Juicy Coimbatore Pussy Licking Journey free porn video

Hi All I am basically from Cochin, moved to Coimbatore some days back.
When moving to Coimbatore I was really worried about my sexual appetite, many said they are all conservative and you will not get to date any one so soon which was the same. It was like most of the women were in the 1970’s still covering themselves and too orthodox
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A bit long story but i am sure you will love it.
I was desperate after a month or so and looking out for any women (Mostly prefer Married women because its safe is what I feel), and by the way I am married too.. Ya My wife is in gulf as a Nurse so I keep freaking out.
Coming to the story, this story is about my neighbor lady who stays in the 4th floor of our apartment rite adjacent to my flat. When I saw her for the first time I was attracted to that beautiful face and that firm round bottom it was an awesome site. She as usual like the women around just shy ed away from me. Now her husband is a very fun loving guy and we became friends soon and use to visit his house quite frequently, they had a 2 year old child too.
Now our friendship became a little firm and he started trusting me very much because we use to drink every weekend and so on. His company planned to send him to Delhi for some training and his wife and kids would be alone, so there safety was my problem now. So after he left I use to daily go to his place and always make sure every thing is ok. Now she was really different after her husband was not around and very friendly now. We became very close as good friends.
Now I use to tease her and she use to pull my leg and we were really friendly. I bought a new cell phone and she wanted to see and navigate and play around with the phone. When I bought the new one I had transferred all the data from the old one to this and I am a porn watcher, which is a routine for me.
Now I left my phone In the hall and went out without realizing that I had not secured my phone password as it was new. So she checked the phone out, then after 2 hrs or so when I returned and went to her place she was really sweating and really uncomfortable and I could see the fear in her face. I was really worried as to she has fallen ill or so and rushed to her and asked her why she was sweating and shivering are you ill?. Now let me put the exact words.
She: No I am ok.
Me: Then why are you sweating so badly in a AC enabled room?
She: Nothing you just leave ( A little rudely and that was new to me)
Me: Oh ok as you say (and I left the moment I got offended and decided not to go there any more)
Now I was really wondering what could have gone wrong for her to be so rude to me and did not realize that it was the porn from my phone which I came to know later. I was doing my usual chores and did not go to her place for 2 days. I heard the door bell and went to answer and found it was her and still having that long face of anger.
Me: Hi
She: What are you doing? And why you did not turn up for two days.
Me: I was just sitting around and its because you asked me to get out of the house that day which I felt was rude and I taught you did not like my company.
She: What should I do then after seeing that on your phone?
Me: Seeing what on my Phone?
She: Forget it, come over for lunch..
Me: No I will not come until you tell me what made you go mad at me?
She: You had porn on your phone that I by mistake turned on and which I have never seen before.
Me: (Now I realized) oh shit sorry I never expected you to see that.
She: I taught we were friendly and I could see your phone without your permission and this is were I ended up, disgusted.
Me: Sorry about that if I have hurt you in any manner (These reserved girls I was really pissed)
She: Forget it and come over for lunch.
Me: Sure if you are ok with it.
She: Just come over don’t be too dramatic
Dramatic and me this is what was going in my mind and again an idea struck. However I was really dry and needed to desperately fuck some one so I taught let me give it a try and in the process I should not loose there trust to. After 1 hr I reached there door and rang the bell.
She: Come in the door is open.
Went in as usual and sat on the couch.
She: Lets have lunch (She was still not out of it and still had a long face and full of anger)
Me: Ok let have lunch (Moved to the Dinning table)
We were having our lunch and without any talks it was just full of silence. And I inquired about her child she said he Is with her mother and will be back in 2 days. Ok now she broke her silence.
She: Why do you do all these shit (I have never heard her saying all these).
Me: I like to watch it so I just do and it actually helps me handle my frustration sometimes.
She had a question mark on her face.
She: Frustration?
Me: Yes when your wife is not around you will have not much option but satisfy yourself.
I guess she has never heard of all these and quite orthodox and I was sure she was just a penetrate and finish in 5 min women and never worried about the pleasure that sex would give. That I realized when she was sweating.
She: I don’t really understand what you are saying?
Me: How often do you have sex with your husband that might answer your own question.
She: Why are you speaking like this I never expected you to speak this filthy.
I was like this lady is just too much and is still in 1970 and not in reality yet.
Me: Just answer my question and then ill tell you why I asked this question and how that would answer your own question.
She: What should I say?
Me: How often do you have sex with your husband ?
She: Once in a while (I see a disgust on her face when it is answered)
Me: Once a week?
She: Oh god why these question? 1 in a month or so..
Me: So how long do you have sex when you are indulge in sex?
She: plz stop
Me: Just answer
She: 2min or 5min
Me: What?
She: What happen?
Me: Do you enjoy that 2 min of 5 min you say?
She: Yes I do.
Me: Do you get an orgasm?
She: What is that?
Me: Its like an awesome pleasure that happens in the end of good sex were you are end up cramping your body.
She: I don’t know what you are speaking.
I started realizing that they have just a penetration and our man just humps her till he ejaculates without giving any value for her orgasm Now I taught I can start pinning her with some more questions.
Me: Have you had oral sex? (Which I love to do and my favorite)
She: What is that ?
Me: Have your husband licked your private place to give your pleasure and give it back to him by sucking his prick.
She: Dirty, what are you speaking is utter nonsense and which will never be done between husband and wife.
Me: Hehe that gives you more pleasure that penetration for some women and they like it to happen for a long period of licking..
She: How do you know this?
Me: Because I have done that and that is what I love the most in sex. First you need to love your females body and there is nothing like dirty part in female of male when making love. I love to lick a pussy and there ass provided it is really clean and that gives them real pleasure and make them go crazy.
She: What you are saying is completely never happen.
Me: Speak to your husband and give it a try you might come to know.
She: No No what will he think about me and he might ask were did you come to know about it and all I am scared.
Me: Then how will you even know the pleasure in that oral?
She: I don’t know, I don’t really believe that all these exists.
Now I was getting closer to it and I was sure I am going to fuck her soon.
Me: If you don’t believe you can watch such a video and then believe me that such things exists.
She: There is not such videos.
Me: Thanks for the lunch and will meet some other time.
She: Sure and thanks for all your weird not happening information (with a sarcasm on her face)
I was thinking all the way and decided to send her a video clip on her phone. I whatsapp’ed her and said hi.
She: Oh Mr Fiction Story teller.
Me: Yes Miss Orthodox
She: I don’t believe your story sir..
Me: Ok watch this video that I am sending now.
She: What video?
Me: Watch first.
Sent her a good oral sex compilation and made sure send a good one were women are squiring big time. After almost 30 min she replies and says..
She: How do I delete it from the phone and it is still showing after deleting in the gallery.
Me: Now you believe me?
She: Forget about that I cant delete from my phone it is still showing in my whatsapp image my god
I guided her how to delete it and she was done. After a while she messages me back
She: Sorry
Me: For what?
She: For not believing you on what you said and not trusting you.
Me: Thats ok you are so orthodox and I can understand.
She: Thanks
Me: Did you see that video completely
She: Yes, but is that so pleasureful
Me: Ofcouse it is else why would they even do that so crazy?
She: Wish I could also try
Me: Speak to your husband and get it done soon
She: No he will have a lot of questions and I cant answer all these and he can also suspect me if I ask all these..
Me: Do you masturbate?
She: What is that now?
Me: Don’t you feel like having sex with your husband when he is away, and what do you do then?
She: At times I do feel, but I just keep it to my self and do nothing.
Me: Hehe you can satisfy your self with your hands by rubbing your pussy and pressurizing your self is called as masturbation
Now she was getting better and started to experiment things.
She: Hmmmm..
Me: Try once just imagine about having sex and keep rubbing your pussy you will understand the pleasure.
She: Ya will try sometime..
I was really sure that she will try the same that night, and was just awaiting her to ping me and was sure if she pings me in the night my plans are working. Fortunately she called me for a change.
She: Hi You still Awake?
Me: Yes just Satisfying my self haha..
She: Hmmm.
Me: What happen?
She: I Masturbated for the first time and it felt great and I guess I got a different feeling towards the end and I guess that is orgasm that you were telling which I have not got through sex. Now I believe most of the things that you have told.
Me: Glad I could help.
She: Now I am feeling like getting some real good pussy and ass liking too, but I cant discuss with your husband.
Me: Hmmm that’s sad ( I was planing to pin her for phone sex first and then move on)
You interrupted me in the middle
She: Oh sorry you were satisfying your self I just forgot, ok then carry on.
Me: I don’t mind you speaking while I do it.
There was a pause for a min.
She: OK
Me : Can we both try it together ill just tell my fantasize and satisfy ourselves?
She: Hmm ok
I was in heavens we were discussing about oral and ass penetration and stuff and ended up have phone sex together She had huge orgasm that I could hear from here changing voice.
She: Oh my god I have never felt this way
Me: There is always a first time.
She: This felt awesome
Me: We should do this quite often hehe..
She: Ok
We went to sleep and was sure the sex beast was still awake in her and waiting for the next day. Early morning ping.
She: Hi
Me: Woke up so early?
She: Did not have a proper sleep
Me: What happen are you not keeping well?
She: Yes I am not well now because of you telling and doing all these.
Me: I just Helped you realize all these are in life and because you were angry at me for watching porn.
She: True and thanks for this info but now I want to try oral and anal ..
Me: Good speak to your husband once he is back and do it then.
She: No that is not possible for sure.
Me: Then what else to do ?
She: You give me a good solution.
Me: It has to be given by a male no that your husband is ruled out who will you be ok with for this then?
She: I never have imagined to have sex with a person out of marriage
Me: Then don’t have (Just trying to get her rustles and submit)
She: But my urge has gone out of my control because of you idiot
Me: Sorry then, I better stop speaking to you because you feel I am bad now (Trying to play).
She: I never said you are bad, but what should I do to get this pleasure and who will help me?
Me: You should decide who will help you.
She: Yes, but I don’t want to share all these to all rite.
Me: Yes its not safe
She: Then what to do
I felt it is enough and lets giver her our solution of me licking and fucking her crazy.
Me: Now we both no each other well and I can understand what you are going through and you can understand what I am.
She: Yes
Me: Shall we help each others?
She: What? You will help me on this?
Me: Yes
She: No sorry.
Oh fuck I taught I had her , I felt I am in trouble and I am done.
I was at the door to see who just rang the bell and I was really scared if she had created a scene opened the door and it was her she entered the house closed the door and slapped me really hard and said its all because of you. I tried to console he and she was still crying and I said sorry and lets not even speak about It any more.
She: But I am so desperately need it now and who is going to satisfy me and crying out loud.
Me: Then lets finish it right here and rite now.
She looked at me in thirst and I went close to her and kissed her on her lips and started to explore her mouth, she was not responding and I placed my hands on her hips and squeezed her and she started to feel the pleasure I guess and started to respond and she was going crazy by kissing me wild and hugging me tight and going crazy. I never knew she can go this wild.
No she was all over me and pushing her self onto me badly I was going off balance. And we went into my bedroom and she pushed me onto the bed and came over me (She was wearing a Salwar) and started to push her pussy on my mouth over her salwar. I was getting choked big time and was not able to breath properly because of her rigorous rubbing her pussy over her salwar on my face. I took control and pushed off an asked her to relax and enjoy the pleasure. Now we were kissing really slowly and enjoying our love making session.
I slowly started to squeeze her boos over her cloths and deepen the kiss really good. She was vibrating all over and now I reached her cunt over her cloths once I touch the apple she broke the kiss and made a crazy noise and I went down and parted her legs and started to rub my nose on her pussy over her clothes and she was shivering all over making crazy noises and squeezing her boobs at the same time. Now she said I cant handle it any more take me. And started to take of her cloths her self and now completely nude and almost tore open my cloths too.
Now we are completely nude and she kept her legs parted and it was so inviting and she grabbed my head and pushing my head towards the pussy hard and I started to lick slowly and started to Stick my tongue as far out of my mouth possible and had my nose on her clitoris and moving my tongue inside her pussy touching her walls really good and rotating my tongue and pushing and pulling out of my complete tongue in an out.
She was enjoying the pleasure really good and I moved my tongue the same way in her ass to and gave her a different pleasure and in a different world she was asking for more and more, no I had a relaxed tongue and licking her cunt from the bottom to top of her cunt and till her ass at times. I can see her orgasm many a times because she is getting this pleasure for the first time and she looked to be really glowing with pleasure and now she for a change garbed my erect dick and put it in her mouth and she was not really comfortable and I said that’s ok it takes time and did not force her to do that. Now she said give me this in my ass.
I Parted her legs and rammed my dick into her pussy and she was moaning really good and asking for more and she was a ass virgin so I was just fingering her ass at the same time I was fucking her cunt and trying to lubricate better..
After a while she had orgasm-ed during penetration and now my dick had real good lubrication and her juice was flowing onto her ass as well.. So slowly I started to enter her ass and I asked her to relax and push her ass when I am pushing in and she was doing it rite and it took us some time to completely get it in and she started to feel the pleasure of ass fucking and at the same time I was rubbing her cunt as well by which she was going crazy and garbed my hair and hurting me which gave me good horny pleasure and made me ramp her ass real good and started to finger fuck her cunt at the same time fucking her ass..
It was all a good aroma which was there and after almost 30 to 40 mins of play I was close to orgasm I was ramming her ass really hard and told her that I was going to cum and she same put it in her cunt and finish it I need some juice there now.
Those final series of fucking was really fierce and hard and we both ended out cumming together and hugging tightly and we just collapsed on the bed for quite sometime.. She got up and kissed me and said that I guess sex is really pleasureful and today is when I realized there are many things in sex not just penetration and we kissed for a long time and tanked me for this great session and we bid goodbye for that day. Her husband came back in another day after our session and we are eagerly waiting for the next fruitful moment.
Thanks all for reading patiently and do pass me your feedback to anyone who would love to get there pussy licked real good do let me know lets find a way out.

- 26.11.2022
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