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Raven THIRTEEN Steve woke up at about 6:32 a.m. to start to get ready for school. As he started to clear his head, he realized it was Friday the 13th. He smiled to himself. Strange things are supposed to happen on Friday the 13th. "Steve are you up?" He heard is mother yell from somewhere down stairs. Except for his mother's constant nagging, life was perfect for Steve. He was sixteen years old, and a sophomore in high school. Steve was quite popular, and his prospects to make the school baseball team were good. His grades weren't all that great, but he really didn't care. His parents were more concerned about it than he was. Suddenly his mother open the door and repeated, "Steve are you up?" "Yes mom, I'm up." He grumbled. "Then why didn't you answer me?" She looked around the room. It was in its usual state of squalor. "I thought I told you to clean this up last night?" "I forgot," was all that Steve could say. "You forgot!?!" She repeated to herself in that tone of voice. "It's not like you were up here studying. You were probably on the phone again with girls. Really Steve!" "I don't see anything wrong with that. Have you forgotten what it's like to be 16?" That had an immediate effect on Deborah Thomas. "I am not that old. I am only 34 years old. It wasn't that long ago that I was 18, and I had you. I also got married to your father, and was running a household at 18. 18 is not that far away from 16. I just wish you'd take some responsibility in your life." "I will mom." Steve said in his best innocent voice. "Yeah......right." Stated his mom as she broke into a smile, picked up a pillow from the floor, and hit her son in the head. "Well at least get up and get ready for school. Your sister is already up, and downstairs having breakfast." "All right, all right. I'm getting up." Steve got up and showered as fast as he could. After he showered, he got dressed in his favorite pair of jeans, and a shirt which showed off his musculature. Steve was looking forward to today. Every Friday was lab in Chemistry class. He was the lab partner of Jenna, the prettiest girl in the sophomore class, and he was hoping to make time with her. Steve came down to the breakfast table in a good mood, with a song in his heart. That good mood lasted until he sat down beside his 13-year old sister Susan. Susan was constantly torturing her older brother, and got away with it because she was her mother's perfect little girl. She was neat, where Steve was messy. She was polite. Steve was rude. She obeyed her parents, where Steve tended to do as he wanted. In other opposites! Whenever they got into a fight, which was often, the parents always believed her. Susan had the perfect cover to make his life hell. This morning was no different. Susan as usual picked a fight over something trivial. As usual, Deborah believed Susan, and Steve was in trouble again. Susan went upstairs to get the rest of her things and catch her bus. Meanwhile, Steve tried desperately to explain to his mother how Susan had them all fooled. She was the cause of all the problems. It didn't wash. It ended up with his mother saying, "It wouldn't hurt you to be more like your sister you know." Steve responded, "More like you don't you mean. She's an exact clone of you!!" "Whatever. It wouldn't hurt you to be more like me. Honestly, Steve you need a direction in your life." The same old argument, however Steve liked his direction just fine. Steve picked up his stuff, in a huff, and rushed out of the house, without saying another word to his mother. That was all right with Deborah, because she was just as pissed off at him. While Steve started his walk to high school, Deborah kissed her daughter, Susan, goodbye, as she went out to meet her bus. After the bus pulled away, Deborah started to clean up the kitchen from the breakfast mess. All the way to school the thing with his mother kept on coming back to Steve. It made him madder and madder! As Deborah was washing the morning dishes, she thought of her argument with her son. It made her angrier and angrier. Simultaneously, in their separate locations, mother and son said, "I wish she/he could see things from my point of view for a change." The next thing Steve was aware of was that somehow he was back in the kitchen of his house with his hands in soapy water at the sink. He had absolutely no idea how he got here. He looked down at his arms that were sticking in the dish water. They looked thinner, and definitely less hairy than he remembered them to be. It was only when he pulled his hands out of the water that he understood that something extraordinary had happened to him. His hands were very small, with long fingernails that were painted red. On his left fingernail was a diamond engagement ring and wedding band. Steve recognized those rings. They looked exactly like the ones that his mother had. It occurred to Steve exactly what had happened. He ran to the full length mirror in the foyer. As Steve ran into the foyer, he felt his chest jiggle and move. He paused before stepping into the reflection of the mirror. He knew what he was going to see, hoping beyond hope that it wasn't true. Steve trembled all over in fear. Still, finally, he stepped into the mirror's reflection. There, before his eyes, was the image of his own mother, Deborah Thomas. Steve staggered into the living room, plopping onto the couch. He just sat there for a long time, in a state of shock, afraid even to move around. He was terrified of the sensations he was receiving from this body. Suddenly the phone rang on the end table next to the couch. Steve, by force of habit, picked up the phone, and without thinking said, "Hello?" What came out of his mouth was his mother's soft and sweet voice. "Ste.............." the voice on the other end started. However it finished up with "...........I mean Mom?" Steve instantly recognized the voice on the other end of the line. It was his own. It was a lot different from hearing a recording of your own voice. You were actually talking to it. "Is that you Mom?" Steve asked. "Of course it is! Who else would it be? Listen to me. I'm standing at the pay phone, in the hallway of your school. I'm surrounded by my' friends, if you know what I mean?" "You can't call me by my real name. You have to call me Mom' so you won't raise suspicion?" "Exactly. What happened?" "I don't know. I was almost to school, and I remember that I was mad at you about what happened this morning. The last thing I remember was saying aloud that I wished you could see things from my point of view." "I did the same thing Mom'." "Someone upstairs must have heard us, and decided to grant our wish by switching our bodies. This isn't what I wanted at all." "Nor I." Steve's mother replied across the line. "Well what are we going to do? I can't be you!" exclaimed Steve, very close to tears. "You're going to have to Mom' at least until I get home from school, and figure this thing out. Try not to do anything I wouldn't do. As a matter of fact maybe you could clean my' room like you' always do. Thanks Mom'. See you after school." There was an abrupt click' and the sound of a dial tone, as Steve's mother hung up. It left him there to contemplate what he was going to do for the rest of the day, at least until she got home. For the better part of the day he would have to be Deborah Thomas. Not only that, he would have to persuade others, if the need arose, that he was actually his mother! He decided that he better just stay in the house until she got home. Steve began to climb the steps toward the upstairs. He was heading toward his own room to clean up as his mother had told him to do, in code, over the phone. However, he stopped short at the opening to his mother and father's bed room. This area of the house was always off limits to Steve and his sister. It was truly a forbidden zone, which only served to increase its aura of mystery. Steve peered cautiously around the corner into the room. It was as if he almost expected to see his mother in the room. He then remembered, pointedly, that he was his own mother least in body. She was at school now, in his body, and wouldn't be home until afternoon. Steve was free to do a little exploring before cleaning his real room. "After all," Steve thought to himself, "this is my room now!!" He didn't laugh. At least the voice in his head sounded male! Steve padded into his mother and father's bedroom. It was huge, much bigger than either his, or his sister's room. His room especially paled in comparison. Steve felt a little pang of jealousy. The room was immaculate. Absolutely everything was in its place reflecting his mother's sense of organization. In the middle of the far wall there was a positively gigantic queen sized bed. It was already made, with not even a wrinkle in the expensive looking comforter. There was a big walk-in closet to Steve's left. He entered it, seeing rows upon rows of his mother's clothing. Underneath those clothes were rows upon rows of matching shoes. There were low heeled shoes, high heeled shoes, flats, and even tennis shoes. He suddenly wondered what kind of shoes that he was wearing now. Steve tried to look down at his feet, but his view was obstructed by the bulge of two very large breasts. It dawned on him that up until now, he hadn't even noticed the breasts. Steve noted that he was wearing high heeled shoes. He had been walking around, even running in those shoes, and he had done so very naturally! After the initial switch, the feeling of the breasts moving as he moved, didn't seem odd or strange. "What is happening to me?" Steve wondered. He ran out of the walk-in closet. Looking around the room, he spied the entrance to the private bathroom. He continued his run into the bathroom. There in the wrap around mirror, Steve was again confronted by the reflection of his mother. She was beautiful, and didn't look as old as he knew her to be. All of his life, all of his friends had crushes on his mother. It was one of the reasons why his house was always the meeting place of all of his friends, one of the reasons he was so popular. Those friendships had continued into high school. Steve never considered before this very second, exactly how much that he owed to his mother. He had just never appreciated her before. As he looked at his reflection with an objective eye, Steve began to see exactly what all of his friends had seen. He tried to look at the reflection not as a mother, but as a woman. There was much that was desirable about her. Steve turned sideways to inspect his shape, then turned with his back to the mirror, looking back over his shoulder, to inspect his rear. They were all extremely shapely, a testament to the battery of workout equipment that he sighted in an alcove of the bedroom. Steve recalled that his mother worked out all of the time. It was almost a religion. Thick and heavy, straight brunette hair hung down to the middle of Steve's back in a ponytail. It was the way his mother usually kept it as she was working around the house. He was wearing a loose blue dress that went down to his knees. Steve wondered what his mom looked like under the dress, because he had never seen her naked before. He had never seen ANY woman naked before!! Steve thought there would be no harm in checking it out. After all he, was all alone, and no one would be home for hours. He kicked off the high heel shoes, pulled the loose dress over his head. The dress got caught, momentarily, on the bulges on his chest. He was able to pull the dress over his breasts with a struggle. Now the reflection in the mirror stood clad only in a bra, panties, and panty hose. Steve looked down at his chest. Two large mounds, encased in a white lacey bra, stuck out prominently. He never touched breasts before, only saw them in Playboy magazines, or fantasized about them in his head. His hands were trembling again as he reached up with new hands, cupping them. They felt so soft, yet firm. He never imagined in a zillion years that the first breasts that ever touched would be his own, or more accurately, his mother's. He was able do undo the hooks at the rear of the bra, with some difficulty, considering the fact he was now operating hands with long fingernails. The unhooked bra fell to the floor leaving Steve bare cheated. He noticed that the nipples were much larger than his own, and seemed to be swollen and erect. His never did that. All that he could tell was that he was extremely excited right now. In the mirror the breasts had a slight sag to them. However, they were still fairly firm, and reminded Steve of some of the centerfolds he had seen, and masturbated to, in Playboy. He touched the nipples with his fingers. The sensation ran up and down his spine, causing an unusual reaction in his loins. It felt all moist and wet down there. Steve leaned over to take off the panty hose and panties. When he did, he felt the weight of his mother's breasts hanging from his chest. "How does she handle this feeling all of the time?" he wondered. He was even more surprised that he was able to bend so effortlessly at the waist. This body was so limber and flexible. He was able to remove his mother's other undergarments without too much difficulty. Now, finally, Steve stood in his mother's bathroom, wearing his mother's body, totally nude. For final effect, he reached up and undid the binding of the ponytail, letting his long hair fall loosely over narrow shoulders onto his back. After disrobing completely, Steve looked past the breasts, toward his new sex. A dark triangle of soft curly pubic hair had droplets of moisture, like morning dew on the grass. He had never been this close to a vagina either. He had often dreamed about what it would be like to touch one, to see what it felt like inside. Nervously, he touched that dark triangle, felt the sticky moisture on his fingertips. He concluded that it wasn't perspiration! Steve started to rub his new sex, applying ever increasing pressure in a circular pattern. He had never, ever experienced feelings like this, even when he masturbated. It felt good. A finger found the wet tunnel almost as if it had a mind of its own. From that moment forward, he was locked into the throes of female masturbation. He cupped one breast in one hand, rolling the nipple between thumb and forefinger, while he worked his clitoris with the other. The person in Deborah Thomas' body felt a pressure, like a tide, slowly start to build in the genitals. The more that person worked her hands the more intense the feeling, and the pressure became. It was like trying to hold back a wave at the ocean. It was insistent, unstoppable, and ultimately overwhelming. There were sensations, colors and blinding, mind numbing pleasure. Steve was brought back to his senses by his own high-pitched screams and moans. He was held within the embrace of a warm afterglow. As his breathing, and heart rate slowly returned to normal, he realized that he had experienced a female orgasm. He had felt was his mother probably felt when she made love to his father. He wondered for a second if THAT was any better, then what he just experienced. The only thing that he could say with 100% certainly was that what he just felt was a 1000 times better than when he jerked off. Sticky female ejaculate covered his finger, and the inside of soft hairless thighs. Steve smiled to himself. He decided that since he would have to spend at least the better part of the day as a grown woman, he could at least enjoy himself as much as possible. He didn't want to wear the clothes that his mother had originally dressed with this morning. He wanted to find something a little more interesting, a little more exciting. The only way to do that, was to go through her things. He thought with a slight feeling of fear that, if he and his mother could not find a way out of this mess, they were his things now.....permanently! He might as well see what there was. He padded gracefully out of the bathroom, and into the bedroom. To any familiar observer, the figure moved and appeared to be Deborah Thomas. The breasts bobbled and swayed, just as they always did when she moved. There was the same graceful femininity in each step. Steve was unaware of all of this, only moving around in what felt a perfectly natural manner. Steve went through each of the drawers of the dresser and night stand. Some of the drawers contained things belonging to his father. Most of the drawers, however, contained things belonging to his mother. He located lacy panties, of all shapes, colors, and sizes, as well as bras of all types. There were nylons, hose, and garter belts. They looked a little too complicated for Steve right now. As he bent over to look in each of the drawers, he came to understand why his mother wore her hair in a pony tail while working around the house. The extremely long hair kept on coming over his shoulders, in his eyes, and generally got in the way of everything! His snooping succeeded in finding a drawer filled with satin, silky lingerie, like he had seen in the pages of the Playboy magazine. He blushed involuntarily. Steve never imagined in a million years that his own mother possessed anything like this. He ran his hands through the material, feeling its softness. The nipples on his breasts started to grow hard again. "I wonder how it would feel to wear some of this stuff?" he said aloud to himself. The sound of his mother's voice in his ears was still very strange to him. Steve located a red teddy that looked very tight, and very revealing. He grew very excited at the thought of putting on such a sexy piece of women's clothing. He thought, "what harm could it cause? I'll just wear it for a while, and take it off before Mom gets home!" He pulled out the silky undergarment, inspecting it, rolling it over and over in his hands. Steve thought he finally figured out how to get it on. He thoughtfully stepped into the holes for his legs, pulling it up to cover his genitals. After a prolonged struggle that sometimes resembled a wrestling match, he was finally able to get the dumb thing on. Still when he looked back into the mirror the effect was exactly was he was trying to achieve. Steve was trying to make himself look exactly like a playboy model. The teddy was flat against his genitals, while tenting out at the chest to contain his mother's bountiful chest. The low cut of the teddy showed plenty of cleavage, while the slender straps cut into his shoulders somewhat. Not satisfied, Steve located a satiny robe to wear. He walked around with the front completely open rather than gather it at the waist. Next he went into the walk-in closet, and located a pair of red high heeled shoes that matched the teddy. Steve slipped them onto his feet and began to walk around the room. He was wobbly at first, but adapted quickly. Soon he was walking around with absolutely no problems. Steve was starting to have some fun now. It was certainly better than going to school, even if part of today's schedule was with Jenna. His mom would have to handle school now. He just hoped that she wouldn't blow things with Jenna too badly, presuming of course he could even get back to his own body. Still, he was going to have fun now. Steve continued his exploration of his mother's things. In one of the drawers of the night he found something that he had seen advertised in the pages of Playboy. He remembered that it was called a vibrator. He wondered why they called it that. Locating the on/off switch, Steve flipped it to the on' position. The thing started to buzz, and vibrate in his hand. He dropped it instantly onto the bed. Steve picked up the vibrator, and looked at it in his hand. What were you supposed to do with it anyway? It looked somewhat like a penis, so Steve wondered if you stick up the vagina. He pulled the genital panel of the lingerie to one side. He was maneuvering the instrument to stick it up his wet tunnel, when it came into contact with his clitoris. The contact sent an instant thrill of pleasure through his body. Rather than stick it all the way up, Steve kept the vibrator in contact with his clitoris. It felt so good that he just closed his eyes, and just enjoyed the feeling. He felt a familiar pressure begin to build in his vagina. Steve knew where that was going, but instead of continuing, he pulled the vibrator away, shutting it off. "I can do that later. I'll just keep exploring for now." Steve said aloud to himself. Rather than replace it in the night stand drawer, he dropped it upon the bed, so that he would know where to find it later. There was nothing more to explore upstairs, so Steve decided to go back downstairs. He was almost all of the way down the stairs when he heard the front doorbell ring. "What could that be?" he wondered. He went to the front door, just as he always did, and opened it up to see who was there. Considering what time of the day it was, Steve was not surprised to see that it was the mailman. However, the mailman was definitely surprised to see what was answering the door. It was an incredibly sexy woman, with a red teddy, high heels, and open robe. "Uh....uh...Mrs. Thomas?" The reference to "Mrs. Thomas" did not signal to Steve that he was dressed inappropriately, considering his current status. It was just, as a 16-year old guy, he would think nothing of answering the door in a state of disrobe. This denoted something very different altogether. "Yeah. What can I do for you?" Steve replied in his mother's dulcet tones. "I have to get you to sign for a registered letter." said the mailman. Steve picked up the pen from the clipboard and began to write the name "Steve Thomas." He caught himself just in time, and instead wrote "Deborah Thomas." The weird thing was that his handwriting didn't look like his own chicken scratch. It looked neat, flowing like his mother's script. Also, he wrote with his right hand, without even thinking of it, when he was left- handed. When Steve looked up to get the registered letter, he saw the mailman's eyes looking down at his chest. Only then did he realize, blushing, what the mailman was looking at. He was giving him a free show with his mom's body. Steve gathered the sides of the robe together, hiding his feminine anatomy. "S-sorry," he stuttered. "I just was getting up when the doorbell rang, I didn't mean to embarrass you." "It's ok Mrs. Thomas. Just.....make sure you're covered up next time, huh? I'd hate to see anything happen to you, and you never know who may be at that door.." "Th-thanks," was all that Steve could say. "I'll see you later, okay?" "Bye now, Mrs. Thomas." The title "Mrs." was very sobering to Steve. He looked down at himself, stopping on his left hand. "I'm married now," he thought. "This body's given birth to children, given birth to my real body! I'm twice as old as I was before. Oh, God. I HAVE to get my own body back." Steve needed to do something desperately to calm himself down. He walked from the foyer into the living room. He was on his way back into the kitchen when he passed the bar that his parents set up. All of the liquor was locked up to prevent he and his sister from getting to it. "That's what would calm me down, a drink. After all I AM an adult now. Now where would Mom keep the............" An idea dawned on him. It was possible that his mother kept the keys to the liquor cabinet with the rest of her keys. She usually kept her keys in her purse. "My purse now!" Steve said aloud to himself. He remembered seeing the purse in the kitchen, on the counter, near the door. He quickly made his way into the kitchen, and located the purse. Nervously he opened the handbag, looking inside. The first thing that he saw was something that totally surprised him. It was an open pack of cigarettes. Steve could never, ever remember seeing his mother smoke. He never smelled smoke in the house or on her clothes. He concluded that she must only smoke rarely. Under the pack of cigarettes were the keys. Rather than start taking things out of the purse, Steve brought the whole handbag with him. Before returning to the living room, he grabbed a glass, and some ice from the freezer. Shortly, Steve found himself back in the living room, trying each and every key on the key ring in the lock of the liquor cabinet. The littlest key worked, opening up the alcohol for Steve's consumption. As long as he was having fun, he might as well try another adult activity..drinking. He looked through each one of the bottles, finding various vodkas, rums, gins, etc. He recalled that his mother was a scotch drinker, so he located a bottle with the name "Pinch" on it. The label said that it was scotch. Steve figured that he would try the scotch because this body was probably used to it. He poured himself a generous amount of the liquid into the icy glass. The first taste of alcohol met with mixed results. Steve stuck out his tongue, after an experimental sip, and exclaimed, "EW YUCK!" That didn't stop him from trying a second sip, or a third. After the third sip, he decided that this stuff wasn't so bad after all. Each time he took a sip, there was a pleasant warmth up and down his chest. The first glass of scotch quickly disappeared, giving way to another, and then, still another. Well into the third glass of scotch Steve was starting to feel giddy and lightheaded. Looking down at himself in his current outfit, and thinking about his situation actually made him laugh. It actually seemed funny now. "So this is what it's like to be drunk!?!" Steve said aloud, with the slightest of slurs to his voice. "I could get used to it!" Still, he had the sense that something was definitely missing. Something should go with this drinking, but he couldn't figure out what it was. It was as if his body was craving something, like being hungry for something, but just didn't know what it was. Steve started fumbling through things that were around him looking for.....something. He stumbled upon the open pack of cigarettes again. He wondered if THIS was the thing his new body craved. Steve took one of the cigarettes from the package, placing it between his index finger and middle finger. He thought that as long as he is doing this, he might as well do it all the way, and experience as much as possible. He lifted the cigarette to his mouth, taking it between his lips. While the cigarette dangled from his feminine lips, he located a small gold lighter in the purse. Steve clicked the lighter, making a flame, and lighting the cigarette like he had seen other people do. Once lit, he inhaled deeply from the butt. His actions produced a round of violent hacking and coughing. "Maybe not as big a puff............." He said aloud to himself. He took a second drag, not as big as the first. This time it wasn't so bad. In fact it tasted good. A nice pleasant feeling enveloped his body. The feeling encouraged him to keep on taking drags from the cigarette. For all intents and purposes Steve was a fully adult woman who was smoking and drinking, while the rest of the family was out of the house. He was genuinely having a fun time now, and more than a little drunk. After another glass of scotch, and one more cigarette, he decided that he probably smelled of smoke. He would have to do something to mask the smell of cigarettes and alcohol He headed back upstairs to his mother and father's bedroom in his intoxicated state. Steve, true to form, did not clean up the mess behind him at the bar. Once he was back in the bedroom, Steve decided, in his impaired mental state, that he should probably brush his teeth. The toothpaste would erase the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. He half staggered, half walked into the big bathroom. Near the sink there was a stand containing two toothbrushes. "Which one is Mom's?" he wondered. There was a green one, and a blue one. His mother's favorite color was green, so he guessed the green one was probably hers. Steve pulled the green toothbrush out of its proper place, putting toothpaste on it from the tube on the sink. He pulled it up to his mouth to start brushing, but paused for a moment. The thought of using someone else's toothbrush was GROSS! Steve had to mentally remind himself that the toothbrush belonged to this body. Bearing that thought in mind, he put it into his mouth, and started to brush. At the conclusion of brushing, Steve spit out the combination of saliva and tooth paste into the sink. He didn't rinse out the sink, or even the toothbrush. Instead, he just laid the toothbrush on the edge of the sink, next to the opened tube of toothpaste. He made a mental note to clean it up later. He whirled around, and caught his reflection in the wraparound mirror. Steve was getting used to seeing his mother's image instead of his own. "Damn, Mom is really, really short!" he commented aloud. However, it was true. Deborah Thomas was only 5'4" tall, where Steve, even in his normal 16 year old male body, was already 5'10' tall. He realized that he was now 6" shorter than he used to be, and everything, in reality did seem to be just a bit bigger. Steve was actually surprised that he didn't find the change in height odd until this very second. The thought did not remain in his head for long. In his semi-drunken state, his attention span was very limited. The only thought that remained was a compulsion to mask the odors of his activities. As he returned to the bedroom, Steve noticed his mother's vanity out of the corner of his eye. It was an area he had not explored yet. The vanity was a desk-like structure with a lighted mirror. On the flat surface of the vanity were lots of jars, and bottles, and vials, and tubes. Steve sat down in the chair, and looked at his mother's reflected image in the mirror. She was an extremely beautiful woman, much prettier, in her own way, than any girl at school, including Jenna. Jenna was even smaller than his mother, barely over 5' tall. Jenna was blonde, with her hair cut like Jennifer Aniston of the tv show "Friends," where Deborah Thomas was very dark with extremely long hair. Their comparative looks were totally different. Steve wondered what his mom, and Jenna, were doing at this very second. Steve checked the clock on the nightstand, which read 12:30 p.m. He would normally be just getting out of lab right now, with Jenna, and heading to the cafeteria for lunch. The thought of lunch produced a soft rumbling and growling from his mother's small stomach. Steve realized that he was hungry, and that it was time for lunch. He decided that he would make himself lunch before changing back into his mother's original clothes, and cleaning up. First things first, however. The image in the mirror showed that Steve had not brushed his hair after taking out of the pony tail. That, along with his recent activity had rendered it full of snarls and tangles. He looked kind of like a jungle woman, giggling to himself. Steve grabbed a brush. He commenced to brush out the tangles with long strokes. He found the act of brushing, along with the feeling of the bristles on his scalp oddly relaxing. In no time, his mother's hair was perfect, cascading over the shoulders onto the back. Now, for the smell. Steve picked up bottle after bottle of perfume, sampling each, until he found a scent that he liked. He put on a good amount, kind of like a man puts on aftershave. The pleasant odor wafted all around him, permeating him. Steve didn't want to do anything else with the vast array of cosmetics and make up. He didn't even have the first clue as to how to apply it. Besides, from the look of his mother's face in the mirror, it appeared that she had already applied make up today. One thing did catch his eye, however. There was a neatly arranged row of lipsticks of all shades and colors. Steve smiled to himself. He thought that it wouldn't hurt to try just one bit of make up. He had always wondered why women wore lipstick, and how it felt to have it on. As a guy he would never do this. Since he was trapped in this body it would be okay.....just to see. It took a couple of tries, but Steve was able to eventually apply fiery red lipstick in a fairly neat fashion. Tissues coated with red lipstick littered the top of the vanity, and surrounding floor. He did not pick them up, leaving them for later, along with everything else. "Its time for lunch! he exclaimed to himself, rising from the vanity chair. Despite his state of slight intoxication, Steve was able to make his way back to the kitchen without too much difficulty. The intense intoxication had dissipated somewhat into a nice "buzz." His motor skills were not that significantly impaired. Once in the kitchen, Steve looked around inside the refrigerator for something to eat. His search was successful when he found leftovers from last night's dinner. As he bent over, pulling out the dishes from the shelves of the refrigerator, loose hair flowed into his eyes and face. Steve found himself constantly pushing the hair out of his face and eyes, flipping it back, or even running his hands through it, pulling it back over his head. What a constant nuisance it was! He set about the task of reheating the leftovers on the stove. He thought he'd better remove the white satin robe, so that he didn't get any food stains on it. His mother would kill him, and the robe could not be hidden. The red teddy was another matter. Steve thought, if push came to shove, he could ditch that, and she wouldn't even know that it was gone. So there he stood, in nothing but a sexy red teddy, and high heels, making lunch. Steve was so wrapped up in his preparation that he didn't even hear his father, John Thomas came in the front door. John looked around the foyer and living room for his wife. When he left for his breakfast meeting this morning, at the crack of dawn, he told her that he would be home for lunch today. She was still mostly asleep when he told her, so he wasn't exactly sure that she would even remember. "Just as well," he thought. "Maybe I can sneak up on her, and surprise her." Silently, John snuck toward the opening to the kitchen, the place where his wife was most likely to be. When he got to the opening to the kitchen, and found his wife, it was John who got the surprise. There she stood, with her back toward him in nothing but sexy red lingerie, and high heels. The scent of her perfume was inviting, tempting. A huge grin grew upon John's face. He was convinced that his wife did remember that he was coming home for lunch, and had something more in mind than just food. True, he had been a little inattentive lately. He wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Debbie had not gotten dressed up like this for him in a long time. The sight of his sexy little wife, along with his dirty thoughts resulted in a growing erection in John's pants. Still, Steve had not detected the presence of his father. John crept up to right behind his gorgeous wife. John himself was 6'4", and looked down at her from his superior height advantage. Specifically he looked at her beautiful hair streaming down her back, and that rear-end, still shapely after all of these years. John was very happy that he decided to come home for lunch. John slipped his hands under the arms of the unaware woman taking both of her breasts into his hands. At the same time he pushed his bulge into the top of her rear-end to show his gratitude for her efforts, saying, "I see you remembered that I was coming home for lunch, Debbie." Steve was startled by the feeling of someone else's hands on his chest, the feeling at the top of his buttocks, and an unexpected voice. It caused him to jump away from whoever it was. When he finally looked up to face the person, Steve saw that it was his father. "D-d-dad," he stuttered in Deborah Thomas' voice." "Dad? When did you start calling me by that pet name, Debbie." That name reminded Steve of whom he now appeared to be. He tried to cover up, "ha ha. Just kidding.....John." Steve's mind was literally spinning. It was not helped by the alcohol in his system. Obviously his mother was expecting his father home for lunch. He had said as much, but why hadn't she warned him. What was he going to do? Just as his mom was now doing at his school. Steve would have to play act, and try to convince his father that he was really his wife. He couldn't create any suspicion, until things could be set right. This wasn't going to be easy. His father was the last person he wanted to deal with. "How are you doing John?" Steve started out. "A lot better now that I've seen you. You look absolutely ravishing and sexy. When I told you that I was coming home for lunch, I certainly never expected anything like this!! It is a very pleasant surprise." Steve, despite his impaired state, realized how this must appear to his father. He was trapped by his own experimentation. Still, he had to do something to put his father off. "'s not what you think." John pressed close now close to his apparent wife. He took her into his arms, saying, "not what I think? What was I supposed to think with you looking and smelling like you do? No, I don't think there is any doubt what you intended." With that, John leaned in toward the woman, backing her into the stove, and kissed her on the lips. Steve saw the kiss coming, but there was nothing he could do without raising suspicions. He just closed his eyes and accepted the kiss without flinching. He did not kiss back, and especially did not open his lips. John sensed that his wife was not responding to his attention and asked, "what's wrong, honey?" He was still pressed up against his apparent wife, specifically his groin bulge into her lower abdomen. Steve's poor mind was working as fast as it could. Unfortunately it was coming up empty. The only thing he could manage to get out was, "it's just that......I made all of this food for you. It'll go to waste." With his free hand, John reached past Steve, and turned off the stove. "Screw the food. I'll eat YOU for lunch," he said as seductively as possible. At the same time that he reached, he stooped down just enough that his erection made contact with the woman's pubic area. He started to thrust gently against that area. John's action was causing a reaction in the body Steve wore, which he had experienced twice before. He knew that his body was being turned on by its familiar husband. Steve felt the growing moisture in his loins, and hardening nipples upon his chest. John sensed that reaction, seizing upon the moment. The hand, that had turned off the stove, moved to Steve's left bosom, and began to softly massage it. Steve was starting to lose his resolve. There was absolutely no question that he was turned on. He tried rationalizing in his mind. "Mom told me that I would have to imitate her. She must have known Dad would come home. What harm could it do? To him I will have acted as a normal wife, and he will be unaware. Besides, how many guys ever get a chance to feel what a girl feels during sex. His could make me the ultimate lover, and I'll know exactly how to please Jenna." The thought of pleasing Jenna, more than anything else, appealed to him. That thought manifested itself in one way. He pushed his vagina against his father's erection. A grin grew upon the face of Steve's father. John ran his other free hand through his wife's long luxurious hair. Steve closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling. This time, when John attempted to kiss his wife, there was an enthusiastic response. John felt the lips of the pretty woman open up inviting him inside. It was an invitation that he accepted. Steve stood there for the longest time locked in a french kiss with his own father. It was a good thing that he was supported by both his arms, and the stove, because his knees were rapidly weakening by the kiss. His father swept up his small body up into his arms, and began to carry him up to the bedroom. Steve hung on around his neck for dear life, feeling his loose, heavy hair swing on his back. He smiled a huge smile when it dawned upon him that his very first sexual experience was not going to be WITH a woman, but AS a woman. John, understandably, mistook the smile upon Steve's face as the romantic bliss of his wife. Steve was carried all the way up to his parents' bedroom. At one point, he rested his head on John's shoulder. There was something about him that smelled very good, and made him even more excited than he was before. Steve knew, that in order to go through with this, he would have to stop thinking of this man as his father. He would have to treat him like he was really and truly his husband, and he was his wife. He would have to stop thinking of himself as a "he." After all, she could be his wife, in fact, for a very long time.....maybe forever! For the next hour or so, she was Debbie Thomas! Debbie felt herself being lowered onto the bed right next to where she had dropped the vibrator earlier. John said, glancing at the instrument, then at his wife, "don't tell me that you didn't plan this whole thing, you bad little girl. Is that why you called me Dad before? Is that part of this fantasy?" Debbie saw that every action she had taken, everything she had done since the switch, had conspired to bring her to this point, even the accidental things she said. All that was left was acceptance of destiny. She sighed deeply, and replied, "yes Daddy!" She wondered what her son was doing right now! John looked around the room. He saw the mess at the vanity, and discarded clothes everywhere in the opening of the bathroom. He recalled seeing the mess at the bar as he walked through the living room. "You've really been a very naughty girl Debbie, and now Daddy' is going to have to punish you," He sat on the edge of the bed, lifting her onto his lap. He then put her over his knee so that her lingerie clad derriere was exposed. "I'm going to have to give you a spanking, to teach you a lesson." John started to smack the behind of his wife. Each smack made him more and more erect. He was really starting to enjoy this fantasy. Meanwhile, Debbie was enjoying being spanked. John's strokes were not enough to hurt her, but just enough to make her behind tingle. The tingling spread to her genitals. Her breasts were so tight that they actually began to hurt. Abruptly, John halted his spanking. "Have you learned your lesson Debbie?" "Yes Daddy!" "Are you going to be a good girl now?" "Yes Daddy!" "Good.....then sit up and give me a kiss." She twisted around, and sat up in his lap. She was extremely excited by the spanking she had just received. Debbie was so excited that she did not even hesitate to place her lips upon his, and stick her tongue in his mouth. This wet, french kiss stretched out minute after minute. Eventually, they parted, breathless. The two adults looked each other in the eye. Each saw their own passion reflected back at them. John started to kiss her neck and shoulder. The feeling was so intense that it made Debbie's toes curl. John pulled one of the straps of her red teddy over her shoulder, and then the other. With a deft movement of his hand, he pulled down the front of he garment exposing her beautiful breasts. The sight of those wonderful mounds, and the fact this was his wife drove John to cry, "oh Debbie you are so beautiful. I am the luckiest man in the entire world." Debbie embraced him, feeling her breasts press into his shirt. She kissed him again, passionately. When the parted, she exclaimed, without thinking, "I-I-I love you John!!" ""I love you too, sweetheart." He replied honestly. John got up, and started to take his clothes off. Within seconds, he stood there before his wife completely naked. Debbie saw his naked body, and it caused her body to grow into an even greater state of arousal than it already was. She peeled off the teddy. She kicked of her shoes. Now they were both nude. John picked up the vibrator, laying down alongside his wife. He laid it upon the nightstand, commenting, "I don't think we will be needing this today." He twisted back to his wife, taking one of her big breasts into his hand. The nipple was already fully erect. While he continued to massage her breast, John leaned over, and again started a prolonged episode of neck kissing. Debbie was thrilled to the length and breadth of her soul, with the sensations that she was receiving. She ran her fingers through his hair, encouraging him further. She wanted more, much more. She felt his light kisses move from her neck to her throat, and then from her throat to her upper chest. All the while this man, her husband, keep kneading one breast, and then the other. The tingling from her breasts made her want to scream. Instead, all that came out of her mouth were soft moans. She felt John kiss his way down to her breasts. Once there, his lips replaced hands upon her enlarge nipples. Debbie pulled his head to her breast needfully. She felt the hand that was displaced gently caress first her abdomen, and then her thighs. Each action of this man only served to increase her need, and her desire. One of Debbie's hands found his large penis. It was easily accessible as he was still laying on his side, although leaning heavily toward her. She was beginning to feel some of John's superior weight rest upon her smaller, and lighter body. Regardless, she began to work her hand up and down the shaft of the penis, feeling the hardness in her hand. This, at least, she knew how to do from her prior experiences in her old body. Was her former penis ever that hard? It was getting so hard to remember! The only thing that mattered is how Debbie felt at this moment in time. A moment in time when she was a wife, and a mother, who needed her husband desperately.. Debbie felt her husband caress her pubic area, rubbing with ever increasing pressure. The pressure was driving her into a fevered pitch. Suddenly she felt a big finger penetrate her vagina, and thrust her hips upward to meet it. His finger instantly located her clitoris, and began a slow dance around the swollen pearl. She started to work the erect penis in her hand even harder than before. She could only stand a few frenzied minutes of John's manipulation of her clitoris, and his sucking of her breasts. She felt as if she was going to explode. The pressure, and urgency within her had been steadily building in her body for some time. The penis in her hand was rock hard now. She tugged upon the penis, indicating her desire to have him on top of her. Debbie felt her husband respond to her gentle urging by rolling the rest of the way, on top of her. She felt his great weight on top of her, but really didn't mind. The only thing that mattered was satisfying this insane desire in her body. She hadn't let go of his penis, and instead, guided it into her lubricated vagina. His first thrust, penetrating her, shook her down to her very soul. How could such pleasure exist? Her next act was something distinctly feminine, indicating exactly just how much her body had overwhelmed her scotch soaked mind. Debbie wrapped her shapely legs around John's back so that she could take him even deeper into her. The deeper penetration sent a shiver up her spine, and she took him into her arms embracing him tightly. She felt him pull out slightly, only to thrust back into her. She held on for dear life. The pelvic thrusts grew faster, and harder. Debbie thrust her hips each time to meet his. Their lips met in a full open mouthed kiss. She did not know how long this went on. Time held no meaning, only the pleasure. However, she finally felt all of his muscles tense in her arms, as she felt his sperm release up into her. She lowered her hands to his buttocks, grasping them tightly, and pulling him tightly into her. The sensation of his ejaculation, sent her spiraling into her a full female orgasm. She dug her nails into the soft flesh of John's buttocks as she was swept along wave after wave of joyous pleasure. They laid there locked in an embrace for the longest time. As the feeling of the orgasm started to fade, the mind of Steve started to reassert itself. He had actually become his mother, Deborah Thomas, body and soul, to get through this. Steve felt a certain revulsion for what he had just done, despite the how wonderful his body felt right now. He had made love to his own father!! Still as he looked up into his father's face above him he felt a twinge more than the love of a son for his father. How could anything ever be the same, even if he could get back to his own body. How could he ever look at his father the same way again? He just needed to have his father off of him right now. The problem was how to do so without hurting his feelings or arousing his suspicions. He gave his father a quick peck on his lips saying, "John, honey? Shouldn't you be getting back to work?" John beamed down at his apparent wife, and replied, "what is this, wham, bam, thank you ma'am? I'm enjoying myself! With the kids, and work, I get so little time with just you." This was going to be difficult. Steve just knew that he couldn't do this again. For a short time he lost himself, becoming his mother completely. He could not risk it again, for fear that he could lose himself forever! He turned his head to look at the clock on the night stand. It read 1:32 p.m.. They had been at this for almost an hour! Steve pointed at the clock, and said, "John, look at the time......." His father followed the hand of the woman to the clock. "Oh man, it's late. I didn't realize we were at it this long. I have a 2:00 p.m. meeting in my office." "Well, you had better run then!" Steve felt his father withdraw out of him, and get up. It was a huge relief. Before his father started to get dressed he bent down, kissing Steve quickly on the lips. "Sorry that I have to run, Honey. I'll make it up to you. I had fun......." Steve didn't say anything. Why make it worse than it already was? Instead, he tried to put on a happy face to convince his father that nothing was amiss. Steve rolled onto his side, and watched his father get dressed. When he did, he felt moisture, which he imagined to be sperm leak out of his vagina, onto his upper thigh, and onto the bed sheets. "Great!" he thought as he lay there, unmoving, in the wet spot. "Just ANOTHER thing for me to clean up." However, this time Steve actually intended to clean up. It wasn't just lip service. He realized that his irresponsibility had led not only to the trouble between he and his mother, and the switch, but had conspired to put him in bed with his own father. He was finally starting to see what his mother had been trying to say to him all along. Each action causes a reaction, so you should do things responsibly. That way, every thing turns out right. Steve resolved that this day forward, things would be different. He would show his mother by having the entire house immaculate when she came home from the day at school. Steve's father had trouble finding where his underwear got thrown in their heated struggle. He gave up looking for them, and just got a new pair from a dresser drawer. He finished putting on the rest of his clothes that he could find. John blew Steve a kiss, as he exited the bedroom, saying, "see you tonight, Debbie. I'll be home around 6:30." Steve yelled after him with one of the endearments he had often heard his mother use, when referring to his father, "Okay, Sweetheart. Have a good afternoon." The last thing Steve heard him say, just before the front door opened and closed was, "I already have." Steve was left all by himself again. However, he didn't want to move until the leaking between his legs stopped. As it was, a lot had leaked out onto the bed sheets. While he waited for it to stop, he tried to figure out exactly what he would clean up first. The best course would be to put these sticky sheets into the washer first, and then clean up downstairs. Then he would tackle his own room. Just as Steve started to rise, the telephone on the night stand rang. He exclaimed, "what NOW!" Steve picked up the receiver, answering, "Hello?" A male voice on the other end of the line responded, "Hello, Mrs. Thomas?" Steve would have to keep the facade going on a little longer. "Yes. Can I help you?" "This is Dan Jones, or Principal Jones as I'm referred to around here. I'm the principal down at your daughter Susan's school, and, well, we've had a bit of a problem this afternoon. She's gotten into a little trouble, and we're going to need you to come on down here to meet with us." "So the little twerp's not so perfect after all," Steve though to himself. Doing his best imitation of his mother he said into the receiver, "What's Susie done now?" "Well she's gotten into a fight with one of the guys in her class. She has this attitude toward boys, and we just don't know what to do about it. She thinks she is superior to all of them, can do anything to them, and can get away with it. I'm not sure exactly where it came from, would you have any idea?" Steve knew exactly where it came from. It came from his mother's coddling of his sister, and letting her get away with murder. Steve saw this as a chance to get even once and for al with his sister. Maybe, just maybe, he could get her a lesson, and get her to act like a real person. All of the other things that he had to do that afternoon went right out of his head. He figured he had time to go down to Susan's school, and get back in plenty of time to clean up. This was just too good of an opportunity to pass up. "What time do you want me to be there, Dan?" he asked, as Deborah Thomas. Can you be here in say.....30 minutes?" "That would be perfect! And please, don't call me Mrs. Thomas. You can call me Debbie." "Very good Debbie. I'll see you in my office in 30 minutes. Goodbye." Steve hung up the phone. He decided that he might as well put on the clothes that his mother had originally worn this morning. That would be good enough to go down to Susan's school. He was able to get redressed in this body's original attire, without too much of a hassle. The only problem that he did have was rehooking the bra behind his back. It took him a couple of attempts before he got it. He wondered how women were able to do that, especially with long fingernails. He collected up the contents of his mother's purse, downstairs, throwing them into the handbag, except for her keys. He was about to go out into the world as his mother, Deborah Thomas. The potential problems made him just a little edgy. Still, revenge against his sister was too tempting to pass up. It was worth the danger. Steve locked the front door behind him, and walked toward his mother's car in the driveway. Fortunately for Steve, his mother had been giving him driving lessons in this very vehicle, in preparation for his upcoming exam to get his license. He had done very well at driving, so he didn't anticipate any difficulty. He had never driven on his own before, so this would be his first. Steve was armed with his mother's drivers license, so to all of the unknowing world he was allowed to drive. He turned the engine over, disengaged the emergency break, and put the automatic transmission in to reverse. He was a little nervous as he began to back out, and momentarily lost control. The car careened into the mailbox, knocking it over. Steve stepped on the break. "Damn," he said under his breath. Steve put the car in park, and engaged the parking brake. He got out, walking around to the rear, seeing a nice sized dent from the collision. How was he going to explain this? Just one more problem that he was going to have to solve after he got home. In the meantime, he had to move the mailbox, and post out of the driveway so that he could get out of the driveway. He tried to lift it, finding it strangely heavy. He had helped put in that mailbox and post with his dad, and it was no problem then. It then occurred to him that of course it would be much heavier now, due to his mother's slender arms, her lack off muscle. He would have to do the best that he could. Steve had to rest twice before he got the obstruction out of the driveway, onto the surrounding lawn. He returned to the car, and this time was able to safely back out of the driveway. The trip to the school was very nerve-racking, because Steve had to drive in heavy traffic, all by himself for the first time. He barely avoided a few accidents. He also had to endure the indignanty of being yelled at by a few men drivers, who referred to him as "hey lady." Despite all of the road hazards, Steve was able to make it to Susan's school in the allotted time. Steve was able to locate the principal's office by memory from the time he had spent in this school, before moving on to high school. He had been to the principal's office, in trouble, enough times. He never thought he would be returning as a parent! Steve was not familiar with Dan Jones. He must be new. He walked up to the secretary's desk, inside the principal's office, and stated, "Debbie Thomas to see Mr. Jones. I believe he is expecting me, something about my sis.....uh....daughter Susan." The secretary looked up from her task to reply, "yes, Mrs. Thomas. Dan is waiting for you in his office with your daughter. You can go right in." She motioned toward a closed door. Steve approached the closed door, opened it, took a deep breath, and stepped through. He saw a fat middle-aged man sitting behind a desk doing some paperwork. In front of the desk there were two chairs, placed at oblique angles to the desk. Seated in one of those chairs was Steve's sister Susan. She had a sad, hangdog look upon her face. However, when she looked up to see what she thought was her mother entering the room, she broke into a big triumphant smile, saying, "MOMMY!" It was clear that she thought her mother was coming to her rescue yet one more time. This time she would not be so lucky. Occupying the body of her mother was her brother hellbent on a little pay back. Steve gave her a stern look that wiped the smile off of her face. She knew instantly that this time, things were going to be a little different. The fat man rose from his desk, smiling, and extending his hand. "Mrs.Thomas I presume?" Steve was really beginning to hate the title "Mrs.," and it showed on his face. "Sorry.........I meant Debbie," he corrected. "Have a seat, please" Dan Jones gestured toward the unoccupied chair opposite Susan. As he sat, Steve noticed that Jones was watching her intently, particularly his chest. He rarely looked at his face, or into his eyes. Steve thought it must be because this Jones was pretty ugly, and was now in the presence of an extremely beautiful woman. He probably did not get a chance to talk to pretty women very often! It was an advantage that he could possibly use. Dan Jones continued to ogle him. Steve crossed his legs at the thighs in as ladylike fashion as he could muster, and as he had seen women do a hundred times. He did take the time to give his sister a mean, threatening stare. He was absolutely loving every second of this. "So tell me Dan, what has little brat done this time?" The name "brat" stunned both Susan and the principal. Nevertheless, Jones proceeded to give Steve the complete account of his sister's latest adventure. It all sounded too familiar. It sounded like Susan was treating this one particular boy just like she treated him. This was Steve's chance to change his sister's behavior for the better, permanently. All he had to do was convince her that her mother wasn't on her side anymore, that she would have to make her own way from now on. As the story proceeded, in sometimes painstaking detail, Steve alternately nodded at the principal, and glared at his sister. Susan had an ever growing expression of fear. The story stretched on and on, as the minutes ticked by. It was 3:10 p.m. by the time Jones finished his story. Steve got the distinct impression that he prolonged the story just so he could keep him here, and look at his mother's face and body. Eventually it was Steve's turn to comment, and balance the scales of justice. "You know Dan. My son Steve has been telling me similar stories about my daughter for some time now. I've always ignored him, and thought it was just a brother-sister thing. It looks like I was wrong, and that he was right. Part of it is my fault. I've looked the other way so often, taking her side in every argument. I can tell you that it stops here and now!" He looked directly at his sister, saying seriously, "do you understand, young lady?" "Yes Mommy....I understand," she replied sadly. She realized the game was over. In this particular instance, Steve didn't mind being called "mommy." He shifted his gaze to Jones, asking, "Dan, it's obvious to me that my daughter has a serious problem. What do you recommend be done?" At this point, Dan Jones was starting to feel a little bad for Susan. Her mother was taking it more seriously than what he intended. "Well Debbie, considering this is her first time to my office, I think we can just let her go with just a warning." "Oh no. She deserves to be punished for this. She's got to learn a lesson. What is the strictest penalty for this type of offense?" Jones was really at a loss now. "Uh.......a week's detention, after school, and an apology to the boy in front of the whole school." Steve agreed, "good. That's what she deserves. I'll let you to enforce it starting today........." "Please Mommy..........." Susan tried to plead, interrupting Steve. He still finished. ", at home one months' grounding, and she'll have to do her brother's chores for a month." Susan was really crying now. Steve continued on. "And........if you ask me for any break, I'll double it. Is THAT understood, young lady?" "Yes Mommy...." Susan whimpered. Steve got up to leave, smoothing out the dress that had rode up his thighs. He thanked Jones for his help, and complemented him on the fine job that he was doing. Jones didn't know what hit him. All he could stutter was "th-th- thanks!" Steve started to leave the office, but before he did, took one last mean stare at his sister (he may never have this chance again), saying, "Susan......I want you to come right home after detention." With that, he spun on his high heel, and walked out of the office. Justice was served. Steve had to maintain his stern expression all the way out of the school. No sooner was he in the car, than he burst out laughing. In fact, he laughed so hard that tears were starting to laugh in the corners of his eyes. Now THAT was a good time. Steve almost didn't even notice the time, since he was having so much fun. It was 3:15 p.m. His high school let out at 3:15 p.m. It would take him about 25 minutes to get home. He would have to hurry to make it home in time to clean up, before his mother got home. As it was, he wouldn't be able to clean up his own room, only the messes he had made today. Rush hour was just beginning to grow, slowing traffic down. On top of that, there was a serious automobile accident along the way, causing a long delay. Traffic was virtually a parking lot.

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The Brit and I drove out to the site, where all the activity would begin the next day. He asked to go there. I thought for sure it was some kind of security thing, but he asked far too many question about the plans for it to be anything but genuine interest. "You were right to blackmail the road builder into grading this road. It would have been difficult with these ruts to back that trailer onto the site. As a matter of fact, why not just cut a new drive over here?" he ask pointing to a...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 111

"We still have a problem," Diana said. "I doubt if Billy has ever used a litter box. So how are we going to train him to use it and not pee on the carpet? Since there aren't any pet stores in Winter Park, I guess we can order a kennel on the Internet and have it overnighted, but as late as it is, it will still be day after tomorrow before it gets here..." "Yeah, we were lucky the grocery store even had litter boxes. But we're ahead of you about the kennel," Jeff said. "Arlene had an...

2 years ago
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how i lost my virginity

Introduction: This is the true story of my first time with one of most awesome guys i ever met.its also my first attempt at writing something like this so,constructive criticism is welcomed Hi…I am Rachael. This is the true story of my first time with one of most awesome guys i ever met.its also my first attempt at writing something like this so,constructive criticism is welcomed. I am 20yrs old and now in college but this happened when i was 15,and only a sophomore in high school. I am pretty...

2 years ago
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Josh and RJ Chapter 3

R.J. lay on top of Josh for several minutes, slowly grinding his hips. His hard cock was buried deep in his old friend but new lover’s ass. He pushed his lean upper body upward and looking down thrilled to see his entire length was inside. R.J. slowly withdrew his now 8′ cock until he saw the rim of his pulsing head. He paused for a moment, he loved the sight of his cock in this tight asshole. Josh was on fire writhing and moaning in extreme pleasure. R.J. began to pump his hips slowly forward...

4 years ago
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Lustful Threesome 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone. A big Hi for all the fantastic people in this Indian sex stories website. Myself Rahul and I live in the Pub Capital of India yeah!!! You guessed it right Bangalore. After being a passive member from last 3 years, here I am writing my true incident for you to enjoy. Comments / Critics please welcome. Pass on your message, which would help me improve. Coming to this story, since part of Bangalore, Pub hopping is the norm of the day and I am also bitten by this bug and from the...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Party

My Wife's Party By [email protected] about ten o'clock on a recent Saturday morning, my wife told me that she was going to have some of her girlfriends over at two o'clock, and that I should be sure to stay home. She also wanted me to help with serving coffee and munchies to her guests. What she didn't tell me was that I was going to be spanked by all of her friends.When about two o'clock rolled around, her girlfriends started arriving. The only person I knew was Mary. The other three...

2 years ago
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The Office Whore Part 13

Reina Kelly was normally a practical woman, but today she felt like doing something frivolous. In two days, she would receive her first paycheck from her new job and she felt like shopping! If she found something she liked, she could put it on her credit card and pay it right away when she got paid.It seemed surreal that, all within a two-week time period, she’d taken a job as an Office Whore, was moved up to be the Office Manager’s assistant, then started having a relationship with her boss,...

Office Sex
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TwoWay MotherChapter 2

A week later, it happened again. Donna thought her sons had forgotten about what happened. She had not forgotten, though. All her waking hours were spent thinking about it, recalling it, even the feel of Mike's cock remained vivid in her mind. In the past week, since that happened, Donna fondled herself to orgasm three times, her imagination growing about what could have happened, what might have happened if she had done this, or suggested that, or moved this way, or... The only...

1 year ago
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The Rise and Fall of the Itty Bitty Titty CommitteeChapter 5

Melody woke up the following morning with a start. Her heart pounding, she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled as she gazed at her reflection, eyes dropping down to her nipples, which were quite visible through the thin cotton fabric of her nightshirt. She lifted the bottom of her shirt and confirmed what she knew from the moment she woke up: her panties were soaked. Sighing, she rolled her panties down to her ankles and stepped out of them. Standing upright again, she...

2 years ago
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From virgin to sluttrue story

Initiation into sex I never went to college. High school was it and that is where, at sixteen, I learned a great deal about sex and very little else. The school I went to was mostly black and latino. I was in the minority. My problem was I wanted to get fucked because I was having orgasms just thinking about it. One spring day after school I was offered a ride home in a van. When I got in I saw there were another two guys in the back. The sides of the van were blacked out and that is why I...

1 year ago
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Charity Graduates 1 Fatherfucker

Introduction: Charity finally meets Chets dad Charity Jones here. Your narrator or purveyor of autobiographical whack off material. Enough of the wit, you want more of my memoirs. Here goes The 12th grade had finally arrived. The big year. The make or break year. The big one -two. Alright enough with the drama. This was my graduating year, so I had to make it a good one, but it was already a crazy busy one I had discovered within the first week. I was working at the Love Hut Lingerie Store...

3 years ago
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A new lover

I have had a dog in my life for as long as I can remember but the first time I let a dog do anything to me was when I was 15yo. I was discovering myself when our lab rocky came into the room, He always slept on my bed but this morning I was into playing with my new found toy – my pussy. Well there I was playing with myself and rocky came sniffing over to see what I was doing and to my surprise he starting licking my fingers and slightly brush my pussy. Since I was new to all this I...

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Jedadiah Jones

I met this cute girl while I was out cruising Saturday night and we sort of clicked so she invited me back to her house. Actually, it looked like a small mansion. Her name was Bonnie. Bonnie said her parents weren't due home until late. We started kissing and necking for a while. So anyway, one thing led to another. We threw off all our clothes and started fucking. Everything was going along fine and dandy. I heard Bonnie gasp while we were doing the old in and out and I thought the bitch had...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Brooke

Adventures of Brooke By Semiater Brooke sat at her desk tryingto finish off the last of her weekly reports, they were due before the endof the day. She wore one of her threadbare dresses, she'd patched the materialas well as she could but it still showed its wear and age clearly. Brookestood 5'6" and epitomized beauty, she was blonde, long legged, and perfectlyproportioned with a sweet innocent face. Her hazel eyes made her look likea scared little doe at times, she was only 19 and had...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 179 Leaving the Scene Twice

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 (Continued) I started forcing my way through the crowd around the table. People were happy to let me out, because that meant they could slip closer to see how incredible a roulette ball sitting in pocket number 25 looked. Once I was through the worst of the crowd, I looked at my watch, playacting for my terribly late mythical girlfriend. I noticed that it was still early enough that Prof might be able to get our winnings wired into our bank before they closed for the...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 413

I went back to Robbie’s office where I explained tomorrow’s flight, the arrival of the two Iowa Guard C130s next Monday and the need for two mechanics to accompany each plane. “That means the numbers of completed choppers will drop,” Robbie replied. “Call Sikorsky; I know they have a world wide maintenance system, tell them you need 10 techs for 6 weeks to come here to help you keep the numbers up. If they don’t give you a satisfactory answer, call me; I will be in my office,” I replied. I...

2 years ago
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Millennium Products II the corruption of LindaChapter 2 Moms weird idea

Sunday. Linda was very curious. She wanted to know what her mother had to show her on Sunday. Also she was very worried about Saturday. She had to get more of Dennis's secret stuff, but she didn't even know what it was! Worst of all was the constant thirst she had been feeling since yesterday. The young girl thought she was sick since even drinking large amounts of water didn't help. About nine o'clock a strange man dressed in a formal suit entered her home. He and her mother seemed to...

1 year ago
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Witchs Bitches

_Author's Note: This story is a work of fiction that contains topics such as non-consensual sex, and monster sex. You have been warned, and if you do not enjoy stories of that nature, please turn back now. Secondly, _I do not condone any act of sexual relations beyond that of consenting adult human beings. Do not take this story as anything more than a kinky work of fiction to enjoy but to never ever attempt to replicate. Remember friends, consent is sexy. My life has been painfully average. 20...

2 years ago
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Husband Wife at a Gloryhole

My Wife And The Gloryholeby Derek Cage ([email protected])***I guy talks his wife into exploring a gloryhole, only to end up participating in a little oral sex along with her. (MMF, bi, wife, glory, voy, intr)***My wife Sara and I were out celebrating our f******nth anniversary. She was 36 and I 37. We had no set plans and decided to begin with dinner at a nice restaurant. We finished both our dinner and the pitcher of margaritas we ordered. Upon leaving decided that neither of us should...

1 year ago
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Master Is Home

When her master arrived, she was lying on the floor playing with ink as if it was a watercolor. She was wearing black knee socks, white panties, and an oversized dark-brown sweater that has a bear roaring on it. She was so into her art that she didn't realized he was there until she heard his voice, which never fails to make her heart stop."I am home, little whore. Is this how you receive your master?""I’m sorry, sir, I was drawing...""Come here," he ordered with a stern voice as he pointed at...

3 years ago
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Taking sarah

You sit on the couch nervously playing with your hands. You remember the chats over the past few months. Starting out innocently enough requesting some help and you happen to be the one that answered the e-mail. There was some friendly banter and k**ding around. Eventually the banter became flirting and actual teasing... Then one day I mentioned giving you a spanking. You hesitated. You had thought about exploring some dark fantasies. Was this the person you could tell? Was he the one that...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Maya Woulfe Fucks Her Handsome Landlord

Maya Woulfe calls her landlord, Damon Dice, to fix her broken faucet. However, the sink is not the only thing in need of attention. Maya wants to have fun with Damon, so she starts teasing him. Doing naked yoga in the living room is super effective. Damon immediately goes to the slender brunette to enjoy her sexy body. He gives Maya a sweet kiss before eating out her tasty pussy. The naughty babe drops to her knees to give her landlord a blowjob. Maya softly moans as Damon fucks her pink pussy...

1 year ago
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Our First Weekend Part 1

Our First Weekend Together…… Part 1 Its Thursday night and he will be off work early in the morning, sitting at home waiting for time to pass, tossing and turning because the anticipation of him finally being here has gotten too much for her to handle…   It’s 5am now and she still hasn’t gotten any sleep, thinking about their first moments together. Finally drifting off into a deep sleep she can see him in her dreams…. He is standing in front of her now, looking into her eyes. He...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Skimpy Cafe Mays Flower

It did until she got on the bus and sat down and had a moment to scan for anyone else. And there he was. The drunkard from a few nights ago. The one who assaulted her at the Inn. He was asleep in the back and she suppressed a squeak as she hurried to the front of the bus, as close as she could to the driver. May practically held her breath the entire forty minute ride to the print shop and just as she stood to leave the drunkard’s eyes fluttered open. His expression grew dark as he...

3 years ago
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RockmanChapter 14

On the Monday of the same week, Karin did indeed arrive at Ged's house, and she turned out to have a real talent for organising parties. She phoned caterers, got a DJ and with Ged organised the biggest room in the house for dancing. They moved excess furniture into the garage and by the end of the day, everything was prepared. That night she stayed. "I need reassurance," she said, "that last time wasn't an erotic dream." Later that night, bent over the kitchen table, her little...

2 years ago
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Wild Cousin Sisters 8211 Part 1

Hello friends i am from bhopal and 24 now. I am 5’10” with muscular body due to regular gym. This incident took place when i was 18. Every year i used to visit my grandparents in a village in summer vacations where my cousins also come.I have three cousin sisters and 5 brothers. All my brothers were busy with there jobs and me and my sisters use to have fun in vacations. Two of them Preeti and Rounak were elder to me by 3 years and were in their colleges and one named jyoti was younger to me by...

2 years ago
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First Sex With Neighbor Teacher

Hello dostoo, kaya haal hay aap sub ka, umeed hay sub khairiat say ho gay or khoob khoob chdai ka maza lay rahy ho gay, Main aap sub ki chdai kahanion kay parhanay ka maza dobala kurnay ki aik choti si koshish kurnay laga hoon, its my first time so koi bhi ghulti ho to maaf kur dain Un dinnon ki baat hai jub main university kay second year main tha, humaray arros main main do female teachers unmarried akaili rahti theen, age un ki ho gi koi 40 or 42 saal aur mairi umer thi us waqt qreeb 19...

1 year ago
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Donnas Slide

She stared down at the blank sheet of paper on top of the legal pad and then she picked up her pen. She knew she would have to destroy whatever she wrote as soon as it was on paper because she could take no chance that anyone -ANYONE! - would ever see it. She didn't know if it would work, but she had to get it out. She had to tell somebody, she just had to, but she didn't dare. Oh God no, she just didn't dare. Since she couldn't tell anyone she thought that just writing it out might work....

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 01Chapter 13

[Central Georgia] I had been asleep and it was around midnight when I heard a sound. I had brought my pistol into the room and placed it under the pillow. I thought that was a hokey idea until this moment. I got up on bare feet and, with pistol in hand, began to quietly go through the house. I noticed that the door to the room that Janice was in was now cracked open. I looked inside and saw Ed sitting on the bed talking to Janice. Okay, maybe Ed was getting "lucky." I kept going still...

3 years ago
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Audreys Funeral

Three months after Steve and I had double fucked Audrey and three weeks after she’d died her funeral was held, Grandma wanted to go and asked me if I’d take her, obviously I said I would. We attended the service and then was asked back to the wake at a local public house. After being there for twenty minutes or so Grandma had to go but I was asked if I wanted to stay.I took Grandma to her shop and then went back to the pub, getting myself a drink this lady came to talk to me. “Are you *****”...

1 year ago
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The Ordeals of Kazumi and Chiyoko

The Ordeals of Kazumi and ChiyokoBy Shabbadew2002 (Write me at [email protected] )Chapter 1    Taken HostageAfter visiting her father in their ancestral home, Kazumi Sato, the youngest daughter of the Daimyo Sato, headed back to Edo to rejoin her mother and sisters.  The pretty nineteen year old, the daughter of a nobleman, was a girl enjoying that period in her life before she would be expected to marry and raise a family of her own.  She was a sensual girl... very self-focused. The night...

4 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 6 Tuesday After School

The drama shop was a zoo. OK, sure, Dee Muntz was there, but so were about a hundred other kids, all trying to jam into that little room. Nadia and Ben seemed to be getting things organized all right so I decided it might be a good time to take a pee. Mistake. The lavatory was just as crowded and Reasonable Requests were rampant. Somehow I avoided getting propositioned on my way to a toilet, but then some guy wearing a football jersey, a pleated skirt, and bobby socks insisted on watching...

2 years ago
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AmnesiaChapter 4

Carol and John got up and showered together and after they dressed Carol knocked on Greta's door and told her that she would pick up breakfast at McDonalds. Carol went to the McDonalds that was about two blocks from the motel and got coffee and breakfast for the three of them. They ate and made plans how they were going to get the information that they needed. John questioned Greta some more and found out that Susan had delayed the annual audit of the company books. She had used the excuse...

2 years ago
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Spotted a Slut

Spotted Slut. WARNING This story contains graphic and twisted themes if you do not like violence, rape, torture&hellip,please do not continue. Hi, my name is Kylie, Im 22 years old I have tan skin and a good figure. I have a fair sized ass and tits to match. I have medium length hair and dark brown eyes, I am 54 tall and I weigh 110lbs. Now lets start the story. His name was James and he was 25 years old with light skin and a toned body. He was bisexual but not overly gay in his actions. I...

1 year ago
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That First Halloween Part 2

They parted company long enough for Guy to reach his own car and pull up behind the SUV that was already on the street. As he followed it to the Carriage Hills condos, he was unsure how the evening would end. Carriage Hills was a gated community and the SUV stopped long enough for Zorro to address the guard on duty in the shack.They proceeded to an underground parking garage and parked their vehicles and boarded elevator. They rode the elevator attached to each other lips and their bodies...

3 years ago
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br comes home 2

He didn’t know how often Amy had used this toy before, but it was clear that her cunt was still tight, as he increased the pressure to push the rubber cock further into her. He felt his own cock ripple with excitement, already matching the dildo in size, but not yet in warmth as he pressed it further inside of her. Gently he let the shaft slip inside his s****r as she lay back on her bed, her legs parted, welcoming his actions. Matt let his free hand wander to his shorts, where already he...

3 years ago
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Toni is taken by a traffic cop

Chapter 2 – Toni Gets BustedToni was late. Her mom was really going to be pissed. The store was all the way on the other side of town. She was going as fast as she could in the heavy traffic. She approached a light about to change, stepped on the accelerator, swerved around a car trying to stop and shot through the intersection just as the light turned red.Toni was racing down the next block when she saw the flashing light and siren from a police car. Shit, she didn't have time for this, she...

1 year ago
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Are you trying to access content featuring transsexuals? Well, there are all kinds of tube websites and porn picture sites that avail an array of this kind of content on the internet. Most of these websites provide you with the luxury of getting all types of tranny porn. However, sometimes, you want to skip content that would appeal to a general audience and watch transsexual porn that’s a bit more personable.In such a case, the only thing that will scratch that itch is watching a trans camgirl...

Live Trans Sex Cams
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Birth of a Bull continued

Now that i knew my place as the owner of both the slut wife, and her sissy husband, work became much very interesting. My amount of time doing my previous tasks decreased, and much of the time I spent running "errands" with the wife. She would give me the husbands keys to the brand new mercedes and i would take her places like the post office, although there were a lot of "quick stops" along the way. The trips usually changed direction after she would pull my cock out of my pants as i was...

2 years ago
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Thanks For Waiting

I was even more up-beat than normal when I arrived for work on the Monday morning following that wonderful spontaneous sex with Carlo the day before and I couldn’t wait to tell Kathy all about it. She was the manager of ‘Playthings’ at that time and a really sexy lady. Just like me she was really enthusiastic about sex so selling exotic lingerie, sex toys and adult films suited her perfectly. I was only twenty-one at the time and she was almost twice my age but she loved telling me about the...

3 years ago
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Cum on Robyn Bukkake

Eight out of ten turned up, which wasn’t bad. Only two timewasters.I did the sums in my head and came up with £574 – which meant a hundred quid from each of the ones that turned up take off the cost of the room. Even If I deducted the price of the chemise and blonde lowlights, I didn’t count the shoes or red nail varnish since I already had those, and advertising was free courtesy of the internet, it wasn’t bad for a couple of hours work. Not that it was work, not by any stretch of the...

4 years ago
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That Christmas lll

Bringing her hand to her mouth, Lil tasted Pam's pussy for the first time in a year. Watching, Pam sucked on Lils tit. Holding her nipple gently between her teeth, Pam teasingly brushed it with the tip of her tongue. Lil cooed, you're such a naughty girl. Smiling, Pam answered I learned from the best. Rubbing her clit Lil said, where was I. Oh, yes.The gifts had all been opened, toys played with and dinner finished, we were all sitting in the living room watching television when the phone rang....

3 years ago
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Ties That Bind

Marcus Avilius looked up from the scroll he was deciphering when the woman walked into the room. It was tedious work pulling the hidden messages from the benign looking scrolls, and the fact that the messages were routine status reports made it all the more droll. He probably should have taken a break hours ago, but duty pushed him to finish the work. He certainly did not need the distraction that the woman would likely cause. The woman walked to him without a word. With a knowing smile, her...

4 years ago
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Getting My Aunt Pregnant

Hey guys, I am Samir, my aunt somdatta, gorgeous looking, size 38-32-36,was 26 then, she wasn’t extremely fair but had a tanned complexion. She was married for 5 years yet she didn’t have children, she lived in kolkata and I lived in Mumbai … So whenever she came to visit my mom she stayed with us .Once I heard her telling my mom…That di, rahul (her husband )is impotent, results show it but I haven’t told this to him,bahut dukhi ho jayenge…Mujhe bhi ek baccha chahiye…Kabhi kabhi man karta hai...

1 year ago
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My Daughters Best Friend Part 7

I awoke to the morning sun shining through the window, casting its rays upon my naked flesh. As my eyes began to stir, my mind ran through the replay of what had taken place the day before. The evening Amy came over and we spent a wonderful night exploring one anothers naked bodies, before she finally allowed me to not fuck her, but make love to her."Mmm!" I heard from my side, accompanied by soft deep breathes. As I turned my head, I caught sight of one of the most beautiful things any man...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 22 Kidnapped

"I feel quite odd," she said to one of the boys, "as though I'd had too much to drink." Running his hands over her tits, he replied "You feel fine to me," and they both laughed. Just then the other two arrived at a sprint and the aircar took off at maximum acceleration. Although she was feeling very woozy, Jacqui realised that she had been kidnapped and that Martha would be very angry. "Stop, stop," she screamed, "You've got to let me go back." "Shut up," said Leo, "You'll...

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Keeping My Promise

Several days later, after the party her parents had thrown for her, I had to tell Emily that I had to go back to Iraq. I would be leaving in the morning. She was crying and holding on to me saying, ‘No . . no . . no. You have to stay with me. I need you. I want you more than anything I have ever wanted in my entire life. I can have daddy fix it so you don’t have to go back.’ ‘Emily,’ I replied. ‘When I entered the Marines I swore an oath . . . a solemn promise to serve and protect my country....

2 years ago
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Potty Training

I am a 22-year-old girl who has been suffering from night-time incontinence. I never told my boyfriend to whom I'm now newly married. Every other night I would pee in bed, right beside my husband.I need someone to potty train me now. Put a diaper on me before I go to bed every night, and my husband should check it before I get off the bed the next morning. If the diaper should be found wet, take me to the Spanking Court and tell the judge what I've done. Let the judge shame me with abusive...

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Like It Used To Be

Kayla Braddock stood in line at the store, juggling three gallons of paint. Her dusty blonde hair was pulled back into a low pony tail, and any make up that had been on her face earlier in the day was gone. Her jeans had holes in the knees and at the corners of the pockets. Not to mention paint smeared all over them. Kayla glanced down at her black tank top and grimaced. White paint was speckled over the entire garment, as well as her arms. She even thought there might be a smudge on her face. ...

2 years ago
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To partheno agoraki

Δεκαπέντε ώρες ταξίδι με το καράβι δεν είναι εύκολο πράγμα. Αλλά δε μπορούσε να γίνει αλλιώς. Φοιτητής εγώ, ήμουν αναγκασμένος να το κάνω αρκετές φορές το χρόνο. Είχα συνηθίσει να κοιμάμαι για να περνάει η ώρα. Μερικές όμως φορές η ώρα περνούσε σχετικά ευχάριστα στο σαλόνι του καραβιού αν πετύχαινες ευχάριστους ανθρώπους. Πότε με συζήτηση, πότε με χαρτιά. Σε αυτό το ταξίδι είχαμε μαζευτεί 4-5 άτομο άγνωστα μεταξύ τους και η συζήτηση είχε ανοίξει για τα καλά. Το ταξίδι ευτυχώς ήταν πιο υποφερτό...

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