Fork Leaf Clover: SHAMrock Stand-In II free porn video

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This story is meant for free fan distribution to TG fiction sites throughout the web. Please enjoy the story and be free with your comments or critiques! ============================================================ Fork Leaf Clover: SHAMrock Stand-In II By Dee Eon Kicking heels high after my slippers' metal taps clicked and rapped the parquet floor like a machine gun below my long legs and flouncing embroidered clover green velvet skirt, my passionate solo jig to the mournful wails of bagpipes wound up my Irish dance troupe's program in the Lingus Ballroom at Hibernian Hall. The audience applauded to my curtsy and I glimpsed a mirrored wall of the floor where a winsome and willowy preteen looker stood with slippers and frilly anklets in a T-stand stance, her mildly mounded embroidered bodice heaving and falling and heaving in cadence my own aloof winded breath. I wanted to applaud too even from afar, but that would've been redundant since I pulled the strings of every step and tap and whirl she performed. Still, even before the clapping chief Hibernian, Mr. Derry moved up and distracted me, I again felt that eerie naughty tingle of fascination in the Celtic cutie up from her well-turned ankles and long legs and full fluted skirt and slender curves and pretty oval face and pert nose framed by a fluffy auburn mane. Damn, still can't help it but she's such a nice chicklette! Just seeing that made my contrary chagrin creating her worthwhile. Sometimes it's hard to believe I have her in me! We stifled a giggle. "Such the talented lass you be, Miss Sheila O'Riley with twinkling emerald stars for eyes!" Derry jovially declared, "What sass! What fire! We need more gay prancing colleens as yourself leading the cause!" I glimpsed my fellow troupers who gnashed guy grins and muffled girl giggles. "Er, thank you, sir," I demurely said with an apt trained curtsy, its quaint time-bridging tradition sapping its sissiness. Personally, I didn't think Sheila's dance 'talent' was really all that exceptional, but then others didn't expect a lissome girl's tap toes and heels to belt the floor with the force and drive of a boy and I was sure that our club's dance director, Mrs. Mahoney, was being coy about that fact. I couldn't understand why--unless she somehow felt saying that would somehow hurt Sheila's feelings. Sheila's feelings! Hey, who's Sean McCullough, uh? Chopped liver?? No wonder I sometimes felt like I was in my own shadow. "'Gay prancing colleens'!" Andrew laughed afterwards in the Hall's dressing rooms where my troupe buddies doffed black jackets and saffron kilts. "Boy, would he be surprised!" he japed, throwing me a wink. "I don't really like fooling nice people," I murmured a little to loudly and blushed as the guys looked up at me and my very different costume and effect. "Well, if you didn't we wouldn't be here, right?" Bob quipped. "Or half the guys out there droolin'!" Andrew added to my wince, further stinging my gagged and twitching male ego; Damn! Bad enough these daze screens jerk you around with bullshit fantasies, they don't filter out assholes either! "Hey, com'on, Sean, just a joke!" Andrew said. "Maybe it's no kilt, but you're still one of us 'neath those skirts, right?" "Yea," Bob said with a funny look. "You sure been acting funny the last couple of weeks, Sean." I held my breath than prick the bubble with a fuck-off. "'Funny'? How?" "Well, you're way quieter and don't frown all that much anymore." "Yea, even when someone calls you 'pretty' when you're all dressed like that!" added Andrew. "You even talk and move like the girls do a lot more. I mean, like you forget to stop acting Sheila sometimes. If you don't watch it, people gonna REALLY think you're a sissy!" I gnashed down an outburst, yet vexed how to exactly parry that remark in Sheila's prissy demure character. To be truthful, the guys in my troupe gave me a lot of slack and support and sympathy in my dual role as boy dancer and club primer donna hoofer and Irish tourist board model, Sheila O'Riley. They respected that 'she' helped bring in the bacon to run the troupe and our tours and charities so there wasn't anything really mean-spirited about their teases and taunts, still, sometimes even their jesting comradery crossed the line. I really didn't want to break out of my daze screen to take the full reins and awareness of my body, not if it was really still garbed as a girl. Playing Sheila was a lot like riding a bike without touching the handle bars; so long as the way ahead was straight and had gradual turns you could just ride and not touch anything, but any sharp corners or rough roads demanded hands-on attention. So far, I'd been proud and relieved how well I managed to do Sheila by remote without the humiliation of actually being in her stead. I'd been fighting to assert masculinity over looks since kindergarten and I didn't need to slide back now by shifting into reality mode to assume a person contrary my struggling male ego and vanity. "Hey guys, give Sean a break! He's lookin' great makin' us all look good!" I glimpsed Kevin with his coy champion smile and my quiet sigh wished he weren't so obvious, like the way my junior jock friend slipped over by me. Very softly I admonished; "Really shouldn't meet like this." "Just catching you before you changed!" the thirteen-and-half year-old junior jock quipped, shrugging off my cautious glance at the other guys. "It's okay, they know we're best friends" "'Just' I hope!" I rued and he smirked as my saner skittish left out the hallway and no sooner did I turn a corner then he was reaching for my gored waist before I anxiously whirled aside. "Kevin!" I hissed softly. "Stop fooling around! It's bad enough they're starting to think that I--that Sean's turning soft and sissy because I hang around with you too long after I really need to be around. If I mess up his macho reputation you can forget about seeing me again!" "Hey, it's not like I'm doing it out in front of them! Gee whiz! You're so damn serious!" "I am because it's very hard!" "You're telling me!" he quipped to my slap of his hand. "Really! It's very--difficult trying not to think like Sean or believe I'm really him so I can feel this way about you." Yea, all sissy smarmy meek like no guy ought be, still, it feels so awesome whenever he touches or even smiles at me! Man! My hot wild imagination's something else! "How about me??" he muttered. "It's a real pain in the ass that you can't come out all by yourself except 'till someone asks Sean to play you for something special!" "That's just how it works, Kevin. We're not really separate people, you know. ---UHH!!" I gasped as he brashly grabbed my waist. "Kevin! Someone might see!" "Sure; just a guy doing his chick. Even the Hibernians aren't that hung up!" "Honestly, Kevin Shea--!" "Shhh...." he coaxed, cockily pulling my anxious shy to nuzzle my nose and brush lips to kindle instant butterflies fluttering deep my navel thawing my skittish against my will. Oh gosh!... He's so brash and likes me so much, despite the fact he knows that I'm really a...a... Kev's lips pressed mine, rousting more butterflies from my crushed navel. Ohhhh..... O heck! Still feels smug and sneaky seeing my best friend fawning blind over me like this, even if it's just a figment of my imagination! I remember our very first kiss a few months ago--even though in reality it didn't really happen just like now--when he backed a dolled-up Sheila out a birthday party and against the hedges of a starry yard garden to brashly press her cornered breathless lips. Jeese! The thought's so faggy sissy--but the sensation's so awesome--at least in a daze screen! Anyway, I'm not all that blind of what could've happened in the garden; I somberly knew 'Sheila' was an Irish brochure pin-up in many boys' lockers and she got fan mail I didn't read. That she did hinted to me that she must've been more comely than I could ever admit to myself to cause that. I mean, in Sheila makeup and wig and getup, I often found myself more than a little stirred by the chicklette in my sis Noreen's mirror, so I'm sure Kev might've kind of 'forget' who 'Sheila' really was in the yard that night, but in reality the outcome wasn't all that racy as my wild dreams spins. I recall chiding his amnesic cow-eyes off before he even came close and he sulked and cooled off in the back seat off while mom drove us home, end party. I did puke when I got home and stained that dress that caused all my qualms, but ever since that night I found the macho-sparing ability to daze dream and detach myself from a girl-pose coached and groomed by eager troupe leaders and my own cheerfully accomplice mom. It was a neat daydream-like ability that veiled my strained male ego from the humiliation of playing a girl with full awareness. It was kind of like driving a car very slowly through a forest in heavy fog at night and sometimes it was hard telling trees of reality from deer of illusion but I navigated the real world pretty well so, and besides, those deer were often pretty neat does to fool around with. Even if they always turned up a buck instead. awesome buck Kevin! Another tingle flowered from my belly. Oh, gosh... Jeese! I could get used to this moist mashing mouths thing even with a guy--at least in sissy daydreams like this! What were we really doing right now? That's the thing about daze screens; wild ungovernable fantasies distort your already foggy view of reality. You had to rely on common sense to filter it out, but not too much or else you'd strain the thrill. Chances were that Kevin and I were actually just busy changing of course, so till my daze screen finally shed Sheila's male-damning threads, what better way to burn idle time than indulge a crazy faggy fantasy no real macho guy would really ever do?... I felt firm kneading lips peel from my pantings and my lush feathery lashes fluttered open before Kevin's sly grin as he fingered an auburn tendril brushing my brow. "So cute n' cool!" "What is?" "That dreamy look you always got like you're half-asleep. Makes you so sly and sexy!" I giggled. "Well, this IS a daydream! Just better make sure you don't wake me up!" I coyly admonished and he chuckled. "Mmm. I wanna live dangerously!" "Kevin!" I chided before he took me by surprise with another mash of lips beating more butterflies up my spine, my lame resistance melting as his lips gently kneaded my soft gasp-moan. I--I really shouldn't.... Oh, he's so crazy! Oh, it's all so crazy! I ought be cringing from him, not moving even closer. But it doesn't matter. It's all just a wild sissy daze screen. A stage for forbidden feelings. I have to remember that. Always. Just a wild forbidden delicious whimsy... A honking truck outside startled us and gave my winded wits a chance to recover and push away. He chuckled and reached again but I slapped his hands away. "Are you joking?? Do you want to get caught?" "Why should you care if all this's only Sean's daydream to you?" "Because I'm treating it like it's really happening just in case it is, even though I know this is really just a daydream!" "Right. That makes sense!" he chaffed and I lugubriously pouted with disapproval. "Kevin, if I don't believe that, you're going to have find some other bimbette to tease, understand?" He grumbled. "You and Sean's gay daydreams!" I winced inside. Damn! Hate it when freakin' illusions like him get off cocky with shit like that! "He's no more gay than you are!" I parried. He smirked. "Cute. Well, you'd fool any guy that you're a pretty chick--and I never hit on Sean either, right? But you let me pet n' neck even though I'm still a guy to you--and him inside you, so how else can I think?" "There's a touch of gay mixed inside any friendship. Boys just don't let it show like girls do," I demurred, reposting, "And besides, you moved on Sean at the party, remember?" "That wasn't all Sean. It was you first coming out of him method acting his perfect dreamgirl, right?" "Well, I don't know how 'perfect' I am. I'm just doing my best to 'pass', that's all." "You're perfect, Sheila. To everyone who sees you." "Thanks to Mahoney coaching me--Sean to act a girl so hard, not because I--he had any in him!" I vainly asserted. "Maybe not, still you're good. The other guys don't even see you being Sean pretending it anymore, you know" Thanks, Kev. That really pumps my self-esteem! "I--Sean puts up being me only because he loves folk dancing even more than the shame, Kevin. It feels great dancing to people and seeing them clap for you. When I dance at hospitals and nursing homes and see their faces light up at my dance, Sean feels like he could die happy a thousand times. It's worth it for him, even if he has to pass as a girl to do it. Only thing is his macho shuts his mind from dolling-up and playing me until it became like a habit so he could bask in the attention without thinking about me." "Like how we get dressed without even thinking 'bout it?" "In a way, only I'm that 'habit' now and he's far away from anything to do with me." "Far away in this 'daydream', right?" "Actually Sean calls it his 'daze screen'. He's playing me through a dreamy daydream, so even though he's--supposedly-- acting me out in the real world, he doesn't have to believe everything's for real, like you and I, see?" "Weird!" I simpered. "It's not that weird! Many people with boring jobs do something like that to forget their work and clock." "Shit! Wish I could do that for school!" My real chuckle dream-giggled. "Well, you cut class. Much the same thing! Like today; I--Sean came here to play Sheila for the Hibernians, but I'm the one who got dressed as me and danced, not him." "So he doesn't have to be embarrassed playing a girl, right?" "Pretty much." "But you act and dress more dainty and prissy than even the other girls in the club! Than most girls even!" "Because I'm how he imagines the perfect girl oughta be like. Just like you have one." "Sure, but my dreamgirl doesn't hijack my bod and sister's clothes!" he japed till I pouted and he waved it off. "I know, I know; 'it's not that way'! But I still can't see how a guy who says he ain't gay doesn't mind another guy hitting on him--er, on you--in his daydreams." "Only to a point. I mean, most all boys at one time or another have kinky wonders about what it's like being moved on by another boy." "Hey, speak for yourself, babe!" "It's true! Sean loves all the tingles and thrills I get whenever we're together, He loves seeing me dressed frilly and romantic like he thinks all girls oughta be. It gives him a real warm fuzzy feeling, just like how he loves seeing me model and pose too." "Mean he gets hot seeing you all guzzied up sassy and stuff?" I blushed. "Er, maybe 'excited's a better word," I abashedly admitted and he cackled. "Man, that Sean's a sly sucker, ain't he? Bet he peeps girls' bathrooms too!" "No he doesn't! I'm just telling you that I'm--that he's still as macho as you are. He's just getting his kicks dreaming he's a chick through me! I--He doesn't really want to be one!" So far, I hope! This could be a bad habit, like! "Mean you're like a secret excuse for him to see what it's like, huh?" "I wouldn't exactly put it that way..." "Well, if he's into getting his jollies off you on the sly, then maybe he'd like a little more thrills--" He lunged and caught me but I whirled clear from his smirk. "Too freakin' coy!" "Don't prick the bubble, Kevin!" I scolded. "Bubble?" "Yes! Long as I--Sean thinks it's all just a wild daydream and he's enjoying it, I'm okay, but if I start to really doubt that..." "He'll wake, huh?" "Like a nightmare." "If that's true, how come his macho doesn't pop you when we pet n' neck an stuff?" "Most dreams tickle you with forbidden fun and stuff we don't mind enjoying since we can't control it, right? But you can only stretch it so much before his male ego gets bruised, understand?" "Shit! You're saying that--that we can't ever really make out or shit without ticking him off, right?" Vexed, my hands flew to my hips; "Is that all you can think about?" "What else is there?" "Really!" I chided but he only chuckled and drew me close, stroking my hips' embroiled velvet pleats while looking like Moses gazing at the forbidden Promised Land. "I want you bad, Sheila. Real bad, you know?" I blushed, grateful and wishing I could tell him that my heart sprung from Sean's deep friendship. Perhaps even deeper. "I'm not even thirteen yet, Kevin," I ruefully admonished. He snickered. "Like half the eighth grade hasn't done it already? This really sucks!" "Maybe it's for the better." "What?" My mildly padded bosom heaved with a sober sigh. "Kevin, as much as I love you, it can ruin your manhood well as Sean's, don't you see?" "No--" he held my waist tight like I was going to escape forever or he making a promise. "Someday, somehow, it's just going to be all you. A real girl top to toes like a lot of guys are switching! No sharing nothing with Sean! Just you! Just like those He-Starlets on Orphra!" "I doubt Sean wants a sex change, Kevin," I rued. "He's worked too hard proving he's a boy to people and to himself. Besides, this is like having his cake and eating it too." "Aggg!!" Kevin pined and I felt so bad that even my modesty didn't protest as his palms stroked the thighs of my velvet pleated skirt in less an erotic move than possessive. It felt so safe and cozy and tingly and I wanted to cuddle under his arm. So awesome. He really wants to take care of me. I could forget all my troubles and let him protect me and be happy forever. No wonder being Sheila feels so--dangerous. He wistfully asked. "Do you think maybe...maybe if I could kinda play up on him, maybe I could seduce him to like being you always?" "Not if you want a fat lip!" I wryly quipped, turning tender. "Kevin, I'm happy it's this way, really. If it weren't for you, I'd still be just a wild wonder in Sean's dreams." "Huh. If you only knew what you do to my dreams!" he grumbled, knitting his fingers behind my waist to draw my lips and hips against his and I felt his budge mashing my velvet-sheathed counterpart. An instinctive flash of macho appall braced me then wafted in the pardon of dreams to let me settle into our cuddly huddle. Actually we were pretty tame compared a lot of kids considering, but by necessity I had to be the more reasonable and modest one in our strange astral rapport. Kevin was my best friend, but my virility and self-esteem and macho had bad qualms about it sliding past that. Even indulging a sissy daze screen. "Hey!!" shouted Bob from around the corner and startling us apart. "What you two sissies doin' back there? Smoochin'??" I blushed but Kevin only grinned. "Not a bad idea." "Kevin!" I quietly scolded, returning inside to hastily wipe my light makeup and put up my wig and dance costume then throwing on Sean's sweatshirt and jeans and scruffy sneakers. In street clothes again too, Kevin returned wearing a dour face as I fluffed my pressed locks into a boyish mop. "A doll even a dude," he morosely quipped." Time to turn back into a pumpkin, huh?" A sissy softness budded deep my chest and on impulse I sneaked a peck on his cheek and faced him with soulful eyes." You're always my Prince Charming, Kevin." "Yea..." He paused. "Suppose...suppose Sean knew that he really was daydreaming you be with me as a girl for real?" An icy fist clenched my soft warm feeling; "He'd kill you," I flatly uttered as a deadly scold. "Don't ever think that wild again, Kevin. Not if you ever want to see me again--or keep a friend." "Uh...yea. Sorry," he murmured and I reached to grapple his hands to briefly nuzzle then with a rueful breath I pulled away and closed my eyes and thought about everything I did since we arrived-- My eyes blinked from my daze to smirk at Kevin's funny sober look. I snorted to myself. Right. Like I'd really let fairy shit like that happen! Well, showtime's over. Time to ditch the daze screen! "What you starin' at for, huh?" I snapped at his sudden sheepish look. "Er, no, I was just--just checking out your--your hair," he said, picking at my short brown locks. "There. No more confetti, see?" I shrugged and looked at the neatly hung girls' dancing costume in all its intricate embroidery and tassels. It was pretty artwork in its own right and there was no embarrassment for even a guy to admire it. I don't even really mind doing the girlie jig thing by itself; I mean a great dance's a great dance, but I'm just not cut out for passing as chicks and shit. Thank god I'm doing it on daze screen autopilot now! Well, time to land. I came out from behind the closet door with 'my' Sheila costume on a hanger. "Hey, who's callin' who a sissy, huh??" Andrew chuckled. "No way!!" Bob put up his hands. "Kiddin??" I snorted at my buddies and faced Kevin. "How 'bout you, loverboy??" I chaffed. The start on his face was electric. "Huh??" I grinned. "Hope you only just liked my dancin'!" I quipped, my wry smirk gesturing at his bulging fly. Kevin blushed. "Er, no...I was--was thinking of--of Aislynn." "You got the hots for Aislynn?" I derided as he beat a retreat for the lavatory. Jeese! Our close-knit troupe was more like a family than a social club so it was hard to believe he was horny over one of the girls. That's almost as bad as--as, well, say him really moving on me in Sheila drag in real life! **** "Wants Sheila to baby-sit--tonight??" I balked over homework in my bedroom. "Why didn't Mrs. Mahoney phone me before?" Without lifting his head from his books Kevin shrugged. "I guess she was too busy so she asked me to." "Damn! Hate babysitting!" "Thought Sheila loved it--I mean, that you liked little kids." "Sure, I like little kids. Just not watching them, that's all!" I rued with a sober sigh. "They make you get too silly and soft playing with them and talking to them. Whenever Sheila goes, it feels like I'm getting a little more meeker somehow..." I felt Kevin staring at me and hastily shifted. "I mean, I hate it when everyone thinks I just turn into--just play Sheila like a stupid light!" "It's hard, huh?" "Sucks. Imagine you climbing into girls' clothes whenever someone asks!" "No way! I mean, I couldn't. But you keep on doing it, right?" Kevin said less as a question than a statement and I sighed and plopped on the bed, grudgingly admitting; "Only because--because I like dancing. I love it, even if it's a girls' part. Someday I'm going to be in Riverdance and the Belfast Theater and be lead dancer there. It'd be so rad--and playing Sheila gives me another chance to dance more that we guys don't get. That's the only reason I play her. It's not because I love being in drag!" "We all know that, Sean. We don't laugh at you because we know! Gee, everyone's amazed how great Sheila's moves are! Even better a girl than the real girls!" Kevin quipped, his chuckle fading at my frown. "Well, I mean, you--you sure know how to act Sheila great." "Right," I muttered, reflecting. "Maybe I got coached too hard. Mom and sis aren't any help. They love grooming me into Sheila. Sometimes I think they wish I stayed Sheila!" "Hey, com'on, that's not true!" Kevin declared, but somehow it didn't sound all that supportive to me. "I--Everyone think you're doing a great job, Sean. Not too many guys got the guts to do what you do to help make others happy, you know?" Kevin said with a warm reverence in his eyes that touched something soft deep my chest. Jeese, what a buddy and a half! Kev's the kind who'll stick by you thick and thin. Any wonder I've wild dreams about rewarding him in ways no real guy would? "What are you chuckling about?" Kevin asked and I shrugged. "You don't wanna know--and I shouldn't even be thinking it," I demurred, nodding it off and soberly heading out for Noreen's happy assistance, and for a moment catching his odd shy glance up at me. *** It was starry twilight when I skipped on Mahoney's block and paused to primp my fave tartan jumper's skirt whose crinoline slip belled it out such that my legs looked even longer in my charcoal suede skimmer pumps and yellow knee socks matching a mildly mounded puff-sleeved blouse draped by twin ribboned auburn ponytails sprouting from each side of my parted scalp. Back in Noreen's closet mirror I looked a cute proper carrot-topped nine-year-old daddy's girl, and in a weird way that image titillated me as much as mom's eager grooming. But she's right; why are girls so shoddy into jeans and sneakers and scraggly hair when they look so much nicer all dressed up? Just takes an extra fifteen minutes or so but the difference it makes, and not just looks! Boys would dump their Levi's and Reeboks if knew just how silky and cozy and free it feels being enveloped in swirly skirts with only breezes caressing your smooth bare legs! I giggled. Can you believe I'm thinking like this? Funny how sissy prissy daze screens make you! But then you'd still want to look your best, even if you gotta pass as a chicklette. Besides, I gotta admit I look kinda cute in the mirror as Sheila. Even during my first traumatic conscious days modeling as Sheila, I was always amazed how cosmetics and garments could transform my spindly boy-fact so completely; how spandex bodysuits crunched and curved my angular frame into a sleek figure and sheer support tights molded skinny legs into sleek pretty columns and how auburn wigs fluffily framed the powdered and painted face of a comely twin sister. Though I preferred to see Sheila in my mirror as so, I also felt a disturbing awe manifested by tingly throbs hidden under layers of cotton and chiffon or waking up damp with lingering images of her. Ironically, it was such thrills that helped fuel my enthrall and acceptance of my grudging masquerade. Besides, it was more exciting and innocent and less condemning than hands yanking under the sheets. So even though male ego pushed my Sheila role behind a daze screen's flaky quarantine away from sissy contamination, I still basked the awesome sensations my pretty proxy-self passed me, along with whatever delicious blameless damnations that came along. I heard a scuffing step nearby and my skirt whirled out with my spin about and I gasped at-- "Kevin!" I cried, relaxing with vexed relief. "You almost scared my panties off! What are you doing here?" "To tell you forget about Mahoney." "But I'm babysitting--" "Er, that was bogus," he shyly admitted, moving up to clasp my thick narrow belt. Truth dawning, I petulantly smirked. "That wasn't very nice, Kevin! Tricking Sean to get me out here!" "It did, didn't it?" "Kevin, I--Sean went out of his way to come here. Right now he's pissed that you must've lied! He could wake right now!" "Not with you all dolled-up like this! He'd die first!" I shook my head. "You're guessing an awful lot, Kevin." "Let me ask you, Sheila--" he said, clasping my docile waist. "do you think Sean's so ticked off that he'd rather break off you being with me?" "Oh, you're so full of it!" I scolded just as he lowered his face at mine, his mouth briefly chasing my dodging mouth before capturing it in a moist press. Talk about delicious damnations! Oh, this dude's so freakin' cocky! Man! If Kevin ever really moved on me like this I'd karate him out flatter than a pancake! Even though he's showing me how much he likes me. Kinda. I guess I can sit 'neath a tree in the park somewhere awhile... *** We were actually pretty reserved as most junior high kids go, petting and necking-wise lolling under the nearby park's secluded stand of trees, our worked-up groping passions blooming from the novel fondling experimentations of prepubescence than any real Playboy-grade erotic overtures. The closest we came to such was when Kevin surprised me by sprawling upon me and began rubbing his jeans' fly against my full billowy skirt. "Wh--What are you doing?" I panted. He murmured in my ear. "It's okay, just relax." "But what are you doing?" "Just--dry humpin', that's all," he said like a casual locker room veteran as he rocked back and forth while his butt bounced over me. "'Dry-humping'?" "Yea. It's safe and you don't have to feel embarrassed 'bout takin' off your clothes or nothin'. Just relax and like it." "Feels--silly!" "Look, just relax okay? Spread your knees a little more, okay?" "Let's just hug again. This is silly!" "Damn, Sheila!" I sighed and grudgingly relaxed my legs for him to settle between them to better continue rubbing the fronts of our clothed hips together like rubbing fire sticks. Jeese! He's so cocky, doing this faggy grind shit on me! Can't believe I'm just laying here taking it, even as a freakin' dream! I'm a guy, not a sissy fag, damnit! I'm gonna get up and...and... Oooooohhhh.... I felt weak pulsing warmth bloom deep inside my skirts where his rocking pressure most kneaded upon, tensing and opening like a soft fist capturing my breath and sapping my wits. O wow... Awed, I laid still as warm tingly sparks spread through me like trillions of tiny tricklely ants. Awesome!... My feathery eyelashes knit shut tight and I felt myself breathing like a runner in a race, like Kevin was, as though he was desperate for something to happen. I would've helped, if I had known what it was supposed to be, and if I had not been so numbed in every part of my body from that tight hot place under my skirt where Kevin's budging fly ground against me in a slow rocking rhythm. Ooooh!... I was overwhelmed by the tense tingly sensation that spread from swelling place to every other part of my being. Seeping my closed eyelashes a rainbow mist clouded Kevin and seemed to brighten and grow. Kevin's budging fly ground and mowed my sheathed swelling twin as it throbbed and tingled me all over. Of its own accord my hips began cycling with Kevin's, rising and falling against his in a tight shameless undulating meld while I was lost in a warm sweet breathless pounding haze, my witless wayward delight evermore mounting until I thought I could no longer tolerate it. And then it culminated in a burst even more delicious, a sort of soft explosion, like a cotton pod bursting deep my panties. At the same moment, Kevin also breathed out a long soft moan of what even, even in my ignorance, even half unconsciousness in my own sweet delirium, even I recognized as our rapturous releases. Then he collapsed limply upon the length of my body. We lay there for some time, both of us panting hard. I slowly became aware that the rainbow was fading. Jeese!... Totally awesome daze screen! Popping off--and without messing any hands! "Awesome!" Kevin murmured "Yea!" I panted, enthralled. He moved off me and grimaced. "What's wrong?" "Cold and sticky somewhere..." he abashedly demurred and I sensed a familiar sensation 'somewhere' too. "Yea! Ugh!" "You too??" he said, looking at me funny before sheepishly chuckling. "Er, I suppose you can, uh? Er, I gotta change," he said, getting up to go behind a tree and taking his cue I sat up and hiked my skirts and worked my soggy panties off. Yuk! "'Dry', uh??" I chaffed as Kevin returned, one jeans pocket pregnant with a stuffed underbrief.. "It's like my--Sean's underpants when he wakes up sometimes!" "Er, can I have them?" Kevin asked. "Why??" "To show the guys at school! Don't worry, I won't tell them whose it is." "Why you want to show some boys my underwear??" "Com'on! Every jock knows getting a girls' panties means you got it!" "Got what?" "You know!, maybe not with you," he demurred, looking at my quizzical wince. "I mean, not yet. You're special, Sheila. I have to find out--er, find out about how to--er, how to do it like--things that has to do with--with doing you the right way, like, not like with normals girls, you know?" "I honestly don't know what you mean," I issued, dismissing his blabber. "Can we do that hump thing again?" *** "Least you look more a pretty tomboy than a boy!" Kevin grumbled after I changed into Sean's jeans and gingham shirt in his bedroom to see him spreading our school stuff all over Sean's bed as though a regular study together night. Still... "Hope you're right Kevin," I nervously said. "He's been wandering out there for over an hour, pissed as anything I just know!" "Look, he didn't wake, even through all the shit we did, right? That means he still wants this to be a daydream to fool him even deeper." "Even though you're warning him by telling me?" "Look, he didn't leave this house after Noreen made you over; you did. All he knows is what you did outside, not what he thinks he would've done going over to baby-sit." "Oh Kevin, this is so chancy! What if he doesn't believe you?" "It'll work. Trust me," Kevin said, coming over to hold my waist. "The last thing in the world Sean wants to face up to is that he's really been..." and he kissed me and stroked my denim flanks and I wanted to stay lost and snug in his hug but anxiously broke that trance and I moved away to perch the edge of the bed where Sean's school stuff were spread while Kevin plopped on the floor by his books and nodded at me. "Bye," I said with weak wave and closed my eyes and drew a breath to give up this one delicious daze screen and blinked and looked around at the school stuff around the room and Kevin writing in a notebook like a test cram. I smirked over grinding teeth. Yea, like he's really studying. Freakin' faker! I saw you setting this place up right front my eyes to bullshit me, asshole. Kevin innocently looked up. "What's up, Sean?" What's up? That supposed to be funny? What do you take me for, a fool? My best friend messing with me the worst way on the sly? Oh man, that super-sucks like hurt! My ready tongue-lashing bit my lip-- Wait--wait--wait! Supposed it really was a 'she' dream , right? I mean, I sure hope it was! Com'on, it just had to be, right? So why don't I remember my drag dance favor babysitting? Unless it didn't happen? Unless-- Nonplused, I glanced the clock. "Shit. I--I'm late for that babysitting shit!" "Missed nothing! Mahoney phoned and called it off, remember?" Remember what? That I never really left the house? "Mean, we been--studying instead all this time?" "Sure we been studying! What else would've we been doing??" Kevin gibed a funny way that should've slighted had I been on the joke--which I couldn't have been if I was sane and straight because I'd never let any dude move on me like that except in some wild sissy dream, right? Besides, do you really think Kev's so low as to take advantage of any schizoid she-me of mine on the sly like that? Com'on! Sheepish and bemused, I feigned nonchalance and sat next one of my open books and tried to recall skimming chapter nine. *** Feeling indefinably unsettled, I sat by Kevin in the school cafeteria. "I--I heard guys laughing in the locker room that you were waving around a pair of panties." He clucked. "Yea! They couldn't believe I scored one, even after they sniffed her come in it!" "So...who was it?" I asked, more curious than I needed to be. He suddenly mellowed shy and shrugged. "Just a fox." "You're not really...messing with girls, are you Kev?" "What kinda question's that?" "Just--asking. I mean, you're just bragging like most the guys, right?" "Look, I'm thirteen-and-a-half, Sean. How am I gonna get in the jock crowd in high school without a little experience, you know?" I muttered. "Too young for that kind of 'experience'." "Shit, half the eighth grade's that 'experienced'. Where you been?" "I just--don't think girls are toys, that's all." "If they like to be, so what?" he said to my clenched lip. "Don't knock it till you know you tried it," he quipped and I spun my face at him. "What's that mean?" I said and he fell sheepish. "I mean...mean that someday you'll have a girlfriend and you'll get it, that's all," he nonchalantly explained, returning to sip his soda straw, though somehow in some subtle damning way I don't think that's not what he really meant. *** "Oh, thank goodness I caught you, Sean!" Mrs. Mahoney said, dropping my our house. "Grant High has International Day next week, and I just know that they'd be thrilled if Sheila O'Riley made a special dance appearance?" My chest did flip-flops. O joy! O suck! *** The high school auditorium erupted with applause to my winded curtsy and I skipped off the stage to let the Jamaican steel drum people do their turn, slipping out a side exit to elude any of Sheila's model fans with their waving autograph books and requests for beauty tips. Right! Still, I really enjoyed doing that show too! Even through a daze screen as a chick, that was cool. It's like being in the back seat of your own mind and someone else's driving! Just tell the cabbie where ya wanna go and dance! I mean me-- consciously faking being a dainty demure chicklette? No way! Since I also came in my Celtic costume without a clothes change I kept my daze screen up going outside to wait for mom to drive up when a blue T-Bird convertible slid by the curb. Without my thinking my breath sucked in at the husky jock behind the wheel. Fair, husky Nordic type bulging broad polo shirts. Jeese! Just the perfect hunk to cast as 'Thor'. Awesome! And just the kind of bod Sean wished he looked like! You couldn't help being more than a tad jealous! He looked me over and that tickled me too. "Hi!" he silkily greeted. "Caught your dance. You were great!" "Oh? Er, thank you," my coy soft girl-voice voice faked by itself. "And that dress looks super." "Thank you so." "And the fox in it even nicer." I blushed. Oh my! "Say, what school are you from? I thought I knew most the chicks in the high schools 'round here." Surprised, I twittered. "High school?? Oh, I'm not in--" Vanity gnashed my tongue. What on earth was I doing?? About to tell a gorgeous high school stud that I was really some lowly eighth-grade guy-geek in La Fez Middle School when he's taken me for a high school woman? A girl's Celtic folk costume generally made you look like a quaintly romantic ten-year-old, not even a slightly taller than average junior high girl much less an honest-to-goodness high school woman-chick! Awesome! "'Not'?" he quizzically prompted and I hastily unbit my coral-glossed lip. "I--I--I'm not in public school. I go to--to St. Mary's' Academy." "The girls' school, right? I guess you don't get hit by too many guys there, eh?" "Er, not really..." "Biff Barrington." "Barrington.. Not the All City star draft quarterback?" "Sports fan too, eh? Nice. I dig well-rounded girls." I blushed and giggled. O Wow! It was one thing to bask the brash stroking gazes of wistful boys, but this guy was a high school MAN, with his own car, and a star jock, hitting on me like another Barbie cheerleader! Awesome! "Say, wanna lift beautiful?" "Lift??" I blurted with skittish wistfulness at his classic wheels. "Er, I--I don't know..." "Promise I won't bite," he japed, leaning over to open the passenger door, and nervous and giggling I shyly teased my roiling tresses. "I--I really shouldn't, you know." "Com'on, you're no kid playing mommy's rules, are you?! You're your own woman, right?" I giggled with demure enthrall; Me--A woman?? A real teen-age woman?? Gee! Whatta concept! Must be Noreen's new 34A! "So tell me, where do pretty Irish lassies like to dine?" "Dine? Er, I dunno. MacDonalds?" "Mean 'Mc' Donalds, don't ya, me lovely lass??" he japed with a brogue tingling through me. "Naw. We can do way better than some breadburgers. Like babyback ribs?" "Love it! I mean...when I'm able." He reached over and patted the passenger bucket seat. "Well, meet your enabler!" "I...I'd really like to...really..." "Hey, I'm harmless! Ask anyone here! I'm the BMOC!" "BMOC?" "Big man on campus--and your welcome wagon!" he beamed with a wink. Oh wow! Like, how can it hurt just to indulge the flattery? I won't get the chance when Sean enrolls here next year unless I dare to play his twin sis on the sly, and that'd really be burning the candle at both ends--! Wait! What am I talking about? This dude's just a freaking illusion! You're caught up in a daze screen, guy! You're probably really in mom's car heading home by now! Why raise the screens listening to her chat fashion to 'Sheila' when I can pump some jollies outta this sissy dream fooling a big dumb jock who oughta be me? Sure! Why not?? "Well...I'm just going a short way," I coyly deigned sliding into the bucket seat and he grinned at me, for a second his eyes touching my knees and lower thigh, which my seated skirt hitched, back from. I giggled. This daze's dozens--hundreds of times better than Kevin! *** I took the phone from mom's amused smile. "Hello?" "Yo!" bellowed a husky jock's voice. "Biff!" Puzzled, I frowned. "Biff?" "Forget me already, babe?" I winced back and scowled. "'Babe'?" "Yea! Say, gotta sore throat or something, foxy? Ha--ha!" I snorted. "Ha-Ha to you too, buddy! You got the wrong phone!" "Wrong number? Hey, the lady before said Sheila was in!" I blinked aback. "Sheila??" The pit of my stomach dropped. Shit! Just great! A fan's finally found my--er, rather--Sheila's top secret! But how?? "How'd you get this number?" "She gave it to me!" "What??" "Hey, who are you, her bro'? Hook me with the fox, okay?" I smirked. "Yea, right, joker! Look, I don't know how you" Oooooh wow!... That warm swimmy feeling! Feels like I'm rocking on a boat in the dark...darker...darker...pounding back lighter and lighter... "Hello? Yo, hello!" Bosom buoying, I shook the hazy cobwebs out of my head and hastily answered. "Hello, Biff?" "Hey, babe! Glad to hear that soft sweet voice again! What's goin' on? Your bro' sounds a little hostile!" "Oh, he's just--jealous," I coyly twittered, twining the phone cord around my fingers as my jello knees quivered to the floor against the wall. "You know kid brothers." "Well, he's gotta real problem then, eh??..." "That was one long phone call!" Kevin later chaffed on my bed amid open schoolbooks as I skipped back into Sean's bedroom. I shrugged. "Er, just--grandma. I hadn't talked to her for a long time." For a few moments I looked at Kevin on the bed and my face screwed up. Gee! He looks like--no, IS such a mere boy! Just a boy! I sunk by the bed and pretended I was continuing a scan of social studies while I muffled the titters erupting from my pounding chest from the suave flattery still ringing in my ear... Oh Biff!... So awesome! So cool! So handsome! A real man! No wonder even Sean envies him!... Fluttering, my eyes opened to a strange new awareness and I muted my titter of awe and thrill. O Wow! I did it! I'm out and Sean didn't even call me to! I'm--all by myself! No phony daze screens or daydreams or anything! Just all myself! Totally awesome! And I have but one fantastic guy to thank for that! A soft giggle escaped me, and sheepish I looked up and met Kevin's funny look. "You okay?" he asked, looking at me with the most peculiar face, as though he was once hoping for and dismissing something. I looked so comparatively lame that I softly smirked as I felt his eyes touch mine and try to feel beyond them-- Oops! I shied and faked several coughs. "J--Ju--Just thinkin' math, that's all!" I blurted with a heavier voice back to my books, not daring to face him and his lame mere palhood again in case he just might somehow recognize me behind Sean's face. *** "Damn, you're so pretty!" Biff crooned with a winning grin during our stroll in the amusement park, his smile rushing a flood of honey-thick weakness through my fluttering bones and I wondered how much longer my rubber knees could stand. I wanted to drown in his grinning gray eyes and feel those lumpy arms twine and crush me. I never dreamt I could feel so--so womanly before! And without any silly macho 'screens' blocking me now, just maybe!... *** Still swaddled in a terry bathtowel before Noreen's vanity mirror, I finished pinning hair extensions around the freshly steamed curls framing my glowing painted face. Nice if I say so myself! It wasn't the first time I'd been dolled-up to look a sassy thirteen or fourteen, but this time it wasn't for any Irish brochures or 'tween' makeup ads. No, I looked almost fifteen. I hoped he liked me! And I don't mean silly Sean either! I giggled. Noreen came in, looking surprised. "Nice Jon Benet treatment! You've really been getting the hang of doing it yourself instead of me and mom or your model makeup lady!" I shrugged as I preened down my mini-dress. "Well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." "Oh? I didn't know anyone called for Sheila to come in." "No, I'm coming out." "Huh? "I'm going to the movies." "The movies? Done that? As Sheila?" "Well, life's more than dancing and modeling you know!" "What? If I didn't know you better, I'd think that you're going overbroad doing Sheila now!" I smiled and cocked my head. "Afraid of the competition?" She blinked aback. "What??" she cackled. "Wow, really think you're hot shit now, don't you?" "Well, my fan mail thinks so." "Sheila fan mail doesn't know what's in her panties!" "Oh, I don't think they'd even care if they did." "Boy, you're really getting cocky, aren't you?" "Well, it's the honest truth!" I coy chimed as I checked my pearly Lees nails. She snickered. "Sure! Not even Ru Paul's that good!" Keeping a nonchalant pose, I reached into my mauve wallet and took out the strip of amusement park photo-booth snapshots. Noreen's eyes nearly fell out of her head. "No! Kiddin'! You and Biff Barrington? Kissing??" I coyly smiled as she gawked at me. "God! You--You really aren't Sean anymore, are you??" "So long as he doesn't know--right?" I hinted with a lushly feathered wink, and though puzzled and a little bewildered, vague acceptance welled her face with a dawning smile of awe and fantasy. "Sure...sure--'Sheila'. Mum's the word," she said, looking enchanted and stooping by me as though before a newfound pet. "You know...I've always kinda wanted a kid sister!..." *** "God, you're so nice!..." Biff whispered in my nibbled ear. I giggled in a soft explosion of tingles. For a few moments while parked under the trees in the park's parking lot I felt bad, that I was betraying Kevin and my heart. But when Biff's sly smile bumped then pressed mine, wild butterflies erupted in my navel. Oh, wow... Oh, he's so awesome--! Huh? My gasp was smothered inside his sucking lips What's he doing? He's pushing his tongue between my lips! Can you believe this? O, how gro--gro... A tingle swamped me as his deft wet muscle slithered through my teeth and coaxed and tagged and twined my shy tongue, eliciting sensations I never knew possible. Oh wow!... What a kiss is this? So--awesome!... Under my swimmy daze I felt a tingly tenseness bloom and tighten into a swelling ball somewhere below me deep inside my skirt, then abruptly a soft muffled implosion wracked me and hammered me with waves of sweet delicious weakness. "You okay?" he curiously asked and I weakly and sheepishly nodded. Gee. If this keeps up I'm going to need Pampers! "I--I...think so...sorry." "Hey, it's okay, babe," he japed with a funny sly victorious grin as his palm continued stroking my beige-filmed thigh. "Some of us glow faster than others, eh?" *** I snorted. "You want what?" "To see Sheila," Kevin said on my porch, looking peeved somehow. "Well, wait for next troupe meeting if they do." "I can't wait that long." "Why not?" I asked and he bit his lip. "Sean, when's the last time you were--played Sheila?" "Why?" "Sean, it's important. Real important." "I guess--I guess at that Wager High benefit two weeks ago. Why?" Kevin looked at once disbelieving and worried. "Are you sure?" "Maybe I don't like knowing that I do, but I sure do remember when." "Sure?" "Look, Kev, I did this shit once before and never again." "No, it's not that, not about parties or anything..." he paused, considered, gingerly asked; "Er, you--ever heard of Biff Barrington? "Sure. He's some star quarterback at Grant." "He's also called the bimbette slayer." "So what?" I asked and Kevin looked deathly reluctant. "I...I think that..." "Think what?" "That maybe you should...should...forget it." He drifted off, but left in his grim silence a disturbing wake resounding in a void deep inside my puzzled consternation. *** Fussing in anticipation on in starry dusk's street corner, I preened my lush wavy auburn tresses, which silkily cascaded over the slim shoulders of a well-endowed cream knit mini-dress. It was clingy and slender above the fabric belt but a trifle long; the hem hovered only around three inches above my ivory-filmed knees but still showed off enough of my long gams to aptly grace Noreen's eggshell-white high heel pumps. Though I wished the shallow neckline were deeper I'd no hints of creamy crests to tease with up there so I had to settle for the coy suggestions of amply rounded mounds thanks a well-stuffed bodysuit. Daddy's girl, move over!! I looked a fancy party teen chick easy in the mirror and mom and Noreen concurred, though mom didn't really know why I was. Heck, even I barely questioned where this deliciously damning daze screen was going, no more than a giddy kid raiding a free ice cream truck wonders where the raw milk comes from. I touched waxy coral-glossed lips, which slyly smiled. Yes, I look so cool and cute and curvy, just like a real high school woman! Hope I don't disappoint him! I giggled with nervous thrill. I heard a soft crunch and whirled with a squeal of anticipation that crimped into surprise. "Kevin??" "Hi," he said, almost haltingly drifting up. "Been trying to reach you but Sean was hogging the line. I didn't know you could come out on your own." "Sometimes," I lamely said and he shrugged and looked me over. "Nice. Real nice. You look sixteen. Real sweet sixteen." I giggled. "Sixteen?? I really do?" "Yea. Makes me feel like a kid brother," he quipped in an odd bitter way. "Isn't it kinda late to be out?" "Er...I'm waiting for--for a friend to pick me up." "I hadn't heard of anything needing Sheila there." "Well, you don't get every call I do, do you?" I churlishly said, scanning up and down the street. "You really don't have to wait up on me, Kevin. I'll be fine." "Still, I oughta watch your back." "I said, you don't have to." "Why you getting mad?" "I'm not mad. It's just--I'm a big girl now. I can take of myself." "Looking sixteen?" "So what?" "So, who you doing it for?" he accused and I frowned and in dismay spotted sly suspicions in his stare. "Are you following me?" I mildly asked. "What if I was?" "I don't like being stalked. I get enough of that modeling!" "Except you don't because you change into Sean before you leave the studio to throw them off. You know Sean, don't you?" "Is that a silly question?" "It's a serious question, Sheila. Sean wouldn't let any guy feel him up even in his dreams!" I winced, feeling suddenly uncovered and indignant and no longer coy. "Jealous?" I quipped. "Maybe," he admitted. "I don't know how you got away under Sean's screen and doing stuff on your own, but you don't know what you're getting into now." "O really?" "A chick can't jump into too many frying pans hotter than Biff's bucket seat, and you're tickling the dragon's tail at the same time." I sniffed. "Biff's a very nice guy!" "Oh sure." "He is! He's a neat jock and a sweet talker and drive around and meet his friends and sometimes I even dance for them!" "Yea, on his knee." "You HAVE been following me!" "Look, Sheila, I'm just looking out for you. Unlike Biff, I know what's 'neath those curves." I simpered and shrugged. "You don't seem to mind. Why should he?" "You gonna let it get that far?" "If he did...sure, why not?" "That's really stupid! You know, you're going to end up with a bashed-in nose and a broken jaw!" "What I really am won't matter if he truly loves me!" "Now you sound like a kid!" I opened my mouth to answer but just then Biff drove up. "Yo, babe!" Feeling so really miffed at Kevin, I flounced into the bucket set, crossed my sleek legs and pecked Biff's mouth and smirked back at Kevin. "She's just playing up to you." Kevin said. Biff chuckled. "Oh? Who you?" "I'm Kevin. Her boyfriend." I blinked. My Boyfriend?? Up to now, he never said such, maybe because we never bothered to consider our peculiar situation's status. Boyfriend? "I have a new boyfriend now, sorry!" I haughtily said with a shrug. Biff looked amused at me. "Your kid brother?" "No, her boyfriend," Kevin said. "Her first and only real boyfriend!" "Well, 'boyfriend', looks like the little lady's made her choice, don't it?" Biff said with smug possessiveness and as though to boldly emphasize it, his palm massaged the ivory-filmed peak of my crossed knees like the knob of a stick shift. "I wouldn't do that out the open if I were you," Kevin coolly said. "No? Well, why not, sport?" "There might be some police night scopes around." "Hope they like the show!" Biff japed, stroking back to my sleek mid-thigh now and eliciting nice tingles. Kevin looked like he was gnashing teeth and just as Biff revved up he jumped in front of the car. Biff snorted. "Outta the way squirt!" "Better go, Kevin," I admonished. "I'm just saying that because it's hard to buck video tape," Kevin said. "Boy, you on acid or wanna be a smudge on the pave?" "Kevin!" I chided, suddenly anxious. "Personally, I don't give a rat's ass about you, Biff. You chew up cheerleaders like tutti-frutti gum and spit them out." "Watch it kid." "I'm only worried about her if they can your ass." "I'll show you who's ass's gonna get canned!" Biff bumped his door open and I clung his arm. "Don't! Please! He's just jealous, Biff. Please??..." I pleadingly batted my feathery lashes and his scowl mellowed and he closed his door. "For you, anything, babe," he said, giving me a deep tongue kiss to smite Kevin then gunning the engine then--before my scream of alarm realized it--screeched his tires backward away from Kevin. "How you gonna explain to the cops--??" Kevin bellowed just as Biff shifted and knocked me back in my seat as we shot forward with a screech around Kevin's shout, "--WHY YOU'RE MESSING WITH A THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD CHICK??!!" I was nearly thrown through the windshield as the brakes screeched to a dead stop then thrown back my seat as Biff screeched backwards to Kevin. "Wha'cha talkin' 'bout, shrimp??" Biff blurted aloud. "What kinda shit you pissin'?" "No shit. Just ask her." My heart deflated and fluttered with dismay. "Let's go, Biff--" "Wait a mo'! He's bullshittin', right? Right??" I sank into the bucket seat. "Er......a--little." "Mean 'a little'?" "Mean.. I'm not--thirteen." He sighed. "Thank god!" I managed to squeak out a contrite smile. "Next year?..." Biff's hand leaped off my leg like a hot iron. "Jesus--!!" Kevin quietly opened my door and I hated it. "Biff??" "Sorry, babe! You got nice frames but I ain't touching shit! Thanks champ!" Biff said to Kevin. "Oh Biff!..." "Let's go," Kevin said, pulling my wrist up and out of Biff's car who promptly reached over and slammed the door then with shrieking blue smoke and powered rubber he peeled off down the street. My heart crumpled in despair. "Oh, Biff!..." "Just be glad Biff wasn't feeling up too high." My ire flared and with a loud CRACK I slapped his face and he reeled back several steps. "Stay out of my face, got it??" I snapped, my heels rapping pavement before he jumped ahead of me. "Damn it, Sheila! You just had a crush on the guy, that's all! Probably wasn't even that! You didn't have any real feelings for him! You were just wild at the idea that a high school jock like him could be turned on by someone young as you, that's all!" "How would you know?" "Because I got a crush on you--and I wouldn't let you go for all the fancy cars and trophies and cheerleaders they can throw at me! You're just another bimbette to Biff! To me--you're my one and only! Mean, sure I've some girlfriends, but you're numbero uno!" My bosom bounced on a trampoline but coy pride muffled it. "You're just saying that." "No, I mean it! You don't need Biff or look sixteen to prove you're hot on your own! You are! Even if I have to turn gay to love you right I want to be with you, always! And if Biff ever did get his way seducing you and found out all about you, I'd make sure he'd feel sorry about laying a hand on you!" My ire dampened out into a warm sheepish marshmallow. "I...I... thank you, Kevin. And--I'm sorry. I could've gotten into deep trouble." "At least a broken jaw and a bashed-in nose," he quipped, rubbing his cheek, and contritely I moved near and massaged his peach fuzz. "Forgive me?" "Don't think about it. Real girls do stupid things with guys too, believe me I know! " he japed, nuzzling noses and pressing lips to flutter my heart warm and cozy and-- Kevin jerked back. "Wow! What were you doing? Sticking your tongue in my teeth??" I blushed. "Sorry. I just...something I learned from Biff, I guess. He called it French kissing." "Awesome! I bet he showed you a lotta hot shit, huh?" he exclaimed to my mute shy. "Way cool! But what I don't get is Sean letting you get away with it! He must be unconscious or something! He'd go to the moon if he got wind of you and Biff screwing around!" "We didn't really 'screw' around! We just--just necked a little," I rebuked before sheepishly murmuring. "Er, I think it's because... because Sean--Sean's not me." "What?" "I mean, he didn't call me, I just--came out. By myself... er, well, Biff's phone call kinda helped." "You mean Sean doesn't know you're here?" "I guess. I don't feel like I'm attached to him anymore either. Maybe he's asleep or something." "That's nuts! Sheila, you're really just Sean pretending to be Sheila in a daydream, even if he doesn't believe it. How can you be here if he doesn't even know you are?" I shrugged. "Does it matter--really? I'm here now." Kevin looked at me with a funny wistful wonder. "And it doesn't wake or bother you even if guys like Biff felt you up real heavy? Even a tiny bit?" "No. I can't see why I should." "Awesome!" Kevin blurted with shameless anticipations moving close to me and brashly touching one of my bodice's hills. "You don't feel funny about that?" I shook my head and his grin increased as his hand gingerly touched my knee and stroked a little up under my eyelet hem. I softly gasped with muddled shyness. "This either?" "No. In fact, it feels kind of--nice." His hands brashly went higher and stroked my silken thigh, strumming my warm fluttery breath. "Even this?" he asked. "Better...a lot." "Alright!!" Kevin blurted, his mouth covering mine and pressed and kneaded my soft coral-glossed lips like our chests and bosoms and hips mashing another, then I felt the tip of an alien tongue pry my panting lips-- Suddenly with a shot of nameless appall I gasped back. He frowned. "What??" Nonplused, I shook my head. "No...we can't. Mustn't." "But you let Biff climb all over you!" "But he's not you!" "Oh com'on, that's a coy line!" "No, honest," I sheepishly confessed with a rueful heart. "You were right; Biff was kind of like a--a toy to me to see and feel what my wow-power's like. But you're real. My deepest closest friend, not a toy. In fact you're way more than that. I--I love you, Kevin." "Me too, Sheila. That's why I wanna try and show it. So what's the problem?" "Well...see, I--I love you, but..." "Yea?" "I love you a brother." "What??" "I thought I could fight it, but I can't. It--It would be like--like fooling around with my brother, you know?" "What?? Wait--wait! Think hard, Sheila! I'm your boyfriend! Boyfriend, not brother! You're my girl, not my sister!!" I sighed. "Sorry. I...I just feel that way now, Kevin." "Great! Just great! You got two ways of coming out now, but they both end up the same stupid place! Nowhere!" "There's more to us than sex, Kevin!" I softly admonished, yet gratefully smiling at his reckless devotion because even then I intuitively wondered whether he'd be as passionate to fulfill his desires after puberty had its turn morphing me into a boy-man. Oh well... Nevertheless, I steeled myself to purse my lips on his and part with a breathless tingle at my champion. "We'll just have to learn to get around it, okay?" Kevin snorted and looked me over as though he lost a steak. "That's what I was hoping before I got screwed with another sister!" * FIN *

Same as Fork Leaf Clover: SHAMrock Stand-In II Videos

4 years ago
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Belle of the Shamrock Ball

I’d missed the last two years’ balls. The one two years before, when we first learned of Katherine’s cancer, and last year’s shortly after her death. I’d come tonight, my first attempt to keep the promise I’d made her. Katherine made me swear to get on with my life after she was gone. She and all the rest of my friends had said not to mourn her loss more than six months, but I needed more time. It wasn’t until recently that I began to feel a little restless and bored with my solitary life. ...

2 years ago
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Emerald Passing SHAMrock StandIn III

Emerald Passing: SHAMrock Stand-In III By Dee Eon I smirked at the spiffily suited grinning boy slipping into the empty airline seat meant for Sean next to coyly smiling Sheila up in first class. Fuck! Peering up the aisle from coach class, Robert and Andrew noticed too and we exchanged glances, but that's all we were ever going to admit in our silent wistfulness toward our Irish dance company buddy's transformed belle. And transformed was the operative word because it was...

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Crimson Clover

EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...

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A Colleen In Clover

A Colleen In Clover (rushed re-touch from 3/8/99 version. Happy St. Pat's!) by Dee Eon "Gee, that's a stupid idea, carrot top!!" scoffed Paul atop his farm's log fence with me. "None's gonna make a St. Patrick's Day parade in Four Clovers 'cause there ain't any Irish here--'cept you 'n your folks! There's just Poles n' Czechs 'round here!" "Americans don't mind celebrating St. Pat's in stores!" I retorted sourly to my eighth-grade American schoolmate and neighbor. "Sure, the...

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The Leaf

The Leaf by Liz M. 1. The Package "A package came for you today, Mom," Charles said as his mother hung up her jacket. Karen Ford had just returned home from a day at the bank where she worked as a manager. Charles, her twenty year-old son, was a college student. It was June, and Charles had moved back home for the summer. He'd hoped to find a job to keep him busy, but nothing had turned up so far. "A package?" Karen replied. "Oh, it's that...

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In The Cover Of The Clovers

"The Devil made me do it." Have you ever heard anyone say that? You're probably thinking whoever said that is just using that as an excuse to get out of trouble. You could be right, but on the other hand... it could be I really did make them do it. That's right, I'm the one and only Devil. Pleased to meet you, by the way. I would shake your hand, but, you know, the Corona virus thing. Being the Prince Of Darkness doesn't mean I have to have bad manners. Good manners or not, I've been...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 07

**I know that I could have just added this to the last chapter, but I wanted them to stay a little separate in the mind of the reader. I’ve got to go write the next chapter now. I haven’t really decided whether to stoke the flames or snuff them out, so it’ll be a surprise to me too, I guess. O-o ————————– Josh yelled that they were just finishing up the trim, and that they’d be right over. Kayla had closed the door to the bathroom. When she emerged, Josh took his shirt off, and washed his...

2 years ago
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Falling Leaf

He sat by the large window in the living room, looking out over the marina – and the raging Pacific beyond. A small boat, an open cockpit fishing boat, was pounding through heavy swell, beating it’s way against strong winds towards the T-shaped breakwater that protected the marina entrance, and as he watched the scene unfolding below the apparent anxiety of the skipper down there was almost too easy to understand. That poor yellow-slickered man was in the thick of it now, struggling to keep his...

3 years ago
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ENF The Misadventures of Leafchan

Shikanai Konoha (鹿内このは) is your average eighteen-year-old final-year high-schooler. She's not the kind of high-schooler who'd like to stand out too much, and her entire physique can agree to that. Her hair is just long enough, that it goes all the way down to her breasts, her hair tied in a bob. She has the rough sort of breast size you'd expect from a girl of her age, though it still seems to be in its growing phase. She even comes to boot with a squid-style sorta belly. And Konoha's school...

4 years ago
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Black Clover

After a short trip John is walking inside the Magical Knights Colosseum towards the sound of people fighting. John has missed taking most of the Magical Knights Exam to help out a friend, as John entered the arena floor of the Colosseum he sees a man knocked out on the ground. in the stands above John a male voice starts speaking "If there is anyone who has not fought in a match please step in the center of the arena" once John arrived at the center of the arena there was already a man waiting...

2 years ago
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Narutos Leaf Village Adventures Part 3

Secondly do remember that some things are going to perhaps be out of your liking and or prefernces, so If Isn't what you like and would prefer something different, then comment and i'll see about including it. wNow on to the titties. “Lady... lady Tsunade? Sh.. Shizune?” Sakura stuttered out. She’d ran in on Shizune and Tsunades moment of passion. Tsunade had been on top humping away at Shizune. At the very peak of their sex she’d entered unannounced, as she was hoping to get home...

3 years ago
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Narutos Leaf Village Adventures Part 1

Just after a mission, on the outskirts of the leaf village, in a cosy inn, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were all getting ready to go out for dinner at the local ramen shop. Well Naruto and Sasuke were at least Sakura had different plans; but how could she tell them? What could she say? The ideas turned around in her head, until finally she settled on one she liked. “You guys go on ahead I’m not hungry and besides I’m also trying out this new diet Shizune showed me.” Quick as lightning Sasuke...

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Narutos Leaf Village Adventures Part 2

Sakura lay down on the bed breathing heavily, it was definitely the greatest orgasm she'd had in her life! Panting she stayed on her bed for a few minutes, still overcome by the experience she lifted herself up, only to notice the room caked in her own cum. Some was even still coming out from her pussy. "Powerful stuff that Viagra" she said to herself quietly. She selected a finger and scooped up some of the thick liquid, she held it under her nose and sniffed it smelled sweet, like...

4 years ago
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Narutos Leaf Village Adventures

Just after a mission, on the outskirts of the leaf village, in a cosy inn, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were all getting ready to go out for dinner at the local ramen shop. Well Naruto and Sasuke were at least Sakura had different plans; but how could she tell them? What could she say? The ideas turned around in her head, until finally she settled on one she liked. “You guys go on ahead I’m not hungry and besides I’m also trying out this new diet Shizune showed me.” Quick as lightning Sasuke...

2 years ago
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Fig Leaf Days

Follow the numerous tales of women through different settings as they transverse in the fantastical lands of Aegon where mages journey into dungeons to battle monstrous dragons, or read about female space explorers and their amazings travels throughout the galaxy. Maybe follow the tales of normal girls going through their daily lives. However, certain circumstances leaves them in just their birthday suits. Now the women's only source of cover are fig leave. The very ones that grow from the...

2 years ago
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Pokmon Leaf Green Version

Chapter I - Dreams and Adventures Await! The Pokéball shaped alarm clock on your bedside table hovers on 6:59 before blinking to 7:00 am. A loud, rather irritating sound buzzes out from the speakers. Your hazel eyes flick open almost immediately as the sound continues to repeat its same four-note tone. You guide your honey brown hair out of your eyes and around your ear with your fingers, still stiff from the night's sleep. You sit cross-legged in bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You...

3 years ago
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Fork in the Road

He glanced at his watch and decided, with luck, that he'd be able to make his 9:00 class. He hurried back to his house and entered the unlocked front door and picked up the briefcase that he'd left sitting in the foyer. As he headed back toward the door, he heard his wife talking to someone on the phone. He hesitated when he heard her say, "He's gone. He left a little early. Shall we meet in the usual place?" He assumed she must be meeting one of her girlfriends for lunch, and...

2 years ago
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Fork in the Road

"Oh, shit!" he exclaimed. It dawned on him twelve blocks from home that he'd forgotten to take his briefcase. He glanced at his watch and decided, with luck, that he'd be able to make his 9:00 class. He hurried back to his house and entered the unlocked front door and picked up the briefcase that he'd left sitting in the foyer. As he headed back toward the door, he heard his wife talking to someone on the phone. He hesitated when he heard her say, "He's gone. He left a little early....

2 years ago
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Narutos Leaf Village Adventures Part 5

The streets of Konoha... a day after Ino’s employment with Naruto... “No way! You really did it? You went that far?” Ten-Ten said in disbelief. “I sure did! Everything I said was truth!” Ino screeched back. She was a lot more laid back since her enjoyments of yesterday morning. “Wow... like how? How’d you meet him? He sounds so manly...” “He is! He was the largest boy I ever saw and that’s beating the time we found that gay magazine!” “Just wow... could I meet him?”...

4 years ago
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Narutos Leaf Village Adventures Part 4

Obito sat alone in a solitary cave used for his base. He was thinking as he often did. However at the moment he was thinking of who he would act as when he joined the akatsuki so far he had the idea of acting completely out of character. He would be childish, funny and silly. One thing that escaped him was a name... perhaps one like Pain’s name... No nothing like Pain’s, Pain’s name showed his true colours. “Perhaps something simple? Like Toby? Or Tobi?” “Tobi... Tobi...” Madara...

2 years ago
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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 04

**Well, I suppose that anyone can get along – now and then – a little, anyway… O_o ——— Now that he was finally alone, Joshua got out of bed and walked to the ‘bathroom’ for a minute before making his way to the coffeemaker. That had been a few minutes of mild torture – waking up with a full bladder, the erection from that, and not being able to do anything about it. He supposed that he ought to consider himself lucky that no one had expected a long conversation from him, but he did feel a...

3 years ago
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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 02

**Well, ya know, I suppose that it is just possible for two people to bump into each other, heave a couple of deep sighs between them, and fall in love. I don’t know about you, but it’s sure as hell never happened to me. So if we take my version of reality as the valid one, I offer a look into the meeting of two classic ‘A-type’ personalities in a less-than-ideal setting. ~chuckle~ So sit back and watch the fur fly. 0_o ————– Jillian had been quiet for the last while. Kayla was concerned....

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 09

**So just exactly what is Kayla’s problem? Vote if you want to, and comments are always welcome. O_o ————— Kayla was a bit slow getting up, and eventually Jillian wandered into her room to wake her. Kayla stretched as she sat up and hugged her niece. ‘Good morning, Jilly. I love you, honey.’ She looked over at Jillian’s constant companion. ‘And I don’t want to forget Daisy,’ she said, running her hand over Daisy’s head and chest. Daisy licked her forearm in reply. Jillian kissed her, and...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 11

The more that I write of this, the more I get the feeling that the relative isolation of the ranch sort of makes the thing feel like a more old-fashioned sort of romance, but at the speed that this pair seem to set for themselves. It’s a little odd to me, that’s all. O_o ———– They both wondered a little just how this was going to work between them. Kayla was cognizant that the whole domestic experience was not the way that a single, recently ex-soldier might have spent his evenings. At the...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 17

***I struggled with the category for this, but finally decided that if I kept it down to a little shy fumbling, it might fly. I really didn’t want one chapter of a story in a different category – though if I feel like it later, I still might put something together for Sam and Siobhan, I dunno. If you’re bothered by it, just skip ahead, ok? 0_o ————— Siobhan looked out through the expanse of glass in the converted old sun-room at the snowy countryside all around her as she stood with her arm...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 08

**I dunno how I do it, but I can write about the events which occur to a couple in a story chapter and do it in two pages. Somehow, I need at least twice that for one of their love scenes. ~shrug~ So, things warm up, but there are still issues, as I’ve said before. Kayla’s been through a lot and as a result, she’s a complicated girl. In my head, I see her as having grown up at least a little sheltered, no matter what she says. I think it would affect her outlook on some things, and I think...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 13

Rose’s mouth dropped open. ‘Poker? I thought it was just supposed to be a social sort of get-together.’ The three of them sat at the table in the loft surrounded by containers of the Chinese food that Rose had brought home. ‘Yeah,’ Kayla smiled, ‘That’s what it’ll be. It’s just going to have a poker game as the focal point, that’s all.’ Rose shook her head, ‘I haven’t played poker in donkey’s years. I doubt I can remember how. Why do you want me to go? I can take care of Jillian while you and...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 16

***More of the twins in this chapter. 0_o —————- Rita saw the ’59 Chevy as it pulled into her driveway. She thanked her mother again for agreeing to baby-sit on such short notice and walked out of the house. Consuela’s convertible started again with a low rumble, as Margarita got in and searched for the seat belt. ‘You know, this is pretty cool, ‘Suela. I think you got the better husband. All Jose can build for me is a faster way to get fat!’ Consuela laughed as she backed out, and dropped...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 03

**A little more strangeness. O_o ————— Bart Smith was a big man, 6′ 7′ and built like a linebacker. Those who were close to him knew him to be a gentle giant. Everybody else just tried to stay out of his way. He was at the ranch twenty-five minutes later as Kayla explained what had happened to her car. She rode back to it with him in the wrecker. On the way, she asked him if he knew Joshua. ‘Josh Taylor? Shoot, he’s a friend of mine. We go back a ways. Comes by every year to stay with Rosie...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 10

**I’ve still got a way to go with this one, but I’d like to thank anyone who comments on my stories and takes the time to vote. O_o ——————- Kayla felt better as she began to get ready to leave and she thought about the evening before. She tried to be objective and look everything over but she kept finding a little smile on her face. In spite of the speed of this and the oddness, she had found herself almost trying to fight off the feeling that she had. She tried to tell herself that this...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 06

**What’s in a kiss? A statement? A request? How about an acknowledgment of a deep-seated burning need? How about if it’s a way of communicating that need? Ha, you’re interested now, aren’t you? This was inspired by the way that some women like to see a man on a hot day or in uh, heated circumstances. A lot of guys like to see a woman in the same circumstances too, just sayin’. So here you go, heat and sweat, hehe. Please vote if you feel so inclined, and I love comments, too. Thank God for...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 01

**No demons or werewolves here. This is just a straight-ahead romance. Ok, it’s a little odd since I wrote it. O_o I may use this as a platform for other relationships among the people around the ones here, I don’t know yet. I’d been planning to post a different story, but realized that this one has to precede it, so I may as well get this one said. I plant to post the chapters for this weekly if I can. —————- PROLOGUE Riding back to the compound, he felt more numb and empty than anything...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 14

***We continue now with Kayla and Joshua. 0_- ——————- ‘Where are we going, Josh?’ Jillian asked as they drove down the road. She sat in the back seat so that she could be near Daisy who was behind her wire mesh again. ‘Well, we’re going to get something to eat, and I need to make a stop first. I usually just poke along because I’m cheap, and I like to save gas, but I don’t know which car the girls will be taking. Rosie drives slow, and Kayla is probably a speed demon’ he said as they slowed...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 15

***Kayla learns about the last tattoo. 0_o ——————- No matter what Jim said after — no matter what threat was used, or even polite questioning, as much of a surprise as that was to Josh that it would be attempted, there was no answer forthcoming when Jim asked what Josh’s idea had been. The best that he got was something as vague as if he’d asked for the exact date of the second coming of Christ. ‘It’s just something that I was thinking with regard to Kayla and I,’ Josh said, ‘It doesn’t...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 05

**I thought I’d put this up while I’m working on the next part of ‘The Sighs of the Priestess’. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I’ll just say that while they don’t loathe each other, there are still uh, issues hiding here and there for Joshua and Kayla. ~grin~ They’re just not in this chapter. As always, I welcome comments and constructive criticism. O_o ————— Between them, Kayla and Josh had a coat of primer on in little time. Kayla had to go around touching up small spots that Josh had...

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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 12

Kayla sat in the chair at the table that passed for Josh’s desk and looked around in the late-morning light as some of his music blasted and thumped through the old building around her. He’d told her to grab whatever music that she wanted from his CDs and his laptop for her MP3 player and she was sifting through his Counting Crows CDs at the moment, looking for a tune that he’d played in the truck the other day. She smiled when she found it and a second later ‘American Girls’ was on. She’d...

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The First Dragon of the Leaf

Asher Haizen had no memory of where he came from or who his parents were. As a child, he was taken from his home by a group of ninja under the command of a man named Orochimaru. He was taken to a lab where they conducted experiments on him and about twenty other children. The experiments were to try to create the ultimate ninja. There experiment used a serum derived from a plant that allows the bonding of two different types of DNA. They used the genetic material of animals on the children....

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turning over a new leaf i suppose myself am doing

dear to whomsoever it may concern: I being of that of the person of I myself am trying to think of it being of a mind's intentions to try to once again get right with that being of the God of mine own understanding as a believer, & therefore come what may then let it be said, &/or stated for that being of the record that here, & now I myself, or that being of the person of my same self however said can't let anyone regardless of whatsoever race, &/or from whatsoever walk of...

2 years ago
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turning over a new leaf ever since the cosby amp

dear to whomsoever it may concern: I being of the person of I myself am no longer much interested in porn like I use to be, well mainly, or mostly being as it is for some, or such reason/s, &/or purpose/s for the person of my same self having said so is being that for one thing I have this rather ignorant, insane, &/or impolite, or in other words stupid, sick, sadistic, &/or rude, faggotty, cowardly-bully, terrorist-wannabe, creep-&-a-weirdo, elstupido-dumbkoff, sicko-psycho,...

3 years ago
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Breaking the girls of the leaf

I wake as the sun rises, I must have dosed off right after getting home. The exams were brutal but our entire team became chunin, the first in many years. It was my eighteenth birthday last week and I'm already chunin who would have guessed. Our sensei ino gave us our official jackets and congratulated us on our accomplishments yesterday..... I walk over to the sink still naked and look in the mirror contemplating the day ahead... I stand at about 5'9, 240 pounds... Heavy for a ninja but my...

3 years ago
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Ripe Leaf Pale

Foreword: The simplest way to explain all this is to reproduce, first of all, the document (henceforth "the File") I discovered in the bedroom writing desk of the summer home I purchased for use as a primary (and sole) residence eighteen months ago. Old Eckstown thrived as a resort town for some few decades, attracting tourists with its ski slope proximity, its horse show and apple dumpling jamboree, its clear blue lakes and the preternaturally early arrival of its kaleidoscopic fall foliage...

2 years ago
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Fig Leaf Erotica

We ended our first May-December date at her apartment. Subdued lighting and candlelight to the accompaniment of soft music wrapped the night in possibilities. She took my hand as we emerged from the shower and led me to her bed and lay down in a posture of innocence and beckoned me to proceed. “Your wish is my command.” Her pink and beautiful bare skin glistened with hot water droplets twinkling like diamonds in the flickering light. I bent down and, starting at her knees, I kissed my way...

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Georgie was seventeen-years-old and an only child. He lived in an apartment with his dad. A few months before, his mother moved out to live with her boyfriend, a guy that she had been having an affair with for some time. His parents had not been happy for several years and the split was hardly devastating.Although his parents were not yet divorced, proceedings were well underway. Georgie did not like his mother’s new beau and fortunately, only had to endure his company a couple of times a month...

Gay Male
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Leafs Diapered Harem

Welcome to the story. Throughout it we'll see our hero diaper other girls. Some may be more willing then others, but throughout her journey Leaf gained a somewhat sadistic side. Along side her will be various girls she's won over with the power of padding. Not every girl will follow her though. This story will be written mostly linear, however during certain times split paths will happen. In order to cut down on the number of dead paths some splits will end with an ending. Most of the time one...

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Greenleaf adult book store

Hi, my name is Stephanie, I’m 38 years old, and I’m the mother of an 18-year-old daughter, her name is Katie. And I have never been married. I don't even know who the father is. ************ My life-changing that Sunday afternoon, I was 17-years-old, My dad was having a poker game at our house with 7 of his friends. They were watching a football game on tv as they played. I was watching the game as well. The guys were in the dining room, at the kitchen table. Our house is an open house...

3 years ago
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Terror at Umbelleaf Lake Part 1

She took out her small duffel bag from her closet and packed some clothes, lingeries and nightgowns to go with it, and a bit of bikinis to swim in the lakes. She also took a blanket to pack in her bag all set ready to go on her adventure, she made sure everything was set to go, she took her keys to her car aftee departing from her home to the airport where her lovely adventure begins. She found her charter plane waiting for the last passengers arriving, as she found her seat next to the...

2 years ago
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The BookChapter 8 Overleaf

The weather ruled the day. It had begun with hot steamy sunshine, but by noon the rain came down in sheets. Just as Diane had resolved herself to becoming soaked, the storm abated. Puffy clouds were soon all that was left in the sky. Diane was a reporter. She was a good reporter. She believed in the fourth estate as a branch of government. She was one of those true believers who thought everyone had a right to know everything, anywhere. Her beliefs caused her some problems. The worst...

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Under the Grandstand

fine figure, in fact she's downright sexy. Her best asset is her ass. She is 5' tall with reddish blonde hair, blue eyes and a bubble butt ass to die for. We have always been a perfect match in that she is a true exhibitionist and I really get turned on when some strange man is viewing her privates. Its even better because she gets hottest when she can show her asshole and that is also what makes me the hottest. So it all makes sense. Her sexiest part is what turns...

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The not so innocent minds Ch 2 STANDALONE

There stood my childhood bestie drinking water. I thought of calling out to her but with held myself as she was acting peculiar. I hadn't even walked across the hall but she was on her third glass. The hallway is pretty crowded during the breaks so not many were paying attention to Delra but if they had, I wouldn't have minded their judging eyes. Well I put on a "looking at trash" expression and stood beside her until she noticed me. Bad idea. She spat out the water on...

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Sara and Mr Rostand

Sara sat in her desk, her stomach in knots, she needed an A on this test. Each test, which she studied so hard for, had come back to her with a lower grade than she expected. Her grade had gone continually down until she was in the C+ range. A place where she was not comfortable being. People never believed that she was a straight A student, they judged her based on her looks. Her hair was a lovely shade of blonde, that looked like golden flax. It cascaded down her shoulders, a waterfall of...

4 years ago
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Urlaub im Ausnahmezustand

Dieses Piepsen war nicht auszuhalten. Ein elektronisches Geräusch, das in ihrem Kopf anfing zu kreischen. Sie hatte versucht, es zu ignorieren, aber der Ton war hartnäckig geblieben. Tina hatte keine Ahnung, wie sie in diesem breiten, warmen Bett gelandet war und wem die schmale, zierliche Hand auf ihrer nackten Möse gehörte. Blinzelnd sah sie sich suchend um und entdeckte ihr piepsendes und vibrierendes Handy auf dem Parkettboden, direkt neben ihrem schwarzen Slip. Neben sich hörte sie ein...

4 years ago
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Der Gefngnisaufstand

Dr. Angelina Schneider wartete sehnsüchtig auf das Ende Ihres Arbeitstages. Nicht nur, dass es Freitag war und ein freies Wochenende bevorstand, es war auch ihr letzter Arbeitstag überhaupt an dieser Arbeitsstelle. Nach Abschluss ihres Psychologiestudiums hatte die Stellensuche länger gedauert als gedacht und erst nachdem sie noch mehrere Zusatzkurse belegt und ihre Doktorarbeit über „Sexuelle Gewaltfantasien“ geschrieben hatte, hatte man ihr eine Stelle in der Frankfurter JVA als...

2 years ago
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Professor One Night Stand

The musky scent of whiskey and cigars clung to his heavy breath as Jolie encased his tongue in another one of her ravenous kisses. The bar was crowded and people were in their own worlds; minding their own business as this sex deprived couple created their own world too.  The man began to slur in his heavily intoxicated state, “Can we take this somewhere a little more…quite?” Jolie smile mischievously before she replied. “Sure thing, come with me.” Jolie quickly finished her drink and grabbed...

4 years ago
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The Standin

The Stand‑inThe casino was packed with people trying to win a fortune but most were well on their way to losing a fortune. Kim however had just inherited a small fortune and was making her way through the crowded casino to her favorite machine. She had come to the casino mostly to escape her overbearing and jealous boyfriend. Reaching her machine she began playing and was soon so oblivious to the world around her that she didn’t notice the eyes stalking her. Lupe and Ruby were sisters both were...

4 years ago
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Turning Handstands

TURNING HANDSTANDS 1. CRASH! Ian Bradford paused at his computer, glancing up at the ceiling in growing irritation. What the hell was Aggie up to now? He had two papers due next Monday and she'd been bumping around upstairs all afternoon. The constant pounding was wreaking havoc with his concentration; he'd just written the same paragraph four times. God, he wished he'd headed down to the library this morning. His life had descended into chaos since his precocious young cousin...

3 years ago
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The Courtship of Miles Standish

Copyright© 2005 by Carlos Malenkov And then I'm softly touching you, gently caressing your lips with mine, holding you so very close. I'm a man of letters. A scribe. In the olden days a practitioner of the craft would have been writing letters and filling out official papers for illiterate peasants and laborers. In this age of computers and the Internet I write personal ads and letters for semi-literate software engineers and tongue-tied technical types who can't express in words their...

3 years ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 1 The Kickstand

The scene was timeless. The sun had always been hot here, the sky always cloudless. The rocks had always looked old and weathered, even when they were young and new. There had always been lizards and snakes, sunning on the heat blasted rocks. Lichen and cacti had always been the only vegetable matter hardy enough to eke out a meagre existence amidst the rocks and dust. The road though, that was new. Nothing in this desert stayed new long, and this road was no exception. It was faded and...

2 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 15 Compacts and Understandings

Myka woke up long before dawn after a restless night. It had taken all the efforts Prince Kyftassa and she could muster to get Alyssa to go to bed instead of fleeing back to Meikar in devastation. Myka had then been rudely hauled into the room the prince was to use to be interrogated as to what was going on. By the time the handsome man deigned to let her leave, Myka was exhausted from the long ride and the explosion of emotion which she had to face that wearying day. The young Ce'al rose...

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