Ladd's Exchange Mall - Book 5 free porn video

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PETTICOATING TO THE MAX LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL BOOK FIVE BY JENNIFER SUE Twenty weary boys violently jerked awake in their beds at 5:30am while Sister Justine Kane sat smugly in her office watching the various monitors that showed every inch of the room. Her trigger finger itched as it waited above the number two button on the BELLE CONTROL COLLAR remote control. It had given her quite a thrill to zap the slumbering delinquents who were now rolling out of their sparse beds. Yells of startled pain and indignation filled the room as the dim light that had illuminated the stark dormitory all night brightened. Instantly awaken by the jolting pain, several let out with curses and complaints. Immediately another fit of yelling filled the room as all reached to the collars they wore in fruitless attempts to remove the already hated device after having worn them for less than a day. Sister Justine raised her finger off the number two button as she giggled with joy. Only two boys were dumb enough to curse after the second jolt, but that didn't stop the entire group from receiving a third jolt which made them howl even louder than before. Sister Justine laughed aloud as she raised her finger off the number three button. This time there were no curses, only threats from several guys that if anyone dared to curse they'd never open their mouths again! "I'm glad to see that you're learning. Shower and dress. You will be ready to begin your aerobics in the gym by 6:00am," bellowed the all too familiar villainous voice from the hidden speakers. Groaning from the fatigue of yesterdays distressing events, these tough punks who had never before followed orders, now hustled to the showers to rinse off, brush their teeth, comb their hair, and get dressed. The awakening shocks reminded them all too well just where they were and why they had no choice but to cooperate and follow all orders. The sullen boys bumped and jostled each other, several times coming close to blows, but the ever present monitors held them back. Fear was slowly taming them. Sister Justine Kane chuckled as she watched them from the comfortable command chair in the state of the art command center of the MISS BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION ACADEMY. It was a close duplicate of the main bridge of the Starship Enterprise from the Star Trek TV series. The video tapes that had been made of the boys the day before were already being catalogued, filed, and edited for review at the BELLE COMMUNICATIONS studios. The films would be viewed by the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY, the BORNAMAN COUNTY JUVENILE ALTERNATIVE REFORMATION PROGRAM, and the state DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS. The reluctant boys were soon assembled in the gym where their aerobics instructor impatiently awaited them. Even though they felt extremely embarrassed and self-conscious, they were already becoming accustomed to wearing their new sissy uniform. The underwear appeared normal but in reality consisted of baby blue BELLE VANQUISHER - M and BELLE ENHANCER - F. A navy blue nylon shirt with a Peter Pan collar and short puffed sleeves was worn under snug baby blue velour bib front side buttoning overall shorts with no pockets or fly. The sissy overalls only reached to mid thigh. A navy blue nylon one inch headband was used to keep their hair off their faces. Navy blue nylon kneesox and glossy baby blue patent leather T-strap shoes completed the humiliating uniform. Each boy cheerlessly noted the remote control fastened to the instructor's belt. Any hopes for an easy time were dashed as she barked her orders to start them into the warm-up exercises. The boys had to follow the lead of their instructor, mimicking what she did. Her constant chiding and admonitions that she was a forty year old woman while they supposedly were strong, healthy young males made them feel angry and extremely guilty about their inability to keep up with her. Muscles the boys had never dreamed existed were stretched and flexed. By the end of the session, the faces of the boys were covered with a sheen of perspiration. Each was panting and exhausted while the bouncy nun appeared as if she'd just stepped into the room. Her derisive laughter echoed after them as they dried their faces, arms, and legs with towels before they stumbled into the halls to head for breakfast. Breakfast was a nutritious affair, that although unappetizing, was eagerly wolfed down by the hungry boys, including their BELLE VITAMINS. By 8:00am they started their class work. Seated before a computer terminal, each boy wore headphones as they were tested, tutored, and re-tested on their knowledge and abilities in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Each worked at their level and were forced to concentrate and work hard. Each terminal had a scanner attached that read the location of the BELLE CONTROL COLLAR. If the boy looked away from the terminal screen for more than two seconds, he received a number one jolt to remind him where his attention was to be focused. Each terminal was also programmed to shock it's student if they failed to respond or responded with the wrong answer. The boys quickly learned to move along at a very rapid clip. The incessant testing and retesting forced them to learn the material, they had no other choice. None of them had ever concentrated for so long. By the time the class ended, they were all mentally fatigued. Noon found them back for more sweating aerobics. This time instead of the groans and complaints that the morning aerobics session had evoked, they were glad for the break from the mind-numbing lessons the computers had enforced upon them. Then came lunch with another dose of BELLE VITAMINS. All too soon it was back to the classroom again at 2:00pm. Once more their minds were forced to concentrate on their lessons. At 6:00pm they once more welcomed the chance for physical activities the aerobics class again offered. Supper followed at 7:00pm with yet a third dose of BELLE VITAMINS. In the auditorium afterwards, seven boys were brought forward for caning for their early morning cursing. Ten smacks left each with vivid reminders to keep their foul mouths closed. Two received an additional ten since they had cursed a second time. By 8:30pm the weary boys collapsed on their beds after an exhausting and humiliating day. Each succeeding day was a repeat of the last. It didn't take long for the tough boys to be reduced to mindless automons. All during Phase one, twenty four hours a day soft classical music was piped over the PA system to soothe the animalistic boys. Mingled with the music were the level one BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPE messages. By the end of the first week, each boy was unable to participate in or encourage violence. A strong urge to clean up and put things away was present. He felt guilty for boorish behavior, and had learned and was practicing basics manners {such as please, thank you, bless you, and excuse me}. He would feel guilty about wearing sloppy or grungy clothes, had learned color and pattern coordination and desired to wear coordinated clothes. At the same time he grew interested in and was attracted to soft, silky girlish clothes and styles. He felt an overwhelming need to be physically neat, clean, and well groomed. He had slowed down, no longer would he run indoors or slam doors. Flopping into or tilting chairs, yelling, shouting, and cursing were things of the past. Feelings of anger and hatred had diminished and were of shorter, milder duration. He was easily chagrined, and more relaxed. All in all they were thoroughly indoctrinated in the mores and feelings those insidious tapes had effectively brainwashed into their vulnerable minds. Day by day, their rebelliousness had died. The effects of the insidious BELLE SUBLIMINAL HYPNOTIC TAPES, the BELLE VITAMINS which caused a cessation of male hormone production coupled with growing production of female hormones, their sissy uniform, the strict discipline, the fast-paced education, the body toning and stretching exercises, the exacting schedule, and the school lessons rapidly exacted a harsh toll on their macho, belligerent attitudes and mores. Each boy began responding as directed and expected, without questions or delays. The free and wild ways they had lived, their anti-social thoughts, reactions, and instincts, were being ground to nothingness. By Friday, no one did anything wrong. As a reward, they discovered that for supper their previously bland food had been replaced by much more appetizing cuisine. Afterward they were pleased to note that no one was caned. By the end of the week the boys were not even aware that they were rapidly changing, not only physically but mentally as well. Each had overcome the soreness and stiffness the aerobics had first engendered. Physical action was something they could relate to very easily. These tough punks, accustomed to a harsh physical lifestyle, found a sense of security and comfort in the fast paced routines they were learning. Little did they realize that they had already learned and were becoming quite proficient at the five basic positions for ballet. Their fast-paced aerobics routines were based upon classic dancing! Their use of the English language was also undergoing a subtle metamorphosis. Cursing and lewd language had been eliminated through the ruthless use of sharp jolts from the BELLE CONTROL COLLARS. The use of slang and jive talk had been likewise eliminated. The teaching computers were programmed to demand the use of full sentences in all responses, and those responses had to be grammatically correct. Any incorrect response, whether it was because of improper grammar or not a complete sentence, resulted in a jolt from the collar. The smart machines were also programmed to attempt to interpret any incorrect response and guide them to the correct reply. By the end of the week, the boys were well on their way to speaking in proper English sentences that would be easily understood. In addition, each boy was now well on the way to becoming a sissy. Maxwell Bentley and Kendal Wainwright, representing the state DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS were delighted with the astounding change the former tough and supposedly unredeemable guys had undergone. Nearby, events were taking place in the Horner home that would change their lives. Harry Horner was a hustler. A high-powered salesman, he would hound potential customers until they placed an order just to get him off their backs. Then, to their surprise, his products performed as advertized, and the service backed up the sales. Once established in a business, Harry Horner stayed. He was quite persistent and proud. He did not feel bound by standard morals... in business or personal activities. The number of affairs he'd engaged in were too numerous to count. He'd learned the hard way that birth control was his responsibility. Condoms were a real pain, so when his wife decided after their third daughter not to have anymore children, he eagerly volunteered to have a vasectomy. Thus protected, he played the love game without worries. He'd been married about six months when his wife became pregnant. As she progressed, she wanted no sex, Harry sought elsewhere. A cute, naive eighteen year old secretary was easily seduced. Her tears when she discovered that she was pregnant had little effect on him. Instead he had her move to another town, put her in a modest apartment, and paid her monthly support for their son. So there he was, a married man with a three month old daughter and an illegitimate newborn son. Condoms became a part of his briefcase. The affairs flourished, including regular flings with the mother of his son. A year after the birth of his son, his wife had another daughter. A year later, a third. It was then that he graciously volunteered to have the vasectomy. Now his affairs began in ernest. At least once a month, often two or three times, he visited his son. As the boy grew, he idolized his father who pampered his only son. The boy excelled at sports and school, and Harry was proud of Brian. Brian's mother, however, matured. She finally understood what kind of a man Harry was. She realized his oft repeated promise to divorce his wife and marry her would never come to be. Angry, yet trapped by the years wasted in her sordid affair, she told him it was over, and that the payments he made better increase or his wife would discover the bastard child. Harry was no dummy, and paid. He insisted that he continue taking his son to ball games and spoiling him with gifts. He was proud of Brian, and often longed to show off his offspring and brag of his athletic prowess. Discretion, however, ruled. The boy's mother soon met a man who swept her off her feet. The man was strong, caring, willful, and had a good job. It didn't take long for him to move in. Brian didn't like the situation, especially when the man began to ride herd on the spoiled boy. To his credit, the man was fair with Brian, and treated him as if he were his own son, but the lad had picked up enough of his father's habits and mannerisms to rebel against the new restrictions and authority. Going from the "man of the house" back to child was not something his swelled ego could accept. Brian kept throwing the fact that the man wasn't his father, and therefore had no right to tell him what to do, into faces of his mother and her lover. Even Harry tried to explain to Brian that the boy should listen, especially since it meant he'd have to pay less support. However, Brian grew belligerent, and finally obstinate. The one thing none of them noticed was that Brian recognized and respected power. In his warped world of illegitimacy, power and control rested with his father. In Brian's mind, his mother's lover was a poor intruder trying to disrupt the fragile equilibrium of his life. As the weeks went by, the situation grew worse, everyone was on edge. Then Brian's mother became pregnant... she and her lover promptly married. At the mother's insistence, Harry sat down with her and her new husband to try to talk Brian into behaving. Brian bristled and threw a temper tantrum, smashing several lamps in a juvenile display. Brian simply could not accept the changes in his barely stable life. Exasperated, Harry gave up and left, which infuriated the boy's mother and her new husband. Things grew steadily worse as the pregnancy progressed. After six months, the husband was offered a promotion which meant moving out of state. Brian refused to go, claiming he wanted to stay near his father. Besides, he hoped his mother would refuse to go, thus splitting the marriage. Plans were made to move, the apartment lease let go, bags packed, and the car loaded. All the while Brian refused to cooperate. On Saturday, October 27, they left. Brian had to be forced into the car. Screaming and flailing, he tried twice to leap from the moving car. By then his mother was crying and on the verge of a breakdown. The husband pulled over at a convenience store, got out of the car, walked around to the passenger side, opened the back door, grabbed Brian's arm firmly, and took the boy from the car. From the expression on the man's face, Brian realized he'd pushed the man too far. It took every ounce of will power the man possessed not to strike the bratty boy. Instead, once he had Brian out, he locked and closed the door, then opened the back of the car and took out the cartons containing Brian's clothes. Not a word was spoken. While the startled, fearful boy looked on, the man used the public telephone to call a cab. When Brian tried to get back in the car, the man glared and blocked him. Brian backed off from the poised, fist clenched stance of the man, clearly afraid. The man leaned into the front passenger side to calm Brian's mother and the two talked softly for several minutes until the cab arrived. Going to the cab, the man gave the driver an address and paid the fare. The two then loaded all the cartons containing Brian's clothes. Looking at Brian, he shook his head. "Your mother and I have tried to do all we could for you. I was willing to treat you like my own son. Instead you spit in my face. You're a bastard, plain and simple, not only due to the circumstances of your birth, but also because that's the way you behave! Your mother and I have had more than we can handle. We're leaving, you don't want to go with us. That's fine. Stay here. I've paid the fare, and given the driver your father's address. Go there. Since you keep insisting you can't accept me because he's your father, then live with him. Goodbye." With that he turned, got in the car, and drove off. Neither he nor Brian's mother looked back. Brian stood there dumbfounded. What had he done? He watched until the car drove out of sight. The cab driver, growing impatient with the delay, told him to get in or get his stuff out. Forlornly, he climbed into the rear seat. The twenty minute drive seemed to take forever. Brian was lost, he knew that his father's wife knew nothing about him. What would she do when he showed up and told her who he was, and that he was moving into their home? Worse, what would his father say? Fear engulfed him. When they arrived at the address, Brian was impressed by the large, well-kept home. As the cabby unloaded the boxes, Brian nervously approached the door. His stomach felt like it was in his throat. Ringing the door bell elicited no response. Before Brian could catch the cabby, he drove away. Brian was left standing in the front lawn, his clothes packed into three cardboard boxes sitting in the driveway. Dejectedly he carried the boxes to the front door to wait. A chilly late October wind fitfully blew across the front of the home. Growing colder as he waited, he stacked the boxes to form a wind break. It all became to much for the ten year old to handle. Flopping down behind the make-shift cardboard wall, he buried his face in his hands and cried until fatigue and stress united to lull him into a fitful chilled sleep. It would be an understatement to say that Nancy Horner was shocked when she pulled into the driveway upon arriving home with her three daughters, Gayle, Lynne, and Nadine. Naturally she was puzzled to see the cartons piled by the front door. As they exited the car, the curious girls immediately started for the boxes. Nancy quickly ordered them to wait, explaining there could be something dangerous in them. Taking no chances, she ordered the girls back into the car. Picking up on their mother's fears, they reluctantly complied. Nancy cautiously walked out in the lawn, avoiding the pavement, to see if anything was hidden behind the boxes. One can imagine her surprise when she saw a boy curled up behind the boxes, apparently asleep. Peering about to make sure there was no one else about, she stepped forward to investigate. Gayle rolled down her window and called to her mother, but Nancy hushed her. Standing beside the shivering lad, she could see he'd been crying, and that the boxes were full of clothes, apparently his. She also knew that he hadn't carried those boxes any distance. There were too many and they were too bulky. There was no wagon nearby that might have carried them. Her heart went out to the poor waif, yet she felt angered that someone had simply dropped him off on her doorstep! She had heard of infants being left on doorsteps, but never a lad his age or size. A sudden fear overcame her as she wondered if he was mentally retarded or crazy. Deciding caution was better, she backed off, returning to the car. Getting inside, she opened the electric garage door, and drove the car inside, closing the door before allowing anyone to get out. Briefly she explained what she had discovered. Curious, the girls rushed to the front door, but honoring their mother's warning not to disturb the sleeping boy, they cautiously parted the drapes at the bank of windows beside the door to look at their uninvited, possibly dangerous guest. Nancy went to the phone to call Harry. As usual, Harry was angered by the interruption. He felt that his wife should handle home problems. When Nancy explained what she'd discovered, and gave a brief description of the boy, Harry felt his heart pound and his vision narrow. Nervously he asked several questions about the boy which Nancy answered. Based upon her responses it sounded like the boy was Brian! Harry's fears grew since he had known the boy's mother and new husband were moving today, and that Brian had been giving them hell. In his heart he dreaded that they just might have dropped the boy off and left if he'd gotten too belligerent terrified him. Nancy could sense something was wrong by the long silence on the phone after she'd answered Harry's questions. It seemed as if he knew the child. "Harry, what's wrong," she asked with growing concern. "Do you know this child?" After a few more moments of unnerving silence she went on. "Should I call the police?" Harry snapped back to reality. "NO, don't call the police," he stated in a near panic. Getting himself under control he quickly spoke. "Don't do anything. I'm coming right home." With that he hung up the phone, grabbed his coat, and rushed out the door. Nancy was now perplexed. In her heart she felt that Harry knew who the boy was, but she still had no idea. Heading to the door to take another look she overheard her daughters hushed conversation. "I wonder if he's a relative," asked Nadine in childish innocence. "He looks an awful lot like Daddy." "You're right, Nadine," replied Gayle, her voice tinged with curiosity. "He does look like Daddy!" "I wonder if he could be a cousin or something," questioned Lynne. Nancy stood above the stacked heads of her daughters as they peeked out the window. If Brian would have seen them, he might have thought they were a modern feminist totem pole the way they were layered one above the other to peer out the narrow vertical window. Now that she examined the boy closer, she saw a definite resemblance to Harry. A long repressed fear began to surface. Pulling the girls away, she closed the drapes. "Stay quiet. Your father is coming right home. Please go to your rooms and stay there until I tell you to come out." Her grim demeanor stopped the protests and questions the girls wanted to state and ask. They understood something was definitely wrong. "Can we go to one room?" Gayle asked tentatively. Quietly they went to their rooms when their mother nodded her head. Once they had gone, Nancy peered back out at the boy. He definitely looked like Harry. A fierce, grim mein appeared on her face. She'd known but refused to admit to herself that Harry had often engaged in numerous affairs. She had seen the check stubs made out to a woman for the last ten years and assumed the woman was his mistress. Yet she refused to face the possible indiscretions. As long as Harry loved her and the kids, paid all the bills, and kept them comfortable, she'd been able to overlook his side interests as long as they never became public knowledge and he didn't flaunt them. Public humiliation was not something she wanted. Nor was a divorce an option. She truly loved Harry, and knew that he loved her and the girls. Yet the slumbering boy on the front steps and Harry's apparent knowledge of the lad... the truth could no longer be denied. With a growing dread in her stomach she knew the boy had to be an illegitimate son. Despite the chill in the air, Harry was perspiring freely as he rushed home. With a deep sense of dread he knew the foundling upon his doorstep had to be Brian. What would he tell Nancy and the girls? How would they handle finding out that he had an illegitimate son? How would they handle his infidelity? What would he do if Nancy demanded a divorce? How could he raise Brian alone? How could he live alone? Each question raised more questions, each scenario grew darker. By the time he pulled into the driveway, he realized his blood pressure was close to causing a stroke. Sitting in the car, he looked at the boxes piled on the front step. He also noted Nancy peering out at him and the boy. Taking several deep breaths to calm his fears, and lower his blood pressure, he waited to regain at least a semblance of self control. Nancy watched the car enter the drive, noting the haggard expression upon Harry's beleaguered face. At that instant she knew the boy had to be a bastard son. Looking at the restless shivering boy, she felt her heart go out to him. At that moment, she knew that she would take him in and raise him as her own. After all, he was a half-brother to the girls. But Harry... a very foreboding grim expression came over her face that would have caused Harry to have the stroke he had come so near to having... he would pay... and pay dearly. For the first time in their long marriage, control had swung to her side of the court. Nancy was determined it would stay there. There would be no more affairs, even if she had to resort to castrating her husband. Perhaps Lorena Bobbitt had the right idea. Harry slowly left the car and walked up the sidewalk to the front door. Each heartbeat made his temples throb and ears ring. The inside of his mouth felt like the Sahara Desert, desperately he wanted to swallow but there was no moisture to enable him to do so. Then he saw the sneakers and jeans. Taking a deep breath he steeled himself. Hoping against hope that the boy would not be Brian, yet he knew it would be. From the corner of his eye he could see Nancy watching him closely. From the look on her face he knew that she suspected the truth. The moment of truth had come, it was finally time to pay the piper. He stepped around the boxes and looked at the slumbering shivering boy. Nancy watched Harry closely as he approached the boy. She could tell that Harry was moving as if he were approaching the executioners block. The brief hesitation before he took the fateful look at the boy told her the truth. Even if this boy wasn't his son, somewhere there was one. The look on his face when he finally saw the boy and the tears that trickled down his cheeks told her it was his son. She watched as he took off his coat, knelt by the boy, and gently covered and woke the shivering boy. "DAD!" the startled boy exclaimed as he came fully awake. Fear, terror, and dread were clearly etched upon his face as he clutched the warming jacket about his cold body while trying to pull away from the grasping hands that were trying to pull him towards his father. "I'm sorry... (sob) I didn't want to move... (sob) it's all my fault... (sob) they were going... (sob) and I threw a fit... (sob) I tried to jump... (sob) out of the car... (sob) twice... (sob) they finally had enough... (sob) and pulled over... (sob) I got out... (sob) they put my things out... (sob) he called a taxi... (sob) and paid the fare... (sob) to bring me here... (sob) oh Dad... (sob) I'm sorry..." The poor whimpering lad broke down completely after telling his story, tears flowed in rivers down his red cheeks. Harry cradled his son in his arms as the boy balled his eyes out. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks too. Forcing his tear-filled eyes to look up into the window at Nancy, he was surprised to see her gone, the drapes moving slightly from having been dropped back into place. Fear took hold of his soul as for a moment he thought she'd abandoned him, not that he could blame her. As Nancy listened to the boys heart-rending confession, she could almost feel his fear and uncertainty. She knew she could not blame the boy for the sins of his father, she would raise him as her own. Letting the drapes fall back in place, she went to the door. Stepping outside she spoke firmly. "Don't just sit there, dummy, bring him in before he catches his death of a cold." Stepping brusquely back inside, she waited. Harry understood immediately that she knew the truth and would accept the boy. Relief flooded his tense body. Gently, he helped the still shivering boy to his feet and brought him inside. As he passed Nancy, he glanced fearfully into her stern face, now he also knew that he would pay. Even his disrupted state of mind, Brian sensed his father's apprehension and fears about this woman. As they entered the home, Brian glanced fearfully up at the woman who had opened the door as he stumbled into the house. Instinctively he knew she was Dad's wife. What would happen now? As far as he was concerned, his father was the strongest person in the world, yet he quailed before this woman who was wearing a nice dress, an obvious sign of weakness! The boy was too cold and terrified, too shaken by the ordeals he'd already faced this day to think beyond that point. Harry led the boy into the living room and sat on the sofa, pulling Brian into an all encompassing, protective hug. Nancy followed and stood before them, her arms folded sternly, a grim look upon her face. "Well," she stated calmly. "Are you going to introduce me to your son?" Harry winced. Now he too understood that the ball was now in his wife's court. All the years of unfaithfulness, all the lies, all the guilt, the time to pay the piper had arrived. Wetting his lips he meekly nodded his head. "Nancy, this is Brian..." Words failed him as he clutched the boy protectively. Brian looked up fearfully. The understanding that his father was protecting him from this stern woman made him fear her. Once more he felt heart-broken. How could she control his father? Fears of the tremendous power this woman had to possess made him quiver. The old saying about jumping out of the frying pan into the fire came to his mind. Nancy stood watching the two males, assessing their feelings and fears. Looking at Harry, she spoke harshly. "We'll deal with what this means later." As her steely gaze swung to Brian her eyes softened. "Brian, that was the name your father and I had chosen to give our son... if we'd have had one..." Her gaze hardened as it swung back to Harry. "What would you have done if we would have had a son?" Instinctively Brian understood that he was not being blamed. As relief flooded him he also realized that she intended to make his father suffer for his misdeeds. Again the amazement at the power the woman had overcame him. Why didn't his father fight back? Surely he was stronger, he could beat her in a fight. After all, she was only a woman. Something was definitely wrong, but he just couldn't fathom her source of power. Hanging his head in shame, Harry could not reply. Realizing that his dad was in deep shit, Brian felt shocked. Suddenly his whole world was falling apart. Maybe his dad was just playing a game with this woman to let her think she had control. That had to be the answer! Perhaps if he stuck his neck out a bit, acting as if he were coming to his dads defense, he'd stop the game. "D... Dad loves you and your daughters," he stammered. "He always told me how much he missed you, and how he wished I could become a part of your family. He'd never try to hurt you and the girls..." The look he was receiving from the woman killed his effort and renewed his fears of being rejected for a second time on this all too tragic day. Why hadn't dad jumped in to fight her? Nancy swung her attention back to the boy. This time her gaze didn't soften as she saw quite a bit of her husband's arrogant willfulness in him. This she would not tolerate, it had to be crushed, immediately! Brian's clumsy attempt to defend Harry petered out as he wilted beneath her continued glare. As the boy stuttered to a stop fear once more filled his eyes. "So, you say he wouldn't hurt me or the girls. Your very existence hurts us," she stated bluntly. "His other affairs have hurt us, and I know there were many others besides your mother." Nancy paused to catch her breath and think. Now the boy was terrified, as was Harry. Harry she didn't mind, but the boy, well, this wasn't his fault. "Brian," she asked in a softer voice. "If your father told you about us, what are the names of your half-sisters?" Even though he felt as if he were ready to wet his pants, Brian now felt he understood what was going on. His father was in trouble! And he would be too if he continued to defend him. A terrible decision had to be made. Abandon and sacrifice his dad, the only life preserver in sight, or strike out on his own towards this woman in the hopes she'd pull him to safety. Abandon the old source of power and strength for this newer apparently dominant source. The dilemma was too much for him to rectify. Nancy and Harry could see the indecision upon his face. Neither could blame him for the way he felt. Harry took the bull by the horns. Brian had to be safe and taken care of, even if it meant sacrificing himself. All was lost now anyway, so he really had little to lose. "Brian," he stated in a shaky voice. "It's all right to answer. It's important that you answer any and all questions she might ask truthfully. What I've done to you, her, and our daughters was wrong... very wrong. There have been too many lies for too many years, and now is the time for it all to stop. I promise to both of you that I will not lie again." Nancy looked at Harry, perhaps there was hope for him after all. "I'll expect you to keep that promise," she stated coldly. "Not only to me and Brian, but to our daughters too. If I ever find you cheating again, or lying, you'll wish you were never born." The scorn, threat, and promise in her words made Harry wilt and Brian quiver. The boy was now sure that the woman was even stronger than his dad! Brian swallowed his fears. What his father was doing had to be accepted. "M... My step-sisters..." he stammered before stopping to swallow and collect his thoughts. "The oldest is Gayle, she's about three months older than me. Then there's Lynne, she's a little more than a year younger than me, and the youngest is Nadine. She's two and half years younger than me." Squeals of surprise came from the top of the staircase. Nancy briskly strode to the bottom of the steps and glared up at the three red-faced girls who had been eagerly spying on the conversation. "You three are in big trouble," she stated. "But since you already know that Brian is your half-brother, you may as well come down here and meet him. He's going to be living with us from now on." The girls blushed at being caught and the certain knowledge that they would indeed be punished. But the excitement and intrigue over discovering that the boy they'd found on the front steps was their half-brother easily overcame those fears as they eagerly scrambled down the steps. Piling into the living room, they stopped and stared at the wide-eyed red-faced boy huddled next to their father. Brian was astounded. All three were quite cute, and all wore a skirt and blouse! That was definitely something new. In his neighborhood, the only time a girl wore a skirt or dress was to go out somewhere special. Even his mother wore jeans or shorts most of the time. Skirts seemed to be reserved for special occasions and were a sign of weakness and submissiveness. As a result of this past experience, Brian was fascinated by skirts and similar feminine frills and lace, and assumed anyone who wore them was announcing their submissiveness. That had always been the way he had responded to girls who wore a skirt or dress. Now he suddenly had to re-think that theory. "Girls, please sit down," Nancy ordered as she too took a seat. Then she turned once more to Harry. "Well, Harry, now you can tell us all about your son." Harry was still shaken, but understood that his previously meek and mild mannered wife was now taking complete command. "Well," he began tentatively as he attempted to collect his thoughts. "I always had a voracious appetite for women. I had dozens of girlfriends before I met and fell in love with you," he stated indicating Nancy. "But I wasn't satisfied. I tried to stay true, but when you were carrying Gayle, I felt I needed a girlfriend. Well, unfortunately, she became pregnant with Brian. Once that happened, I couldn't abandon her and the baby, so I put them up in another town and paid their bills. I continued our relationship for many years and made sure I spent time with Brian. I cared for Brian's mother, she is a wonderful lady, but I didn't love her. I've only ever loved you." Once more he indicated Nancy. "All those years, I also had dozens of one night stands with other women. Brian's mother finally wised up and realized that I was not going to divorce you and marry her. She cut me off and asked for more money. I paid, for Brian's sake. She met another man, became pregnant, and married him. Brian didn't like the man and fought them tooth and nail. Recently the man received a promotion, and was forced to relocate. Brian didn't want to move. From what he told me, they moved this morning. Brian put up such a fuss they decided to leave him by sending him here. You know the rest." Harry hung his head in shame. "Don't think you're not going to suffer for cheating on me," Nancy stated scornfully. "Any and all affairs will stop now. You will not ever try to cheat again. If you do, you will pay!" Turning to the girls she looked at them. "Girls, there are going to be a lot of changes around here. I am now the boss. There will be no more playing Daddy off against me. From now on, he will always agree with my ideas and opinions regarding the way you will be raised. It will do you no good to appeal to him to try to get something I refused. Also, Nadine, you will have to move into Lynne's bedroom so that Brian can have your room." "But Mother..." both girls wailed simultaneously. "Forget it. There are no other vacant rooms so you will have to double up. Now, I want the three of you to go upstairs and move all Nadine's clothes and toys into Lynne's room. Harry and Brian, bring your things up to your new bedroom so I can unpack those cartons and see what type of clothes you have." With that, she stood and ushered everyone on their way. The girls were still muttering and complaining about having to double up as they climbed the stairs. Nancy followed behind while Harry and Brian brought the cartons containing his things inside. "Girls," Nancy stated when they reached the top of the stairs. "There are going to be a lot of changes now that we have a boy living with us. To start, there will be no more leaving your room without a robe. We'll all have to adjust. Just remember, Brian didn't ask to be born any more than any of you. It's unfortunate that this has happened, but it's not his fault. Your father is the one responsible. Brian will have to adjust to us as we adjust to him. He's never had a brother or a sister, so he'll have to learn how to deal with you three. So we must be patient and understanding." The girls were beginning to realize that having a brother would make a lot differences in their lives. As they worked, they quietly discussed the effects that could be expected. They decided to form a united front against Brian, not to fight or punish him, but to make sure that he didn't make too many changes in the way they lived. All three accepted the fact that they would have to wear robes whenever they left the privacy of their rooms instead of running about in their undies or nighties. That wasn't too difficult to handle, but they didn't want too much else change. Brian was silent as he helped bring the boxes first inside and then up to his new bedroom. The girl's objections about losing a bedroom and having to double up were valid. Worries about how the girls would react to the changes that his arrival had necessitated made his stomach roll. These things coupled with the sudden shattering of the invulnerability of his Dad's superiority was more than he could deal with in a rational manner. All that was thrust from his mind when he entered his new bedroom. The box he'd been carrying thudded to the floor as he gazed about him in wide-eyed surprise. The large room had forty eight inch high richly varnished oak wainscoting topped by a three inch wide ledge of matching oak. The two windows, the entrance door, and the double closet doors were trimmed with the same rich oak wood. Above the wainscoting was soft multi colored pastel floral garden patterned wallpaper. The ceiling was a soft, pastel pink, and the thick shag rug was a deep, rich pink. Pulled back by golden chains to form bows, the heavy drapes matched the wallpaper, and over them was a gauzy over-curtain of sheer pink lace. The elegant oak four poster bed was covered by a bedspread that matched the drapes and wallpaper. The nightstand, dresser, desk, and vanity table matched the bed. Even the shelves built into one corner were of solid, varnished oak. Everything about the room announced to one and all that this room belonged to a very demure and pampered young lady. Once again, Brian had never seen anything so utterly feminine. Simultaneously he was fascinated and repelled by the sheer girlishness of his surroundings. He wasn't sure how he felt about it. It seemed to him that his masculinity should be insulted by the feminine surroundings, yet it seemed quite attractive. The result was that he simply didn't know how to react. Harry and Nancy saw Brian's reaction, and understood how he felt. "I'll see what I can do about getting the room redone in a more masculine style," Harry told the astounded boy. For a brief moment Brian hoped his father was finally going to take control. All his past ideas would be proven correct. A smile started to come to his stricken face. Quickly it was crushed. "Perhaps," responded Nancy seeing a chance to humiliate her errant husband. "But we have more pressing matters to deal with first. For now, the decor will stay as it is. Besides, we have no place to put this furniture and it's much too good to get rid of it." The males were forced to acquiesce to her plan and ideas Once more Brian began to look at his father in a less than favorable light. How could he submit to this powerful woman? By the time all the boxes were stacked in the room, the girls had removed all of Nadine's things and were busy re- arranging Lynne's bedroom to accommodate the influx. Harry was sent off to purchase steaks, potatoes and other goodies to have a cozy backyard barbecue for their first meal together as a newly enlarged family. Nancy and Brian began to unpack the boxes, checking each item as it emerged to see if it met her critical standards. Many of the T-shirts and sweatshirts were placed on a pile to be discarded or donated. Many of the slogans and pictures emblazoned on them, she felt, were quite unsuited for a child. Those were placed in the Salvation Army bag. Others were patched or tattered as was the current vogue. These went into the garbage. By the time she had finished sorting through his clothes, he had no jeans, no dress slacks, no shorts, one T-shirt, one sweatshirt, no sweaters, no dress shirts, and no neckties. Of his underwear and socks, all were discarded for one reason or another. Nancy was shocked to discover he owned no shoes at all. In reply to her query, he stated he always wore sneakers. Of his sneakers, one pair was deemed salvageable. Brian stood before her with his head bowed in shame as she chastised him for the sorry state of his wardrobe. He shuddered when she informed him that she would see he acquired a suitable selection of clothes. The clothes he wore were also deemed improper, and since he'd managed to get quite dirty while lying on the front step, Nancy decided to have him take a nice hot bath to take the lingering chill out of him while he cleansed himself. Leading him to the bathroom he would be sharing with the girls, she showed him where the shampoo, conditioner, and soap was kept. Before she left she handed him a soft, fuzzy towel. "I'll borrow a robe for you to wear when you're finished. Come to your bedroom so I can get you dressed," she told him before closing the door. Reluctantly he removed his clothes and dropped them on the floor as was his custom. Stepping into tub, he washed his hair and bathed, thinking about what she'd told him about the inappropriateness of his wardrobe. The kids at school would laugh at him if he showed up in goody-goody clothes. Worse were his fears about his father's lack of authority. Heading into Lynne's bedroom, Nancy interrupted the girls as they were finishing the re-arrangement of Lynne's things and the addition of Nadine's things. "Girls," she addressed them. "Brian has virtually no clothes. Those he brought are totally unacceptable. Since we don't have time to go shopping right now, the only thing that can be done is for you to come up with a few items for him to borrow. Since he's about Lynne's size, choose a shorts outfit that isn't too feminine. I'll need underwear, socks, sneakers, pajamas, and a robe." "But Mother," Lynne complained. "It's not fair! I not only have to share my room with Nadine now, but I have to share my clothes too! I don't want to wear them after a yucky boy wore them!" "Now Lynne," Nancy soothed. "This is only temporary. I don't like all the changes we'll have to make to accommodate a boy any more than you do. I'd dare say I like it even less since he is not even related to me. But he is your half-brother, whether we like it or not. I will not see him thrown away. He is your father's responsibility just as you are. That makes him my responsibility as well. We'll all have to sacrifice. Besides, just think how he's going to feel to have to wear girls clothes." Gayle began to giggle freely. The others gave her a perplexed look. "Mother," she laughed once she regained control. "You're right. We do have to accept Brian. But I don't think you're right that we all have to make sacrifices for him because of father's mistake. Brian and Daddy should be the ones to make the sacrifices. Daddy because he did wrong, and Brian because we're letting him move in with us and become a part of OUR family. Therefore he should be the one to adapt to us, not the other way around. Besides," she added with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I told you what's been happening in my class at school. Ashley Bentley, Shelly Wainwright and Colleen Schaich all were boys when they joined the class at the beginning of the year. Dionne and Diane Franz were boys when they moved here last summer. Now all five are girls!" "Yes," exclaimed Lynne as she grasped Gayle's idea. "In my class Phylis Shemanski, Stephanie Bloom, and Jennifer Jane Ladd used to be boys too! Now they're girls!" "Exactly," stated Gayle with surety. "Just look at all the other boys who were changed into girls. Not to mention the men who became women. You know all about them from the METAMORPHOSIS SCHOOL OF DANCE and the METAMORPHOSIS CLUB. We could do the same with Brian! He could become our sister! Then we wouldn't have to change too much at all. I'm sure Lynne will share her clothes, and a lot of my outgrown things will fit him! Besides, what better way to punish Daddy than to have his only son be changed into a girl!" Nancy listened to the girls with rapt attention. What they said was true. She knew all about the BELLE PETTICOAT DISCIPLINE SOCIETY and the numerous transformations that had been made. The fact that some of the women she'd admired for their poise and beauty when she'd seen them in the mall had once been men had really floored her when she learned the truth. Gayle was right about Harry being punished by having his son denied to him. She was also right about it not being fair that they had to adapt to having a boy in the house. Her mind was turning over the possibilities as the girls patiently waited. "I'm not sure that would be right," she finally told them. "After all, Brian is not at fault and shouldn't be punished. However it would be a very effective way of punishing your father. It will also cost quite a bit to buy him a complete wardrobe where as we could just buy a few things by sharing your's." "But Mother," Gayle pleaded. "You're missing the whole point. Brian wouldn't be punished by turning him into a girl! Look at all the girls who used to be boys. Every one of them is happy to be a girl. Not a one would even dream of going back to being a dumb old boy!" "That's right, Mother," chimed in Lynne. "Why Jennifer Jane Ladd told me this week that she was glad her mother turned her into a girl! Besides, her mother is Lydia Ladd, she owns the whole mall! Jennifer told me she even had her daddy changed into a woman. And Phylis Shemanski, her mother Sandra Makes-Shemanski does most of the changes! Her daddy is Victoria Makes-Shemanski, the head of mall security! Even the nuns at ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISSI support and even recommend that boys be turned into girls! It only makes sense to turn Brian into a girl too!" Nancy smiled and shook her head, perplexed by this unthought of dilemma. "I'm still not sure it's fair to Brian. I'll tell you what, let's not say anything about this to Daddy or Brian. Let's see how things go over the weekend. Brian will have to wear girls clothes so we can see how he looks, how he reacts and behaves, and how your father handles it all. I don't want to just jump into something this serious. So for now we'll wait and see, all right, girls?" All three girls appeared depressed that their mother hadn't leapt right on the bandwagon with them. However, they knew enough not to argue. If their mother said to wait and see what happened, they'd wait and see. At least she hadn't said no. All three morosely nodded their heads in concurrence. "Good," Nancy smiled at her three girls. "Now get the clothes Brian will need." With a thoughtful expression upon her face she turned to leave. At the door she paused to look back at the girls. "Just remember, I don't want anything for him that is overtly feminine." Harry arrived home from his shopping trip. As he unpacked the bags in the kitchen, he wondered what would happen now that he had confessed his indiscretions. It was with great trepidation that he set about his assigned task. The fact that it was all now out in the open was also a great relief. The guilt and strain of keeping his affairs apart from his home life had been becoming more and more of a burden. Often he felt the pleasure he obtained wasn't worth the trouble it took. Only he'd been to stuck in his ways to change or give up his illicit pastime. Stepping out into the enclosed porch, he turned on the lights and the space heater to drive away the fall chill. After lighting the gas grill, he prepared the steaks. What would happen was out of his control. In a way, he felt relieved that he didn't have to make any decisions. All he would have to do was follow through on what Nancy decided. In that way, he could shuck off the responsibility for any consequences. At least now he'd be able to point with pride to his son when Brian hit a home run or made a touchdown. That alone would be enough to assuage whatever retribution Nancy might exact. Brian finished his bath and plucked the towel off the rack. When he finished drying he hung the towel back on the rack and reached for his underwear. All his clothes were gone! Looking up at the hook on the inside of the door he saw a soft pink terry-towel robe. Then he remembered what Nancy had told him. Reluctantly he slipped the robe on, knowing it had to be from one of the girls. That knowledge made him feel like a sissy, but he didn't want to create any more problems than his unexpected arrival had already made. Yet in this home, soft, girlish clothes seemed to mean just the opposite of what it had previously meant in his life. Instead of a sign of submissiveness, it was a sign of dominance! Cautiously he opened the door and peered apprehensively out into the hall to see if his sisters were about. He dreaded the thought of being seen by them in the pink girl's robe. His relief in finding the hall deserted was short lived for when he dashed to his new girlish bedroom he found Nancy seated upon the bed beside a set of lilac colored clothes. Swallowing back the brief elation he'd felt in making it safely to his room, he stared at the clothes that were not his, knowing that he would soon be wearing them. Wearing the girl's robe was one thing, but to wear an entire outfit of girl's clothes was something else. His boyish pride reared it's surly head. "Are those for me," he asked with a dry throat pointing to the clothes besides Nancy. "I can't wear girl's clothes! I'm not a sissy!" His voice was full of indignantly but tinged with fear. What if in this environment they were a symbol of power? Was she offering him a chance to avoid the submissive state in which his father apparently lived? "Brian," Nancy stated firmly, not understanding the boy's confusion but knowing she had to establish her authority immediately. "You will wear whatever I tell you to wear. One thing you had better get used to is following my instructions. I've agreed to accept you into this family, which I don't have to do. I do not intend to take any crap from you or your father. Is that perfectly clear?" Brian wilted before her adamant stance and cold voice. She was the omnipotent one in this family! The last he wanted was to be evicted from this family. Where would he go? What would he do? How would he live? The trauma and fear of his being rejected by his mother and her new husband was still much too fresh in his beleaguered mind. "Y... yes...," he stammered as he hung his bright red shamed face. If he wanted to return to a position of power, he'd best adapt to things quickly. "That brings up another matter," Nancy addressed Brian. "The girls call me Mother. I think it would be best if you called me the same. It will make you feel more a part of the family and help the girls to accept you. Do you have any objections to that?" "N... no, M... mother..." he uttered softly as he meekly shuffled his bare feet. "Good," she stated firmly. "Now that that's settled, it's time you dressed. The girls picked these clothes out for you to wear. I'm afraid that until we have a chance to go shopping, you'll have to wear whatever we can find that will fit you. Since you are about the same size as Lynne, most of her clothes should fit you. I've already explained the situation to the girls and they understand. They will not tease or taunt you about wearing girl's clothes. Considering the circumstances, you are not being a sissy for wearing girl's clothes either. Now I don't want to hear another word about the fact that you're a boy and don't want to wear girls clothes. You will wear the girl's clothes I give you and that is that. Do you understand, Brian?" Brian hung his head, the tone of her voice left no doubts that she was quite serious about what she had told him. At least he felt a bit reassured that his step-sisters wouldn't hassle him. If they'd been told not to do so, he felt confident that they would follow their powerful mother's instructions. By the same token, he also knew that he really had no choice but to do as she told him. After all, not doing what he was told to do had already cost him one home today. If she wanted him to wear the girls clothes, then he would have to wear the girls clothes. While not making him feel any better about having to don the girlish outfit, at least it alleviated a good deal of the guilt he felt. "Yes, Mother," he replied in a soft voice. "Good boy," she stated firmly. "Now let me help you dress." Brian wanted to protest that he could dress himself, but felt that he might be pushing too far too soon. Anyway, he thought, he'd probably dawdle too much if he had to put the sissy clothes on by himself. Once more her insistence that she help would take the guilt away from the onerous deed. Besides, his street experience had taught him to submit and cooperate with power to get power. Meekly he accepted the soft nylon lilac colored panties with just a hint of matching lace about the leg and waist openings. Turning away from her he stepped into them and quickly slipped them into place about his slim hips. A brief shiver engulfed him as the silken material whispered it's way up his soft legs to caress and hug his boyish butt. Swallowing back his chagrin, he turned to face Nancy. This would take a lot of getting used too. "Take off the robe," she instructed as she held out a lilac colored cotton shirt with a V-neck and French-cut sleeves, both trimmed with a quarter inch of matching lace. Meekly he removed the robe and laid it upon the bed. Closing his eyes he stepped directly before Nancy so she could slip the shirt over his head. The lace tickled his bare, hairless, prepubescent boyish arms and chest. Before he could assimilate the new feelings the girlish clothes were creating, she held out the lilac spandex shorts with a full inch of matching lace at the hems of the mid thigh cuffs. This time he had to place his hands upon her strong shoulders for support as he raised first one foot and then the other to step into the snug, stretchy material of the shorts. It felt as if another layer of skin had been added when they were snugged about his waist and properly adjusted. The fact that they had no pockets or fly made him all too aware of their girlishness. Again his old ideas struggled against his new perceptions. "Sit on the bed," she ordered so she could kneel before his seated form. Once seated, she took a pair of lace topped nylon lilac anklets and slipped them into place, making sure to properly turn the lace tops down to form a dainty lace cuff. His bright red face indicated the utter humiliation he felt at having to don these all too girlish socks. Biting his lips to keep from protesting, he spinelessly allowed her to slip a pair of lilac court sneakers upon his feet. Once she had them securely tied in place, she had him stand so she could survey his appearance. Nancy was stunned. The boy really looked dainty and cute. If she had been seeing him for the first time, she would think that he was a tow- headed tomboy. Why with a little hair-styling and a few ribbons or bows, he'd look exactly like a girl! Her heart began to beat rapidly as she thought of the girls urging her to change him into their sister. Well, maybe... Brian just stood there before her with his head bowed in shame. He knew that he had to look like a sissy. If any of his friends or buddies ever saw him dressed like this he'd never live it down. How long, he wondered, until she'd take him shopping. The earlier fears he'd had about her idea of proper boys clothing vanished. He vowed that he'd wear whatever clothes she bought, as long as they were for boys. "Sit at the vanity, Brian," Nancy order. "I want to do something with that unruly mop you call hair." Submissively he rose from the bed and sat upon the chair at the vanity facing Nancy. He'd carefully avoided looking at his reflection as he took the feminine seat. His bright red face indicated his humiliation. Nancy noted his shame and felt a twinge of guilt for what she was forcing the boy to endure. Once more Gayle's words that the boys that had been feminized were all delighted with the change gave her the strength to go on. Picking up a brush, she brushed his long brown hair until it shone. Dividing a portion from the front, she brushed it forward over his eyes. The long locks reached to his chin. After gently slapping away the hand he raised to brush the hair from his eyes she handed him the wastebasket to hold. With a scissors she trimmed the hair just above his eyebrows to form a straight cut set of bangs that really softened his baby-like face. Parting the rest of his hair evenly down the center of his head, she gathered the long strands above each ear to create a ponytail. Using a set of lilac ponytail elastics she secured the hair into place. Two lilac ribbons were then formed into cute bows covering the elastics. Brian knew what she was doing to him. He had to bite his lips to keep from protesting or begging her not to do this to him. Already he understood that protests or pleading would not change her mind but most likely make her even more determined to do what she wanted to do. Even so, that understanding did not stop tears from forming and trickling down his cheeks. All he understood was that she had the power. Nancy stood back to observe the over all effect she'd created. The boy looked absolutely darling! Anyone seeing him would naturally assume that he was a girl! As she looked at his shamed, dejected tears, she understood the feeling of power subjugating a male gave a woman. In his present condition, there was no way that he'd give her any problems. She immediately fell in love with the idea of continuing the feminization of the boy. The girls would be delighted. As for Harry, well, an evil smile filled her face. If he objected to what she'd done to Brian, she'd definitely transform his son into a demure daughter! Stepping away from the softly sobbing boy, Nancy opened the doors of the closet to reveal a three sided mirror. Going back to the effeminate lad, she took his reluctant limp hand and pulled him to his feet. Stepping behind him she placed her hands upon his heaving shoulders to guide him to the mirror. Leaning forward to whisper into his ear she spoke softly in a low, cooing voice. "Brianne, please look in the mirror. It's time that you saw just how pretty you have become. You must meet the real you." Brian's tears had developed into soft sobs as Nancy had worked on his hair. His fears grew until he was left impotent to fight what was happening. As she led him to the mirror, he vainly attempted to stem the tears, but when she called him Brianne, he knew what she intended to do to him. He felt used, violated, and mortified to be so sissified just so she could get back at his father. Somehow he wished he could do something to stop her, but he understood his situation. She was omnipotent. It was either cooperate in all she demanded or get out. Slowly he raised his red, wet eyes to peer at his reflection. The tears stopped, but so did his breathing as he took in a deep breath with eyes wide open in amazement as his mouth dropped open in wordless shock at what he beheld. He'd known that she was dressing him like a girl, and then styling his hair like a girl, but he'd no idea that he actually looked so pretty and natural as a girl! The three sided view left no doubts in his mind that he was looking at a cute girl, yet he also knew that he was looking at himself! He now had access to Mother's power, yet he felt like a terrible sissy. The impossibility of these facts was beyond his comprehension. The result was that he was left in a zombie like state of total shock. Nancy realized that h

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Mom Teaches Her Mall Slut Daughter

Introduction: Mom finds out her daughter had sex at the mall…the perfect opportunity to teach her womenly love. Something was going on with her daughter Tatum. Mellissa knew it. Ever since she and had picked her up from the mall she seemed distant, and agitated. She had asked her in the car if everything was okay but Tatum just shrugged. She would sort it out when they got home. For now she would just enjoy the quiet. She looked over at her young daughter and felt it again that twinge deep in...

3 years ago
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Daughter Shopping mall slut

Introduction: Mom finds out her daughter had sex at the mall...the perfect opportunity to teach her womenly love.Something was going on with her daughter Tatum. Mellissa knew it. Ever since she and had picked her up from the mall she seemed distant, and agitated. She had asked her in the car if everything was okay but Tatum just shrugged. She would sort it out when they got home. For now she would just enjoy the quiet. She looked over at her young daughter and felt it again that twinge deep in...

1 year ago
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Mom Teaches Her Mall Slut Daughter

Introduction: Mom finds out her daughter had sex at the mall...the perfect opportunity to teach her womenly love. Something was going on with her daughter Tatum. Mellissa knew it. Ever since she and had picked her up from the mall she seemed distant, and agitated. She had asked her in the car if everything was okay but Tatum just shrugged. She would sort it out when they got home. For now she would just enjoy the quiet. She looked over at her young daughter and felt it again that twinge deep in...

3 years ago
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small 1 of 6

Introduction: A shopoholic finds a dark new high as another bizarre Minus Three romance begins. || {s}mall 1 of 6 || 1:1 My arms felt like rubber and my knees were weak and I no longer felt like a man. The dull throb in my head was turning into a screaming pain in slow, even, measured paces. It had gone on for weeks now, never ceasing or letting up for a second. The pinky finger on each of my hands was tingling, the pins and needles getting worse. It was like this all the time now and I...

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The Mall Santa

This story was edited by my friend, 'Chantal' who always makes it a much better read. Hope you enjoy it and 'Happy Holidays'. I live in a medium-size town in the Midwest. I served four years in the army. When I got out, I went to college for two years and received my Associate Degree in Criminal Law. There weren't many jobs available, but I was able to land a job in security at the mall. There was a lot of turnover in my profession, but I decided to stay with it and I became head of...

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Henry and Bobby Go To The Mall Part 2

Ilene Curtis and her assistant, Felicia, gladly struggled with the loads of clothing and shoes in their arms as they made their way to the nearest checkout register. The lady they were serving was strange, to say the least, but she was shopping with total abandon. That meant a sizable commission for both Ilene, the store manager, and her attractive salesgirl. Upon reaching their destination, the women began ringing up the peculiar shopper's purchases. It took the saleswomen several...

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Mom Teaches Her Mall Slut Daughter

Melissa noticed that her daughter was not dressed as she was when she left for school. Yet she knew Tatum often packed a second set of clothes in her back pack for after school, for a trip to the mall. Tatum looked a little like a mall slut with her tiny jean skirt that showed off her tight and tanned thighs and was low enough to reveal her pierced navel. Tatum was also wearing a pink tank that left nothing to the imagination. Like Mellissa, Tatum had big boobs early in life and had the...

1 year ago
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LimitsChapter 34 at the Mall

a) Scenes from A Mall While their classmates were buzzing around the lunchroom, 13 Carson High students, the school librarian and the mother of one of the students, Laura Sharpe, waited nervously near the loading dock area where Tanner and Kaitlyn made their escape a short time earlier. They talked in whispers, but were mostly silent as they awaited instructions from the freshman girl they were now all pledged to, body and soul. But it was just a few minutes after they all had gathered,...

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The Mall Santa

This story was edited by my friend, ‘Chantal’ who always makes it a much better read. Hope you enjoy it and ‘Happy Holidays’. * I live in a medium-size town in the Midwest. I served four years in the army. When I got out, I went to college for two years and received my Associate Degree in Criminal Law. There weren’t many jobs available, but I was able to land a job in security at the mall. There was a lot of turnover in my profession, but I decided to stay with it and I became head of...

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Breeding Day at the Mall

Cassandra was mad. She didn't like that she had to chauffeur her little brother around town. After all it was his fault their parents had been forced to drop him from their insurance. If he had been a more responsible adult then that fender bender would never have happened. Not bothering to park Cassandra pulled right up to the curve. Showing his typical mannerism her brother threw the car door open without looking. Nearly hitting a woman on the sidewalk. "Thanks sis. I'll text you when I'm...

Mind Control
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Sneak Peak Part 2 the Mall

I went to bed dreamy and happy. When I woke, I could feel the heaviness of the makeup on my eyes. I had pulled off the dress but still had on the tights, panties and bra. The evidence was there. It had to have been a dream, but it wasn't. WHAT HAVE I DONE! Oh, and Mom had seen me! She must have heard me stirring and I can imagine she couldn't wait to talk to me and find out what in the world I was doing dressed like that last night. Before I could get out of bed, Mom knocked twice...

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Midtown Meat Mall 1 of 5

Danielle and Teddy were fraternal twins born to a wealthy family in Midtown. Their father, Mike, was a scientist who was credited with creation of many machines and techniques to make the human meat industry very successful. Their mother Brandi, stayed at home and raised the children, enjoying the riches amassed by her husband. At the age of 18, young adults earned the rights to vote, drive, and enter the upper floors of the local meat mall. Prior to 18, children could only enter the...

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Strutting at the Mall

Copyright© 2005, Amnesia "Oh God, Julie, let's knock it off. If we take one more trip around the mall, I'm going to soooo wet my new panties from laughing!" giggled Lisa as she held on to her friend's arm to keep herself steady. "Mee-heee-heee toooo!!!!" shrieked Julie, tears of laughter rolling down her reddened face and leaning against Lisa for much-needed support. "Did you... pfffrrtt hahaha... see the look on that boy's face?... bwwaaahahaha..." Lisa almost choked. Julie...

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Midtown Meat Mall 2 of 5

Over the course of the next week Teddy and his father made several trips to the meat mall to perform their duties and impregnate the cows. In that short time, Teddy had become quite the celebrity around the mall amongst the employees. Whenever he and his father stopped at the diner, there was always a catfight amongst the servers over who would get to serve the table. A part of it was that all the girls wanted to see and feel the Teddy’s gigantic dick they had all heard about. But more so...

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The Great Switch Christmas Shopping At the Mall

The Great Switch: Christmas Shopping At the Mall By Caleb Jones Written 12-22-00; rewritten 6-5-1 My sister Jack and I drove into the parking lot at the Buena Vista Mall. We locked up the car and made our way into the main entrance. He held the door open for me as we went inside. Considering the holiday, there were very few people around the mall compared to last year. But that was before the Switch. You remember the Great Switch, of course. Who can't? For those in future...

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Sarah Carerra 225 Just Another Day at the Mall

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 17, 2011) Chapter 25 - Just Another Day at the Mall When I awoke on Thursday morning, I couldn't contain the excitement level that started to rise within me. Not only was I going to get the chance to sing and interact with...

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SRU The Big Mall

SRU: The Big Mall Edmonton isnt the first place you think of when you think "tourist destination" But there is one site that brings people from all over the world to see it - The Big Mall. Its real name is West Edmonton Mall, but nobody calls it that. Its always just been - The Big Mall. At one time, it was the biggest in the world, and I think its still in the top three. I'm not sure if words do it justice, but the place is ... HUGE. It has a rollercoaster, an enormous wave pool, ...

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A to Z in the Mall

Walking through the mall last Friday, I thought of you. I thought of how much fun it would be to go shopping with you out of town, as a friend. As a fellow shopper.  I thought of how much fun it would be on a day when you can get away without time constraints. On a day when I will play hooky from work - because I can. And because I would. And because I will. A promise. To go shopping with you. To leave early - and to be able to spend the day in Target, and in the mall, and then to share some...

4 years ago
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An Uninvited Mall Guest

An Univited Mall Guest By Monsta A man in an outdated brown suit appeared in the middle of Park Plaza Mall near the GAP store, but no one happened to be looking in that direction at the moment he appeared. His attire made him appear as if he had just walked in from 1983, and in a way he sort of had, in a technical aspect anyway. The mall had been a lot busier in 1983, of course, but Park Plaza still got a fair share of customers these days even in the age of online shopping. A...

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Mall Princess

Little Mall Princess"If that were me, I would have found a way to twist him up and then get him underneath my fucking foot."When I heard the girlish voice make this statement as I stood there transfixed on a brand-new HD TV on display near the entrance to the mall Sharper Image outlet, I ignored it, thinking that such a direct statement from such a pretty young voice must be directed at someone else.Afterall, I was a thirty-something dude in Saturday afternoon clothes who'd run into the mall...

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Mall Security

One of my first jobs ever was Mall Security... your basic Rent-a-Cop job. It didn't pay much, but it was in a decent area, so there was relatively little crime involved... so it wasn't exactly like taking my life in my hands, either. In fact, the job was downright boring. The merchants in the mall were glad we were there, but they knew as well as we did that they basically didn't need us. Nothing much to it. But, we did have the security cameras... and that was fun. Of course, they largely...

1 year ago
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Adventures in Mall Shopping

When was the last time you visited a mall? It’s been years for me, which is ironic. When I was a kid, malls were a big deal. You spent the day there. Your entertainment was provided by the video arcade and movie theater. You were fed by the food court. You were watched over by mall security – and every middle-aged lady who had kids of her own and thought your parents were monsters for leaving you unsupervised at the mall. It was fun while it lasted. We cruised the mall in gangs, seeing and...

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Of Paths To Take The Path To The Mall

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Mall By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over...

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Mall Santa

MALL SANTA Back when I was in high school, I was told I needed a college education if I was ever going to have the American dream – you know, house in suburbia, wife who is even hotter now than before our 2.5 kids were born, a nice SUV for her, a cool truck for me, golfing, maybe a little boat to use for fishing on weekends, all that shit middle-class kids are told they'll want when they grow up. There was one major problem with all of that. I was a decent enough student to get into a...

2 years ago
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A to Z in the Mall

Walking through the mall last Friday, I thought of you. I thought of how much fun it would be to go shopping with you out of town, as a friend. As a fellow shopper.   I thought of how much fun it would be on a day when you can get away without time constraints. On a day when I will play hooky from work – because I can. And because I would. And because I will.   A promise. To go shopping with you. To leave early – and to be able to spend the day in Target, and in the mall, and then to share some...

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My Favorite MILF Took A Creampie To The Mall

My Favorite MILF Took A Creampie To The MallMy last story was a detailed account of the day my favorite Milf Sarah, and her Friend Lisa, went to the beach. They chose a distant, and fairly private spot to put down their towels. After enjoying the sun for a while, they became hungry. The remote section of beach they settled on was almost a half mile from the concession area, but the girls, (actually I should say women, because they are both over 50 years old) didn’t mind the walk down to the...

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One Strange Day at the Mall

One Strange Day at The Mall A Story by Rugburn This story originally written for Alexander091988 who won my Kiriban contest on Deviantart. Dave Cheskey and Simon his son were quite a long way from home. They had been driving nearly non-stop for days, pulling over infrequently to sleep overnight in the car and once at an actual hotel. Dave made sure to keep to the speed limit; He did not wish to be pulled over. Being on the road for such a distance was taking its toll on Dave...

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Mall Rat Whore

Title: Mall Rat WhoreTitle: Mall Rat WhoreAuthor: Syren Julie had tried dating in the months since her divorce papers come through but no one she had met could give her what she wanted.? Even when she was with her husband she had had fantasies of being dominated but had never acted upon them, until the last couple of weeks that is. Tired of going on dates with losers from work and men that her friends set her up with Julie had turned to the internet to find what she craved, and she had found...

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Bus Ride after humiliation at the Mall

That year I was visiting my aunt in Canada. She was living in a high rise condominium located near the main intersection of Dundas Street and Dixie in Mississauga; the part of the Greater Toronto area. There I met Soumi a very good girl. We soon became closest friends. My aunt was working in the IT industry and she was out at work all day; sometimes she was out of town even on weekends. I was on my own all day and had all-time access to the internet. That is when I chatted with many people...

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 16 Loose Ends

(Dave’s Story) mc, mf, impreg. voy. It wasn’t until they reached the bottom of the escalators that Dave realized he and Kurt weren’t just being escorted away from the fucking couple. They were getting tossed out of the store all together. “This is so unfair! What did we do that was so bad?” Dave whined. “Nothing,” Shawn replied. “I just can’t have a couple of teenage boys watching live sex shows in my store.” “Can’t we at least hang out on the ground floor?” Dave pleaded. “No. There’s...

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Tips n Toes 4 A Trip to the Mall

Tips 'n Toes: To the Mall by CCSondra I have to admit, when I closed the last part of this story I thought: "Same old, same" However, this is not a "formula" story; these things, to the best of my recollection, really happened to me, and they are what helped to make me the submissive sissy I am today. As I've said already, I was from Brooklyn, NY, and unlike today there weren't any mega-malls around. In fact, while I could be wrong,...

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Mall Meeting

PART 1 - The meeting Mall MeetingBy Lorgrom Note: This is my first story so email me any feedback at [email protected]. PART 1 - The meeting ?I was walking through the mall late one Thursday afternoon. Not really doing much of anything. Basically looking at all the late-teen tramps, strutting around in their cliques.  ?Group after group slinked by, none of them really caring that they are wearing clothes that would have put hookers from the 1980's to shame. So needless to say, I had...

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LimitsChapter 38 At the Mall IV

On The Scene "This is crazy," Mack said as he jogged into the mall, easily hauling the camera over his shoulder. The hard part was keeping up with Darren, who was a) 6-foot-2, b) owned impossibly long legs and c) was in a big damn hurry. "School's still in session," he was saying. "If a bunch of kids has skipped school en masse, there would have been some kind of alert, right?" "Beats me," she said over her shoulder. "For all I know, this is a cult of some home-schooled bipolar...

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A Trip to the Mall

I love sex and I've never been in a committed relationship.  Slut is a label I wear with pride and I have the credentials to back it up.  But that day I just felt a little extra wild.As bold as I can be, I've never just approached a stranger for sex.  I usually meet people in gay bars or on dating apps. Some just approach me.  I felt like I needed to put some bait on the hook to make it known I might be open for business.  I looked at the clothing I had hanging in the closet. Most of my...

2 years ago
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A Mall Story

Nicki had been playing with herself for a while since her older sister had showed her what pleasure could be found between her legs, and she seldom got out of bed and dressed without diddling herself till her little pussy sent a wave of pleasure through her.When her sister was around she had gone to some parties with her, and had lost her virginity at one of those parties,  with an older boy who fucked her, but left her wanting more.So she wasn't satisfied with this self-diddling, and now that...

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Quickie at the Mall Food Court

I was in the food court at the mall just a few blocks from my office. The mall wasn't doing very well since a new, bigger mall and a series of big box stores had been opened at the next exit, and half the stores were closed. The food court itself had lost two more restaurants, and there was a pretty slim choice of lunch options. I got a soggy sandwich from the deli and grabbed a seat.I noticed her sitting three tables away from me. Dark curly hair cascaded from underneath her hat. I couldn't...

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My Mall Adventure

Mall Adventure....It was decision time. Tom was on his back in bed. He wasn't resting, though. He had been struggling to pull up his impossibly tight Lee jeans over his muscular thighs. The rough denim caressed his legs every inch of the way, making every nerve ending tingle with delight. The decision before him was which way to position his throbbing hard-on when he finally closed his fly. There were basically two choices: down across the top of his right thigh, or almost straight up along his...

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Josie Goes To The Mall

Josie Goes To The Mall By Josie Girlyc "Wake-up Josie," Sarina says loudly. "I have decided what punishment you are going to get for not getting the house cleaned up in time. It seems that you have to learn who your boss is." I wake up. I'm sleeping on my special pillow that is really just a small foam block that fits under my neck so that my updo doesn't get flattened. I've been only in updo hairstyles for the last week. And also I've been getting electrolysis on my...

1 year ago
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Flirting at the mallare you sure about that

Before I begin my story let me say that the next time you're at the mall be very observant because there are more of us t-gurls out there than you might think. Since I am one I know what to look for and can pick them, ask yourself that hottie I'm watching for the next few moments a female or a t-gurl??? Wink wink.OK, so, at the mall. Shopping for shoes......everybody does it including us "gurls". The real trick to "doing the mall thing" for t-gurls is to...

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Girls Club Ch 3 A Visit to the Mall

Girls Club - Ch. 3 - A Visit to the Mall The next morning, I wake up in bed around 9 - don't remember how I got from the couch to the bed. The girls club meeting was all just a blur I throw back the covers and immediately realize that I am still wearing the cami and tap pants from last night. They are surprisingly comfortable. I got up and used the bathroom where I found a note from Becky that scolded me for not removing my makeup before bed. It included an article about makeup...

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LimitsChapter 36 At the Mall III

Carson Has A Principal? When Julianne Robbins was named principal of Carson High not quite 10 years ago, she was already a rising superstar in the Eastern California education system. The sky was the limit; a state job, maybe even one in Washington, was inevitable. But then a funny thing happened. Julianne Robbins fell in love with Carson High, with Daytown, with the wilderness that lay just outside the city limits. More than once; hell, more than five times, she'd refused an offer that...

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 18 Daves Ride

(Dave’s Story) As he walked through the mall Dave patted the pocket containing the stolen Breeding Pass. Stealing his friend’s pass may have been a dick move, but Dave felt it was justified. Kurt wouldn’t have even known about Breeding Day if not for him. Having experienced first hand how much potential the Breeding Pass held in a mall full of strangers Dave’s mind was brimming with the possibilities of what he could do with one outside of the mall. The brash teen was so engrossed in his...

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Melody and The Mall and the dildo pants

“I'm so glad you've come along to see what we have here in our city. We're very proud of it, its extremely innovative and very, very popular. I'll tell you about the concept and then show you around. The concept came from a group of us who have been in the sexual services industry for many years, we were looking for a way to tap into spare capacity in the market, and, of course, make ourselves a lot of money! We hit on the idea of quickie sex for men, without any problems of them having to...

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Mall Maul

Francine is inadvertently caught up in a crazed teeny bopper mall appearance. Luckily maybe: several hired events crowd control officers come to her assistance. However, in the ensuing mayhem: she is public sex mauled....I had to pick up a new altered evening dress for a big night out. My bestie was receiving an award at the business woman of the year dinner. As I was currently man free I was happy to partner her. I might get lucky with a wealthy guy. Truth was: I was well overdue for a full...

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Sex In The Mall

Here on xhamster and many other porn sites you can find a video of a housewife from Iowa who has sex in a shopping Mall bathroom with a man she meets online. My story which is different from hers. But like hers it is true and also takes place in a shopping mall. However, my story doesn't involve a housewife but a very pretty white teenager named Maryann who I had met by the swimming pool at the apartment complex where my ex and I lived. In subsqent meetings we always kept it friendly but...

1 year ago
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Shopping Mall8217s Washroom Converted Into Bedroom

Hey guys mera naam dev hai or mein delhi mein rheta hun. Mein iss mein apni stories regular upload karta rheta hun. Meri story “double trouble for dimple maam” ko bhot accha response mila tha isliye mein apni nyi story uploads kar raha hun aap please mujhe story read karne k bad email k through feedback jarur de. Is story mein aap read karenge ki kaise meine apni cousin sis ko shopping mall k washroom mein choda. Basically yeah story do jano bich mein hai ek mein or ek meri cousin bhen. Uska...

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SRU A Walk in the Mall

SRU: A Walk in the Mall By Bashful Lenny was slowly walking through the mall, not knowing what he was looking for. He wasn't sure his life could get much worse than it was. He was hoping he would see something that would shake him out of his depression and cheer him up. That's when he saw the little shop. It was strange looking to be in a mall. It had an old fashion wooden door ...

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One Rainy Night 8211 Caught And Screwed By The Mall Security

Hey all! Devil here. So this is the Third and Final Episode of the ‘One Rainy Night’ Trilogy. Pls mail me all your comments, feedbacks and suggestions on Coming to the story.. Its a Fictional Story at a Real Location that I have Investigated with my Team once and the Place is Still not Right. Sonia is the Main Character of the Story. She is a Girl Working at Kolkata. She happens to visit this Riverside Mall at Howrah particularly. Read on to find out what happens when she Meets two Men...

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