Indiscretions Ch. 12 free porn video

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Passion In James County IX


By D.C. Roi

Chapter twelve

Bill Markham wasn’t sure what was going on with Cindy Dillon, the waitress who worked in the diner he and his wife owned. When he arrived at work Sunday morning, Cindy was already inside, behind the counter and didn’t say anything to him. That was odd. Usually, he got a bright smile and pleasant, ‘Hi, Bill.’

He’d been flirting with Cindy ever since he’d hired her to work in the diner. He fantasized constantly about what the body under the tight uniforms the girl wore looked like. He wouldn’t have minded if she’d acted as if she wanted to do more than flirt. But, until Cindy gave him an indication she wanted anything more than flirting, Bill, concerned about a sexual harassment suit, felt he had to let it go at that.

They were busy that evening, so Bill found little time to talk with his employee. Finally, the last customer departed. He locked the doors, put the ‘Closed’ sign in the window, then he and Cindy began cleaning up. He decided now was the time to find out if something was wrong. ‘You’ve been very quiet today, Cindy,’ he said. ‘Are you OK?’

Cindy stood there behind the counter, with her head down. She sniffled, then her shoulders began to shake as she sobbed quietly.

‘Look, Cindy, if you need someone to talk to,’ Bill said hopefully, ‘I’m a good listener.’

The waitress took a deep breath and got herself under control. She looked up at him, smiling weakly. ‘Ah, I…I don’t want to bother you, Mr. Markham,’ she said softly. ‘It’s…it’s just something I need to deal with myself, I guess.’

Bill looked at his employee. Her uniform, as usual, was snug and displayed her excellent figure. A mass of fluffy blonde hair framed her pretty face. She had nice-sized breasts, but her ass was, he thought, her best feature. The tight uniforms she wore left no doubt as to its perfect shape. Bill, always an ass man, thought Cindy’s bottom was mouth-watering.

The more he looked at the waitress, the better she looked, and the more he thought about what it would be like to go to bed with her. ‘You sure you don’t want to talk about it?’ he asked.

‘It…it won’t do any good,’ Cindy replied. She didn’t want to burden her boss with her problems. She was sure if he found out how screwed up her life was, he’d fire her.

They finished cleaning up and, hopeful, Bill offered to give Cindy a ride home from work. He was delighted when she accepted his invitation. They walked to his car and he held the door so she could get in, then he went around and got behind the wheel, started the car, and drove off.

Bill had driven Cindy home before, but for some reason, tonight it felt different. His heart was hammering so hard he was sure she must be able to hear it. He didn’t seem able to breathe properly, either. ‘I really would like to help you, Cindy,’ he said.

Cindy looked at him and smiled. ‘There’s nothing much you can do, Mr. Markham,’ she said.

‘I can listen,’ Bill responded. ‘Sometimes that helps more than you think it might.’

‘Maybe,’ she said. ‘I…I’m so confused…I…’

‘Look,’ he said, ‘Go ahead, tell me a little bit about what’s going on.’

‘Oh, I don’t know…I shouldn’t bother you with it,’ Cindy replied.

‘I’m a good listener,’ Bill said. ‘I really am.’

‘Well…’ Cindy took a deep breath and began. Once she started, she couldn’t stop. Her fiancée had dumped her and her parents were blaming her and being miserable to her. She felt very alone. By the time she finished, she was sobbing again, and dabbing at the tears dampening her cheeks.

Bill, watching her cry, felt his cock grow stiff. He knew it was wrong for him to be thinking the things he was thinking, especially since Cindy seemed very vulnerable right now. It wouldn’t be very nice of him to make a move on her when she wasn’t thinking clearly. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t. He pulled to the side of the road, stopped the car, turned to her, and put his hand on her shoulder.

‘Hey, now, come on, Cindy,’ he said softly. ‘Things will be all right. They really will. Give yourself a little time. And besides, you still have your son.’

‘Oh, God!’ she sobbed. ‘I feel so awful!’

Bill put his arm around her and was thrilled when she slid across the seat and buried her head against his chest. Her hair tickled his face, making his skin tingle. He rubbed her back gently as she cried. Finally, the sobbing grew softer. She took a deep breath, leaned back, and looked at him.

‘Really,’ he said. ‘Things will be all right. You’re an attractive young woman, you’ll find someone else.’

Cindy found herself confused by the feelings that had begun to spread through her as she leaned against her boss. It did feel good having his arms around her, almost too good. She wasn’t sure she wanted him to let her go. Somehow, he made her feel safe, protected, and special. His voice was comforting, too. She looked into her boss’s eyes. She’d never realized it before, but Mr. Markham had nice eyes, caring eyes. She was glad she’d taken him up on his offer to listen to her problems. Talking with him did make her feel a little better. She was surprised to find herself feeling attraction for the balding older man she worked for.

‘Thank you for listening to me, Mr. Markham,’ she said. She kissed him impulsively, intending it as a friendly gesture. She was totally unprepared for the intense feelings that surged through her when their lips met. Damn! Kissing Mr. Markham felt really good! Her heart began to pound and her chest felt tight.

Bill was surprised by Cindy’s impulsive kiss, and even more so by the burst of sensations it evoked in him.

When the kiss ended, Cindy leaned back and looked at her employer. She wasn’t exactly sure what was happening. Talking to him had made her feel better, but the kiss had started things inside her that confused her. How could she be feeling like this about him? He was almost old enough to be her father.

‘Ah, I guess I better get you home, huh?’ Bill said, his voice hoarse.

‘I…I guess so,’ Cindy said. She noticed that her boss’s voice sounded funny.

The trip to the mobile home park where Cindy lived didn’t take long. Bill pulled up in front of her trailer and they sat in the car, looking at each other.

‘Would…would you like, you know, a cup of coffee or something, Mr. Markham?’ Cindy asked.

‘Ah…yeah, I suppose I could manage a cup of coffee,’ Bill replied. He shut the car off, got out, opened the door for her, and escorted her up onto the small porch in front of her mobile home. This was going better than he hoped. An invitation into her home might well be the first step that would lead to an invitation to her bed.

‘Why did I ask him in for coffee?’ Cindy wondered as she walked up the steps to her front door. ‘Girl, you could be taking a big chance! If his wife finds out about this, you’ll be looking for another job.’ She shrugged the feelings off. Mr. Markham had been nice and he listened to her. Being with him felt good. And he was a good kisser, too. Besides, her son was staying with her folks for a couple of days, and if Mr. Markham left, she’d be alone, which was the last thing she wanted. She doubted he’d tell his wife, so she was probably safe on that count.

Bill held the door for Cindy, then he followed her into the trailer. He looked around and saw how neat her home was. ‘This is very nice, Cindy,’ he remarked.

‘Thanks,’ she replied, starting for the kitchen. ‘I’ll start the coffee.’

Bill followed Cindy into the kitchen and sat on a stool at the little breakfast nook there watching her start the coffee.

‘Where do you keep the cups?’ he asked.

‘In that cabinet over there by the sink,’ Cindy said.

Bill found the mugs and carried two of them to where Cindy stood by the coffee maker. ‘Are you feeling any better?’ he asked.

The young woman nodded. ‘I am,’ she replied. She felt comfortable and safe with him, and maybe even a little turned on. After all, he was a married man and he was in her home alone with her. She found that pretty heady. Impulsively, she went up on tip-toe and kissed him softly.

‘What was that for?’ Bill asked.

‘You make me feel good,’ Cindy replied. ‘I’m glad I decided to talk to you.’

‘I’m glad you did, too,’ Bill said. He took a chance and pulled her against him.

Cindy didn’t resist when her boss pulled her into his arms. She liked the way it felt having his arms around her. Pressed against his solid body, she felt as if no harm would come to her. At least she wasn’t lonely any more. She looked up at him and, slowly, his face moved toward hers. Then their lips joined, fire rushed through her, and her tongue slid out, seeking his.

Bill extended his tongue, too, and the sensations caused by their colliding tongues rocked him. He felt her arms tighten around him while she pressed her body tighter against his.

‘Wow!’ Cindy exclaimed when the kiss ended. ‘God, Mr. Markham, I don’t think I’ve ever been kissed like that before!’ She was shaking and could feel his erection pressing against her belly. She hadn’t planned on anything like this happening but, crazy as it seemed, now that it had, she didn’t want it to stop!

Bill felt the same powerful feelings. He was making better progress than he’d dare hope he would! He tightened his arms and pulled the attractive blonde into another passionate kiss. Again their tongues dueled. By the time the kiss ended, Cindy was flushed and, he thought, looked more beautiful than he’d ever seen her look.

‘I want you, Cindy,’ he said softly. ‘Do you want me?’

Cindy gazed at him, her emotions in turmoil. Mr. Markham’s kisses had excited her! She wasn’t sure what to do. His hands slid down and cupped her buttocks, pulling her against his swollen bulge. Then she knew! She wanted him, too! She looked directly into his eyes. ‘Yes,’ she whispered. ‘I…I want you, too.’

His heart hammering, Bill scooped Cindy up in his arms and felt her head fall against his shoulder. Her wild hair tickled his face. She was light in his arms. He was so excited he was afraid his cock would burst through his pants!

With her riding in his arms, her arms around his neck, he moved across the living room and managed to get her down the rather narrow hallway that ran most of the length of the trailer, into her bedroom. He laid Cindy on the bed, then he stood there, his chest heaving, heart pounding, looking down at her.

‘You…you won’t hurt me, will you?’ she asked softly.

‘God, no!’ Bill exclaimed. ‘That’s the last thing in the world I’d do!’ He knelt next to her bed and began to trace her face with his finger. From the look on Cindy’s face, he could tell he was thrilling her with the softness of his touch. Then he let his finger roam onto her neck.

Cindy had never been touched so softly or lovingly and it delighted her. She lay on her bed, moaning softly, a look of enchantment on her face.

Bill stopped caressing her and began unbuttoning the buttons down the front of her snug uniform. When they were open, he spread the garment apart.

‘Please!’ Cindy said, putting her hands on his, stopping him. ‘Please don’t.’

The young woman’s sudden display of reluctance confused Bill. He hoped she hadn’t changed her mind. ‘Do…do you want me to stop?’ he asked. ‘I…I thought you said…’

Cindy shook her head. ‘No…it’s…I…I’m afraid,’ she whispered.

‘Afraid…of me?’ Bill asked, startled.

Cindy shook her head. ‘I…I’m…I’m afraid you won’t like my…my body,’ she stammered.

‘I think you’re beautiful,’ he replied gently. ‘I know your body will be, too.’ He covered her mouth with his. She arched her neck, opening her mouth, her tongue lashing his. While the kiss went on he finished opening her dress. When the kiss ended Cindy sat up and helped him remove both the dress and her bra, then she laid back.

Bill, wide-eyed, stared at her. How could she have believed he wouldn’t find her beautiful?

‘Do you…do you think I…I’m pretty?’ Cindy asked. She’d never seen anyone look at her the way Mr. Markham was looking at her. It was as if he was worshipping her and it thrilled her.

‘Cindy, you’re beautiful!’ he exclaimed, watching the rise and fall of her chest. ‘So incredibly beautiful!’ He stroked her, feeling the incredible softness of her skin. She felt like warm silk. His hand moved over her chest, working out to the erecting tip of each perfectly formed breast. Her nipples were surprisingly large and had extended into rigid little finger-like buds.

‘Ohhhhh, God!!!’ Cindy moaned, her back arching, as her employer stroked her. ‘God, that feels wonderful!’ Fierce sensations roiled through her as his caresses stoked the fires of lust brighter and brighter.

Bill, delighted by how soft and warm Cindy’s skin was, loved the contrast between the soft skin and firm, rubbery tips of her breasts. He loved, too, the sounds his touch evoked from her, and the way her body moved against his hands. He had to have those nipples between his lips, so he bent his head and drew one of the taut buds gently into his mouth.

‘Ahhhhhh!!!’ Cindy moaned. Her hands went to her boss’s head, tangled in his thinning hair, and pulled him against her. ‘Oh, God, Mr. Markham, that feels so awesome!!’

Bill’s lips moved from one turgid nipple to another, then back, drawing louder and more impassioned moans from the young woman as they did. Her motions grew more and more insistent.

While his lips worked on Cindy’s breasts, his hand slid down over her flat, warm belly, exploring, seeking.

Cindy had never been this excited by a man’s touch before. Mr. Markham was making her crazy! She could feel the crotch of her panties getting damp as the fluids of passion seeped from her. He was making her feel sooo good! She should have invited him in a long time ago!

‘Please!’ she moaned. ‘Oh, please! Feels so gooood!! Oh, God! That feels soooooo gooood!!’

Bill stopped kissing her breasts and gazed at her naked body. He was so turned on already he was afraid he’d come in his pants. She was so lovely!

‘Cindy, you are really gorgeous!’ he whispered, his voice filled with awe.

Cindy trembled with delight at his comment, then she almost jumped off the bed when he kissed her navel. At the same time, his hand began to move over her strong, perfectly-formed legs.

It was all Bill could do to keep from tearing his clothes off, jumping on the gorgeous young woman, and ravishing her, but he didn’t. Not yet. He intended to make this experience last as long as possible! He might never have a chance to do something like this again!

Between Bill’s kisses and caresses, Cindy was quaking with passion. Each stroke, each kiss built her hunger to a higher and higher level! Then, as his lips moved over her belly, his hand touched the silken lips of her vagina. The sudden jolt of excitement that resulted caused her hips to arch upward, off the bed.

‘Ohhhhhh!!! I’m gonna go crazy!!!’ Cindy groaned, pressing herself against his hand. Unutterable thrills roiled through her when he caressed her aching, lubricant-drenched pussy. Her body arched and twisted and thrills continued to rumble through her. ‘Ahhhhh!!! Oh, God, Mr. Markham!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!’ she mewled, her whole being afire.

Bill, acutely aware of how turned on Cindy was, began to probe her juicy opening with his fingers. Her groans got louder and she pressed against him more frantically.

‘Tooo gooooddd!!!’ she groaned, ‘Oh, God!!! That feels toooo goood!!!’

Bill slid a finger between the puffy lips and into her and, while his finger twirled and thrust, her hips began a rhythmic response.

Cindy was rapidly being overwhelmed by the exquisite sensations her employer’s caresses were evoking! ‘Godddd!!!
Gawwwddddd!!! Aggggghhhh!!!!’ she babbled. ‘Oh!! Oh!! Ohh!!’ She was going to come soon! She had to! She couldn’t ever remember being this turned on!

Bill took her to the point of losing control, then he backed off and let her calm down for a few moments before he resumed what he was doing and took her to an even higher level of need!

‘Oh, God!’ Cindy moaned, ‘Please! Oh, please, Bill! I got to come! Please! Bill!!! I need to come!!!’

Bill heard Cindy’s fervent plea, bent down and, continuing to thrust his finger into her, seized her clit between his lips.

‘Ohhhhh! What…what are you…Ohhhhhh!!!’ Cindy howled when even more exquisite sensations flashed through her. Her insides felt as if they were about to melt and rush out of her. ‘Yesssssss!!!! Yesssss!!! Agggggghhhhh!!!! Agggghhhhh!!!!’ she cried, ‘That’s it!!! Oh, God!!! Oh, God!!! I’m commminnnngggg!!!! Commmmminnnnnggggg!!! Yesssssss!!!!! Yesssssssss!!! Oh, God, yessssssssssssss!!!!!!’

Gradually Cindy’s frantic motions slowed, but Bill continued to caress her tenderly until she lay still. Then he looked at her.

Cindy gazed at her employer and smiled. ‘That was awesome! But what about you?’ she asked.

‘That was just the appetizer,’ Bill said, licking his lips. ‘Unless you want me to stop.’

‘Oh, no!’ Cindy replied. ‘I want you in me!’

‘I’m glad you said that,’ Bill said. ‘I’m not sure what I’d have done if you said you wanted me to leave.’

‘There’s no way I’d tell you to leave, not after that!’ Cindy replied. She watched as he stood up, shed his clothes and laid down next to her on the bed. She looked down, saw his erection, and wrapped her hand around it. It was so hard! And hot! It was throbbing, too!

‘Cindy, you have to be careful,’ Bill said, his voice strained. ‘I…I’m really turned on and…’

‘Ohhhh!’ Cindy giggled. ‘What’s the matter?’

‘If you had any idea how much I want you…Ahhhhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!!…you’d understand!’ Bill croaked.

Cindy was excited by his admission. ‘I want this in me!’ she said, tugging on him.

Bill needed no further encouragement. He rolled atop her, his bulk pushing her down into the mattress, his hard shaft slipping between her legs. He raised his hips, reached between them, and guided the head of his straining cock to her moist opening. He pushed his hips down and felt his cock slip into her tight, hot, wet opening. ‘God, Cindy, you’re so tight!’ he exclaimed.

‘You feel so big!’ she moaned, ‘It feels like you’re splitting me open, but it feels good, too! Oh God, does it ever feel good!’

Sensations billowed through Bill as his shaft buried itself in her snug sheath. He was making love to her! When he had his cock fully embedded, he stopped and enjoyed the delight rippling through his body from their union. It was every bit as good as he hoped it would be!

‘I’m not moving because I’m afraid if I move, I’ll come,’ he explained, staying still a little longer, savoring the feelings coursing through him. Then, slowly he began to move. He knew he couldn’t wait long, even being in Cindy and not moving had brought him closer to coming.

‘Ohhhh!!! That feels so good!’ Cindy moaned. ‘I…I didn’t think anything could feel better than what you just did, but this does! Oh, God!!! Yessss!!!!!’ She locked her legs around him and thrust against him feverishly seeking the release she knew would soon come.

‘Wow!’ Bill cried out suddenly, ‘Oh, Wow!! Oh, my, God!!!’ Urgent pulses of release raced from his toes to the roots of his hair and he exploded powerfully, pumping gob after gob of his hot cream into her.

‘You’re commminnnngggg!!!! Oh, God!! It’s so hot!!! It feels so good!!’ Cindy cried when his torrid sauce began splattering into her, then, ‘Agghhh!!!! Agghhh!!! Aggghhh!! I’m commminng again!!!’ Unbelievable feelings of delight swept through her. ‘Ohhhhhhhhhh!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! My God!!! My God!!! My Goddddddddddddd!!!!’ she cried, her body bucking wildly.

Their joining finished, they lay in each other’s arms, basking in the warmth of their wonderful shared experience.

‘I’ve never felt this good!’ Cindy whispered. ‘I…I never knew I could feel that good!’

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There was more to come. Much more... For minutes the room fell silent, save for the slowly easing, ragged breathing of a temporarily sated coed and her employer, Ed. The rhythmic lapping of Lancer's tongue as he washed his limp animal cock resounded lewdly against the incessant hum of the vibrator buried to the cervix in the insatiable pussy of Carrie. Mimi was the first to stir, her mind bruised from the tremendous psychic beating she had just endured. Her tender chaffed cuntal hole...

3 years ago
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A Friend with Benefits part 2

A Friend with Benefits (part 2) Rob and I have had a friendship that has lasted four months now. We have grown to be quite close friends that enjoyed more than the ongoing sexual relationship that started a while ago. We have enjoyed each other’s company at dinner, sporting events and just sitting around watching television. He has been to my home and I have been to his. As time has passed our wife’s have also entered the picture for dinner and just socializing at on another’s homes. As...

2 years ago
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Jessica Simpsons Wedding Night

The beautiful blonde 22 year old pop singer Jessica Simpson was lost in a deep seductive kiss with her new husband Nick Lachey one of the singers from the boy band 98 degrees. They had just gotten married that Saturday Afternoon on October 26, 2002. Jessica had always dreamed of her wedding day since she was a child. She was a hopeless romantic and now she was here finally with the man of her dreams. A very hot and sexy man that is. Nick was huge compared to Jessica's little frame. He stood...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Iris Ivy Teen babe Iris Ivy makes a trade with the TA for a better grade

Iris Ivy came to class today to try to get her grade for the last test, but her professor is out, and all classes are canceled. Fortunately, the creepy TA is there grading the tests, but he won’t tell her what her grade is! She decides to make a deal with him, she’ll meet him at her work “Kinky Spa” and give him a full-service massage if he’ll help her with the grade on her test. He reluctantly agrees and decides to go see her later that day. She goes all out and...

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Mrs. Cooper put the last corrected physics test on her desk and switched off the table lamp. There. All done. Time to go home. As she walked out of her office, she realized that she had forgotten her keys in her classroom. She walked over to the physics lab, and opened the door. What she saw brought her, the ever-cool woman, to stop and stare at the scene in front of her. “Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed.Two young people quickly got to their feet and tried to straighten their clothes, but it was...

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Family Holiday

Andrea’s kids were picked up by their dad and taken off for a two week holiday with him and his parents.While they were going to Spain, we were heading to Cornwall for a week with Andrea’s family. Our first stop was at her parents’ house and her mother, Rachel came out to greet us.“The Jeep’s loaded and we’re ready to go,” she said and then surprised me by adding, “Men in the Jeep, girls in your car.”“Oh, right,” I said, handing my car keys to Andrea.I had just enough time to give her a quick...

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Preachers WifeChapter 2 Discovery

Janet was depressed and angry and she had to DO something, anything. So she launched herself into a frenzy of cleaning. The activity would help her cope with the building rage and, what the hell, it had to be done sometimes. She had finished the dishes, vacuumed the livingroom and was starting on the laundry. Going into John's rooms she gathered his dirty clothes and then decided to strip is bed and wash the sheets as well. Normally she would have had John do it, but she wanted to keep...

3 years ago
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Sex in spice jet

Hello to all readers. I am goldguy from India. I am 26 years old, working for mnc. I am 5.9″ height, 72 kgs, with weatish color. I am not so good but average looking, but I have the power to satisfy u r desires in sex. I can show u all kinds of angles in sex; I can give u a cool massage which makes u r body cool. If any females of any age need interested to have massage or want to have 200% satisfaction in sex just mail me at Last night I was in khopoli a place beyond panvel in Pune route and...

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Lucky Penny

Walking out into the hallway, the view out the second floor window greeted me with a rainy evening sky. Great, I thought, guess I won’t even be going out in tonight. I didn’t feel like bar hopping by myself in the rain, but resolving not to just give up and head back to my room, I hit the down button thinking I’d at least give the hotel bar a shot. I could certainly use a drink or three after the mind-numbing afternoon I’d just endured. When the bell chimed and the doors parted, I walked...

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Abused Stepdaughter Part three

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of imagination, including all the incidents, characters, and places, it is intended for adults only; you must be 18 or over to read it. I am taking a break from my usual Family Love...

2 years ago
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Big Cunt Gloryhole SlutChapter 4

It was Monday and I walked to meet this, Tom person. How did he know so much about me? He wrote in his letter that he had sent all the pop up adds to my computer, that he turned me towards kinky sex. How did he know I’d be into it? All my friends would freak out if they got pop ups to fisting sites. What did he intend to do with the pictures? I was excited and nervous, but for some reason, I anticipated meeting this guy. I wore some tight shorts and a little tee shirt. I didn’t realize how...

1 year ago
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Bag of tricks

CHAPTER ONE: The sensual erotic love story continues ‘Hello Fugs,’ said Mr Noodle Cock, as I gently pushed and pulled his pee hole to make him talk, ‘I am not in a very good mood today, in fact I am so angry I am at the point where I could explode!’ ‘Oh, what’s the matter babe?’ ‘Shit Fugs, they are after me. I need to find some place to hide, somewhere dark,’ Mr Noodle Cock – a.k.a Noodles, a.k.a Instant Noodles – said as a little bit of spittle came dribbling out of his mouth. ‘I know...

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Gastly X MachinaChapter 3

Rob thought for a moment as Geoff stood and dusted himself off. "Well," he said thoughtfully, "there are some extra security measures in place just in the off chance we were attacked." "Attacked?" the courier laughed, picking up Nezumi and checking to make sure his pained expression as he limped towards her was just an act, "By what?" Rob shrugged; making sure his tazer was okay. "Oh, mostly just by the other people who work here," he explained, "When you rent out more than half...

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Tracy 3 by Pamela ([email protected]) For the following two weekends after Tracy and Abby had me fitted for a bra and panties, Tracy was quite busy with homework and there was no opportunity to spend time with her other than washing her laundry. She still insisted I wear the bra and panties under my clothes as I worked, so that I would become better acclimated to my role as her girl bitch. On the following weekend, Tracy had her friends over to visit so that I ended up having...

3 years ago
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The Educational Seminars Chapter 2

The Educational Seminars, Chapter 2By: Curt B, Julie V.Chapter Two - 'Show and Tell'It was gone midnight when I picked up the phone with a shaking (and sticky!) hand. I knew it was going to be Pam; she said that she would call as soon as she got back to her hotel."Hi honey, are you good?"I ignored answering the question, I was just so relieved to hear her voice. "Baby, oh, wow, I've been so worried sitting here waiting for your call ... wow, what a performance ... are you OK .. was it rough?" I...

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Alls Fair in Love

My wife, Linda, and I had been married for thirty years. In that time, we raised two children. Our oldest had moved out of state leaving only our son Jim at home. He and his girlfriend, Monique, spent sometime living in our house before finally getting their own apartment. As sometimes happens, things started going wrong for them. They became parents by presenting us with a lovely little bundle named Matty. Monique had to quit working and that left them short each month for rent money. We did...

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BlindDate To Blindfold 8211 Sara Sploshed

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indian sex stories dot net Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, We had a beautiful moment, it was an amazing lunch afternoon. a million thanks for showing me the best pub in Chennai and last but not least it was amazing to be with you, well actually it was also crazy. I wanted to write a short story about us and what we did, so that can inspire other to meet people too. I have attached the doc file with this email. I hope you would be fine with me...

1 year ago
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 27 Weird Straight Boy

There was still time until Saturday, and Carter had homework to do. He could hire a private detective to follow Alex around, but, somehow, he felt that would not be a good idea. Alex was a star, not a housewife looking for love outside conjugal bliss. He was a star, and getting other people involved sounded like a recipe for disaster. No, he needed to be the detective and gather evidence against the guy, evidence of the guy’s cheating. How he was going to show Aron that evidence was a...

4 years ago
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My Cousin Fuck Toy Loves Me

This started when I was in my childhood. I’m a guy who always was fond of science, nature, and adventures. When I was in my childhood both my cousin and I used to live in the same home town. Though we live in different cities now. She used to like me a lot I never understood why. I have asked her many times about why she liked me. She only said, “I don’t know.” Well, that’s enough for the intro. Let’s get to the story. When we were around 18 years of age we used to cuddle with each other’s...

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The adults will play

Introduction: a wedding is on the horizon so the parents celebrate. Ray and his wife Sandra had lived in the neighborhood for almost 12 years. They had the best neighbors they could ask for, on one side they had their best friends since high school, Darren & Abby. And on the other side they had a deaf old woman, which meant they could be quite loud and no one would complain, perfect for parties. Both families had a child, well they were adults now but children none the less. Ray and Sandra had...

3 years ago
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On the Other Hand

"Charley Best, just the man I want to talk to," my boss said on Monday coming into my office. By the way I'm Charles Best, a troubleshooter for Dillon Software Products. I'm one of the best in the country and for the last six years the alpha dog at my company. "I need you to go to Seattle and straighten out the new programs for Dynamic, our big customer out there," my boss continued. "You need to be there for the meeting Wednesday morning, so you'll have to leave tomorrow afternoon...

3 years ago
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A Day By The Lake

"This heat's gonna kill me!" Jessica whined, waving a paper fan in front of her tomato-red face. Her C-cup breasts rose and fell with every heavy breath she took. It was a tropical 28 degrees outside, which was affecting everyone. "Jessie, please stop whining," Rosie replied, a slight annoyance in her voice. Jessie pushed herself up and went over to the window. Rosie was considerably flatter than her friend, having rather dainty A-cups. Jessie paced the floor, before stopping suddenly. "Rosie?"...

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All Grown Up Interlude Jennys Experiment

Jenny walked into the student housing “pod” ready to be disappointed. She was away from home for the first time, and would be living with three strangers, but at least not her tomboyish tween little sister Kelly. Each student would have their own bedroom, complete with study space, and one common room, with a tiny kitchen at one end, and a bathroom at the other. Despite assurances by the colorful brochure, she had noticed the pictures of the unit itself were all drawings, which inspired very...

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MY STEP sister PART 2

If you read my last story you will know that I have started to have foreplay and oral with my step sister. I called round a week later, Mum was out shopping and dad was outside tinkering with the car. So here I am in the kitchen stood in the kitchen and my step sister has just gone to the fridge and made sure that she rubbed across my dick as she went past and smiled at me, without saying a word she come over to me and kissed me full on the lips and pushed her tongue into my mouth and I knew...

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My straight boy

We go into your room, you throw me against the wall, I rip your shirt off and you kiss me, hard biteing my lip riping my hair so im all yours, I throw yu on the bed and take of your pants, your cocks already fully hard, pointing through your unddies, I go up to your mouth and kiss you, then go down futher and futher kissing all the way down, suck on both your nipples and keep going down futher and futher liking each of your abs till I get to the brim of your undies, taking them off with my...

1 year ago
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On the Job Training Part Four

The next few days were uneventful. I’d get in to work, give Mr. Decker his first blowjob of the day and go about doing my work until he called me in again. I’d suck him off several times a day, always taking him all the way down and always swallowing his hot, salty cream. His praise thrilled me and made my pussy drip. At the end of the day he’d drive his cock into my wet, needy cunt, finally giving me relief. Today he’d surprised me, yanking out my plug and admiring my gape before fucking me...

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Cattlemans LamentChapter 5

Frank rode into the old Johansen ranch yard when the sun wasn’t quite at the noon position. The place was deserted. Based on what his father had said, he figured they had gone to find their sheep. He knew roughly where they had last been, also compliments of his father’s sparse comments from the night before, and headed that way at a canter. His horse was still in good shape. He hadn’t rushed, knowing he’d need a lot more out of the animal before he was done. He was amazed at the width of the...

2 years ago
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Rachael The Babysitter

"Mais maman!" Je plaidé. "Je ne ai pas besoin d'une baby-sitter! Je ne peux pas simplement rester moi-même cette fois? »Mais elle ne bougeait pas. Pour l'amour de Pete, je avais quatorze ans. Tout simplement parce que mes parents ont dû sortir de la ville pour le week-end, pourquoi ai-je avoir quelqu'un rester avec moi comme si je étais un petit enfant!«Regardez Jeff, je ai entendu tout ce que je vais vous entendre. Je reçois la fille de Mme Walker, Rachel de rester avec vous, et ce est tout ce...

3 years ago
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A Friend with Wonderful Benefits

‘And now, calm down, girl!’ ‘How can I calm down, Lanie? Huh? I thought he respects me enough for not doing exactly that what I told him not to do. Is this so hard? Is it so hard to listen to me? Is it so hard to respect my wishes?’ ‘No, it isn’t, girl! But you know how he is! You should know him by now! He’s the most curious man I ever got to know. If I hadn’t seen his ‘equipment’ up, close and personal, I’d mistaken him for a girl…’ ‘Huh…for you it’s kinda funny, isn’t it? It isn’t funny...

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BangPOV Aaliyah Hadid Cums on Your Cock

Aaliyah Hadid wants to show her boyfriend a good time. She changed into a real sexy outfit and gave him a full show. All of this right before she shoved his cock deep down her throat. Soon She hopped on that cock and slid that dick in and out of her tight little pussy. Switching from position to position, Aaliyah got to cum multiple times until she received a huge load all over her beautiful face. Enjoy all of this in glorious POV action. You’re her boyfriend, so make sure you can stay hard and...

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Tahilas Revenge

Now Tahila and Julian get their revenge: Julian and Tahila clung together in the shower for two hours straight, letting the warm water wash the filth off of them. They went to bed immediately after and cried together through the night. Being a Russian immigrant, Tahila didn't trust the police and didn't want Julian to call them. As difficult as it may seem, people do recover from horrific experiences. Julian and Tahila returned to class the following Monday, claiming illness for the days...

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My Understanding Wife

So, here's the background. My wife suffers from chronic pain, so she sleeps in her own bedroom. We had taken in my old friend from high school. Her name is Melinda and my wife is Chris. I'm Peter. Melinda and I are twenty-seven and Chris is twenty-five. We met in college. Melinda and I graduated together. She had been in an abusive relationship through her senior year and because of that seemed to have lost interest in sex. All of her friends, including me, assumed she was still a virgin. But...

Group Sex
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The Immortal Witch Inn Part 1 On the Run

The Immortal Witch Inn Part 1: On the Run By M W Lord Jim was a forty year old man on the run from the mob. He had been on the run from them for the past two months after stealing ten million dollars of the mob money. At the time it seemed like a good idea. But now with a hit man after him he didn't think so. Just two days ago the hit man just missed him. He was able to get away by hopping on a train. When he got off the train he saw a sign that said: New in town? Try The Immortal...

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The Lesson3

Part one. ( The train) God! But she was beautiful in those days. Not that Jenni is any less beautiful now, but she was unbelievably stunning back then. Since though, time and the bearing and rearing of children have taken their toll. Jenni still is a very good looking woman, a little thicker than she would like, but all in all, very pretty for a fifty something year old woman. Her beauty goes further than the depth of her skin. Jenni is one of those people who is just naturally lovely,...

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Brittanys Biker Bash

It's about a year since the last time I wrote a story of one of my lil adventures to post here, although there has been plenty to write about had I desired, but you know, time and distance blur events and were I to attempt to reconstruct events of other occasions at this point in time I would probably not be able to recall the kind of small details that make a story really breathe and live, so onward and upward. A quick synopsis: This is the story of how a cute lil TS (namely me)...

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The Beginning

Introduction: A random encounter in a hotel proves more than expected. What would you say to a glass of wine, lonely lady? I sighed as I looked up from my book to see a stereotypical salesman standing in front of my table, a smug smile on his face. Id had a few approaches as I sat there but none quite as sleazy as this one, and I couldnt help the sarcasm rising in my answer. Erm&hellip, feck off, glass? The man looked astonished and beat a hasty retreat, not understanding the humour in my...

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My Daughters TeacherChapter 6

CHAPTER 6 My relationship with Amy was now pushing almost three months, by far the longest relationship of any kind I have had since my wife had passed away. Our sex life was off the chart, now that we had role played as father/daughter, it seemed like nothing was out of bounds. We still kept our relationship quiet, for my daughter Beth’s sake and for Amy’s career as a teacher. We both had no idea how people would react if we went public. So we would relegate ourselves to quiet dinners at her...

2 years ago
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Growing up in East Tennessee near the man made lakes I would always spend my summers boating and on the water. My family owned a small piece of land right on the water which they had a summer house built. Every 4th of July my parents and I would drive up to the lake for the family picnic. Everyone in my family attended these gatherings. Though I had no brothers or sisters I had plenty of younger cousins. This event happened the summer before I was to graduate from high school.From the moment I...

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