DreamWeaverChapter 25 free porn video

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We sort of settled into a routine and for about a week; everything went smoothly. I was at work during the day, we’d meet and have dinner, move some of Terri’s things over and then fall into bed together. Sometimes we stayed at the big house, sometimes the small house and once, we stayed at Terri’s, just so we could say we had.

I could almost think that life would have been perfect except for the nagging sense that Dennis Carmichael wasn’t going to sit idly by.

That conversation came on the following Tuesday. By that time, the plant consisted of me, nine other guys that had opted for the severance package and various drivers that were showing up to haul everything away. I was officially the Plant Manager, being the only one left on-site with a degree, and had the rest of the crew working at packing up and shutting down. The next few weeks were essentially us loading trucks here and shipping the whole operation to Mobile.

My cellphone rang in the middle of the afternoon and I picked it up, looking at the number. It was Luther. I smiled and answered it, taking out my iPod and starting to record so that Mel and Terri could get all the details when I got home.

“Mr. Brown,” I said pleasantly. “How are things going in DC today?”

“Hi, Mr. Dunn,” he said. “I felt like I needed to give you an update after this morning. We’ve been keeping Mr. Carmichael under some heavy scrutiny and it started to yield results. I have a lot of information to go on, but that’s not important at the moment.”

That brought me up short, wondering what was more urgent than our investigation.

“Something else come up?” I asked tentatively.

“This morning, we intercepted a phone call between Mr. Carmichael and an associate of his. We have laser mics trained on the windows of his residence and the call was made from his study. We can’t hear the details on the other end of the call, but he talked about sending someone to Charlotte and gave them both your home and work address and the Weaver residence for reference. He was vague on what this was supposed to accomplish, but he wasn’t calling FTD to send flowers. I’ve arranged a protective detail for both of you in Charlotte and they should meet you shortly. Mrs. Weaver will have her own detail and that will hopefully make his associate think twice about approaching either of you.”

I’d been overseeing the loading of some equipment to transport earlier in the day and I was still down in the area, so I sat down on the loading dock and digested this little piece of news.

“What do we do?” I asked seriously, my head already focused on working the problem.

“Well, we don’t have a lot of information on what his intentions are,” he admitted. “We don’t know who he’s sending or what their goals are, just that he gave them your addresses. It could be a lawyer, sent down to negotiate, a process server to inform you that he intends to sue. It could be his own investigations team to gather information on you, or it could be someone rougher to try to force you to do what he wants.”

“I’m starting to wish I’d just put my hands around his throat and killed him when I had the chance,” I muttered darkly.

“That might have spared Mrs. Weaver some of these complications, but you’d have ended up in prison,” he pointed out. “Not the best outcome.”

“I know,” I sighed, deflating. “I’m starting to feel like Dennis is about to be more trouble to us than he’s worth.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Dunn. We have this under control,” he told me soothingly. “Give me your location and I’ll have a team meet you and Mrs. Weaver.”

“I’m at work, right now,” I told him. “Melody isn’t with me.”

“I’ll call her next,” he assured me. I’ll have a team waiting for you when you leave the plant,” he assured me. “Just stay calm and stick to them like glue. They’ll take care of you.”

He confirmed the plant location and the make, model and plate number of my car. I took a deep breath and didn’t like the thought of sitting back while other people did the work.

“Alright,” I said finally. “Send everything you have to Angela and I’ll call her next while you talk to Mel.”

“Relax,” he advised me. “We deal with this sort of thing all the time. We’ll keep you both safe.”

I informed him that there was someone else that was going to need protection and gave him Terri’s details. I hoped that she’d be with Mel or that she’d slipped beneath the radar.

I hung up and immediately called Angela. It took a few nerve-wracking minutes to get through to her, but when she came to the phone, I unloaded. I told her all about the call from Luther and the fact that Dennis was sending someone down here after us for reasons unknown.

“Okay,” she said when I was done. “Mr. Lawton and I both know that decisions about the business and the estate have to be answered by you. Mrs. Weaver has sworn out a power-of-attorney for you to handle all the business decisions without her. You’re the one in the most danger if he sent down someone to muscle his way into the process, Rand,” she reminded me.

“He could still try to use Mel to force me to make bad decisions for the business,” I pointed out. “Luther’s sending a protection detail for us, but I need you and Mr. Lawton to know what’s going on. The ink is still fresh on our new Wills. I want to make sure we’re both bulletproof.”

“Your Wills are ironclad,” she said certainly. “If you or Mel die, everything is split between you and Theresa Jackson or Mel and Theresa depending on which Will we’re processing.”

We’d changed our plans to include Terri after New Year’s.

“In the event you both die, she gets almost everything with small gifts to your former in-laws and a number of friends. If all three of you are killed, Col. Calder inherits the whole thing. It’s already certified and filed. Everyone named in the Will has been sent their copy for reference and their own records. He can’t get at Stan’s estate and yours and Mel’s are both airtight. You both even went so far as to name her family as being excluded from any inheritance due to the difficulties you’ve had. Just calm down and we’ll figure it out. You said Luther is on the phone with Mel right now? Let me conference in Mr. Lawton and we’ll talk it out.”

She took a moment to bring him onto the line and he listened attentively while we laid it out. He didn’t seem surprised that this was a step that someone connected to Stan would take.

“To be honest, Mr. Dunn,” he said with a sigh, “Stan wasn’t a particularly ethical businessman. It’s probable that Mr. Carmichael is at least as connected to less savory businessmen. To put it bluntly, Stan did business with whoever had money and he wasn’t picky about where the money came from or where it was going after it left his hands.”

I gritted my teeth, wanting to put my fist through Dennis Carmichael’s smug little face.

“So, you’re saying that Carmichael is probably running some kind of shady land-deal and we’re in bed with him?”

“It’s probably not the kind of philanthropic gesture to humanity that you’d want it to be,” he said carefully.

“Is our legal team in Washington ready to move?” I asked, feeling tired.

“They are,” both he and Angela confirmed.

“Foreclose on the property,” I told them. “I want it filed by the end of business today and served before lunch tomorrow. You’ve both told me that we’re in a fantastic position to foreclose. Let’s pull the rug out from under him and hopefully that pops the bubble for him.”

That gave them some work to do, so we hung up and I got back to work myself. I got a call from Mel and told her that I was fine and that I’d see her as soon as I was off work. She was scared, but she was at home with Eliza and George and her team was already there and overseeing security to see what we could be doing better.

When I left work, there was an SUV parked beside my car and two people got out of it as I approached.

“Mr. Dunn?” one of them asked. “We’re your protection detail. We’ve been briefed about your situation. I’m Chris and this is Mary. We’re going to be with you for the next few days while we figure things out.”

I shook Mary’s hand and then turned to shake Chris’s. While I had my attention focused on him, I felt the pin-prick on my neck and turned my head in time to see her pulling a syringe out of my neck calmly.

I still had Chris’s hand in mine, so being a gym-rat, I crushed it. I felt the bones in his hand give way like I was crushing a fistful of bubble-wrap. I pulled his arm tight and slammed my left hand into the bottom of his elbow, making him scream in shock and pain as I broke the joint of his right arm.

I was no fighter, but I was a big guy, probably bigger than they’d anticipated. I hoped that would mean that they hadn’t dosed me well enough to knock me out completely. I turned toward the woman, who looked like she was in shock at how quickly I’d responded, and I grabbed her by the side of the head, slamming her face viciously into the frame of the SUV with a sickening crunch as the world lurched, telling me that I didn’t have a lot of time before I was out like a light. I pulled her head back and slammed it into the frame a second time before I let her drop to the ground and turned back toward the first guy when I saw him fumbling with a gun, trying to get it out of the holster left-handed. I balled up my hand into a fist and hit him as hard as I could, staggering into him as the drugs robbed me of my equilibrium.

We landed in a heap and neither of us were in much condition to fight. I was losing the battle to stay awake and he’d been the recipient of the harshest handshake in history. I wrapped my hands around his throat and squeezed, willing my fingers to choke the life out of him before I lost consciousness. The edges of my vision were turning black and I couldn’t feel my fingers. I didn’t know if I was squeezing or just holding on. My vision continued to darken, and I panicked, thinking that I couldn’t let them do this to me. My last thought before I blacked out was that I couldn’t leave Mel and Terri.

I came to slowly, confused and uncertain where I was. I’d been in trouble. Danger? What was going on? I was ... at work ... and then? Nothing. I couldn’t remember. I knew that I was upset at work. Oh, yeah! The plant was moving. I remembered that now. That must be why I was upset. We were getting everything shut down to go to ... I couldn’t remember, but I knew that memory of it was somewhere.

I slowly drifted back to the surface and opened my eyes. That was a choice that I immediately regretted. The bright light staring back into my eyes filled my head with pain.


I groaned in protest, turning my head away from the light. I tried to raise my hands to block out the light, but I couldn’t move. Was I paralyzed?!!? The thought started me into a panic, and I thrashed madly, trying to test my body. I could move, but I was restrained. That’s when I remembered and cast my eyes around the room, rage battling with fear. They’d taken me. The room I was in was bright white and had two doors, one on either side of the room. I was strapped to a bed and I took a few deep breaths before I started to pull at the restraints with more focus. I had to get away.

I was pulling with all my strength and I could feel some of the seams in the medical restraints start to pop, but I wasn’t going to be able to keep this up for long. I relaxed back, taking several deep breaths and letting my muscles relax before I tried again to tear the restraints free. I thought I was starting to get somewhere when I heard a conversation outside the room. They were coming.

I yanked at the thick cuffs madly, knowing that once they saw what I’d done, I’d get another injection and they’d double the restraints. I could feel one of the cuffs start to give when the conversation cut off in the hall and I could clearly hear one of them speak.

“Sounds like he’s awake.”

I wrenched at the cuff frantically, hoping to tear it from its moorings so I could free both my arms. The door opened, and people started filing into the room, but far from the mad dash to restrain me and sedate me, they seemed calm and accepting.

First came a doctor and a nurse, both of whom were quickly pushed aside by Mel, looking frantic and upset. Terri was a half-step behind her, and they came to the bed, confusing me. Why weren’t they restrained too?

Mel started unbuckling the cuffs while Terri freed my ankles from the restraints.

“Are you okay, baby?” Mel asked. “You’ve been out for hours.”

“Where are we?” I asked uncertainly as more people started pouring into the room.

I recognized Angela and Mr. Lawton, but everyone else was new to me.

“You’re at the Carolinas Medical Center,” the doctor informed me helpfully before he was interrupted by one of the people that I didn’t recognize.

“Mr. Dunn, I’m Detective Harold Richards. I need to ask you some questions about what happened.”

“I don’t know much,” I told him truthfully. “I got a call earlier today that someone was being sent to town looking for me for an unknown reason. We took it as a threat, and I was being supplied with a protection detail. They were meeting me after work. When I got there, they introduced themselves and while I was shaking hands with the man, his partner injected me with something.”

He nodded, and I noticed that he was holding a recorder, rather than take notes.

“What happened after that?”

“I realized that they weren’t the people that were supposed to meet me, so I fought back. I didn’t know what she’d injected me with, but I figured it was a sedative. I remember I crushed the guy’s hand and popped his elbow. Then I grabbed her and cracked her head off the SUV they were driving. I was hoping that if I knocked her out and hurt him bad enough that they wouldn’t be able to carry me away ... I don’t know what happened after that.”

He nodded again. “You said they were being sent after you. Do you know why?”

I nodded.

“Recently, I inherited a lot of money and part of a business, Weaver Saving & Loans. We uncovered some irregularities with one of the business deals after Melody’s father got extremely upset and agitated on hearing that the details of the Will had been changed. We’ve been taking steps to investigate, but it seems like Mr. Carmichael is engaging in aggressive negotiations. Have either of the two people who tried to abduct me had anything to say?”

“Mr. Dunn, the two people that were waiting for you are dead,” he told me bluntly. “The woman died of a skull fracture. I’m told that you caved in the front of her skull as well as her whole face. The man, you manually strangled to death after you broke his arm and several bones in his hand. We actually had to pry your hands off his neck even though you were unconscious. Your story checks out though. The plant has security footage and the syringe was laying nearby.”

“What did they jab me with?” I asked, stunned as I sat up, freed from the medical restraints.

“A powerful sedative,” the doctor advised me. “You’ve been out for a couple of hours.”

I nodded.

“Am I in trouble?” I asked. “I mean, I wasn’t trying to kill anyone. I just knew I didn’t have much time to fight back before I’d pass out.”

Detective Richards looked around and shook his head.

“We found your actual security detail. They had been shot and stuffed in the back of the SUV to wait for you,” he said. “We haven’t identified the woman yet, but the man has a record, so we got his ID back in a hurry.”

“He said his name was ... Chris,” I said, trying to shake off the fog.

“Chris Melton and Mary Cole were your actual protection detail,” he told me gently. “The man who attacked you was Vincent Giraldi. He’s done time twice for minor crimes related to organized crime in the past. Kidnapping is either a new hobby or he’s been more dangerous than we knew. No one’s going to cry at his funeral.”

I nodded.

“I think ... I think I need to get my paperwork to carry a gun,” I said earnestly.

“You have a firearm license?” he asked, and I nodded. “You can carry now,” he told me. “It has to be in plain sight and there’s some places you can’t take it, but you can open-carry without more paperwork. A concealed permit is another background check, some additional paperwork and a separate fee.”

The interview went on like that for an hour or so, with him asking more and more detailed questions about the Will and the business deal that we believed this to hinge on. We were still talking when a large African American man opened the door, letting himself in.

“Mr. Dunn,” he said. “I’m Luther Brown. I’m sorry that I wasn’t here earlier.”

“I’m sorry that your people got hurt in this,” I told him.

“At least I can tell their families that their murderers didn’t get away with it,” he said somberly. “It seems like you’re in considerable danger. I have a new detail waiting for you, Mrs. Weaver and for Ms. Jackson. They’re going to coordinate and maintain security without disrupting your lives too much.”

“Thanks,” I said to him gratefully. “Has anything else happened since we spoke last?”

“Mr. Carmichael is probably waiting for an update from the people he hired,” he said grimly.

“He’ll be waiting a long time,” Detective Richards muttered. “We’ve scrubbed their cellphones and there’s really nothing on them. I’d tell you that we’ll keep you informed, but your dad was a cop,” he said apologetically. “You know that we won’t share details on an open investigation.”

“You knew Dad?” I asked, surprised that he’d mentioned it.

“I was still working patrol when he was shot,” he confirmed. “I reported to the scene when we lost him. He was a good cop. The least we can do is take care of his son.”

“We all appreciate it,” I told him and shook his hand. “I don’t think that Dennis is done chasing this. We’re foreclosing on his big land deal.”

He made note of that and then gave me his card.

Luther waited for him, the doctor and the nurse to leave before he spoke again.

“You were very lucky today,” he told me. “Giraldi was a fixer for the mob up north. I don’t think that just putting a bodyguard on you is going to be enough.”

“What do you have in mind?” I asked warily.

“I want the three of you signed up for some self-defense training,” he answered. “We have a few people that are capable of giving some instruction. It’ll be an intensive instruction course that includes marksmanship, hand-to-hand fighting, a course on driving and some instruction on escaping from captivity.”

“That sounds a little invasive,” I pointed out, worried about how it would impact the rest of my time working at the plant.

“I know,” he said apologetically. “I think it’s necessary, though. Even if you get through this crisis without needing it, you are wealthy people. The fact is that this might not be the last threat you have to face because of your wealth. I want you to be ready if you need to be.”

I was still torn, but Mel stepped in.

“When do we start, Mr. Brown?” she asked, eager to be better prepared.

“Right away,” he said with a nod. “I understand that Mr. Dunn has a few weeks of additional work at the chemical plant. We can work around that, since he has some experience with firearms already. We’ll start you and Ms. Jackson out on firearms training while he finishes up.”

I didn’t see any reason to object, since I’d been intending to do the same for her. We talked about it for a little while longer and then I was introduced to my new detail. Gunther Westlake was a vet from Iraq who’d taken work with a private military contractor after his discharge. He was tall and rugged-looking, and I noticed that his eyes didn’t settle on anything for very long.

Cynthia MacArthur was nearly his exact opposite. She was short and thick, but she’d been in Iraq too, and there was nothing soft in her expression. I got the sense that our security detail was a little more top-shelf than the last ones had been. I was glad to have them.

After we were introduced, the doctor wanted to do a follow-up exam on me before he cleared me to go home for the night. He’d originally wanted to keep me overnight, but had been overruled by both Mel and Terry, so he contented himself with what they’d let him get away with. When he’d checked my eyes, reflexes, balance and general awareness, he released me reluctantly.

“You should take it easy for a few days,” he said, by way of a warning. “Driving or anything where you could injure yourself or others accidentally, drinking or anything too strenuous is off limits for a few days. It sounds like you have people watching out for you and that’s good, but you need to lean on them for now. You could get away with no lingering side-effects, but you could also be prone to sudden drowsiness, dizziness or disorientation, while the drugs work their way out of your system.”

“I understand,” I assured him. “My job is mostly supervisory at this point, so I won’t be very hands-on for any part of the next few days.”

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2007 was an important year for me. I had turned eighteen, went to university and had my first sexual experience with more than one girl. At the time, I was seeing my best friend Gemma. We had been together since my first year at college and we continued to be an item until our first year at Uni when being at different universities put a strain on our relationship. Even so, we remained friends and to this day there is something special between us and always will be. My first lesbian experience...

1 year ago
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Chinni hot queen

My name is Veer, age 20, studying F.Y.B.Com. Usually I go to college in the mornings and come home by afternoon. I never liked to waste my time in college campus after classes were over. I like to study seriously at home. Because of this all my friends call me a nerd and laugh at me, so I don’t have much friends. My father works as a Manager for a bank. One day we had one of his old colleagues, Mr. Raghu Srinivasan, to stay with us for a month. I call him Raghu Uncle.He had arrived with his...

2 years ago
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Beth 3Chapter 9

After school we had our first read-through for the show. It turned out my part wasn't as big as I'd feared and there were only three songs I'd be doing—all chorus parts with the other guys. All three were parodies on the political and legal system of the time in New York City. I'd been in a couple of shows before, but just in speaking parts, no singing. As rehearsals went on I discovered that I could SING! Well, sort of. I knew I'd never be as good as Beth and maybe it was just the kind...

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Teachers Pet 20

I managed to concentrate on the subject enough to get through the class. I packed up quickly and hurried out with the crowd but was caught when Mrs. Stanton said "Mr. Walker, please stay for a moment." I waited until the door closed after the last student and then looked at her. She quietly said, "Albert, when I got home last night, I realized that I had left an incriminating piece of evidence here in the room. However when I got here this morning, I couldn't find it. Do you know...

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Meeting Sally

The story until now.Sue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful I responded by having an affair with Marg. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was directly after we had decided to have another...

Wife Lovers
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Another Love Part 3

I awoke in the morning with Jade snuggled up tightly to me. Her leg was draped over my legs and her breasts were resting nicely on my torso. Her head was just underneath mine and as I lay there listening to her slow, peaceful breathing, I wondered what she saw in me.I realised that I was overthinking things and that I should enjoy the fun whilst it lasted. After all, I was more than twice her age and sooner or later, she would get bored with me or some fit guy more her age would sweep her off...

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Haye Meri Choot 8211 Part IV

Din isi terah guzertey gaye.Mien aik bachey ki man ben gayee aour subash ney ab mujhey us terah chodna chodr diya tha jis terah pahley choda kerta tha.Waisey bhi chunaow key seezan mien woh gher sey baher hi rehta. Is bar woh khud bhi aik choti position key liyee khadra howa tha aour kamyab bhi ho giya.Ziyada waqat uska aye gaye mehmano key sath guzerta.Hamara ladrka birjoo ab badra ho raha tha.Mien bhi uski terf ziyada dhiyan dey rahi thi. Aourat aourat hoti hey .Uska man bhi chahta hey key...

4 years ago
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Anna Janet L. Stickney "The way you see me now started back many years ago." The old woman sat in her rocker facing her Great grand son and daughter. "I know that you found it when you were in the attic cleaning. Lord knows that I should probably tell you how it started. When I was young, the women wore very fancy dresses of silk and satin, big bustles, and lots of lace. There was a war stirring in Europe as the Kaiser kept arming his troops. Then that Duke was killed by a...

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TeamSkeetDupes Nadya Nice International Twat Teasing

Sexy babe Nadya Nice is all business when it comes to pleasure. This cute sweetheart may have a resting bitch face, but do not let that fool you. This girl is all warm and fuzzy inside, especially in that tight twat of hers! Our lucky stud gets to sample her international cunt, enjoying a dick ride that makes Nadyas toes curl in pleasure. She sucks his boner, letting her saliva drip down his girthy rod. Finally, the guy cannot keep it together any longer and blows a big load of cum all over...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Valentina Nappi Second Appearance

Valentina Nappi and her Hubby have a problem. It’s a big problem. Everyone knows Valentina is from Italy…but not a lot of people know her Hubby, Juan. He hails from Spain. And it looks like his time in America is just about up. His paperwork is a mess, and he’s even tried to bribe his way out of today’s trouble…but the Immigration Agent isn’t taking Juan’s bribe; however, the Immigration Officer will take Juan’s bride. No joke! In his final act of...

2 years ago
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Gotta use what youve got

She squirmed and struggled as he tied her hands behind her back with a plastic cable tie.’If you won’t do as I ask’ he said ’then you must be taught a lesson’...He had her anklets on now and the broomstick attached to the anklets had her legs wide apart and going nowhere.‘You know I love to fuck you....I’m always happy to do it.But if you think I’m going in there after you’ve been round to visit that dirty cunt John then you are much mistaken.’He was rooting round in the bedside table drawer...

2 years ago
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creepy landlord leads group sex

I rented a room in an upstairs apartment last year. It was a 2 bedroom apartment, and I rented the smaller room. It was above another house (owned by the same guy) that was rented to someone else. Anyway the landlord said ‘if I ever need to move back in here, I reserve the right, but I probably won’t because I am happy living with my girlfriend at her house.’ Anyway, the landlord Mike was 72 but kind of a young 72 and could pass for late 50’s or so. His girlfriend was in her early 50’s....

4 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 95

Two weeks later, Emma was standing in the center of her empty apartment. Thanks to her short time living there, it looked identical to when she’d moved in, walls still clean and white, carpets (cheap, but new) unstained and unfaded. She’d opted to leave behind most of her furniture. That included her living room sofa, the kitchen table set, and pretty much everything in the bedroom save for the mattress. Brent’s house was fully furnished so she had neither the need nor the space for any of...

1 year ago
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The Snack Shack

It's tough being a single dad. It's tough enough being a dad, but being a single dad makes it that much harder. All of his activities plus my own, and watching him.It makes it pretty tough. I enjoy watching him play little league, but all the other stuff that goes with it makes me wonder whether it's worth it to me. Today is a classic example. I have snack shack duty. I have to spend a couple of hours helping out in the park's snack shack. Not that I really mind that so much, but what do...

Straight Sex
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Aik Lund Choot Mien Aik Lund Gand Mien

Police ko bulaow yaar”Merey dost vishno ney acting kertey howey kaha”Arey nahien vishno, pahley maim sahab ko fasla ker leney do jaldi kiya hey” mien ny bhi acting hi ki thi Ager kuch dostoon ko pata hokey bhagalpur sey Tilknager janey wali 80 namber Road sey nathnager punchna kitna asan aour taiz hey. Mien apney aik dost key sath usi terf jaraha tha.Abhi hum bhagalpur railway station key qareeb hi punchey they key peechey sey aik zordar dakha laga aour merey haath stearring sey hat gaye.laiken...

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Night of the Sheromps

With many, many apologies to Dr. Johnson. Despite her best efforts, Elizabeth had turned out to be a bad wife after all. She really put her heart and soul into it, spending every moment of the day either cooking or cleaning, always presenting Richard with a picturesque household. But there was one thing she had not given him, and that was a child. At first it had been simply a quirk of fate, but then as time went on her failure to conceive became more and more apparent. Richard wanted a son to...

4 years ago
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Dereks Mistake

Introduction: (This story may contain some misspelling and mistakes. I re-read everything too fast to catch a simple mistake, so sorry.) This story is based on the 1800s even though it doesnt REALLY seem like it. I hope you enjoy. Ill start on part 2 immediately. ^_^ Dont trouble yourself, sweet heart, Derek watched as one of the house maids roughly scrubbed the kitchen floor. She was hired 4 months ago and was paid so little even though she worked harder than anyone else in the house did....

3 years ago
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LilyChapter 3

Lily woke to find that Rich's seed was still sticky between her cheeks, and that Rich had buried his face into her bosom at some point during the night. She felt his breath on her chest, his hand on her hip, and his hard-on pressing against her thigh. Rich woke to find that something was moving under the sheets, and that his cock was in something wet, and warm. He subtly shifted his leg, not wanting to let her know that he was awake, and he watched the figure bob up and down underneath the...

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Every Inch A NymphChapter 3

Her pussy still twitching hotly, Melanie stood in silence by her husband. Above them, the stars twinkled brightly in a moonless sky, and the young couple listened to the sounds of the desert without speaking. Both of them were confused by what had been happening in the recreation room of the spa, but the widening gulf in communications between them left no way of telling each other what they felt deep inside. Melanie was frightened by the intensity of the lewd sensations still raging in her...

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Denise Part 1

She lived in an apartment a few miles away. I went upstairs and knocked. She answered and I went in. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips.I turned and there was a lady sitting on the couch. She introduced us, her name was also Denise.They were physically different from each other. The Denise that called me, I will refer to as Denise 1 and the other as Denise 2. Denise 1 was on the slender side with brownish hair that hung slightly over her shoulders.She was not gorgeous, I would say...

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Spied On By The New Neighbors

Cody: The Allerton’s home sold two months ago. We missed their step-siblings, Frank and Kate, with whom we had discovered the joys of of swinging. We kept looking for chances to engage in sexual relations when we knew somebody could be watching.The house was purchased by a youthful African-American married couple. He was tall and muscular while his wife was a petite light-skinned woman. One look at them and we entertained hopes of luring them to join us in carnal activities.After they had...

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ATK Exotics

What’s up, you naughty dog!? Did you ever wonder where all the classy bitches went? As we go further into the internet porn era, it looks like the only kind of bitches we can find are the filthiest, most depraved sluts the world has to offer. It’s as though these bitches are competing to see how sexually fucked up they can be. Listen, who the fuck’s complaining? I’m certainly not!But didn’t you wonder where all the classy sluts went? You know… The ones who revel in showing off the divine beauty...

Premium Female Masturbation Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My Stepdad and I Part II

After dropping my mom off at the airport I thought he would come home expecting dinner and sex. I was wrong and things where going get even hotter. While we ate dinner he looked at me and said, "I've seen you talking and flirting with my friend, Kyle, do you like him?" I responded, "Yeah." My stepdad swallowed the bite he was eating and asked, "Do you want fuck him? Would you if I called? I know he thinks you're amazing." I of course said, "I would love fucking him!" My stepdad got up and went...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Double DateChapter 3

Her father came out and said his wife could not go because she was going to church but he would like to go. I set the time at seven the next morning and left. I knew Fay would like to have had a date with me that evening but I wanted an evening to myself. After I got home I called Fay and told her I planed to spend the evening at home reading and on my computer. Fay sounded disappointed. I told her I would be with her all of the next day. She whispered that with her father with us we would...

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The cock milker

I was in the first year of college. Dad had been transferred to anothercity. I did not want to move as I was in the middle of a term plus all my friends were in the same college as I. my parents decided it would be best for me to continue in the same college and asked a family friend if I could stay with them till I could find some accommodation for myself, they gladly accepted. Mr. and Mrs. Ahuja were very nice people and made sure I had my privacyand all the comforts of home. Mr. Ahuja had...

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A Matron Calls

It was an early autumn evening while Mum, my sister Sherry and I were listening to the radio, as we often did in the parlour, when the knock came at our front-door. Sherry and me looked at Mum wondering who it could be on such a cold and windy night? Mum went to the door and we then heard her talking to someone in the hallway. Then after a short while Mum came into the room with a tall attractive woman in an important-looking nurse’s uniform who introduced herself as the District...

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Something New

The wife and I have been making plans for our aniversary. Part of the plans included an extended trip. This was months in the making. The stay would be long so we had to work out things at home so that there would not be any problems not to mention the plans with were we were going. The day finally arrived. We had packed everything that we could but decided we could do some shopping for anything else we might need. We boarded the plane and we were off. The excitment was brewing and making a...

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Sarah Humiliated by her StepGranny

Sarah had a real soft spot for her Granny Mary.Sarah lay on her bed, her legs were spread apart and her fingers were caressing her pussy lips and she was squeezing her so sensitive nipples with her other hand as she played over in her mind two particularly memorable times her Granny Mary spanked her in front of a whole group of onlookers. Both times the humiliation of being spanked so publicly were a real turn-on for Sarah. Both times as well she deserved a second spanking that day and each...

1 year ago
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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 3 Mid June

Wednesday Why was he so nervous about picking up a 13 year old girl? A very sweet thirteen, almost fourteen, year old girl. He had met her only twice before, but he did not think she would be uneasy around him. The hard part was he had to do the prepartion for the visit and the briefing afterward. Of course some would fall to Caroline, also. After much uncertainty, they had decided to go with Julia's recommendation. He would tell the kids of her nakedness before they arrived. He still was...

4 years ago
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Nadia walked into the cold, dimly lit dungeon like room. The dampness hung in the air like a heavy stench suffocating anyone in its path. Water leaked from the ceiling, dripping onto the stony floor making it colder than it should have been. She never would have known about this place if she hadn't overheard the girls in the locker room mumbling about a guy they had tied up for eight days. The knowledge made her gasp, but she was careful to make sure no-one heard her. How could they do such a...

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What a month apart can cause

It was a nice night along the waterfront. The sky was full of stars despite the illuminous atmosphere of the city's nightlife. The moon was bigger that night than normal, and seemed to be smiling down at the couple. They had been walking along the riverside enjoying each other's company. Dani, a long-stemmed beauty, with flowing red hair that shimmered in the moonlight like bright burning embers of a fire was enjoying her evening with her boyfriend Jason. He was 5, 10' with dark hair and had a...

1 year ago
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A Cute Couple

A CUTE COUPLE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Sweet & Sentimental. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT THE RUNT Ever heard of the 'Tangmere Trio', the male triplets? Rex, Odin, and Zeus they were, and each lived up to his namesake. By the...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex Between Lusty Friends

We completed our 12th and now we joined to engineering. New friends , new environment and mostly new faces. We used to travel to college in a college bus. The first few days we used to sit quietly in bus….but slowly we started to talk. And in this bus were my 2 friends(became friends later) , alisha and pavan. They studied in the same school in 12th, but had never spoke with each other before. Now that no one else was there, they sat together in bus and slowly they became friends. within weeks...

1 year ago
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An Unfaithful wife

With three kids, and his wife and mom now on good terms. Robert's only problem had to do with a particular aspect of his job. Several times a year, it took him "overseas" for a few weeks. Early on this wasn't a problem. But it became one once they started a family. That's because Robert soon realized he couldn't stand being away from his family, even for a few weeks. So he decided to do something most people would feel, was a very strange thing to do. He actually installed several...

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Sweet Surrender Ch 03

Luke awoke slowly, pulling himself from the most amazing dream he’d ever had. In his dream, he had been making love to the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and as he slammed his cock into her, she would scream that she loved him so much. After making her cum three times, he had pulled out of her tight, gushing pussy and she had kneeled before him to take his cock into her mouth. She had looked up at him with gorgeous brown eyes and pushed her long brown hair behind her shoulder. She had...

2 years ago
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ShakespeareChapter 11

Jay: 'What's the time for the shuttle to get here, Merlin.' Merlin: 'At present speed, about 92 minutes.' Jay: 'I show us with... ' Merlin: '... 38 minutes on rebreather and 30 minutes on suit oxy.' Jay: 'If we cut back on activity, that will lengthen the time we have. Robbie and I are going to lay down and ... uh ... rest.' There was silence for about 15 minutes, during which Kray must have killed about 60 males that were reborn. Then the radio came to life. Nicolevna:...

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A new black lover close to my snoring hubby

My beloved hubby had hired for us a quick week end vacation at Jamaica. As we were making the check-in at the airport, I could notice a young black hunk was watching me; although Victor was by mi side. Later on, when we boarded the plane, that same guy moved behind me and brushed his crotch against my buttocks; making me feel his growing erection. I said nothing, but checked out he sat down a few seats behind us. When we arrived to our hotel, I was surprised to see the same black man was...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Spencer Bradley My Wifes Daughters An Exhibitionist

Spencer Bradley stops by to see her step-dad, Dale Savage, at work. After greeting Dale, Spencer gets a mischievous look on her face and pulls her skirt up, revealing her pussy. Dale is shocked at Spencer’s exhibitionist ways as one of his employees, Jay Romero, walks in. Dale is even more shocked when Jay and Spencer recognize each other. Spencer winks at Jay, pulling down her top and flashing her perky breasts. Looks like Jay and Spencer were more than just friends, and Spencer wants to...


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