IntemperanceChapter 16B: Pauline free porn video

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Frowley was still infuriated when Pauline called him two hours later. She was forced to endure a five-minute lecture about lack of decorum and uncouth behavior and proper legal procedures and judges who didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

"That's all very interesting, Frowley," she said when he finally wound down. "Now, if we could get to the point of my phone call?"

"What do you want?"

"I would like to arrange a meeting between you, myself, and at least one member of National Records management with decision-making capabilities. I would like for this meeting to take place today, preferably before the close of business hours."

"You're out of your mind," he replied. "We'll meet you in court. Round two might have gone to you but the fight will go to us and you know it."

"This meeting," Pauline said, ignoring his speculation about what she did or did not know, "will be to discuss a possible settlement to this matter, something that will get the band back to work and the next Intemperance album back in production."

There was a long pause. Finally, "If your settlement involves changing the band's contract in any way, you can forget it."

"I will discuss the terms of the settlement during the meeting and only during the meeting, and only if National management is present."

On his end of the phone line, Frowley opened his mouth to tell Pauline to take a flying fuck. He closed it before anything could come out. Something occurred to him. If they did meet and this so-called lawyer from Bum-fuck Egypt actually admitted that the band was producing sub-standard material — something it seemed quite likely she would be dumb enough to do — they would be able to go back to Judge Remington and get their court order. He smiled. "Let me see what I can do," he told her. "Is there a number I can call you back at?"

They met at the National Records Building at four o'clock. Hoping to impress and overwhelm Pauline — who they viewed as a small-town, small-time, hick lawyer similar to Gregory Peck's character in To Kill A Mockingbird — the meeting took place in the executive briefing room on the top floor. Both Casting and Doolittle were present, backed up by Frowley and his entire entourage. The lawyers and the executives were all decked out in their best power suits. They greeted Pauline warmly and sat her in a small chair that faced all of them in their raised chairs, forcing her to look upward just to talk to them.

"Is there anything we can get you before we begin?" asked Casting, ever the perfect host. "A drink perhaps?"

"No, thank you," Pauline replied.

"How about a line or two of our best cocaine? I've found that these things sometimes go smoother if everyone is a little relaxed."

"Again, no, thank you," Pauline said. "I have a nine o'clock flight back to Heritage so I'd just assume get this over with."

"As you wish," Casting said.

"Do you have any objection to the meeting being recorded?" asked Frowley.

"None at all," Pauline said. "In fact, I was going to ask you the same thing." With that, she opened her briefcase and removed a small micro-cassette recorder. She gave it a quick check, turned it on, and spoke softly into it, reciting the time, date, place, participants, and purpose of the meeting. She then sat it on the table before her, leaving it running.

Frowley gave her an isn't-that-cute look and then repeated the procedure with his own micro-cassette recorder.

"Now then," Frowley said. "It is my understanding that you have come here today with a settlement proposal. Is that correct?"

"Yes it is," Pauline said.

"Well, let's hear what you have to say and we'll consider it."

"Very well." She took a deep breath. Her wording here would have to be very cautious and very precise. To make an admission of any kind that the band was doing any of this purposefully would be an automatic disqualification from the game now afoot. Yet she still had to convey her demands to them and offer them reassurance that if they played ball things would return to normal. As such, she had carefully composed and rehearsed the manner in which she was about to present her case to them. "My clients seem to be suffering from a very bad case of creativity block, wouldn't you say?"

Frowley fielded her serve and neatly volleyed it back to her. "That is one way of putting it," he said.

"I can't think of any other way," Pauline told him. "That tape they submitted to you was awful. It was the worst thing they've ever done."

Frowley raised his eyebrows a tad. Was it really going to be this easy? "So you admit they are deliberately sabotaging their music?"

She smiled, letting him know that it wasn't really going to be that easy. "No, of course not," she said. "They are not deliberately sabotaging their music. Quite the contrary. They honestly tried their best to be creative in their latest endeavor. They are very upset that you do not consider it to be acceptable. I'm afraid they've lost confidence in their abilities to produce any more music."

"I see," Frowley said. "So this is a crisis of confidence, is it?"

"Partly," she said. "Although I think this current crisis is simply a symptom of a much larger problem."

"And what might this much larger problem be?"

"Stress," said Pauline. "Stress caused by the way they have been treated by National Records under their current contract."

Frowley rolled his eyes. "Stress caused by the contract, huh? I knew it would come down to this. My clients will not renegotiate the Intemperance contract in any way, shape, or form. That is set in concrete, my dear. We will reject any settlement offer in which that is one of the terms."

Pauline simply shrugged. "Your contract is exploiting the band quite dreadfully. You are making millions of dollars in album sales, singles sales, concert revenue, and merchandising revenue while the band is going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to you. They are being treated in a manner that is frightfully unfair and they are resentful of this. I, for one, know that Jake, my brother, has a particular hatred of being treated unfairly."

"So he decided to sabotage his music in response to this perceived unfairness?" Casting asked.

"No," Pauline said. "I don't believe that to be the case at all. I believe the stress and humiliation of being little better than indentured servants to a greedy corporation has caused the band to lose their creative edge."

Frowley gave her another eye roll, a bigger one this time. "And whatever might we do, Ms. Kingsley, to give these poor boys their creative edge back?"

"It's quite simple," she said. "You need to start treating them fairly."

"And how, may I ask, might we do that?"

Pauline smiled sweetly. "Well, I think renegotiating their contract might just do the trick."

Casting and Doolittle groaned. Frowley shook his head in disgust.

"This meeting is now over," Casting said. "I should have known better than to agree to it in the first place."

"I quite agree," said Doolittle.

"Your clients have two choices, Miss," Frowley said. "They can submit acceptable material in the next two weeks and record it at National's direction or they can be sued for breach of contract. I'm sure even a small-timer like yourself knows they don't have a chance in hell of winning a breach of contract suit at trial."

"Yes," Pauline said. "I am aware of that. But if that happens they won't be the only losers now, will they?"

"We're not renegotiating," Frowley said.

Pauline looked over at Casting. "Mr. Casting, if you sue Intemperance for breach of contract and win you will get next to nothing out of them. They are musicians and musicians only. They do not know how to do anything else. If they can't play their music, they are not going to become stockbrokers and make millions buying and selling. They are not going to go to medical school or law school or engineering school. They'll end up working at gas stations and convenience stores making minimum wage. You can garnish their wages for the rest of their lives and you won't get enough to pay for a month's retainer on Mr. Frowley's firm. You understand that, don't you?"

"We understand," Casting said. "And we don't care."

"Really?" she asked. "You don't care that you'll be losing somewhere in the vicinity of eighty million dollars in revenue?"

"That argument won't work," Casting said. "We've already told your little brother this but he didn't seem to get it. So now, we'll tell you. You seem to be the smart one in the family so maybe you'll be able to grasp this. If push comes to shove we will eat that eighty million dollars and destroy Intemperance forever. We will do this without hesitation in order to avoid setting a precedent. Do you know what a precedent is, hon? Did they go over that term in whatever rural law school you attended? If we renegotiated the Intemperance contract because of this asinine and illegal stunt your clients pulled, we'd have twenty other bands in here before the ink was even dry trying to pull the same thing. That would end up costing us a hell of a lot more than eighty million in the long run. So the answer is no. No way, no how are we going to allow a band — no matter how successful or profitable they are — to blackmail us like this. It will not happen. Never!"

Pauline sat, expressionless, throughout this tirade. She had been hoping they would give in once they realized that Jake and Matt and Bill, the heart, soul, and creativity of the band, were truly prepared to go to the wall on this issue. After all, eighty million dollars was a lot of money for a corporation to throw away. But now it seemed that National was prepared to go to the wall as well. It was time to play her final card, a card that was — at least in part — bluff and bluster.

"You seem to be fond of the word 'precedent', Mr. Casting," she said. "Let's talk about that for a minute."

"I have nothing more to talk about," Casting said. "As I told you, this meeting is now over."

"Oh, I think you might want to listen to this last little bit I have to say. After that, I'll leave peacefully and quietly."

"Fine," Casting said. "But we're not changing our position."

"Understood," she said. "Now we were talking about precedent, weren't we? They did teach me about that word at that little old law school I attended and it's a very good word, a very good concept. In this particular matter it ties neatly into another little legal term I learned there, something called 'unenforceable provisions'. Have you ever heard of that one, Mr. Casting?"

Casting hadn't, but Frowley had. "Oh please," he said. "Your unsophistication at the study of law is really showing now. There is no way on God's green earth unenforceable provisions could possibly fly in this case. Not even with that drooling moron who sat in judgment this morning."

"Don't think so?" Pauline asked.

"I know so," Frowley said.

"What exactly is this unenforceable provisions thing we're talking about here?" asked Casting.

"It's nothing, sir," Frowley said. "Absolutely nothing but this ambulance chaser grasping at straws. There is no way it could even remotely be applied here."

"Probably not on initial judgment," Pauline allowed. "But on appeal... well, that could get interesting now, couldn't it?"

"You would be laughed out of the courtroom," Frowley said.

"Excuse me," Casting said, "but what exactly are we talking about here?"

"It's a pipe dream," Frowley said. "An area of the law that has no relationship to a music contract."

"Since Mr. Frowley doesn't seem to want to explain 'unenforceable provisions' to you," Pauline said, "perhaps you would allow me?" She paused and when no one spoke up to tell her no, she explained it. "An unenforceable provision is a clause or clauses put into a written contract that is considered so contrary to acceptable behavior that even if the party to the contract voluntarily signed off on it and understood it the law will not allow the enforcement of it. In effect, by its very nature, the provision is considered unenforceable. The most obvious application of this concept is when someone inserts an illegal act into a contract. For instance, if you had put in that if Intemperance does not sell enough albums to cover your initial outlay of funds, they would have to smuggle two hundred pounds of cocaine across the border for you."

"We have no such clause in our contract," Casting said.

"That was just a simplified example of illegal provisions," Pauline said. "I made it so you would understand the concept. Another example would be outrageous acts. The example they like to give in law school — at least at the hick law school I went to — is a company puts in a clause that says if a supplier does not deliver on schedule he has to cut off his right arm. Just because the supplier signed and consented to such a clause does not make it enforceable."

"We have nothing like that in our contract either," Casting said.

"Of course you don't," said Frowley. "I told you she was grasping at straws."

"Again," said Pauline, "those were just simplified law school examples used to teach the basic concept of unenforceable provisions. Why don't we talk real world here for a minute? I personally have worked on three unenforceable provisions cases in my career and have taken two to litigation, one of which I won, the other I lost. In the first case, a fertilizer firm — I know, that hick thing again — put into its supply contract with one of our farming conglomerates that if they, the supplier, failed to deliver the promised amount of fertilizer on time and in the proper amount, they were still entitled to payment in full. The conglomerate signed this contract voluntarily — this was before my time or I would have advised against it — and then, one day, a train derailed and destroyed an entire shipment. The supplier demanded full payment under the contract. The conglomerate refused and I challenged the clause on the grounds it was an outrageous concept for a client to have to pay for a lack of delivery that was in no way their fault. The judge agreed and the clause was stricken from the contract."

Frowley clapped his hands contemptuously. "Bravo for you. You've wiped out injustice at the hands of those dreaded fertilizer cartels and made the state safe for good farming. But that has absolutely nothing to do with the Intemperance contract."

"It has more to do with it than you think, Mr. Frowley, but let me tell you about the other case I litigated — and lost. It will perhaps hit a little closer to home. You see, one of our clients is a large warehouse type of store — I'm sure you'd know the name if you heard it. Well, in northern California a few years ago there was this amateur inventor who designed and built these little brown gardening wagons."

"Gardening wagons?" Frowley cried. "How much more of this backwoods pseudo-law do we have to listen to?"

"Just this one more," Pauline said. "I promise."

"Sir," Frowley said to Casting, "she's trying to bluff you because that's all she has left."

"Maybe," Casting said thoughtfully. "But let's hear her out. Continue, Ms. Kingsley."

"Thank you. Anyway, this amateur inventor showed his little brown gardening wagon to some folks at the local warehouse store and they agreed to sell it for him. He delivered ten of them and apparently people really liked them. They snatched them up inside of a week. The store was intrigued and they asked him to make ten more. These too were snatched up. The store manager realized he was onto something here so he told his boss about the little brown gardening wagon. His boss told his boss and soon this warehouse store offered the inventor a contract to produce sixty of these wagons a week to be sold in eight stores throughout the region. The inventor's cost for materials for each wagon, at the time, was six dollars. The store promised to pay him twenty dollars for each wagon and they sold them for forty-five dollars.

"This went on for almost a year and then along came that whole spotted owl issue. I'm sure you've heard about that. The spotted owl is an endangered species and it just happens to live in some of the most productive timberland in the United States. Vast tracts of this timberland were placed off-limits to logging, thus ensuring that there was not as much timber available on the market. This, according to the law of supply and demand, drove up the price of timber, particularly the prime cuts our inventor needed, and it was now costing him almost twelve dollars to produce each wagon instead of six. This brought the inventor's profit margin down from $840 per week to $420. This was not enough for the inventor to live on. He asked the warehouse store to please increase his per-unit fee so he could offset the cost of timber but they refused, stating it was not in his contract to do so.

"So, since he could not live on $420 per week, he stopped making little brown gardening wagons for the warehouse store and went back to his old job. The warehouse store then claimed he was in breach of contract and activated another clause their shifty lawyers — of which I was one — had put into his contract. It was a clause that said if the inventor failed, for whatever reason, to live up to his end of the contract and give them sixty wagons per week, the warehouse store would then assume all patent and marketing rights to the little brown gardening wagon. With our blessing the warehouse store shipped the design for this wagon to Taiwan, where they were able to make cheap copies of it for three dollars a unit, including overseas shipping, and sell them in every warehouse store in the nation at the same forty-five dollars, which amounted to forty-two dollars of profit per unit nationwide. A pretty good coup for the warehouse store, isn't it?"

Nobody said anything. They just continued to stare at her.

"Sometimes," she said, "I'm not real proud of what I do for a living. This was one of those times. There is a reason why we lawyers are vilified in our society. There is a reason why my own brother wrote a song called Living By The Law — a song you folks put on the first Intemperance album — bashing everything lawyers stand for. You see, when we wrote that contract with that small-time inventor — someone who just wanted to sell one of his inventions, to get something he'd produced with his own hands and brain on the market — we put those clauses in there with the express hope and intention that something like rising timber costs or sickness or getting tired of working for 'The Man' would make him breach. We wanted him to breach so we could obtain the rights to his invention and market it to Taiwan and make millions from it instead of hundreds. That was why we wouldn't let him raise the price. We deliberately skewed this contract so it was outrageously in our favor and so the small-time inventor, not knowing better and with no other choice anyway, would sign off on it no matter what we put in there. Is any of this starting to sound familiar, gentlemen?"

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Can I Kiss You

Where to start? I suppose the beginning would be good or is that too cliché? I think that maybe, before I tell you my tale, I should tell you about me. Now I don’t consider myself beautiful, hell don’t even consider myself pretty to be honest. Mildly cute at best. I’m five foot six in height and a little overweight. Depresses the heck out of me but nothing I can do, it’s a genetic problem and not due to bad eating habits. My friends tell me that just means there’s more of me to love and that...

2 years ago
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Jessicas morning routine

Jessica looked over at her husband, Justin, she loved him so much, but especially love his cock, it was something she could not live without. It filled her up so full that she couldn't breathe for about an hour after he came inside her, and that's exactly what she needed but wouldn't get, she knew he needed his rest for work, but he would give her something tonight when he got home. So leaving the bed Jessica went to the bathroom, she looked in the mirror, the dried cum still on her...

2 years ago
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sexual need

She never felt like this for somebody. She needed his touch, like a druggie needed one last fix. She needed to feel his touch in all her most intimate places. His strong hands caressing her curves, his lips kissing trails down her naked body. It was a primal urge to be used by him like no human should be used. As she looked up his eyes met hers for the first time. In that instant she knew he needed her with a need that matched hers. She stood up from the chair she was in and walked...

2 years ago
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Tecnical Stopover French

„Mesdames et Messieurs nous avons commencé notre descente surl´aéroport de Bruxelles National, veuillez maintenant attachervos ceintures de sécurité !". Claire la maître decabine de ce Boeing 767 charter aux couleurs belges, sortit de son sac a mainun petit miroir et son rouge a lèvre. Elle se reconnut évidemmentet l´instant d´une seconde le vide s´était á nouveauxfait dans sa tête: "quel voyage, comment une telle chose puisse m´êtrearrivée." Elle avait 37 ans, blonde aux cheveux mi-court et...

3 years ago
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Harold Saves Her Husband Pt 01

This is a sequel to the earlier story ‘Harold Plays The Hero’ ******************************** Copyright Oggbashan June 2006 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. This is the first part of the sequel. I have posted it to encourage me to complete the story. ...

3 years ago
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And a Happy Birthday To You Too

CHAPTER ONE: BackgroundRecently, Jenny, my wife of twenty-plus years, gave me a surprise birthday gift, a coed. Actually, she (the gift, not the wife) was a graduate student. This twenty-two-year-old’s desire to be deflowered prior to her nuptials was a ritual her dorm-mates claimed was de-rigure. The coed, Gwen, explained her reason for responding to our ad.Our houseguest stated, “Every woman deserves at least one affair. My affair will be before I marry in six months."I was wife Jenny’s...

Wife Lovers
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BackcountryChapter 3

Slowly my mind came back. I could feel something on my face. Was it wet? Was it water? It was sweat! Had I fever? Or just exhaustion and sun? I managed to sit up, but I felt like fainting again immediately. It took me several minutes to steady my mind and manage to stand up again and, half walking and half falling, I carried on. I didn’t make it very far before I saw a safe conifer with a wide ring of low branches brushing the floor, and I crawled in under it. I managed to get my pack off...

1 year ago
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Freaky Doris

Doris never knew what hit her. She stopped for a drink and someone spiked it with knock out power. She came too on a filthy mattress in the back ally. Her clothes had been ripped from her body and sperm was on her face and breasts. She staggered to her raw meat" "You love it don't you?" laughed Frank.Doris knew there was something wrong with her. Maybe she was freaky crazy having climax's while a man beat her. She didn't care. The boys took turns with the woman until they were too tired to...

4 years ago
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Taking Care of Business Chapter 3

Ava stood hesitantly, watching the girl suck Mr. Lewis. Mr. Gibson explained that Ava had been watching them through the window, had gotten hot and got herself off while watching them, and now wanted to join them. Mr. Lewis said he was more than happy to have another participant. The girl never stopped sucking his cock, just gave a thumbs up. Mr. Gibson told her, “It looks like you’re in.” He smiled devilishly at her, and moved her hand to his cock. She was eager to taste him. She asked him to...

3 years ago
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Football Buddy Part Seven Brittanys Turn

Sandy had her turn with Matt; now, it was my turn. I had been waiting for this day for weeks. I was glad Sandy had been the one that told him that we were all ready to start a family. The thought of my stomach swelling with life inside of it, which would eventually be a boy or a girl made me want him even more. I knew I was the one to leave him and that I had come back literally on hands and knees, begging for him to take me back, but all doubt about how he felt about me was gone within a...

3 years ago
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Lindsay Lohan Caught Red Handed

I'm a police officer with the LAPD and I was patrolling Sunset Boulevard in the wee hours of the morning when a silver Mercedes went flying by me. The driver must have been blind not to see me or just didn't care. I flipped on my lights and started following behind the car as the driver turned onto a side street and pulled over. "Car 23 to dispatch, stopping speeder on North Palm Drive" I called in as I pulled out my ticket book and got out of my car. The driver put her window down as I...

4 years ago
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Mummy Ki Chudai Papa Ne Kiya

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Aaj main apko apni ek aur sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise papa ne meri mummy ki chudai ki aur main aaj ap sabko ye kahani batane ja rahi hu ye meri sacchi kahani h aur ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse chat karungi main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu. Meri family me main aur mere mummy papa rahte h. Ek din meri colony me ek party thi aur main aur mere mumy papa bhi mere sath...

3 years ago
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The appointment

Ch1:Appointment day Ch1:? Appointment day It is a sunny cold day in March. The snowstorm that covered the streets with snow is gone, leaving a clear, frosty day, with temperatures in the 20s. I walk down the street, dressed only in my black sable coat, black velvet choker, and stylish 5 inch pumps, also black, of course.  As I walk, the cold air seeps under my coat, up my legs and into my bare pussy. I am going to Mr. Marshall?s mansion. I am afraid of what will happen there. I know...

2 years ago
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MylfXJoyBear Sienna Day Jess West All Female

Eva is tired of feeling underappreciated. As a woman in football, the other professionals don’t take her seriously – they all just tell her to ‘get her tits out’. Over a glass or two of wine, Eva spills her troubles to her friend Scarlett, a women’s football coach. Cuddled on the sofa, the girls get closer and gentle foot rub soon turns into passionate kissing and incredible girl-on-girl action. As the two women explore each other’s bodies, they lick each other’s pussies before bringing...

4 years ago
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Virtual Slavery Ch 09

9 Brad On Tuesday I flew to Boston and took a suite at the Meridian Hotel, which is located in the financial district surrounding Post office Square, and less than one block from Broadthroup and Brown’s headquarters. After settling in, I telephoned Lynn. She answered after eight or nine rings. ‘Yes.’ Impatiently. I was the only one with that number. There was no need to identify myself. ‘What time do you expect to leave the office this evening?’ ‘What?’ ‘I am sure you heard me.’ After a...

3 years ago
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Priyanka A Lonely Girl In Delhi

Hello guys rahul here from punjab guys I wanna explain my story in hindi. Yeh ek real story hai jo mere aap biti h aise kai kisse hai jo mere saath bit chuke hai jabki mae bas 18 ka hu socho bachpan se aisa hu ???? Haha but on true side yeh bahut hi mazedaar kissa h jo bas 1 month pehle bita tha… Mae yeh indian sex stories dot net site pe stories 3 month se padd rha tha to socha ek aadhi story bhi daal detey hai.. Toh yeh baat h last month ki 22 ki mae ghumney delhi gya hua tha asal mein meri...

2 years ago
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Crash 2 or Into the Fallout ShelterChapter 2

I sat looking at my license in disbelief. The guy I'd spent my vacation having very kinky sex with was my new boss? I felt like Ellen in the pilot of Grey's Anatomy who realizes the guy she'd fucked as a one night stand on the eve of starting her medical internship was the brain surgeon she'd be learning from! But over the next two weeks Bill acted as if nothing had happened. Finally, feeling a little safer I approached him. I went into his office and closed the door. "If it was you,...

3 years ago
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Tempestuous EnticementsChapter 7

Lewis takes his aunt to the doctor while the rest of the household eats breakfast. Candice manages to disappear when it comes time to cleanup and just as miraculously reappears when all the work is finished. Her appearance does not go unnoticed by Joyce, nor does her dress though she does try to pretend not to notice it. Candace is wears a halter top, clearly without a bra on beneath. Her hard, little nipples are very visible and pointing straight out. So is the full curve of her breasts,...

2 years ago
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SweetheartVideo Silvia Saige Danni Rivers Time To Make Up

After meeting Alice, Jill decides to go home and talk with her girlfriend Olivia. When she enters her room she sees Olivia between the legs of another women. Jill is in shock, and cannot find the words to confront Olivia. She leaves totally speechless. Alice on the other side thinks that she scared Jill way by being too upfront. Her friend Sam, thinks otherwise and offer her to share Chloe with her. Alice not impress by her best friend’s offer and refuses by hanging up the phone. The...

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Breaking Kay

Over the years I've had the the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that 'All that and a bag of chips' attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she'd never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was...

1 year ago
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Jav Tube! Come one, come all. Step right up and take a peek at the hottest Japenese babes ever to walk the earth. They won’t be walking tonight, though, and probably not tomorrow either. No, the girls on Jav Tube are generally found on their backs, on their knees, or sometimes suspended with ropes for better access to their tight orifices. Leave your wallets at home, folks, because the show here is always free.Fans of Japanese Adult Video or Asian ladies, in general, have been spanking it to...

Asian Porn Sites
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The Neighbor Upstairs

Mr. Jones lived in an apartment up stairs from us in Chicago. He was about 50, tall, skinny, and balding, not any ones idea of a sex symbol. I don’t know how I got started in all this, well, actually I do, I am a bad, greedy girl. My Daddy died in an accident a few years ago, and my Mommy and I have been living frugally on the insurance. It just ran out, and sometimes I go to bed at night crying and hungry. Mommy cries too, and is out on the street all day looking for work, and begging. She...

4 years ago
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Mature BBW Odd Job

After leaving my job as a real estate agent I started working for myself as a handyman doing electrical, computers, and general maintenance work. Since I had sold real estate in many of the adult communities in the area I knew many of the managers and staff. I asked them to give my card out to any of the seniors that were looking for a handyman such as me. Just last week I got a call from a Mrs. Brown; she had just purchased a resale and was looking for someone to install new ceiling fans. She...

2 years ago
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Kentucky Home

The Roarks owned Kentucky Mountain Chalet Company. The business was focused solely on building Park Model homes - recreational park trailers on a single wheel-mounted chassis. The dwellings were no larger than 400 square feet and met strict national compliance guidelines. They could be towed, placed for long-term use, or permanently placed at a location where an RV or mobile home would be allowed.The Roarks were Danny and Sherry. At one time they were husband and wife. Now, they’d been divorced...

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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 11 Holidays

By the time school closed for the Christmas and related holiday season recess, our extended family had reached a new stasis. Misty lived with Penny, Joan, Doug, and me all the time. There was no longer the pretense that she’d go home two or three evenings a week. Instead, Brad and Marjorie came to us a night or two during the week, and on the weekend. Sometimes it was only one of them during the week, as the other traveled for business. We also had a place for them – a guest room that they...

3 years ago
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My Favorite Student 3

I awoke to a head of sexy red hair spread across my chest. Running my fingers through it, I recalled the hot night I'd just had. I'd woken my student up around 8 pm for a second "lesson." I took her from behind as we laid on our sides. Slipping my hand down her back, I wondered what I would teach her today. She was an eager little thing, I would find out later that day, curious about different positions, and different degrees of stimulation. But that morning, my hand now reaching her soft ass...

Straight Sex
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Accidental LoversChapter 3

Monday morning came much to quickly and Susan left for work, promising to be home as early as possible. Tommy had likewise promised himself that he would not need to use the bathroom until she returned home. By noon, he knew it was futile. His eyeballs were swimming in piss and he knew he couldn't wait any longer. "Lori ... LORI," he called out to his sister who was soon at his door. "What do you need Tommy?" Lori said as she came to his doorway. "I ... uhh ... I know this sucks,...

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The Strange Death of David Parmenter 3 The Adventure Begins

Author's note: This is an original work of transgender fiction. Any similarity between any person, living or dead, is strictly coincidental. I. The Strange Death of David Parmenter by Erin Shoemaker, Jr. 3. The Adventure Begins David awoke to find himself lying in a bed in what was basically looked like another hospital room. His vision was hazy, and his head felt like it was full of cotton - but certainly full of confusion. Rubbing his face, he tried to clear his vision. ...

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Victim Of The Patriot Act

PRISON TORTURE VICTIM OF THE PATRIOT ACT It started when a I rented a room to a man they say was a terrorist.? I had protested I hadn?t know of that fact.? My protests were ignored and in no time at all I was in a federal prison without all the bother of a trail.? I had violated several parts of the Patriot Act and I had no recourse even though several lawyers tried to plead my case.? I became just another victim of The Patriot Act.?  I had several experiences with torture by guards in...

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Frank watched her from his window every day. Herapartment was a floor above and across the alleyway, sohe was looking up at her when she worked in her kitchen.She often had on shorts or a little skirt and sometimesjust panties. He dreamed of tying her up with rope. Shewould be so helpless and vulnerable and beautiful. Hecould do whatever he wanted to her.One night he looked up and she was getting spankedright there in her kitchen as she washed dishes. A largeman yanked her light pink panties up...

2 years ago
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Divorced with my husband

My husband and me are divorced for almost 2 years now, but how did that happened? Thats the story i will be sharing today. We were perfectly happy together but what drove us towards ending the relation based on two things one is my kinks which my husband hated always and another is my husband's friend Josh ( we used to call Jo) . Jo was a good person but he didnt like me. I dunno the reason but he somehow never liked me and i never knew the reason i even tried to ask my husband bout him but he...

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Snow White

The blue sky shines with that late summer lazy heat, the sun hidden behind the big leafy trees. The still air echoes in the quiet forest, even the squirrels have had their energy sucked by the afternoon mood, and the seldom travelled tracks are randomly littered with sticks and leaves. Peace overshadows all, when footsteps are heard from down the path. A tall, almost thin twentysomething man walks into view, strolling happily along, whistling, his suit jacket slung over his shoulder, shirt and...

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