IntemperanceChapter 16B: Pauline free porn video

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Frowley was still infuriated when Pauline called him two hours later. She was forced to endure a five-minute lecture about lack of decorum and uncouth behavior and proper legal procedures and judges who didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

"That's all very interesting, Frowley," she said when he finally wound down. "Now, if we could get to the point of my phone call?"

"What do you want?"

"I would like to arrange a meeting between you, myself, and at least one member of National Records management with decision-making capabilities. I would like for this meeting to take place today, preferably before the close of business hours."

"You're out of your mind," he replied. "We'll meet you in court. Round two might have gone to you but the fight will go to us and you know it."

"This meeting," Pauline said, ignoring his speculation about what she did or did not know, "will be to discuss a possible settlement to this matter, something that will get the band back to work and the next Intemperance album back in production."

There was a long pause. Finally, "If your settlement involves changing the band's contract in any way, you can forget it."

"I will discuss the terms of the settlement during the meeting and only during the meeting, and only if National management is present."

On his end of the phone line, Frowley opened his mouth to tell Pauline to take a flying fuck. He closed it before anything could come out. Something occurred to him. If they did meet and this so-called lawyer from Bum-fuck Egypt actually admitted that the band was producing sub-standard material — something it seemed quite likely she would be dumb enough to do — they would be able to go back to Judge Remington and get their court order. He smiled. "Let me see what I can do," he told her. "Is there a number I can call you back at?"

They met at the National Records Building at four o'clock. Hoping to impress and overwhelm Pauline — who they viewed as a small-town, small-time, hick lawyer similar to Gregory Peck's character in To Kill A Mockingbird — the meeting took place in the executive briefing room on the top floor. Both Casting and Doolittle were present, backed up by Frowley and his entire entourage. The lawyers and the executives were all decked out in their best power suits. They greeted Pauline warmly and sat her in a small chair that faced all of them in their raised chairs, forcing her to look upward just to talk to them.

"Is there anything we can get you before we begin?" asked Casting, ever the perfect host. "A drink perhaps?"

"No, thank you," Pauline replied.

"How about a line or two of our best cocaine? I've found that these things sometimes go smoother if everyone is a little relaxed."

"Again, no, thank you," Pauline said. "I have a nine o'clock flight back to Heritage so I'd just assume get this over with."

"As you wish," Casting said.

"Do you have any objection to the meeting being recorded?" asked Frowley.

"None at all," Pauline said. "In fact, I was going to ask you the same thing." With that, she opened her briefcase and removed a small micro-cassette recorder. She gave it a quick check, turned it on, and spoke softly into it, reciting the time, date, place, participants, and purpose of the meeting. She then sat it on the table before her, leaving it running.

Frowley gave her an isn't-that-cute look and then repeated the procedure with his own micro-cassette recorder.

"Now then," Frowley said. "It is my understanding that you have come here today with a settlement proposal. Is that correct?"

"Yes it is," Pauline said.

"Well, let's hear what you have to say and we'll consider it."

"Very well." She took a deep breath. Her wording here would have to be very cautious and very precise. To make an admission of any kind that the band was doing any of this purposefully would be an automatic disqualification from the game now afoot. Yet she still had to convey her demands to them and offer them reassurance that if they played ball things would return to normal. As such, she had carefully composed and rehearsed the manner in which she was about to present her case to them. "My clients seem to be suffering from a very bad case of creativity block, wouldn't you say?"

Frowley fielded her serve and neatly volleyed it back to her. "That is one way of putting it," he said.

"I can't think of any other way," Pauline told him. "That tape they submitted to you was awful. It was the worst thing they've ever done."

Frowley raised his eyebrows a tad. Was it really going to be this easy? "So you admit they are deliberately sabotaging their music?"

She smiled, letting him know that it wasn't really going to be that easy. "No, of course not," she said. "They are not deliberately sabotaging their music. Quite the contrary. They honestly tried their best to be creative in their latest endeavor. They are very upset that you do not consider it to be acceptable. I'm afraid they've lost confidence in their abilities to produce any more music."

"I see," Frowley said. "So this is a crisis of confidence, is it?"

"Partly," she said. "Although I think this current crisis is simply a symptom of a much larger problem."

"And what might this much larger problem be?"

"Stress," said Pauline. "Stress caused by the way they have been treated by National Records under their current contract."

Frowley rolled his eyes. "Stress caused by the contract, huh? I knew it would come down to this. My clients will not renegotiate the Intemperance contract in any way, shape, or form. That is set in concrete, my dear. We will reject any settlement offer in which that is one of the terms."

Pauline simply shrugged. "Your contract is exploiting the band quite dreadfully. You are making millions of dollars in album sales, singles sales, concert revenue, and merchandising revenue while the band is going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to you. They are being treated in a manner that is frightfully unfair and they are resentful of this. I, for one, know that Jake, my brother, has a particular hatred of being treated unfairly."

"So he decided to sabotage his music in response to this perceived unfairness?" Casting asked.

"No," Pauline said. "I don't believe that to be the case at all. I believe the stress and humiliation of being little better than indentured servants to a greedy corporation has caused the band to lose their creative edge."

Frowley gave her another eye roll, a bigger one this time. "And whatever might we do, Ms. Kingsley, to give these poor boys their creative edge back?"

"It's quite simple," she said. "You need to start treating them fairly."

"And how, may I ask, might we do that?"

Pauline smiled sweetly. "Well, I think renegotiating their contract might just do the trick."

Casting and Doolittle groaned. Frowley shook his head in disgust.

"This meeting is now over," Casting said. "I should have known better than to agree to it in the first place."

"I quite agree," said Doolittle.

"Your clients have two choices, Miss," Frowley said. "They can submit acceptable material in the next two weeks and record it at National's direction or they can be sued for breach of contract. I'm sure even a small-timer like yourself knows they don't have a chance in hell of winning a breach of contract suit at trial."

"Yes," Pauline said. "I am aware of that. But if that happens they won't be the only losers now, will they?"

"We're not renegotiating," Frowley said.

Pauline looked over at Casting. "Mr. Casting, if you sue Intemperance for breach of contract and win you will get next to nothing out of them. They are musicians and musicians only. They do not know how to do anything else. If they can't play their music, they are not going to become stockbrokers and make millions buying and selling. They are not going to go to medical school or law school or engineering school. They'll end up working at gas stations and convenience stores making minimum wage. You can garnish their wages for the rest of their lives and you won't get enough to pay for a month's retainer on Mr. Frowley's firm. You understand that, don't you?"

"We understand," Casting said. "And we don't care."

"Really?" she asked. "You don't care that you'll be losing somewhere in the vicinity of eighty million dollars in revenue?"

"That argument won't work," Casting said. "We've already told your little brother this but he didn't seem to get it. So now, we'll tell you. You seem to be the smart one in the family so maybe you'll be able to grasp this. If push comes to shove we will eat that eighty million dollars and destroy Intemperance forever. We will do this without hesitation in order to avoid setting a precedent. Do you know what a precedent is, hon? Did they go over that term in whatever rural law school you attended? If we renegotiated the Intemperance contract because of this asinine and illegal stunt your clients pulled, we'd have twenty other bands in here before the ink was even dry trying to pull the same thing. That would end up costing us a hell of a lot more than eighty million in the long run. So the answer is no. No way, no how are we going to allow a band — no matter how successful or profitable they are — to blackmail us like this. It will not happen. Never!"

Pauline sat, expressionless, throughout this tirade. She had been hoping they would give in once they realized that Jake and Matt and Bill, the heart, soul, and creativity of the band, were truly prepared to go to the wall on this issue. After all, eighty million dollars was a lot of money for a corporation to throw away. But now it seemed that National was prepared to go to the wall as well. It was time to play her final card, a card that was — at least in part — bluff and bluster.

"You seem to be fond of the word 'precedent', Mr. Casting," she said. "Let's talk about that for a minute."

"I have nothing more to talk about," Casting said. "As I told you, this meeting is now over."

"Oh, I think you might want to listen to this last little bit I have to say. After that, I'll leave peacefully and quietly."

"Fine," Casting said. "But we're not changing our position."

"Understood," she said. "Now we were talking about precedent, weren't we? They did teach me about that word at that little old law school I attended and it's a very good word, a very good concept. In this particular matter it ties neatly into another little legal term I learned there, something called 'unenforceable provisions'. Have you ever heard of that one, Mr. Casting?"

Casting hadn't, but Frowley had. "Oh please," he said. "Your unsophistication at the study of law is really showing now. There is no way on God's green earth unenforceable provisions could possibly fly in this case. Not even with that drooling moron who sat in judgment this morning."

"Don't think so?" Pauline asked.

"I know so," Frowley said.

"What exactly is this unenforceable provisions thing we're talking about here?" asked Casting.

"It's nothing, sir," Frowley said. "Absolutely nothing but this ambulance chaser grasping at straws. There is no way it could even remotely be applied here."

"Probably not on initial judgment," Pauline allowed. "But on appeal... well, that could get interesting now, couldn't it?"

"You would be laughed out of the courtroom," Frowley said.

"Excuse me," Casting said, "but what exactly are we talking about here?"

"It's a pipe dream," Frowley said. "An area of the law that has no relationship to a music contract."

"Since Mr. Frowley doesn't seem to want to explain 'unenforceable provisions' to you," Pauline said, "perhaps you would allow me?" She paused and when no one spoke up to tell her no, she explained it. "An unenforceable provision is a clause or clauses put into a written contract that is considered so contrary to acceptable behavior that even if the party to the contract voluntarily signed off on it and understood it the law will not allow the enforcement of it. In effect, by its very nature, the provision is considered unenforceable. The most obvious application of this concept is when someone inserts an illegal act into a contract. For instance, if you had put in that if Intemperance does not sell enough albums to cover your initial outlay of funds, they would have to smuggle two hundred pounds of cocaine across the border for you."

"We have no such clause in our contract," Casting said.

"That was just a simplified example of illegal provisions," Pauline said. "I made it so you would understand the concept. Another example would be outrageous acts. The example they like to give in law school — at least at the hick law school I went to — is a company puts in a clause that says if a supplier does not deliver on schedule he has to cut off his right arm. Just because the supplier signed and consented to such a clause does not make it enforceable."

"We have nothing like that in our contract either," Casting said.

"Of course you don't," said Frowley. "I told you she was grasping at straws."

"Again," said Pauline, "those were just simplified law school examples used to teach the basic concept of unenforceable provisions. Why don't we talk real world here for a minute? I personally have worked on three unenforceable provisions cases in my career and have taken two to litigation, one of which I won, the other I lost. In the first case, a fertilizer firm — I know, that hick thing again — put into its supply contract with one of our farming conglomerates that if they, the supplier, failed to deliver the promised amount of fertilizer on time and in the proper amount, they were still entitled to payment in full. The conglomerate signed this contract voluntarily — this was before my time or I would have advised against it — and then, one day, a train derailed and destroyed an entire shipment. The supplier demanded full payment under the contract. The conglomerate refused and I challenged the clause on the grounds it was an outrageous concept for a client to have to pay for a lack of delivery that was in no way their fault. The judge agreed and the clause was stricken from the contract."

Frowley clapped his hands contemptuously. "Bravo for you. You've wiped out injustice at the hands of those dreaded fertilizer cartels and made the state safe for good farming. But that has absolutely nothing to do with the Intemperance contract."

"It has more to do with it than you think, Mr. Frowley, but let me tell you about the other case I litigated — and lost. It will perhaps hit a little closer to home. You see, one of our clients is a large warehouse type of store — I'm sure you'd know the name if you heard it. Well, in northern California a few years ago there was this amateur inventor who designed and built these little brown gardening wagons."

"Gardening wagons?" Frowley cried. "How much more of this backwoods pseudo-law do we have to listen to?"

"Just this one more," Pauline said. "I promise."

"Sir," Frowley said to Casting, "she's trying to bluff you because that's all she has left."

"Maybe," Casting said thoughtfully. "But let's hear her out. Continue, Ms. Kingsley."

"Thank you. Anyway, this amateur inventor showed his little brown gardening wagon to some folks at the local warehouse store and they agreed to sell it for him. He delivered ten of them and apparently people really liked them. They snatched them up inside of a week. The store was intrigued and they asked him to make ten more. These too were snatched up. The store manager realized he was onto something here so he told his boss about the little brown gardening wagon. His boss told his boss and soon this warehouse store offered the inventor a contract to produce sixty of these wagons a week to be sold in eight stores throughout the region. The inventor's cost for materials for each wagon, at the time, was six dollars. The store promised to pay him twenty dollars for each wagon and they sold them for forty-five dollars.

"This went on for almost a year and then along came that whole spotted owl issue. I'm sure you've heard about that. The spotted owl is an endangered species and it just happens to live in some of the most productive timberland in the United States. Vast tracts of this timberland were placed off-limits to logging, thus ensuring that there was not as much timber available on the market. This, according to the law of supply and demand, drove up the price of timber, particularly the prime cuts our inventor needed, and it was now costing him almost twelve dollars to produce each wagon instead of six. This brought the inventor's profit margin down from $840 per week to $420. This was not enough for the inventor to live on. He asked the warehouse store to please increase his per-unit fee so he could offset the cost of timber but they refused, stating it was not in his contract to do so.

"So, since he could not live on $420 per week, he stopped making little brown gardening wagons for the warehouse store and went back to his old job. The warehouse store then claimed he was in breach of contract and activated another clause their shifty lawyers — of which I was one — had put into his contract. It was a clause that said if the inventor failed, for whatever reason, to live up to his end of the contract and give them sixty wagons per week, the warehouse store would then assume all patent and marketing rights to the little brown gardening wagon. With our blessing the warehouse store shipped the design for this wagon to Taiwan, where they were able to make cheap copies of it for three dollars a unit, including overseas shipping, and sell them in every warehouse store in the nation at the same forty-five dollars, which amounted to forty-two dollars of profit per unit nationwide. A pretty good coup for the warehouse store, isn't it?"

Nobody said anything. They just continued to stare at her.

"Sometimes," she said, "I'm not real proud of what I do for a living. This was one of those times. There is a reason why we lawyers are vilified in our society. There is a reason why my own brother wrote a song called Living By The Law — a song you folks put on the first Intemperance album — bashing everything lawyers stand for. You see, when we wrote that contract with that small-time inventor — someone who just wanted to sell one of his inventions, to get something he'd produced with his own hands and brain on the market — we put those clauses in there with the express hope and intention that something like rising timber costs or sickness or getting tired of working for 'The Man' would make him breach. We wanted him to breach so we could obtain the rights to his invention and market it to Taiwan and make millions from it instead of hundreds. That was why we wouldn't let him raise the price. We deliberately skewed this contract so it was outrageously in our favor and so the small-time inventor, not knowing better and with no other choice anyway, would sign off on it no matter what we put in there. Is any of this starting to sound familiar, gentlemen?"

Same as Intemperance
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Moms a menber loke it or not

Moms a member, like it or not. You may want to read the first part of this story, Moms joined like it or not. It will put some perceptive of the events. Donna was making coffee when eric her son cam in the kitchen, hi mom hi hon, want breakfast? Think Ill have cereal. He got a bowl and sat down. Donna got her coffee and sat down when the phone rang. Hello, Donald whats up? Your kidding right? Well when will you be home, ok I understand call me when your leaving tomorrow. Donalds call was to...

3 years ago
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Breaking the Routine

Breaking the Routine by Tgaby Saturday Prologue It was a cold and blustery November day when Maya finally found the nameless little store on 75th street. There was nothing on the front to indicate that it was a store at all, but she knew this was the place the moment she saw it. She'd heard rumors of its existence through the wives' grapevine, usually mentioned in hushed tones as having helped with couples therapy in a peculiar way. Nobody she had asked would give her any details...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Makes Me An Ass Slave 8211 Part 6

This is the 6th installment in the series. With the last part, I had turned into my girlfriend’s complete slave and was looking forward with fear about what she wanted next. It was deeply erotic and deeply fearful. She had become some sort of a maniac who couldn’t be trusted. Despite so much humiliation, my desire to do everything to please her only grew in monstrous proportions! In this story, things take an exciting turn and for the first time in many weeks, I get to see my girlfriend’s...

1 year ago
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SharonChapter 5

Sharon flew in the following Wednesday. "Hello, Mr H! Doin' alright are you? Ooh, I've 'ad me problems this week. The bloke next door's been playing 'is music ever so loud and 'e doesn't turn it off 'till two or three in the morning. I 'ad a word with 'im Friday an' he told me to get stuffed. I told 'im that I'd tell the council. He told me to get stuffed again so I did. Nah! Not get stuffed but I went an' saw Mr Gardner, the local 'Ousing Manager an' 'e said they'd send...

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Hot Sex Tube

HotSexTube! You’ve basically seen it all, and you are just looking for a free porn site that has a lot of random porn videos, in hopes that you will find that one porn video that will make your fap session fun? Well, is a place just like that, and you do not have to dedicate yourself to this site, or so to speak. If you do not know what the fuck I am talking about, just continue reading.A stereotypical design for a basic site.This is exactly what I expected to get when I...

Porn Aggregators
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Twisted By Morpheus I stifled a yawn, hoping that my English teacher didn't see how bored I was with his lecture. I couldn't help it though because he had one of those monotone voices that just burrowed into your skull and forced you to fall asleep. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford to antagonize him since I'd gotten a D in this class on my last report card and my parents would skin me alive if I got another one. Even though I tried to pay attention, my mind continued to wander....

2 years ago
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VickiChapter 4

The family were engrossed in the nitroglycerine scene of "War Wagon" when the phone rang. Vicki rushed to answer it, hoping that it would mean Tyler and the other deputies had caught Dinah. "Thank you. Yeah, it's not ideal, but I should have seen it coming. Prison is no picnic for child molesters, from what I've heard. That's probably even truer of women's prison. Well, where she went, the law is the least of her problems. I hope she doesn't mind the heat. I'm sure that Beelzebub...

4 years ago
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Biker Bitch

The following story is true my wife and I were only18 and 19 at the time. Rick and his biker friends took my wifes ass virginity and turned her into a cock hungry woman. After her first gang bang she wanted to try everythng and anything. This was only the start.... We arrived at out motel and quickly went out with a friend for supper. We returned a short time later only to find 2 men waiting outside our room, we were told that their boss wanted to see us in room 120. We asked what this...

3 years ago
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PermissionChapter 3 The Other Couple

Across town, in another very nice neighborhood, not quite as upscale as Carol and Dave's, a handsome young couple in their late 20's are on their way out for the evening, a regular Saturday night party in the local housing area. The party is close enough that Tony and Clair are walking the short block to the party. Tony's mind is wandering as he thinks about the near miss with Carol in LA. Thinks about how hot Carol was, how delicious she looked nude on his bed, ready for him to fuck her,...

4 years ago
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Winter girl experience

Here is talking not me, but one girl about her winter nude experience.In the middle of December my friend suddenly proposed that I could ski nude. My first reaction was: what are you talking about!? But then very quickly I realized that it is good idea. I can't explain why I liked it but when that day came when we drove to the ski center, I was overexcited and I really had irresistible desire to go there nude and start to skiing. All my life I had always proper clothing according to weather and...

2 years ago
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Neha Can8217t Live Without Me

Hey guys. I have been posting . Please do read them. Recently, I got a text from Neha. Some might know her from my older stories. We have been friends with benefits for a long time now. However, this time it was a little different. She texted me with a lot of desperation. Neha: Hey! Me: Hi! Neha: How have you been? Me: All good. You tell. Neha: Same. But not really. Me: What happened? Neha: You get to fuck other bitches. The ones I hook up with propose to me the next day. It’s tragic. Me: You...

2 years ago
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Chapter 3 FemDom pt2

on my knees, still very near the door to Mistress's place, and having just cum in a dish for Mistress, i awaited any further instruction, or demands.Mistress made her way behind me. when she was there she pushed me over so that i was on my hands and knees. Mistress reached between my legs with one hand grabbing the dish, the other finding its way to the base of my balls. Mistress worked a finger in between the ring she had ordered me to wear and my balls. Mistress gave the ring (and my cock...

3 years ago
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Claiming a hot Jewish girlfriend

You laugh as you are meeting Jennifer Weinstein in the restaurant and begin talking to her about the newest roleplaying game that she is taking part in. You smile politely and engage with her, and her beautiful blue eyes, and behind her glasses frames. She is absolutely gorgeous, standing at 5'11 with curly light red hair, a small B cup, and a slim body that comes down to her great heart shaped ass. She isn't large by anyone's imagination, but she has curves in all the right places for her body...

1 year ago
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Farm Girl

I was born and raised on a farm until I was eighteen and went away to college. My parents were border line religious fanatics and I had never been kissed by a male or female, was never on a date and all through school I came home and did my chores. I worked every summer on the farm and the only time I saw other kids was at church on Sunday when we went for most of the day. Just about all the farmers in the area and most of the townspeople belonged to this church, so Sunday was a day for...

3 years ago
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Wasting Time

There is no explicit sex in this story. Although this story is a stand alone, the reader will gain a much deeper understanding of the characters and story line if they first read ‘Binding Ashes.’ I wish to thank the people who helped contribute to and edit this story, per their wishes, they remain anonymous. No part of this story may be published at any other site without the express permission of the author. © December 10, 2006 ********** ‘Ethan, want some more juice… or… anything else?’...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Hot Stranger In Goa

Hey Friends! I am Chahat Khanna and I am back again with a fresh new experience. Let me start with a brief description of myself. Chahat Khanna, height 5’7″, fair complexion, big eyes. I have been blessed with 34 sized boobs and a 24 inches waist carved on a base of 34 inches with a glowing milk tone. And I am Arjun Pandey, height 5’8″, wheatish in color, broad biceps and shoulders. One who loves to workout and eat with 6.5-inch meat. I am helping this beautiful girl to write about her...

3 years ago
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Slut Wife Terry Webb GROPE HER Bachelor Party

After posting our "Grope Her Booth" adventure ( ) we received several inquiries for more information. Several of you even asked if we did parties, wanting us to bring the booth to your location. We even had people asking to rent or purchase a booth for their own use. So this post is a follow up with our latest "grope her booth" adventure. For those who havent read our original post the following is a few...

2 years ago
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My SexPacked Holiday Part 3 Sally and Me

I woke up in the morning feeling a bit dirty and sticky after the previous night’s shenanigans. I glanced over at Matt’s bed: he was still dead to the world, although judging by the bulge under the sheet he was going to wake up with a pretty impressive morning erection. I smiled to myself, tempted to lift the sheet and have a look, but decided against it. It wasn’t time to get up for breakfast yet, so I lay in bed playing quietly with my pussy until I could put it off no longer, then got up and...

3 years ago
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A short pleasure trip Part1

By Dina PetroWriter’s note “All names and information about characters in this story are fake and altered for the reason of privacy”(Part 1)Being a very attractive woman, with super sexy looks at my twenties, I had a side job of being a “call girl” but not any call girl; I was specialized in meeting VIP’s, rich and high class men and very big shots in town, being bisexual woman gave me the opportunity to meet very important women as well, as all of my secret and discrete clients, on my private...

1 year ago
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AZ Porn Comics! Do you get hard as diamonds for comics? No, I’m not talking about superhero comics or any of that crap. I’m referring to adult comics that will make you cum in your pants right where you sit. Well, if that’s the kind of content that you want to get off to, boy, oh boy, do I have a fucking site for you!AZ Porn Comics has all the XXX comics you crave – and then some! It’s not a hentai site! However, there are certainly some XXX parodies of hentai content (more on the parodies...

Porn Comics Sites
4 years ago
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A Texas Leap

This story is for my good friend KantgetenufI walked through the busy street of New York hurriedly trying to get to work. For the last five years I was an accountant for a very large firm. I enjoyed my job and devoted every minute of my life to my company in hopes for a big promotion. As I walked into my building Mr. Dean, my C.E.O, spotted me and called me to his elevator.“Miss D’Arcy.” He began. “I have a big job for you; it would require a trip to Texas.” He added clearing his throat. “Would...

Straight Sex
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wife fucked by my cousin

This is the story of my wife rittu whom I got fucked with my cousin dimpy.I got married to rittu in 1996 and before my marriage me and my cousin dimpy who was 3 years younger to me was very frank with each other.In fact I taught dimpy how to mastubarate in our teenage years….it was I used to hold his dick in my hands and used to stroke his cock and he often used to cum in my hands.dimpy also stated jacking my hard cock and in fact we used to rub our cocks with each other until we cum...

1 year ago
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Coming of AgeChapter 2 Carlos

Carlos Garza sat next to his classmate and friend, Claudia Diaz, on the bus. She was a slim girl with red hair and a wide grin. She had been a good student, but lately, had been spacing out in class, and her grades were starting to slip. Both wore their school uniform. Their bright green slacks and skirt were identical to those the priests wore, but their shirts and blouses were white. They were talking about the upcoming math test, when the bus stopped. Ben, the bus driver, called out,...

2 years ago
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Jeanni Lamphear Will Make Your Wishes Come True 89 The Black Cat Gets Out

Jeanni Lamphear Will Make Your Wishes Come True 8-9: The Black Cat Gets Out By Ron Dow75 8) So You Didn't Want to be a Star? "Jeanni Lamphear!?!!" two girls screamed in unison. A third girl cried, "What are you doing in My house!?!" Dyan, a cute blonde 15 year old with a nice figure in black tights, short green skirt and blue striped halter top that revealed her bellybutton, did not sound pleased to see the multi-media star. The golden buxom beauty in a plaid shirt and...

2 years ago
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HaremChapter 2 Cinnamon

I found a hotel near the edge of town with several colleges near by. The escort services were mostly college girls earning money for school, and I called them all to get rates for a submissive female for out call to a hotel. FRAT BRAT Escorts had the best rates and offered a submissive with their own equipment for out calls. The rate was $300 for the first half hour plus $150 per half hour after; tips were up to the girl at the time of service. I had set up a fake checking account with the...

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Sweet Dreams My Love

This is the first time I’ve actually written something like this, so I do hope its okay. A big, big thanks to Ray who sat down and edited, nay, practically rewrote this for me and burnt the midnight oil so I’d have a story to post. Thanks so much Ray. * William Barton finished sending his story in. The sub editor he had spoken to had seemed a bit dense, and William was feeling irritated as he flipped his cell phone shut, put it in his briefcase, and headed for the train station. He crossed...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Angela White Anal Australia8217s Finest Export Shows Her AssPort For Cock Clearance

Big Busted Beauty Angela White has flown in from Australia with a special delivery…her Asshole! This Aussie is always a fan favorite when she comes to JJV. She teases us in her hot pink fishnet bodysuit, playing with her all natural G-cup’s and licking her nipples to make them nice and hard. When Angela finally sees the cock that’s in store for her today she immediately shoves it down her throat to get it nice and wet. Making good use of those titties she gives an amazing boob...

3 years ago
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Stalked Rape Part 2

It made me sick and I couldn't stop thinking 'What sick fuck gets turned on by rape?' The more I thought of it, the more I convinced myself it was everything but the truth. The fact that the dominance and abuse of a stranger turned me on was avoided. I thought it was a one time thing-that It'd be some twisted desire I'd want and need, that I'd fuck any stranger to try to feel it again. The man came again. Lucky me. The next night I got out of the shower and waddled my sore body back...

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Mom8217s Affair With My Teacher 8211 The Beginning Part 1

Hi, this is Vasu and I am going to narrate about an adult affair of my widow mom with my school teacher. My mother Shanti got married at a very young age and had me at the age of 18. When I was 5, my father died in a road accident leaving me and my mom alone in poverty. My mom was 35 years old, had a body figure of 34-28-36, 5’0″ tall, and had a fair skin tone. She works in a hospital as a nurse on a contract basis and raised me alone. The story I am about to narrate happened when I was in...

1 year ago
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The Handyman

INTRODUCTION This story is pure fantasy. The spelling uses English Oxford Spelling in most cases and is not spelling mistakes. Although I have in some cases used American spellings by courtesy of my spell check. Chapter 1 By Sirdar Tony Nash stood looking disconsolately out of the office window from the first floor office of the investment bank, where he worked in the City of London. It was just a few moments before trading started, and the markets opened for business. He gazed down into the...

Erotic Fiction
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Brother8217s Naughty Game To Arouse Cute Sister

This is based on my experience. I was 22 when this incident happened. My sister Lakshmi was 19. It took place during midsummer when Lakshmi was preparing for her entrance exams. In our moderately wealthy household, there was always protein-rich food. Most days you will find good fish and meat. Lakshmi likes chicken. Her figure was like a grown-up lady, than other girls in her age. Once I heard my mother telling my relative aunty, “Girl grew up like anything. The bra she bought six months ago...

3 years ago
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Wifes Cheating Delimma Chapter 2

This is the second part of my first story when my wife’s girlfriend and I planned to get back at her for cheating. *** Chapter 2 In my last part my wife’s girlfriend had just finished eating her most delicious tasting pussy and had now risen up and went to her dresser drawers leaving my wife panting with post orgasmic pleasure. My wife was on the bed, nakedly displayed as the juices from the tonguing that Snake Lady had given her pussy (with it’s freshly shaven nakedness) that...

2 years ago
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The First Ovulation

Mira woke up and felt a wetness in her panties and in her sheets. Sleepily, she sat up and pulled back her covers. She was startled to see a mass of small, blue eggs and goo around her butt, on her inner thighs, seeping out from under her panties. She smeared her fingers through the substance, concerned and confused. She pulled aside her panties at the crotch to examine herself. Her pale, blue skin was wet and covered in the slime. She was startled to see that her vagina was swollen and...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 15 Playing Without The Queen of Hearts

September 9, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “White boy! Phone for you!” Clark called out on Thursday evening while I was with the study group. I got up and went to our room to pick up the phone. “Hello?” “Hi, Mikey,” Liz replied. “I just called to say, ‘thank you’.” “For what?” “Making Mindy come back to my room.” I chuckled, “Do you know how difficult it was to kick a hot, naked fox out of my bed? And then, after she turned on the lights so I could see her body, kick her out of my room?” Liz...

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