Marie's Revenge free porn video

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Marie's Revenge by I.R. Nixon Dan was anxious going to Langford's today. Marie, his sister, asked him to come down early in the morning because she and Carolyn wanted to talk to him. He knew that Carolyn and the women who worked at Langford's were not to be trifled with. Marie had already told him stories about Sharon's brother, and what Cathy had Dane to her own brothers. Marie was really angry at Dan last week about using the car. Dan had promised to pick Marie up from shopping center at three o'clock and did not show until five. Marie was furious not only for his being late but not calling her on her cell phone. Dan said he thought she had said five o'clock. She knew Dan was lying to her she got even madder. Marie did not seem angry on the phone and she had not said too much after the incident though. He could not figure out why he had to meet with Carolyn. When he arrived he was told to wait for a few minutes before Marie and Carolyn would see him. This heightened his anxiety. Why would Carolyn want to see him too. He had only met Carolyn once at a party for Marie and really did not know her. When Carolyn and Marie arrived he greated them and sat down. "Dan, how are you today?" Carolyn asked. "Just fine?" "Dan we are having a party at Carolyn's tonite and we want you to come. We thought you might enjoy it. Since there will be a lot of wealthy clients there. Carolyn and I want you to look your best so we are going to treat you. We are going to buy you some new clothes and get you a great new hairstyle from Mary.", Marie added. "Would today be available for you." asked Carolyn. "Well yes, today would work.", Dan answered. Dan was ever so slightly suspecious of what was going to happen. He was nervous about the party and even more leary of why Marie and Carolyn were taking such an interest in him. He knew tomorrow would not work since that was his birthday and he intended to leave for a week in the mountains with his pals. He could not hardly refuse, they seemed so sincere in there offer. Dan was never known for his social graces and was more at home backpacking in the mountains or working under a car than at formal occasions. Marie then stated, "Good, I'll get Cathy to take you to Mary's and we can have the new "Dan" Dane by six o'clock." Dan was not sure how much of Marie's tales about Cathy he wanted to believe. How could one girl, two years younger than him, force her brother Ted and Sharon's brother Roger to do the things they did. Yet Marie would not make up these stories. Dan believed she might have tricked them. When Marie entered the office. Dan could not believe what he saw. She was only five foot seven but her arms were huge. They looked like a bodybuilder's arms, she had massive pectoral muscles matched her arms and a muscular neck. Her stapless top showed off her upper body muscles and her short skirt allowed her huge leg muscles to be visible. Dan was just under six-foot and weighed about one hundred and eight pounds with little fat. Yet even he felt intimidated by her muscular build. Dan was now starting to believe the tales about Cathy might be true. True or not he had no desire to cross her. Cathy and Dan departed. As they left Carolyn asked Marie if she thought Dan suspected anything. Marie was certain he did not. Dan was still just a little concerned. Why was Cathy involved now? Why did she have to take him? Why were they going to Mary's salon anyway. Dan had never spent over $10 for a haircut and usually less. Now they want he to go to this place. Why? Yet, there did not seem to any reason not to go either. Dan knew other guys that had had there haircut at salons and they did not seem to be bothered by it. When they reached the mall area Dan noticed the way Cathy seemed to carry herself with an easy grace. He also knew she had a reputation for being able to handle herself. He would be more than cautious around her, not wanting end up with same fate as her brothers. "This way Dan." Cathy stated as she pointed towards the south end of the Mall. "How far is this place?" "Not very." "Do you know what this is all about? I mean this all seems a little strange." "My job is to make sure you get there and to the party tonight, and that's what I going to do." Cathy answered not revealing the plan. The remark scared Dan slightly. Whether Cathy meant it that way of not, Dan inferred a threat her remarks. He knew she was quite capable of making good on her threats. He never asked again. "So your the famous Cathy, I've heard about you from Marie." "Well that's me." "Are those stories she told me about you true?" "Well that depends on which stories she told you." "About your brother and Sharon's brother, I mean did you really do that stuff to them?" "Well it's a little complicated, but yes I did. They both had it coming though. However, you need not worry about me. If you Dan't cause trouble for me, I won't cause trouble for you." "I'm not in a trouble-causing mood today so relax." "Good! Then you'll have no problem with me." Dan summized that causing her no trouble meant whatever she said went. He was resolved not argue with her. He had no intentions of winding up like Roger and Ted. He knew she would not hesitate to use her muscular build to get her way. He was not about to give her any opportunities. The visions of her brother and Sharon's brother reminded Dan just what she could do if provoked. "Here we are!", Cathy declared as she opened the door to the Salon. Dan was not prepared for what he saw. This was a far cry from Ernie's barber shop. Nearly twenty stations with modern art work on the wall. Elaborate chairs and tables in the waiting area. A hostess greated them at the door. Dan was in a state of awe with the vastness of the salon. "Mary please," Cathy stated. "Is it to late for me to escape?" Dan asked Cathy half joking and half testing her reaction. "You'd never make it to the door." she replied suspecting Dan was a little anxious. Dan was still perplexed about the answer. If she took his question in jest then the answer would be in jest as well. However, if she thought the question was serious, then the answer must also be serious. In any event Mary arrived. "Mary, I brought Dan, Marie's brother, here for a new look. Carolyn says do your magic and show no mercy." laughed Cathy. "How you doin Kid?", Mary answered back, "haven't seen you since the night of the big show." "Fine." Mary extended her hand to Dan and introduced herself, "I'm Mary the bank and I have a joint ownership agreement to this place. Let's get you ready and see what we can do." "Cathy I'll get everything arranged will you help with Dan?" "Sure, I'll get him ready and be back in a flash." "Smock em Dano!", Mary parodied the Jack Lord cliche. Dan was still uncertain. Intimidated and nearly fearful of Cathy and confused about the surroundings he followed Cathy to a small room. There Cathy grabbed a smock and gave it to Dan. He seemed a little confused but managed to get the smock around himself. The dark burgundy smock was not unusual to regular customers but Dan felt odd wearing it. Cathy then led Dan over to Mary's station. Mary examined his hair a few minutes and the motioned over a young brunette who led Dan to the shampoo area. "Do you think he's figured anything out yet?" Mary asked. "Not a clue." Dan had never had his hair washed at a professional salon before and was totally confused. He Finally figured out what was happening and relaxed enough to get his head all the way back. For Dan a shampoo was just something he did in the last few minutes of the shower. This was entirely different to him. He gazed at the ceiling and watch as the young girl masaaged his hair with shampoo and conditioner. A few minutes later he was being led back to Mary's station with a towel wrapped around his head. He was still in a confused state. Not sure what was happening or what to expect. He noticed that not all the stations were visible from Mary's station. He also believed himself to be the only male in the place. Something that disturbed him. The confusion and the feeling of isolation left him feeling slightly helpless. When seated Mary began to comb his hair and examine it. "Okay Dan we have some options here. There are several things we can do. We can cut it shorter and shape it a little. Or we can trim it a little and even it. Depending on what you want to do. The problem you have is no body to your hair. What I recommend is we perm your hair to give it some life and then work from there.", Mary explained. "Carolyn said you have Carte Blanche," Cathy interjected suggesting to Mary that the cost was not a factor. Dan was still confused "body?" "some life?". This jargon was totally confused. He was suppose to give an answer and he had no living idea what they were talking about. He was still hoping she would say something that he could understand. Feeling intimidated and stupid he asked Mary what she recommended. "Dan let's start with a perm and see what develops. Does that sound okay to you? I can start on the perm right away. Okay?" Dan noticed Cathy was had placed her hands on her hips and was looking directly at Dan. Her muscular arms were very visible. Her body language suggest Dan had better agree. Dan was already intimidated enough by Cathy to think hard before disagreeing. Besides he was not sure what he should answer anyway. Events had happened so fast that he wasn't sure what was going on. Fifteen minutes ago he was in Carolyn's office. Now he was sitting in a salon being asked questions about matter he could not fully phathom. Worse, there was this musclebound seventeen year-old girl who terrified the hell out him looking right at him. Cathy nodded he head affirmatively and Mary sectioned the hair and placed the first rod in. Dan had not even realized what happened. Mary was getting ready for the third rod when Dan uttered his okay. Dan got the distinct impression that his approval was unimportant. There was no doubt in his mind that Cathy was in control. "If it's carte blanche, what about nails and a facial?" Mary asked. "Sure!" Cathy responded. Dan did not say a word. He left the decisions up to Cathy. He really wondered if he had an choice. He viewed the consequences defying Cathy worse that whatever Mary was doing to him. The haunting visions of Ted and Roger being feminized by her made Dan mindful of he power. He felt totally helpless now. "Cathy have your brothers been doing anymore fashion shows?" Mary asked. "No, they really haven't. I think their modeling careers are on hold right now. Of course I might start them up again if they provoke me." "I still would have paid anything to see John's face when he found out what he would be modeling." "Debbie told me about it. John was so confident he could do this. I mean wear a tux and parade his macho ass in front of some women. Then they bring the gowns in and he things that was just a big screw up. The Debbie tells him no that's what your going to be modeling. She then stands up and points to her slacks and say's 'Only one of us is going to be in pants at five o'clock and it ain't gonna be you Princess'. Then everyone starts laughing and John is just dumbfounded." "Well what about Ted and Roger?" "They were really easy. In the morning I tied his hands and feet to the bed and did his nails, hair, and makeup. I mean he is in a blind rage when I untied him. I then went and waited while he untied his feet. He comes into the living room and slams be into the wall. 'I'm going to make you pay through your hide' he told me. Well ten seconds later I have him crying like a baby begging for mercy. So I put him in a bra, panties and sundress. I figured he'd take it off in twenty minutes. So I sent Sharon up to get him just by chance. Eight hours later he is still wearing the stuff. Sharon can't believe it. She just brings him down to the shop. Roger was the one who really surprised me. Sharon gets him to come to the store. I tell him he's to be modeling evening gowns and get in the prep room. The room is six feet from the exit. I leave figuring he's gonna be gone in ten seconds. Well the prep people go in there and Roger is just standing there. They can figure it out so they just prep him." Dan is amazed at what he is hearing. They were treating Roger, Ted and John like they were play things. Cathy was pushing Ted and Roger around like children. What was worse was they were so terrified of her that they were willing to be publically humilated rather than stand up to her. How could a teenage girl have two men so totally under her control that she could emasculate them just for amusement. Dan was also aware that the same women was ten feet from him. He had no desire to cross swords with her. Just then he noticed that someone was working with his right hand. He was not sure what she was doing but he no intentions of arguing with her. "That was the same day that Billy was here. If his mother wasn't such a good client I'd wouldn't even mess with that kid. I mean the kids nearly twenty. His mother wants him to wear his hair one way and he wants it another. So I get in the middle. You think they could work that out at home. Anyway I had had about enough of him when I called you. After you left he was meek as a kitten." Dan was now observing in the mirror that his head was filling up with rods. This added to his discomfort. He noticed that he was still the only male in the salon at least the places he could see. He also noticed that two women were receiving perms and that the rods in their hair looked very similiar to his. Was this Marie's revenge about the car? This whole afternoon was getting stranger and stranger. Why were they working on my nails anyway? My nails were okay and now they were putting some type of lotion on them. "So anyway Cathy how did you get them to run around the mall in lingerie?" "Monica did that. She convinces John they are going to make him do this all the time. She faked a bunch records that made it look that some of the girls started out as men. She then convinces John that they are going to take him to Mexico have him get a sex change operation. I mean John is in real fear. So they are in the holding room. Marie run's in and tells them Marlene is going to shoot something into them to make their boobs grow. So in panic they run and she just leads them around the mall. Takes them around the parking lot then drives them around town." Dan still can't believe he is hearing this. If they would do this is there any limit to them? Here is sitting there totally at the mercy of two women who seem to have no compulsions about what they will do to people. "What type of perm is he getting?", Cathy asked. "Sonic Wave. They really work great. I mean good curl and they last. I'm alternating white and pink to give that natural look to the perm." "Sonic Wave, I'm familiar with those." Cathy remarked. "I still can't believe you fell for that." "I'll say one thing about them, when I curled Ted's hair with the iron, that style lasted all day." "Actually Sonic Wave is just the name of company that makes the chemicals. The style that is called Sonic Wave comes from the marketing ad. Actually, they simply designed a style then used their chemicals and act like they invented something. It works because they are popular." "What are you going to do after this is complete. What will it look like?" Cathy inquired. "It will be wavey to curly when were Dane. Then I'll cut and shape it. That is the best way to do it. You can solve a lot of loose end problems and you have hair to work with." "Are you going to do any color service today?" "No I Dan't do color and perm at the same time." Mary then asked, "Are you busy over there today?" "No its always slow this time of year. I Dan't have to even go back today. This makes up for all that overtime last month when we got the new inventory in and remodeled the displays." "So are you going back today?" "I'm gonna go back for a little while Dan is processing. My job today is to keep Dan in line. If he gets to rebellious, I'm gonna have to hurt him." "Good, got to make sure he's under control. Especially, when start on the styling. Usually when you get the rods in that takes the fight our of them though.", Mary joked. Dan's mind was now racing..."rebellious....control?" What are they planning to do with me. Why did Carolyn need to send Cathy over to watch what was happening. Cathy was sent here for some reason that I'm not sure of. This situation was not normal. There were now a women who's head looked like mine. The first one had some type of plastic wrap on her head now. Mary finished wrapping Dan's hair and placed cotton around the edges. She then started putting on a solutions that smelled terrible and seemed to get warmer. She soaked each rod and then soaked the entire head. Dan could already feel the lotion down his neck. Mary wiped it off. She then placed a plastic wrap on his head. She went to the counter and set an electronic timer. The counter started to count down from twenty-five minutes. Cathy looked in the mirror and did a double bicep pose in the mirror. "They are seventeen and half inches today. Gotta keep pumpin that iron." "Dan did you want a soft drink or coffee?" "Do you have diet coke?" "Sure." Mary returned in a minute with a diet coke. Dan finally saw another male in the salon. He had been there about fifteen minutes. He was already getting to leave. Dan wished now he could get our of there. He felt trapped. He suspected something was happening but wasn't sure what. "Dan This will take about twenty five minutes to process. Then I'll rinse it out." "May I ask a question. Why does my hair look a whole lot like that women's over there? I mean it seems we are having the same thing Dane." "Dan you are having the same thing Dane. Hair is hair and curls are curls. Gender has nothing to do with it. There is no such thing as a "men's perm" or a "women's perm". You both are getting the same perm. In fact she's about twenty minutes ahead of you. If you watch what happens to her you know what will happen to you twenty minutes later." "Oh!" Dan replied still perplexed. Now Dan was even more confused. Why was he getting his hair Dane the same way the women was. If they were having the same process wouldn't the results be the same? Dan didn't understand that perming merely added curl or wave to the hair. That it was the cut and the styling of the hair that made the difference. He noticed that the women now was going over to the shampoo area. His own timer indicated that he had sixteen minutes to go yet. He watched as the women's hair was rinsed for what seemed a very long time. Then a second substance as applied to her hair and she sat for an additional time. Then the rods were removed from her hair and her hair was rinsed again. Dan's own timer showed one minute left when Mary returned. Dan knew what was going to happen but still remained confused about these events. He saw the women was returning to the original chair and had a head full of curls. Dan leaned back into the sink as Mary started the rinsing and neutralizing process. "Your kidding! You have got to be kidding me?," Marie stated half laughing and half in disbelieve. "I'm not, he's getting Dane right now.", answered Cathy. "Dan is getting a perm? Cathy did you make him do it? I mean my brother who thinks blow dryers are for women only has agreed to a perm? You must have Dane something." "I didn't threaten him, didn't lay a finger on him. Mary suggested it and he agreed about the time she got the third rod in. I think he is still not certain what is going to happen." "Maybe Roger would like one." quipped Sharon. "I think we should leave Roger alone, while he has those pictures." Cathy reminded everyone. "Yeah, I Dan't know whats on them, I'll I remember is waking up and seeing that cop tapping on the window. Ugh!!!", Sharon recalled. "Well I have to get back see how poor Dan is doing. He's getting a facial after this." "You did do something to him. A facial?" "I never touched him, I swear. He went along with the facial and the manicure no questions asked." "A manicure, get back there before he winds up inch long acrylic nails.", Marie said in jest. "Now that I might have to use force with. I'm outta here." Cathy returned to the salon just as was examining the results. She was already detangling his hair and liked what she saw. Everything had went as Mary had planned and she could see Dan's hair was going to be easy to work with. She would trim the ends and then cut the hair in a way that would give it a natural look. She had used the right rod size so the hair was not to curly and had good body. Dan still did not know what to make of this. In the mirror all he saw was a mass of wet hair that looked curly. He could hardly believe it was his own hair. "Wow Mary look at those curls. How come my guys never have their hair come out like that?", Cathy asked jokingly. "Because I Dan't have to hold them down while I do it. You see it is a lot easier to get them to agree ahead of time." "What would be the fun in that? The fun is watching them struggle trying to stop you and then give up when they see it is futile." "Funny, I never looked at that way." "Tell you what. The next time I won't do anything to their hair. I'll just bring them to you and tell them to do everything you want." "Cathy Dan't bother." Dan was bothered by this conversation. The casual way she talked about dominating men indicated to Dan that these messages were intended towards him. In Dan's mind she was letting him know that she could dominate him. Dan also had to concede she probably could. "Hey, Marie has already accused me of forcing Dan here to get a perm and I didn't touch him. She can't believe he would ever agree to this without me slapping him around. Just kidding Dan." "Well at least she won't have to pay for Dan's. Dan would never con his sister like some guys do.", chided Mary "Alright, alright," quipped Cathy. Mary continued to cut Dan's hair for the next several minutes. She worked rapidly and would occasionally spray water on Dan's hair to keep it moist. When Mary finished cutting Dan's hair she then used a low speed dryer with a defuser attached to provide high heat and minimal airflow. She then finger- tossed Dan's hair into position to provide the volume it needed. When his hair was dry she used a wide pick to flick out the hair into its final style. She then placed a large handheld mirror in front of Dan. "What do you think??, Mary asked in order to make any final adjustments. Dan looked at his hair and was taken aback at first. Mainly because never realized his hair could have so much volume and also the combination of curl and wave provided a natural flow that complimented his facial features. It was different and he wasn't totally sure but he liked it. He was also happy this was over. His worry about the outcome was now over. "Well...well...I like it. It's different but I like it." "Okay lets get the facial out of the way and you'll be Dane for today.", Mary directed, "right this way." Dan followed into a small room where facials were Dane. He felt his anxiety returning. He had no idea what a facial was. He remembered Marie and his mother talked about them but he never heard of any men getting them. What were they and why did he need one? He had survived the hair experience and now this. Inside he was seated and Mary looked examined his face. She looked at a rash on his neck and inquired how long he had had that shaving rash. He said he only got it during the summer and it went away in the winter. She went over to a shelf and produced a white can. When she showed it to him it read "Lartiere Medicated Shave Mousse "This will make that go away in a few days. If it starts to return then use this again for two weeks." She proceeded with the facial and shortly Dan was finished. She had used a deep cleanser and moisturizer. Dan was now finished. He was ready to leave. He wanted to tip Mary for her work but she refused saying that Carolyn had taken care of everything including her tip. Cathy and Dan left the salon and started to return to the store. Dan was still trying to catch a glimpse of himself in the reflection from the store windows. Cathy was getting a little annoyed with Dan stopping every few stores to admire himself. Finally, she called him on it. "We have got lots of mirrors at the store where you can admire yourself. MOVE!!", she ordered in an authoritarian manner that Dan knew meant business. Dan was now realizing she was getting more domineering. In addition she had made some additonal remarks that indicated to him that she was going to be controlling him more. When his hair was being styled she told Mary to make some changes here and there. She joked to Mary about using some makeup during the facial. Dan was certain she was planning something but what. This was the continuing mystery for the last two hours why were these people being so nice to me? What was happening? Upon arriving at the store Sharon greeted them, "Totally awsome hair! Looks great! You two had better move though the party starts in two hours and Carolyn already has Dan's outfit with her and she said you could get it there." "I thought the party was at Carolyn's house.", Dan stated. "It is.", answered Sharon. "That's only thirty minutes, forty max. I'm gonna stop at home finish packing for tomorrow and I'll be there with time to spare. Not a problem." "No Dan! We had better get going. You still have to change clothes when we get there. I'll ride with you and we can leave now. Let's go." Cathy ordered. Then Cathy grabbed Dan's arm and started to pull him. He was stunned by her powerful grip even though he was aware of her muscular arms. Dan started to follow. Shortly they arrived at Dan's truck, entered and drove off towards Carolyn's place. Dan did not know what the hurry was all about. The party did not start for nearly two hours yet. Carolyn did not live that far from the mall so why the hurry? Certainly nobody expects anyone to show up two hours early. Dan signaled a turn into a convience store. "What are you doing?" Cathy demanded. "I'm getting some cokes, would you relax we've still got nearly two hours before were suppose to be there." "Dan't stop, just keep driving. Carolyn has got the outfit she bought for you today and you will need the time to change. Keep driving." The tone of Cathy's voice indicated she was angry and serious, Dan cancelled the signal and continued to drive. A chill ran through Dan's spine as he started to put the pieces together. First the hair style which no one wanted to explain why, now the big rush to be there early. Cathy's remarks all day and her staying with me all day. The one earlier today that her job was to make sure he got to the party. That's why she stayed all day with me. If he decided not to go she was to make sure he got there. She was there to make sure I was at the party early. Then the remarks about his having to change clothes. What man ever took over five minutes to change into clothes. Most men can shave, shower, put on clothes and be out the door in fifteen minutes or less. Why would he need to be there ninety minutes early for that. The hair. Mary said that there was no difference between a man and a women's perm. He had noticed that the women getting the perm ahead of him left with different style but that was because her stylist used a curling iron on it. Had Mary used a curling iron in my hair it would have looked different too. Cathy had said that this type of perm worked with a curling iron. Finally, the use of the term outfit. Men's clothing is very seldom called an outfit. Dan reasoned in his head that they were going to try to dress him as a women for the party. Dan then realized there was nothing he could do about it. Cathy was there to make sure he would not leave. Upon arriving Cathy led Dan to the house, once inside Carolyn greeted them. He also noticed that Marie and Mary were talking in the other room. But the two women did not see them. "Dan! nice hair! Mary did her magic again. Did you enjoy your day at the salon? I got your outfit upstairs. Cathy will show you.", Carolyn stated with a large smile. "Come on this way. Move it!" Cathy pointed to a room at the end of the upstairs hall. Dan walked to room and opened the door. Dan could not help notice that this was a guest's bedroom. The room was richly finished with expensive furniture. On the table in front of him there was a shirt and a pair of pants. Dan was relieved and mystified. They were not only men's clothes but from one of the best Men's stores in the area. Dan picked up the clothes and headed towards the bath area. As he neared the bathroom area his heart stood still. There was an open closet. Inside the closet was a white silk blouse and a long black skirt. A pair of heels was also in the closet. "Those bitches!" Dan muttered. Dan placed the men's clothing back on the table and pondered. Cathy was right outside the door. If he stepped out in his new men's clothing she would simply push him back in the room and then place the other outfit on him. Something she would take great pleasure in doing. Dan reasoned he might as well do what they want. He dressed himself in the blouse and skirt. He stood in front of the mirror and waited. He had no real desire to leave until he had to. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Dan are you ready yet? Marie and Mary want to look at your hair.", Cathy yelled from the other side of the door. Dan noticed a curling iron in the bath area. He speculated what "look at your hair meant". He knew he had to leave sometime. He only wondered how long they would make him wear his "outfit". "Yeah, come on in." he said in capitulation. The door opened and Mary, Marie, and Cathy entered the room. They saw Dan standing there in skirt, blouse, and heels. They all looked in shock at Dan. Cathy started to smile and turned away before it turned to a giggle. "DAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHY ARE YOU WEARING THOSE CLOTHES?", Marie demanded. "These are the clothes Carolyn bought for you." stated Marie as she pointed to the shirt and pants. "Marie if Dan wants to wear those clothes let him. I mean he looks kinda cute in that outfit.", Cathy added sarcastically. "Would you please explain what you are doing in that outfit?, Marie demanded. Dan started explain his reasoning but the more he tried to explain the dumber he sounded. When he finished explaining himself he had not realized how dumb he sounded. Marie looked at him and started her lecture, "The reason Carolyn was so nice to you was because you hauled all that stuff for us in your truck all year and would never take any money for it. The reason we wanted you here early is because we are having a birthday dinner for you. How could you believe we would do something like this to you? Making you wear women's clothes" "I'm shocked!!" giggled Cathy imitating one of Casa Blanca's famous lines. Marie shot a sideward glance at Cathy and continued her lecture, "I am tempted to have Mary use that curling iron on you and make you wear that outfit." "I could make him wear it. I'll make him wear it. No problem." Cathy giggled. "You take those clothes off right now, and you better learn to be more trusting of people. We are having a dinner for you in five minutes and if your not there. I'll have Cathy put you back in that outfit and take you shopping." "YYYYYYESS!!.....YYYYYYEES!", Cathy exclaimed. "Now your talkin'.", she giggled. She clearly was enjoying Dan's plight. Dan removed the clothes and dressed in his new clothes. He was not only humilated by the clothes but by not understanding the motive of the people he were trying to be nice to them. He went downstairs to the dinner. "Shit three and half minutes." Cathy opined as Dan arrived at the table, "Party pooper." Dan thanked everyone and enjoyed the dinner. Everyone complimented Mary about Dan's new hairstyle. The party started on time and Carolyn maintained her reputation as "the hostess with the mostess." Dan learned that Carolyn, in addition to her shops also did corporate consulting on clothing for both men and women. Her clients included some of the largest Law and Accounting firms in the State. This explained why his pants and shirts fit so well and looked great. Later Marie, Mary, Cathy and Carolyn were talking in the kitchen. They were discussing Dan's discovery in women's clothing. "I must admit I was doubtful it would work at first. In fact I was shocked when I entered the room. But there he was in a blouse and skirt. How did it happened?" queried Marie. "It was really just a matter of leaving him the clues all day. Cathy's serving as his guard all day. When she told him her job was to get him to the party on time. When I had him sit next to Andrea while she got her perm. Kathy's and my discussions about feminizing men. Add to that he was in a strange enviroment all day. Remember he had never been in a salon before. Cathy's hinting that he was under her control. Then the unexplained rush to get him early. Using the term outfit. All of this caused him to draw the conclusions he did. Well you heard him try to explain why he did it. Even the facial worked the way it was suppose to it kept him in a strange enviroment longer and it was one more thing he did not understand.", Mary informed the group. "I'm happy that it worked out the way it did. Marie not only got to see Dan in women's clothes but he had to explain what he was doing in them. This was double revenge. And I too had my doubts it would work. We won't have to worry about revenge because we didn't do anything to him. He was lucky in a way. Had he dressed himself in the men's clothing, and we had to use plan B and that would have meant making him wear the skirt and the hair, and we would have had to worry about his anger and revenge. This way he doesn't suspect a thing." Carolyn summized. "I still would have like to see his reaction when I handed him that skirt." Cathy added. "Cathy, you intimidated him so badly today he would have Dane anything you said without a fuss." Mary stated. "I'll admit everybody did their part correctly and it worked to perfection. It was damn near worth waiting those extra two hours in the mall to see it.", remarked Marie. Mary had gone to the party with Carolyn when it was time to leave she asked Dan for a ride home. Dan agreed and they started back towards towards the mall. On the way home Mary started to discuss with Dan why he made the assumptions he did. "Two things gave you away Mary, first the men's clothing on the table and secondly the curling iron." "What are you talking about Dan?" "The blouse and skirt were the only clothes in the closet, and they were my size. I'm six-foot tall and where a men's size 10 shoe. Yet those clothes and shoes were my size. I Dan't think Carolyn would fit into them." "Okay then why did you decide to wear them? Nobody told you to." Mary asked knowing that her original analysis may have been incorrect. "Also you left the curling iron plugged in and heating. But it was not fully- heated light was not on when I saw it. That meant it had been plugged in only shortly before I arrived and you were going to use it." "Okay so you know we planned, let say an option. That still does not explain why you decided to do it to yourself.", Mary was now beginning to realize that Dan's detective skills were better than expected." "Here's where the men's clothes tipped you off. Why would you spend all day leaving me all these clues about my fate and then leave men's clothing for me? The answer was simple you wanted to deny your involvement if you little mind game worked." "Okay what stopped you from simply wearing the men's clothes?" "The curling iron." "What how could the curling iron have stopped you?" "You did not use it when you saw me, did you? How could you? What were you going to say 'Dan we are shocked you are wearing these clothes now let me give you a more feminine hairdo. Oh gee here is a curling iron already to go'? However, you did intend to use it. That meant you were going to use it if I wore the men's clothes. Since you had, as you say, an option. "But how did you know we would not make you wear those clothes even if you did put them on first?" "Well you could not be 'shocked' and then 'say well this is what we wanted so go ahead and wear them'. If you were going to deny your involvement you had to keep the lie going. In other words the clothes I chose to wear would not be the ones I would end up wearing for the evening." Dan turned the corner the stopped in the parking lot of his apartment building. He parked the truck and killed the engine. "Well Dan I have to admit you did some good detective work. But you forgot one thing. My car is back at the mall." stated Mary. "No I didn't forget. The mall is only four miles from here and its a real nice night for a walk. Good-night Mary." (end of story)

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The perfect revenge

It all started a few months ago when a friend lost a stupid bet involving football. Stupid because if he loses, he would have to let him tie naked and take a lot of kick in the sack (want crazy bet?). It turns out he didn't even realize he was going to lose ... and lost! The most revolting thing is that I did not want to comply, forgetting that bet is bet, lost, have to pay! And it was no use me talking that word of man does not go back, because he did not care, kept teasing. Everything would...

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Girlfriends Revenge

Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in thefull length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hairand batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thingwas perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morningand was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg hadbeen the captain of the football team and she had been the captainof the high school cheerleader squad. They had been elected MostPopular and Most Likely To Succeed by...

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Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in thefull length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hairand batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thingwas perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morningand was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg hadbeen the captain of the football team and she had been the captainof the high school cheerleader squad. They had been elected MostPopular and Most Likely To Succeed by their...

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My Picture Perfect Revenge

This event is based on a true story. If it seems exaggerated it's only because some parts of the story were kind of hazy. This was about 6 or 7 years ago. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” My voice boomed throughout the small two bedroom apartment. “Damn. What the fuck are you yelling for?” Jason asked me. Sometimes I wondered about him. Does he act dense because he’s really not that bright? Or does he do it for the sole purpose of agitating me? If it’s the latter, he’s doing a damn good job...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Mature Jills Revenge

I gasped in surprise as I felt the cock force its way into my wet cunt. I knew it was big, but was not expecting it to feel so big. After all, my cunt was not as tight fitting as it used to be when I was younger. I was 57 years old, and had been around the block a bit during my time. I'd been married and divorced 3 times – and to be honest each divorce was my fault entirely – I'd whored myself around quite a bit and acted like a total slag. I'd slept with numerous men and had always been pretty...

2 years ago
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Permanent Revenge

"Permanent Revenge" by HairDaddy It was about 7:30 Sunday night as Ken sat at the kitchen table, his hair tightly rolled in pin curls secured with a pink hairnet wearing a new pair of pink panties. He was so embarrassed, humiliated with tears bubbling up in the corners of his eyes. He had just been put through the paces by his wife Helen. His hair had been set in a very curly feminine style and all of his masculine body hair had once again been removed. In a few minutes she...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach The Nerds Revenge

Bikini Beach: The Nerds - Revenge By Elrod W Brandon and Robert had been the best of friends since they were four. They'd grown up across the street from each other. They went to the same schools, and they shared most of the same interests. The one problem, to the consternation of their mothers and the disappointment of their fathers, was that neither boy took any sort of interest in sports. Neither boy was built for sports; they were under six feet in height, and rather slight...

4 years ago
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Andersonville 3 The Price of Revenge

Andersonville 3 - The Price of Revenge by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the survivors of child abuse, both physical and emotional. May you find the support and strength to deal with it like I did. Fade in... Linda Anderson - the do anything wonder woman. That's what the job title should have read. Not that I was good at everything I did; I was just expected to do everything around the office. That included making coffee, filing folders,...

4 years ago
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Lindas Revenge

Linda's Revenge 20 April, 2001 Hi my name is Linda, this is how I got revenge some people that took advantage of me. It all started the day my girlfriend Crissie and I were invited to party on campus. One of the frat houses were going to have an end of the year bash, a real blow out. Crissie and I are seniors in high school, we're both 17. I have long sandy brown hair, brown eyes, 5'6" and measure 35B-23- 34, Crissie is 5'7", light blonde hair, blue eyes and is a...

2 years ago
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Master PC Revenge

Disclaimers: You have to be older that your country drinking legal age to read that story. This story contains M/F, F/F, Nonconsensual sex and also transgenderism. If you don't like those kind of story, and read it anyway, just don't tell me how awful you found it, and how you didn't liked it. You've been warned. For those who like the story, I'll be happy to read about in my e-mail account at: [email protected]. You can also send me a copy of Master PC if you have it in...

2 years ago
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Willies Revenge

This story is for adults, if you are not able to read this in your state or country, stop! This story is entirely adult transgender fiction that sprang from an over active imagination. All people and places in this story are fiction, any inference to real people or places is purely sheer coincidence. This is my first attempt at writing TG Fiction. I am an avid fan of Fiction Mania and decided it was time I gave for all I have gotten. If you want to contact me my email is...

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