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SPELLBINDER BY LISA L. It was March 5, 1985, and Phil Coleman was just as miserable this year as he was last year. After all he didn't get to go to the junior prom the prior year because his shyness prevented him from asking his dream girl Angela Pearson and now that he was a senior, it appeared this years prom would be no differen't. Being shy and introverted was no fun, it made Phil an easy target for everyone to tease him. This was nothing new and Phil prayed every night for things to change as all he wanted was to be accepted and liked by his classmates. Now for his younger sister Nicole's life wasn't nearly as hard, she was a junior, very popular, and co-captain of Millport highschool's cheerleading squad. Nicole was a stuck up "bitch" and constantly looked down upon Phil who resented every minute he had to spend with her. He especially hated when she purposely swayed her shapely butt as she walked down the hallways at school as all of the boys looking on Nicole's perfect body. Another day of school was to begin shortly and as usual, Nicole was still in the bathroom not finished with her beautification process. The door was open and Phil was about to enter to retrieve his watch which was inadvertantly left by him on the bathroom sink when his eyes focused on Nicole's well endowed chest which fit nicely with her tight sweater. Upon entering, the diva stopped applying her eye shadow and caught her older brother staring at her. "Are you staring at my chest, sexy isn't it", Nicole exclaimed as she gently cupped both breasts with her petite hands and began to slowly massage them. Phil didn't even bother to answer her as he picked up his watch and left the room. Nicole just laughed at him as he departed and resumed applying her make up. Phil then proceeded downstairs as depressed as ever when his mother asked him if anything was wrong to which he replied no while exiting their residence. The day went by quickly and he found himself in the last period of the day, study hall. Phil had always liked to keep busy which prompted him to volunteer to help clean up the school library as all of his homework was finished. While transporting a several stacks of books to the basement of the school he accidentally tripped and everything he was carrying fell to the floor. Phil quickly returned to his feet and began to pick the books when he observed an old and dusty manuscript under the last step. Phil became instantly curious and picked it up. After examining its contents, it was apparent that the manuscript was indeed a book of witchcraft. "Interesting, I'm going to take this home to read later", he said to himself as he carefully handled the book while taking it into possession. Phil then finished putting the books away which he brought from the library and returned back to study hall as it was time to go home. After returning home from school, went into his sister's room, sat on her bed and began to read the ancient text. It was then that he discovered an interesting spell which would allow the person casting the spell to mimic the voice of another. This excited Phil even though he did not believe it to be true. Gazing upon a picture of his georgeous sister wearing her cheerleader uniform as it sat on her dresser, Phil didn't take long to decide who's voice he would attempt to emulate through the spell. Nicole wasn't due back from cheerleading practice for at least another hour, now was as good a time as any to dabble in his introduction to witchcraft. The spell called for Phil to place a personal item on his neck which belonged to the person whos voice he wished to impersonate. In Philip's case, Nicole's pearl necklace would work just fine. After gently securing the delicate jewelry around his neck, he bagan to invoke the spell. The incantation was read and Phil's throat began to tighten to the point where it took on a burning sensation for several seconds before the pain finally ended. Phil paused for a few seconds in relief then cleared his voice which now had a highly familiar pitch to it. "Oh my God, the spell worked", he exclaimed in his sister's sensuously enticing voice. Phil laughed in delight for a few minutes and then decided to have some fun. He went over to Nicole's night stand, opened her personal address/phone directory and obtained Debbie Murphy's (one of Nicole's best friends) telephone number. Phil then called Debbie and had a half hour conversation of "girl talk" without her ever suspecting a thing. Upon hanging up the phone, Phil was overwhelmed with a strong feeling of accomplishment as he said to himself "see Nicki, I could be you easily." Just then, he heard the front door close, she was home from practice; Phil quickly took the pearl necklace off thus breaking the spell. Phil was exiting Nicloe's room as she caught him leaving and asked him why he was in her room. Luckily, while Phil scrambled for an answer, the phone rang and it wasNikki's boyfriend Joe; he was saved by the bell literally. At this point in time, Phil returned to his room and read the spell book diligently for the rest of the evening. The next day in school went by in anticipation for Phil as he was anxious to get home and experiment with his spell book again. Nicole wasn't feeling well that day so upon returning home from school she skipped cheerleading practice and went straight to bed. This upset her brother's plans of obtaining any items from her room for the purpose of casting spells, he would have to use an alternative method to experiment with Nicki. About five o'clock, the telephone rang and it was Debbie wanting to ask Nicole if she wanted to meet her at the mall tonight. Phil, having a very diabolical idea in mind told Debbie that Nicole was in the shower but told him she would meet Debbie in the food court of the mall at seven o'clock. After hanging up the phone, Phil realized he shouldn't have lied to Debbie like that because he had no idea if the spells he planned on using were going to work. Knowing that he had a difficult task to fulfill, Phil wasted no time in first casting a spell that would render his sister unconcious for the evening. Next, he took the clothes that she had worn to school which consisted of a white silk blouse, black spandex miniskirt, black suede flats, white silk panties, white silk/lace bra and quickly returned to his room. An intense ceremony followed encompassing several incantations in succession with his hands placed upon the immaculate outfit he had just taken into possession. Upon the utterance of the last words of the last ncantation, the whole room darkened and a fine green mist engulfed Phil as his physical appearance began to change. when the mist lifted, he stood there with his clothes literally falling off of his body. he turned toward the mirror and observed the reflection of his sister in the mirror. The spells had worked, he appeared to be her in every detail; from her shoulder length ash blonde hair, beautiful brown eyes , long smooth legs, and well proportioned figure. The only problem was the spells he used to copy Nicole's appearance would only last a few hours so he had to make the best of it. It was six o'clock, so he quickly got dressed in his sister's sexy, comfortable outfit and left his house through the back door so his parents, who were watching television in the living room would not see him. Phil or should I say Nicole met Debbie in the food court as planned and they had a great time for the rest of the evening trying on differen't outfits at the various clothing stores until the mall closed. Debbie never suspected that Nicole was really Phil as he did such a good job impersonating her. The only problem was Phil had been using Nikki's form for almost three hours and the spells which he utilized to make himself look like her would be wearing off soon. Phil tried to hurry home and exactly two blocks from his house the spells expired and he took on his own form while still wearing Nicole's clothes. Finally, he made it home, parked the car and proceeded to carefully sneak into the house through the back door being extra careful not to split/tear Nicole's clothes which were extremely tight on him since the spells wore off. Exhausted, Phil returned to his room and gently changed into his own clothes. He then put the clothes/shoes he had borrowed back in his sister's room. Nicole, thankfully, was still fast asleep so ultimately his plan was a success but Phil knew that there had to be a better way to impersonate her. He could not depend on the spells he used to look like Nikki because it is difficult to predict how long they would last before wearing off. Phil then went to bed as it was getting late and he had some homework assignments to finish in the morning before going to school. The following day came fast and Phil had to scramble to get his assignments done prior to class. Nicole spent her usual two hours in the bathroom getting ready for school. After arriving at school, his sister paraded through the hallways in her skin tight jeans and low cut sweater hand in hand with Joe Carpenter, who was probably the most popular boy in school. Momentarily, Phil thought of what it would be like to become Joe but came to the realization that being a girl was more fun. The school day went by and as you would expect, Nicole did not associate with her brother any more than she had to as Phil wasn't a member of the "in crowd." Upon getting home from school, Nikki retired to her room to talk on the phone to Joe while brushing her hair. Phil went to his room and buried himself in his spell book. Eventually, he came across a soul transmigration spell which would allow one to swap bodies with another; this is exactly what Phil needed, instant justice for his spoiled sister who looked down on him for all of these years. Nicole emerged from her room and began to tell their mom about her plans for tomorrow evening. She was going to go out with Joe for pizza after the football game. Phil began to formulate his plan of attack, he knew all of the cheers needed to replace his sister at the football game, all of the times he had watched the cheerleaders at practice were going to pay off. Also, growing up with Nicki and overhearing several conversations she had with Joe over the past several months, passing himself off as his sister should be no problem. Later in the evening, Nicole slipped into her powder blue silk nightgown with matching isotoner slippers and silk robe. Knowing that he would soon be occupying her beautiful body, that is if the spell worked, Phil gazed upon his sister with envy now more than ever. He waited for Nicki to go to bed before casting the spell because he wanted the swap to occur in their sleep. From within his room Phil uttered the powerful incantation prior to laying down. While sleeping, the spell dislodged their souls from their respective bodies and transferred Phil's soul into Nicole's body and Nicole's soul into Phil's body. Phil, was the first to wake up in the morning and looking down upon his slender figure and petite hands he knew the spell had worked. Wasting no time, Phil got up and carefully walked over to his sister's vanity in order to admire his new appearance. He was in awe while gently caressing his smooth complexion. Then he slowly ran his small fingers through Nicole's shoulder length curly ash blonde hair. Phil thought about how soft it was as he twirled his fingers through his newly acquired baloney curls which adorned the back of his sister's hair. Staring intensely into the mirror at Nicki's deep brown eyes and full red lips, Phil now knew why it was so easy for her to get boys to do whatever she wanted. Such a well proportioned figure and firm breasts he noted as he examined himself. After admiring himself for several minutes, it was time to wake Nicole up and explain things to her. He enetered his old room and placed a hand over the mouth of his former body and awakened Nicole who was both confused and disorientated. "Don't scream, you'll wake mom and dad up" Phil exclaimed as he began to explain what had happened. Crying profusely,Nikki couldn't believe it and begged her brother for her body back as she stared at Phil's reflection in the mirror. "I can't live like this" she said as she looked up and down over Phil's average male body. Phil told her she had better get used to being him because he would never switch back with her. Nikki then asked why he did this to her and how with Phil replying that he used witchcraft to accomplish the swap and did it to her because of how badly she treated him over the years. In addition Phil told her that if she were nice to him he would help her swap with someone else in the future. Phil went on to tell Nicki that he would be cheering in the pep rally and football game today and most importantly that he would be going out with Joe tonight. Nicki cried even more and went ballistic grabbing her former body by the throat. "Give me my body back, now" she yelled while forcing him to the ground. "Watch it, your hurting your body" Phil exclaimed. Nicole, realizing that for now she was in a "no win" situation, released her grip on him and he returned to his feet. Then they stopped talking to each other and went to their new bedrooms. Phil, took his time getting ready for school and savored the moment when putting on Nicole's cheerleading uniform. The new Phil also got dressed only not with any enthusiasm, she was too sad to even attempt to make the best of her bad situation. Friday morning at school was about to begin and Phil, for once, could not wait to get to school to show off his new figure. Phil walked slowly and confidently down the main hallway of the school putting her best foot forward in his sister's white leather Nike sneakers (so comfortable) that were worn by all of the cherleaders on the squad. It was easy to be confident now being a beautiful cheerleader. As Phil copied Nikki's graceful strut, he got the attention of several boys who were drooling his sister's sexy body. Phil/Nicole then proceeded to her locker and opened the door to it to get some books for class when he felt two firm, muscular arms wrap around his waist, it was Joe. While attempting to turn around, Joe planted a kiss on her smooth delicate cheek. "Good morning honey", he exclaimed sporting a big grin. "Hi Joe", Phil replied as he felt very out of place. Joe then took his girlfriend by the hand and walked her to homeroom as Nicole tearfully looked on. Extremely depressed, Nikki went to Phil's homeroom and then to his first period class. As she sat there in her brother's history class, Angela Pearson (Phil's dream girl) noticed that the shy boy who was always so sweet to her was very sad, she was genuinely concerned and wanted to know what could be making him feel so "Down in the dumps". Miss Pearson decided she would attempt to console her admirer in study hall which was next period. Meanwhile, everyone could not get over the big change in Nicole's attitude, Phil was sweet and talked to people that his sister would usually ignore; this frustrated the "in crowd" which the old Nicole was accustomed to but really impressed the rest of the student population. After history class, Nicole/Phil peocceded to study hall and was surprised when Angela sat next to her and began to ask why she appeared to be so sad. Nikki hesitated, not knowing what to say as the truth was out of the question, and then thought of the perfect idea; if Phil was going to go out with her boyfriend then she should try to go out with Angela (what's good for the goose is good for the gander). Another factor that prompted this idea was she now had Phil's male body and hormones and Angela was beginning to look "pretty cute." Nicole reponded to Angie by telling her she had a crush on a girl in school and didn't know how to tell her. This got Angela jealous because she always thought Phil liked her, not someone else. Determined to find out who the lucky girl was, Angela continually asked Nikki about it. Nicole, in turn flirted with the girl (something the old Nicole was a master at) and eventually told her she was the object of her affection. Angela blushed and out of impulse, leaned over and passionately kissed Phil. The kiss felt so exhilirating and differen't to Nikki, she became instantly attracted to Phil's heartthrob. The two then flirted for a while and made a date to go to the football game and somewhere to eat afterwards later in the evening. The rest of the morning went by quickly and the moment of truth was soon approaching because right after lunch everyone would assemble in the gym for a pep rally. All of the times that Phil studied Nicole performing at football games, cheerleading practice and pep rallies would be put to the test, so he was understandably nervous. After lunch it was "show time," the pep rally began and fortunately for Phil, Michele Landis (the other co-captain of the squad) took the lead as m.c. which relieved a lot of pressure for him. Phil knew all of the cheers perfectly and managed to get through the event by doing a great acting job as his sister. Nikki looked in awe at Phil from the bleachers during the rally and couldn't believe what a good job Phil did impersonating her. The day soon came to a close and both brother and sister returned home and began preparing for their respective evenings. Phil thinking that he had the upper hand on Nicole thought he would rub her nose in the fact that after the football game tonight he would be Joe's date for a night on the town. Nikki's little brother was in for a rude awakening for when he began to brag about having her hubby all to himself, Nicole countered by informing him how she would be going out with Angela this evening. Hearing this infuriated Phil because he never had the guts to ask Angela out let alone actually get a date with her. Trying to hide how mad he was, Phil just made a face and stormed out of the room. Praparation for the evening began for Philip, he carefully curled and styled his beautiful shoulder length hair to perfection. Then he paid close attention to detail when applying his eyeshadow and eyeliner which resulted in it turning out so well, he was becoming attracted to himself. As a finishing touch, Phil sprayed some Liz Claiborne perfume prior to admiring himself in the mirror. Staring at himself, Phil became overcome by feelings of lust and couldn't believe what a babe he was. Meanwhile, Nicole took her time getting dressed, wearing Phil's best sweater and topping things off by drowning herself in Polo cologne. Both departed their residence ignoring each other and proceeded to the game. Upon arrival, Phil immediately went to the sidelines, pom poms in hand, and took charge of the cheerleading squad with Michele (the other co-captain). Just then Phil saw Joe walk by, so he decided to tease him a little displaying one of Nicole's great smiles winking seductively. Ater doing that, Phil could see the desire in Joe's eyes and Nicole's hormones were beginning to have an effect on him as he gazed upon her boyfriend's muscular build. After the game, Joe met Phil and they went to their favorite pizza place while Nikki and Angela went to a local diner. Both couples ate and had a good time as the night would soon come to a close. On the way home Phil's newly acquired female hormones began to get the best of him as he caught Nicole's small, delicate hand wandering between Joe's legs as he was driving him home. Joe became instantly excited and found a dark, desolate place to pull his vehicle over. At this point in time they embraced and kissed passionately while exploring each others body. Phil was in ecxtasy as Joe's hand ran smoothly up his leg under the skirt portion of Nikki's prized cheerleading uniform. They continued to kiss as Joe gently caressed Nicole's vagina bringing Phil to orgasm. Phil/Nicole then unzipped Joe's blue jeans and proceeded to perform oral sex on him for several minutes, using his sister's talented tongue to bring the boy to an orgasmic climax. Afterwards they laid silently in each others arms as Joe slowly ran his fingers through his girlfriend's hair. Phil's sister was not as lucky however, Nicole took Angela home and due to her being shy, was barely able to get a good night kiss. Phil arrived home first, prepared for bed, and waited for Nicole to come home. About a half an hour later his sister came home and knocked on Phil's door wanting desperately to talk to him. Nikki's former body answered the door as she burst into tears. Crying profusely, Nicole apologized for how she treated him over the years and begged Phil to give back her body. Even though over the years Phil sincerely hated Nikki for how she treated him, she was still his sister. They held each other for a few minutes and Phil finally agreed to give Nicole her body back as he thought she had learned her lesson. He left her embrace and went to his closet to retrieve his precious book of witchcraft only to find it and several other items missing. Phil and Nikki ran down the steps into the livingroom where their mother sat watching television. "Mom what happened to all of the stuff that was in my closet" Nicole said while sounding extremely worried. "Oh, while you two went to the game I cleaned your closets out and your father burned all of your old books and magazines so you would have more space, looks great,doesn't it?" Both brother and sister looked at each other in a state of panic. They quickly ran outside to the burn barrel in their back yard which was still smoldering. Upon searching it, they knew their fate was sealed for the book of spells had been destroyed by the fire. Nicole and Phil would be each other forever. After coming to this realization, laughter began to slowly replace their tears because ironically, through experiencing each others life through the body swap, it brought them closer together. "Nicole, I'm sorry it turned out this way, I was going to give you your body back" Phil exclaimed. "Don't worry about it Phil, I really don't mind being you and to tell you the truth I really like Angela" Nicole replied. Then they began to speak about their futures as each other and for once in their life it was a civil conversation. Before going back into the house Nicole and Phil pledged to help each other along the way with their new personas; to be there for each other just like a brother and sister should be. The End.

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Lily set down the shotgun by the front door, and made her way over to the car once Rose and Vincent had gotten out of it. She held out her arms to give them big hugs. Donny got out of the car and walked over to the family. After she finished welcoming her children home, she went over to Donny. She gave him a love tap on the side of his head as a greeting. She asked, “When are you going to make an honest woman out of my daughter?” “I didn’t realize she was a dishonest woman,” Donny said. He...

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Best Friend Milli Becomes NUDE Model For Painting Course

It was another boring day at college. Drawing the objects kept on the table seemed FINE ART to the faculties here. Why don’t they understand I have taken FINE ARTS to make FINE PAINTINGS not to waste my time on basics which I have learned in the past. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Ravi, a fine arts student in a reputed art college in my region. I always had a passion for art and paintings. I lived far away from my home in the college hostel. I went against my family’s wishes and chose...

2 years ago
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OMG what an end to 2017

This is a true account of the nights of 30th and 31st December 2017. A few weeks before Christmas there was an advert on channel 4, late at night, for an online store selling adult products. The next day I went online to check it out with the idea I might buy my wife something for Christmas. I prefer my wife naked in bed and she knows this but I decided to buy her something sexy to wear, really for me to feast my eyes on her wearing. I purchased two body stockings. Both had open crotches. The...

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Loves ShepherdChapter 18 The Cabin

Waking up beside Father Reinhold in the same sleeping bag was a little startling. We had spent half the night praying passionately to our Lord in a telepathic four-way that rivaled some of the three-ways Suzi, Joey and I had had. And it was every bit as erotic as the three-ways, yet it was also strangely purifying at the end even though there wasn’t any climax. Did I feel closer to the Lord? I guess so. But more so, I felt a tenderness for the three men, a sense of brotherhood and even more...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Adventures of a Greenie Vol 1Chapter 23 Best Laid Plans go Awry

Phil Phil, Celyciia, Riddick, and Cherubim had been shoved into the elevator guarded by five muscular aliens. As the elevator was moving, Cherubim said. “No worries, those are just Krthar. I take them out now and then we discuss what we can do to solve this dilemma.” Ruddick snorted. “They might as well be Holdians, we are tied up and their guns are active” One of the Kermac soldiers grunted. “You will be dead if you just lift a finger, human.” Phil rolled his eyes. “Just get it over with...

3 years ago
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Moms story

There was a period in my life when things did not go well. I was divorced and feeling very inadequate and lonely. My son Josh, who was in college at this time, was a great comfort to me and spent a lot of time with me. However, I still found myself feeling sad and lonely and would tear up easily whenever we talked about times past.Whenever I was blue, Josh would hold me and stoke my hair and assure me everything was going to be all right. During that time we became closer and more connected...

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Sex On Cam With Hot Goa Girl Turns Unexpectedly Wild

I had recently finished my Bachelor’s in science, and I hadn’t secured a job yet. Around that time, one of my mom’s friends asked me to tutor her daughter because she was not doing well in her second year of college. The girl was doing the same degree I had done. I got to the house with all my study material the next day. However, when I saw her, I forgot all the science I had learnt in three years! She was slim, fair and had huge tits. She was gorgeous, and her eyes screamed of lustful...

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Teacher blackmailed by a students father

(First time trying this, be gentle in the reviews)I had just moved to Washington DC after teaching in Georgia, my home state , for four years. I was happy to get out of my ass backwards thinking hometown. I grew up watching urban television and had a crush on celebrities like Halle Berry, Rihanna, and Asian women. I could have moved to Atlanta but I needed to be far away from my family and Washington DC seemed to be the correct spot. After being in DC from a couple months I got learned all the...

2 years ago
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 12 Laura Strand

Laura married Dwight Littlefield two days before her eighteenth birthday. She had been about to start her college career when he enlisted in the Navy. They had been going steady her last two years in high school, but wound up eloping the week before he was to go to San Diego for Boot Camp. Following the brief honeymoon, they packed there belongings in a U-Haul and drove to San Diego, found and apartment for Laura and got to spend some weekends together after he had been training for a month....

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Girlfriend begging to be punished pt 2

When I start waking up, to a wet feeling on my dick. And when I look down I realize that Hanna, officially my sub and slut, is sucking my dick. A "Good morning bj". It was amazing. She didn't stop looking at me the entire time, and eventually when she made me come she swallowed every last drop. Then she crawled up and and slowly slid my cock in her her pussy and slowly started riding it. Then she leaned down and kissed my chest whispering "How was I last night Master?" "You were great." Then...

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Step Daughter0

(Katie) - My dad left home when I was twelve, and later divorced my mom. So my mom, Melissa, and I lived alone for a couple of years and had a very close relationship. When I was fifteen, she started to date again, which I thought was weird having a mom that dated. I met a few of the guys that she dated, but they all seemed like losers or were just a fat, hairy mess. I knew she could do better, but I guess she just had to find the right one. About a year later she met a guy named Tim...

1 year ago
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First time my friend shared his wife with me

This happened 3 years ago, when me and my friend together with his wife went on short vacation.We booked a private apartment, and we spent all the time having fun tougher.At first nothing indicated that wild stuff would happen. We were going together on the beach and all the regular stuff, At one point she started getting a bit flirty with me. At first, I didn't think much of it, but now I'm quite sure that they might have planed this before.After the beach we came back at the apartment and...

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Crossroads Ch5

A pure fantasy about a young man changing his life by becoming a woman. I pulled up to the valet parking of the hotel. As I got out I saw the young attendant look down my dress and then look at my legs as I swung them out to stand up. I smiled to myself. I was really going to do this. I was going into the bar in this hotel and pick up a nice guy. If I liked him enough I was going to have sex with him as a woman. My new equipment was ready and I had to try it out. I felt very sexy in my...

2 years ago
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The GlimpseChapter 4 Advice

I had just touched down from a test flight. I went up to test the Bleed Air System for the new engines we were trying out. All and all it worked, but not within the parameters specified by manufacturer. I was in debriefing with the engineers, production managers, supervisors and the Flight Director, my boss. We were finishing up when the door opened and my boss' secretary walked in and whispered to him. He stood up and casually dismissed the meeting asking me to stay behind. After everyone...

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The Sphere

The Sphere by Morpheus ([email protected]) Little five year old, Mikey Geller, was intent on the butterfly, slowly trying to creep up and catch the little bug. Just as he finally thought he had it cornered on a dandelion, he heard his mom, Lauren Geller call for him, distracting him just long enough for his target to excape his curiosity and fly away. Mikey was a bit annoyed at the loss of the colorful bug, but went to his mom when she called him. He knew better than not to...

3 years ago
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His Foot Goddess

His foot GoddessBy stryker53        For as long as he could remember Max had wanted to be near female feet.  There wasn’t a particular reason for it.  He wasn’t abused by his mother or anything.  In fact, if he even tried to touch her feet he was forbidden.  The same thing happened with any of her friends or his other female family members.  Most boys would take the hint, but not Max.  Each rejection only made his desire for feet grow stronger.        As time went on and he entered high school...

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The JaysChapter 14

Easter started a resurgence in trade and good weather for the next three weeks kept it going. The Jays and Gavin attacked the garden. James pruned the climber on the front while Jenny rejuvenated the window boxes. They bought some more tables-cum-benches for the garden. They renewed the rather tatty umbrellas for the tables. It cost money but both reckoned it was a sensible investment. Then the weather broke and with it trade dropped off but then picked up again towards the end of May and...

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Deputy PorterChapter 177

Sylvia 177 It appeared I was the only one from the swamp not in custody. I could go to the military compound and try to rescue the others, or I could head on over the border. The rule was contact base give them the information, then run like hell. That was standard operating procedure. That's what they expected, but it was in the end our decision to make. I never had a job go wrong enough to require that kind of decision. Since I had never seen Swamp Dog at work in that kind of scenario I...

3 years ago
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The InvestigatorsChapter 18

Morning and afternoon Eddie: Damn, at the next exit with a truck stop, I have to pull over. I really need coffee. Wes: Yeah, I need coffee and to take over driving. You drive like an old lady. It's after midnight. At this rate we won't get home till Saturday. Eddie: Screw you Wes. I will let you drive though. I'm pretty sleepy. The second half of the drive took less time than the first half, since Wes drove quite a bit faster than Eddie. They pulled into the parking garage where...

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EarthquakeChapter 13

I asked, "Mr. Thurston, what are your plans now that you have a few hours of safety?" "I don't know, Mr. Hillcrest. Before the disaster, we had a dairy and pig farm about seven miles west of town. Most of the stock was killed during the earthquake and fire, but we did save two cows and the bull. All of our pigs escaped, so we lost all of them. Since then, we have lived off hunting and scavenging, but some bastards chased us off what was left of our farm a week ago. Since then, we have...

3 years ago
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My Niece on Vacation Book 1Chapter 4

As the two girls stared at me with their mouths hanging open, I felt Sharon’s manipulating hands stop their up and down movement on my half-hard cock. Her face had a look of pure surprise but when I looked at Emma, I could see that sly mischievous gleam in her eyes. “Cocksucking?” she said. “We’ve heard other girls talk about it at school. They make it sound pretty neat. They say the guys really love it. Is that right, Uncle Jeff?” “Well, yes Emma. Most guys, including myself, love to have...

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Somewhere in Time Pocket WatchChapter 21

"It's OK, Jack, they're dead. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Appleby were here to help. They drilled these cahoots good. They are both dead and none of us got nary a scratch." The Deputy cautiously entered, gun at the ready. He holstered his weapon when he was assured all was good, sliding the retaining strap over the hammer once more. He confidently stepped forward. The man was as tall as me, and weighed about the same. Jesse knew him and they greeted each other. He looked down at the bodies. He...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 10

Helen’s prodigious bust line aside, there was the Department of Defense and my role as Secretary. The world according to Harry S. Truman was a black and white, zero sum game, played behind closed doors and by rules that were never fully disclosed. Looking at the first six months I served as his Secretary of Defense, Truman managed to enrage Churchill, while sucking up to Stalin and making overtures to the newly formed Italian government. Mussolini was executed by popular demand, shortly...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 87

Once we were in the air, Jillian walked over to stand behind the young pilot. I couldn’t see her face, but I could see enough of her upper body to tell she has some nice chest muscles under that white shirt she’s wearing. I could see her blonde braid that started high, at the back of her head. I knew her hair was long, I could see the red ribbon tying her braid as it lay over the side of the seat cushion where she sat. I was sitting beside Bailey in the front row of seats when Juliet came...

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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 41

"David? What is that?" Andrea was point down at the blob in the water. "It looks like an airplane. Can you get closer?" David and Andrea were aboard the Wilga running the coastline east of Valencia Island. They had just turned into a little bay and Andrea had spotted a man-made shape in the water. She made a one eighty and over flew the object ... a lot lower this time. "One more time ... let me get a picture this go-round." One of the devices David had found while rummaging through...

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Sisterly Crush

Chapter 1 Hi my name is Sandra; I am 20 and live in a big city where I work. I originally come from a small town where I used to live with my parents and my younger sister. This story is about what happened when I went to revisit my family back home after two years of not seeing each other. My memory of my sister was really old and I still thought of her as my baby sister who is 15. I went to visit them as a surprise for her birthday. I arrived home and after hugging and chatting with all our...

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Let Me Out

There's a little girl locked in my basement. She's always been there. Nobody misses her. Nobody is looking for her. Nobody but me even knows she exists. And I can't get rid of her. I've thought about killing her several times, but I can't. Any injury I inflict hits me twice as bad. I can't cut her any more than I could sever my own neck. And it's not that I want her to suffer. I want to end her suffering, but I can't. She is so very fragile and vulnerable, and it breaks my heart to see...

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Second ChanceChapter 12

Ron Dixon's firing caused barely a ripple at the plant, but plenty of ripples at headquarters. Dixon had reacted badly to the message delivered personally by Henry Cullen and had immediately promised suit for wrongful dismissal. Henry knew he had a case, but didn't care. He wanted him gone and gone he would be. It was only a matter of the cost, and nothing else. There was silent applause when the staff announcement was made and his successor named. There would be no going-away party for Ron...

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Big Ben by robcub32 from Literotica

"Benji! Get your fuckin' ass in here," Mr. Boothe shouted from his office.Mr. Booth was yelling for me again.My name is Ben, short for Benjamin. Benjamin Carter. I'm 24 years old. I have blond hair and hazel eyes. I'm pretty short at only 5'7" and a little bit too skinny. I don't think I'm anything special to look at. I'm painfully shy and I'm not the most manly of guys, and being gay doesn't help, especially given my work environment.I've worked at Ace's Trucking and Storage Company for the...

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The wanting wife

My story actually started a few weeks ago. my wife and I have always had a very fulfilling sex life. my wife all of a sudden decided she didn't want sex as often, she said it would be more satisfying and special if we held sex to once a week. little did I know I was the only one holding off. One morning, after the kids were off to school, the phone rang. I answered and the line went dead. I didn't think anything of it and went about getting myself ready to leave for work. my wife who usually...

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The Nurse of My Dreams Fucks Me In Reality

I met Anne on an erotic stories site. She’s a nurse in a large southern California hospital and, on first glance, appears to be the girl next door. Anne has a friendly bespectacled smile and, I was soon to find out, a killer sexy body.Anne and I became fast friends on the site and we were soon exchanging sexy nude photographs. She told me that her husband took the pictures that proved beyond a reasonable doubt that her body was one to make most women her age VERY jealous.I soon wanted to meet...

Wife Lovers
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I Was FramedChapter 5

Brandy, the lawyer lady from Las Vegas, came down to Phoenix, Arizona a couple of times after I gave it to her good from behind on the top deck of the car park right out in the open with her all bent over the rail looking down to the cement pavement. She was such a well-built broad with a stunning rear end that I was astonished she was wearing “control-top” panty hose. I yanked those mother-fuckers down real quick-like and shoved my greedy salami right up her tight twat from behind. I heard...

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The Hitchhiker

THE HITCH HIKER by Long Tall MaryIt was a frigid, Thursday January afternoon in Syracuse, as I left my downtown bar and headed home to Camillus, driving my beloved van. The Sirius-XM radio was tuned to the sixties channel, with the volume cranked up for ?Come On Down To My Boat? by Every Mother’s Son, as I accelerated from the first red light.My recently acquired, shiny red Ford Transit Connect, is an eye catcher. My previous blazer, which I drove for three years, lacked sufficient cargo space....

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My dirty panties

Guys are always looking up girls’ dresses and seeing whether they are wearing panties, what kind they are wearing or if they are not. When girls wear a very short skirts and sit down, crossing their legs, guys like to stare up their skirts. I enjoy looking at girls who wear very short skirts and have long well shaped legs and can understand the pleasure looking at them gives the male sex. Similarly, seeing girls in tight trousers, where you can see the outline of their panties they wear...

4 years ago
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it was at a time when I was dating, I always walked around websites and there was one that at the time there was a gaijita called carla sinde, with photos and some bold invitations, finally the usual thongs :), it was my custom, at that time, put pictures of my cock in profile, and one day he was contacted by a guy who wanted to suck me, my first reaction was to send him that part.Generally, I read an "ok bye", and things ended there, but this time no, he in the private chat alerts me, to be...

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