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As restlessness drives me to prowl the club tonight, I catch the irresistible scent of a woman, a woman ripe for me—a woman alone. I shift to my dangerous, feral Wolf form, ready to met this woman, Jaclyn, at all costs. Will she want me, if she knows the dark secret of my true nature, she won't. I notice her and came across the room to greet her. As we exchanged a polite handshake, she noticed for the first time how large my hands and fingers were. At least I wasn't perspiring, she thought. After we had talked for awhile, I told her to pay me a visit the next day. Though she feels a bit unsettled by my offer, she knew rejecting it is out of the question. I explained that I would send my driver for her at 11 AM. After her morning shower, Jaclyn donned a light yellow colored dress that buttoned up the front. It clung to her figure, pushing her breasts together to create a nice cleavage. It is short, but not too short, stopping about six inches about the knees. Upon arriving at my house, Jaclyn is amazed at how large it is. It seems to her almost palatial, at least in this neighborhood. As the car made its way up the long, semi-circular driveway, Jaclyn counted at least three security guards with dogs patrolling the grounds. Her anxiety begins to increase. Upon her entrance, I greeted her politely, led her to a comfortable chair and offered her a glass of wine. Though she appreciated my civilized manner, it did nothing to help calm her nerves. After we finished our wine, I looked directly at her. " Look Jaclyn, I'll come straight to the point," I begin. " I am, as I think you understand by now, a very wealthy and powerful man. I can get anything, how shall I say it, taken care of." Jaclyn looked away from me and nodded her head. I smiled at her. Jaclyn stared at the remains in the bottom of her wine glass for a moment. " I-I don't think so. What do you mean by that?" she asked weakly. " I mean to ask, have you ever spoken with the other women about my... sexual habits?" Jaclyn looked up at me. " Yes, I've heard that, ah, a few of the women at the club have been one night stands for you," she said, trying not to betray the apprehension she is beginning to feel.

My laugh is deep and guttural, filling the small room. I brought my hands together slowly in front of me, the fingertips touching. " Well, let me tell you something," I said. " I many local women in my black book age 18 and above that are available to me." Jaclyn tried to stay calm, but her anxiety level is climbing higher. Why is he telling her these things? " No, I wasn't aware it was that high," she said. My chair creaked slightly as I moved forward, focusing my gaze directly on her." Jaclyn, your 25 and never married. You have not had a boyfriend for a long time. You were at the club looking to get laid last night.?" I said bluntly. Jaclyn stiffened slightly, moving her body back. This cat and mouse game we have been playing is over, she knew. Wherever this is heading, she didn't like it. She stared back at me. " Yes, of course. How did you get that information?" she said evenly. " I have the resources to find out a lot of information." I studied her intently for a moment, as if trying to measure her in some fashion. Then I said: " Now, I have to ask, what would you do to have all your debts paid. Jaclyn?" When the reality of her situation hit, her composure finally cracked and she begins to tremble and cry. " What? That's not a fair question." " Yes," I replied calmly, " of course it is, I can make your debts go away." " Let me put this directly, Jaclyn," I said, my tone becoming stern. " I want you to be my lover. If you agree, I will pay off your debts and you'll have nothing to worry about. If you don't, things might get, shall we say, very difficult for you. Do I make myself clear?" My tone and demeanor left no room for argument. Jaclyn feels like she is going into shock as my message begins to sink in. I had seemed like such a polite man; now I'm threatening her! Presuming her response, I pull a business card from an inner pocket, jotted a phone number on the back and handed it to her. " That's a private number where you can reach me," I said. " I'll expect a reply no later than tomorrow by noon. Please remember what I've said." That night a tearful, near hysterical Jaclyn went home.

She finally realized that accepting my offer is her only option. She called the next morning and told me that she had agreed to my proposition. She begged me to not to do this to her, though she knew her pleas were useless. I told her she would be picked up that evening and to make sure she closed up her apartment as she would be staying with me for awhile. She put the phone down and burst into tears once again. She hated me. I had a reputation as a cruel and callus man. My god, she wondered, how had she gotten herself into this? After the limo dropped her off, she rang the bell and a domestic showed her into a very large, lounge-like room. After standing there for what seemed like forever but was only several minutes, she became aware of her strange reactions. She had been waiting for this since her call to me yesterday, dreading it, yet she is acutely aware of her arousal, that her juices are flowing. She tried to dismiss this as I walked into the room wearing silk pajamas. I greeted her differently this time, bending my head and kissing her hand. I told her not to worry, I would not hurt her; in fact, I assured her, she would enjoy it. In a wimpy voice, she once again asked me not to do this, but I paid her no attention. " Jaclyn, if you will please come with me," I said and we walked through several rooms, finally entering one that had a Jacuzzi. I told her I would be back shortly and instructed her to disrobe and get into the Jacuzzi. Jaclyn did so and found the warm, bubbly water indeed made her feel relaxed. At that point a domestic entered the pool room and handed her a crystal goblet. It contained a wine-like drink with a fruity taste. I encouraged her to drink it and she quickly took several large swallows, hoping it would ease her anxiety. The warm, swirling water and delicious drink begin to have the desired effect and Jaclyn feels very relaxed. About 15 minutes later, I returned with a dressing gown similar to my own and told her to put it on and follow me.

From there we move down a long corridor and entered a large room. I sat on the large low bed and told her to remove her gown and turn herself around. I spent several minutes quietly appraising her body, murmuring to myself as I admire her supple curves and flawless skin, knowing they are mine to do with as I pleased. Under normal circumstances, Jaclyn would have felt sick and revolted by this act, but instead she is feeling an increased warmth and relaxation, a sweet lethargy, as if everything around her is slowing down and she is focused on the moment. For just a moment, she wonders if something had been put into her drink. I begin by stroking her arms and gently brushing my fingers through her long auburn hair. I kiss her neck and ears sliding my hands over her body, causing her to shudder involuntarily. She is already sexually charged from knowing what is going to happen - and perhaps by her inability to prevent it. She feels the familiar signs, her pussy lips moistening and opening, gently stretching her labia so that the tip of her clitoris is exposed, longing for the first delicious contact. She is vaguely aware that she shouldn't be reacting this way, at least not under these conditions, but she seems to have no control over her body's responses.

I begin kissing her, gently at first, then forcing my tongue inside her mouth searching for hers. I found it and sucked it into my mouth. My hands continue their slow, steady caressing of her body. Her need has been building steadily, and finally reached a point that she begins removing my pajamas. She tries to avoid looking at my stomach or anything further below as she undressed me. Her mind is whirling; she had wondered all night about this very moment, how it would come about and what she will find. Her last boyfriend was of moderate size at best, and she knew there were men with larger cocks, though she had no experience. Finally she moved her hand below my belly and grasped my cock. It is incredibly warm to her touch, hard and swollen and so very thick. Instinctively she moved her head lower, wanting to see it. She'd not seen that many cocks, and certainly never one of this size. I sensed it. " Is this your first big cock, Jaclyn?" I asked gently. My voice seems deeper than usual. She tilted her head up. " Yes... yes it is," she said haltingly. As she spoke she kept running her slim fingers up and down the length of my shaft, her hand moving in a slow, steady, stroking motion. It is certainly longer than she has had before, she thought, and it feels nearly three times as thick. Her body seems on autopilot as she slides off the bed onto the floor. I move to the edge of the bed in front of her and spread my legs into a V shape.

Jaclyn continues to stroke and fondle my large cock, which is now level with her face. She gently forces the thick foreskin back down the shaft, exposing the bulbous, pinkish purple head. This is another first for her as other men were circumcised, and she found she enjoyed watching the skin slide back as she exposed the mushroomed shaped glans. Her rapidly increasing sexual tension has banished any guilt feeling to the back of her consciousness. She seems in a trace-like state as she brought her head forward, kissing and licking my throbbing cock head. After several minutes of this slow, sweet torment her urge to suck on my big cock is overwhelming. She opens her mouth and attempts to engulf the swollen tip, but she found it a struggle. After several tries she finally manages to fit the head and upper shaft into her mouth. Still, it is a tight fit and her small mouth is stretched to its maximum, forming a tight seal around my cock. As she moves her head slowly up and down she made wet, noisy slobbering sounds as trickles of saliva oozed from the corners of her mouth. I'm in my element, near rapture; there is nothing I loved more than watching a frightening, defeated woman like Jaclyn, a virgin to a big cock, kneeling subserviently before me, choking and gagging as she tries to suck my enormous erection in her sweet little mouth. I lean forward a bit, reaching down and begin rubbing Jaclyn's breasts, pulling and squeezing roughly on the ends until her tender nipples are so inflamed that they stood out like beacons. I pull her body up a bit then spread her legs until I can reach one of my hands between them. My thick forefinger quickly found her distended clit, rubbing it so hard she wanted to scream for me to stop. But her mouth is filled to capacity, filled with my huge cock, and I keep rubbing her bud, up, down and sideways, until her pussy is soaking wet and hyper sensitive to my touch.

Even in her somewhat altered state, Jaclyn is surprised how forceful I am compared to her last guy, who was almost always tender and loving. I push and pull her this way and that at my whim; I'm always in charge, doing exactly what I wanted, when I wanted. A distant part of her consciousness still couldn't believe she is allowing me to explore her so shamelessly, but the rest of her seems to be on sexual auto-pilot and her arousal keeps building. Giving into her feelings, she begins to enjoy this roughness and loss of control, reveling in the feeling of being forcefully used. Lifting one of her legs, I force her to straddle me, then pull her forward so that she slides along the seat. She is now in my lap, and my fingers dig into her thighs as I continue to devour her flesh. " Please stop," she gasps when my touch became even rougher. Releasing her nipple, my dark eyes met hers as I smiled. My hands lifted til they cupped both of her breasts, and my thumbs brushed gently against the tight nubs in a small apology. Dropping them suddenly, I lean back against the door, and ran my large palms up and down the tops of her thighs while continuing to gaze at the abused peaks. " That is so hot," I said in satisfaction. I'm rock hard and ache in ways I'd never felt before. I can feel myself thick, and ready as my cock presses into my leg. With my dark eyes delving into the soft pools of her eyes, " I'm going to fuck you." Her eyes swoop across my cock, it is engorged with blood making it impressively thick and long. I feel myself twitch. " No," she breathed as her eyes took it in. " No, I can't!"

Attempting to leave my lap, she leans towards the seat in a desperate attempt to flee. " I like this," I whispered as I slide my fingers between her thighs to rub her slit. The contact made her jump, but she didn't raise her hands to stop me. She seemed to stare off into space slightly as I explored her. My fingers slide back and forth gently in a teasing manner, when her slit begins to moisten beneath my touch I bite my lip in satisfaction. My eyes heated further as I gazed down at her wet slit. It is surrounded with soft little curls of hair, and my eyes devoured it as my hands grasped onto her thighs, and slide upward. His palms ran over her hips, and circled back until I'm holding her soft round ass in my hands. With a light grunt, I squeezed it roughly with my fingers as my cock twitched between us. " I knew from the moment I saw you that you would feel as good as you looked," I rasped thickly. My words seem to break her from her daze as she looks at me. Her expression is that of someone still in shock. Flat and slightly lifeless. As our gazes met, I trailed one hand over her hip, sliding the tips of my fingers across her stomach. Tilting my head back slightly, my hand sliding low, and my palm brushed her mound before two of my fingers slide between her moist lips as I searched for her opening. When they easily found it, and pushed inside of her, she finally reacted. Her eyes widened, and her hands lifted to grip my shoulders to steady herself as her entire body jerked, and tensed. I groaned at the feel of her. " You are so unbelievably tight," I told her thickly in amazement. My fingers pushing deeper and she tensed further and cried out.

" Shhhh, baby," I soothed her. " I need to play with it first. I need you nice and wet for me before I fuck you. It will be very painful at first." As I finish telling her this, I slip my fingers from her, and raised my hand to slip them into my mouth. My eyes watched hers as I tasted the wetness that coated them. When I pulled them out, I smiled and reached for her hips to pull her closer. Once she is positioned where I wanted her, I leaned forward slightly so that our mouths are barely a breath apart. " Tell me how this feels," I whispered. Gripping my cock in my hand, I palmed the back of her ass to hold her in place as I slide the head between her folds. She is on her back and I'm hovering over her, " John! Get off me! We can't do this please!" My cock glided along her slippery gash until it reached her ass, then I slid it back towards her clit. I rub myself back and forth as her fingers dig into my shoulders. " What are you doing?" she gasped in agony. My lips lifted in a half smile as I looked into her eyes. " I'm getting you ready to take a load of my cum," I informed her. " You're about to get fucked hard." " Please please please John please don't" She begged. " You'll realize what you've missed all this time sweets." With that, I thrust my thick shaft straight inside her as she screamed in pain while her tight vagina stretched struggling to accomidate my thickness. Her eyes tearing up as the exquisite mix of pleasure and pain ran through her womb for the first time. I begin thrusting into her for ten minutes before she starts screaming indecipherable words before eventually shouting " God! God! Oh my God! Ahhhhh!" It tore through her tight pussy like paper, she screams as it fills her.

Reaching up quickly to grip her mouth with my palm, I held her cheeks in my grasp as a long moan escaped me. " God, you're fucking tight," I breathed again. Slipping out slightly, I rocketed into her again barely noticing her wincing with pain as she mewled beneath my palm. " Yeah," I breathed loving the feel of her clenched around me. " Fuck yeah." I pull back then slam into her again, she is filled to the hilt, I let out a roar of pleasure as she cries out beneath me. Pausing only a moment to enjoy the pure bliss of the way that it feels, I lean over her and clamp my fingers over her mouth again as I roughly begin to ride her. My cock slamming into her over and over as my breathing grew labored, as she mewled into the skin of my palm. Burying my face against her neck, I slid my other hand between us to grip one of her tits in my hand, and maul the soft skin before pinching her nipple. The action made her muffled cries grow louder. The sounds are only an enhancement for me, as I moan against her ear. " Do you like having my thick cock inside of you?" I asked panting. " You love it, don't you?" Ramming harder, I paused, then swirl my hips in a small circle. " Your cunt is so fucking tight," I groan as a shudder rocked through me. I begin to viciously thrust between her legs once more. My lips parted against her neck as my body moves on top of hers. I emphasized each thrust that I made with my hips by grunting softly while uttering words of encouragement into her ear. " That's right," I panted. " Spread your legs like a good girl, and take all of my cock in your sweet cunt." Reaching down, I gripped her thigh in my hand, and pulled her leg up higher so that I can push even deeper.

My fingers trailed down to her ass, and I gripped it hard as I lowered my head to watch myself slip into her. When I saw my cock pushing between her folds, forcing it's way in, I let out another low pitched groan, and stilled with only the tip inside of her. Gazing down at it hypnotically, I slide in fast, then slowly pulled out until only the head is buried. Pushing forward slowly this time, I feel her hotly clutching around me, grasping at my shaft. " Agh!" I moan as I buried my face against her chest. " Fuck!" Lifting my head, and straightening my back I slam into her hard, and looked down at her face where I still had my hand pressed tightly to her mouth. Her neck is arched back slightly, and her eyes have rolled into the back of her head so it seems that she is staring at the ceiling above her. My thrusts became rhythmic and steady as I watched her eyes. " Look at me," I suddenly growled. Her wide, traumatized gaze lowered until it met mine, and when I stared into her depths, a heated sound of pleasure escaped my lips. I begin twisting my hips as I went in and out of her.

Releasing her mouth, I gripped onto the sides of her head, pressing my thumbs into her cheeks, and held eye contact. Losing myself, I press my mouth to hers, and force her lips wide as I plunged into yet another part of her. My tongue swirled against hers, and with another low pitched groan that rumbled from my throat and into her mouth, I came. Hot spurts jetted from my cock into her, and as it flows out of me, I stiffened and pressed myself as deep as I can get. My body shuddering. When it ended, I'm still. My fingers eased their hold upon her head as I lifted my mouth, and looked down at her. She didn't move or speak. She only returned my stare, her eyes haunted. My thumbs absentmindedly brushed over the skin of her cheeks as I looked at her. " That was good," I breathed softly. Something inside of her finally broke, and as I watched, her face slowly crumbled as her eyes filled with tears. Her chest lifted abruptly as she dragged in a ragged breath seemingly trying to fight the onset. I'm still inside of her. I watch as she begins to hyperventilate, and one of my hands lifted to brush her hair back repeatedly in a soothing gesture. " It's over," I whispered. " Don't cry." Pulling out of her, i sat back on my knees, I looked down at her trembling body " I'm glad that you were as tight as a virgin," I stated ruefully. " I'm sure I would have been fairly angry if you hadn't been." Tilting my head to gaze at her, I bit my lip. She sat stoically with her hands in her lap as she stared straight ahead. " I wouldn't have liked that at all." My words seem to have little impact. Her demeanor didn't alter in the slightest. She just sat very quietly. It isn't even apparent that she was breathing, she was so very still. Now. Turn around and show me that ass again!"

Jaclyn feels one hand pressing down on the small of her back as she flattened herself onto the desk once more, feeling my fist guiding my cock between her thighs. In a blink, I found her cunt and my cock slammed into her, every bit like a butcher slicing steaks and her body the pale meat on the block. A splinter of wood dug into her skin and left a red bruise where the desk pressed against the front of her pelvis that she would find it later and smile. I keep pushing, only stopping when my hairy thighs squashed her buttocks flat against them. The moment of silence, a long one: mine, the satisfaction of conquest; hers, tight mouthed against a scream. My cock is too much, too much at once. My hands, with grubby nails, encircled her waist and I receded, like a wave, gathering up to break on the beach. Again I pushed and her body opened up to me. Faster now and mercifully not so deep, my rhythm shook us, making the desk thump against the wall. She tried to elbow up, but collapsed again, her face turned flat against the rings of cup-stains on the desk. I shifted, reaching a hand between her tummy and desk and two fingers exploring her pussy, making slippery circles round her clit. My face rested on hers, briefly lifting to bite gently on her ear so my hot breath reached into her head. Our jaws, are now uncomfortably aligned: my stubble rasping deliciously against her. So much man. She is so full of a man for the first time in a long time. My hard cock steamed wetly as it paused momentarily for the next stroke: dark, slick hairs glued to my veiny skin, silvery with her wetness.

I'm gasping next to her and she tasted the thick, sweet smell of cologne as we shared the same air. " I'm going... to come...to come," I whisper hoarsely. " Come John, yes, I want you to come. I'm close. I'm so close. Here let me," She whimpered back as I shifted a little to let her replace my too-hard fingers with her own. " Go on, John. Fuck me, John. I'm..." She feels my cock swelling inside her and knew what was to follow. The thought filled her head and she begins to buck her hips against me, her wet fingers rubbing in unison with my slippery flesh. " I'm coming," She whispered as she feels her knees buckle and shake uncontrollably. She didn't think I said anything, but I gripped her hips tighter, pulling her further onto my cock. She feels the kicking pulse of my orgasm, the sudden extra heat inside her. She feels the burst of blind triumph and growled an animal noise back at me.

We are still now, our shared ecstasy slipping away from us: brief ecstasy supplanted by the mundane once again. When I withdrew an inevitable dribble of her juices trickled out down her inner thighs. I'm squatting behind her now, my hands resting on the roundness of her ass, then leaned in to place a stubbly kiss on each, which was sweet but unnecessary. We are both still breathing hard and the beginnings of little laughs found voice. " Sheould you reach the tissues, please?" She asked when she finally lifted herself up onto elbows again. " I dare not move." " Here, I got it," I said, rising to my feet and letting my limp cock slap wetly on the back of her leg. " There you go." " Thanks...woo, that was..." " Rampant? Desperate?" I offered. " I was going to say wild, yes," She smiled back.


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The first day back to work at The Firm was Wednesday, the 3rd of January. Anne immediately went to see Percy and handed in her notice. "I'm very sorry, but I really have to leave on the twelfth," she told her manager. "But that's only just over a week away!" he exclaimed, obviously annoyed. "My new firm, Boundless Waves, will pay compensation for the short notice. But I'm really very sorry, the date's non-negotiable, it's either then or no deal. In the meantime I'll get my...

3 years ago
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Seducing Her Best Friends Daughter

She held a book in her hands, but one page had occupied her attention for the last hour. Her mind was across the lawn and through the orchard and down over the twelve-acre field and up to the stream where she knew a solitary tent was pitched in the darkness away from the drop of the trees but near enough to the stream to hear the clean song of the water over the stones. She could, in her mind's eye, see the glint of the light from a hurricane lamp upon the girl’s blonde hair. Margo could see...

2 years ago
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The Arrangement

 “So what do you think?”Ruth bit her lip. The studio apartment was tiny, no larger than a bog-standard hotel room. The location, however, was perfect.“Bills are inclusive, there’s free Wi-Fi and residents get a key to the basement gym. Did you take a peep at that?”“Not yet.” She smiled.“It’s excellent. You’ll like it.” The smartly-dressed man, holding iPad and keys, peered at Ruth through thick glasses. “So, you’re a student?”“Yes.” She smoothed down her dress, conscious of the creases. “Is...

2 years ago
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Campground Wildlife Part One

Our fourth group encounter was not with our best friends and neighbours, Sue and Jake, it was with a couple that we met while on our summer vacation. We were on a two week camping trip in late July at a Provincial Park campground in Northern Ontario at the time. Melanie and I arrived early on the Friday evening and were allocated a delightful site for our two week stay. It was large, about fifty feet wide and thirty feet deep, secluded by trees on three sides, with a belt of trees about forty...

Group Sex
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Tabbys Transformation

Tabby’s TransformationChapter OneAfter our initial meeting, I knew that Tabby was mine for the taking.  She showed promising response to my requests, following my instructions even if it made her uncomfortable.  It was obvious that she truly desired to become a slut ? or in actuality, she truly desired to become MY slut.  The fact that I had photos of her, in compromising behavior that would be sent to her family if she didn’t follow thru didn’t hurt either.Tabby normally was a very classy and...

2 years ago
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Office Politics Pt2

'So, it's my last day...' Toby smiles, biting his lip, knowing full well by now that it drives me crazy.  Our burgeoning relationship makes for an interesting atmosphere at work. We both know we have to keep it as quiet as possible till his work experience is over, but the secrecy just makes it all the more exciting. So far we've been incredibly well behaved, mainly keeping out of each other's way during the day, then meeting up at my house after work and fucking furiously to release the day's...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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In the field

When i was younger and hadn't quite hit my teens yet i used to enjoy going out by myself in the nearby farmers fields and masturbating in the open air, being naked outside was always a turn on and the thought of someone watching made me unbelievably horny.One morning i'd made my mind up to go out, get naked and play with myself in one of my favourite spots not too far away so i wandered down the lane and jumped the big white fence into the fields. i wandered a while till i found my spot just...

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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 31

I dropped to my knees beside the woman and started to examine her. I first checked for a pulse, starting with her throat and then her wrist. When I found none, I didn't know what to do. The woman was an alien. Did she even have a pulse like we did? Then I dropped my head down by her face to see if she was breathing. I didn't hear or feel any breath. I decided that I had to do something. I started CPR. It worked. I tried not to hurt the woman, treating her just as I would a child. Having no...

4 years ago
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With a colleaguea fantasy came true

For week now we had planed a party at work. finaly the day came and after work i had a shower and hit the road to the Hotel the party was going to take placa at.I was one of the first who arrived so i just sat by the bar and order a chivas.while i was enjoying my drink i saw her comming in...i knew she had a great body but the dress she was wearing was amazing and you could see every curve of her amazing body.S:hey what are you doing alone by the barM:well i was one of the first ones here so i...

2 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 33

[Leah & Julia] Early March "This is probably the question you've been dreading," Julia said to Leah as the girl held Cy's hand tightly. "If your mother follows through with Bradley, and if you can be convinced that home is much different, will you move back?" "If the reason for my being here no longer exists, it would be selfish to take up a spot, wouldn't it?" Leah answered. Julia should have expected that, perhaps, but it still brought moisture to her eyes. With a sigh,...

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Megan Pt 6

My cousin's have average looks, kind of nerdy, neither one currently had a girlfriend and to be honest I know they had never been out with any girl on a date. I could only imagine how horny they were. I went over to my uncle's house on one of my off days; nobody was supposed to be home. I got there, went around the house, didn't find anyone so I got into my bikini and went out by their pool to sunbathe. Well as you guess, my uncle 'forgot' that his sons would be home around the time I...

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Wendy Ch 01

This conversation and the ensuing adventure took place nearly a half century ago, when ‘a penny for your thoughts’ was a bargain worth consideration and when American made automobiles gathered at drive-ins where a tray of food was hung on the driver’s door and at drive-ins where cars faced a giant screen in case someone actually wanted to watch the movie. “She kept me waiting!” I blurted out. Then catching myself, I lowered my voice an octave and said through clenched teeth, “she kept be...

2 years ago
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An Unfinished Story

An Unfinished Story Waiting to be Lived He figured after 34 minutes if she didn’t show then he would stop waiting, but no, he waited 54 minutes and completely gave up hope. He had been stood up, she wasn’t coming! The pain of the realization hit him and his voice cracked as he called the waitress over. He could get a quick bite to eat and leave. ‘I’m ready to order now.’ ‘Don’t tell me a handsome guy like you got stood up?’ He looked at her really seeing her for the first time as she spoke....

3 years ago
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Stupid Mistake

Stupid Mistake By Donna Williams I first discovered the sensual feeling of nylon nighties while detailed to clean out my parent's basement. These nighties were my mothers when she was a teenager. They had a musty smell from their storage in the damp basement, and I really have no idea what possessed me to try them on. However, once on, I had my first erection and, after a few minutes, my first orgasm. I then found a couple of dresses and skirts, and tried...

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The Misadventures of Zeek

THE MISADVENTURES OF ZEEK by Long Tall MaryZeek was enjoying his prey. Carol, a twenty one year old local bar slut, had been enticed to his ramshackle farmhouse with a promise of fifty dollars’ worth of marijuana, in exchange for a blow job. What Zeek failed to mention was that the sex would be accompanied by bondage, an activity which she found repulsive.Carol presently was naked and hogtied, lying on Zeek’s bed demanding that she be set free, the pot no longer mattered. ?Bitch you will do...

2 years ago
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Fucking His Mom

Fucking His MomBy: Londebaaz Chohan O’ my Lord. There is no fun superior than fucking a tight, willing pussy. Since getting familiar with that, I have developed the fancy to fuck the women with natural large breasts, curvy musculature and wider hips for my selfish satisfaction. Somehow; too skinny women, with no ass are not my fantasy. I cannot bone a woman with silicone breasts. All in all, I like to dig and fuck a natural woman. She must have a natural breast, wider hips and curves all over....

4 years ago
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KellyChapter 26

The next day was Sunday. When Kelly told Mike there were some people coming over in the afternoon, he and Kevin went off together while Katrina came over to Kelly’s. Chris and Bill were in Washington for the holidays. The doorbell rang. It was Selma Franklin and with her was a beautiful girl who 100 years earlier would have been called a quadroon. Kelly showed them in and was introduced to Camille Franklin, Selma and Horace’s daughter. Kelly continued to look baffled as she introduced the...

2 years ago
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Caught Wet Handed Chapter 5

Chapter Five by Simon Fear I was awakened at 6:30am by my cell phone ringing on my night stand next to my bed. I fumbled with it for a second and then I answered, “Hello.” This sexy voice answered, “Morning baby, did you sleep well?” I smiled, “Morning sexy, mmmm yes I did.” Jill giggled, “You sound like pleased, have fun last night.” As I quickly told Jill what I had done in my bedroom, I slowly rubbed my nipples with my free hand making them hard. I was still lying in bed,...

3 years ago
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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 26

One of the Seven ... a Separatist ... separated from the Seven and tossed Andrea a watch. "Here, have mine," He shouted and conjoined with the rest. Even though he was One of Seven, they could hear him laughing until he was out of hearing. I'd like to say Tim was speechless ... I know Andrea was. Very little could shut Tim's mouth. "Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" he exclaimed. "You know ... No I guess you don't ... I'll tell you." He paused for breath, "The Powers that Be...

1 year ago
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Die kleine Schwester

Babsi, eigentlich Bärbel, war Hals über Kopf in Ihren Schwager verliebt. Es nahm schon komische Züge an wie sehr sie sich wünschte endlich in seinen armen zu liegen, ihn zu Liebkosen und sich ihm auch Hinzugeben. Babsi war 16 Jahre alt, und shcon seit einiger Zeit total verschossen. an ihrem 16 geburtstag gab es mal wieder Stress mit der Muter, ihr Stiefvater hatte kein Interesse an ihr, und ihr Mutter machte sie für alles Verantwortlich. Vor allem das sie eine tolle Figur bekam, lange braune...

3 years ago
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Foreign Study

The odds against an American child growing up to be an NFL Quarterback or Victoria Secret model are on the order of 20 million to one. Most of us live at the median of the bell curve of human possibilities. Average looks. Average physique. Average intelligence. Average motivation. Average sex appeal. Not me. I belong to a subgroup that is blessed–or cursed, depending on your perspective–with above average intelligence and academic motivation. But being brainy has it’s price. In my case, it...

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Why Arent You in Uniform 1

Clete decided to stop for a sandwich. It was 7:30 in the evening and he had been hungry for an hour. The downtown area was suffering from urban decay, but there were several delicatessens Clete liked in the area. The one on B street always seemed to make outstanding sandwiches so Clete pulled in there. Inside the rock music was blasting from the stereo. There was only one other customer in the whole place. There were two college age girls looking quite bored behind the counter, and a...

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The Adventures Of SallyChapter 12

Sally, Alex and I arrived at the cabin, and got out of the truck. After opening the door, I tossed my keys on the coffee table, started heading upstairs to take a shower, and the girls headed to their bedroom. I was at the top of the stairs when I heard the command; "FREEZE, PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!" I turned to see several plain clothed officers pointing guns at me. I put my hands on top of my head and was handcuffed. The officers led me down stairs, to the living room. After being...

1 year ago
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Sacrificial Boy Chapter 2

While working in the herb garden, Aislin and Macha observed the arrival of a small party from the Keep consisting of a wagon and a number of mounted men. Two young Knights sworn to Lord Kelvin rode astride two large destriers. The first, dressed in their lord's black and blue livery was none other than the son of Lord Kelvin. The second Knight in red and gold, thought to be a distant cousin from the north, had recently joined the household last Summer. As the group of men and horse...

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Jamie By Karen Elizabeth L. Copyright 2000 Being a four foot, ten inch tall boy at the age of thirteen isn't easy. I got teased a lot and I've never been able to put up with all of the short jokes. Worse yet, the doctor's told Mom that I couldn't be expected to grow more than two to three inches even with my upcoming growth surge. I was stuck as a midget forever. Tom Morris and George Harlon had just finished their daily round of abusing me, you know the routine; "Does your...

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The Train Journey

Jack Miller was a 42 year old business man coming back from a conference in the City. It was late, and he was the only person in the train carriage. He wore a white shirt, his jacket folded neatly on the seat next to him and his tie loose around his neck. Through most of the journey he was just looking at paper work, the boring routine of business life. The train started to slow down as it was approaching the next station. It stopped and a few seconds later Jack heard the door to the train open...

2 years ago
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True Maniac

Introduction: This is about a sick man who haves his way his young victim My name is Jerry. Im not sure if I am a normal person but I have these twisted fantasies about rape and causing great pain to female victims whether they are old as dirt, or even very young. Ill begin by telling the story of a very vicious sexual encounter I had with Samantha, a young girl who lived next door to me with her grandparents. Samathas mother was a deadbeat and Samantha had been living with her very old...

4 years ago
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Part 9

BlackmailI suffered through the rest of the week. We had piano practice every night but each time Mom wore a crisp white blouse, with a bra, and a tight black skirt. Her outfit prevented any underneath play and when I tried to hold her tits, she elbowed my hands out of the way. Mom insisted I play, but only the piano.After each session, Mom walked slowly into the living room to receive Dad's accolades. The light shimmered off the sheer hose, her high heels tensioning her calf muscles as she...

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My Life is Yours

My name is Frank, I'm 35, and this is my story. Before we get in to the juicy stuff, I feel that a little background information might be useful, if only for context, so... I first met Chloé on facespace, *the* social media site for anybody who's anybody. At first, it was just a casual friendship - shared interests in offensive humour, total disdain for SJW's and "snowflakes", we lived in the same city and occasionally drank at the same bar, that kind of thing, but as we grew to know each other...

2 years ago
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Queen of sluts

You are the Queen of sluts with a greedy cuntI know a place you can go if you are interested by an infestation of cock i invite you to join me at the most debauched Friday afternoon sex club experiece for greedy girls in Manchester.You have dressed for action under a long black leather trench coat.I explain to you that the afternoon entertainment you are about to endure could include the most perverse things you have ever experiencedYou will be subjected to acts of the most depravity that any...

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Tutoring a Girl in Irish

This story involves Domination, BDSM, face sitting, lesbians, group, etc enjoy!This little story is about me meeting a girl named Madison; she’s 19 years old. She moved to Ireland with her mother and step sister Brittany, they were from America and came here since their mother had some love problems and needed work. Madison is bisexual and single, Brittany was also bisexual but is in a lesbian relationship with her best friend Abby, and they practically lived together.She moved into my town and...

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Bad SeedChapter 7

Wren watched with her anger rising. Who in the hell, did her brother think he was? A moment later both the thermic missiles impacted against his ship’s shields. An almost satisfied smile, came to her lips as she watched her brother’s ship go dark. “Open a channel Trigon.” Wren said. “Channel open Master Wren.” Trigon responded. “Hey idiot! What’s wrong? Can’t take it when someone is far better than you? Plus, they have far superior equipment, power and need I say looks? Oh yeah, that’s...

2 years ago
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Sexy Sophs 3 Hot Holiday Hobby

So she proposes, after unexpectedly volunteering to do the dishesThat we two would to try catch some fresh fish in the lake for lunch, While her hot mom sexy Sophie starts to light a grill already for us-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mom is pleased by dear doddie doing the dishes: time to relax So she hands us some angles, a big bucket and a net as toolsShe has the grill going within minutes and sets up her stretcher Hand in hand we walk...

2 years ago
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Becoming a submissive slut part 2

As required, the second time , I went up to meet him I put a buttplug in my ass , it was arousing to be told what to do , after cleaning myself in and out , I chose a buttplug ( i have several ) , medium sized ,it had to be comfortable because i had to drive for over an hour with the plug jammed in my hole , I dressed myself , no underwear , just a worn out pair of jeans and a wite shirt and white sneakers. I got in my car and felt anxious for what was going to happen , I looked at the seat...

3 years ago
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It Started With a Whisper and Ended With a Roar

Chloe was on all fours pushing her palms against the headboard, letting out the slightest of whimpers as her husband Noah slowly inched his cock into her from behind.  He pushed her hips down as he drove himself all of the way into her and collapsed himself upon her back.He lightly nibbled on her ear and whispered, “That was a little naughty of you tonight, playing with me in that bar, touching my cock over my pants.”Noah started to thrust into her ever so gently and excruciatingly slowly.   He...

Wife Lovers
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Renu FIL 8211 Part IV

By : Sweetrenu Dear readers, Hi, this is Renu again. It had been a long time I could not meet you all through my writings. Sorry for that. Now be ready to enjoy the erotic journey with my experience. Hold dicks in your fists and lady readers are requested to insert some thing long stout in your oozing slits and enjoy. After enjoy the first night while my husbands absence with my FIL. He shoving his rampant tool in my dripping cunt he told me how he enjoyed his daughter Sangeetha and how she...

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Losing my anal virginity to three old guys

This is the true story of how I led myself be used by 3 older guys from the internet.I wanted to do this from sometime, to let my first time be something special.But I knew the time had came, I entered in a chat and looked for any old guys who wanted to spoil me with my little fantasy.I found a 53 old guy who wanted to share me with his 2 friends, he was all in saying how they were gonna break my ass and fuck my mouth senseless. We decided to meet the next afternoon at the place of one of...

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Caught my mom so I thought

I was walking home after school one day and was in a hurry. I wanted to get home and jack off before anyone got home. I am 16 and have a crush on this girl Michelle in my math class. I watch myself jack off in the mirror as I thought about Michelle naked and on her back, legs spread apart and me fucking her.As I walked up to the house I could here music playing. I was pissed as I had a raging hard on and balls were ready to burst. Now what was I going to do? I go into the house and my eyes...

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Miss Porters Ass

Ding-aling-aling-aling!"Ok class, you're free to go. But please remember to bring your two thousand word essay on the American political system to me by next thursday at the latest." Miss Porter was my history teacher and, although I was glad the school day was finally over, I was devastated to have stop staring at her amazing assets. Her long blonde hair ran over her shoulders and sat softly on her handfull-sized breasts, which her low cut blouse showed were obviously eager to escape from the...


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