The Coyote Essays Female Nature
- 3 years ago
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Growing up in a small town in upstate New York had its perks. People said ‘Good morning’ or ‘Hello’ when you were walking down the street and neighbors would check on you and visit if you were sick. They’d even bring meals, take care of your kids, and clean the house.
That’s country folks for you. So, who in their right mind would want to leave all that behind?
Well, me… Least I thought
Growing up in Williamstown, I hated being so far away from everything and being snowed in for much of the year. Admittedly, a child had woods to explore, streams to swim in, snowmobile rides and races, and maybe the occasional school dance.
Yet, if you grew up like me on the poor side of a small town, there wasn't money for new clothes or gas to make the forty-five-minute drive to school, let alone the return trip. Most kids didn’t get to go unless they could borrow clothes and someone else’s parent drove.
By the time I turned sixteen, things were really hard at home. My dad couldn’t get a job and he did odds and ends to get money to feed mom, my two brothers, and myself.
Then I heard that an elderly lady in town needed help. Mrs. Grace’s husband had died and she wanted someone to launder, clean, and cook. She wasn’t sick or infirm — at eighty years old she actually got around really well — but she was lonely and wanted company. The proposal was that I would live with her but spend every other weekend with my parents. The pay was decent, my parents liked her, and so I moved in to begin a life as a carer while still at school.
It was all very nice — but not what I wanted out of life. In fact, because I had grandparents in Norfolk, Virginia, I hatched a plan to move there when I reached eighteen. It meant I would have somewhere to stay until I got on my own two feet. My parents were against me leaving but I would be of age and certainly ready to go and never come back to this godforsaken place.
My birthday was in January but it was April before snow cleared and I was able to get on a bus. Three days later, my grandparents met me at the station and, after settling in, I started looking for real work.
I was used to working for Mrs. Grace but full-time employment, a proper job, would be different. And I had to adjust to city living. People were so different. Talk about distant… I mean, you’d have thought saying ‘Hello’ was a crime. And did they think a smile would break their face?
When I secured a job at McDonald's, I was excited. I finally earned enough money to get the things I needed, to stop looking like a country bumpkin. Yet, even with money and new clothes, I had a hard time adjusting. I even began to doubt if this was what I really wanted but my grandparents kept telling me to give it a chance. Give it time. So I did.
As I became more familiar with my job, I also made some friends. Of course, things were still very different: things happened much faster.
I met Glen a few weeks after starting at McDonald’s. I hadn’t had a steady boyfriend back home but Glen was a nice guy. Working with him meant we were together a lot and we quickly became an item. He knew I was used to a much slower pace of life and I thought he was a real gentleman.
Glen worked at McDonald’s simply to put himself through college. His ambition was to be a lawyer and when he got a foot on the ladder as an associate at a large law firm, things were really looking up for him.
We’d been going together for quite a time when we visited one of our favorite places. Taking a blanket from his car, we walked down to the beach to watch the waves rolling in. The sunset was beautiful and the moon appeared as a giant balloon in the sky.
Other people were also enjoying the view but, as we lay on the blanket talking, cuddling and kissing, we were in our own world and I lost track of everything and everyone around us. Then, I realized we were alone.
On many occasions, we’d spoken about me still being a virgin and, as we got lost in this romantic setting, our kissing turned into heavy petting. Glen’s fingers trembled on my bra-covered breasts until, for the first time, he eased his hands under my blouse and unhooked my bra. I looked into his deep brown eyes and we lay motionless for an age while I wondered about taking this big step. I decided I was ready — it was time to lose my virginity. I wasn’t waiting for marriage, just the right guy.
Glen didn’t have to say anything, I knew what he wanted. But he was waiting for me. He was that kind of guy.
As we gazed at each other, our eyes told all, no words needed. Pulling him to me, we kissed long and more passionately than I ever dreamed possible. But I didn’t want to stop. Not ever.
Suddenly, a hand was on my bare breast and fingers teased my nipple. It felt so good. Glen moved his hand slowly across my chest to the other nipple and, as we continued kissing, the warmth of his moans filled my mouth.
I never imagined this would feel so good. Glen cast aside my T-shirt and bra and, as he fondled my breast, I quickly removed his shirt, wanting his naked chest on mine. I’d never known anything like this. Why had I waited so long? I felt his groin press against me as he teased my nipples between thumb and forefinger, pulling, twisting, until I groaned. The sting made my pussy tingle and I was aware of seeping juices wetting my panties. I wanted Glen’s hands down there, then his cock — everything that I’d waited so long to experience.
Quickly my pants were unzipped, pushed down and off my feet. I lay on the blanket as naked as the day I was born, feeling the salty breeze wafting across my hot flesh. I was in awe of what was happening. Glen stroked my body, gazing into my eyes as he slid a hand between my thighs and eased them apart. He was going to claim his bounty and I was a willing vessel, waiting and wanting to be boarded.
Feeling his fingers in the crease between a thigh and my hairless mound, I sucked in a deep breath. He continued slowly, fingers stroking over my fleshy bump and down to the other thigh. I looked into his eyes and saw experience: he knew exactly what he was doing to me. I trembled, needing him so badly, and he smoothly inserted a finger into my very tight virgin pussy. It was then that I understood the kind of pleasure he could provide.
He probed in and out and I raised my hips to meet him as my juices soaked his fingers. I wanted to come… no, I needed to come.
“Not yet, my darling,” he whispered. “I want you to experience much more.”
Glen carried on finger-fucking my very needy pussy and rubbed a thumb over my tiny nub, sending me into ecstasy. “Glen, I’m gonna… yes, yes… here it comes.”
At that moment, Glen covered me with his body, holding me tight and rubbing my clit as my orgasm coursed through me. Then he whispered in my ear, ”Are you sure this is what you want? Once we do this, you’ll never be a virgin again. You need to be sure. I don’t want to do this if you aren’t ready.”
“Yes, Glen, I’m sure and I’m ready.” I smiled at him. “I’ve been waiting for the right man, not marriage. I know I’ve found him in you. Please, take me, take my virginity.”
Glen hovered above me, his hard cock nudging at my opening. Gradually, he pushed until he met resistance, a tiny but important barrier. He adjusted, holding me tighter, before drawing back — and thrusting hard.
I gasped as he tore through my last defense, penetrating me until he was buried deep inside where nobody had ever been. The burning sensation lasted only moments before I felt pure, unknown delight. His cock was so large in me but I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him deep inside, and bucked my hips to meet his thrusts. In a short time, not long at all, Glen tensed and I felt him spurting, flooding my willing cunt.
He rolled off, panting, but he still held me in his strong arms. We’d experienced something beautiful and I would remember it as one of the best things that ever happened in my life.
“Thank you for making my first time so wonderful,” I said, kissing his cheek.
“I will never forget this night, Chloe. Thank you.”
We lay in each other’s arms, looking up at the night sky, savoring our amazing experience under the twinkling stars.
Around a year later, Glen took me out for dinner and dancing. As we danced to our favorite song, it seemed everyone knew it was “our tune” because I noticed them stepping away, leaving the floor clear. In an instant, Glen was on one knee and holding my hand.
“Chloe, from the day I met you, through all the amazing things we’ve shared, including that special wonderful night on the beach, I’ve loved you more every day.” He paused and inhaled deeply. ”I would be honored if you’d be my wife. Please, share your life with me and let’s raise beautiful children together.”
I had no words. My cheeks were wet and all I could do was kneel in front of him, blink away the tears, and stare into his intense deep brown eyes. “Yes, my love,” I eventually managed. “I’ll be honored to be your wife and raise a bunch of children with you.”
We kissed for some time before I realized we had a crowd watching and clapping. Glen slid the most gorgeous engagement ring onto my finger. Gosh, how I love this man.
In a daze, I walked with Glen back to our table but we didn’t stay, quickly paying our bill and heading home. All we wanted was to make passionate love in celebration of this incredible night.
I think I remained in that daze for the next week or so as we discussed possible dates for our wedding, how many kids we’d have, and the type of house we should buy to accommodate our projected family. I was truly caught up in a romantic whirlwind, the stuff of dreams.
And then I woke up.
During all this excitement, all the love we shared, something had been bothering me, nagging at the back of my mind, telling me it wasn’t right. And when the penny dropped, I was frightened and unsure how to bring it up, how and when to tell Glen. I thought about letting it slide, saying nothing. But I knew I couldn’t and shouldn’t do that. It wouldn’t work.
The stark truth was that I wanted to move back home.
I liked where we lived but I’d come to recognize that it wasn’t my idea of home. I wanted our children to grow up like I did — in the slow-moving country, in God’s amazing masterpiece. I didn’t want them caught up in the hustle and bustle of a hectic city, living a life where people didn’t know their neighbors or ever get to experience snowmobiling or running in the woods.
This difference between big city living and country life wasn’t a topic I’d really discussed with Glen. Yes, I’d told him I loved the peace and pace of country life but that was about all I’d said. Right now, though, I didn't think I could be totally happy in the city. Especially not when raising a young family.
I knew one thing for certain: I had to discuss this with Glen before we got any further with marriage plans. It wasn’t right to keep him in the dark.
When we sat down for dinner, I told Glen there was something I had to tell him. I guess my expression and tone of voice indicated that it was serious.
Setting his fork down, he said, “Okay, darling, tell me.”
“Glen, I’m not sure how to do this.” I took a small sip of water, trying to compose myself as he stared at me. “Truthfully, I should probably have mentioned this several months ago, perhaps right back when we started serious dating. But things moved so fast, it just never seemed like the right time. Sorry, I believe that’s been a big mistake on my part.“
I took another deep breath. God, this is difficult. I ran a finger around the rim of my water glass.
“Carry on, Chloe, tell me,” he said, reaching for my hand. “You're trembling. There’s nothing that can be that bad, darling. What is it?”
Here goes…
“Well, you know I’ve spoken a few times about my home in Williamstown, the beautiful countryside, all the amazing things my brothers and I did as children. Yes, we had hard times… but, Glen, it’s a perfect place for children to grow up. Neighbors speak to each other, help one another. It’s nothing like here —“
“Chloe,” Glen cut in, “are you saying you want to move back to the country? Leave Norfolk and everything we know here, our life, our jobs? Chloe, tell me that isn’t what you’re saying. Please, Chloe.”
“Sorry, Glen,” I said quickly, “yes, I am. I would love for us to marry and then move back. That’s my home and it’s been my intention to return. I’m so sorry. I should have mentioned this long ago but everything has happened so fast. That’s another reason I don’t care for the city. Everything’s all too quick.“
I sniffled as tears filled my eyes and Glen leaned back in his chair.
“Please, Glen, tell me we can do this. I can’t imagine never going back home and I just don’t want to raise our children here, not at this pace of so-called life. At eighteen, I thought I wanted to live in a city but, after moving here, I soon found out it really isn’t where I want to live the rest of my life.”
Glen shook his head. “Chloe, my firm is here, everything I know is here. Do you realize what you’re asking?”
“I do Glen, I do.”
“How can you ask this of me? I would give you my life but how will we survive in a small country town that has nothing? How Chloe? Here is my life and it’s where we met.” He again shook his head. “I’ve worked hard to get where I am. I really don’t know if I can or even want to give that up.”
“I understand, Glen. But I don’t think I could ever be happy here. I’ve stayed this long because of you. I guess I was secretly hoping that, in time, maybe you would want to move. Please, at least let’s go for a vacation and see what you think.”
“Vacation? That’s not true life. Sorry, Chloe, I don’t want to move to the country. I like our life as it is.”
Glen suddenly stood, walked away from the table and put on his jacket. He paused to look at me — then carried on out of the door.
I didn’t know what to think. What would happen now? If I continued with this, it seemed I would lose Glen. Yet, if I didn't move back home, I would surely suffocate here.
What I hadn’t told Glen was that some time back, my parents had inherited their cabin. They’d lived there so long, when the owner passed away they discovered he’d left it to them, free and clear. In turn, when my parents suddenly became seriously ill and died within days of each other, I found that they’d put it in my name. It seemed my brothers had no interest in ever returning to Williamstown and I made an arrangement with a neighbor to look after the property for me.
I wanted Glen to see this place on the river; it was a piece of heaven. How could he not want to live there? I reasoned he could set up his own law firm and make a decent living. Maybe not the riches of the big city, but who cares as long as you’re happy? But he wasn’t interested.
Actually, I saw very little of Glen. When we did meet, we didn’t get any closer to an agreement and, sadly, it seemed all my dreams were doomed. Days became weeks and they turned into months… until we broke off the engagement.
Since I no longer had him in my life, there was no reason to stay. I’d saved money, bought a small car — and living expenses would be minimal back at the cabin. Plus, the owner of a small convenience store had always told me I had a job if I ever went back. Well, now was as good a time as ever.
I told my caretaker neighbor that I was coming home.
When I arrived at the cabin, neighbors came to welcome me home and help unload my car and the small trailer. My place was set up nicely and spotlessly clean. Yes, this was a difference between living in the country and the city.
That first night, I lit the fire pit and sat looking at the meadow and the creek, listening to the wildlife. What a beautiful sound. As the months went by, I settled in and started my job at the store, earning enough to take care of my needs and be comfortable.
One summer Sunday morning, I was sitting on the dock by the stream playing my flute. It had been years since I played and the peace it brought me cannot be explained. Hearing a rustling behind me, I turned and was shocked to see Glen.
“I can’t do it, Chloe… I just can’t live without you,” he said and offered a nervous smile. I felt a couple of tears rolling down my cheeks.
“I actually came here to beg you to come home,” he continued in a low tone. “That’s what I intended until I drove into your little country town and up here to your cabin. Watching you sitting here and listening to you play, how could I not fall in love with this place? I love you, Chloe. I’m here if you will have me. I know I was wrong not to even visit this place and now I can see why you love it so much. Will you have me back?”
I opened my arms. ”Of course, my darling, of course I will. I love you, Glen, always have. I’ve never stopped loving you.”
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[Victoria Justice gets a backstage pass to one of Miley's concerts. Things happen in her dressing room...]Victoria smiled happily as she put on the final layer of mascara to her eyelashes, before picking up her lip gloss and applying some on her lips. She twirled around in front of the standing mirror in her room a couple of times, trying to decide if she looked good or not. She was wearing a frilly red top with matching red earrings, and a tight pair of jeans tucked into her long black booths....
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“Lyn I will fuck that sexy ass of yours before the season is over mark my words”. “Oh no you won’t Joe”. Joe and Lyn were in show business, they had been given a three month contract for twice daily live performances. It was the big break both of them had been looking for, even if it was playing the two halves of a Pantomime cow. Lyn was the slightly higher paid of the pair as she played the front half. Joe was less fortunate as the rear end though had the consolation of having...
First I’m going to introduce myself I’m John I’m caucasian, 6 feet tall, dark blonde hair, a six pack, and a ten inch dick. I just won tickets to a WWE show and a backstage pass. My goal with the backstage pass is to meet and fuck some of the women in WWE. I arrived at the arena and can’t wait to try to meet women like Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks, Charly Caruso, Becky Lynch, Stephenie McMahon, etc. “I can’t believe I won this backstage pass! I wonder who I’m going to meet this is exciting!” When I...
No, this story is not about groupie plaster casters at a glam rock concert getting the cock and balls in plaster of a rock star they fucked. Nor is it about going backstage at a theatrical performance of a highly sexual play, although elements of such drama are in this story. It was a simple sign in the woods, ?Backstage Pass?. I had cycled to the end of a woodland trail, an old rail bed, and found a gate blocking the trail, presumably erected there by a property owner jealous of his privacy....
Back to Nature Chapter 1 The sun is shining through the windshield of the truck as we drive into the country side on this weekend day. I look over as you lean against the door deep in thought one finger to your lips thinking about what is in store for you today. You are wearing a sundress that buttons all the way up you wanted to wear the heels that match but not suited for the country so you have on sandals. I watch your eyes as you keep looking when you think I am...
Horseback Ride As soon as my sister walked in the door I told her that we had to talk. She said okay but that she really had to pee first. I paced the floor waiting for her to come back out to me. When Emma reappeared she looked great. My sister was something special. She had just come back from a night out with the girls and she was dressed to kill. Her short tight cotton skirt was black in color and just barely covered any panties that she might be wearing. Her little white half...
The next two days passed rapidly. Events had now progressed to the point that, short of calling off the wedding, they were out of our hands. With only a few days left, if something needed ordering or purchasing or planning, it was simply too late, and we would make do. This actually proved rather restful, in its own way. The estate continued to receive guests arriving, many of them James’ associates in business, traveling from Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. They used the time before the...
Almost nobody knew what year it was. For most people it didn’t matter anyhow people lived day by day and because of the catastrophe, earth didn’t have seasons anymore. What the catastrophe was or what triggered it, it all was forgotten through generations. There were vague stories about people living in tall buildings, having easy access to something called electricity and were able to move around in things called cars. They had metal boats as big as mountains and had the ability to fly in huge...
Fantasy“Thanks very much! Now…….Pretty boys with BIG GUITARS!” Mac, the singer, screamed into the microphone. “Aaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhh!” we roared as the first thunderous chords blasted into the hall. As one, hundreds of people jumped up and down, pogoing and punching the air as we shouted the chorus back at the band on stage. Four feet from me Emma was hanging over the rails, of the mosh pit, trying to get Mac’s attention. Without any warning she lifted her T-shirt and flashed her tits...
“Thanks very much! Now…….Pretty boys with BIG GUITARS!” Mac, the singer, screamed into the microphone. “Aaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhh!” we roared as the first thunderous chords blasted into the hall. As one, hundreds of people jumped up and down, pogoing and punching the air as we shouted the chorus back at the band on stage. Four feet from me Emma was hanging over the rails, of the mosh pit, trying to get Mac’s attention. Without any warning she lifted her T-shirt and flashed her tits at him. He...
Group SexFlashbacks"Here you go, safe at last: those awful people can't touch you here!" assured the good-looking brunette policewoman as her charge explored her new home. She kicked herself mentally as she saw the stunning blonde's gaze locked firmly on the handcuffs on her belt - standard police equipment, of course, but nothing but a liability on this very strange assignment: baby-sitting the former slave as she adjusted to life as a free woman again, keeping her safe until the trial.Jenny quickly...
During the last year I had been down on my luck, I found myself staying in this rural run down trailer park in south Alabama. I was the only African American living in this trailer park, but that did not stop me from making friends. Everyone who lived around me was facing the same type of problems of trying to find a good paying job. On Friday my buddy Jimmy was throwing a get together at his place. The park was full of loud music, pot smoking and drinking; the atmosphere was a wild one. There...
Permission given to post on Fictionmania and Crystals Story Site. Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand...
I'm not sure even at this point if my sexual likes are a product of something I was born with, predisposed to be open to what I am, or if it is a learned response from those that taught me. My sexual universe seems to be ever-expanding born from the good, the bad, the strife, disappointment, and randomness of the lovers I had. This is a recounting of a man from my past who helped mold me into what I am. I can't say whether I am grateful for the man he was but I can see the positive in what I...
Backwoods Bruises Chapter 1 The roadway off of the main street was bumpy and filled with muddy depressions, which left me with the impression that, at any time, my car might sink into the mire and leave me in an everlasting pit, from which I was doomed to never return to civilization. It went on that way for almost a quarter of a mile, before I finally saw the first and only house on the desolate forested expanse. The house itself had seen better days, totally lacking paint of any kind, with...
Rose-Marie felt truly blessed by nature, as she stood naked on the balcony of her father's palatial white mansion looking out onto her father's ornate garden. Not only had she the good fortune to have been born and to continue to live here in St Lucia, one of the most pleasant corners of the French Empire, but she also had the good fortune of possessing a wealthy father who had chosen the Edenist way of life. In fact, the garden, the island as a whole, was very much like the Garden of Eden to...
Hi all, its Ali here!I'm back with another long, but incredibly detailed memory. This time I've decided to make a post of the top five times my widowed, Muslim Aunt Sheen boldly showed off her nudist nature at different places. I have tried to put the events in a chronological order and included as much details as I can remember from all those years ago, so I hope you like these short posts as much as you did the earlier ones I uploaded. *Please don't forget to like and comment below as it...
I want to tell you about a wonderful day that my boyfriend and I had a week ago. He's the sweetest man in the world and wanted to take me on a horseback riding trip. He also planned a wonderful picnic for us to have together. I'll go over all the details of this amazing day we shared together.I was very excited that my boyfriend was going to be coming over. He had planned a day of riding horses together on a wonderful trail in the country. I was very excited to do this with him. We had never...
OutdoorI guess I was pretty clueless when I went to work at Thaxter’s. I knew it was a gay bar and all, but I assumed today’s gay bars weren’t that different from straight ones. I definitely didn’t expect getting hung from the fly loft like a random piece of meat. But apparently there’s a first time for everything.I should probably back up and say I was always a theater geek. You know the type: the guy who spent his teen years playing Troy in High School Musical, though he was really lusting after Zac...
Gay MaleIt was a simple sign in the woods, “Backstage Pass”. I had cycled to the end of a woodland trail, an old rail bed, and found a gate blocking the trail, presumably erected there by a property owner jealous of his privacy. The gate was flanked by barbed wire fencing that stretched away into the mixed hardwood bush on both sides as far as the eye could see. However, off to the right of the gate, nailed to a sapling, was the sign: “Backstage Pass”. Intriguing. Mysterious. Beside the sapling...
Note: This is Part II of the backstory on Jim and Monique, two grieving lovers who find each other on a private island in the South Pacific. In the previous installment, Jim meets Monique, who has anchored on the far side of his island, secretly, to stock up on fresh water before sailing to Hawaii. He tells her that if she had only asked he would have given her all the fresh water she wanted, and cooked dinner for her, too. In this installment, she takes him up on his offer. ———— December 27...
BACKLASH BY Vrykolakas Scot hit the enter key for the last timethat day--at least, in an officialcapacity. He rose to his feet, pushing back his wheeled chairand stretching,all in one flowing series of motions. He was proud of his strength, all thosehours of martial arts; looked like something was finally paying off. His legstrength alone could kick out a fire-door. He brushed back a few stubborn locksof hair from his eyes, and grabbed for his jacket and keys. It was time togo. Food, a...
He had slept for what seemed like forever, not so much as even tossing or turning in the middle of the afternoon. His beloved had vanished not long after the exquisite torture she had placed upon him so that he could rest up for whatever would come next. And he was indeed very exhausted, there was no doubt about that fact. So exhausted in fact that he did not even sense her return into their chamber of passion and desire. She smiled as she gazed upon his sleeping body, left cleaned and clothed...
Sonia & I meet Kathy at via a bareback internet forum; It wasn’t clear why she was so interested in our bareback swinging activity’s. She knew we were married & both enjoyed receiving anal from bare cocks, she mentioned she had a boyfriend or two who were into bareback sex. So at first it seemed like she was just a friendly and open person like us. I didn’t know that Kathy had plans for a couple like us.Kathy told us she knew a guy or two that would help us to explore and with a wink...
I met this mother of 3 through a dating app. We talked for a little causally and both discussed what we were looking for. Our interests did not align. She wanted more than what I was willing to give but despite my warning, we consistently found ourselves having increasingly sexual conversations late at night. Since college, I created a few rules that have been able to help determine a woman's intensions. I state to them that I am a man of a few rules. As I've come to learn, this becomes...
They loved going to the cozy bungalow no matter what season it was. However, one of their favorite times was early spring. Often there was still snow covering the ground. Mother Nature’s white blanket gave the area a sense of tranquility. It was the last Friday of March. The two of them were sitting at the kitchen enjoying breakfast wondering what to do for the weekend. That particular week had been hectic and they wanted to do something to relax. While still thinking Deana...
Back to nature It was a baking hot afternoon in early August. For the past week the south of England had been enjoying a ridge of high pressure which showed no sign of moving and temperatures had soared way above the seasonal average, causing the grass to wilt and yellow, and stimulating the local insects into furious buzzing action. Around the ancient earthworks of the Iron Age hill-fort the air shimmered with the heat, the sun so fierce that this normally crowded beauty spot was almost...
The rain was coming down in buckets as we hiked through the foggy landscape of the Joshua Tree Wilderness. We started our hike four hours ago when the rain was only a soft drizzle. The weather report did not have rain in the forecast, so we were more than a little frustrated that we were now carrying an extra few pounds of moisture along with the 50lbs of gear on our backs. We often take a weekend to get out in the wild and experience life away from all of the hustle and bustle of the real...