Tecnical Stopover (French) free porn video

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„Mesdames et Messieurs nous avons commencé notre descente surl´aéroport de Bruxelles National, veuillez maintenant attachervos ceintures de sécurité !". Claire la maître decabine de ce Boeing 767 charter aux couleurs belges, sortit de son sac a mainun petit miroir et son rouge a lèvre. Elle se reconnut évidemmentet l´instant d´une seconde le vide s´était á nouveauxfait dans sa tête: "quel voyage, comment une telle chose puisse m´êtrearrivée." Elle avait 37 ans, blonde aux cheveux mi-court et étaitencore assez fière de son corps. Pour ses 1m60 elle ne pesait que 50kg. Sa poitrine avait hélas cessé de grandir a l´age précocede 15 ans et elle ne portait que du 75B. Son mari l´aurait bien vouluplus large de ce coté, elle lui disait alors d´un air narquoisque le bon dieu aurait du mieux répartir et lui prendre un peu de sonderrière, surtout après avoir eu deux enfants…

"Claire je te trouve bien soucieuse, tout va bien ?" lui fit Dorit la stewardessflamande. La plus jeune de l´équipage. "Oui, oui, répondit-elle,c´est la descente, les oreilles quoi!". Et puis elle murmura sans queDorit ne l´écoute: "Tout est de ta faute…".

Le Boeing 767 vira une dernière fois sur la droite et quelques minutesplus tard, se posa a midi, avec exactement 6 heures de retard a Bruxelles.Claire assise sur un strapontin pensait : 6 heures ! C´était6 heures de trop, 6 heures á effacer de sa mémoire…définitivement.Y arrivera t-elle ?

"Au revoir messieurs dames, á bientôt" les passagers qui désembarcaientdéfilaient maintenant devant-elle. Elle avait l´impression d´êtreune actrice et tout les passagers des spectateurs inconnus. Elle n´auraitjamais pu faire le signalement d´un passager á la police: ils étaienttous les même, surtout aujourd´hui oú ses pensées étaientailleurs.

Elle avait quitté l´avion sans prendre congé du restede l´équipage ce qui n´était pas dans ses habitudes.Sa Golf noire était encore parquée au même emplacementqu´elle l´avait laissé 2 jours plutôt. C´étaitun vol tout a fait normal: Bruxelles - Dakar, une nuit á Dakar puisretour. Pourquoi tout avait maintenant pris un caractère si différent?

Elle mis sa valise d´hôtesse dans le coffre de sa voiture etmonta. Elle allait démarrer quand elle se vu maintenant pour une secondefois dans un miroir: elle poussa d´un geste énervé le rétroviseurde coté et ferma les yeux.

En fait tout commença par la fin. Le séjour á Dakars´était bien passé et dans 4 heures l´avion qui devaitla ramener en Belgique aurait du atterrir. Elle aurait encore le temps de réveillerson plus jeune enfant, et de lui faire ses tartines pour l´école.Puis tout un coup le téléphone de bord sonna et le Capitaineflamand l´appela au Cockpit. Avec cet accent hollandais quel aimait beaucoupchez lui, il lui dit « Claire fait le nécessaire avec lespassagers, Patrick et moi avons des problèmes avec le réacteurN°=1, on va devoir atterrir en escale technique á Casablanca ».

« Oui Ruben, c´est bon je prépare la cabine… »

Vers 2 heures du matin nous atterrissions pour apprendre que le personneltechnique de la compagnie aérienne locale avait besoin de toute la nuitpour réparer l´avion.

Ce n´étais pas ma première escale technique et j´étaisheureuse de voir que les marocains avaient la situation bien en main. D´abordles passagers, puis l´équipage fut transporté en bus al´hôtel Hyatt Regency au centre ville. J´était crevé defatigue, Dorit tout a fait énervante nous disait pendant le trajet d´unedemi heure qu´elle avait aujourd´hui son anniversaire et quel comptaitbien fêter á Bruxelles avec son petit ami et ne pas rester justementce jour dans un bled inconnu.

A la réception de l´hôtel 5 étoiles les problèmescontinuaient. Les passagers avaient déjà occupé la plupartdes chambres et des suites et il ne restait que 4 chambres pour les 8 membresde l´équipage. C´est le moment oú je suis d´habitudecontente d´être une chef de cabine, car comme le commandant etson copilote je bénéficie alors d´une chambre pour moitoute seule. Les 3 hôtesses restantes se partagent donc une chambre.

Je n´avais pas compté sur la générosité deRuben: "Dorit, tu as aujourd´hui ton anniversaire, alors on va joueraujourd´hui le monde á l´envers, si Patrick et surtout Clairen´ont pas d´objections nous nous partagerons une chambre a troispour ces quelques heures á Casablanca, comme ça tu auras au moinseu un petit cadeau de notre part ! C´est d´accord ? »

Il fallait voir le visage de Dorit et des deux autres stewardess,elles étaient aux anges. Impossible pour moi de m´opposer, etpuis pourquoi aussi, je connaissais Ruben depuis quelques années déjà.La cinquantaine et déjà grand-père, amateur de voileet marié a une très gentille femme que j´avais connuelors d´une fête d´été de notre compagnie.Quant à Patrick il était wallon comme moi, 26 ans, grand homme,musclé. Il ressemblait plus a un animateur de village de vacancesqu´à un intellectuel. Je m´avais demandé parfoiscomment il avait passé tout ses certificats de pilotage, son intelligencene se lisait vraiment pas sur son visage.

Entourée de mon équipage nous décidions d´allerimmédiatement nous coucher, car le vol continuerait á prioridans la matinée.

Nous entrions a trois dans la jolie chambre de l´hôtel. Le personnelde cet hôtel avait déjà fait déposer un petit matelaspour une personne devant le grand lit double king size.

« Alors Patrick, nous nous couchons ensemble dans le grand litet puis toi Claire tu prends le matelas, d´accord ? »

Comme nous n´avions pas pris nos valises (elles étaient restéesdans la soute a bagage) Patrick entrepris rapidement a mon grand étonnementde se déshabiller pour rester en slip. Il était beau gosse etle savait, mais je le trouvais impudique. J´allais donc dans la sallede bain, j´avais envie de me doucher car j´avais déjà beaucouptranspirée mais je rejetais cette idée. J´enlevai mes souliers,ma chemise blanche, mon foulard et ma jupe bleu et restait en soutient gorgeblanc avec mes bas fin noirs sur ma culotte blanche elle aussi. Puis me disantque si les deux dans la pièce voisine éteignait la lumièreje pourrai même bien enlever mes bas. Très courtois les deux éteignaientaussitôt, et je me glissais bien á l´aise dans les drapsdu petit matelas. Je m´ endormit tout de suite.

Mes rêves étaient très mouvementés. J´étaisbien endormi mais je rêvais de mon mari, j´avais comme une enviesubite. Je sentais comme s´il me caressait les seins, comme s´ iljouait avec mes bourgeons et les mordillait. J´étais vraimentchaude et dans mon sommeil j´écartait mes cuisses pour le sentir…

C´est là ou j´ouvris les yeux, c´était incroyable,cela devait être un rêve, quel audace, Patrick était là,allongé près de moi sur le coté a ma gauche, une mainsur mon bas ventre, le caressant, comme mon père le faisait quand j´étaisgamine et que j´avais des maux de ventre. Il remontait ensuite et mecaressait la poitrine sans ôter mon soutien gorge. J´étaissi étonnée et fâchée que je m´apprêtaita lui faire la scène de sa vie, quand il remonta sa main m´appliquason index sur la bouche et me murmura a l´oreille «Tu vas réveillerRuben »

J´étais déjà perdue, je crois. Il avait du s´appliquer á mecaresser depuis longtemps pendant mon sommeil. J´étais trèschaude, je sentais à travers ma culotte mon sexe enflé et trèsmouillé.

Je ne disais rien, tout un coup Patrick n´étais plus Patrick.Patrick était devenu une possibilité inattendue pour moi d´assouvirune envie sexuelle.

A cause de mes voyages fréquent et de nos deux gosses, mon mari etmoi ne couchions plus très souvent ensemble. Et puis c´étaittoujours le même schéma. Ici a Casablanca ce n´étaitpas la même chose. J´étais si loin de Bruxelles et n´avaisencore jamais de ma vie été réveillée par des caressesinterdites.

Je fermais les yeux, Patrick rabaissa la bretelle de mon soutien-gorge ets´appliqua à lécher et sucer l´aréole et letéton de mon sein gauche. Sa main était toujours poséesur mon bas ventre et parce que je commençais a m´onduler, illa descendit et la déposa sur mon slip. Là il caressa avec deuxdoigts par dessus le tissus mes grosses lèvres. J´étaisaux anges et je haletais déjà. Il descendit alors sa têteet se positionna entre mes cuisses. J´avais perdu tout control de moi-même.Je voulais faire l´amour et me donner. Avec une main posée surchaque coté de mes cuisses il m´enleva ma petite culotte, la jetade coté, et continua avec ses doigts a me caresser les lèvresde mon vagin. Puis il colla sa bouche a mon sexe avide de plaisir et léchad´abord tout doucement puis toujours plus fortement mon clitoris. Ils´aida de son pouce gauche pour soulever la petite peau qui cachait monclitoris enflé. C´était l´extase il suçaisle clitoris et descendit parfois pour pénétrer sa langue dansmon vagin. J´eu un orgasme violent. Des spasmes qui comme des vaguesdéferlaient de mon sexe vers mon ventre. Mon coeur battait trèsfort. Je dus faire attention de ne pas être trop bruyante, je ne voulaissurtout pas réveiller Ruben !

« C´était bon me fit Patrick ? Tu es si belle,j´ai envie de toi ! »

Pendant toutes ses caresses j´avais senti son sexe emprisonné dansson slip battre contre mes cuisses, mais pas une seule fois j´avais entreprisde le toucher. Peut-être par peur du non retour de cette situation dramatique.

Il enleva lui-même son dernier vêtement et je pus voir dans lapénombre un gros sexe enflé, dur, presque a la verticale.

Mon seul partenaire sexuel était jusque-là mon mari et j´était á lafois impressionnée et un peu peureuse à la vue de ce gros glandet des gros testicules.

Je devais être devenue folle, je pris le sexe dans ma main et entreprisde le masturber très fortement. Je tirais sa peau frénétiquementjusqu´au dessus de son gland pour la rabattre presque méchammentsur le bas.

Apres quelques secondes de ce traitement il me repoussa sur le dos et s´allongeasur moi. Il voulait maintenant me pénétrer. Jamais un autre penisque celui de mon mari était entré en moi. J´étaitsurexcitée. Il dirigea avec précaution son gland vers l´entréede mon vagin et s´enfonça d´un trait jusqu´ à labase. J´étais á ce moment contente d´être simouillée car son sexe était quand même plus gros que celuique je connaissais jusqu´a maintenant. J´avais presque l´impressionde revivre ma première expérience sexuelle.

Je fermais les yeux et le laisser me prendre il s´activait et devenaitde plus en plus bruyant. J´avais déjà eu un orgasme etj´étais assez fatiguée, c´est pour cela que je nem´activait plus tellement. Je sentais un orgasme approcher mais ne ledésirai pas vraiment. Peut-être ne voulus-je pas luis donner cettedeuxième satisfaction. Lui pantelait et me demandais maintenant á l´oreillede gémir et de ne plus cacher mon plaisir.

C´est a ce moment précis que la lumière de chevet dugrand lit s´allumait. Ruben s´était réveillé etnous contemplais faisant l´amour.

Je repoussai Patrick qui resta quand même bien enfoncé en moiet commença a balbutier quelques excuses de l´ordre de : « Rubenc´est pas ce que tu pense ! », je cherchais des yeuxune couverture ou un drap mais rien n´étais á porté dema main. Ruben me regarda et je senti son regard posé sur mes seins.J´étais mal á l´aise dans cette situation. Que sepassera t-il maintenant. Quelle honte, peut-être fera-t-il une déclaration á lacompagnie aérienne ?

Informera t-il mon mari ?

Ruben en slip se leva et s´approcha de moi, « continue Patrick,notre petite Claire en a vraiment besoin « 

J´avais honte, j´étais rouge et plus du tout concentréesur mon plaisir. Patrick était loin de jouir je le savais.

Ruben s´agenouilla a cote de ma tête et me caressa les cheveuxcomme un père attendri.

Il rabaissa ensuite son slip et me laissa voir sa queue. Elle ressemblaiplus a celle de mon mari. Ruben était circoncis ce qui m´étonnapour un flamand. Mais ce qui m´étonnai encore plus c´étaitde voir que tout son poil pubien étaient gris. Je n´avais jamaispensé que les poils du sexe prenaient dans l´age aussi une couleurgrisâtre.

Lui aussi bandait fortement mais plutôt a l´horizontale, commeun gros stylo ou marqueur.

Il présenta son penis a la hauteur de ma bouche et je compris toutde suite qu´il voulait que je le suce. Comme j´avais déjà sucé monmari qui aimait d´ailleurs cela, je connaissait cette pratique sexuelleet ouvris la bouche. Etant couchée sur le dos, il avait bien du mal à mepénétrer. J´arrivai juste un peu a sucer son gland. Patricktoujours sur moi vit que cela ne marchait pas et se releva en sortant son sexede mon vagin dilaté.

Tout de suite Ruben se jeta sur mon sexe et entreprit de le lécher.Il était moins gentil que Patrick et très goulu. Toujours unde ses doigts soit masturbant mon clitoris, soit écartant mes lèvreset surtout ce que je n´aimait pas tellement, se promenant avec un doigtdans la raie de mon derrière, cherchant mon petit trou pour l´agasser.

Il s´était couché sur moi et j´avais maintenantson pubis sur mon visage. Pour ne pas jouer les saintes ni touche je masturbaisson penis, le léchant parfois ou encore le suçant un peu.

Les attouchements de Ruben commençaient a me faire gémir, ils´était maintenant concentré avec un doigt sur mon clitoriset un autre doigt tournait incessamment autour de mon petit anneau.

Patrick lui tapa á l´épaule et lui dit « eh,Captain, moi aussi j´existe ! »

Ruben se releva, déjà en sueur. La pièce sentait lesexe, bien que mes deux amants n´avaient toujours pas joui alors quemoi déjà 2 fois.

Patrick se coucha alors sur le dos et m´invita á m´asseoirsur lui. J´avais envie de lui et ne prêtait plus d´attention á Ruben.Je pris dans la main droite ce sexe, le tirant un peu a l´horizontale,le dirigeant vers mes lèvres génitales et me laissait tombersur ce dernier. Tout de suite pleine de bonheur je commençais à monteret descendre sur lui. Lui me pinçai mes tétons et palpai mespetits seins.

C´est a ce moment que je senti deux mains écarter mes fesseset quelque chose de chaud et mouillé sur mon trou du cul. C´ étaitincroyable, Ruben, notre capitaine était en train de me lécherle cul, de pénétrer avec sa langue dans mon petit trou.

J´eu aussitôt un troisième orgasme torride.

Ruben se releva ensuite et dirigea alors son Penis vers mon derrière.Je compris naturellement tout de suite ce qu´il voulait.

« Non Ruben, pas cela je ne l´ai jamais fait au paraventet ça fait mal ».

Il ne dit rien alors j´entrepris de me dégager de Patrick, cedernier me pris dans ses bras et me fis basculer en avant, vers lui. J´étaiscomme prisonnière de ses bras puissants. La croupe dégagéeen boutoir vers l´arrière.

Patrick me glissa dans l´oreille « tu apprécierastu verra »

Ruben promena son penis irrigé vers mon petit trou et comme solutionfinale j´essayais de fermer mon anneau. En vain, millimètre, parmillimètre il me pénétra. Mon anneau céda sousla pression. Patrick avait pendant ce temps arrêté tout mouvement.J´étais concentrée sur mon derrière qui brûlaitet je me trouvais monstrueuse d´éprouver une sensation de plaisirde ce coté.

C´est alors qu´il dit avec cet accent flamand « mais qu´estce quel est bonne la petite Claire », et je détestait toutun coup cet accent.

Ruben en moi ne bougeait plus et me laissait le temps de m´accoutumer á cettepremière pénétration de ma vie. Puis il glissa sa maindroite entre Patrick et moi et entrepris de frictionner mon clitoris déjà bieninflammé.

Patrick repris ses vas et viens et Ruben très gentleman ne bougeapratiquement pas. Cette nouvelle astication de mon clitoris me redonna un plaisirfulgurant. Et je commençais de moi-même à bouger.

Patrick avait relâché son étreinte et mes seins étaient á nouveaulibre. Ruben s´y agrippa, serrant mes tétons entre ses doigts.Puis Ruben cria alors tout d´un coup « Claire tu es si serrée »,donna deux coups de rein et se vida en moi. Je sentais la chaleur de son spermealler au fond de mon ventre, un quatrième orgasme arriva. Je n´avaitjamais cru cela possible. Et puis Patrick s´enfonça vigoureusementpour la einieme fois et se déversa lui aussi enfin complètementen moi.

J´étais épuisée.

Tout doucement notre capitaine se glissa en dehors de moi, sa verge étaitun peu rouge et je compris que notre plaisir avait été trop loin.

Je me relevai de Patrick qui avait entrepris encore de m´embrassersur la bouche. Mais je ne voulais pas, j´en avait assez d´eux maintenant.

Je courus vers la salle de bain avec mes dessous et pris une douche trèschaude.

Puis je rhabillais mon uniforme. J´espérait que les deux hommes étaienteux aussi habillés quand je ressortis.

Mes amants avaient eux aussi remis leur uniforme, et le capitaine discutaitdéjà avec son portable.

Je quittais la chambre sans un mot pour aller prendre un petit déjeuner.

Claire avait démarré le moteur de sa voiture et roulait maintenantvers Mechelen oú elle habitait. Non tout sera comme si rien était,elle ne dévoilera pas ce secret á son mari. Elle avait quelqueremords mais elle était pour la première fois de sa vie sexuellementrassasiée.

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Candlelight Romance

A cool mist floats across the pavement as you make your way to the front door. It’s been a long exhausting day. Thoughts of a home cooked meal, a hot shower and some relaxing fill your mind. She’ll be waiting for you, with a welcoming smile and a soft kiss. A simple thing, but you’ve come to expect the warmth of routine. You open the door and are greeted by a quiet melody drifting from a candle lit room. The scent of jasmine flows through the air as your eyes scan the surroundings. On the...

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They broke out of prison, the four of them, all dangerous men willing to do anything not to go back. Their stolen car ran out of gas a few miles away from the next city, nothing around for miles. They had been travelling for two days, trying to put as many miles as they could between the police and them. A storm was coming, nothing would be moving for days, the snow out here making the roads impassable. The lights of the house were inviting, the family living there believing they were...

2 years ago
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My sissy sonby his dad and lover Part 2

Hi,thought it was about time i let you know about my son and me.This is Part 2.So...there i was,on my knees staring at my son's beautifull cock. Not big,only 4" long..but sweet with a nice head and completely shaved..(or waxed). "Oh Jack...suck me please...pleeease...been ages since a handsome older gentleman touched me there." Pre-cum was leaking from it...and i licked the end...and gently took him into my mouth! He moaned and slowly made his hips go forward and back...gentle movements like he...

1 year ago
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Sex on the Beach

"What fantasies do you have?" Nikki asked me while I was sitting in the back of her truck. "Hmm... you really wanna know?" I began to limber up for amusement purposes."Yes I do!""Okay, well, I've always wanted to have sex in the lake, make love on the beach of the lake under the stars. Umm...say I know a girl who wants me, but also has a boyfriend and I don't know him, well, I want to take her into a different room and fuck her with him there. The thrill of him catching us would make it...

2 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 83

As the K5 sailed gently past the Key West Naval Air Station, the Coast Guard Cutter pulled us over. "You the Austin's?" "Would it do any good to lie?" I asked. "Very funny, You must be David. And that lovely piece of sculpture on the foredeck must be Grace." Grace stood and waved and jiggled and bounced. "Hi boys." "Follow us in," the man with the bullhorn said. "Grace, put on summer whites. You, too, David." So I followed them in ... I tried to get lost but it...

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My kids are happy doing it

Then they both shed a couple tears and gave each other a big kiss. That was bar none the most emotional breakfast I think any of us ever had. “I love you so much sis,” Jack said. “I love you a lot too bro,” Candy replied. So my kids were in love, I always noticed that they were close, but this was something different though, they were so much more than just brother and sister. I saw them kiss like lovers who truly loved each other more than anything else on the planet. “So do you two need some...

4 years ago
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more than mother love 1

More than mother love This story takes place some years ago. Back then I had just become 16. I live alone with my mom, and only sometimes do I visit my father, who lives about 40 km away from me. I was 5 f 10 in, blue eyes, light hair, and my cock was at that time 6, 3 in. My mom was 32 at the time, about 5 f 3 in, brown hair, green eyes, neither thin nor chubby, regular c, and a perfect ass.     It was at that time I started waking up with a hard on, and sometimes spots on my boxers. And I...

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Guess Ill let you suck my dick

I pulled into a rest area with a full bladder, and drove into the picnic area. I did not want to go into the rest rooms dressed as slutty as I was, and not really passable, at close range anyway.I'd been driving dressed for hours and loving the attention of onlooking truckers checking out my legs. I'd been listening to their comments on a portable cb radio, and having a blast. So, i figured a quick pee in private in the picnic area and then I'd be back on the road for more fun. As I finished...

1 year ago
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The Slaves life style serving a couple

Visit here to see newly upadtes homemade porn video www.papahaxx.comEverything was arranged and I had a feeling of panic mixed with excitement in my belly. For the first time I was going to meet someone whom I had chatted on net only, though web-cam ensured me that they were real couple…. But being in this kind of relationship was the sole reason behind the panic that gnawed upon my neck…. This kind of relationship where I had to assume the role of being a slave to a kinky couple, a...

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Jun Li was in one of my classes and I immediately noticed her since we hardly ever had anybody who wasn’t white middle-class. I went over to make friends with her and in her imperfect English she told me she was an exchange student from Taiwan. I’d rarely been around anybody different than me so I asked if I could help her with anything. Good way to make new friends I thought. She didn’t know where her next class was so I guided her to it and was there when it finished. She seemed pleased to...

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The Private Dick

My name is Vladimir Sackov. I am a private detective, better known as a private dick. Naturally, in your mind's eye, you can picture me. I am tall, athletic, with a handsome face. I wear designer clothes. I am clearly well off, witty, smart, suave, and a hit with the ladies. Your mind's eye needs glasses. Really strong ones. It could not be more wrong if it tried. I am 5 feet, eleven inches ... Not short, to be sure, but not exactly tall either. Although I am an unusually strong man, I weigh...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 27 Facing the Music

November 22, 1987, Chicago, Illinois I dropped Tasha at the IIT dorms, leaving her with a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek so as not to give anything away, and then headed towards Hyde Park. I assumed Jessica would be in bed, so I had a few hours before I had to talk to her. I’d briefly considered saying nothing, but deceiving her struck me as worse than confessing that I’d violated our agreement. I could only hope that she was as forgiving as Kara had been back when I’d had my ‘dumb boy’...

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“I love an articulate lady who can define her tastes and preferences,” I smiled. I was tempted to ask if she was bisexual but left that for perhaps another day. Before we had sex for the first time I told her that day over lunch I had been thinking about her in the shower that morning. “And it was very good masturbating while I was fantasizing about you. Very, very good.” “Was it now, glad you enjoyed it, was I helpful?” she teased as the look on her face and broad smile suggested her...

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The Surrogate Chapter Five

The Surrogate By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - The Ranch "When the Reverend's great grandfather founded the Sons of Jehovah back in the thirties, the congregation deliberately sought isolation so they would be free to practice their religious beliefs without interference." "But the Reverend was also an astute businessman and knew that to keep his flock happy he would need to provide for them so the Sons of Jehovah would still need to engage with the outside world." "Redhaven...

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Playing Doctor

By the time we got to my place I was sober enough to remember the promise I made to Dennis. When he came out from the bathroom I offered him a seat in my recliner. ‘Time for your lesson,’ I announced grabbing for his big hairy penis. ‘Actually,’ replied Dennis. ‘I just want you to do me like you did on the set.’ ‘Well in that case,’ I answered. ‘Pardon me while I slip into something more comfortable.’ ******************************************************************************** As fast...

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Valentines day suprisex

my girlfriend is let's say a little racist she says ew when she sees a black guys cockIn porn so I thought I would give her a little treat this year on the holiday of romance.thanks to the help of a kind black gentleman I met online, a 35 year old african man withan 11 inche throbbing monster and I asked if he would help me out He was happy to help.7:30pm valentines day night I walk my princess to his car she has a blindfold on and has no ideawhats gonna happen I keep her from peeking on the...

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Robin Hoods DaughterChapter 10

The small group of resistance fighters moved into the forest mounted on steeds provided by the good Lady Cordelia in a display of good will to their cause. They managed to cover most of the distance at a sharp trot but had to dismount and lead their horses when the undergrowth grew too dense for mounted progress. The knights took turns in clearing the way with their long swords and eventually they reached the fast-flowing river that marked the boundary of Rowena’s hidden realm. Those in the...

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A Good ManChapter 40 Breakfast for the Beast

There was no sign of Jake when we returned to the Liddington house. The desk in his office was clear of the papers that had been scattered across it when he’d invited me in two nights ago, his laptop bag wasn’t anywhere to be found and his closet and chest of drawers had been almost emptied. “If he doesn’t come back to get the rest of this rubbish tomorrow, I’ll take it to the charity shop on Monday,” Christine said as she looked through the collection of clothes that had been left...

2 years ago
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My Smooth White Slopes

Melinda strode confidently through the lobby of the Sweet Powder Ski Resort, while I followed slowly behind. Around us, people were headed out to the slopes or lounging with hot cocoa by the fire. I couldn’t help but notice the women who were nestled in the arms of a man, leaning against his hard chest.  I made my way up to the front desk where Melinda was checking in. I heard the clerk say, “Oh, the bridal suite. Congratulations.” When I took my place beside Melinda, the clerk showed a flicker...

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Rekindling Our Relationship

We had been growing apart. So, much so I started looking for other partners. The other day however, in church, our preacher talked about how to rekindle a relationship by doing things you used to do. One think we enjoyed was going out and her dressing slutty, short low cut dress, no underwear and making out in public. This night she was dressing and I specially asked for a shorter more revealing dress. She obliged me with her little black dress. As we were getting ready she showed off...

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My Special Girl

© Copyright Our story starts ten years ago. It was a hot summer day, all the local kids were playing jump rope in the street. Like they had done a thousand times before. Not a care in the world, like it should be for kids. "My turn," Yelled Maggie, my beautiful eight year old daughter, " come on, it's my turn." Maggie, was waiting in line to show her skills at Jump Rope. She had been practicing day and night, in fact, driving me nuts. "All right, it's Maggie's turn," Jenny...

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aunty wild games

Dear readers I’d like to narrate a true incident happened one year back.I’m a 24 years old and now working as a software engineer in Bangalore.I’m 5’6″ tall and wheetish complexioned. I’ve a neighbour who is 47 years old and very sexy.Her name is Lissy.She’s working as a teacher in a nearby school.She has a daughter who is now studying for medicine and her husband is abroad.Right now one servant lady is staying with her.Lissy aunty has a sexy body.She is fair , 5’4″ tall and has big boobs and...

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Good roommat fuck continues

Daryl was still sleeping, with his cock lodge deep in my anal cavity, and snoring gently. I carefully rolled to my side, Daryl gripped me in his sleep and grind in to my butt softly as we moved. I reached back between or bodies and took hold of Daryl's semi rigid penis, holding on to his cock I eased forward and felt his cock plop out of my anus. I stood slowly and got my robe and slipped my feet in my shower shoes. I eased out the door and made my way down the hall to the shower. When I got...

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In my senior year of high school, we had a new student that transferred in. His name was Craig, he was a big k** standing 6'4 and weighed a good 240lbs. Dude was all muscle and no fat. He was put on the Football team immediately. Our school was known for winning State championships. We played hard and often hung out together. Craig was a Running Back and I was a Tight end. Being 5'10 and 190 lbs I was nicknamed "the Bulldog" little but fierce. Craig and i became fast...

4 years ago
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Phoenix ch 06

Tanya called out from the kitchen, “Supper’s almost ready, wash up, both of you!” Frank hugged his two-year-old daughter tightly, then looked at her tiny, delicate, but very dirty little hands. “What have you been doing?” he asked, grinning at Alicia and showing her how dirty her hands were. “I was hunting!” Alicia exclaimed proudly. "Mole Rats!" “Well, now you’re going to be washing!” Frank laughed, then picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. It was after dinner and...

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Boy Toy Part 2

The brunette girl didn’t have boobs as big as the blonde’s, but as they say, “a great ass is God’s way of making up for smaller boobs,” or something like that. Her ass was absolutely perfect. The blonde pulled me up and I lay on my back as the brunette sucked my cock. I got even harder as I stared at her beautiful ass while her head bobbed up and down. I wondered if they were all virgins. The blonde girl slipped away, back with the other brunette. The one on the bed climbed on top of...

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Threesome Fun With Meena And Kavita

I was posted to Hyderabad and got settled in a studio apartment in a gated community. After a few weeks, I found it difficult to maintain the apartment and began to look for a maid. I selected Meena, who was around 35, sexy petite looking with curves at the right places. Meena and I began having sex, and we would watch all kinds of clips on the internet to try out. Soon we came across some threesome clips, and Meena asked me if I had tried this. I replied in the affirmative and told her about...

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My Daughters Diary Pt 3 First Anal

As an earlier story about Janine, my daughter, explained, she was very sexually active from a young age. My wife had also been active while very young, and I started having sex while still a young teen, and we did not find our daughters sexuality to be of great concern, as long as she used discretion and practiced safe sex. She did a fairly good job of staying out of trouble, though she was caught with a teacher at school, and what she learned from that was it was fine to seduce and fuck an...

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Eventualities Allison RevisedChapter 10

'The Club' itself was elaborately furnished for both antique style and comfort; clearly it was the major local playground for the very kinky and very rich. We had been advised that some but not all members belonged to the "10,000", and since we didn't know the passwords we shouldn't try to force any acquitances. Most of the members cheerfully greeted us, everyone male and female admired our ladies, who wasted little time in downing a few quick glasses of excellent champagne (there was a...

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The Tides of WarChapter 44

David decided it was time for action after the seventh day. Leaving their horses in the rift, he took the troop out during the night and arranged them alongside of the track. They waited concealed until the aircraft had returned back to its base before edging closer to the track and taking up positions. The ambush was a complete success; at fifty yards the Gurkhas couldn’t miss. The carts were checked; provisions and fodder were quickly dispatched to the rift to supplement their own stocks...

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Learning a Lesson at Middlesex High Over the Lap Style Part A

This was a hectic week for Bonnie Anderson. She had spanked Dave Smith’s bare buns on Tuesday until he howled for mercy, a quality the beautiful, but stern, principal of Middlesex High did not possess. Smith was one of Bonnie’s math teachers. He earned a trip over his principal’s lap as too many of his students failed the state exams. Between yowls, in response to each hot hairbrush stroke, Smith promised to become a better teacher. Only time and the hairbrush would tell. That was the day...

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Deputy PorterChapter 227

I was pretty sure our days of shopping together had ended and I was just as glad. Jeremy had begun to get tiresome. I got my shit from the trailer and sent him off home dragging the trailer behind. The biggest thing I had was the antique pistol. Everything else was small, but the items did fill up four of the large plastic storage baskets, which I took from the locker. I wasn't sure whether Jeremy would take care of selling my stuff on line or not. I was absolutely sure I would go crazy...

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Average Joes Army

This is a true story about Average Joe and his army celebrating National Nude Day. When a bunch of thugs moved in the neighborhood committing petty crimes and selling drugs and gave Joe, of all people, Average Joe, a hard time while he was out walking his dog, Fifi, a precious 5 pound, white Chihuahua, there was no need to call the police. Joe pulled out his cell phone and made one call. The thugs thought he was calling the cops, but Joe called his army instead. ‘Go ahead and call the cops,...

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My Job Interview at the Foreign OfficeChapter 3

I had been on the job at the Foreign Office for almost two years when my domestic life fell apart when my husband decided to divorce me only two weeks before I went into the hospital for my first delivery. I remember crying onto Diane’s boyfriend’s shoulder feeling rotten over the whole marriage situation because I knew down deep inside I wasn’t cut out for the housewife routine and I knew I had failed my test as a wife. Adding to my misery was the doctor telling me that their testing showed...

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Married Girl Tho Nenu Na Sex Desires Fulfil Chesukunna 8211 Part 2

Hi, my name is Ravi I am from Hyderabad now I am a software engineer in Tech Mahindra nenu na job searching lo unnapudu jarigina na sex encounter share cheppudam anukuntnna. My age is 23years andari lage naku kuda chala sex korikalu undevi naku girl friends leru so I don’t know how to fulfill my sex desires and I don’t interested in call girls at that time but now I interested every girl and sex kosam ekkadiki ayna velladaniki ready entha dooram ayna ladies meru e story chadive appudu honey...

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The Sperm Donor

My first sex story, by kiwi-bob at hotmail dot com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had been working at the fertility center for about two weeks during the summer break, waiting for university to start. They even gave me a nurse's uniform, which I thought was funny because I was just a receptionist. Ever since I started working there I had had a secret obsession with the sperm donation room, fantasizing about the...

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Playing With My Sexy Atha Aunt In Her Kitchen

Hello guys! This is your Rocky Raju, back with another story after Thank you everyone for your amazing feedback. This next story is a real-life incident that happened two months ago between me and my aunt, Lakshmi. My aunt is wheatish in color, with 34C boobs. She usually wears sarees at home. We already had some sexual feelings for each other, and we used to touch each other regularly. That day, my grandma was at her sisters’ home and my uncle had gone to the office. I woke up late and found...

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James Bondage QuickiesStuffed Pig

Valerie leaned against the wide stone pillar as a warm evening breeze blew across her scantily clad form. Her shoulder length lavender hair was tossed by the wind as cars whizzed down the street. The dye job was complemented by her short, one-piece dress and form fitting choker necklace. Their purple sheen gleamed brightly in the night time city lights, calling attention to her ample curves. Her dress terminated not far below her waist and from there her attractions became more bold. Black...

1 year ago
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Natural Resistance

Natural Resistance By Lyta Somabre "Kenny, hun, have you seen my mascara?" I said to my boyfriend in the next room. "Uhh, I think I left it on your dresser last night." He said back to me. We, that is Ken and I have our little games at night. He likes to be a woman sometimes. I think it's completely cool since I do it all day, everyday. I am a transsexual woman. My name is Camille. I live with my boyfriend whom I've known since high school. Our first meeting was...

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Mother decides to act like a slut on a wedding par

It was back in the 80's. I was just 14. Our family was invited to my cousin wedding party. My parents were having a kind of middle age phase so my father decline the invitation. My brother has a bit older and didn't want to waste a Saturday night on a boring wedding. Plus we had to stay at my aunt's house that night. My mom really insist that I came to visit her side of the family. I had to go, although I preferred to spent my Saturday doing something else.Looking in retrospective. It may have...

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Moonlits Midnight Fantasies

The dance 2 Well? I lead You into a private room lit only by candles, and as we are talking I cross the room to a window.  You take a seat in a soft leather chair in the middle of the room; sitting next to You on a table is a glass of wine.  I'm wearing a short black dress that has spaghetti straps with a low neckline and is made of a thin gauzy material.  I look out the window at a full moon as we are talking and then I turn a bit and turn the stereo on, you hear Type O Negative come on and...

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