Tecnical Stopover (French) free porn video

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„Mesdames et Messieurs nous avons commencé notre descente surl´aéroport de Bruxelles National, veuillez maintenant attachervos ceintures de sécurité !". Claire la maître decabine de ce Boeing 767 charter aux couleurs belges, sortit de son sac a mainun petit miroir et son rouge a lèvre. Elle se reconnut évidemmentet l´instant d´une seconde le vide s´était á nouveauxfait dans sa tête: "quel voyage, comment une telle chose puisse m´êtrearrivée." Elle avait 37 ans, blonde aux cheveux mi-court et étaitencore assez fière de son corps. Pour ses 1m60 elle ne pesait que 50kg. Sa poitrine avait hélas cessé de grandir a l´age précocede 15 ans et elle ne portait que du 75B. Son mari l´aurait bien vouluplus large de ce coté, elle lui disait alors d´un air narquoisque le bon dieu aurait du mieux répartir et lui prendre un peu de sonderrière, surtout après avoir eu deux enfants…

"Claire je te trouve bien soucieuse, tout va bien ?" lui fit Dorit la stewardessflamande. La plus jeune de l´équipage. "Oui, oui, répondit-elle,c´est la descente, les oreilles quoi!". Et puis elle murmura sans queDorit ne l´écoute: "Tout est de ta faute…".

Le Boeing 767 vira une dernière fois sur la droite et quelques minutesplus tard, se posa a midi, avec exactement 6 heures de retard a Bruxelles.Claire assise sur un strapontin pensait : 6 heures ! C´était6 heures de trop, 6 heures á effacer de sa mémoire…définitivement.Y arrivera t-elle ?

"Au revoir messieurs dames, á bientôt" les passagers qui désembarcaientdéfilaient maintenant devant-elle. Elle avait l´impression d´êtreune actrice et tout les passagers des spectateurs inconnus. Elle n´auraitjamais pu faire le signalement d´un passager á la police: ils étaienttous les même, surtout aujourd´hui oú ses pensées étaientailleurs.

Elle avait quitté l´avion sans prendre congé du restede l´équipage ce qui n´était pas dans ses habitudes.Sa Golf noire était encore parquée au même emplacementqu´elle l´avait laissé 2 jours plutôt. C´étaitun vol tout a fait normal: Bruxelles - Dakar, une nuit á Dakar puisretour. Pourquoi tout avait maintenant pris un caractère si différent?

Elle mis sa valise d´hôtesse dans le coffre de sa voiture etmonta. Elle allait démarrer quand elle se vu maintenant pour une secondefois dans un miroir: elle poussa d´un geste énervé le rétroviseurde coté et ferma les yeux.

En fait tout commença par la fin. Le séjour á Dakars´était bien passé et dans 4 heures l´avion qui devaitla ramener en Belgique aurait du atterrir. Elle aurait encore le temps de réveillerson plus jeune enfant, et de lui faire ses tartines pour l´école.Puis tout un coup le téléphone de bord sonna et le Capitaineflamand l´appela au Cockpit. Avec cet accent hollandais quel aimait beaucoupchez lui, il lui dit « Claire fait le nécessaire avec lespassagers, Patrick et moi avons des problèmes avec le réacteurN°=1, on va devoir atterrir en escale technique á Casablanca ».

« Oui Ruben, c´est bon je prépare la cabine… »

Vers 2 heures du matin nous atterrissions pour apprendre que le personneltechnique de la compagnie aérienne locale avait besoin de toute la nuitpour réparer l´avion.

Ce n´étais pas ma première escale technique et j´étaisheureuse de voir que les marocains avaient la situation bien en main. D´abordles passagers, puis l´équipage fut transporté en bus al´hôtel Hyatt Regency au centre ville. J´était crevé defatigue, Dorit tout a fait énervante nous disait pendant le trajet d´unedemi heure qu´elle avait aujourd´hui son anniversaire et quel comptaitbien fêter á Bruxelles avec son petit ami et ne pas rester justementce jour dans un bled inconnu.

A la réception de l´hôtel 5 étoiles les problèmescontinuaient. Les passagers avaient déjà occupé la plupartdes chambres et des suites et il ne restait que 4 chambres pour les 8 membresde l´équipage. C´est le moment oú je suis d´habitudecontente d´être une chef de cabine, car comme le commandant etson copilote je bénéficie alors d´une chambre pour moitoute seule. Les 3 hôtesses restantes se partagent donc une chambre.

Je n´avais pas compté sur la générosité deRuben: "Dorit, tu as aujourd´hui ton anniversaire, alors on va joueraujourd´hui le monde á l´envers, si Patrick et surtout Clairen´ont pas d´objections nous nous partagerons une chambre a troispour ces quelques heures á Casablanca, comme ça tu auras au moinseu un petit cadeau de notre part ! C´est d´accord ? »

Il fallait voir le visage de Dorit et des deux autres stewardess,elles étaient aux anges. Impossible pour moi de m´opposer, etpuis pourquoi aussi, je connaissais Ruben depuis quelques années déjà.La cinquantaine et déjà grand-père, amateur de voileet marié a une très gentille femme que j´avais connuelors d´une fête d´été de notre compagnie.Quant à Patrick il était wallon comme moi, 26 ans, grand homme,musclé. Il ressemblait plus a un animateur de village de vacancesqu´à un intellectuel. Je m´avais demandé parfoiscomment il avait passé tout ses certificats de pilotage, son intelligencene se lisait vraiment pas sur son visage.

Entourée de mon équipage nous décidions d´allerimmédiatement nous coucher, car le vol continuerait á prioridans la matinée.

Nous entrions a trois dans la jolie chambre de l´hôtel. Le personnelde cet hôtel avait déjà fait déposer un petit matelaspour une personne devant le grand lit double king size.

« Alors Patrick, nous nous couchons ensemble dans le grand litet puis toi Claire tu prends le matelas, d´accord ? »

Comme nous n´avions pas pris nos valises (elles étaient restéesdans la soute a bagage) Patrick entrepris rapidement a mon grand étonnementde se déshabiller pour rester en slip. Il était beau gosse etle savait, mais je le trouvais impudique. J´allais donc dans la sallede bain, j´avais envie de me doucher car j´avais déjà beaucouptranspirée mais je rejetais cette idée. J´enlevai mes souliers,ma chemise blanche, mon foulard et ma jupe bleu et restait en soutient gorgeblanc avec mes bas fin noirs sur ma culotte blanche elle aussi. Puis me disantque si les deux dans la pièce voisine éteignait la lumièreje pourrai même bien enlever mes bas. Très courtois les deux éteignaientaussitôt, et je me glissais bien á l´aise dans les drapsdu petit matelas. Je m´ endormit tout de suite.

Mes rêves étaient très mouvementés. J´étaisbien endormi mais je rêvais de mon mari, j´avais comme une enviesubite. Je sentais comme s´il me caressait les seins, comme s´ iljouait avec mes bourgeons et les mordillait. J´étais vraimentchaude et dans mon sommeil j´écartait mes cuisses pour le sentir…

C´est là ou j´ouvris les yeux, c´était incroyable,cela devait être un rêve, quel audace, Patrick était là,allongé près de moi sur le coté a ma gauche, une mainsur mon bas ventre, le caressant, comme mon père le faisait quand j´étaisgamine et que j´avais des maux de ventre. Il remontait ensuite et mecaressait la poitrine sans ôter mon soutien gorge. J´étaissi étonnée et fâchée que je m´apprêtaita lui faire la scène de sa vie, quand il remonta sa main m´appliquason index sur la bouche et me murmura a l´oreille «Tu vas réveillerRuben »

J´étais déjà perdue, je crois. Il avait du s´appliquer á mecaresser depuis longtemps pendant mon sommeil. J´étais trèschaude, je sentais à travers ma culotte mon sexe enflé et trèsmouillé.

Je ne disais rien, tout un coup Patrick n´étais plus Patrick.Patrick était devenu une possibilité inattendue pour moi d´assouvirune envie sexuelle.

A cause de mes voyages fréquent et de nos deux gosses, mon mari etmoi ne couchions plus très souvent ensemble. Et puis c´étaittoujours le même schéma. Ici a Casablanca ce n´étaitpas la même chose. J´étais si loin de Bruxelles et n´avaisencore jamais de ma vie été réveillée par des caressesinterdites.

Je fermais les yeux, Patrick rabaissa la bretelle de mon soutien-gorge ets´appliqua à lécher et sucer l´aréole et letéton de mon sein gauche. Sa main était toujours poséesur mon bas ventre et parce que je commençais a m´onduler, illa descendit et la déposa sur mon slip. Là il caressa avec deuxdoigts par dessus le tissus mes grosses lèvres. J´étaisaux anges et je haletais déjà. Il descendit alors sa têteet se positionna entre mes cuisses. J´avais perdu tout control de moi-même.Je voulais faire l´amour et me donner. Avec une main posée surchaque coté de mes cuisses il m´enleva ma petite culotte, la jetade coté, et continua avec ses doigts a me caresser les lèvresde mon vagin. Puis il colla sa bouche a mon sexe avide de plaisir et léchad´abord tout doucement puis toujours plus fortement mon clitoris. Ils´aida de son pouce gauche pour soulever la petite peau qui cachait monclitoris enflé. C´était l´extase il suçaisle clitoris et descendit parfois pour pénétrer sa langue dansmon vagin. J´eu un orgasme violent. Des spasmes qui comme des vaguesdéferlaient de mon sexe vers mon ventre. Mon coeur battait trèsfort. Je dus faire attention de ne pas être trop bruyante, je ne voulaissurtout pas réveiller Ruben !

« C´était bon me fit Patrick ? Tu es si belle,j´ai envie de toi ! »

Pendant toutes ses caresses j´avais senti son sexe emprisonné dansson slip battre contre mes cuisses, mais pas une seule fois j´avais entreprisde le toucher. Peut-être par peur du non retour de cette situation dramatique.

Il enleva lui-même son dernier vêtement et je pus voir dans lapénombre un gros sexe enflé, dur, presque a la verticale.

Mon seul partenaire sexuel était jusque-là mon mari et j´était á lafois impressionnée et un peu peureuse à la vue de ce gros glandet des gros testicules.

Je devais être devenue folle, je pris le sexe dans ma main et entreprisde le masturber très fortement. Je tirais sa peau frénétiquementjusqu´au dessus de son gland pour la rabattre presque méchammentsur le bas.

Apres quelques secondes de ce traitement il me repoussa sur le dos et s´allongeasur moi. Il voulait maintenant me pénétrer. Jamais un autre penisque celui de mon mari était entré en moi. J´étaitsurexcitée. Il dirigea avec précaution son gland vers l´entréede mon vagin et s´enfonça d´un trait jusqu´ à labase. J´étais á ce moment contente d´être simouillée car son sexe était quand même plus gros que celuique je connaissais jusqu´a maintenant. J´avais presque l´impressionde revivre ma première expérience sexuelle.

Je fermais les yeux et le laisser me prendre il s´activait et devenaitde plus en plus bruyant. J´avais déjà eu un orgasme etj´étais assez fatiguée, c´est pour cela que je nem´activait plus tellement. Je sentais un orgasme approcher mais ne ledésirai pas vraiment. Peut-être ne voulus-je pas luis donner cettedeuxième satisfaction. Lui pantelait et me demandais maintenant á l´oreillede gémir et de ne plus cacher mon plaisir.

C´est a ce moment précis que la lumière de chevet dugrand lit s´allumait. Ruben s´était réveillé etnous contemplais faisant l´amour.

Je repoussai Patrick qui resta quand même bien enfoncé en moiet commença a balbutier quelques excuses de l´ordre de : « Rubenc´est pas ce que tu pense ! », je cherchais des yeuxune couverture ou un drap mais rien n´étais á porté dema main. Ruben me regarda et je senti son regard posé sur mes seins.J´étais mal á l´aise dans cette situation. Que sepassera t-il maintenant. Quelle honte, peut-être fera-t-il une déclaration á lacompagnie aérienne ?

Informera t-il mon mari ?

Ruben en slip se leva et s´approcha de moi, « continue Patrick,notre petite Claire en a vraiment besoin « 

J´avais honte, j´étais rouge et plus du tout concentréesur mon plaisir. Patrick était loin de jouir je le savais.

Ruben s´agenouilla a cote de ma tête et me caressa les cheveuxcomme un père attendri.

Il rabaissa ensuite son slip et me laissa voir sa queue. Elle ressemblaiplus a celle de mon mari. Ruben était circoncis ce qui m´étonnapour un flamand. Mais ce qui m´étonnai encore plus c´étaitde voir que tout son poil pubien étaient gris. Je n´avais jamaispensé que les poils du sexe prenaient dans l´age aussi une couleurgrisâtre.

Lui aussi bandait fortement mais plutôt a l´horizontale, commeun gros stylo ou marqueur.

Il présenta son penis a la hauteur de ma bouche et je compris toutde suite qu´il voulait que je le suce. Comme j´avais déjà sucé monmari qui aimait d´ailleurs cela, je connaissait cette pratique sexuelleet ouvris la bouche. Etant couchée sur le dos, il avait bien du mal à mepénétrer. J´arrivai juste un peu a sucer son gland. Patricktoujours sur moi vit que cela ne marchait pas et se releva en sortant son sexede mon vagin dilaté.

Tout de suite Ruben se jeta sur mon sexe et entreprit de le lécher.Il était moins gentil que Patrick et très goulu. Toujours unde ses doigts soit masturbant mon clitoris, soit écartant mes lèvreset surtout ce que je n´aimait pas tellement, se promenant avec un doigtdans la raie de mon derrière, cherchant mon petit trou pour l´agasser.

Il s´était couché sur moi et j´avais maintenantson pubis sur mon visage. Pour ne pas jouer les saintes ni touche je masturbaisson penis, le léchant parfois ou encore le suçant un peu.

Les attouchements de Ruben commençaient a me faire gémir, ils´était maintenant concentré avec un doigt sur mon clitoriset un autre doigt tournait incessamment autour de mon petit anneau.

Patrick lui tapa á l´épaule et lui dit « eh,Captain, moi aussi j´existe ! »

Ruben se releva, déjà en sueur. La pièce sentait lesexe, bien que mes deux amants n´avaient toujours pas joui alors quemoi déjà 2 fois.

Patrick se coucha alors sur le dos et m´invita á m´asseoirsur lui. J´avais envie de lui et ne prêtait plus d´attention á Ruben.Je pris dans la main droite ce sexe, le tirant un peu a l´horizontale,le dirigeant vers mes lèvres génitales et me laissait tombersur ce dernier. Tout de suite pleine de bonheur je commençais à monteret descendre sur lui. Lui me pinçai mes tétons et palpai mespetits seins.

C´est a ce moment que je senti deux mains écarter mes fesseset quelque chose de chaud et mouillé sur mon trou du cul. C´ étaitincroyable, Ruben, notre capitaine était en train de me lécherle cul, de pénétrer avec sa langue dans mon petit trou.

J´eu aussitôt un troisième orgasme torride.

Ruben se releva ensuite et dirigea alors son Penis vers mon derrière.Je compris naturellement tout de suite ce qu´il voulait.

« Non Ruben, pas cela je ne l´ai jamais fait au paraventet ça fait mal ».

Il ne dit rien alors j´entrepris de me dégager de Patrick, cedernier me pris dans ses bras et me fis basculer en avant, vers lui. J´étaiscomme prisonnière de ses bras puissants. La croupe dégagéeen boutoir vers l´arrière.

Patrick me glissa dans l´oreille « tu apprécierastu verra »

Ruben promena son penis irrigé vers mon petit trou et comme solutionfinale j´essayais de fermer mon anneau. En vain, millimètre, parmillimètre il me pénétra. Mon anneau céda sousla pression. Patrick avait pendant ce temps arrêté tout mouvement.J´étais concentrée sur mon derrière qui brûlaitet je me trouvais monstrueuse d´éprouver une sensation de plaisirde ce coté.

C´est alors qu´il dit avec cet accent flamand « mais qu´estce quel est bonne la petite Claire », et je détestait toutun coup cet accent.

Ruben en moi ne bougeait plus et me laissait le temps de m´accoutumer á cettepremière pénétration de ma vie. Puis il glissa sa maindroite entre Patrick et moi et entrepris de frictionner mon clitoris déjà bieninflammé.

Patrick repris ses vas et viens et Ruben très gentleman ne bougeapratiquement pas. Cette nouvelle astication de mon clitoris me redonna un plaisirfulgurant. Et je commençais de moi-même à bouger.

Patrick avait relâché son étreinte et mes seins étaient á nouveaulibre. Ruben s´y agrippa, serrant mes tétons entre ses doigts.Puis Ruben cria alors tout d´un coup « Claire tu es si serrée »,donna deux coups de rein et se vida en moi. Je sentais la chaleur de son spermealler au fond de mon ventre, un quatrième orgasme arriva. Je n´avaitjamais cru cela possible. Et puis Patrick s´enfonça vigoureusementpour la einieme fois et se déversa lui aussi enfin complètementen moi.

J´étais épuisée.

Tout doucement notre capitaine se glissa en dehors de moi, sa verge étaitun peu rouge et je compris que notre plaisir avait été trop loin.

Je me relevai de Patrick qui avait entrepris encore de m´embrassersur la bouche. Mais je ne voulais pas, j´en avait assez d´eux maintenant.

Je courus vers la salle de bain avec mes dessous et pris une douche trèschaude.

Puis je rhabillais mon uniforme. J´espérait que les deux hommes étaienteux aussi habillés quand je ressortis.

Mes amants avaient eux aussi remis leur uniforme, et le capitaine discutaitdéjà avec son portable.

Je quittais la chambre sans un mot pour aller prendre un petit déjeuner.

Claire avait démarré le moteur de sa voiture et roulait maintenantvers Mechelen oú elle habitait. Non tout sera comme si rien était,elle ne dévoilera pas ce secret á son mari. Elle avait quelqueremords mais elle était pour la première fois de sa vie sexuellementrassasiée.

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 276 Cloak and Dagger

There was one good thing about that first morning back. I got to wake Jen at 6AM, so that she could get home change and be at her office by 9AM. I made coffee for us both. My sense of taste wasn't refined enough to tell good coffee from terrible coffee, but I did remember how to make it. Like Eve had said the warm liquid was relaxing. I had the increased benefit of remembering how good coffee did taste. Memories was heightened, just because I no longer had the same feelings. Heightened to...

1 year ago
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Sperming Megan

She was flaky, dangerous, and irresistible. From the moment he saw her at the lunch, he knew three things: she'd fuck him; the sex would be incredible; and he might regret it. He escaped lunch safely, and then the email arrived. All that he needed to do was hit the delete key. Instead, he replied. Great to hear from you. Sure, coffee, why not? They met. She had the free spirit that sucked middle-aged men in, despite the danger. The peasant blouse, the unadorned hands, the tight waist and slim...

4 years ago
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Sardiyon Ki Vo Toofani Raat

Meri umar apne gaon gya tha dadi k pas… Meri dai mjhe bht pyar karti h. Usi samay meri 1 bua ki ladki(ruchi) b gaon ayi huyi thi uski umar tab karib 18 thi mast dikhti thi slim and sexy 1dum perfect figure the tab uska. Sardi ka time tha or rat ko khana khake hum sone ja rahe the.. Mein , didi or dadi 1 hi rum m so rahe the… Us rum m 2 charpai thi , dadi boli ki 1 pee tum dono so jao or or 1 pe mein so jati hun. Mujhe mzaa aa gya qki dadi nai janti thi mere andar kya chal rha h.. Hum or didi 1...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Vacation With Childhood Friend

Hi all. Hope everyone are enjoying well. Myself Venkat working as an software employee in reputed MNC in Hyderabad. I am 5″8 height and 85 weight not a gym body but bit pulpy. I was reading ISS since my B Tech and never thought that I will be writing one here. This is my first sex stroy and first sex experience. Please ignore mistakes and let me know for improvements and anyone can contact me without any hesitation privacy is guaranteed. This is real story happened to me in october.Heroine of...

2 years ago
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Reality and the Ring

Reality and the Ring By Cleo Kraft My Uncle's collection of old junk in his attic included a few odd trinkets and rare artifacts of mysterious origin. Of these were a series of rings in small velvet ring boxes packed one on top of the other and side by side inside a large oaken jewelry box. There were a few hastily written notes on a tattered old document inside, including how to remove one of these rings should it become stuck on your finger. Each ring was magic and could change...

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Wedding Day

This is my first story and my wife had arrived at her sister’s wedding function and for preparation earlier that day she and her mother had had their hair done, eyes, feet, bodies waxed all over. I woke up that day and went downstairs, what my eyes witness took my breath away. Before we carry on some details of the two ad wife is 5ft 7, and mother 5ft 5, my wife had a bust which was too die for, they protruded out so much so, it was as if she had been drawn by a pervert. Having lived in India...

4 years ago
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Threesome Fun Richards Story

The final chapter of this Threesome Fun story line - If you're new to this story, please read Kelly's story first then Martin's story. We rested for a while. I slipped out of Kelly’s sexy underwear and placed it on the dressing table chair. I was reluctant to remove the stockings so I kept them on. Both Richard and I were sated after the last session that we had and it was Kelly that started to spice things up. Kelly reached for the paper on the dressing table. I didn’t even know she brought...

Group Sex
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You have to be ready for your Mistress

Four days ago my Mistress said to me:'I want from you a big load fo cum my dear slave, so you have to save yoursperm for 4 days.For increase your sperm production, I want you stroke your cock dayly and edge, but remember, You can't cum without my permission, and it will be four days from now!You Understand?'In that moment, I was very excited. Knowing you can't do something make it more excting, so I said:'Yes Mistress, I want obey your order and satisfy your pleasure, soI will save my cum for...

2 years ago
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The Gooseberry

Early on a Tuesday evening in a trendy bar in central London, 2 women are having a drink together. The place is quite busy, but not crowded, and the women have one of the good tables by the window. The women are Americans on a short holiday together, a 4 day break from their usual routine back home in Chicago. They arrived pretty late last night and so this is their first full day. Flying back on Friday afternoon, so lots to squeeze in. The women look of similar age, one of them maybe a couple...

4 years ago
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Are you gay

Are you gay?For the record, I’m not. If I was, I’m not sure that I would admit it, but I like to think I would.Who knows?The point is, I’m not, but I get accused of being gay all the time.Most of it is either just jealousy from weak-minded guys, or wishful thinking from gay dudes, but it does come up.The funniest example so far is this email I got the other day.What’s really funny to me is when guys say that they KNOW I’m gay.Now, I’ve met some gay dudes that were in the closet, and I actually...

2 years ago
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The Claiming

The sharp ring of an alarm clock located on her burnished oak bureau across the room, brought Dharla abruptly from a deep, restorative sleep. Opening a lazy eye just a crack, she peered groggily at the offending object, silently determining if it was worth the effort to rise and shut it off, or if she should simply cram the soft feather pillow around her ears and ignore the shrill noise until her dreams overtook her again. Her indecision was quickly tipped on the scale when the sound of the...

3 years ago
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Gaping Second Day of College

We hung out for most of the morning and afternoon until folks decided to break out for lunch. I opted to go back to my dorm. To my dismay I did not run into the sophomore, but probably for the better. If he tried to stick his fist up my ass again, I might turn into his puppet for good. I opted for a nice clean up... but I did not forget about my toys. I grabbed the dildo and plug on the way into the bathroom, along with things to clean out.  I shaved all of my body hair off except my arms and...

2 years ago
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The Gardeners Daughter Pt 2

This is part 2 of a multi part story. I have a Photo album so you can experience slightly more if you choose, or you can just use your imagination. Please remember that Esme is French and speaks with a wonderfully sexy accent, which I could never type without it having a slightly comedic Inspector Clousseau edge, so please imagine Esme’s sexy french voice in this story. Esme was still in the pool, swimming hard, and I watched her swimming, with her bum showing out of the water as she did her...

1 year ago
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Giving Lauren What She NEEDS

I woke up the next morning with a killer headache. The drinking and pussy licking from the night before did a real number on me. It was still early, only about 7 am. Lauren was lying there on her back with my legs a little spread. The August heat made bed sheets unnecessary. She was just there, looking amazing, naked. Ready for me again. Despite my throbbing headache, my sex drive took over. I decided I’d wake her up the right way, with some oral pleasure. I moved really slowly so I wouldn’t...

2 years ago
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Bonded LivesChapter 3A

Delinsilversworth The next morning started with the two of us waking at the same time. This time I got to see some of her morning routine. She got up and went to the pool and splashed water on her face as well as took a drink. Then she got out a change of clothes from her pack and changed. This was nice because it gave me a chance to see her without her coverings on. When she was finished, she just looked at me. "You silly, go and stretch and get some flying in. We have a busy day of grass...

4 years ago
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Mom on sons fever night

Hai ISS fans; I am Kamarajan living in Kumily in Kerala. I was 16 when it happened .my mom was 32 bright 38 -30-36 of size. She was always careless about her dressing all the time she would expose her cleavage and which makes every men horny. she always wore saree with low cut blouse. I was fascinated by her from the age of 14 and I used to masturbate remembering her nearly every day since my 14th age. It occurred in a cold night I had a temperature of 108 degree .I was shivering due to fever...

4 years ago
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Best Sales Job In The World 07

After he checked in at the hotel in Philly, Cliff called the Chicago office and left a message for Barb that he would be in the home office on Monday and return to Chicago on Tuesday afternoon. He unpacked and put on workout shorts and a tee shirt. He made a scotch rocks and turned on the TV. He had called Carla with his room number and now he awaited her arrival. Cliff would have never imagined the night that was ahead for him. ERICA’S KINKY SIDE Carla arrived at 6:00 PM and Cliff was...

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picnic fun

The picnicIt was a hot and humid day, Lacy awoke to the AC going full and it was only 7 am. I am laying here, naked and coolness of the air seem tease my skin. I listen to the local news and weather and it was going to be another three Hs, hot humid and hazy. This isnt a day for sitting in the office. A quick call to the Boss and after a call back I am on a three day weekend.Its late June, and it summer weather so why not summer fun. But with my coffee in my hand I curl up in the big double...

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Mummy Ki Saheli Ko Pata Kr Choda FB Se

Hii bhabhies ,aunties and girls sab ko mere taqtwar aur bade lund ka saalam any bhabhi who wants a well maintained nd sexy look boy do contact on this email This is my first story in iss so koi galti ho jaye toh maaf krna . Umeed karunga ki apke land aur chuto mein pani choot jaye . Yeh story meri mein apna naam model h rakhunga nd poonam jo ki meri aunty hai. Meri mummy kitis party arrange krti hai nd kafi products bhi sale krti hai . Unki ek frnd hai poonam wo karib 40 saal but kyaa maal hai...

2 years ago
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Sunday Service

Matthew F. X. Fitzgerald’s morning erection hovered over the sink as he leaned against the vanity. A pair of brown eyes stared blankly back at him from the mirror. Blink. He popped the toothbrush into the brass holder and wandered down the hallway, trying to tuck his stiff joint back into the fly of his pajamas. Damn annoyance, he thought, a waste of good wood. He wondered what his wife had gotten into so early on a Sunday. This was the one day of the week he could sleep late. Yet, somewhere in...

Straight Sex
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This Cant be Right

“The clock cannot be right. Oh, my God. What time…, wait it’s fucking Saturday. Saturday! I’m so messed up, what when wrong?” The fleshly and over-sexed 23 year old whispered in her head. A faint and feeble flavor of crotch and cum stuck in her throat like the seasoning of a Christmas goose. The taste vivid on her dry lips, the memory muted by the rounds of rum. Tricia Saratopia, an attractive and confident deli clerk from Hampton, New Hampshire stirred about, shifting uneasily in her bed...

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Freeway Threeway Chapter 2

Morning came early the next day and we all really wanted to spend more time in bed. However, we had a long day of driving ahead of us and we weren't making a dent in it laying around the motel room. Plus, all three of us were starving - we had burned more than a few calories the night before! So we got up and got dressed then we decided to grab a bit to eat.Now Angel was still wearing the same clothes she had on from "work" and the white micro skirt, tiny bikini top, and lack of underwear made...

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Our choice of the Nubie

We called Stephanie and said we decided for her to be our Nubie. Be here on Friday at 7. It was 6 pm on Friday and my slut wife was dressed and normal. Door bell rang and wife walked to door. Stephanie was startled to see sub answer door dressed like she was. We welcomed,her and talked in living room. Stephanie was 21 5'10" and we talked about her situation. I asked her if she was doing this voluntarily she said yes. We discussed if she was able to be a live in and she said she was her lease on...

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Alice and Trixie Turn A Trick A Horny Honeymooners Story

“No I haven’t Ralph, where was it the last time that you saw it?” she answered. Ralph barged into the kitchen like a runaway elephant being chased by a mouse. He was a very portly man with black, slicked back hair and eyes that seemed to bug out of his round, fat face. His Loyal Order Of Raccoon Lodge jacket with its exaggerated epaulets strained against the buttons keeping it covering his large stomach. “I remember having it the night of the last lodge meeting but now I can’t...

3 years ago
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This is Real

Melissa and I were seniors in high school. We had a history class together and she sat across and one chair up from me. She was incredibly beautiful and had the greatest looking legs. She knew it too and always wore short skirts. I was good at history and she was not, so she asked me if I would help her study for a test. I almost fell over myself agreeing to help her. We met in the library and I was all business. She tried to be serious at first, but I could tell she was not interested in...

Straight Sex
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In a matter of seconds, one’s life can change forever. This is the story of how precisely that happened to me, when a dream I didn’t even know I had, had just come true. This transformative experience befell me on what might have been a typical Sunday afternoon, a day that actually started off quite dull and frustrating… I had spent most of my only day off doing outdoor labor, singlehandedly preparing the entire house and garden for the oncoming winter. It wasn’t so much the manual work that...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Tommy King Gets Sloppy All Over Chad8217s Hard Cock LIVE

Tommy King is back and is already anticipating getting sloppy all over Chads hard cock. She hopes you like spit as she deep throats his cock getting spit running all down her chin and over her perky little tits! Tommy’s pussy is so wet sucking on that cock feeling it in the back of her throat. Chad has had enough needing to fuck this babe and grab that sexy ass spreading open her cheeks so you can watch as his spit covered cock slides deep in her tight pussy. Tommy loves doggy and grinds...

2 years ago
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RomanceChapter 1

Romance: Another country heard from: 1. Sultry asked herself, WHAT IS HE DOING??? Jack just drove. Odd, isn't it? She's a psychological mess and I'm calm as a cucumber. The dinner went like a first date and Sultry was impressed. No movie though. They had to watch Television. Since the house was the highest point and John/Jack has had the phone company install two phones in the house ... the telephone pole was the tallest point and the TV antenna was able to pull in broadcasts ......

4 years ago
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Heather Asks a Simple Question and Gets a Complex AnswerChapter 5

For several months, we had oral sex every weekday afternoon. I never failed to have a wonderful orgasm and I always made sure that Danny had one too. I was funny to remember the first time when I was so doubtful about opening my legs to my brother. Now, I love him down between my legs making me feels like the sexiest woman of earth. But, as I was becoming more a woman, I knew I wanted more for us. Then, one day, I told him, "Danny, I'd like to have sex with you, intercourse. Could...

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Gilligan and the Morphing Meteorite

****************************** I've always fantasized about the castaways (especially Ginger and Mary Ann). And finally, this idea struck me - I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. You can send comments to: [email protected] ***************************** Gilligan and the Morphing Meteorite by Elrod W. "Gilligan!" Mary Ann yelled, not disguising the anger in her voice. She stood by the crude table, hands on her hips,...

3 years ago
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A Weekend of dominating My gf pt 1

I have told you about mine and Jessica's first experience. Even now about 6 1/2 years later, we consider each other to be girlfriends, but open to explore and have fun. It was about a year afterwards that Jessica got me into doming her. She had been seeing lesbian dominant vids on the family computer, and she was hot as heck as wanting to be dominated. So we tried it, and found we loved it. We have explored a lot, and used what we could fine, though once she turned 18 about a year and a half...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 18

Valerie Dash Noon If that West Point recruiter had any idea in hell what I'd been left alone with, he'd join the Peace Core. It would be that dramatic a shock to his world view. I picked up the West Point recruiting materials again. With this barn's security systems running, I might be the safest person in the area. Of course the phone rang then. I hit the speaker phone button. "Speak to me." "Is this the Stone farm?" "Who wants to know?" "Staff Sergeant Rogers. I'm trying...

2 years ago
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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 27 Family Reunion

The ship smelt damp and musty with a hint of oil and stale alien sweat thrown in for good measure. Mark thumped the main console as the nav screen flickered out for the umteenth time. The jump engines were charging, and as the small three berth scout ship drifted in interstellar space it creaked and groaned like an old fashioned wooden sailing ship. Most of their money had been spent on a decent ship for Arron and Minara. They had left the station several days ago to search for their young...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Alexia Anders Hazel Paige Lesbian Sex Before Marriage

Hazel Paige, a bride-to-be, is brought into a massage parlor by her friend. As they meet with Alexia Anders, who is the masseuse for the day, the friend slyly tells Alexia that she wants Hazel to have an EXTRA special session that day to take ALL the stress off. Alexia catches her drift immediately and soon encourages Hazel, who is blissfully unaware, to strip down. After the friend takes her leave, Alexia gets to work massaging Hazel from head to toe. Hazel is beyond relaxed as she melts into...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Kiki Klout Kiki Klout Has A Fucking Wild Time LIVE

Gorgeously sweet and naughty Kiki Klout knows how to swear red! This babe is looking gorgeous in her cherry red bra and panty set that can barely contain her large tits! Michael Swayze is a lucky guy today with this horny girl! Kiki loves to get sloppy on that big hard cock and Michael loves to fuck her fast and hard smacking that sexy ass with everything he got! Kiki invites you closer when she spreads her legs wide giving you the best access to that beautiful wet pussy! Michael slides it in...

4 years ago
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Step Daughter

Fictional story.I had married young and with regret and left my first wife after 2 years of nothing but arguments and hatred, we got divorced and went our separate ways. I then met a lady about a year later and a few years older than myself, this didn't bother me as we had a good few things in common, she had a daughter from her a relationship and as soon as he found out she was pregnant he left her, leaving her to bring up her on her own.Cheryl was a nice young lady of 19yrs old nothing really...

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The Campt Out PT 10 conclusion

The Camp Out PT 10Sunday morning had finally arrived, and the rain had stopped. I woke to an intense itching---muther fucker ! I exit my tent, with just a pair of sweats on, and scan the camp. There that fucker is ! Walking up to Alex, seated at a table with a few others, I grab him by his hair, and pull him up. With a surprise look on his face, I pull back my right arm, and slam him in the mouth, busting it wide open. The b l o o d flew into the air as he spun around, and I go for the second...

3 years ago
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Old friends meet

Gaby was one of those ‘friend of friends’. The kind of friend that you met up with at Christmas parties, Weddings and christenings. She was already married to Ashton and they seemed very much the perfect couple.I had better describe her, she is about 5 foot tall, long curly deep red hair, pretty freckly face with sparkling blue eyes and a delicious gap between her front teeth. She is well stacked, a lovely pair of boobs and a regularly on show cleavage. Her bum was perfect, well rounded and...

3 years ago
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The Best Tits Ever

Hi, This is my first story here. Hope you like it. I am xx, 25, from Goa, working for a MNC. I was very desperate for the past 1 year for a woman elder to me. I had many past relationships but they didn’t appeal me much. I was always looking for a opportunity whenever I saw chubby woman seating next to me in a bus. I used to try and touch my elbow to their waist. But I would be afraid if they did make a noise. My desperation was increasing to get a married woman. I was trying different ideas...

2 years ago
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"How was it?" "It was... t was, wait... let me catch my breath. It was fantastic. That describes it perfectly. It was Fantastic!" "If it was fantastic, why did you say no three times?" "I was saying it softly. I didn't know you heard me." "You were saying no even when the head of my cock was at the entrance to your pussy. But, I noticed you were saying other things once it was inside." "Oh, Randy, you make me blush. What was I saying?" "Don't you remember? You were asking...

4 years ago
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Star Struck in Cabo

Chapter One I looked at myself in the mirror. Wild strands of brown, wavy hair fell unnaturally at my shoulders. My forehead always looked too big when my bangs weren’t resting happily across my brow line. My small, tan body was dripping wet from the relaxing shower I had just indulged in. I stood there naked, examining myself curiously, as if I had never seen my own reflection before. I had never thought myself to be the pretty type, always comparing myself to the model-esque look as seen in...


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