The Poker Party free porn video

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The Poker Party by Lauren Westley I was sixteen years old. My hair was a dusty brown, which I kept shoulder length, and in a ponytail to look cool and rebellious. I didn't pay much attention to the fact that I was 5'6" and weighed only 134lbs. Instead I thought I was aloof. I was a renegade. I liked to hang out with drug dealers and never in the normal flow of school society. So, when some of the football guys invited me to spend a weekend of hunting and playing cards at the cabin of Jack Crowley, the star running back, I was surprised. But, I figured not to accept could cause more trouble then going, so I accepted the invite. We left early Friday afternoon. There was Bill, Jimmy, Jack, John, Paul, Bob and myself all packed in Jack's family Suburban and loaded with all sorts of gear. I don't own a gun but Bill had said he would lend me one of his. After a couple of hours of driving much of the time spent on an old dirt road, we arrived at the cabin. It was late afternoon and the setting was spectacular. The cabin sat on top of a peak and looked down on a lake about a mile away and miles of surrounding woods. It was truly beautiful. It had rained just a little earlier and the road was muddy and the trees glistened from the water coating their leaves. You could hear the sound of animals. I knew there were bears and cougars up here. It sent a chill up my spine. I wasn't really a hunter but I decided I'd better be cool even though I thought of myself as more of a gatherer. Anyhow, I liked the smell of the cool mid-spring air and felt honored that I had been given a chance to hang out with the 'cool guys'. Maybe my life would change. I picked up a few items from the car leaving the large coolers. Walking inside the cabin, I put the bags down and looked around. It was a pleasant cabin. But, it was small. Jack pointed outside to the outhouse and then to the lake saying there was the bath and shower. The guys laughed saying, "well so much for bathing this week-end." There was a big fireplace and Jack had gotten a fire going already. "Well, it will be warm in here. We have lots of firewood and Dad designed this place so it heats the rooms also." I looked around where the bags were and noticed mine was missing. I knew it wasn't in the van since I had taken out everything but the chests. "Paul," I shouted, "I thought you said you were going to put the bags in the van. What happened to my bag?" He turned and apologized. "Must have left it inside the hallway at my house." I had gone over to his house to wait to be picked up. Now I realized he had stupidly forgotten my bag. "But we'll figure something out," he continued. There were three bedrooms in the cabin. Jack and Bill took the master bedroom and the rest (excluding me) took the four bunks in the other bedroom. It happened quickly as if it was a ritual. Each knew his place. That left me with the small bedroom with just a single bed. As I could tell, it was Jack's 18-year-old sister Janet's room. There was a makeup table. A closet full of skirts, dresses etc. and a dresser which I opened and saw full of personal items, bras, panties, stockings, etc. When I came back out, John asked me to help him bring in the beer and food. I was bummed about my bag and was wondering what I could do about it. As we went to the car I asked, "John is there a phone here or something?" He said there wasn't and that there wasn't even electricity. Sometimes, he said, "we have been trapped up here for a week if there is a real bad rain storm." We pulled the large ice chest out of the Suburban. I noticed how much bigger he was and a flash crossed my mind that all these guys were over 200lbs and 6 feet tall. I grabbed hold of the handle and we began to walk back to the house. The chest was very heavy and I tried to get a better grip as it started to slip out of my hands. It was then that I slipped and fell in the sloppy wet mud pile. As I tried to get up I slipped again and slid about 20 feet tearing my clothes and sopping me to the bone. "Hey, can you manage yourself," John called down to me. "We don't like getting our clothes wet here since there's no way to wash and dry them. I got up and walked back up to the house. Jack came out and looked at me saying, "don't come inside like that. You'd better strip first and leave them out here. I'll get you a towel." As I stripped off my clothes, I noticed that even my briefs were sopped so I took off everything and wrapped the towel around me. "What the hell am I going to wear?" I asked as I entered the cabin feeling the early evening chill. Jack said that they only had one outfit each since it was only for the weekend and their hunting outfits. Also he pointed out they would all be too big and no one wanted to give up their weekend of hunting. He suggested I look in Janet's room for something. "But aren't there clothes in your parent's room or the other room?" I asked. "Nope, just Janet leaves stuff here. As a matter of fact, I think she's your size." "But she's just got lot's of girly stuff in there. Skirts, dresses, no pants. No hunting outfit, I stammered." Jack sneered at me saying, "you've been checking her things out?" Embarrassed I turned and walk into her room having wanted to ask one more time for a T-shirt or something. Sitting on the bed naked, I thought about my plight as I heard the guys in the living room talking about the weekend. I walked around looking again the closet and dresser. Everything was real girly. I found a pair of short shorts cut way up the thigh. At least it wasn't the skirt or dresses I thought. All the panties were satin bikinis. I picked out a white pair and was surprised that they fit. So did the shorts. There were low heels, high heels and a pair of pink puffy slippers. I wondered what does she do here as I put on the slippers and looked for a top. The only top that would go with the shorts was a purple puffy sleeve item. It fit but it sagged in the front looking for more to fill it out. "Hey David come on out we're going to play cards," Paul called. "I look like a jerk," I replied. "It's just the guys. Come on," he urged. Embarrassed but without much choice I came out of my room. Although it was cold outside by this time, the house was very warm with the fire blazing. Even my room was warm. But I wondered what would I wear outside the next day. Just as I stepped into the hall trying to smile and make light of my situation, I saw the flash of a camera and realized after the third flash that I was the focus of the picture. "Hey guys," I protested putting my hands up. "Davy come on in," Jack said as he sat there with the other five guys at the table. There wasn't even room for me, the seventh. "Gosh Davy you look real cute," he continued. "How about a pirouette?" he coaxed. "You can't even see her clit," Jimmy whispered. "Please guys, stop teasing," I stammered. Bill and John suddenly grabbed me and held me tight. They were so strong it was easy. They towered over me holding me as Jack began to tell me why I was invited in the first place. "Well, Davy. Or should I say Miss. No, Missy. Yes that will be your name, Missy. We like coming up here for a weekend of fun but we always miss sex and none of the girls will come up here with us. Except you of course. So, you will be our cabin girl. First we have a picture of you that you wouldn't want getting out. Also you can't get out of here without dying and finally you will do it because of what will happen if you don't. With that, Bob stepped behind me and pulled my shorts down and started spanking my panty clad ass. Over and over until I was crying. "Now Missy, Jack said, if you are willing to continue as our girl I suggest you say YES SIR in the most girly voice you have or Paul will continue your spanking. Sobbing and humiliated, my ass red burning I caved and said "Yes Sir." Jack told Bill and John to be gentler as he continued talking to me. "Now I want you to go back to your room and dress in something a lot more pretty. Put on makeup. Shave all the hair below your head and fix your hair. You will find out how in the book in the left draw of the vanity. Oh, don't forget the perfume, be ready in one hour and come out smiling and acting exactly like a little cabin slut. Anytime you don't we will stop and you will get the next major spanking until you do. Now say "yes sir." I hesitated and Paul started to spank me. I started crying more and had a little accident. The front of my panties turned a little yellow and now completely humiliated I shuttered, "Yes Sir." Jack laughed a bit and said, "I guess you need a different name. Instead of Missy I guess you'll have to be called little Miss Pissy. Now go on and get ready and hurry up." I turned to go back to my room when Jack suddenly said, "Pissy" and I found myself turning and embarrassed even more as I did my eyes down looking at the floor. "Don't forget to walk like a girl swaying your ass." They all laughed as my ass swayed as I walked back into the room. I closed the door and sat down. "ONE HOUR," I heard a voice from outside command. I stood silently in my room trying to think what I could do. I could notcome up with a plan. No way out. No safety net. The reason I was invited now burning a terrible image in my mind. Suddenly the door to my room opened and Jimmy came in as I stood near the bed, unable to sit down my ass hurting so much from the spanking, He picked some clothes out and said, "Wear these sweety. And use this. And hurry up and get ready, you only have 45 minutes left or else there will be more trouble." It was a kit with a feminine battery operated shaver and some sort of razor that seemed to fit in your whole hand. He had picked out a little flimsy pink skirt and white satin top. There were stockings and fresh panties. And also a bra with some sort of gelatin breasts, glue and a small piece of paper with instructions. Crying as I started to shave myself and put on the lotion which made my legs smooth I could hear the guys outside. One said, "girls are so moody aren't they?" And then everyone laughed. I tried to open the shutters in my room but they were locked shut. Reading the instructions I glued the breasts on and could feel them move as I did. They felt real and I hooked the bra on. Panties, stockings, skirt, top etc. Another voice, Fifteen Minutes A little powder, lipstick, stick-on nails, brushing my hair out. Perfume. The lowest heels I could find and finally Jimmy came in again without asking. "Oh, Pissy?. turn to me when you hear your name," he said. I turned to look at him. "You look so pretty. But here put this in your hair." He handed me a big pink bow and helped me put in my hair holding it together. "And these," handing me a pair of earrings. He whispered in my ear, "from this time on you'd better try very hard or else the rest of the guys will really hurt you. Do not stray from your femininity. Do you understand?" I nodded yes. He slapped me on my ass and I simpered a feminine, "Yes Sir." "OK Pissy, let's go. Time's up," he said as he took my hand and warned me once again to walk and act like a happy girl about to be used by a bunch of football players. His last word as the door opened was to "Smile." I did. We walked out, hand in hand, and suddenly another flash as a picture was taken of me holding his hand, swaying and smiling. They were all in the living room sitting around the table. Jack held the camera as the photo developed and then showed it to me as a reminder of my predicament. There was no denying it. The picture said it all and they had it. "So you see Pissy, you don't have a choice anymore. These pictures would ruin your life. Come here now and show me how you can curtsy," Jack said with a snide smile. I walked over, my skirt swaying, stopped and mortified I did the best curtsy I could. "Good girl," Jack commented. I was barely two feet from him. He continued, "so from now on learn to do that and to say thank you. Come closer." I trembled but neared him. Standing just inches from him. He looked up at me. My shaved stocking legs and the hem of my skirt not far from him. I could feel the tension in me and could feel my cock firm a bit. My face showed my shame as he put his hand on the inside of my thigh, just under my skirt. "Now Pissy you know how to act from now on. Just imagine what you'd expect from a girl if you were one of us and do what you know we want." His warm hand moved on my thigh. My cock firmed more. I nearly cried as he continued. Pointing to the pocketbook on the table he said. "This is yours. Inside are several things you will need. There are tampons filled with a lubricating jelly, which you will push up your pussy before getting fucked. There is also a butt plug to keep everything inside until given permission to douche. Also lipstick and, oh well it's your pocketbook. You'll find what you need." His fingers moved higher and he started to lightly caress the underside of my cock. It grew and hardened. I squeaked an embarrassed sigh, which he answered with, " Oh, it's ok, I know your pussy is hot and your clit is firming." I trembled and felt my breasts move and bounce. Jack took my hand and pulled it down under my skirt saying, "You can rub your clit baby." And he made my hand, palm open, rub my now hard cock. "Just remember, it's your clit. Ok, Pissy?" he coaxed. I heard myself say "yes Sir," as I stood there in my outfit looking the part. "Rub it and smile for another picture Pissy," he said picking up the camera. I smiled and rubbed myself under my skirt as he photographed me with another camera. One of those new ones that let you take three types of pictures. I know he had the whole shot. "Now go and introduce yourself to each of the guys individually while you continue to rub your clit." I walked over to Jimmy who was on Jack's left. Standing there, rubbing myself, I said, "Hi Jimmy, my name is Pissy." Jimmy put his hand under my skirt on my ass and rubbed it as he said, "Nice to meet you Pissy. Do you like to suck cock?" Another camera flash as the picture caught me rubbing myself, Jimmy's hand under my skirt on my ass. I answered, "Yes Sir." He spanked me hard and then asked, "Yes Sir, what?" "Yes Sir, I like to suck cock," I replied and noticed Paul was taping my reply. Next was Bill. He pulled me down onto his lap. Sitting there he was feeling my "titties" as I said, "Hi Bill, my name is Pissy." I could feel his semi-hard cock through my skirt and panties. It rubbed the crack in my ass as I moved around a bit. My ass was so sore and sensitive I couldn't help it. Bill said, "I can see you like the feel of my cock. I bet you can't wait to get it inside you." The tape rolled and another picture was taken as I answered, "yes your cock will feel good in me." Then Paul stood up and said, "I always give my seat to a lady." I femininely sat down and said my mantra. "Hi Paul, my name is Pissy." He came close to me and I looked up at him. "Honey don't look at me, keep your eyes on my cock," he snickered. With his cock almost in my face, I could see the bulge in his pants and smell his manliness. "I hope you like to wash a guy's cock with your tongue Pissy," he stated. "Breathe in deeply sweety, when you clean it later it will smell nice and clean." He held my head until I inhaled a deep nostril full of his unwashed odor. John made me stand there near him as his finger rubbed my ass and he had me start playing with my clit again. But now he demanded I sigh like a girl as I rubbed my "little clitty"; as he called it. "Ohhhh," I sighed rubbing my clit with my palm. John feeling me. The tape and pictures continued. Then he stopped and laughed. "Good girl Pissy," he remarked pushing me over towards Bob. My cock/clit seemed small as Bob took my other hand and held it too his crotch saying. "Go ahead girl, you can cum in your panties. But I know you need to feel a man to get you real wild. His other hand held my hand against my clit and moved up and down rubbing my hardness as he coaxed me on. He whispered in my ear, "if you don't cum I'll spank your ass till your purple." I rubbed myself as I held his cock feeling how much bigger it was then mine. He whispered again, "when you cum, sound and act like the girl you are." Suddenly I felt the first drops of pre cum oozing out as I sobbed girlishly. Shortly thereafter I filled my panties with my wetness. Bob said "good girl." And the others said soft words of encouragement. Then Jack made me hold my skirt up as he took one more picture and reminded me that the set of pictures would be forever damning. I knew that. I knew that I would be their girl. I would be their cum slut. I would be Pissy. The cum puddled in the cotton crotch of my panties sticking to me as Jack finally said, "Ok guys, let's play some poker. Pissy you can bring us some beer and munchies while we play." As I walked to the counter I could feel the sticky wetness rubbing against me. I passed a mirror and could see myself. Jack saw me look and said I should be sure to use mascara, eyelashes etc. next time I fixed myself up. He handed me my pocketbook and said to look through it and put on some fresh lipstick. Humiliated I stood in the kitchen area and applied lipstick. Even though they didn't seem to be looking, but instead playing cards, I could feel their eyes. Part 2 I started to get everything together. First some chips and dip from one of the food bags. Then when I started to do a knee bend to get the beer from the cooler (a last vestige of modesty) John called out to me to be sure to, "bend from the waist like the slut you are. And use a tampon." Bending over, I felt my skirt ride up and knew my panties and ass was showing especially as Paul said something to Jimmy. All I heard was something about what a "fuckable ass Pissy has." Shortly after I inserted the tampon and pushed the Vaseline up in my ass and the string hanging down. I could feel the bulge and slickness in me as I continued to get things together. Just as I started to bring the beers to the table there was a tremendous flash of lightning and shortly after a clap of thunder roared nearly making me fall. "Sounds like rain's coming," Jack said as they played cards. When I started to bend over the table to pass the beers out, Bill's hand grabbed my ass and started to rub my cheek. He then suggested that they play the next hand to see who would "pop my cherry." As the cards were dealt, Bill made me stay there with his hand on my ass saying, "I'm sure you'll want me to win since my balls are aching full of jizz." When he looked at his cards he said for me to take a look. I bent down to see his cards. He had two pair. Aces and Jacks. "Wish me luck Pissy," he said tossing in one card and then he unzipped his pants and let his semi hard cock head poke out saying to me, "kiss it for good luck." He squeezed my ass hard so I would know to do it without question. And, as I bent lower to his penis, kissing it, Bob and Jack said, "not so fast Bill." Then they all laughed. As the final cards were dealt I thought how Bill's cockhead was twice as thick as mine. He stuck his card in between my panty and ass held by the elastic band saying, " I won't even look. Pissy will bring me good luck." And then he smiled. Rubbing my smooth exposed thigh above my stockings he waited as each one called out their hand. Jack said he had two pair. Jimmy and John folded. Paul had three sevens. Bob happily said, "I think Pissy is going to get her cherry popped by Me." And then he put down a full house Three Queens and two fives. "There," he said, "give her up Bill." Bill put down his two Aces and two Jacks and said to me, " come on Pissy, pull an Ace from your hole." Just as I reached behind me to my panties for the card, my fingers trembling, it started to rain. I felt it was like my tears. John warned me not to pout and to show how happy I was and slapped my ass to remind me. I grasped the card in my long red nailed fingers and brought it out. Bill's cock was sticking out about two inches as I placed the card on the table and heard someone say, "She did have an Ace in the hole." Bill laughed and started playing with the crack in my ass. Bob moaned about his bad luck and as Bill grabbed my hand and told me to pull down my panties, someone said, "so we'll deal you out for awhile Bill?" "No way," Bill stated. "Pissy is going to fuck the cum out of me as I play. Pissy I want you to sit on my cock and ride it till it comes. Face out as you fuck me so the other guys can see your happy face." With that he undid his trousers and pulled them down and let his massive cock stick up. I pulled my sticky panties down feeling my drying cum pull as they moved to my knees. "That's far enough," Bill said. Then he gently pulled on the string of the tampon laughing a bit as it slid out of me. He slipped a finger in my ass as he moved me over in between his legs saying, "gosh Pissy's so hot her pussy is dripping. Here hon," he said as he took my arm and help guide me down to his cock. I could hear the rain on the roof as I felt his cock push against my hole, Bill coaxing me to ease down and it would feel, "sooooo GOOD!" In his cock went. Filling my hole. Thick and hot sliding up my Vaseline wetness. Bill told me to start fucking him and then said to the other guys, "DEAL." I started to fuck him. Riding up and down on his pole. He told me I should play with myself as I fucked him. My panties down at my knees the card game continuing as I bobbed up and down on this monster thickness in me. Looking out at the other guys as I did it, I was ashamed. They played cards, drank beer and laughed as I fucked Bill. Bill would touch my legs and feel me up from time to time. Also he would whisper how much cum he had to fill me. Suddenly I felt his cock tighten even more in me. He put down his cards. His breathing became more rapid and he bucked against my movement. Then, as he sighed and whispered again in my ear that his cum was going to shoot in and fill me. As he talked, I felt his hot cum start to wiggle up into me, flooding me. Someone said how my cheeks had flushed like every girl when she was filled with happiness. Bill sighed, "AHHHHA," and shot more cum as he twitched. Then he held my shoulders for me to stop and just sit there. I did, feeling his wet cum flooding inside me. Reaching in my pocketbook he took out another tampon and handed it too me. "Okay, Pissy, now lift up and slide that tampon in and then clean your man's cock," Bill said. I started to lift myself up with his help and then pushed the tampon in and pulled the applicator out leaving the string and Bill's cum up inside me. Then I pulled my sticky panties back up against me and Bill turned me and pointed to his glistening cock head. I licked him clean and another photo was taken. Over the next hour or so I sucked cock, licked balls, swallowed cum and had cum shot up my ass until I felt like and smelt like a cum repository. The rain continued getting heavier and while I sucking Jimmy he said, "Hey Pissy, even snort cum?" I nodded no, to which he said that just when he was going to cum he would tap my head. I was to take his, "cock and put the head in one nostril." After the first shot, I was to stick it in the other while sucking it up through my nose slowly. His cock hardened noticeably as he talked and he said he would tap my head real soon. TAP! TAP! My head felt it and then I took his hard cock and put it against my nose just as it shot a large and forceful gob of cum up my nostril. I moved it to the other and it shot again. I began to inhale it and forgot what to do with his cock as it started to spurt on my face and his cum slimed up my nostril and down into my throat. When I got up off the floor, Jimmy said I might be getting a cold since my nose was running. Everyone laughed again. Jack said to clear the table of the empty bottles. Quite a stack had assembled while I had been servicing them. Most of them had six or more empty bottles in front of them. I had lost all the semblance of my manhood during that period. Cum soaked I cleared the table, wiggling my ass as I walked back to the kitchen. I had cum twice myself. The first time when I was told to standing there with Bob. And, once again when Bob made me cum again while he shot a load in my ass. While I was in the kitchen, I heard Jack say he was going to go and take "a leak." He got up and went to the door. Opening it, I could hear the rain streaming down outside. It was falling in torrents. "Ah shit," Jack muttered, "I'm not going out there." And then he turned to me saying, "Pissy don't we have something in the kitchen I can use as a piss pot?" Looking around, the only thing I could find was small clear plastic Tupperware tub. It was about 14 inches in diameter and about 6 inches deep. As I brought it to him he said, "Now I guess we may have named you better then we expected. Why don't you just kneel down and hold the tub so you can watch." I answered a whimpering, " No." Bob grabbed my arm and pulled me over his knees and pulled my skirt up and spanked me until I was crying and saying "yes." Jack unzipped his fly and pulled his dick out and told me to look at it as he pissed. Holding the plastic tub I saw his cock slit open and the hot steaming yellow pee started to splatter in it. The smell and some spray filling my sticky nostrils and cheeks. Another picture was taken of me. When Jack was finished he pulled me by my hair and told me to "lick his cock clean." Holding his sloshing pee in the tub I licked his pee hole and the last drop on my tongue. After when I got up I asked what I was to do with the pee in the tub. Jack said, "don't worry your girly brain over that. It's raining out and we'll all be using it. Just bring it when we tell you and don't spill any. Put it on the counter and when you're not busy, lean you head down near it and look at it and smell it." The rest of the guys laughed and agreed what a good idea. I went back to the counter and put the tub down. Jack called out, "this is a good time for you to use that little girly mind and concentrate on the tub. Let me see you do that right away." I bent over and put my head down, but he coaxed to put my head even further until it was almost in the tub. Then they took another picture. I knew the shot only showed the tub and me. It would look like I was doing it of my own free will. After about 10 minutes of my arms, elbows on the counter, holding my head near the pee, someone came up from behind me and slapped my ass once. I nearly fell into the tub but fortunately didn't. Then when he began to talk, I knew it was Paul. He said he wondered, "what I was thinking about?" I was going to say something, but then he told me it had better be something sweet and girly. Pleasant was important to him. So, I told him how much I liked the color and lied about how nice it smelled. Then I felt him pull my skirt up and my panties down. Pulling my tampon out. "Pissy, I bet you can't wait to feel another cock in you. And I think I've got a real load you can have. Does that make you happy?" When I said, "yes," he took his cock and rubbed it up and down my crack as my face remained near the tub. And so I didn't go face into the tub of pee, I had to make sure I opened my hole as best I could for his cock and then move back and forth to offer no sudden slam. Finally as he was holding my waist, he started to cream wads of hot cum up inside my already slick hole. Moaning as he finished. Then he leaned down to my ear and whispered as his cock began to shrink inside me, "as you look at that I want you to think how nice it is that I gave you mine inside you." Suddenly, I could feel his pee start to flood inside me as he leaned a bit and sighed. A couple of times he shuddered but he just continued to pee. The warmth filled inside me. Then when he was finishing he leaned over again and said, "here take this tampon and push it up as I pull out so you can have the thrill of my pee inside you for awhile." I held the tampon near my ass as he pulled out and then shoved it up. Not a drop fell out and then I could feel the tampon expand and fill my ass, holding all his pee and cum. He slapped my ass and the pee sloshed in me as he said, "now come clean me up." Pulling my panties back up I could feel them a bit tighter on me. I knelt down and licked his acrid cock clean. Later, John made me take the tub under the table, unzip him and hold his cock and tub and carefully aim his pee. He didn't want to be disturbed at cards. It was difficult, but I managed somehow. When he was finished he grabbed some of my hair and wiped with that. be be continued

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Pure Strip Poker

Chapter 1 The Rules I was a PK (preacher's kid). If you are not a PK, you may have never though about what that means. As a PK in a small town, everybody knows your father. If you do anything, somebody will tell your father about it. This makes for a very restricted social life. You don't get invited to very many parties, and girls are reluctant to go out with you. When I was 10 or 12 years old things were pretty normal. Most of the kids in the neighborhood treated me as...

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Pure Strip Poker 4

My heart stopped, and then raced at a thousand beats a minute. Mary had just said we could use Kat's bedroom tonight. What did this mean? I tried to think. Mary went off to try to straighten things up after the evening festivities. What was I supposed to say? What was I supposed to do? Protection. That was it. Was Mary on the pill? I didn't think so. Charlene had said she was a virgin, so how many virgins were on the pill? I had no idea, but it didn't seem likely. So...

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Pure Strip Poker 5 Final

or fifth time, I decided to sleep on the floor. Those romantic pictures of couples sleeping in each other arms look good in the movies, but you can't really sleep that way. I thought about sleeping in Beth's bed, but wasn't sure what Mary would think about that so I dragged the blanket off Beth's bed and went to sleep on the floor next to Mary's bed. When I woke up Mary was standing next to me in a bathrobe. "Good morning sleepy head," Mary said with a...

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Candys Poker Party

My name is Ed and I’m divorced with joint custody of our daughter. My ex-wife is a smoking hot sex pot that I could never leave my hands off. Even after years of marriage we still fucked almost every day, and sometimes I even shared her with my buddies (one at a time). I know she had some brief affairs, but she was discrete and never refused me whatever I wanted, so I didn’t mind too much. The thing that ended the marriage was money. I made plenty, that wasn’t the problem. The problem was...

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Poker By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Hungry In his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritz crackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into a lot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungry for when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer, "Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!" Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joined the poker group. My name...

4 years ago
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Poker Face

As Kristen stepped from the shower she took a towel from the hook on the wall. She used it to wring the excess moisture from her hair and then toweled what was left of the shower from her lean body. She wrapped the towel around her body and then tucked the free end under the edge of the towel to hold it in place. She walked into her bedroom, slid open the closet door and surveyed the clothes hanging in front of her. She pulled down a linen blouse. It was a short sleeved-lavender blouse with a...

3 years ago
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Chapter One - HungryIn his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritzcrackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into alot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungryfor when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer,"Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!"Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joinedthe poker group.My name is Ed Jensen. When this tale began, I was 31 and...

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Chapter One - HungryIn his post-Mayberry days, Andy Griffith was a spokesperson for Ritzcrackers. He popularized a terrific advertising phrase that reached into alot of people's heads. Andy would ask rhetorically, "What are you hungryfor when you don't know what you're hungry for?" And then answer,"Somethin' on a crisp Ritz cracker. It's goooood!"Are you hungry for something and you don't know what? I was, until I joinedthe poker group.My name is Ed Jensen. When this tale began, I was 31 and...

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Poker Night

The property in Arlington, Virginia was initially built as a duplex. The double driveway led to two garages separated by stairs leading up to two front doors. Each side had a living room and kitchen. One floor up there were two bedrooms. The builder had owned the vacant lot for twenty years expecting to build a home there. But the lot backed up to a hill that didn’t adapt to a typical Arlington home.Thirty years ago a young lawyer named Malachi Bernstein purchased the duplex expecting to rent...

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Victor loved owning a casino in Vegas….he especially loved that he got to fuck just about every female employee he hired whenever the mood struck him. In Part 1, Victor interviewed two waitresses, getting a blowjob under his desk from one, while he interviewed the other in front of his desk. In Part 2, Victor checked on the kitchen staff and found time to fuck the sous-chef before the dinner rush started, and later got a massage with a happy ending from one of the masseuses he hired. In Part...

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Pure Strip Poker 2

Charlene, because I never gave it to her. I had thought about calling her to see if she wanted to go out to a movie or something, but I just didn't know how to ask a girl out. I always found some excuse for putting it off, and there were midterm exams to keep me occupied. "Hi Larry, this is Mary," she said. "How are you doing?" "OK, how about you?" I replied. "I am doing fine. I was calling to see if you were interested in another poker game?" As soon as I...

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Poker Dads Fuck Me

This is a story that was sent to me by one of my younger members/fans. With his permission I'm going to share it with you guys. If you like it, I'll have him share more details of his new Poker Mates.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The COVID shut down really stuffed up my life. I'm just twenty years old, I lost of my job, I moved back with my parents.I'm not out to my parents, so for a few months there I had no social life, no sex life...

4 years ago
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Poker Dads Fuck Me

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The COVID shut down really stuffed up my life. I'm just twenty years old, I lost of my job, I moved back with my parents. I'm not out to my parents, so for a few months there I had no social life, no sex life and no money. Pretty embarrassing having to go to your Dad cap in hand asking for money to fill up the car with petrol. Don't get me started how sexually frustrated I was. Before COVID hit, I...

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Poker Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story and it my not be sold. It may be downloaded or shared at free to read sites only. Poker, I love to play the game. The wager or bet, win or lose, is what makes it so very nice, not that the results of a bad bet can be discounted, I tend to forget my losses and choose to remember only the wins. Not this time, however, to tell you of the result before laying the background, would be doing you the reader of this narrative a disservice. Every...

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The poker game surprise

I had been invited by Jack to play poker with him and some friends on Friday night. Jack invited two other guys and I from work to play at his house. He told us to be at his house at 6:00pm and bring money. He said he would have a special treat for us. I wondered what he had in mind but I was up for what ever it was. I arrived at his house just a little before 6pm and rang the doorbell. Jack opened the door, “Hi Bruce, come on in” he said as he stepped back and motioned for me to come...

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The Poke Her Poker Game

Poke Her (Poker Game) PartyI decided I needed to earn some extra cash for some unexpected expenses. I was talking to my friend about this issue. She knew everything about me and my openness with sex. I decided I might try being the " party favor " at a secret sexual party for men. That way I could enjoy all the sex I wanted and earn some money at the same time. I told her how I wanted to earn the money and she had a suggestion for me.She agreed that is was a good and fun way to earn some...

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Strip Poker 2000

away. He told me to come over and watch a couple of vids and get pissed. We started watching a vid and pretty soon got pissed on his parents Vodka. As we got a more drunk, we started to get a little rowdy and soon got on to the subject of girls at school and being 15, we were both getting horny as hell. Dylan brought up how he used to play strip poker with other kids when he was younger, and how much fun he always had. The rules were easy: We both start with the same amount of clothes,...

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I used my wife as a poker chip and lost

Larry, who I worked with had been on me for the last month about doing a poker game at my place. I finally agreed to hold it at my place after thinking about it over several days. I hadn’t played in a poker game in many years. Larry had lined up myself plus him and a buddy of his. His buddy also brought along a younger gentleman named Rob with him so we now had had a table of four playing. I didn’t know this other younger gentleman, but he was only in his 20’s and had a very cocky attitude. ...

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Strip Poker For Fun 8211 Part II

It happened some years ago. I was in college and I had a friend named Rina. On one evening I walked up to the door of the house and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing Rina smiling. I smiled back at the lovely girl and entered the front hall. “How long did it take you to walk?” she asked. Only about 15 minutes, but boy, it’s still pretty cold for almost April.” “Did you bring it with you?” I passed her the brown paper bag and she took its contents, a bottle...

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Danny’s friends always paid me a lot of attention during these poker nights at our house. And why not? I’m a pretty brunette with a constant smile and great figure – about 5’5”, with a slim waist and 36D rack that seemed to get a lot of looks, and - frankly - I loved showing it off. I enjoyed all the attention I got from Danny and his friends, and even started dressing a little more risqué for these game nights….usually a mini-skirt or short shorts, with a tank top or thin cotton shirt....

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The Poker Game

It was a Friday night in late October and Melanie and I were preparing snacks for that night's poker game. Jake and I had been playing poker regularly with three of our closest buddies since we were all in college together. We were all married now, but we would still meet once or twice a month on a Friday or Saturday night to play cards and drink beer while catching up and ragging on each other. For some reason, our house had become the regular venue, probably simply because Mel and I had been...

Group Sex
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The Poker Game

The Poker Game By: Cissykay Chapter 1 It was Friday morning, and I was looking forward to the long holiday weekend. Four days of fun with the guys and some serious games with my wife. Roxann was very much into our sex and bondage games. We usually played when I had come home from a few drinks with the guys. We would tell each other about how our wives pissed us off, and how we would always show how we were the boss. I knew most of...

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Poker Night Part 1

It was another Friday night. My roommate was having another poker game with his buddies and I wasn't allowed to join in. I spent so much time preparing snacks for everybody, but when I was all done, my roommate Craig told me to go in my room while his friends came over for a few hours. I dunno why he wouldn't let me play, I was actually quite good at poker. I sobbed and went into my room, not even allowed to take a single bite of the delicious snacks I slaved over. I moved in with Craig a year...

2 years ago
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First Poker Party

It happened at the first poker game I attended… my girl friends forgot to tell me the extra rule of the game. When you lose your cash, then go your clothes…. I was playing against some of my girlfriends, and lost my cash quickly when Cindy told me how I could continue, one piece of clothing for each lost hand. Reena and Tricia agreed with her. Well, they stripped me in six hands, and left me totally nude in front of everyone…Tricia offered one more hand to play…she had only her swimsuit on, a...

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Poker Buddy

Poker Buddy Peggy Sue and I had been playing cards with Steve and Marcy every Friday for a few months now. Playing poker was good clean fun and we played for pennies and nickels so no one lost very much money. In fact Steve was usually the big winner with just a little over a dollar every time. Playing cards at home was cheaper than going out to a movie and a lot more fun too. None of us drank so bars were out of the question. Plus we took turns hosting the poker game and supplying...

4 years ago
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Poker Night

Jack had a beautiful daughter. She was also very sexy and he had raised her to be very obedient. She was his sex toy and he loved using her at his poker parties on Friday nights. Five of his horny nasty friends came over to play poker and with he and Jan. Tonight Jack got her ready. He first fucked her then showered her and douched her and shaved her pussy. Then he finger fucked her and sucked her nice big tits while he had her in the shower. He then put her on her knees and had her suck his...

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The Poker Party

THE POKER PARTY Very briefly, for those of you who did not read the first story of what I hope will become a series, Kim and I are very happily married and we enjoy a spectacular sex life with each other, and sometimes, maybe often, with others as well. Kim is very petite in stature, but just the opposite in sexual capacity. I will not say that she is a nymphomaniac because nymphos can never get enough. Kim can be satisfied with just one good orgasm. The question becomes, why stop at one when...

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Daddys poker night

This is just a fantasy, I don’t condone sex with minors Daddy’s Poker night My name’s Bill Krants. I am writing this because I don't know what else to do. Sombody needs to know what happened that night and I guess I am the only one willing to tell. It began innocently enough. Doug Seers has a regular Friday night poker game at his house. The only thing different about this poker night was that Martha had informed Doug on Monday morning of this week that she wanted a divorce....

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Friends from around the pool at an exclusive Baja resort get a little carried away with a strip poker in their suite

Through all the heat and the humidity around the pool, we had been swimming and sunning the entire day. At Palmilla, the pool attendants doubled as waiters and we’d had plenty of drinks since late morning. All day there were different people occupying the loungers around us and we had amusing and friendly conversations. There were mostly couples but some single guys and gals mixed-in during the day. We awoke from a quiet nap in the late afternoon to get ready for dinner. The outdoor...

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Poker with daddy

I was waiting at the kitchen table for Zoey's boyfriend to show up. Tonight was supposed to be "the mysterious meeting." They had something to tell me. Of course, the little bastard was ten minutes late now."He'll be here any minute," Zoey said, holding up her cell phone. "He said he's on his way.""You could just tell me what Ben wants to talk to me about, and I'll act surprised when he brings it up later.""No, Daddy," Zoey said. "This is important. We need to have this discussion together."I...

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Lets Play Strip Slave Poker

Let’s Play Strip Slave PokerMy best friend, Lisa, had invited me over for a pool party on a Sunday afternoon in late August, during the summer between my junior and senior years at college. This was going to be the last party of the summer, before everyone went back to school. Because it was a Sunday, we would all have to get up and work the next day, so everyone would leave by midnight. Lisa said we would be playing Strip Slave Poker and other games, with a total of 4 guys and 4 girls...

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Roxy Joins the Poker Party Club

There were four of us that loved to get together to play poker and drink beer every Friday night. We had done this for years, without interruption. We were golfing buddies, and all were happily married goofballs.One night, as we were, deep into our ninth or tenth hand of poker, with the beer and the whiskey flowing, one of the group members asked the question that all of us had probably thought to ask at one point or another, but none of us had ever dared to ask.“So, what’s the kinkiest sex...

Group Sex
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Four of a Kind 8211 A strip poker story

Five cards stared up at me while the implications of their configuration suffused my being. Four queens, the heart suit carefully arranged on the left, followed by her sisters, each card a mirror image of the previous except for the suit. The last card, the ace of spades, broke the pattern, but served to complete the hand in mocking simplicity. I never played much poker, wasn’t the gambling type, but I knew enough that this hand, the one I held between my trembling fingers, was rare. I...

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Incest with strip poker almost

Note : This story is completely fictional! In my story "How I fucked my sister" I said that my sister, Betty, might get married. She hasn`t yet because her man friend has been sent by his firm to the Middle East to work there for a several months. Now, to resume............ My neighbours, Stan and his wife, Irene, sometimes invite me to their place for drinks and I invite them to my house. One day they also invited Betty and me for gin and tonics. After a few glasses Stan asked us if we played...

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Jenny and Liz at the Poker Party

Jenny and Liz were high school seniors who had known each other since they were little girls. They had shared many meaningful moments together over the years, and now that they were 18 they were beginning to share sexual ones. In fact, the two friends were developing into sex-crazed little sluts. From initial experimentation with each other they had begun to explore all kinds of raunchy sex, with and without each other. By the spring of their final year in high school the two friends knew...

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House Slut 19 Poker Night

Tegan and Brandon parted ways briefly to clean up and get dressed before reconvening in the kitchen to sit and have some tea. The conversation didn’t really address their earlier session, but they talked easily about nothing in particular. Brandon’s thoughts seems preoccupied by Yeung, but he didn’t seem concerned about their affair crossing any lines so much as he wondered how he’d actually go about dating someone. To Tegan Brandon seemed positively smitten with the girl and she felt happy...

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Poker night with Caine and his friends

Soon after realizing I was pregnant, I quickly faded out of my usual social routines. I didn’t speak to Caine again for about a year after the incident at the hostel. I was in shock, I think, and it caused me to push Caine out of my life. It really hurt his feelings and he wouldn’t talk to me for a long time after that, but I didn’t give up. I could never stop thinking about what had happened between us and I knew that we weren’t done yet. I don’t want to sound creepy, but since Caine...

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Teenage Poker Winnings

Teenage Poker Winnings With all of the poker available on television, in the movies, and on the Internet it wasn’t long before I started a weekly poker game. I became pretty popular with the other guys. You see my parents are never home on a Friday night and I have the whole house to myself. That’s because my sister is usually out getting screwed. For a fifteen-year-old I was considered one of the ‘in crowd’ at school. I had quite a list of kids that wanted to come to my poker game...

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Wife plays Strip Poker Part 1

My wife Diane and I started dating just a few months prior to her 21st birthday. We worked together and prior to dating as a couple, we had hooked up on several occasions. The way it would go down was that after work, we’d go to the bar across the street with maybe a few coworkers and after everyone else left, we’d sneak back to the empty office. Once there, we would proceed to undress each other and screw in every room, in every cubicle and on every desk we could find. At 5’7” 120lbs with C...

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poker her night

My good friend Bobcat the Poker Brat. Wanted me to share his story, so here it is!Poke her night.Five years ago, my friend Bryan and I met two lovely ladies at the bar on a Friday night, they were very keen on us, and share our passion for poker. We played for small change at the bar, where Bryan won the pot. The two women, one blonde and the other brunette, the blonde is called Sharon and the brunette Lynda. They were both thirty-two. Sharon had deep green eyes that wrinkled when she...

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Was It Poker Night Or Pokeher Night

I have always liked the fact that Jamie’s friends enjoy hanging out at our house. That way I know what they’re up to and not out on the streets getting into some mischief. Plus, if he’s gone the house gets a little lonely and quiet since my divorce.Usually, they’re playing video games or watching sports like most seventeen-year-old boys but I like hearing them laughing and cutting up down in the ‘man cave’. I went downstairs to get some laundry done the other night and saw Jamie and three of...

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Stewardess Masturbates for Hubbys Poker Buds

After Arriving Home From My Trip, My Husband, Apparently In the Mood to Show Off His Stewardess Wife, Encouraged and Directed Me As I Danced and Stripped From My Uniform and Then Masturbated to Orgasm While He and His Poker Buddies Watched. Note: The above video clip is from another time and not the story below. You can view the Full Naked Video [2:59] Erotic True Story________________________I am a proud Texas Latina and a real flight...

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Mike and Kate Chapter 1 Poker Poker Night

He had found it difficult to make friends as he was at his new high school but eventually made a few friends, Kate and Sophie. For some reason all the male pupils were not interested in being friends with Mike. Mike had a crush on Kate but, he never knew if she actually liked him that way, then one New Years Eve party when they were both 20 would change their lives forever when they finally got together. Kate was Mikes first girlfriend but Kate had had a few boyfriends before and was...

4 years ago
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More Strip Poker

We were lying cosy in bed this Sunday morning and after a very nice romantic fuck, he had asked me about some of the things I did before I met him. "You did what?" asked my husband, Billy, who suddenly sat up and looked down at me. "Well, it was all quite innocent," I explained. "But you got your kit off in front of these guys?" he said. "Sure, and they did the same," I said. "I'm not sure that helps any," he said with a big grin. "So how old were you?" "I don't know," I...

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Texas Flight Attendant and Exhibitionist Strips Nude and Masturbates For Her Husbands Poker Buddies

I am a real flight attendant for a major US airline but what you wouldn't know from your flight with me is that I am also an addicted exhibitionist.My husband knows this and has, for the most part, supported me in acting out my exhibitionist fantasy on my airline layovers. I told him early on in our relationship that I had an exhibitionist compulsion that, instead of looking for a cure, I had learned to embrace. In other words, I wasn't willing to give it up in a marriage. He claimed he...

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Poker Night with Ma

So anyway, dad takes off after I turn 18 and get my own place for college, and now she's lonely. So, I lose my weekend. I try the usual excuses. I'm so busy. Cars only doing so so. The weather's not suppose to be so good. I hear there's a lot of snow coming. Well, fuck me, but the last one wasn't bull shit, and here we are snowed in on day 3. College canceled and I'm stuck at my old home with Ma. And you'd think after years of having a young adult male living with you, that she'd...

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strip poker for fun

Rina and I are both finishing 1st year at university, so we are 19. I looked at Rina; a tall slim classically pretty sexy with blue eyes, shoulder length hair and long legs. She is slightly taller, if certain little bids are telling the truth, interested in me.”Put your coat in the closet and I’ll put this in the kitchen,” she said, “we’re going to sit in the den; go down the stairs and turn left, first door on your right.”I went down the half flight and entered the room.”Hi,” a voice...

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Summer of Strip Poker

All the people in this story are of the age of consent.My first real sexual experience was when I was 16 and my best friend, Bob, a school chum of mine convinced me one hot horny Summer that playing strip poker was a fun thing to do. I was an extraordinarily shy boy - especially when it came to my body and nudity. I didn’t even like going on a public beach because a bathing suit revealed so much of my skin. So, the idea of playing strip poker and getting totally naked with another guy - even...

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Daddys poker game

Well since the first time my pussy lips were spread open for my dad to suck on my tender clit and did so everynight dad got an idea...My daddy always had about 10-15 guys over for big poker night once a week, acouple tables set up in the basement( the man cave) they would drink play poker , just shot the breeze.. Most times my dad didn't even know half the guys that would come .. They were friends of my dads friends.Well one poker night my dad decided he wanted me to watch.. He had...

3 years ago
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Strip Poker For Fun 8211 Part I

It happened some years ago. I was in college and I had a friend named Rina. On one evening I walked up to the door of the her house and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing Rina smiling. I smiled back at the lovely girl and entered the front hall. “How long did it take you to walk?” she asked. Only about 15 minutes, but boy, it’s still pretty cold for almost April.” “Did you bring it with you?” I passed her the brown paper bag and she took its contents, a...

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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Part I The Poker Game

My name is Jeff. My wife Millie is the joy of my life. She's sweet and giving and funny and loving and as devoted as she can be, and I can't imagine life without her. The only thing that ever bothered me was that Millie didn't realize how beautiful and sexy she is. That may not sound like a big problem, but it is. Or was... Millie is what you call a "big-titted plumper," and a more gorgeous specimen of plumperhood you're not likely to see. Imagine this: Shining brown hair in a short pixie cut,...


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