Flight Stopover Tried Nudist Beach Enjoying Public Masturbation
- 3 years ago
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„Mesdames et Messieurs nous avons commencé notre descente surl´aéroport de Bruxelles National, veuillez maintenant attachervos ceintures de sécurité !". Claire la maître decabine de ce Boeing 767 charter aux couleurs belges, sortit de son sac a mainun petit miroir et son rouge a lèvre. Elle se reconnut évidemmentet l´instant d´une seconde le vide s´était á nouveauxfait dans sa tête: "quel voyage, comment une telle chose puisse m´êtrearrivée." Elle avait 37 ans, blonde aux cheveux mi-court et étaitencore assez fière de son corps. Pour ses 1m60 elle ne pesait que 50kg. Sa poitrine avait hélas cessé de grandir a l´age précocede 15 ans et elle ne portait que du 75B. Son mari l´aurait bien vouluplus large de ce coté, elle lui disait alors d´un air narquoisque le bon dieu aurait du mieux répartir et lui prendre un peu de sonderrière, surtout après avoir eu deux enfants…
"Claire je te trouve bien soucieuse, tout va bien ?" lui fit Dorit la stewardessflamande. La plus jeune de l´équipage. "Oui, oui, répondit-elle,c´est la descente, les oreilles quoi!". Et puis elle murmura sans queDorit ne l´écoute: "Tout est de ta faute…".
Le Boeing 767 vira une dernière fois sur la droite et quelques minutesplus tard, se posa a midi, avec exactement 6 heures de retard a Bruxelles.Claire assise sur un strapontin pensait : 6 heures ! C´était6 heures de trop, 6 heures á effacer de sa mémoire…définitivement.Y arrivera t-elle ?
"Au revoir messieurs dames, á bientôt" les passagers qui désembarcaientdéfilaient maintenant devant-elle. Elle avait l´impression d´êtreune actrice et tout les passagers des spectateurs inconnus. Elle n´auraitjamais pu faire le signalement d´un passager á la police: ils étaienttous les même, surtout aujourd´hui oú ses pensées étaientailleurs.
Elle avait quitté l´avion sans prendre congé du restede l´équipage ce qui n´était pas dans ses habitudes.Sa Golf noire était encore parquée au même emplacementqu´elle l´avait laissé 2 jours plutôt. C´étaitun vol tout a fait normal: Bruxelles - Dakar, une nuit á Dakar puisretour. Pourquoi tout avait maintenant pris un caractère si différent?
Elle mis sa valise d´hôtesse dans le coffre de sa voiture etmonta. Elle allait démarrer quand elle se vu maintenant pour une secondefois dans un miroir: elle poussa d´un geste énervé le rétroviseurde coté et ferma les yeux.
En fait tout commença par la fin. Le séjour á Dakars´était bien passé et dans 4 heures l´avion qui devaitla ramener en Belgique aurait du atterrir. Elle aurait encore le temps de réveillerson plus jeune enfant, et de lui faire ses tartines pour l´école.Puis tout un coup le téléphone de bord sonna et le Capitaineflamand l´appela au Cockpit. Avec cet accent hollandais quel aimait beaucoupchez lui, il lui dit « Claire fait le nécessaire avec lespassagers, Patrick et moi avons des problèmes avec le réacteurN°=1, on va devoir atterrir en escale technique á Casablanca ».
« Oui Ruben, c´est bon je prépare la cabine… »
Vers 2 heures du matin nous atterrissions pour apprendre que le personneltechnique de la compagnie aérienne locale avait besoin de toute la nuitpour réparer l´avion.
Ce n´étais pas ma première escale technique et j´étaisheureuse de voir que les marocains avaient la situation bien en main. D´abordles passagers, puis l´équipage fut transporté en bus al´hôtel Hyatt Regency au centre ville. J´était crevé defatigue, Dorit tout a fait énervante nous disait pendant le trajet d´unedemi heure qu´elle avait aujourd´hui son anniversaire et quel comptaitbien fêter á Bruxelles avec son petit ami et ne pas rester justementce jour dans un bled inconnu.
A la réception de l´hôtel 5 étoiles les problèmescontinuaient. Les passagers avaient déjà occupé la plupartdes chambres et des suites et il ne restait que 4 chambres pour les 8 membresde l´équipage. C´est le moment oú je suis d´habitudecontente d´être une chef de cabine, car comme le commandant etson copilote je bénéficie alors d´une chambre pour moitoute seule. Les 3 hôtesses restantes se partagent donc une chambre.
Je n´avais pas compté sur la générosité deRuben: "Dorit, tu as aujourd´hui ton anniversaire, alors on va joueraujourd´hui le monde á l´envers, si Patrick et surtout Clairen´ont pas d´objections nous nous partagerons une chambre a troispour ces quelques heures á Casablanca, comme ça tu auras au moinseu un petit cadeau de notre part ! C´est d´accord ? »
Il fallait voir le visage de Dorit et des deux autres stewardess,elles étaient aux anges. Impossible pour moi de m´opposer, etpuis pourquoi aussi, je connaissais Ruben depuis quelques années déjà.La cinquantaine et déjà grand-père, amateur de voileet marié a une très gentille femme que j´avais connuelors d´une fête d´été de notre compagnie.Quant à Patrick il était wallon comme moi, 26 ans, grand homme,musclé. Il ressemblait plus a un animateur de village de vacancesqu´à un intellectuel. Je m´avais demandé parfoiscomment il avait passé tout ses certificats de pilotage, son intelligencene se lisait vraiment pas sur son visage.
Entourée de mon équipage nous décidions d´allerimmédiatement nous coucher, car le vol continuerait á prioridans la matinée.
Nous entrions a trois dans la jolie chambre de l´hôtel. Le personnelde cet hôtel avait déjà fait déposer un petit matelaspour une personne devant le grand lit double king size.
« Alors Patrick, nous nous couchons ensemble dans le grand litet puis toi Claire tu prends le matelas, d´accord ? »
Comme nous n´avions pas pris nos valises (elles étaient restéesdans la soute a bagage) Patrick entrepris rapidement a mon grand étonnementde se déshabiller pour rester en slip. Il était beau gosse etle savait, mais je le trouvais impudique. J´allais donc dans la sallede bain, j´avais envie de me doucher car j´avais déjà beaucouptranspirée mais je rejetais cette idée. J´enlevai mes souliers,ma chemise blanche, mon foulard et ma jupe bleu et restait en soutient gorgeblanc avec mes bas fin noirs sur ma culotte blanche elle aussi. Puis me disantque si les deux dans la pièce voisine éteignait la lumièreje pourrai même bien enlever mes bas. Très courtois les deux éteignaientaussitôt, et je me glissais bien á l´aise dans les drapsdu petit matelas. Je m´ endormit tout de suite.
Mes rêves étaient très mouvementés. J´étaisbien endormi mais je rêvais de mon mari, j´avais comme une enviesubite. Je sentais comme s´il me caressait les seins, comme s´ iljouait avec mes bourgeons et les mordillait. J´étais vraimentchaude et dans mon sommeil j´écartait mes cuisses pour le sentir…
C´est là ou j´ouvris les yeux, c´était incroyable,cela devait être un rêve, quel audace, Patrick était là,allongé près de moi sur le coté a ma gauche, une mainsur mon bas ventre, le caressant, comme mon père le faisait quand j´étaisgamine et que j´avais des maux de ventre. Il remontait ensuite et mecaressait la poitrine sans ôter mon soutien gorge. J´étaissi étonnée et fâchée que je m´apprêtaita lui faire la scène de sa vie, quand il remonta sa main m´appliquason index sur la bouche et me murmura a l´oreille «Tu vas réveillerRuben »
J´étais déjà perdue, je crois. Il avait du s´appliquer á mecaresser depuis longtemps pendant mon sommeil. J´étais trèschaude, je sentais à travers ma culotte mon sexe enflé et trèsmouillé.
Je ne disais rien, tout un coup Patrick n´étais plus Patrick.Patrick était devenu une possibilité inattendue pour moi d´assouvirune envie sexuelle.
A cause de mes voyages fréquent et de nos deux gosses, mon mari etmoi ne couchions plus très souvent ensemble. Et puis c´étaittoujours le même schéma. Ici a Casablanca ce n´étaitpas la même chose. J´étais si loin de Bruxelles et n´avaisencore jamais de ma vie été réveillée par des caressesinterdites.
Je fermais les yeux, Patrick rabaissa la bretelle de mon soutien-gorge ets´appliqua à lécher et sucer l´aréole et letéton de mon sein gauche. Sa main était toujours poséesur mon bas ventre et parce que je commençais a m´onduler, illa descendit et la déposa sur mon slip. Là il caressa avec deuxdoigts par dessus le tissus mes grosses lèvres. J´étaisaux anges et je haletais déjà. Il descendit alors sa têteet se positionna entre mes cuisses. J´avais perdu tout control de moi-même.Je voulais faire l´amour et me donner. Avec une main posée surchaque coté de mes cuisses il m´enleva ma petite culotte, la jetade coté, et continua avec ses doigts a me caresser les lèvresde mon vagin. Puis il colla sa bouche a mon sexe avide de plaisir et léchad´abord tout doucement puis toujours plus fortement mon clitoris. Ils´aida de son pouce gauche pour soulever la petite peau qui cachait monclitoris enflé. C´était l´extase il suçaisle clitoris et descendit parfois pour pénétrer sa langue dansmon vagin. J´eu un orgasme violent. Des spasmes qui comme des vaguesdéferlaient de mon sexe vers mon ventre. Mon coeur battait trèsfort. Je dus faire attention de ne pas être trop bruyante, je ne voulaissurtout pas réveiller Ruben !
« C´était bon me fit Patrick ? Tu es si belle,j´ai envie de toi ! »
Pendant toutes ses caresses j´avais senti son sexe emprisonné dansson slip battre contre mes cuisses, mais pas une seule fois j´avais entreprisde le toucher. Peut-être par peur du non retour de cette situation dramatique.
Il enleva lui-même son dernier vêtement et je pus voir dans lapénombre un gros sexe enflé, dur, presque a la verticale.
Mon seul partenaire sexuel était jusque-là mon mari et j´était á lafois impressionnée et un peu peureuse à la vue de ce gros glandet des gros testicules.
Je devais être devenue folle, je pris le sexe dans ma main et entreprisde le masturber très fortement. Je tirais sa peau frénétiquementjusqu´au dessus de son gland pour la rabattre presque méchammentsur le bas.
Apres quelques secondes de ce traitement il me repoussa sur le dos et s´allongeasur moi. Il voulait maintenant me pénétrer. Jamais un autre penisque celui de mon mari était entré en moi. J´étaitsurexcitée. Il dirigea avec précaution son gland vers l´entréede mon vagin et s´enfonça d´un trait jusqu´ à labase. J´étais á ce moment contente d´être simouillée car son sexe était quand même plus gros que celuique je connaissais jusqu´a maintenant. J´avais presque l´impressionde revivre ma première expérience sexuelle.
Je fermais les yeux et le laisser me prendre il s´activait et devenaitde plus en plus bruyant. J´avais déjà eu un orgasme etj´étais assez fatiguée, c´est pour cela que je nem´activait plus tellement. Je sentais un orgasme approcher mais ne ledésirai pas vraiment. Peut-être ne voulus-je pas luis donner cettedeuxième satisfaction. Lui pantelait et me demandais maintenant á l´oreillede gémir et de ne plus cacher mon plaisir.
C´est a ce moment précis que la lumière de chevet dugrand lit s´allumait. Ruben s´était réveillé etnous contemplais faisant l´amour.
Je repoussai Patrick qui resta quand même bien enfoncé en moiet commença a balbutier quelques excuses de l´ordre de : « Rubenc´est pas ce que tu pense ! », je cherchais des yeuxune couverture ou un drap mais rien n´étais á porté dema main. Ruben me regarda et je senti son regard posé sur mes seins.J´étais mal á l´aise dans cette situation. Que sepassera t-il maintenant. Quelle honte, peut-être fera-t-il une déclaration á lacompagnie aérienne ?
Informera t-il mon mari ?
Ruben en slip se leva et s´approcha de moi, « continue Patrick,notre petite Claire en a vraiment besoin «
J´avais honte, j´étais rouge et plus du tout concentréesur mon plaisir. Patrick était loin de jouir je le savais.
Ruben s´agenouilla a cote de ma tête et me caressa les cheveuxcomme un père attendri.
Il rabaissa ensuite son slip et me laissa voir sa queue. Elle ressemblaiplus a celle de mon mari. Ruben était circoncis ce qui m´étonnapour un flamand. Mais ce qui m´étonnai encore plus c´étaitde voir que tout son poil pubien étaient gris. Je n´avais jamaispensé que les poils du sexe prenaient dans l´age aussi une couleurgrisâtre.
Lui aussi bandait fortement mais plutôt a l´horizontale, commeun gros stylo ou marqueur.
Il présenta son penis a la hauteur de ma bouche et je compris toutde suite qu´il voulait que je le suce. Comme j´avais déjà sucé monmari qui aimait d´ailleurs cela, je connaissait cette pratique sexuelleet ouvris la bouche. Etant couchée sur le dos, il avait bien du mal à mepénétrer. J´arrivai juste un peu a sucer son gland. Patricktoujours sur moi vit que cela ne marchait pas et se releva en sortant son sexede mon vagin dilaté.
Tout de suite Ruben se jeta sur mon sexe et entreprit de le lécher.Il était moins gentil que Patrick et très goulu. Toujours unde ses doigts soit masturbant mon clitoris, soit écartant mes lèvreset surtout ce que je n´aimait pas tellement, se promenant avec un doigtdans la raie de mon derrière, cherchant mon petit trou pour l´agasser.
Il s´était couché sur moi et j´avais maintenantson pubis sur mon visage. Pour ne pas jouer les saintes ni touche je masturbaisson penis, le léchant parfois ou encore le suçant un peu.
Les attouchements de Ruben commençaient a me faire gémir, ils´était maintenant concentré avec un doigt sur mon clitoriset un autre doigt tournait incessamment autour de mon petit anneau.
Patrick lui tapa á l´épaule et lui dit « eh,Captain, moi aussi j´existe ! »
Ruben se releva, déjà en sueur. La pièce sentait lesexe, bien que mes deux amants n´avaient toujours pas joui alors quemoi déjà 2 fois.
Patrick se coucha alors sur le dos et m´invita á m´asseoirsur lui. J´avais envie de lui et ne prêtait plus d´attention á Ruben.Je pris dans la main droite ce sexe, le tirant un peu a l´horizontale,le dirigeant vers mes lèvres génitales et me laissait tombersur ce dernier. Tout de suite pleine de bonheur je commençais à monteret descendre sur lui. Lui me pinçai mes tétons et palpai mespetits seins.
C´est a ce moment que je senti deux mains écarter mes fesseset quelque chose de chaud et mouillé sur mon trou du cul. C´ étaitincroyable, Ruben, notre capitaine était en train de me lécherle cul, de pénétrer avec sa langue dans mon petit trou.
J´eu aussitôt un troisième orgasme torride.
Ruben se releva ensuite et dirigea alors son Penis vers mon derrière.Je compris naturellement tout de suite ce qu´il voulait.
« Non Ruben, pas cela je ne l´ai jamais fait au paraventet ça fait mal ».
Il ne dit rien alors j´entrepris de me dégager de Patrick, cedernier me pris dans ses bras et me fis basculer en avant, vers lui. J´étaiscomme prisonnière de ses bras puissants. La croupe dégagéeen boutoir vers l´arrière.
Patrick me glissa dans l´oreille « tu apprécierastu verra »
Ruben promena son penis irrigé vers mon petit trou et comme solutionfinale j´essayais de fermer mon anneau. En vain, millimètre, parmillimètre il me pénétra. Mon anneau céda sousla pression. Patrick avait pendant ce temps arrêté tout mouvement.J´étais concentrée sur mon derrière qui brûlaitet je me trouvais monstrueuse d´éprouver une sensation de plaisirde ce coté.
C´est alors qu´il dit avec cet accent flamand « mais qu´estce quel est bonne la petite Claire », et je détestait toutun coup cet accent.
Ruben en moi ne bougeait plus et me laissait le temps de m´accoutumer á cettepremière pénétration de ma vie. Puis il glissa sa maindroite entre Patrick et moi et entrepris de frictionner mon clitoris déjà bieninflammé.
Patrick repris ses vas et viens et Ruben très gentleman ne bougeapratiquement pas. Cette nouvelle astication de mon clitoris me redonna un plaisirfulgurant. Et je commençais de moi-même à bouger.
Patrick avait relâché son étreinte et mes seins étaient á nouveaulibre. Ruben s´y agrippa, serrant mes tétons entre ses doigts.Puis Ruben cria alors tout d´un coup « Claire tu es si serrée »,donna deux coups de rein et se vida en moi. Je sentais la chaleur de son spermealler au fond de mon ventre, un quatrième orgasme arriva. Je n´avaitjamais cru cela possible. Et puis Patrick s´enfonça vigoureusementpour la einieme fois et se déversa lui aussi enfin complètementen moi.
J´étais épuisée.
Tout doucement notre capitaine se glissa en dehors de moi, sa verge étaitun peu rouge et je compris que notre plaisir avait été trop loin.
Je me relevai de Patrick qui avait entrepris encore de m´embrassersur la bouche. Mais je ne voulais pas, j´en avait assez d´eux maintenant.
Je courus vers la salle de bain avec mes dessous et pris une douche trèschaude.
Puis je rhabillais mon uniforme. J´espérait que les deux hommes étaienteux aussi habillés quand je ressortis.
Mes amants avaient eux aussi remis leur uniforme, et le capitaine discutaitdéjà avec son portable.
Je quittais la chambre sans un mot pour aller prendre un petit déjeuner.
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This is the fourth story in the Nina series: I came downstairs, still sore from my spanking yesterday. I smiled at Mum who smiled at me, we were friends again, I was a 38 year old adult again, no longer the naughty teenager. She paused then asked “you know dear I haven’t asked you for a while but if ever you want to stop being disciplined like a teenager we can do it. You know you can be an adult at home as well.” “I have thought about it Mum. Really I have, but you know I love it...
SpankingNeither Stephanie nor Ryan seemed to mind a detour to San Diego. Jill and Brian weren’t unhappy about staying an extra day either. San Diego’s international airport wasn’t as media savvy as LAX but there were a few photographers outside when we exited. Liz gave a couple of waves and I offered the same. Word must have gotten out that Liz was on the way because the music critic from the newspaper was there with a photographer. The woman despised country music but had written a rave review of...
The rest of the week just seemed to fly by. I woke up Friday morning and was a bundle of nervous energy. I know this was only a drink but maybe just maybe this could be a new beginning for Roberto and I. Don’t rush things I kept saying to myself as I got dressed for work. I had made the mistake of rushing things back when we were in high school and look where that had gotten us. As I drove to work that day, I was planning out what I was going to wear that night. Finnegan’s was a little hole...
Dear diary, tonight's anal escapades gets 8 out of 10 boners... I started off slow with a gerthy 3 inch diameter ridged dildo. Getting comfortable by the fireplace I oiled my squishy boy pussy and pressed the fat head of the dildo onto my loosening hole. Racked with anticipation for it to stretch and spread my ass into mindless bliss. Knowing tho to take it slower than I did last time. I was sore for a week after that one. So I press slower onto it this time trying to move it in and out of my...
Susie was 19 years old, fresh out of high school. She used to live in the city but for the summer she was visiting her brother in the country. She was 5'6 with long brown hair that hung just above her tight ass. She wasn't close to thin but all her curves were found in the right places for example her 38 DDD breasts. She arrived on the farm at 11:00am on a sunday, her brother and his wife were suppose to be at church but they left the house unlocked so she could come in and make her self...
FantasyJust try and imagine my surprise when I stopped by my wife's office the other day, only to find her begging for one of her workers to "Fuck her harder, to bang her like the she was."A little bit of history, I'm 46, my wife just turned 40, we've been married for 10+ years and live a comfortable life in a quiet small town. Our sex life hasn't exactly been anything to write home about for the past four or five years, mostly because she refuses to use birth control, and I refuse to get a vasectomy....
I do not have a small penis. That being said, it's not necessarily big either. It's about 7 inches which is a decent size. My girlfriend has recently been hinting at wanting a threesome, which started out as just talking dirty when we were fooling around and looking at porn on the computer, but I started to feel like she really wanted it more and more. After a while I thought about it and thought it might be fun, but I definitely wanted to be the one to pick the guy. After all, maybe she would...
This story is about the first time I have ever been fucked by a guy. It was just a few weeks ago at school, I met this extremely hot guy. Very tan, deep vioce, looked to have a very nice body. I couldn't help but stare at him all the time! He was so damn hot. I knew I wanted his dick in me. We were both straight, (we still are), but there was some weird attraction. One day after school, he brushed by me and winked. His smell was like none other. I wish I knew the name of his cologne. But when I...
Ever since I was little, I wanted to be a physicist and I wanted to own a gaming store. I chased both of those and somehow the end result was even better than expected. My life was a dream and I got to meet the most interesting people, got to play the most interesting games. But sometimes I wanted things a little more interesting. I didn’t know his name. He was an online foray of mine that I indulged in during the darkest hours of the night. After hosting a Dungeons and Dragons session or a...
Stunning Alex Grey is cooking dinner for her boyfriend Jessy Jones and teasing him by wearing nothing but her panties. His dick immediately gets rock hard from the sight of his gorgeous girlfriend and he decides to spice things up. He demands that she removes her panties and do everything he tells her, starting with getting on her knees and begging for his monster cock. First he fucks her mouth and then her soaking wet pussy. Nothing like a home cooked meal and a kinky fucking session in the...
xmoviesforyouA week after her office tryst with Dean Langdon, Susie Brock decided to seduce one of her roommates. This girl was a 20 year old junior named Amelia More from South Carolina. She had a rather earthy and sensual complexion. Susie guessed that she had both Caucasian and Afro-American ancestors. In fact, there was even a slight hint of Creek Indian. Susie had thoughts of possibly engaging in a threesome with Amelia and the Dean. After all, her personal preference for an exclusive relationship...
Hey guys! Thank you for the overwhelming feedback you gave that compelled me to write another story. Kudos to the ladies and girls who came closer to me due to my previous story. Like my previous story, this is also a true and authentic experience about an amazing fuck. I have had many fair shares of experience with women around me. For those who haven’t read my previous adventure, please give it a shot. Those who don’t know me, my name is Rocky. I am 6’1 feet tall and have a slim athletic...
This is another in a long of line of true stories about my crossdressing experiences. This encounter happened back in the 90s.It was Saturday night and I was on the road to the Queen Mary in Studio City. For those of you who were into the scene back then, you know what a happening place the Mary was. I was completely made up and was dressed in my favorite black, form-fitting dress. Underneath I had black panties and pantyhose. I had on a great pair of 4 inch black hi heels. It was a long drive,...
It was about three months later, when I received a call from John at the tattoo studio, A woman had been in, seen the tattoo picture of Stephanie and was deciding whether to have it done to herself, but had strangely asked if it was possible to see the tattoo in the flesh. John had initially said I doubt the couple would be willing for that to happen but to keep the client happy, he promised he would phone and ask. "Is the woman there in the studio now" I asked. "Yes, she seems impatient...
It was early morning. The sun was just rising on the horizon. The beach was empty of people. The white sand, soft and untouched. The waves of the ocean gently touched upon the sands and retreated. It was a secluded beach behind the huge rocky expanse which separated it from the civilization. Not visited by many, the beach was a nice get away for a stray couple once in a while.Today though, Becky strolled down the beach in the dark early hours of the morning. She needed to get away from people....
Group SexFor Friends and Family Part 16 - Secrets and Lies Hi Candyb, you will get your wish, maybe not in this episode but I have a plan circulating around my head to write it in, sorry to tease. I was still in heaven when his limp manhood slipped out of me; I could actually feel everything that was happening to me. He took his weight back onto his elbows and stroked my face as I was still in ecstasy; as far as I was concerned I had died and gone to heaven. He gently kissed my...
Yea story sachme mere sath hui hai mere gharpe meri maa ne humme aysa bana dia hai kaise meri maa itne logo ki rakhail bani Sidha story pe ata hu mai mere ghar me sirf 4jan hai mai mere dad mom and my elder sister , she is 19yrs and my mother is like 37 may be n dad railway me job krte hai unki post hamesha dur dur hoti hai isliye gharpe hum 3jan rehte hai mai or meri bhen clg nikal jaatey hai subhe mom sooyi hui rehti hai hum 8baje nikal jate hai vho 10baje tak uthti hai tho ek din maine clg...
I’d never met my biological father before. But when I was a teenager, I asked my mom about him and she told me that he lived alone on the outskirts of town. I told her that I was interested in connecting with him. My mom became very worried and said that she knew this day would come.She said that my dad was a very handsome, very sexy self assured man. She said he had “a way with the ladies”…especially younger ones, which is why he left my mom when she got to be “too old for him”.“I’m not...
Fortunately, Zulie's building plans included enlarging everything when she designed the new house; otherwise, the eight of us would not have fit around the breakfast table. But there was room for all and we shared many meals there. One morning, we were all eating breakfast and discussing current events. Normally quiet, Hana was even more subdued than usual. Surprisingly, I noticed it before Freya did. "Hana, you're deep in thought this morning. Would you let the rest of us in on your...
(Author’s Note: Sorry for the delay in getting this out, it’s been a little bit of a rough and busy patch with finals and stuff like that. This is a short chapter, yes, but very crucial to the story. As with all my stories, all characters are eighteen years or older, and property of the writer.) Fifteen minutes was all it took for Mikhail to finish cleaning up. The bathroom door slowly opened as he dried off his naked, wet body. Truth be told, he honestly did not expect Angelique to be waiting...
Sunita was 40 years old. She belonged to a middle class family. Her husband passed away few years back. She had an early marriage and had two children from her marriage, 24 year old daughter Mala and 15 year old son Suresh. They lived in a small 1 br flat in Mumbai. Sunita was not very educated. She came from a very modest background. After her husbands death, Sunita did not find it difficult to get on with life as her husband had made the house in her named and had left some money in her name....
IncestMy sister and I were just sitting around and talking as we often did. I had come to visit for the weekend. It was a hot sticky day and she was wearing a tight tank top that was cut off a bit above the waist. That kind of thing can make small boobs look big. It made her big ones look huge. I couldn't help staring and when I told her she looked great today she laughed and said, "Do you mean 'they' look great today"?I said, "Both."Darla was never what you would call 'conservative' in the way she...
Tuesday, August 26, 2007 Anastasia Storm Dan picked me up at my house. "Any luck with Slick?" I asked him. "None at all. And I've found out one of her Star Tricks friends is planning on asking her out." "You don't want to get in their way?" "I'd feel like a cad. This girl is almost a complete social outcast, except for the Star Tricks thing. If I seduce her and then disappear as soon as the mission's over, it may very well break up the social group. God knows what will become...
She'd been there for hours, it seemed. Lying on her back, spread-eagled, wrists and ankles secured to bed posts, blindfolded and isolated.She could hear him rustling around - initially, she'd though he had tied her up and left, but he was there, he would never put her in danger that way.She could smell the musty odor of him - aftershave splashed on hurriedly before the sun crawled above the horizon, the sweat and must of a day spent pent up in an office, a faint hint of expensive Scotch. She...
BDSMIt was a cool, fall full-moon night and I danced in the glen beside my home, wearing my sheer white negligee and waving one of those florescent green glowsticks as I danced, giving the truckers a show. Maybe. I doubted if they could really see anything but a white-female looking form dancing half-a-mile-away in the moonlight. Yes, I was being a cocktease. (Isn’t a gurl supposed to flirt? Jeeeezzzzzz.) I returned to my computer and signed off for the night, relishing in my dance as a gurl in...
The five lovers awoke remarkably comfortable with their adjacency and their nakedness. Quick kisses avoiding morning breath, only the two males and brother and sister not kissing, and they dressed in yesterday’s clothing before gathering in the gathering cabin where Anna provided eggs, sausage, toast, juice and coffee. Victoria and Charlie headed back to duty on the ship, raising the anchor and heading home, while Essie, Joe and Liang sat together on the couch, watching the others join them,...
As from the part one story you read how our sex was encountered with strangers and turned into orgy on our first day of our honeymoon. As we went in our room Guarav said he went crazy by seeing me fucked by 2 strangers infront of him.He came near and kissed me pressing my ass.“I am very happy with you and I enjoyed a lot last night” kissing me deep.“I want to thank you to making our honeymoon very spicy”.As we slept for sometime went for bath its 3 at afternoon we ordered some food.Bell rang...
The next day in the office absolutely sucked for me. I could not get my head away from the thought of Rebecca riding down the interstate with a beer can up her pussy and her having an orgasm every five or ten minutes. The boner I sported all morning was really driving me crazy and relief had to come soon. By ten o’clock I had decided to make a short day of it. A twelve o’clock departure was definitely in the crosshairs, but a little motivation was also a necessity. The phone call to my...
We meet this other dude and have a nice evening of drinking and some dancing. You take turns with us both, including some slow dances. Soon it is closing time and you offer us both a night cap back at your place which, we both accept. Once we arrive, you ask us to pour a drink and put some music on while you freshen up. The music is soft and slow. You return without your jacket on, revealing to us that under your tank top you aren't wearing a bra. The mood is light and we sit for a bit to chat....
Group SexChapter One: Stolen Identities You banged your fist one last time against the corrugated sheet of iron metal before you. Much like the result of all your previous attempts, the wretched surface refuses to yield to your touch, the cold steel leaving a numbing sensation down the edge of your pinky finger where it had made contact. Exasperated, you collapse to the floor, rolling your hair follicles into clumps as your vision darts around to the four identical solid sheets encompassing you which...
FetishAfter been fucked wildly by a perfect stranger in a bathroom during a party; he tried to humiliate me by taking my ass in a hard way.But I finally managed to humiliate the filthy bastard, by telling him that his dick was too little to feel it in my anus…As he left me there alone, I cleaned myself and went back down to the boring party. This filthy bastard had ripped my tiny thong off from my body, keeping the ragged cloth as a souvenir for her wife.I saw my loving husband was sitting down close...
Hello guys, am waiting for this opportunity from 3 years to submit my experience here, but finally i got courage to do.Even though i had romantic experience with my girlfriend.,. at present i will tell you the the incident which happened in kolkata. Let me introduce my self,am from hyd around 25.as a part of research for two months i went to kolkata.i used to stay at esplanade , one thing i need to tell you ..girls in kolkata are really hot and seductive. After ten days of my joining in...
Janice Griffith is on the phone with her husband but all the noise from the construction outside is distracting. She asks the worker making all the noise, Dana DeArmond, to please keep it down. Janice even mistakes her for a man! Dana takes a break from work but overhears Janice crying in the bathroom and gives her some woman to woman advice to make her feel better. Dana begins feeling a lesbian attraction toward Janice, so it doesn’t take long before things are about to heat up! Dana...
xmoviesforyouOne day while watching tv Tiffany asked if I wanted to do something. I said, "I don't care, like what?" She said, "Something wild". I knew what she had in mind, Kinda. I asked, "Like what?" She said that she wanted to go to the local Adult Book store to check out some stuff. I said,"Ok, but I have to get changed" She agreed that she had to also. She got changed into a Tight t-shirt with no bra on with her black mini skirt with out any panties on too. But to cover up she wore a trench coat that...
Chapter 5: Encounters On The Open Road Looking back now afterward I still cannot make sense out of what happened that day at the motel at LeGrande, Oregon. They had picked up our trail somehow, although I think it must have been a matter of pure chance. I have reviewed it now a thousand times and cannot see where we left a trail to open ourselves to their tracing. Nevertheless, we had an encounter on a Tuesday morning after a pleasant stay in LeGrande and breakfast at the restaurant across the...
It’s amazing what a little anonymity can stir up. I like to think everyone has one of those moments we excuse as college experimenting. Most of them don’t actually happen during college, but we all have one. Don’t we?Mine was on vacation in Las Vegas. Could there ever be a more fitting place to say farewell to an inhibition? Or three?Brad and I had only been married two years and recently graduated from the newlywed syndrome. We still had sex. A lot. But it wasn’t like it used to be. You know...
Mick walked me to behind the counter and grabbed some measuring tape. I asked him "Do you measure over my dress, or do I need to remove it?"... I knew he could do it over my dress... I just wanted to see what he'd say...I was giving him an opportunity to take advantage of me, and I wanted to see if he would take it. He looked at my dress, and I'm sure he could tell I wasn't wearing a bra... he said "well... I could do it over the dress... but we'd get a much better measurement without...
Bella was pissed. She honestly couldn’t believe that this was happening. Today was her 18th birthday. This day was supposed to be an amazing day for her, but yet here she was in her living room, listening to her father babble on about the horrible situation he had gotten not only himself in, but her in as well. ‘Bella I’m so sorry-I know you’re angry my love but there is no choice’ her father pleaded. ‘It’s done. There were no other options. I had no way to pay them back, and for some reason,...
Freshly found friend & elder b*o Phil invites me along to London next European Go Congress in Canterbury. After our luch meeting at a terrace in Namur in the francophone eastern part of Belgium, where only choice in beers is from strong till very strong indeed, just like the iinteresting impact of his hot short sexy spicy stories on submission of great gals to the whims of his whips & heaving hips. As we learnt with lovely looking Louisa from his arousing exposé about his curious...
Kyra sped home, frustrated. She was hoping her night would have ended much differently. By this time in the night, she had imagined she would be in Zach’s bed getting pounded into the mattress, or at least swallowing his cock.She had arrived at the house party wearing a figure-hugging dress tight enough to catch the attention of every single male in attendance, but she only wanted the attention from one in particular. However, her plans to seduce Zach abruptly came to a halt when she stumbled...