoping he was going to make it home in tie for a decent...

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Futa Naked In School 02 Winning the Futa Vote Chapter 3 Denices Wild Futa Delight

Chapter Three: Denice's Wild Futa Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Denice Jenning's Week, Friday My week had been crazy at Rogers College. I was chosen for the Program because was I was in the running to be my school's homecoming queen. The naughty futa-president, Ms. McTaggart, thought it would cute to have my rival, that slut Umeko Himura, and me go naked for the entire week. That was the point of the Program, to encourage young people to embrace their bodies and sexuality. To...

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Roses DateChapter 2

"God Mother. Dad was right. You are The Queen of cocksuckers." The guilt set in immediately. Rose had just swallowed her son's ejaculate for the second time of the evening. She had FUCKED her own son. Rose arose from Brad's bed and ran to her own bedroom. She locked the door behind her, worried that Brad would follow her for more incestuous sex. She cried herself to sleep, not just because she had had sex with her son but because she had enjoyed it so much. Her first fuck in over a year...

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The Glen Book OneChapter 17

A bright sliver of light pierced the darkness of the room, if that wasn't too kind a word for it, in which Erin, Jenny and Anna had been unceremoniously dumped by their captors. After what seemed a lifetime of fear and uncertainty in this dark closet, the light was blinding. Erin and the others held their hands up to shade their eyes from the glare. "Lovely, lovely..." murmured a darkly oily voice from behind the light. "Sweet enough to eat whole isn't she?" said Mordrant to an unseen...

1 year ago
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Long time Cumming mother in law

Unfortunately i ending splitting from my wife after only a short marriage a real same but life’s life! As time passed it dawned on me that the chance of bumping in to the mother in law late at night when at her house half naked and drunk stumbling from the toilet still trying to pull her panties up had passed! I use to sleep very lightly when at the In laws or lay there awake waiting for the mother in law to go for her nightly piss after drinking far to much wine! I use to lay in the guest room...

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The Tale Of Love Vol1

Many of the students were sad that they failed in the exams. Savita should be very sad as the teacher said that if she fails in this she will not be promoted to 12th grade, that too when she is 18 years old. After teacher Girish finished giving the paper he called Savita. She was prepared for everything. She removed two of her shirt buttons. What a relief to those melons which were trying to get out all the time. “You know what is going to happen,” said Girish. Savita bent down and fell on his...

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Security guard isn't the most glamourous job in the world, but it suits me fine. After all, who else gets paid for sitting around watching a monitor all night? It's a bit monotonous, but it gives me time to think. You can go into a kind of zen trance watching all the nothing going on. Lately I had been working this university gig – campus cops. It wasn't bad. I got to walk around a bit, and the worst I had to do was break up a frat brawl or escort a panicky girl back to her dorm. It was...

3 years ago
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Wifersquos Version Wifes Ass Too Small For Ana

After our first lovemaking session with my future husband Al I discovered what it was like to be fucked by a long thick healthy nine inch cock. I came four times that first night and it was the beginning of our four year marriage. With that nine inch cock buried deep inside me almost every night I was one happy wife. I even learned to take half of his large organ in my mouth. We both wanted to experiment with new things. But when it came to anal sex we had one problem.I am a petite, 5”2”, 110...

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