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Part One

Going Camping but things take an expected turn from being out of work to
getting a good job and fitting in with the crew very well

John my mate came over to see me and since it was nice and warm with
temperature outside around 85oF. I grabbed two beers and we went outside
and sat under the trees where there was a nice breeze.

John said he had just been laid off similar to me however we both do have
reasonable funds so he is suggesting we head out into the desert take our
swags so we can sleep under the stars but at the same time we can always
sleep in the back of the truck if needed.

I get the map out and within 100 miles there are lots of tracks throughout
the countryside; now my truck has lots of ground clearance and it is also
four wheel drive, the truck box has a good canopy.

We decided to get our grub on route and anything else we may need, our
camping gear was also stowed including our portable 12 volt frig which runs
on a solar panel and battery for overnight. Although we will be traveling
in sandals we also have our work boots, coveralls and hard hats all stowed
behind the bench seat.

When we leave we are both dressed in camouflage gear as it good hard
wearing does not show and dirt hence very practical.

We are now in the general area where we want to start exploring, suddenly
John says hey Roger stop please I think we have just gone past a track on
my side. I back up and we see a power line running along the track. We look
at each other John says lets do it so I turn onto the track and we start to
climb fairly steeply and then the track levels out. About ten miles we
suddenly came across a bunch of power line workers sitting in a
circle. They wave us down and once we stop and get out of the truck and
they are asking what the heck you are guys doing up here. We tell them that
had been laid off so we were asked what work we were doing, I said I was an
industrial electrician and said John he had worked for a tree toping

These guys said interesting and where do you plan to camp over night? Well
actually we wanted to find a small lake so we could have a swim and camp

One of the power line workers said go up the track about ½ mile and there
is a turning to the left, the track a little rough but along a short way
you will see our trailers so please go out there and make yourself at
home. Because we are out here for six weeks straight we have Peter our bull
cook who looks after us make contact with him and let him know you have
been talking to the crew and say George told you to come out to camp and we
will see you both in about two hours till then enjoy your selves and don't
camp to far away from us either. Thanks so much we both look forward to
meeting up when you get in.

We soon find the site and Peter is sitting outside sunning himself fully
stripped off and doesn't hear us arrive. Suddenly he see us and covers up,
we call out hi Peter; George told us to come up here to camp and after
about 10 minutes chatting and then ask where do you suggest we setup
camp. Peter stands up and points to a level area over by the lake and says
that's a good location and the only guys you will see is the crew going in
to freshen up after scrubbing in the showers, thanks Peter we will go over
there and can see we are fairly close but far enough away to be private.

We have a good sized ground sheet made out of thick rubber and is large
enough to fold right over us in the event of rain. We stripped off and go
balls to the breeze into the lake and find it fairly deep but very
refreshing, after about 15 minutes we get out and lie out in the sun to dry

John suddenly asks did you bring any shaving gear with you, sure did why? I
need my privates cleaning up no problem and then you can do my head please.

It doesn't take me long to get setup, I'm working on John's privates when
suddenly we hear George's voice you doing a great job there and I'm sure
most of my crew would welcome a similar job if you are willing -- I start
laughing saying we will have to think about that as John is doing my head
next, fair enough.

George then says I didn't come down to spy on you but to talk to you and
the work you both did before getting laid off.

After a lot of questions George suddenly says I can offer you both a job on
my crew, now we are out in the bush for six weeks at a time and then go
back home for five days and then return. You guys please come and have
supper with us and meet the crew in a non working atmosphere.

Buy the way everyone is gay and I'm pretty sure you two are also both the
same -- we smile and said, we sure are and proud of it. George also says
don't be surprised if the guys are dressed the same as you are at present
as it is far more comfortable in this warm weather but it does cool down
over night. Well I'll leave you now supper will be at 7:30 this evening
look forward to your company.

Well we both complete our shaving and I also got my privates cleaned right
off, then after putting the gear away. We looked at each other saying
almost together I wonder what the work will be. Well we will find out after
having a talk with George before accepting, I look at this way anything
earned helps our bank balance.

We head over for supper George sees us come and join us please and we get
introduced to all the crew and made most welcome. Peter the Bull Cook had
done BBQ ribs with corn on the cob and made several cakes for desert with
ice cream.

After supper some of the guys go for a swim however George discusses with
both of us the work we were expected to do. It turns out they need John to
get the rigging set up on the transmission poles and I was to help with
getting the new power lines put into place and secured. John said he didn't
have any spurs for pole climbing but did have suitable boots in our
truck. No problem we do have several sets of spurs so you have choice.

Then we ask how come you are short of crew? Well these young guys don't
like getting bushed and if they would only give a try I believe they would
enjoy the experience.

This is the first time that we have had visitor show up out of the blue
like you guys and for me says George here are two guys that appear to enjoy
the bush and when I realized you could replace the two guys that took off
last week saying they could not stand the isolation. So guys are you
interest in working for our company.

We both said yes, great come with me please and we were issued Hi-Vis
overalls hard hats and work gloves. John made his selection of a set of
spurs and also a safety belt, George said Roger you need a safety belt also
that was soon sorted out.

Our next question was what time do we start, breakfast is at 7:00 am and
don't forget you eat on the company, now do you have any grub you want to
put in the freezer if so just see Peter.

Well the first day on the job went well other than my feet; mainly the
arches were aching a lot, I guess my boots are not designed for this type
of work; however John was OK as he was used to this type of pole climbing
and he had the right type of boots. After the first two days George asked
how you guys are getting on OK said John but Roger won't tell you but his
boots lack arch support.

No problem guys the chopper will be in on Saturday morning and is doing
four trips to town, I'll arrange for you to fly in and get new boots --
now go to JJWork-Gear on Main Street they will get you fixed up and you
need this card and you will get a good discount -- Oh Thanks very much.

John said to me get my a half dozen pairs of heavy work socks, that means a
dozen pairs of socks as I will need some too please no problem at all.

Well Saturday morning early I went out on the first flight and we landed at
the companies yard about 9:30 am, a guy came over to me and said you must
be Roger I said yes, great -- that pickup over there is for use that it's
about a mile into town so here are the keys -- please lock it up after
parking -- no problems.

Well I head into town not only do I get the socks I see some well
ventilated blaze orange Hi-Vis loose fitting shirts that more like a sports
shirts as they are very well ventilated so I get four shirts two for each
of us.

I return back to the camp on the last but one chopper flight. This chopper
firstly brings out what grub Peter needs for the next two weeks plus mail,
then following flights brings gas and diesel fuel for the generator,
equipment needed for the project.

On return I find John is doing hair cuts including all the private parts,
after each guy is fixed up he simply goes into the lake and rinses off all
the hair clippings.

So eventually everyone has a good hair cuts and an even better clean up in
the private areas.

I look around for George to thank him for the arrangements that were made
on our behalf.

Saturday evening was party time then George brought out the beer; we said
we would like to contribute to this as we have two flats of beer in our

We had a great evening with the crew and were now felt part of the crew
since we both sucked everyone there. Needless to say we were also well
fucked by all the crew and we welcome this intrusion.

That night was very warm and everyone slept on our thick rubber ground
sheet. I roused around 5:00 am and needed a good pee finally I had drained
myself and it sure felt better. Party started again before breakfast --
what the hell we will have our own style of church service all totally

One of the crew hears this comment and calls out "bloody Right Mate" we
will all be connected now our crew is up to strength.

Between John and me we have kept the crew well shaved and all looking very
tidy but with the heat it's a welcome relief to all our crew so we all get
better ventilation.

Although this work was different to what we had done before despite
similarities in many areas for both of us, this coming weekend is the start
of a few days off. We decided that we needed to go home and check on things
plus deal with any bills outstanding.

Well the first full day home that evening we went tour local for a couple
of beers, of course we had caught the sun and wind hence we were both well

Several of our mates were there so they are asking where have we been, our
answer was out in the bush and we are going back again in 5 days time. Then
the comments from several of them was that's not a holiday being isolated
like that, can't understand you two because you both like to party.

Well we changed the tone of conversation and asked our mates how they were
doing; six of them had long faces saying we got laid off this week and
really don't know what we will do, then the others said it looks as if may
also join the un-employment folk.

That's not good, look guys as you know we were laid off some 8 weeks ago
however our trip into the bush has brought us a lot of luck. While
travelling along a track following a power line but also looking for a
suitable lake for camping for a few days; when suddenly we came across a
power line crew who were taking a coffee break they waved us down and we
joined the crew and they were asking where we going, well ultimately a guy
introduced himself as George told us where there was lake and also they had
trailer bunkhouse there. He told us Peter our Bull Cook is there just tell
him that I told you it was OK to camp.

Cut a long story short, George came over to talk with us when the crew
returned from there work. He wanted to know what sort of work do we do, our
answer was we are laid off and decided to get away. Well I can understand
that said George; we were quizzed a lot about our working experiences then
George said come on over and have supper with the crew and meet everyone.

The end result we were offered work and we accepted, it's a great job with
a good crew and you look after each other so everyone is much safer on the
working site plus we are getting paid a reasonable wage.

We work six weeks in the bush then a week out, we have no idea how long we
will be employed only time will tell, and basically we have to setup
someone we can trust to look after our homes while we are away.

Since we are both working we would like to buy you all a good stiff drink
so what will it be.

The barman took all the orders and I whispered in his ear please make them
triples and it's on me.

After a great evening two of mates said could we meet up them in the
morning for coffee John said fine by me, why don't you come to my house and
I'll make the coffee lets say 9:30 am, great we will see you both, and so
we all went our own way.

Next morning we all meet at Johns home and Keith & Gavin arrived spot on
time, John said the coffee is almost ready what do you it oh both of us
black please.

Keith tell us exactly what you do with these power line guys, so we both
explained what we do sounds interesting but they both said they would have
problems working high above the ground we just laughed.

I then asked this not the reason you wanted to see us both, Keith & Gavin
looked at each other, well are wondering if we would be suitable to do your
house sitting and as you know we both have furnished apartments and our
leases come up for renewal and we have the fear of an increase in
rental. So we are thinking you both may have a guest room that we could use
and at the same time we would pay the Utility Bills and you some rent.

Well I don't think we can give an answer right away as we need to discuss
this very interesting proposal. However first we both would to come back
with you now and look at where you live Keith & Gavin looked a little
surprised but said yes sure.

John asks another coffee anyone so refills was done.

While we are here you might as well look at my guest room, both Keith &
Gavin said this is nearly as large as my apartment. By the way we do have
our own bedding so we would not use yours.

Coffee was over and so over to Gavin's place first had a good look around
and then went Keith's place and we found it to be similar. OK guys Roger
and me are going back and we will discuss your proposal which have to admit
is very interesting.

John came over to my place and the sun was getting nice and warm so I grab
two beers and sat outside. So what do you think of the idea, put it this
way these guy have been laid off for how long is anyone guess; I've known
them both for several years and have always been clean and like us have
there own fetishes but that's ok as well.

We need to check with our insurance company and also draw some sort of
legal document to cover both of us.

I suggest the tenants pay for any increase of insurance; they pay there
monthly rent directly into the bank once a month.

The other thought is our bedrooms should to be locked when we are not here
so our private stuff is well out of reach.

So lets go to the insurance company then the bank, this trip really paid of
for us and at the same time the bank advised us where to get lease
agreement forms so with everything tied up we went home and John said come
over to my place I'll cook supper, and bring a bottle with you -- sure
thing and thanks.

I decide to shower to freshen up took a shave both my head and my cock and
balls once done It sure felt good.

Being a warm evening I wore my camouflage shorts and singlet

We phone both Keith & Gavin and suggested we met again but my place same
time tomorrow morning and said we will give you our proposal if you agree
then it's a go!

Everything went well and John and I headed back to the bush, this time we
parked our truck at the company secure parking area, someone came out from
the office asking if we John & Roger, yes we are -- please come into the
office for a few minutes. Would you show us some picture Id to prove who
you are so we showed our driving licenses. Good thank you, as you know
George took all your personal detail but you have not been issued with dog
tags, this proof to the pilot you who you are and also give access to
company parking area when the office is closed, also please wear your tags
at all times as it your id in the event of a mishap. Have a good trip and
so we meet up with the rest of the crew and we flew out to the job
site. Peter apparently had stayed in camp and once we arrived he had a meal
ready as usual. Prior to the meal I think every one went into the lake for
a swim and wandered back to camp drying off in the warm breezes of course
everyone was bare arsed.

By the end of the next six weeks we realized this particular job was coming
to the end, then during the last week George got everyone together after
supper and advised everyone of the situation but then said the next job
will be in the north and will be a lot cooler and possible frost so when go
home bring back your winter gear now Roger and John you don't have any of
this gear so two sets will be supplied to however make sure you have three
sets of heavy weight grey stanfields tops and bottoms don't get any other
brand. You two guys look surprised, well you are part of this crew and you
joined in our lifestyle. The rest of the crew don't forget it we all love
you come hear you silly buggers we are not letting you leave our group.

John said I don't what to say but thank you for your confidence in us. Well
we all need a good shave was the answer so when you are ready just let us

No problems guys and thank you again. By now we were sleeping in the
bunkhouse all the rooms were single however you could take two panels out
so in effect it was one room.

We decided to open up the wall and then later we discovery that all the
rooms were common and since we were in the middle we opened up both sides
resulting in enjoying the rest of the crew company, yes were a family of
power line workers.

Roger said to me you know John when you look back how we got this job and
what has happened since is absolutely amazing, I hope you realize we have
been working now for over six months and both earning more than before
especially with the isolation allowance which is the one aspect I really
like, I don't think I would feel comfortable if I had to live in town full
time. Never thought of it that way but you know you're right. I'm going to
ask some of the others how they feel about in effect being bushed.

At super that evening I threw that question out to the rest of the crew
after explaining feeling, the response was very interesting as it turns out
most of the crew had been married but had gone foul for one reason or

Then George spoke up saying his wife had died when his son had just turned
15 yrs of age, but luckily both grandparents offered to look after him so
Jason was given the choice to which grandparent he would prefer to live
with. Jason comment I would like to think about this if you don't mind and
I discuss it with you in the morning Dad if that is OK -- sure Jason no
problem all we want is for you to be happy.

Well Jason excused himself and went to his room, I went upstairs later and
could hear Jason sobbing his heart out; well I went to the bathroom and
then tapped on his door asking may come in Jason -- please Dad.

Come on Jason spilled the beans and I appreciated the fact that we have
both lost Mum but there is nothing we can do about that. I just comforted
Jason for some time while I hug and kissed him and said we all love you so
no holds barred.

Please tell me what the problem is -- after several minutes Jason started
to talk by saying I like both my Grandparents but I don't them fighting
over me. I feel I need to live with basically a neutral person and I was
wondering if Uncle Jake would be willing as he is single and has a large
house and he is your brother in a lovely rural location.

Well Jason I'm going downstairs and will be asking everyone to go home and
I will let them know hopefully sometime tomorrow and by the way Jason I
like your thoughts.

Once the house was clear I called to Jason come on guy and I'm getting the
fire lit, a few minutes later I hear Jason coming down he is looking lot
better and the first thing he does is grab me and give me an amazing kiss
and since he was very close he had a ragging hard on which made me
smile. Then Jason says Dad you need a good drink what can I get you.

This surprises me at his adult approach, I said there should be some
Whiskey in the cupboard - do you wish ice with it yes please two chunks. He
brings out two glasses his had iced water and he passes the other to his
dad -- cheers dad.

Well Jason explained why he would prefer to be with Uncle Jake and as Jason
put it he is very open and is willing to explain things whatever it may be
-- just like you Dad.

Dad then asked Jason a difficult question, Jason don't be embarrassed at
the question I'm going put to -- Jason do you feel you are Gay? --
There was total silence and finally he very quietly said yes. I simply grab
him and said I love you for being honest and for your information I'm gay
also and proud of the fact and I will tell you now all my power line crew
are the same way. You're k**ding me dad, no I'm not and they are a great
bunch of guys and we work as a family and I promise you I'm going to have
you out on the job once you are 16 yrs old so that will be something for
you look forward too.

Now let's phone my brother and see what he has says to the suggestion, Jake
quickly answered and when I ask if he would look after Jason until he
finished school.

Jake's answer was I wondering why you hadn't asked before, so I explained
that both grandparents wanted the job but it was Jason who said he would
prefer to be with you as would teach many things about life and he knew you
would keep his nose to the grind stone with regards his school work.

Look George I'm so pleased you have asked and as well that Jason also asked
so he will be relaxed out here and of course the answer is YES.

Look George how many days do you have off before going back to work. OK
then I'm suggesting you get the following clothing before bring Jason out
here, get your self a paper and pencil please. Two pairs Carhartt overalls
which allow room to grow get the brown ones, a pair of gum boots unless he
already has some, one pair of insulated work boots say 14 hole safety
boots, a good rough heavy weight winter jacket Carhartt's do good one and a
woolen toque. This gear is for when he is out with me and save wear and
tears on his regular clothes.

Now if you get this to-morrow, and get his other gear together and come out
the next day with Jason and by the way you spend the night here please that
way we can have a few drinks and you won't do anything silly on the way

Thanks so much Jake you're bloody good brother we will see the day after
tomorrow and I hung up the phone.

Jason is looking at me well Dad what did Uncle Jake say, his first comment
was I was wondering why I had not asked sooner and the answer is YES, Jason
gets up and jumps on my lap he is hugging me and saying thanks dad it makes
me so happy that good mate.

Now lets get very serious, Jake has asked me to get certain clothing
tomorrow for you so you don't ruin you better clothes so we are going to
work wear clothing store for overalls, 14 hole safety boots, a heavy weight
winter jacket plus a wool toque now don't say you don't need it because if
Jake recommends it he is doing it for your good he knows how the winters
can be.

So also I want you pack your items up to-morrow, do you still have your
computer packing cases, and yes they should be up in the rafters in the

Jason we need supper so tonight I'm taking you out for being honest with me
and coming out of the closet to me so never be worried about asking me
anything and for your info Jake is also Gay.

Well everything went well and Jason put his overalls on for the trip to
Jake's and since was a little cool so wore his new Jacket, I looked at him
and said All you need is your hard hat now. Hold it there Jason as I
grabbed my camera and also a hard hat I had in the truck. I took several
photos and have to admit Jason looked really good dressed that way. He
really looked the part; this made me feel very proud because when come out
to our work site where ever it might be I'll have Hi-Vis gear for him.

Well our trip to Jakes took about 2 hours, Jake was out in his yard trying
to pull something out of the ground, Jake just took his jacket off and went
straight over grabbed onto the item and between then the plant came out
suddenly and they both fell backwards and got muddy. Jake and I looked at
each other and burst out laughing. The next thing that happened was Jason
grabbed his uncle hugs him and commences to kiss him eventually coming up
for air Jakes comment was hell; where that did that come from, that sure
was some welcome.

Come on guys lets have beer before we unload anything we sat on the
veranda, Jake gets three beers out and then turns to is brother is it
allowed, why not Jake he has to learn better here than with mates hiding in
the bush -- good for you George that's the way that's the way I think.

Well Jason did knock off his bottle of beer rather quickly; Jake said there
is plenty more from that comes from Jason help yourself and might as well
bring two others for your dad and me.

Jake said to me George come with me please, Jason saw us leaving we just
said stay here please my brother and I need to talk.

Now Jakes house is five bedroom rancher, Jake took me down a long corridor
and then open one of the doors saying this is the room I have planned for
Jason you will see there is a good sized nook with lots of daylight I
thought that would be a good work area where he will have piece and quiet
while studying. In here is a full ensuite with shower stall and a separate
bath tub. There is lots of closet space for his gear the room also has the

Jake that brings us to a point of compensation for looking after Jason. I'm
going to suggest that a second phone line be installed one is his other is
yours and I will pay for that I also need to make his line is ADSL that
provides internet access for him.

Then there is clothing which does not last for ever, what ever you buy keep
the receipts and I will reimburse you. Then there is extra grub, extra
heating and so on so how do think is the best way to do this.

Oh how are you off for bed linen and towels because I have lots and you are
more than welcome.

George you have given me lots to think about, what else can you think
off. Oh there is something very special Jason came out of the closet the
other day and made me very proud and was Jake that grabbed me, oh thank you
for telling me I sort of suspected that when Jason came out for a holiday
last year.

During next years school summer holidays I'm going to take him out to our
job site and I plan to have him in with the guys working as a gofer for the
crew. It's to a sort on an introduction to a working life; I'm hoping he
likes what he sees because when he leaves school I would like him to get an
apprenticeship so that he has TQ ticket.

I like your thoughts I think that is good as by that time many school k**s
get jobs which are not very good, and it will make him think he can do
better. Actually I want him to do a full six week tour and the company does
allow a couple of guys to work in the field with the crew and they paid a
minimum wage for me it's the experience he will get.

Well Jake looked into my house at frequent intervals while I was away, on
my weeks off I hardly used the house as I spent more time at my brothers in
order to be close to Jason. This started to make me think perhaps I should
sell the house and find a smaller place. I discussed this with Jake during
the evening and I could see Jakes mind churning over eventually he says
look George why don't you sell up there plenty of room here and rightly so
you need to spend time with Jason. I have three vacant large bedrooms rooms
similar to Jason's room there is also another sitting room but it not used
as it is unfurnished so you bring your own furniture here and have that
room as your sitting room where the two of you can enjoy each other company
when your home plus if Jason wants to bring friend home it's a place where
they can talk and whatever.

You're very convincing and must admit I like the idea, but first I discuss
this with Jason to get his feelings -- wise move brother.

Well time is getting on I think I need to go to sleep, please sleep with me
George it's years since we have done that -- I never thought you would

Jake and I had a really good night's together making up for lost time; I
got roused hearing Jason moving about the time was 7:00am I quietly got out
of the bed leaving Jake sleeping. As I left my brother's room I saw Jason
and beckoned to him to follow me as I headed for the kitchen. I said let's
get the kettle on as I want to discuss something with you and would like
your thoughts and before I start think about it and then let me know later.

Well I explained to him that our home is going to sit empty and I expect
that I will spending my time off out here so can see each other. Now Jake
has suggested that I also move in here as there is so much room. Also there
is another sitting room here that is unfurnished and we could bring our
living room gear hear and it would provide you a place for relaxation if
you want to be on your own or have friends in. That way you would not
disturb your Uncle either. There are a lot of items that we would need to
dispose of however something's we will keep in storage for a time when you
might want your own place in a few years time.

We hear Jake coming down the hallway, please Jason have a good think about
this idea and don't rush to give me an answer but I would like to hear your
thoughts before I head back to camp. I give Jason a hug; Jason whisper's in
my ear I like that idea; Ok think about it please.

Morning Jake, you guys were up early I said actually Jason was first and
heard him and took the opportunity to discuss some items with him. We have
a pot of tea on the go there Jake might need topping up.

Later that day Jason said dad lets go for a walk, sure thing let me get my
boots on and I will be with you. We headed off out the back of the
properly, there was a great big log laying down Jason said let's sit
here. Jason then said there were things that he would like us keep and yes
he thought it was a good idea and would save me money in the long run of
keeping a house shut up and further more by selling it removed the problems
with anyone wanting to break in etc as it would be out of our hands.

I said you're happy at this idea, yes dad it's good for both of us, and ok
then I will let Jake know. Next weekend you go over to the house and make a
list of the items we can dispose of and also the items we keep but remember
there is only so much space.

Oh by the way if you walk down to the road junction you can catch the
school bus but we have to find out what time so to-morrow I'll take you
into school and we will go to the office and get that sorted out.

Well everything worked out and Jason was well settled in at my brothers, I
was able to sell my house quickly. I was back at my brother's on a few days
off and ask Jason how his school grades were doing, he went and got his
grade sheet and it was interesting in the comments from the teachers saying
that Jason had done poorly at the start of the year but now had come way up
and was ahead in all subjects and they saw no reason why this not continue
in the future. Have you shown this to Jake no not yet? Hey Jake are you
about? I'm in the kitchen come and have a look at this please -- Jake
reads the report and says families hug in order and we give Jason a good
hug congratulations.

I promised you that I would take you up to camp so you see what I do and
maybe help the crew doing basically gofer work, what do you think -- I
would love that, how long can I stay -- I want you there for the full six
weeks if you can handle it. Sure thing dad, what gear do I need?

You will travel in your overalls, boots and tee shirt take your jacket it
might turn cool in the evening bring also two tee shirts, a pair of jeans
not your best ones, your runners, a couple of jocks and some underwear that
about it I think, of course your toilet bag and don't worry about getting
hair cut or anything else like that. Don't forget your camera and make sure
you have the battery charger as well.

Jake could you get Jason to the company office and get the paper work done,
I suggest you do it the day before departure as Jason will be flown in with
the crew. The office will provided Jason with his dog tag which is also his
flight ticket and also a hard hat. They will advise what time to be out at
the company yard.

No problem at all brother, I think this is going to be a wonderful
experience for him.

The day came Jason was really excited, according to Jake; Jason wanted his
photo taken complete with his hard hat on and in fact he got me to do
several with different backgrounds. We arrived at the company yard and the
watchman asked for Id, Jason showed his dog tag and said his Uncle here was
driving him in, are yes your George's son good luck and enjoy the
experience. Jake was given the direction of where to go, Jason said surely
there is no runway here then as we round the corner we see the helicopter
and several guys standing around. We pull up alongside some other vehicle
Jason grabs his bag and shakes hands thanks for the ride Uncle and walks
over to the group of men, they see him coming, someone calls out hey Jason
over here please and so he heads in that direction. The first person says
you're George's son -- yes that's right well it nice to meet you and we
have heard lots about you. Welcome to our crew and I was introduced to

We soon board the helicopter and get buckled in everyone had flight helmet
with ear muffs then I realized they were also earphones as you could hear
the pilot talking to the ground staff. Next thing we hear is the pilot
asking everyone if they are ready so the guys gave him the thumbs up sign.

Jason first flight and he said it felt like going up in an elevator at high
speed and them getting pushed forward. A 2½hr flight and we arrived at the
camp and dropped down. Well all disembarked and I saw Dad was there to meet
me, the crew called out hey George we have this young man here I think you
know him. Dad walks over to me and hugs and gave a big kiss in front of all
his crew. The crew was not going to let George get away being the only one
and they all in turn grabbed Jason and did the same saying welcome to our

The crew takes off to their rooms, dad shows me where I'm sleeping and he
says there are your overalls and work gloves, learn to work in gloves as
sometimes there what we call snags on some of the cables which can ripe
your hand and we don't want any mishaps. Safety is number one on this site
and if you don't understand ask again. One other thing don't call me Dad
unless we are in private call me George the rest of the time as the others

Now here is the daily schedule breakfast is at 7:0am and then go to out on
to the job site by truck. We all take our lunches that Peter has got ready
for us ahead of time. We return to camp generally about 6:pm and everyone
strips off and head for the shower and gets scrubbed up some then take a
dive into the lake and by the way you will find the crew are all naked once
they strip off but some just wear jeans at supper others just have a jock

So Jason indoctrination was very rapid into camp life, however he took it
in his stride and I said to him ok I'm going to get a shower and then a
swim fancy joining me, sounds good, oh leave your towel in your room you
won't need it until after the swim but take your runners and don't worry if
they get wet.

Jason heads for the showers a few moments later George is there and joins
his son, something you won't be used to is your partner always scrub the
other guys back and those difficult places so don't ever be surprised if
you get asked to scrub a back. I notice by this time Jason had a massive
hard on, I said don't be worried about that you will find that happens to
pretty well everyone here.

Now I'm going to do yours so you know where to go and then you do me please
after a good shower they slipped on there runners and ran down to the lake
and dived straight in.

On there way back several of the crew are also heading for the lake for a
swim, George say go get your towel and meet me in my room. I grab my towel
and then just before leaving I grab one of my jock's and then head for
Georges room his doors open come in Jason and close the door. You are a
quick learner and I'm glad to see you have no problems going naked this
means to me you will be accepted much quicker by the crew.

Well I guess supper is in about 15minutes so what are you wearing I grab my
jock, George laughs his head off you young bugger you really do want to get
into our way of life, Dad I do this at Uncles Jake's and he is often the
same so it comes naturally -- well Jason it looks as if Jake has been
giving you that extra education not available in school.

Ok Jason let's go and eat, it was then that Jason found out we all eat
around a big table like a family, I notice he eat well and appeared to
enjoy the food. After supper we were sitting outside enjoying the late
evening sun with some of the crew, suddenly we hear a truck coming through
the tracks; someone said it sounds like John & Roger who's that Jason asks
the last two members of this crew a really great pair of guys and you will
enjoy there company.

Well the next day went well Jason was able to assist however by the end of
the day he was pretty beat and hence went to bed around 8:30pm, however by
the third day he was getting into the swing of things and not as tired; he
was coming in with the crew laughing grubby as the rest of them and he got
the nickname of Jay, that showed to me he could mix in and even more

It had been a hot day and this was the time I'm going to get him fully
shaved but Jason is not aware of my plans. I had already talked to John and
Roger about to the job.

Everyone went and showered and Jason said phew it was hot today hey George
I need a haircut please, John pipes up I'll do it for you I've my all gear
I'll see you outside thanks John.

Well there were two benches pushed together and as Jason comes out hey come
and sit here Jay. How do you want it, lineman's cut you got it. Well John
did a really good job and Jason was about to get up, hey where are you
going you said linesman cut that's what I'm going to give you, so Roger
then rubs in the shaving cream al over his head and then gets his cut
throat razor and proceeds to remove all the stubble . Please lie down on
the bench on your back. The clipper started again oh yes he likes it just
look at that erection, keep it hard Jason as it makes it easier to rid of
all that hair and then you feel much cooler once the clippers have done
there job John slapped a good load of shaving cream over the whole area,
now Jason keep still don't want to nick you do we, so all the stubble was
removed that part is now completed, now turn over and then we can complete
Roger holds his buttock apart John get the area covered with shaving cream
and works it in then the razor removing all the surplus hair.

Next Jason gets a slap on the arse, Jason gets up and gives John and Roger
a big hug thanks mate and then a kiss, then he calls out I'm going into the
shower to rinse off and then a swim anyone going to join me. Well it
finished up with everyone in the shower and while Jason was rinsing he was
getting sucked off by all the crew at the end I think Jason was feeling
well drain but being young he is very virile with rapid recovery. During
most of this time George has been photographing all the action especially
the hair cutting of his son.

Jason put his runners on and headed for the lake followed by the rest of
the crew where lots of fun took place.

Well I think everyone was in jocks that night, from my point of view a good
thing my son's jock is tough because he was really hard. As usual a great
supper and most went about various jobs they wanted to do, Jason said I
want to talk to you George no problem where do you wish to meet, see me in
my room in about 15 minutes.

Jason quickly tidies up and the takes his jock off and is lying on the bed
when there is a knock at is door and calls out come in, George enters hi
guy what can I do for you, come here dad and lie with me but slip your jock
off please. Dad response to the request and once is lying there Jason grabs
his Dad and say's I wish I was older as I want an apprenticeship in this
trade and dad I feel so proud especially with my linesman hair cut it makes
me feel like a real man. Dad I want you to take my cherry.

There is total silence and then George rolls and hugs his son saying it
would be a privilege but are you really sure, yes I am as Jason reaches
into his bedside table and gets out two condoms and the ky gel.

The next thing that happens is Jason has some how got his legs up and over
my shoulders and says Dad I love you please go ahead, Jason arm reaches
over again to his table and produces a butt plug use this to loosen me
up. How long have you had this oh about three years -- I assume you have
used frequently, yes I have and I have slept with it in as I sleep
generally on my back.

Jason lubes his plug and works it in and out, then puts more lube right on
the tip and slides it in. Go ahead Dad get right there please, well slowly
George says please don't let me hurt you, STOP means stop. No worries Dad.

Well I got the condom on and well lube and started to enter my son, I was
amazed how easy it was to slide right in right up to my balls. You doing OK
Jason yes dad are you there yet I said yes as I slowly pulled almost out
and then plunged right back in and after a few times Jason said Dad you are
to gently I'm a young man now so fuck me hard please. So I speed up, with
comments harder please suddenly my wild side took over and I really fucked
him hard. The look on his face was that of enjoyment. Suddenly there is a
knock at the door dad says don't answer, Jason said just stay where you are
please. Come in John & Roger entered, are I'm sorry didn't wish to walk in
like this, Jason just said we are have a litter father and son time, yes if
you would like to join us I'm sure George would not object.

Well thanks for the offer however we came to see you how you felt about
your hair cut Jason. My friends it's absolutely fabulous and thank so
much. What day do you normally do the crew generally either Wednesday or
Thursday when everyone is taking off for there few days off. Please count
me in -- well Jason you are crew and we are very pleased to do you a
service -- I think you enjoyed yourself earlier this evening I sure did
and thanks so much.

Well Jason's six weeks went so fast he wanted to stay for another six weeks
but that would have cut into his school year by three weeks. In the mean
time I had spoken to the office and found out the flight schedules for
supplies and I found out there was going to be a flight five days before
Jason was due at school.

I ask what supplies he need for school and so a list was made up so he had
enough to start off with. I phone my brother and said to him Jason wants to
stay as long as possible. Now I got out of him what he needed in startup
supplies and I'm asking you to get them next time you are in town
please. Now Jason doesn't know anything these arrangements so mums the word
on any Email to him.

Well George he tells me he is really enjoying himself and now sports a
linesman hair cut, I laughed and for your information he has vowed to
maintain that style of hair cut, I'm wondering what the school is going to
say as they may think he has become rebellious. Don't worry about that I
have my connections and will advise them ahead of time.

Well the six weeks was coming up and Jason was not so happy, the crew asked
what's the problem Jason, I'm have to leave you guys and you have been good
to me and excepted me so openly and I respect you all for that, I just wish
I had completed my at school as I want to be apprenticed in your trade.

Tell us what makes it so special, the work is interesting, constructive and
varied I love being bushed and doesn't matter if it pouring with rain
either. Mined you I have not experience cold weather working but I'm sure
with the right gear you stay reasonably warm. Well Jason there are very few
young's guys who would agree with you but you are right as most of us
started here after working in other jobs.

Just think of it I'm sure you will get a good recommendation from our
foreman so cheer up mate and with that they all got Jason in a big hug your
family mate and a bloody good mate.

Well tomorrow is the end of the six weeks and George sees Jason is not as
cheerful as normal. When the crew comes in George is out there with his
camera getting photo's of the crew and there arms are on Jason shoulders
laughing and such like.

George is calling out Jason come and sit down here please and you guys
might just as well here what I have to say. For everyone benefit Jason is
going to stay with us another three weeks and then he will fly out and
return to school four days later so John & Roger I'm asking you to give
Jason his final "linesman hair cut", you know it will be our pleasure. Now
Jason do you want to go into town or stay here with me as I have some work
to catch on but we can also go travelling in the bush.

Stay here please Dad! You got it son, the whole crew is clapping.

Ok guys you might all as well go and get cleaned up as I'm sure you all
need and I'm meet you all in the lake.

I quickly phone Jake tell him what is happening, his comment is I'm
delighted the fact he is obviously enjoying the work. I also tell him the
what date Jason will be coming in but have to give the time later, I will
also advise the office that you will be coming on site so the gatekeeper
has you on his list, talk to you later bye.

Well Jason that evening was back to his normal self, I said to him son
don't feel so despondent because your going home it does not mean you will
never come back, I know you seemed to have been very happy here plus you
have got on well with the crew and helped them wherever you can, you have
also had the opportunity to be up on the structures and I understand you
have been safety minded and that is a big plus.

Just think about when you go back to school and the teachers ask you what
did you do on your vacation you will have something to tell everyone and me
bet a lot of your friends will be very jealousy of what you have been
doing? Now I have some photos of you working with the crew and also coming
back to camp from the job with the rest of the crew. I will get them
printed out so you can collect them from the office when you get back.

That's for you prove of what you did during your vacation, now let me have
your camera chip and I will give copies of all the photos taken with you in
them so you will be able show your mates if you wish.

Later that evening I Email Jake and ask that when he is in contact with the
school find out if the teachers ask each of the class what they did during
there summer vacations because most k**s do some sort of work to earn a few
dollars. What I'm after is to hear what happens when Jason is asked and how
he explains what he did and whether he uses any of the photos he will have
to prove where he was, you will also be very proud of him.

However we both have to keep his nose to the grindstone as he must finish
up next year with good marks. -- Cheers brother -- George

Well Jason is back at school and getting ribbed about having head shaved,
he basically just ignores the comments. One of the classes that was social
studies and the teacher ask everyone what they did during there summer

Eventually it was Jason turn and he said he worked for Power Lines Inc and
joined a crew out in the bush miles away from anywhere; the weather was
great and sometimes hot and for that reason all the crew have shaved heads
to help keep cool and I personally like it so much I'm maintaining
that. Jason was asked what he actually did and he said I have my album of
photos here for any one to look at. The teacher then said may I have a look
please, after a quick scan through he said class I'm going to get the
projector and then Jason can explain what he is doing as he some great
photos hear.

Well the photos where projected onto the screen and there some real good
shots of Jason working and also at the end of the day arriving back at camp
with the crew and all equally grubby.

Jason got asked many questions and tried to answer them all, the only he
did thing he did not give a direct answer was how did you get this summer
job? I was invited through a friend.

A couple of days later the career councilor left word for Jason to see
them; they wanted to know about what I had done. The one thing I was asked
would go back there again I said YES very definitely. You know Jason there
are a lot of your mate's very jealous of what you did this summer but
congratulations you will do ok.

Well the school term went well and he maintains his marks and even improved
in several areas.

On one of regular Emails from his Dad he told him that Colin had messed his
shoulder up and was in hospital and thought it would be nice to for him to
go and see him. Dad also asked would like to join up with the crew again
over the Easter Holidays as they were short handed -- by the way it was
the crew that asked for you.

Jason visited Colin and they had a good talk and he said I hope I'm back
for the next six weeks, before leaving they hugged each other and Jason
gave Colin a big kiss; why thank you Jason I will not forget that.

Next day at school he gets told to report to the principles office, come in
Jason please take a seat, well first may I offer you my congratulations
Jason and please don't let this go to your head but you have been the talk
of the staff room especially the career councilors' who cannot believe what
you were doing. The photographs you have would it be possible to get a copy
for the school's records and the school will pay for them.

Would you go back there if you had the chance? Well I will be there for the
three weeks Easter vacation as the crew is short handed because Colin
wrenched his shoulder and is in hospital here in town and was asked if I
would be willing to help out I said yes, but I just wished the Easter
vacation was longer. You tell me they work in the bush for six weeks at a
time so when do they leave for the next tour of duty.

Next Sunday afternoon so that's a week before the end of term, yes said
Jason. So when do they return home? Do you have a calendar please, Jason
looks at it and say's this Friday a week and a half after school has

Well Jason I think it would be a good idea for you to be there the entire
six weeks if that's what you want providing you can bring back more
photographs of you working; Jason comment was you mean I have time off to
go to work, oh thank you so much I will let the company know ASAP; we will
call it work experience on your records.

After school he phones Uncle Jake and says he is going to see Colin before
coming home so could you pick me up at the hospital say around 6:0pm. Colin
is in Room 420 so come along and meet him please and afterwards I'm taking
you out to supper.

Jake asks what's this all about, I'll tell you when you get here. So a good
visit with Colin and then Jake arrives and Jason spills the beans. The
first thing Colin says that's great Jason you can easily do my job, dam it
all you done most of the jobs out there. Come hear Jason and Colin gives
Jason a great big hug. Now you go out and celebrate with your Uncle. By the
way Jake please stop bye any time your in town and let me know how is
getting on as company is always nice.

Jason phones his Dad and says I'll be there for the entire six weeks and
will Email later after, just seen Colin now I'm taking Jake out for Supper
-- Bye for now.

Well during the weekend George hears one of the engineers is coming out for
part of tour and returning when Jason goes back, I ask who is it and the
name I'm given is Bob Stollar. So what does he want to see was my next
question, well he would like to be out with the crew some of the time to
get an understanding of what goes on and is prepare to climb etc. Can you
give me his phone number as I would like to talk to him prior to coming out
-- no problem got a pencil its 234.678.0066 please don't tell him I'm
going to phone him, no problem George. I'll be interested on what you find
out no worries I'll let you know.

Well I phone the number given and a guy answered and I asked if Bob was
there yes he said but in the shower anything I can do? Not really when do
you think he will be out? Hang on a minute I hear him -- Bob phone call
for you -- I hear a comment I'll take it in our bedroom -- Hello Bob
hear, sorry to trouble you my name is George with Power Lines and I
understand you are coming out to visit our site when the crew come out.

I would like to provide you with a bit of information about or camp, we are
in the bush no booze on site and about 60 miles via the tracks to the
nearest community so all our supplies are flown in we all live in trailer
bunk house with separate rooms our showers are very open afterward many of
the guys once clean go for a swim in the lake so don't be surprised if you
see them naked just with a pair of runners on there feet, we all eat around
one large table and if it's hot most wear little or nothing other than a
jockstrap and often discuss the job and the problems we have had.

Regards clothing I suggest older pair of jeans, several tee shirt some
underwear and may be a jock if you are so inclined or pr shorts, I assume
you will come out with Hi-Vis Overalls, safety boots plus hard hat, oh Bob
says no one has said anything about safety gear. Good I've caught that
before you arrive, well I look forward to meeting up with you.

Monday morning I got a phone call from Mike in the office advising me that
Bob Stoller had suddenly quit, so I asked why; his comment was he was not
going to look like some low grade workman -- I started to laugh what's
funny -- oh he is pompous arse.

I'll play you my tape of my conversation with him just standby, are you
ready I ran the tape through and the laughing now was on the other end of
my phone. George keep that tape please just in case -- will do. Oh bye
the way have you any spare tapes no I'll bring some with me Ok well I'm
coming out to enjoy some of Peter's great food great we see you till then
anything you would like me to bring yes three dozen beer and yes I know
it's against company policy but my son is here and I know the crew wants to
give him a good send off when he returns.

No problem at all I'll get it packed up marked fragile in a large box, you
know I had forgotten that Jason is out there with you how's he been making
out? That is something I would like you to access while you are here no
problem I will be delighted to do that for you George especially as you
have one of the best crews and I'm going to be interested how you succeed

Jason Email his Dad and said the school principle has given him time as
work experience so there no time lost at school. This came about after
telling him the fact that a member of the crew was in hospital with a
shoulder injury and have been asked to help out during the east vacation
period. So Dad I will on the flight next weekend and will see you when I

Almost immediately Jason gets a reply from George saying, so long as you
are not skipping school just to get back here I will certainly be please
and even more so he crew.

Jason answers Dad Email the school principle please and he provides the
Email address. Dad I visited Colin earlier this evening an introduced him
to Jake they hit it off well. Colin was very happy that I was coming up to
help out and he is looking forward to returning to our family as soon as

OK Jason I'll let the office know and the flight time but I assume it will
be as normal with departure at 1:0pm; Oh Dad is there any way of getting
some video shots featuring me working with the crew that is something the
school has asked for?

Jason you had better bring my video camera up it's in my bedroom and enough
video tape then we can do the editing as I will come home when you return.

For the rest of the week Jason said nothing about that he was going to be
away prior to Easter but during the Social Studies the teacher asked what
every one was going to do during Easter Vacations? When it came to Jason he
simply said the same as during the summer, and so he got away without lots
of questions.

Once he got back home, he decided to get all his gear together the only
change he made was additional work socks.

Jason is sort of getting excited and it was Jake who said on Saturday it's
my turn to take you out for dinner and tonight we will go to a good class
restaurant so please dress for the occasion.

Well Jason had his bag packed and got Dad's video camera, extra tape and
battery's plus charger.

Saturday afternoon Jason ask his uncle to give his head a good shave, Jakes
says do you want to go the full hog oh yes please.

Uncle Jakes heads out with Jason and arrived at the Victorian Restaurant
considered to be an above average eatery. As they enter Jason spots Colin
sitting at one of the tables, hey Jake Colin is over there; Jakes smiles
yes and we are joining him.

Once they are seated, Jason asks have you been discharge from hospital --
no not yet but I was driven here as I thought you would enjoy dinner before
you join the crew tomorrow, it's a sort of send off party even if it's only
six weeks because I know you will do a dammed good job out there so please
bring some photos back for me to see on your return.

Colin says Jake and Jason I hope you will have a drink on me please that is
assuming Jason is allowed alcoholic refreshment. Jake says no problem but I
will only have one since I'm driving.

Well this dinner went very well and eventually we took Colin back to the
hospital and everyone enjoyed themselves. We saw Colin back to his room and
finish up with hugs all round and with Jason going one step further giving
Colin a great kiss with there tongue rolling around each other mouths.

Sunday morning Jason is up all ready in his Carhartt's and is getting
breakfast under way he also has his laundry under way in the washing
machine when Jake shows up.

Well between them they get a good breakfast, his washing is out on the
clothes line.

The time has come for the off so as before Jake drives Jason out to the
company yard, shows his dog tag and on they go. Jake parks as before
allowing Jason to get his kit bag out and his dad's video camera everything
is stowed he is greeted with euphuism by the crew who are asking did anyone
see Colin, I said yes and my Uncle is dropping on in him.

He is doing well and we had him out for Dinner last evening and had a great
time. Thanks Jason you really are family mate. We all thought you were
coming up later but we are sure glad to see you; no guys you have to put up
with me for the entire six weeks.

As we are about to board, another guy shows up and introduces himself as
Mike, I'm from the engineering office and I coming out for three weeks to
see how you guys achieve some awkward jobs. So who's who please over there
I think you must be Jason as you're the youngest here, that's right Mike
and Jason puts his hand to shake Mikes hand saying welcome to our family,
everyone identified them selves and followed Jason procedure of shaking
hands. They get the call to board once on board every one buckles and gets
there helmets on and bulked up, Jason gets the Video Camera out and gets
shots of the company yard, the pilot saw what he was doing and said standby
guys I'm going to circle the plant for better shots once they are flying to
camp Jason is filming some of countryside to show the wide open spaces. The
pilot says though the intercom if everyone pulls their visors down please,
Jason you can slide open the window for some good shots as we come into the

Everyone is watching Jason and so the flight seemed shorter. Once they land
Jason asks for everyone to stay there few minutes and calls out George
would you come over please and he hands the video over I want a shots of us
coming off the helicopter. George suggests every one goes back on board,
when I call out do your normal talking and laughing and keep walking
towards me as I walk backwards.

A successful shot is done and everyone is happy especially Jason. The last
shot was the Pilot taking off heading home.

George sees Mike welcome to our fami

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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Seven Fun In The Bedroom For Diane and Pauline

Diane Caldwell smiled to herself as she climbed the stairs and headed towards her daughter Zofeya’s bedroom. An hour had passed since the forty-seven-year-old had spanked and caned her daughter’s boyfriend in the living room. She had enjoyed herself beating Stefan, who had also enjoyed being punished by his girlfriend’s adopted mum. Diane had sent the young couple to separate bedrooms after their punishment for recording a video on Zofeya’s mobile phone which showed the sweet, dark-haired girl...

Oral Sex
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Female DelightsChapter 25 Pauline

The Emir had been sleeping with his girl-friend in Oxford regularly for over a year and had more or less decided to propose, when he was suddenly and unexpectedly inherited the throne of Kobekistan. Naturally he wanted her to join him in Kobekistan, thinking that to be his wife and a Royal Princess would be much more attractive to her than being the wife of an Oxford mathematician. Life would certainly be more luxurious than she could ever have dreamed. He arranged for her to be brought to...

3 years ago
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Elaine and Pauline

Elaine and Pauline by Georgina Her soft, satin-gloved hands shirred with a hissing, sexy sound over the slim, black satin skirts of her beautiful strapless evening gown. Elaine was in a wild and sensuous mood, sweet in its depth of desire and pure decadent and forbidden lust. Her stiletto heeled shoes tapped on the parquet flooring of the corridor as she glided towards her son's room. In the quietness of his room Paul waited, fear gripping his heart as he waited for his...

4 years ago
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The Torture of Pauline

What the man looked like is not relevant to the story. Let’s just call him rather nondescript, looking like every other 40-60 year old man. For several weeks he followed her, to see if she ever changed her route from the school to her home. She never wavered, not one iota. Several times he followed her, at a distance of course, and found the perfect place to kidnap her. A copse of trees hiding her from prying eyes for about five minutes. This is where he waited, and soon the little girl came...

1 year ago
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Rosie And Pauline

The two ladies walked up the steep stairs to the heavy-looking wooden door. “Welcome to my humble home” Pauline exclaimed jokingly and she unlocked the door and thrust it open. Pauline was a fuller-figured woman in her late forties with greying hair and a pretty face. “Same as I remember it” replied Rosie as she stepped inside carrying a small brown handbag over her shoulder. Rosie was heavily pregnant and despite her huge bulging midsection managed to look luscious in a tight fitting red...

2 years ago
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Absolute DelightsChapter 8 Pauline

A fortnight after the precipitate departure of her boyfriend to attend his grandfather's funeral, Pauline was just beginning to worry about David's continued absence when the 'phone call came through. At first she demurred at the idea of flying thousands of miles into the Middle East to see him, but the idea of a free holiday appealed and when David said they could stay in what she thought he described as "my grandfather's place" and that his grandfather had left him "some money" so...

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We had met Pauline socially a few weeks previously and she had made it obvious to both of us she was interested in us sexually as Sarah reciprocated and flirted with her with my tacit encouragement. “Pauline is a lipstick lesbian, she has had three male husbands and my girlfriends tell me she is very talented,” Sarah told me in the afterglow of magic sex on the Thursday night. “Remember, no more sex until Sunday, I want us both to be horny for her so we enjoy her to the max.” No sex on the...

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IntemperanceChapter 16B Pauline

Frowley was still infuriated when Pauline called him two hours later. She was forced to endure a five-minute lecture about lack of decorum and uncouth behavior and proper legal procedures and judges who didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground. "That's all very interesting, Frowley," she said when he finally wound down. "Now, if we could get to the point of my phone call?" "What do you want?" "I would like to arrange a meeting between you, myself, and at least one member of...

4 years ago
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Jacquelineby Callipygia--------------------------------------------------------------------------------This sounds like the beginning of so many other stories, but as cliche as it may sound, I met the most amazing woman through the internet about six months ago. Her name is Jacqueline, and since then we've discovered many things together. As beautiful as I would eventually discover she is, what made Jacqueline really interesting to me is her mind. No, really! You see, I am sexually submissive...

2 years ago
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Finally Fucked My Auntie Pauline

True story from coljac another xhamster memberEver since I was a little boy, I had a special relationship with my auntie Pauline, as she did not have c***dren of her own, I became her favourite nephew. I remember she would sit me on her knee for cuddles and take me places, like to see Father Christmas, as much as a treat for her as for me. I would go and stop at her house and we would play games and stuff like that and I can remember her tucking me in to bed on a night.My family were a big...

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IntemperanceChapter 16A Pauline

Heritage, California January 2, 1985 It was well past 9:00 PM and Pauline was sitting behind her desk on the sixteenth floor of the Markley Building. The ultra-modern, thirty-two story building was the tallest, most exclusive high rise in Heritage. Situated directly adjacent to the Sacramento River, its westward facing offices featured spectacular views of the waterfront. Pauline didn't have one of these offices. In fact, she had no view at all. Her office featured no windows and was less...

3 years ago
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The Trampoline

Max bounces his best mate’s daughter....“I’ll grab you a beer while this double matches finishes” I heard Toby say with his head in the bar fridge. Then after a truck load of expletives he added: “I kill the frickin prick.”Well not literally but I wouldn’t want to be his son Jayden when he got back from his afternoon of booze, sun and surfin.“Sorry Max” said Toby playing genial host again, “I’ll go to the bottle shop and get some cold ones...um...I’ll be twenty minutes....Enjoy watching the...

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Blonde, blue-eyed, 4ft 11inches at 100 pounds, 34-21-35 and legs to die for. My wife? Hell no - my mother-in-law, and for the last year she has been doing her absolute best to fuck my brains out. And three years ago this same woman hated my guts because I was going to marry her daughter and she did not consider me good enough for her baby. Why the change of heart? Well, that's the story. It was a dismal day in October, one of those days when the weather can't make up its mind whether it...

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Sex on a Trampoline

Somersby had always regarded gymnastics as strictly a female activity, until his old friend Alex Rieger told him he had been a member of a gymnastics club for some time. The 19 year old listened intently to his friend as he put forward a convincing argument for him to sign up with the same organization.“Ninety percent of the members of my club are girls,” he smiled, “Beautiful girls with figures to die for. If you want to keep agile and fit it’s a great alternative to a sweaty gym.”Alex showed...

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Two taps on the door. "Just a moment," I said. I quickly put my hair up and mentally slipped into my professional demeanor. I wear it like a skirt-suit over the silk lingerie of my inner self. At twenty-nine, I'm one of the youngest employees in the company, but I'm also the president, and the majority shareholder - and a woman. Keeping my demeanor in place and keeping it natural is very important. "Come in," I called. The hallway door opened. I looked over at the clock. It was...

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Perilous Pauline

I noticed a,not-so-subtle change,coming over Pauline three days after she started going to her new Primary School. I was in the kitchen,preparing her an afternoon snack,when I looked over to where she was sitting at the kitchen table,and watched,dumbfounded,as she took her panties off!"God,Daddy! That's so much better!" She exclaimed,hiking up her skirt and showing Herself off to Me. "Da? Do You like Eating Pie?" Pauline asked,while opening and closing her thighs,exposing Her Maidenhead. "I bet...

3 years ago
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Power Girl

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? POWER GIRL ? MELISSA?S SLAVE By Sonya Esperanto? e mail: [email protected] Synopsis: About a DC Superheroine who had been captured and been given as a slave to a woman who despised her popularity   Epilogue: It was summer time in Spain. The beaches of Ibiza was hot and sandy, and full of tourists from all over Europe. Blond fat German men invaded most of the spots and laid their blankets out, like as if it was...

4 years ago
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Power Granny meets She Hulk

Power Granny Meets She HulkBy lilguy [email protected] Granny meets She Hulk on a beach..smut and muscle follows.Note- This was a commission I didhttp://lilguy31.deviantart.com/Power Granny meets She HulkThere was a beach that every now and then was rented out where Super heroes, could relax privately after battle. It was an Inland that floated between dimensions, floating in and out of reality. This way character from multiple realities could go there to relax. It had a force field...

4 years ago
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Batman Personal Punchline

Batman: Personal Punchline by Nikki Jenkins The light flickered, casting an eerie light over the abandoned office. Papers lay scattered across a well-worn mahogany desk, intermittently scattered by an errant breeze from an open window. Snow flurries drifted past a lone, dark figure crouched in the opening. A long, black cape draped itself around his shoulders while a cowl disguised his face. A strong, square jaw...

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Power Plans and Prevarication

POWER, PLANS AND PREVARICATION By Geneva A mysterious woman helps an ambitious young warlord to reach supremacy in the ancient kingdom of Tethos, but she has an ulterior motive. This is another Genoria story. Warning. This story contains rape. START The sequence of events that terribly changed my life started about two years ago. At the time my power was increasing satisfactorily and I had been so blessed by the gods too that they had had given me enough determination to...

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Grandma Madeline

She basically let me raise myself while she was out drinking, using drugs, sucking and fucking anything with a dick, including me but that’s another story! Good times! But because I raised in a fucked up life, I grew up fast and became interested in thing most teens wouldn’t. Especially older women. I use to spy on my my mom when she would bring guys home. Loved watching her fuck those guys. I loved hearing her screams and moans. I feel like I learn a lot from watching it. I tested things...

2 years ago
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Power Species

Stepping into her apartment with a huff Karen Starr leaned back against her apartment door, hanging up her coat and running her fingers through her short blonde hair. “Damn, what a slow day… Maybe I should call in a few days sick leave just to get some R and R.” Heading over to her little nook kitchen she set up a mug and water and filled it with hot chocolate mix, staring into the mug with her heat vision to warm it to a piping hot drink. She dropped herself unceremoniously onto her couch and...

4 years ago
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Clockwork Caroline

Steam was King! Steam was clean, the cheap power to the masses. From the end of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century, steam drove everything. And in that time, inventions were all powered by steam.Big and small, steam was there, the driving force of all industry. And along with steam came the fashions of the time, heavy calico shirts, and dresses, corsets, and trusses for the bodies, hobnail boots, and woollen stockings, all were there. And controlling it all was the vast...

4 years ago
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A Day To Remember With Aunt Evangeline

Hello guys and girls, This time, I am going to share my experience with my aunt(Mom’s younger sister) As you all know from my previous stories that I and my mom were a lot closer now. If said well, I and my mom were more than just a mother and son. The understanding and relationship which we shared were much more than a normal mother and son. We shared a bond stronger than that. Well, this story is not about me and my mom. This story as the title suggests, is about me and my aunt. This incident...

2 years ago
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Dreams of Future Passed Dr Caroline

Dreams of Future Passed - Dr. Caroline's Consultation. When I got up it was already afternoon. We had after all been at it most of the night, and I spent the next hour or so simply luxuriating in a very hot bath full of bubbles and the most exquisite scent. It was heaven to feel the aching in my bruised backside gradually ease, and simply to lie there daydreaming and mulling over what had happened to me in the last 17 hours. I had gone from being a somewhat timid, yet intrepid novice,...

1 year ago
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Consoling Caroline

I was just completing the bank reconciliation when Mr Walker entered the room. Mr Walker was one of the partners of the accountancy firm where I worked and when he visited my office it was usually to give me work. I looked up from my desk wondering what he wanted. “Marie, you better go down and see to Caroline.” He said with a troubled look on his face. “She is very upset.” “Why what’s the matter?” I asked, concerned why Caroline could be so distressed. “Her husband just called. It appears that...

3 years ago
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Sex with my cousin Jacqueline

I’ve had the hots for my first cousin Jacqueline for a fair number of years now, at least since junior high school when I was a horny bastard and had the hots for anything female that was halfway cute. Being the average horny female, she felt pretty much the same way about things male, but we never did anything much more than a little touchy-feely on a dare at a party, and once, when we were completely stoned, we masturbated in front of each other. Jaq was cute then, and she’s cuter...

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Naruto The Lightning Sages Bloodline

(((Please Note: This is Partially Based off, and I must stress that the Partial Basing is still a loose foundation of it))) (Hidden Leaf Village) In the Hidden Leaf Village of Konohagakure are Many Great Talents and Clans. However there is one Family, That Hides A Great Power in their Bloodline. Though not Uchiha, Senju, Hyuga, or Uzumaki, the Doe Clan Is Ancestrally Tied to the Uzumaki Clan. The Current Generation of this Bloodline is Singular in Purpose and In Number. But in More Specific...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 11 Sweet Caroline

As I was walking towards Caroline Herschfeldt's place I thought about how mum had nearly persuaded me to stay home last night. 'Oh Justin given this afternoons experience are you sure you wouldn't you like to come to the party tonight. I think I can pretty much guarantee you a warm welcome' is what she'd said. I remember turning to face my parents who had been frantically fucking in an attempt to speed things up so that they could finish dinner, clean up and be ready for their Saturday...

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Early morning shag with granny caroline

I was at home alone on my day off from work. My wife was at work and I had been busy doing some housework and was taking a breather when I thought I would pop over and see granny caroline, knowing full well what would happen.I walked the short distance to granny Caroline's house and let myself in with the key we had.'its only me' I called thro.'im in the living room' granny Caroline shouted back.I took my shoes off and walked thro into the living room and granny Caroline was sat in her chair.'...

3 years ago
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The Awakening of Caroline

Tags: (Erotica, Teen Male / Teen Female, Male / Teen Female, 18-Year-Old, Blowjob, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Big Cock, Cum Swallowing, Creampie, Reluctance, School, College, Voyeurism, Young) It happened a few years ago when our lives changed forever. My girlfriend, Caroline, a vision I would look at, and enjoy for hours, was sexually awakened. My girlfriend was a flawlessly skinned; 5’ 4”, 115 lbs., sky-blue eyed, honey blond haired Scandinavian knockout, with boobs the booby fairly amply...

1 year ago
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Go on Sweet Caroline

A couple of days since the wild encounter with my neighbor Caroline and her boyfriend Pedro, I thought I needed to talk with them to make sure things were going to be fine between us. At mid afternoon I saw Caroline’s car parked there and then I crossed the lawn up to her front door.I was dressed in work out clothes; a sport tiny bra and tight cotton shorts. Sweet Caroline opened the door. She smiled at me and invited me in, but I could know she seemed to be a little embarrassed. She offered me...

2 years ago
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Sweet Caroline

It was about a month since we had been to the club, and I was eating with Caroline. We were at the Inbetween, an upscale restaurant on the bay. Chuck and I cruise over here to have dinner once or twice over the summer. She asked me if I would meet her here to talk.“Thanks for meeting me at such short notice.”I told her, no problem and continued to look at the menu waiting for her to start… something. After enough time for me to read the menu, she said, “What makes you fuck someone other than...

Wife Lovers
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Evauee 11 David finally takes Caroline

Introduction: Caroline finally decides she wants David to tak her virginity by the lake. There was no way he was going to tell anybody about this! He lay back on the bed with Auntie Rose lying next to him, trying to take in what had happened. After a few minutes she gave him a quick kiss and slipped back to her own room, leaving him lying there in the moonlight. He thought for a moment it had all been a dream but the ache in his groin told him otherwise. He could still taste her mouth, smell...

3 years ago
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We were young then. We had been in a steady relationship for three years and it was great. She was beautiful and sexy.  Our sex life was pretty good and could be described as 'normal'. I felt safe with Caroline.  She was blonde, curvaceous. Just beautiful.  That night, I was to see Caroline in a different light. Little did I know it but my nice 'safe' relationship was going to become almost too hot to handle.  It was a beautifully warm summer night. We had been out for a drink at a local pub...

4 years ago
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Evauee 11 David finally takes Caroline

He really thought that once he had left Mrs Wilson and the girls, his sex life would be over until he got back to his Beth He suddenly felt very tired and soon fell asleep, waking in the morning to sunlight streaming in through the window and, suddenly remembering what had happened, a smile on his face. He turned on to his back and thought. Would Auntie Rose want to see him again? He would have to be very careful. He would be especially mortified if his mum found out. He was also...

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It was finally Friday. I couldn't wait to get out of work and into the car. Living this far apart from my girlfriend Caroline was difficult. But today was the start of the weekend so I was in a good mood. As it was Friday, it was also a lunch time finish which was even better. As soon a as my work was filed away, I jumped in the car and began the long journey down to Cambridge from Leeds. I arrived at Caroline’s parents’ house about 6ish. Caroline is only 18 so still lives with her folks. We'd...

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More 3some fun for Caroline

This is another story about my beautiful sexy wife Caroline as told from her perspective. As before we have written this together albeit in a bit of a rush, so forgive us if you find it a little raw. It’s about the build up and conclusion to Caroline having sex with two of my friends.______________________________________________After I'd given David a morning blowjob and we were relaxing in bed he came out with the idea of making a porn style video with me being the 'star' of the piece. Not...

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He was fabulously wealthy and had a beautiful young wife. He also had hidden powers I could never have dreamed of, powers that would change my life completely. POWERS by BobH (c) 2018 - 1 - It was Plato's 'Republic' that did it. As usual I was working the six-'til-midnight shift at the gas station on Highway 5, a dozen or so miles outside the town of...

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Chinese Wife Caroline

I am a Chinese American guy, I met Caroline a year ago in China whenI went there for vacation, she was the most perfect girl I've evermet; she is a 26-yo traditionally raised, conservative Chinese girl.She has a caring, compassionate heart, and has a very sweet smile. Wegot married not too long after; I brought her back to the U.S. We arevery much in love and had become each other's best friends. She haslearned Yoga since she was a little girl, so she asked me if it's okfor her to find a job, I...

2 years ago
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Power Fluctuations

Seems like everyone is having their problems with energy companies... This story is Copyright 2003 by Jerrie526. Power Fluctuations By Jerrie526 In a world of decreasing supplies of the old fossil fuels, mankind searched hard to find the replacements for those products long deemed non-replaceable. Alternatives were searched for but were hard to find. Nuclear fusion was still a dream and it did not look like they would be able to find anything that would be useable. That is...

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Mom Caroline

I remember the day my mother told me she was going to have a baby. I just had turned 15. My mother was 35, kinda late in life to be having babies in my mind. And, she didn't know who the father was. You see, dear old Mom, was a lush. But, when Caroline was born, I fell in love. She was the light of my life. She had the prettiest green eyes I had ever seen in my life. They always lit up when I was near her, or held her. And, with our Mom being a (how do I put this) drunk whore, I took care of...

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Power ladies destiny

"Man it was warm!" She knocked again. There were sounds inside and Jezebel looked up and down the dirty run down street, the row of homes sprouting washing balconies and loud rap music. She'd been working her way along the houses for maybe an hour. The street was experiencing power problems and it had not taken long to decide someone was messing with the power companies fuse boxes. Someone was probably tying to over ride the meters. That always seemed to be the case. A stunted...

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Still more from Bandit and Caroline

I was walking back home that warm night down the quiet street.It was after midnight and I had just fucked one dog from the neighborhood…This time I had chosen a nice huge light brown Lab. His owner usually kept his gate unlocked; so it was easy for me to reach that sweet dog, which was ready to enjoy my wet cunt with his hard dick…I was in heat that week; every day in the mood for a huge doggie dick…I was fully naked as I walked back to my house. This time my loving Victor was flying away on a...

1 year ago
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Power Slots

Power Slots popped up in my DMs this morning, even before I’d dragged myself out of bed. Maybe it was just the sleep crust built up inside my brain, still to be shaken out by coffee and sunlight, but I guess I must have read the title wrong. I clicked on the link as I adjusted my morning wood, getting ready to fap to boss ladies or maybe the kind of muscle-bound bitches who could crush my head between their thighs like an overripe watermelon. You can imagine my surprise when it turned out the...

Betting Sites
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Suburban Dystopia Caroline

Something in Caroline changed when she was seven month's pregnant with her second child. Until that warm late-Spring day, she had been satisfied, content, peaceful, the perfect picture of suburban happiness. There was a moment on that day when she slipped outside of the reality she had always known, and since then she has never slipped back. She had just put Amanda, her four year old daughter, down for her morning nap. Amanda was an energetic child, and a good napper, so Caroline looked...

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He'd done it to her again. She should have known better. The parking lot had emptied quickly once the party was over. Now, the last few people were filtering out to head home. Erika didn't know anyone, it seemed, but that was hardly surprising, under the circumstances. She felt something cold and wet strike her on the shoulder and looked up. Sure enough, she saw the bright light of the nearby streetlamp reflected from a thousand tiny, glittering drops. As if things needed to get worse. She...

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Powerfull Powder

He climbed up the two little steps and rang the doorbell. He heard nothing and tried to look through the window. The curtains were closed all he could see was a dead fly lying in the windowsill. He rang the doorbell again. ‘One moment.’ Someone yelled from inside the house. He leaned against the banister and stared out in the street, there were some trash cans standing on the sidewalk, one had tumbled over and some seagulls were scavenging for food. ‘Hi there,’ The door swung upon...

4 years ago
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PowerPussy 1

I am in my first year at college and have a small apartment just off campus. In my chemistry class was a very beautiful girl named Audrey. She was a sophomore about 5'10", 115 lbs, dark hair, and a kinda Italian look to her. She had very nice tits which she proudly displayed by wearing low cut blouses. She always had guys trying to sit next to her in class. Many times the guys almost got into fights about who would sit next to her. Audrey knew she was good looking and did...

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As restlessness drives me to prowl the club tonight, I catch the irresistible scent of a woman, a woman ripe for me—a woman alone. I shift to my dangerous, feral Wolf form, ready to met this woman, Jaclyn, at all costs. Will she want me, if she knows the dark secret of my true nature, she won't. I notice her and came across the room to greet her. As we exchanged a polite handshake, she noticed for the first time how large my hands and fingers were. At least I wasn't perspiring, she...

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Powerball Ch 01

This story is fairly long so I have split it into two chapters. The story is complete and I will post the second part the day after this one. There is no sex in the first chapter but there is in the second. My intent is to let the reader have a glimpse into the lives and emotions of the characters and the sex is the natural development of their lives and not the point or purpose of this story. I apologize in advance for any grammatical or punctuation mistakes. I was a Poli. Sci. major not an...

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