IntemperanceChapter 16A: Pauline free porn video

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Heritage, California
January 2, 1985

It was well past 9:00 PM and Pauline was sitting behind her desk on the sixteenth floor of the Markley Building. The ultra-modern, thirty-two story building was the tallest, most exclusive high rise in Heritage. Situated directly adjacent to the Sacramento River, its westward facing offices featured spectacular views of the waterfront. Pauline didn't have one of these offices. In fact, she had no view at all. Her office featured no windows and was less than two hundred square feet, but at least she had an office now. Eight months ago, after four years of ninety-hour weeks, the firm had rewarded her dedication by replacing her cubicle with four stationary walls and a door. She had her own paralegal now too, and a secretary she only had to share with three other lawyers.

She was tired and out of sorts. She was also depressed because she knew there was at least two more hours of work to do on the contract draft she was assigned before her boss would be mollified enough to not hold it against her that she was taking tomorrow off. That meant she would be in bed by midnight at the earliest and would have to get up at 5:30 in order to make her 7:20 flight to Los Angeles where she would represent her brother and his band before Judge Cranford at one o'clock.

And more than likely lose, a part of her brain insisted upon reminding her. You're busting your ass for nothing.

She sighed, taking a sip out of her eleventh cup of coffee of the day. That was too depressing of a thought to contemplate very deeply but she could hardly help herself. She had no experience with music contracts and would be going up against seasoned music industry lawyers defending the very livelihood of their clients. And if that wasn't bad enough, the judge who would be ruling in the matter was at best a crony of the lead counsel for the other side, at worst, owned lock, stock, and barrel by the other side.

The more she allowed this to command her attention, the less of the work she was actually being paid for was getting done and the longer she would have until bedtime which translated into less sleep before she would be facing her foes. But she was nothing if not dedicated to her work, even if it was work she was doing for free, and her determination remained strong. She would go in there tomorrow and do her very best and who knew? Maybe it wasn't really as bad as she thought. Maybe Cranford wasn't corrupt and didn't know the difference between good music and crappy music. Anything was possible, wasn't it?

A knock on the side of her office door pulled her from these thoughts. The door, as usual, was open and standing there, his suit jacket missing, his tie loosened and hanging free, was Steve Marshall, head of Standforth and Breckman's investigations department. Steve was forty-five years old and had worked as a Heritage County sheriff's deputy and an investigator for the Heritage County District Attorney's office before being lured into private practice six years before. He was clean-cut, always well groomed, very good at what he did, and had the major hots for Pauline. He was also very married — with kids and all — a factor that did not preclude Pauline from shamelessly flirting with him but did preclude the relationship from going any further. This was Pauline's decision, of course, not Steve's.

"Hey, beautiful," he haled. "Mind if I come in?"

"Sure," she said. "I'm not making much progress here anyway. What are you still doing here?" Unlike most of the junior lawyers, who could be found at their desks at any hour of any day or night, Steve was usually a strict nine to fiver.

"I was waiting for the office to empty enough so we could sneak up to Breckman's office and have a steamy sexual encounter on his desk."

She smiled. "I like the way you think. Why don't you run on up and get started without me? I'll be up in no time."

"Ahhh, the way you reject me," he said, taking a few steps into her office. "You'll be sorry some day."

"Will I?"

"You will. In fact, some day just might be today when I tell you why I really stayed late."


"I've been doing some follow-up work on that little matter you had me check into for your brother. The Judge Cranford thing."

She was surprised. "You stayed four extra hours to follow up on something for me?" she asked.

He shrugged. "My actual workday today was taken up with actual firm business — strange but true — and I hate to leave loose strings dangling on anything, even if I was doing it under the table. That whole work ethic thing."

"And you want to get into my pants," she said, not unkindly.

"Well... yeah, there is that too." He grinned widely. "And what I discovered tonight in my sneaky, underhanded way just might get me there."

"What did you discover?" she asked, intrigued, catching a little of his enthusiasm.

He told her. She didn't let him into her pants — especially since she was wearing a dress — but she did give him a huge kiss right on his mouth.

The hearing convened fifteen minutes late in a mostly empty courtroom. Judge Cranford, a handsome man with neatly styled salt and pepper hair, resplendent in his black robe, sat on his elevated podium and declared the proceedings in progress. A court reporter sat before her machine just in front of him. A Los Angeles sheriff's deputy, serving as bailiff, stood in the corner. At the defendant's table sat Jake, Matt, and Bill, all of whom were decked out in their best suits. Pauline sat between Jake and Bill, dressed in a conservative business dress, her dark hair tied tightly into a bun. At the plaintiff's table sat four power-suited lawyers, Eric Frowley chief among them. No one who actually worked for National Records was present.

"It is my understanding," said Judge Cranford, "that National Records has filed suit against the musical band Intemperance charging breach of contract. Is that correct, counsel?"

"Yes, Your Honor," Frowley replied.

"And furthermore," His Honor continued, "since this lawsuit will take some time to work its way through the system and since National Records believes that Intemperance is engaging in a blatant and deliberate work slowdown in violation of their contract, you have requested this hearing that I might issue a court order demanding the band cease and desist in this illegal action and engage in a good faith effort to produce acceptable music."

"That is correct, Your Honor," Frowley agreed. "We will show that the band is currently and deliberately in flagrant violation of the contract and did not act in good faith, as required of them, when they produced and submitted a demo tape of music to National Records."

"Okay," Cranford said. "Good enough." He looked at the defendant's table. "Welcome to my courtroom, gentlemen. I trust you won't find it inappropriate if I tell you I have enjoyed the music you have recorded so far and I sincerely hope I can help alleviate this dispute so you can continue to produce such fine music in the future."

"Thank you, Your Honor," Jake said, "but there really is no dispute to mediate."

Cranford frowned a little but said nothing. He looked at Pauline. "Ms. Kingsley, let me take this opportunity to welcome you to Los Angeles. It's always nice to see fresh, young faces in my courtroom."

"Thank you, Your Honor," she replied.

"Any opening remarks before we get started?"

"Yes, Your Honor," Pauline said. "I'm afraid I must respectfully request that you recuse yourself from this case on grounds of conflict of interest."

There was some minor uproar from the plaintiff's table at her words but Cranford himself merely blinked. "Conflict of interest?" he asked. "That is a fairly serious accusation, Ms. Kingsley. Perhaps you would explain yourself?"

"Most certainly," she said. "I have information that you have financial interests in National Records Corporation, specifically that you own more than one thousand shares of National Records stock."

Again, Cranford did little more than blink. "And where," he enquired, "might you have acquired information such as that?"

"My source prefers to remain anonymous," Pauline told him. "In fact, he will refuse to testify to this knowledge."

"This is ridiculous," said Frowley. "She's an amateur trying to make demands based on unverifiable hearsay."

"That's correct," Pauline said. "I cannot produce a single document at this moment to verify my accusation. But we're not talking about the admissibility of evidence here, are we? I am simply stating a concern that has been brought to my attention. If this concern is groundless than I have no objection to Judge Cranford remaining in charge of this case. But if it is true, than I would ask, quite correctly, that His Honor recuse himself as required under the law."

Cranford smiled and, with a straight face, said, "As far as I know, I own no shares of National Records stock and have no financial interests in National Records."

Jake saw Matt tense up, knew he was about to scream out, "You fucking lying piece of shit!" or something equally contemptible. He put his hand on Matt's wrist, giving it a firm squeeze. Matt remained silent.

"Okay then," Pauline said politely. "I'll withdraw my request."

"I'll consider it withdrawn," Cranford said.

"However," she added, "considering the gravity of the decisions likely to result from this case — both in this hearing and in the long term — and, since I do have information, albeit unverified, that you might possibly own shares of National Records stock, I will find it necessary to request a formal investigation into this issue by the judicial review board."

"Oh you will, will you?" he asked.

"Yes, Your Honor," she said. "I will. And I'm sure I don't have to explain to you that if you did, in fact, own shares of National Records stock and if you did not recuse yourself from this case based on that, you would be in blatant violation of section 170.3 of the California Code of Civil Procedure and subject to severe sanction by the board, up to and including removal from the bench."

Cranford actually paled as she made this statement. Frowley and his fellow mouthpieces did the same. Jake simply looked at his sister in awe, seeing her as he had never seen her before. Sure, he knew she was a lawyer, had suspected she was a good one, had taken more than his share of legal advice from her, but this was the first time he had ever seen her act like a lawyer. She had just crammed it home to a judge — a fucking superior court judge! — in his own courtroom and she had done it in a way that would not leave her open for charges of contempt or misconduct or unprofessionalism.

"Well now," Cranford said slowly, "I would certainly hate to have my name dropped on the judicial review board, and, since I have stockbrokers and accountants who handle most of my investment money for me, I suppose it is theoretically possible I might have unknowingly acquired a few shares of National Records stock at some point. In the interests of fair and impartial proceedings I will call a brief recess and make an inquiry with my accountant just to make sure."

He pounded his gavel and retreated to his chambers. Over at the plaintiff's table a furious whispered discussion was taking place. At the defendant's table Matt was grinning and being restrained from shouting insults at Frowley and his boys by Jake's hand on his arm. Pauline — who already knew she'd won this round — was keeping her game face firmly in place. Bill wrote something on one of her legal pads. He ripped it off and passed it to her. It read, I've never been so aroused in my life. Will you mate with me? She took the pen from his hand and scrolled back, Ask me again when we're both rich.

Five minutes went by and Judge Cranford re-emerged from his chambers. He sat back at the bench and banged his gavel, officially ending the recess and prompting the court recorder to resume transcription.

"Well now," he said, "I would certainly like to thank Ms. Kingsley for bringing this matter to my attention. I spoke with my accountant and it turns out that I do, in fact, own a number of shares of National Records stock. I guess this will teach me to keep a little closer eye on my investments. In any case, since I do have a so-called 'business interest' with one of the principals in this case I must, under the law, recuse myself from it. The case will be re-assigned and the attorneys of record will be notified of the new judge and the new time and place of the hearing." He pounded his gavel and left the courtroom.

Eric Frowley and his cohorts showed no expression as they gathered their papers and notebooks, placed them in their briefcases, and filed out of the courtroom.

Jake, Pauline, Bill, and Matt gathered their own materials and followed them out. Once in the hallway Matt yelled after the retreating group. "Hey, Frowley!"

Frowley turned and looked at them. His companions did the same.

"In your face, ass breath!" Matt yelled, triumphantly squeezing his crotch. "In your fuckin' face!"

Frowley's face darkened but he said nothing. He turned and walked out the door, disappearing.

The Honorable Anthony Remington was chosen to take over the case of National Records vs. Intemperance. A new hearing was scheduled for January 11, the following Friday.

"Is he good or bad?" Jake asked Pauline when she called him the Monday following Cranford's recusal to tell him the news.

"He's better than Cranford so there's a victory right there, but he's not as good as Allanstand would have been. Allanstand is seventy-eight years old and grew up in an era where Edison's original phonograph was still all the rage."

"How old is Remington?"

"Sixty-two," she said. "Born in 1923, grew up in Redding, California solidly upper middle class. Graduated high school with honors and went to UCLA until Pearl Harbor, at which point he enlisted in the marines. He fought with distinction at Iwo Jima and Okinawa. After the war he returned to UCLA and finished his undergraduate degree and then went to Stanford School of Law. He served ten years with the LA County District Attorney's office and five in private practice before being appointed to the bench by Governor Ronald Reagan. He is very conservative and is considered a stickler for courtroom propriety and discipline. He has handed down more contempt of court rulings than any other judge in the region, including Allanstand, who has been on the bench for thirty plus years. That means we need to keep Matt's mouth stapled firmly shut."

"Stapled shut. Got it. What about propensities toward the record company?"

"He's never handled a music industry suit before," she replied. "At least not that we've been able to uncover. As far as his leanings go, however, his rulings tend to fall back on strict letter of the law. So, in short, if he feels that you were deliberately producing sub-standard music, he'll grant National's request for a back to work order and he'll come down hard on you if you refuse or if you produce more of the same. However, if he feels you really did make a good faith effort, chances are he'll deny that request and tell National to wait until the trial."

"So that's kind of good, right?" Jake asked.

"I suppose," she said. "At least it's fair and that's about all we can ask at this point."

The hearing convened exactly on time. Judge Remington was a tough looking man, the epitome of the fighting marine he had once been. His face was stern, his eyes unforgiving. As Jake rose in honor of His Honor, he thought he'd never seen a man who looked less thrilled to be facing a bunch of longhaired, ass-crack sniffing rock and roll musicians.

"You may be seated," Remington grunted once he was settled into his own chair.

They sat, their grouping the same as the previous hearing — Jake, Matt, Bill, and Pauline at one table, Frowley and his entourage at the other. Remington did not greet anyone or welcome anyone to his courtroom. He did not engage in any banter, friendly or unfriendly. He simply read his summary of the case and the purpose of this emergency hearing and asked Frowley if the information was correct.

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June 10, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “OK, now I am SERIOUSLY worried about coming to church on Saturday!” I laughed as I put the car in gear. “And why is that Mishka Petrovich?” Tasha asked with a small laugh. “Your dad told me it was OK to take you for ice cream after dinner without me asking. I swear, if I come into church on Saturday for Vespers and the table is there with the crowns...” I was laughing and so was Tasha. “And being married to me would be so terrible?” she asked with fake...

4 years ago
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True Power Ch 02

I awoke to a sunrise, and many, many aching pains in my face, and muscles. After an hour or two, I stood up, and was absolutely shocked by what I saw next. There was a massive crater, and that same ‘fire’ flowing in and around the crater. Now that I was much closer, I was able to see that it was multicoloured, and most certainly NOT fire. I saw a levitating… substance, and curious me, decided to climb down the crater, and pick it up. Once it was in my hands, I once again felt a similar rush...

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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 19 Plans And Danger

The next day brought a new twist of its own as the stops were all pulled out by Amanda's unseen enemies. It was a media attack worthy of the one made on Gerald Ford After the Nixon fiasco. "Would Be Actor Climbs To New Lows To Save Failed Career," read one headline in a conservative newspaper. "Anti-President Fictional Movie Hero Fakes Gun Shot?" read another. Mark lost his temper as he read, "Even the president of the United States made an Anti-Amanda statement, 'What can you expect...

4 years ago
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1st Incest Sex Experience With Sex Lordest Cousin

As i told you this was my first story plz ignore mistakes. This story is about me n my cousin Sneha. She is daughter of my aunty (mom’s sis).I have crush on her from my childhood. Hardly we get chance to meet at festive of rakshabandhan at mama’s house. Mama lived in M.P. Aunty lives in Indore. She visits our house only my cousins have holidays. Let me introduce my cousin my love. She is 20yr old with bomb figure 34-28-36.She fair in color. I’m of 22yr n m doing engineering in Pune. Baat 1yr...

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Sex with mature couples ONE

 I had long dreamed of being allowed to participate in a triangle and teeth of people who are older than myself, and finally one day I was suddenly invited home to Grethe and Kaj. Grethe was 64 years, Kay was 68 years. I was invited in and we sat and drank a cup of coffee when the conversation turned to sex. Meg sat down on the couch to me and began to fondle some of my thighs and I felt a tickling sensation in the abdomen. Grethe was plain in appearance - probably quite nice, she was strong,...

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The Way To Learn

Zoey was quite happy at being paired with someone her mum’s age to go on the nature trail. It wasn’t intentional, because names were pulled out of a hat, but she loved being with older women and imagined herself as their daughter even at her age of twenty-two-years-old. Better still, was that it didn’t take long for Diane, who was forty-six-years-old, to do exactly that and act pretty much as the mother and treat Zoey as her daughter by telling her what to do as they walked along the nature...

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Gay Seduction Foreplay And Defloration

Hi! Reading everyone’s stories here I am more aroused to present my own experience. This dates back to junior college days. So we are at the 4nd week of school and I am sitting at the corner row. He is next to me. Since there is a wall on my other side it is a bit shady. His legs and our bags are covering all what is underneath. We are sitting on the same bench; he on the left, I on the right. Right of me is the wall. Our legs are brushing against each other every now and then, but I am just...

Gay Male
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Outdoor Futa

writer's note: futa is short for futanari; a japanese term that means "dual type" or more literally, both kinds. most agree that it refers to women with cocks and pussys, although some contend that it refers to anyone who is transgendered, i go by the narrow definition: having both genitals. if you are curious what futa might look like, there are plenty of morphs/pic manips, just googleit. mya. ********************************** Sam was so excited. he had been waiting to get his...

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I Fucked My Pregnant CoWorker

My name is Mike and I’m married to my dream girl Julia with whom I have three young kids. Julia is 5'4'", 120 lbs, very fit with a rocking body. Even before we had kids, I was already turned on by attractive pregnant women. I don’t know why it turns me on so much but there is nothing hotter than a great-looking pregnant woman with all the right curves! I loved having sex with Julia throughout the three pregnancies and she loved it too and would almost seem to cum even harder at times. My...

2 years ago
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MylfXTeamSkeet Casey Calvert Anal Virginity IS NOT Sacred

Casey shows up at her fiances brothers house, only two days before he is supposed to arrive. As she as she meets Ike, she can tell the good looks run in the family. Ike is very warm and shows Casey all around the house, only to be cut short by Casey. She was super tired from travelling and really wanted to just relax and settle in. Ike shows her to her room, where she starts to unpack. She knows Ike is a photographer, and as she pulls out her lingerie, she thinks of a great idea! Maybe Ike is...

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Good Neighbors Chapter 8

It was Tuesday afternoon around 3 pm when Todd's phone rang. He was expecting a call from one of his clients but it turned out to be from a young woman who lived with her mother next door to the sisters he had worked for a few weeks earlier. She identified herself as Brittany."I wondered if you could come over and figure out how to fix the handrail on our banister. It has pulled away from the wall and it is loose in a couple of other places. My mom nearly fell down the stairs a few minutes ago...

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For Blood or MoneyChapter 3 Irsquove Got a Secret

SIX O’CLOCK GETS EARLIER every morning. If it weren’t for the wet nose stuck in my face and the demands of having a pet that needs to be walked, I’d have rolled over and stayed warm and comfy in my bed. But Maizie was insistent. I hauled myself out of the sack and headed for the john. Aging sucks. A back injury from when I was in the Navy keeps acting up on me, especially when the weather changes from dry to wet like it did this morning. I count it a good day if I can stand up straight by...

1 year ago
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My Daughters Friend

Note : This story is completely fictional! I just shipped my daughter off to college; I was in the house all alone now as I’ve been divorced for the last five years and was feeling real melancholy when the doorbell rang. It was my daughter’s friend, Connie who lived a few houses down from me telling me she promised my daughter she would check on me from time to time. I thought, what the hell, but then I could use some company so I asked her if she would like a cup of coffee and she accepted my...

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Mind Swapping Chapter 20

Mind Swapping Chapter 20 I awoke about ten o'clock Saturday morning. I had a hang over. I had drank to much wine during the party. My vagina was sore. So was my rectum. The corset felt as if it was cutting me in two. And, as if there weren't enough problems, I didn't have a way home. I thought to myself, "This is a fine mess for a normal straight heterosexual guy to find himself in!" Lisa was already awake. She stood up first and offered me a hand. Together with her help, I managed to...

3 years ago
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My Boss My SlutChapter 9

"Here, take my jacket with you," she said handing it to me, "and for a little of your own medicine, I don't know you when you come in, I've never seen you in my life, got that?" and then she winked at me and sashayed, a spot on imitation of the Lauren Bacall in Key Largo sashay, away from me and into the store. I hopped into the car, took out my cell and hit speed dial "Joes Books and Videos, Jake here." "Hey Jake, it's Hank, a woman just walked into your place a..." "Holy shit...

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The Lawyer and the Killer Ch 07

An Introductory Note: A special thanks and note of appreciation goes out to Miss.elf1 for her tireless editing of the last several chapters of this story. Thank you so much. * Susan Slattery, prominent lawyer, a successful divorce specialist, had been twice abducted. First she’d been grabbed by Shawn McClellan, a man hired to murder and dispose of her body. Instead he raped, humiliated, and terrorized her. Then he baffled her when he ransomed her life so he could allow her to go free. ...

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DeepLush Marley Brinx Mutual Fun

Marley and I have always had passionate sex together and we finally got another chance to make a video together. We make out a bunch before we get naked and she sits on my face while she sucks my cock. We fuck all over the couch in a ton of positions at times using a hitachi which gets more intense. There some POV shot during a sensual blowjob and while Marley rides my cock perfectly. The scene ends with her giving me an amazing blowjob and licking my ass until I’m about to cum and she...

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The Preachers Wife

My buddy lived next door to me. His father was a preacher at a big church in town. His mom was the typical conservative preachers wife type. Average looking, blonde brown hair, not over weight, a few wrinkles. Not wanking material at all. Any way I would spend the night over there and my buddy would spend the night at my house. So spending the night, you sometimes see things, which are not too big a deal. But some times they are a big deal. This night I spent over at my buddy's house. We were...

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MomPOV Louise Thick Amateur MILF Loves Anal

– 36 years old. – Is a divorced mother of two – She is currently single and playing the field – She loves to watch porn and likes MomPov vids – Figured she’d be perfect for it so she reached out – Has always been an exhibitionist and flasher – Likes the adrenaline rush of being naked in public – Has never been filmed but did try webcamming before – Her current boy toy is a 22 year old who pounds her good – She is submissive so she prefers an alpha male type – Likes being dominated and fucked...

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Getting Ready for PromChapter 5

Again, the next morning, Bob awoke to an empty bed, Cindy having gotten up and gone to school. That day was less troublesome than the previous one. Conditions had changed. They were lovers now, plain and simple. It might be taboo, but her consent and enthusiasm were established beyond any doubt. He did worry a bit about the sperm he’d deposited next to the opening to her womb, but hoped she was right, and that there was no egg available for his little swimmers to find. He got a lot of work...

4 years ago
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Ghostly Fantasy

He had been fascinated with ghosts and ghosts stories since he was a young c***d. Telling scary stories around a campfire with friends, or simply reading books about ghosts and paranormal experiences, it quickly became his life.One myth in particular always piqued his interest. It was the story of a ghostly lover, who would appear floating through a window in sheer white robes, slowly killing its victim with passion and desire. The eroticism always got to him, and many nights he lay in bed,...

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You’ve been standing in the living room for a little while now. You are naked except for your collar, latex panties, and dark purple spike-heeled pumps. You are not bound: I simply ordered you to stay put while I observed you. The air is cool, but that is only part of the reason for your hard nipples and occasional shivers. Finally, you hear the tread of my shoes on the hardwood as I leave the room briefly and return after a few minutes, and then the clank and rustle of gear being tossed...

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my first tranny pt 2

it felt so good to cum in her mouth. that wasn't planned. her mouth just felt so good. nice & wet. told her what really got me off so fast was having her cock in my mouth. "in that case, come here & suck it some more."she laid down with her legs open & her dick in the air. without hesitation, I got between those nice long legs & put her dick in my mouth. she was moanig as I sucked her cock. she was about a good 6 inches. I just sucked & sucked. she put her hands on my head...

5 years ago
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My Beautiful Bhabhi Took My Cock

It was mid night of Holi. It was not normal day. I was in bed but my mind was in some wonderland. My mind was hovering through all those happenings today in disguise of “Bura Na Mano Holi Hai” specially related to my cousin as I had crush on her since schooling days. One of sudden, I realised Bhabhi after gently knocking my door barged into my room. She was perplexed. I got up on my feet. I am habitual of going to bed only in undies and thought of my cousin had given me boner. But Bhabhi was...

2 years ago
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Shelly gets gangbanged by an SUV full of BBC

So Shelly leaves me a priority message at work, saying I need to be home by 1PM to get a delivery - figuring she'd ordered the boards for the porch that need replacing I thought little of it. There was indeed wood delivered to the house, but it was not what I was expecting.I pulled into the drive and there was a champagne colored Escalade parked, and as I parked and got out, a series of large black men exited the Escalade. I recognized Mitch, and said "Do I have to ask?" to which he replied,...

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My LifeChapter 8 Nat

There was something about the lap of water on the shore that was soothing when a man's nerves were stretched taut. Todd and I had bought the house while still dreaming of opening our own company. The idea was that it would be a good investment to have for visiting clients as well as being a nice place for us when we wanted a change of scenery. The house had been a mess when we first bought it, and it had taken a lot of elbow grease to fix it up. It was an investment I had never regretted....

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WARNING: this story includes woman-to-woman coercion, violence, rape and murder, with an inter-racial theme of black-on-white dominance. It is entirely fantasy, and is not meant to suggest that anyone behaves like this in reality. IF THESE THEMES ARE LIKELY TO OFFEND YOU, PLEASE READ NO FURTHER. You frighten me. You frighten me from the moment I first see you, as the guard shoves me from behind and I stumble forwards into the prison cell. The guard is like you, a muscular and...

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Ive Always Craved You

My chest felt like my abdomen had dropped away and my heart had fallen to the floor. All I could do was reread that message again and again. “I never stopped desiring you. I want you still. I always have.” “Are you serious?” I typed back, hands trembling, heart palpitating. She had to be joking. There was no way she was going to say- “Yes.” My eyes went wide and my breath left my lungs. I crept to the threshold of the bedroom. My wife lie asleep, unsuspecting. I closed the door quietly and...

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