Karmic Entropy free porn video

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Karmic Entropy by Pretzelgirl It all started one day in geography class. We had been split up into little groups in order to work on project presentations. My group had been assigned to present the history of Romania. There was me, Jason Roark (the brainy guy in the class), Leo Smythe (resident wise-guy and smart alec), Zoe Burbank (a weird, alternative goth girl), and Steph Garrison. Steph was a cheerleader and likely the most attractive girl in the entire sophomore class. With shoulder-length blonde hair, bright blue eyes, smooth complexion, and a petite little body, she loved to show off with a stunning wardrobe. That day she wore a low-cut, pastel pink sweater, a denim skirt that stopped a couple inches above her knee, a pair of short white ankle socks, and tennis shoes. But I'm getting ahead of myself. So anyhow, there we are discussing how to present the history of Romania to the rest of the class, when Steph starts asking questions. "Where exactly is Romania?" I explained to the group it was in Europe and had seen considerable trouble and strife. Several bloody revolutions had striken the land, they had struggled under one of the worst communist puppet governments from 1947 up until recent years, and were now facing problems with rebuilding their land in the face of ethnic cleansings, political strife, and a bleak economic future. I watched as the eyes of the group totally glazed over with boredom. Except Steph. For a cheerleader and a popular "party girl," she was actually pretty nice, even to a brainy nerd like myself. She seemed to be actually listening to me, even if she didn't totally grasp everything I had been saying. "Wow, Jason. You really know a lot of stuff about this place," she said. "Did you have to do a report on this country once before?" "No," I said smiling with the knowledge that a pretty girl was actually talking to me. "I just read an article on Romania in a magazine once and remembered most of this stuff. We'll have to look it all up and do more research for the final project because I'm not positive on all the details, but this gives us a good starting point." "You just read and remembered this?" she asked. "Jason, I wish I had your brain!" And those were the words that changed my life. Since that time I've come to believe in a lot of strange supernatural powers. I still don't know for sure what gods or goddesses might have been watching over us that day, but at that very instant Steph's idle wish somehow came true. Of course, there were no puffs of magical multicolored smoke and no dazzling display of special effects lighting to hearld what had happened. In fact only a momentary dizziness washed over me at that moment and took a while for me to fully realize what had happened. We continued discussing the project, but I somehow had trouble concentrating now. Steph seemed to take more and more control of the conversation, while I found myself admiring her hair and wondering how she managed to get rid of all her split ends. And while she talked, I watch her lips move and suddenly found myself mentally tracing around her mouth with a tube of lipstick, careful not to smear it. I also wondered how the soft fabric of her pastel pink sweater would feel against my arms and shoulders. These thoughts were not my own. I knew nothing about hair or make-up. I still had all my own memories and my own personality. But somehow, I had bits and pieces of Steph's as well. I found it difficult to concentrate on things, and was considerably relieved when the bell rang and class ended. I picked up my books and hurried to my next class, wondering what was wrong with me. I saw Kristi Carlson in the hall and smiled at her. She looked at me kind of funny and walked on without saying anything. I thought that was so odd, since Kristi and I had been best friends since kindergarten. We had been through girl scouts together, and she was the one who first convinced me to try out for cheerleading last year! Why was she suddenly ignoring me? The answer dawned on me when I sat down in my next class and paused to brush my hand along the side of my face to pull back my hair when I noticed I had had short dark hair instead of long blonde hair. Suddenly I realized I was never a girl scout, much less a cheerleader. Kristi was Steph's best friend, not mine. Was I losing my mind? A voice next to me said: "Jason, what are you doing here?" I turned and saw Kelly Goldberg. A pretty little redheaded girl, I had seen hang out with Steph and Kristi and the other cheerleaders. "Hi, Kelly," I said, shaking my head to clear my thoughts. "I'm just here for class." "Since when have you been in home-ec class?" she asked, frowning at me. "And why are you sitting in Steph's seat?" I hastily excused myself and mumbled something about accidentally wandering into the wrong room. Out in the hall I began to suspect that Steph's idle wish had somehow come true and I was someone mentally becoming her, while she must be changing into me. That would mean I could find her in my class period for this hour. Physics! I raced around the corner, and sure enough I bumped into her and knocked all our books and papers to the floor. "Jason, thank God I found you!" she said, stooping to pick up her books. "I think something happened and we're exchanging personalities. I just wandered into your physics class!" "I know," I told her. "I was just in home-ec now. And I've been having the weirdest thoughts lately." I picked up Steph's books by mistake and noticed she was now holding my phsyics book. I was about to say something, when she interrupted. "Tell me about it," she sighed. "For some reason I'm thinking about Star Trek a lot. A lot of crazy, geeky, science-fiction thoughts. No offense, of course. And the weirdest thing was that I just found myself wondering about a math problem. Actually a bit of a story problem that you could solve with a bit of creative geometry." "Um, tell me about it later, Steph." I interrupted. "Right now, we have to figure out how to get back to normal. This just isn't right. Me having your brain, while you have mine." "Actually Jason, I don't think we've physically traded brains," she said. "Though I know that was the wording of my wish. But if we had, there would've been all sorts of problems involving incompatible tissue and blood types. I suspect that somehow we supernaturally had key areas of each other's long-term memory encoded on one another's brains. That's why you know that you're still Jason Roark, and I know I'm still Steph Garrison. But when we try to remember a lot of simple day-to-day stuff, we'll automatically start to use each other's thinking processes." "This is scary, Steph." I said. "How can we cope through the rest of today?" I was actually on the verge of tears. I didn't want to have to live the rest of my life like this. And I hated to think such a terrible thing about a nice person like Steph, but I didn't like being dumb blonde, while she got to have my brains. I never had much going for me in life. I was a short, scrawny guy with thick glasses and short dark hair that always stood on end at the most awkward times. But I was smart. I was brilliant. It was the only gift I had ever had in life. "You know I'll bet if you had to sign your name right now, you would write 'Steph Garrison' and do it in a perfect impression of my handwriting!" Steph exclaimed, ingnoring my increasingly agitated emotional state. "I mean, this is so weird and all, but it's interesting too! I find myself having the strangest thoughts about things. It's as though my mind is racing a mile a minute!" "Steph, come on!" I cried. "This is serious. What if I start thinking about guys and stuff?" "Oh, I'll bet you will," she whispered. "To tell the truth, I've already had some rather odd thoughts about some of the girls around here. I had no idea you had such a randy little mind, Jason!" "Steph, you have all the brains now. PLEASE try and think of a way for us to change back," I sobbed. "Okay, okay," she replied. "First let's calm down. We're pretty much going to wind up skipping this period of class, but I suggest we try and make it through the next one. It's the last period of the day, then we'll meet after school and discuss this. That should give me some time to think of what to do. And you need some time to collect yourself, okay?" She put her hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. I sucked back the tears and agreed that we need time. So we sat on the benches in senior hall and waited out that class period, Steph excitedly talking about all sorts of weird theories about what could've happened. I listened with half an ear, mainly wondering if this was permanent and how I could adjust to being a girl trapped in a geeky guy's body. Then when the bell rang, we parted company again. I walked down the hall to gym class and started to go into the girl's locker room when Kristi Carlson stopped me. "Jason Roark, what the hell do you think you're doing?" she yelled at me and shoved me out the door. "I ... I'm just going to change!" I said. "Not in the girls locker room, you aren't!" she said. "Get lost, you creepy little toad. Quit following me around!" I almost broke down into tears again, but somehow managed to collect myself and stumble away. I didn't have gym this hour. I knew that must be Steph's class and not mine. But I had no idea where I should be. Gym was the most likely place to go. I had distinct memories of the inside of the girl's locker room. I knew which locker was mine and what the combination was. I knew I had a pair of pink gym shorts and a short white t-shirt inside there. I remembered that yesterday Kristi and I had been playing tennis in gym and she had beaten me in 4 out of 5 matches. And I knew that somehow these things were not my own memories, but belonged very much to the real Steph Garrison. As I sat, stunned in the now empty hallway outside the gym, Steph came up to me and softly placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's more serious than I thought, Jason." She said quietly. I am thinking and acting just like you and could barely remember that I'm supposed to be in gym right now. I'm sorry it took me so long to find you." "It's okay," I said. "But what are we going to do now?" "Well, something supernatural happened," she said. "There's really no scientific basis for this sort of thing. At least not using the conventional science available around a 20th century high school! So what we need to do is explore the supernatural in order to return back to normal. I suggest we talk to Zoe Burbank." Zoe was one of the strange alternative girls in our class. She had a nose ring and always dressed in black, usually with torn fishnet stockings and a pair of worn combat boots. She also wore a lot of white make-up with dark, constrasting lipstick to give her face a pale, gothic look. And it was widely suspected she was the ringleader of a wanna-be witches coven. But perhaps she was our best hope at this point. Steph went to a payphone in the hall and called up the school office, asking them to page Zoe Burbank. After a brief conversation with Zoe, Steph managed to convince her to meet us in the hallway. There Steph explained the entire situation as rapidly as she could to our newfound ally. I have to admit, if Zoe was skeptical or even surprised about this tuff, she didn't show it in the slightest. In fact, she kind of smirked at us, as Steph explained all that had happened. "So little miss popularity and mister science geek have exchanged personalities, have we?" she laughed. "With all due respect, it serves you both right. You were both rather stuck-up and conceited, but in your own unique ways. Maybe Steph will learn something about what the nerd patrol feels like, and hopefully Jason will learn a thing or two about the stuff teenage girls worry about. I think this whole situation is a delightful way of Goddess Eris showering us with chaos!" "What?" I wondered aloud. "Eris was the Greek goddess of chaos, discord, and confusion," Steph explained. "Supposedly she was the one who started the whole Trojan War, out of revenge. And a lot of freaky counter-culture people mock-worshipped her in the '60s. There's a whole Discordian Bible written about the way to best worship her." "It wasn't all mock-worship," Zoe corrected. "The Discordians were largely a joke, but Eris is real. In fact she's one of the most powerful forces in the universe. All things tend towards chaos, you know. It's the law of Karmic Entropy: you can't create order without causing more chaos than you resolve. My coven worships Goddess Eris right now. And I think you are both living proof of her divine will." "But can you change us back?" I sobbed. "Maybe," Zoe replied. "Come with me and we'll look up some stuff in my books at home." And so the three of us left school early. We stopped by my locker and I got out my coat and purse. Or rather, Steph's coat and purse. She didn't seem to mind when all headed straight to Steph's car, where I naturally got into the driver's seat. Steph didn't say a word, but just smiled when I took out a tube of pale-pink lipstick from my purse and started to put it on. Of course I stopped when I saw myself in the mirror. I fell silent and drove us to Zoe's place, a large fancy house out on the edge of town. Zoe's parents were a pair of wealthy yuppies who disapproved of their daughter's strange friends and freaky goings-on. They desperately wished they had a normal daughter, more like Steph perhaps. But they were mainly too wrapped up in their own lives to notice poor Zoe much. She and Steph chattered the whole way to the house, talking a bit about parents and other small talk. But eventually they started some argument about science versus spiritual stuff. When we finally arrived, Zoe got out of the car and directed us towards a barn-like building in the back yard. "This is the old garage," she said. "My parents store junk in the main floor, but the upstairs is an old attic of sorts and they let me do whatever I want there. So that's where we have all the coven stuff." The attic was strange looking amalgamation of exposed wooden boards and wiring, with odd-looking mystical wall-hangings and home-made watercolor paintings on the walls. Along one of the walls a makeshift cinderblock bookshelf stood, lined with mostly older titles, but with a lot of new-age paperback stuff in there as well. A big, expensive looking red velvet rug covered the center of the floor and looked vaguely oriental. A couple of half- melted candles and old sticks of incense cluttered around the edges of the floor rug. "Okay, you two sit and relax and get comfy while I consult my books,"Zoe said. Steph and I sat down on the floor and looked at each other in silence for at least 10 minutes, while Zoe plopped into a beanbag chair in the corner and flipped through some books. "I think I may have found something," Zoe said finally. "It's a magic invocation of Eris. With the power of this spell, we should be able to randomly swap around your minds between your bodies. It's designed to produce random chaos and shift around souls into different bodies, but since there's only two of you, the odds are pretty good you'll wind up with the right attitude in the right body." "What?!?!" I said excitedly. "B--b-but, I don't want to be in Steph's body. I just want to have my own brain back!" "I'm sorry, Jason, but I don't think I have the power to do that," Zoe said. "For better or worse, I think you're just going to have to get used to being Steph. You have her thoughts now. The best I can do is to put you in her body, so those thoughts and memories match the physical form. Maybe in a while, when I've learned more about witchcraft and the worship of Eris, I can do more for you. But at least this way you won't make a fool of yourself by putting on any more lipstick, or worse yet, trying to wear one of her dresses to school!" "I agree with Zoe," Steph said. "This is getting awkward for me being in this girly body. I mean, you don't have the greatest body in the world yourself, Jason. To tell the truth, you should probably work out some and eat more often. You could be a more handsome person, if you tried. But all I know right now is that I would be a lot more comfortable if I were a guy. And I think you would feel better in my body, too." The scary thing is, she was right. I desperately wanted to be in her body. I could feel her soft pink sweater on my skin. And the feel of her denim skirt on my thighs. Her little white ankle socks and shoes should be on my feet. And I even knew what underwear she was wearing! I distinctively remembered putting on a pair of white cotton french-cut panties with purple flowers and a white lace bra this morning. And now she was wearing them instead of me! This was the only way out -- I was already Steph where it counted. "All right, Zoe: do it," I said reluctantly. Zoe spent some time arranging more candles and lighting some incense. She took out a couple books and practiced waving her arms around and mumbling something in a language Steph said she thought sounded Greek. Finally, Zoe said she was ready for the real thing. Zoe picked up a bundle of sticks and herbs and lit the end on fire. Steph and I held hands and stared into each other's eyes. Her calm, sky-blue eyes looked so peaceful to me, and I felt myself being drawn into them in way that just felt natural. I wondered for the first time what it would be like to see my own face and body through those deep, reflective eyes. Zoe chanted and waved around the burnish bundle of herbs for a few moments, slowly circling us and repeating some gibberish. Then the world changed again. The Goddess Eris doesn't like being manipulated and used. Perhaps we should've realized that before we started this ritual. I mean, she is the goddess of chaos and all, and matching personalities to bodies isn't really in the proper spirit of spreading chaos. But I don't consider myself responsible, because I'm just a goofy dumb girl. Zoe was the witch and Steph was the nerd. They should've figured this out ahead of time. What happened was that Eris had dropped me into Zoe's body, Zoe into Steph's body, and Steph into my body. Steph wound up quite happy. She now went around calling herself "Jason Roark" and living my old life. Though, she (now he) really did start working out at the gym after school and eating more healthy. In fact, during senior year, he went out for track and did quite well as a sprinter. He got contacts and really does look more handsome than I ever did. He's going off to college this fall and will be double-majoring in physics and psychology. He hopes to become some sort of parapsychologist person and study more about what happened to us. We're trying to stick together in hopes that someday we can reverse this. Zoe found herself in Steph's pert little body and thought the entire situation was pretty funny. She kept saying this was the ultimate example of Karmic Entropy: the notion that you can't increase order in one place, without creating a greater amount of disorder someplace else. We had restored "Jason" ... but had dis-ordered Zoe and myself. Zoe began calling herself "Stephanie," though she quit cheerleading and continued her witchcraft cult. She told her old friends that "Zoe" had shown her the light and she wanted to learn more about Eris. They bought it, but it got her into considerable trouble with Steph's parents. They decided she must be on drugs and sent her to several therapists for help. The therapy didn't change her, and only slowed down our attempts to change back to normal. She's graduated and living on her own now. This fall, "Stephanie" will be going off to college with us, studying comparitive religion. As for me, I had to start calling myself "Zoe." My new parents were actually pretty happy with me when I cleaned up my act, lost the nose ring, and stopped dressing all weird and dying my hair jet black. My hair is a kind of a dishwater blond color now. Not as pretty as Steph's, but it's okay. I gave up all of Zoe's weird cult stuff and I've gotten a lot more interested in boys and parties. Zoe's old friends were pretty upset with me for "betraying them" and becoming a preppie. But I had to follow my own path. I even tried out for cheerleading my junior year, but didn't get in. Apparently Zoe's old reputation had pretty well blackballed her from any such activities. I'm going to college this fall though, and hopefully I can start a new reputation as one of the "cool girls" there. It'll be the same school that "Steph" and "Jason" go to. But I don't have a declared major yet. I seem to have lost a lot of drive since all this changing. I tried to stay focused, but all I can think about these days are guys and parties and clothes and shopping. Girl stuff, y'know? "Steph" and "Jason" both swear they'll be able to get us all back to where we belong given enough time. It's what they've both decided to devote their lives to now. But I have to secretly confess that part of me really doesn't want to change back. I'm a happy little girl in a simple way I never could've been before. (the end)

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New PleasuresChapter 3

"You seem in good spirits," Rhea said as I danced around the kitchen to the tune on the radio while making breakfast. "Is it still Abi?" "It's ABBA" I replied in a deadpan voice and Rhea snarled at me. "No, it is not Abi. Well not completely Abi. Tea?" Rhea shook her head as I poured the steaming brown liquid from the teapot into individual cups. Mum appeared the moment the last cup was full and I smiled. "Tea? Freshly made. I was going to bring it up with the newspaper." "You...

2 years ago
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Here Comes Joni There Go Johnny TestChapter 3

As Johnny rode his skateboard around the block he came to realize it was going to take him some time and practice to get used to his new and hopefully very temporary body if he was ever going to get used to doing even something as small as skateboarding, something that he has enjoyed doing for years and was very good at in his normal body. All of this grief was due totally or mostly because of his huge bust. “Man these things are too hard to move with. They throw me off balance. Why couldn’t...

1 year ago
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Piano Lesson

Saturday Morning and it is time for my lesson..............I had decided I needed to expand my horizons and decided to learn how to play the piano.I have scoured the web and found a very talented lady who also, truth be told, always dressed well and got my cock twitching............Normal attire for you was skirt, hosiery (stockings or tights to be determined - however either always please), lovely smelling hair, a figure hugging blouse or T-shirt and low heels.I knocked on the door of your...

3 years ago
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An Open Mind

“Have you got everything John?” You look up at Dr Gribble, he was the surgeon in charge of your operation and since it’s success seems to have taken a special interest in your recovery. You are beginning to think he would keep you here forever if he could, as living proof of his skills and the miracle that was your survival. Six months ago you were diagnosed with a brain tumor, a surprise to everyone at your age but dangerous none-the-less. The specialists had advised surgery as soon as...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Lasting Impression Chapter 2 Day 1

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 2 By: ASTRO Day 1 The next morning I felt like I was waking up from a dream. I reached over to wake up my wife only to find that no one was in bed with me. I looked at the clock after pulling my hair out of my face and looked at the time. I paused as my actions started to sink in. First of all the clock must be broken. The time read 9:28 AM, and second why is there hair in my face. I sat up in a panic and felt the weight of...

3 years ago
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Mercy Book 1

Mercy This is fan fiction of the Whateley Academy universe. I hope you like it. No one noticed the smaller boy with the thick glasses as he navigated the hallways of his high school. Which was exactly how he wanted it. Being invisible beat the alternative. His name was Matthew Marshall, and he had dealt with enough pain already, so he had no desire to add to it by getting attention. His first encounter with grief had been five years ago, when his mother died. The second...

2 years ago
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F is for Friendly Friends

"So, you're not swingers? Couples who hump other couples, or individuals?”Gina vehemently denied that categorization. “The four of us are in a mutually beneficial relationship. Claire, Scooter, Kyle, and me."“Polyamorous,” I deduced."We were monogamous, until we weren't," Claire explained, leaving her sneakers next to Gina's sandals at the closed front door of my apartment. "When I married Scooter, I didn't imagine that I would meet Gina and grow attracted to her husband.""And to...

3 years ago
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Khan was thinking that he was sitting in the garden of the house. He had nothing in mind about yesterday. He was thinking about the night with the guilt of disgracing their first night. It would be bad to remember that moment that he had dreamed of all this time. He had only one worry, and that was the reaction Ezgi would give. It was quite late, neither Ezgi nor Haktan's voice was coming out. Khan wanted to wake up his wife, but he was also hesitant. He went and looked at Ezgi, saying that he...

2 years ago
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Apni Marzi Se Chudi Main

Hello dosto mera naam nisha gupta hai main haryana ke ek chhote se sahar se hu maine ISS par bahut si kahaniya padhi hai to maine bhi socha ki apna ek experience aap sabhi logo ko bata du jo meri jindgi ki bhul kaho ya kuch or wo aap sabhi logo ko btane ja rahi hu meri saadi 6 saal pahle 1 achhe pariwaar me huyi thi pariwaar kaafi achha tha jisme saas sasur 1 devar mere pati dev or ab main rahti thi mere pati ka Apna ek alag se hi kuch waste ka kaam tha to unhone 2 room alag se kiraye par le...

3 years ago
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Fuck Doubble Fuck

Walking into your room leaves me breathless. The night still young has left us both cloaked with a light chill and mischief. Coming up from behind me you pull my hair off my shoulder, I lean back against you, as I offer you my neck. trailing your kisses down to my shoulder I softly moan your name. With a final kiss to my shoulder I can feel your smirk, you know just what you've done to me. Turning with a cheeky grin of my own I tell you to strip and sit on the far back of your bed. You look at...

3 years ago
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Halloween hand job

It was the Saturday before Halloween and three girlfriends and I were going out bar hopping and dancing to celebrate the holiday. As the only male in the group I decided to dress as a woman. Why not try to fit in. I had gone to the local Salvation Army and picked up a short skirt, ladies blouse and sexy camisole to wear underneath. I had borrowed a wig from a friend along with a silk scarf.Early Saturday afternoon we all met at Rose's house and she helped me get ready. Lots of shaving, I had a...

1 year ago
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Swati Ch 02

I have sometimes wondered, many years after the event, what made Swati & I do what we did. Or rather, what made her do what she did, since what I did was perhaps no different from what any other nineteen year old boy with raging hormones would have done, given the opportunity. Swati was after all a recently married Indian woman in an age when female adultery, apart from being completely taboo was virtually unheard of in our society. Nor was she a slut or an easy lay. It had all started off as...

3 years ago
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SplashdownChapter 2

They marched for hours, struggling through the rough terrain, trying to put as much distance between themselves and the crash site as possible. Zhari’s leg ached constantly, and her armpit was sore from leaning on the XMR stock. She wanted desperately to use another painkiller, but they only had a limited quantity, it would be foolish to expend them so quickly. Besides, she did not want to show weakness in front of the human pilot, McGregor. She eyed him bitterly as he strained to support her...

2 years ago
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Hairy women are Beautiful

A good few miles where I live there is an all female family, the Mum Lynzi aged 35, Becki and Elaine both aged 18 and the twins Carly and Carla aged 16 (her husband and their late daddy had banned them all from shaving any body hair off and from EVER wearing underwear), who all live in an old Victorian house.I found out all of this information because I had began talking to the nearest of these women as she was sitting next to my table, and I had noticed that the top she was wearing was...

4 years ago
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A Most Happy Birthday

Alone, again, on his birthday. Another year had passed as many have. The obese, lazy cat, the dog and he were celebrating by sitting around the living room watching MASH reruns. Of course, maybe next year, she would be there. His heart leapt at the thought. He glanced at the wall clock and was dismayed to find it was nearly 4:30 p.m. He had expected to hear from her before now. He settled back into the worn settee and tried focusing on the slapstick comedy of Alan Alda, but his thoughts kept...

1 year ago
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Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman was a member of the JLA and the best Amazon around. She lived on an inland filled with Amazons but rarely does she get a credit she deserves. This is the day that changes. You will see a story staring the famous Wonder Woman She was now searching for an ancient artifact. It was called the eye of the Amazons. It was said to give the person who holds it ultimate power. It was hidden on a forbidden islands that took the scientist years to find. She was going to get it for her. Other...

3 years ago
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Maid Maria Has Hots For Me

Hello Readers, This is my story when I was living in Goa, I was living in a small house and very soon I felt that I need a maid to look after the house. Speaking to the security guys, the neighbour hood store, I found a maid, Maria. She was in her twenties, dressed in a skirt and loose top; I noticed that she had ample boobs. I discussed the salary and her duties and she said that she would join the next day. The next day Maria came and began her work, as I had to leave early for some important...

1 year ago
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An Anonymous Relationship VII

I started my car and slowly drove out of the park. I did not know what else to do so I started to drive toward Melanie’s house. Then I noticed that the police car that had been behind me was there again. He was definitely watching me.“I see you back there.” I said under my breath as I turned the opposite way from Melanie’s house.Instead I headed toward the campus and decided the best thing to do was to go about my day as normal as possible. It was hard to concentrate on my classes as I tried to...

2 years ago
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The Piece Treaty 3rd Gear

The Piece Treaty 3 rd Gear Dave & Cyndee gave Silvia Ferris a sex life when they accidentally hooked her up with a long lost lover. Paraphrasing an old cliché goes: the best laid plans of vice by men could get someone laid once again. Sometimes you do a good deed even if it is unintentional. After a couple nights Silvia’s amorous howling quieted down, Dave was back to his hobbies and Cyn was back to her favorite hobby, sex. Cyn wore Dave down rather quickly. It was not that Dave was a slouch in...

3 years ago
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A Woman with Mongrel Ch 03

SO FAR: A still grieving widow Carson Robertson hospitalizes in a vehicle accident the author of the bumbling detective book series that is growing in popularity, Guilty at injuring the creator of the fabulous character Jessie Chicago, Carson takes Harry Truscott into her home to help in his rehabilitation. Harry has a broken shoulder that is encased in a gunslinger brace. Carson reads back copies of the series and finds she is beginning to share the persona of Jessie Chicago and is influenced...

3 years ago
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Seductress 8211 Part V

Hello friends , this is Sunita here once again , continuing my post ” Seductress “. This is part 5and for those who are new to me , I’m a 36 yr old Indian housewife ( now settled abroad ) , average looking , just like the usual women you all find around you everyday . I have attractive looks and an equally attractive body , which I’m very proud of and also i take a lot of care of it Saree suits my figure best , as I’m a mother of two kids and that’s why I’ve gained a bit of extra weight at my...

4 years ago
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Secret Love Pact Ch 03

Feedback more than welcomed. Should I continue this? ***** ‘Chantel you up?’ I asked just above a whisper. I was lying on my back and she had her head on my chest, while I caressed her back. I couldn’t sleep, I was so lost in my thoughts. What had we done? Had we gone too far? What happens next? Where do we go from here? Will this fuck everything up? So many questions. ‘No I am just laying here basking in the moment. Just taking it all in.’ ‘Hmph.’ See this is where I would normal insert...

1 year ago
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You Only Love Once

NOTE: This story was written during Hurricane Sandy. Comments and insights wanted, however, don’t be harsh! Sex is toward the end for you impatient readers… As I took a wobbly step onto the school bus, the sky was washed with variant hues of yellow, red, and violet. Through the trees, it seemed as if the road was being led into a portal that was gurgling fire. It was 6:43 AM exactly. My dark brown eyes were blurred as darkness still remained in the west. When I did a little jog up the bus...

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Who Knew

Gary was the perfect specimen, and the perfect bull. He would be invading my home later that evening and my husband was going to love it!* Lewis, my husband, was a man whose fantasies always came to light, and his cuckold fantasy was no different. In fact, he had demanded I find a bull for pleasure! His desire consisted of him wanting to be dominated, yet he was giving orders. I laughed at how silly he seemed, but I wouldn't be disagreeing. The thought of a powerful man plowing me made my knees...

1 year ago
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A Billionaires LifeChapter 3 The Party

MAY I grunted and gripped her tight ass harder, pulling her body against me despite the viscous resistance surrounding us. Her long, lithe legs were scissored behind me, holding her own weight while she thrashed in our lovemaking. I grunted again and really began to pound her. Our movements were slow, but powerful and steady. I pushed our bodies forward until her backside was pressed up against the far wall. There was a glass partition there that made a distinct thumping sound each time her...

2 years ago
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Bra fitting

Julie had been complaining about back ache to her son Jordan when she finished work at ASDA. once she had got home and had a bath she always felt much better, which provided some much relief to her back. This had been going on for a few weeks now so Jordan googled possible symptoms. "Hey Mum it says here your bra my be too small, what size is your bra?" Julie and Jordan had always been close so she did not feel in the slightest bit uncomfortable discussing this with her son. "36 C" she shouted...

2 years ago
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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 12

Chapter 12 – Mardi Gras Amy found that she was actually enjoying economics more and more as the Spring semester progressed. She had been right about taking the two classes with Burnside. She knew what to expect from Burnside, which she found comforting in a strange way. Burnside might have given her an approving nod to see her enrolled in two of her classes, but Amy knew that meant that Burnside expected more from her, not less. For the first time in her life, Amy had found a role-model whom...

1 year ago
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A Decent Date

It had been a while since my last girlfriend. It is this reason that I jumped at the chance to date a friend of one of my buddy’s girlfriends. She was a lot younger than me and hotter than hell. It was summer, hot outside, and we went to the lake so I could teach her to fish. As I stood behind her, I put my arms around her to help hold the fishing pole. I could smell her hair and perfume. The way she dressed let me know that she was no stranger to flirting with men. She had on a silk tank...

4 years ago
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The first

I was chatting to an online friend here earlier on about my first time ... and I thought it might make a good story for my readers. Despite my more recent sex adventures, I was actually pretty ordinary growing up. By the time I was 16, after doing my exams before sixth form, I'd had a few guys fumble in my underwear, and I'd given a few handjobs and one blowjob. My parents had brought me up to save 'it' for the right guy, so none of them had got close to being inside me. I was on the pill, just...

2 years ago
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The Center

The Center I had been through the reception process the day before had been assigned my bed locker in the dormitory at that time I was in dormitory A This was for the younger boys.There were three dormitories total with eight boys in each beds two meters apart four each side of room. In total 28 boys were in there. Staff actually outnumbered the boys. There were also female staff .These were the most feared, even though they were not allowed to touch ustheir very presence ,was overpowering and...

1 year ago
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Missing Pieces Part 4

Waking up the next morning, I thought for a moment about calling in sick for the rest of the week. A passing thought really, I didn't know if I really wanted to deal with all of the changes I thought might be happening at work. So far, the magic been working according to plan but with that little tidbit last night about this becoming permanent, I started to wonder what other surprises were in store for me. Business casual was the order of the day but I always noticed that a woman's...

2 years ago
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AngelChapter 5

2001 "How are things at university?" "The same as they were the last time that you asked, which was," Susan looked at her watch, "all of 20 minutes ago." "Sorry, I never know what to say. I'm so pleased to see you, I just can't say. It's so good to see a friendly face." "There's been no let up, then?" "It's not just Angela's mother any more. In fact, my mum says she seems to have toned down her comments now." "What are you going to do?" "What I'm doing now,...

1 year ago
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The Dildo That Erased Claire Bonnevilles MemoryChapter 7

All things in life are the result of changes, big or small, that take place from one moment to the next. A man and woman who enter the same elevator, and therefore meet, and decide to go on a date, which works out to the point that they marry and have children, could have completely different lives if either of them had taken the stairs. Any time we drive somewhere, we operate a four thousand pound hunk of metal, making it hurtle down the road at high speed, while other hunks of metal just as...

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Secondary School for Girls1

They'd pulled up at the side of the road, miles away from anything else. The last town they'd passed had been two hours ago, a dingy Scottish hamlet full of ancient looking fogies. They'd stared at Quinn as she screamed at her mother in the car park of a half abandoned garage. “YOU HATE ME!" She had yelled, spit flying from her mouth, her arms flung back and her fiery red hair whipping about her face as she shouted. The two hours from there to where they had parked had been filled with...

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Bhabhi Ki Cut Ka Sapna

Hi friends, I am back with a new story. I hope it will entertain you or sexertain u like my previous story. Well, introducing myself – I am Raj. Ii know u won’t like to know much about me and i am not going to tell you fake things that a have a dick of 9” or something,,,, i am as normal as anyone else…. ok lets leave this stuffs and jump to story… Kuch din pehele muje ek interview ka call aya…. Muje panipat me ek company me job ka interview aaya tha.. schedule ke hisab se muje 2 din wahi...

2 years ago
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Pathfinder The Trio Side quest

Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest (Author's note: you should probably read the previous stories first) It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler's Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move. Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast. Emerald asked Milah, "You've been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?" "Well, since it...

2 years ago
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Student AssistanceChapter 33

It’s Saturday! I’m getting married today! Karen is marrying me! Paul and I are in the apartment in the separate bedrooms. Karen and Melissa aren’t with us because they were staying with their mothers for the night. I told Paul as I fixed us a bit of breakfast that we were the only two people in the world who hadn’t seen them in their dresses! He told me that Melissa explained to him that it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the service. I laughed and said, “I think it’s to...

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