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I had driven us to a walking park in a lightly wooded forest outside of town, directly off the four lane. While it was right on the main road, I knew the park got no traffic at night, and I knew a hill in the park where we could be concealed while we were able to effectively spot any vehicle entering, with plenty of time to recover from whatever we were doing to achieve some semblance of normal appearance. Anyone that found us would know that we were up to no good, but all evidence would be gone before they could get close enough to see.

As I opened my car door, I noted that she was, indeed, fixing her makeup. I retrieved my digital camera from the trunk before walking to the front of the car and sitting on the hood, facing away from her. I stuffed the camera into a cargo pocket and smiled to myself, contemplating her vanity. She had to know how good she looked; how could she not?

A short while later, I heard her car door open, I turned my head to her, watching her exit, purse in hand. When she pulled the hem of her dress back down from her waist, I remembered the mess she'd made on my seat. I stood up to face her, and reminded her of the mess, and suggested that it would only be fair for her to clean it up since she made it. I thought she would just use the t-shirt I'd returned to her to sop up the mess, so I was rather stunned when she smiled seductively at me, bent over at the waist, and began licking up the evidence of her surrender. Holy fuck, she was dirty, filthy, hot.

I kept my car immaculate, so without care I watched in amazement as she left a sheen of saliva anywhere a trace of her juices could've been detected. My sense of humor momentarily got the better of me as I commented, "Or, you could just lick it clean."

She happened to be finishing her task at that very moment, so she flashed that bright smile at me again. "Happy to be of service!"

I laughed, still trying to figure her out. "Okay, Ashley, let's go.

She joined me at the front of the car and I took her hand, leading her into the park. The moon was high and bright, so we had no difficulty navigating. In no time we reached our destination at the top of the small hill. It was obviously an artificial hill, as its shape was too perfect and its location too singular to be natural. Here, there was a clearing with a circular plateau covered in lush, manicured grass, and sparsely outlined with concrete backless benches mounted to concrete pads.

I had let go of Ashley's hand. She instead hugged my arm as she'd done the night before, and I happily accepted her. After surveying our surroundings, we stared for several moments at the moon, and I was at peace. I then looked at her and she at me. I kissed her softly and slowly, and she accepted me.

What the fuck are you doing? Are you fucking crazy? I couldn't help myself. She was just so fucking adorable on my arm and I got lost in the moment. I pulled from her slowly, and again she flashed her knowing smile at me.

As I turned back to the moon, the storms started churning in my head, and I knew I had to act quickly.

"Okay, Ashley," I said, "Take off your dress and hand it to me."

The mischievous smile again as she tossed her purse to the side, then she reached down and gathered the hem of her dress and slid it up over her athletic form, and I was again entranced. Once she was free of the garment, she offered it plainly to me and asked matter-of-factly, "Boots, too?"

"No, keep the boots." Steady, boy.

She just smiled at me as she stood there in the moonlight, arms at her sides, legs slightly parted, watching me take her in. She didn't fiddle, and her chin was high as she presented herself to me. She hadn't been wearing a bra, tonight, so she was now a clean, unencumbered form, glorious in her perfection. My loins were already stirring again.

God, she was magnificent. The moonlight was bright enough to show off every line and curve of her body. She was curvy but firm, somewhat muscular, but still completely and utterly feminine. She was perfect. Her medium breasts held themselves in place, two perfectly proud mounds, perfectly fitted with perfectly hard nipples. Her hips were breathtaking, framing perfectly her impressively sculpted belly, and reaching down to her gorgeous, muscular legs seamlessly.

"Turn around," I commanded. "Slowly." She complied without hesitation.

As she turned, I was in awe of her fantastic beauty. She was a creature shaped by the hand of God, if there were such a thing. I was in the presence of greatness. When she had turned ninety degrees, I instructed her to stop, and I noticed that her back was arched ever so slightly, pushing her breasts and ass outward in her presentation. I began moving around her, admiring her in at my own pace. Her bottom was round and undimpled.

"Do you work out? You're in excellent shape," I complimented.

Her response came easily, without hesitation or pride or shame, and seemed almost calculated. "Thank you. I work out a little, but I play soccer and volleyball on my school teams. I used to be in gymnastics and had a couple of years of ballet when I was younger. Also, I like to swim a lot, but that's just for fun. And I was a cheerleader last year, but I quit because of the drama."

I chuckled quietly. Oh, is that all? How fucking perfect are you? For the first time ever, I wished I was a better man, just to not disappoint this one woman.

From behind her, I reached my hand between her legs, and gently stroked once across her labia, and she twitched. I smiled greatly at this as I pulled back a finger moistened with the juices apparently flowing from her. I came around to her front, presented the finger to her, and told her to carefully lick up the drops so as not the mess her lipstick. She did exactly that. I believed I could tell her to do anything, and It would be done. I wondered what lines she wouldn't cross.

I ran my hand slowly, lightly down her exposed form, from her shoulder down the inside of her firm, shapely breast, down her firm, toned abdomen, and down the front of her inviting pelvis. When my fingertips glazed over her clitoris, she flinched again, and I finished my journey at her opening, running one finger purposefully between her still moistened labia. This elicited a gasp from her, and I smiled again as I withdrew my hand from her and brought it this time to my own mouth. I had to taste her.

She was sweet, and she intoxicated me with her flavor. I could hear my heartbeat in my head again, and feel the increasing dissatisfaction in my loins. I dropped her dress to the side, and swiftly wrapped my right arm around her waist, taking the small of her back in my hand. I laid her down upon the trimmed grass, positioning my still fully-clothed body between her legs.

I leaned over her, reaching my hand up to touch her face. When my finger passively touched her lips, she opened her mouth, taking it in and sucking gently. I withdrew my finger from between her lips, which she then left parted, and I began exploring her body more earnestly.

I reached first for her right breast. I drew my hand down her elegant neck, carefully down her chest and traced gentle circles carefully around her nipple several times before gently and firmly taking her breast in my hand. She was impossibly firm as I scoped the topography of her mound, coming to rest with her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I squeezed gently, eliciting a soft moan from her now heavily breathing mouth, and lightly rolled her nipple back and forth. When I released her nipple, she sighed.

I moved my hand to her left breast, cupping her straight away. As I did this, I lowered my mouth upon her right nipple, and gently took it in. Ashley gasped again as I rolled the nipple with my tongue while I tenderly massaged her other breast. I let the nipple fall from my mouth, but let my tongue explore its intricacies further, circling and gently flicking as I began work on the other nipple with my fingers.

After a short while, I sat up from her on my knees, taking her in again. Her arms were stretched to either side of her, palms down, and her eyes were closed. She was so fucking beautiful, I could barely contain myself. I wanted to worship every inch of her body, and I knew I'd want to do it again and again.

I leaned forward and positioned my hands on either sides of her, and centered my head above her breasts, then moved to place a soft kiss directly between her mounds. Keeping my mouth open, I glided my face down along her flesh, teasing first one side of her stomach, then the other. From there, I planted kisses, tracing a line down the front of her pelvis to the top of her left thigh, then continuing down almost to her knee. I then raised her left leg into the air, and began tracing kisses up the inside of her leg ever so slowly toward her dripping sex, stopping just as I reached it.

I spread her legs far apart and raised them into the air as I positioned my arms under them, then let them come to rest on my biceps as I curled my arms over her. My face was almost touching her, and my breath pushed hard against the fury before it. As I began planting kisses above and to the sides of her entry, I could hear Ashley moaning again, pleading again. I teased her relentlessly, enjoying fully this conquest splayed out before me.

She belonged to me. I'd done this countless times before, and it always happened the same way. I would ask her what she wanted, and she would say something generic, like, "I want you." I would tell her to me more specific as I continued to tease her. She would say something like, "I want your tongue," and I would again tell her to be more specific. This would go on, back and forth, until I got an answer that satisfied me, and then I would satisfy her. This, or I would grow tired of asking, and decide to just fuck her. Always the same.

"What do you want?"

Ashley's response, "I want to feel your tongue carving tunnels into me. I want to feel your mouth sucking on my clit. I want you to draw your name along the inside of my pussy."

I went mad with furious, passionate, needy confusion, and drove my tongue into her like I'd never done to any woman before, and was rewarded with a small yelp. I couldn't get deep enough. As deep as I got, I needed more. I began writhing my tongue inside her, and was motivated by one simple word, over and over again: "Yes." She didn't scream it, but merely spoke it, and did it with such satisfaction, such command, that there was no mistaking that I was serving her completely. She knew that I was the one with the need, not her. I needed her to praise me for pleasing her, as surely as I needed food or drink or air. She was all that mattered to me in that moment, and she knew it.

My erection manifested fully again as I continued on her, in her, for I don't know how long. My face was bathed in her juices. I alternated between slipping my tongue into her, and sucking and flicking and biting her clit. All the time I kept kissing her. All I felt was need. I was compelled to satisfy her. After a while, I retracted my right arm from under her, and introduced two fingers, working them in a curling motion as I repeatedly stroked them in and out, all the while working her button with my tongue. I could feel her excitement building, as I heard her breathing go shallow and her leg muscles start to shake on my arm. Soon, I will be rewarded.

Almost immediately, Ashley started to shake violently, and I could hear her calling out softly and shakily. The shaking kept intensifying until I knew she would break under the stress. Finally, she went silent and locked up, squeezing my head mercilessly between her powerful thighs. I continued undeterred and unabated until I felt her body start to go limp. Even then, I did not stop. I removed my fingers from her and began softly, painstakingly, and lovingly licking her down from her climax, and I continued this until I felt her hands reach down to retrieve me.

With both hands, she softly pulled my face all the way up to her own, where she looked me deep in the eyes and kissed me passionately. I did not resist, and I was not afraid. I was engulfed in her rapture, and all was right with the world.

Finally, she released me from the kiss and said, "Thank you."

V. I sat up slowly, troubled by the feeling that something was amiss. I was concerned that I was so caught up in her already that I would lose myself, and I simply could not allow that to happen. I looked at her as she propped herself up on her elbows to smile at me. I just smiled back at her, as if in some kind of trance. After a few moments of this, I decided to take her home.

She spoke before I could, "Wow, that was great. You were awesome. Now come here, I want to try something." She leapt from the ground effortlessly and began walking to one of the nearby benches.

You want to try something? No more than two minutes before, she had been flooding my face with her sex, shaking and sweating to my touch and tongue. Now, she was up and about like nothing had happened. I tried desperately to understand her angle. In one moment, she was a boiling hot sex object (or predator, I still couldn't figure out which), the next she was a bubbly high schooler, capable of breaking out into cheer at any moment. I simply could not figure her out.

"What do you have in mind?" Way to tell her the plan, Dude.

She motioned to one of the benches and said, "Here. Lay down here."

"Okay." I wasn't about to correct her grammar; I was simply complying with her instructions. I was still feeling more and more like this was a bad idea, but I couldn't help myself. My imprisoned erection was hurting, and my head was beginning to.

"Wait," came Ashley's voice as I reached the bench. "Take off your clothes before you lay down," she commanded, without really commanding at all.

"Oh really, now?" I was still playing the part, still trying to look like I was composed.

She started doing that fake shyness thing again, where she twisted her body back and forth. Had I been altogether there, it might have occurred to me that such a demonstration was a ridiculous picture, since she was strutting around in nothing but combat boots, and not shy about that at all. "Yup, I think you really kinda should."

"If you insist," as I started taking off my shirt. I'd gotten down to my underwear and was in the process of removing them when I watched her retrieve something from her purse, then quickly hide whatever it was behind her back. "Is that a condom?"

"Nope," she happily chimed.

"Do I need one?"

"Probably," she playfully, yet cryptically surrendered.

Here we go. I retrieved one of a few from my shorts pocket, and suddenly remembered my camera.

When I started to open the package, she jumped at me. "Wait! I wanna do it. I've never done it before, can I?"

"Sure," as I handed the package to the free hand she offered, as her other was behind her back. I then finished stripping and began to lie down again as I noticed her returning to deposit the unidentified thing back into her bag. She quickly returned to me as I had reached a comfortable position.

Ashley was absolutely beaming, now. "Okay, ready?"

"Lemme have it."

With that, she tore upon the wrapper and extracted the prophylactic from its package. She handled the thing cumbersomely but confidently as she examined it closely. As she approached me, I realized that I had probably never been harder in my entire life than I was at that moment, and an electric shock ran through me as soon as she wrapped her left hand around the shaft to move it into position.

She'd said she'd never done this before, but she was proceeding like a pro. She had me expertly dressed in less than thirty seconds, at which point she gingerly exclaimed, "Done!"

I had to laugh at this. Somehow, I was starting to relax. I just kept telling myself to go with it and stop thinking so much. Perhaps I was beginning to listen.

"Are you ready," she asked casually, as if we were about to watch a movie.

"Come here," I answered.

She swung a leg over me, and it was clear that with the height of the bench, she was not tall enough to reach the top of my shaft to take me in. Apparently quite the problem solver, she slid upward on me, my manhood pinned under her to my belly, until her entrance was even with the tip. Then she stood as high as she could, leaned forward with incredible poise and balance, reached back to take hold of me, and guided me into her as she moved slowly backward. She did this without ceremony, but certainly not without grace.

As I felt Ashley's sex slowly take me in, I was amazed by how tight she was. Had she not been so wet, this surely would've been painful for her. It may have been painful anyway.

Then I stopped thinking, and allowed myself to be mesmerized by the experience unfolding over me. I realized that since she'd first straddled me, she'd been looking me in the eyes. It wasn't for guidance; there were no questions in her look. Only concentration. It didn't matter, anyway. As her warm folds enveloped me, I understood that there was nowhere else I'd rather be. She was perfect, and, right now, she was mine.

The process seemed to take forever, and I desperately needed to fill her. Finally, I felt her smooth mound touch my pelvis, and I knew that she'd taken all of me. She stopped here briefly, then slowly began to rock back into a vertical position, putting more pressure on me and forcing more of my manhood into her. Her eyes still on mine, once she was upright, I felt her shift all of her weight onto me as she lifted her feet from the ground, and my hands came to rest on her thighs. Once she'd established the balance she was comfortable with, and she was using her hands on my abdomen only to maintain that balance, she closed her eyes.

"Oo, isn't this nice," she cooed. I bathed in her beauty. She was surely the most lovely creature I had ever seen. She sat motionless, impaled on top of me. This was, quite possibly, the greatest moment of my life. After a few minutes of her balanced atop me, she opened her eyes.

"Okay," she chirped, "Ready to try something new?"

"There's more," I asked, genuinely perplexed.

"I'll be right back." Then, after all the effort she'd just put in to getting herself into position, she reversed the procedure, sliding upwards off of me. When she'd finally cleared me, she shifted her weight to the side and swung her free leg back over, and she was off me. "Don't go anywhere."

"Don't worry." I meant it. I smiled as I tasted her on my goatee.

She went to her purse, and recovered the thing I'd forgotten about, then started playfully swaying back to the bench.

"Okay, what have you got there?" I was actually eager to find out.

With fiery excitement, "Your handcuffs!" She swung them around to display the cuffs I'd absent-mindedly left on the center console, which she must have picked up when my back was turned.

"What do you want with those?" Of course, I knew the answer, but that couldn't be right. She had submitted to me, hadn't she? Even if she hadn't, it still looked like she had, didn't it?

"I want to cuff your hands behind your back while I ride you."

Oh my god. Somehow, she had just uttered the most beautiful words ever spoken, and they sounded wrong. She was telling me to submit to her. This teenage girl was taking control. I couldn't stop it. I couldn't say no. I didn't want to say no. I was hesitant and eager and confused and utterly certain. This was not what I wanted ten seconds ago, but it's what I wanted now.

Apparently, I was taking too long answer. "Oh, please, can I?" My god, she was so damned cute.

Still trying to be cool, "Sure."

She actually jumped with joy. "Yay! Okay, put your hands behind your back." It was difficult, as the bulk of the bench made wrapping my arms around it backward nearly painful. Once the cuffs were closed, however, and I was able to relax my arms, I became quite comfortable.

"Comfy?" She was precious.

"Yup," I answered truthfully.

"Good." Ashley started walking toward her dress, and I began to panic. "Okay, I'm just going to run down to your car for a sec and I'll be right back, I promise."

Fears of my car, my clothes, my wallet, and everything else I had here being stolen and me being discovered in this most immodest position were diminished only slightly by the fact that she'd just voluntarily reassured me, rather than called me a sucker. My erection was fading rapidly, though, a fact that did not escape her attention.

She made her way back to me while redressing, and began lovingly massaging my softening manhood. "Oh, don't be worried. I promise I'm just going to your car, then I'll be right back. Trust me?"

Like I had a choice. Best to not antagonize her. "Okay, I trust you."

"Good." With that, she gave my shaft one good squeeze, then reached into my shorts and retrieved my keys before sauntering off. "Be right back!" Then she disappeared from sight, and I felt a little like throwing up.

VI. I heard some talking, but only Ashley's voice, and I couldn't make out the words. Did she have a cell phone? I then heard my trunk open and close, and a few minutes later, Ashley reappeared carrying my bag of tricks, and I got a little dizzy.

"Told you I'd be right back," and she dropped the bag next to me. "Okay, after you were so assertive that you don't mess around with kids' stuff when I asked you about your handcuffs, I figured that you might have more stuff with you. So, I looked in your trunk and found these."

She must have seen the fear in my eyes, because she continued. "Oh, hey, don't freak out, okay? Right now I just want to put these ankle cuffs on you, too, and that's it, I promise." My hesitation was apparently obvious. "Please? It's just to complete the… Scene? You're already handcuffed, so adding the ankle cuffs doesn't really make a real difference. It just completes the mood." She pulled my condom off and started stroking my utterly defeated manhood again. Pouting at me, she added, "Please? You'll enjoy it, I promise."

Fuck it. "Okay, sure."

Ashley didn't say anything, but her uncontrollable giddiness reappeared in full force. She had to know I was uneasy, and she winked at me, then started sucking me. It took only a few moments of her attention to return me to full hardness. Once she'd achieved her goal, she withdrew and smiled at me before again removing her dress, and her boots this time, too. Then she took out the leg irons, and fastened them together under the bench. Again, once the fastening was complete and I relaxed, I was comfortable.

She simply beamed at me. This stunning girl was paying me more attention than I thought I deserved at this point. She leaned over my face before kissing me long on the lips. I reciprocated wholeheartedly. She then stood up and said, "Okay, here we go."

I became a little concerned. "Okay, did you get another condom?"

"Oh, Sweetie," she said, "I won't let you come in me."

Had it been any other day, I'd have flipped my shit. Right now, all I could manage was, "Okay." Well, at least I'll really feel her. I had to take comfort where I could find it.

Though I paid it no attention, I was vaguely aware of something concealed in her hand as she repeated the process of mounting me. She lost a full inch of clearance when she had removed her boots, but still had legs just long enough to make clearance and maintain traction. Apparently having done it once before helped because this time the mount went a little bit more quickly. She still took her time sliding me into her, apparently relishing the experience. I couldn't blame her, because her slippery sex accepting my uncovered manhood seemed the very definition of bliss, and she was more slippery than I ever could have imagined, and so, so hot. Again, she was watching me through the process, but this time she had a smile on her face. Her smile seemed to say, "I own you now, you know?" I certainly did know.

Ashley continued back as far as she could, and again rocked herself slowly upright until I was fully sheathed in her glory. This time, however, she did not lift her legs from the ground. Instead, she just sat there, impaled on my naked manhood, and said to me quietly, "Perfect." She really was.

We were like this for only a few moments before she lifted her left hand, and I saw what she was concealing. It was, in fact, a cell phone. It wasn't a big, flip job, either; it was one of those new smaller ones that fit in your pocket. Money.

She began dialing a number. I didn't immediately panic, because I expected she was calling a friend to tell about how she was riding "that Deejay." I'd never had it happen mid-coitus before, but there's a first time for everything.

"Hey!… Yeah,… I'm on him right now!… I know!… Find out for yourself."


"I know!… I KNOW!… No… Oh, I haven't told him yet…"


"Okay, how long?… Twenty minutes, got it… Oh, I'm pretty sure I can keep him entertained… What for?… Okay, so long as you remembered the camera…"


"Okay… Okay… See you soon… Mwah!… Bye!"

Out loud this time, "What?"

Ashley tossed the cell phone to the grass. "Okay, that was Kim, she's my best friend, and she's on her way here, and she might want to ride you, too."

She was so damned cheerful about the whole thing I just let it slide.

"Also, she's bringing a digital camera so we can take pictures."

"Oh, Ashley, you have got to be shitting me." Before I could protest further, she started rocking back and forth on me, and I lost some composure.

"Come on, it'll be fun," Ashley assured me between heavy breaths.

"No, it won't" Her motions on me were making it more difficult to reason effectively.

"What are you going to do about it?" She smiled triumphantly. "Just let it happen. Like I said, you'll enjoy it."

I capitulated utterly, losing my ability to object in the waves of pleasure she unleashed upon me. "Okay."

Ashley started riding me in earnest, eyes closed, rocking back and forth and side to side and round and around. I laughed to myself as a thought occurred to me. I'll bet she's had sex before.

She was really working now, losing herself in the sensations. Honestly, I was right there with her. I was a passive participant in this event, but she was stimulating me, and doing a damned good job of it. She had shed a most beautiful layer of sweat. It dripped down her temples, down her breasts, down her taut abs. And I could feel her juices pouring out over me. The sloshing noises coming from our sex was disgusting and dirty and beautiful. She was so fucking hot I couldn't stand it. Harder and harder she rode and after several minutes, I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

I summoned the strength to speak. "Ashley." She didn't acknowledge me. Louder, "Ashley."

Finally, without looking at me, she responded almost as if I was annoying her. "Yeah?"

"I'm gonna come soon… You gotta stop now."

Again, she failed to respond. "Ashley,… YOU HAVE TO STOP NOW…"

A few moments later, and punctuated by labored breathing, "Okay,… But I gotta tell you… Something first… Might freak you out a little…"

I knew I had only seconds left. Urgently, "Ashley,… Okay what?…"

"I'm only sixteen…"

I came right there. I came so fucking hard. And I came forever. And I poured what felt like gallons of my sex directly into her. She felt my flood as she started flailing wildly on my uncovered and violently erupting manhood, her pussy spasming around my bare cock, milking me for more even as I delivered more to her. From the start, she began repeating, "Oh my god oh my god oh my god," until I lost track of her speech. I came into her until I knew I couldn't come any more, and then I did just that. Still, she bucked on me, repeating, "ohmygodohmygodohmygod…" I almost passed out from the sensory overload just as she collapsed on my chest with a final, almost inaudible, "Oh my god."

We laid there for however long it takes for life to be reignited, and she began to stir, sitting up again as soon as she was able, ensuring that my now softening cock would remain locked in place.

Very conscious of my position inside her, I spoke. "Only sixteen, huh?"

Her response was slow. "Yeah, just last month. Told you I turned eighteen. Really sixteen."

I stared at her blankly. "Nice." Real fucking nice.

She offered coolly, "Not nearly as nice as the look on your face when I told you." She giggled a little.

"Fuck, Ashley..."

"Oh shut up and relax. I won't tell anyone." Even now, she was smiling at me.

"And I came in you. I mean I really, really came in you. A lot."

Her smile grew wider than I thought possible and she said dreamily, "I know."

"You said you wouldn't let that happen." I was really trying to cope.

"I know."

Getting a little angry now, and still inside her, I waited for an explanation. When it became apparent that none was forthcoming, I asked, "So what the fuck, Ashley?"

"I lied." I waited for more, but that was apparently all she had to say.

"You lied."

Still smiling cheerfully at me, "Yeah."

I was really starting to get pissed, now. "Goddamn it, Ashley…"

"Relax, I'm on the pill. I was just messing with you. Everything's fine."

I was dying. At least, I wished I could die. "Everything's fine? Everything's fine? Everything is not fucking fine, Ashley."

"Yes it is."

"No, it's fucking not."

Then she looked down at me with a new look that terrified me. Her eyes spoke of control, consequence, punishment, obedience. "Yes, Vincent, it is," and I knew I was done. I was now properly frightened.

"Okay." I had officially given up. Then I heard the car pull in, and Ashley changed right back into cheeriness, which seemed to be her mode of default.

Without removing herself from my cock, and now back at full perkiness, "Yay, Kim's here!"

Yay, Kim's here. Fucking A right, Kim's here.


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Hi, ISS reader, Myself Harsh and my age 22 aur mein apne parewarke sath delhi mein rehta hun mere parewaar mein hum 4 log hain mein aur mere papa aur mammy and brother mein apko apne story jo ke 1 mahine pehle ghate mujhe pehle baar chut(virgin) ko chodne ka mauka mila hamare ghar ke pass ek bhabhi hain jinka naam swati hain unki umar 27 saal hain wo apne husbend ke sath rehte hain unke husband army mein hain aur wo 6 mahine 1 saal par aate hain aur bhabhi bhut mast lagte hain unka figure...

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mother in law

There I stood in front of my mother-in-law. She was wearing a pair of my wife’s black back seamed silk stockings, black bustier, thong panties, and a pair of super high heels shoes that my wife only wore once for my birthday. I was heading to get something out of my walk in closet when I discovered her hiding there. She stood in front of me all embarrassed and her face started to turn red.She wasn’t the only one embarrassed. I was standing there naked and as I looked at her beautiful plump...

3 years ago
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my sissy life

I am a crossdresser who has been dressing since I was six years old. I tried on my mom's bras and begged her to let me wear a dress. She eventually relented and allowed me to prance around in a dress for a few weeks until my brother started making fun of me. I then hid that side of me and dressed in my mom's clothes and lingerie when I was home alone. I would walk around the apartment and pretend I was a girl.I eventually grew older but did not grow out of loving being a girl. I eventually...

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Am I An Angel Or Devil 8211 Part 21 Arjun8217s Pool Birthday Party

Hi, guys back to you is Deepthi.  Coming to the story. After the Saturday incident of showing my naked body to my students, I became very famous between the students and the teachers. All the eyes were seeing me differently. They might have known what a sexy slut I am inside. It became very casual for all the students to talk to me.  I always used to get accidental touches on my body where ever I go which I liked. But I never exposed to them again after that incident. But fate had other plans...

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My Training Continues Part 1

The rest of the week seemed to drag on I had not heard from Mr. Smith since Tuesday when he shaved me smooth. I could not stop thinking about him and how quickly he turned me into Daddy's little cock sucker. My girlfriend was upset with me she wanted to have sex but I had no interest she was over Wednesday asking what was wrong I just told her "I think I don't have feelings for you anymore" we broke up I felt bad but I had 1 thing on my mind and it was Mr. Smith's cock. I was beating off 2 or 3...

1 year ago
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The Saga of Susie (m-teen+/F, wife, nc, voy, b**st)By Anonymous (No address provided)***My pretty wife, Susie, was ****d by three black men and a dog. It was humiliating and disgusting, and we wanted nothing but to forget it and keep the knowledge from our community. We knew that we'd be ostracized if our neighbors ever found out. What we didn't know was that Lonny; a 14-year-old neighbor k** had seen the whole thing. And now Lonny wants Susie for his pleasure or he's threatening to tell...

2 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 21

Welcome back! Some Femdom in this one, not really my thing but it fit the character, so I rolled with it. It’s curious, I saw some vids of FemDom porn a while back (researching art references for Ikuno) and in all of them I would have told these tall, muscular women to go fuck themselves with a sand-coated dildo if they treated me like that. However, when I wrote the part in this chapter I don’t have that same reaction and I don’t understand why. As I said ... curious. For those of you...

2 years ago
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Jims WorldsChapter 2

"Jim's World"--Chapter 2 Jim turned to the stunned audience and asked, "Does anybody want to back out?" After a short silence, he continued, "I thought not! Good. Susan and I will be married in three days and we would like for you to attend. We'll put you up while you wait. "I would like to leave on our expedition about the middle of January. It'll take that long to get everything ready. I don't know how long we will be gone, but it may be as much as six months, or more. Please...

3 years ago
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Sissy Maid

I was just out of high school working at a convenience store. Two of my regulars were a nice gay couple, both were a little feminine but one was definatley fem always wearing pink shirts and revealing shorts in the warm months. One night while I was talking with my friend about coming up with the money to buy my girlfriend an expensive gift they came in and where listening to the conversation. After my friend left the more feminine one named Toni came back.He said I could not help hearing you...

2 years ago
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Losing Virginity With Little Aunty

Hi ISS readers… this is my first posting of my incest life. I am Surya,21 years old from Coimbatore doing my final year 5 ft 7 inches tall. This incident happened in my life two months ago. First I describe the overall scenario. When I was at the age of 18 I masturbate a lot seeing porn movies. I was a bit shy type to talk with girls. So I don’t have girl friends at those times. Around that time my uncle got married. Uncle’s age 27 n aunts (Deepa) 20. She just completed her higher secondary at...

3 years ago
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Angie Ch 02

Here is the second chapter. I hope that you like it. Please comment. Sometimes things aren’t what they seem to be. * After setting up an appointment for the next month, Angie said we had to go and tell Gram. I agreed. Angie asked me, ‘What do you think she will do?’ ‘After she smacks us along side of the head, I think she is going to be overjoyed that she is going to be a great-grandmother,’ I laughed. When we got to Gram’s we sat in the den with her. We didn’t say anything at first. ...

3 years ago
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Pregnant Louse IV

Louise: heavily pregnant, former neighbour.'Larry': Me!Italics: my thoughts/memories.Lou' climbed the stairs in front of me and I was able to see her hairy gash underneath her skirt; her pubes were matted and damp and her cunt lips were puffy from where I'd stretched them! We reached the top of the stairs. "Oh I really need to pee, Larry! Bursting..." she pushed the bathroom door open and lifted the toilet toilet lid. "What are you doing, Louise"? I sternly demanded, slamming the toilet lid!...

1 year ago
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Farmer And Drifter

I live in a remote area of the U.S. and there's really not much to do but, work. I live on a small farm alone where I have a few animals and grow some veggies (some are special). I made alot of money investing awhile back. My nearest neighber is about 15 miles down the way. Living here does get lonely, so what I do is alot of wackin and such. I really like to eat cum for some reason there's nothing that turns me on more. I like to get up some days and do nothing but, get crazy with myself. Get...

2 years ago
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A Sleepover with Tammy Chapter 3

You'd think one night of 'girl time' with Tammy, Leah, and Cindy would have been enough, but Jamie went with Miss Johnson and Tammy on a 'girl's night out' to see a chick flick. Jamie was wearing Tammy's shorty pants and a girl's top, with appropriate lingerie, as Tammy refused to give James back his overnight bag. Surprisingly, James, dressed as Jamie, enjoyed the film and the time he spent sitting next to Tammy. What he couldn't stop noticing was how nice Tammy smelled. She kind of...

4 years ago
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Awakening to The Dark Side Part Two

My room was light when my eyes blinked open and I gazed down at the young fit naked body of Nathan, his sizeable cock lying on his right thigh. An overwhelming feeling of desperation came over me as I contemplated what had I done the evening before. As previously documented the ribald evening out dancing with my friends and ogling strippers had been put in the shade by the activities in Jamal and Gary’s room, only for me then to take Nathan back to my room leaving Judy with the two black...

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The call from Mistress Andrea made my day. I hadn't seen her for over a week and was looking forward to playing with her & having my chastity finally removed. You should know that Mistress and I have known each other for many years and have I always enjoyed being her sissy sub. Lately she has been training me to be more feminine in appearance. I have been required to buy woman's stretch pants and blouses for daily wear to work, and always have fresh manis and pedis and mascara on at...

3 years ago
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Teaching her a new way to get me off in her mouth

I call this a "Slow Leisurely Underside Tongue (SLUT) Job." This is a new technique for this little slut. I'm happy I was able to teach her, it makes me feel good as a Master to know that I am contributing the improvement of my submissive.She takes my soft cock in her mouth and with no bobbing, sucking, or other movement, just moves her tongue around on the underside, especially on the frenulum. We make sure she's in a comfortable position on the floor between my spread legs as I sit. She's...

2 years ago
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Twist In The Tale With Preethi

Hello dear readers. To understand this story you need to read my previous stories. Please follow these link: I will continue the story from here on. Preethi is the friend of Divya (Divya is a probable bridegroom whom my parents suggested me to meet and come to a conclusion). As it turned out when i met Divya, she was more of a sex addict than a normal girl should be. I liked her weird ways of having sex. She was just too demanding. I hope I am talking on behalf of every guy that it is very...

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Latina heat

Another tiring live performance. These performances always took a lot out of Jennifer Lopez. Dancing and running across the stage for this amount of time was always exhausting. But besides being exhausting these dynamic performances sometimes also had another effect on Jennifer. Because she moves so much and so fast on stage for such a long period of time, sometimes the Latina's "pipes" would loosen up to the point where she needs a half hour of "retreat" into the ladies' room to relieve...

2 years ago
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Learning Curve

Learning CurveBy: Londebaaz ChohanI did not have nor I have now anything against gays or being a gay. If sucking a man’s cock is gay; then I might as well be a gay but I cannot explain and I cannot convince anybody but I do not feel comfortable putting my cock in somebody’s ass or allowing anybody to put his cock in my ass. Where then, did the interest of cock sucking came into me. I have no clue but if I have to guess; it could be something to do with the big collection of porn magazines and...

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The Unexpected Visitor

i was in my room, masturbating to some random hentai. suddenly i heard a knock at my door. i quickly get dressed and go to see who it is. i open the door and see it is a woman with long purple hair and a huge bust. she was wearing a shirt that covered her breasts, but did little to cover her midsection. she also wore pants that were tight on her, so i could catch the slight view of cameltoe. my eyes widened and my dick hardened. then finally she spoke. "hello. i am new to the neighborhood and...

4 years ago
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IncubusChapter 2

"What the hell is this?" I said. "I told you." Orpheus said. Seeing them for the first time I had to admit that he might be right, and it made me wonder what else there was. "You say I am a Prince?" I said. "Yes you are. But I have come here merely to call you home, and hand you this." Orpheus said handing he a package. "Inside you will find everything you need to take you to your mansion. I have business elsewhere and will be unable to accompany you." Orpheus said bowing one...

1 year ago
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Equal SharesChapter 32

Elizabeth was worried. Stan had come in, sat down at his desk with barely a "Good Morning," and appeared to be listlessly looking at something on his computer. "Stan? Is everything all right?" she'd asked him. "Yeah, sure" he answered, continuing with whatever he'd been doing. She looked at him. Hair unkempt, what looked like yesterday's shirt on, Stan had clearly not taken time this morning to look in a mirror. His face lacked animation, his eyes lacked sparkle. Elizabeth felt...

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Honey the 100lb Popsicle

I saw her the first time she walked in, of course. I expressly design my classroom so there is a door at the back. Most of my students make an effort towards attendance and punctuality, and there's no need to embarrass them by having to interrupt the class and slink down to their seat. And I really don't want some poor woman, for example, whose period started unexpectedly to have to walk all the way to the front of the room and across to the door with blood running down her legs and her face...

4 years ago
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Amity 2 CoercionChapter 15 Jealousy

They decided it was time to get some rooms sorted out. The ladies took them upstairs to show them the rooms that they had picked out. They, in turn, selected rooms nearby, so they stayed together. Everyone agreed to meet up for lunch in an hour or so, once they were settled in. David and his girls collected their basics from the ship and made themselves at home. David and Kelli both had to laugh at the starry-eyed look on Sarah’s face. She didn’t seem the least perturbed that Storm already...

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Tiffany Comes Calling

Tiffany Comes Calling by Deputy Duffy Part 1 I got a call from my cousin Tiffany one night. It had been years since we'd spoken. She grew up around these parts but moved away years ago. It was an awkward conversation. I knew she wanted something, but she just couldn't seem to spit it out. She finally said that she'd write me. A week later, I got a large tan envelope containing some papers...old papers. I started reading.... ******************************** It's me again....

3 years ago
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Housewife With A Younger Boy

Hi indian sex stories dot net, I am Reji, this is a real incident happened to my close friend Tessa. Tessa is 28 years old, married to John, 39-year-old, who is in service. They are Tamilians, residing in Mumbai. They had two kids, 8 and 6 years old. Tessa got married at the age of 19 years. She is fair, good looking and plump in physique. After becoming the mother of two, her body got fleshy and sexy. She got a good figure which can attract any opposite sex. She loves her husband very much and...

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The abduction rape and filming of Samantha

When she turned 17 Samantha like most teenagers wanted her license. After the required instruction and time she went for her road test and was issued a license. This also would lead to her undoing because she had someone watching her over the years. He had evil thoughts of what he wanted to do to her and what he was going to make her do if given the opportunity. John lived near Samantha and would often spy on her thru her bedroom window and started planning for the day when he would get her...

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Mistis Adventures Part 47

They stood watching William and Billy gathering the last bits of the brush, and piling it onto th roaring bonfire. They gad to throw it for the last few yards as the heat made it unapproachable due to its size and the intensity of the heat. They had several fire extinguishers close by just in case sparks tried to make it spread. There had been much more brush than either of them had thought there was. They both had shovels, and wet burlap sacks ready for the small fires that sprang up at rimes....

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Chanell Heart Aaliyah Love Kissa Sins Two8217s Company Three8217s Allowed Part Two

Last time on Two’s Company, Three’s Allowed, Kissa Sins showed up early for Aaliyah Love’s Work Retreat giving them plenty of time to take an intense lesbian fuck sesh before everyone shows up. But the last thing they expected was for Chanell Heart to show up unannounced. Aaliyah and Kissa are truly surprised to see such a beautiful team member walk in on them, Aaliyah holds her reservations, she’s clearly embarrassed, and tries to be discreet, but Jissa is so horny that...

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Midwinter Weekend Pt 05

*****Edited by Gustavca Note, this shorter story is the epilogue, and while it’s clearly erotic, it’s not paced like one of my typical story. I woke in the middle of a dream, a funny, completely non-erotic dream, and began laughing in our room. Nella moaned softly, bothered by my laughter, and pushed me out of the bed. As I was getting up and putting my boxers on, she murmured, ‘Enjoy Eleanor, my dear.’ I turned around to look at her but all I saw was a receding smile. She was falling asleep...

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NAKED LEGAL 3 Jakes Team

CHAPTER THREE: JAKE’S TEAM The times that followed proved to be both surprising and not surprising. I found it surprising how I could become engrossed in the details of a case or client information at my desk or even sometimes while in consultation with one of the other members of the team. But, it was also not surprising how a simple touch by one of them or catching one of them with a lingering gaze upon my exposed body would cause me to instantly become aroused. And, though I could...

1 year ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 59 Finally

“Wonder if I have to become a Mormon again?” Melissa asked as she stared down at the blue water. “What on earth does that mean?” Holly Danvers asked her bodyguard as their small plane circled the small island below. “You, of all people, would appreciate how Master PC is able to jack people around,” said the former cop. “As best as I’ve been allowed to remember, I’ve been a whore to a horny cop, a secret agent, an undercover bimbo at a bachelor party and God knows what I’ll be when we land...

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My wife joins a gym

Kate, my wife of 20 years has put on a few pounds and decides to join a large gym that was recommended by a friend of hers. Kate has some nice large 38DD boobs on her; I’m hoping these boobs will not be gymed off.Kate arrives at the gym and does all the paperwork and they show her to the change rooms and allocate her a locker. These are the showers, which are open showers and no cubicles. We are going to be closing them in soon, the assistant assures me. Not what I expected, Kate comments.Kate...

4 years ago
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Bold and beautiful

She was a newly joined Marathi girl. She was 5 feet tall voluptous and mentally I guessed she was 36D-30-36. Wheatish complexion and bold talk and always ready to help and travel. She was into pre-sales, sales and marketing. Her name was Renjitha and she was age 31 and working for more than 8 years. Now me one of the senior members handling key accounts worked and needed to work with her a lot. She always wore modern clothes except when we had client meetings in our Indian locations and then...

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The General Book 2Chapter 2

Paul Armstrong had been Mark's roommate in his last year of their undergraduate collegiate studies. Together they had made the rounds of the various sorority houses and collectively could account for numerous broken hearts and hymens of the residents of those houses. As dashing and handsome as Mark appeared to the girls, in their eyes, Paul represented the handsome escort accompanying the beautiful models in the fashion magazines. His look was clean, rugged and classic. He was an...

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100% fiction! Am Rashvitha. I live in Dallas with my girl friend, we've been in relation for the past 3years. We make love 5times a week. I work as a Computer Engineer, she practices pulmanology. May be I should say she took up pulmanology for me cause am affected by cancer and gonna live for another 7-8months may be. She always wanted to pursue Cardiology. We met thru common friends back in India, by the time I felt like telling her about my disease she proposed to me. She called me and asked...

3 years ago
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The AuthorChapter 9

Bill silenced the alarms notification that the appointed time of six thirty had arrived. The next sound was of Monica sighing and then rolling over again she said into her pillow. "I think I'll stay in bed, Jennifer you go run in my place." Bill chuckled and nudged Jennifer. Jennifer was in the grip of her usual morning fog, which took minutes, not seconds to clear asked. "Run where?" Monica giggled and rolled out of bed. "Never mind. I'll run it myself." Following Monica out of...

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Skys the Limit Ch 01

Schuyler was bored and a little pissed, a potentially dangerous combination. Was it just three months ago, armed with her brand-spanking-new college degree, that she had thought her new marketing and business development job requiring her to travel a couple of times a month was glamorous and exciting? In reality, it was a lot of work schlepping materials to luxury conference resorts with little hope of actually getting to enjoy the amenities. She assembled the booth, set up materials, made sure...

2 years ago
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More Than Friends Ch 02

A note to the observant: Almost all city names are false, they were taken from a variety of fantasy sources. All characters are based on real people, so it is no coincidence that they are the strongest part of the story. Names, and sometimes personality and personal history, have been modified to protect the innocent. The events of this story, however, are complete fiction. Quote Attribution: the line of song Heather sings is from Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi. Used without permission. ...

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she put my hand down her top and placed it in her bra i played with one her tits she un did my zipper and pulled my nob out of my boxers and started wanking me i was gettin harder with ever stroke mmmm oh yeah she placed it in her mouth and started sucking .. her friends shouted across bus r u enjoying the cock haha she shouted back yeh it tastes nice u wanna go ...she sucked me harder i took my hand off her tit and grabbed her by her hair and pushed her down on my throbbing cock with spit off...

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Birth of a Spanko

Hi, my name’s Tim. I’m going to tell you the story of how I became interested in spanking. It was the summer between my Sophomore and Junior year in college. My girlfriend Donna and I had been going steady for about a year. Donna lived with her father, but he worked a lot, according to her. We were, well, we were teenagers with raging hormones and we went after each other every chance we could. Donna wasn’t on the pill, so we used condoms – both of us were horny, but we weren’t stupid. One...

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Extra lessons from a woman

It was just under two and a half years before l finished my education to joined the big wide world as far as l was concerned there was nothing else anyone could teach me, but l was wrong very wrong. I was part of a small group who needed extra English lessons and as you read my story, you’ll see l didn’t pay much attention. I never took much notice, but the teacher Mrs Renauld’s would run her fingers through my hair as she passed me while l was sat at my desk and often tell me l had soft...

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  “Cameron…” I felt it more than I heard it, my name a chill whisper in the dark that raced up my spine. I sat up, heart hammering in my throat. The sound, or whatever it was, had woken me from a deep middle of the night sleep. I looked around my room, wondering if one of my drunk frat brothers had somehow wandered in. All I saw was darkness and silence. No movement. Nothing. The room was empty except for me. Of course it was. I felt like a total idiot. No more watching Paranormal State after...

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Fucking the Sisssssssss0

[A brotherly..Sisterly Joy Time] By: W. A. Chohan "Anybody home?!" Mark shouted into the quiet house. He let the front door close behind him as he dropped his backpack next to his suitcase. "Hello?" "Mark?" The voice came from behind him was a woman's and was at the same time strange and familiar. Turning around, Mark saw a blonde blur before he was almost bowled over by a person about a head shorter than he was. He felt slim but strong arms wrap around his chest and...

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My Jiju My Man 8211 Part II

” Hey, Jiju, I have something to cheer u up” “what?” he asked..” hang on..”I went into my room and pulled out my CDs of porn.. I hadn’t watched them in a long time, but now these CDs could get me the man I lusted so much. I came back with the CDs and put one in the player when the screen came on, Jiju saw and laughed – ” bachoon ke khelone”” no no jiju…its good…aap dekho toh sahi…group hai…3 guys fucking one”” chal lage rehne de… but do me a favor..fry some more tastings.. i think there r some...

Gay Male
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The Angels Take America part 2

"Well- well you look amazing," Nikki giggled, composing herself as she and her friend exchanged a warm, friendly hug. "When did you get here? I didn't think I was going to see you until Thanksgiving?" "Did you really think we were going to miss this?" Alexa asked. "The closest Angel launch event to Minnesota, AND it's Jamie? Of course we're going to be here!" "Well I am seriously glad you are!" Nikki giggled, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Ugh, my mascara's probably wreck- wait,...

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First time with a man

This as all my stories is a true story about the first time I got with a man I was 18 and living with parents, they had gone away for a week so had the place to myself, I had a girlfriend at the time but she was in uni and too far away too get back, one night I was horny as hell, I needed to get some action I started talking to a few girls over Facebook to see if I could get someone too come over but no luck, I was getting more and more horny so thought fuck it put some porn and started to...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Natasha Nice Second Appearance

It’s all about numbers, as we all know. Well, Natasha Nice sure knows. She’s swiping right and swiping left and wondering, “can a porn start ever have a boyfriend who isn’t in front of a camera?” Natasha is hanging with five of her “industry” friends, and they all wonder the same thing: can a porn star have a “normal” relationship? After a lot of internet dating sites and some dates, none of them are sure. Since it’s all about numbers,...

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The Wifes Cumming Out Party

Coming into the party, I didn’t pay you too much attention. You were a bit late anyway, and I was already occupied with Cher, a favourite of mine. We were soon to make our way to the play room, wall to wall with mattresses on the floor. But I did notice how shy you looked, and how modestly you were dressed. At a gathering where most people’s sole purpose was to get fucked, hopefully by someone new, most girls dressed a bit on the slutty side. You wore a loose peasant blouse under corduroy bib...

1 year ago
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sabrina day one

I awoke slowly and flinched as I reached for my neck, expecting to find the collar. It was not there and I opened my eyes to see my room. Naked on the bed, I at first thought I had a very vivid dream but then as my mind cleared, I vaguely remembered Marsha unlocking me and helping me down the hall to my room. It had hurt even to walk, my muscles were screaming in response to the constant strain they had been under for however long she had me tied. I remember sitting on my bed as Marsha got me...

2 years ago
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Wife Tales Curious Wife 2

A few days passed since I gave the webcam blowjob for Stephen. During that time, we had talked about it a couple of times and we always agreed how arousing it had been. I was thinking of how to talk Michael into doing that for real. I think he wanted the same thing. But who would be the first to bring that up was the question. Although I knew he was incredibly aroused by the thought of me giving another man a blowjob, I didn’t know if he would feel the same if it actually happened. “Do you want...


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