Honey, That's Not Me In My Body. Part 2 - The Missing Episode Disney Censors Couldn't Approve Of, And Will Never, Ever, Broadcast. free porn video

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Honey, That's Not Me In My Body! Part 2 - The Missing Episode Disney Censors Couldn't Approve Of, And Will Never, Ever, Broadcast. by the Television - TG Writing Team Supreme... Eric, & Caleb Jones (For those who missed it, Part 1 will be rerun in syndication soon... and all essential information from it is recalled and reflected in the 1st part of this story) It should be noted that the release of this fiction is NOT authorized by the Disney Corporation but they still retain all legal rights to the characters, titles, background story and anything else they feel like. The authors offer this story to the internet without expectations of payment, for free. Anyone who copies or opts to repost this story anywhere should also make no profit from doing so, or risk the wrath of the unstoppable Disney corporate lawyers. Part 2 ACT 1 Honey, I Swapped Everyone's Minds... Bianca was feeling extremely well pleased with herself! This was hardly an unusual state, she was of course brilliant, but today was her finest hour. Mr. Jennings himself was coming to her body switching demo. She had stolen Wayne Szalinski's invention as neatly as her cat could lick its fur! Bianca had earlier believed she would have to exchange her beautiful sexy body with Wayne's stodgy male corpus to get at the plans and designs, but luck had been with her! Wayne had ended up switching bodies with his dog! So she had taken advantage and used the dimwitted dog in Wayne's body to open the safe with the retina and fingerprint security sensor scans. She laughed out loud! No security in the world could counter the actual body being present at the event in question. She was going to be richer than Bill Gates with this invention! Hell, She could BE Bill Gates if she wanted to! Wayne was now at the pond in his dog's body, and Diane, his wife, had swapped bodies with Bianca's cat Perstephene! And dear Perstephene had utilized her cat wiles and her new body's instincts to fool the whole Szalinski household into thinking she was Diane. She had even learned to talk by watching TV. "Will I ever swap them back into their own bodies" she asked rhetorically? She laughed heartily. "Sure I will - when pigs fly!" The aged millionairess had been only too eager to agree to swap bodies - even for a few hours - with the beautiful blond and young model and had paid a hefty fee for the unique opportunity. Mr. Jennings, the CEO, had loved her idea of selling young bodies to the old for truckloads of cash! There were plenty of desperate young people who will do anything for money, even give up their very youth! What had Jennings called it? - something like 'Morally reprehensible, but fiscally quite sound! Which of course was the important thing. This was it! Her date with destiny - a senior VP with stock options, maybe even the company itself. Talk about heaven on earth. "Stop!" a voice called out - it was the Szalinski brats! They grabbed the helmets. Bianca and Mr. Jennings grabbed the devices as well. All hell broke lose! The system overloaded and sparks of energy flooded the room. Wayne was first one to awaken and he looked around and down at his own body. Thank god he was himself again! Being a dog was... well... for the dogs! "It's good to be me again!" he cried and kissed his wife Diane! She seemed surprised, but quickly kissed him back passionately. Quark barked, apparently upset with Diane and Wayne. "Thanks, Szalinski, it was rather surprising but I seem to have quite enjoyed that!" said 'Diane'. "Diane?" asked Wayne. His wife didn't talk that way, even if the voice was hers. "No, It's me, Jennings, your boss, here in your wife's quite lovely body. I must say, this is very interesting." He looked down at a large bosom. "And the view is spectacular!" Embarrassed, Wayne asked "Where's everybody at?" Amy's body spoke, pushing back glasses that weren't there. "I'm here dad, I'm Nick!" said the apparent 16 year old girl. "Don't you do anything disgusting with my body, you jerk!" cried 'Jennings' middle aged body with a girlish whine. Nick stuck a finger up his nose, while his sister screamed in fury. "Diane?" Diane, inside Quark, barked, displeased with the lateral move. They looked at Bianca holding her cat. "I'm fine" she said. "I guess since you were in the center of t he displacement the energy waves acted like A hurricane and you were in the eye and were not effected. "I'm sure you're right" said the attractive young black woman, stroking her meowing cat, apparently shaken from the shock of returning to her own body after a day as Diane. "I will switch every one back. Now, let's see. If I switch Mr. Jennings with Quark..." Jennings spoke up from Diane's body. "No way are you switching me into a dog, Szalinski, besides I want to go last to make sure the damn thing's safe." So Wayne switched Amy in Jennings body with Quark inside her brother's body. "Yuck!" she said examining the eleven year old immature boy's body she now wore. "You've really gone up in the world being me and a boy, Amy" said Nick with Amy's best sneering tones. "Well I would rather be dead in a ditch than be you!" she cried. "These glasses are gross and boys are so disgusting! At least it's a better body than that one!" She pointed at Mr. Jennings body and turned to the original occupant now inside her mother's svelte form. "Ummm, no offense meant, Mr. J.!" "None taken, young man... er... lady. I am beginning to see your point. Nick tossed some long red hair from in front of his face and tried to push up glasses along the bridge of his nose out of habit that weren't there any more. "Oh, yeah If you think boys are so disgusting, then why are you always mooning over Bill and Tom and George?" "I resent that!" "You resemble that you mean!" "I resemble YOU! But I meant you're the only boy I find disgusting, you little twerp!" "Oh yeah? Well, Look in the mirror! You're the twerp now, Amy. But since you find me so disgusting, as long as I'm you, I'm going to break up with all your boyfriends!" "Kids settle down!" cried Wayne, distracted. Diane in Quark barked and Jennings said, "Yes! Quiet it down you two, you're upsetting your mother with your fighting!" It was hard to believe that the beautiful woman was really Jennings, CEO of Jen-Tech, and the dog was now their mother. "Quark - I mean Diane - you're next" said Wayne. Diane was so relieved, her tale wagged uncontrollably with happiness! Getting out of Quark's body would be great! Even Jennings body would be a welcome respite from the two days she had spent first as a cat, watching a cat in her own body flirt with Wayne and now inside a flea ridden dog. Quark definitely needed a flea bath once she got her own body back! After the swap between the minds inside of the dog and boss, Wayne looked with horror as the over-worked machine started making protesting sounds and shooting off sparks! Then, to the horror of all, there was a small explosion! The Machine shorted out big time with smoke and flame and the helmets sizzled and started to burn. "Just great!" said Jennings and Diane together. Jennings found himself crying unexpectedly along with Nick in Amy's body. "Don't worry everyone, I can fix it in a few hours - a week at the outside." Wayne said comfortingly. Bianca just smiled while everyone else was talking at once. The door opened and some stern looking men came in, flashing badges. "There you are, Jennings! You are under arrest for 5 counts of income tax evasion as well as violating 25 EPA laws! You have the right to remain silent... " the voice droned on in a monotone. Diane in Jennings body was stunned as they put handcuffs on her. The former Jennings leaned over and whispered to Wayne - "Don't worry - we'll get her out, but not a word - they would keep you from working on your invention - it would be seized, too. Besides - if you say anything - you're fired and your family will starve!" "Wayne, tell them who I am!" said a desperate Diane being dragged roughly out. Wayne shifted his feet. He knew what he had to do. It was for the best, as they wouldn't believe them anyway, but it hurt just the same to say it. "Why, you're my boss, Mr. Jennings. Don't worry, we'll post bail for you... sir!" Mr. Jennings used Diane's mouth to smile triumphantly at his usual body. While his former mouth dropped about a foot. "Bianca!" cried a desperate Diane Szalinski from within the body of Jennings. "Tell them what happened - tell them!" "Tell them what, MR. JENNINGS?!" "Nooooo!" The rest of them were ushered out. "You can come back, after we search the place for further violations of the EPA and hidden tax records." Jennings went out with a big smile on Diane's face, he was chuckling inside. Diane was going to jail instead of him! The luck of the Jennings genes had not failed him even if he no longer had those genes! Too bad he was Diane, a female, but looking in the mirror he decided he was one hot babe! He looked at Wayne, he never realized before how cute his employee was. Diane was led to jail vowing revenge. "How could Wayne do this to her! She was his wife. Maybe right now she wasn't - Jennings in her beautiful body was, but that was merely a legal technicality! That brought Diane up short - she had lived by legal technicalities all her career as a first rate lawyer. Naturally, she refused to talk or answer any questions to the officials and asked for her attorney - Mrs. Diane Szalinski. Maybe she could find out what was going down from Wayne's boss, also if anyone should earn a fat free from this mess it should be me, she thought! Nick in Amy's taller body pushed his now smaller, weaker sister and slammed her into the side of the family van. Amy's new glasses went flying and she had to grope for them on the floor of the van. She started whining. "Dad, Nick pushed me." Wayne ignored the kids. " I hope I can fix the machine soon. Poor Mr. Jennings - I mean Diane, is in jail! We have to get her out of there." Jennings touched 'her' husband's hand comfortingly. "Don't worry dear, I'm sure you will be able to fix everything!" Wayne nodded, he was so used to being comforted and being called dear by the pretty feminine body in the seat next to him, he forgot for a moment who was inside it! Jennings, with a quick flash of feminine intuition noticed it. The car phone rang. "Hello?" said the current Diane. "Mrs. Szalinski?" asked an official voice. "I seem to be her for now. What do you want?" "As his attorney, Mr. Jennings has asked you to come down to the police station." The bogus Diane grinned. It was funny. but his mind felt more agile, more alert. There was a way to turn this weird exchange to his advantage and visiting Diane might give him an idea on how to work this advantage. Jennings agreed to go to the station and hung up. The lovely Bianca approached her car in the parking lot. "Here goes nothing, Momma" she said to the angry cat. Bianca inside the cat was trying to say "Give me back my body!" but all that came out was a series of annoying "Meow's" "Behave yourself, 'Perstephene'! Or else! I'm the Momma now and you're the cat!' said the new Bianca with a grin. "I'm so smart - I fooled them all! And I ain't ever going back!" She had never driven a car before, but how hard could it be? She remembered watching the former Bianca backing up, and did what she did. She smashed into Jennings favorite Rolls! "OOPS!" She gunned it forward and crashed into a new VW bug. "This is kinda fun! It's better than a ball of twine!" The new cat covered its eyes with her paws. With lurches and jolts, Bianca's car finally got out of the parking lot. With only twenty hair breadth escapes later and two trucks and three cars in a ditch the new Bianca approached her home. The last two miles were fine, she had gotten the hang of it quickly, she thought proudly. The new Perstephene had fainted in the front seat. The now human woman with the mind of a cat looked with satisfaction inside the Condo. Home looked a lot different from so high up. "I had plenty of practice being Diane, so now nobody will suspect a thing! It's much nice being the owner instead of the cat!" She was hungry. She opened up some primo Tuna but then she frowned. "I got to lay off eating Tuna - I don't think people eat Tuna out of a can - that's what Amy told me anyway. Carelessly, she tossed 'her pet' onto the floor. Bianca the cat almost didn't land on her feet but the instincts of her new cat body saved her. She watched as her real body placed the can of tuna on the floor. The former Bianca turned up a haughty nose it and the new 'Bianca' laughed. "Suit yourself, sweetie! It's either that or starving." The doorbell rang. When 'Bianca' opened it she found herself being kissed by her Momma's boyfriend - no her boyfriend. Boy did that ever feel better than when he had petted her as a cat! She felt good and she purred. He was so handsome and sexy for a human! They heard an annoyed meow and ignored it. "Smoked salmon and champagne for you, my sexy little Bianca!" "Smoked Salmon?" she asked drooling. This was paradise! She looked him over and her new body got hot. Unlike when she had been in heat before as a cat, she had far more control over herself now. This human stuff was so much better! Champagne and salmon were a heavenly combination and 'Bianca' couldn't wait to satisfy her other appetites! Soon she dragged her very willing boyfriend towards the bedroom. The cat set up a hopeless wail, upsetting the humans in the bedroom. "Oh, Poor Perstephene, Momma will put you outside - maybe you can find a tom cat of your own like I have now! And who knows, you might even have a nice litter of kittens with him!" The wail grew louder and soon the now cat was scratching hopelessly at the door listening to the passionate giggles inside the condo. Suddenly her new instincts told her a male cat was nearby. Oh, no! And I think I am in heat!' she thought horrified. The next morning a bedraggled and battered cat was let back in by the beautiful women in a sexy negligee she used to wear. The former Bianca would like to scratch her eyes out, but she was too big! Then she had to watch as her former boyfriend got down on his knees. "Bianca, you were a real wild cat in bed last night! Please forget your ambitions to be a Vice President at your company and marry me! I have plenty of money to pamper you! You will never have to work again!" This sounded awfully good to the new 'Bianca' who had the most wonderful time of her life last night with champagne, smoked salmon and human sex - so much better than cat sex! She kissed him and answered "YES!" Bianca walked over to her cat and picked her up, pulling vegetation from her matted fur. "Don't worry Perstephene! I will always be your Momma - and now our boyfriend Kit will be your daddy!" The cat wailed. ACT 2 Honey, Only Your Lawyer Knows For Sure! Jennings, as well as being a liar and a cheat, used to be a greedy guts lawyer, but once he found out you could make more money as a corporate CEO he dumped the life of a lawyer and took over the family business faster than his family could say "Yes, Sir!". As the latest occupant of the body know as Diane Szalinski, his former training finally got put to use. Feeling smug, and rather sexy in Diane's best tailored suit, he stood before a magistrate with a resentful Diane trapped in his real body and a red jail outfit that screamed guilty to whoever looked at the balding man Diane had become as she stood beside her former self. "I contend the Federal government is being unfair refusing bail to my client, your Honor. He is a respected leader of the community as well as the largest company in the state, and with a twenty-two million dollar plant in this city put up as collateral for the bail money, he is hardly likely to flee the country!" "Your point is well taken, Ms. Szalinski. But I do not have the final authority in this matter. I will recommend to the Federal Court that bail be granted at 500,000 dollars. In the meantime, I am afraid that your client will have to spend the night or two in jail." Diane groaned. Stuck in a cell again with smelly degenerate men was hardly something to look forward to! It was so unfair! The real Jennings was safe in her lovely body and would go home to Wayne and the kids! Life can really suck - especially if you are married to a crazy inventor! Right now she felt like strangling Wayne! 'Diane' moved that Mr. Jennings be given a private cell and that was granted. "Thanks, Mrs. S!" said the real Diane with a relieved mixture of gratitude and irony. ?She? smiled brightly, a beautiful sexy blond about 35. "Thank you Mr. Jennings." The real Diane felt cheated not only was she in jail for something Jennings had done, but Jennings was also about fifteen years older and really shifty looking. And if she had to be stuck in the body of a man, did it have to be one so out of shape? Her stomach had been smaller when she gave birth to her children! Looking in the mirror behind the Judge at a face she and Wayne had long ago learned to distrust, Diane no longer trusted herself! Inside Diane?s lovely body, the less than lovely Mr. Jennings was chuckling as ?she? saw the 'reprehensible Mr. Jennings? being taken away. Better the real Diane go to a jail cell instead of him! Inside the Szalinski household, Amy and Nick were arguing with each other. Their dad automatically tuned them out. He was wondering how to fix the Szalinski Neuron Nudger (Pat. Pending). "Forget it, Amy! I am not going out on any date with a boy!" said Nick. "I'm not even ready to date a girl, yet! I'm only eleven years old!" Amy whined with her brother?s voice. "But Nick you?ve got to! It?s taken me months to get the cutest boy in school to ask me out, if you blow Steve off I will never another date!" Nick looked at his sister in his former body. Man, have I ever looked that desperate, he thought? He crossed his arms defiantly and felt soft breasts against his arms and hands. Looking down, he remembered he was now sixteen years old and a girl. If he had to be one for a while, he might as well take this opportunity to explore dating before he had to do it for real in his own body. It would be like a science course in dating and he would be the experiment! He could learn something from watching the way Amy's boyfriend acted around her on the date, and the best seat in the house to watch him was to be IN her seat. Well, he would do it. "OK, but you have to do my chores for a month and when we switch back you have to stop bullying me for the rest of our lives! And no teasing me EVER about being a girl!" "You blackmailing little weasel!" "Flattery will get you no where! Well?" Nick really had her by the balls, Amy thought. He was exploiting this just like a female! She stared up into the beautiful face she had been so cruelly deprived of by fate and her father's invention. "OK you disgusting brat! You?ve got a deal!" She was really worried 'would Nick act gross on the date like the little boy he really was and ruin things for her?' "But I only have to keep those promises if I get asked out again. I don?t want you either accidentally, OR deliberately, ruining my chances with Steven while you are out with him! You'll have to act just like the nice young lady you look like!" Nick shivered at the thought of acting like a lady. How the heck does a boy do that? "OK!" he said reluctantly. "I'll be the 'perfect' you." Only seconds before Amy had made her demand, Nick had realized he could really make his sister look like a real dweeb with this guy she wanted so bad! Now his "date" would be no fun at all! At least he still had the science of dating to explore! He looked out of Amy?s pretty eyes at his former body. Amy wasn?t as much an idiot as he had thought. Maybe having to use his brain was making her smarter? If that were so, his father had better get them swapped back as soon as possible! He didn't want to wind up losing his hard-earned intelligence! Amy sighed with relief. Nick, for all his numberless faults had always been a person of his word. It was one of his more annoying traits! She fully intended to blow off their deal off when they got back - especially the part about not bullying Nick. What are younger brothers for if not for bullying? "OK, 'Amy'! Lets get you dressed up, and ready to impress the hell out of him so he'll ask me out again when I'm back to being me again!" Soon ?Amy?s? voice came whining from up the stairs. "Do I really have to wear a mini dress!" "Yes!" said his sister implacably. "You're lucky I don't make you shave my legs! Now let's get you made-up!" She was enjoying every bit of his agony. It was about time he learned how hard it was being a girl. 'He always thinks he's better than me because he got the brains from daddy instead of me! Now he can deal with having the beauty from mom for a while.' Nick stood in front of the mirror and groaned. He was still shocked to see the reflection of a pretty teenage girl getting ready for a date in the mirror. Her lovely dark blond hair fell in waves around a cute round face with too much make-up, especially the blood red lips. He could feel the confining bra which lifted and shaped his new breasts rather attractively. He didn't mind the panties she had made him change into but the pantyhose was to much. It was bad enough he no longer had the Szalinski 'Family Jewels', but with the skirt on he felt like everyone would be looking up his crotch and laughing at his loss. His firm, young, feminine figure was confined in a tight silk blouse and mini skirt and two inches heels were on his feet. His hair fell around his face in a mass of pretty curls. "If any of my friends see me like this, I will be ruined!" Amy grinned with Nick?s lips. "Get real, Nick! They will just think you are your lovable, charming, sexy, and beautiful sister Amy." Amy was right. It was the perfect disguise! No one would ever know they were really looking at Nick Szalinski. To the world, he WAS Amy now! The almost irresistible desire to get Amy into trouble rose up temptingly in him, but Nick fought back the impulse. That could work both ways! What if she made him look like a sissy to his friends or went undressed or something to school? A shudder shook the lovely body Nick now found himself in possession of. He had better stay with the agreement that neither mess up the other's life! It would be an interesting experiment tonight, thought the budding young male scientist hidden within the high school girl he faced in the mirror. 'What is it like to be a girl especially a girl out on a date? What if Steve wants to kiss me or... more!' He flushed. "Well, I will just say no!" Amy sighed as she looked at how beautiful her brother was inside he wonderful skin. "I am so beautiful!" "If you do say so yourself!" said Nick sarcastically, but strangely finding the idea of being considered beautiful just a little bit pleasant. The doorbell rang. Nick?s feminine heart was thundering inside Amy?s breast. Her hands felt clammy! The real Amy went to the door and it broke her heart to have Steve talk to her as if she were some little kid instead of the girl of his dreams. But for now, she was nobody's 'girl'. To everyone outside of her family, she was little Nick, and Steve would believe Nick was really her. It wasn't fair! She worked so hard to get him to ask her out and now Nick of all people would have all the fun instead of her. "Hello, nerd-boy, is your beautiful sister ready?" "Yes" Amy stammered. God, this was just too weird. "Amy, your date?s here!" "OK!" answered Nick. With a fixed but fake smile on his made -up face, Nick started down the stairs. At the sight of Amy?s obvious agony, the smile became genuine. 'Say,' Nick noticed as he looked at Steve through new eyes, 'I never really thought about it before but Steve is kinda... I don't know... cute?' ACT 3 Honey, Your Son Has A Date With A Hunk... Amy was in Nick?s room pouting when ?Diane? used the keys in her purse to enter the house. An irresistible impulse came over Jennings. His usually befuddled mind had come up with an idea to take advantage of his new situation. "Honey, I'm home, and look! -- I got my own body back!" Jennings knew the Szalinski family routine pretty well. As a security precaution, he had his employees? houses bugged - especially the bedrooms. It was a routine business precaution. Wayne came up to her, tripping over a foot stool and had to be caught by his wife?s arms. "Diane is that really you in there?" "Yes, dear. Suddenly I found myself back in my old body instead of the cell the police had imprisoned me in. In my case the transfer must have worn off, or been incomplete. " "Really? I find that hard to believe! There was no physical connection with the Nudger. But then, we still know so little about the way the human mind works..." Wayne began to jot down some ideas on how the reversal might be possible. Jennings had always been a person who enjoyed taking advantage of people - and also a person who liked sex - when he could get it. In Diane?s appropriated body he had realized he now found Wayne very attractive and still remembered that kiss. It had been a stressful day and a roll in the hay would be great! Well, he assumed it would be! From the sounds Mrs. S made on the spy tapes she sure seemed to enjoy it! Besides, Jennings thought, I love fucking with people - and what a great new way to do it! "Of course, dear!" Jennings said seductively. "Would that horrible old fart Mr. Jennings (that was what Diane often called him on the spy tapes) do something like this?" The apparent Diane Szalinski pressed her sexy body up against Wayne's and ?she? kissed? him and Wayne found himself responding in a way he would never respond to Mr. Jennings. 'Diane' wiggled herself sensuously up against him and Wayne grew firmer in his conviction that his wife was truly home again! Using the expressions that Jennings had overheard on the spy tapes, the apparent Diane said, "Darling, I missed you! After being trapped in that dreadful cat?s body and then imprisoned inside Jennings AND jail, I need you, cuddlecomes!" Inside the beautiful woman, Jennings was snickering at the terms these people used, as well at his own cleverness in fooling Wayne with Diane's own words! Who knows, pretending to be Diane may get him more benefits than just having sex for the first time in years, as another plan began to form inside the devious Jennings mind. But for now, with the power this sexy body held over a willing Wayne, Jennings led him up to his bedroom and undressed seductively! Wayne, not thinking with his brain anymore, rushed to take off his clothes. Jennings giggled with delight at the sight! She had bedded worse looking sex partners in her day. Her new body seemed pleased by the sight, and that was what counted. Besides, now she had Wayne Szalinski right where she wanted all her employees - by the balls! Afterwards, Wayne fell asleep in his wife's arms. 'Just like a man!' thought Jennings as he quickly adapted to the sexuality of his new feminine body! The new Diane lay back and savored the sexual afterglow. That had been great! Really great! But a man? Jennings knew he - no - SHE could get used to this. It was far better than sex had been in his old body! She never wanted to change back again! The old Diane Szalinski had to go away, and she began to work out the details of her latest scheme... ACT 4 -- Sonny, It's Not Love, It's Hormones! Earlier that Evening... Nick felt rather strange being with Steven. He wasn't used to having makeup all over his face and his dress was tight in the weirdest places. At least they seemed weird to Nick! Amy would have felt normal if she were still in her former body. But Nick had never had breasts before and wearing a bra was still a very unfamiliar feeling. And he had certainly never worn a dress before, especially one that clung to his newly curvy body. In fact, for Nick, just being out on a date was strange enough, especially a date with another guy! After all, it wasn't every day an eleven year old boy goes out with his sister's boyfriend while trapped inside his sister's almost seventeen year old body! Nick grinned with Amy's full and painted lips. Amy sure was in agony over me being on this date instead of her! It sure serves her right for being such a bitch to me lately. So far, Nick's first ever date was going great, even if it was with another boy! It actually felt kind of nice to be with Stephen. The guy was so attentive, and made Nick feel special. So special that he didn't even mind when Steve held his hand and placed the other one on his leg! It made his nylon covered limb all tingly! Steve was having a great time. Who would have thought Amy would know so much about sports, or that she would relate to his desire to be a scientist like Amy's father. Before, she had just made faces when he told her about his love of science. Now Amy just seemed to understand him better than any girl he ever met! And, of course, she was so beautiful...! Nick noticed that pizza and a coke tasted better in Amy's body, especially without his sinus condition, but he wasn't quite as hungry as he would have been in his other body. When they got back into the car, Amy's boyfriend pulled him close to him and it felt strangely good to hold hands and snuggle close to Steve. Dinner had been a lot of fun! Steve was also a big sports fan and they had many favorite players in common. When dinner ended, Nick started to get the money Amy had told him to use to pay for half of the dinner, but Steve insisted on paying for it all. Nick knew a good deal when he saw it and pocketed the money for himself! His sister would never be the wiser! Steve had been keeping track of their dates. He's spent almost a hundred dollars on Amy so far and had barely reached first base. This had been the first time Amy let him pay for a meal. He must be getting to her finally! So naturally, he figured it was a good time to take her someplace private and make out! Steve parked the car on a dirt road overlooking nearby hills. It turned out to be 'Lover's Make-out Point'. Amy would have known that but Nick, being only eleven inside the sixteen year old body he wore, had never had an interest in making out... at least not until now! The place Steve parked looked pretty, even at night! Steve moved closer to Nick and he felt his new body getting strangely excited in places he had never possessed before. He was getting a bit nervous. He was too young to have liked girls but now he found himself really liking a guy, Steve! This should feel all wrong, but he realized he was enjoying the feeling of the warm manly body rapidly closing in on him. Nick turned to ask his date to take him home, but suddenly he felt himself being kissed for the first time in his life! WOW! It was nothing like when his mom kissed him on his forehead. No, this was something else entirely! His whole body suddenly felt alive! He knew this was a real, grown up kiss between a man and a woman! But wasn't he supposed to be the man when this happened? Confused, he just savored the new experience! Powerful female hormones raced through Nick's presently teenaged body and overwhelmed his fragile young male psyche. Instead of responding to the signals his male body should be sending him, he gave in to the unfamiliar but wonderfully strong feminine signals his new body kept thrilling him with, from his lips through his new sensitive breasts and hips, right down to his painted toes! His confused male mind defensively surrendered and he began thinking of himself as the girl, no, the young woman his... her body insisted Nick now was. She giggled reflexively and kissed Steve back. Soon she was crawling all over him, his hard body feeling so nice pressed against her soft flesh! The touch of his hands on her sensitive new breasts felt fantastic! Nick thought, 'Gosh, I didn't know being a girl would be so exciting! I'm not sure if I WANT to change back to my boy body anymore... This girl stuff is so cool! I never felt anything like this as a boy...' Nick found herself giggling like a school girl as she took off her blouse and Steve squeaked out a 'WOW' at the site of the well-filled brassiere thrusting out at him. Amy was a beautiful young woman, but the first thing Steve had noticed about her was her well blessed bosom, and now here they were waiting for his touch, clad only in a flimsy bra. Steve had no idea that Amy was such a hot make-out chick! Her rep had been just the opposite. But she was wild! A hot, wild, out of control girl. And after only a few dates! He was a little frightened. But not too frightened to take advantage of his fortune and he began playing with her wonderful breasts while she moaned with increasing pleasure. Nick felt very alive, gasping for air, a strangely wet feeling down below in her groin near where her dick used to dangle. A thousand different feelings raced through Nick's new body and she suddenly just knew what her new body wanted more than anything else in the world right now! Somehow, she wanted the boy in her arms inside her with a sweet aching, even though she wasn't quite sure how Steve would actually get inside her! Nick's school refused to teach students 'Sex-Ed until the students were fourteen. She just hoped Steve knew what to do. Nick had lost all control over Amy's body, having no experience handling her strange new feminine feelings and the unusual hormonal reactions of an adolescent girl in the arms of a handsome boyfriend! Steve was a little clumsy and inexperienced though and Nick frowned. She had to take guidance control of Steve's suddenly freed manhood. Her new body's instincts helped her get a firm grip on her boyfriend. She marveled at the size of his manliness! It was much larger then the tiny little one she remembered having just a day ago! Nature took control and she guided him into the right place after a few failed attempts to breech her feminine core. Swiftly, the boy was inside of her where he belonged! It hurt for a minute and she almost stopped, but her reviving excitement grew until a wonderful climax, and then another! Finally, Steve exploded within her body. Nick giggled with joy! Amy would be so furious. I got laid by Steve first instead of her! Steve had a very silly looking grin on his face as he took Amy back to her place. He was in love! Amy was so sexy and filled with curves, and she also knew how to talk to boys - no silly banter about clothes and makeup or bitching about other girls at school. She knew about sports and cars and they both just related so well. Most girls are clueless about what interests boys and what turns them off! But Amy hadn't been like that all during dinner! She really understood what a boy likes to talk about! The real and very jealous Amy inside her little brother's body yawned as she spied on the two teens as they approached the door. With the horrible glasses Amy now needed to see, she watched the two of them, her boyfriend and her body, as they stopped by the front door. OH MY GOD! They were making out hot and heavy right in front of the door! And her blouse was buttoned up wrong! Steve had felt up Nick's boobs! How could Nick let that happen? They didn't belong to him! He was just supposed to be nice to her boyfriend, not let him get into her most private areas! She prayed kissing and touching her breasts was all Nick had let happen on the date! What kind of boy was he anyway to let another guy touch him like that? Amy flipped on the porch light and they sprang apart guilty. "Amy you were wonderful! How about another date Saturday night!?" "Sure! That would be great!" Nick could hardly wait. Her wonderful new tits tingled with anticipation! They kissed again and Steve left. Drifting on her cloud nine, a very pleased and deeply satisfied Nicky entered her house. Amy stared at her body furiously. Nick was a Mess! The makeup she had so carefully applied to her real face was all smudged and her clothes were disarrayed. The blouse wasn't tucked in or buttoned right! Nick made her look no better than a hooker! "You little slut! You've ruined me! You got my body laid! You used MY body and got it laid! You're so disgusting!" Nick blushed furiously. " No, I didn't get laid!" Nick was a convincing liar. And why not! He had learned from the best, Amy! "I admit to kissing and stuff. But get real Amy, remember, I'm really a boy! I just look like you! Do you really think I could go all the way? Especially on a first date - with another guy?" Amy tried to calm down. "I guess not, but if I find out you've lied to me, I'll kick your ass!" Nick grinned at Amy and looked behind herself at her new, well padded rear end. She placed her hands on her hips in a very feminine style. It felt natural now that her hips were so much wider than before. "The way I'm built now, I doubt that would hurt very much, but you forgot, you're just little Nick now, Amy! You're my little dweeb of a brother now! You can't kick anybody's ass now, least of all me!" Nick did her best imitation of Amy's own sibling insults. And then she used her larger, stronger body to shove Amy all the way across the hall. "Be more respectful of your elder sister! Isn't that you always told me, twerp?" There was just a hint of menace in her voice. Amy was so mad she couldn't speak. She sputtered uselessly in her brother's short little body. Nick laughed. "I'll see you in the morning, 'bro'." Then Nick danced upstairs to Amy's room and a good nights sleep, leaving the real Amy filled with savage thoughts of revenge! That morning, Jennings woke up feeling extraordinarily happy. She had never felt so good, so satisfied, so... loved! She had never been loved in her previous body. For some reason that feeling was more important to Jennings now than it had been in her male body. She savored it. Jennings grinned with triumphant at the sleeping figure of Wayne on the other side of the bed. Such a gullible man! He really thinks I am Diane! Jennings felt very smug. "I am so damn clever I could sell ice to Eskimos! Now to do the 'motherly' thing and take care of breakfast. Well, its Saturday, and I seem to remember from the tapes that the Szalinski's often go out to breakfast on the weekends. That's good because I don't want to cook for those two brats - all they are good for is whining and fighting. Oddly enough, Jennings realized she wouldn't mind at all cooking for Wayne, but in her old body, she had never learned how! Jennings sat down in the bathroom and pissed, then she relieved Diane's bowels. It was still a little different feeling than she was used to as a man, but what a pleasure not to have her old hemorrhoids to worry about anymore. She soaped up and showered her delightful new body. Man, did it ever feel good as the water cascaded off lovely female curves rather than his old potbellied body. She washed her hair twice, happy to have so much hair after years of a rapidly balding forehead. She glanced in the mirror and smiled at the beautiful female face reflected back. 'What pretty teeth! And their all mine!' She put a light coat of lipstick on her sensuous mouth. 'I'm really one sexy babe now! No wonder Wayne is so attentive to me in bed! He's a lucky man to be in the same bed with someone as hot as I am now!' After a few false starts, Jennings got more make-up on Diane's cute face. Not a lot though, she had a lot to learn about getting it to look right, but she had mastered the basics. Now, what to wear? Finally she decided on an outfit. "I'll have to spruce up Diane's wardrobe a little... no, a lot!" Jennings said to himself. "I need sexier things to wear! She must not have been overly concerned with looking good. I guess, with this body, she looked good in almost anything." The bratty boy came clumping downstairs with a major-league scowl on his face. In contrast, the girl came down with a happy smile and glanced rather smugly at her brother. Now what were their names again...? Jennings tried to remember. Wayne came in and kissed his wife on the cheek. "Hi, honey, I'm off to the lab to work on getting the Szalinski Neuron Nudger back in shape." Jennings decided to jump in before anyone asked her to fix something to eat. "Wayne, dear, how about us all going to Uncle Bobs Pancake house for breakfast first. The odds are the Feds won't let you in the building yet anyway." The two kids brightened. "Yeah, come on dad - Pancakes!" they said together. Then Amy turned to Jennings hiding within the body of her mother. "Mr. Jennings, I didn't know you knew we all liked Uncle Bobs pancakes." "Oh no, the jig is up!" Jennings thought. "The girl has figured me out for an imposter!" But then Wayne gave off his usual absent-minded laugh. "Forgot to tell you kids, but your mother and Mr. Jennings swapped back their minds on their own. It seems the Neuron Nudger mind swaps are not always permanent. It didn't stick this time for them." "Why couldn't Nick and I swap back like that? I could have gone out with Steve instead of... IT taking my place!" whined Amy, her voice cracking, shooting glances that could kill at Nick in Amy's beautiful former body. Nick just grinned back. "I'm just lucky, I guess. Just like you! You still have the glorious privilege of being me." "Some privilege! I am a short, male, ugly, immature dorky twerp!" "You said it, not me!" Nick said, smiling with glee. Amy made it so easy to tease her, it was impossible to resist! Jennings silently thought to himself, but was careful not to say out loud, "And those are your good points, brat!" Instead, he smiled like the real Diane Szalinski thanks to the face she now wore and said, in a true motherly fashion " Now kids, be nice to each other!" Wayne nodded vigorously. "Listen to your mother, kids!" They piled into the van. Amy looked over her real body critically. "MOM! Nick doesn't have any makeup on, and he dressed my body just terribly. Nothing matches!" The complaint was ignored by everyone. Jennings was pleasantly surprised to find his digestion was a lot better in this new body - no ulcer in his slim and trim new stomach! Later, she called and found out that it would be Monday before the presumed-to-be Mr. Jennings would be allowed out on bail. Also, Wayne checked with company security and found it would also be Monday before anybody could be allowed back into the lab. 'Diane' went in to examine the evidence against 'Jennings', which by law they had to show the defending attorney. Crossing Diane's lovely legs as she sat down, wearing her pantyhose and high heels, one of which dangled loosely from a lovely foot, Jennings read the evidence and whistled silently. 'Boy, it looks like they really have the goods on me this time! I doubt if I can get off with just paying back the taxes I owe and penalties! It will be jail time for sure.' Jennings sat back and tapped a pencil on her perfect teeth, thankful to have no more dentures to fix. The prosecuting attorney went by and smiled - Mrs. Szalinski always had that habit when she was worried about a case. And she didn't seem like her old self these past few days. She seemed distracted by something. Maybe he had a chance to win this one after all! Back at the Szalinski household, the new Amy had just dropped a bomb at the old Amy. She had another date with Steve again for tonight. The former Amy's anger lit up like a rocket! Which Nick thoroughly enjoyed! Amy tried to get their father to forbid it but Wayne was off in La La land again -as usual- trying to figure out the problems with the Neuron Nudger ( pat. Pending). He was truly puzzled - how did Diane and Jennings switch back without his Nudger? Briefly, Wayne toyed with the idea that it was still Jennings inside Diane's body and that his boss had lied to them, but he laughed at how silly that was! Jennings would never have sex with him or enjoyed it the way Diane did last night. Besides, he wouldn't have the private and personal knowledge needed to pretend to be Diane. The idea was utterly unscientific and ridiculous! There was no way Jennings could still be Diane. No way at all! But, if it were possible, it would explain so much... ACT 5 Honey, It's My Body Now! Jennings was wearing Diana's best professional smile as well as her lovely body. She stared across the table at her resentful client and former body. "I don't understand why you get to be free and in my sexy body, while I am stuck in your paunchy one and in jail for your crimes?" bitched the real Diana. 'The devil defends his own, Diane.' Jennings wanted to say as she shrugged her creamy shoulders, setting her full bosom into a gentle bounce. Instead, she told her former body to... "Blame it on your handsome husband and his crazy inventions. Something strange seems to happen to me whenever he invents something new, but this switch has to be the strangest effect yet!" Diana had to admit the justice of this statement. 'Damn Wayne anyhow! He was always causing problems, time traveling his whole family back to the stone age, shrinking them, and turning their house into a homicidal killing machine. Diana shuddered, remembering the many narrow escapes. The fake Diana smiled secretly and followed up her advantage. "You don't think I want to be stuck as you and as a woman for the rest of my life, for god's sake, do you?" "I guess not." Diana admitted though such a fate sounded wonderful to her after days in Jennings decrepit old body! Could Jennings really prefer this old body to her far more attractive one just because it was male? She would never understand men, even if she was one for now. "I guess we are both victims, Mr. Jennings." "Exactly! By the way - do your kids always fight all the time?" "I am afraid so. They have real sibling rivalry. Now I have two questions I want answered. How soon do I get out of here, and how's Wayne coming with fixing the invention?" "Your hearing is set for Monday, a federal judge is conveniently 'out of town' and the Feds are using this as a 'happy' excuse to search Gen - Tech and my house for incriminating evidence! Also, they won't allow Wayne back in to his workshops at the plant until Monday so he can't start fixing the Neuron Nudger(Pat. Pending) until then.." Diane seldom cursed but she didn't feel very ladylike these days. "Damn it to hell and back! Well, at least you got me a private room, and I appreciate you bribing the guards to send me in some real food - I never would have thought I would like Tripe Creole." The lovely blond head of her old body nodded in agreement. "It's my favorite meal. Don't worry - trust me! I want to get back to my comfy old body as much as you want this one back." Not a hint of deception showed on Jennings' beautiful face. That sounded reasonable to Diana. She sighed. "I am sure you are doing your best, Mr. Jennings. Promise me you'll take good care of my family - especially Wayne - he is so absent-minded and needs real looking after." Jennings smiled a strange little smile. "Very well, my dear." She remembered with pleasure how she had already 'taken care' of Wayne, her husband last night. Poor Diana sighed bitterly as she watched Jennings in her beautiful body walking gracefully out the door to freedom while being stuck in jail in his run down body. Life really sucks! Amy thought the same thing as she watched Nicky getting ready for a date with Steve. "It should be me!" Amy whined. "Breaks of the game, 'Nick'" answered Nicky with a wide grin. "I am not Nick! You are, you little date snatcher!" "Look in the mirror, brother dear, and tell me you're Amy. I'm the one with the boobs now! By the way, you are due at your science club in about ten minutes. You better hurry on over to Pete's house." "What? I am not going to your stupid science club! " "Yes, you are and you better behave - or else.' "Or else what, you dweeb?" Amy argued. Nick grinned with malicious satisfaction on Amy's former lips. "Like the way I can dress going to school Monday can change - maybe I'll wear really stupid clothes and won't wash my face or brush my teeth or comb my hair." Amy was chilled to the bone. Nick really had her by her new balls! "You win, you monster!" Nicky smiled with feminine satisfaction as Amy stormed out the door. It was great being the older sibling! She was the one in charge now. Speaking of great, Nicky got all excited about being with Steve tonight! Mom had even lent her really high heels for the occasion! A little practice and she was walking in them like she was a model! Steve was so glad to see Amy again and so flattered when her eyes lit up and she smiled at him. After her little brother reluctantly left the living room, the young couple left. Amy soon followed to go to Nick's Science club meeting. 'Diana' unbuttoned several more buttons on her blouse and smiled seductively at 'her' husband. "It seems we're quite alone tonight, Wayne. What shall we do?" Wayne smiled. "Well, I could always work on the Szalinski automatic Potato peeler (Pat. Pending)!" Jennings was furious. She had gone to a great deal of trouble - even buying a sexy new outfit and her husband was oblivious to the charms of this body she now possessed! Men! Well he's not getting away from me. She went and sat in his lap and stroked his face. "Darling, I need you now, cuddlecums." "I guess the Peeler can wait." Wayne said huskily as his sexy wife kissed him. "Yes, definitely, it can wait!" Wow! Diana was so sexy when she was in the mood for a little loving, he thought. The real Diana stared at the bars on his cell that night. 'I don't care what the poet said. Stone walls do a prison make and iron bars a cage." Much to Amy's surprise, and even a little envy, Amy really enjoyed himself with Nick's friends at their science club meeting. Amy realized that as he relaxed, Nick's brain took over and she was able to understand almost everything they talked about. It was humiliating to realize Nick was a genius and so much smarter than her. I guess I was just a boy crazed bimbo by comparison, Amy thought, as he easily solved a problem in advance Calculus for the design of the Space drive they were working on. Did that mean Nick was the bimbo now? The science club members were surprised by the sudden burst of laughter that came upon Nick. At a dance not far away, Nicky was having the time of her life. Dancing was so much fun and in Amy's body she sure could dance! Steve felt so good - so strong - in her arms. He seemed to really care for her, and not just because she had slept with him. He had even moved their next date up to the day after their first! At least it was their first date with Nicky as the new Amy! And tonight was so cool - all of Amy's cool friends thought she was Amy and treated her with respect instead of spitting on her and calling her a major geek dweeb of a nerd! Margie and Nicky giggled together in the lady's room about how much Steve liked her. Later, Steve snuck her back to his uncles house - who was on vacation, and they had wild and crazy sex again. 'Wow!', thought a bemused Steve afterwards. Amy is all woman! What more could a man want! He knew for sure now she was the only woman for him! "Amy, darling!" "Yes, Steve..." cooed the naked 'Amy' from the safety of Steve's strong arms. "Will you go steady with me?" he said nervously. She kissed him happily! "Of course! You've made me the happiest, luckiest... girl in the world. This is so unexpected, Steve, dear! I can't believe I'm going steady with the most handsome and charming guy in the world! You make that Leonardo guy look nerd-like!" Steve beamed, flattered out of his mind. He realized again he was the luckiest man alive! When Amy got back home from the science club meeting, he noticed his Mom and Dad were already asleep in bed! God, my parents are so uncool ? no sex life at all! I almost have to wonder if we are adopted, sometimes. But Amy was feeling pretty well pleased, he believed he had made a breakthrough in engine design for the spaceship, something the former Nick had been having trouble developing! 'I will have to get dad to look it over tomorrow. This might be worthwhile patenting! Then he heard his sister Nick arrive with her boyfriend Steve. After he secretly observed the giggling, sickening, smooch feast going on in front of their house, he realized it no longer had the appeal it used to have when he was a girl. It just seemed stupid now! Still, that damned Nick was going to ruin her good name before he got her real body back! And her body better still be a virgin when their father switched their minds back to normal! After a well-pleased Steve left, the former Amy was furious to see a smug smile on his former face as Nick, twisting the knife like a real girl, gave him the happy news. "Oh, Amy, Look! Steve has asked me to go steady with him. Here's his ring! He likes me much better than he did you!" Amy went after his tormentor, but Nicky just laughed, knocked off Amy's glasses and kneed him gently in the balls. She still had enough of a boy left inside her psyche not to hit Amy harder where it really hurt. They were still brother and sister after all. "I'll get revenge, you monster!" he whispered at the pretty girl as he caught his breath from the blow. He looked up from the floor as she ran her fingers through her lustrous hair and primped in front of the mirror. "Tomorrow is another day, 'Amy'." ACT 6 Honey, I need help around the house! After fixing bowls of cereal for 'her' family since another trip to the pancake house might be pushing her luck, 'Diana' headed on over to the Jennings mansion. She sighed as she looked around. It sure beat the Szalinski house, but the Szalinski house sure beat a jail cell. Her maid approached her. "Hello, Mrs. Szalinski. Nice to see you again. I understand you are in charge until Mr. J gets home. I guess we are both working for that old bastard Jennings now! I probably shouldn't talk behind his back but... just between us women, that man is a major sleaze and I have no doubts the government is right and he is a crook!" 'Diana' kept smiling, but thought - its the bread lines for you, you bitch! Then his trusted butler stepped in and 'seconded the motion' as he put it. The cook came by and said she regularly put laxatives in the old fart's food! That sure explained a lot thought Jennings, wincing in memory! 'No wonder he had gotten the 'roids! Shit, do people ever hate me,' she thought, unable to imagine why! But they liked Diane! It was weird - he was richer - they should like him more. But Diane had helped all his servants with legal problems - and at no charge! No wonder she was poor! Jennings thought. But there is no doubt they like me the way I am now. Another reason to keep this body! "We are glad the swine is in jail, Ma'am!" said Thomas, the English butler. "Amen to that!' another servant echoed. "Then why are we bothering with this empty place, people? Mrs. Szalinski has treated us far better! We should go over and clean her house instead!" said the maid. "Let me make your family a special dinner Mrs. S!" said the cook. Of course Jennings agreed. She certainly didn't want to cook anything and the rest of her new family would expect a meal when they got home tonight. She thanked them and excused herself to use the bathroom. She made sure no one was outside the door and then she lifted the toilet bowl top and took out the million dollars in cash she had squirreled away for an emergency when she was in her old body. The IRS had missed it! No sense taking any chances! She stuffed the thousand dollar bills into her purse and led the servants over to her new home. After the new Diane got home, she hid the million in a safe place at the Szalinski home. "You never know when some extra money could come in handy..." she said to herself. Now that her private stash was in a safe place, Jennings decided to give in to the sudden urge to do a little clothes shopping. Outfitting her old male body had always been dullsville, but now she felt a need for some sexy clothes to put on her new body and Diane's were all simply boring! As her house was being cleaned, she was soon sighing with satisfaction and looking in the mirror at her new acquisitions at one of the finest dress shops in the city. Who knew buying new outfits could be more exciting than a corporate takeover? Especially with a figure like hers! As she picked up several boxes and bags to take home, she caught a final glimpse of her sleek figure in her newest dress reflected in a store mirror. 'I will sure knock my husband's socks off with this outfit at dinner tonight!' she thought, 'not to mention another piece of his underwear as well!' She still remembered quite well what it was like to be a man, even if being a woman was beginning to seem like the better deal after two consecutive nights of feminine pleasure! At the jail, she convinced Diane to sign a power of attorney over to her as Jennings since, to the rest of the world she WAS Mr. Jennings. "Di, as soon as we switch back, I will want you to run my firm for me. I trust you - after all, you ARE me! The salary is set for $250,000 a year!" Jennings said, baiting his trap. Diane gasped! Jennings must really trust her, and the money would enable them to get a new house. Wayne had virtually wrecked their home with his 'successful' inventions. She didn't like to remember the many failures. It was only a matter of time until her home was condemned! They could really use a new one. Preferably a home with a bomb proof shelter that Wayne could transform into a scientific 'study'. By the time she got back to her cell, Diane was a little worried, though. Looking at her real body had given her an unsettling erection! 'I'm getting a little too used to Jennings inside MY body and me being stuck inside of his! Now that was the strangest feeling so far! I have to get my body back... and soon, or I'll go crazy!' The Szalinski household was stunned to find Jennings servants there when they got home - the house was spotless and the gourmet dinner was great! The Jennings household servants were racing to follow the orders of 'Ms. Szalinski. She may be Mr. Jennings new attorney but they wanted to help her out because she was a friend.' The servants beamed with the praise from the family. Jennings had never thanked them for anything but since the rest of the family was so polite, she felt she should also thank them. It actually left a nice little feeling after she said thank you, and it was nice to see them smile. She would have to do it again sometime. Nick was looking forward to going to school Monday. Girls actually talked to her, and of course guys did, and she felt pleased when they tried to ask her out on dates. But she wasn't interested. She missed Steve! She hadn't seen him in twenty-four long hours! Amy glowered at Nick in what used to be his - no HER body. The little hussy was so in love, it was disgusting. 'It should be me! If I get a chance for revenge against Nick for stealing my boyfriend and my body, he'll be dog food!' Jennings was more and more pleased with this new, younger sweeter body she now possessed. A third night of sex with Wayne proved very satisfying. It was very nice to feel so loved. Also, she could now enjoy bowel movements without the agony of hemorrhoids! She did miss the manly ease of pissing standing up though, especially now that she was wearing pantyhose and skirts. Back in the prison, the man who used to be Diane Szalinski was straining in unfamiliar agony on the steel prison cell toilet wishing for some Preparation H! ACT 7 Honey, I Stole Your Wife and Her Life! The next morning Diane got out on bail. Jennings was wearing a most attractive suit that did little to hide the curvaceous body of Diane Szalinski. "Is that new?" Diane asked her stand in. Jennings beamed with Diane's face. "Yes! Do you like it?" "Yes, it's very attractive. You've been shopping with my body?" "I gave into the strangest urge. Normally I hate clothes shopping, but somehow, this body of yours, I couldn't resist the impulse." Jennings said with a bright, insincere smile. "Well - I guess its OK. After all, I will be the one wearing it shortly when Wayne puts everything back to normal. And I do look nice in it, I must say!" They drove to Gen - Tech in Jennings Rolls Royce. Jennings carefully told Diane. "The whole place has been bugged by the IRS! So have our houses - so you will have to pretend to be me or they will toss us both into the loony bin at the nearest home for the insane! And if they DO believe we've swapped bodies, the government will undoubtedly seize the 'you know what' for the CIA or FBI if they find out what happened and we would be stuck like this forever! This car is the only safe place to talk for now." "I've got to act like you even when I see Wayne?" Diane was so disappointed. She wanted to give Wayne hell for denying her true identity and then not coming to the jail to visit! She was still his wife after all, even if she was a middle aged man at the moment. It wasn't as if she expected him to kiss her while she looked like this, after all. "Especially with Wayne, Diane! DO you think I want my reputation as a tough HE-MAN tarnished. What if you got gushy with him and the C. I. A. got it on videotape?" Diane tried to fight back laughter at the thought of Mr. Jennings thinking he was a macho guy, but it wasn't easy. Jennings sat back in Diane's lovely body, deep in thought as they drove home. 'What to do? What to do?' she wondered. 'The government deals they are offering are not very attractive. If I pay a five million dollar fine they promise me a five year sentence. If I refuse the fine, it's twenty years in the slammer. Just because I didn't pay taxes! The Feds have too much money as it is. And the toxic waste I dumped raw into the river - well, the mutations could be beneficial to the world! No, I think I will stay right where I am! Of course Diane might have some slight objection to taking the rap for me and letting me live her life. I will have to make sure Wayne believes me rather than 'Jennings!' Also, I think I need to get Diane back into jail very soon.' So Jennings smiled Diane's best smile and explained the government's offers and their threats. The former Diane thought about it, momentarily forgetting concerns about getting her real body back as her mind wrestled with the complexities of legal maneuverings. "Jury trials are chancy." said Diane. "I think the government might well get you for both the fine and ten to twenty years." Diane thought it best not to add 'You're such a sleaze the jury would probably regret not being able to hang you.' "There's has to be another choice, Mr. Jennings..." Jennings barely kept from smiling. "There is, Diane! I know there is. We just have to keep our options open!" By the time the two misplaced souls reached the Szalinski house, Diane had been convinced to act like Jennings to Wayne and others and the new Diane grinned. Sucker!" she thought. To her great disappointment, Diane had to sleep in her own guest room w

Same as Honey, That's Not Me In My Body. Part 2 - The Missing Episode Disney Censors Couldn't Approve Of, And Will Never, Ever, Broadcast. Videos

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Disney Girls Dont Have Sex ndash Part 3

Sometimes, it was like nothing had changed between them. Demi would enter Selena's hotel room, or vice versa, and it was like it used to be. Like it had to be whenever they met up in public. They smiled, more often than not hugged each other tightly, and then became completely lost in conversation. The difference was when they were alone they could slip in the words 'I love you', both knowing without a doubt that they didn't mean as friends. After that they would snuggle, either lying in each...

2 years ago
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Andy and Amanda Episode 2 House Party told by

This is the second in my series of stories about Andy and Amanda. Each story is published twice. Once as told by Andy and once as told by Amanda. Try reading them both and let me know what you think about the different perspectives. The next morning I arose early to finish clearing up after the night before. Amanda joined me downstairs around 11.00 and we shared a little breakfast. We talked about how successful the party was but neither the Jacuzzi nor Jerry were mentioned. The rest of the day...

5 years ago
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Disney Princess 3

Disney Princess 3 The hotel room phone rang at 7:00am on Monday morning, pulling Cathy and Kelly out of the tangle of sheets that they had been sleeping in. Cathy pushed her hair out of her eyes and tried to focus. Kelly was closest to the phone, so he sat up and picked up the receiver in a panic. 'What was wrong' he thought. It had been a very short night. It had taken forever to get the girls back into their rooms and calmed down after the awards ceremony. They were almost impossible...

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Case Study 301 A Disney World Orgy

Welcome back for another installment of this epic story Case Study 301, this chapter is entitled Disney World Orgy. If you happened to stumble across this chapter without reading the previous chapters I can give a synopsis but you really should try and read a few chapters before this one as many details are needed to move forward. Synopsis: So, this is a story of a young co-ed who was inside a hotel suite with a well known gangster in Los Angeles. During their evening of copulation a...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Bebe A Disney Wedding Day 1

"There's nothing like planning a wedding to make you want to punch everyone you've ever met in the throat." ~ Anonymous "I wonder if other mothers feel a pain in their insides, watching their daughters growing up to be the people that they wanted so badly to be." ~ Judy Picoult, 'Keeping Faith' XXX It was a beautiful, cool DECEMBER morning in Lake Buena Vista, Florida as Bebe woke up in her suite at The Grand Floridian, the Walt Disney World resort that had been designed to...

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Altered Fates The Missing Episode of the Fugitive

As always, any comments or criticism is welcome. Feel free to email me at [email protected]. This story is dedicated to the creator of the Altered Fates Universe, Jennifer Adams and to the cast and crew of the 60's television series The Fugitive, still perhaps the finest drama series made for television. I also want to thank Steve Zink for his editing and general story help. Author's Note: Thank you to the original creators of the Fugitive TV series. Below is the cast, mostly...

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Androids of Evergreen pt3 Athena

Although Tom liked the quiet moments with her, today it was hard to resist his want to take Chloe there on the couch. He hadn’t fucked her in over 24 hours now. He was holding off and building up his cum for when his new daughter arrived. It was supposed to be any time now, but it was still frustrating having such a great piece right in front of him and having to hold off fucking her. He kept reminding himself that he would be blowing his load inside his new daughter very soon. Then, he would...

3 years ago
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It Started with Disney Deutsche bersetzung

Read the original story: https://chyoa.com/story/It-Started-with-Disney.23755 Man sagt, Disney World sei ein magischer Ort und der glücklichste auf der Welt noch dazu. Man sagt, wenn man zu Disney World gehe, sei es ein magisches Erlebnis, das das Leben und dich als Person verändere. Aber in meinem Fall hatte Disney mein Leben ganz eindeutig verändert. Ich war eigentlich die höchstangesehene Ehren-Collegestudentin mit der Aussicht auf einen Abschluss, vielleicht sogar mit einem cum laude. Das...

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Disney Princess

"Saint Mary's Women's Chorus and Show Choir?" the woman called out from behind the counter at the Walt Disney World resort. "Saint Mary's Women's Chorus and Show Choir?" Kelly pushed forward through the crowds of his own students and those from schools all around the country. "Here! Right here! I'm coming!" he called as he pushed his way to the counter. At 5'2", Kelly was very used to having to fight his way through the crowd, but this was ridiculous. "Here I am." "Saint Mary's...

4 years ago
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Disney Princess 2

Disney Princess 2 "Oh, my God! Cathy!" Audrey gushed as Cathy and Kelly approached their meeting location, at the fountain, just inside of the EPCOT entrance. "That dress is even cuter on him... oops... her than I could have imagined." He really was the picture perfect teen girl in his white dress with the China-blue pattern and the matching headband. She hugged Kelly and said, more quietly, "you are just one big surprise after another, young lady, aren't you!? Every time I think...

2 years ago
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Bebe A Disney Wedding and an Epilogue

"Familiarity breeds contempt - and children." ~ Mark Twain *** "Hey, Siri," Nancy spoke to her phone, "what is today's weather going to be like?" "The weather in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, today, calls for clear skies and sunshine with a low of fifty-six degrees and a high of seventy-seven degrees." "Sounds just about perfect." She smiled at Bebe, both in their prettiest undies as they nibbled some toast and sipped tea. Their dresses were upstairs in The Bridal Suite with Rose....

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 11

EPISODE 11: "Mecha Meets its Match? Cheer Raider Captured!" "Alright, Matt, come at me," Jennifer invited. Matt smiled and ran towards her, his fist raised in preparation for a punch. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back with the wind knocked out of him. "Very good, Jennifer, that was well done," said Ricketts. As promised, General Alvarez had assigned him to give them a crash course in some basic battle techniques. In the spirit of things, they were both wearing...

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It Started with Disney

DISCLAIMER: The events are very loosely based on a true story. Details have been exaggerated, age has been changed, names have been changed, and it's pretty unrecognizable from the actual story (mostly because reality tends to be more boring than imagination). The true thing about is that I did actually wet myself on an elevator at Disney World as I was caught up watching the fireworks and one thing led to another, but pretty much everything else is BS. I wasn't a college student either. The...

3 years ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 8

EPISODE 8: "Battle on the Football Field! Now I'm the Team's Target?" "And now for the latest developments in Bensonville, Debbie Woods." "Thanks, Richard. I'm here just outside Bensonville, where the Army is setting up a Forward Operating Base they are calling Artemis. Here with me is the base commanding officer, General Alvarez, to tell us about it. General, what is the purpose of this base, and why now? "Debbie, the U.S. Military has been monitoring the situation in...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 6

EPISODE 6: "You Want to See My Powerful Colossus, and Also My Giant Robot? Bigger is Badder!" Matt worked his tongue intently on Jennifer's clit while he felt her mouth engulf his hard cock completely. She had invited him over to her house for more practice, and he certainly wasn't going to turn that down. He heard her moaning with her mouth full, felt her tongue moving up and down his rod. His head fell back from her wet pussy as he grunted loudly and pumped his jism into her...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 12

EPISODE 12: "Violated by Evil! Fear Raider Attacks!" "Aw, too bad," the Tsarina said, taunting Jennifer while holding her tightly in a headlock. She willed her muscles to move, to fight back, but her body would not obey after all the lightning hits she'd taken. "I was hoping my monstrosity would be able to take yours down, but no matter. It served its purpose, it's given us this time together. Retrieval." The town vanished in a swirl of purple and blue energy, and then they were...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 10

EPISODE 10: "Quickie on Base! Uncle Sam Wants Us!" Matt and Jennifer rode quietly to Artemis Base in the back of one of the Humvees. Jennifer had her helmet off and held it in her lap. The soldiers had brought in a flatbed truck to haul Panther away from the school, it was now following just behind them. When they arrived, a soldier led them into one of the temporary support buildings that made up the camp. He delivered them directly to the office of the man in charge. "General...

2 years ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 7

EPISODE 7: "The Tsarina Appears! I'll Do Anything To Save My Grade!" Jennifer sat in her room, typing on her computer. The monsters had been particularly active these past couple weeks, and the timing couldn't have been worse. There hadn't been anything new attacking, it was all creatures of types they'd defeated before, but it still took time she couldn't easily spare. She had two huge reports due nearly at the same time that were both major portions of her grade for their...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

5 years ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 2

EPISODE 2: "The Radical Aerial Battle! She's Way More Experienced!" Matt thought he'd been obsessed with Cheer Raider before, but it was on a whole other level now. Ever since that night, he couldn't get her out of his head. It was very distracting, especially during class. It was close to the end of the class period before lunch, and most of his classmates were thinking about food. He was thinking about that soft, wet, tight pussy sliding up and down his cock. Pretty much only one...

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Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 22 The Final Episode

Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10.  You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts?  Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” This is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 9

EPISODE 9: "Together at the School Dance! Our Secret Revealed?" Jennifer moaned loudly as Matt held her hips and thrust into her pussy from behind. Her arms gave out and she collapsed, her face against the bed, and she said, "Oh God yes, fuck me, that's it!" "That's right, take it, you slut," Matt said. "Ahhhh, say it again," Jennifer urged. "You dirty, nasty slut, take my fucking cock all the way inside!" Matt shouted at her. "Oh yeeeaaahh, you say the nicest...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 1

by the Perv Otaku [Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment] EPISODE 1: "A Mecha Falls to Earth! The Magical Girl Needs My Help! Now She's in My Bedroom?" It was quite late, well after midnight, but Matt had to watch it just one more time before going to bed. He took his web browser back to the video and hit play. "There's been another remarkable incident in Bensonville today, our Debbie Woods is still in town there with the story. Debbie?" "Thanks, Richard....

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 5

EPISODE 5: "Sleepovers are More Fun with Toys! Deadly Fumes in the Night!" The doorbell rang. Jennifer hurried to the door and opened it, revealing a smiling Theresa. Both girls squealed with excitement. "Get in here, you," Jennifer said, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside. As soon as she got the door closed, Theresa pushed her against it and kissed her. Jennifer returned the kiss, and said after Theresa finally pulled away, "Not so shy about what you want anymore, are...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 8

"All characters participating in sexual activity are age 16 or older."[Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment]"And now for the latest developments in Bensonville, Debbie Woods.""Thanks, Richard. I'm here just outside Bensonville, where the Army is setting up a Forward Operating Base they are calling Artemis. Here with me is the base commanding officer, General Alvarez, to tell us about it. General, what is the purpose of this base, and why now?"Debbie, the U.S. Military has been...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Building a LegacyChapter 3 Some Disney Fun

Debra Keer pulled up to the hotel early, honking the horn on her little Fiat to alert Alex and his crew that she had arrived. Alex and the girls ran out, giggling and laughing, clearly ready for a fun and exciting day of behaving like children, despite what they expected to encounter. Squeezing in the back seat on either side of Alex, Chalise bounced in her seat while Kitty couldn't stop talking about what they expected to see. Cate rode in front with Debra. "I can't believe we're...

2 years ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 13

EPISODE 13: "Attack Through the Portal! It's the Final Battle!" "Land near the fountain and let me out," Jennifer said. Matt said, "Sure. But, uh, you do realize that you're…" "Naked?" she finished. "May as well be, I'm going to get wet." Matt set Panther down in front of the recently-built Bensonville city hall, then released the hoverwing and sat down close to the fountain out front. The fountain sat within a shallow circular pool, twenty feet in diameter and...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 11

"Alright, Matt, come at me," Jennifer invited. Matt smiled and ran towards her, his fist raised in preparation for a punch. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back with the wind knocked out of him."Very good, Jennifer, that was well done," said Ricketts. As promised, General Alvarez had assigned him to give them a crash course in some basic battle techniques. In the spirit of things, they were both wearing camouflage tank tops and sweatpants that they'd gotten from the base...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
5 years ago
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Alexandra the Demon Destroyer Episode 11

Alexandra: the Demon Destroyer, Episode 1.1 By Limbo's Mistress The first demon was dead before the other two even realized I was there. Being occupied with their attempt to terrorize and horribly murder the girl on the ground before them, the Hell-Spawn trio didn't see me emerge from the shadows that permeated the deserted playground. When the brilliant flash of light that followed their compatriot's beheading, and subsequent disintegration into brimstone-scented smoke, they...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 6

[Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment]Matt worked his tongue intently on Jennifer's clit while he felt her mouth engulf his hard cock completely. She had invited him over to her house for more practice, and he certainly wasn't going to turn that down. He heard her moaning with her mouth full, felt her tongue moving up and down his rod. His head fell back from her wet pussy as he grunted loudly and pumped his jism into her mouth. She got up and turned around, licking her lips...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 10

Matt and Jennifer rode quietly to Artemis Base in the back of one of the Humvees. Jennifer had her helmet off and held it in her lap. The soldiers had brought in a flatbed truck to haul Panther away from the school, it was now following just behind them. When they arrived, a soldier led them into one of the temporary support buildings that made up the camp. He delivered them directly to the office of the man in charge. "General Alvarez, sir, this is Cheer Raider and the pilot of the SABRE...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 7

"All characters participating in sexual activity are age 16 or older."[Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment]Jennifer sat in her room, typing on her computer. The monsters had been particularly active these past couple weeks, and the timing couldn't have been worse. There hadn't been anything new attacking, it was all creatures of types they'd defeated before, but it still took time she couldn't easily spare. She had two huge reports due nearly at the same time that were both major...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Disney Princesses lust pt 3 FrozenElsa and Anna

Introduction: Final chapter in the Frozen Kingdom Chapter 3 Disclaimer:None are the Disney characters used in these stories are not mine but only used for enjoyment.All characters belong to Disney. The wedding was the most beautiful in the kingdom.Everyone attended and watched Roy silvan wed Elsa and Anna,their princesses.Most if not all of Arendelle was in attendance as the three shared their vows and left the cathedral amidst screams and shouts of joy from the people.Elsa and Anna blushed...

4 years ago
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The Journey Episode 7 Wasteland

Notes: 1- Continuing my futurology experiment, I describe what is going to happen to the fertile fields of central Brazil (the so called " cerrado") after people disappears. 2- The storm belt is no invention of mine. Currently, from time to time, a continuous band of clouds form carrying water vapor from the amazon lowlands towards southeast Brazil, these are called "convergence zones", you probably are aware of the sad happenings in the mountains near the city of Rio the Janeiro, who...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 2

"All characters participating in sexual activity are age 16 or older."[Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment]Matt thought he'd been obsessed with Cheer Raider before, but it was on a whole other level now. Ever since that night, he couldn't get her out of his head. It was very distracting, especially during class. It was close to the end of the class period before lunch, and most of his classmates were thinking about food. He was thinking about that soft, wet, tight pussy sliding up...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Journey From Disney To Sundress

Philip Johnson It started out with the four neighbors gathered on the back deck talking about a little bit of everything. That is until the subject of Disney World came up. When Kristen commented on how badly she wanted to go, that got Joanne going and she said the same thing. Then Charlie, Kristen’s husband sealed it when he said, ‘I think the four of us should go and do it soon.’ ‘Can the four of us get vacation at the same time is the first issue,’ was Jess’s comment and on they went...

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Porn Disney

Dave Wickin, eccentric heir to a vast fortune, had two great passions in life; one was watching animated Disney movies (he owned every single Disney cartoon ever realeased on VHS, DVD, AND Blu-Ray), and the other was attempting to contact an alternate universe. Almost all of his extensive free time was spent in pursuing these passions. What little time he had left over was generally spent wanking to porn; his hobbies not exactly being the sort of thing that attracts women. The happiest day of...

1 year ago
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My Disney Dream

My parents always told me I was different from most other boys. I had lovely wavy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. I had the smoothest and fairest skin that most people would mistake me for a girl, much to my parents’ chagrin. Nevertheless, I didn’t care about how people saw me. I got good grades in school, I had a good home and I had loving parents who supported me no matter what. However, I had a special secret that no one knows about. I had a gown fetish! Ever since I was little, I’ve...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 9

Jennifer moaned loudly as Matt held her hips and thrust into her pussy from behind. Her arms gave out and she collapsed, her face against the bed, and she said, "Oh God yes, fuck me, that's it!""That's right, take it, you slut," Matt said."Ahhhh, say it again," Jennifer urged."You dirty, nasty slut, take my fucking cock all the way inside!" Matt shouted at her."Oh yeeeaaahh, you say the nicest things. Now my ass, I need you up my ass!" she begged. Matt obliged, pulling his stiff rod from her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

1 year ago
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Thom and Tabithas First Time Together After A Day At Disney World

This is a fantasy story (based on real events) about making love to my sweet sexy sister-in-law. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please rate it and leave your thoughts. I am working on future installments. Thank-you. I want to start out by saying my sister-in-law, Tabitha, is so hot. She is the kind of hot that does not realize how sexy she is, which is the best kind. She stands about 5’ 1”, has medium length, dark black hair, pretty light blue eyes, and...

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Cheer Raider Sabre Panther Episode 1

"All characters participating in sexual activity are age 16 or older."[Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment]It was quite late, well after midnight, but Matt had to watch it just one more time before going to bed. He took his web browser back to the video and hit play."There's been another remarkable incident in Bensonville today, our Debbie Woods is still in town there with the story. Debbie?""Thanks, Richard. Another attack, and another save by the hometown hero calling herself...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 5

"All characters participating in sexual activity are age 16 or older."[Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment]The doorbell rang. Jennifer hurried to the door and opened it, revealing a smiling Theresa. Both girls squealed with excitement. "Get in here, you," Jennifer said, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside. As soon as she got the door closed, Theresa pushed her against it and kissed her. Jennifer returned the kiss, and said after Theresa finally pulled away, "Not so shy about...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...


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