This story depicts sexual activity of various sorts among consenting if
sometimes also credulous and deceived adults. If you are not a consenting
adult don't read it, no matter how credulous or deceived. It's not for you.
Not yet.
A Place of Her Own
by Vickie Tern
I left on a Sunday and came back the following Sunday. A full week, the
longest we'd ever been apart, and the longest time I'd ever spent being a girl,
looking and behaving and feeling feminine all the time. I was still enjoying
the afterglow as I pulled into our garage and leaving my luggage in the trunk,
entered the house directly through the garage.
I had to remain invisible to the neighbors. It was still daylight, and I didn't
want any of them to notice that my lovely upswept curls had survived last
night's Farewell Ball. This morning they'd looked so sweet I didn't have the
heart to comb them out, and I knew I'd be meeting no one who knew me, so
I'd relented and flown back with them just as they were. Some other
passengers on the plane had stared at me puzzled or amused or interested and
then turned their attention elsewhere. A middle-aged woman had glowered as
if I were somehow a threat to middle-aged women everywhere. But the flight
attendant told me she wished her boyfriend had my courage, that before
going into public places he always combed out the cute hairdos she
sometimes styled for him, that mine looked darling. My heart melted! For
the rest of the trip I couldn't smile at her gratefully enough whenever she
handed me the airline's little packets of pretzels!
Tricia was nowhere to be seen. A few years ago that would've seemed
ominous, my beloved wife not coming forward to greet me when I came
home from a long trip like this one. But not now. I preferred now. Now I
went to cross dressers' conventions routinely, and that's how I wanted her
to regard them. Like ordinary business trips, the kind we each need to take
now and then, separations just long enough to renew our appreciation of each
other. Long enough for us both to feel grateful that whatever the occasional
stresses between us, we do still live together and share our lives. That we're
Everything in the kitchen looked the same. The stove and the counters were
spotless -- either the cleaning lady had just visited or else Tricia had eaten out
a lot, probably near her office, working the late hours she always worked
when I wasn't expected home. I didn't doubt that at this moment she was
sequestered in our study or maybe even the room beyond the study, thinking
through strategies and prepping court cases for the coming week as she did
every weekend. I almost shouted out "Honey, I'm home!" to make sure she
knew, then caught myself and grinned. How domesticated can you get?
Of course she knew! She'd certainly heard the garage door grind and growl
when I came in. That sound reverberated well past our study despite the
walls lined with books and filing cabinets and the other bric a brac of our
professional lives. Even into the closed room beyond where I dressed and
worked and kept my personal stuff and led my fantasy life.
Tricia had stopped calling it "your girly room" and now called it "our" girly
room or else just "the reading room." I'd done it in pink and cream chiffon,
with delicate hangings and pastel sketches and plump pillows on the
overstuffed divan, with a French Provincial bureau to hold my things and a
huge mirrored Vanity Table holding my other things. It was where I went to
be a woman. She'd resented it as an indulgence at first, but now she liked it -
- it had a distinct feminine feel where she could recover herself, she said,
when she'd had to be especially brutal on behalf of a client. She no longer
minded that I now spent most of my time there, dressed in frilly lingerie and
peignoir, or a chic skirt and jacket, or sometimes only an old house dress.
That's where I'd work on some commissioned project, or browse some
transgender web site, or study my makeup in the mirror. Or fix my hairdo
while thinking my way through some client's problems.
Eventually she felt so comfortable in that room that she preferred it to any
other in the house. We'd sit there together after dinner and do our different
things like girlfriends, not like the snug married couple we were. If anyone
looked in, and no one ever would, all they'd see there would be two women
comfortable with each other, the tall one prim at her keyboard, more often
than not dressed elaborately as if about to go out (though she never did), the
short one dressed casually in tight jeans and a T-shirt, sprawled across the
floor while scribbling notes in the margins of legal papers. I always looked
like the proper lady of the house, and Trish more often than not like my cute
younger sister pretending to do her homework.
Of course Tricia did dress appropriately at work or when attending the social
gatherings that were part of her work. Then she wore the expensive black
dresses or power suits or beaded cocktail gowns she needed to maintain her
position in the firm. I envied her that wardrobe, though I owned one or two
dresses as elaborate and high-styled, because she could wear hers whenever
she chose and I got to wear mine only when I was out-of-town at gender
But Trish didn't really care about clothes. Immediately on arriving home
she'd hop into skimpy shorts or sweat pants, leap onto the treadmill and
stairmaster we kept in the room designated eventually for our baby, sweat off
her day's furies and frustrations, pop into the shower, and then emerge
smelling of soap, glowing, wearing no makeup at all, her soft, ripe curves
barely contained by her jeans and T-shirts. Then she'd peer into my feminine
"reading room," kiss me, ask how my day had gone, discuss dinner plans,
and if she felt a little horny sit in my lap and begin to unbutton my blouse.
Originally we'd both worked in town for the same large law firm, Trish
doing litigation and me as an industrial specialist for patent and trademark
strategies. Now as a private consultant I did the same thing at home, sending
it out by phone, fax, or computer. I was an engineer at heart, not a lawyer,
but I retained many of her firm's clients as my own and I found I could pick
and choose among others. I was plenty busy. The firm moved heaven and
earth to try to keep me, offering me double my salary, a key to the executive
washroom, whatever it took. I had the technical skills needed to solve their
clients' problems, and the human skills to persuade them to do it my way.
Finally my wife told them to give it up, they'd never get me back by offering
me money and privilege, she'd try to find some other way some day. Money
and privilege didn't matter at all to me. What I wore mattered.
Like many engineers I hated to wear corporate suits and ties, and at home I
could dress as I pleased. What pleased me, ironically, was an even more
demanding feminine dress code -- heels, skirts, my hair set just elaborately
enough to show care, my make-up impeccable, tasteful jewelry, all of it.
That's how I did my job, as my own woman in an office of my own
Then when Trish came home, most of the time I didn't feel like changing into
pants and scrubbing my face for a trip to some restaurant. So mostly I
cooked for the two of us. It was relaxing after a day of solving other
people's intricate problems, and I liked doing traditional womanly things
anyhow. More often than not, when Trish came down from her shower I'd
already changed for the evening into something pretty and romantic for her,
and sometimes I'd already set out the first course of an elaborate candlelight
dinner for two. With wines for each course. I did love her, and I wanted her
to love me as much. All of me.
My devotion apparently had some effect -- she'd been uneasy about my
transvestism at first, but as she accepted more of her own femininity she'd
begun to accept mine, even to enjoy it. She'd begun to sit at my make-up
table, face still fresh-scrubbed and rosy from exercise, and ask my advice
about this or that eye liner or lipstick, subjects formerly beneath her notice.
She'd never previously used make-up creatively or with flair, only to
maintain propriety when dating in College or when attending formal evenings
with clients arranged by her firm. Lawyers don't, she'd told me. Her kind
didn't, anyhow. She kept what few cosmetics she needed in an upstairs
medicine cabinet, and kept a mascara and lipstick in her purse, and that was
it. Nothing more. She'd stroke them onto her face after breakfast as an
afterthought before heading out the door.
She didn't really need more. Her skin was clear and her eyes were huge and
dark. To me she always looked gorgeous. But during the past few years
fashion had decreed that more is better, and even styles for women lawyers
had changed. Maybe because the country's feminism was maturing, women
who'd felt they had to look masculine to assert themselves now felt they had
to look feminine to assert themselves. Or, maybe it was that Trish was now a
partner in her law firm and thought that as the only woman on the executive
board she should look it, go all the way. I'd told her long ago that a
confident woman dressed in high style and perfectly made up always had
enormous intimidating power over men, an advantage in a litigator. She'd
listened attentively and nodded, willing to test the notion. Which she then
did, first on me and then on opposing counsel. It always worked. Her
poised beauty reduced them to silence, and a flirtatious wiggle of her hips
could then discompose them utterly.
Maybe that was why she began to take the same care I did with her daily
make-up. One morning after botching the blending of several shades of eye
shadow she'd delighted me by asking for help. After that I helped her daily,
and eventually I became the one who made up her face each morning,
sometimes evenings too when she had late meetings to attend or clients to
see. I loved enhancing her appearance as if it were my own. She began to
tease me about such effeminate concerns, of course, once she'd gotten over
her anxieties about them. In fact it was around then that she began to call me
"Mr. Amy" as if I were some swish hairdresser, and she began to tell envious
friends about this wonderful personal beautician she'd discovered, no, she'd
never reveal who or where it was "she" worked. Soon I became simply
"Amy," and she couldn't praise Amy highly enough.
"Amy" was now what she called me casually whenever we were alone with
each other, even when there was nothing especially feminine under
discussion. I was never "Andy" to her any more. Even when we made love.
"Oh, Amy, that was just wonderful!" she'd tell me with her last hug before
turning over to go to sleep. She seemed to like my being a sort of girl when
we made love. Oral sex was as enjoyable to her as genital sex, and when I
became "Amy" to her she pressed my head down gently between her legs
more and more often. I loved it all!
In fact in recent months she'd begun in small ways to encourage my being
"Amy." It never seemed to affect my performance in bed, her earliest fear
when I began to dress up daily like a girl. Rather the reverse. She noticed
that when I was dressed I was always gentler and more considerate, that
"Amy" was more affectionate than Andy during foreplay and afterplay, more
willing to serve as her lesbian lover. When I commented this she was
amused, and said only "Oh? Now you're a lesbian too? You mean that cute
little thing down there is a dildo? I should poke one into you some time!"
As Amy I didn't feel compelled to penetrate her with my cute little thing, and
some days when she was apparently sore down there from her cycle she felt
grateful. Sometimes she would enter a trance as I licked her, and would grip
my face to her crotch through two or three orgasms, stroking the back of my
head and wriggling her tender slit and clit further into my mouth and tongue.
"Lick me deeper, Amy!" she'd mutter gutturally in her ecstasy. And I often
did, marveling at her pussy flavors as it became more and more wet and
aroused, especially when it began to spasm juices into my mouth. When she
was finally ready to sleep she'd gratefully kiss the tip of my nose, tasting
herself there. "My sweet cumsucking Amy," she'd say. "Tell me how you
love eating me." I surely did! Then sometimes I'd suckle her breasts daintily
while she drifted, dozed, and made little contented sounds.
I'd have become her hairdresser too if I'd known how. I'd have loved doing
some new things with it. It was long and blonde and thick, and each day
she'd swirl it high into a French Twist and then leave it that way for
everything, business, formal dinners, even for the stairmaster. My hair was
dark and straight and not even shoulder length, so there was less I could do
with it. I'd play with curlers and a blow dryer now and then, but my need to
look male when I went out anywhere precluded a commitment to anything
other than a boyish bob with bangs I could brush off my forehead. I'd have
loved to get a body perm and proper styling, and have my hair layered into
large waves to frame my face. But no. We were in agreement that the real
woman among us should look as gorgeous as nature and art allows whenever
she leaves the house, and that the other woman should never leave the house
at all. Not dressed or done up as a woman!
So during the past half-year or so Trish had came to look increasingly
gorgeous, and her morale and mine rose accordingly. As she took greater
pride in her appearance she developed an odd respect for my skill at making
us both look pretty where originally she'd been indifferent and sometimes
scornful. She became less inclined to worry or resent that I doted on all
things feminine.
I adored her.
Two or three years ago when I first told her I meant to attend a three-day
crossdresser's convention in another State so I could live like a woman full
time, Trish had been dismayed, anxious, deeply disturbed. It was as if I
were going off with another woman. I suppose in a way I was. I explained
to her that I wanted to learn more about my peculiar compulsion to look like a
member of her sex, why it felt so satisfying and relentless. To try to
understand why her otherwise reasonable Andy felt such joy when he was
being Amy. Conference organizers always scheduled doctors and
psychologists to discuss the latest theories of gender divergence, to reassure
us that there were hundreds of thousands of us created by nature or nurture or
both, all self-identified by the same instinctual processes despite all sorts of
denials. We listened, now and then adjusting our skirts. There were always
cosmetologists there too, to show us how even the craggiest male faces could
be softened into illusory prettiness.
After a few such meetings I'd pretty much learned everything these experts
had to teach me. But I kept going to them, just to do it! To wake up each
morning deciding which accessories went best with whatever I meant to wear
to which occasion that day. To look as pretty as I could, all day every day.
To smile gently at other women like me and at real women too, and always
receive a smile in return. To chat with other women. To shop and stroll the
streets of whatever the host city, blending into the female half of the
population, where everyone who saw me could think that's what I was and
where I belonged. At such times I could even believe it myself, blissfully.
These days she merely nodded when I informed her I was going, then
returned to her work. She knew that now and then I had to be seen by
others. Most of the year I dressed only for my mirror and my own delight.
But now and then I needed to feel ratified in the eyes of others, confirmed in
my femininity by their vision of me. I spent as much time as I could in my
special feminine room feeling dainty, pretty, and affectionate in ways men
never dare. I loved the feel of nylon and silk on my thighs, and I appreciated
my own good taste when choosing the textures, colors, designs, and styles
of the ensembles I wore. I loved seeing a flash of bright red on my
fingertips, and glimpses of myself reflected in the mirror as no way
masculine, rather distinctly ladylike, even coquettish, desirable. I felt sweetly
serene at such moments. I felt nice. A girl should always feel nice. Being
called "Ma'am" by some sales clerk felt very nice indeed!
But that was possible only when I was out of town. At home we both feared
discovery. Dressing up had felt terrifyingly dangerous if also delightful ever
since my early adolescence. From the moment I came aware that they were
different, I'd helplessly envied girls their grace, their delicacy, their charm,
their freedom to be gentle yet enthusiastic, their breasts and figures and faces,
the displays of decoration they allowed their faces, bodies, and clothes.
Their ...femininity. I still remember that day in high school when with my
heart pounding and my hands shaking I'd tried on a bra I'd found while
sneaking through a girls' locker room. The sensations were so powerful I
was overwhelmed, and nearly fainted. I stole the bra and during the next few
years I wore it out.
Then when I confessed this to a girlfriend at College she promptly dressed
me up completely as a girl for a Halloween Dance. I was terrified but
enraptured, beside myself. Unaccountably I felt an incredible joy, as if I had
just been liberated. I thought I was so very beautiful! In fact she made me
into so convincing a girl that no one believed I was wearing a costume. By
the time the evening ended she'd persuaded herself as well, explained to
everyone that my secret desire was to become the girl I seemed to be, and had
gone off with a basketball player whose manhood was up front and
I never forgot that humiliation, and neither did anyone else. I became a figure
of jest. Only after I'd graduated and met Trish did any woman take my
manhood seriously. Even I doubted it for a time, because that Halloween
night addicted me. I found I adored the feel of lingerie and the taste of
lipstick. I acted out my girlhood in secret whenever I could, always fearful
and mortified, desperately afraid of discovery, yet at the same time blissful.
Yet no matter how often I dressed I was always apprehensive, ashamed of
the smirking, of the fingers pointed at any man who could sink so low as to
wish to look like a woman. Any unmanned man!
When Trish and I became engaged I confessed my vice to her. She was
troubled at first, and demanded to see me dressed. She saw then that I was
not grotesque but passable, and that I wasn't camping or mocking
womanliness but admiring it. And she saw how important it was to me. "I
suppose your dressing like a woman is a form of flattery," she said. She
reluctantly allowed that I could indeed cross-dress whenever I wished, since
it was so strong a compulsion, but only at home. Never ever outside! She
repeated that, her voice tense and deliberate! I saw no problem. Terror kept
me closeted.
Which was one reason why my first attendance at a gender convention
troubled her. It also troubled me. It was in a faraway city, but even so I was
ashamed to expose my guilty secret to others. Even though that was what I
was there for, I barely forced myself through my hotel room door the first
morning, dressed and made up. I walked timorously down the corridor,
acutely aware of my skirt and heels, shoulders very still and clutching my
purse, then into an elevator with other hotel guests, and finally into a
hospitality room to meet other attendees. I was wearing my favorite denim
skirt and a pretty matching embroidered vest that morning, and knew I looked
nice and was dressed appropriately. I saw immediately that I made a more
persuasive woman than many of the other conferees, and began to feel more
comfortable. We all shared the same humiliating urge, but to my delight we
all accepted each other as normal! After a few days among others of my kind
I returned home more at ease with my desire than I had ever before felt in my
whole life. Being transgendered now seemed a gift! I finally accepted
myself as normal!
Trish was troubled by my "girly sleepover" as she called it, for additional
reasons. She'd been extremely uneasy when I left, and when she met me at
the door on my return it was with a distinct hostile edginess. She asked me
abruptly whether I felt different.
I understood what she was really asking. She didn't know how far I meant
to go. She feared that while I was away I'd be seduced by perverts, or that
I'd go gay. She worried that I might not be a mere transvestite but was an
out-and-out transsexual in process of self-discovery, that I'd now want to
alter my body from my skin on out. That I'd already swallowed handfuls of
female hormones, or gotten my skin pumped plump with them. That I'd
already set a date for surgeons to turn my penis inside out to line a
functioning vagina, and to empty my scrotum for reshaping as vaginal labia.
To make me a woman ready to receive men in fact as well as in appearance.
She'd read about these things. She knew that hundreds, thousands of former
men became New Women every year. Though she knew that many or most
remain heterosexual, or "lesbians," she knew that many change in their
desires. That Nature doesn't always get things right, that the medical
profession fixes Nature's more obvious blunders sometimes better than they
know how, that feminized husbands will sometimes divorce their wives and
take husbands of their own. In her fear she'd half reconciled herself to my
returning quite queer.
I replied immediately that in most respects I was no different. There had been
no changes in my bodily sex, male, nor in my gender identity, somewhat
feminine but still at times masculine, nor in my sexual desires, I still found
only women attractive, one in particular, her. I was still the same man who'd
departed a few days earlier. But I now understood more about how women
feel. I was no longer ashamed to want to act or look like a woman. I was a
man who felt free to enjoy his femininity
Trish heard me out impassively that first time. Then she'd nodded. "You're
still a man you say?" she'd asked. "You call yourself a man? The way
you've been dressing up all this time? You could've fooled me!"
Then she'd smiled, and her smile converted that truculent near-insult into a
gracious concession, into acceptance of me as a passable girl. It was really a
compliment! If I seemed less of a man it was because I seemed more of a
woman! I liked that!
I'd smiled back, tearfully grateful for small favors, any at all, and then we
kissed as we always did, as man and wife. Later in bed with her I was more
passionate than ever. In the morning when I awoke I found her looking
down at me seriously and affectionately. Her eyes were tearful. When I
asked why she just shook her head and smiled reassuringly. "Some things
are different now," she'd said. "Some day I may tell you. As a woman you
might understand!"
Thereafter, each time I came back from a gender meeting she'd be much more
sprightly and playful. She'd ask, "Well, has my boy friend come home? Or
are you only my girl friend this time? Both? Can we gossip together yet
about the different guys we're sleeping with?" I loved hearing her put it that
way, because it meant she accepted and enjoyed teasing both aspects of me! I
couldn't help but embrace and kiss her! It was wonderful! At such moments
I felt complete!
So during the half-dozen years we'd been married Trish went from reluctant
acceptance to relaxed approval of my transgenderism. Gradually she
absorbed the truth that I felt, looked, and acted more at ease in a dress, that I
was more fun to be with when I wore panties and a bra. That women's
clothes felt somehow right to me. She finally understood that I was much the
better person for these occasional excursions elsewhere. I'd come back from
the last few, she reluctantly admitted, nicer in every way, more attentive,
sweeter, and otherwise unchanged.
Moreover, my out-of-town transvestism in hotels a thousand miles away
eased her own fear somewhat that my compulsion might at any moment
disgrace me before the neighbors, our friends, her business associates,
everyone with whom we maintained our image as a solidly respectable
professional couple. This was a serious matter. We lived in a small
community with standards enforced by shame and gossip. Deviance of any
kind signified an unsound mind, unreliability. An unmowed lawn could
injure your credit rating at the bank. Sexual or gender deviance was
And Trish wasn't a fool. She'd noticed that sometimes I felt I had to break
out and play the odds against discovery. That after dark sometimes I'd drive
out in a dress to mail a letter. That sometimes I'd risk all by carrying a bin of
recycleables out to the curb dressed as if I were merely the woman of the
house carrying out one more household chore. That once I'd tried to
persuade myself I could attend a company function wearing her flowery
"Nuit d'Amour" as if it were an after shave. "Any woman would know what
scent you're wearing, and some men! The same with that beige lipstick
you've got on!" she'd told me firmly.
But she knew that my suppressed self had to assert itself. That I felt pride
that I am what I am, and wasn't ashamed of it any more, or anyhow not very
ashamed. She knew that the feminine part of me wasn't some unacceptable
exhibitionist, drag queen, or net-stocking slut, but a quiet, tasteful, decent
woman, in most respects unremarkable. That expressing that woman
somehow comforted me. That I was half-persuaded that I was what I
claimed to be.
So she accepted that I went to out of town conventions a few times a year "to
play with the other girls." She loved me. She didn't begrudge me my
departures, and she welcomed my returns. Still, she feared
that if I felt less ashamed after each gender meeting, perhaps I'd be all the
more shameless after I got back home. There was always a danger in her
mind that the woman seen flouncing into the supermarket next week might be
recognized suddenly as that consulting engineer who lives on the next block,
the one married to the lawyer woman, poor soul to be married to such a sick
pervert. She knew and feared that our family respectability hung on a single
accidentally unwiped dab of my lipstick, or on too narrowly arching a
plucked eyebrow, or on a single noticeable swish of my hips. And if
respectability went, her professional reputation and her clients' confidence in
her would soon follow.
This time I'd been away a full week, so I had to assume Trish had been
worrying about these risks for a full week. My first job was to reassure her.
When I opened our study door I saw her computer was on, there was some
legal file on the screen, but the room was empty. So I crossed through to the
far door and opened that one, delighted to be returning to my very own
fragrantly scented, richly feminine inner sanctum. I'd flown home wearing
an oversized zip jacket and dungarees, my bra and breast forms and
pantyhose no way hinted. But here I could be myself. Off came my jacket.
This was my real home!
As I'd expected, Trish was in a satin slipper chair reading a brief of some
sort. Wearing jeans as usual, her legs tucked up tight under her butt in one of
her favored Yoga positions. I saw at once she wore no bra at all under her
plain white T-shirt, that her nipples were poking out noticeably from the
bulging dark circles at the center of her breasts. She unfolded herself and
stood up at her first sight of me.
"Honey! Oh, darling! I heard you coming in, and I've been waiting! How
is my girl today? Did she enjoy herself? I see you're still wearing that hairdo
you'd planned for the Farewell Ball. You must have looked darling last
night! You wore it all the way back on the plane too? Oh, sweetheart, that
was brave! Each time you come back less and less afraid to be yourself! Of
course an upswept hairdo isn't what I'd choose for you, but it's really very
For the first time, no welcoming inquiry about her "boyfriend" returning?
For a week I'd been among people who were honored to call each other
'girls.' Some were actual girls by birth, and some by playful desire, but
some by lifelong confusion and doubt, ordeal and sacrifice, determination,
psychiatric concurrence, hormones, legal changes of identity, surgical
knives, and slow, painful recovery. So it didn't seem at all odd that Trish
didn't mention my male aspect. Not then. It did seem strange that she
complimented me for wearing a dramatically feminine hairdo in public all the
way home, that she didn't feel threatened by my exposing myself that way,
but I chose to ignore that too. It was satisfying enough that she'd been
thinking about the sort of hairdo she'd prefer me to wear.
She lifted her face for me to kiss her, as I certainly did, and she sighed most
satisfactorily when I ran a fingertip lightly over one of her protruding nipples.
"No bra?" I inquired?
"That's right." And that was all. Her tone told me it wasn't a topic she cared
to discuss at the moment. "Honey, sit down. We have to talk. Two things
happened this week you should know about."
"Oh?" She mocked me lightly. "Yes, oh! The first is small but large. It
seems someone saw you last week, someone driving by saw a tall woman
open the front door and take in the morning newspaper. Hair long, a lot like
your husband's, she told me, but better styled, and wearing a housecoat.
She finally decided the person was a visiting relative, a sister maybe, since
she seemed so much at home. Now, I'm not saying that your secret is in any
danger. But you know that sooner or later it's going to become known. This
is a fussy and gossipy neighborhood. Sooner or later someone will call on
the police to inquire if everything's all right. And if you're home and I'm
not, that can have consequences."
Fair warning. Sobering news too. "I know that, Trish. Who was it?"
"I'd rather not say. It would make you too self-conscious. It's someone we
both know fairly well. The topic may not come up again. I told this person
your sister had stopped by. That answer seemed sufficient. Maybe not next
time though. We need to do something about it."
"I guess," I said. I couldn't think what. I couldn't pull every blind and
drapery in the house and live in the dark all day! That would seem suspicious
in itself. But what else was there to do about it?
"And I've figured out what to do! You'll love it! That's the second thing."
"What's that?"
Trish would sometimes hug me gently like a girlfriend when I was being
Amy, even give me an affectionate peck on the cheek to show she was
especially pleased with me -- with Amy, really. But only Andy awakened her
most ardent, passionate feelings. I was Andy now for the trip home, so
despite my hairdo and the bra and pantyhose I had on she replied by opening
her arms wide and falling backward onto the soft divan and pulling me down
on top of her. Again, a nipple naked under her thin T-shirt material brushed
my arm, but this time she moaned aloud.
"Trish honey, you are so hot! What's come over you?"
"Well, Andy, at the moment it's you!" She grinned, and as if my full weight
weren't already pressing her whole body into the soft pillows of the divan,
she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist and
squeezed hard. Was her crotch already damp? Wet? Then of all things,
while we were wrapped in each other she continued to talk to me, my face not
six inches above hers. It must have taken tremendous concentration, the kind
she'd bring to addressing a jury.
"Andy, what would you think about Amy getting herself a place of her own
to live in?"
"Amy. Your girlhood. A place of her own. She spends all day bottled up in
here, you know that. She doesn't dare show her pretty face, and it really is
pretty, and she spends a lot of effort making sure of it. You have to carry her
a thousand miles away by air before you dare let her loose in public. And
then only for a few days here or a week there, only a few times each year.
Like just now. Isn't that so?"
She knew it was, but waited for me to nod. Then continued, "That's no way
for any girl to live. It's ironic, too, because I know that all you want for
Amy is the same normal life any woman lives. Yet she doesn't dare. Not for
a moment. Not here. Not in this town. And when she's bottled up here,
you're bottled up here!"
All true. I nodded again. A knot was beginning to form in my stomach.
Fright? Exhilaration? Tricia was up to something! Something beautiful? By
itself it was a wonderful idea! To set Amy free somewhere to live her own
life out in the open? To live the way she'd lived all this past week, venturing
into malls and onto downtown streets and into restaurants, lunching with
friends, chatting with strangers, and attracting no attention at all except as one
more woman? On her own, all by herself? Could she? Of course! But
would she then accept the modest limits we always placed on her? Could
either of us restrain a liberated Amy? What would she be like on her own?
Ooohh! I felt like leaping up and flying! What a glorious notion!
"Andy sweetheart, I know you're no longer terrified of exposure, and maybe
you're even beyond feeling shame if Amy should ever become known to our
friends and associates here. I've worried that soon you'll feel impelled to
come out at least to our friends, to be Amy to everyone who already knows
Andy. Even though you know it wouldn't be pleasant, in many ways. That
it would be an embarrassment we could never live down. Well, maybe you
could, but it would effectively end my career here. Not one of my clients
would feel he could trust the wife of a drag queen weirdo to close a simple
mortgage for him, much less handle his complex business litigation. Or hers.
The powerful men and women I deal with maintain tight control over their
domestic arrangements, and expect others to do the same."
This was sobering. "Probably true," was all I said. I was dying to kiss the
delicate curves of her mouth, but this was not the moment.
"So day after tomorrow Amy and I will go looking for a place for her to live.
Andy's not invited. Strictly speaking, I want to take her to look at a
condominium apartment the firm has just taken over in Madison in lieu of a
debt. If she likes it, she can buy it easily, no problem at all, I've figured out
exactly how. Madison's about ninety minutes from here by car, close
enough for easy visiting but just far enough away so there's no one there
who knows us. In Madison Amy can be herself!"
My scalp was tingling! My eyebrows were raised high in astonishment, I
could feel them, and my eyes were wide open in shock! In panic! In wild
surmise! In joy! Inside me, Amy was shouting "Oh, yes! Oh, yes!" so loud
I could scarcely think!
Tricia saw that I saw all of the possibilities all at once, and added only, "Then
Amy can be her own woman. Completely. We'd get her a complete legal
identity, driver's license, credit cards, everything a woman needs. She'd
own the property in her own name. Everything she keeps here could go there
and remain there and remain hers. Her clothes, her jewelry, even a car we'd
buy her if we didn't transfer your ownership. She could come and go as she
chooses, get a job or take over your consulting and do what you do, open a
bank account, entertain her own friends, do whatever she likes. You'd be
her guest when you stayed with her, instead of the way things are here, with
Amy your prisoner who doesn't dare ever let herself be seen."
I swallowed. My head seemed to be exploding. Tricia had found a gateway
to heaven and was persuading me to walk through it!
"She could live a normal life, Andy." Tricia concluded. "As herself. No
more compromises."
Then she kissed me on the nose. "You'll need to discuss it with her. But not
tonight. I think I want to make love now, but with Andy, not Amy. Tell her
tomorrow that the offer's open, and ask her how she feels about it, and we'll
see what she thinks. But now I need to know if there's any boy left at all in
my girlfriend. I've missed you, lover! Weren't you feeling just a little bit
horny for me?"
For the next few hours I proved I felt terribly horny! Powerfully, lyrically,
sublimely! Though it was partly as Amy! I felt so suffused with joy, so
richly endowed, so tenderly grateful to my darling, my marvelous wife! And
I was still wearing my bra, more Amy in my Trish's arms than she seemed to
notice. I could feel myself on the edge of a delightful liberation, and my heart
wouldn't stop singing! My cock rose up and pulsed with each thought of
Trish's proposal, a prospective free-form feminine way of life! It hardened,
and even after Trish had softly sucked me and I'd cum in her mouth, then had
pushed deep into her silky wet folds and cum again in her pussy, even then it
didn't soften!
"I've never seen anything like this thing of yours" Tricia said in awe toward
the end of a second hour of rock hard performance. "It just won't wilt! Here,
let's try it this way. Exceptional behavior deserves exceptional rewards."
And she turned over onto her stomach, humped her beautiful bottom high
into the air, wiped my erect prick in the fluids oozing from her vagina, spread
them slick over my whole cock with one hand, then guided me into her anus.
For the first time in our married life! My first time ever with anyone! I
slipped in effortlessly! Trish felt hot and incredibly snug, and after only a
few thrusts and withdrawals I spurted into her guts helplessly yet a third
time! Throbbing my heart out into her! I couldn't help it!
"I thought we should both know what it would be like if Amy should ever
want to let a man enter her," Trish said, turning to look at me with an impish
smile when I'd stopped pulsing and just lay there humped onto her buttocks,
spent. "Since that's all she can do with a man right now. That and suck
cock. It feels very nice to me, honey. Amy will love it, I bet, if she ever
finds anyone as sweet as you to do it with. I wish we'd done this years
I'd softened a bit after that last wrenching orgasm. But when Trish spoke
those words, astonishingly my cock turned solid yet again!
"The idea of a hot cock spurting cum deep into Amy's pussy turns you on,
does it, sweetheart? Then I really do wish we'd done this before!"
I ignored her, but for yet another hour, well into nightfall, I rocked back and
forth inside my wife's rump, my prick well-lubricated in my own cum,
sliding in and out of her rectum while my fingers dandled her dripping clit,
her swollen nipples, and occasionally her engorged pussy. We did other
things I can't remember. She came and came, orgasmic wave after wave
passing through her until finally she shuddered and whispered hoarsely to
me, "Enough now, Andy baby. Please! I have work tomorrow! I need to
Right there in my perfumed, pastel boudoir, on that overstuffed divan of my
dreams, we slept. We both slept. I remained inside her. In the morning
when I awoke I found my softened member was still gripped by her
sphincter, and as it hardened I pushed and pulled it in and out of her ass yet
again. She awoke smiling and snugged her bottom into me yet again. It felt
so very, very sweet! Not even fully erect, I came yet again inside her, as she
came too in a kind of full bodied, relaxed shudder.
"Amy really is ready and eager to live her own life, isn't she," Trish said,
turning her head sideways on the pillow with the smile of a cat who has just
eaten a whole cageful of canaries. "I bet even now she isn't letting you
alone! Are you going to tell me that's only Andy fucking my rear end? I
think we both know how Amy feels now. Tell Amy the world is hers if she
wants it, Andy. Ask her if she'd rather hide out here or live like a lady in her
own apartment. Seeing whatever kinds of lovers she prefers. I think her
answer's obvious."
My cock finally popped out of Trish's rear and lay there, slick and shiny and
spent. She smiled and reached for it. "I'll blow this lovely thing of yours
sky high if you can make it hard yet again, honey," she said. She squeezed
and kneaded and pulled on it repeatedly with her whole hand. I couldn't.
"I have only one question, sweetheart," I said. I couldn't remember
undressing Tricia or undoing any of my own clothes, yet the two of us were
now lying tangled together utterly naked, legs tossed across each other's
legs. My bra -- Amy's bra -- was on the floor still half-inside my half-
buttoned shirt. Can I have taken both off together over my head? My
hosiery was in ruins. "Just one question. Then you can tell Amy yourself
what you're proposing for us. If you're going to drive her to Madison to
look at an apartment, you two will need to talk. You've never wanted to talk
to her before, you know."
"You're right, Andy," Tricia said soberly. "What's your question?"
"What about me, Trish? I'm here too, you know. While Amy is making a
life for herself in Madison, what about us? Do we live separately? Divorce?
Is that what you have in mind? Where do I live?"
"Oh, honey!" My Tricia's voice was so instantly concerned! "No, no, no,
no! I don't want you to leave me. Not ever! It's just that, well, darling, I
know now that I have to share you. I've been sharing you for years without
admitting it to myself. Just this past week I've been utterly without you
while you were being Amy, isn't that so? And without complaint, because
apart from Amy you're an altogether satisfactory husband. Maybe a little bit
because of Amy. Maybe a lot! You've suggested that sometimes, haven't
you? And last night I know I was sleeping with Amy, partly, wasn't I. She
was so excited inside you that she wouldn't let you quit. I had to help her
take off her bra so I could suck on her nipples! That made her ecstatic,
practically delirious! She made the most marvelous mewing sounds, and she
held my mouth to her breasts as if I were a baby! I don't know where you
were at all just then, Andy, but Amy was just wonderful!"
"Well, dearest, life is compromise. I'm giving you up to Amy on a kind of
trial basis. Amy won't live here any more. You'll stay with her and be her
whenever you wish for as long as you wish, if she'll have you. You'll
always be welcome here whenever you want to be you. You and Amy will
have to work it out between you! Maybe weekdays with Amy and the
weekends here? Or vice versa? Or a week each month at one place and then
the other? If you should ever decide to become all Amy, she'll be welcome to
visit here any time. I'm sure we can be really good friends!"
Then she added, matter of factly, "There are some legal implications to giving
Amy the right to be altogether herself, to own her own property and so forth.
But they don't include divorce, honey. You'll see. Nothing so radical! It's
much simpler!"
I didn't want to ask her, but I had to. "Trish, if you're now reconciled to
'sharing' me as you call it with another woman, namely myself, is it because
you feel I should share you too? With someone else?" I swallowed and
closed my eyes and plunged ahead. "Is there someone else?" Having said it,
I opened my eyes again and tried to read her face.
She looked at me with the strangest expression, seemed about to say
something, then stopped herself. "Honey," she said instead. "We're
married. Marriage is founded on trust. Do you have to ask that question?
You said you had only one question, and I've already answered it I think.
And now another one? Such a huge one?"
"No, I don't have to ask it." I noticed that she wasn't answering it, and now
I was certain I didn't want her to answer it.
"You might have asked me that years ago when you first took Amy into our
lives. But you didn't. Why not?"
It had never occurred to me to ask her such a question, that was why not.
"Because as you say, we're married," was what I replied. I was no more sure
what that answer meant than when she said it. "We trust each other."
"Yes. When we marry, we have ideas about each other that we make up out
of our own needs, hoping they'll be met. We may be deceived. But through
love we find ways to satisfy each other's needs anyhow. I'm happy to
suggest a way for you to satisfy your need to live as Amy, sweetheart. I'm
willing to share you with that other woman you live as. That may answer
your question, or it may not."
Then she was silent. I'd decided not to ask her anything more, when
suddenly she volunteered more. "You should know this, sweetheart. When
you went to that first crossdresser's meeting a few years ago, I felt hurt and
angry and a little betrayed. You remember? Well, I was having lunch with
Carol one afternoon while you were away, and she sensed that something
was wrong. I broke down and told her everything. All about you!" She
paused and assessed my reaction. Carol was another partner in her firm, her
best friend, recently divorced and frequently out on the town with different
men each time, as far as I could tell. I liked her, she was sensible. In turn
she's always seemed somehow amused by me, appreciative yet gently
teasing. Could this be why?
"You told Carol that I like to dress up as a woman."
"Yes." She was watching my face closely.
"And she said?"
"Carol just commented that a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do, and she
told me not to worry about it. 'It can be very nice, sleeping with a girl,' she
said. 'Have you done it with Andy when he's a girl?'
"I told her 'No.' I'd always felt uneasy about sex with Amy before then,
"'Come over tonight, and I'll show you what it's like,' she said. And that
night I did, and she did."
I didn't understand, and it showed in my face.
"We slept together," Tricia repeated. "We made love. Me and Carol! Your
wife and Carol! It was wonderful! Divine! Hello?"
I came down from my uncomprehending shock and tried to recover. "That
one time," I managed to blurt out.
"No, not just that one time," Trish said, her voice taking on a touch of
patience and maybe also pity. "Ever since then, not too often, only whenever
we were both in the mood." She saw I was still baffled. "A few times each
month. Maybe a little more often. You see, Andy, Carol's bi-sexual. I am
too, a little, which may be why living in a romantic way with a man named
Amy has never really troubled me. And that's why I can share you with
another woman now, with Amy. Because you've been sharing me with
another woman too, now and then. All right?"
It wasn't but it was. I composed my face to signify consent of sorts.
"There's another reason why this is a good time to liberate Amy, Andy.
Apart from issues of respectability, or Amy's ultimate happiness." She took
a deep breath and looked at me, weighing her words. "Andy, for the next
few months, maybe as long as a year, we won't be spending much time
together anyhow. It's work. I've been promoted. I'm about to become
incredibly busy. I have some vast new responsibilities."
She went into a declamatory mode, as if she'd already given this speech
several times already. Probably she had. "My firm has just landed a very big
client. Magnum Enterprises. The Fortune Five Hundred corporation. They
have all kinds of legal problems far beyond the routines their legal staff can
manage! Most of my partners in various specialties will be hard at work
straightening out Magnum's affairs. I've been asked to coordinate all of the
processes, to keep everyone in step with policy decisions and at the same
time to keep the client happy. I guess you could say that I'm the Magnum
account executive. Their new general counsel. I'm in charge."
"We'll be taking on three new Associates to help me, and during the next
months, what with getting on top of the job and getting he right legal actions
under way, I won't even have time to breathe. I'll be working late, mostly. I
won't be home for your delicious dinners, not most evenings, nor on
weekends either. Or were they Amy's dinners? I'll be out of town at the
Magnum plant or at their corporate headquarters for weeks at a time. So
we'd rarely see each other anyhow. We'd have to put our marriage on hold
anyhow, even if there were no Amy."
She took a deep breath, then said it, in a grand act of selfless renunciation.
"Honey, I'll be neglecting you utterly for months and months! But it will be
some consolation for me to know that you're not miserable without me. That
you're with Amy, and being Amy, and that Amy is enjoying herself! She
always does enjoy herself, doesn't she?"
I suppose so. I was getting so addled by these references to me and Amy as
if we were two different people yet the same person that I couldn't think
straight. And I was still floating in a glorious euphoria! An opportunity to
live as Amy full time, not just in the house, not just for a week, but whenever
I wished for as long as I wished! With my wife's blessing! At her urging!
To make an alternative life for myself as Amy! Trish couldn't have been
more generous! And she knew it!
"I know I'm taking a terrible chance," she said. "I know that you may
disappear altogether into Amy. I'm lending you to her, and you may never
come back to me. You may become altogether Amy, once she's herself. I've
always been afraid of that. Ever since we were first married. Well, I've had
to tell myself over and over, if that happens, it happens. If that happens, then
we'll see what we'll see."
She took my face between her hands and tilted it up to her face, and seriously
kissed me on one eyelid. I closed my eyes, and she kissed my other eyelid.
When I opened them again I saw her looking at me so seriously, so sweetly!
"If that happens, sweetheart," she said slowly, "you won't be here any more
to worry about it. So don't worry about it. Then there'll be just us girls."
And she kissed me sweetly, softly, on my lips. And I kissed her back,
softly. I felt so lucky to have a marvelous wife like this! And to have Amy
too! To be Amy! My eyes teared and my face began to break up with joy!
"I need to get back to work now, honey," she said gently. "Why don't you
pack everything of Amy's except what she'll need to wear tomorrow. A
high-powered business suit I should think, and heels, and a few pieces of her
better jewelry. That Bergdorf tweed ought to do well. Tomorrow Amy
enters the real world. She'll need to charm and impress court clerks and
bankers so they'll fall all over themselves to accommodate us. Though I'll do
the talking, and I have no doubt about the outcome. I'll attend to the
paperwork for you, and tomorrow I'll drive you and Amy to Madison to
check out this condo apartment. Then if it's all right I'll leave you two there.
I hear it's furnished, complete, exactly the way the previous owner left it. If
all goes well, I'll fly back here on my own tomorrow night and leave you and
Amy the car. And leave you to be Amy as long as you wish."
The thought of our separation for an unknown time suddenly seized her, and
she turned and wrapped herself around me. Clutching me tightly, she said,
"Oh honey, do come back and visit often. You'll always be welcome. I'll
miss you, even though I'll know you're in the best of hands." She grinned
maliciously. "Your own!"
Miraculously, my cock began to grow again. Mine, not Amy's, and not the
hybrid who had kept us groping each other all last night. I entered Tricia
again, this time in her wet velvet pussy, and I pressed my cum and semen
splattered belly against hers, and we worked our hips slowly into a rotating
liquid rhythm. This time, as we made love we looked steadily into each
other's eyes, reading and rereading there each other's love and caring and
concern. Not until we both came, not violently this time but as a beautifully
completed embrace, did either of us close our eyes. And then we closed them
blissfully. We each knew we loved each other, never more completely than
just then.
I must have been more jet lagged than I realized, because I fell asleep again.
The telephone woke me.
"Honey? You're finally up? You looked so dear sleeping! I've missed that
all week, but I guess I'd better get used to missing it for a while more. I
realized after I left that I may not have been clear about how you dress
tomorrow. Remember that you'll leave here as Andy, but you'll arrive in
Madison as Amy. That's who you are here, and that's who you'll be there,
and no one else. So leave out a set of clothes for each of you. I've arranged
a stop half-way where you can change over and pretty yourself up. When we
get to Madison my plan is, first stop at the County Clerk's office and the
Courthouse to register some papers and signatures, I'm setting them up now,
and the Motor Vehicle people, I have papers for short cutting any problems
there, so Amy can have her own driver's license, then the Bank, and finally
the real estate people to show us the condo. They tell me here that there's no
question, that the apartment's a steal, that your sister will love it! Did I
mention that Amy is your sister? Unmarried, same last name, it saves fuss.
It's amusing to think that if Andy ever decides to have sex with her, it would
be incest in a way. There's all the more reason for Amy to forget about Andy
and just do her own thing. Then, my darling, when the apartment's yours,
I'll take myself to the airport and leave you to begin your adventure. This is
really so exciting!"
"O yes, we're having some people over tonight to give Andy a kind of going
away party. A few friends, neighbors, and associates. So be sure you're
Andy at least this one last time. Take down that darling hairdo one more
time. All right? I'll tell you why later. I think you'll be pleased. It'll make
things a lot easier for both of us afterward."
She was in her efficient lawyer mode, obviously. Making plans, being
persuasive and yet matter of fact. I trusted her. I wasn't fully awake. "OK!"
I replied.
"Good!" was all she said, and hung up.
All through the rest of the day I packed up Amy's things except her outfit for
her official debut in Madison. And a purse to get her through the day. Her
essentials were still packed and in the car, a week's worth of selected
conference dresses and party gowns. Most of her wardrobe went neatly into
cartons I'd saved from our move to this house, and then into the car. As I
emptied my boudoir bureau drawers of their lovely little hoards of
accumulated panties and teddies and slips and pantyhose and waist cinchers
and so on, it was exciting to realize for the first time that these were no longer
optional gear. They were my wardrobe. I was cutting off alternatives.
Andy's clothes would remain here.
I made a few discoveries. Some of my sexiest lace panties had found their
way into Trish's bureau drawers. Probably courtesy of our part-time
cleaning help. Some dresses and blouses and skirts were so unforgivably
unfashionable I could never wear them again, not in public, so even though
they were relatively unworn they went into a box marked for the Salvation
Army. I came upon my younger self, or Amy's, in the form of a stretchy
black satin micro-mini, one of several dresses I'd bought when I liked
imagining myself a slut seduced into unspeakably obscene practices in private
dance clubs. I reluctantly added that to the Salvation Army box, then took it
back, to remind myself that the onetime aspiring sexy whore of my fantasy
life was now actually about to become a respectable woman full time. My
eyes brimmed and my heart nearly stopped with joy as I realized that. That
Trish was not only allowing me to do this, she'd in fact proposed it! I was
humbled and speechless.
As I packed Amy's cosmetics, I wondered what Tricia had been using all
week in my absence. Had she finally acquired her own, now that she was
lawyering like a lady in full regalia. And if so, as her personal beautician I
was curious, what shades had she chosen for herself? So I went to the
bathroom off our master bedroom to see what was there. Nothing new in the
medicine chest. The bed hadn't been touched last night of course, and it was
still rumpled from her previous nights when I hadn't been there to tidy it up.
I pulled it together, and found a pair of lace panties wrinkled into the bed
sheets. Split crotch panties, really down and deliciously dirty! Were they
mine? Had Trish missed me so much during my week away she'd taken to
wearing even my most daring undies in my absence. Or had she taken them
to bed to remind herself that this too was part of me. Were they more
evidence that she now accepted Amy for what she was, and me for what I
am, after years of reluctance, then indifference, then mere toleration, and only
now loving support?
No, wait! I'd already packed the only pair of split crotch panties I owned,
acquired originally to wear with my slut outfit. Were these Carol's? Did
Tricia humble herself to lick Carol's lower regions while Carol never even
troubled to undress herself? Or were they Tricia's, to provide Carol's tongue
access to her own dear little clit?
Or someone else's tongue? I decided not to think about it! It could drive you
I finally found Trish's own make-up neatly arrayed across the entire top of
her bureau, tastefully chosen shades of all sorts, pale beiges and roses for
daytime and dark mauves and wines for evening, different shades of eye
shadow for different tones and colors of outfits. Only this past week she had
equipped herself for all sorts of occasions, I thought. No wonder she felt she
could manage without her espoused beautician. There was even a little cloth
zip case sitting there, a travelling kit of color-coordinated bare essentials,
mascara, eye-liner, shadow, lipstick, blush, and foundation. Inside one of
the zipper pockets was a handwritten note that read, "Love, Greg."
I knew no Greg. They were this season's colors, browns and umbres, brand
new cosmetics, never touched. Some rejected gift one of Trish's women
friends had handed down to Trish now that she was using make-up? A gift
from a boyfriend some secretary had decided to side-slip as a gift to her boss?
Again I decided not to think about it right now.
Finally everything was packed and out of the house and loaded into and onto
our car, five bags and a dozen boxes of women's things for Amy, my
computer and a box of manuals and disks for my work. Anything
overlooked I could get on my next visit.
My next "visit"! An odd word. This was my home, the place I returned to
from wherever and called home. But when I next returned it would be as a
visitor. As Amy? Obviously, I hadn't packed to be anyone else! But if I live
in Madison full time as Amy, how can I ever return here? How can I dare let
myself be seen in this neighborhood as Amy, coming and going? Sooner or
later someone would wonder and suspect!
I put the question to Tricia the moment she got home.
"Sweetheart, that's why we're having your farewell party tonight. Andy has
been called away to consult on the construction of a massive Saudi pipeline
and refinery employing thousands of workers from around the world. He'll
be gone for many months, and I'm happy for him but also distraught.
Fortunately, I'll be almost as busy and exhausted as Andy, organizing my
new client's affairs. That much is true. Now and then Andy's sister Amy
will look in on me to see if I'm all right. She's a lovely woman, a little
younger than Andy and a little priggish, but a dear. Maybe she'll even stay
with me for a few days now and then, Andy?"
What a clever woman!
"That's a wonderful cover story, Trish. But won't Andy be visiting you here
now and then too?"
"Now and then." She looked at me seriously. "I'd thought he would often,
originally, but now I don't think so. Not too often, honey, or things could
get awkward. Among other things your cover will begin to collapse. And
Amy should have complete freedom for once, unencumbered by Andy. Of
course Amy will always be welcome here!"
"She'll want to visit you often, darling!" I told her. Why did I feel this was a
kind of farewell? "You're giving up so much so I can indulge myself as
Amy! I owe you so much! Tell me anything you want in return and it's
yours!" I kissed her and held her close.
She buried her face in my shoulder, then looked up into my face. Some
mischievous thought had crossed her mind, obviously, and left its shadow in
her expression. But all she said was, "I want you the way I want you, that's
what I want, darling. I'm getting that. Right now I want you happy! I'll tell
you when I want something else!" We just stood embracing.
And my beautiful wife couldn't have been more affectionate all evening.
Trish had indeed arranged for many friends and acquaintances to drop by to
wish me God Speed, and I thanked them. Some joked about my future as an
enormously wealthy Sheik or a Pasha, and took note that the Koran allowed
me three more wives. I told them that when I could I'd invite them over to
eat lambs eyeballs and other delicacies, and then asked them earnestly to look
after Tricia. They all agreed. A few of Trish's law partners and their wives
showed up too, people I didn't know. They assured me I was fortunate in
my marriage, and that I shouldn't worry at all about Trish, she was superb at
looking after herself and her clients both. The usual. We all felt grateful to
my sister, who would look in on Trish now and then and urge her to take
care of herself and not work so hard.
She introduced me to a law partner named Georgy, pronounced with a hard
"G" in the Russian manner, who immediately instructed me to call him Greg.
A large, vigorous looking man with a slight accent and his hair slicked back
as if he were an Andorran or Graustarkian Prince. He congratulated me on
my beautiful and intelligent wife, and told me how fortunate they all felt to be
associated with her. I told him I appreciated that he felt that way, and on the
spur of the moment, while handing him his second drink and myself my
fourth, I asked him if he was the "Greg" who had given her a make-up kit.
He seemed puzzled. "Even diamonds are an unsuitable gift for a wife like
yours," he said with old world courtliness. "But last Christmas I did give the
firm's secretaries and all the women Associates make-up kits. And all the
men tie tacks. Why do you ask?"
I told him I'd seen one on Trish's bureau with a note from "Greg" and had
wondered. He was vastly amused! "It was your wife Trish who suggested
that I give those make-up kits to all the secretaries, when I asked her what
gifts might be suitable. 'Flatter their femininity,' she told me. So I did.
With an affectionate note in each. Some of them thought cosmetics were too