IntemperanceChapter 16B: Pauline free porn video

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Frowley was still infuriated when Pauline called him two hours later. She was forced to endure a five-minute lecture about lack of decorum and uncouth behavior and proper legal procedures and judges who didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

"That's all very interesting, Frowley," she said when he finally wound down. "Now, if we could get to the point of my phone call?"

"What do you want?"

"I would like to arrange a meeting between you, myself, and at least one member of National Records management with decision-making capabilities. I would like for this meeting to take place today, preferably before the close of business hours."

"You're out of your mind," he replied. "We'll meet you in court. Round two might have gone to you but the fight will go to us and you know it."

"This meeting," Pauline said, ignoring his speculation about what she did or did not know, "will be to discuss a possible settlement to this matter, something that will get the band back to work and the next Intemperance album back in production."

There was a long pause. Finally, "If your settlement involves changing the band's contract in any way, you can forget it."

"I will discuss the terms of the settlement during the meeting and only during the meeting, and only if National management is present."

On his end of the phone line, Frowley opened his mouth to tell Pauline to take a flying fuck. He closed it before anything could come out. Something occurred to him. If they did meet and this so-called lawyer from Bum-fuck Egypt actually admitted that the band was producing sub-standard material — something it seemed quite likely she would be dumb enough to do — they would be able to go back to Judge Remington and get their court order. He smiled. "Let me see what I can do," he told her. "Is there a number I can call you back at?"

They met at the National Records Building at four o'clock. Hoping to impress and overwhelm Pauline — who they viewed as a small-town, small-time, hick lawyer similar to Gregory Peck's character in To Kill A Mockingbird — the meeting took place in the executive briefing room on the top floor. Both Casting and Doolittle were present, backed up by Frowley and his entire entourage. The lawyers and the executives were all decked out in their best power suits. They greeted Pauline warmly and sat her in a small chair that faced all of them in their raised chairs, forcing her to look upward just to talk to them.

"Is there anything we can get you before we begin?" asked Casting, ever the perfect host. "A drink perhaps?"

"No, thank you," Pauline replied.

"How about a line or two of our best cocaine? I've found that these things sometimes go smoother if everyone is a little relaxed."

"Again, no, thank you," Pauline said. "I have a nine o'clock flight back to Heritage so I'd just assume get this over with."

"As you wish," Casting said.

"Do you have any objection to the meeting being recorded?" asked Frowley.

"None at all," Pauline said. "In fact, I was going to ask you the same thing." With that, she opened her briefcase and removed a small micro-cassette recorder. She gave it a quick check, turned it on, and spoke softly into it, reciting the time, date, place, participants, and purpose of the meeting. She then sat it on the table before her, leaving it running.

Frowley gave her an isn't-that-cute look and then repeated the procedure with his own micro-cassette recorder.

"Now then," Frowley said. "It is my understanding that you have come here today with a settlement proposal. Is that correct?"

"Yes it is," Pauline said.

"Well, let's hear what you have to say and we'll consider it."

"Very well." She took a deep breath. Her wording here would have to be very cautious and very precise. To make an admission of any kind that the band was doing any of this purposefully would be an automatic disqualification from the game now afoot. Yet she still had to convey her demands to them and offer them reassurance that if they played ball things would return to normal. As such, she had carefully composed and rehearsed the manner in which she was about to present her case to them. "My clients seem to be suffering from a very bad case of creativity block, wouldn't you say?"

Frowley fielded her serve and neatly volleyed it back to her. "That is one way of putting it," he said.

"I can't think of any other way," Pauline told him. "That tape they submitted to you was awful. It was the worst thing they've ever done."

Frowley raised his eyebrows a tad. Was it really going to be this easy? "So you admit they are deliberately sabotaging their music?"

She smiled, letting him know that it wasn't really going to be that easy. "No, of course not," she said. "They are not deliberately sabotaging their music. Quite the contrary. They honestly tried their best to be creative in their latest endeavor. They are very upset that you do not consider it to be acceptable. I'm afraid they've lost confidence in their abilities to produce any more music."

"I see," Frowley said. "So this is a crisis of confidence, is it?"

"Partly," she said. "Although I think this current crisis is simply a symptom of a much larger problem."

"And what might this much larger problem be?"

"Stress," said Pauline. "Stress caused by the way they have been treated by National Records under their current contract."

Frowley rolled his eyes. "Stress caused by the contract, huh? I knew it would come down to this. My clients will not renegotiate the Intemperance contract in any way, shape, or form. That is set in concrete, my dear. We will reject any settlement offer in which that is one of the terms."

Pauline simply shrugged. "Your contract is exploiting the band quite dreadfully. You are making millions of dollars in album sales, singles sales, concert revenue, and merchandising revenue while the band is going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to you. They are being treated in a manner that is frightfully unfair and they are resentful of this. I, for one, know that Jake, my brother, has a particular hatred of being treated unfairly."

"So he decided to sabotage his music in response to this perceived unfairness?" Casting asked.

"No," Pauline said. "I don't believe that to be the case at all. I believe the stress and humiliation of being little better than indentured servants to a greedy corporation has caused the band to lose their creative edge."

Frowley gave her another eye roll, a bigger one this time. "And whatever might we do, Ms. Kingsley, to give these poor boys their creative edge back?"

"It's quite simple," she said. "You need to start treating them fairly."

"And how, may I ask, might we do that?"

Pauline smiled sweetly. "Well, I think renegotiating their contract might just do the trick."

Casting and Doolittle groaned. Frowley shook his head in disgust.

"This meeting is now over," Casting said. "I should have known better than to agree to it in the first place."

"I quite agree," said Doolittle.

"Your clients have two choices, Miss," Frowley said. "They can submit acceptable material in the next two weeks and record it at National's direction or they can be sued for breach of contract. I'm sure even a small-timer like yourself knows they don't have a chance in hell of winning a breach of contract suit at trial."

"Yes," Pauline said. "I am aware of that. But if that happens they won't be the only losers now, will they?"

"We're not renegotiating," Frowley said.

Pauline looked over at Casting. "Mr. Casting, if you sue Intemperance for breach of contract and win you will get next to nothing out of them. They are musicians and musicians only. They do not know how to do anything else. If they can't play their music, they are not going to become stockbrokers and make millions buying and selling. They are not going to go to medical school or law school or engineering school. They'll end up working at gas stations and convenience stores making minimum wage. You can garnish their wages for the rest of their lives and you won't get enough to pay for a month's retainer on Mr. Frowley's firm. You understand that, don't you?"

"We understand," Casting said. "And we don't care."

"Really?" she asked. "You don't care that you'll be losing somewhere in the vicinity of eighty million dollars in revenue?"

"That argument won't work," Casting said. "We've already told your little brother this but he didn't seem to get it. So now, we'll tell you. You seem to be the smart one in the family so maybe you'll be able to grasp this. If push comes to shove we will eat that eighty million dollars and destroy Intemperance forever. We will do this without hesitation in order to avoid setting a precedent. Do you know what a precedent is, hon? Did they go over that term in whatever rural law school you attended? If we renegotiated the Intemperance contract because of this asinine and illegal stunt your clients pulled, we'd have twenty other bands in here before the ink was even dry trying to pull the same thing. That would end up costing us a hell of a lot more than eighty million in the long run. So the answer is no. No way, no how are we going to allow a band — no matter how successful or profitable they are — to blackmail us like this. It will not happen. Never!"

Pauline sat, expressionless, throughout this tirade. She had been hoping they would give in once they realized that Jake and Matt and Bill, the heart, soul, and creativity of the band, were truly prepared to go to the wall on this issue. After all, eighty million dollars was a lot of money for a corporation to throw away. But now it seemed that National was prepared to go to the wall as well. It was time to play her final card, a card that was — at least in part — bluff and bluster.

"You seem to be fond of the word 'precedent', Mr. Casting," she said. "Let's talk about that for a minute."

"I have nothing more to talk about," Casting said. "As I told you, this meeting is now over."

"Oh, I think you might want to listen to this last little bit I have to say. After that, I'll leave peacefully and quietly."

"Fine," Casting said. "But we're not changing our position."

"Understood," she said. "Now we were talking about precedent, weren't we? They did teach me about that word at that little old law school I attended and it's a very good word, a very good concept. In this particular matter it ties neatly into another little legal term I learned there, something called 'unenforceable provisions'. Have you ever heard of that one, Mr. Casting?"

Casting hadn't, but Frowley had. "Oh please," he said. "Your unsophistication at the study of law is really showing now. There is no way on God's green earth unenforceable provisions could possibly fly in this case. Not even with that drooling moron who sat in judgment this morning."

"Don't think so?" Pauline asked.

"I know so," Frowley said.

"What exactly is this unenforceable provisions thing we're talking about here?" asked Casting.

"It's nothing, sir," Frowley said. "Absolutely nothing but this ambulance chaser grasping at straws. There is no way it could even remotely be applied here."

"Probably not on initial judgment," Pauline allowed. "But on appeal... well, that could get interesting now, couldn't it?"

"You would be laughed out of the courtroom," Frowley said.

"Excuse me," Casting said, "but what exactly are we talking about here?"

"It's a pipe dream," Frowley said. "An area of the law that has no relationship to a music contract."

"Since Mr. Frowley doesn't seem to want to explain 'unenforceable provisions' to you," Pauline said, "perhaps you would allow me?" She paused and when no one spoke up to tell her no, she explained it. "An unenforceable provision is a clause or clauses put into a written contract that is considered so contrary to acceptable behavior that even if the party to the contract voluntarily signed off on it and understood it the law will not allow the enforcement of it. In effect, by its very nature, the provision is considered unenforceable. The most obvious application of this concept is when someone inserts an illegal act into a contract. For instance, if you had put in that if Intemperance does not sell enough albums to cover your initial outlay of funds, they would have to smuggle two hundred pounds of cocaine across the border for you."

"We have no such clause in our contract," Casting said.

"That was just a simplified example of illegal provisions," Pauline said. "I made it so you would understand the concept. Another example would be outrageous acts. The example they like to give in law school — at least at the hick law school I went to — is a company puts in a clause that says if a supplier does not deliver on schedule he has to cut off his right arm. Just because the supplier signed and consented to such a clause does not make it enforceable."

"We have nothing like that in our contract either," Casting said.

"Of course you don't," said Frowley. "I told you she was grasping at straws."

"Again," said Pauline, "those were just simplified law school examples used to teach the basic concept of unenforceable provisions. Why don't we talk real world here for a minute? I personally have worked on three unenforceable provisions cases in my career and have taken two to litigation, one of which I won, the other I lost. In the first case, a fertilizer firm — I know, that hick thing again — put into its supply contract with one of our farming conglomerates that if they, the supplier, failed to deliver the promised amount of fertilizer on time and in the proper amount, they were still entitled to payment in full. The conglomerate signed this contract voluntarily — this was before my time or I would have advised against it — and then, one day, a train derailed and destroyed an entire shipment. The supplier demanded full payment under the contract. The conglomerate refused and I challenged the clause on the grounds it was an outrageous concept for a client to have to pay for a lack of delivery that was in no way their fault. The judge agreed and the clause was stricken from the contract."

Frowley clapped his hands contemptuously. "Bravo for you. You've wiped out injustice at the hands of those dreaded fertilizer cartels and made the state safe for good farming. But that has absolutely nothing to do with the Intemperance contract."

"It has more to do with it than you think, Mr. Frowley, but let me tell you about the other case I litigated — and lost. It will perhaps hit a little closer to home. You see, one of our clients is a large warehouse type of store — I'm sure you'd know the name if you heard it. Well, in northern California a few years ago there was this amateur inventor who designed and built these little brown gardening wagons."

"Gardening wagons?" Frowley cried. "How much more of this backwoods pseudo-law do we have to listen to?"

"Just this one more," Pauline said. "I promise."

"Sir," Frowley said to Casting, "she's trying to bluff you because that's all she has left."

"Maybe," Casting said thoughtfully. "But let's hear her out. Continue, Ms. Kingsley."

"Thank you. Anyway, this amateur inventor showed his little brown gardening wagon to some folks at the local warehouse store and they agreed to sell it for him. He delivered ten of them and apparently people really liked them. They snatched them up inside of a week. The store was intrigued and they asked him to make ten more. These too were snatched up. The store manager realized he was onto something here so he told his boss about the little brown gardening wagon. His boss told his boss and soon this warehouse store offered the inventor a contract to produce sixty of these wagons a week to be sold in eight stores throughout the region. The inventor's cost for materials for each wagon, at the time, was six dollars. The store promised to pay him twenty dollars for each wagon and they sold them for forty-five dollars.

"This went on for almost a year and then along came that whole spotted owl issue. I'm sure you've heard about that. The spotted owl is an endangered species and it just happens to live in some of the most productive timberland in the United States. Vast tracts of this timberland were placed off-limits to logging, thus ensuring that there was not as much timber available on the market. This, according to the law of supply and demand, drove up the price of timber, particularly the prime cuts our inventor needed, and it was now costing him almost twelve dollars to produce each wagon instead of six. This brought the inventor's profit margin down from $840 per week to $420. This was not enough for the inventor to live on. He asked the warehouse store to please increase his per-unit fee so he could offset the cost of timber but they refused, stating it was not in his contract to do so.

"So, since he could not live on $420 per week, he stopped making little brown gardening wagons for the warehouse store and went back to his old job. The warehouse store then claimed he was in breach of contract and activated another clause their shifty lawyers — of which I was one — had put into his contract. It was a clause that said if the inventor failed, for whatever reason, to live up to his end of the contract and give them sixty wagons per week, the warehouse store would then assume all patent and marketing rights to the little brown gardening wagon. With our blessing the warehouse store shipped the design for this wagon to Taiwan, where they were able to make cheap copies of it for three dollars a unit, including overseas shipping, and sell them in every warehouse store in the nation at the same forty-five dollars, which amounted to forty-two dollars of profit per unit nationwide. A pretty good coup for the warehouse store, isn't it?"

Nobody said anything. They just continued to stare at her.

"Sometimes," she said, "I'm not real proud of what I do for a living. This was one of those times. There is a reason why we lawyers are vilified in our society. There is a reason why my own brother wrote a song called Living By The Law — a song you folks put on the first Intemperance album — bashing everything lawyers stand for. You see, when we wrote that contract with that small-time inventor — someone who just wanted to sell one of his inventions, to get something he'd produced with his own hands and brain on the market — we put those clauses in there with the express hope and intention that something like rising timber costs or sickness or getting tired of working for 'The Man' would make him breach. We wanted him to breach so we could obtain the rights to his invention and market it to Taiwan and make millions from it instead of hundreds. That was why we wouldn't let him raise the price. We deliberately skewed this contract so it was outrageously in our favor and so the small-time inventor, not knowing better and with no other choice anyway, would sign off on it no matter what we put in there. Is any of this starting to sound familiar, gentlemen?"

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The Canal is a No Wake zone, our escort couldn't steam any faster than five knots. We had to stay in front and back into the locks. That way our stern was about a foot from the fully closed gates. Wendy was at the helm. 965 feet long 110 feet wide and drawing 39.5 feet is the maximum size to traverse the canal. Doing a little trigonometry the kids figured out that our escort was about 710 feet by 106 and probably drew 30 feet. Close enough. "Daddy, our Jane's Fighting Ships 1924, ...

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SurprisesChapter 21 Los Angeles

Saturday morning, I woke hearing Anna suck Jerry off. She had moved between us and was kneeling between his widespread legs. I reached over and ran my fingers along his body until he came down her throat. Anna had some great technique! She could deep throat almost better than anybody I had seen. We all went to the bathroom and showered together, and this time it was my turn. Jerry did my ass in the shower, with Anna feeding his cock up my butt and pinching my nipples as he assfucked me. Even...

2 years ago
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A huge Lab in my garage

I came early and a bit tired from work that afternoon.My beloved husband had flown out of town the day before; so I had the entire week end to enjoy at home alone by myself.First thing to do on arrival, was taking a warm relaxing shower. As I was drying my hair, I heard a noise coming from the garage.I went downstairs and thought there was a dog inside the garage.He was not barking; he was whining just outside the kitchen door. When he noticed my presence there, the dog started to scratch at...

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Kaho Mori Sex Diarys

Kaho MoriAge: 26Home town: Sasebo, Nagasaki, JapanOccupation: Bar hostessAt the age of 20 I started working in the night life of Japan. I studied English abroad in Seattle, Washington where I lost my virginity to a few American guys. In the night life it is forbid for us to have sex with customers but in time I learned to do so I secret. Especially when there is money to be involved. Living near a base I could always get my fix on American guys if I wanted....

4 years ago
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My Sweaty Sweetheart 8211 Part 1 8211 Early Morning here I am,….in my room, on a Sunday afternoon, naked, with a completely engorged meat pole pointing straight up and might horny, yet…a tad retrospective. For those of you regular women readers ’round here, Howdy! I’m the new guy on the block that’s hell bent on bending you over and ramming you mercilessly in your mind-screen…..for now.Name’s Vikram, 5 foot 10 inches, lean build athletic frame, teetotaler, fitness addict and blessed with a massive meat pole and a might dirty and nasty...

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Christopher Enslaved For Life

most horrible day I ever lived through was the day my life long friend Christopher Worthington was enslaved for life at the age of 22, just 4 months before he and I were to graduate together from SDSU with our bachelors in chemistry. On the evening of April 3, 2001, my dad told me to cancel my plans for the next day because he and I had something very important to do. When I asked him what was up he said he could not tell me, and that I would simply have to wait until tomorrow in order to find...

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stepmom grace

So I knew my stepmom would be really horny after a while. ”see you soon Jon im heading to Chicago for 3 Weeks”. Ok bye dad I hugged him and left to my room. after about half an hour my stepmom grace walked in. ”hey Jon” . I looked up and said hello. This is going to be the first time your father leaves us alone and I think this will be a good time for me and you to get to know each other. Yea I think so to. ”good well im going to order a pizza for us to eat im to lazy to cook today. Ok. All I...

1 year ago
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Party Show MFF

Party Show (MFF)I met these two girls at a mutual friends party, Sara and Stephi, they were pretty tipsy and quite flirtatious.  Sara was a beautiful blonde girl with a rubenesque figure, and she presented some wonderful cleavage under her white button-down dress, Stephi had a cute tank top and tight jeans that clung to her curvy hips.  We somehow found our way up to a bedroom and fell in an intoxicated mass on the bed, with Sara on my left and Stephi on my right.  A blue lava lamp, creating...

2 years ago
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It Started Innocently

I was walking down the path from the grocery store to where I had parked my boat. After losing my job to another company restructure, I was living off my severance pay and spending as much time at the cottage as I could. After all, when was I going to get an opportunity like this again? My wife’s income was making it easier for me to not look for a job, but kept her in the city all week. So here I was at 46, living the dream. I had a wife and a colour TV and they both worked.

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MoonshadowNinja Spy End1

2 Years Later.....They have been inseperateable..... As Moonshadow woke up, he got up straight away and brushed his hair extra nicely. He crept out of his room trying to be as stealthy as he could, into Snowhalk's room. She was still asleep. He crept up beside her leant down and whispered in her ear. "Wake-up" "noooooooo" "come on get up" as he dragged her to her feet. "Your evil, you can't disturb sleep..." Moon chuckled. "yes i can, so get up" Snowhalk groaned. She hated...

4 years ago
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Young Widowed Mother Loves Her Two Sons

Hello all, I am a regular reader of ISS. Today I am going to narrate a story and it is 100% fictional. This story revolves around an Indian mother and her 2 sons. I am going to narrate this story from a mother’s point of view. My name is Brinda and I am from Kerala. In the year 1988, I was happily married to a person who was handsome and down to earth. He was a caring and lovable person. My parents were also happy because their only girl was married to a good person. His name was Manohar....

3 years ago
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My Roommate Left His Girlfriend Alone at the Party

Ryan was drunk and generally making an ass of himself. His girlfriend Cheryl sat low in the sofa in our small apartment as he danced closely with Lucy Winston, Cheryl's sorority sister. Lucy had her back against his chest and he had his arm around her waist. She started grinding her skirt-covered ass against the bulge that was growing in his jeans as he high-fived his buddies that passed. His hand started to slip down below the bottom of the shirt that she was wearing and touched her midriff as...

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My Night At The Tyrant Inn

Copyright© 1992-2003 There was a young cook with the art Of making a delicious tart With a handful of shit, Some snot and some spit, And he'd flavor the whole with a fart. The Sleeping Tyrant Inn was very full. Before I even entered the smoke filled building I could see the packed humanity within. If another wayside stop was within twenty miles I would have kept going, yet this was my only possibility. A night upon the lightly covered snow did not impress me. I had to reach my...

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Waiting for the School Bus

Waiting for the School Bus----------Well, it was that time again; school had started today. I had helped my little sister Ashley get on the bus this morning, and was sitting in the little bus stop that dad had built next to the road for us girls. It had a roof and walls, to keep us dry and out of the weather no matter how bad, it might get. I sat anxiously awaiting her bus to arrive, and hopefully, she would get off the bus; Ashley was not the sharpest tool in the shed, and often was...

1 year ago
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ModernDaySins Jamie Michelle Greedy Creampies Help From The School Nurse

Jay Romero goes to see the school nurse, Jamie Michelle, because he has an erection that won’t go away. Jamie seems sympathetic to his plight, and says the problem might be a semen buildup. She asks Jay if he’s tried… taking care of it at home? Jay confesses that he’s tried many things – jerking off, porn, even humping his pillow. As he talks about these sexual acts with more honesty, this clearly alights something within Jamie – a craving. But Jay...

2 years ago
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Today was no different. They belonged to an online site that catered to those in such arrangements. They had been chatting online with a man that said he was experienced in playing with couples, and really enjoyed having the wife while the husband watched. Kent liked this idea. Vincent had invited Eve to lunch on Monday, but Kent wanted to meet him as well, so he went looking to see if Vincent was online. He was. So Kent and Vincent chatted online a bit, Vincent had just returned home from a...

3 years ago
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Pretending to be Straight First time

When I was 29, I was using one of those dating apps where you can choose whether you want to see women or men in your search list. One day, feeling slightly bi-curious, I decided to change my profile to say that I'm heterosexual, just to see whether any women would actually write to me. Interestingly, I didn't get any messages from women, but got a number of messages from both "straight" and gay guys, who wanted to experiment with me. It felt incredibly exciting talking to those guys. One guy...

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a simple day of tanning

It was a hot and humid summer day, the type of day that the air feels sticky and your just don’t want to move. Although due to the intense heat that meant a busy day for the guys working at the local marina. There had to be hundreds of summer cottagers out on the lake enjoying the water. Paige woke up that morning and decided that it was far too hot and sticky to even bother getting dressed for the day. As she climbed out of bed, she decided she would just throw on her bikini and her new way...

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A Walk In The Park

“Are they doing what I think they are doing?” I asked. Tim laughed. “Ah, Katey, you are so innocent!” I smiled up at him as we stood in the park behind the shopping mall. Tim had volunteered to walk me home after work, a part time job I had after college some nights and Saturdays at McDonalds. He was my manager and I was flattered by the attention of someone older, hence I had agreed to take the walk with him. It was to be my first semi-romance. I must have been about 18. I kind of knew what...

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This is a true story, the names were changed to protect the innocent... I've always wanted to say that. Karen and I were twenty-one, free and white. It was Saturday, we both had some money and the time and we both liked to go bar hopping. I'd met Karen in college, my freshman year. She was funny, smart and pretty and we, at the time, had both had a crush on the same guy. Then we both found out that he was flirting with the other one, dropped him and became close friends. Anyway, that...

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North Indian horny housewife in Chennai

Hello dear readers. I’ll start by telling you about myself first. My name is Kiran, 26 years of age, with a 6 feet height and an average slim body to go with. I live in a beautiful city, Chennai. I have always had a great lust for sex, but this lust has not always been for young teenage girls, rather more for married women. The day was Sunday, a public holiday. I had gone to visit my uncle who lives at Tambaram. While returning back for my home, there is a long dark road which leads to the main...

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An Officer and An Italian Ch 02

Sorry about the delay in posting this chapter. It has just been pure craziness around my house lately. All feedback is welcome. Rachel looked over at the cell phone that was lying on the seat of Sergio’s truck. She hadn’t driven very far – she didn’t want to be arrested for ‘Grand Theft Auto’. In fact she was planning on dropping the truck off at his office for him to find later. She had just pulled into the lot when Sergio’s cell phone began to ring again. It had been ringing off and on for...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 35 The Emirs Death

Few of the Emirs of Kobekistan ever died in their beds. Most were assassinated, often on behalf of one or other of their sons, who would then ascend to the throne. His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah was the subject of several attempts by Crown Prince Mustapha to overthrow him during the next fourteen years, though the young Prince never attempted patricide as a route to the throne. Thus it was that His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah was one of the fortunate few Emirs to die...

2 years ago
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Off The Deep EndChapter 29

HAMBURG, GERMANY-- A stunning result in the pool on Tuesday evening before a capacity crowd at the Olympic Watersports Centre turned critical for swimmer James Connor. After a world record-setting performance in the 200m Men’s Butterfly final, Connor collapsed in the pool and was pulled from the water unconscious by officials and fellow competitors. Paramedics worked briefly poolside in front of hushed onlookers before a still unconscious Connor was carried off in gurney to a round of...

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Sons Friend

Son’s Friend It was just before xmas in 2018 and the wife and I were sitting together in our home office. We were both on facebook her on hers and me on mine. Well a friend sent her a private message. It was one of our son’s buddies. She opened the message to find a dick pic from this young man he is 19 she immediately showed me. She thought that must have been a mistake all of a sudden before she could type anything another message came from him apologizing saying I totally didn’t mean to send...

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I had just got home from work , and what to my wondering surprise my gf is naked and waiting for me on my lazy boy , with her legs spread , playing with her pussy.ON the couch are 3 shemales also naked and playing with there cocks , how she did this i have no idea , but its been my fantasy to have a shemale and my gf in a sexual frenzy ,now i had this and plus two more , wow what a girl.IM licking my lips as i watch all 4 of them playing , my gf tells me she has run a bath for me and has nikki...

1 year ago
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The Danielle Love Fantasy Part One

Up until this point all of my stories have been replays of the past. But I’ve decided to write a fantasy story about another Xhamster member. I know everyone is into ‘cum tributes’, but honestly, that’s just not my thing. So I guess this is my ‘cum tribute’ to her! If your interested in checking her profile out, the link is below! daniellelove6917 It was a rainy morning when my plane landed in San Diego. I was nervous, horny, and excited all at one time. I’d been talking to Danielle for...

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Skin Deep The Dance Chapter 11

Chapter 11 The Last Tango The officer and Detective Callahan appeared at the gate to Gary's cell about 2:00 o'clock that afternoon. "Time to go Shipley." Callahan announced. "You'll get one last chance to modify your statement before you're arraigned, then it's off to Baltimore. Any questions?" "Just one." "Shoot." "Is it possible for you to get any dumber than you already are?" Gary asked and smirked at the detective. "It's nice to see that some things never change."...

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A Lady Should Always Pay Her Debts Part 1

The four of us were old friends. My wife had first met Paul and Eric back in college, prior to her hooking up with me of course. I guess I should explain that. My wife had actually gone out on a few dates with Paul, before her and I hooked up. As for Eric, well my wife never fully explained how she first met him, or any sexual history for that matter. When Debbie and I first started dating, I would see him at her friends apartments and dorm rooms during on campus social gatherings… well a.k.a....

Wife Lovers
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Car Sex in the Parking lot of the office Real Hookup Experiences

I had been dating around for a while in a way my friends describe was “healthy”. But all I wanted was some bed-breaking sex with a complete stranger. I never had much appetite for a relationship and romantic stuffs. Men has been more like playthings for me. If you get horny, pick one, have fun and forget- that has been my way of seeing the dating world. And one of them was so quick that we had car sex the next day of our first meet itself. After trying to fit in the conventional dating scenario...

Real Hookup
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Meri Girlfriend Bani Meri Malkin

Ye story tab ki hai jab main 18 years ka tha. Meri ek girlfriend thi, Neha. Woh bohut hi hot ladki thi. Uske boobs 34 ke the aur gand 36 ki. Kya mal lagti thi.  Hum dono tab 12th mein the aur bohut sari phone par bate karte the. Dhire dhire hum dono phone sex karne lage. Usko oral sex bilkul pasand nahi tha aur mujhe bohut pasand tha. Par maine use mana liya oral sex ke liye phir humne milne ka plan banaya. Mere ek dost ka flat khali tha toh hum waha mile. Sabse pahle maine usse bohut sara kiss...

4 years ago
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First time naked resort part 2

It was crystal clear... there was something going on in our minds... people that say that a naturist resort is only for people that enjoy spending time in nature and sea-side in the nude and sex is not something to think about, to talk about, not involved at all ... like they also say there is much more "sexual tension" on textile beaches where women can wear sexy bikini's... and maybe the last might be true, but for the rest, all I can say is that this is not the case...coz we had STRONG...

2 years ago
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Sex Party

I said I would tell you about the small gathering of Ladies who like me were selected for a BBC sex party, part for breeding and part for our multi orgasm pleasure with these a****l monsters. The 2 rooms were one for breeding Ladies and the other for us to have our pussies filled and filed over and over again. One of the Ladies who loved to breed with African BBC men was Sue. Sue is a blonde Lady of 35 yo and about 5′ 3′ tall. She has a big ass and titties with huge brown nipples. Her belly is...

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